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Milos Pejak

vfx & digital artist 7028091122

milos pejak fx

Using Houdini Fluids to sculpt an abstract form through dynamic simulations. Tentacles where procedurally created using tubes with variations of Twist and Bend sops. Added tiny hints of particulates using pops to create volume in correlation with volumetric lighting. Lighting and Rendering was done through mantra then brought in to nuke for Color Correction.

Adolescence of Hope-Houdini, Mantra, Nuke

Fourth Man- Houdini

Inspired by Carol Reeds The 3rd Man, Collaborated with 16 other students to create our own rendition of the classic lm. We developed tests for the running down water using Houdinis Flip Fluids, which would latter, be combined with the water morph effect. The next element was the white water/foam in the sewer using a particle system with a dust puff shader, adding more detail to the water.

Rendered and altered the behavior from previously built smoke assets adding curl noise and dissipate for twelve different shots throughout the lm. Created Dust particulates to add atmosphere in the scene using POPs in Houdini. I added various factors like force, drag and Noise to give the particulates the behavior of suspended animation.

Inaeternam- Houdini, Nuke

Paint Splatter- Houdini, After Effects

Inspired by Canons Pixma Color Printer commercial along with the DTS symphony Ad. Using Houdinis Flip Fluid as a starting point of the paint then adding an animated RBD object to cause the paint to bounce and give it a violent behavior. The look of the paint comes from messing with the standard MantraSurface Shader and applying Subsurface Scattering. Brought in to after Effects to Time Remap and faking the reections.

Hexagonal Wave- Houdini

Inspired by Reuben Margolins Hexagonal Wave. Using Houdinis powerful Copy sop to create the shape of the Hexagonal Wave. Placing sections of the wave in groups and animating those groups with a sin wave function using different frequencies to bring the six-sided wave to life. Responsible for all aspects.

Using the RenderMan shading language to create tiger stripe-like patterns with variation in scale and color. The shader comes with controls to change specularity, color and frequency which is a value that determines how many time the pattern repeats itself. Responsible for Shader writing and lighting. animation done by Zain Awais, models courtesy of Turbo Squid.

Navi Shader- Maya, RenderMan, After Effects

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