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Survey of World History to 1500 Spring 2012 Exam One Review Sheet TERMS: Australopithecines/Australopithecus Homo/hominid Homo habilis

Homo erectus Homo sapiens neanderthalensis (Neanderthals) Homo sapiens sapiens Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age/Agricultural Revolution Huntergatherer, origins of agriculture, civilization Mesopotamia /Tigris and Euphrates River Valley (The Fertile Crescent) Village vs. Citystate, urbanization The Code of Hammurabi, The Epic of Gilgamesh Religion/Society/Cuneiform/Ziggurat Ancient Egypt/Nile River Valley/Nubia Religion/Pyramids/Society Hieroglyphs or Hieroglyphics The Phoenicians The Children of Israel The Assyrian Empire The Persian Empire

Indus River Valley/Ganges River Valley Harappa/MohenjoDaro Harappan Civilization The Aryans The Greeks The Mauryans Social Structure and Daily Life in Ancient India Literature/Architecture and Sculpture/Science Hinduism Buddhism Jainism Ancient China (The Yellow River/Yangtze River Valleys The Xia, Shang, Zhou and Qin Dynasties) Oracle bones Mandate of Heaven Well field system Confucianism Legalism Daoism Daily Life and Culture in Ancient China 2 Study Questions 1. How were the stages of human evolution discovered and pieced together?

Route of early man out of Africa and to Europe. Ancient china on the yellow river India on the Ganges river Egypt on the nile river Tigras and euprhates in Ancient Mesopotamia

THE SILK ROAD The silk road , draw the route of the silk road. Trade routes from west Africa to east Africa Ancient civilizations. Olmec, zapotecs Bring a scantron for the final Islamic Empire Eastern border of the Greek empire Andus river .Northern border Spain Diff. Persian wars, pelonopinian wars. Greeks Democracy? Benefits of extending citizenship to foreigners. Punic wars (Rome and cartage?, ) , Persian(Persia and Greece) and pelonopinain wars (Sparta and Athens) . Pelonope?

Which of the ff. empires began as city states Meso. and greek

Dausim, Conficoinsm, role to play, individuals should be due to the state. Constatine emperor of the byzantine empire, A city in the Islamic empire Ciaro, Baghda, Medina, mecca , cordava.

a. Area under Spanish control New America b. France and England -100 years war. c. Origin of the black death. d. Hinduism, Buddism, e. Spain, andes river f. India is the norther border of the roman empire g. Borders for the roman, Islamic , ottoman and other empires. h. Eastern border of rome i. DO we need to know the north, south and west and east borders of each empire? j.

What were the stages of human evolution? What makes Homo sapiens different? What types of evidence inform us about early man? Why are scholars limited in their knowledge about early man? Why/How is our knowledge about early man changing all the time? 2. How did the Paleolithic and Neolithic Ages differ and how did the Neolithic Revolution affect lives of men and women? 3. How did early man transition from hunting gathering to constructing the first agricultural villages? What specific types of influences/changes occurred due to the establishment of permanent settlements? Where were the first agricultural villages located? Why? What is the importance of geography or

location? 4. What are the characteristics of civilization and where did the first civilizations emerge? How are the chief characteristics of civilization evident in ancient Mesopotamia? Ancient Egypt? Ancient India? Ancient China? 5. Why did people create the earliest cities? What is the significance of these first cities? Around what were the first cities centered? How did cities/urbanization transform human life? Why can specialization develop better in a city than in a village or among gatherers/hunters? What types of evidence inform us about early urban areas? What was the importance of writing to the creation of the first cities? (pictograms to ideograms to cuneiform) 6. What are the basic features of the three major periods of Egyptian history? What are their major differences? What caused the great power and continuity of ancient Egypt? 7. What kinds of information are available in the written records of Egypt, and of Mesopotamia, and of China that are unavailable for the Indus valley, due to our inability to decipher them? 8. What lessons can we learn from the modern discovery of the Indus Valley civilization? What are the challenges facing scholars studying the Indus Valley civilization? Why? What were the chief features of Harappan civilization and what effect did the arrival of the Aryans have

on them? What type of class and social system developed? Why? 9. How was ancient Egypt different from ancient Mesopotamia? From the Indus Valley civilization? Ancient China? What are their similarities? What are the specific characteristics of each civilization? What are at least 5 contributions/legacies of each? How did geography and the environment influence these civilizations and account for their success and/or weakness? 10. How did Judaism differ from the religions of Mesopotamia and Egypt? From the Indus River Valley? From Ancient China? What was the influence of the Phoenicians? 11. What were the characteristics of the Assyrian and Persian Empires? What specific methods and institutions enabled them to establish control and maintain their respective empires? 3 12. What are the main tenets of Hinduism and Buddhism and how did each religion influence Indian civilization? What are the main tenets of Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism and what role did each play in early Chinese history? 13. What were the key aspects of social and economic life in early China?

14. What were the chief characteristics of the Chinese writing system? How did it differ from scripts or other writing systems in Mesopotamia, Egypt and India?

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