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Astrological Calculations

Phani Pramod 2012/08/27 21:52

Astro - Astrological Calculations

How to calculate RAMC (Sidereal Time * 15) from Ascendant using Swiss Ephemeris
(This is required for Horary charts)

1) calculate the oblique ascension of the ascendant Convert the longitude of the ascendant (ASC) to equatorial coordinates (RA, d): RA = arctan (cos (E) * tan (ASC)) d = arcsin (sin (E) * sin (ASC)) where E is the obliquity of the ecliptic (average 24 28', but you can get the value for a given date from Sweph) Calculate OA of ASC: OA = RA - arcsin (tan (d) * tan (L)) where L is the geographic latitude 2) subtract 90 degrees to get the RAMC Then RAMC = OA +90 Add 180 if ASC is between 0 to 90 and 270 to 360 Given the RAMC (= local sidereal time * 15) and the geographic latitude, you're in business for calculating the houses. 3) calculate the houses with the RAMC. swe_houses_armc

Page 2 - last modified by Phani Pramod on 2012/08/27 21:52

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