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GO OV1210 COBIT V4.1 Foundation Course urse on: Cou Descriptio

The COBIT Foundation course is a 3-day, interactiv classroom-ba 3 ve, ased learning ex xperience. Partic cipants learn abo the need out for an IT control fra a amework and ho COBIT addres ow sses this need b providing a globally accepted IT governance and control by d e fram mework. This cou urse explains the elements and supporting mat e terials of the CO T framework u OBI using a logical a exampleand drive approach for everyone intere en ested in obtainin Foundation-le knowledge of COBIT. ng evel Certificate: ISACA COBIT Fou undation Ce ertificate D Duration: 3 days Course D Delivery: Classroom Virtual m, Classroom Lan nguages: GOV1210 English 0: COB1022: Ja apanese, Portuguese, Spanish , Credits 14 CPE s:

Aud dience:
A wide range of business managers, IT management consultants, IT governance pro , T ofessionals, and auditors who w to gain a wish better understandin of COBIT and what it can provi to their orga ng w ide anization

Lear rning Objectives:

At th end of this co he ourse, participan will gain competencies in: nts Identifying how IT manage g ement issues aff organization fect ns. Recognizin the need for a control framew driven by t need for IT g ng work the governance. Understan nding the princip of IT governance, how IT go ples overnance helps address IT mana agement issues, and who , should be responsible for IT governance. Identifying how COBIT mee the requirem for an IT go g ets ment overnance frame ework. Understan nding how COBIT is used with oth standards an best practices her nd s. Identifying the COBIT Fram g mework and all it components control object ts tives, control pra actices, and man nagement guidelines s. Understan nding how to app COBIT in a pra ply actical situation . Identifying the functions that COBIT provid and the bene of using CO T. g t des efits OBI Identifying how the use of COBIT is suppor by ISACA. g f rted

Ben nefits: O tion Master COBIT at a Foundat level. Interact an learn from pe in this inten nd eers nsive, group-lear rning exercise. The case-s study-driven learning enables th participants to apply COBIT in their day-to-day practice. he o y The course is a stepping st e tone for the COB T Implementat ion Methodolog course as well as other COBIT courses. BI gy Flexible de elivery: The cour is available in the traditionall classroom, virtu classroom, a e-learning fo rse n and ormats. ual nnection with Standards Explained: S Con The course explains how other standards and framework s complement COBIT: ITIL v3, ISO e o O/IEC 38500, ISO O/IEC 27002,
COSO, Imp plementation Gu uide, IT Assuranc Guide, Securiity Baseline, and Val IT 2.0 ce d

Case Study e
Scen nario-driven lear rning has always been one of the key success fac s e ctors of the COBIT Foundation co ourse, as it puts participants in th right mindset to apply the principles of COBIT in real life. The new case study takes this into a he account and buil on it by: lds Providing more business-f focused challeng through situ ations and cases ges s. Presenting a real-world co g onnect using situ uations that can occur in the day y-to-day life of p participants. Discussing the application of COBIT with ot g thers.

Cou Organizati urse ional Logistics: :

Classroom m Whiteboard, flipchart, and projector d Participants maximum of 16, no minim mum requiremen nt

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C se Fac Cours ctshee et

GO OV1210 COBIT V4.1 Foundation Course requisites: Prer
Ther are no formal prerequisites; it is recommended that participa re t ants have experience in the IT g governance domain.

Cou Student Material: urse M

Participants receive a copy of the cla assroom presentation material and the Student t Wor rkbook, which co ontains Referenc Material. In addition, the part ce ticipants receive the e COBIT First Aid Kit (pocket reference guide) and the COBIT Foundatio Sample Exam. on

Certificate: ISACA COBIT undation Fou Ce ertificate D Duration: 3 days Course D Delivery: Classroom Virtual m, Classroom Lan nguages: GOV1210 English 0: COB1022: Ja apanese, Portuguese, Spanish , Credits 14 CPE s:

Abo the Examin out nation:

The course includes an Exam Preparation module, prepar participants to take on the COBIT Foundatio exam on e ring s on the third day of the course d e. The exam is in closed-boo format, with 40 multiple-choic questions. Th pass score is 7 (28 out of 4 ok 4 ce he 70% 40 questions) The exam lasts for 60 minutes ). s s.

Cred dits:
Participants of the COBIT Foundation course will be recogn F nized with 14 CP units. PE

enda: Age Da 1 ay
1. Course Introduc C ction 2. Why COBIT? W 3. COBIT: An Introduction Ass signment 1: IT Challenges for Callwick 4. The COBIT Cube T Ass signment 2: Vide on Demand is eo s Lau unched

Day 2
5. The COB T Components BI - Part 1 Assignmen 3: Preparing f the nt for Management Meeting 6. The COB T Components BI - Part 2 Assignmen 4: The Resolu tion for nt Callwick 7. Assuran Guidance nce 8. COBIT Re esources

Day 3
9. Inter-relationships with other ameworks, Stand dards and Regula ations Fra 10. Exam Preparati Guide ion Self Study f am Exa Clo osure and Feedback

Copyright 2010 by ITpreneurs Nede C y erland B.V. All righ reserved hts

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