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Electron Spin Resnance

Kunal Garg April 3, 2012

To determine the Lande g factor for the free electron To determine the half width of the absorption line


Spin is an internal degree of freedom that has the same eect as the angular momentum. Though we have no consideration for structure of the electron and it being considered as a point particle cannot be thought of spinning about an axis (as if it were a sphere), nevertheless because electron is charged and has an angular momentum, it has a net angular dipole moment. So if an isolated electron is placed in an external magnetic eld, like any other magnetic dipole, the electron spin tend to direct its magnetic dipole moment along the direction of the applied magnetic eld, the most energy ecient conguration. However, the spin of the electron is quantized. Therefore, only two conguration of spin is allowed. The electron spin dipole moment can align itself either parallel or anti-parallel to the applied magnetic eld. The lowest energy state, the ground state, is the state in which the spin dipole moment aligns itself parallel to the applied magnetic eld and when the dipole moment is antiparallel it is the excited state. As the excited and ground states are two allowed quantum states and not classical continuum states, the electron cannot absorb any amount of energy and gradually move from ground state to excited state. The transition from ground state to excited state will occur only if the energy provided is precisely equal to the energy dierence between these two states. However, if just a monochromatic source of irradiative energy is available, we can change the magnetic eld strength such that the transition energy required to excite the electron spin state varies. Only when the magnetic eld is such that the transition energy is equal to the energy of photons from the monochromatic source, the photons get absorbed and the transition occurs. Paramagnetic substances have unpaired electrons. Compounds like 1, 1 diphenyl 2 picryl hydrazil (DPPH) have eectively a single electron left out which can be approximated to a free electron. In a steady external magnetic eld there are two energy states. In electron magnetic spin resonance, an oscillating magnetic eld is used to induce transitions between these two energy levels. If an oscillating magnetic eld is applied with a frequency that corresponds to the energy dierence between the two levels, photons will be absorbed as transitions are made from the lower

energy level to the upper one, and photons will be emitted as transitions are induced from the upper level to the lower one. In thermal equilibrium, there will be slightly more electrons in the lower state than the upper one, as given by the Boltzmann factor. There will be a net absorption of energy from the oscillating magnetic eld. We can observe this net absorption. The potential energy of a dipole in a magnetic eld is given by, U = .B And the two possible energy values are given as 1/2g.B . Hence at resonance, we have E = h = gB B , where is the frequency of radiation needed for transition. So if we have a monochromatic source, and we nd the perfect value of B at which resonance occurs, we can determine the value of Lande g factor.


The set up consists of Helmholtz coils through which a dc current passes to maintain a constant magnetic eld. Further it is modulated with AC signal at a given frequency with just the phase being adjustable with respect to the oscillations in the LCR oscillator. We need rst to adjust the values of C and R such that we get the appropriate frequency. When we are done, it is set at the proper frequency to absorb the energy drop, which we can detect. The sample is kept enclosed in a inducting tube.

Results and Observations

For a given current, the potentials from the two channels were plotted in XY mode and parameters were adjusted to get the best possible inverted peak. Current was varied and the same was repeated. The plots are as follows:

Figure 1: Current= 1.1 A 2

Figure 2: Current= 1.15 A

Figure 3: Current= 1.2 A

Figure 4: Current= 1.25 A

Figure 5: Current= 1.3 A These plots were attempted to be t with an lorentzian y = y0 + 2A w (4 (x xc)2 + w2 )

From the curve t, , the full width at half minimum is found out. Further, from the direct measurement of the coordinates, FWHM, was calculated and relative errors were calculated with respect to the lorentzian t value for w. The plots are as follows:

The following data were obtained using these graphs Current Curve Fit Error(SD) Data Reading Relative Error 1.1 0.42639 0.0024 0.42 1.498628 1.15 0.43242 0.00219 0.45 4.065492 1.2 0.48609 0.00249 0.48 1.252854 1.25 0.44915 0.00208 0.43 4.263609 1.3 0.45069 0.00187 0.42 6.809559


From the above table, it was obtained that, the maximum FWHM was for the current 1.2A. So plugging in all values in the expression g= h B B

For h = 6.626 1034 , = 146M Hz and B = 9.27 102 (all in SI units). The value of B could be computed from the current knowing the number of turns and radius of the Helmholtz coil. After plugging the values specic to the apparatus(N = 250,R = 54mm) , we get g = 2.507 Plugging in Ir = 1.2 , Ir we have g = 2.08 The literature value is 2.00. Hence our result agrees to the literature value within an error of 4%

Calculation of B

The FWHM at resonance was found to be 0.48V , while the full width was found to be 5.05. (See graph below)

0.48 The ratio of FWHM to the full range is 5.05 = 0.095 The rms current that correspond to this resonance was read to be 0.12A. Hence the peak to peak resonant ac current is 2 2 0.12A = 0.339. Hence, we have

(2I) = 0.095 0.339 = 3.22 102 A Now, we have to calculate the corresponding magnetic eld created due to the Helmholtz coil, using the formula (B) = 0 N 4 3/2 (2I) 2R 5

Plugging, the values, N = 250, R = 54mm

The phenomenon of ESR was demonstrated. The lande g factor was veried to be nearly 2.

The current should be limited to the capacity of Helmholtz coil The resonator must be tuned properly, else the resonance eect wont be observed.

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