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Section "A" Given below is a list of trainers bias during the training session that many organizations held

for their employees. For each behavior, please indicate the frequency of behavior made by the trainer during the training session & its effect on training motive by putting a check mark in the appropriate box.
Frequency of Behavior Made By The Trainer During Session # List of Trainers Bias 1 1 time 2 times 3 times 4 or more times Strongly Agree Agree And Because of Trainer Behavior, Training Motive/Outcomes Effeted Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1) Trainer demonstrated care and kindness during the training session 2) Trainer shared responsiblities during the training seesion 3) Trainer sensitively accepted diversity and gave same level of value and attenstion to all trainee during the session 4) Trainer foaster instruction to individual during the tarining session 5) Trainer encouraged cretivity and initiative step taken by trainee 6) Trainer demonstrated care and kindness during the training session but not to all trainee, only to them whome trainer know 7) Trainer shared responsiblities during the training seesion but not with all trainee, only to them whome trainer know 8) Trainer sensitively accepted diversity and gave same level of value and attention but not to all trainee, only to them whome trainer know 9) Trainer foaster instruction to individual during the tarining session but not with all trainee, only to them whome trainer know 10) Trainer encouraged cretivity and initiative step taken by trainee but not to all trainee, only to them whome trainer know 11) If any other, Please specify: .

Section "B" Given below are some statements pertaining to your work life. For each statement kindly specify your level of agreement or disagreement by putting a check mark in the appropriate box. Response (Please tick only one in each case) # Statements
You are motivated to perform well in your work after training session. Your trainer delivered instructions clearly and you have understood The training certificate which organization what was required of you during the session and after training session. Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

will give you after training is attractive, although your trainer is bias. Your trainer recognizes your efforts, and enhancement in your skills after attending training session because of this you are motivated with your job. The promotion and appreciation trainer recommend about you is fair comparing with other colleagues. Your trainer is bias during the session as well as after session and his bias affects your motivation to work. Because of trainer bias, interpersonal conflict increases in department and also with training mates. Because of conflicts over all motivation and productivity decreases and results in stress most the time.

Section "C"

1) Your Name (optional): _______________________________________ 2) Gender: 3) Your Age: (Tick only one) Male Less than 30 years 40 - 49 years Female 30 - 39 years 50 years or More

4) Type of business: (Tick Only One) 5) Your Qualification: (Tick Only One)




Any other please specify: ____________________________________________________

Intermediate or Equivalent Bachelors or Equivalent

Masters Equivalent Intermediate or or Equivalent

Masters or Equivalent

If any other, please specify _______________

6) Your Experience in this organization: (Tick Only One)

Less than 1 year 4-6 years

1 - 3 years 7 years or more

7) Your overall working experience: (Tick Only One)

less than 1 year 7 - 9 years

1 - 3 years 10 years More or more

4 - 6 years

8) Email Address (optional): _______________________________


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