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2011 Dairy Cow Test results

This test was done by a dairy farmer in Idaho that had a heard of 500 dairy cows. The test was during the worst weather conditions of the year. The cows were fed 1 lb of EXCELERITETM a day for a period of 30 days during the month of December. After the test they stop feeding the EXCELERITETM to the cows, which almost immediately the fat and protein went down and the somatic cell count went back up.

Milk yield, milk components, dry matter intake, growth, health and weight can be impacted when a feed additive is included in the diets of dairy cattle. Evaluating Cost Effectiveness Consider the following factors in determining if a feed additive should be used: Anticipated response Economic return Available research Field response. Anticipated response refers to performance changes such as increased milk yield, increased milk components, improved dry matter intake, improved growth, improved health, and/or minimized weight loss that could be expected when a feed additive is included. If improvement in milk volume is the measurable response, a breakeven point can be calculated. For example, an additive that raises feed costs 10 cents per day is used. If milk is valued at 12 cents per pound, every cow must produce 0.84 pounds more milk to cover the extra cost associated with the additive. Another consideration is if all the cows receive the additive, but only cows fresh for less than 100 days respond. These responding cows must cover the costs for all cows (responsive and nonresponsive). One guideline is that an additive should return $2 or more for each dollar invested to cover nonresponsive cows and field conditions that could minimize the anticipated response.

Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 WWW.US-REM.COM

Results obtained on individual farms are the economic payoff. Managers and consultants must use a database to accurately compare and measure responses. Several tools to measure results include DHIA milk production records, reproduction summaries, somatic cell count data, dry matter intake, heifer growth charts, body condition scores and herd health profiles. These tools will enable managers and consultants to critically evaluate the effectiveness of selected additives.

Date 11/1/2011 30 TEST 12/1/2011 STOP 1/01/12

Production lbs 702,906 PERIOD 726,106 TESTING

Butter Fat 4.34 4.38 4.37

Protein 3.62 3.58 3.48

Lactoucse 4.78 4.83

Solids not Fat 9.19 9.19

Somatic Cell Count 200,000 175,000 210,000

500 Dairy Cows Fed 1 lb of EXCELERITETM per head a day. $ 210.00 per ton (2,000 lbs) including delivery divide by 2,000 lbs = 10.2 cents per cow a day. 30 day Production increase 702,906 to 726,106, Difference is an increase of 23,200 lbs of milk. Protein: For every full point it is worth $2.00. This increase 3.41 to 3.62 = .21 increase in protein which results in a .40 cent bonus for every pound of milk produced. Somatic cell count went down from 200,000 to 175,000 after stopping the test this went back up to 210,000 Increased Milk 1.72 lbs. per cow per day Today milk prices for milk are $18.00 per 100lbs of milk 23,200 lbs divide by 100lbs = 232 multiply by $18.00 results in an increase of $4,176.00 month Extra Bonus: Protein 726,106 lbs of milk divided by 100 = 7,761.00 multiply by .40 = $2,904.42 $4,176.00 plus the protein, $2,904.42 = TOTAL $7,080.42 increase in revenue for 1 month

Maximum dry matter intake Animal feedstuff can be divided into two major components namely dry matter and water. The dry matter component consists of organic and inorganic matter. The organic matter consists of carbohydrates (source of energy), lipids and fats (source of energy), protein and vitamins. The inorganic matter is the source of macro- and micro-minerals. Since all nutrients are contained in the dry matter the animal must consume this portion in adequate amounts to obtain the required nutrients. If a feed is high in moisture, the animal may not be able to consume enough of the feed to obtain the required nutrients due to limitation of rumen space. Table 1 shows the daily maintenance dry matter intake by dairy cattle of various live-weights. Nutrient requirements for maintenance The nutrient requirements for maintenance of animals are influenced by their live-weight, activity (e.g. walking long distance) and environmental temperature (too cold or too hot).

Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 WWW.US-REM.COM

Table 1 Daily nutrient requirements for maintenance of a dairy cow Cow liveME Energy Crude Calcium Phosphorus (g) weight (MJ) protein (g) (kg) (g) 350 45.5 294 14 10 400 50.3 318 16 11 450 54.9 341 18 13 500 59.4 364 20 14 550 63.8 386 22 16 600 68.1 406 24 17 Minerals Minerals are chemical elements which form important component of animal feed ingredients. They are essential in ensuring normal and proper functions of the body as well as in maintenance of good health. When an element classified as essential lacks in the diet, the cattle will show deficiency symptoms, which are eradicated or prevented by inclusion of this particular element in the diet. Some elements are required in relatively large amounts compared to others. For this reasons the minerals have been classified as 'macro-minerals' (required in larger amounts) and 'micro-minerals' or 'trace-minerals' (required in minute amounts). Of the 20 elements that function in animal nutrition, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen are regarded as the non-mineral elements. The other 16 are referred to as the mineral elements which function in animal nutrition. Of these 7 are macro-minerals (required in fairly large amounts) and 9 are micro-minerals (required in very small or trace amounts). Micro-minerals are also sometimes called trace-minerals.

Copyright US Rare Earth Minerals, Inc 2011. PO Box 9759, Bend, OR. 97708 WWW.US-REM.COM

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