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Page 2 Herald of the New Kingdom Monday January 15 - Sunday January 281990
All organised religions from
Christi:mity, Islam, Buddhism,
Hinct-cnm, Shintoism, Taoism
Confudanism to Zoroastraiaanism
have blSic characteristics common to
all of them.
None, of all these religions, and
others not mentioned here has ever
contested the-fact that they worship
and revere an All-knowing, All
Pervading, All-Powerful,
Supreme Deity called "God"
"Yahweh," "Allah", and "Abasi"
depending on the dialect of the
fhe next meeting point of all
religions is that, God is a God of love,
peace, harmony and candour.
These granted, why is religion
gradually turned into an effective
missile for the annihilation of man?
Why is the . world experiencing this
unprecedented upsurge in violence,
insurrection and war of brother. against
brother, all in the name of religion?
Do we believe in Karl Marx's ill
schooled rhetorics that "religion is the
opium of the people?".
In the name of human wisdom, not
spiritual, Religion is debased and
. assaulted by the stench of moral
decadence made relevant by competing
religious groups.
At this rate, we are heading towards
a holocaust, man's total extermination
hy the instrument meant to save him
Ilnless the trend is reversed.
The experiences deserve no
congratulatory messages. Why is
religious tolerance giving ,zay to
religious intolerance. Why must
[.eoanon and Northern Ireland be
boiling because of religion. Why is
Sudan perpetually divided along
religious "lines. The muslim and Arab
North would not sit at table with the
Christian South. In India, the story is
nol different. The Sikhs are constantly
at loggerheads with the Hindus. And a
Salman Rushdie must die far no just
cause. Any need for these hypocritical
religious fanaticism, uncouth
.sentiments and general. acts of
Nigeria, our Nigeria has been "a
hotbed of intrigues, political
conspiracies and religious upheavals"
[n recent time, religious intolerance
became the order of the day,
Muhammadu Marwa, a rabble rouser
iil the form of religious leader took
Kano by storm and ended up leaving
4,1 77 lying in their graves His
followers emerged at Bulumkutu,
Vola, and Gombe, killing, destroying
and looting. The most recent Kaduna
religious riot and its aftermaths are still
evergreen in our memory. Nigeria has
not experienced less' than 8 major
religious disturbances with over 13,000
people dead and property worth
millions destroyed.
The major causes of religious
intolerance are vast and varied. There
is cold war among believers in the
various religions. There is an unspoken
hut vocal competition and rivalry
within the various sects. Each group
believes in the superiority of it's sect,
mode of worship and in the
redempth:e work of their founders and
right standing before the Almighty
There is no gainsaying the fact that
I he adulterous flirtation between
religion and the state is another cause
of religious intolerance. Politicians be
they in agbada or khaki are known to
appeal to religion and their adh'!rents
to ensure smooth sailing.
It is also common knowledge that
developed countries of the world
perpetuate neocolonialism through
religion. In extreme cases they help
instigate religious crisis in most
developing countries in order to boost
their ego in world politics.
For instance, what is responsible for
the infighting and wrangling in
Christianity? Is the proliferation of'
churches in the best interest of the sect?
What is this business of segregation
between the orthodox, .the living and
the spiritual churches?
Brethren, in the words of Paul. "Is
Christ divided?". From the
accusations and of
one Christian group against the other,
it is not bias opinion if we believe that,
it is very far from being okay in the
The whole episode of Christians,
being at war with themselves, eavying
each other. feigning love, exhibiting
alacrity ()n the face but harbouring
venom in the mind must give way in the
interest of our calling.
The whole Christendom has a case
of unexpected emergency in their
hands, that of retracing their steps to
the days of our Lord Jesus Christ on
earth. Remember' Our Lord Jesus
Christ said in John 17:l1 <
"And now I am no more in the world.
but these are in the world andI come to
thee. Holy Father, keep ihrough thine
own name, those' whom thou hast
Why have we forgotten this
injunction so soon? We want to, in the
light of truth intimate you in the dawn
of this new era that you must 'eschew
reigious intolerance in your midst. You
must turn a new leaf. Reaffirm your
faith' in the positive and laudable,
indelible footprints left behind by the
Greatest Master of all' ages while you
become more involved in promoting
the BROTHERHOOD of man. We
pray the Holy Father to manifest
of his chosen people. Remain blessed. J

.. QiJ
: New KingdomTrumpet, Mareh 1995 19
believe. Right now, I have, heard the
Father say that those who do not
, believe in, 'c;hrist should be sorry for'
TRUMPET: There ,are' bts of'
themselves. '
claims now coneerningthe tastetaU
the PrQphets by religious groups arid,
, " So, one day I asked Him
movements. ,:rhe' moslems .tall{ bf,
,"Papa, what will to all
Prophet Mohammed;ChristiJlilstalk "
other religious groups that do<not"
of Our Lord Jesus Christ, There is
. believe in Christ." Retold me. they
one Joseph Smith of the church of
are finished. '
JesuS Christ of Later Day Saints. In
'fact there is Rev. Sun Moon ,oftha
TRUMPET: You have held 'very
, wond unification movement andoth-
important positions in the service of"
ers. In all these instances, the
Cross River State Government retir
followers hold that their Leaders are
ing as a Director General and within
the of the prophets. How do we
this period, you were very active in
present the view that the Holy Father
the activities of the New Kingdom,
is the last of all divine manifestations
have you had any case of depriva
tion or victimization on account of
in the face of these claims?
your being a member of the fold?
BISHOP EYO: Well, the trouble
there is because of ones belief, it will
BISHOP EYO: No, not at all.
They say, give to Caesar, what
always be like that. Christ the Son of
God came, they said, He 'was bee
belongs to Caesar and to God, What,
belongs to God. What make's some
Izebub. You know. up till now, the
Jews do not believe in Christ. Till
Brotherhood ,members feel that they'
now. they don't even believe that
are victimized in worldly
Christ came or !"',e had anything to
tions. is because- they" 00 not 90
do with the Ncr!d So, this is an
according' to the instruCtions of the
aspect of God:fiat human beings
cannot understand Even now people
If you are working in the Gover
refuse to belieVE: the Father.
nor'soffiee, then every day, you see
a civil servant dress in white soutane
to work, you think the Govemorw/ll
he happy? You think the Head of
Service will be happy? When you go
into government, follow the rules and
regulations, what you are asked, to
do, do it, This is my approach. If the
government says, you should put on
tie and wear coat, and report for
work by 7.30, obey. In 1he evening,
time, wear yOur soutane, go to
church, and serve your God. I was
never demoted, down graded or any
querry written on me, because I did
government work the way it should
be done, and Brotherhood work, the
wa:.lf it should be done.
Thank You Father.
You just talk with people, those
who will believe will believe. those
who are riot meant to believe will not '
, "
1 ,
, 1
l' '
, "
';, r,
, (
/.toIj'gr '"@fa'- '- octtthttt (en 'S-"-br' '4c<"'y', e'm6 ,,'rWJ"--' ,::..
8'\" E'(J8IC ANTi,'
the Father
He insisted that "if Hie way of
In tile w<l:;e of the
life of tile moslems is
new millennium. the Holy
critically examined today it
F<.tther. Leader Olumba
commandments? He furtl1er would be realized that, they
OIIlITIIJD Cbll nas decried the
stre!>sed that "nOllc of Ihc have to a great extent
;.Jp;l<lr e: I: sf:.iritua! bankruptcy
churche3 today the world derailed from the path which
p-oJvalci1t id ::::hristiCinity and
over can truly identify wltil
their founder Prophet
r>ecause all the
Mohammed had created for
The rather
churches today Clrc there tc them," In the same vein, no
down these ieading
all forms of
christian today keeps to the
during one of
atrocities teactlings Of our Lord Jesus
Our l.ord Jesus Christ nor has followed the
111 the :34 Ambo Great Hall
Christ taught us to be of help indelible footprints of the
to people, biJt many church " ,Master of masters" He.
Elucidating His point,
founders. prophets, enthused.
Holy rafher said "It i!;l
reverends, bishops and The Holy father
!llllI Hwt (lV;)1 church and
paslors liave mOl ,ey, shell,;r. finally called on fill aoft
011 I'lf tuIIOIOII:; orll81111
land and In abulldallce. sundry to 10'/e one another
011 \o/J of (heir vOit1e,:;
yet, they flflCi it very difficult and live in peace and
u!l iJut the is,
to ublige 10 lho requesl of the harmony,
tWIN 1ni;,;lY of them keep His
needy. Iho Jeslitute and the, Tk... v",.. t:"thar
'"""'" vu , CA"'U'
P11"jiht* iii'.

THE Brotherhood of
the Cross and Star has
,been described as the
moun tain of the Lorrfs
house established on the
top of other moun tains
which shall be exalted
above all the "ills and all
tribes and tongues shall
flow into it as was nomi
fltlted in Isaiah 2:1-5.
This was revealed
by the Sole Spiritual
Head, Leader 0. O.
obu recently while ad
dressing flis adherents
in an early morning
a/tar brief in the head
quarters Pen tecostal
Hell, Ca/abar.
He therefore urged
a/l inhabitants of the
as lawyers, professors,
great merchants and
professionals in 01I
field of human endea
vours are testi;ying
about the unique truth
and Wisdom of thi5
The. Leader said that
all the churches, secret
societies and religions
city which God dvve/ls,
warning all to keep the
house clean by refrain
ing from vices because
,'vices render the
house dirty and can be
destroyed by causing
. the spirit to vacate it."
He warned that
"anybody who wants
to 5170\,, you where
of the world are empty God is, do flot follow
and haLle nothing to
offer to better the
world economic, social
political or spiritual
He said that this is
the time of manifesta
tion of all prophecies
con tained in the Holy
Writ that every man
shall be taught by God
world, no matter their and all who come to
church or society Him shall be saved,
leaning, to come here assuring that the Fa-
to receive their lessons
tough, directly by the
Holy Spirit.
I-Ie said thm nobody
jr; fIis righ t senses can
ever joke with this
school that the Father
has graciollsly re-estab
lished to teach and
bring the world to the
accurate wisdom of
He said that the tea
chings and wisdom
that were 117isse
d b
prophets of old have
fesudoced and those
who realise its impor
tance shall use t
f()r their 50 vation say
ing that fie has noo
red many learne
ther is here in our
midst but "nobody
can see Him except
He who is of God:'
"1 do not teach
mundane philosophies
but the real recondite
wisdom of God" the
Sole Spiritual Head
intimated adding that
"the teachings which
were meant for Adam
in the Garden of Eden
before he derailed
from the path of rec
titude are recapitufa
te'.J here for the sal
of manf.dnd. II
He said that God
has no other house or
city excepting man
who is the house or
him or her because he
or she will not be able
to see Him, for when
J'ou commIt vices, you
cannot see Him, but
when you refrain from
committing vices, you
can see Him lavishly
anywhere and at any
The Leader pleaded
passionately on the
need to preach thegos
p e J ~ to be. instant in
and out of season, to
reprove, rebuke and
. exhort with sound
doctrine quoting 2
Tim. 4: f-2 to support
His plea.
He warned all not to
introduce any strange
teachings as the Bible
is . there to guide and
edify but "0/1 errors
must be rebuked whe
ther or not the persons
committing the errors
(Ire governors, pastors, _
royal. hif'hnesses and
those who for
nicate, smoke and in
dulf7e in other vices
should be warned that
h .
they are staking t elf
lives for earthly mun
dane things. "
He finally said thet
it is erroneous for any
'right thinking member
of the Brotherhood of
the Cross and Star to
reckon as bleSSings, the
number of years he/
she has spent in the
Brotherhood assuring
that "it is only good
ness and works that
can qualify a person
for immeasurable bles
sings in this kingdom. "
" Thi s i s my c ommandment t hat ye l ove one anot her as I
l oved you."

Have you hear d t hat ? Have you now w i t nessed t hi s l ove?
Love i s not bei ng pr oud or ar r ogant , nei t her i s l ove bei ng
envi ous or boast f ul . Love does not seek f or i t s ow n r i ght s.
Love has no l aw . The l aw of God says t hou shal t not k i l l .
Whet her or not you k i l l , i t means you have er r ed.
Do not speak evi l agai nst any per son. Do not hat e any
per son. Do not bear mal i c e agai nst any per son. Love ever y
per son, t he si t uat i on of hi s l i f e not w i t hst andi ng. By t he w ay,
w hat st ops you f r om l ovi ng ever y per son? Do you l ac k l ove
t o suc h an ex t ent t hat you c annot r ec i pr oc at e somebody' s
l ove? Do you k now t hat w hat ever you w ant ot her s t o do f or
you, you must f i r st do i t f or t hem? I am not i nt er est ed i n
w het her somebody i s a Chr i st i an, or a man of God, or a
Buddi st , or a Mosl em, or a Hi ndu. What I am i nt er est ed i n i s
t he pr ac t i se of t he Gospel of Our Lor d J esus Chr i st by ever y
per son.
Love i s t he yok e of Our Lor d J esus Chr i st , and t hat i s
Hi s c ommandment . He says," Thi s i s my c ommandment , t hat
ye l ove one anot her as I have l oved you." You ar e a
Br ot her hood, I am a Br ot her hood, w hy t hen t he enmi t y,
mal i c e, and evi l ut t er anc es agai nst one anot her ? Do you
t hi nk t hat God does not see w hat you ar e doi ng? Love does
no evi l t o hi s nei ghbor . I f as a c hi l d I di d not depar t f or m
l ove, i t i s now t hat I am ol d t hat l ove shoul d bec ome
st r onger . And so br et hr en, t he c ommandment of Our Lor d
J eus Chr i st i s not gr i evous. Onc e you possess t hi s l ove, you
have peac e, j oy, and good heal t h.
Br ot her hood has c ome t o r ender ser vi c es t o c hur c h
denomi nat i ons,t o pr ayer houses,t o heal i ng homes,
educ at i onal i nst i t ut i ons,gover nment s, as w el l as t o al l
f ac et s of t he soc i et y. Unf or t unat el y, you c l ai m t o be
Br ot her hood, but you heal t he si c k and c ol l ec t money. You
pr eac h t he w or d of God and c ol l ec t money. You ex t r ac t
c har ms f r om t hei r bodi es and c ol l ec t money f or w hat ever
ser vi c es you r ender t o peopl e. Was i t t he w or k Our Lor d
J esus Chr i st di d i n t he w or l d?
Any Government which engages in
profanities should be shunned. Attention
should only be paid to God and His Christ.
because this exists onh'
in the imagination of the unbelievers, There
is no use for tradition practices. God is our
saviour. As such. you should worship Him
in reverence, supplication and dedication.
Moid the lust and of the flesh.
which is the product of inordinate desire.
The principles which our Lord Jesus
Christ lived and died for, shall form part of
the curriculum of Universities in the near
future. We are bound to accept these
teachings and practise them. Obedience is the
first law of God. Do not Reek stlf glorifiu
tjon otherwise ),,011 will be thrown out Becall
the case of Lucifer.
The inhabitants of the world have a duty
to understudy our Lord Jesus Christ and
promote His life-style. Whether you are a
President, Minister. Governor. Royal
Highness - this fact is applicable to you.
This condition is a must for our survival.
Whether you are a Pagan. Moslem, Sahai
worshipper. Krishna, Hindu. all these are
immaterial. Our Lord Chtist is the
substance, the spiritual strength, the
protector and accomplisher. We should
aspire to emulate Him. His marks, facts.
ideas and life style constitute the strongest
weapon we require especially for our daily
lives. Our slogan is, 'God of equality', Our
motive is. love one another. Se humble and
live amicably with others. Do not treat
anybody despitefully. You should do away
with hatred and infighting.
Do not reckon sins unto yourself. Dwell in
peace, love and oneness. Do not seek to
please men or society, but strive to please
Jehovah God and His Christ. You may
deceive yourself, but you can never deceive
God. Note that, it is written in Matthew
12:30: 'He that is not with me is against me.
He that gathereth not with me scattereth
The confusion which arises in the world
today is as a result of lack of love. The truth
has come and like the mustard seed it has
been planted. I can assure you that, it had
long germinated and grown. It will spread
all over the world till eternity.
ProblemwithO'rfhodox' Churches of
The Spiritual
&ad of Brotherhood' be
the Cress lnd Star lea
der 0.0. Obu h. uid
till t the ca use of the un
dang 2ITHIlg tht churches
of the Christendom is the
carnal coosidenoon of
who should lead who,
He said that the Cath
oUes would not want to
see the protestants neither
would those of the Apa.
rooc faith agret Vr'ith the
Me thodst and viceversa.
The Holy Father made
a:ss.enion 'MUle add
/Using memben of the
fold in an early morning
aJtar briefrec,cndy.
LeaQer Obu described
Therefore, and accord-
ing to the Father. the
oo)y religion that is [rom
God is Brotherhood
of the Cross an d Star
whose teaching the reo
coodite wisdom of God.
'The divine injunction
of BCS is love one another
and in view of this,
do we keep the polyga:
,rrusts, me pagans, the na
tive doctors etc? Do we
throw them away?1I the
FaUler querried.
Continuing, the Father
enjcined tnose present to
know that what is para
mount for any Brother
hood member js righteous.
Ress adding that
as .unfortunate the si Abraham, Isaac lnd Ja
MUon whereby, even, the
know Him
than the
and asked what would be
the pasition if aD snolJld
lmalgama te and
\..he prt'S(nce ot the per
.son d Holy Spirit on
He '.I.ent on to gy that
nuny -MlO have.
Q"f'er the yea!"), reaH.sed
wir nakedness are now
groping in thousand:.i:o
of the true identitY
The Holy Father tited
the Balui faith IS the
ooly religioo that hu
officially recognised and
accepted the doctrine o.f
BCS as bemg 10 cmforrru
ty with their doctrine,
but s.aid that their pro-
in that
blem stl
rema , 00 his old dress an d chan
they have not gcs as sooo as he/she has
Jesus the Chrut acquired the new one.
their Saviour.
cob married more than
me wife.. Therefore;, \\o'e
not judge peopLe in
terms of marriage or reli
The Father used the
occasion to the en
tire Brotherhood world
that their' duty is to
preach the gClipel of Our
Lord Jesus Christ and not
to tell people that Leader
())u is Jesus Quist, God
and the Holy Spirit.
'1'ell them what you
know about the Cospd of
Jesus Christ and aDow the
Father to do His work"
The Father asserted.
He intimatrd the peo-
Ie of the fact that
P bod would go to the
no y
market naked to buy a
new cloth rather, he puts
Similarly, the F:ather
went on, a sinner is not
changed autcrnaticaDy but
grsduaUy adding thal
wnen a native doctor is
healed of his inflfTTli
ties. he would accept God
God and !bow appreci!
tion to Him out of hh .yo"
tition and testimooies.
lind as II 1$
recorded in 82 :6.
Man is God eventhough
the onhodox churches
of the coo Ira ry vie w.
1fiey are ye t to belie w
lha t God crea ted man in
His own image.
AJSQ, the orthodox
churches havg.
quite a Jot of trungs from
the BCS. For instance,
various church clngymen
now put on white gar
ments otherwise caJled
sO utane . The')' also cel e .
brate love feast and un
dergo rasting and prayen
just 3S art" perfunl\('(j in
[}rotherhood of the ('rCtls
and Star.
1l1ese similarities are
no I wi tho u [ the i r di r r ere n
ces. ror ooe, the Pastors,
popes and ApCtliles of
the worldJ y Churches do
not receive baptism or wa
ter and the spirit (John
3:5). which is complete
immersion in waler, and not
sprinkJing or Wdter on the
forehead. These son of
ckrgy men. the Fa thr.r revea.
kd are worst than pagans.
Before He prayed t-Ls
peace and blessings to and abide With the
entire wond, Leader
Obu gid that this is the
era or lilt' personified
Ii 01 Y S P j ri I an d th at all
those who 'Want He rnl,131
bow an d hail the Holy
Name ot God.
Thank you
Why Orthodox Churches fail
The failure of ortho
dox churches, organisa
tions and groups have
been attributed to their
formation and opera
tions being hased on
The Sole Spiritual
Head, Leader O. O. Obu
in an early morning alter
hriel said that ;: ny
establishment that has or
regards falsehood. segre.:.
gation. env y , jeaious),.
impatience and vices as
virtue. is bound to fail
Quoting Malachi 4:]-6
to show how falsehood
and wickednessis a mark
the failure.
He said that it is only
an 9Isanisation, church,
or group built on truth.
love. peace, joy. mercy.
patience. oneness and
equality that can stand,
prosper and S'row.
He therefore warned
all to be contented
with pOSitions. they
occupy and stay there
because. "be you a
Pastor. a
an elder, a cll.'rk. a
cleaner or managing
director. YOU arc a unit
in ;.t machinery alld if
the unit is bad,t}' fixed
,Of titted, lilt' macilinery
CJ..l.InOl function or per
'form ...
lit.: that
arc all links that .assure
progress warning
against arrogating that
"my contribution is
greater than that of the
other man, rather I
all should work in unison
and In love for' our
master who has the ori
ginal-master plan."
Wha tever you are.
given. be they children,
money. vision, healing.
or power to preach. do'
not boast but in all
humility. use such
gifts to do something
for God. afterall, all
things work together to.
give glory to God
almighty and for the
edification . of many,"
the Holv Father said.

He urged all to allow

the Holy Spirit to direct
and guide .our ilffalrs'
at alltimcs.
Leader O. O. Obu
But what is disturb;ng
and seems very unaccep
table to many In the
world today, 15 that the
Leader bei ng a man has I
spiritually revealed
himself to many people
allover the world as God
rei ncarnated in the most
United Trinity - Father,
Son and the Holy Spirit.

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