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Brain tumors and epilepsy

due to progression of brain tumor

damage to the brain cells as well as morphological and functional changes occur

formation of scar tissue (gliosis)

gliosis interfere with normal structural and chemical environment of brain neurones

increased permeability of cell membrane

excessive discharge of electrical impulses

makes the cell membrane to depolarize

excessive firing and discharge of epileptogenic neurones

repeated jerky movements of muscles

seizures and loss of consciousness

due to causes

hyperplasia of cells of piyuitary gland

pituitary tumors

Increased secretion of pituitary hormones i.e. hyperpituitarism

Compression of optic nerve

Increase GH Increase ACTH Increase TSH Increase gonadotrophin Increase prolactin Increase oxytocin Increase ADH

Blocks transmission of nerve impulse from ganglionic cells in retina to the visual area in cerebrum.

Visual disturbances such as blurred vision and diplopia

Hyper functioning of target glands

As compression increases it cause permanent damage to optic nerve


Due to anterior pituitary tumors

Increased anterior pituitary hormones

Increased growth hormone

Increased thyroid stimulating hormone

Increased gonadotrophins

Increased prolactin

Increased adrenocortico trophic hormone

Gigantism, acromegaly, hepatomegaly and elevated blood glucose

Increased stimulation to thyroid gland

Increased production of sex hormones

Stimulate lactogenesis

Increase adrenal gland activity


Increase T3 and T4

Menstrual abnormalities, impotence in male, decrease libido


Increase glucocorticoids

Increase BMR, body temperature, catecholamines, weight loss

Increase breakdown of proteins and glucose production, diminished immune response

Increase heart rate and BP

Due to posterior pituitary tumors

Increased production of posterior pituitary hormones

Increased oxytocin

Increase ADH

Increase uterine contractions, increased stimulation to mammary glands

Acts on renal tubules

Dysmennorhea, galactorrhea, abortion

Decreased urine output and increase fluid reabsorption

Sodium and water retention


Due to causes

Brain stem tumors

Compression of brain stem

Medulary tumors

Tumors in pons

Tumors in mid brain

Involvement of cardio vascular centre Involvement of respiratory centre Involvement of cranial nerves (VIII, IX, X, XI, XII)

Involvement of pneumotaxic and apneustic area Involvement of cranial nerves (V, VI,VII,VIII)

Impaired reflex centre of visual activities Involve occulomotor and trochlear nerves Involve substantia nigra

Medulla oblongata tumors

Damage to cardiovascular centre

Damage to respiratory centre

Damage to cranial nerves.

Lack of control over heart rate and rhythm.

Lack of regulation of respiratory rhythm

Decreased cardiac contractility

Chienne stroke respiration Cluster breathing

Dysrhythmias As further compression occurs, leads to varying degree of dyspnea and suffocation

Decreased cardiac output

Impaired tissue perfusion

Oxygen insufficiency to tissues

Necrosis and damage

Anaerobic metabolism and lactic acid accumulation

Cell death

Hypoxia and respiratory failure.

Tumors in mid brain

Compression of visual reflex centre

Damaged substantia nigra

Compression of cranial nerves

Inability to control head and neck movements in response to visual activities

Depletion of dopamine stores

Absent startle reflex,

Imbalance in excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters

Damage to extrapyramidal tracts which control complex body movements

Bradykinesia, tremors and rigidity

Parkinsons disease

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