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New Mexi c o Smal l -Game

Rul es and I nf or mat i on



L i c e n s e Y e a r 2 0 1 2 2 0 1 3
Quai l
Dusk y ( Bl ue) Gr ouse
Band-t ai l ed Pi geon
Squi r r el
Duc k
Sandhi l l Cr ane
Sept ember Teal
Vi si t : www.wi l dl i f at
Sear ch keywor d: NMDGF
What s New Thi s Year . . . . . . 1
Li cense Fees . . . . . . . . . . 3
Li cense i nf or mat i on . . . . . . . 4
Gener al Regul at i ons . . . . . . . 5
Speci al Regul at i on Ar eas . . . . . 6
Upl and Game Seasons . . . . . . 8
Quai l . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Gr ouse and Squi r r el . . . . . . 10
Pheasant . . . . . . . . . . 11
Upl and Game Hunt i ng on
Management Ar eas . . . . . . 12
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons . . 13
Wat er f owl Hunt i ng on NWRs . . 15
Dove, Band-t ai l ed Pi geon,
Sandhi l l Cr ane . . . . . . . . 16
Cent r al Fl yway . . . . . . . . 17
Pacihc Flyway . . . . . . . . 18
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Hunt i ng on
Management Ar eas . . . . . . 19
Speci al Per mi t Hunt s and Yout h
Wat er f owl Seasons . . . . . . 20
Fal conr y Seasons . . . . . . . 22
Phot o credit s: Mark Gruber, Dan Williams, Mark Wat son, Lance Cherry.
The New Mexi co Depar t ment of Game and Fi sh ( NMDGF)
manages 11 upland game species including quail, pheasant ,
dusky (blue) grouse and squirrel.
The NMDGF also manages 36 migrat ory game species
including wat erfowl (ducks and geese) and ot her migrat ory
birds including sandhill crane, coot , common moorhen, sora,
Virginia rail, snipe, dove and band-t ailed pigeon.
Bot h upland game and migrat ory game birds are
considered Smal l Game.
What s New Thi s Year
Appl i cat i on Deadl i nes Wednesday, Oct . 3 f or
Speci al Per mi t Bi r d Hunt s
The applicat ion deadlines for all Bernardo special permit
sandhill crane hunt s, yout h wat erfowl hunt s, light goose spe-
cial permit hunt s, yout h-only light goose hunt and special-
permit pheasant hunt s is Wednesday, Oct . 3 before
5 p.m. MDT.
Appl y Onl i ne or Tel ephone Tol l -f r ee
Applicat ions may be made online:
www.wi l dl i f at
Or call t oll-free:
Appl i cat i on Fees
Resident s: $8 applicat ion fee.
Nonresident s: $20 applicat ion fee.
Per mi t s No Longer Requi r ed
Band-t ailed Pigeon Permit s are no longer required.
Yout h-onl y Pheasant Hunt Moved
The Yout h-only Pheasant Hunt has been moved from Casa
Colorada t o Bernardo (see page 11).
Tabl e of Cont ent s
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Li censes Ar e Avai l abl e
The New Mexico Depart ment of Game and Fish has a main
ofhce in Santa Fe and four area ofhces. Licenses for most
species are sold over the counter at the main and area ofhc-
es and from about 190 vendors st at ewide, including discount
and sport ing goods st ores and bait and t ackle shops.
Speci al Per mi t Bi r d Hunt s
Appl y Onl i ne or by Phone
To apply online for Special Permit Bird Hunts, visit the
New Mexico Depart ment of Game and Fish websit e:
www.wi l dl i f at
Or telephone toll-free the NNDGF License Sales at:
( 888) 248-6866.
Resident s pay an $8 applicat ion fee.
Nonresident s pay a $20 applicat ion fee.
Onl i ne appl i cat i ons must be made bef or e 5 p.m. of
t he deadl i ne day.
Dove Bandi ng Pr ogr am
During 2012, a large-scale banding program for mourning
and whit e-winged doves cont inued nat ionwide. Harvest
dat a obt ained from t he banding is used t o est imat e dove
populat ions.
When hunt ing t his year, please check all harvest ed
birds for bands, and please report any band numbers.
Call t oll-free: 1-800-327-BAND ( 2263) or visit online:
www.r epor t
Department Main Ofhce
P.O. Box 25112, Santa Fe, NN 8750+
One Wildlife Way, Santa Fe, NN 87507
Department Area Ofhces
Northwest Ofhce
38+1 Nidway Pl. NE, Albuquerque, NN 87109
(505) 222-+700 Fax (505) 222-+720
Southwest Ofhce
2715 Northrise Dr., Las Cruces, NN 88011
(575) 532-2100 Fax (575) 522-8382
Northeast Ofhce
215 York Canyon Rd., Raton, NN 877+0
(575) ++5-2311 Fax (575) ++5-5651
Southeast Ofhce
1912 W. Second St., Roswell, NN 88201
(575) 62+-6135 Fax (575) 62+-6136
I mpor t ant Phone Number s
General !nformation and License Sales. . . 1-888-2+8-6866
Operat ion Game Thief . . . . . . . . . . 1-800-+32-+263
TDD (number for hearing impaired) . . . . (505) +76-81+3
St at e Game Commi ssi oner s
Jim McClint ic, Chair
P.O. Box 21027, Albuquerque, NN 8715+
Thomas Dick" Salopek, vice Chair
975 Holcomb Rd., Las Cruces, NN 88007
Dr. Tom Arvas
7905 Spain NE, Albuquerque, NN 87109
Scott Bidegain
P.O. Box 82, Conchas Dam, NN 88+16
Robert Espinoza, Sr.
P.O. Box 6792, Farmington, NN 87+99
Paul N. Kienzle !!!
P.O. Box 587, Albuquerque, NN 87103-0587
William Bill Mont oya
125 Lit t le Creek Hills Road, Alt o, NM 88312
Mourning Dove
Gener al I nf or mat i on
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Gener al Li cense i nf or mat i on
1. Everyone who hunts, traps or hshes on ANY lands must have a Habi t at Management and Access
Val i dat i on, except persons 17 years and younger, registered 100 disabled resident veterans hunting deer,
small game or hshing, and resident anglers 70 and older.
2. Everyone who hunts, hshes or traps on any U.S. Forest Service (USFS) or Bureau of Land Nanagement (BLN)
lands also must have a Habi t at I mpr ovement St amp, except anglers and t rappers younger t han 12 years
of age, registered 100 disabled resident veterans hunting deer, small game or hshing, and resident anglers
70 years and older.
3. Anyone hunt ing migrat ory birds must have a Mi gr at or y Bi r d Per mi t ( HI P) Number.
+. Waterfowl hunters, 16 years or older, must have a Feder al Duck St amp (see page +).
Resi dent Li censes
Game Hunting for All Small Game Species $15.00
Game Hunt ing and Fishing $30.00
Senior and Handicapped Game Hunting and Fishing $20.00
Senior and Handicapped Game Hunting $15.00
Junior Game Hunt ing and Fishing $15.00
Junior Game Hunt ing $10.00
Di sabl ed Vet er an and Handi capped Li censes
Only r esi dent s may purchase licenses for Disabled veteran Fishing and Small Game, Handicapped Hunting or Handicapped
Hunt ing and Fishing. The Depart ment of Game and Fish will make reasonable accommodat ions for persons who have a dis-
ability. Contact any Department ofhce for more information.
Nonr esi dent Li censes
Nonresident Junior Game Hunt ing $15.00
Nonresident Game Hunt ing $65.00
Nonresident Temporary Game Hunting (+-day) $33.00
Resi dent and Nonr esi dent Per mi t s and Val i dat i ons
Habitat Nanagement and Access validation $+.00
Habitat !mprovement Stamp $5.00
Migrat ory Bird Permit (HI P) Number $1.00
Li cense Fees
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Hunter Education Certihcate Required
I ndividuals younger t han 18 years of age must have success-
fully complet ed a hunt er educat ion course in New Mexico
or another state and posses a certihcate number prior to
applying for or purchasing any type of hrearm hunting
license. This certihcate number must be carried at all times
while hunt ing.
Yout h-onl y Hunt s
To qualify for most yout h-only or yout h/ adult hunt s, appli-
cant s must be younger t han 18 years of age on t he opening
day of t he hunt . Yout h hunt ers must provide proof of suc-
cessfully passing a hunt er educat ion course (see above).
The except ion t o t he above age requirement is t he
federal program "Yout h Wat erfowl Days." Hunt ers must be
younger t han 16 years t o part icipat e in t his hunt , must be
fully licensed, and must carry a Hunter Education Certih-
cat e. However, t hey are not required t o have a federal Duck
Stamp, special permit or application. See page 20 for more
informat ion about t his hunt .
Duck St amps
Wat erfowl hunt ers 16 years or older must possess a federal
Nigratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Duck
Stamp), available from the U.S. Post Ofhce, Department of
Game and Fish and some license vendors.
Payi ng f or Penal t i es
Hunt ers cit ed for hunt ing upland game or migrat ory birds
wit hout a license have t he opt ion of paying a penalt y assess-
ment rat her t han appearing in court .
The penalt y assessment is $100, plus t he purchase of a
hunt ing license and permit s, st amps and fees relat ed t o t he
cit at ion (see page 3). A license will be mailed t o t he hunt er
upon payment of t he assessment .
A hunt er cit ed will be assessed 10 point s against a pot ent ial
20 point limit which may result in license revocat ion.
Li cense Revocat i ons
Hunting and hshing privileges may be revoked for a period
of up t o t hree years, if accumulat ed game law violat ions
wit hin a t hree year period equal 20 point s. Depending on t he
severit y, violat ions may be assessed from 520 point s. For
further information, please contact any ofhce of the
Depart ment of Game and Fish.
Don't lose your hunting and hshing privilegesl
Vehicle Conhscation
Department ofhcers may seize vehicles used in the crime of
hunting at night with the use of artihcial light. vehicles used
by spotlighters may be conhscated and sold at auction.
2012-2013 Duck Stamp
2012 2013 D ck Stamp
Li cense I nf or mat i on
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
I t I s I l l egal t o . . .
Submit more than one application per species per year except
for t he Bernardo Yout h Wat erfowl hunt (see page 21) or as
allowed by rule.
Use live animals as blinds or decoys.
Hunt migrat ory game birds by t he aid of bait ing, hunt on or over
any bait ed area, or if t he person knows or reasonably should
know t hat t he area being hunt ed is bait ed.
Use electrically or mechanically recorded calling devices. The
exception is the Light Goose Conservation Order (see page 17).
Use tracer ammunition.
Endanger the safety of another or his property by handling or
using a hrearm in a negligent manner or to carry a hrearm while
under the inhuence of an intoxicant.
Discharge a hrearm within 150 yards of a dwelling or building
(not including abandoned or vacat ed buildings on public land)
wit hout t he permission of t he owner or lessee.
Shoot at, wound, take or kill game on, from or across any
graded and maint ained public road or wit hin t he fenced right-
of-way of any paved road or highway or within +0 feet of the
pavement or maint ained surface if no right-of-way fence exist s.
Shoot at, pursue, harass, harry, drive or rally any protected
species by t he use of or from mot or-driven vehicles, power
boat s, sailboat s or aircraft .
Use motor-driven vehicles on roads closed under the Habitat
Prot ect ion Act or ot her federal regulat ion.
Park any mot or vehicle or camp wit hin 300 yards of any man-
made wat er hole, wat er well or wat ering t ank used by wildlife or
domest ic st ock wit hout prior consent of t he
privat e landowner, privat e land lessee or public land
management agency.
Drive or ride in a mot or vehicle off est ablished or t wo-t rack
roads in a hunt ing, t rapping or angling area, if t he vehicle bears
a person licensed to hunt, hsh or trap for species on which a
season is open in that area. Established road means:
1. A road, built and/ or maint ained by equipment , which shows
no evidence of ever being closed to vehicular trafhc by such
means as berms, ripping, scarihcation, reseeding, fencing,
gat es, barricades or post ed closures.
2. A road which shows use prior t o hunt ing seasons for purposes
such as recreat ion, mining, logging and ranching and which
shows no evidence of ever having been closed t o vehicular
trafhc by such means as berms, ripping, scarihcation,
reseeding, fencing, gat es, barricades or post ed closure.
Except i ons
Holders of a Mobilit y I mpaired Card may, wit h permission of t he
landowner, lessee or management agency, drive off est ablished
roads t o hunt for squirrels or game birds (except t urkey), during
open seasons.
Date Rise Set Date Rise Set
Sept . 1 6:+0 7:33 Dec. 1 6:57 +:55
5 6:+3 7:27 5 7:01 +:5+
10 6:+6 7:20 10 7:0+ +:55
15 6:50 7:13 15 7:08 +:56
20 6:5+ 7:06 20 7:11 +:58
25 6:57 6:58 25 7:13 5:01
Oct . 1 7:02 6:50 Jan. 1 7:15 5:06
5 7:05 6:++ 5 7:15 5:07
10 7:09 6:37 10 7:15 5:1+
15 7:13 6:31 15 7:1+ 5:18
20 7:17 6:25 20 7:13 5:23
25 7:22 6:19 25 7:10 5:28
Nov. 1 7:28 6:12 Feb. 1 7:05 5:36
5 6:32 5: 08 5 7:02 5:+0
10 6:37 5:0+ 10 6:58 5:+5
15 6:+2 5:01 15 6:52 5:50
20 6:+7 +:58 20 6:+7 5:5+
25 6:52 +:56 25 6:+1 5:59
www.t imeanddat worldclock/ ast ml
Shoot i ng Hour s on Ar eas Owned or
Managed by t he St at e Game Commi ssi on
Wat er f owl Management Ar eas include: Bernardo, Brant ley, Casa
Colorada, Charette Lake, Jackson Lake, La Joya, NcAllister Lake, Salt Lake, Seven
Rivers, Tucumcari, and W.S. Huey. Shooting hours are from 1/ 2 hour bef or e
sunr i se t o 1 p.m., unless ot herwise not ed.
Except i on: Shooting hours for September teal on the Bernardo and La Joya
areas are from 1/ 2 hour bef or e sunr i se t o sunset . See pages 12 and 19
for areas and species.
Except i on: Pheasant hunts on W.S. Huey and Seven Rivers are 1f2 hour before
sunrise to + p.m.
Wi l dl i f e Management Ar eas include: Colin Neblett, E.S. Barker,
Humphries, Narquez, Rio Chama, Sargent, Socorro-Escondida, Water Canyon,
Sandhills Prairie Conservation Area, Prairie Chicken Areas and Big Hatchet Special
Nanagement Area. Shooting hours for upland game are from 1/ 2 hour bef or e
sunr i se t o 1/ 2 hour af t er sunset , unless otherwise noted. Shooting hours for
migrat ory game birds are from 1/ 2 hour bef or e sunr i se t o sunset . See pages
12 and 19 for areas and species.
Legal Shoot i ng Hour s on Ot her Lands
Legal shoot ing hours for upland game are from 1/ 2 hour bef or e sunr i se
t o 1/ 2 hour af t er sunset . Shooting hours for migratory game birds are
from 1/ 2 hour bef or e sunr i se t o sunset , unless ot herwise prohibit ed.
The Bottomless Lakes Overhow is open to shooting 1/ 2 hour bef or e sunr i se
t o 1 p.m.
Al buquer que Sunr i se and Sunset Ti mes
For point s west of Albuquerque, add one minut e for each 12 miles.
For point s east of Albuquerque, subt ract one minut e for each 12 miles.
Mount ai n Dayl i ght Savi ngs Ti me ends on Nov. 4, 2012 at 2 a.m.
Gener al Regul at i ons and Hour s
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Nat i onal Par ks and Monument s
Closed t o all hunt ing (except as permit t ed).
Nat i onal Wi l dl i f e Ref uges
Closed to all hunting unless specihed open under federal
refuge regulat ions t o hunt ing of part icular species.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) approved nontoxic
shot is required for hunt ing on all nat ional wildlife refuges.
See page 15 for additional information.
Bosque del Apache. . . . . (575) 835-1828
Bi t t er Lake . . . . . . . . . . . (575) 622-6755
Las Vegas . . . . . . . . . . . . (505) +25-3581
Sevi l l et a . . . . . . . . . . . . . (505) 86+-+021
Lake Hol l oman Wi l dl i f e Ref uge
Nay be closed during September teal season. For further
information call (505) 572-3931.
Nat i ve Amer i can Tr i bal Lands
Check with tribal ofhcials about hunting on tribal lands.
McGr egor Range i n Uni t 28
For access information, call the Fort Bliss U.S. Army Ofhce
at (915) 569-9505.
Jor nada Exper i ment al St at i on
The Jornada Experimental Station in Dona Ana County is
closed t o all public access wit hout an escort .
Chi huahuan Deser t Resear ch Cent er
The Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Cent er
(College Ranch) is closed t o public access. For more informa-
tion call (575) 6+6-2807 or visit:
ht t p: / / ml.
Ri o Gr ande Gor ge
Orilla Verde Recreat ion Area (BLM) is closed t o hunt ing.
Mi ddl e Ri o Gr ande Conser vancy Di st r i ct
Call (505) 86+-7+66 for more information and to obtain
access along t he Rio Grande.
Por t i ons of t he Ri o Gr ande i n Val enci a
Count y
Due t o public safet y concerns, post ed areas along t he Rio
Grande in Valencia County are closed t o migrat ory bird hunt-
ing. Contact the Northwest Area Ofhce at (505) 222-+700
for more informat ion regarding t hese closures.
No Tr espassi ng Si gns
I t is illegal t o dest roy no-t respassing signs.
New Mexi co St at e Par ks
Closed to all hunting except for specihc areas. Contact park
superint endent s for hunt area direct ions or call t he New
Nexico State Parks Division at (505) 827-7173.
Bl uewat er , Cabal l o, El Vado, Her on,
Conchas, Ut e, El ephant But t e and
Sumner Lake St at e Par ks
Open for wat erfowl, Virginia rail, common snipe and sora.
Navaj o Lake St at e Par k
Open for wat erfowl, Virginia rail, sora and common snipe.
CLOSED areas include:
1. Navaj o Dam st illing. This includes t he area from
t he crest of t he bluff above t he nort h bank of t he
San Juan River, to NN 511 on the south side of the
river for 1f+ mile downstream from the dam.
2. Cottonwood Campground and Day Use Area from
t he lower boundary of t he Qualit y Wat ers t o a fence
1f+ mile downstream from the Cottonwood Day Use
3. Pine and Sims Nesa recreation areas and the
sout hern end of Navaj o Reservoir.
Navajo Lake State Park
Speci al Regul at i on Ar eas
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Hunt i ng on Pr i vat e Land
Hunt ers must obt ain writ t en permission before ent ering ont o
privat e lands, including st reambeds.
Criminal t respass includes:
1. Unlawfully entering or remaining upon posted pri-
vat e propert y wit hout possessing writ t en permission
of t he owner or person in cont rol of t he land.
2. Entering or remaining on private unposted lands
knowing t hat consent t o ent er or remain is denied
or wit hdrawn.
!f convicted of trespass, you will lose hunting and hshing
privileges for three years and hnes are severe.
Unl awf ul l y Taki ng Game on Pr i vat e
Pr oper t y
I t is unlawful t o hunt , capt ure, t ake, at t empt t o t ake or kill
any game on post ed privat e propert y wit hout writ t en permis-
sion of t he landowner or person in cont rol of t he land, or if
consent t o remain on t he propert y has been denied or wit h-
drawn. I t is unlawful t o knowingly ent er upon any privat e
propert y t o hunt , capt ure, t ake, at t empt t o t ake, or kill any
game wit hout writ t en permission of t he landowner or person
in cont rol of t he land.
Any game t aken in violat ion of t he above, shall be subj ect
to seizure.
St at e Game Commi ssi on Owned or
Managed Ar eas
USFWS-approved nontoxic shot is required for hunting on all
State Game Commission owned or managed areas. vehicle
use is restricted to designated areas. See legal shooting
hours on page 5.
1. The W.S. Huey Nanagement Area is open to hunt-
ing for dove and quail on Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday during established seasons.
2. Socorro-Escondida Wildlife Nanagement Area is
open t o upland game and migrat ory game bird
hunt ing.
3. The Prairie Chicken Areas and the Sandhill Prairie
Conservat ion Area are open for quail and dove
hunt ing.
+. Bernardo Waterfowl Nanagement Area is open for
September teal and waterfowl hunting. See page
19 for area and species rest rict ions.
5. La Joya Wat erfowl Management area is open for
dove, September teal and waterfowl hunting. See
page 19 for area and species rest rict ions.
6. Seven Rivers is open to quail, dove, September
teal, sandhill crane and waterfowl hunting. See
pages 12 and 19 for area and species rest rict ions.
The old McMillan Lake spillway arm of Brant ley
Lake is closed t o all hunt ing from Jan. 1Feb. 28,
'13. This includes an area t hat ext ends from t he
mouth of South Seven Rivers Draw north to the
railroad t rest le.
7. The Sargent, Humphries, Rio Chama, Urraca,
Neblett, Water Canyon, Narquez and Elliott Barker
Wildlife Management Areas are open t o upland
game, dove and band-t ailed pigeon hunt ing.
Other State Game Commission owned or managed areas not
specihcally listed as open here or on pages 12 and 19 are
CLOSED to hunting for species listed in this booklet.
Sandi a Ranger Di st r i ct
The Sandia Ranger District is open only to bow hunting for
upland game and migrat ory game bird hunt ing during
est ablished seasons.
Val l e Vi dal
The valle vidal Unit in the Carson National Forest is closed
t o all small game hunt ing.
Speci al Regul at i on Ar eas
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Upl and Game
Upland game includes dusky (blue) grouse, quail, pheasant
and squirrel.
Val enci a Count y Landowner Pheasant
Per mi t s
No public-land pheasant hunt ing is allowed in Valencia
County. Privat e landowners in Valencia county st ill have t he
abilit y t o hunt pheasant s and allow hunt ers on t heir privat e
propert y. Landowners are required t o provide proof of own-
ership and sufhcient acreage to accommodate a safe hunt to
the Northwest Area Ofhce in Albuquerque prior to the hunt
dat e. The landowner will be issued unlimit ed applicat ion
forms t o dist ribut e t o hunt ers of t heir choosing.
All hunt ers wishing t o hunt privat e land in Valencia County,
must obt ain an applicat ion from t he landowner and submit it
to the Northwest Area Ofhce in Albuquerque (see page 11).
Hunt ers may possess a Valencia County Landowner Permit in
addit ion t o anot her special pheasant hunt permit .
Speci al Pheasant Per mi t s
Hunt permit s, issued by drawing, are required for special
permit pheasant hunts on Seven Rivers and the W.S. Huey
and youth-only pheasant hunts on Bernardo and Seven
Rivers. To receive a permit , hunt ers may apply online:
www.wi l dl i f at or t elephone t oll-free:
1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made no lat er
t han Wednesday, Oct . 3 before 5: 00 p.m. MDT.
For hunt codes and furt her informat ion see page 11.
Dog Cal l -Pen and Fi el d Tr i al Per mi t s
A $15 permit is required for eit her a call-pen release or dog
held trial. Call (505) +76-806+ in Santa Fe for details.
Shoot i ng Pr eser ve Per mi t s
A shooting preserve permit fee is $200. Call (505) +76-806+
in Santa Fe for details.
Dai l y Bag Li mi t
No person shall t ake more t han one daily bag limit in any
one day.
Possessi on of Li ve Bi r ds
Crippled birds must be killed immediat ely. Possession of live
birds is illegal.
Want on Wast e I s I l l egal
Anyone who t akes game birds or squirrels must t ransport
the edible portions of the meat from the held for human
consumpt ion.
Pr ot ect ed Bi r d Speci es
Virt ually all birds are prot ect ed by law. Prot ect ed birds
include game birds list ed in t his booklet , eagles, hawks,
falcons, owls, vult ures, crows, ravens and all songbirds.
The only unprot ect ed birds are st arlings, rock doves (com-
mon pigeons) and house sparrows (English sparrows).
Possessi on, Tr anspor t at i on and
St or age
I t is unlawful t o possess game birds or squirrels wit hout a
proper license or ot her evidence t hat t he game was legally
t aken.
The head or leg of each pheasant , t he leg of each quail
or one fully feat hered wing of each migrat ory bird t aken
(except mourning and whit e-winged dove and band-t ailed
pigeon) must remain at t ached t o t he bird unt il it is at your
home or locker plant. Eurasian-collared doves must have one
fully feat hered wing at t ached unt il t hey are at your home or
locker plant .
Game meat may be given t o anot her individual. However,
it must be accompanied by a writ t en st at ement describing
t he kind and number of game involved, t he dat e and county
where t aken, t he name and hunt ing license number of t he
person who t ook t hem and t he dat e and place where t he
donat ion t ook place.
Game t ransport ed by an appropriat ely licensed hunt er or
accompanied by a writ t en st at ement (see above) may be
t ransport ed wit hin or out side New Mexico.
Legally taken and possessed game may be stored for hve
days aft er t he close of t he season for t he part icular
species. Aft er t hat , a st orage permit must be obt ained from
t he Depart ment of Game and Fish.
Upl and Game Season
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Legal Spor t i ng Ar ms
Quail and pheasant may be taken with shotguns hring shot,
including muzzle-loading shotguns, bows and crossbows.
Grouse and squirrels may be taken with shotguns hring shot,
including muzzle-loading shotguns, rim-hre and muzzle-
loading hrearms, bows and crossbows.
Nont oxi c Shot Requi r ed on St at e
Game Commi ssi on Owned or
Managed Ar eas
Nont oxic shot is required for hunt ing any species wit h a
shotgun on all open State Game Commission owned or
managed areas. Nont oxic shot includes: bismut h-t in, iron
(steel), iron-tungsten, iron-tungsten-nickel, tungsten-bronze,
t ungst en-iron-copper-nickel, t ungst en mat rix, t ungst en
polymer, t ungst en-t in-iron, t ungst en-t in-bismut h,
t ungst en-t in-iron-nickel and t ungst en-iron-polymer.
The State Game Commission recommends that
hunt ers use nont oxic shot for all small game hunt ing.
Rabbi t s and Ot her Nongame Speci es
Common nongame species include coyot es, skunks, rabbit s
and rock squirrels. Resident s are not required t o have a
hunt ing license t o t ake rabbit s or ot her nongame species.
Nonresident s must have eit her a nonresident , nongame
license or any current New Mexico nonresident hunt ing
Nongame species may be taken on State Trust Lands
opened by easement by persons holding a valid hunt ing or
t rapping license for prot ect ed species on t hose lands during
t he individual's hunt or t rapping season. Nongame species
may also be taken on U.S. Forest Service and BLN lands
open t o hunt ing.
Whit e-sided (ant elope) j ackrabbit s, found primarily in
Hidalgo county, are prot ect ed under t he New Mexico Wildlife
Conservat ion Act and may not be hunt ed.
Scaled Quail
Quai l Season
( Scal ed, Gambel ' s, Bobwhi t e, Mont ezuma)
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
Statewide Nov. 15- 15 per day (no more
Feb. 15, '13 than 5 Nontezuma quail),
30 in possession (no more
than 10 Nontezuma quail)
Gambel's Quail
Bobwhit e Quail
Nontezuma Quail
Upl and Game Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Gr ouse and Squi r r el Seasons
Dusky ( Bl ue) Gr ouse Seasons
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
GS-1 Sept. 1-Oct. 31 3 per day,
GS-2 Oct. 1-Nov. 30 6 in possession
Squi r r el Seasons ( Aber t s, Red, Gr ay and Fox)
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
GS-1, S-3, Sept. 1-Oct. 31
S-+ 8 per day,
GS-2 Oct. 1-Nov. 30 16 in possession
Gr ouse and Squi r r el ( GS) Zones
GS areas may be hunt ed for bot h grouse and squirrel.
Only squirrel may be hunt ed I n S areas.
The area boundaries for GS and S hunt ing are:
GS-1 Boundar y
Beginning at the NNfCO border at NN 551, south to U.S.
6+f87, west to !-25, south to U.S. 285, to NN +1, south
to U.S. 60, west to !-25, north to NN 550, to the south-
east border of t he Jicarilla Apache Reservat ion, nort h t o
t he NM/ CO border.
GS-2 Boundar y
Beginning at the NNfAZ border at !-+0, east to !-25,
sout h t o I -10, west t o NM 11, sout h t o t he NM/ Mexico
border and west along t he NM/ Mexico border t o t he NM/
AZ border.
S-3 Boundar y
Beginning at the NNfTX border at U.S. 5+, north to U.S.
285, south to the NNfTX border east to U.S. 5+.
S-4: Boundar y
Beginning at t he NM/ AZ border (at t he Four Corners),
south to !-+0, east to !-25, north to NN 550 to the
Jicarilla Apache Reservat ions sout h and west boundaries,
nort h t o t he Colorado line and west t o NM/ AZ border (at
t he Four Corners).
Gr ouse and Squi r r el Hunt Ar eas
Dusky (Blue)
Abert's Squirrel
Red Squirrel
Upl and Game Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Dr aw Per mi t Hunt s Gener al I nf or mat i on ( Resi dent Onl y)
To receive a permit , hunt ers may apply online: www.wi l dl i f at or t elephone t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866. Ap-
plicat ions must be made no lat er t han Wednesday, Oct . 3 before 5: 00 p.m. MDT.
Ber nar do and Seven Ri ver Yout h-onl y Pheasant Hunt s
Two youth-only pheasant hunts are available by drawing. See page + for age requirements. Apply online:
www.wi l dl i f at or t elephone t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866, using t he hunt codes list ed below. Yout h hunt ers
must be accompanied by a non-hunting adult. Shooting hours on Bernardo are 1f2 hour before sunrise to 1:00 p.m. Shooting
hours on Seven Rivers are 1f2 hour before sunrise to +:00 p.m.
Hunt Area Hunt Code Season Dates Bag Permits
Ber nar do PHE-0-001 Oct. 20 3 males 20
Seven Ri ver s PHE-0-002 Dec. 1 3 males +0
Seven Ri ver s and W.S. Huey Pheasant Hunt s
Draw permit hunts will be held at Seven Rivers (residents only) and W.S. Huey on Dec. 8. Apply online:
www.wi l dl i f at or t elephone t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866, using the hunt codes listed below. Shooting
hours on W.S. Huey and Seven Rivers are one-half hour before sunrise to +:00 p.m.
Hunt Area Hunt Code Season Dates Bag Permits
Seven Ri ver s PHE-0-00+ Dec. 8 3 males 65
W.S. Huey PHE-0-005 Dec. 8 3 males +0
Bi t t er Lake Yout h-onl y Pheasant Hunt
Bit t er Lake Refuge will hold t heir yout h-only pheasant hunt scheduled for Sat ur day, Dec. 1.
Contact the Bitter Lake Refuge at (575) 625-+011. See page 15 for more information.
Pheasant Seasons
Over -t he-Count er , St at ewi de
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
St at ewi de Dec. 69 3 males per day,
(except Valencia Co.) 6 in possession
Pr i vat e Land, Val enci a Count y
Pr i vat e Land Dec. 8 3 males
i n Val enci a Count y
Landowners in Valencia County can receive an unlimit ed
number of specially marked applicat ions for hunt ing pheas-
ant s on t heir privat e land from t he NMDGF Nort hwest Area
Ofhce in Albuquerque.
Hunt ers wishing t o hunt privat e land in Valencia County
must obt ain one of t hese applicat ions and submit it t o t he
NNDGF Northwest Area Ofhce. Shooting hours for valencia
County Landowner Permit s are 1/ 2 hour before sunrise t o
1/ 2 hour aft er sunset . No public-land pheasant hunt ing
is allowed in Valencia County.
Male Ring-necked Pheasant
Male Ring necked Pheasant
Upl and Game Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Upl and Game Hunt i ng on St at e Game
Commi ssi on Owned or Managed
Ar eas Resi dent s Onl y Dr aw
State Game Commission owned or managed areas are open
t o hunt ing as allowed by special regulat ions list ed below. All
draw hunt s are open t o resident s only. No hunt ing is allowed
out side of open seasons or for species not list ed. Vehicles
are rest rict ed t o designat ed areas and camping is not al-
lowed. See page 5 for shooting hours for areas listed below.
Nont oxi c Shot
Shot-gunners must use and have in their possession only
USFWS-approved nontoxic shot when hunting any species in
any area listed below, except Big Hatchet Special Nanage-
ment Area. See page 9.
Days Open To Upl and Game Hunt i ng = Days Open
Wat er f owl Mgmt . Ar ea Species Sun Non Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
Seven Rivers Quail
W.S. Huey Quail
Brant ley Quail,
(except Seven Rivers) Pheasant
Wi l dl i f e Mgmt . Ar ea Species Sun Non Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
Big Hatchet Special Ngmt. Area Quail
Prairie Chicken Areas, Quail
Sandhill Prairie Conservation Area
Sargent, Humphries, All Upland Game
Rio Chama, Urraca,
Colin Neblet t , Wat er Canyon,
Narquez and Elliott Barker
Sandia Ranger District All Upland Game
(bow only)

Socorro-Escondida All Upland Game
First Ret rieve
Upl and Game Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r ds
Migrat ory game birds include dove, band-t ailed pigeon,
sandhill crane, all ducks, dark geese (Canada and whit e-
front ed), light geese (snow, blue-phase snow and Rosss),
coot , common moorhen, sora, Virginia rail and snipe.
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Per mi t s
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires that all migratory
bird hunt ers obt ain a Migrat ory Bird Permit (HI P) Number.
Resident s and nonresident s must have a permit number for
each st at e in which t hey hunt migrat ory birds.
Band-t ai l ed Pi geon Per mi t s
A permit is not required for band-t ailed pigeon hunt ers.
Regul ar Season Sandhi l l Cr ane
Per mi t s
Each regular-season (Eastern) sandhill crane hunter must
have a hunt ing license (see page 3), plus a free federal
Sandhill Crane Hunting Permit. There is no limit on the
number issued and no applicat ion deadline. Permit s are
available only at Department ofhces or online at
www.wi l dl i f at A federal Duck Stamp
is not required t o hunt sandhill cranes.
Speci al Sandhi l l Cr ane Per mi t s
Each special-season sandhill crane hunter must have a
hunt ing license (see page 3), plus a special-season permit
issued by drawing (see hunt codes and dat es on page 16).
Applicat ions may be made online at : www.wi l dl i f e.
st at or by calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866.
Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3 before 5 p.m. MDT.
No more t han four persons may apply per applicat ion, and
no more t han t wo persons for t he Yout h-only Hunt . Applica-
t ion fees are $8 per resident and $20 per nonresident .
Addit ional informat ion about hunt requirement s will be given
to the successful applicants. A federal Duck Stamp is not
required t o hunt sandhill cranes.
Speci al Goose Per mi t s
Permit s issued by drawing are required for t he yout h-only
Light Goose Hunt and the Special Permit Light Goose hunts
on Bernardo (see page 20).
Applicat ions may be made online at : www.wi l dl i f e.
st at or by calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866.
Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3 before 5 p.m. MDT.
For informat ion about t he Light Goose Hunt at t he Bosque
del Apache and t he Dark Goose Hunt at t he Las Vegas
Nat ional Wildlife Refuge, please cont act t he refuges direct ly
(see page 15).
Fr ee Li ght Goose Conser vat i on Or der
Per mi t
A free Light Goose Conservat ion Order Permit is required of
all hunt ers part icipat ing in t his hunt from Feb. 1 - March 10,
2013 (see page 17).
Free permits are only available at department ofhces or
online at : www.wi l dl i f at There is no deadline
or limit t o t he number of permit s issued.
Hunt ers are request ed t o report t heir hunt ing effort and
harvest online at : www.wi l dl i f at
St or age, Tr anspor t at i on and Shi pment
One fully feat hered wing must remain at t ached t o all migra-
t ory birds, except doves and band-t ailed pigeons, unt il t he
bird arrives at t he hunt ers' home or st orage facilit y. No
person shall give, put or leave any game at any place or in
t he cust ody of anot her person unless t he game is t agged by
t he hunt er wit h t he following informat ion:
1. The hunt er's signat ure,
2. The hunt er's address,
3. The t ot al number of birds by species,
+. The dates such game was taken.
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Cl osed Seasons
No person shall t ake migrat ory game birds except during t he hours
open t o shoot ing or falconry as prescribed.
Legal Met hods
!t is legal to use artihcial decoys, blinds and dogs. !t is illegal to
shoot at any prot ect ed species from wit hin a mot or vehicle, power
boat , sailboat or aircraft . Migrat ory birds may be t aken from a mo-
t or-driven boat (or ot her craft wit h at t ached mot or) or sailboat only
when rest ing at anchor or fast ened wit hin or immediat ely alongside
a hxed hunting blind or is used solely as a means of picking up dead
Summar y of Feder al Regul at i ons
I n addit ion t o t he st at e regulat ions set fort h in t his booklet , t he fol-
lowing federal regulat ions apply t o t he t aking, possessing, t ransport-
ing and st oring of migrat ory game birds (duck, geese, coot , common
moorhen, snipe, rail, dove, band-t ailed pigeon and sandhill crane).
Persons cit ed for violat ing federal regulat ions will be required t o
appear in federal court (Complet e 50 CFR-Part 20 Federal
regulations and dehnitions, are available online at:
I l l egal Met hods
No person shall t ake migrat ory birds:
1. From a sink box (a low hoating device that has a depression affording
t he hunt er a means of concealment beneat h t he surface of t he wat er).
2. From or wit h t he aid or use of a car or ot her mot or-driven land convey-
ance or from or wit h t he aid of any aircraft .
3. By t he aid of bait ing (placing or direct ing placement of feed such as
corn, wheat , salt or ot her feed for t he purpose of causing, inducing or
allowing any person t o t ake or at t empt t o t ake any migrat ory game
bird). Hunt ers should be aware t hat a bait ed area is considered t o be
bait ed for 10 days aft er t he removal of t he bait .
I mpor t at i on of Mi gr at or y Bi r ds
During any one-week beginning on Sunday, no person shall import
more t han:
1. 25 doves and 10 pigeons from any foreign count ry.
2. 10 ducks and 5 geese from any foreign count ry except Canada
and Mexico. I mport at ion of doves and wat erfowl from Canada
and Mexico may not exceed Canadian or Mexican export limit s,
and t hese vary by province and st at e.
I n addit ion, one fully feat hered wing must remain at t ached t o all
migrat ory game birds being t ransport ed or shipped bet ween a port
of ent ry and ones home or t o a t axidermist . No person shall import
migrat ory game birds belonging t o anot her person.
St or age ( cont i nued)
Tagging is required if t he game is being t ransport ed by anot her per-
son for t he hunt er or if t he game has been left for cleaning, st orage
(including t emporary st orage), shipment or t axidermy services.
No person shall ship game unless t he package is marked on t he
out side wit h:
1. Name and address of person sending t he birds,
2. Name and address of person receiving t he birds.
Duck St amp
Federal law requires t hat each wat erfowl hunt er 16 years of age or
older carry a valid federal Migrat ory Bird Hunt ing and Conservat ion
Stamp (Duck Stamp) signed in ink across the face (see page +).
Mi gr at or y Bi r d Per mi t Number
A Migrat ory Bird Permit (HI P) Number is required for all migrat ory
bird hunt ers (see page 13).
Legal Spor t i ng Ar ms
Nigratory birds may be taken with a shotgun that is hred from the
shoulder, is no larger t han 10 gauge, and is capable of holding no
more than three shells or is plugged with a one-piece hller that
cannot be removed wit hout disassembly and renders it capable
of holding no more t han t hree shells. Migrat ory birds also may be
taken with muzzle-loading shotguns hring shot, bows and arrows
and crossbows and bolt s.
Nont oxi c Shot Mandat or y
Persons hunt ing any wat erfowl (ducks and geese), coot , common
moorhen, sora, Virginia rail and snipe wit h shot guns (including
muzzle-loading shotguns) must use and possess only nontoxic shot
approved for use by the USFWS. !n addition, shot-gunners hunting
any species of upland game or migratory game birds on all State
Game Commission owned or managed areas must use and possess
only USFWS-approved nontoxic shot. Nontoxic shot is not required
for dove, band-tailed pigeon and the Eastern sandhill crane hunt
outside of State Game Commission owned or managed areas.
Nont oxic shot includes: bismut h-t in, iron (st eel), iron-t ungst en,
iron-tungsten-nickel, tungsten-bronze, tungsten-iron-copper-nickel,
t ungst en mat rix, t ungst en polymer, t ungst en-t in-iron, t ungst en-t in-
bismut h, t ungst en-t in-iron-nickel and t ungst en-iron-polymer.
Want on Wast e I s I l l egal
Anyone who t akes game birds must t ransport t he edible port ions of
the meat from the held for human consumption.
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Wat er f owl Hunt i ng on Nat i onal
Wi l dl i f e Ref uges ( NWR)
Gener al I nf or mat i on
All st at e and federal regulat ions applyincluding licenses,
permit s, met hod of t ake, bag limit , et c.
Only USFWS-approved nontoxic shot may be used and
possessed on the refuge. Sporting arms must be unloaded
and cased when t ransport ed.
Bosque del Apache NWR
The Bosque del Apache conducts Special Permit Light Goose
Hunt s. The refuge may allow limit ed hunt ing for quail, rabbit
and dove in specihc areas. For current information, maps
and applications, call the refuge at: (575) 835-1828 or visit:
www.f sout hwest / r ef uges/
newmex/ bosque.
Las Vegas NWR
The Las Vegas Nat ional Wildlife
Refuge conducts Special Permit Canada
Goose Hunt s and has limit ed dove hunt-
ing. For current informat ion, maps and
applicat ions, call t he refuge at :
(505) +25-3581 or visit:
www.f sout hwest / r ef uges/
newmex/ l asvegas.
Bi t t er Lake NWR
The Bit t er Lake Nat ional Wildlife Refuge
has limit ed hunt ing for duck, geese,
coot , sandhill crane, dove, quail and
pheasant . For current informat ion,
maps and applicat ions, call t he refuge
at: (575) 625-+011 or visit:
www.f sout hwest / r ef uges/
newmex/ bi t t er l ake.
Sevi l l et a NWR
The Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
has limit ed hunt ing for duck, light geese,
coot and dove. For current informat ion
and maps call t he refuge at :
(505) 86+-+021 or visit:
www.f sout hwest / r ef uges/
newmex/ sevi l l et a.
Report Banded Birdsl
Please report all banded birds you harvest by calling t oll-free
1-800-327-BAND (2263)or online at: www.r epor t
Wood Duck
E Uni t s


Uni t 7 Dr ai n
Quagmi r e
Ber nar do Ponds
D Uni t s
Ber nar do Wat er f owl Ar ea
Uni t 7 Dr ai n
(Yout h only)
(Yout h only)
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Dove and Band-t ai l ed Pi geon Seasons
Mour ni ng and Whi t e-wi nged Dove
Nor t h Zone: North of !-+0 from the NNfAZ state line to U.S. 5+ at
Tucumcari; U.S. 5+ from Tucumcari to the NNfTX state line.
Sout h Zone: South of !-+0 from the NNfAZ state line to U.S. 5+ at
Tucumcari; U.S. 5+ from Tucumcari to the NNfTX state line.
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
Mour ni ng and whi t e-wi nged dove
North Zone Sept. 1-Nov. 9 15 per day, 30
South Zone Sept. 1-Oct. 9 8 Dec. 1-31 in possession
Eur asi an-col l ar ed Dove
There is no daily bag or possession limit for Eurasian-collared
dove with the following restriction: All Eurasian-collared doves
in possession must ret ain one fully feat hered wing unt il t hey are
at your home.
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
Eur asi an-col l ar ed dove
Statewide Sept. 1-Dec. 31 No limit
Band-t ai l ed Pi geon
Sout hwest Season: South of U.S. 60 and west of !-25.
Regul ar Season: Remainder of t he st at e.
Hunt Area Season Dates BagfPossession
Band-t ai l ed pi geon
Southwest Zone Oct. 1-20 5 per day, 10 in
Regular Zone Sept. 1-20 possession
Dove and Band-Tai l ed Pi geon
Hunt Ar eas
Sandhi l l Cr ane Seasons
East er n Hunt (Chaves, Curry, De Baca, Eddy, Lea, Quay and
Roosevelt count ies)
Each Eastern Season sandhill crane hunter must have an appropriate license
(see page 3), plus a free Federal Sandhill Crane Permit. There is no limit on
t he number issued nor an applicat ion deadline (see page 13). The permit is
available online and at all department ofhces. Hunt dates are
Oct . 31Jan. 31, 2013.
Est anci a Val l ey Hunt (Parts of Santa Fe and Torrance counties)
Up to 65 permits by drawing are available for the SCR-0-102 hunt. Hunters
successfully drawing Special Estancia valley Crane Permits must:
1. Return the Harvest Questionnaire within hve days after
t heir hunt . DO NOT report t his hunt success online!
Mi ddl e Ri o Gr ande Val l ey ( MRGV) Hunt s and Yout h-
Onl y Hunt (valencia and Socorro counties)
Up to 70 permits by drawing are available for the SCR-0-101 hunt, 50 permits
for the SCR-0-103, and +5 permits for the SCR-0-10+ the SCR-0-106 hunts.
Up to 2+ permits will be available for a youth-only hunt, SCR-0-109. Hunters
will be assigned t o hunt on eit her Bernardo or Casa Colorada.
Hunters who draw Special NRGv Crane Permits must:
1. Check t heir harvest ed cranes at t he designat ed check
st at ion.
2. Return the Harvest Questionnaire within hve days after
t heir hunt . Do NOT report t his hunt success online!
Sout hwest Hunt (Parts of Sierra, Dona Ana, Luna, Grant and Hidalgo
count ies)
Up to 70 permits are available for the SCR-0-105 and +5 permits for the
SCR-0-107 hunt. Hunters successfully drawing Special SW Crane Permits
must return the Harvest Questionnaire within hve days after each hunt (DO
NOT REPORT TH!S HUNT SUCCESS ONL!NE!). All SCR-0-107 hunters must
check t heir cranes at t he designat ed checkst at ion.
Appl yi ng f or Sandhi l l Cr ane Hunt s
Applicat ions may be made online at : www.wi l dl i f e. st at or by
calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3
before 5 p.m. MDT. No more t han four persons may apply per applicat ion,
and no more t han t wo persons for t he Yout h-only Hunt . Not e: Most cranes
are found on privat e propert y, and writ t en permission is required for access.
Addit ional informat ion about hunt requirement s will be given t o successful
applicants. A federal Duck Stamp is not required to hunt sandhill cranes.
Hunt Area Hunt Code Season Dates BagfPossession
East er n Hunt N/ A Oct . 31 3 per day, 6 in
Jan. 31, '13 6 in possession
Est anci a Val l ey SCR-0-102 Oct. 27-Nov. + 3 per day,
Hunt 6 in possession
SCR-0-101 Oct. 27-28
MRGV SCR-0-103 Nov. 17-18 3 per day,
Hunt s SCR-0-10+ Dec. 1-2 6 per season
SCR-0-106 Jan. 12-13, '13
MRGV SCR-0-109 Nov. 10 3 total
Yout h-onl y Hunt
Sout hwest SCR-0-105 Oct. 27-Nov. + 3 per day,
Hunt s SCR-0-107 Jan. 5-6, '13 6 in possession
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Cent r al Fl yway Seasons
Bot h Nor t h and Sout h Zones
Species Season Dates BagfPossession Limits
September Sept. 15-23 + daily, singly or
t eal (blue-winged, cinnamon, in aggregat e,
green-winged) 8 in possession
Nor t h Zone (East of the Continental Divide and north of !-+0 and
U.S. 5+ at Tucumcari)
Ducks Oct . 6Jan. 9, '13 6 ducks singly or in
aggregat e, consist ing of
no more t han 5 mallard
(only 2 may be female,
[ Mexican-like ducks are
part of t he mallard bag
limit ] ), 3 wood duck,
2 redhead, 2 hooded
merganser, 2 pint ail,
1 canvasback
Amer i can
Coot Oct . 6Jan. 9, '13 15 American coot ,
30 in possession.
Sout h Zone (East of the Continental Divide and south of !-+0 and
U.S. 5+ at Tucumcari)
Ducks and Oct. 2+-Jan. 27, '13 Same as North Zone.
Amer i can For all above, possession
Coot limit is t wice t he daily bag.
Cent r al Fl yway
Cent r al Fl yway Season ( cont i nued)
(East of the Continental Divide)
Bot h Nor t h and Sout h Zones
Species Season Dates BagfPossession Limits
Common Sept. 29-Dec. 7 1 daily, 2 in possession.
Moor hen
Vi r gi ni a Rai l , Sept. 15- 10 daily, singly or in
Sor a Nov. 23 aggregat e, 20 in possession.
Common Oct . 13 8 daily, 16 in possession.
Sni pe Jan. 27, '13
Dar k Goose Oct. 13- + daily, 8 in possession.
(Canada and Jan. 27, '13
whit e-front ed
Sandoval, Bernalillo, valencia, Socorro and Sierra counties are closed
to dark goose hunting during the regular season. See page 20 for
NRGv Dark Goose Season.
Li ght Goose Oct . 13 20 daily, No possession limit
(snow, blue- Jan. 27, '13
phase snow,
and Ross goose)
Li ght Goose Feb. 1 No bag or possession
Conser vat i on Mar. 10, '13 limit s. Approved t ools
Or der (snow, include: elect ronic calls,
blue-phase snow, unplugged shot guns,
and Rosss goose) shoot ing unt il 1/ 2 hour
Free permit required aft er sunset .
(see page 13).
Common Moorhen
Not e: Game meat or par t s of
mi gr at or y bi r ds MAY NOT be sol d
or bar t er ed at any t i me.
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Pacihc Flyway Seasons
(West of t he Cont inent al Divide)
Species Season Dates BagfPossession
Duck Oct. 15- 7 ducks, including no more
Jan. 27, '13 than 2 female mallards,
2 redheads, 2 pint ail and
1 canvasback.
Possession limit is t wice t he
daily bag.
Amer i can Oct . 15 25 daily, singly or in
Coot and Jan. 27, '13 aggregate, 25 in possession
Moor hen
Common Oct . 13 8 daily, 16 in possession.
Sni pe Jan. 27, '13
Sor a and Sept. 15- 10 daily, singly or in
Vi r gi ni a Rai l Nov. 23 aggregat e, 20 in possession.
Pacihc Flyway
Pacihc Flyway Seasons {continued)
Nor t h Zone (West of the Continental Divide and north of !-+0)
Sout h Zone (West of the Continental Divide and south of !-+0)
Species Season Dates BagfPossession
Goose Nor t h Zone: 3 dark geese, 10 light geese/
Sept. 22-Oct. 7 6 dark geese and 20 light
and Oct . 29 geese in possession
Jan. 27, '13
Sout h Zone: 2 dark geese, 10 light geese/
Oct. 13- + dark geese and 20 light
Jan. 27, '13 geese in possession
American Coot
Virginia Rail
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Days Open t o Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Hunt i ng on Management Ar eas
Waterfowl Ngmt. Area Species Sun Non Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
Seven Ri ver s Dove, September teal,



sandhill crane, Group 2
W.S. Huey Dove


Br ant l ey Dove, September teal,







(except Seven Rivers) sandhill crane, Group 2
Ber nar do* September teal







(600 feet sout h of U.S. 60)
Ber nar do,* Group 1


600 feet south of U.S. 60 (Quagmire Unit) and portions north of U.S. 60 (E Units), east of Unit 7 Drain. See map, page 15.
Ber nar do* Group 1



600 feet sout h of U.S. 60 (Bernardo Ponds Unit) and portions north of U.S. 60 (D Units), west of Unit 7 Drain. See page 15.
That port ion of Bernardo nor t h of U.S. 60 will be open for September teal and waterfowl hunting to groups consisting of at least one
youth hunter with a non-hunting supervising adult, see page 21. !t also will be open for the Light Goose Conservation Order. See pages
13 and 17.
Sal t Lake and Char et t e Lake Group 2


La Joya and Sal t Lake September teal







La Joya (nort h port ion) Group 1


That port ion nort h of t he main east / west ent rance road and west of t he railroad t racks
La Joya (sout h port ion) Group 1


That port ion sout h of t he main east / west ent rance road and west of t he railroad t racks
La Joya Dove,







(east of railroad t racks) Group 1
Jackson Lake (west of NN 170) Group 2


Tucumcar i September teal






Tucumcar i Group 2



McAl l i st er Lake Group 3


Waterfowl Ngmt. Area Species Sun Non Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat
Pr ai r i e Chi cken Ar eas, Dove







Sandhi l l s Pr ai r i e Conser vat i on
Ar ea, and Bi g Hat chet Speci al
Mgmt . Ar ea
Socor r o-Escondi da All migrat ory birds






Sar gent , Humphr i es, Dove,







Ri o Chama, Ur r aca, Col i n band-t ailed pigeon
Nebl et t , Wat er Canyon,
Mar quez and El l i ot t Bar ker
Sandi a Ranger Di st r i ct All migrat ory birds







(bow hunt ing only)
Gr oup 1 includes: ducks, light geese, dark geese (as part of t he MRGV dark goose season), Virginia rail, sora, common moorhen, American coot and common snipe.
Gr oup 2 includes: ducks, all geese, Virginia rail, sora, common moorhen, American coot and common snipe.
Gr oup 3 includes: ducks, light geese, Virginia rail, sora, common moorhen, American coot and common snipe.
= Days open
State Game Commission owned or managed areas listed below are open to migratory game bird hunting. No hunting is
allowed out side of open seasons or for species not list ed. No camping is allowed, and vehicles are rest rict ed t o designat ed
areas. See page 5 for shooting hours.
Mi gr at or y Game Bi r d Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Speci al Per mi t Goose Hunt s
Ber nar do Li ght Goose Hunt s ( Resi dent s Onl y)
Up to 2+ permits will be available at Bernardo each open day.
Permit s will be offered by drawing for each hunt dat e. Bag limit is
20 per day. Hunters shall use only USFWS-approved nontoxic shot.
Addit ional informat ion about hunt requirement s will be given t o
successful hunt applicant s. Hunt ers must have a valid license,
a special hunt permit , a Migrat ory Bird Permit (HI P) Number and
a Duck Stamp (for those 16 years of age and older).
Applicat ions may be made online at : www.wi l dl i f at or by
calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3
before 5 p.m. MDT.
Hunt Code Dat es Number of Permit s
LTG-0-101* Dec. 30 2+
LTG-0-103** Feb. 16, '13 2+
* Only 30 rounds per hunt er are allowed for LTG-0-101.
* * There are no rest rict ions on t he number of rounds during
Mi ddl e Ri o Gr ande Val l ey Dar k Goose Hunt
Dates BagfSeason
Dec. 29Jan. 20, '13 2 per day / 2 per season
Ber nar do Yout h/ Adul t Li ght Goose Hunt
( Resi dent s Onl y)
For t he Bernardo Yout h/ Adult Light Goose Hunt , hunt ers must be less t han
18 years of age and supervised by an adult 18 years or older. At least one
adult , but no more t han t wo, must accompany each yout h hunt er. Yout h
hunt ers and t heir supervising adult s must hunt t oget her. Hunt ers must have
a valid license, t heir special hunt permit and a Migrat ory Bird Permit (HI P)
Number. A Duck Stamp is required for hunters 16 years and older.
Applicat ions must be made online at : www.wi l dl i f at or by
calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3
before 5 p.m. MDT. No more t han four persons may apply per applicat ion.
Unsuccessful applicants may be considered on a standby basis.
Hunt Code Dat es Number of Permit s
LTG-0-102 Jan. 19, '13 2+
Yout h-onl y Li ght Goose Hunt at Ber nar do
( Resi dent s Onl y)
Up to 12 permits will be drawn for a Youth-only Light Goose Hunt at
Bernardo. The bag limit is 20. Yout h hunt ers must be accompanied by
a non-hunt ing adult .
Hunt ers must have a valid license, plus a special hunt permit and a
Nigratory Bird Permit (H!P) Number. A Duck Stamp is required for
hunt ers 16 years and older.
Applicat ions may be made online at : www.wi l dl i f at or by
calling t oll-free: 1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made by Oct . 3
before 5 p.m. MDT. No more t han t hree persons may apply per applicat ion.
Hunt Code Hunt Dat e Number of Permit s
YLG-0-101 Dec. 28 12
Yout h Wat er f owl Seasons
Feder al Yout h Wat er f owl Days ( Al l Hunt er s)
Central Flyway North Zone: Sept. 29-30
South Zone: Oct. 13-1+
Pacihc Flyway Oct. 6-7
To part icipat e in t his federal program, hunt ers must be younger t han 16
years of age and must be fully licensed. They are not required t o have a
Duck Stamp nor special permit and no
applicat ion is required.
An adult who is 18 years or older must accompany the youth in the held.
The adult may not hunt ducks, but may part icipat e in ot her seasons t hat are
open during Yout h Wat erfowl Days.
Only ducks, coot s and moorhens may be t aken by t he yout h hunt er (No
sandhill cranes, geese or ot her wat erfowl may be t aken unless t he season is
open for t hose species). Bag limit and possession limit s are t he same as t he
regular seasons.
Legal shoot ing hours for t his hunt are from 1/ 2 hour before sunrise t o 1: 00
p.m. on Waterfowl Nanagement Areas. Shooting hours end at sunset in all
ot her areas.
The Wat erfowl Management Areas open during Yout h Wat erfowl Days are:
Bernardo, La Joya, Seven Rivers, Salt Lake, Charette Lake, NcAllister Lake
and Tucumcari.
Snow Goose
Speci al Per mi t & Yout h Wat er f owl
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Yout h Wat er f owl Hunt s at Ber nar do
( Resi dent s Onl y)
Yout h wat erfowl hunt s for resident s have been est ablished
at Bernardo on ponds north of U.S. 60, between U.S. 60 and
closed areas post ed. Hunt ers must be under 18 years of age
and accompanied by at least one supervising adult . Adult s
may not hunt t his area. All hunt ers must be fully licensed.
Up to three hunters may occupy each blind.
Requi r ement s f or Bl i nd Sel ect i ons
Blind selection during the September teal and federal Youth
Waterfowl Days, including weekends, is hrst-come, hrst-
served. Blind selection on weekdays Oct. 27-Dec. 13 and
Dec. 31-Jan. 27, 2013 are hrst-come, hrst-served. After all
blinds are select ed, no addit ional hunt ers will be allowed
t o ent er t he area. Hunt dat es and areas shall follow t he
schedule described in t he t able on page 19.
Blind select ion on all weekends and weekdays from
Dec. 15Dec. 30 will be available by permit only issued
by drawing. See table (right) for the dates, hunt codes and
permit s available.
How t o Appl y
Using the hunt codes on the table (right), hunters may apply
online at : www.wi l dl i f at or by calling t oll-
free: 1-888-248-6866. Applicat ions must be made by Oct .
3 before 5 p.m. MDT. No more t han t hree hunt ers may apply
per application. Up to two hunt choices may be issued per
applicat ion. A yout h hunt er may hold a maximum of
+ permits per license year.
I f any permit s are available aft er t he draw, t hey may be
obt ained online at www.wi l dl i f at One permit
per blind will be offered through the Secondary Sale.
Bag limit and possession limit s are t he same as t he regular
seasons (see page 17).
The use of motorized motion decoys is pr ohi bi t ed during
t hese hunt s.
Legal shoot ing hours are from 1/ 2 hour before sunrise
(see page 5) t o 1: 00 p.m.
Hunt Dat e Hunt Code Permit s
Oct. 27, 2012 BNY-0-101 6
Oct . 28, 2012 BNY-0-102 6
Nov. 3, 2012 BNY-0-103 6
Nov. +, 2012 BNY-0-10+ 6
Nov. 10, 2012 BNY-0-105 6
Nov. 11, 2012 BNY-0-106 6
Nov. 17, 2012 BNY-0-107 6
Nov. 18, 2012 BNY-0-108 6
Nov. 2+, 2012 BNY-0-109 6
Nov. 25, 2012 BNY-0-110 6
Dec. 1, 2012 BNY-0-111 6
Dec. 2, 2012 BNY-0-112 6
Dec. 8, 2012 BNY-0-113 6
Dec. 9, 2012 BNY-0-11+ 6
Dec. 15, 2012 BNY-0-115 6
Dec. 16, 2012 BNY-0-116 6
Dec. 17, 2012 BNY-0-117 6
Dec. 18, 2012 BNY-0-118 6
Dec. 19, 2012 BNY-0-119 6
Dec. 20, 2012 BNY-0-120 6
Dec. 22, 2012 BNY-0-121 6
Dec. 23, 2012 BNY-0-122 6
Dec. 2+, 2012 BNY-0-123 6
Dec. 25, 2012 BNY-0-12+ 6
Dec. 26, 2012 BNY-0-125 6
Dec. 27, 2012 BNY-0-126 6
Dec. 29, 2012 BNY-0-127 6
Dec. 30, 2012 BNY-0-128 6
Jan. 5, 2013 BNY-0-129 6
Jan. 6, 2013 BNY-0-130 6
Jan. 12, 2013 BNY-0-131 6
Jan. 13, 2013 BNY-0-132 6
Jan. 19, 2013 BNY-0-133 6
Jan. 20, 2013 BNY-0-13+ 6
Jan. 26, 2013 BNY-0-135 6
Jan. 27, 2013 BNY-0-136 6
R i t f Bl i d S l t i
Yout h Wat er f owl Seasons
Onl i ne Li cense Appl i cat i ons: www. wi l dl i f e. st at e. nm. us
Fal conr y Upl and Game Seasons
Species AreafDate BagfPossession
Pheasant , St at ewi de Bag is 3 birds,
Grouse, Sept. 1-Feb. 28, '13 singly or in
Quail and aggregat e and 8
Squirrel squirrels.
Possession is
6 pheasant ,
6 grouse,
16 squirrel
and 30 quail.
Fal conr y Mi gr at or y Bi r d Seasons
Dove St at ewi de Bag is 3
Sept. 1-Nov. 12 and migratory game
Nov. 28Dec. 31 birds, singly or
in aggregat e.
Possession is 6
singly or in
aggregat e.
There is no bag or possession limit on
Eurasian-collared doves
Band-t ailed Sout hwest See above
Pigeon Oct . 1Jan. 15, '13
Remai nder of st at e
Sept. 1-Dec. 16 See above
Sandhill East er n* See above
Crane Oct. 17-Jan. 31, '13
Est anci a Val l ey* * Bag is 3,
Oct. 27-Dec. 25 6 in possession,
Season limit is 9
Fal conr y Mi gr at or y Bi r d Seasons - cont .
Species AreafDate BagfPossession
Duck and Cent r al Fl yway Bag is 3 migrat ory
American Nor t h Zone: game birds, singly
Coot Sept. 15-23 or in aggregate.
Sept. 29-30 (Youth Possession is 6 for
Waterfowl Days) both hyways and
Oct. 6-Jan. 9, '13 all zones.
Cent r al Fl yway
Sout h Zone:
Sept. 15-23
Oct. 13-1+ (Youth Waterfowl Days)
Oct. 2+-Jan. 27, '13
Pacihc Flyway
Oct. 6-7 (Youth Waterfowl Days)
Oct. 15-Jan. 27, '13
Common Central and Pacihc Flyways
Snipe Oct. 13-Jan. 27, '13 See above
Common Cent r al Fl yway
Moorhen Sept. 29-Jan. 13, '13 See above
Pacihc Flyway
Sept. 6-7 (Youth Waterfowl Days)
Oct. 15-Jan. 27, '13 See above
Sora and Central and Pacihc Flyways
virginia Rail Sept. 15-Dec. 30 See above
Light Goose Cent r al Fl yway See above
Oct. 13-Jan. 27, '13
Pacihc Flyway
Nor t h Zone:
Sept. 22-Oct. 7 and Oct. 29-Jan. 27, '13
Sout h Zone:
Oct. 13-Jan. 27, '13
Dark Goose Cent r al Fl yway See above
Oct. 13-Jan. 27, '13
Pacihc Flyway
Nor t h Zone:
Sept. 22-Oct. 7 and Oct. 29-Jan. 27, '13
Sout h Zone:
Oct. 13-Jan. 27, '13
* Falconers are required to have a free Sandhill Crane
Permit in t heir possession when hunt ing.
* * Estancia valley falconry hunters are encouraged to
report t heir hunt ing effort and harvest online.
All Wat erfowl Management Areas shall be open t o falconry
wat erfowl hunt ing each day of t he est ablished falconry
season. The portion of Jackson Lake east of N.N. 170 shall
be open t o falconry-only migrat ory game bird hunt ing during
t he est ablished seasons.
Fal conr y Seasons
General information and License Sales toll-free: 1-888-2+8-6866
Be saf e, st ay on t r ai l s,
tread lightly and enjoyl
The New Mexico Off-Highway Vehicle Act
of 2005 and subsequent legislat ion in 2009
were designed t o prot ect t he safet y of OHV
users and ensure responsible and sensit ive
use of OHVs on public lands. Here is a sum-
mary of t he new requirement s:
What i s an OHV?
New Nexico dehnes an off-highway vehicle
as an all-t errain vehicle (ATV), dirt bike,
off-road vehicle (Recreat ional Off-highway
vehicle, UTv, mule type vehicle), or
Regi st r at i on and Use
Per mi t s
- New Mexico resident s must have t heir
OHVs regist ered wit h t he st at e Mot or Vehicle
Division t o legally operat e t heir vehicles on
public lands. Regist rat ion is $50 every
t wo years.
- Nonresident s whose OHVs are not regist ered
or have accept ed use permit s in t heir home
st at e must obt ain a use permit t o legally
operat e on public lands in New Mexico.
Permits cost $+8 for two years or $18 for
90 days.
- Permit s are available online at any
Department of Game and Fish ofhce, online
at : www.B4uRi and
www.wi l dl i f at or by calling
( 505) 476-8140.
Vehi cl es Exempt f r om
Regi st r at i on or Per mi t s
- Mot orcycles regist ered for use on public
st reet s.
- Vehicles used st rict ly for agricult ural use.
- Vehicles used st rict ly on privat e land.
Pr ohi bi t ed Uses
I t is illegal for any person t o use an OHV:
- I n a careless, reckless or negligent manner
so as t o endanger t he person or propert y
of anot her.
- While under the inhuence of intoxicating
liquor or drugs.
- While in pursuit of and wit h int ent t o hunt or
t ake a species of animal or bird prot ect ed
by law.
- I n pursuit of or harassment of livest ock
in any manner t hat negat ively affect s t he
livest ocks condit ion.
- On or wit hin an eart hen t ank or ot her
st ruct ure meant t o wat er livest ock or
wildlife, unless t he off-highway mot or vehicle
is on a rout e designat ed by t he landowner or
land management agency as an off-highway
mot or vehicle rout e.
- I n a manner t hat has a direct negat ive effect
on or int erferes wit h persons engaged in
agricult ural pract ices.
- I n excess of 10 miles per hour wit hin 200
feet of a business, animal shelt er, horseback
rider, bicyclist , pedest rian, livest ock or
occupied dwelling,
- Unless in possession of the person's
registration certihcate or non resident
permit .
- Unless the vehicle is equipped with a spark
arrester approved by the Forest Service,
provided t hat a snowmobile is exempt
from t his provision.
- When condit ions such as darkness limit
visibilit y t o 500 feet or less, unless t he
vehicle is equipped wit h a headlight and
t ail light .
- That produces noise t hat exceeds 96
- Where off-highway motor vehicle trafhc is
prohibit ed under local, st at e or federal rules
or regulat ions.
Penal t i es
Fines range from $71 for a hrst violation
to $+50 for repeat violat ions.
Ri de r esponsi bl y and st ay
on designated trailsl
- Know before you go.
Contact the local Forest Service, Bureau
of Land Management or ot her appropriat e
agency ofhce to hnd out about trails, roads
or areas open t o OHV use.
- I t is your responsibilit y t o obt ain permission
t o t ravel across privat e lands.
Yout h Saf et y Requi r ement s
z Riders younger t han age 6 may not operat e
an ATV on public land.
z Riders younger t han age 18 must :
Complete a certihed OHv safety course and
obt ain a safet y permit . Now available at :
wi l dl i f at ohv/ ml
Wear an approved, securely fast ened
helmet and safet y goggles.
Never carry a passenger, even on OHVs
designed for t wo persons.
Be visually supervised by an adult when
operating an OHV unless t hey are age
13 and older wit h a valid mot orcycle
license or age 15 and older wit h a valid
drivers license.
z Approved safet y courses include hands-on
t raining and online courses by t he ATV
Safety !nstitute at vsaf et y.or g or
1-800-447-4700. Some training courses
in ot her st at es are accept ed in New Mexico,
and many OHV dealers include free safet y
t raining wit h each OHV purchase. For more
informat ion about OHV t raining in New
Mexico, please call ( 505) 476-8140.
Repor t Vi ol at i ons
To report an OHV violat ion, please visit
www.B4uRi or call
( 800) 366-4868.
www.B4uRi de.c om
New Mexi co OHV
The New Mexi co Of f -Hi ghway Vehi cl e Pr ogr am

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