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Table of Contents

I. II. Getting Started Editing Symbols Placement of Editing Tools How to Delete Unused Editing Symbols Capitalization Rules IV. Essay V. Memos 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 2 3

III. Title

VI. Comments VII. Score VIII. Warning Notice IX. Plagiarized Essays X. Copying Hints XI. Other Special Cases Gibberish Essays Off topic Essays XII. How to Edit Essays with Integrated Topics XIII. Common Error of Editors Placement of Symbols Use of Unclear Symbol Too Many Memos Format of Comments

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Training Manual for New Editors

I. GETTING STARTED 1. Login to using your ID and PW. 2. Go to New Essay List. You will see all the essays that were submitted by the students. (Sometimes, this is empty because there are no essays coming from the students.) 3. Choose the topmost essay. Click the select button. 4. When you select one, an essay will appear. You will see the editing symbols on the upper part of the essay. 5. Click and drag the editing symbol that you want to use to the essay. 6. Leave TWO different memos. These should be more on mechanics or other errors not grammatical in nature. (e.g., The pronoun I should always be capitalized.) 7. Write comments regarding the students essay. The comments should be at least 2 to 3 lines long. 8. Do not forget to rate/score the students essay according to the given Scoring Rubric. 9. The Warning is given box should only be ticked when the editor is certain that the student copied/plagiarized 100% of others work. (e.g., copied from the Internet or other book) 10. When you finish editing the essay, click the drop down menu on the lower part of the essay. Click QA then SAVE. Your edited essay will automatically be sent to QA. 11. Your edited essays can be seen on the My Edit Essays List. Essays that were sent to QA are marked QA while essays that were already sent to the students are marked Completed. 12. Please see the completed essays so you can see the changes that were made to your completed essays. 13. Only the essays marked as completed at the end of the cut-off will be compensated for that pay date. *Notes:

Please use only Internet Explorer (IE) as your browser. (Firefox, Chrome, and other browsers can't run online programs that we use.) For the New Editors a. Your first essay will be your trial essay. It will not be compensated. The QA people will check your essay and give feedbacks regarding your edited essay. We will inform you through e-mail if you can continue to edit and work with us. b. Please write New Editor in the comment box for your first essay, so the QA team promptly forwards their feedbacks to the Unit manager. Improperly edited essays will NOT be compensated, so be thorough when editing essays.
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EDITING SYMBOLS 1. Placement of Editing Symbols All editing symbols should be placed below the word, not beside or above it.
a. Plural sign (pl.) is placed directly below the word to be pluralized. If the word

is just a regular noun, it is placed right below the word and near the center. If the word is an irregular noun, the pl. sign should be located below the first letter of that word and the irregular plural form should be written in a text box after the sign. Plural sign should only be used for nouns, and NOT for verbs.
b. No P (no new paragraph) sign is placed directly below the first letter of the

word of the sentence in another line. This is to indicate that the sentence should be connected to the preceding one which is above it. If there are words or punctuations to be deleted, enclose them first in the delete box before placing the No P sign directly below the word immediately following the delete box symbol. If there are some words or punctuations that need to be inserted, this should be done after putting the No P sign.
c. Close up Space sign is used to remove the space between two words that

should have been joined. This symbol should not be used to close up space in between a word and a punctuation mark.
d. Insert sign is placed at the position where a word (words) or a punctuation

needs to be inserted. The word (words) or punctuation can be typed directly below the insert sign with the help of the text box symbol. The word (words) or punctuation can be seen in the space (spaces) between the sentences.
e. Spelling Error sign is placed directly under the word which is misspelled. The

correct spelling of the word can be written using the text symbol. It should be placed directly below the spelling error sign.
f. Delete sign is used to enclose a word (words) and/or punctuation

(punctuations) that must be taken out of the sentence. Click on the icon and drag it to the location of the word/punctuation you want to delete. You must completely enclose the word/ punctuation by adjusting the length of the delete box.
g. Incorrect Word Order (transpose) sign is placed in between two words

whose positions need to be changed. It is not used when three or more words are involved. It is necessary to write these two words in the appropriate word order in the space directly below them (with the help of the text box) if the words need to be corrected / changed.
h. Replace sign is placed under the word which, although not misspelled, is not

appropriate for a particular sentence. The replacement word is written right below the word (underlined with the replace sign) thru the use of the text box. The text box should be attached closed enough to the replace sign. Do not cross out the words. Place the replace symbol below the word.
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Even when we need only to replace 1 letter, the whole word should be underlined with the replace symbol then after putting a text box below it, we should type the correct word. Please do not underline the whole sentence using the replace symbol. Use only the replace symbol to word/words that you need to replace/change. The student might think that the whole sentence is wrong even if some of the words in the sentence are written correctly.
i. Need New Paragraph sign is placed below the first letter of the word that you

would want to be the start of a new paragraph.

j. Text box function works in conjunction with the spelling error, insert, and

replace signs, as well as the plural (pl) sign if the word is an irregular noun. It should be placed close to the signs. As much as possible, all the text boxes should be in a row and not in different levels. You can push them aside a bit to make room. The text box should be right below the word so it can easily be seen by the students.
k. Unclear (??) sign is used when most or all the words in a phrase or

sentence are correct but these are jumbled up. However, if the words were not all correct, they should be edited first. In contrast, the Incorrect Word Order sign is used to transpose 2 adjacent words. Unclear sign is not used to sentences with vague/unclear ideas. They should only be used when words in a sentence are jumbled up.
l. The Unclear (??) sign is accompanied by a Memo number. The explanation

regarding that particular unclear item should be written in the Memo Box located at the right-hand side of the students essay. 2. How to Delete Unused Editing Symbols Please always delete unused symbols. Click the symbol then press the delete button. In case you still could not delete an editing symbol, try to click on a text box that you used until it turns to blue. Click outside it again so the blue outline will disappear. Then point the cursor to the symbol that you want to delete and press the delete button. III. TITLE 1. At the students window for EasyWriting, students will be encouraged to write their essay titles on STEP 5: FINAL DRAFT. There will be an automatic sign that says "-TITLE HERE-" on the top of their essays so that the students can change it to their own. However, when you edit and find that the student did not delete the "-TITLE HERE-" sign, or overwrote it with his/her own title, DO NOT USE DELETE SYMBOL. Instead, leave a comment or memo to encourage them to enter their titles next time. Remember, it is not an error in the system. Please do not delete the dashes or -TITLE HERE-next to the essay title. Example of a memo: Please dont forget to write a title for your essay.
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2. There are times when the students do not write their titles on the space provided. Observe for proper title form, and leave a comment/memo such as Please write your title in the space provided. 3. When the students write the same topic title in the space provided, leave a memo to create his/her own title. 4. Capitalization Rules Source: a. Always capitalize the first and last words of titles of publications regardless of their parts of speech. b. Capitalize other words within titles, including the short verb forms Is, Are, and Be. c. Do not capitalize little words within titles such as a, an, the, but, as, if, and, or, nor, or prepositions, regardless of their length. Examples: The Day of the Jackal What Color Is Your Parachute? A Tale of Two Cities IV. ESSAY 1. Always read the prompt and essay type of each essay. Some students write very good essays but they are off topic. The content of the whole essay should be based from the prompt given. 2. Try to salvage much of what students wrote, instead of disregarding most of what they wrote in their essays, unless it is not English. Seeing most of their work crossed out or deleted discourages them hugely. 3. Do not delete a sentence or phrase if it is related to the essay. The rule is to edit the sentence if it is wrong, and retain the sentence if you are able to understand what the student is trying to imply. Please do not change the students thought. 4. Please edit the sentence when you see that students start their sentences with coordinating conjunctions such as so, also, and, because, and but. You may replace them with However, Furthermore, In addition, etc. 5. Reread your edited essays before submitting to QA people. A lot of editors miss even minor errors such as wrong spelling and small letters at the beginning of sentences. 6. Review English grammar books and other sites. Be more thorough when editing.


MEMOS 1. Please insert 2 "memo" symbols in the editing. This is to prevent the student window looking very empty when there are no memos. However, the memos don't

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need to be long. Two to four lines for each memo are enough. 2. It should be focused on the mechanics or other errors not grammatical in nature. For example: spaces between words, correction in the title format, writing the title, capitalizing the first letter of a proper noun, etc. 3. Memos should be written in sentence form, and not in phrases. 4. Write appropriate memos. Do not include your personal opinion in writing memos. 5. You can use the memo/comments template that can be downloaded from (Please see Memo and Comment Template) VI. COMMENTS 1. The format in making comments is: Hi or Hello, (students name you can copy & paste it from the upper part of the essay). There is a comma after Hello or Hi. Put a period after the name (should NOT be in a letter form). Then start to write your comments regarding the errors encountered from essay. 2. The comments should be at least 2 to 3 lines long. After complimenting the student about his essay, the next sentences should be pointing out the errors committed and there should be examples whenever possible. Tone should be very friendly and not overbearing. 3. Use simple words/vocabularies in your comments. 4. For higher levels, levels 8-11, include comments (at least 1-2 sentences) about the task performance. Meaning, comment the students essay on things like: a. whether there is a clear topic sentence/ thesis statement b. whether there are (adequate) supporting sentences c. a concluding sentence d. has coherence and cohesion e. the essay has good organization f. has excellent supporting details g. essay is interesting to read h. content is unified follows the essay type and prompt i. the ideas are relevant 5. Please give specific comments. Remember, you are coaching them as a teacher to improve their writing skills, not just merely editing their work. Before: Hi, . You went a little bit off-key with your essay. It didn't quite hit the topic. Please focus on the subject matter next time. After: Hi, . You went a little bit off-key with your essay. It didn't quite hit the topic. The essay should have been about where you usually go to get some peace. Please focus on the subject matter next time. (Include, specifically, what the essay should have been about. You could also mention the student to refer to hints given to them.)
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Before: Hello, . Your essay is good. Be careful with your spelling. Please study subject-verb agreement. Put a title for you essay. Keep trying! After: Hello, . Your essay is good. You have written in detail the things that you do when you are on a trip to another country. However, please be careful with your spelling. Please also remember that in simple present tense, a singular subject takes on the singular form of verb. Finally, dont forget to write a title for your essay. Good job! Keep trying. 6. The words will not move to the next line automatically, so if some letters of a word are left in the line above and the rest fell to the line that is below, click on the 1st letter of that word and press ENTER so that the entire word would move to the line below. 7. Do not put/write unnecessary symbols such as ^_^ or :). The students might think that including those kinds of symbols in their essays are acceptable. VII. SCORE Dont be too strict in giving score to students in levels 1-5. Some of them might be having a hard time in constructing sentences so give considerations. However, dont be too lenient to students with higher levels. (Please refer to the Scoring Rubric page 1) VIII. WARNING NOTICE

Full Alert

Warning is given. Mandatory : leave a comment on Tutor Guide for warning notices.

Do not tick on the warning is given box, unless you are 100% sure that the essay was plagiarized. (e.g. copied from another book or the Internet)


PLAGIARIZED ESSAYS 1. If you find that the student has plagiarized his/her essay 100% (the whole essay or some other parts without any unchanged word) from websites or books: a. Select/Tick "Warning is given" under Full Alert (below the score table) for a full plagiarized essay. b. Give score of 0 out of 5 points for all 5 evaluation categories, so that the student will have 0 points out of 25 points for his/her total score. 2. Make sure specific comment is written on why their score is 0 to avoid any misunderstanding or complaints. Point out which part of the essay was plagiarized/copied and from where. The comment in the Tutor Guide box should

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neither be harsh nor rude like this: Example: Hi, . It seems like that the whole essay/second paragraph of your essay was taken from Please try not to use other people's work in your essay unless you are making a citation. Try to paraphrase sentences in your own words. X. COPYING HINTS 1. Each month, the topic list with the hints/outline will be uploaded to bizhard. Check them so that you know if the students arent just copy pasting because that will affect the score they would get. 2. If the student copied the hints, mention that in the tutor guide and deduct points. (Refer to Penalty for Copying "hints" in Updated Scoring Rubric page 2 for score deduction) 3. Do NOT deduct points if the sentences are similar with hints especially lower level students who have hard time constructing sentences on their own. XI. OTHER SPECIAL CASES 1. Gibberish Essays There are some students who type in anything in order to just "submit" or "fill up space" in their essays without any attempt at writing something about the topic. For these students, scores per category should to be deducted accordingly. (Please refer to Penalty for Special Cases in Updated Scoring Rubric page 2 for score deduction) 2. Off topic Essays Essays with off topic and different essay type- Edit those essays properly. However, leave a comment regarding the correct topic or essay type that he/she should have written. Include also some errors in the essay he/she wrote. Deduct points on the first 2 categories. (Please refer to Penalty for Special Cases in Updated Scoring Rubric page 2 for score deduction) XII. HOW TO EDIT ESSAYS WITH INTEGRATED TOPICS 1. General information for Integrated writing task: The task consist of one reading passage and one listening script (also called lecture) Number of words: reading passage (230~300 words), listening script (230~300 words) Integrated content subjects: history, science, environment, society Integrated task flow : The students will first look at the reading passage for about 3 minutes (set time limit) then next they will hear an audio file, which is the lecture for about 2 minutes. Then they will see the question, Summarize the points made in the lecture and explain how they relate to the points made in the reading. Lastly they will need to write their essay within 20 minutes to answer this question.
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*Note about TOEFL iBT Writing Integrated Essay (extracted from ETS site) 1. In all academic situations where writing in English is required, students must be able to present their ideas in a clear, well-organized manner. The Writing section measures a test takers ability to write in an academic setting. 2. Often students need to write a paper or an essay response on an exam about what they are learning in their classes. This requires combining information they have heard in class lectures with what they have read in textbooks or other materials. This type of writing can be referred to as integrated writing. In this type of writing, students must: take notes on what they hear and read, and use them to organize information before writing summarize, paraphrase, and cite information from the source material accurately write about the ways the information they heard relates to the information they read For example: In an academic course, a student might be asked to compare and contrast the points of view expressed by the professor in class with those expressed by an author in the assigned reading material. The student must successfully draw information from each source to explain the contrast. 2. A proper students essay for integrated task must be as follows: Students should summarize and contrast points made in the reading and the lecture in their essay. All integrated task essays does NOT require a title. All integrated task essays should have a word limit of 150~225 words (despite its level). All integrated task essays that is divided into 4 paragraphs (intro-body1body2-body 3) Introduction paragraph at least 2 sentences should be written. One of which should be the thesis statement. 3 Body paragraph each body paragraph should have one main point and specific reasons and details from the reading or lecture to support/contrast it. 3. Example of common expressions that can be used by students in the essay: *Note: When using these terms below, the essay should not be corrected to past tense. Introduction : In the lecture, the professor casts / expresses doubt on the reading passage's idea that ... In the lecture, the professor contradicts / challenge the idea that .... In the lecture, the speaker proposes solutions for ... The lecturer argues / maintains / insists / argues / explains / asserts / points out that ...

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This opposes the reading passages claim that ... for several reasons. Body 1 / Body 2/ Body 3 : Firstly, the lecturer claims / states / stresses ... In opposition to this argument, the professor says that ... Moreover / Additionally / Secondly / Next / On the contrary, the professor claims that ... Finally / Lastly This refutes the reading passages assertion that ... According to the reading passages... As mentioned in the reading...

This means that the students can use either of these terms above or below to write the essay. *Note: These should not be edited as wrong or incorrect The professor / lecturer/ speaker/ lecture The reading passage / The reading Appropriate transition words: First/ First of all/ First off Second / Next / In addition Third / Finally / Lastly XIII. COMMON ERRORS OF EDITORS 1. Placement of symbols All editing symbols should be placed close enough to the word to be replaced/deleted. Incorrect:

*The symbols are placed too far from the words, and there should be a comma before the word and when enumerating words in a series.

*Do NOT cross out the words to be replaced. The students get discouraged once they see their entire essay crossed out. Correct:

2. Use of unclear symbol (??) Editors always use the unclear symbol (??) when the phrases or sentences that
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the students wrote are unclear or unnecessary. Unclear symbol should ONLY be used when three or more words in the sentence are jumbled up. Incorrect:

*The editor just placed unclear (??) symbols with memo numbers without editing/changing the wrong words. Correct:

3. Too many memos According to the guideline, there should only be 2 memos for every essay. Some editors dont edit the essay, and just put too many memo numbers and write the correction in the memo box. Incorrect:


4. Format of Comments The comments should be written in paragraph form, and not in letter form. Incorrect:
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Hello , You wrote an interesting essay. However, be careful with your spelling. In formal essays, please avoid starting your sentence with "But", "And", "Because", and "So". Moreover, use a comma before connecting words, such as 'and' and 'but' to connect two separate ideas. Be sure to use the correct form of the verb in your sentences. Read more English books to have a better grasp of the language. Overall, you did a good job. Your editor, Juan Tamad Correct: Hello, . You wrote an interesting essay. However, be careful with your spelling. In formal essays, please avoid starting your sentence with "But", "And", "Because", and "So". Moreover, use a comma before connecting words, such as 'and' and 'but' to connect two separate ideas. Be sure to use the correct form of the verb in your sentences. Read more English books to have a better grasp of the language. Overall, you did a good job.

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