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Ttulo do Evento A Terra vista do cu

Data de Incio 27/04/2012

Horrio Incio

Local Cinelndia

Conferncias + Eventos Especiais sobre Cidades Sustentveis


Forte de Copacabana

Descrio Inaugurada que no dia 27 de abril, essa exposio, localizada na Cinelndia, Centro do Rio, considerada o pontap inicial da Rio+20 e rene 130 imagens do fotgrafo Yann Arthus-Bertrand. Ficar exposta at o dia 24 de junho. O acervo captura belas imagens da terra vista de cima, por helicptero e at balo. Gratuito. O ONU-Habitat e a Cidade do Rio de Janeiro esto organizando uma srie de eventos e conferncias dirigidas ao pblico em geral e aos meios de comunicao para discutir desafios e oportunidades das reas urbanas no sculo 21. O objetivo gerar debates para reunir propostas inovadoras e alcanar uma abordagem sustentvel para todos os aspectos da crescente urbanizao. Os Eventos Especiais abertos sobre as cidades sustentveis culminaro no lanamento oficial da iniciativa Sou um transformador urbano [Im a City Changer], um movimento global de sensibilizao sobre as aes positivas que tiveram impactos na vida das pessoas em reas urbanas. O evento ser no Forte de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro. O credenciamento obrigatrio. Concurso cultural aberto ao pblico Descrio: Com apoio do Planeta Sustentvel e da MTV, o concurso cultural da Rio+Social premiar o autor do melhor vdeo de 15 segundos sobre o tema "O que voc tem a dizer sobre a Rio+20?" com uma viagem para acompanhar o evento Rio+Social no dia 19/6/12 no Rio de Janeiro. Com um contedo vasto, rico em informao e de uma qualidade visual impecvel, a exposio demonstra um grande potencial informativo e educativo acerca das culturas indgenas brasileiras. Sero 58 eventos e atividades lideradas por relevantes organizaes nacionais e internacionais, durante 60 dias. E um dos grandes destaques ter como foco a Educao para Transio , a Solidariedade Inclusiva e Jovens Liderana no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel e da nova sociedade. A programao contar com um publico que vai de formadores de opinio , personalidades de renome, representantes da ONU, autoridades e maiores especialistas do mundo a jovens e crianas, que tero uma nica oportunidade de fazer parte de um dos mais memorveis encontros da historia e que discutir o futuro da humanidade e do planeta com 193 pases convidados e atores da sociedade civil .

Concurso Cultural Rio+Social


Hotel Windsor Barra

Exposio Sculos Indgenas no Brasil - IV Edio



Caixa Cultural Rio

Planetrio: Rio+20 & voc



Festival das Aguas 2012



Via Scen Trecho 2

O Festival das guas 2012 discutir, em Braslia, a sustentabilidade e a economia verde. Participam da abertura, no dia 5, s 18h, a Ministra do Meio Ambiente Izabella Teixeira e o Diretor-Executivo do Programa das Naes Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (Pnuma), Achim Steiner. Ao longo dos seis dias, o Frum ser dividido em mais de dez painis temticos como Energia e Clima, gua e Ecossistemas, Agricultura & Alimentao, Desenvolvimento Social, Urbanizao e Cidades e Economia e Finanas do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, todos com foco no bioma Cerrado. Evento fechado Lanamento do livro do economista Ricardo Abramovay, editado pelo Planeta Sustentvel. Resenha sobre o livro: Essa a uma das a vidades mais importantes para juventude na Rio+20. o principal espao para juventude mundial incidir no processo oficial da Rio+20. Nessa conferncia sero escolhidos jovens para par cipar dos processos de negociao do documento final da Rio+20, alm de aprovar um declarao de posicionamentos da juventude mundial que ser reme da aos Chefes de Estado, por ser uma a vidade reconhecida pela ONU. Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Legendas em ingls. Cpia em DVD.Para marcar o 60 aniversrio da Declarao Universal dos Direitos Humanos em 2008, a fundao Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (Memria, responsabilidade e futuro) em colaborao com o Instituto Goethe realizou o 2 Concurso Internacional de Curtas-Metragens. Estudantes de escolas de cinema e artes de diversos pases. Classificao indicativa livre

Lanamento do Livro "Muito Alm da Economia Verde"



Editora Abril

Conferncia Internacional de Juventude para Rio+20 Youth Blast



Armazn 6: Pir Mau

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais - Programa 1




Hiroshima meu amor




amor (Hiroshima mon amour) de Alain Resnais. Frana, 1959. Com Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Bernard Fresson, Stella Dessas. Legendas em portugus. 91. Uma artista vem participar de um filme sobre a paz em Hiroshima e l ela se apaixona por um japons. Um clssico da histria do cinema que recebeu o prmio da crtica no Festival de Cannes. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Formatura Voluntrios



Arena do MAM

No dia 09 de junho, entre 8h e 18h, o Arena do MAM acolher a cerimnia de formatura de cerca de 1200 jovens que atuaro como voluntrios durante a Rio+20. O Programa de Voluntariado uma iniciativa do governo brasileiro, em parceria com o PNUD e a agncia UN Volunteers. Os voluntrios foram selecionados entre alunos de ensino mdio de escolas pblicas fluminenses, alunos de ensino tcnico do sistema FIRJAN, universitrios de todo pas e pessoas com deficincia provenientes da FAETEC e de outras entidades. Todos participaram de curso de treinamento, que incluiu oficinas sobre sustentabilidade, direitos humanos, cidadania ativa e voluntariado. Os principais objetivos do Programa so: envolver diversos segmentos da sociedade brasileira na realizao da Conferncia; oferecer oportunidades a jovens interessados em ganhar experincia com a realizao de um evento internacional de grande porte e capacit-los para o trabalho em equipe; bem como incentivar a prtica do voluntariado no plano nacional. Acesso restrito Formatura dos 1200 voluntrios que atuaro na Rio+20 (Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Trs programas. Legendas em ingls. Cpia em DVD. Classificao indicativa livre. Hans Staden de Luiz Alberto Pereira. Brasil/Portugal, 1999. Com Carlos Evelyn, Stnio Garcia, Srgio Mamberti. 92. Complemento Os caramujos (Les escargots) de Ren Laloux. Frana, 1965. Legendas em portugus. 11. A histria do aventureiro alemo, que chegou ao Brasil em 1554 e foi capturado pelos ndios Tupinambs. O filme aborda a colonizao da costa brasileira e os primeiros contatos entre braos e ndios. No curta de animao, um campons lamenta suas alfaces raquticas.... e de repente elas comeas a crescer desproporcionalmente. Classificao indicativa 16 anos. (Alle Menschen sind frei und gleich...) diversos diretores. Alemanha, Estnia, Israel, Letnia, Litunia, Polnia, Rssia, Repblica Tcheca, Ucrnia, EUA, 2007. Trs programas. Legendas em ingls. Cpia em DVD. Classificao indicativa livre. (Recipes for Desaster) de John Webster. Finlndia, 2008. 85. Legendas em portugus. Cpia em DVD. Complemento - O que voc faz contra a mudana climtica (Was machst Du gegen den Klimawandel?) de Katrin Rothe. Alemanha, 2008. 245. Cpias em DVD. A pergunta sobre as possibilidades individuais de se confrontar com a mudana climtica tambm ocupa o diretor John Webster. No seu filme, ele compartilha conosco sua tentativa de um estilo de vida com um nvel baixo de CO2. O complemento um curta de animao que apresenta uma coletnea de depoimentos sobre a pergunta O que voc faz contra a mudana climtica?. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Essa a uma das atvidades mais importantes para juventude na Rio+20. o principal espao para juventude mundial incidir no processo oficial da Rio+20. Nessa conferncia sero escolhidos jovens para partcipar dos processos de negociao do documento final da Rio+20, alm de aprovar um declarao de posicionamentos da juventude mundial que ser remetida aos Chefes de Estado, por ser uma atvidade reconhecida pela ONU.

Formatura dos voluntrios da Rio+20



Arena do MAM

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais Programa 2




Os caramujos




Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais Programa 3




Receitas de um desastre




Conferncia Internacional de Juventude para Rio+20 Youth Blast


Dia todo

Per Mau

O RIO +20: Verdes e desenvolvidos



Painel 1 A posio do Brasil na Rio+20 Como casar as agendas ambiental, econmica e social Centro de Convenes Bolsa de Valores no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel, Painel 2 O papel do setor privado na transio para a do Rio de Janeiro Economia Verde, e Painel 3 Como a Inovao Poder Colaborar com Iniciativas de Conservao junto s necessidades estratgicas para o desenvolvimento em escala. 9:00:00 9:00:00 UFRJ FORTE DE COPACABANA Jardim Botnico inscrio pelo site: (esgotado) inscrio pelo site: Debates temticos, sobre temas emergentes para a realidade brasileira. Tem o objetivo de estimular e consolidar o debate e construo sobre as novas bases da agenda ambiental brasileira.

TEDx Rio Gescom Brasil Sustentvel: o caminho para todos

11/06/2012 11/06/2012 11/06/2012 9:00:00

II Seminrio Cinetfico Internacional de Gesto Compartilhada de Praias. GESCOM



Forte de Copacabana

Frum de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel




O evento promover a discusso entre autoridades governamentais, empresariais e representantes da sociedade civil sobre a valorizao da parceria publico-privada na gesto das praias do litoral brasileiro. O evento proporcionar uma plataforma para a comunidade cientfica, polticos e outros interessados discutirem desafios e solues para um desenvolvimento sustentvel. Durante o Frum, um documento de intenes ser formulado e enviado para discusso na Conferncia Rio+20. Alm da necessidade urgente de aes para o desenvolvimento sustentvel, o evento tambm ir abordar questes como a reduo da pobreza e a importncia das pesquisas interdisciplinares. Tambm pretende aumentar o dilogo entre a comunidade de cincia, tecnologia e inovao com polticos e a sociedade civil, e fornecer uma plataforma para os jovens discutirem as questes abordadas The Forum aims to provide a platform for the science, technology and innovation (STI) community to highlight key messages within the Rio+20 context, and to enter into dialogue with policy-makers and other stakeholders. To highlight the urgent need for greater action on sustainable development and poverty alleviation, and to explore strategies and best practices for addressing these issues. To highlight the importance of interdisciplinary research, collaboration and dialogue across the natural science, social science and engineering communities, for addressing the interrelated economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development. To explore modalities for dialogue and collaboration between the STI community and policy-makers. To provide a platform for young people to discuss sustainable development issues, and to inspire young people and teachers about STI for sustainable development. To generate dialogue between the STI community and civil society stakeholders, including business and industry, indigenous peoples and farmers. To generate further momentum for the development of a new contract between science and society, including policymakers and other stakeholder groups. To share global, regional and local perspectives. Acesso restrito com convite Em comemorao ao seu 15 aniversrio, a revista Caros Amigos tem a satisfao de oferecer a amigos, apoiadores, leitores e pblico em geral, um debate de alto nvel sobre o tema O Brasil que queremos: principais desafios, com a participao de Leda Maria Paulani, Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, Paulo Vannuchi, Tnia Bacelar e Ladislau Dowbor. O Frum ser um espao para discusses entre cientistas, polticos, representantes de pases e outras instituies sobre o papel da cincia no caminho do desenvolvimento sustentvel. O Frum feito em parceria entre organizaes internacionais sobre cincia, pela Unesco, Ministrio Brasileiro da Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao e a Academia Brasileira de Cincias.

Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development




COQUETEL DE ABERTURA OFICIAL DA MOSTRA BRASIL CERRADO O Brasil que queremos: principais desafios



Arena do MAM




Frum de Cincia, Tecnologia e Inovao para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel


Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro

Produo e Consumo Sustentveis



"Brasil Sustentvel - um caminho para todos" - Ciclo de Debates para Rio+20 Mesa "Dilogo Internacional sobre Produo e Consumo Sustentvel" TEDx Rio Gescom



12/06/2012 12/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00

Mostra 25 Anos Video nas Aldeias - Ocupao irbita



Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a Susteinable Real Estate Sector



Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a Susteinable Real Estate Sector



A Ministra de Estado do Meio Ambiente, Izabella Teixeira convida para o painel Produo e Auditrio Tom Jobim no Jardim Botnico Consumo Sustentveis do Ciclo de Debates do MMA para a Rio+20 "Brasil Sustentvel - O caminho para todos." Dilogo sobre produo e consumo sustentveis e as estratgias para aprovao e implementao do 10 Years Framework on Programmes on SCP (10YFP), com compartilhamento de experincias Jardim Botnico internacionais e nacionais que favorecem a continuao do programa e a construo de novos padres sustentveis de produo e consumo. Durante evento haver a assinatura do acordo de cooperao SEBRAE e MMA. FORTE DE COPACABANA Evento Fechado FORTE DE COPACABANA Evento Fechado Mostra de Cinema Indgena 25 anos de Vdeo nas Aldeias durante a Rio+20: Sesc Ginstico/Sesc Copacabana/ Sesc A beleza do novssimo cinema indgena com a pertinncia de seu contedo - uma Mostra com o Madureira/ Sesc Duque de Caxias/ Sesc melhor da produo cinematogrfica indgena brasileira, com sesses especiais para estudantes da Pavuna rede pblica. As sesses sero seguidas de conversas do pblico com os realizadores indgenas. Entrada Franca. Este evento paralelo tem de repensar o setor imobilirio, proporcionando aos decisores ferramentas para identificar os passos necessrios para melhorar a sustentabilidade do mercado e para Arena do MAM promover o sector imobilirio como uma fora motriz na prestao de benefcios sociais, econmicos e ambientais dentro e fora da UNECE regio. Realizao: FIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory Group This side event aims to rethink the real estate sector by providing decision makers with tools to identify the steps needed to improve market sustainability and to promote the real estate sector as a FORTE DE COPACABANA driving force in the provision of social, economic and environmental benefits within and beyond the UNECE region. Presented by FIABCI/BRASIL & UNECE Real Estate Market Advisory Group

Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a Susteinable Real Estate Sector



Windsor Barra Hotel

Greening the Real Estate Market: The Development of a Susteinable Real Estate Sector



Windsor Barra Hotel

Este evento paralelo tem de repensar o setor imobilirio, proporcionando aos decisores ferramentas para identificar os passos necessrios para melhorar a sustentabilidade do mercado e para promover o sector imobilirio como uma fora motriz na prestao de benefcios sociais, econmicos e ambientais dentro e fora da UNECE regio. This side event aims to rethink the real estate sector by providing decision makers with tools to identify the steps needed to improve market sustainability and to promote the real estate sector as a driving force in the provision of social, economic and environmental benefits within and beyond the UNECE region. Senegal/Frana, 1979. Legendas em portugus. 113. O filme a crnica de um povoado srre da regio do cultivo do amendoim no Senegal. Os aldees testemunham, atravs da fala dos ancios, a histria do povoado transmitida pela tradio oral. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. de Jean-Pierre Duttileux e Luiz Carlos Lacerda. Brasil/Frana/Blgica, 1978. 85. Complemento Ecologia de Leon Hirzsman. Brasil, 1973. 13. Na aldeia dos ndios Mekronotis, onde Raoni o cacique, chega a notcia de que, mais uma vez, tratores penetram na floresta, invadindo as fronteiras da reserva indgena. O filme concorreu ao Oscar de melhor documentrio. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Fad, Jal de Safi Faye








MOSTRA CINEMA INDGENA Sarau de Poesia - Ocupao ABC Urbana

12/06/2012 12/06/2012

19:00:00 19:00:00

Cinema Sesc Ginstico

Pr-Estria de "As Hiper Mulheres". Abertura para Convidados. Abre pro pblico do dia 13 ao 22 Sarau Poesia Bem Black - Promoo da Livraria Kitabu - Entrada Franca Evento desenvolvido pelo IPHAN que em complemento agenda global da Rio+20, preparou uma programao especfica para oferecer aos participantes, com base na temtica sobre o Patrimnio e Sustentabilidade, uma viso sobre a Paisagem Cultural da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que atualmente proposta para o reconhecimento como Patrimnio Mundial. Haver eventos paralelos Eventos paralelos: Exposio Rio de Janeiro. Paisagens Cariocas entre a Montanha e o Mar Hall do auditrio

Mesa Redonda - Patrimnio e Sustentabilidade



Auditrio do Palcio Gustavo Capanema

Apresentaes de grupos de jongo e de capoeira Presena de Baianas de Acaraj Ao final da mesa redonda, no trreo do Palcio Gustavo Capanema. So 25 os bens registrados pelo IPHAN como Patrimnio Cultural Imaterial do Brasil. Destes, esto fortemente presentes no Rio de Janeiro o Samba, a Capoeira, o Acaraj e o Jongo/Caxambu da Regio Sudeste, para os quais o IPHAN vem desenvolvendo os devidos Planos de Salvaguarda, aes que objetivam apoiar a continuidade desses bens culturais de modo sustentvel. Inscries gratuitas pelo e-mail Diferentes painis serviro para debater o papel do setor de construo na eficincia das cidades, economia verde e a influncia de ferramentas e polticas pblicas na promoo de construes sustentveis, com a apresentao de iniciativas aplicadas em vrias partes do mundo. Realizao: WBCSD e empresas membros. Essa mesa faz parte das comemoraes da Semana do Meio Ambiente e tem por objetivo apresentar olhares dos diferentes setores da juventude organizada sobre os desafios da sustentabilidade. Evento Fechado Evento Fechado A Conferncia da BMW ser realizada dentro do contexto da Rio+20, em nosso Lounge de Sustentabilidade - uma rea de exposio localizada do outro lado do Rio de Janeiro, a qual exibe todas as iniciativas de sustentabilidade do BMW Group, desde suas inovaes, cadeia de valor e tecnologia de produtos a pessoas e ideias que estimulam a sustentabilidade. Ser um local de ideias, dilogos e exemplos durante a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, na Rio+20, entre 13 e 24 de Junho de 2012, no Rio de Janeiro.

Eficincia no Uso de Recursos e Economia Verde: Oportunidades para Edifcios e Cidades Sustentveis




Mesa Juventude e Sustentabilidade Governana de guias Economia Criativa

13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00


Lounge de Sustentabilidade (BMW Group Sustainability Lounge)



Parque dos Atletas

Mostra Eco Periferia



Estao das Palmeiras - Complexo do Alemo

Trata-se de mostra de artes sustentveis de periferias, que busca contribuir para a discusso ambiental nestes espaos do Rio de Janeiro. Em 13 de junho, haver o coquetel de abertura da Mostra, quando sero inauguradas duas exposies, que parmanecero em exibio durante o projeto: uma fotogrfica sobre a Serra da Misericrdia e outra de artes plsticas (artesanatos e ardunos). No dia 16 de junho, ser inaugurada a Mostra de Cinema Ambiental Eco Periferia, que consiste na apresentao de filme longa-metragem e outro curta-metragem sobre o meio ambiente. A exibio dos filmes ser seguida de debate com representantes das ONGs parceiras e do pblico, no qual ser discutido um dos seguintes temas: A reciclagem como forma de reinsero social Cooperativa de Reciclagem Eu Quero Liberdade; e O uso criativo de reciclveis arte sustentvel. No dia 17 de junho, haver sesses de filmes da Mostra de Filmes Ecolgicos ECO PERIFERIA, seguidas de debate com o tema Desenvolvimento econmico e sustentvel das comunidades Polos de produo local. Em 20 de junho, sero realizadas oficinas de criao de artes sustentveis, sendo uma com materiais slidos (pet, pneus, papelo, etc) e outra com resduos eletrnicos. Em cada oficina sero selecionados cinco participantes, que tero dois dias para montar uma exposio de arte colaborativa. No ultimo dia do evento (23 de junho), estas obras sero leiloadas e o dinheiro arrecadado ser utilizado para a realizao de outras oficinas em parceria com instituies locais.

Estande Interativo - Rplica Centro SEBRAE de Sustentabilidade Mostra Social em Movimentos Rio+20 Lan. Campanha Weblixo - Ocupao ABC Urbana III Preparatory Committee (day 1) Programas Estratgicos de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel do Rio: Bolsa de Ativos Ambientais do RJ e Roteiro Verde Balano de carbono das prticas sustentveis incentivadas pelo Programa Rio Rural Green Innovations in the Mobility Sector A Zero to Nature Oil Refinery Apresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- na Estao Cinelndia

13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Caixa Cultural Rio Esc. Monte Castelo

Exposio ludica e interativa de conhecimento, casos concretos e exemplos de tecnologias que agregam a sustentabilidade como valor ao negcio Mostra de documentrios focada em algumas das principais questes scio-ambientais do Brasil e da Frana. LANAMENTO DA CAMPANHA AMBIENTAL ESCOLAR Concurso enrte os alunos - WEBLIXO Entrada Franca Official Event - Tentative Agenda Opening Session (Plenary) - Opening remarks by the Co-chair, Status of negotiations and the way forward by the CSG, Working group(s) meetings; 15:00hrs to 18:00hrs Working group(s) meetings; 18:00hrs to 19:30hrs Interactive briefing on status of negotiations. Evento Pblico Evento Pblico Room UN2 Room UN3 Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de pintura corporal com traduo simultnea para o ingls. A MJV realiza tambm na Arena da Barra, entre os dias 13 e 17 de junho, das 11h s 19h, a Oficina de Inovao em Sustentabilidade, atravs da qual participantes do evento tero a oportunidade de vivenciar - a partir de um circuito que remete atrao temtica de um parque de diverses - as etapas da metodologia de Design Thinking, normalmente aplicada pela empresa soluo de problemas de negcio, junto a seus clientes. Para obter mais informaes, acesse:




13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Cinelndia

Oficina de Inovao em Sustentabilidade



Arena da Barra

CUCaA - Construindo o universo atravs da arte Leituras EnCena - Ocupao irbita Leitura EnCena Dia do Amanha Protecting our first environment: protecting womens reproductive health and future generations from harmful environmental impacts AJA Derrube Limites (abertura) Plos Verdes Inovao e Sustentabilidade Dilogos sobre Mudanas do Clima: cenrio nacional e internacional

13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

11:00:00 12:00:00 12:00:00 13:00:00 13:15:00 13:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Casa da Gvea Casa da Gvea FORTE DE COPACABANA Arena da Barra Museu do Meio Ambiente Parque dos Atletas FORTE DE COPACABANA

Elaborao de grafite no Espao do CNO no Parque dos Atletas pelo Instituto Wark e GDR Grafiteiros da Rocinha Leitura EnCena: Expedio dos Amantes da Mquina de Francisco Carlos Leitura EnCena: Cavalo Hidreltrico de Francisco Carlos - Entrada Franca Leitura EnCena: Expedio dos Amantes da Mquina de Francisco Carlos + Leitura EnCena: Cavalo Hidreltrico de Francisco Carlo. Evento Fechado Room UN2 A Mostra Meu Meio marca a reinaugurao do Museu do Meio Ambiente, pelo Instituto de Pesquisa do Jardim Botnico. Evento Pblico Evento Fechado

Abertura oficial - Ocupao irbita Maracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba Sesso VDEO-SHOW



Casa da Gvea

13/06/2012 13/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00

Casa da Gvea Parque dos Atletas

ABERTURA - as 15 horas Abertura Oficial com a presena da Ministra da Cultura Ana de Holanda, Secretria de Cultura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Adriana Rattes, Secretrio de Cultura do Municpio do Rio de Janeiro Emlio Kallil. Apresentao do Maracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba - SP . Entrada Franca Apresentao do Maracatu do Quilombinho, de Sorocaba - SPRelatos Canibais. Sesso Video - Show A proposta montar um espao para demonstrao dos principais programas e iniciativas do Ministrio das Comunicaes voltadas para incluso digital. Sero feitas demonstraes de computadores robs e equipamentos reciclados, desenvolvidos a partir do curso de formao provido pelo Ministrio aos Telecentros participantes do Programa de Telecentros. Sero realizadas palestras sobre o tema moderadas pelo Ministrio, com a participao de convidados. de Nelson Pereira dos Santos. Brasil, 2003. 87. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. evento pblico P&D+I NO CEPEL PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL DO SISTEMA ELETROBRAS E DO SISTEMA ELTRICO BRASILEIRO MANUAL DE INVENTRIO HIDROELTRICO DE BACIAS HIDROGRFICAS Evento Pblico Leitura performatizada da pea teatral Esfinge-Tupi de Francisco Carlos com Bete Coelho + Dj e Grande Elenco Entrada Franca Sesso VDEO-SHOW No Cais do Porto do Rio de Janeiro, em Berlim, em Havana, em Calcut ou em qualquer Lugar, nosso cabaret se filia tradio dos cabars alemes dos anos 20, que serviram de inspirao e modelo para o teatro de Bertolt Brecht. Um barman prepara coquetis que so servidos ao pblico por garonetes do prprio elenco durante o espetculo. As verses das msicas vo desde grandes standards norte-americanos a mambos, rumbas e boleros, que refletem sucessos e fracassos de um mundo em que tudo est venda, tudo tem seu preo. Trs msicos acompanham o elenco com sax, piano e contrabaixo, enquanto os atores se revezam, cantando e tocando instrumentos. Parceria: MUF- Museu de Favela e Projeto Regies Narrativas Projees dos artistas e coletivos associados:* >Careca Arts Sanduba- TV Parede > Fernando Salis > MV Hemp - Projetando idias + oficina Licena Potica >Raisa Inocncio, com a performance "Pesquisa amoral" > Laboratrio Regies Narrativas mostra de vdeos realizados nas oficinas de narrativas transmdia reas de projeo:* MUF e entorno do MUF: casas, cho, arquiteturas em geral, caixa d'gua etc Entrada Franca Leitura performatizada da pea teatral Esfinge-Tupi de Francisco Carlos com Bete Coelho + Dj e Grande Elenco. Projees espao pblicos no convencionais. com Andrea Cals e convidados falando sobre cinema e meio ambiente. Entrada Franca Festival de esquetes teatrais com artistas da Baixada se apresentando no Baixo Gvea -. Entrada Franca Com Andrea Cals e convidados falando sobre cinema e meio ambiente + Festival de Esquetes Teatrais. Cal e do Tablado e "Baixada no Baixo". um evento de performances e instalaes visuais, em grande escala. So 10 carros de sucata organizados em linha em frente a duas telas de projeo, em um amplo galpo, lembrando um cinema drive - in. Cada carro ser plataforma de um artista ou coletivo, do Brasil, Dinamarca, Inglaterra e Itlia. O projeto servir de plataforma para obras experimentais em performance, design, instalao, cinema , teatro, animao e vdeo mapping . Contar com a presena da Ministra da Cultura, Ana de Hollanda. Abertura da exposio organizada pelo IPHAN: Patrimnio, Territrio e Sustentabilidade.

Estande do Ministrio das Comunicaes Pier Mau ( Palestras)



Pier Mau

Razes do Brasil Uma cinebiografia de Srgio Buarque de Hollanda (primeira parte) Ao Civil Pblica do Carvo P&D+I NO CEPEL PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL DO SISTEMA ELETROBRAS E DO SISTEMA ELTRICO BRASILEIRO MANUAL DE INVENTRIO HIDROELTRICO DE BACIAS HIDROGRFICAS Atividades da Superintendncia de Terrotrio e Cidadania na Rio + 20 Relatos Canibais - Ocupao irbita Sesso VDEO-SHOW

13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00

MAM Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas E.A.V. Parque Lage Parque dos Atletas





Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados Ocupao irbita




Relatos Canibais Parque Lage Programa Plataforma Vide Urbe (MUF Cantagalo) Progr. ao vivo rdio Roquete Pinto -Ocupao irbita Festival de Esquetes Teatrais. Cal e do Tablado e "Baixada no Baixo" - Ocupao irbita Programa ao vivo da Radio Roquete Pinto

13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012 13/06/2012

19:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:00

Parque Lage (Salo Nobre) Cantagalo Casa da Gvea Casa da Gvea Casa da Gvea

Drive - in Rio - Oficina e Lounge de Interao



Per Mau

Incio das atividades do Ministrio da Cultura



Centro Cultural Ao da Cidadania

Encontro da Juventude e Educao para a Sustentabilidade


Dia todo

Jardim Botnico

Para alcanarmos os objetivos propostos, realizaremos um conjunto de debates, palestras, GT s e plenrias visando discu r os vrios aspectos do tema em questo. Alm disso, o referido encontro servir ainda para aprofundar a pauta da juventude e subsidiar a SNJ e o Conjuve na incidncia nos documentos e resolues finais da Conferncia Rio+20 bem como no estabelecimento de responsabilidades e pactuaes para aes concretas ps-Rio+20.

Encontro Global dos Municpios na Rio+20


Organizado pelo ICLEI Governos Locais pela Sustentabilidade, o encontro abordar como Vila Olmpica - Barra de Tijuca [ao lado esverdear a economia urbana e como os governos locais podem melhor contribuir para os do Riocentro] objetivos de proteo dos bens comuns globais, bem como melhorar os sistemas de governana global e local. Convocada pelas Secretarias dos trs acordos ambientais globais surgidos na Cpula da Terra de 1992 a Conveno Quadro das Naes Unidas sobre Mudana do Clima (UNFCCC), a Conveno das Naes Unidas de Combate Desertificao e a Conveno da ONU sobre Biodiversidade, Vila Olmpica - Barra de Tijuca [ao lado juntamente com o Global Environment Facility e outros parceiros o Pavilion realizar um do Rio Centro] programa de duas semanas de eventos e atividades, apresentando uma exposio retrospectiva e mostrando a contribuio desses tratados para o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Apresentaes focaro em temas como oceanos, cidades, economia verde, gnero e desenvolvimento. Focado na conteno do aquecimento global, o evento debater a criao de uma nova forma de calcular as emisses de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) na atmosfera. Ser apresentado um documento com compromissos de reduo, adaptao e financiamento para a restrio de GEE. uma iniciativa das subcomisses Rio+20, da Cmara dos Deputados e do Senado, com apoio da prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, do governo do estado de Pernambuco e ONGs. O objetivo principal deste evento ser o de destacar os pontos fortes e fracos da Famlia de Pegadas, composta por trs indicadores conhecidos como Pegada Ecolgica, Pegada Hdrica e Pegada de Carbono. Isso auxiliaria no entendimento do uso destes indicadores para medir as vrias dimenses relevantes do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Vamos apresentar a aplicao de cada ferramenta, utilizando exemplos concretos, e de forma mais participativa possvel, encerrando o evento com uma discusso qualificada. O principal objetivo estabelecer diretrizes para a Acessibilidade Universal e o Desenho para Todos, buscando promover a incluso de pessoas com deficincia. A Cultura no seu sentido mais amplo um fator importante no turismo, especialmente se considerarmos o turismo mais do que uma atividade de lazer, considerando o desejo das pessoas de aprender, conhecer e descobrir coisas novas. Anlise do Ciclo de Vida como uma ferramenta de avaliao, com a qual se pretende conhecer e avaliar a carga ambiental associada a um produto, processo ou servio, levando em conta todas as etapas de seu ciclo de vida (do bero ao tmulo), desde a extrao das matrias-primas do meio natural para a fabricao do produto, at o tratamento do produto no final da vida til do mesmo. O objetivo principal do trabalho calcular a pegada do Municpio e do Estado de So Paulo. O clculo no s ir desencadear a discusso sobre os padres de consumo da mdia urbana brasileira, mas tambm levantar questes sobre como mitigar os impactos deste consumo e criar cadeias produtivas mais sustentveis. A parceria desta iniciativa com a Secretaria de Meio Ambiente do Estado de So Paulo e a Secretaria de Meio Ambiente de So Paulo. Por parte da sociedade civil, o Movimento Nossa So Paulo vem trabalhando com indicadores de sustentabilidade para a cidade e est envolvido na discusso das cadeias sustentveis e de compras pblicas responsveis . Durante o evento, iremos tambm colaborar com a Global Footprint Network. O resultado esperado desse evento ser o clculo da pegada e o compromisso com a reduo da mesma. Construir uma economia verde e sustentvel tambm contribuir para o incremento da incluso de pessoas com deficincia, por meio da Educao Inclusiva, da Sustentabilidade e da Acessibilidade em seu sentido pleno. Semear e aprofundar a discusso destes temas uma das metas do SUDI 2012, avanando na criao de oportunidades para tirar as pessoas da pobreza. Este evento busca esta sinergia entre os diferentes atores sociais, instituies pblicas e privadas, governos e universidades. Sound, Water, Water setups, Door Signs PORTUGUESE INTERPRETATION Sound, Water setups, Door Signs Sound, Door Signs Door Signs Evento Fechado

Rio Conventions Pavilion


Rio Climate Challenge / Rio Clima


Auditrio da Firjan e Forte de Copacabana

Rio 92, para onde foi? Rio+20, para onde vai?.



Arena da Barra

Turismo Cultural Inclusivo no Contexto da Sustentabilidade



Arena da Barra

Avaliao do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) dos Blocos e Telhas Cermicas



Arena da Barra

A Pegada Ecolgica da cidade e estado de So Paulo / The ecological footprint of the City and State of So Paulo



Arena da Barra

Acessibilidade em Grandes Eventos Mundiais: a Conferncia Rio+20



Arena da Barra

PrepCom: Presse briefing PrepCom: EU coordination Meeting on Rio+20 PrepCom: Major Groups morning briefing PrepCom: Bureau room Municpios Verdes e Florestabilidade

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

0:00:00 8:00:00 8:30:00 8:30:00 9:00:00

P3-7 Rio Centro P3-4 Rio Centro P3-3 Rio Centro P3-G Rio Centro Forte de Copacabana

Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2012



SESC Palladium

Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender de palestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios que enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prprias histrias e experincias. Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender de palestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios que enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prprias histrias e experincias. Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender de palestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios que enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prprias histrias e experincias. Intimamente ligado a Conferncia Rio+20, permitir aos participantes aprender de palestrantes inspiradores e casos reais de solues integradas de vanguarda para desafios que enfrentamos nas cidades, alm de prover oportunidades de apresentarem suas prprias histrias e experincias. Our event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....Civil Society role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We will discuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our daily decision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk about the misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil society when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS MOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructive consumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision making bodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower this movement on regional level. UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance. In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations and social movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and the promotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate and providing concrete and efficient tools for policymakers. Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Our event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....Civil Society role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We will discuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our daily decision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk about the misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil society when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS MOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructive consumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision making bodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower this movement on regional level. UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance. In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations and social movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and the promotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate and providing concrete and efficient tools for policymakers.

Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2012



Parque Municipal Amrico Renn Gianetti

Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2012



Othon Palace Hotel

Congresso Mundial ICLEI 2012



Belo Horizonte City House

"Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful System



T-5 (Riocentro)

Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want



T-4 (Riocentro)

Developing an economic framework which respects human rights and planet boundaries



T-3 (Riocentro)

PrepCom: Bahrain Women Association for Human Development PrepCom: Instituto Vitae Civilis (Vitae Civilis Institute) PrepCom: International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) PrepCom: Reach the Children, Inc. - Alleviate Agricultural Poverty

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00

T-5 Rio Centro T-3 Rio Centro T-4 Rio Centro T-6 Rio Centro

"Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful System



T-5 (Riocentro)

Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want



T-4 (Riocentro)

Developing an economic framework which respects human rights and planet boundaries



T-3 (Riocentro)

"Consumption vs. Sustainability" The Destructive Wasteful System



T-5 (Riocentro)

Our event main topic will discuss ?The Wasteful System? a consumption dilemma....Civil Society role in making cultural shift in consumption habits towards Sustainability?, We will discuss firstly the trigger behind the transformation of wants to become needs, then our daily decision making dilemma; a paradox between our values and actions, then we will talk about the misconception of possessiveness of the natural resources for the so-called human growth and the enormity of the current situation and finally we will focus on the importance role of Civil society when moving to action through leading the Wasteful System AWARENESS MOVEMENT aiming to correct misconceptions for the nature resources, the daily destructive consumption patterns, etc. Walking along the line with stakeholders and decision making bodies for collective decisions, commitments, plans and solutions, hoping to empower this movement on regional level. UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership Formula? states that Global civil society on the one hand commits at Rio+20 to mobilize 15 billion Euros and 15 million volunteers by the year 2015 for UN led sustainable development efforts and on the other hand requests new forms of participation in global SD governance. In the proposed transition towards a green economy, many civil society organizations and social movements are worried about how to guarantee the protection of human rights and the promotion of social justice. Based on a series of debates that occurred on the road to Rio+20, the objective of this event is to present the proposal of a framework to protect human rights in the transition to green and inclusive economies, aiming at strengthening the debate and providing concrete and efficient tools for policymakers. A Mostra Meu Meio marca a reinaugurao do Museu do Meio Ambiente, pelo Instituto de Pesquisa do Jardim Botnico.

Rio+20 15/15/15 Formula - Heartpower and Action for The Future We Want



T-4 (Riocentro)

Developing an economic framework which respects human rights and planet boundaries



T-3 (Riocentro)

AJA Derrube Limites (atividades especiais Rio+20) Dana em cadeira de rodas no Brasil: competncias no processo de incluso social A Voz do Professor - Evento SESI - SENAI PrepCom: Green Economy PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: on UNCSD PrepCom: European Community: Eu Coordination III Preparatory Committee (day 2) Ns Moradores na Foto

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Museu do Meio Ambiente MAM Forte de Copacabana P-3 A Rio Centro P3-B Rio Centro P3-C Rio Centro P3-4 Rio Centro Notes P3-E P3-5 Rio Centro P3-F Rio Centro Riocentro Babilnia Chapu Mangueira

Evento Fechado Door Signs, Screen, PPoint Projector Door Signs Door Signs Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Door Signs Sound Door Signs Official Event - Tentative Agenda Day 06/14/2012: 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs Working group(s) meetings; 15:00hrs to 18:00hrs Working group(s) meeting; 18:00hrs to 19:30hrs Interactive briefing on status of negotiations. AMOSTRA FOTOGRAFICA DO CONTIDIANO DA COMUNIDADE, DESDE A IMPLANTAO DA UPP Em uma futura economia verde sustentvel, essencial utilizar a biomassa para um nmero de diferentes aplicaes; alimento, celulose, papel, combustvel para CHP, combustvel para transporte, produtos qumicos verdes, produtos txteis verdes e assim por diante. O mercado de biomassa ir aumentar (dramaticamente) e ser importante aperfeioar o uso entre aplicativos diferentes e seguindo uma linha de valor decrescente at que este seja utilizado para aquecimento/resfriamento e/ou eletricidade, ou seja, ser muito importante integrar e desenvolver sistemas de anlise. Alm disso, para entender o processo de investigao at o produto/servio final fundamental compreender os mecanismos do sistema de inovao, por exemplo, de forma a desenvolver polticas adequadas para alcanar uma economia verde sustentvel. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Claes Tullin (SP Techical Research Institute of Sweden).

A bioeconomia do futuro



Parque dos Atletas

Inventrio de Gases de Efeito Estufa do ES e Programa Estadual de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas



Parque dos Atletas

O Estado do Esprito Santo publicou a Lei 9.531, de 17 de setembro de 2010, que institui a Poltica Estadual de Mudanas Climticas. No mbito da Poltica duas aes se destacam: o Inventrio de Gases de Efeito Estufa do Esprito Santo e o Programa de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas. O Inventrio quantificou as emisses de responsabilidade do Estado do Esprito Santo segundo a metodologia do IPCC e foi elaborado em parceria com o Instituto Jones dos Santos Neves, a OSCIP Agncia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econmico Social e Defesa Ambiental, ANDESA e o Instituto Virtual Internacional de Mudanas Globais. O Programa Estadual de Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas tem como objetivo implementar aes de preveno e adaptao aos efeitos das mudanas climticas, tendo como aes primrias, a instalao de um Sistema de Monitoramento Hidrometeorolgico e Alerta de Desastres, a elaborao de Planos Municipais de Reduo de Risco e de Drenagem de guas Urbanas e a estruturao das Coordenaes Municipais de Defesa Civil. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Aladim Fernando Cerqueira (Diretor Presidente do Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos) e David Viegas Casarin (Gerente do Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos). Realizao de painis sobre o Programa gua Brasil e sobre Negcios e Tecnologias Sociais como ferramenta da erradicao da pobreza e desenvolvimento do Pas. ocasio, acontecero atos solenes de parcerias com os Governos, empresas, entidades e sociedade civil. Evento aberto ao pblico. Evento Pblico Realizao de painis sobre o Programa gua Brasil e sobre Negcios e Tecnologias Sociais como ferramenta da erradicao da pobreza e desenvolvimento do Pas. ocasio, acontecero atos solenes de parcerias com os Governos, empresas, entidades e sociedade civil. Polticas, programas e aes de combate ao desmatamento ilegal, biopirataria e ao trfico internacional de animais silvestres: planejamento estratgico interinstitucional. Infraestrutura e meio ambiente: judicializao de polticas pblicas e o projeto de lei respectivo. Declarao da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil para a Rio + 20. Capacitao profissional, conscincia ambiental e participao social do advogado: a experincia das Comisses de Direito Ambiental da OAB. Paragominas e Termo de Ajustamento de Conduta (TAC) da Carne: experincias inovadoras e exitosas. Especializar a tendncia? Recomendaes do CNJ. Varas Especializadas Ambientais na Justia Federal de 1 Grau ou Cmaras/Turmas Especializadas Ambientais nos Tribunais. Avaliao das experincias pioneiras. Experincias de Educao e de Gesto Ambientais na Administrao Pblica: Licitaes Sustentveis Educao Ambiental na Administrao Pblica Federal, AGU Carbono Neutro. Experincias de Educao e de Gesto Ambientais dos TRFs e DPU. CNJ e as iniciativas em prol da sustentabilidade. Atuao destacada do Judicirio favorece desenvolvimento do Direito Ambiental no Brasil. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Representantes do MPF, do CNJ, das Foras Armadas, da Polcia Federal, do MMA, do IBAMA, do ICMBio, Ada Pellegrini Grinover (USP/ CEBEPEJ), Kazuo Watanabe (USP/CEBEPEJ), Senador Jorge Viana, Arnaldo Sampaio de Moraes Godoy (Consultor-Geral da Unio), Marcelo Goulart (Ministrio Pblico do Estado de So Paulo), Celso Antonio Pacheco Fiorillo (OAB/SP), Flvio Ahmed (OAB/RJ), Samir Murad (OAB/MA), Adnan Demachki (Prefeito de Paragominas/PA), Werner Grau Neto (Presidente do Conselho da TNC), Daniel Azeredo (MPF-PA), Representante da AJUFE, Mariana Freitas (Juza Federal/Curitiba), Maria Tereza Sadek (Pesquisadora - USP), Representantes das Varas especializadas, Daniela Aben-Athar (AGU), Carlos Jos de Souza Guimares (AGU), Mayra Motta (AGU), Des. Consuelo Yoshida (Presidente - Comisso de Gesto Ambiental TRF3) e representantes das Comisses/setores dos demais Tribunais, Leonardo Henrique Soares (DPU), Min. Herman Benjamin (STJ), Svio Renato Bittencourt Soares Silva (Presidente da ABRAMPA), Representante da ANPR, Carina Costa de Oliveira (Programa Direito e Meio Ambiente - FGV-Rio), Rmulo Silveira da Rocha Sampaio (Programa Direito e Meio Ambiente - FGV-Rio).

Workshop BB na RIO+20 Megacidades 2012 Workshop BB na Rio +20

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Auditrio 1 - Parque dos Atletas

Poder Judicirio Federal e a Rio + 20: dilogos interinstitucionais e experincias inovadoras



Parque dos Atletas

O Papel do Legislativo Estadual na Sustentabilidade: reflexes e aes



Parque dos Atletas

Evento Pblico

The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work concept is based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view of scientific research, environment conservation and community. In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on three programs: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) Amazon Scenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people, traditional communities and the government as a whole. At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) will present the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanging information and perspective of traditional knowledge. The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships. The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants' research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development. The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutional settings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysis and intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in their various action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global ethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based on the contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as information for civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference. Radical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions within new cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and poverty eradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles into sustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led by civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining sustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying back casting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholders are included. THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THAT AFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, MANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOW INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT IS CONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFIC TOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS TRANSCENDENTAL. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development. Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector

The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model



T-8 (Riocentro)

Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)




T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



T-6 (Riocentro)

PrepCom: Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) The Future of PrepCom: Beyond Copenhagen Collective - Energy for all PrepCom: Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry (CEVI) The need for a ri PrepCom: Comite Impulso- Sust. Dev. From perspective of youth

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

T-8 Rio Centro T-6 Rio Centro T-9 Rio Centro T-4 Rio Centro

PrepCom: Initiatives of Change International- Land and Life PrepCom: Northern Alliance for Sustainability

14/06/2012 14/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00

T-10 Rio Centro T-3 Rio Centro

Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work concept is based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view of scientific research, environment conservation and community. In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on three programs: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) Amazon Scenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people, traditional communities and the government as a whole. At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) will present the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanging information and perspective of traditional knowledge. The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships. The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants' research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development. The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutional settings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysis and intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in their various action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global ethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based on the contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as information for civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference. Radical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions within new cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and poverty eradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles into sustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led by civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining sustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying back casting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholders are included. THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THAT AFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, MANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOW INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT IS CONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFIC TOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS TRANSCENDENTAL. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development.

The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model



T-8 (Riocentro)

Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)




T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



T-6 (Riocentro)

The Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM) is a Brazilian NGO which work concept is based on participatory research by measuring and assessing from the point of view of scientific research, environment conservation and community. In order to promote Amazon conservation and development, IPAM currently works on three programs: (1) Community Management of Varzeas (Floodplains) and Forests, (2) Amazon Scenarios and (3) Climate Change. These programs have generated a considerable amount of information and encouraged initiatives to support public policies, local action and international agreements by working together with family farmers, farm producers, indigenous people, traditional communities and the government as a whole. At Rio+20, IPAM , partners and invited guests (academia, government and civil society) will present the recent scientific researches on climate change and REDD, besides exchanging information and perspective of traditional knowledge. The workshop will be organised by practitioners of sustainable development on the part of IofC, on the one hand, and CEFO as an academic group whose members do research in sustainable development, on the other. Most, if not all, topics of the current CEFO members fall under the fields of sustainable development and human security (food security, land security and rights, energy security, just governance, inclusive economics, etc.). This collaboration is an important step to bringing researchers of various disciplines and practitioners together and exploring mechanisms of creating such partnerships. The workshop will allow bringing out the questions of methodologies and interdisciplinary nature of participants' research. The session will be facilitated with the aim of creating synergies in research and communication among representatives of various disciplines (natural and social sciences) working for human security and sustainable development. The side event will focus on the normative reference base for a human rights-based approach to sustainable development governance and make suggestions for required institutional settings and legislation. Normative considerations will be enriched with critical policy analysis and intelligence drawn from the practices the contributing organisations are undertaking in their various action fields. These practices reach from grass-root level work with indigenous communities over policy and law related research and outreach to critical philosophy on global ethics (and back). The event will stage six contributions and organise interactive discussion with participants on issues related to human equality and sustainable development. Based on the contributions and the discussion, a joint reflection document will be prepared as information for civil society and as input towards and beyond the official Rio+20 conference. Radical new thinking is required to directly address the current urgency for new solutions within new cultural and policy frameworks that will drive more sustainable development and poverty eradication. We need more than technological innovation to transform our current lifestyles into sustainable ones, but also social innovation is crucial to obtain this. A social platform led by civil society organizations and research centers in Europe has been working on defining sustainable lifestyles and drafted roadmaps for more sustainable lifestyles 2050 applying back casting methodologies. In these roadmaps concrete plans of action for different stakeholders are included. THE GREEN ECONOMY IN THE FRAME OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, IMPLIES A CHALLENGE THAT MUST REPRESENT IMPORTANT EFFORTS THAT AFFECT DIRECTLY IN THE YOUTH, REASON FOR WHICH, TO EXAMINE HIS SCOPE, MANNERS OF TRANSITION, IT IS MECHANISMS OF FINANCING THAT THEY ALLOW INSTITUTIONAL OPENINGS FOR HIS EXECUTION, IS FOR YOUNG WOMEN A MATTER OF THE FIRST ORDER, IN THE SENSE THAT THE DEVELOPMENT AS IT IS CONCEIVED, INFLUENCES THEM IN A ROYAL WAY, REASON FOR WHICH, A TRAFFIC TOWARDS THE GREEN ECONOMY IS A MATTER THAT FOR THE YOUNG PERSONS IS TRANSCENDENTAL. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development. Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Door Signs Sound, Door Signs Sesso VDEO-SHOW Door Signs

The Future of the Amazon: a low carbon production model



T-8 (Riocentro)

Land and Life: Human Security through Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)




T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



T-6 (Riocentro)

PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: on UNCSD Sesso VDEO-SHOW PrepCom: Meeting

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:15:00

P3-D Rio Centro P3-E Rio Centro P3-5 Rio Centro Parque dos Atletas P3-3 Rio Centro

Innovation and uptake of best practices for sustainable agriculture



T-9 (Riocentro)

Best practices and technology can help sustainably increase productivity and leverage agriculture?s poverty reduction potential. But they need to be shared, deployed and adapted because every country, every farmer and every field are different. Knowledge sharing mechanisms, such as extension services, are essential for addressing existing implementation gaps, deploying new technologies and to ensure farmers around the world can use the tools most adapted to them. However, knowledge sharing mechanisms such as extension services have often been neglected and suffered from budget cuts and a lack of attention to the sector. In the meantime, public support for agricultural support also declined, raising questions about how research can address the need of farmers in different geographies. Scaling up best practices, deploying innovations, sharing knowledge, need to become priorities for the future agriculture agenda, with complementary role for public and private actors in achieving sustainable agriculture. The '4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND THE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD : PROMISES AND PARADIGMS.' aims to present fully gender and development issues which are vigorously embedded within the framework of fundamental human rights and gender justice in the Asia-Pacific region and in many parts of the world. It hopes to elevate further the discussions on the theme of green economy and gender equality, justice and human rights with special focus on water, energy, and food nexus , to a broader and more significant audience , during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 , in Rio de Janiero Brazil, June 2012. THE VOICES OF AFRICAN MOTHERS: The Voices of African Mothers works to establish a peaceful African Continent through conflict resolution and to identifying the causes of ethnic, religious and inter-communal conflict. VAM envision women and future generations to possess a full range of educational opportunities to attain empowerment to become decision-making leaders of Africa.. VAM believes access to education is key to equality. Equality is the application of the principle of natural justice and fairness. This refers to the legal and social capacity of men, women, boys and girls to mobilize and manage domestic, community, national and international resources and share the benefits arising there on an equal basis. VAM promotes economic empowerment and equality through resource production that are appropriate for needs through vocational training and development of business skills. Health education is provided in the areas of preventive health care, nutrition, hygiene, preadolescent pregnancy, family planning etc. The future of high seas life is at stake at Rio+20 UNCSD. Despite WSSD commitment to protected area networks by 2012, legal gaps in oceans governance allow for plunder and destruction. Our side event exposes these gaps through real world examples and presents Greenpeace?s Oceans Rescue Plan. 99% of ocean is currently unprotected, so the future of millions that depend on it for their livelihoods is at risk. Pacific small island nations struggle to secure sustainability of their fisheries and long-term future of coastal communities, while large-scale fishing fleets from around the globe race to catch the last tuna. In the Indian Ocean, a fragmented, inadequate governance regime leaves it open to wholesale plunder. Even Arctic waters are facing increasing industrialization as ice melts. In Rio, Governments must agree to an implementing agreement under UNCLOS to enable the protection of high seas biodiversity and the creation of marine reserves. Transportation is a key building block of sustainable development. The majority of transport financing supports unsustainable transportation, increasing inequality of access, CO2 and air pollution, traffic fatalities, and sprawl development. A growing share of transport financing from climate funds and development aid programs supports sustainable transport. Emerging best practices in national transportation policy also have potential to leverage changes in transport sustainability by influencing larger public and private sector transport investments. Sustainable transport seeks to avoid low value or unnecessary travel through smarter planning and communications, shift travel to lower impact passenger and freight modes, and improve the efficiency of vehicles, fuels, and network operations. This session discusses efforts to measure the contribution of transport investments to support sustainability goals, focusing on key metrics and indicators as well as providing an overview of recent patterns and trends in transport funding flows from different sources worldwide.




T-10 (Riocentro)




T-2 (Riocentro)

Greenpeace: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio



T-2 (Riocentro)

Financing Sustainable Transport to Support Sustainable Development



P3-F (Riocentro)

Enabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015 wi



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it?s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on above themes and implementations of agendas. The year after the Earth Summit -- on the eve of the Knowledge Economy -- the UN lost its only two global facilities for technology assessment. Since then, billions of public dollars have been lost subsidising nuclear fusion, biotech-fermentation, Terminator technologies, nanotechnology, secondgeneration biofuels, and ocean fertilization, etc- largely because of the absence of adequate technology assessment. At Rio+20, the UN must protect the sovereignty and security of member states by ensuring that the know-how of technology transfer is supported by the know-what of technology assessment and the know-why of socioeconomic benefits. The side-event will hear experts discuss the problems, specific language and institutional modalities governments could adopt now and implement post-Rio. Weapon Contamination (WEC) refers to landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). The latest consists of both unexploded ordnance (UXO) that has been fired but has failed to explode, and abandoned ordnance. First and foremost, WEC causes deaths and injuries, even after the end of armed conflict. However, the destructive impact goes much further. Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Water Podium, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Water Podium Best practices and technology can help sustainably increase productivity and leverage agriculture?s poverty reduction potential. But they need to be shared, deployed and adapted because every country, every farmer and every field are different. Knowledge sharing mechanisms, such as extension services, are essential for addressing existing implementation gaps, deploying new technologies and to ensure farmers around the world can use the tools most adapted to them.

The Technology Economy? Know-how, Know-what, Know-why



T-6 (Riocentro)

Impact of Weapon Contamination (WEC) towards Sustainable Development PrepCom: BirdLife International Nature and natural capital as foundat PrepCom: ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Tecnology and Concentra) PrepCom: Farming First-Innovation and uptake of best practices PrepCom: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio PrepCom: Institute for Transportation and Development Policy PrepCom: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Impact of We PrepCom: Philippines Women University (PWU) PrepCom: Sri Lanka-Enabling Youth participation PrepCom: Voices of African Mothers PrepCom: Informal meeting



T-5 (Riocentro)

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00

T-8 Rio Centro T-6 Rio Centro T-9 Rio Centro T-3 Rio Centro P3-6 Rio Centro T-5 Rio Centro T-10 Rio Centro T3-2 Rio Centro T-2 Rio Centro P3-4 Rio Centro

Innovation and uptake of best practices for sustainable agriculture



T-9 (Riocentro)

However, knowledge sharing mechanisms such as extension services have often been neglected and suffered from budget cuts and a lack of attention to the sector. In the meantime, public support for agricultural support also declined, raising questions about how research can address the need of farmers in different geographies. Scaling up best practices, deploying innovations, sharing knowledge, need to become priorities for the future agriculture agenda, with complementary role for public and private actors in achieving sustainable agriculture. The '4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND THE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD : PROMISES AND PARADIGMS.' aims to present fully gender and development issues which are vigorously embedded within the framework of fundamental human rights and gender justice in the Asia-Pacific region and in many parts of the world. It hopes to elevate further the discussions on the theme of green economy and gender equality, justice and human rights with special focus on water, energy, and food nexus , to a broader and more significant audience , during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 , in Rio de Janiero Brazil, June 2012.




T-10 (Riocentro)

THE VOICES OF AFRICAN MOTHERS: The Voices of African Mothers works to establish a peaceful African Continent through conflict resolution and to identifying the causes of ethnic, religious and inter-communal conflict. VAM envision women and future generations to possess a full range of educational opportunities to attain empowerment to become decision-making leaders of Africa.. IMPACTS OF PLASTICS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE HEALTH OF WOMEN AND CHI 14/06/2012 13:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro) VAM believes access to education is key to equality. Equality is the application of the principle of natural justice and fairness. This refers to the legal and social capacity of men, women, boys and girls to mobilize and manage domestic, community, national and international resources and share the benefits arising there on an equal basis. VAM promotes economic empowerment and equality through resource production that are appropriate for needs through vocational training and development of business skills. Health education is provided in the areas of preventive health care, nutrition, hygiene, preadolescent pregnancy, family planning etc. The future of high seas life is at stake at Rio+20 UNCSD. Despite WSSD commitment to protected area networks by 2012, legal gaps in oceans governance allow for plunder and destruction. Our side event exposes these gaps through real world examples and presents Greenpeace?s Oceans Rescue Plan. 99% of ocean is currently unprotected, so the future of millions that depend on it for their livelihoods is at risk. Pacific small island nations struggle to secure sustainability of their fisheries and long-term future of coastal communities, while large-scale fishing fleets from around the globe race to catch the last tuna. In the Indian Ocean, a fragmented, inadequate governance regime leaves it open to wholesale plunder. Even Arctic waters are facing increasing industrialization as ice melts. In Rio, Governments must agree to an implementing agreement under UNCLOS to enable the protection of high seas biodiversity and the creation of marine reserves. Transportation is a key building block of sustainable development. The majority of transport financing supports unsustainable transportation, increasing inequality of access, CO2 and air pollution, traffic fatalities, and sprawl development. A growing share of transport financing from climate funds and development aid programs supports sustainable transport. Emerging best practices in national transportation policy also have potential to leverage changes in transport sustainability by influencing larger public and private sector transport investments. Sustainable transport seeks to avoid low value or unnecessary travel through smarter planning and communications, shift travel to lower impact passenger and freight modes, and improve the efficiency of vehicles, fuels, and network operations. This session discusses efforts to measure the contribution of transport investments to support sustainability goals, focusing on key metrics and indicators as well as providing an overview of recent patterns and trends in transport funding flows from different sources worldwide. The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it?s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on above themes and implementations of agendas. The year after the Earth Summit -- on the eve of the Knowledge Economy -- the UN lost its only two global facilities for technology assessment. Since then, billions of public dollars have been lost subsidising nuclear fusion, biotech-fermentation, Terminator technologies, nanotechnology, secondgeneration biofuels, and ocean fertilization, etc- largely because of the absence of adequate technology assessment. At Rio+20, the UN must protect the sovereignty and security of member states by ensuring that the know-how of technology transfer is supported by the know-what of technology assessment and the know-why of socioeconomic benefits. The side-event will hear experts discuss the problems, specific language and institutional modalities governments could adopt now and implement post-Rio.

Greenpeace: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio



T-2 (Riocentro)

Financing Sustainable Transport to Support Sustainable Development



P3-F (Riocentro)

Enabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015 wi



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Technology Economy? Know-how, Know-what, Know-why



T-6 (Riocentro)

Impact of Weapon Contamination (WEC) towards Sustainable Development



T-5 (Riocentro)

Weapon Contamination (WEC) refers to landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). The latest consists of both unexploded ordnance (UXO) that has been fired but has failed to explode, and abandoned ordnance. First and foremost, WEC causes deaths and injuries, even after the end of armed conflict. However, the destructive impact goes much further. Best practices and technology can help sustainably increase productivity and leverage agriculture?s poverty reduction potential. But they need to be shared, deployed and adapted because every country, every farmer and every field are different. Knowledge sharing mechanisms, such as extension services, are essential for addressing existing implementation gaps, deploying new technologies and to ensure farmers around the world can use the tools most adapted to them.

Innovation and uptake of best practices for sustainable agriculture



T-9 (Riocentro)

However, knowledge sharing mechanisms such as extension services have often been neglected and suffered from budget cuts and a lack of attention to the sector. In the meantime, public support for agricultural support also declined, raising questions about how research can address the need of farmers in different geographies. Scaling up best practices, deploying innovations, sharing knowledge, need to become priorities for the future agriculture agenda, with complementary role for public and private actors in achieving sustainable agriculture. The '4th HELENA Z. BENITEZ GLOBAL FORUM ON GENDER JUSTICE AND THE GREEN ECONOMY FOCUSING ON WATER, ENERGY, AND FOOD : PROMISES AND PARADIGMS.' aims to present fully gender and development issues which are vigorously embedded within the framework of fundamental human rights and gender justice in the Asia-Pacific region and in many parts of the world. It hopes to elevate further the discussions on the theme of green economy and gender equality, justice and human rights with special focus on water, energy, and food nexus , to a broader and more significant audience , during the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20 , in Rio de Janiero Brazil, June 2012. THE VOICES OF AFRICAN MOTHERS: The Voices of African Mothers works to establish a peaceful African Continent through conflict resolution and to identifying the causes of ethnic, religious and inter-communal conflict. VAM envision women and future generations to possess a full range of educational opportunities to attain empowerment to become decision-making leaders of Africa..




T-10 (Riocentro)




T-2 (Riocentro)

VAM believes access to education is key to equality. Equality is the application of the principle of natural justice and fairness. This refers to the legal and social capacity of men, women, boys and girls to mobilize and manage domestic, community, national and international resources and share the benefits arising there on an equal basis. VAM promotes economic empowerment and equality through resource production that are appropriate for needs through vocational training and development of business skills. Health education is provided in the areas of preventive health care, nutrition, hygiene, preadolescent pregnancy, family planning etc. The future of high seas life is at stake at Rio+20 UNCSD. Despite WSSD commitment to protected area networks by 2012, legal gaps in oceans governance allow for plunder and destruction. Our side event exposes these gaps through real world examples and presents Greenpeace?s Oceans Rescue Plan. 99% of ocean is currently unprotected, so the future of millions that depend on it for their livelihoods is at risk. Pacific small island nations struggle to secure sustainability of their fisheries and long-term future of coastal communities, while large-scale fishing fleets from around the globe race to catch the last tuna. In the Indian Ocean, a fragmented, inadequate governance regime leaves it open to wholesale plunder. Even Arctic waters are facing increasing industrialization as ice melts. In Rio, Governments must agree to an implementing agreement under UNCLOS to enable the protection of high seas biodiversity and the creation of marine reserves.

Greenpeace: An Oceans Rescue Plan for Rio



T-2 (Riocentro)

Financing Sustainable Transport to Support Sustainable Development



P3-F (Riocentro)

Transportation is a key building block of sustainable development. The majority of transport financing supports unsustainable transportation, increasing inequality of access, CO2 and air pollution, traffic fatalities, and sprawl development. A growing share of transport financing from climate funds and development aid programs supports sustainable transport. Emerging best practices in national transportation policy also have potential to leverage changes in transport sustainability by influencing larger public and private sector transport investments. Sustainable transport seeks to avoid low value or unnecessary travel through smarter planning and communications, shift travel to lower impact passenger and freight modes, and improve the efficiency of vehicles, fuels, and network operations. This session discusses efforts to measure the contribution of transport investments to support sustainability goals, focusing on key metrics and indicators as well as providing an overview of recent patterns and trends in transport funding flows from different sources worldwide. The Side Event in the Rio+20 will emphasize on Youth Engagement, mobilization and empowerment on UNCSD/Rio+20 and beyond process, as the Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY) is the main entry-point for all children, youth and their organization into the process. The side event will do it?s best to provide a meaningful session for youth participation. This will be a good an opportunity to showcase the enthusiasm and courage of the Sri Lankan youth in this high-level UN event to bridge the gap between the Global North and the Global South youth. We would like to make this side event as a platform to network as much as youth leaders around the world who are participating in Rio in June and to carry out a mass youth campaign and mobilization for an ambitious deal in Rio+20. The side event will composed of a plenary session of experts, motivators and youth, they would speak on above themes and implementations of agendas. The year after the Earth Summit -- on the eve of the Knowledge Economy -- the UN lost its only two global facilities for technology assessment. Since then, billions of public dollars have been lost subsidising nuclear fusion, biotech-fermentation, Terminator technologies, nanotechnology, secondgeneration biofuels, and ocean fertilization, etc- largely because of the absence of adequate technology assessment. At Rio+20, the UN must protect the sovereignty and security of member states by ensuring that the know-how of technology transfer is supported by the know-what of technology assessment and the know-why of socioeconomic benefits. The side-event will hear experts discuss the problems, specific language and institutional modalities governments could adopt now and implement post-Rio. Weapon Contamination (WEC) refers to landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW). The latest consists of both unexploded ordnance (UXO) that has been fired but has failed to explode, and abandoned ordnance. First and foremost, WEC causes deaths and injuries, even after the end of armed conflict. However, the destructive impact goes much further. Debate sobre empreendedorismo sustentvel/ Debate 14:00 s 18:00 Atrao Musical - Orquestra Sinfnica Malm e coquetel 19:00 s 21:00 Realizao: Ministrio do Meio Ambiente e SEBRAE Evento Pblico Apresentaes e Mesa Redonda Fulni- Apresentao de cantos e danas. Exposio Fotogrfica. Mesa Redonda: A Resistncia da Cultura Fulni- diante dos desafios dos mundo contemporneo. Lanamento do Livro OS IMIGRANTES DA BEIRA DO RIO Entrada Franca CADEIA DE MODELOS COMPUTACIONAIS PARA O PLANEJAMENTO DA EXPANSO E OPERAO DO SISTEMA DE GERAO BRASILEIRO VISANDO A SUSTENTABILIDADE Mostrar vrios temas e resultados para alcanar a sustentabilidade no estado do Maranho. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Larissa Barreto, Professora associada UFMA. Evento Fechado Door Signs Door Signs, Screen, PPoint Projector Door Signs Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound METODOLOGIAS E PROGRAMAS COMPUTACIONAIS NA REA DE PLANEJAMENTO E OPERAO ELTRICA

Enabling Youth participation in bridging Rio+20 Outcome Beyond 2015 wi



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Technology Economy? Know-how, Know-what, Know-why



T-6 (Riocentro)

Impact of Weapon Contamination (WEC) towards Sustainable Development



T-5 (Riocentro)

Ciclo de Debates em Comemorao ao Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente - Empreendedorismo Sustentvel Energy Day - Rio Capital da Energia

14/06/2012 14/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00

Jardim Botnico Parque dos Atletas

Fulni- - Ocupao irbita



Museu Histrico Nacional




Parque dos Atletas

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana P3-A Rio Centro P3-B Rio Centro P3-C Rio Centro Notes T-8 Rio Centro P3-5 Rio Centro Parque dos Atletas

Cpula Mundial Green Jobs - Pensando a careira verde



Planetrio da Gvea

Tratar um panorama sobre a mudana necessria na atuao das empresas, seja na formao do indivduo, na carreira se seus profissionais ou nas relaes de trabalho, em busca de gesto sustentada nos princpios da economia verde. The book "El derecho de la humanidad de existir", edited in Havana by Editorial Ciencia y Tcnica, in 2012, is a compilation of the Reflections by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, on the damages to the environment and the climate changes. Through the reflections, published since 2007 up to the present, diverse isues are discussed such as the rise of prices and food scarcity, the natural disasters, the nuclear war and others that affect the existence of the human species. Docummentary "Fidel Castro, caudal de Ro", refers to the development of the environmental ideas of Fidel Castro since his childhood up to the present. Through images and solid opinions by researchers, experts and specialists in the Cuba issue, the positions held by Fidel Castro on this question are analyzed, and special attention is dedicated to his address to the Ro Summit in 1992 and the warnings issued since that moment on the damages caused by the climate change and the urgent need to develop actions to stop the accelerated devastation of the environment According to forecasts, not less than 40 % of residents of the Earth will live in conditions of deficiency of water in 15 years. Russia takes the second place in the world (after Brazil) on stocks of fresh water. But today each second resident of the country is compelled to use the water mismatching sanitary-and-hygienic requirements for drink. And 22 % of the population has no access to the centralized sources of water supply! It inevitably leads to illness of the population. The prevalence of disability is about 15-18% of the population in the world and it is strongly associated with poverty. Disability and poverty form a vicious cycle - disability leads to poverty, and poverty creates the conditions that generate more disability. Disability also impacts on entire families? labor force, participation and schooling; therefore failing to address the barriers they face to escape decrease of living standards, seriously undermines the effectiveness of struggle against disability. The Zero Draft underscored that a ?fundamental prerequisite for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision-making? at the international, national and local levels. This side event will be a third in a series that will examine the representation, participation and accountability of civil society and Major Groups in informing, monitoring and implementing intergovernmental policy-making in a reformed IFSD that embraces multi-level governance. Speakers will evaluate best practices of public participation in other multilateral bodies as well as civil society proposals not yet implemented. Participants will consider the implementation and design of the Compendium of Commitments through such mechanisms as the Global Union for Sustainability that will provide an accountability framework for all stakeholders to pledge and monitor specific actions that are specific, time-bound, measurable, and verifiable to achieve sustainable development at the international, regional, national and subnational levels. Brazil is an agricultural superpower, with the world?s largest commercial cattle herd, and is a major producer of crops including soy and sugar cane. In recent years, Brazil?s deforestation rate has declined to a quarter of its peak, without a reduction in agricultural output, while there has been an increase in efforts towards sustainability throughout the supply chains of major products. Cattle ranching is the largest driver of deforestation but techniques developed by the Brazilian Government Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa, can double herd densities through the use of improved pasture mixtures and breeds and rotational grazing. Embrapa?s techniques can increase rural employment, reduce methane emissions and free up land which can be used for crop production, while eliminating the need for deforestation. This is a key example of a win-win-win opportunity to integrate economic development with environmental sustainability and food security which offers lessons applicable to other countries. Energy is one of the main issues to be discussed in the UN Conference for Sustainable Development. The share of energy resources for the sustainable development, mainly the renewable, is the central subject for discussion. Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Door Signs Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector

Launching of the "Humanity Right to life" book and Presentation of a documental on Fidel Castro's Environmental thought



T-6 (Riocentro)

RUSSIA. Water: for health and against disability



T-10 (Riocentro)

Multi-stakeholder Engagement in IFSD & Compendium of Commitments



T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy and Sustainable Development PrepCom: CIVICUS-World Alliance for Citizen Participation PrepCom: Interregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handcapped Pe PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: National Wildlife Federation

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

T-8 (Riocentro) T-3 Rio Centro T-10 Rio Centro P3-D Rio Centro P3-E Rio Centro T-4 Rio Centro

The book "El derecho de la humanidad de existir", edited in Havana by Editorial Ciencia y Tcnica, in 2012, is a compilation of the Reflections by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, on the damages to the environment and the climate changes. Through the reflections, published since 2007 up to the present, diverse isues are discussed such as the rise of prices and food scarcity, the natural disasters, the nuclear war and others that affect the existence of the human species. Launching of the "Humanity Right to life" book and Presentation of a documental on Fidel Castro's Environmental thought 14/06/2012 15:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) Docummentary "Fidel Castro, caudal de Ro", refers to the development of the environmental ideas of Fidel Castro since his childhood up to the present. Through images and solid opinions by researchers, experts and specialists in the Cuba issue, the positions held by Fidel Castro on this question are analyzed, and special attention is dedicated to his address to the Ro Summit in 1992 and the warnings issued since that moment on the damages caused by the climate change and the urgent need to develop actions to stop the accelerated devastation of the environment According to forecasts, not less than 40 % of residents of the Earth will live in conditions of deficiency of water in 15 years. Russia takes the second place in the world (after Brazil) on stocks of fresh water. But today each second resident of the country is compelled to use the water mismatching sanitary-and-hygienic requirements for drink. And 22 % of the population has no access to the centralized sources of water supply! It inevitably leads to illness of the population. The prevalence of disability is about 15-18% of the population in the world and it is strongly associated with poverty. Disability and poverty form a vicious cycle - disability leads to poverty, and poverty creates the conditions that generate more disability. Disability also impacts on entire families? labor force, participation and schooling; therefore failing to address the barriers they face to escape decrease of living standards, seriously undermines the effectiveness of struggle against disability. The Zero Draft underscored that a ?fundamental prerequisite for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision-making? at the international, national and local levels. This side event will be a third in a series that will examine the representation, participation and accountability of civil society and Major Groups in informing, monitoring and implementing intergovernmental policy-making in a reformed IFSD that embraces multi-level governance. Speakers will evaluate best practices of public participation in other multilateral bodies as well as civil society proposals not yet implemented. Participants will consider the implementation and design of the Compendium of Commitments through such mechanisms as the Global Union for Sustainability that will provide an accountability framework for all stakeholders to pledge and monitor specific actions that are specific, time-bound, measurable, and verifiable to achieve sustainable development at the international, regional, national and subnational levels. Brazil is an agricultural superpower, with the world?s largest commercial cattle herd, and is a major producer of crops including soy and sugar cane. In recent years, Brazil?s deforestation rate has declined to a quarter of its peak, without a reduction in agricultural output, while there has been an increase in efforts towards sustainability throughout the supply chains of major products. Cattle ranching is the largest driver of deforestation but techniques developed by the Brazilian Government Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa, can double herd densities through the use of improved pasture mixtures and breeds and rotational grazing. Embrapa?s techniques can increase rural employment, reduce methane emissions and free up land which can be used for crop production, while eliminating the need for deforestation. This is a key example of a win-win-win opportunity to integrate economic development with environmental sustainability and food security which offers lessons applicable to other countries. Energy is one of the main issues to be discussed in the UN Conference for Sustainable Development. The share of energy resources for the sustainable development, mainly the renewable, is the central subject for discussion.

RUSSIA. Water: for health and against disability



T-10 (Riocentro)

Multi-stakeholder Engagement in IFSD & Compendium of Commitments



T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy and Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

The book "El derecho de la humanidad de existir", edited in Havana by Editorial Ciencia y Tcnica, in 2012, is a compilation of the Reflections by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, on the damages to the environment and the climate changes. Through the reflections, published since 2007 up to the present, diverse isues are discussed such as the rise of prices and food scarcity, the natural disasters, the nuclear war and others that affect the existence of the human species. Launching of the "Humanity Right to life" book and Presentation of a documental on Fidel Castro's Environmental thought 14/06/2012 15:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) Docummentary "Fidel Castro, caudal de Ro", refers to the development of the environmental ideas of Fidel Castro since his childhood up to the present. Through images and solid opinions by researchers, experts and specialists in the Cuba issue, the positions held by Fidel Castro on this question are analyzed, and special attention is dedicated to his address to the Ro Summit in 1992 and the warnings issued since that moment on the damages caused by the climate change and the urgent need to develop actions to stop the accelerated devastation of the environment According to forecasts, not less than 40 % of residents of the Earth will live in conditions of deficiency of water in 15 years. Russia takes the second place in the world (after Brazil) on stocks of fresh water. But today each second resident of the country is compelled to use the water mismatching sanitary-and-hygienic requirements for drink. And 22 % of the population has no access to the centralized sources of water supply! It inevitably leads to illness of the population. The prevalence of disability is about 15-18% of the population in the world and it is strongly associated with poverty. Disability and poverty form a vicious cycle - disability leads to poverty, and poverty creates the conditions that generate more disability. Disability also impacts on entire families? labor force, participation and schooling; therefore failing to address the barriers they face to escape decrease of living standards, seriously undermines the effectiveness of struggle against disability. The Zero Draft underscored that a ?fundamental prerequisite for the achievement of sustainable development is broad public participation in decision-making? at the international, national and local levels. This side event will be a third in a series that will examine the representation, participation and accountability of civil society and Major Groups in informing, monitoring and implementing intergovernmental policy-making in a reformed IFSD that embraces multi-level governance. Speakers will evaluate best practices of public participation in other multilateral bodies as well as civil society proposals not yet implemented. Participants will consider the implementation and design of the Compendium of Commitments through such mechanisms as the Global Union for Sustainability that will provide an accountability framework for all stakeholders to pledge and monitor specific actions that are specific, time-bound, measurable, and verifiable to achieve sustainable development at the international, regional, national and subnational levels. Brazil is an agricultural superpower, with the world?s largest commercial cattle herd, and is a major producer of crops including soy and sugar cane. In recent years, Brazil?s deforestation rate has declined to a quarter of its peak, without a reduction in agricultural output, while there has been an increase in efforts towards sustainability throughout the supply chains of major products. Cattle ranching is the largest driver of deforestation but techniques developed by the Brazilian Government Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa, can double herd densities through the use of improved pasture mixtures and breeds and rotational grazing. Embrapa?s techniques can increase rural employment, reduce methane emissions and free up land which can be used for crop production, while eliminating the need for deforestation. This is a key example of a win-win-win opportunity to integrate economic development with environmental sustainability and food security which offers lessons applicable to other countries. Energy is one of the main issues to be discussed in the UN Conference for Sustainable Development. The share of energy resources for the sustainable development, mainly the renewable, is the central subject for discussion. Documentos em ao, garante sem nus ao cidado o registro da declarao de posse para moradores de comunidades carentes: sustentabilidade comea com documento. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: ANDR RICARDO CRUZ FONTES - DESEMBARGADOR FEDERAL CORREGEDOR DA JUSTIA DA JUSTIA FEDERAL DA 2 REGIO. PROFESSOR DA UNIRIO; SONIA MARIA ANDRADE DOS SANTOS Oficiala 6o. Ofcio de Registro de Ttulos e Documentos; MARIA GORETI RAMOS RODRIGUES E LETCIA DE CAMARGO MILLEN PORTUGAL COMPASSO - Defensoras Pblicas - Defensoria Pblica Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; FRANCISCO HORTA FILHO Defensor Pblico Defensoria Pblica Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; RONALDO LOBO - Professor da Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF; JOS ANTNIO TEIXEIRA MARCONDES OFICIAL TITULAR DO 5OFCIO DE REGISTRO DE IMVEIS DA CAPITAL /RJ.

RUSSIA. Water: for health and against disability



T-10 (Riocentro)

Multi-stakeholder Engagement in IFSD & Compendium of Commitments



T-3 (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Energy and Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

Sustentabilidade, Estado, Propriedade e Funo Social.



Parque dos Atletas

Arquitetura tecnolgica e arranjo Institucional da Universidade Estadual do Maranho: Princpios para desenvolvimento Sustentvel no Maranho



Parque dos Atletas

Apresentao das tecnologias adotadas e as aes promovidas pela Universidade Estadual do Maranho - UEMA, como promotoras dos princpios do desenvolvimento sustentvel. A palestra iniciar com introduo sobre a base conceitual de desenvolvimento sustentvel, cujo objetivo reconhecer os princpios da sustentabilidade e suas relaes com as aes que a UEMA vm promovendo nessa rea. Ser feita uma breve abordagem das caractersticas socioambientais do Maranho, de forma bem conectada com o tema central. Sero apresentados mapas, ilustrando o processo de descentralizao da Universidade e os resultados dessa aproximao com a sociedade. E por fim, ser centrada no tema principal, tratando das tecnologias, dos programas, dos projetos, das aes e, das relaes institucionais promotoras dos princpios do desenvolvimento sustentvel no Maranho. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Jucivan Ribeiro Lopes, Gerente do grupo Geoambiental - UEMA Em funo da importncia da polinizao para a agricultura, a Conveno sobre Diversidade Biolgica aprovou a criao de uma Iniciativa Internacional para a Conservao e o Uso Sustentvel dos Polinizadores - IPI (Deciso V/5), bem como um Plano de Ao para sua implementao (Deciso VI/5). Para promover a implementao da IPI em pases em desenvolvimento, a FAO convidou o Brasil a fazer parte de um projeto internacional intitulado Conservao e Manejo de Polinizadores para Agricultura Sustentvel atravs de uma Abordagem Ecossistmica, juntamente com frica do Sul, Qunia, Gana, China, ndia, Paquisto e Nepal. Esse projeto com durao de cinco anos, foi aprovado em 2009 pelo GEF, no Brasil coordenado pelo Ministrio do Meio Ambiente e executado pelo Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade. O comit coordenador do Projeto GEF Polinizadores definiu como principal ao o apoio ao sete subprojetos que lidam com as culturas do Algodo, Tomate, Castanha do Brasil, Melo, Caju, Ma e Canola. Outros dois projetos que tratam do efeito da fragmentao de habitas na produtividade agrcola e da avaliao do status de conservao dos polinizadores tambm esto sendo apoiados. O projeto tambm executa aes transversais em: monitoramento da biodiversidade de polinizadores; formao de uma rede de taxonomia de polinizadores; elaborao de um banco de dados em polinizao; deteco do dficit de polinizao sobre as culturas em estudo; e avaliao do impacto de pesticidas nos polinizadores. Evento aberto ao pblico. (Moi, un noire) de Jean Rouch. Frana, 1959. 73. Legendas em portugus. Cpia em DVD. Complemento As pedras do sol de Ren Capriles Farfan. Brasil, 1972. 22. Jovens nigerienses deixam sua terra natal para procurar trabalho na Costa do Marfim. Desenraizados em meio civilizao moderna, acabam chegando a Treichville, bairro operrio de Abdijam. Um clssico do cinema etnogrfico. Classificao indicativa livre. TECNOLOGIAS PARA TRANSMISSO DE ENERGIA ELTRICA A LONGAS DISTNCIAS Inscries limitadas ( : Tratar um panorama sobre a mudana necessria na atuao das empresas, seja na formao do indivduo, na carreira de seus profissionais ou nas relaes de trabalho, em busca de gesto sustentada nos principios da economia verde. PROJETO DE P&D+I de FURNAS sobre LPNE (Linha de Potncia Natural Elevada) de 500kV Em alinhamento com o Ministrio do Meio Ambiente do Brasil, a Organizao de Conservao de Terras do Baixo Sul da Bahia OCT, integrante do sistema organizacional da Fundao Odebrecht, convida Vossa Senhoria para participar da apresentao do Programa de Desenvolvimento e Crescimento Integrado com Sustentabilidade PDCIS Twenty years ago Agenda 21 sought a systems approach to monitoring the transition to sustainable development and noted the need for the development of integrated environmental-economic accounts. Following two decades of development of methods and practical experience in countries, the Central Framework of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) was recently adopted by the UN Statistical Commission as an international standard. The Statistical Commission further requested the Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) to develop an implementation programme. SEEA is a tool for statistical systems for integrating and organizing information on the economy and the environment to produce a wide range of indicators for analysis of sustainable development.

Projeto GEF Polinizadores - polinizao, biodiversidade e segurana alimentar



Parque dos Atletas

Eu, um negro




TECNOLOGIAS PARA TRANSMISSO DE ENERGIA ELTRICA A LONGAS DISTNCIAS Cpula Mundial Green Jobs - Pensando a Carreira Verde PROJETO DE P&D+I de FURNAS sobre LPNE (Linha de Potncia Natural Elevada) de 500kV Programa de Desenvolvimento e Crescimento Integrado com Sustentabilidade PDCIS

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

16:00:00 17:00:00 17:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Planetrio da Gvea Parque dos Atletas



Parque dos Atletas Espao CNO 04

Implementation of the SEEA: the international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting



T-9 (Riocentro)

Indigenous Peoples, Food Sovereignty + Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) will host a panel presentation and roundtable discussion on Indigenous Peoples? Priorities for Ensuring Food Sovereignty in the Context of Local and Global Sustainable Development. Panel speakers: Andrea Carmen, Executive Director, IITC, Saul Vicente Vasquez, IITC Board Member and Expert Member of the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Mirna Cunningham, Chair of the UNPFII, Global Fund for Women Board Member, President of the Center for Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples (CADPI), Jorge Mani Stanley, Kuna Youth Movement, Indigenous Member of the UN Committee on Food Security, Marcos Terena, Coordinator of the Comit Intertribal Memoria e Ciencia (ITC), Phrang Roy, Assistant President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Coordinator for the International Indigenous Partnership on Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty. The panel will also include an African representative TBA. GIMUN is a United Nations-accredited NGO holding Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Our goal is to promote the ideals and principles of the United Nations among youth, particularly amongst students.

Youth Perspective on Environmental Issues in Contemporary Societies



T-5 (Riocentro)

Youth Perspectives, our next event, is about giving the opportunity to young people engaged in the topic that is discussed to give their opinion. We want to reach conclusions that reflect the position of youth on central topics of contemporary international relations. The aim is to bring young people to discuss their points of view, to precise their opinions and to develop, in a coherent way, drafts of solutions to current issues. All pillars of sustainable development require reliable access to adequate supplies of good-quality water. Population and economic growth are already straining water resources, and climate change will exacerbate this. In this context, international law has an integral role to play in ensuring that transboundary water resources are used in an equitable and sustainable manner. Proper management of these resources will contribute to economic growth that accounts for environmental and social considerations. The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention (UNWC), as a global legal framework adopted under the auspices of the UN, is an important tool for strengthening the legal architecture governing shared waters. Once in force, the convention will better enable cooperation between states that is essential to protect vital freshwater ecosystems, their functions and services. Since 2006, WWF and its partners have been working to build awareness of the convention and its principles, in an effort to strengthen international water law. With more than a hundred Heads of State indicating their intention to attend the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the outcomes of Rio+20 can be expected to greatly influence the global development agenda for the coming years. As the 2015 target completion date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws near, Member States, the UN system and civil society are beginning a global discussion on the possible contours of a post-2015 development agenda. One of the proposals that have gained traction in the lead up to the Rio+20 Summit is the idea of launching a new set of ?Sustainable Development Goals? (SDGs), which some actors consider could become part of a possible post-2015 or post-MDG development agenda. This side event will gather experts from the UN System, Member States and civil society to draw lessons from the implementation of the MDGs, examine the proposals for SDGs in the outcome document of Rio+20 in light of these lessons, and outline concrete ideas for a transformative post-2015 development agenda. Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Twenty years ago Agenda 21 sought a systems approach to monitoring the transition to sustainable development and noted the need for the development of integrated environmental-economic accounts. Following two decades of development of methods and practical experience in countries, the Central Framework of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) was recently adopted by the UN Statistical Commission as an international standard. The Statistical Commission further requested the Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) to develop an implementation programme. SEEA is a tool for statistical systems for integrating and organizing information on the economy and the environment to produce a wide range of indicators for analysis of sustainable development.

Transboundary Waters, Climate Change and Good Governance



T-8 (Riocentro)

Learning from the MDGs: SDGs within a transformative post-2015 development agenda



T-10 (Riocentro)

PrepCom: Ibon International- Learning from the MDGs PrepCom: Institute of Geography and Statistics PrepCom: International Indian Treaty Council PrepCom: WWF Indonesia

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00

T-10 Rio Centro T-9 Rio Centro T-4 Rio Centro T-8 Rio Centro

Implementation of the SEEA: the international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting



T-9 (Riocentro)

Indigenous Peoples, Food Sovereignty + Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) will host a panel presentation and roundtable discussion on Indigenous Peoples? Priorities for Ensuring Food Sovereignty in the Context of Local and Global Sustainable Development. Panel speakers: Andrea Carmen, Executive Director, IITC, Saul Vicente Vasquez, IITC Board Member and Expert Member of the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Mirna Cunningham, Chair of the UNPFII, Global Fund for Women Board Member, President of the Center for Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples (CADPI), Jorge Mani Stanley, Kuna Youth Movement, Indigenous Member of the UN Committee on Food Security, Marcos Terena, Coordinator of the Comit Intertribal Memoria e Ciencia (ITC), Phrang Roy, Assistant President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Coordinator for the International Indigenous Partnership on Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty. The panel will also include an African representative TBA. GIMUN is a United Nations-accredited NGO holding Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Our goal is to promote the ideals and principles of the United Nations among youth, particularly amongst students.

Youth Perspective on Environmental Issues in Contemporary Societies



T-5 (Riocentro)

Youth Perspectives, our next event, is about giving the opportunity to young people engaged in the topic that is discussed to give their opinion. We want to reach conclusions that reflect the position of youth on central topics of contemporary international relations. The aim is to bring young people to discuss their points of view, to precise their opinions and to develop, in a coherent way, drafts of solutions to current issues. All pillars of sustainable development require reliable access to adequate supplies of good-quality water. Population and economic growth are already straining water resources, and climate change will exacerbate this. In this context, international law has an integral role to play in ensuring that transboundary water resources are used in an equitable and sustainable manner. Proper management of these resources will contribute to economic growth that accounts for environmental and social considerations. The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention (UNWC), as a global legal framework adopted under the auspices of the UN, is an important tool for strengthening the legal architecture governing shared waters. Once in force, the convention will better enable cooperation between states that is essential to protect vital freshwater ecosystems, their functions and services. Since 2006, WWF and its partners have been working to build awareness of the convention and its principles, in an effort to strengthen international water law. With more than a hundred Heads of State indicating their intention to attend the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the outcomes of Rio+20 can be expected to greatly influence the global development agenda for the coming years. As the 2015 target completion date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws near, Member States, the UN system and civil society are beginning a global discussion on the possible contours of a post-2015 development agenda. One of the proposals that have gained traction in the lead up to the Rio+20 Summit is the idea of launching a new set of ?Sustainable Development Goals? (SDGs), which some actors consider could become part of a possible post-2015 or post-MDG development agenda. This side event will gather experts from the UN System, Member States and civil society to draw lessons from the implementation of the MDGs, examine the proposals for SDGs in the outcome document of Rio+20 in light of these lessons, and outline concrete ideas for a transformative post-2015 development agenda. Twenty years ago Agenda 21 sought a systems approach to monitoring the transition to sustainable development and noted the need for the development of integrated environmental-economic accounts. Following two decades of development of methods and practical experience in countries, the Central Framework of the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA) was recently adopted by the UN Statistical Commission as an international standard. The Statistical Commission further requested the Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA) to develop an implementation programme. SEEA is a tool for statistical systems for integrating and organizing information on the economy and the environment to produce a wide range of indicators for analysis of sustainable development.

Transboundary Waters, Climate Change and Good Governance



T-8 (Riocentro)

Learning from the MDGs: SDGs within a transformative post-2015 development agenda



T-10 (Riocentro)

Implementation of the SEEA: the international statistical standard for environmental-economic accounting



T-9 (Riocentro)

Indigenous Peoples, Food Sovereignty + Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

The International Indian Treaty Council (IITC) will host a panel presentation and roundtable discussion on Indigenous Peoples? Priorities for Ensuring Food Sovereignty in the Context of Local and Global Sustainable Development. Panel speakers: Andrea Carmen, Executive Director, IITC, Saul Vicente Vasquez, IITC Board Member and Expert Member of the UN Permanent Forum of Indigenous Issues (UNPFII), Mirna Cunningham, Chair of the UNPFII, Global Fund for Women Board Member, President of the Center for Autonomy and Development of Indigenous Peoples (CADPI), Jorge Mani Stanley, Kuna Youth Movement, Indigenous Member of the UN Committee on Food Security, Marcos Terena, Coordinator of the Comit Intertribal Memoria e Ciencia (ITC), Phrang Roy, Assistant President on Special Assignment for Indigenous and Tribal Issues of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Coordinator for the International Indigenous Partnership on Agrobiodiversity and Food Sovereignty. The panel will also include an African representative TBA. GIMUN is a United Nations-accredited NGO holding Special Consultative Status to the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Our goal is to promote the ideals and principles of the United Nations among youth, particularly amongst students.

Youth Perspective on Environmental Issues in Contemporary Societies



T-5 (Riocentro)

Youth Perspectives, our next event, is about giving the opportunity to young people engaged in the topic that is discussed to give their opinion. We want to reach conclusions that reflect the position of youth on central topics of contemporary international relations. The aim is to bring young people to discuss their points of view, to precise their opinions and to develop, in a coherent way, drafts of solutions to current issues. All pillars of sustainable development require reliable access to adequate supplies of good-quality water. Population and economic growth are already straining water resources, and climate change will exacerbate this. In this context, international law has an integral role to play in ensuring that transboundary water resources are used in an equitable and sustainable manner. Proper management of these resources will contribute to economic growth that accounts for environmental and social considerations. The 1997 UN Watercourses Convention (UNWC), as a global legal framework adopted under the auspices of the UN, is an important tool for strengthening the legal architecture governing shared waters. Once in force, the convention will better enable cooperation between states that is essential to protect vital freshwater ecosystems, their functions and services. Since 2006, WWF and its partners have been working to build awareness of the convention and its principles, in an effort to strengthen international water law. With more than a hundred Heads of State indicating their intention to attend the upcoming UN Conference on Sustainable Development, the outcomes of Rio+20 can be expected to greatly influence the global development agenda for the coming years. As the 2015 target completion date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) draws near, Member States, the UN system and civil society are beginning a global discussion on the possible contours of a post-2015 development agenda. One of the proposals that have gained traction in the lead up to the Rio+20 Summit is the idea of launching a new set of ?Sustainable Development Goals? (SDGs), which some actors consider could become part of a possible post-2015 or post-MDG development agenda. This side event will gather experts from the UN System, Member States and civil society to draw lessons from the implementation of the MDGs, examine the proposals for SDGs in the outcome document of Rio+20 in light of these lessons, and outline concrete ideas for a transformative post-2015 development agenda. PROJETOS DE P&D+I da CHESF sobre LPNE (Linha de Potncia Natural Elevada) Debate. Chico Alencar e Marcelo Freixo dividiro a mesa com Etelvina Mazzioli (MST), Jean Pierre Leroy (Fase), Nnimmo Bassey (Amigos da Terra), Nora Cortias (Mes da Praa de Maio). Sandra Quintela, da Rede Jubileu Sul, coordena. A atividade faz parte da preparao para a Cpula dos Povos, que comea no dia seguinte. Tempo A. Auto de So Loureno, + debate/ comentrios descontrudos-tericos-cnicosde Francisco Carlos. Tempo B. Leitura do libreto da pera O Guarany de Carlos Gomes acompanhada de audio da pera, descontruda por Dj + leituras de trechos do Romance O Guarany de Jos de Alencar + debate/comentrios descontrudos-tericos-cnicos de Francisco Carlos Entrada Franca

Transboundary Waters, Climate Change and Good Governance



T-8 (Riocentro)

Learning from the MDGs: SDGs within a transformative post-2015 development agenda



T-10 (Riocentro)

PROJETOS DE P&D+I da CHESF sobre LPNE (Linha de Potncia Natural Elevada) O que est em disputa no Rio e na Rio+20



Parque dos Atletas




Relatos Canibais - Ocupao irbita www,imaginario,etc,br



E.A.V. Parque Lage (Salo Nobre)

O grande caos




Der grosse Verhau) de Alexander Kluge. Alemanha, 1971. Legendas em espanhol. 90. Complemento Nocturno de Bachelard de Jose Eduardo Alcazar Pea. Paraguai, 2012. No primeiro sculo do terceiro milnio estoura uma guerra civil na Via Lctea entre governos, gigantes da indstria e piratas do espao sideral. Salve-se quem puder! Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Sound, Water setups, Gavel/Block, Signs/Nameplates, Door Signs, Water Podium, 7th booth required PORTUGUESE INTERPRETATION

PrepCom: Interactive briefing PrepCom: Meeting Relatos Canibais Parque Lage PROJETOS ESPECIAIS DE LINHAS DE TRANSMISSO PARA A AMAZNIA PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: Meeting PrepCom: EU coordination Meeting on Rio+20 Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita www,imaginario,etc,br Fora do eixo - Ocupao irbita Som na casa e canto na janela -Ocupao irbita

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

18:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00

P3-2 Rio Centro Notes Parque Lage (Salo Nobre)

Auto de So Loureno + debate/ comentrios descontrudos-tericos-cnicosde Francisco Carlos + Leitura do libreto da pera O Guarany de Carlos Gomes acompanhada de audio da pera, descontruda por Dj + leituras de trechos do Romance O Guarany de Jos de Alencar. PROJETOS ESPECIAIS DE LINHAS DE TRANSMISSO PARA A AMAZNIA Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector Door Signs Sound, Water setups, Door Signs Projees em espaos pblicos no convencionais Entrada Franca

14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012 14/06/2012

18:00:00 18:30:00 18:30:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:00

Parque dos Atletas P3-D Rio Centro P3-E Rio Centro P3-4 Rio Centro


Sesses de cinema ao ar livre. Entrada Franca Thais Gulin, Ava Rocha, Alice Caymmi, Marya Bravo, Alessandra Verney, Rockz, Luis Carlinhos, Barbara Mendes, Thiago Thom, (canto acstico da janela se projetando para o Baixo Gvea fervilhante) Com Ana Baird / Marcia do Valle e Chico Caruso, Janaina Azevedo participao especial : Madalena Bernardes cantora e preparadora vocal. Entrada Franca Thais Gulin, Ava Rocha, Alice Caymmi, Marya Bravo, Alessandra Verney, Rockz, Luis Carlinhos, Barbara Mendes, Thiago Thom + Ana Baird / Marcia do Valle e Chico Caruso, Janaina Azevedo. Globally the world produces enough food to feed everyone, yet one in seven people on our planet go to bed hungry. Hunger, waste and environmental degradation are the result of a discriminatory global food system, which is broken. Nearly half of the world's population are aged 25 years and below, and it is these young people, and in particular young women, who are most impacted by the broken food system.



Casa da Gvea

Som na Casa




Oxfam International Youth Partnerships: Youth fixing the broken system



T-3 (Riocentro)

National Sustainable Development Strategies-What's Their Future Role?



P3-A (Riocentro)

Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) brings together 15 young women and men from around the globe working to fix the broken food system. Using strategies based on the protection and realisation of all human rights these young people provide an insight into how we can address issues land and water access, support small scale producers (particularly women) and grow a global good food movement, to create a just and sustainable global food system where everyone has enough to eat, always. The side-event focuses on the multidimensional challenges of national sustainable development strategies (NSDS). The side event?s objective is to evaluate the relation between NSDS (based on the examples and experiences of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and further members of the European Sustainable Development Network ESDN) and newly emerging strategic approaches like green growth or green economy. Furthermore will success factors, opportunities and challenges of NSDS strategies, indicators and monitoring systems be analysed and discussed. Experiences that have been made in implementing these strategies and systems should be used and integrated when drafting a new generation of targets, indicators and monitoring systems, as for example sustainable development goals (SDGs). Door Signs, Screen, PPoint Projector Sound, Door Signs, Screen, PowerPoint projector

PrepCom: Liechtenstein- National Sustainable Development Strategies PrepCom: Oxfam International Youth Partnership (OIYP) Oxfam Interna

14/06/2012 14/06/2012

19:30:00 19:30:00

P3-6 Rio Centro T-3 Rio Centro

Globally the world produces enough food to feed everyone, yet one in seven people on our planet go to bed hungry. Hunger, waste and environmental degradation are the result of a discriminatory global food system, which is broken. Nearly half of the world's population are aged 25 years and below, and it is these young people, and in particular young women, who are most impacted by the broken food system. Oxfam International Youth Partnerships: Youth fixing the broken system 14/06/2012 19:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro) Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) brings together 15 young women and men from around the globe working to fix the broken food system. Using strategies based on the protection and realisation of all human rights these young people provide an insight into how we can address issues land and water access, support small scale producers (particularly women) and grow a global good food movement, to create a just and sustainable global food system where everyone has enough to eat, always. The side-event focuses on the multidimensional challenges of national sustainable development strategies (NSDS). The side event?s objective is to evaluate the relation between NSDS (based on the examples and experiences of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and further members of the European Sustainable Development Network ESDN) and newly emerging strategic approaches like green growth or green economy. Furthermore will success factors, opportunities and challenges of NSDS strategies, indicators and monitoring systems be analysed and discussed. Experiences that have been made in implementing these strategies and systems should be used and integrated when drafting a new generation of targets, indicators and monitoring systems, as for example sustainable development goals (SDGs). Globally the world produces enough food to feed everyone, yet one in seven people on our planet go to bed hungry. Hunger, waste and environmental degradation are the result of a discriminatory global food system, which is broken. Nearly half of the world's population are aged 25 years and below, and it is these young people, and in particular young women, who are most impacted by the broken food system. Oxfam International Youth Partnerships (OIYP) brings together 15 young women and men from around the globe working to fix the broken food system. Using strategies based on the protection and realisation of all human rights these young people provide an insight into how we can address issues land and water access, support small scale producers (particularly women) and grow a global good food movement, to create a just and sustainable global food system where everyone has enough to eat, always. The side-event focuses on the multidimensional challenges of national sustainable development strategies (NSDS). The side event?s objective is to evaluate the relation between NSDS (based on the examples and experiences of Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and further members of the European Sustainable Development Network ESDN) and newly emerging strategic approaches like green growth or green economy. Furthermore will success factors, opportunities and challenges of NSDS strategies, indicators and monitoring systems be analysed and discussed. Experiences that have been made in implementing these strategies and systems should be used and integrated when drafting a new generation of targets, indicators and monitoring systems, as for example sustainable development goals (SDGs). Sound, Water setups, Door Signs, Water Podium, Screen, 7th booth required, PowerPoint projector PORTUGUESE INTERPRETATION Shared Team room P3-2 | 21:00 Sound, Water setups, Door Signs, Water Podium, Screen, 7th booth required, PowerPoint projector PORTUGUESE INTERPRETATION Shared Team room P3-2 | 20:00

National Sustainable Development Strategies-What's Their Future Role?



P3-A (Riocentro)

Oxfam International Youth Partnerships: Youth fixing the broken system



T-3 (Riocentro)

National Sustainable Development Strategies-What's Their Future Role?



P3-A (Riocentro)

PrepCom:Working group 2



P3-2 Rio Centro

PrepCom: Working group 1



P3-2 Rio Centro

Todos gratuitos, com sada do Centro Cultural Ao da Cidadania: 14/06 (quinta-feira) Jardim Botnico - Sadas: s 09h30min e s 14h - Durao: 4 horas Da rea atual de 137 hectares, 53 ha esto abertos visitao pblica. Seu arboreto, de traado neoclssico, abriga grande coleo de plantas, organizadas em aleias geomtricas, destacando-se as grandes palmeiras. O JB dedicado pesquisa cientfica, desenvolvida pelo Instituto de Pesquisas do Jardim Botnico, centro de referncia mundial nos estudos sobre a Mata Atlntica. 15/06 (sexta-feira) - Baa de Guanabara Sada: s 09h30min - Durao: 2 horas. Partida do Espao Cultural da Marinha - Av. Alfredo Agache s/n - Praa XV Centro. Nos primeiros sculos de vida da cidade, as formaes rochosas que a limitam foram importantes pontos de referncia para sua defesa, onde foram instaladas baterias e fortalezas. Principal acesso Cidade do Rio de Janeiro durante sculos, a segunda maior baa, em extenso, do litoral brasileiro, com uma rea de aproximadamente 380 km. Considerando-se a sua barra como uma linha imaginria, que se estende da ponta de Copacabana at ponta de Itaipu, esta sofre um estreitamento entre a ponta da Fortaleza de So Joo, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, e a ponta da Fortaleza de Santa Cruz, em Niteri, com uma largura aproximada de 1.600 metros. 18/06 (segunda-feira) Forte So Jos (Urca) - Sadas: s 09h30min e s 14h - Durao: 4 horas Localizado no conjunto que compe a Fortaleza de So Joo, o Forte So Jos o terceiro forte mais antigo do pas, datado de 1578. Muitos historiadores dizem que se o Rio de Janeiro existe hoje, foi graas a este forte, estrategicamente localizado na entrada da Baa de Guanabara, exercendo papel marcante na defesa da cidade. 19/06 (tera-feira) Orla de Copacabana/Forte do Leme - Sadas: s 09h30min e s 14h Durao: 4 horas. A Orla de Copacabana, com seu desenho geomtrico excepcional - de autoria de Roberto Burle Marx - imitando as ondas do mar, usando um mosaico de pedras portuguesas, ganhou reconhecimento internacional. Considerada uma das praias mais famosas do mundo, carinhosamente apelidada de Princesinha do Mar. Fora do Eixo: Sesso de Cinema na Rua na Estao da Pavuna. A proposta consiste em uma exposio multimdia (vdeos, fotografia e udios) intitulada Aldeia Global: tudo nosso!, que transmitir ao pblico contedo relativo aos pilares da Rio+20. O material audiovisual ser produzindo pelos alunos e membros do Grupo Pensar, que vem apostando em uma transformao social dentro da comunidade. A exposio servir tambm como espao de reconhecimento e memria, uma vez que as imagens projetadas dialogam diretamente com o territrio e seus moradores. A inteno ento chamar a atentao para a importncia de cada indivduo na construo de um coletivo mais justo e respeitado. A exposio vai buscar mostrar que atitudes individuais aparentemente insignificantes de um nico indivduo (como jogar lixo em local inapropriado) podem resultar em uma cadeia de acontecimentos prejudiciais em grande escala.

Visitas guiadas Rio Paissagem Cultural


Centro Cultural Ao da Cidadania

Fora do Eixo: Sesso de Cinema na Rua na Estao da Pavuna



Aldeia Global: tudo nosso!


Babilnia Chapu Mangueira

UltraPPasse Desafios da incluso social e possibilidades de combate pobreza. A promoo de habitaes de interesse social e os programas de conservao do patrimnio cultural edificado. Conferncia sobre Potencial de Crdito de Carbono nas reas de Preservao Permanente e Reserva Legal em Projetos de Assentamentos Gerenciados pelo INCRA no Bioma Caatinga.





Arena da Barra

Performances - intervena urbana Debater propostas de incluso social que tm na moradia seu eixo central. Com essa preocupao o conjunto de atividades visa a contemplar a promoo de habitao de interesse social como um eixo prioritrio tanto no mercado de moradias de aluguel, quanto no financiamento de imveis, sempre considerando a reabilitao do parque residencial existente e protegido por polticas de conservao do patrimnio cultural edificado. Sequestro de Carbono no bioma Caatinga



Arena da Barra

Fundo Kayap



Arena da Barra

Este seminrio tem por objetivo apresentar o Fundo Kayap, uma parceria entre a CI-Brasil, o BNDES/Fundo Amaznia e o Fundo Brasileiro para Biodiversidade (Funbio). O Fundo tem por objetivo agregar esforos da sociedade civil, do setor pblico e dos prprios indgenas Kayap, tornando-se um mecanismo sustentvel, estvel e de longo prazo, de apoio financeiro disposio das organizaes indgenas locais. Esse mecanismo tem por finalidade principal a proteo e a conservao da biodiversidade, do territrio e a preveno do desmatamento, alm do desenvolvimento de atividades produtivas sustentveis em Terras Indgenas Kayap integrantes do bioma Amaznia, promovendo, dessa forma, a melhoria da qualidade de vida do povo Kayap na regio. O fundo tem carter inovador por consistir no primeiro fundo brasileiro voltado para povos indgenas. Alm do estande, gostaramos de reservar um espao para debate mais aprofundado sobre o Fundo com lideranas Kayap, governo e membros da sociedade civil.

Palestra sobre Levantamento Agronmico-Ambiental para Regularizao e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel dos Territrios Quilombolas



Arena da Barra

Abordagem sobre o levantamento de informaes agronmicas e ambientais, o qual faz parte de pea tcnica inicial da elaborao do Relatrio Tcnico de Identificao e Delimitao - RTID. Tem importncia como diagnstico ambiental e produtivo, visando o desenvolvimento sustentvel das Comunidades Quilombolas e de seus territrios. Este trabalho compe o processo de regularizao de territrios quilombolas pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonizao e Reforma Agrria INCRA. Abordagem sobre a importncia da fiscalizao da funo social dos imveis rurais em seus aspectos produtivos, ambientais, trabalhistas e de bem estar de proprietrios e trabalhadores, na promoo do desenvolvimento rural sustentvel e na ampliao do Produto Interno Bruto do Pas.

Conferncia sobre Funo Social de Imveis Rurais no Brasil Acampamento Terra Livre Desconstruindo mitos e revelando as consequncias do nuclear Programa de Recuperao de Pastagens Degradadas e Manuteno da Produtividade do Centro-Oeste - Programa Pasto Verde PreCom: European Union:EU coordination meeting on Rio+20 Coorredor Etnoambiental Tupi Mond OFICINA: 22 ANOS DE ECOSSOCIALISMO NO BRASIL PreCom: Bureau room [cl]

14/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 8:00:00

16:00:00 8:00:00 8:00:00

Arena da Barra Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Galpo 3 (Espao FINEP): Per Mau

Apresentao e divulgao do Programa Pasto Verde no estande da SUDECO, onde haver a veiculao de vdeo, atendimento ao pblico e distribuio de material de divulgao.

8:00:00 8:30:00 8:30:00 8:30:00

P3-4(Riocentro) Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo P3-G (Riocentro) Para um pblico de empresrios, o espao traz como objetivo realizar capacitaes nos temas eficincia energtica, reduo de desperdcio (5 que so +) e resduos slidos. Oferecer aos empresrios palestras, oficinas e clnicas tecnolgicas sobre temas como resduos slidos, eficincia energtica, certificao ambiental, reduo de desperdcio, negcios verdes, sustentabilidade e MPE, entre outros.

Tenda de Capacitao



Aterro do Flamengo

5 Menos que so Mais



Aterro do Flamengo

A questo ambiental faz parte de qualquer tipo de negcio e qualquer porte de Empresa. Na gerao de resduo, por exemplo, a empresa est perdendo matria-prima, pela qual j pagou. O resduo poderia ser minimizado, reduzindo custos e tornando a Empresa mais competitiva. Essas e outras questes sero discutidas, com atividades prticas, para voc implantar no seu negcio. Sero abordados aspectos inerentes a Eficincia Energtica, dotando os empresrios de ferramentas simples para a identificao de desperdcios de energia e potenciais oportunidades de melhorias. Para cada tipo de problema apresentado sero propostas aes prticas para a eliminao do desperdcio de energia. Ser uma excelente oportunidade para que a empresa possa reduzir custos diretos na sua produo, e consequentemente melhorar a sua competitividade. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas Como crescer o seu negcio e ao mesmo tempo maximizar os impactos positivos sociais e ambientais? Uma oficina dinmica para orientar a tomada de deciso e aproveitar oportunidades para inovar o seu negcio! Exposio de fornecedores de "tecnologias verdes" para empresrios e sociedade civil Exposio de oportunidades de negcios que surgem com a economia verde para empreendedores, sociedade civil, delegaes oficiais e represntantes dos Major Groups.

Boas Prticas de Eficincia Energtica



Aterro do Flamengo

Cradle to Cradle: negcios que vo alm da sustentabilidade

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo MAM Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Mostra SEBRAETec - Exposio de Tecnologias Verdes Feira do Empreendedor Verde- Exposio de Negcios Verdes Segurana Alimentar e Nutricional e Sustentabilidade Grandes empreendimentos: desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento das polticas pblicas municipais Roda de conversa com Si Kaxinawa sobre Assuntos Estratgicos Acreanos - Novas Terras Indgenas e ndios Sem Contato - Criao de Parque Biospherico Binacional na fronteira Brasile - Peru Derecho y luchas socioterritoriales Palestra: Programa de Conservao Marinha: Projeto Golfinho Rotador Por justia ambiental, sem energia nuclear! - Construindo resistncias e alternativas no Brasil e no mundo Plenria das cidades Agricultura urbana como fator de desenvolvimento econmico, social e ambiental. I Encontro das Juventudes Anticapitalistas na Cpula dos Povos

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Derecho y Medio Ambiente Espao de apresentao das lutas, conquistas e propostas dos movimentos sociais e da sociodiversidade de Roraima Seminrio Colaborativo por um Sistema Socioeconmico de Transio Direito Autoral e Direito Informao Trabajo de Jvenes Seminario/ debate Between the State and Market: Chinese women strategizing foreconomic and environmental justice Seminrio As Culturas Populares e Tradicionais como Paradigmas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Encontro Nacional da Frente Nacional em Defesa dos Territrios Quilombolas Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development DIREITO DE TER DIREITOS Black Organizing for Power and Dignity: Visions of Black Food Sovereignty and Food and Health Justice Oficina; Autonomia, Sustentabilidade Econmica e Gnero Seminar on \'The Future of Energy\' Roda de Conversa: Grandes Projetos e nossa vida Le rle dHati dans la recherche dalternatives au modle existant Roda de Conversa e Sarau Afro Mix sobre temas relacionados ao Baob Deadly business the Asbestos case; Hundred-thousand avoidable death each year - Are you the next Asbestos victim? OFICINA: REUNIR E SISTEMATIZAR ESTRATGIAS DE ANLISE E ENFRENTAMENTO DAS VIOLAES DE DIREITOS HUMANOS OCORRIDAS NA REALIZAO DE MEGAPROJETOS NA AMRICA DO SUL Terraterra Exposio de artes \"Depte\",esportes e dana-- Debate sobre politica economia e sociedade haitiana- Musica video e apresentao do Vodou (religiio predominante do Haiti) MEDIA FOR THE PEOPLE How can animal welfare contribute to sustainability, a debate Polticas Pblicas de Governo e sua relao com a Seguridade Social A juventude e o desenvolvimento justo e sustentvel Segurana Qumica: da Rio 92 Rio + 20 Forum: EMPATIA E CUIDADO Forum:Qualidade de Vida nas Cidades (etapa 1) Forum: Educao e empatia no sistema de ensino Equidade de Gnero Produo e Consumo Sustentvel

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

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Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana

inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Evento Fechado Evento Fechado




Jardim Botnico

O encontro tem como objetivo apresentar aos chefes de Estado que estaro reunidos no Rio de Janeiro para a Rio + 20 as recomendaes de proteo ambiental ligadas aos temas da Conferncia. O direito um instrumento indispensvel para lidar com os dois temas da Rio +20 "economia verde" e "o quadro institucional para o desenvolvimento sustentvel". Nesse sentido, pretende-se promover o direito ambiental com base no fortalecimento de sua implementao no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel e da erradicao da pobreza. Este conjunto de propostas normativas pretende reforar a efetividade do direito ambiental como instrumento indispensvel para a implementao dos compromissos assumidos no Rio em 1992. O Encontro Mundial de 15-17 junho, ao reunir 86 juristas ambientais de todos os continentes, pretende abordar diversas temticas ambientais como o objetivo de fomentar a pauta de ao para os prximos anos. Nesse sentido esto os temas da responsabilidade ambiental das empresas, do direito alimentao e proteo de reas naturais, da governana florestal, do acesso energia, dos direitos humanos em caso de desastres, da sustentabilidade ambiental, dos refugiados ambientais, da no-regresso do direito ambiental como condio de desenvolvimento sustentvel, do patrimnio ambiental, do marco institucional para o desenvolvimento sustentvel, de um mediador para as geraes futuras, da proteo dos recursos marinhos e da gesto integrada das zonas costeiras, da explorao do petrleo, da efetividade do direito ambiental, da participao da sociedade civil e do papel das avaliaes de impacto ambiental nacional e transfronteirio. Much of the dialogue on the green economy and trade in the context Rio+20 have focused on the risks associated with a transition to a green economy. However, the transition to a green economy also presents numerous trade opportunities for developing countries. It is crucial to identify these trade opportunities, together with the policy reforms that can create and strengthen developing country capacity to benefit from the opportunities. In order to inform the Rio+20 dialogue on trade and green economy, this side event will focus on the trade opportunities associated with the transformation to a green economy. A recent study completed by UNEP, ITC and ICTSD will be presented, mapping and analysing existing trade related opportunities for developing countries in the transition to a green economy. Social equity, gender equality and environmental justice must form the heart of sustainable development, and of the outcomes of the Rio+20 UN conference in 2012. Twenty years after the first Rio conference, great social and economic inequities still remain. These inequities especially affect women and children, who make up the majority of those living in poverty. Three testimonies from women suffering from the extraction industries, from unsustainable energy and agrofuels and from landgrabbing will be presented. The women?s major group supports the transformation from the current economic system to a sustainable and equitable economic system which ensures gender equality, human rights and environmental justice and supports sustainable livelihoods and poverty eradication. Examples of initiatives towards sustainable and equitable economies will be shown, from assuring women?s access and control to land and resources, developing local, fair and ecological production and consumption, and increasing women?s participation in decision making, will be shared. The side event will focus on raising awareness on the importance of involving young people with disabilities and other marginalized and vulnerable young populations in the social,economic and political development processes contributing to sustainable development of our countries,Countries , Continents and the world.It will share best practices of involving the marginalised and vulnerable Youth populations in the programmes and activities contributing to sustainable development.

Green Economy and Trade - Assessing Risks and Opportunities



T-3 (Riocentro)

Women's Resistance and Resilience



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth with Disabilities and sustainable Development.



T-5 (Riocentro)

Scenarios for Sustainable Development Governance: National Mechanisms that Work



T-6 (Riocentro)

The current Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD) suffers from lack of coherence, coordination and integration. It is defined by the inability of economic and social policy making to fully account for environmental integrity; and very weak connections and coordination among governance levels, i.e. global, regional, and national. These shortcomings result in the persistent gap between sustainable development policy formulation and implementation. There have been strong requests for institutional changes to alleviate these shortcomings both from civil society and from governments around the world. There is a need for a change of IFSD in a way that allows ensuring efficiency and accountability for sustainable development architecture. Three inter-related proposals have gained wide spread support: (1) introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs), (2) creation of sustainable development council (SDC), and (3) strengthening and closely integrating and coordinating mechanisms and processes at global, regional and national levels by exemplifying lessons learnt from Asia and Europe in planning and implementation of sustainability related measures. This side- event will focus on the national sustainable development mechanisms that have been implemented in Asia and Europe, examine its strengths and weaknesses. It also addresses the interconnectedness of all IFSD levels and will thereby demonstrate the need for better vertical and horizontal coordination of the sustainable development architecture. It will be based on the results of the research study initiated by the Asia-Europe Environment Forum and conducted by sustainable development and governance experts on these issues. The twenty years following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit have clearly shown that the current global challenges will not be solved by the same way of thinking that caused them. If we are to create the necessary paradigm shift to ensure not only the survival but the thriving of humanity and the earth, we must turn towards the very roots of our existence. Over four decades of prenatal science and the discovery of "epi-genetics" confirm that during the primal period, from conception to early childhood, the foundation for every human being's relationship with their environment is formed. Human behaviour is determined by this factor. Mothers are children's first environment where the seeds of peace, prosperity, intelligence and sustainability can be sown and nurtured. They must be empowered and supported in their major role in the sustainability and future of our planet.

9 Months to Save the World: Mother Key to Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

PreCom: Earth CouncilScenarios for SD governance PreCom: Assessing Risks and Opportunities PreCom: OMAEP- 9 Months to save the world PreCom: Women's Resistance and Resilience PreCom: Youth with Disabilities and sustainable Development. PreCom: ArmeniaSustainable Development index methodology

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00

T-6 (Riocentro) T-3 (Riocentro) T10 (Riocentro) T-9 (Riocentro) T-5 (Riocentro)



P3-1 (Riocentro) Much of the dialogue on the green economy and trade in the context Rio+20 have focused on the risks associated with a transition to a green economy. However, the transition to a green economy also presents numerous trade opportunities for developing countries. It is crucial to identify these trade opportunities, together with the policy reforms that can create and strengthen developing country capacity to benefit from the opportunities. In order to inform the Rio+20 dialogue on trade and green economy, this side event will focus on the trade opportunities associated with the transformation to a green economy. A recent study completed by UNEP, ITC and ICTSD will be presented, mapping and analysing existing trade related opportunities for developing countries in the transition to a green economy. Social equity, gender equality and environmental justice must form the heart of sustainable development, and of the outcomes of the Rio+20 UN conference in 2012. Twenty years after the first Rio conference, great social and economic inequities still remain. These inequities especially affect women and children, who make up the majority of those living in poverty. Three testimonies from women suffering from the extraction industries, from unsustainable energy and agrofuels and from landgrabbing will be presented. The women?s major group supports the transformation from the current economic system to a sustainable and equitable economic system which ensures gender equality, human rights and environmental justice and supports sustainable livelihoods and poverty eradication. Examples of initiatives towards sustainable and equitable economies will be shown, from assuring women?s access and control to land and resources, developing local, fair and ecological production and consumption, and increasing women?s participation in decision making, will be shared.

Green Economy and Trade - Assessing Risks and Opportunities



T-3 (Riocentro)

Women's Resistance and Resilience



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth with Disabilities and sustainable Development.



T-5 (Riocentro)

The side event will focus on raising awareness on the importance of involving young people with disabilities and other marginalized and vulnerable young populations in the social,economic and political development processes contributing to sustainable development of our countries,Countries , Continents and the world.It will share best practices of involving the marginalised and vulnerable Youth populations in the programmes and activities contributing to sustainable development. The current Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD) suffers from lack of coherence, coordination and integration. It is defined by the inability of economic and social policy making to fully account for environmental integrity; and very weak connections and coordination among governance levels, i.e. global, regional, and national. These shortcomings result in the persistent gap between sustainable development policy formulation and implementation. There have been strong requests for institutional changes to alleviate these shortcomings both from civil society and from governments around the world. There is a need for a change of IFSD in a way that allows ensuring efficiency and accountability for sustainable development architecture. Three inter-related proposals have gained wide spread support: (1) introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs), (2) creation of sustainable development council (SDC), and (3) strengthening and closely integrating and coordinating mechanisms and processes at global, regional and national levels by exemplifying lessons learnt from Asia and Europe in planning and implementation of sustainability related measures. This side- event will focus on the national sustainable development mechanisms that have been implemented in Asia and Europe, examine its strengths and weaknesses. It also addresses the interconnectedness of all IFSD levels and will thereby demonstrate the need for better vertical and horizontal coordination of the sustainable development architecture. It will be based on the results of the research study initiated by the Asia-Europe Environment Forum and conducted by sustainable development and governance experts on these issues. The twenty years following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit have clearly shown that the current global challenges will not be solved by the same way of thinking that caused them. If we are to create the necessary paradigm shift to ensure not only the survival but the thriving of humanity and the earth, we must turn towards the very roots of our existence. Over four decades of prenatal science and the discovery of "epi-genetics" confirm that during the primal period, from conception to early childhood, the foundation for every human being's relationship with their environment is formed. Human behaviour is determined by this factor. Mothers are children's first environment where the seeds of peace, prosperity, intelligence and sustainability can be sown and nurtured. They must be empowered and supported in their major role in the sustainability and future of our planet. Much of the dialogue on the green economy and trade in the context Rio+20 have focused on the risks associated with a transition to a green economy. However, the transition to a green economy also presents numerous trade opportunities for developing countries. It is crucial to identify these trade opportunities, together with the policy reforms that can create and strengthen developing country capacity to benefit from the opportunities. In order to inform the Rio+20 dialogue on trade and green economy, this side event will focus on the trade opportunities associated with the transformation to a green economy. A recent study completed by UNEP, ITC and ICTSD will be presented, mapping and analysing existing trade related opportunities for developing countries in the transition to a green economy. Social equity, gender equality and environmental justice must form the heart of sustainable development, and of the outcomes of the Rio+20 UN conference in 2012. Twenty years after the first Rio conference, great social and economic inequities still remain. These inequities especially affect women and children, who make up the majority of those living in poverty. Three testimonies from women suffering from the extraction industries, from unsustainable energy and agrofuels and from landgrabbing will be presented. The women?s major group supports the transformation from the current economic system to a sustainable and equitable economic system which ensures gender equality, human rights and environmental justice and supports sustainable livelihoods and poverty eradication. Examples of initiatives towards sustainable and equitable economies will be shown, from assuring women?s access and control to land and resources, developing local, fair and ecological production and consumption, and increasing women?s participation in decision making, will be shared.

Scenarios for Sustainable Development Governance: National Mechanisms that Work



T-6 (Riocentro)

9 Months to Save the World: Mother Key to Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Economy and Trade - Assessing Risks and Opportunities



T-3 (Riocentro)

Women's Resistance and Resilience



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth with Disabilities and sustainable Development.



T-5 (Riocentro)

The side event will focus on raising awareness on the importance of involving young people with disabilities and other marginalized and vulnerable young populations in the social,economic and political development processes contributing to sustainable development of our countries,Countries , Continents and the world.It will share best practices of involving the marginalised and vulnerable Youth populations in the programmes and activities contributing to sustainable development. The current Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development (IFSD) suffers from lack of coherence, coordination and integration. It is defined by the inability of economic and social policy making to fully account for environmental integrity; and very weak connections and coordination among governance levels, i.e. global, regional, and national. These shortcomings result in the persistent gap between sustainable development policy formulation and implementation. There have been strong requests for institutional changes to alleviate these shortcomings both from civil society and from governments around the world. There is a need for a change of IFSD in a way that allows ensuring efficiency and accountability for sustainable development architecture. Three inter-related proposals have gained wide spread support: (1) introduction of sustainable development goals (SDGs), (2) creation of sustainable development council (SDC), and (3) strengthening and closely integrating and coordinating mechanisms and processes at global, regional and national levels by exemplifying lessons learnt from Asia and Europe in planning and implementation of sustainability related measures. This side- event will focus on the national sustainable development mechanisms that have been implemented in Asia and Europe, examine its strengths and weaknesses. It also addresses the interconnectedness of all IFSD levels and will thereby demonstrate the need for better vertical and horizontal coordination of the sustainable development architecture. It will be based on the results of the research study initiated by the Asia-Europe Environment Forum and conducted by sustainable development and governance experts on these issues. The twenty years following the 1992 Rio Earth Summit have clearly shown that the current global challenges will not be solved by the same way of thinking that caused them. If we are to create the necessary paradigm shift to ensure not only the survival but the thriving of humanity and the earth, we must turn towards the very roots of our existence. Over four decades of prenatal science and the discovery of "epi-genetics" confirm that during the primal period, from conception to early childhood, the foundation for every human being's relationship with their environment is formed. Human behaviour is determined by this factor. Mothers are children's first environment where the seeds of peace, prosperity, intelligence and sustainability can be sown and nurtured. They must be empowered and supported in their major role in the sustainability and future of our planet. A Mostra Meu Meio marca a reinaugurao do Museu do Meio Ambiente, pelo Instituto de Pesquisa do Jardim Botnico.

Scenarios for Sustainable Development Governance: National Mechanisms that Work



T-6 (Riocentro)

9 Months to Save the World: Mother Key to Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

AJA Derrube Limites (Visitao) Dilogos Inter-Redes: Educao Ambiental e Agendas 21 Locais Seminrio Internacional \"Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial\" International Forum on Mining, Climate Change and Peoples Movement O PODER POPULAR NA AMRICA LATINA: experincias e expectativas para o sculo XXI Seminrio e Debate \" Justia Climtica, Emergncia Climtica, Sustentabilidade e Aquecimento Global\". Seminnar and Debate \"Climate Justice, Climate Emergency, Sustainability and Global Warming\". Conferncia Indgena Mostra Meu Meio

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Museu do Meio Ambiente MAM Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Museu da Repblica Museu do Meio Ambiente 60 metros quadrados de colaborao. Durante a Cpula dos Povos, os jardins do Aterro do Flamengo abrigaro o Laboratrio de Comunicao Compartilhada, um espao livre onde qualquer interessado poder entrar e utilizar o telecentro ou as ilhas de edio disponveis para produzir e editar contedos sobre a Cpula e post-los na Rede dos Povos, nossa plataforma colaborativa.

Laboratrio de Comunicao Compartilhada



Laboratrio de Comunicao




Centro Cultural da Justia Federal

III Preparatory Committee (day 3) PreCom: G77 - on UNCSD [cl] PrepCom:European Union:EU Coordination [cl]

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Riocentro P3-5 (Riocentro) P3-F (Riocentro)

O artista visual Rene Machado estabelece em sua pintura algumas questes relacionadas sua produo, como a utilizao de recursos tecnolgicos para, tal qual numa caada, capturar no ambiente web imagens fotogrficas e de personagens de desenhos animados. Segundo o curador da exposio, Marco Antonio Teobaldo, as imagens so manipuladas digitalmente em seu computador e impressas sobre telas, e assim, o artista cria cenas que revelam o ser humano como um animal predador e cruel. Official Event - Tentative Agenda Day 06/15/2012: 10:00hrs to 13:00hrs Working group(s) meetings; 15:00hrs to 19:30hrs Closing session (Plenary) - Closing remarks by the Co-chair; Status of negotiations and the next steps by the CSG.

Desafios para a Implementao da Economia Verde no Contexto do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel



Arena da Barra

Conferncia com a participao de professores da Universidade de So Paulo para discutir estudos do Instituto de Eletrotcnica e Energia da Universidade de So Paulo atravs de seus programas de Cincia Ambiental e Energia com a abordagem dos seguintes tpicos: Desafios do Ps -consumo: resduos slidos, incluso social, sustentabilidade; Energia: pobreza X incluso social, renovveis, inovao, uso integrado de fontes energticas. Mudanas Climticas: cidades, vulnerabilidade e adaptao, riscos. Conference with professors from University of Sao Paulo discussing the studies of Institute of Eletrotechnics and Energy in Environmental Science and Energy abording the topics: Challenges of Pos- Consumption: solid wate in general , solid waste prevention, social inclusion, renovable energy, innovation, integrated source of energy; Climate Changes: cities, vulnerability and adaptation, riscs. A base para uma economia verde eficiente no uso dos recursos deve ser construda a partir da gua, energia e segurana da existncia de comida - essas questes devem ser abordadas de maneira integrada e holstica. Sem lidar com este "nexo" de forma holstica, as tentativas em atingir um desenvolvimento sustentvel a longo prazo falhar. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Per Bertilsson (Stockholm International Water Institute). O objetivo do evento proporcionar um debate qualificado em torno de temas emergentes relacionados com o ambiente costeiro e marinho, buscando um nivelamento do estado da arte, nacional e internacional, em torno destes temas. A mesa contar com quatro palestrantes principais que discorrero sobre: (1) O Aporte oferecido pelos oceanos na elaborao de novos indicadores para medio de bem estar e progresso; (2) Aproveitamento da biodiversidade marinha como fonte de riqueza e combate pobreza; (3) Servios ambientais do ecossistema marinho e o balano de carbono nos oceanos; (4) Gesto da zona costeira e os desafios das mudanas climticas. Evento aberto ao pblico.

Challenges for implementing the green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development



Arena da Barra

gua, alimentos e energia



Parque dos Atletas

Contribuies dos Oceanos para a Economia e Governana Global ps Rio+20



Parque dos Atletas

Workshop: Alternative development paradigms: Viable proposals Desafios persistentes do saneamento bsico: Como venclos? Apresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- na Estao Pavuna Turismo Sustentvel: I Colquio sobre Turismo e Sustentabilidade Debate sobre a criao e ampiao de bancos comunitrios nas comunidades cariocas Tecendo uma Rede de Sustentabilidade UN Business and Human Rights: compliance assessment tool Olhares e prticas da juventude rural no contexto climtico I Encontro das Juventudes Anticapitalistas na Cpula dos Povos Atelier participatif sur la Biopiraterie Trabajamos para la proteccin y preservacin de nuestro territorio Meeting/Discussion Acciones comunitarias frente a las imposiciones del capital; agroecoturismo comunitario. Linking Rio+20, Cairo+20 and MDG+15 Economic Recovery, Natural Resources, and Peacebuilding Seminrio

15/06/2012 15/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de zarabatana na Escola Municipal Leo Veloso + Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de peteca na Escola Municipal Andra.




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11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Evento Pblico

As Culturas Populares e Tradicionais como Paradigmas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Videoforum- Tukki la Huella Ambiental The social and environmental footprint of the waste industry Rights of Nature the Foundation for Sustainability Speaking Truth to Power Palestra \"Educao para uma Nova Conscincia\" O direito cidade sustentvel e a crtica da cidade capitalista Structures for living light, hanging villages and portable homes Structures for living light, hanging villages and portable homes Ponencia - seminario Workshop de Mdias e Autogesto Cincia & Tecnologia Educao para tod@s e sustentabilidade - o direito humano como paradigma Confrence \"Dclarons illgale la pauvret Conversatorio Gestin de Tierras Resguardo Musse Ukwe, Colombia Defense of Commons against Mercantilization Anti-Nuclear For Islands Workshop Oficina da UPMS: Sade, sustentabilidade e bien vivir Exposio de artes \"Depte\",esportes e dana-- Debate sobre politica economia e sociedade haitiana- Musica video e apresentao do Vodou (religiio predominante do Haiti) Nuclear Energy - a Barrier to a Green Economy, Sustainable development, and Poverty Reduction Facts, figures and personal experiences from 4 continents

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11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo This side event will focus on the topic of resource, environment and sustainable development, which has attracted attentions from China and all over the world. The speakers will talk about the resource, environment and sustainable development in China, with regard to different areas and industries. It will include the status, achievements, challenges, as well as technology innovations. The speaker from UFRJ, Brazil will talk about the overall situation in Brazil. The discussion will focus on how to maintain the achievement and solve the problems related to resource, environment and sustainable development, not only in China and Brazil, but also in other developing countries. This side event is expected to show to the world the progress and efforts as well as challenges of sustainable development in China and Brazil, which is the sound from the developing countries in UNCSD/Rio+20. Debates on agriculture often pit smallholder agriculture versus large-scale agriculture. However this vision fails to take into account the variety of agriculture systems that co-exist around the world and the technologies and best practices that can be shared by farmers at different scale. The roundtable discussion will present a study on best practices in agriculture in Latin America as a basis for discussion regarding which practices can be shared and scaled up to improve sustainability and enable smallholder farmers to take advantage of market and regional integration opportunities. People from around the world will be watching for their leaders to make the right decisions at Rio which bring dignity, wellbeing and prosperity to all, and in so doing sets a strong legacy for generations to come. This event brings together a broad perspective, to hear from high level speakers sharing their views on safeguarding a sustainable future - an essential requirement to ensure a meaningful outcome at Rio+20. We will discuss the possible Rio outcomes and what they mean for child and youth representatives (Rio+twenties, terre des hommes) , representatives of networks committed to social justice (Social Watch), the rights of nature (Earth Charter Initiative), practitioners in the field of future generations (Ombudspersons) and internationally recognized authorities on future justice governance (The Elders, World Future Council).

Resource Environment and Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Best practices and technology opportunities for farmers in South America



T-5 (Riocentro)

Social justice for future generations



T-8 (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming Organic Agriculture as a Means of Implementation



T-6 (Riocentro)

Green Economy and Equity



T-3 (Riocentro)

Governments with established organic green economies and effective enabling policies that support sustainable agriculture and which address hunger and poverty will share their experiences. UN agencies and humanitarian organizations will outline how organic practices can unlock the potential of smallholder farmers for rural development and food and nutrition security. International volunteer organizations will present the case for integrating skilled volunteers into implementation strategies. IFOAM, the world?s organic farming umbrella organization, with 870 member organizations in 120 countries will confirm its contribution to the outcome of Rio+20 by outlining how it will facilitate the transition by systematically making its global networks and policy and technical expertise readily available to stakeholders. The panel will explore how Rio+20 can accelerate the uptake of organic agriculture including through its mainstreaming into policies and initiatives such as CAADP, CSA, Zero Net Land Degradation, Purchase for Progress, Zero Hunger Programs and global research programs. By many, the concept of Green Economy is seen as a major milestone towards a sustainable development. On the other hand, lot of NGOs have expressed deep concerns. In their view the discussions on Green Economy in the Rio+20 preparation process contribute to narrowing the idea of sustainable development to a one-sided concept that especially lacks equity, social justice and human rights. The Side Event will present the various views and discuss pathways to implement sustainable development in a way that integrates social equity, eco-justice and the preservation of the environment. This side event aims at reviewing the recent economic and social drivers of the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon region, as well as analyzing to which extent environmental policies have been effective in decreasing deforestation rates recently. New policy proposals that combine forest conservation and sustainable use with socioeconomic development and a greener economy in the Amazon will be discussed. The event starts with an introduction to policies that are in place to combat illegal forest loss and follows with presentations of new research results based on quantitative analyses of deforestation dynamics and their empirical linkages with economic variables and environmental regulations. Panelists will engage the audience in a debate focusing on potential ways to enhancing the effectiveness of forest conservation policies against the backdrop of social and economic development of the region as well as Brazil?s pledge to achieve the ambitious conservation targets proposed in Copenhagen. Youth are faced with unprecedented levels of unemployment. But the prospects of greening economies now offer potential for a wide range of new jobs to be created. The challenge is to seize the major opportunities for decent work the emerging new green sectors and by making existing jobs both more decent and greener at the same time. A sharper focus on youth may prove to be an important accelerator for making progress on all three dimensions of sustainable development. Significant progress can be made in poverty eradication and social inclusion by making green jobs a reality The side event would pave the way for a global partnership for green jobs, scaling up existing efforts, identifying the policy levers and crafting a global funding mechanism.

Economic and policy drivers of deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Jobs: a chance for Youth!



T-4 (Riocentro)

PreCom:Chinese Society for Sustainable Development PreCom:CropLife International PreCom:EED- Green economy and equity PreCom: IFOAMMainstreaming organic agriculture PreCom: Institute for Applied Economic Research PreCom: Green Jobs: a chance for youth PreCom: World Future Council- Social justice for future generations

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

T-9 (Riocentro) T-5 (Riocentro) T-4 (Riocentro) T-6 (Riocentro) T-10 (Riocentro) T-4 (Riocentro) T-8 (Riocentro)

Resource Environment and Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

This side event will focus on the topic of resource, environment and sustainable development, which has attracted attentions from China and all over the world. The speakers will talk about the resource, environment and sustainable development in China, with regard to different areas and industries. It will include the status, achievements, challenges, as well as technology innovations. The speaker from UFRJ, Brazil will talk about the overall situation in Brazil. The discussion will focus on how to maintain the achievement and solve the problems related to resource, environment and sustainable development, not only in China and Brazil, but also in other developing countries. This side event is expected to show to the world the progress and efforts as well as challenges of sustainable development in China and Brazil, which is the sound from the developing countries in UNCSD/Rio+20. Debates on agriculture often pit smallholder agriculture versus large-scale agriculture. However this vision fails to take into account the variety of agriculture systems that co-exist around the world and the technologies and best practices that can be shared by farmers at different scale. The roundtable discussion will present a study on best practices in agriculture in Latin America as a basis for discussion regarding which practices can be shared and scaled up to improve sustainability and enable smallholder farmers to take advantage of market and regional integration opportunities. People from around the world will be watching for their leaders to make the right decisions at Rio which bring dignity, wellbeing and prosperity to all, and in so doing sets a strong legacy for generations to come. This event brings together a broad perspective, to hear from high level speakers sharing their views on safeguarding a sustainable future - an essential requirement to ensure a meaningful outcome at Rio+20. We will discuss the possible Rio outcomes and what they mean for child and youth representatives (Rio+twenties, terre des hommes) , representatives of networks committed to social justice (Social Watch), the rights of nature (Earth Charter Initiative), practitioners in the field of future generations (Ombudspersons) and internationally recognized authorities on future justice governance (The Elders, World Future Council). Governments with established organic green economies and effective enabling policies that support sustainable agriculture and which address hunger and poverty will share their experiences. UN agencies and humanitarian organizations will outline how organic practices can unlock the potential of smallholder farmers for rural development and food and nutrition security. International volunteer organizations will present the case for integrating skilled volunteers into implementation strategies. IFOAM, the world?s organic farming umbrella organization, with 870 member organizations in 120 countries will confirm its contribution to the outcome of Rio+20 by outlining how it will facilitate the transition by systematically making its global networks and policy and technical expertise readily available to stakeholders. The panel will explore how Rio+20 can accelerate the uptake of organic agriculture including through its mainstreaming into policies and initiatives such as CAADP, CSA, Zero Net Land Degradation, Purchase for Progress, Zero Hunger Programs and global research programs. By many, the concept of Green Economy is seen as a major milestone towards a sustainable development. On the other hand, lot of NGOs have expressed deep concerns. In their view the discussions on Green Economy in the Rio+20 preparation process contribute to narrowing the idea of sustainable development to a one-sided concept that especially lacks equity, social justice and human rights. The Side Event will present the various views and discuss pathways to implement sustainable development in a way that integrates social equity, eco-justice and the preservation of the environment. This side event aims at reviewing the recent economic and social drivers of the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon region, as well as analyzing to which extent environmental policies have been effective in decreasing deforestation rates recently. New policy proposals that combine forest conservation and sustainable use with socioeconomic development and a greener economy in the Amazon will be discussed. The event starts with an introduction to policies that are in place to combat illegal forest loss and follows with presentations of new research results based on quantitative analyses of deforestation dynamics and their empirical linkages with economic variables and environmental regulations. Panelists will engage the audience in a debate focusing on potential ways to enhancing the effectiveness of forest conservation policies against the backdrop of social and economic development of the region as well as Brazil?s pledge to achieve the ambitious conservation targets proposed in Copenhagen.

Best practices and technology opportunities for farmers in South America



T-5 (Riocentro)

Social justice for future generations



T-8 (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming Organic Agriculture as a Means of Implementation



T-6 (Riocentro)

Green Economy and Equity



T-3 (Riocentro)

Economic and policy drivers of deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Jobs: a chance for Youth!



T-4 (Riocentro)

Resource Environment and Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth are faced with unprecedented levels of unemployment. But the prospects of greening economies now offer potential for a wide range of new jobs to be created. The challenge is to seize the major opportunities for decent work the emerging new green sectors and by making existing jobs both more decent and greener at the same time. A sharper focus on youth may prove to be an important accelerator for making progress on all three dimensions of sustainable development. Significant progress can be made in poverty eradication and social inclusion by making green jobs a reality The side event would pave the way for a global partnership for green jobs, scaling up existing efforts, identifying the policy levers and crafting a global funding mechanism. This side event will focus on the topic of resource, environment and sustainable development, which has attracted attentions from China and all over the world. The speakers will talk about the resource, environment and sustainable development in China, with regard to different areas and industries. It will include the status, achievements, challenges, as well as technology innovations. The speaker from UFRJ, Brazil will talk about the overall situation in Brazil. The discussion will focus on how to maintain the achievement and solve the problems related to resource, environment and sustainable development, not only in China and Brazil, but also in other developing countries. This side event is expected to show to the world the progress and efforts as well as challenges of sustainable development in China and Brazil, which is the sound from the developing countries in UNCSD/Rio+20. Debates on agriculture often pit smallholder agriculture versus large-scale agriculture. However this vision fails to take into account the variety of agriculture systems that co-exist around the world and the technologies and best practices that can be shared by farmers at different scale. The roundtable discussion will present a study on best practices in agriculture in Latin America as a basis for discussion regarding which practices can be shared and scaled up to improve sustainability and enable smallholder farmers to take advantage of market and regional integration opportunities. People from around the world will be watching for their leaders to make the right decisions at Rio which bring dignity, wellbeing and prosperity to all, and in so doing sets a strong legacy for generations to come. This event brings together a broad perspective, to hear from high level speakers sharing their views on safeguarding a sustainable future - an essential requirement to ensure a meaningful outcome at Rio+20. We will discuss the possible Rio outcomes and what they mean for child and youth representatives (Rio+twenties, terre des hommes) , representatives of networks committed to social justice (Social Watch), the rights of nature (Earth Charter Initiative), practitioners in the field of future generations (Ombudspersons) and internationally recognized authorities on future justice governance (The Elders, World Future Council). Governments with established organic green economies and effective enabling policies that support sustainable agriculture and which address hunger and poverty will share their experiences. UN agencies and humanitarian organizations will outline how organic practices can unlock the potential of smallholder farmers for rural development and food and nutrition security. International volunteer organizations will present the case for integrating skilled volunteers into implementation strategies. IFOAM, the world?s organic farming umbrella organization, with 870 member organizations in 120 countries will confirm its contribution to the outcome of Rio+20 by outlining how it will facilitate the transition by systematically making its global networks and policy and technical expertise readily available to stakeholders. The panel will explore how Rio+20 can accelerate the uptake of organic agriculture including through its mainstreaming into policies and initiatives such as CAADP, CSA, Zero Net Land Degradation, Purchase for Progress, Zero Hunger Programs and global research programs. By many, the concept of Green Economy is seen as a major milestone towards a sustainable development. On the other hand, lot of NGOs have expressed deep concerns. In their view the discussions on Green Economy in the Rio+20 preparation process contribute to narrowing the idea of sustainable development to a one-sided concept that especially lacks equity, social justice and human rights. The Side Event will present the various views and discuss pathways to implement sustainable development in a way that integrates social equity, eco-justice and the preservation of the environment.

Best practices and technology opportunities for farmers in South America



T-5 (Riocentro)

Social justice for future generations



T-8 (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming Organic Agriculture as a Means of Implementation



T-6 (Riocentro)

Green Economy and Equity



T-3 (Riocentro)

Economic and policy drivers of deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon



T-10 (Riocentro)

This side event aims at reviewing the recent economic and social drivers of the deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon region, as well as analyzing to which extent environmental policies have been effective in decreasing deforestation rates recently. New policy proposals that combine forest conservation and sustainable use with socioeconomic development and a greener economy in the Amazon will be discussed. The event starts with an introduction to policies that are in place to combat illegal forest loss and follows with presentations of new research results based on quantitative analyses of deforestation dynamics and their empirical linkages with economic variables and environmental regulations. Panelists will engage the audience in a debate focusing on potential ways to enhancing the effectiveness of forest conservation policies against the backdrop of social and economic development of the region as well as Brazil?s pledge to achieve the ambitious conservation targets proposed in Copenhagen. Youth are faced with unprecedented levels of unemployment. But the prospects of greening economies now offer potential for a wide range of new jobs to be created. The challenge is to seize the major opportunities for decent work the emerging new green sectors and by making existing jobs both more decent and greener at the same time. A sharper focus on youth may prove to be an important accelerator for making progress on all three dimensions of sustainable development. Significant progress can be made in poverty eradication and social inclusion by making green jobs a reality The side event would pave the way for a global partnership for green jobs, scaling up existing efforts, identifying the policy levers and crafting a global funding mechanism.

Green Jobs: a chance for Youth!



T-4 (Riocentro)

PreCom:Press briefing Local initiative to rebuild community- Case from Fukushima oficina de biju com cmara de pneu e outros materiais/ oficina de cadernos ecologicos

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

12:00:00 12:30:00 12:45:00

P3-7 (Riocentro) Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Analisa-se aspectos da sustentabilidade da gesto das polticas pblicas ambientais no Maranho. apresenta panorama da atuao do sistema estadual de meio ambiente e suas relaes. Discute a governana, os marcos institucionais e regulatrios da gesto socioambiental. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Luzenice Macedo Martins, Consultora Legislativa de Meio Ambiente da Assembleia Legislativa do Estado do Maranho. Evento Pblico

Governana no Estado do Maranho: Um Olhar Sobre a Poltica



Parque dos Atletas

Desenvolvimento de Baixo Carbono Seminrio Internacional \"Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial\" International Forum on Mining, Climate Change and Peoples Movement II JORNADA INTERNACIONAL DE EDUCAO AMBIENTAL Tellavision Clothing Diashow Amianto/Asbesto: O Futuro que queremos sem Amianto PreCom: G77 - on UNCSD [cl] Sesso VDEO-SHOW A common framework to attain the full potential of forests for sustainable development Financing Sustainable Development, a trade union agenda: new global levies, wealth redistribution, role of pension funds Financing Sustainable Development, a trade union agenda: new global levies wealth redistribution, role of pension funds

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo P3-5 (Riocentro) Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra P3-2 (Riocentro)

Sesso VDEO-SHOW Room UN3 Room UN4

A common framework to attain the full potential of forests for SD



T-6 (Riocentro)

Forests are a critical link in the transition to a green economy. Forests with their products and services have the potential to contribute to overcoming global challenges, such as poverty, water scarcity, need for employment, renewable energy, low-carbon economy, climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet realizing this potential requires the mainstreaming of proven mechanisms such as forest certification that promote and provide evidence of responsible forestry. Moreover, special attention must be paid to the some 25% of the world?s forests that are locally managed by families, communities and indigenous peoples. These groups face distinct challenges in accessing direct, tangible benefits from their forest resources and their ability to contribute to a green economy. This event presents framework conditions to guide forest certification and forest stakeholders, with a specific focus on the role of locally controlled forestry.

PreCom: PEFC International- full potential of forests for sust. dev. PreCom: Sustain Labour- Financing Sustainable Development PreCom: WECFProtecting our first environment PreCom: JUSCANZ Meeting [cl] PreCom: Mission of Australia - Informal meeting PreCom: Mission of Australia - Informal meeting Financing Sustainable Development, a trade union agenda: new global levies wealth redistribution, role of pension funds



UN3 (Barra Arena)

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00

UN5 (Barra Arena) UN2 (Barra Arena) P3-3 (Riocentro) P3-4 (Riocentro) P3-G (Riocentro) P3-2 (Riocentro) Forests are a critical link in the transition to a green economy. Forests with their products and services have the potential to contribute to overcoming global challenges, such as poverty, water scarcity, need for employment, renewable energy, low-carbon economy, climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet realizing this potential requires the mainstreaming of proven mechanisms such as forest certification that promote and provide evidence of responsible forestry. Moreover, special attention must be paid to the some 25% of the world?s forests that are locally managed by families, communities and indigenous peoples. These groups face distinct challenges in accessing direct, tangible benefits from their forest resources and their ability to contribute to a green economy. This event presents framework conditions to guide forest certification and forest stakeholders, with a specific focus on the role of locally controlled forestry.

A common framework to attain the full potential of forests for SD



T-6 (Riocentro)

Financing Sustainable Development, a trade union agenda: new global levies wealth redistribution, role of pension funds



P3-2 (Riocentro) Forests are a critical link in the transition to a green economy. Forests with their products and services have the potential to contribute to overcoming global challenges, such as poverty, water scarcity, need for employment, renewable energy, low-carbon economy, climate change and biodiversity loss. Yet realizing this potential requires the mainstreaming of proven mechanisms such as forest certification that promote and provide evidence of responsible forestry. Moreover, special attention must be paid to the some 25% of the world?s forests that are locally managed by families, communities and indigenous peoples. These groups face distinct challenges in accessing direct, tangible benefits from their forest resources and their ability to contribute to a green economy. This event presents framework conditions to guide forest certification and forest stakeholders, with a specific focus on the role of locally controlled forestry.

A common framework to attain the full potential of forests for SD



T-6 (Riocentro)

Clnica de Energia Solar Comit de Jovens Empreendedores - Rumos do Desenvolviumetno Sustentvel Sustainable Transport in the Cities of the Future

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 13:30:00

13:30:00 13:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Riocentro Evento Fechado Presenting: Holger Dalkmann, Director EMBARQ Global efforts towards green economies and addressing poverty are sensitive to weather and climate variability and change. Development targets are at risk as food production, food security, disaster risk reduction, health epidemics, access to water, energy, tourism, etc., in many countries are dominated by weather and climate. Use of scientifically sound climate services can support better climate risk management, and in taking advantage of climate opportunities to increase productivity and promote sustainable development. There is a significant gap between needs for climate services and their current provision, particularly in least developed and developing countries. Present capabilities to provide climate services do not exploit all we know about climate, and are not delivering their full potential benefits. This event, organized by the World Meteorological Organization and partner UN agencies will provide information on the contribution of the Global Framework for Climate Services in support of greening of economies and poverty reduction

Contributing to the greening of economies and poverty alleviation



T-3 (Riocentro)

Global Governance Mechanisms for Boosting Green Innovation



P3-C (Riocentro)

Voices from Asia Pacific: Just and Sustainable Development Goals for Women



T-5 (Riocentro)

TEEB for Water and Wetlands



P3-B (Riocentro)

Sustainable Transport in the Cities of the Future



T-9 (Riocentro)

It is expected that the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development will lead to stronger political commitment by countries, major groups and international organizations for forging a credible institutional framework for a more sustainable development across the globe. Policies and action plans need to be formulated to steer the mainstream economy towards a greener path that can address the twin challenges of climate change and eradication of poverty. However, we need more innovation capacity to generate tools and mechanisms to transform broad concepts into practical results for the implementation of such commitments. This side event will discuss how we can develop international mechanisms to boost the capacity of societies to innovate in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This event will explore what a feminist, rights-based approach to development might look like. It will consider possible rights-based, sustainable and just development goals particularly relevant to Asia Pacific rural and indigenous women by assessing the progress and gaps for the last 20 years. Despite rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific being most affected by unsustainable growth models of development, they are rarely the architects of global development policies. Yet rural and indigenous women have significant knowledge around sustainable practices and their development needs. This panel draws from a series of consultations with rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific to propose some development indicators that are focused on the sustainable enjoyment of human rights where human rights principles of equality, non-discrimination, participation and representation, transparency and accountability, international cooperation and solidarity determine people?s development. The Millennium ecosystem assessment (MA, 2005) presented a solid evidence base on the loss of wetlands and associated loss of ecosystem services. This was a seminal piece of work, clarifying to the biodiversity community, and wider scientific establishment, the need for action. There was, however, insufficient policy response. This Side Event will provide an expert view from leading practitioners from the field of sustainable mobility in developed countries and emerging economies, and will conclude with proposals on including this topic in the outcome document of Rio+20. The Side Event will focus on sustainable transport in citites, to correspond to the secttion on citieis in the Zero Draft document. Partners are from the global public transport sector (metro, bus, railways), project specialists and research institutes. This Side Event would offer delegates the opportunity to cover all the key issues of sustainable mobility in cities in one single event. During the Rio Summit in 1992 it was decided to develop a Sustainable Development Index in the coming years. Countries and international organizations were invited to make their contribution. This target has not been fully achieved during the last 20 year. Several multi-stakeholders consultation processes conducted in Armenia within the framework of Rio + 20 preparation, analysis of different thematic and assessment reports, including Human development report and others. Experts? observations have revealed that those assessments and statement on the progress achieved doesn?t necessarily reflect the country?s reality. Taking into consideration that Armenia was one of the first countries piloting calculation of SD indexes, the Armenian Government decided to update the existing set of SD indicators and to present the country?s approaches to the issue at the side-event during the RIO+20 Conference, based on its own experience and recent achievements across the globe. Building the case for an integrated and collaborative model of Community Development for Urban or Rural community upgrading. By making available: Capital through Micro-Financing, Highly Efficient Housing with very low power requirements, Safe Water, Improved Food Production, and Efficient Energy Systems communities can be upgraded and set on the path to long term sustainability with income generating opportunities, low power consumption and higher plant yields. Providing the tools for these mechanisms is the most effective way to reduce poverty and change the living condition of families for generations. In this model the community is provided the tools, technology, training, and skills needed to set a new direction for their future One of the main topics at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio in June is green economy. But what should a green economy include? And how can a green economy lead to an equitable sustainable development? These two questions will be discussed at a side event arranged by the Danish 92 Group, Oil Change International and a group of other NGO representatives. The discussion will be lead by examining some of the key perspectives in the publication ?Building an Equitable Green Economy?publiced by the Danish 92 Group as an input to Rio+20, which is identifying elements of the green economy as a tool for sustainable development and provides a framework that assess the outcomes of Rio+20. Further, it presents five working principles that will be put in the context of the current discussions on Rio+20.

Sustainable Development index methodology-possible options



P3-E (Riocentro)

Community Enabled Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

How to create an equitable and sustainable green economy



T-2 (Riocentro)

Commerce Environnement & Developpement



T-4 (Riocentro)

Les problmes environnementaux lis au commerce international posent une srie de difficults. L?un des principaux dfis est le problme d?accs aux marchs internationaux aussi bien pour les produits agricoles que pour les produits industriels. Ces dfis se manifestent concrtement travers les subventions, les barrires techniques et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, entre autres. La situation du continent est d?autant plus difficile dans ce domaine, que peu de pays, sinon aucun, participent aux enceintes internationales d?laboration des normes et standards internationaux en matire environnementale. Les rgles qui naissent de ces processus ne sont pas toujours favorables l?accs des produits africains aux marchs des pays du Nord. Que ce soit pour les normes sanitaires ou phytosanitaires ou encore pour l?cotiquetage, les pays africains ont besoin d?une assistance technique renforce pour se garantir la mise en ?uvre technique des normes internationales. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and provides for food security, human health, the provision of clean air and water; it contributes to local livelihoods, and economic development, and is essential for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, including poverty reduction. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010, and later endorsed by the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly, sets out a vision for a world of "Living in harmony with nature" where "By 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people." The strategic plan and its vision represent a long-term plan that supports the three pillars of sustainable development. The side event will outline these linkages and a vision for the way forward. This side event offers both inspiration and transferable learning from local, national and international initiatives that are demonstrating a green economy in practice using the One Planet Living sustainability approach, framework and 10 guiding principles. In particular, Sustainable Development Goals and National Implementation Plans are being considered as important outcomes of Rio+20. Therefore governments will explain how their thinking is evolving with regard to developing and implementing SDGs and National Plans, and how they see the links to civil society and business, and the One Planet Living framework. There will be a number of commitments being made by civil society, business and governments for post- Rio+20 implementation: Presentations and commitments will be made by the governments of Belgium, Colombia and Kenya, multinational retailer Kingfisher plc, globally recognised planners and developers from Portugal and China- Pelicano and China Merchants Property Developer (CMPD), South America?s largest refridgeration supplier Imbera and international social enterprise BioRegional.

The Future We Want: Biodiversity in the Sustainable Development Goals



T-5 (Riocentro)

Securing a sustainable and equitable future for all post-Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

PreCom: APWLD- Voices from Asia Pacific: Just and SD goals for women PreCom: BioRegional Development Group PreCom: CBD- The Future We Want: Biodiversity in Sust. Dev. Goals PreCom: ENDA Tiers Monde- Commerce Environnement & Developpement PreCom: Global 2000 (2012)- International Community Enabled Sust Dev PreCom: Ramsar Convention- TEEB for Water and Wetlands PreCom PrepCom: United Nations University (UNU) PreCom: World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00

T-3 (Riocentro) T-4 (Riocentro) T-2 (Riocentro) T-10 (Riocentro)



T-9 (Riocentro)

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00 13:30:00

P3-6 (Riocentro) T-5 (Riocentro) T-6 (Riocentro) P3-2 (Riocentro)

Global efforts towards green economies and addressing poverty are sensitive to weather and climate variability and change. Development targets are at risk as food production, food security, disaster risk reduction, health epidemics, access to water, energy, tourism, etc., in many countries are dominated by weather and climate. Use of scientifically sound climate services can support better climate risk management, and in taking advantage of climate opportunities to increase productivity and promote sustainable development. Contributing to the greening of economies and poverty alleviation 15/06/2012 13:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro) There is a significant gap between needs for climate services and their current provision, particularly in least developed and developing countries. Present capabilities to provide climate services do not exploit all we know about climate, and are not delivering their full potential benefits. This event, organized by the World Meteorological Organization and partner UN agencies will provide information on the contribution of the Global Framework for Climate Services in support of greening of economies and poverty reduction It is expected that the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development will lead to stronger political commitment by countries, major groups and international organizations for forging a credible institutional framework for a more sustainable development across the globe. Policies and action plans need to be formulated to steer the mainstream economy towards a greener path that can address the twin challenges of climate change and eradication of poverty. However, we need more innovation capacity to generate tools and mechanisms to transform broad concepts into practical results for the implementation of such commitments. This side event will discuss how we can develop international mechanisms to boost the capacity of societies to innovate in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This event will explore what a feminist, rights-based approach to development might look like. It will consider possible rights-based, sustainable and just development goals particularly relevant to Asia Pacific rural and indigenous women by assessing the progress and gaps for the last 20 years. Despite rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific being most affected by unsustainable growth models of development, they are rarely the architects of global development policies. Yet rural and indigenous women have significant knowledge around sustainable practices and their development needs. This panel draws from a series of consultations with rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific to propose some development indicators that are focused on the sustainable enjoyment of human rights where human rights principles of equality, non-discrimination, participation and representation, transparency and accountability, international cooperation and solidarity determine people?s development. The Millennium ecosystem assessment (MA, 2005) presented a solid evidence base on the loss of wetlands and associated loss of ecosystem services. This was a seminal piece of work, clarifying to the biodiversity community, and wider scientific establishment, the need for action. There was, however, insufficient policy response. This Side Event will provide an expert view from leading practitioners from the field of sustainable mobility in developed countries and emerging economies, and will conclude with proposals on including this topic in the outcome document of Rio+20. The Side Event will focus on sustainable transport in citites, to correspond to the secttion on citieis in the Zero Draft document. Partners are from the global public transport sector (metro, bus, railways), project specialists and research institutes. This Side Event would offer delegates the opportunity to cover all the key issues of sustainable mobility in cities in one single event. During the Rio Summit in 1992 it was decided to develop a Sustainable Development Index in the coming years. Countries and international organizations were invited to make their contribution. This target has not been fully achieved during the last 20 year. Several multi-stakeholders consultation processes conducted in Armenia within the framework of Rio + 20 preparation, analysis of different thematic and assessment reports, including Human development report and others. Experts? observations have revealed that those assessments and statement on the progress achieved doesn?t necessarily reflect the country?s reality. Taking into consideration that Armenia was one of the first countries piloting calculation of SD indexes, the Armenian Government decided to update the existing set of SD indicators and to present the country?s approaches to the issue at the side-event during the RIO+20 Conference, based on its own experience and recent achievements across the globe. Building the case for an integrated and collaborative model of Community Development for Urban or Rural community upgrading. By making available: Capital through Micro-Financing, Highly Efficient Housing with very low power requirements, Safe Water, Improved Food Production, and Efficient Energy Systems communities can be upgraded and set on the path to long term sustainability with income generating opportunities, low power consumption and higher plant yields. Providing the tools for these mechanisms is the most effective way to reduce poverty and change the living condition of families for generations. In this model the community is provided the tools, technology, training, and skills needed to set a new direction for their future

Global Governance Mechanisms for Boosting Green Innovation



P3-C (Riocentro)

Voices from Asia Pacific: Just and Sustainable Development Goals for Women



T-5 (Riocentro)

TEEB for Water and Wetlands



P3-B (Riocentro)

Sustainable Transport in the Cities of the Future



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development index methodology-possible options



P3-E (Riocentro)

Community Enabled Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

How to create an equitable and sustainable green economy



T-2 (Riocentro)

One of the main topics at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio in June is green economy. But what should a green economy include? And how can a green economy lead to an equitable sustainable development? These two questions will be discussed at a side event arranged by the Danish 92 Group, Oil Change International and a group of other NGO representatives. The discussion will be lead by examining some of the key perspectives in the publication ?Building an Equitable Green Economy?publiced by the Danish 92 Group as an input to Rio+20, which is identifying elements of the green economy as a tool for sustainable development and provides a framework that assess the outcomes of Rio+20. Further, it presents five working principles that will be put in the context of the current discussions on Rio+20. Les problmes environnementaux lis au commerce international posent une srie de difficults. L?un des principaux dfis est le problme d?accs aux marchs internationaux aussi bien pour les produits agricoles que pour les produits industriels. Ces dfis se manifestent concrtement travers les subventions, les barrires techniques et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, entre autres. La situation du continent est d?autant plus difficile dans ce domaine, que peu de pays, sinon aucun, participent aux enceintes internationales d?laboration des normes et standards internationaux en matire environnementale. Les rgles qui naissent de ces processus ne sont pas toujours favorables l?accs des produits africains aux marchs des pays du Nord. Que ce soit pour les normes sanitaires ou phytosanitaires ou encore pour l?cotiquetage, les pays africains ont besoin d?une assistance technique renforce pour se garantir la mise en ?uvre technique des normes internationales. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and provides for food security, human health, the provision of clean air and water; it contributes to local livelihoods, and economic development, and is essential for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, including poverty reduction. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010, and later endorsed by the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly, sets out a vision for a world of "Living in harmony with nature" where "By 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people." The strategic plan and its vision represent a long-term plan that supports the three pillars of sustainable development. The side event will outline these linkages and a vision for the way forward. This side event offers both inspiration and transferable learning from local, national and international initiatives that are demonstrating a green economy in practice using the One Planet Living sustainability approach, framework and 10 guiding principles. In particular, Sustainable Development Goals and National Implementation Plans are being considered as important outcomes of Rio+20. Therefore governments will explain how their thinking is evolving with regard to developing and implementing SDGs and National Plans, and how they see the links to civil society and business, and the One Planet Living framework. There will be a number of commitments being made by civil society, business and governments for post- Rio+20 implementation: Presentations and commitments will be made by the governments of Belgium, Colombia and Kenya, multinational retailer Kingfisher plc, globally recognised planners and developers from Portugal and China- Pelicano and China Merchants Property Developer (CMPD), South America?s largest refridgeration supplier Imbera and international social enterprise BioRegional. Global efforts towards green economies and addressing poverty are sensitive to weather and climate variability and change. Development targets are at risk as food production, food security, disaster risk reduction, health epidemics, access to water, energy, tourism, etc., in many countries are dominated by weather and climate. Use of scientifically sound climate services can support better climate risk management, and in taking advantage of climate opportunities to increase productivity and promote sustainable development.

Commerce Environnement & Developpement



T-4 (Riocentro)

The Future We Want: Biodiversity in the Sustainable Development Goals



T-5 (Riocentro)

Securing a sustainable and equitable future for all post-Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

Contributing to the greening of economies and poverty alleviation



T-3 (Riocentro) There is a significant gap between needs for climate services and their current provision, particularly in least developed and developing countries. Present capabilities to provide climate services do not exploit all we know about climate, and are not delivering their full potential benefits. This event, organized by the World Meteorological Organization and partner UN agencies will provide information on the contribution of the Global Framework for Climate Services in support of greening of economies and poverty reduction

Global Governance Mechanisms for Boosting Green Innovation



P3-C (Riocentro)

Voices from Asia Pacific: Just and Sustainable Development Goals for Women



T-5 (Riocentro)

TEEB for Water and Wetlands



P3-B (Riocentro)

Sustainable Transport in the Cities of the Future



T-9 (Riocentro)

It is expected that the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development will lead to stronger political commitment by countries, major groups and international organizations for forging a credible institutional framework for a more sustainable development across the globe. Policies and action plans need to be formulated to steer the mainstream economy towards a greener path that can address the twin challenges of climate change and eradication of poverty. However, we need more innovation capacity to generate tools and mechanisms to transform broad concepts into practical results for the implementation of such commitments. This side event will discuss how we can develop international mechanisms to boost the capacity of societies to innovate in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development. This event will explore what a feminist, rights-based approach to development might look like. It will consider possible rights-based, sustainable and just development goals particularly relevant to Asia Pacific rural and indigenous women by assessing the progress and gaps for the last 20 years. Despite rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific being most affected by unsustainable growth models of development, they are rarely the architects of global development policies. Yet rural and indigenous women have significant knowledge around sustainable practices and their development needs. This panel draws from a series of consultations with rural and indigenous women of Asia Pacific to propose some development indicators that are focused on the sustainable enjoyment of human rights where human rights principles of equality, non-discrimination, participation and representation, transparency and accountability, international cooperation and solidarity determine people?s development. The Millennium ecosystem assessment (MA, 2005) presented a solid evidence base on the loss of wetlands and associated loss of ecosystem services. This was a seminal piece of work, clarifying to the biodiversity community, and wider scientific establishment, the need for action. There was, however, insufficient policy response. This Side Event will provide an expert view from leading practitioners from the field of sustainable mobility in developed countries and emerging economies, and will conclude with proposals on including this topic in the outcome document of Rio+20. The Side Event will focus on sustainable transport in citites, to correspond to the secttion on citieis in the Zero Draft document. Partners are from the global public transport sector (metro, bus, railways), project specialists and research institutes. This Side Event would offer delegates the opportunity to cover all the key issues of sustainable mobility in cities in one single event. During the Rio Summit in 1992 it was decided to develop a Sustainable Development Index in the coming years. Countries and international organizations were invited to make their contribution. This target has not been fully achieved during the last 20 year. Several multi-stakeholders consultation processes conducted in Armenia within the framework of Rio + 20 preparation, analysis of different thematic and assessment reports, including Human development report and others. Experts? observations have revealed that those assessments and statement on the progress achieved doesn?t necessarily reflect the country?s reality. Taking into consideration that Armenia was one of the first countries piloting calculation of SD indexes, the Armenian Government decided to update the existing set of SD indicators and to present the country?s approaches to the issue at the side-event during the RIO+20 Conference, based on its own experience and recent achievements across the globe. Building the case for an integrated and collaborative model of Community Development for Urban or Rural community upgrading. By making available: Capital through Micro-Financing, Highly Efficient Housing with very low power requirements, Safe Water, Improved Food Production, and Efficient Energy Systems communities can be upgraded and set on the path to long term sustainability with income generating opportunities, low power consumption and higher plant yields. Providing the tools for these mechanisms is the most effective way to reduce poverty and change the living condition of families for generations. In this model the community is provided the tools, technology, training, and skills needed to set a new direction for their future One of the main topics at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio in June is green economy. But what should a green economy include? And how can a green economy lead to an equitable sustainable development? These two questions will be discussed at a side event arranged by the Danish 92 Group, Oil Change International and a group of other NGO representatives. The discussion will be lead by examining some of the key perspectives in the publication ?Building an Equitable Green Economy?publiced by the Danish 92 Group as an input to Rio+20, which is identifying elements of the green economy as a tool for sustainable development and provides a framework that assess the outcomes of Rio+20. Further, it presents five working principles that will be put in the context of the current discussions on Rio+20.

Sustainable Development index methodology-possible options



P3-E (Riocentro)

Community Enabled Sustainable Development



T-10 (Riocentro)

How to create an equitable and sustainable green economy



T-2 (Riocentro)

Commerce Environnement & Developpement



T-4 (Riocentro)

Les problmes environnementaux lis au commerce international posent une srie de difficults. L?un des principaux dfis est le problme d?accs aux marchs internationaux aussi bien pour les produits agricoles que pour les produits industriels. Ces dfis se manifestent concrtement travers les subventions, les barrires techniques et les mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires, entre autres. La situation du continent est d?autant plus difficile dans ce domaine, que peu de pays, sinon aucun, participent aux enceintes internationales d?laboration des normes et standards internationaux en matire environnementale. Les rgles qui naissent de ces processus ne sont pas toujours favorables l?accs des produits africains aux marchs des pays du Nord. Que ce soit pour les normes sanitaires ou phytosanitaires ou encore pour l?cotiquetage, les pays africains ont besoin d?une assistance technique renforce pour se garantir la mise en ?uvre technique des normes internationales. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and provides for food security, human health, the provision of clean air and water; it contributes to local livelihoods, and economic development, and is essential for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, including poverty reduction. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2010, and later endorsed by the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly, sets out a vision for a world of "Living in harmony with nature" where "By 2050, biodiversity is valued, conserved, restored and wisely used, maintaining ecosystem services, sustaining a healthy planet and delivering benefits essential for all people." The strategic plan and its vision represent a long-term plan that supports the three pillars of sustainable development. The side event will outline these linkages and a vision for the way forward. This side event offers both inspiration and transferable learning from local, national and international initiatives that are demonstrating a green economy in practice using the One Planet Living sustainability approach, framework and 10 guiding principles. In particular, Sustainable Development Goals and National Implementation Plans are being considered as important outcomes of Rio+20. Therefore governments will explain how their thinking is evolving with regard to developing and implementing SDGs and National Plans, and how they see the links to civil society and business, and the One Planet Living framework. There will be a number of commitments being made by civil society, business and governments for post- Rio+20 implementation: Presentations and commitments will be made by the governments of Belgium, Colombia and Kenya, multinational retailer Kingfisher plc, globally recognised planners and developers from Portugal and China- Pelicano and China Merchants Property Developer (CMPD), South America?s largest refridgeration supplier Imbera and international social enterprise BioRegional.

The Future We Want: Biodiversity in the Sustainable Development Goals



T-5 (Riocentro)

Securing a sustainable and equitable future for all post-Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

Uma Nova Terra e possivel... mas depende de nossas escolhas




Liderana para a Sustentabilidade



Aterro do Flamengo

Uma jornada que passar por diferentes solues planetrias para a crise econmica, ambiental, poltica e acima de tudo a crise da conscincia, mostrando que tudo que precisamos para transformar o planeta j est disponvel, s precisamos aplicar elas na prtica e enxergar tudo de uma forma sagrada. A palestra tem o objetivo de capacitar e estimular empresrios de MPE s novas exigncias de mercado, bem como a importncia da sustentabilidade em todo o processo de atendimento. Discorrer ainda sobre os grandes temas da sustentabilidade empresarial, bem como os seus desafios apontando que a liderana, na perspectiva da sustentabilidade, avalia, minimiza ou at elimina impactos negativos no negcio. A partir da contextualizao do processo de desenvolvimento em curso em Pernambuco, se destacar as estratgias de planejamento integrado e viso sistmica frente as novas reas da economia verde no Estado, enfatizando as polticas ambientais, a atuao em rede, as novas tecnologias, a implementao das unidades de conservao e os novos empreendimentos sustentveis. Destaque ser dado para o projeto de lei Pernambuco Sustentvel que tem como objetivo estimular a eficincia de gesto nas reas hdrica e energtica, oferecendo incentivos fiscais para projetos relacionados a fontes de energia renovveis. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Srgio Luis de Carvalho Xavier Secretrio de Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade do Estado de Pernambuco.

Oportunidades da Economia Verde em Pernambuco



Parque dos Atletas

Ao da Cidadanai Global pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentvel e contra a destruio da Terra Raw Materials Initiative, polticas UE y TLCs Por uma cultura da natureza e do ser humano Atividade Autogestionada de Articulao

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14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

SEMINRIO BOAS PRTICAS I Encontro das Juventudes Anticapitalistas na Cpula dos Povos HABITAO A violao diria dos direitos humanos sociais e ambientas nas favelas Experiencias de cooperao entre o trabalho tecnico em urbanismo e a luta social das populaes locais pela preservao dos ambientes naturais e dos ambientes culturais em unidades de conservao no Rio de Janeiro. Seminrio A Psicologia e o Compromisso com a Construo do Bem Comum Compartiendo caminos de lucha, de la resistencia a la propuesta. Empowering youth for socio-ecological alternatives Plenria da Campanha pelo direito comunicao e liberdade de expresso para todos/as, em defesa de um novo marco regulatrio para as comunicaes Prosa Rocinha na Crista da Onda( Roda de Conversa) As Culturas Populares e Tradicionais como Paradigmas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Planeta Juventude em Ao EMPODERAMIENTO DE GENERO Climate Change and Human Rights Oficina de Empreendedorismo Social e Liderana no Mundo do Trabalho Bancos de desenvolvimento: Qual seu papel,? um olhar critico e comparado Lanamento da Rede Brasileira da Carta da Terra Ciclo de testemunha Como desenvolver cidades com praticas sustentveis? Direitos Humanos,Justia Social e Meio Ambiente Sustentvel Reigning in the power of money and finance: Transforming it to work for social and environmental justice; Transformemos el reinado del dinero y las finanzas en justicia social y ambiental. FAVELAS: SINAL DE TRANSFORMAO NO ESPAO URBANO Defense of the Commons against Mercantilization Roda de conversa sobre a Invisibilidade do povo negro, durante o lanamento da revista Espelho Negro NANOTECNOLOGIA, JUSTICA SOCIAL E AMBIENTAL / NANOTECHNOLOGY, SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE Deficiencia, Acessibilidade e Desenvolvimento Sustentavel NEGRAS E NEGROS COMPARTILHANDO O PODER roda de conversa Integrao socioambiental das entidades de pesca do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Debate Oficina da UPMS: Sade, sustentabilidade e bien vivir Exposio de artes, Depte,esportes e dana, Debate sobre politica economia e sociedade haitiana- Musica video e apresentao do Vodou (religiio predominante do Haiti) As Experincias dos Movimentos Sociais na Promoo da Equidade em Sade Forum: Minerao: criando espaos de resoluo de conflitos Forum: Dialgos sustentveis - Caminhos para a Economia Verde (Arapyau/ Funbio)

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

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Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

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Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

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14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado)

Oficina teatral- Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Jogos Dramticos. Tema: Cotidiano TECNOLOGIAS SUSTENTVEIS PARA CONTROLE, OPERAO E GESTO DE SISTEMAS ELETRICOS EM TEMPO REAL Iniciativa Rio+20 da AICESIS Territrio Global das Mulheres Forum: Orquestra Sonidos dela Tierra Exposiio de fotografia pera de Acar - Ocupao ABC Urbana Lanamento Selo Rio+20 PreCom: Plenary PreCom: G77- on UNCSD [cl] PreCom: Mission of Australia- Informal meeting PrepCom: Mission of Brazil - Informal Meeting TECNOLOGIAS SUSTENTVEIS PARA SISTEMAS DE DISTRIBUIO DE ENERGIA ELTRICA Mesa de dialogo com os lideres religiosos Seminrio Internacional,Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial Sem justia social e ambiental no h futuro International Forum on Mining, Climate Change and Peoples Movement As importncias do Cdigo Florestal El rol de las organizaciones sociales en el cambio de paradigma en Amriica Latina Painel 1: Contedo Verde - Educao para Transio Painel 2: Preparando Lderes Verdes




Luisa Thir reunir alunos e ex alunos da Casa da Gvea (onde ministra oficinas de teatro para adolescentes h 15 anos), para um mergulho teatral. Cenas, esquetes, stand ups, em torno do tema " Cotidiano". Jogos dramticos com a criao e participao da plateia numa divertida e coletiva reflexo sobre o dia a dia." Entrada Franca Luisa Thir reunir alunos e ex alunos da Casa da Gvea (onde ministra oficinas de teatro para adolescentes h 15 anos), para um mergulho teatral. Cenas, esquetes, stand ups, em torno do tema " Cotidiano". Jogos dramticos com a criao e participao da plateia numa divertida e coletiva reflexao sobre o dia a dia. TECNOLOGIAS SUSTENTVEIS PARA CONTROLE, OPERAO E GESTO DE SISTEMAS ELETRICOS EM TEMPO REAL O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da Presidncia da Repblica (CDES) convida para participao nos debates inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Mostra de fotografias dos alunos do Centro Popular pera de Acari - Entrada Franca

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Parque dos Atletas Confederao Nacional do Comrcio Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana

Parque dos Atletas P3-2 (Riocentro) P3-5 (Riocentro) P3-4 (Riocentro) T-6 (Riocentro) Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Planetrio da Gvea Planetrio da Gvea

Lanamento Selo Rio+20


Inscries limitadas ( : Como as instituies de ensino devem atuar na formao ou no desenvolvimento de seus alunos / profissionais diante da economia verde? Inscries limitadas ( : Qual deve ser o perfil dos lderes e quais competncias eles devem ter? Como o RH deve atuar para formar novos lderes dentro da nova ordem de economia verde? The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development. However, the green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC with a focus on how narratives both reflect and shape social change. Sustainability calls for judgements about connections between heterogeneous beings linked by diffuse and uncertain connections. Achieving sustainability depends on a strong knowledge base, effectively deployed, but it cannot be thought of purely in technical or epistemic terms. What is required is a reflexive relation between agents accepting responsibility for the very long-term effects of their actions and the non-humans and systems to which they relate. Sustainability thus calls into question both identity and orientation in the world. This means that sustainability cannot be achieved without being imagined, and cannot be imagined without being inscribed in narratives. The side event will focus on an alternative narrative of sustainable development emphasizing the gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy



T-8 (Riocentro)

Connecting the dots: science, the IPCC and the policy picture



T-10 (Riocentro)

Policy-makers need to base their decisions on firm foundations. This is particularly important when addressing complex environmental, economic and social issues such as climate change. The IPCC was founded in 1988 to prepare a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of the risks of anthropogenic climate change, which provided the basis for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and it continues to provide scientific and technical information to support the Convention. The importance of IPCC assessments for the UNFCCC was highlighted in the Durban decisions and the IPCC?s rigorous assessment process has become a template for science-based assessments work. Besides comprehensive assessment reports, the IPCC produces special reports on emerging and other issues relevant for policy implementation and risk management at a country level. An examination of two recent special reports will take two of the key themes of the Conference, disaster risk reduction and energy, as examples. The planet is facing multiple environmental crises and many of them mediated through water. The escalating water challenges result in human communities without access to water for their basic livelihood needs and ecosystems and species that suffer destruction and extinction. Globalized industrial agri-food systems are a big part of the problem. An essential component of effective, sustainable water governance is right to water ? right to water to meet the basic needs of people and to help ensure ecosystem sustenance locally. By contrast, our environmental laws permit a ?race to the bottom? system that legalizes pollution and over-diversion. Legal recognition of rights of people, waterways, and species to water for life and well-being is necessary, to help guide new governance systems that encourage respectful use of water rather than a system that is based on commodification of nature, to ensure the security of current and future generations of people and species. "Biodiversity markets are on [the] trajectory from futuristic to unremarkable." - State of Biodiversity Markets (2010) The need to protect ecosystem services (ES) is well recognised, but existing approaches have failed to stem their decline. One option is to rely on a market to 'price' these valuable services and provide a more sustainable level. Which ecosystem services are best fitted for market based measures, and what principles should the measures rely on? FORES presents the results of their report ?Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen and invites a broader discussion on the opportunities and challenges of using environmental markets to improve the supply of ES. Natural capital - our ecosystems, biodiversity and natural resources - is fundamental to the wellbeing and sustainable development of our societies. The annual value of services provided by nature is in the trillions of dollars. Too often, however, financial capital is deployed against natural capital, destroying long-term sustainability of our environment, as well as the human economy.

On Right to Water, Green Economy and Right based approaches to Sustainable Development



T-3 (Riocentro)

Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen?



T-9 (Riocentro)

Engaging the private sector and catalysing change: a focus on REDD+



T-4 (Riocentro)

The side event will discuss the impacts that the ?business-as-usual? economic model is having on the planet?s ecosystems, people and biodiversity, as well as innovative ways for engaging private in forest conservation and land based sustainable activities. The barriers to shifting from today?s model to one in which natural capital is more accurately valued will be examined, as will potential pathways towards positive transformation and examples of private sector leadership and potential for replication and scale. How can youth capture international momentum toward Rio+20 and cultivate innovative action that builds upon the achievements of Rio+20, while working to address its potential shortcomings? To begin answering this question, this side event will engage young leaders from around the world to share their successes, as well as their concerns, ideas and visions for achieving The Future We Want. Twenty-first century challenges to global environmental security will require an unprecedented solidarity of purpose and concert of action from a well-prepared global society. Policy-makers are in a position to decide what to do and when to act based upon available evidence and their beliefs about the risks and benefits of a green economy strategy, including the development of institutional frameworks on sustainable development. Currently, we are using 19th and 20th century approaches and models to address 21st century issues. In order to increase the responsive capacity of nation states based upon 21st century models, then governance structures for sustainable development must be created as "learning systems" to understand what is working, what is not, what are the potential options. A successful outcome from Rio+20 would be a systems-wide framework that engages the public where attempts to meliorate one issue can alter or even exacerbate the impacts of another.

What Comes Next? An Interactive Dialogue on Youth Movements Beyond Rio



T-3 (Riocentro)

Framing SD Policy Dialogues: A Well-Prepared Society



T-6 (Riocentro)

PreCom: IATP



T-8 (Riocentro)

PreCom: IDESAMEngaging the private sector and catalysing change PreCom: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) PreCom: SustainUSWhat Comes Next? An Interactive Dialogue on Youth PreCom: UNRISDsocial dimensions of green economy into policy PreCom: Worldview Impact Foundation- Framing SD Policy Dialogues PreCom: Brazil- Low Carbon Agriculture PreCom: Carbon Disclosure Project PreCom: Centre for Environment Education PreCom: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) PreCom: Centre for International Sustainable Development Law (CISDL) PreCom: IISD- Green procurement: Cross cutting for green gowth PreCom: UNODCNatural resources crimes a challenge to sust. dev.

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

T-3 (Riocentro) T-6 (Riocentro) T-9 (Riocentro)



T-5 (Riocentro)

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15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

T-4 (Riocentro) T-9 (Riocentro) T-6 (Riocentro) T-5 (Riocentro) T-8 (Riocentro)

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

T-3 (Riocentro) T-10 (Riocentro) T-4 (Riocentro) The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development. However, the green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC with a focus on how narratives both reflect and shape social change. Sustainability calls for judgements about connections between heterogeneous beings linked by diffuse and uncertain connections. Achieving sustainability depends on a strong knowledge base, effectively deployed, but it cannot be thought of purely in technical or epistemic terms. What is required is a reflexive relation between agents accepting responsibility for the very long-term effects of their actions and the non-humans and systems to which they relate. Sustainability thus calls into question both identity and orientation in the world. This means that sustainability cannot be achieved without being imagined, and cannot be imagined without being inscribed in narratives. The side event will focus on an alternative narrative of sustainable development emphasizing the gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making Policy-makers need to base their decisions on firm foundations. This is particularly important when addressing complex environmental, economic and social issues such as climate change. The IPCC was founded in 1988 to prepare a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of the risks of anthropogenic climate change, which provided the basis for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and it continues to provide scientific and technical information to support the Convention. The importance of IPCC assessments for the UNFCCC was highlighted in the Durban decisions and the IPCC?s rigorous assessment process has become a template for science-based assessments work. Besides comprehensive assessment reports, the IPCC produces special reports on emerging and other issues relevant for policy implementation and risk management at a country level. An examination of two recent special reports will take two of the key themes of the Conference, disaster risk reduction and energy, as examples.

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy



T-8 (Riocentro)

Connecting the dots: science, the IPCC and the policy picture



T-10 (Riocentro)

On Right to Water, Green Economy and Right based approaches to Sustainable Development



T-3 (Riocentro)

The planet is facing multiple environmental crises and many of them mediated through water. The escalating water challenges result in human communities without access to water for their basic livelihood needs and ecosystems and species that suffer destruction and extinction. Globalized industrial agri-food systems are a big part of the problem. An essential component of effective, sustainable water governance is right to water ? right to water to meet the basic needs of people and to help ensure ecosystem sustenance locally. By contrast, our environmental laws permit a ?race to the bottom? system that legalizes pollution and over-diversion. Legal recognition of rights of people, waterways, and species to water for life and well-being is necessary, to help guide new governance systems that encourage respectful use of water rather than a system that is based on commodification of nature, to ensure the security of current and future generations of people and species. "Biodiversity markets are on [the] trajectory from futuristic to unremarkable." - State of Biodiversity Markets (2010) The need to protect ecosystem services (ES) is well recognised, but existing approaches have failed to stem their decline. One option is to rely on a market to 'price' these valuable services and provide a more sustainable level. Which ecosystem services are best fitted for market based measures, and what principles should the measures rely on? FORES presents the results of their report ?Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen and invites a broader discussion on the opportunities and challenges of using environmental markets to improve the supply of ES. Natural capital - our ecosystems, biodiversity and natural resources - is fundamental to the wellbeing and sustainable development of our societies. The annual value of services provided by nature is in the trillions of dollars. Too often, however, financial capital is deployed against natural capital, destroying long-term sustainability of our environment, as well as the human economy.

Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen?



T-9 (Riocentro)

Engaging the private sector and catalysing change: a focus on REDD+



T-4 (Riocentro)

The side event will discuss the impacts that the ?business-as-usual? economic model is having on the planet?s ecosystems, people and biodiversity, as well as innovative ways for engaging private in forest conservation and land based sustainable activities. The barriers to shifting from today?s model to one in which natural capital is more accurately valued will be examined, as will potential pathways towards positive transformation and examples of private sector leadership and potential for replication and scale. How can youth capture international momentum toward Rio+20 and cultivate innovative action that builds upon the achievements of Rio+20, while working to address its potential shortcomings? To begin answering this question, this side event will engage young leaders from around the world to share their successes, as well as their concerns, ideas and visions for achieving The Future We Want. Twenty-first century challenges to global environmental security will require an unprecedented solidarity of purpose and concert of action from a well-prepared global society. Policy-makers are in a position to decide what to do and when to act based upon available evidence and their beliefs about the risks and benefits of a green economy strategy, including the development of institutional frameworks on sustainable development. Currently, we are using 19th and 20th century approaches and models to address 21st century issues. In order to increase the responsive capacity of nation states based upon 21st century models, then governance structures for sustainable development must be created as "learning systems" to understand what is working, what is not, what are the potential options. A successful outcome from Rio+20 would be a systems-wide framework that engages the public where attempts to meliorate one issue can alter or even exacerbate the impacts of another. The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development. However, the green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC with a focus on how narratives both reflect and shape social change. Sustainability calls for judgements about connections between heterogeneous beings linked by diffuse and uncertain connections. Achieving sustainability depends on a strong knowledge base, effectively deployed, but it cannot be thought of purely in technical or epistemic terms. What is required is a reflexive relation between agents accepting responsibility for the very long-term effects of their actions and the non-humans and systems to which they relate. Sustainability thus calls into question both identity and orientation in the world. This means that sustainability cannot be achieved without being imagined, and cannot be imagined without being inscribed in narratives. The side event will focus on an alternative narrative of sustainable development emphasizing the gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making

What Comes Next? An Interactive Dialogue on Youth Movements Beyond Rio



T-3 (Riocentro)

Framing SD Policy Dialogues: A Well-Prepared Society



T-6 (Riocentro)

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy



T-8 (Riocentro)

Connecting the dots: science, the IPCC and the policy picture



T-10 (Riocentro)

Policy-makers need to base their decisions on firm foundations. This is particularly important when addressing complex environmental, economic and social issues such as climate change. The IPCC was founded in 1988 to prepare a comprehensive and unbiased assessment of the risks of anthropogenic climate change, which provided the basis for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and it continues to provide scientific and technical information to support the Convention. The importance of IPCC assessments for the UNFCCC was highlighted in the Durban decisions and the IPCC?s rigorous assessment process has become a template for science-based assessments work. Besides comprehensive assessment reports, the IPCC produces special reports on emerging and other issues relevant for policy implementation and risk management at a country level. An examination of two recent special reports will take two of the key themes of the Conference, disaster risk reduction and energy, as examples. The planet is facing multiple environmental crises and many of them mediated through water. The escalating water challenges result in human communities without access to water for their basic livelihood needs and ecosystems and species that suffer destruction and extinction. Globalized industrial agri-food systems are a big part of the problem. An essential component of effective, sustainable water governance is right to water ? right to water to meet the basic needs of people and to help ensure ecosystem sustenance locally. By contrast, our environmental laws permit a ?race to the bottom? system that legalizes pollution and over-diversion. Legal recognition of rights of people, waterways, and species to water for life and well-being is necessary, to help guide new governance systems that encourage respectful use of water rather than a system that is based on commodification of nature, to ensure the security of current and future generations of people and species. "Biodiversity markets are on [the] trajectory from futuristic to unremarkable." - State of Biodiversity Markets (2010) The need to protect ecosystem services (ES) is well recognised, but existing approaches have failed to stem their decline. One option is to rely on a market to 'price' these valuable services and provide a more sustainable level. Which ecosystem services are best fitted for market based measures, and what principles should the measures rely on? FORES presents the results of their report ?Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen and invites a broader discussion on the opportunities and challenges of using environmental markets to improve the supply of ES. Natural capital - our ecosystems, biodiversity and natural resources - is fundamental to the wellbeing and sustainable development of our societies. The annual value of services provided by nature is in the trillions of dollars. Too often, however, financial capital is deployed against natural capital, destroying long-term sustainability of our environment, as well as the human economy.

On Right to Water, Green Economy and Right based approaches to Sustainable Development



T-3 (Riocentro)

Using markets to supply ecosystem services: how to make it happen?



T-9 (Riocentro)

Engaging the private sector and catalysing change: a focus on REDD+



T-4 (Riocentro)

The side event will discuss the impacts that the ?business-as-usual? economic model is having on the planet?s ecosystems, people and biodiversity, as well as innovative ways for engaging private in forest conservation and land based sustainable activities. The barriers to shifting from today?s model to one in which natural capital is more accurately valued will be examined, as will potential pathways towards positive transformation and examples of private sector leadership and potential for replication and scale. How can youth capture international momentum toward Rio+20 and cultivate innovative action that builds upon the achievements of Rio+20, while working to address its potential shortcomings? To begin answering this question, this side event will engage young leaders from around the world to share their successes, as well as their concerns, ideas and visions for achieving The Future We Want. Twenty-first century challenges to global environmental security will require an unprecedented solidarity of purpose and concert of action from a well-prepared global society. Policy-makers are in a position to decide what to do and when to act based upon available evidence and their beliefs about the risks and benefits of a green economy strategy, including the development of institutional frameworks on sustainable development. Currently, we are using 19th and 20th century approaches and models to address 21st century issues. In order to increase the responsive capacity of nation states based upon 21st century models, then governance structures for sustainable development must be created as "learning systems" to understand what is working, what is not, what are the potential options. A successful outcome from Rio+20 would be a systems-wide framework that engages the public where attempts to meliorate one issue can alter or even exacerbate the impacts of another.

What Comes Next? An Interactive Dialogue on Youth Movements Beyond Rio



T-3 (Riocentro)

Framing SD Policy Dialogues: A Well-Prepared Society



T-6 (Riocentro)

Resduos podem ser valiosos



Parque dos Atletas

Valorizao dos resduos a parceria internacional em Bors baseia-se na cooperao entre as universidades, Conselho Municipal e negcios em um conceito de hlice tripla. Este conceito tem sido um elemento-chave na cidade de Bors, Sucia, para estabelecer uma gesto sustentvel de resduos, com apenas um por cento dos resduos sendo colocado em aterros. Nesta cooperao, o conceito de tripla hlice o elemento-chave, bem como para os nossos parceiros cidades/pases. Este contribui para uma soluo sustentvel a longo prazo para a gesto de resduos, comeando por educar a competncia local, atravs de mapeamento e planejamento, at a construo e garantia de qualidade. O conceito se estende para alm do simples lanamento de instalaes adaptadas para as necessidades locais, para assegurar o funcionamento contnuo. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Jessica Magnusson (SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden) Considerando a importncia da Rio+20, foram elencados 5 eixos de discusses nas 5 regies do Pas: Biomas, Recursos Hdricos, Meio Ambiente Urbano, Energia e Segurana Alimentar. As discusses desses temas foram orientadas segundo os dois eixos bsicos da Rio+20: a economia verde no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel e da erradicao da pobreza; e o arcabouo institucional para o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Deputado Sarney Filho (PV-MA)/Presidente da Comisso de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, Deputado Marco Maia (PT-RS)/Presidente da Cmara dos Deputados, Deputado Ricardo Tripoli (PSDB-SP)/Relator da Subcomisso Rio+20, parlamentares e ONGs. (Au Rendez-vous de la Conqute) de Euzhan Palcy. Frana, 2006. Legendas em portugus. 57. Cpia em DVD. Complemento Recife frio de Kleber Mendona Filho. Brasil, 2009. 24. A tica, a teoria e a filosofia da Negritude. Os diferentes encontros do jovem estudante Aim Csaire em Paris com pensadores, intelectuais, seu encontro com a frica pela tica do jovem Leopold Senghor. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. evento pblico Sesso VDEO-SHOW

Lanamento da Coletnea do Ciclo de Palestras e Debates para a Rio+20



Parque dos Atletas

Encontros Para a Conquista




Responsabilidade Social "Vila Chocolato" Sesso VDEO-SHOW Debate : Capitalismo e sustentabilidade : incompatibilidade de gnios Cultura e Cosmologia - Astrologia e interdisciplinaridade em busca de solues inovadoras para um futuro sustentvel Campaa de Defensa del TIPNIS I Encontro das Juventudes Anticapitalistas na Cpula dos Povos Conversando Memrias passadas e presentes: discutindo verdade e justia GEOPOLITICA MUNDIAL, CONFLICTO Y ECONOMIA VERDE Lanamento da Rede Brasileira da Carta da Terra Rio+20 e sustentabilidade no sculo XXI Gerenciamento de resduos Stop Land grabbing NANOTECNOLOGIA, JUSTICA SOCIAL E AMBIENTAL I Semana de Ecologia, Cultura e Cidadania dos Povos Tradicionais de Terreiro na Cpula dos Povos / Rio+20 Encontro da Juventude e Meio Ambiente do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Science and technology for social justice and preservation of the earth NEGRAS E NEGROS COMPARTILHANDO O PODER Exposio de artes,esportes e dana, Debate sobre politica economia e sociedade haitiana-,Musica video e apresentao do Vodou (religiio predominante do Haiti) Forum: Dilogos para uma energia sustentvel O agrrio brasileiro e a erradicao da pobreza com sustentabilidade ambiental Forum: Desafios e oportunidades para o Empreendedorismo Social Arena Pensando Carreiras Verdes PreCom: Bureau meeting

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16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:00:00 17:00:00 17:00:00 17:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Planetrio da Gvea P3-G (Riocentro)

inscries pelo site: (esgotado)

inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Inscries limitadas ( : Quem so os jovens da economia verde? O que eles esperam das empresas? Qual o seu papel hoje nas organizaes? O que as empresas esperam dos jovens profissionais dentro desse novo contexto.

PROJETO DA UHE BELO MONTE Impactos da economia atual sobre os diversos biomas da Amrica do Sul Accaparement de Terres en Colombie: Loi de victimes et redistribution de terres

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

17:00:00 17:30:00 17:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo


Sustainable Development in International Courts and Tribunals



T-10 (Riocentro)

Since the 1992 Earth Summit, international courts and tribunals have become an important part of the institutional framework for sustainable development. Institutions such as the International Court of Justice, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, have resolved disputes using key principles of sustainable development law such as integration, equity, precaution and common but differentiated responsibility. This CISDL legal experts panel, drawing on a decade of legal research by the International Law for Sustainable Development Partnership (ILSD) launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, will explain the implications of recent judgments for sustainable development. Legal experts from both developing and developed countries will also identify emerging trends in sustainable development law. The event launches an online resource, a new Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Justice, and the next decade of the ILSD Partnership, with tools for legal analysis and compliance. This event explores how cities and the private sector can work together to create change on the ground, in the context of transparency and disclosure required for a green economy. Why focus on Procurement? Because purchases by governments of goods, services and works account for 15-19% of GDP in industrialised countries and even more in emerging economies. When such large scale demand begins to specify that goods and services are produced in a sustainable manner, public procurement becomes a strong market incentive for green investment, innovation, production and growth. Global markets are also placing increasing expectations on private finance initiatives (PFIs) as a viable tool for green growth. PFIs are formal contractual agreements between the state and the private sector that crowd in private sector capital in procurement or commissioning of public infrastructure and services. While governments are looking to this model to crowd-in capital and share risks of infrastructure expansion, they are overlooking fact that PFIs will only deliver value for money, for both investor and public purse, if they are approached and designed as a long-term sustainable investment. Commenting on the role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General mentioned that ?ESD promotes the values and knowledge necessary to help women and men to cope with change, complexity and uncertainty, to adopt new consumption patterns, and to transform mindsets and behaviors? . When it comes to promoting ideas of sustainable development and green economy, education remains one of the most important short term, as well as long term tool we possess that can influence existing institutions or create new ones. The Government of India, recognizing the importance of environmental education as far back as in 1984, had facilitated the creation of the Centre of Environment Education (CEE) as a Centre for Excellence. Since then CEE has expanded and has initiated and implemented numerous innovative ESD programmes across India, partnering with various UN such as UNESCO, UNEP, UNDP, WHO etc. accumulating a plethora of enlightening experiences and learnings. The Low Carbon Agriculture Program (LCAP) is an activity under the Brazilian National Policy on Climate Change, established in 2009. The LCAP is a relevant tool to boost the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, creating projects for promoting integrated farming systems, rehabilitation of degraded pastures, organic agriculture, processing of animal waste, no-tillage planting, fixing biological nitrogen and other sustainable agricultural initiatives. Since the 1992 Earth Summit, international courts and tribunals have become an important part of the institutional framework for sustainable development. Institutions such as the International Court of Justice, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, have resolved disputes using key principles of sustainable development law such as integration, equity, precaution and common but differentiated responsibility. This CISDL legal experts panel, drawing on a decade of legal research by the International Law for Sustainable Development Partnership (ILSD) launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, will explain the implications of recent judgments for sustainable development. Legal experts from both developing and developed countries will also identify emerging trends in sustainable development law. The event launches an online resource, a new Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Justice, and the next decade of the ILSD Partnership, with tools for legal analysis and compliance. This event explores how cities and the private sector can work together to create change on the ground, in the context of transparency and disclosure required for a green economy.

Transparency and disclosure in the green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Green Procurement: a cross cutting strategy for green growth



T-9 (Riocentro)

ESD as Driver of Change towards a Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)

Low Carbon Agriculture



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development in International Courts and Tribunals



T-10 (Riocentro)

Transparency and disclosure in the green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Green Procurement: a cross cutting strategy for green growth



T-9 (Riocentro)

Why focus on Procurement? Because purchases by governments of goods, services and works account for 15-19% of GDP in industrialised countries and even more in emerging economies. When such large scale demand begins to specify that goods and services are produced in a sustainable manner, public procurement becomes a strong market incentive for green investment, innovation, production and growth. Global markets are also placing increasing expectations on private finance initiatives (PFIs) as a viable tool for green growth. PFIs are formal contractual agreements between the state and the private sector that crowd in private sector capital in procurement or commissioning of public infrastructure and services. While governments are looking to this model to crowd-in capital and share risks of infrastructure expansion, they are overlooking fact that PFIs will only deliver value for money, for both investor and public purse, if they are approached and designed as a long-term sustainable investment. Commenting on the role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General mentioned that ?ESD promotes the values and knowledge necessary to help women and men to cope with change, complexity and uncertainty, to adopt new consumption patterns, and to transform mindsets and behaviors? . When it comes to promoting ideas of sustainable development and green economy, education remains one of the most important short term, as well as long term tool we possess that can influence existing institutions or create new ones. The Government of India, recognizing the importance of environmental education as far back as in 1984, had facilitated the creation of the Centre of Environment Education (CEE) as a Centre for Excellence. Since then CEE has expanded and has initiated and implemented numerous innovative ESD programmes across India, partnering with various UN such as UNESCO, UNEP, UNDP, WHO etc. accumulating a plethora of enlightening experiences and learnings. The Low Carbon Agriculture Program (LCAP) is an activity under the Brazilian National Policy on Climate Change, established in 2009. The LCAP is a relevant tool to boost the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, creating projects for promoting integrated farming systems, rehabilitation of degraded pastures, organic agriculture, processing of animal waste, no-tillage planting, fixing biological nitrogen and other sustainable agricultural initiatives. Since the 1992 Earth Summit, international courts and tribunals have become an important part of the institutional framework for sustainable development. Institutions such as the International Court of Justice, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and the WTO Dispute Settlement Body, have resolved disputes using key principles of sustainable development law such as integration, equity, precaution and common but differentiated responsibility. This CISDL legal experts panel, drawing on a decade of legal research by the International Law for Sustainable Development Partnership (ILSD) launched at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, will explain the implications of recent judgments for sustainable development. Legal experts from both developing and developed countries will also identify emerging trends in sustainable development law. The event launches an online resource, a new Legal Working Paper Series on Sustainable Justice, and the next decade of the ILSD Partnership, with tools for legal analysis and compliance. This event explores how cities and the private sector can work together to create change on the ground, in the context of transparency and disclosure required for a green economy. Why focus on Procurement? Because purchases by governments of goods, services and works account for 15-19% of GDP in industrialised countries and even more in emerging economies. When such large scale demand begins to specify that goods and services are produced in a sustainable manner, public procurement becomes a strong market incentive for green investment, innovation, production and growth. Global markets are also placing increasing expectations on private finance initiatives (PFIs) as a viable tool for green growth. PFIs are formal contractual agreements between the state and the private sector that crowd in private sector capital in procurement or commissioning of public infrastructure and services. While governments are looking to this model to crowd-in capital and share risks of infrastructure expansion, they are overlooking fact that PFIs will only deliver value for money, for both investor and public purse, if they are approached and designed as a long-term sustainable investment.

ESD as Driver of Change towards a Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)

Low Carbon Agriculture



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development in International Courts and Tribunals



T-10 (Riocentro)

Transparency and disclosure in the green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Green Procurement: a cross cutting strategy for green growth



T-9 (Riocentro)

ESD as Driver of Change towards a Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)

Commenting on the role of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Irina Bokova, UNESCO Director General mentioned that ?ESD promotes the values and knowledge necessary to help women and men to cope with change, complexity and uncertainty, to adopt new consumption patterns, and to transform mindsets and behaviors? . When it comes to promoting ideas of sustainable development and green economy, education remains one of the most important short term, as well as long term tool we possess that can influence existing institutions or create new ones. The Government of India, recognizing the importance of environmental education as far back as in 1984, had facilitated the creation of the Centre of Environment Education (CEE) as a Centre for Excellence. Since then CEE has expanded and has initiated and implemented numerous innovative ESD programmes across India, partnering with various UN such as UNESCO, UNEP, UNDP, WHO etc. accumulating a plethora of enlightening experiences and learnings. The Low Carbon Agriculture Program (LCAP) is an activity under the Brazilian National Policy on Climate Change, established in 2009. The LCAP is a relevant tool to boost the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, creating projects for promoting integrated farming systems, rehabilitation of degraded pastures, organic agriculture, processing of animal waste, no-tillage planting, fixing biological nitrogen and other sustainable agricultural initiatives. O Programa Reflorestar uma iniciativa governamental cujo desenvolvimento foi iniciado no ano de 2011, fruto do alinhamento da Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos (SEAMA) e da Secretaria Estadual de Agricultura, Aqicultura e Pesca (SEAG).Alinhado com a meta de aumento da cobertura florestal proposta pelo Estado do Esprito Santo, de alcanar 16% at o ano de 2025, o que corresponde a um incremento de cerca de 230.000 ha de novas reas florestadas (5% da rea do Estado) e com investimentos de R$ 160 MM o Programa Reflorestar ir recuperar 30 mil hectares at 2014, possibilitando o cumprimento de 13% da meta prevista para 2025. O Programa Estadual de Ampliao da Cobertura Florestal tem como objetivo manter, recuperar e ampliar a cobertura florestal, com gerao de oportunidades e renda para o produtor rural. Tem como desafio criar estrutura que permita ao Estado obter avanos concretos na ampliao da cobertura florestal, tendo como meta 30 mil hectares at 2014. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Aladim Fernando Cerqueira (Diretor Presidente do Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos) e Marcos Franklin Sossai (Gerente Instituto Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hdricos). 18h Conferncia Multimdia A MULHER TUPINAMB Comentrio A. Sobre as mulheres tupinambs - alteridade dentro da alteridade - acompanhada de exibio audiovisual. Comentrio B. Sobre a tese do Matriarcado de Pindorama de Oswald Andrade. Entrada Franca de Nabil Ayouch. Marrocos/Frana, 2000. Com Said Taghmoui e crianas de rua. Legendas em portugus. 90. Ali, Kwita, Omar e Boubker so crianas de rua. Eles vivem no porto desde que deixaram Dib e sua gangue. que Ali quer partir: quer se tornar um marinheiro e correr mundo. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Low Carbon Agriculture



T-3 (Riocentro)

Painel: Plano ABC




Programa Estadual de Ampliao da Cobertura Florestal REFLORESTAR



Parque dos Atletas

Relatos Canibais - Ocupao irbita



E.A.V. Parque Lage - (Auditrio)

As Ruas de Casablanca




Conferncia Multimdia A MULHER TUPINAMB PreCom: European Union:EU coordination meeting on Rio+20 Sesso VDEO-SHOW Coquetel de Inaugurao Expo Brasil Sustentvel Exibio e debate do filme A batalha de Chernobyl Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Palestra sobre o Pr-Sal com Prof. Luis Sauer Ocupao irbita

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

18:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:00

Parque Lage P3-4 (Riocentro) Parque dos Atletas Pier Mau Aterro do Flamengo Glria

Sobre as mulheres tupinambs - alteridade dentro da alteridade - acompanhada de exibio audiovisual.

Sesso VDEO-SHOW O Presidente da FINEP, Glauco Arbix, convida para o coquetel de inaugurao da Expo Brasil Sustentvel - mostra de inovaes tecnolgicas sustentveis da FINEP, que ser realizado no dia 15 de junho s 18:30 horas, no Armazm 3 do Pier Mau.

Projees espao pblicos no convencionais. Entrada Franca Ildo Luis Sauer- professor da USP fala sobre o Pr Sal / Programa de Ps-graduao em Energia da USP - Professor Titular de Energia - Instituto de Eletrotcnica e Energia da USP - Entrada Franca



Casa da Gvea




Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas

Plataforma Vide Urbe Praa Lus de Cames (Glria) Palestra sobre o Pr-Sal com Prof. Luis Sauer Povo de Saharaui Stand Up - Humor Ocupao irbita Energia da USP

15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012 15/06/2012

19:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00 21:00:00 21:00:00

GLRIA CASA DA GVEA Museu da Repblica Casa da Gvea CASA DA GVEA

O Movimento CYAN, da Ambev, promove o Aqualume, festival cultural para conscientizar a populao sobre o uso racional da gua. O evento acontecer paralelamente Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Rio+20, de 15 a 24 de junho, s margens da lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas, no Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo do Aqualume aproximar a populao da discusso sobre o destino dos recursos naturais, tema que um dos pontos de debate mais aguardados para a Conferncia. O evento ser aberto ao pblico e funcionar das 19h s 23h. Aos domingos, 17 e 24/6, haver atraes especiais para as crianas a partir das 16h. So esperadas cerca de cinco mil pessoas por dia. Com uma tecnologia inovadora, uma tela dgua de 600m, criada a partir de uma bomba submersa, ser instalada na lagoa. Sero exibidos animaes, curtas-metragens, clipes musicais, fotografias, alm de contedos relacionados sustentabilidade. A programao do Aqualume conta ainda com apresentaes musicais, teatrais e circenses e atividades educativas. Nosso objetivo trazer o debate de questes fundamentais para o desenvolvimento sustentvel do planeta para o dia a dia das pessoas. Com a iniciativa ns queremos estimular o uso racional da gua e engajar a populao nessa causa, afirma Ricardo Rolim, diretor de relaes socioambientais da Ambev. Festival Consciente pela gua O Aqualume promover o Festival Consciente pela gua, um concurso que vai premiar os autores dos melhores vdeos sobre o uso racional da gua. Os vencedores ganham um iPad 2 e tm seu material exibido no telo dgua. Qualquer um pode participar e os vdeos podem ser enviados at o dia 10 de junho. Todas as informaes para participar do Festival esto no site Os vdeos sero julgados por uma banca interna especializada, que avaliar critrios como: adequao ao tema, criatividade e qualidade de produo do material. Apresentaes artsticas O Aqualume vai proporcionar ao pblico uma srie de atraes artsticas na Lagoa. Ser realizada todos os dias, s 19h, uma performance circense malabares, palhaos ou mgicos. Em seguida, ser apresentado um show musical e, especialmente no dia 21/6, haver uma apresentao de Projees espao pblicos no convencionais. Ildo Luis Sauer, professor da USP fala sobre o Pr Sal / Programa de Ps-graduao em Energia da USP - Professor Titular de Energia - Instituto de Eletrotcnica.

apresentao de diversos artistas .Entrada Franca Stand-up comedy: apresentao de diversos artistas. O Frum de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da Rio+20 busca trazer maior alcance e qualidade para a sustentabilidade corporativa e produzir um nmero significativo de compromissos corporativos para o avano do desenvolvimento sustentvel em todo o mundo. Com 2.000 CEOs e outros participantes esperados, alm de uma agenda ambiciosa focada na inovao e em parcerias transformadoras, o Frum ser uma vitrine da ao empresarial e da liderana em apoio agenda da Rio+20. Roadless areas are large areas inaccessible by people through mechanical means, free from hard surfaced roads, paved highways, and high quality roads, which allow for large-scale resource extraction. Roadless areas are un-fragmented areas with high natural value where small access roads, waterways and/or unpaved road networks do exist, allowing local communities to transport, travel and trade.

Frum de Sustentabilidade Empresarial da Rio+20 Inovao e Colaborao para o Futuro que Queremos



Windsor Barra Hotel

No Roads to a Green Economy - Mapping the Earth's Roadless Areas and their Services



Parque dos Atletas

The delineation of roadless areas is as a new conservation tool in the hands of governments to fight biodiversity loss, ecosystem services degradation, climate change and poverty, while safeguarding the direct benefits delivered to the indigenous communities through the continuous sustainable use of their natural resources.

PreCom: Forum for Reforms Entrepreneurship and Sustainability


15:30:00 PM

T-10 (Riocentro) A atividade urbana implica em uma srie de impactos ambientais que podem tanto estar dentro quanto fora da cidade. Estes impactos esto ocorrendo em um ritmo crescente nunca visto antes na histria da humanidade. Tradicionalmente a gesto urbana tem em sua agenda a soluo de problemas ambientais relacionados ao saneamento e poluio do ar, por exemplo. Mais raramente, a agenda local inclui questes ambientais que extrapolam o nvel local como a biodiversidade.

Biodiversidade e Gesto do Meio Urbano: BiodiverCIDADE: como considerar a biodiversidade na gesto do meio urbano?



Arena da Barra

Viver carioca no sculo XXI: uma experincia inovadora nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro



Arena da Barra

O objetivo da discusso apresentar formas de transformao do espao urbano, com solues inovadoras, criativas, singulares, abertas diversidade e propcias s trocas, valorizando as caractersticas intrnsecas e a populao local como ator econmico. Este seminrio uma amostragem do projeto filantrpico brasileiro multidisciplinar, coordenado pela Juza Lia Pantoja Milhomens e realizado pelo Instituto dos Magistrados do Brasil (em ingls : Office of Judges of Brazil), com equipes de profissionais de diversas reas do conhecimento , abrangendo a seguinte atividade : anlise e discusso das razes fsicas, psquicas, morais e sociais que levam o ser humano, isoladamente ou em conjunto, a um comportamento desviante em relao ao seu prprio desenvolvimento de moral subjetiva e objetiva , tendo a situao atingido a tais nveis que impede , at os dias de hoje, uma ao efetiva em favor dos direitos humanos fundamentais e do bem estar planetrio de todas as formas de vida , bem como de cuidados com os recursos naturais. Alm dessa anlise, so apontadas solues que abrangem diversos setores de atividades , alm do acompanhamento do seu trabalho e da integrao a ele das opinies da juventude e de toda a sociedade, atravs de Simpsios, Seminrios, enquetes, Chats na Internet , desdobramentos de atividades, sempre acompanhadas ao vivo, em todas as mdias abertas a todas as pessoas, nacionais e internacionais. Falaremos sobre a Moda como fator de Insero Social e conscientizao sobre a necessidade de se encontrar um novo modelo de Desenvolvimento que seja sustentvel. Algumas indstrias, grifes e estilistas j esto atuando, levando em conta a responsabilidade social e ambiental.

A preparao do jovem para o futuro do Brasil e do Mundo numa ao integrada cientfico-humanista, visando o desenvolvimento sustentvel e a erradicao da pobreza em nosso Planeta



Arena da Barra

Moda, design, sustentabilidade e economia solidria Energia para que e para quem II Frum Mundial de Mdia Livre Sustentabilidade e convivncia digna nos biomas e territrios: desafios da transio para a economia e poltica O exemplo da gua: Solidariedade, em prol de um mundo melhor Certificao Ambiental, Qualidade e Sustentabilidade nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas

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16:00:00 8:00:00 8:00:00 8:30:00 8:30:00

Arena da Barra Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre desenvolvimento sustentvel; qualidade e ferramentas de gesto, normas tcnicas, ISO 14005 - Sistemas de gesto ambiental e avaliao de desempenho ambiental e os ganhos econmicos. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas.

Ciclo de Debates Aqualtunes apresenta: Juventude Negra e seu Papel na Sustentabilidade Roda da Sustentabilidade Roda de conversa sobre direitos das mulheres: avanos e recuos num contexto de globalizao e Lanamento da Revista: 15 Anos voc faz parte desta histria El Reino de Dios entre nosotros est: Aportes bblicoteolgicos para el Buen Vivir de los pueblos Ciclo de debates antiproibicionistas Proteccin Social: propuestas desde el punto de vista sindical para una proteccin social universal Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice in a Fierce New World Convergencia das juventudes para a Defesa dos bens comuns e contra mercantilizaao Convergencia da juventude para Direitos, por justicia social e ambiental Forests, Livelihoods, and Green Economy Geoengenharia: por que a Rio+20 tem que proibir a manipulao climtica Seminrio DIREITO A MOBILIDADE URBANA E PARTICIPAO POPULAR NAS POLTICAS PBLICAS Subsidies attacking the poor, blocking green jobs, undermining sustainable development. Who really benefits? Who really loses? What can be done? Roda de Conversa sobre as resolues retiradas nas oficinas realizadas no FST 2012 Rights and Resistance: Seminar on Peoples struggles in defense of rights and against Resource Grabs Roda de Conversa OFICINA DE ENVELHECIMENTO E GNERO

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Oficina Desenvolvimento Sustentvel: Narrativas do Povo da Rua Lconomie sociale : Au cur du dveloppement durable ! Les diffrentes ralits de jeunes impliqus en conomie sociale au Qubec, en France, en Belgique (Fdration Wallonie Bruxelles ) et au Brsil. A world free of fossil fuels Crculo de conversa sobre amamentao GLOBAL ASSEMBLY CONFRONTING THE EXTRACTIVE MEGA PROJECTS Mariwatsd, Terra de Esperana: 20 anos de promessas desde a Rio92 Mariwatsd, Terra de Esperana: 20 anos de promessas desde a Rio92 Development Alternatives to Extractive Industries Grassroots Voices on Food Sovereignty ANALISIS DEL MODELO CAPITALISTA EN BOLIVIA Y PROPUESTAS ALTERNATIVAS DESDE EXPERIENCIAS LOCALES Seminrio Os sistemas alimentares locais : o desenvolvimento sustentvel atravs dos alimentos Fruns Locais do mundo para as praas Roda de Conversa Tecendo o Pampa pelos Caminhos da Memria: Fronteira Brasil/Uruguay Oficinas: Mudanas ambientais e migraes: desafios e perspectivas Desenvolvimento sustentvel, proteo social e gnero Viva Rio +20 Ending Militarism, Promoting Good Governance: Indicators of Sustainable Environment Proteccin Social: propuestas desde el punto de vista sindical para una proteccin social universal As Polticas de Meio Ambiente no Brasil e no Mundo e a Luta pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Sade, Justia Social e Ambiental entre os povos: Prticas e experincias populares na sade Forum: A Transio para uma Nova Economia Forum: Empreendedorismo de Impacto com Foco na Sustentabilidade (WRI) Forum: e-Health Materiais e Infraestrutura para uma Economia Sustentvel Seminrio ABNT/ISO Literatura infantil - Ocupao ABC Urbana



Aterro do Flamengo

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Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Castelinho inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) FIESP/FIRJAN Evento Fechado Lanamento do Livro Infantil de Renato Nogueira Jr. - Livraria Kitabu. Entrada Franca Levar ao mundo estratgias brasileiras bem sucedidas de combate pobreza e s desigualdades sociais no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Esse um dos objetivos da Arena Socioambiental, espao privilegiado de dilogo do governo brasileiro com a sociedade civil na Rio+20. Montada nos pilotis e jardins do Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM) do Rio de Janeiro, a Arena ser palco de exposies, atividades culturais e feira de produtos da sociobiodiversidade brasileira entre os dias 16 e 22 de junho. Tambm abrigar dois grandes debates por dia, com transmisso ao vivo e interativa pela internet. O acesso livre. Durante o evento, o governo brasileiro vai reforar a sua posio de que o desenvolvimento sustentvel s possvel com incluso social e combate pobreza, articulando este tema aos debates sobre desenvolvimento econmico e conservao ambiental. Realizado pelo Ministrio do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate Fome (MDS) e pela Associao Brasileira de Promoo de Exportaes e Investimentos (Apex Brasil), o encontro conta com a participao de 14 ministrios que trazem em sua agenda os temas de incluso e desenvolvimento social no pas. So eles, os ministrios do Meio Ambiente, do Desenvolvimento Agrrio, da Sade, da Educao, da Justia, da Agricultura, Pecuria e Abastecimento, das Comunicaes, da Previdncia Social, da Aquicultura e Pesca e da Integrao Nacional; da Secretaria-Geral da Presidncia da Repblica e das secretarias de Direitos Humanos, de Polticas para as Mulheres e de Polticas para a Promoo da Igualdade Racial. A Arena conta com dois principais patrocinadores, os Correios e o Banco da Amaznia (Basa).

Arena Socioambiental




Workshop: Impact Entrepreneurship With a Focus on Sustainability



Forte de Copacabana

Marco Infantil



Ladeira dos Tabajaras

Presenting: Marcelo Torres, Director, New Ventures Brasil (A WRI center for environmental entrepreneurship) OFICINA - O projeto destina-se ocupao e revitalizao de uma praa, em frente Escola de Samba Vila Rica (Ladeira dos Tabajaras). Ser realizada oficina de construo de brinquedos reciclados com crianas moradoras na Comunidade da Ladeira dos Tabajaras. Aps a oficina, ser montado, na praa, um totem denominado Marco Infantil. As oficinas sero realizadas no Lajo Cultural, espao antes dominado pelo o trfico de drogas. A construo do Marco Infantil contribui de forma simblica para chamar a ateno do pblico e estimular a revitalizao da praa por parte dos moradores.

Another economy and policies necessary for poverty eradication and environmental justice - considering from experiences in Japan and the World Green Cross Returns to Rio: Building the Safe and Sustainable Societies of the Future



Aterro do Flamengo How do we overcome the global crisis or achieve energy and resource efficiency? How do we deploy safe and renewable energy or achieve environmental security and sustainability? What must me do to provide social and medical care to those suffering from environmental degradation and emergencies? Statements from the audience and questions and answer sessions will be part of this dynamic interactive event. O Ideias Justas mostrar o conhecimento e a experincia de profissionais e pesquisadores do mundo todo. Fornecer um espao para o dilogo e permitir a formao de alianas entre vrios atores dispostos para explorarem opes para trabalhar juntos. Durante os dois dias, quatro temas gerais sero abordados: Definir solues para um planeta sustentvel, uma urbanizao que melhora a qualidade de vida, modelos de negcios para sustentabilidade e transformao dos sistemas econmicos para as pessoas e o planeta. O evento ser realizado durante os quatro dias entre as negociaes finais preparatrias e a Conferncia Rio+20, e far de tudo para que as suas concluses estejam presentes na Cpula e nas discusses posteriores. Fair ideas will provide equal space for practitioners, policymakers, activists, business representatives, researchers and community actors to focus on the key contexts in which significant change is possible, and on what it will take to achieve it. Over the two days, the event will address four broad themes: Shaping Sustainable Development Goals, Urbanisation that improves lives, Business models for sustainability, Transforming economic systems for people and planet. The two-day event will take place during the four sandwich days between the final preparatory negotiations and the summit itself, and we will look to take its key conclusions into the summit, and follow-up discussions. Evento aberto ao pblico Descrio: O Planeta Sustentvel, com apoio da UNIC, Veja Rio e a Contigo!, promover o evento Planeta no Parque 2012 Rio+20 com objetivo movimentar o grande pblico em torno dos temas discutidos na Rio+20. Durante os 2 dias sero realizadas diversas oficinas e atraes culturais, como caminhadas, aulas de ioga, oficina de ecobag, jogos ambientais, exposio de fotos, lounge de leitura, entre outras aes. O evento ter com um grande show de encerramento para 5.000 pessoas: Pedro Lus - "Tempo de Menino". Evento Pblico



Fundao Getlio Vargas

Ideias Justas




Fair Ideas




Planeta no Parque 2012 Rio+20



Parque Garota de Ipanema

As Naes Unidas e a Cooperao Internacional para o Desenvolvimento Seminrio Internacional "Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial" Taller sobre Minera, Ambiente y Derechos Humanos: El Diseo de Polticas Pblicas para un Futuro Ms Sustentable Roda de Conversa do Frum de Cooperativismo Popular da Economia Solidria Sustainable Development Dialogues: Unemployment, Decent Work and Migration Dilogos para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo

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10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Riocentro OFFICIAL EVENTS Durante este perodo, sero organizadas reunies preparatrias para a Rio+20, a fim de aprofundar e difundir o debate sobre a sustentabilidade mundial. O governo brasileiro est organizando o evento, que pretende preparar a populao, as empresas e os rgos institucionais para a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel. Abertura Oficial da Arena Socioambiental no mbito da Conferncia Rio+20, que ocorrer dia 16 de junho de 2012 nos Jardins do Museu de Arte Moderna.




Arena Socioambiental Um espao seguro e justo para humanidade: podemos viver dentro de uma rosquinha?

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

10:30:00 10:30:00

MAM Aterro do Flamengo

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Erradicao da Pobreza e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel




Reduo de Desperdcio - Como Ganhar Mais Gastando Menos



Aterro do Flamengo

Energia como indutor da sustentabilidade e inovao



Parque dos Atletas

O debate de abertura da Arena Socioambiental trata dos avanos e desafios da erradicao da pobreza no Brasil. Dentre eles, o de promover a incluso social com conservao ambiental. possvel construir um futuro justo e seguro para a humanidade respeitando os limites ambientais do planeta? Convidados: Tereza Campello, Izabella Teixeira, Pape Vargas e Manuel Cunha (participao online). Evento pblico Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre identificao e reduo de desperdcios nos empreendimentos, aplicao de aes corretivas, diminuio de custos, aumento da produtividade e minimizao dos impactos no ambiente. Prope solues por meio de medidas de racionalizao no uso dos insumos e de matrias-primas, eliminao dos desperdcios, ampliao da eficincia da empresa, trazendo economia financeira e melhorando, desta forma, a sua competitividade no mercado. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas A sociedade caminha, cada vez mais, a passos mais largos em direo a sustentabilidade e eficincia. Desta forma, inovao e eficincia energtica tem se mostrado ferramentas essenciais para o sucesso e sustentabilidade nas organizaes. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Luiz Fernando Schettino, Diretor Geral Agncia de Servios Pblicos de Energia do Estado do Esprito Santo - Aspe. Este evento tem como objetivo discutir a potencial contribuio de polticas e incentivos econmicos para o alcance das metas de reduo de emisses do desmatamento, estabelecidas pelo Brasil, em sua Poltica Nacional de Mudana do Clima. Tais incentivos devero apoiar o objetivo mais amplo do governo brasileiro da promoo do desenvolvimento sustentvel e de erradicao da pobreza no pas, ao mesmo tempo assegurando a permanncia dos estoques florestais no longo prazo. O evento comear com uma breve descrio das polticas vigentes no Brasil, e seguir com apresentaes sobre incentivos positivos utilizados no nvel federal e estadual. Sero tambm apresentadas as avaliaes sobre a eficcia de algumas polticas ambientais e seu impacto em termos de mitigao de emisses associadas ao desmatamento e degradao de florestas. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Carlos Klink / Secretrio / Secretaria de Mudanas Climticas e Qualidade Ambiental - Ministrio do Meio Ambiente (SMCQ/MMA); Brenda Brito do Carmo/ Secretria Executiva / Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amaznia (IMAZON); Marco Antonio Fujihara / Diretor / Keyassociados; Jorge Hargrave / Pesquisador / Instituto de Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA); Ronaldo Seroa da Motta / Pesquisador / Instituto de Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA); Mariano Cenamo / Secretrio Executivo Adjunto/ Instituto de Conservao e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel do Amazonas (IDESAM). Evento Pblico

Mudana do clima e florestas no Brasil: o papel das polticas e dos incentivos positivos.



Parque dos Atletas

Rio 2012: Desenvolvimento Sustentvel na Era da Inocncia le de France/CIRED Another economy and policies necessary for poverty eradication and environmental justice - considering from experiences in Japan and the World Arena Socioambiental - Exposio Portinari+Brasileir@s

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo




Arena Socioambiental - Praa da Sociobiodiversidade Apresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- na Estao Estcio Mtricas de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel / Seminrio Internacional das Reservas da Biosfera, Programa MaB/UNESCO "O Homem e a Biosfera" PEOPLES SUSTAINABILITY TREATY ON Sustainable Lifestyles: Sustainable Consumption and Production Ciclo de Debates Aqualtunes apresenta: Juventude Negra e seu Papel na Sustentabilidade Posto de Vacinao contra o racismo, o machismo, a homofobia e a economia verde Voices from Asia Pacific : Just and Sustainable Development Goals for Women Sports To Tame Climate Change Ciclo de debates antiproibicionistas Derecho y Medio Ambiente

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11:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

MAM Estcio Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Trs momentos dedicados ao tema das polticas pblicas: o primeiro apresenta histrias de transformao na vida de alguns brasileiros; o segundo promove a interao informativa em plataformas digitais; o terceiro homenageia a obra de Candido Portinari e estimula a reflexo social. Exposio com udio-guia em Portugus e Ingls. Evento Pblico Vitrine de exposio e comercializao de produtos baseados no uso sustentvel dos recursos da biodiversidade brasileira, feitos por povos e comunidades tradicionais e agricultores familiares. Traz produtos da Amaznia, Caatinga, Cerrado e Mata Atlntica. Apresentao de cantos e danas Evento Pblico

Desenvolvimento Sustentvel: diagnsticos e perspectivas da sociedade civil (ONGs e Movimentos Sociais) do Comit Paranaense da Rio+20 Oficina Lanamento de Livros com as respectivas palestras O Movimento Negro e o Combate ao Racismo em Tempos de Crise Socioambiental Direito a Moradia X Grandes Obras. A Reforma Urbana Pendente e os Novos Pinheirinhos Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice in a Fierce New World Gender, Economic and Ecological Justice in a Fierce New World Peoples Sustainability Treaty on Ethical and Spiritual Values for Sustainable Development Convergencia das juventudes para a Defesa dos bens comuns e contra mercantilizaao Trabalho Decente - Emprego Verde Seminrio DIREITO A MOBILIDADE URBANA E PARTICIPAO POPULAR NAS POLTICAS PBLICAS Subsidies attacking the poor, blocking green jobs, undermining sustainable development. Who really benefits? Who really loses? What can be done? Peasant Speak Out for Food Sovereignty Equity Treaty Dialogue RODA DE CONVERSA ENTRE OS POVOS DE TERREIRO E PBLICO GERAL Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice Strategy Meeting A world free of fossil fuels Feminismo, Agroecologia e Soberania Alimentar construindo um novo paradigma de sustentabilidade da vida humana GLOBAL ASSEMBLY CONFRONTING THE EXTRACTIVE MEGA PROJECTS Mariwatsd, Terra de Esperana: 20 anos de promessas desde a Rio92 Mariwatsd, Terra de Esperana: 20 anos de promessas desde a Rio92 Seminrio : Os sistemas alimentares locais : o desenvolvimento sustentvel atravs dos alimentos Oficina NBCAL Roda de Conversa -Tecendo o Pampa pelos Caminhos da Memria: Fronteira Brasil/Uruguay Oficinas: Mudanas ambientais e migraes: desafios e perspectivas Desenvolvimento sustentvel, proteo social e gnero Viva Rio +20

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11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo The Environment Management Group will present the findings of its report ?Working towards a balanced and inclusive green economy: A UN system-wide perspective" which was prepared to contribute to the Rio+20 Conference. The report prepared by 40 UN entities provides a picture on the UN system wide perspectives on the green economy and how the UN system could coherently support countries in transitioning to a green economy. The report is expected to facilitate a common understanding of the green economy approach and the measures required for the transition. The green economy can be become real from local experiences, through projects that link production with less environmental impact and improving the quality of life of local populations. Whereas less than 1% of Amazon territory in Brazil is urbanized, it is essential to support initiatives in rural or forest ways. The Fundo Vale has supported several projects in the Brazilian Amazon who flock to this effect, to value the forest as a great asset market of the future. Working in network with recognized organizations acting in the Amazon, and international projection, these projects are developed in coordination in areas suffering strong anthropogenic pressure, constantly threatened by illegal logging. The event aims to show some experiments and their results, developed in the states of Par, Mato Grosso and Amazonas.

The UN system Perspectives on Green Economy



T-9 (Riocentro)

Green economy as an inducer of conservation in Brazilian Amazon



T-8 (Riocentro)

The 2014 World Cup involves a combined investment of more than US$114 billion across 12 Brazilian cities for the construction or renovation of 12 football stadiums plus transportation, hotels, and waste and water infrastructure to support millions of fans. As the largest infrastructure project in the country?s history, preparations for the World Cup today will have long-lasting impacts on Brazil?s urban sectors. Planning for the Cup has provided Brazil with an opportunity to achieve sustainable, urban economic development that may not present itself again for decades or possibly centuries. This event will feature a discussion on how World Cup investments can be leveraged for positive, long-term social and environmental benefits in Brazil?s cities, and how urban planning for global sporting events such as the World Cup and the Olympics can be models for sustainable urbanization on a global scale. Key themes: green building, low-carbon transit, green jobs, sustainable financing mechanisms. As a response to the multiple global crises, the Reflection Group will launch a comprehensive report that highlights the need for fundamental changes, in particular: ? Changes in fiscal and regulatory policies (at national and international levels) in order to overcome social inequalities and the degradation of nature and to strengthen sustainable economies. ? Changes in institutions and governance mechanisms (at national and international levels). ? Changes in the mindset, the guiding concepts, goals and indicators of development and societal progress. At the side event prominent members of the Reflection Group will present key findings and policy recommendations of this report. Sustainable Development and Inter-generational Equity Issues Dialogue 16/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro) The dialogue will be of Panel Discussion and Workshop nature on making a link between Climate Justice, Carbon Debt, Development, and Reparations. Protecting Biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides is at the heart of sustainable development. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted in 2010 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), represents a coordinated and sustained response by governments and the United Nations system to the ongoing loss of biodiversity. In this side event, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, along with its United Nations system partners will outline the mission and vision of the Strategy and show how biodiversity supports achievement of the three pillars of sustainable development. Representatives of the Interagency Task Force for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 will speak about the role of the Plan in coordinating actions among stakeholders. The challenges to feed the world?s population, which will reach 9 billion by 2050, are unprecedented?requiring more than a second green revolution. With climate change, global yields in 2050 could decrease by 20-30 percent if we cannot bring good agricultural practices, new technologies, farming methods, and supporting institutions to the world?s farmers. ?Sustainable intensification?--a range of approaches for boosting agricultural production while reducing negative environmental impacts on agriculture--will be critical. However, despite the 2008 food crisis and environmental changes, public investments in agricultural research and extension are low. In the context of the ongoing debate as to which potential farming methods and technologies offer the greatest promise for investment and scale up, this panel will examine the contribution of sustainable agriculture sustainable intensification to agricultural productivity and resilience in the near and long term and how this contribution can be estimated and tracked. Thematic focus: Land, Water, Biodiversity, Livestock and Livelihoods The drylands are the best chance we have to achieve multiple goals at a scale that has significant and durable impact. Globally, the drylands support 2.1 billion people, with the majority still dependent upon the success of extensive grazing systems and sustainable crop production intensification. Yet, drylands have been considered marginal ? subject to degradation, loss of biodiversity and ineffective water management ? while the people they support have been marginalized. Targeting drylands is key in the march towards sustainable development because of the strong connection between land degradation and desertification and other global issues, including climate change, droughts and floods, famine, poverty and social disruption).

Greening the Games: How Brazil's World Cup is Driving Economic Changes



T-10 (Riocentro)

Launch: Reflection Group Report on Global Development Perspectives



P3-6 (Riocentro)

The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020



T-6 (Riocentro)

Feeding the World: Sustainable Agriculture & Innovation



T-9 (Riocentro)

Re-greening for Resilient Landscapes



T-5 (Riocentro)

The UN system Perspectives on Green Economy



T-9 (Riocentro)

The Environment Management Group will present the findings of its report ?Working towards a balanced and inclusive green economy: A UN system-wide perspective" which was prepared to contribute to the Rio+20 Conference. The report prepared by 40 UN entities provides a picture on the UN system wide perspectives on the green economy and how the UN system could coherently support countries in transitioning to a green economy. The report is expected to facilitate a common understanding of the green economy approach and the measures required for the transition. The green economy can be become real from local experiences, through projects that link production with less environmental impact and improving the quality of life of local populations. Whereas less than 1% of Amazon territory in Brazil is urbanized, it is essential to support initiatives in rural or forest ways. The Fundo Vale has supported several projects in the Brazilian Amazon who flock to this effect, to value the forest as a great asset market of the future. Working in network with recognized organizations acting in the Amazon, and international projection, these projects are developed in coordination in areas suffering strong anthropogenic pressure, constantly threatened by illegal logging. The event aims to show some experiments and their results, developed in the states of Par, Mato Grosso and Amazonas. The 2014 World Cup involves a combined investment of more than US$114 billion across 12 Brazilian cities for the construction or renovation of 12 football stadiums plus transportation, hotels, and waste and water infrastructure to support millions of fans. As the largest infrastructure project in the country?s history, preparations for the World Cup today will have long-lasting impacts on Brazil?s urban sectors. Planning for the Cup has provided Brazil with an opportunity to achieve sustainable, urban economic development that may not present itself again for decades or possibly centuries. This event will feature a discussion on how World Cup investments can be leveraged for positive, long-term social and environmental benefits in Brazil?s cities, and how urban planning for global sporting events such as the World Cup and the Olympics can be models for sustainable urbanization on a global scale. Key themes: green building, low-carbon transit, green jobs, sustainable financing mechanisms. As a response to the multiple global crises, the Reflection Group will launch a comprehensive report that highlights the need for fundamental changes, in particular: ? Changes in fiscal and regulatory policies (at national and international levels) in order to overcome social inequalities and the degradation of nature and to strengthen sustainable economies. ? Changes in institutions and governance mechanisms (at national and international levels). ? Changes in the mindset, the guiding concepts, goals and indicators of development and societal progress. At the side event prominent members of the Reflection Group will present key findings and policy recommendations of this report.

Green economy as an inducer of conservation in Brazilian Amazon



T-8 (Riocentro)

Greening the Games: How Brazil's World Cup is Driving Economic Changes



T-10 (Riocentro)

Launch: Reflection Group Report on Global Development Perspectives



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Inter-generational Equity Issues Dialogue



T-4 (Riocentro)

The dialogue will be of Panel Discussion and Workshop nature on making a link between Climate Justice, Carbon Debt, Development, and Reparations. Protecting Biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides is at the heart of sustainable development. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted in 2010 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), represents a coordinated and sustained response by governments and the United Nations system to the ongoing loss of biodiversity. In this side event, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, along with its United Nations system partners will outline the mission and vision of the Strategy and show how biodiversity supports achievement of the three pillars of sustainable development. Representatives of the Interagency Task Force for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 will speak about the role of the Plan in coordinating actions among stakeholders.

The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020



T-6 (Riocentro)

Feeding the World: Sustainable Agriculture & Innovation



T-9 (Riocentro)

The challenges to feed the world?s population, which will reach 9 billion by 2050, are unprecedented?requiring more than a second green revolution. With climate change, global yields in 2050 could decrease by 20-30 percent if we cannot bring good agricultural practices, new technologies, farming methods, and supporting institutions to the world?s farmers. ?Sustainable intensification?--a range of approaches for boosting agricultural production while reducing negative environmental impacts on agriculture--will be critical. However, despite the 2008 food crisis and environmental changes, public investments in agricultural research and extension are low. In the context of the ongoing debate as to which potential farming methods and technologies offer the greatest promise for investment and scale up, this panel will examine the contribution of sustainable agriculture sustainable intensification to agricultural productivity and resilience in the near and long term and how this contribution can be estimated and tracked. Thematic focus: Land, Water, Biodiversity, Livestock and Livelihoods The drylands are the best chance we have to achieve multiple goals at a scale that has significant and durable impact. Globally, the drylands support 2.1 billion people, with the majority still dependent upon the success of extensive grazing systems and sustainable crop production intensification. Yet, drylands have been considered marginal ? subject to degradation, loss of biodiversity and ineffective water management ? while the people they support have been marginalized. Targeting drylands is key in the march towards sustainable development because of the strong connection between land degradation and desertification and other global issues, including climate change, droughts and floods, famine, poverty and social disruption). The Environment Management Group will present the findings of its report ?Working towards a balanced and inclusive green economy: A UN system-wide perspective" which was prepared to contribute to the Rio+20 Conference. The report prepared by 40 UN entities provides a picture on the UN system wide perspectives on the green economy and how the UN system could coherently support countries in transitioning to a green economy. The report is expected to facilitate a common understanding of the green economy approach and the measures required for the transition. The green economy can be become real from local experiences, through projects that link production with less environmental impact and improving the quality of life of local populations. Whereas less than 1% of Amazon territory in Brazil is urbanized, it is essential to support initiatives in rural or forest ways. The Fundo Vale has supported several projects in the Brazilian Amazon who flock to this effect, to value the forest as a great asset market of the future. Working in network with recognized organizations acting in the Amazon, and international projection, these projects are developed in coordination in areas suffering strong anthropogenic pressure, constantly threatened by illegal logging. The event aims to show some experiments and their results, developed in the states of Par, Mato Grosso and Amazonas. The 2014 World Cup involves a combined investment of more than US$114 billion across 12 Brazilian cities for the construction or renovation of 12 football stadiums plus transportation, hotels, and waste and water infrastructure to support millions of fans. As the largest infrastructure project in the country?s history, preparations for the World Cup today will have long-lasting impacts on Brazil?s urban sectors. Planning for the Cup has provided Brazil with an opportunity to achieve sustainable, urban economic development that may not present itself again for decades or possibly centuries. This event will feature a discussion on how World Cup investments can be leveraged for positive, long-term social and environmental benefits in Brazil?s cities, and how urban planning for global sporting events such as the World Cup and the Olympics can be models for sustainable urbanization on a global scale. Key themes: green building, low-carbon transit, green jobs, sustainable financing mechanisms.

Re-greening for Resilient Landscapes



T-5 (Riocentro)

The UN system Perspectives on Green Economy



T-9 (Riocentro)

Green economy as an inducer of conservation in Brazilian Amazon



T-8 (Riocentro)

Greening the Games: How Brazil's World Cup is Driving Economic Changes



T-10 (Riocentro)

As a response to the multiple global crises, the Reflection Group will launch a comprehensive report that highlights the need for fundamental changes, in particular: ? Changes in fiscal and regulatory policies (at national and international levels) in order to overcome social inequalities and the degradation of nature and to strengthen sustainable economies. ? Changes in institutions and governance mechanisms (at national and international levels). ? Changes in the mindset, the guiding concepts, goals and indicators of development and societal progress. At the side event prominent members of the Reflection Group will present key findings and policy recommendations of this report. Sustainable Development and Inter-generational Equity Issues Dialogue 16/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro) The dialogue will be of Panel Discussion and Workshop nature on making a link between Climate Justice, Carbon Debt, Development, and Reparations. Protecting Biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides is at the heart of sustainable development. The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted in 2010 at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), represents a coordinated and sustained response by governments and the United Nations system to the ongoing loss of biodiversity. In this side event, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, along with its United Nations system partners will outline the mission and vision of the Strategy and show how biodiversity supports achievement of the three pillars of sustainable development. Representatives of the Interagency Task Force for the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 will speak about the role of the Plan in coordinating actions among stakeholders. The challenges to feed the world?s population, which will reach 9 billion by 2050, are unprecedented?requiring more than a second green revolution. With climate change, global yields in 2050 could decrease by 20-30 percent if we cannot bring good agricultural practices, new technologies, farming methods, and supporting institutions to the world?s farmers. ?Sustainable intensification?--a range of approaches for boosting agricultural production while reducing negative environmental impacts on agriculture--will be critical. However, despite the 2008 food crisis and environmental changes, public investments in agricultural research and extension are low. In the context of the ongoing debate as to which potential farming methods and technologies offer the greatest promise for investment and scale up, this panel will examine the contribution of sustainable agriculture sustainable intensification to agricultural productivity and resilience in the near and long term and how this contribution can be estimated and tracked. Thematic focus: Land, Water, Biodiversity, Livestock and Livelihoods The drylands are the best chance we have to achieve multiple goals at a scale that has significant and durable impact. Globally, the drylands support 2.1 billion people, with the majority still dependent upon the success of extensive grazing systems and sustainable crop production intensification. Yet, drylands have been considered marginal ? subject to degradation, loss of biodiversity and ineffective water management ? while the people they support have been marginalized. Targeting drylands is key in the march towards sustainable development because of the strong connection between land degradation and desertification and other global issues, including climate change, droughts and floods, famine, poverty and social disruption).

Launch: Reflection Group Report on Global Development Perspectives



P3-6 (Riocentro)

The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020



T-6 (Riocentro)

Feeding the World: Sustainable Agriculture & Innovation



T-9 (Riocentro)

Re-greening for Resilient Landscapes



T-5 (Riocentro)

Seminrio Internacional "Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial" O caminho sagrado das sementes: Conectando saberes, trocando sementes e refletindo sobre sustentabilidade na Rio+20 Geoengenharia: por que a Rio+20 tem que proibir a manipulao climtica Roda de Conversa do Frum de Cooperativismo Popular da Economia Solidria Desenvolvimento sustentvel, proteo social e gnero Reflexes sobre os avanos, retrocessos e desafios Ambientais de 1992 at 2012 Oficina Rio + 20 Experincias Sustentveis a Caminho de um Outro Mundo



Aterro do Flamengo

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Os Astros e a Rio+20 - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Abertura: Palestra Riscos e oportunidades na crise planetria "H Futuro na Rio + 20? Coordenao do Astrologo Antonio Carlos Bola: astrlogo e jornalista, com 40 anos de atividade em aconselhamento, ensino e divulgao, no pas e exterior, o coordenador do segmento oracular do Virado Rio + 20 da Casa da Gvea. At 2016 estaremos vivendo um perodo de grandes transformaes coletivas, de fundamental importncia para a transio da Era de Peixes para a Era de Aqurio. . Entrada Franca

From Rio to Cairo to Rio? and Beyond



T-2 (Riocentro)

Population dynamics have significant influence on sustainable development. Chapter 5 of Agenda 21 affirms the synergistic relationship between demographic factors and sustainable development, as well as the key role of women?s empowerment and reproductive health, including family planning. The chapter also calls for formulation of integrated national policies for environment and development, taking into account demographic trends and factors. These linkages were emphasized in the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action, adopted in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Virtually all development policies in Sub-Saharan Africa cite population growth as an inhibitor to efforts to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, preserve the environment, and improve the quality of human resources. However, little integration of population dynamics and environmentally sustainable development plans and programs has been achieved. Climate change has become the face of the international discourse on environmental sustainability, and it is increasingly seen as a major threat to sustainable development in Africa. Com o astrlogo Antonio Carlos Bola Harres - astrlogo e jornalista, com 40 anos de atividade em aconselhamento, ensino e divulgao,no pas e exterior, o coordenador do segmento oracular do Virado Rio + 20 da Casa da Gvea. Population dynamics have significant influence on sustainable development. Chapter 5 of Agenda 21 affirms the synergistic relationship between demographic factors and sustainable development, as well as the key role of women?s empowerment and reproductive health, including family planning. The chapter also calls for formulation of integrated national policies for environment and development, taking into account demographic trends and factors. These linkages were emphasized in the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action, adopted in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Virtually all development policies in Sub-Saharan Africa cite population growth as an inhibitor to efforts to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, preserve the environment, and improve the quality of human resources. However, little integration of population dynamics and environmentally sustainable development plans and programs has been achieved. Climate change has become the face of the international discourse on environmental sustainability, and it is increasingly seen as a major threat to sustainable development in Africa. Population dynamics have significant influence on sustainable development. Chapter 5 of Agenda 21 affirms the synergistic relationship between demographic factors and sustainable development, as well as the key role of women?s empowerment and reproductive health, including family planning. The chapter also calls for formulation of integrated national policies for environment and development, taking into account demographic trends and factors. These linkages were emphasized in the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action, adopted in Cairo, Egypt in 1994. Virtually all development policies in Sub-Saharan Africa cite population growth as an inhibitor to efforts to alleviate poverty, ensure food security, preserve the environment, and improve the quality of human resources. However, little integration of population dynamics and environmentally sustainable development plans and programs has been achieved. Climate change has become the face of the international discourse on environmental sustainability, and it is increasingly seen as a major threat to sustainable development in Africa. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Evento de grafite desenvolvido pelo Insituto Wark e GDR - Grafiteiros da Rocinha. O projeto busca conscientizar a comunidade sobre a arte urbana e promover workshops que transformem o grafite em fonte de renda para jovens, por meio da comercializao de objetos customizados. Ser realizado workshop na Via Pblica da Rocinha (embaixo da passarela da Rocinha), no qual os interessados podero participar de uma pintura coletiva de uma lona e aprender a grafitar, bem como fabricar peas decorativas. Na ocasio, moradores da comunidade podero trazer pertences a serem customizados e restaurados. Haver construo de painis grafitados, apresentao dos membros do Instituto Wark e do Grupo GDR (Grafiteiros da Rocinha) e interao entre artistas.

OS ASTROS E A RIO+20 (Coordenao do Astrologo Antonio Carlos Bola)




From Rio to Cairo to Rio? and Beyond



T-2 (Riocentro)

From Rio to Cairo to Rio? and Beyond



T-2 (Riocentro)




Parque dos Atletas

CUCaA - Construindo o universo atravs da arte



Via Pblica da Rocinha

The Human right to water and sanitation: The challenge of implementation



P3-E (Riocentro)

The aim of the Workshop is to check and to evaluate the evolution to local and international level of the Access to the Drinkable Water as human right, from her Firstly Summit of the Earth up to the current importance. There will be a comprehensive introduction of Chinafs efforts, progress and challenges in practicing sustainable development within the past decade. There will also be an introduction to the following strategies of China, a clarification of the expectations of the Chinese Government for this conference and its target and subject, and an introduction to the side conferences of Chinese government, and which will also present a video on Chinese national sustainable development Taiwan is vulnerable in term of climate change. Three years ago, Taiwan suffered from the havoc of the typhoon Morakot and recovered with the joint efforts by the civil societies and the government.

China's Progress on Sustainable Development & Expectations of Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

Forests, Livelihoods, and Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

With the successful experience, we aim to shed more light on forests and livelihoods in terms of sustainable development and green economy by holding this gForests, Livelihoods, and Green Economyh side event to comply with the goal shown in Rio+20 Briefing#2 and further advance the efforts in sustainable development and forest managementI

Sustainable Development in the Face of Rapid Climate Change: High Alpi



T-3 (Riocentro)

Climate change is occurring twice as fast in regions such as the Arctic, Himalayas, Andes, and other alpine areas than in the rest of the globe, placing enormous pressures on the peoples who live there. Many of the communities so impacted comprise indigenous and other communities already often marginalized economically and socially in their societies. How can these communities find a new path towards development in the face of such rapid change, in ways that both preserve traditional ways of live, lead to the meeting of Millennium Development Goals; yet do not contribute even more to the environmental changes already occurring with rapid ?cryospheric? climate change? What are the ?cryosphere-specific? sustainable development measures most helpful to these regions? A panel discussion with representatives and experts from some of the most climate-impacted places on earth. Sustainable Public Procurement is meant to allow preferencial treatment in bidding processes for socio-environmentally correct products with less environmental impact and lower risk to human health. It is related to the acquisition of goods, materials and services whose manufacture, use and disposal incorporate socio-environmentally sustainable standards. Thus, the policy objective is to spread the links between sustainability and government hiring, generating positive impact on the marketplace and promoting new production sectors - the so-called "green economy" ( United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP). The objective of the seminar is to present the policy from the perspective of the formulator entity (Ministrio do Planejamento), the legal entity (Advocacia-Geral da Unio) and the audit organ (Tribunal de Contas da Unio). Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is increasingly recognized as a tool for sustainable management of natural resources. Although PES was initially intended to achieve conservation goals, the dependence of the majority of rural populations upon local ecosystems have brought about a consideration of PES being designed to be both pro-poor and community-based.This can be achieved by integrating pro-development objectives into thedesign of PES schemes .ICRAF and the consortium WWF/CARE International, for example, proposed an approach of ?pro-poor rewards for environmental services? and ?equitable payments for watershed services? ,with the objective to deliver sustainable natural resource management and improve livelihoods for the rural poor. The use of PES to address both environmental improvement and poverty reduction objectives represents debatable issue for a wider reception of the PES approach. Evidence from Indonesia, Cameroon and India presented in the panel demonstrates that empowering women as resource managers and entrepreneurs presents a powerful strategy that can be used to address both local and global environment concerns. But institutional gender blindness renders women?s contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation invisible, and therefore not valued. National climate change policies and organizations overlook women?s value, in part because of biases that exclude women as leaders. Combined with their lower levels of education, time availability, formal property rights, and technical skills, this has resulted in an exclusion of women?s interests when climate change, REDD+, or renewable energy finance decisions are made. Means of providing value for women?s contributions to sustainable development and the green economy, discussed in the event, can address the risks of further marginalising women and jeopardising environmental sustainability initiatives posed by existing climate change finance mechanisms.

Sustainable Public Procurement



T-10 (Riocentro)

Pro-poor Payment for Ecosystems Services: global knowledge networking



P3-A (Riocentro)

Women's Leadership in a Green Economy: Valuing Women's Contributions t




Sustainable Transport Contribution to Rio+20 and its Implementation



T-5 (Riocentro)

The Human right to water and sanitation: The challenge of implementation



P3-E (Riocentro)

Transport comprises a significant economic sector in most countries and is of particular relevance to the green economy theme of Rio+20 because of its potential for wide-ranging environmental, economic and social development benefits. There is a growing realization that the current rapid unrestrained growth in private motorization while improving access is not sustainable. This side event organized on behalf of the SLoCaT Partnership will present the contribution of the sustainable transport community to the Rio+20 Conference and its implementation. This includes: (a) a Roadmap for Sustainable Transport in the coming years including a set of targets and indicators, (b) voluntary commitments by a group of multilateral development banks as well other stakeholders on sustainable transport, and (c) description of proposed institutional framework for sustainable transport in the post Rio+20 period. The aim of the Workshop is to check and to evaluate the evolution to local and international level of the Access to the Drinkable Water as human right, from her Firstly Summit of the Earth up to the current importance. There will be a comprehensive introduction of Chinafs efforts, progress and challenges in practicing sustainable development within the past decade. There will also be an introduction to the following strategies of China, a clarification of the expectations of the Chinese Government for this conference and its target and subject, and an introduction to the side conferences of Chinese government, and which will also present a video on Chinese national sustainable development Taiwan is vulnerable in term of climate change. Three years ago, Taiwan suffered from the havoc of the typhoon Morakot and recovered with the joint efforts by the civil societies and the government.

China's Progress on Sustainable Development & Expectations of Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

Forests, Livelihoods, and Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

With the successful experience, we aim to shed more light on forests and livelihoods in terms of sustainable development and green economy by holding this gForests, Livelihoods, and Green Economyh side event to comply with the goal shown in Rio+20 Briefing#2 and further advance the efforts in sustainable development and forest managementI

Sustainable Development in the Face of Rapid Climate Change: High Alpi



T-3 (Riocentro)

Climate change is occurring twice as fast in regions such as the Arctic, Himalayas, Andes, and other alpine areas than in the rest of the globe, placing enormous pressures on the peoples who live there. Many of the communities so impacted comprise indigenous and other communities already often marginalized economically and socially in their societies. How can these communities find a new path towards development in the face of such rapid change, in ways that both preserve traditional ways of live, lead to the meeting of Millennium Development Goals; yet do not contribute even more to the environmental changes already occurring with rapid ?cryospheric? climate change? What are the ?cryosphere-specific? sustainable development measures most helpful to these regions? A panel discussion with representatives and experts from some of the most climate-impacted places on earth. Sustainable Public Procurement is meant to allow preferencial treatment in bidding processes for socio-environmentally correct products with less environmental impact and lower risk to human health. It is related to the acquisition of goods, materials and services whose manufacture, use and disposal incorporate socio-environmentally sustainable standards. Thus, the policy objective is to spread the links between sustainability and government hiring, generating positive impact on the marketplace and promoting new production sectors - the so-called "green economy" ( United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP). The objective of the seminar is to present the policy from the perspective of the formulator entity (Ministrio do Planejamento), the legal entity (Advocacia-Geral da Unio) and the audit organ (Tribunal de Contas da Unio). Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is increasingly recognized as a tool for sustainable management of natural resources. Although PES was initially intended to achieve conservation goals, the dependence of the majority of rural populations upon local ecosystems have brought about a consideration of PES being designed to be both pro-poor and community-based.This can be achieved by integrating pro-development objectives into thedesign of PES schemes .ICRAF and the consortium WWF/CARE International, for example, proposed an approach of ?pro-poor rewards for environmental services? and ?equitable payments for watershed services? ,with the objective to deliver sustainable natural resource management and improve livelihoods for the rural poor. The use of PES to address both environmental improvement and poverty reduction objectives represents debatable issue for a wider reception of the PES approach.

Sustainable Public Procurement



T-10 (Riocentro)

Pro-poor Payment for Ecosystems Services: global knowledge networking



P3-A (Riocentro)

Women's Leadership in a Green Economy: Valuing Women's Contributions t




Evidence from Indonesia, Cameroon and India presented in the panel demonstrates that empowering women as resource managers and entrepreneurs presents a powerful strategy that can be used to address both local and global environment concerns. But institutional gender blindness renders women?s contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation invisible, and therefore not valued. National climate change policies and organizations overlook women?s value, in part because of biases that exclude women as leaders. Combined with their lower levels of education, time availability, formal property rights, and technical skills, this has resulted in an exclusion of women?s interests when climate change, REDD+, or renewable energy finance decisions are made. Means of providing value for women?s contributions to sustainable development and the green economy, discussed in the event, can address the risks of further marginalising women and jeopardising environmental sustainability initiatives posed by existing climate change finance mechanisms. Transport comprises a significant economic sector in most countries and is of particular relevance to the green economy theme of Rio+20 because of its potential for wide-ranging environmental, economic and social development benefits. There is a growing realization that the current rapid unrestrained growth in private motorization while improving access is not sustainable. This side event organized on behalf of the SLoCaT Partnership will present the contribution of the sustainable transport community to the Rio+20 Conference and its implementation. This includes: (a) a Roadmap for Sustainable Transport in the coming years including a set of targets and indicators, (b) voluntary commitments by a group of multilateral development banks as well other stakeholders on sustainable transport, and (c) description of proposed institutional framework for sustainable transport in the post Rio+20 period. The aim of the Workshop is to check and to evaluate the evolution to local and international level of the Access to the Drinkable Water as human right, from her Firstly Summit of the Earth up to the current importance. There will be a comprehensive introduction of Chinafs efforts, progress and challenges in practicing sustainable development within the past decade. There will also be an introduction to the following strategies of China, a clarification of the expectations of the Chinese Government for this conference and its target and subject, and an introduction to the side conferences of Chinese government, and which will also present a video on Chinese national sustainable development Taiwan is vulnerable in term of climate change. Three years ago, Taiwan suffered from the havoc of the typhoon Morakot and recovered with the joint efforts by the civil societies and the government.

Sustainable Transport Contribution to Rio+20 and its Implementation



T-5 (Riocentro)

The Human right to water and sanitation: The challenge of implementation



P3-E (Riocentro)

China's Progress on Sustainable Development & Expectations of Rio+20



T-6 (Riocentro)

Forests, Livelihoods, and Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

With the successful experience, we aim to shed more light on forests and livelihoods in terms of sustainable development and green economy by holding this gForests, Livelihoods, and Green Economyh side event to comply with the goal shown in Rio+20 Briefing#2 and further advance the efforts in sustainable development and forest managementI

Sustainable Development in the Face of Rapid Climate Change: High Alpi



T-3 (Riocentro)

Climate change is occurring twice as fast in regions such as the Arctic, Himalayas, Andes, and other alpine areas than in the rest of the globe, placing enormous pressures on the peoples who live there. Many of the communities so impacted comprise indigenous and other communities already often marginalized economically and socially in their societies. How can these communities find a new path towards development in the face of such rapid change, in ways that both preserve traditional ways of live, lead to the meeting of Millennium Development Goals; yet do not contribute even more to the environmental changes already occurring with rapid ?cryospheric? climate change? What are the ?cryosphere-specific? sustainable development measures most helpful to these regions? A panel discussion with representatives and experts from some of the most climate-impacted places on earth. Sustainable Public Procurement is meant to allow preferencial treatment in bidding processes for socio-environmentally correct products with less environmental impact and lower risk to human health. It is related to the acquisition of goods, materials and services whose manufacture, use and disposal incorporate socio-environmentally sustainable standards. Thus, the policy objective is to spread the links between sustainability and government hiring, generating positive impact on the marketplace and promoting new production sectors - the so-called "green economy" ( United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP). The objective of the seminar is to present the policy from the perspective of the formulator entity (Ministrio do Planejamento), the legal entity (Advocacia-Geral da Unio) and the audit organ (Tribunal de Contas da Unio).

Sustainable Public Procurement



T-10 (Riocentro)

Pro-poor Payment for Ecosystems Services: global knowledge networking



P3-A (Riocentro)

Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) is increasingly recognized as a tool for sustainable management of natural resources. Although PES was initially intended to achieve conservation goals, the dependence of the majority of rural populations upon local ecosystems have brought about a consideration of PES being designed to be both pro-poor and community-based.This can be achieved by integrating pro-development objectives into thedesign of PES schemes .ICRAF and the consortium WWF/CARE International, for example, proposed an approach of ?pro-poor rewards for environmental services? and ?equitable payments for watershed services? ,with the objective to deliver sustainable natural resource management and improve livelihoods for the rural poor. The use of PES to address both environmental improvement and poverty reduction objectives represents debatable issue for a wider reception of the PES approach. Evidence from Indonesia, Cameroon and India presented in the panel demonstrates that empowering women as resource managers and entrepreneurs presents a powerful strategy that can be used to address both local and global environment concerns. But institutional gender blindness renders women?s contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation invisible, and therefore not valued. National climate change policies and organizations overlook women?s value, in part because of biases that exclude women as leaders. Combined with their lower levels of education, time availability, formal property rights, and technical skills, this has resulted in an exclusion of women?s interests when climate change, REDD+, or renewable energy finance decisions are made. Means of providing value for women?s contributions to sustainable development and the green economy, discussed in the event, can address the risks of further marginalising women and jeopardising environmental sustainability initiatives posed by existing climate change finance mechanisms. Transport comprises a significant economic sector in most countries and is of particular relevance to the green economy theme of Rio+20 because of its potential for wide-ranging environmental, economic and social development benefits. There is a growing realization that the current rapid unrestrained growth in private motorization while improving access is not sustainable. This side event organized on behalf of the SLoCaT Partnership will present the contribution of the sustainable transport community to the Rio+20 Conference and its implementation. This includes: (a) a Roadmap for Sustainable Transport in the coming years including a set of targets and indicators, (b) voluntary commitments by a group of multilateral development banks as well other stakeholders on sustainable transport, and (c) description of proposed institutional framework for sustainable transport in the post Rio+20 period. A palestra tem o objetivo de quebrar o paradigma que relaciona ganhos ambientais e econmicos nas MPE com altos custos ou investimentos nas empresas. Nessa palestra sero mostrados os pontos mais comuns de desperdcio de energia em sistemas de iluminao, alm de apresentar algumas solues tpicas voltadas para a eliminao desses desperdcios. Sero abordados aspectos tcnicos e no tcnicos em uma linguagem atraente de fcil entendimento, como por exemplo, o efeito da cor da luz no comportamento humano. Este seminrio objetiva introduzir o tema da biodiversidade e dos servios ecossistmicos na pauta dos governos subnacionais atravs da apresentao de uma metodologia de trabalho para a conservao da biodiversidade baseada no Guia de Aes e Estratgias para a Biodiversidade Local idealizado em conjunto pela Conveno para Diversidade Biolgica, Universidade das Naes Unidas Instituto de Estudos Avanados (UNU-IAS) e ICLEI. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Dra. Tatiana Maria Cecy Gadda, Professora, UTFPR; Dra. Tamara Simone van Kaick, Professora, UTFPR; Patricia Prcoma Pellanda, Pesquisadora Studio Cidades e Biodiversidade, UTFPR; Rafael Moreira Cesar da Costa, Consultor Tcnico, Centro Internacional de Formao de Atores Locais para a Amrica Latina (CIFAL); Patrizia Kelly Bittencourt Pereira, Analista Tcnica, Centro Internacional de Formao de Atores Locais para a Amrica Latina (CIFAL).

Women's Leadership in a Green Economy: Valuing Women's Contributions t




Sustainable Transport Contribution to Rio+20 and its Implementation



T-5 (Riocentro)

5 Menos que so Mais. 16/06/2012 14:00:00 Aterro do Flamengo

Eficincia Energtica na Iluminao



Aterro do Flamengo

BiodiverCIDADE: como considerar a biodiversidade na gesto do meio urbano?



Parque dos Atletas

Seminrio Internacional das Reservas da Biosfera, Programa MaB/UNESCO "O Homem e a Biosfera" ATELIER: Engagement interculturel pour un monde juste et durable: Le Barcelona Consensus Frente aos instrumentos e falsas solues do capitalismo verde: resistindo aos impactos territoriais e as estratgias institucionais de mercantilizao da natureza CENTRO CULTURAL INDGENA Roda de conversa Sobre o Papel da Cincia para o desenvolvimento Sustentvel Rede Biomas Medicinais - Roda de Conversa Os direitos da juventude no se vendem, se defendem

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

As consequncias do pagamento dos servios da Dvida Pblica brasileira para os trabalhadores e o meio-ambiente Consideraes Geopoliticas sobre Aquecimento Global Promoting responsible corporate conduct: The reviewed OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises China Youth Activism 101 Sem justia, sem direitos: o caso palestino O Movimento Negro e o Combate ao Racismo em Tempos de Crise Socioambiental Convergenica das juventudes para Trabalho, por uma outra economia e novos paradigmos de sociedade Convergencia das juventudes para Soberania alimentar Roda de Conversa - Cultura, Sustentabilidade e Desenvolvimento de Tempos em Tempos Doenas Raras: 13 milhes de esquecidos no Brasil Inovaes em sustentabilidade para o aquecimento global Roda de Conversas Modelo Econmico, Trabalho e Ambiente Atelier: Prenons soin de la plante, et partageons nos responsabilits ! Palestra Omisso na defesa dos indgenas no Brasil de 1500 at hoje Mega eventos: Impactos sobre o turismo e explorao sexual das mulheres jovens GLOBAL ASSEMBLY CONFRONTING THE EXTRACTIVE MEGA PROJECTS In Support of Small Scale Food Producers Young People Fixing the Broken Food System Desafios do Desenvolvimento Sustentavel para os Paises BRICS Oficina para confeccionar um rob de 2 metros, utilizando materiais descartveis coletados no local Construindo outros modelos: a fora da amizade na construo e ao de redes transformadoras Troca de Saberes com as Rodas de Memrias de Tradio Oral e Escrita no Caminho da Cidadania Vdeo-Debate: Saberes e Fazeres da herana cultural da gastronomia indgena contra a fome e a misria, como contraponto Economia Verde Seminrio e Debate " Justia Climtica, Emergncia Climtica, Sustentabilidade e Aquecimento Global". Seminnar and Debate "Climate Justice, Climate Emergency, Sustainability and Global Warming" Proyecto Sensibilizacion contra la quema de desmonte en la actividad agrcola y domstica, una actividad que est destruyendo nuestra biodiversidad Viva Rio +20 O PT e as Perspectivas Ecopolticas Impactos dos Agrotxicos na Sade e no Ambiente Que Sustentabilidade Queremos? Lanamento de Publicaes sobre Sade e Ambiente e debate com autores e editores A Favela na Agenda dos Direitos Sociais e Ambientais Festival Encantado Forum: Teatro Os Inclusos e os Sisos Forum: Ecossistemas de Mercados Inclusivos na AL Forum: A Fora dos Negcios a Servio da Sociedade Debate astros e arcanos - Ocupao irbita

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Clube do Vale Encantado Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Show de Msica com Rudo | BoTecoeletro | Cibelle | General Eletriks | M | The Twelves e participaes especiais - maiores informaes: inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Debate Astros & Arcanos da Rio+20 O debate ser moderado por Antonio Carlos Bola Harres, com ampla participao do pblico. Convidados: Alexsander Lepletier, Dimitri Camiloto, Enio Lindenbaum, Martha Pires Ferreira. . Entrada Franca



Casa da Gvea

Evento Inaugural - Lounge de Sustentabilidade



Parque dos Atletas

A Conferncia da BMW ser realizada dentro do contexto da Rio+20, em nosso Lounge de Sustentabilidade - uma rea de exposio localizada do outro lado do Rio de Janeiro, a qual exibe todas as iniciativas de sustentabilidade do BMW Group, desde suas inovaes, cadeia de valor e tecnologia de produtos a pessoas e ideias que estimulam a sustentabilidade. Ser um local de ideias, dilogos e exemplos durante a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, na Rio+20, entre 13 e 24 de Junho de 2012, no Rio de Janeiro. PROJETO DE BIOGS DESENVOLVIDO PELA ITAIPU BINACIONAL OFFICIAL EVENTS

PROJETO DE BIOGS DESENVOLVIDO PELA ITAIPU BINACIONAL Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Development as an answer to the economic and financial crisis

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

14:00:00 14:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Riocentro

Fomentando Cidades Sustentveis desafios e prticas



Parque dos Atletas

A partir da metade do sculo XX o Brasil se tornou um pas urbano, atualmente com 84% das pessoas vivendo nas cidade, sendo que em algumas regies metropolitanas esse percentual est acima de 95%. No conceito de sustentabilidade, o crescimento das cidades deve vir acompanhado de infraestrutura, habitao, servios e equipamentos que forneamos insumos necessrios para garanti a qualidade de vida da populao. No entanto, nem sempre foi assim, as cidades cresceram de forma irregular e sem planejamento, com seus habitantes, muitas vezes, vivendo em condies precrias. Para reverter esse processo e reduzir o dficit habitacional so necessrios investimentos na produo de habitao e em saneamento bsico, transporte pblico e equipamentos, visando minimizar as diferenas sociais e buscar a incluso dessa populao. Desta forma, a CAIXA tem investido na infraestrutura das cidades brasileiras, alm de financiar a produo de moradias, inclusive para as famlias de baixa renda, faixa mais afetada pelo dficit habitacional. Alm dos investimentos em infraestrutura e habitao, como forma de induzir a sustentabilidade nas cidades, a CAIXA possui o programa Construes Sustentveis. O programa agrega uma srie de aes voltadas sustentabilidade das edificaes, tais como uso de madeira legal, eficincia energtica nas habitaes, uso de sistemas de aquecimento solar de gua, arborizao urbana e o Selo Casa Azul, com 53 ideias sustentveis para a construo de moradias. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Sergio Besserman economista, ambientalista, ex-presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatstica (IBGE), comentarista televisivo, professor da PUC/RJ; Jos Urbano Duarte - Vice-Presidente de Governo e Habitao da CAIXA, banco pblico brasileiro, lder do crdito habitacional e principal executor de polticas pblicas do Governo Federal

Agenda 21 na Amaznia Legal: o caso do municpio de Raposa-MA



Parque dos Atletas

Agenda 21 na Amaznia, as iniciativas das agendas locais, o estudo de caso do municpio de Raposa. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Andra de Arajo - Diretora do Centro de Educao, Cincias Exatas e Naturais/CECEN Presidente da Comisso de Educao Ambiental da UEMA. TEMPO A. Relato-experimental do processo de pesquisa e montagem do espetculo teatral JAGUAR CIBERNTICO tetralogia canibal de Francisco Carlos com projeo de ensaiosfotogrficos: Pea 1 BANQUETE TUBINAMB Pea 2 ABORIGENE EM METROPOLIS Pea 3 XAMANISMO THE CONECTION - Pea 4 FLORESTA DE CARBONO DE VOLTA AO PARASO PERDIDO. TEMPO B. Palestra desconstruda sobre o livro A FUNO SOCIAL DA GUERRA NA SOCIEDADE TUPINAMB de Florestan Fernandes ilustrada com projeo das gravuras dos livros de viagem de Hans Staden. . Entrada Franca ETAPA CARIOCA FBERJ E CBB - 3X3 - BASQUETE. Entrada Franca O debate de traz a apresentao da proposta de Piso de Proteo Socioambiental. Convidados: Tereza Campello, Stephen Hale, Francisco Menezes. Evento pblico Eastern Europe, which includes countries ranging from Baltic states to Caucasus, is an important region for the global progress towards sustainable development, yet the international community knows very little about the relevant policy change taking place there and, in particular, about the state of development of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policies and practices. The event would allow to present an overview of the current situation with SCP policies in the 9 countries of the region (3 Baltic states plus 6 Eastern Partnership countries), prepared by experts from all the countries assessed, and share recommendations for policy-makers and major groups on how to advance SCP on the countries? reform agenda with the interested audience. Relato-experimental do processo de pesquisa e montagem do espetculo teatral JAGUAR CIBERNTICO tetralogia canibal de Francisco Carlos com projeo de ensaios-fotogrficos + Palestra desconstruda sobre o livro A FUNO SOCIAL DA GUERRA NA SOCIEDADE TUPINAMB de Florestan Fernandes.

Relatos Canibais - Ocupao irbita



E.A.V. Parque Lage - (Auditrio)

Basquete 3X3 - Ocupao ABC Urbana Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Piso de Proteo Socioambiental

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00


Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Eastern Europe



T-4 (Riocentro)

Relatos Canibais Parque Lage EAV (Salo Nobre)



Parque Lage

Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Eastern Europe



T-4 (Riocentro)

Eastern Europe, which includes countries ranging from Baltic states to Caucasus, is an important region for the global progress towards sustainable development, yet the international community knows very little about the relevant policy change taking place there and, in particular, about the state of development of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policies and practices. The event would allow to present an overview of the current situation with SCP policies in the 9 countries of the region (3 Baltic states plus 6 Eastern Partnership countries), prepared by experts from all the countries assessed, and share recommendations for policy-makers and major groups on how to advance SCP on the countries? reform agenda with the interested audience. Eastern Europe, which includes countries ranging from Baltic states to Caucasus, is an important region for the global progress towards sustainable development, yet the international community knows very little about the relevant policy change taking place there and, in particular, about the state of development of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) policies and practices. The event would allow to present an overview of the current situation with SCP policies in the 9 countries of the region (3 Baltic states plus 6 Eastern Partnership countries), prepared by experts from all the countries assessed, and share recommendations for policy-makers and major groups on how to advance SCP on the countries? reform agenda with the interested audience. PROJETO DE AUTO-PRODUO DE ENERGIA ELTRICA POR PAINIS FOTOVOLTAICOS DO ESTDIO DO PITUAU-SALVADOR/BA

Assessing Sustainable Consumption and Production in Eastern Europe



T-4 (Riocentro)

PROJETO DE AUTO-PRODUO DE ENERGIA ELTRICA POR PAINIS FOTOVOLTAICOS DO ESTDIO DO PITUAU-SALVADOR/BA Seminrio Internacional Por Mudanas Radicais: Agricultura Familiar Camponesa e Agroecologia como Alternativa Crise do Sistema Agroalimentar Industrial Debate: Achieving a sustainable future in Rio: what can do a Blue Economy? Geoengenharia: por que a Rio+20 tem que proibir a manipulao climtica Envelhecimento, Geraes, Natureza, Ambiente e as biodivers(as)idades: ou o futuro dos que envelhecem sem gua!?!



Parque dos Atletas

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Last year the international community has advanced in developing standards for responsible corporate conduct, mainly in the field of human rights respect. Examples of these are the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises who has reviewed and approved the new version of the Guide in May 2011; other is the UN Human Rights Council who approved the Policy Framework (2008) and its Guiding Principles (June 2011) for Human Rights and Transnational Corporations. These are standards approved at an intergovernmental level promoting concrete conduct standards linking the needed implementation of due diligence concept particularly in the field of human rights. The impact to sustainable development that MNEs have is of such important that in many developing countries are practically leading the investments agenda for the country as well. Responsible conduct is required for all 3 pillars of Sustainable Development and for improving a better and green economy pattern in the developing path. La fort est bien plus qu?un puits de carbone ou un stock de ressources ligneuses et d?nergie. Elle se situe au c?ur de trs nombreuses proccupations environnementales et socitales majeures. Elle est pourvoyeuse d?une multitude de ressources et de services, dont certains cruciaux pour la survie de l?humanit, pouvant alimenter une conomie verte soutenant l?radication de la pauvret. Climate change, poverty, energy and water scarcity, natural disasters and food crisis, are issues affecting especially the most vulnerable in the world. Central America is no exception, and a way to face these matters has been through community agro-forestry. Using concrete cases and experiences, we will show how an arrangement of different stakeholders and public-private alliances, government policies committed to sustainable development, south-south cooperation experiences, transparency and accountability, along with community and producers? participation in productive schemes has been a successful combination in Central America. We will show how agro-forestry aides at reducing poverty, creating jobs, guaranteeing food security, using water efficiently and adapting to climate change. Agro-forestry is a clear example that it is possible to produce harmonically with the environment, in a social equitable and economically profitable way. Community agro-forestry is a practical and tangible example of what green economy and sustainable development are about.

Promoting Responsible Corporate Conduct: The OECD Guidelines for MNEs



T-3 (Riocentro)

Foret, Economie Verte et Lutte contre la Pauvrete



T-2 (Riocentro)

Central American community agro-forestry: climate and food security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Agro ecological farming can feed the world: in practice



T-6 (Riocentro)

Franciscans International (FI), Dominicans for Justice and Peace (DfJP), Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), Edmund Rice International (ERI), Good shepherd Sisters Association (GSSA) have extensive networks at the grassroots level and with farmers? organizations throughout the world. Their activities include promoting people-centered development and human rights, and advocating for peace and justice, for just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and for environmental protection. The proposed side event on ?Agro ecological farming can feed the world: Ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture in practice? will demonstrate how agro ecological farming respects the limits of the planet?s ecosystem, integrates traditional knowledge from local communities, reduces waste, and can serve as a means to advance rural communities towards food and technological sovereignty. With Rio +20 comes the opportunity to highlight and reinforce the commitments that nations across the globe have already made to our oceans. A healthy and resilient marine environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development and securing marine resources for present and future generations. Why then has progress towards marine protection been so slow, where are the major gaps and what can realistically be done to fill those gaps and meet international targets? These are all questions the Marine Reserves Coalition (MRC) will be addressing at Rio +20, in light of the vital role healthy oceans play in sustainable development and in the social and economic well-being of human populations across the globe. Bringing together a mixture of scientists, policy experts and decision-makers, the MRC side event will reinforce international targets for marine protection and outline the road to achieving those targets through the designation of marine reserves. The Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is a non-profit organization aiming at enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between China and other countries. For our side event, we will invite roughly seven key speakers from different sectors with presentations of carefully selected best business practices and policies. These speakers will also lead parallel group discussions with attendees at the event. By this we aim to promote intellectual exchanges between China and the international community in terms of transiting to a green economy and alleviating poverty. Confirmed presenters include the representatives from Chinese business sector as well as local authorities, such as Wang Shi, CEO of Wanke Architecture Company and Li Jun, chief of Guiyang City. We have also invited Martin Lees, former Secretary-General of Club of Rome and Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of 10th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, to share their insights. The transition to inclusive, green and climate resilient development creates unprecedented needs, challenges and opportunities for strengthening human resources and skills development. This critical human capacity development dimension of green development has received specific attention in several recent international flagship reports, including: ? the report of the Secretary-General?s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing? (2012); ? the 2012 UNEP foresight report ?21 Issues for the 21st Century? (2012); ? the ILO report ?Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View (2011)?; and the ? UN Environmental Management Group (EMG) report ?Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective? (2012). Culture and Cultural Diversity play an important role in sustainable development. Culture fosters economic growth, helps individuals and communities to expand their life choices, is important to adapt to change and raising the resilience of social-ecological systems. As the Preamble of UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions states ?cultural diversity creates a rich and varied world, which increases the range of choices and nurtures human capacities and values, and therefore is a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, peoples and nations?. Article 13 of the above Convention establishes that ?Parties shall endeavour to integrate culture in their development policies at all levels for the creation of conditions conducive to sustainable development (...)? Despite the importance of culture and cultural diversity and the conventional dispositions, the recognition of their role in sustainable development is not well designed in the international community.

Oceans for the future - How can we achieve marine reserve targets?



P3-A (Riocentro)

China: Mobilizing Voluntary Stakeholder Contributions for an Inclusive Green Economy



T-11 (Riocentro)

National Learning and Skills Strategies to Advance a Green Transition



T-8 (Riocentro)

Culture and cultural diversity as the 4th pillar of sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

Democratization of International Relations - Role of UN World Conference



P3-F (Riocentro)

This Side Event will look at how UN World Conferences have played a key role in shaping the policy and programme priorities of the United Nations, as well as enhancing UN interaction with world civil society and public opinion. Environment and sustainable development issues have been of major significance in the UN world conference processes, drawing in ever more stakeholders. The Side Event will examine their impact on all stakeholders. It will review the follow-up mechanisms - including relevant UN Conventions - created for implementation of World Conference agreements, notably if and how they have secured broad NGO and public involvement in implementation structures. The Side Event will explore lessons for enhanced NGO participation in the follow-up mechanisms to UNCSD.Word Last year the international community has advanced in developing standards for responsible corporate conduct, mainly in the field of human rights respect. Examples of these are the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises who has reviewed and approved the new version of the Guide in May 2011; other is the UN Human Rights Council who approved the Policy Framework (2008) and its Guiding Principles (June 2011) for Human Rights and Transnational Corporations. These are standards approved at an intergovernmental level promoting concrete conduct standards linking the needed implementation of due diligence concept particularly in the field of human rights. The impact to sustainable development that MNEs have is of such important that in many developing countries are practically leading the investments agenda for the country as well. Responsible conduct is required for all 3 pillars of Sustainable Development and for improving a better and green economy pattern in the developing path. La fort est bien plus qu?un puits de carbone ou un stock de ressources ligneuses et d?nergie. Elle se situe au c?ur de trs nombreuses proccupations environnementales et socitales majeures. Elle est pourvoyeuse d?une multitude de ressources et de services, dont certains cruciaux pour la survie de l?humanit, pouvant alimenter une conomie verte soutenant l?radication de la pauvret. Climate change, poverty, energy and water scarcity, natural disasters and food crisis, are issues affecting especially the most vulnerable in the world. Central America is no exception, and a way to face these matters has been through community agro-forestry. Using concrete cases and experiences, we will show how an arrangement of different stakeholders and public-private alliances, government policies committed to sustainable development, south-south cooperation experiences, transparency and accountability, along with community and producers? participation in productive schemes has been a successful combination in Central America. We will show how agro-forestry aides at reducing poverty, creating jobs, guaranteeing food security, using water efficiently and adapting to climate change. Agro-forestry is a clear example that it is possible to produce harmonically with the environment, in a social equitable and economically profitable way. Community agro-forestry is a practical and tangible example of what green economy and sustainable development are about. Franciscans International (FI), Dominicans for Justice and Peace (DfJP), Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), Edmund Rice International (ERI), Good shepherd Sisters Association (GSSA) have extensive networks at the grassroots level and with farmers? organizations throughout the world. Their activities include promoting people-centered development and human rights, and advocating for peace and justice, for just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and for environmental protection. The proposed side event on ?Agro ecological farming can feed the world: Ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture in practice? will demonstrate how agro ecological farming respects the limits of the planet?s ecosystem, integrates traditional knowledge from local communities, reduces waste, and can serve as a means to advance rural communities towards food and technological sovereignty. With Rio +20 comes the opportunity to highlight and reinforce the commitments that nations across the globe have already made to our oceans. A healthy and resilient marine environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development and securing marine resources for present and future generations. Why then has progress towards marine protection been so slow, where are the major gaps and what can realistically be done to fill those gaps and meet international targets? These are all questions the Marine Reserves Coalition (MRC) will be addressing at Rio +20, in light of the vital role healthy oceans play in sustainable development and in the social and economic well-being of human populations across the globe. Bringing together a mixture of scientists, policy experts and decision-makers, the MRC side event will reinforce international targets for marine protection and outline the road to achieving those targets through the designation of marine reserves.

Promoting Responsible Corporate Conduct: The OECD Guidelines for MNEs



T-3 (Riocentro)

Foret, Economie Verte et Lutte contre la Pauvrete



T-2 (Riocentro)

Central American community agro-forestry: climate and food security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Agro ecological farming can feed the world: in practice



T-6 (Riocentro)

Oceans for the future - How can we achieve marine reserve targets?



P3-A (Riocentro)

China: Mobilizing Voluntary Stakeholder Contributions for an Inclusive Green Economy



T-11 (Riocentro)

The Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is a non-profit organization aiming at enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between China and other countries. For our side event, we will invite roughly seven key speakers from different sectors with presentations of carefully selected best business practices and policies. These speakers will also lead parallel group discussions with attendees at the event. By this we aim to promote intellectual exchanges between China and the international community in terms of transiting to a green economy and alleviating poverty. Confirmed presenters include the representatives from Chinese business sector as well as local authorities, such as Wang Shi, CEO of Wanke Architecture Company and Li Jun, chief of Guiyang City. We have also invited Martin Lees, former Secretary-General of Club of Rome and Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of 10th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, to share their insights. The transition to inclusive, green and climate resilient development creates unprecedented needs, challenges and opportunities for strengthening human resources and skills development. This critical human capacity development dimension of green development has received specific attention in several recent international flagship reports, including: ? the report of the Secretary-General?s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing? (2012); ? the 2012 UNEP foresight report ?21 Issues for the 21st Century? (2012); ? the ILO report ?Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View (2011)?; and the ? UN Environmental Management Group (EMG) report ?Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective? (2012). Culture and Cultural Diversity play an important role in sustainable development. Culture fosters economic growth, helps individuals and communities to expand their life choices, is important to adapt to change and raising the resilience of social-ecological systems. As the Preamble of UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions states ?cultural diversity creates a rich and varied world, which increases the range of choices and nurtures human capacities and values, and therefore is a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, peoples and nations?. Article 13 of the above Convention establishes that ?Parties shall endeavour to integrate culture in their development policies at all levels for the creation of conditions conducive to sustainable development (...)? Despite the importance of culture and cultural diversity and the conventional dispositions, the recognition of their role in sustainable development is not well designed in the international community. This Side Event will look at how UN World Conferences have played a key role in shaping the policy and programme priorities of the United Nations, as well as enhancing UN interaction with world civil society and public opinion. Environment and sustainable development issues have been of major significance in the UN world conference processes, drawing in ever more stakeholders. The Side Event will examine their impact on all stakeholders. It will review the follow-up mechanisms - including relevant UN Conventions - created for implementation of World Conference agreements, notably if and how they have secured broad NGO and public involvement in implementation structures. The Side Event will explore lessons for enhanced NGO participation in the follow-up mechanisms to UNCSD.Word Last year the international community has advanced in developing standards for responsible corporate conduct, mainly in the field of human rights respect. Examples of these are the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises who has reviewed and approved the new version of the Guide in May 2011; other is the UN Human Rights Council who approved the Policy Framework (2008) and its Guiding Principles (June 2011) for Human Rights and Transnational Corporations. These are standards approved at an intergovernmental level promoting concrete conduct standards linking the needed implementation of due diligence concept particularly in the field of human rights. The impact to sustainable development that MNEs have is of such important that in many developing countries are practically leading the investments agenda for the country as well. Responsible conduct is required for all 3 pillars of Sustainable Development and for improving a better and green economy pattern in the developing path. La fort est bien plus qu?un puits de carbone ou un stock de ressources ligneuses et d?nergie. Elle se situe au c?ur de trs nombreuses proccupations environnementales et socitales majeures. Elle est pourvoyeuse d?une multitude de ressources et de services, dont certains cruciaux pour la survie de l?humanit, pouvant alimenter une conomie verte soutenant l?radication de la pauvret.

National Learning and Skills Strategies to Advance a Green Transition



T-8 (Riocentro)

Culture and cultural diversity as the 4th pillar of sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

Democratization of International Relations - Role of UN World Conference



P3-F (Riocentro)

Promoting Responsible Corporate Conduct: The OECD Guidelines for MNEs



T-3 (Riocentro)

Foret, Economie Verte et Lutte contre la Pauvrete



T-2 (Riocentro)

Central American community agro-forestry: climate and food security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Climate change, poverty, energy and water scarcity, natural disasters and food crisis, are issues affecting especially the most vulnerable in the world. Central America is no exception, and a way to face these matters has been through community agro-forestry. Using concrete cases and experiences, we will show how an arrangement of different stakeholders and public-private alliances, government policies committed to sustainable development, south-south cooperation experiences, transparency and accountability, along with community and producers? participation in productive schemes has been a successful combination in Central America. We will show how agro-forestry aides at reducing poverty, creating jobs, guaranteeing food security, using water efficiently and adapting to climate change. Agro-forestry is a clear example that it is possible to produce harmonically with the environment, in a social equitable and economically profitable way. Community agro-forestry is a practical and tangible example of what green economy and sustainable development are about. Franciscans International (FI), Dominicans for Justice and Peace (DfJP), Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), Edmund Rice International (ERI), Good shepherd Sisters Association (GSSA) have extensive networks at the grassroots level and with farmers? organizations throughout the world. Their activities include promoting people-centered development and human rights, and advocating for peace and justice, for just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and for environmental protection. The proposed side event on ?Agro ecological farming can feed the world: Ecologically and socially sustainable agriculture in practice? will demonstrate how agro ecological farming respects the limits of the planet?s ecosystem, integrates traditional knowledge from local communities, reduces waste, and can serve as a means to advance rural communities towards food and technological sovereignty. With Rio +20 comes the opportunity to highlight and reinforce the commitments that nations across the globe have already made to our oceans. A healthy and resilient marine environment is crucial to achieving sustainable development and securing marine resources for present and future generations. Why then has progress towards marine protection been so slow, where are the major gaps and what can realistically be done to fill those gaps and meet international targets? These are all questions the Marine Reserves Coalition (MRC) will be addressing at Rio +20, in light of the vital role healthy oceans play in sustainable development and in the social and economic well-being of human populations across the globe. Bringing together a mixture of scientists, policy experts and decision-makers, the MRC side event will reinforce international targets for marine protection and outline the road to achieving those targets through the designation of marine reserves. The Chinese Association for International Understanding (CAFIU) is a non-profit organization aiming at enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation between China and other countries. For our side event, we will invite roughly seven key speakers from different sectors with presentations of carefully selected best business practices and policies. These speakers will also lead parallel group discussions with attendees at the event. By this we aim to promote intellectual exchanges between China and the international community in terms of transiting to a green economy and alleviating poverty. Confirmed presenters include the representatives from Chinese business sector as well as local authorities, such as Wang Shi, CEO of Wanke Architecture Company and Li Jun, chief of Guiyang City. We have also invited Martin Lees, former Secretary-General of Club of Rome and Xu Kuangdi, vice chairman of 10th Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, to share their insights. The transition to inclusive, green and climate resilient development creates unprecedented needs, challenges and opportunities for strengthening human resources and skills development. This critical human capacity development dimension of green development has received specific attention in several recent international flagship reports, including: ? the report of the Secretary-General?s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing? (2012); ? the 2012 UNEP foresight report ?21 Issues for the 21st Century? (2012); ? the ILO report ?Skills for Green Jobs: A Global View (2011)?; and the ? UN Environmental Management Group (EMG) report ?Working towards a Balanced and Inclusive Green Economy: A United Nations System-wide Perspective? (2012).

Agro ecological farming can feed the world: in practice



T-6 (Riocentro)

Oceans for the future - How can we achieve marine reserve targets?



P3-A (Riocentro)

China: Mobilizing Voluntary Stakeholder Contributions for an Inclusive Green Economy



T-11 (Riocentro)

National Learning and Skills Strategies to Advance a Green Transition



T-8 (Riocentro)

Culture and cultural diversity as the 4th pillar of sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

Democratization of International Relations - Role of UN World Conference



P3-F (Riocentro)

Culture and Cultural Diversity play an important role in sustainable development. Culture fosters economic growth, helps individuals and communities to expand their life choices, is important to adapt to change and raising the resilience of social-ecological systems. As the Preamble of UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions states ?cultural diversity creates a rich and varied world, which increases the range of choices and nurtures human capacities and values, and therefore is a mainspring for sustainable development for communities, peoples and nations?. Article 13 of the above Convention establishes that ?Parties shall endeavour to integrate culture in their development policies at all levels for the creation of conditions conducive to sustainable development (...)? Despite the importance of culture and cultural diversity and the conventional dispositions, the recognition of their role in sustainable development is not well designed in the international community. This Side Event will look at how UN World Conferences have played a key role in shaping the policy and programme priorities of the United Nations, as well as enhancing UN interaction with world civil society and public opinion. Environment and sustainable development issues have been of major significance in the UN world conference processes, drawing in ever more stakeholders. The Side Event will examine their impact on all stakeholders. It will review the follow-up mechanisms - including relevant UN Conventions - created for implementation of World Conference agreements, notably if and how they have secured broad NGO and public involvement in implementation structures. The Side Event will explore lessons for enhanced NGO participation in the follow-up mechanisms to UNCSD.Word

ATELIER: Engagement interculturel pour un monde juste et durable: Le Barcelona Consensus Frente aos instrumentos e falsas solues do capitalismo verde: resistindo aos impactos territoriais e as estratgias institucionais de mercantilizao da natureza

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

15:45:00 15:45:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo O Maranho um dos Estados Brasileiros com rica biodiversidade, agrupando em seu territrio os biomas Cerrado, Amaznia e Caatinga, alm de extensos ecossistemas costeiros. Diante deste panorama sero apresentadas as estratgias, planos e programas estaduais que visam salvaguardar os recursos florestais e a biodiversidade local. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Clarissa Moreira Coelho Costa Superintendente de Biodiversidade e reas Protegidas da Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais. Analista Ambiental Biloga, Mestre em Biodiversidade e Conservao; Isabel Cruz Camizo Supervisora de Combate e Controle ao Desmatamento e Queimadas da Secretaria de Estado de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais. Analista Ambiental Engenheira Florestal e Advogada, Mestre em Direito Ambiental.

Avanos e desafios da Poltica Ambiental do Estado do Maranho na proteo florestal e da biodiversidade



Parque dos Atletas

Democratizar la comunicacin para el Buen Vivir Derechos laborales y de ciudadana de los migrantes

16/06/2012 16/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo (Before the Flood: Tuvalu) de Paul Lindsay. Gr-Bretanha/Frana. Legendas em portugus. 62. Complemento A histria das coisas (The story of stuff) de Louis Fox. EUA, 2008. 21.

Antes do dilvio: Tuvalu




Tuvalu uma ilha no oceano Pacfico que se assemelha ao paraso devido s mudanas climticas, ela ser imersa pelo mar em algumas dcadas, H muito tempo, os moradores da ilha esto numa luta internacional por medidas abrangentes contra as mudanas climticas. Classificao indicativa livre. Aes Socioambientais na Regio de Influncia da UHE Tucuru

Aes Socioambientais na Regio de Influncia da UHE Tucuru Facing environmental, food and economic crises. Women's experience and initiatives TALLER Como los habitantes enfrentan la crisis urbanoambiental y los desalojos Reclaiming financial regulation for rights and for the environment A contribuio do saber popular para a transio de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento Open Space "Terer com Prosa" Tema: Sustentabilidade do que estamos falando Convergenca das juventudes para Energia e industria extrativa Acting as if Tomorrow Matters: Accelerating the U.S. Transition to Sustainability Economia del cuidado: una clave para la vida del planeta

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Universidade Popular, sustentabilidade e possibilidades de transformao Bringing Climate Finance to Grassroots Women -- What does it take? Roda de Conversa: MODA, DESIGN E SUSTENTABILIDADE O que Ecossocialismo Mulheres Trabalhadoras contra o machismo e a explorao Indigenous Knowledge and Food Production Peoples Sustainability Treaties DIALOGUES A mulher, o Trabalho e o Mercado Capitalista Round Table of Youngs Twenty Years of Forest Tenure Reform: Contributions to the Rio Agenda Destruio da Floresta Amaznica e Consumo de Carne Viva Rio +20 A Ecologia, Racismo ambiental e os direitos tnicos raciais Forum: Modelos de Negcios para a Nova Economia Forum: Ativismo e Mobilizao em Tempos de Rede Forum: Empreendedorismo social frente s mudanas climticas

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Apresentaes musicais dirias, realizadas no intervalo entre os debates da Arena Encontros Globais, e show de encerramento no dia 22 de junho. A seleo de atraes contempla tanto a diversidade cultural do Brasil quanto os temas da agenda socioambiental. Atraes: Patubat, Simone Sou, Marlui Miranda, Babilak Bah e Trem Tan Tan, Marcelo Yuka, Pampa Esquema Trio, Encantadeiras de Coco. Encerramento: DJ Man, Batalha do Passinho e B-Nego, das 19h30 s 20h30 do dia 22 de junho. Evento Pblico AO INDIGENISTA COMO FORMA DE MITIGAO DE IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS EM TERRAS INDGENA - TERRA INDGENA WAIMIRI ATROARI 1) TCU: competncias, estrutura e forma de atua. 2) Forma de atuao do TCU no controle da funo Sade em nvel federal. 3) Principais trabalhos realizados objetivos e concluses relevantes: 3.1 - auditoria no Programa Ateno Bsica em Sade; 3.2 - auditoria sobre Mamgrafos no Sistema nico de Sade (SUS); 3.3 auditoria para avaliar a Poltica Nacional de Ateno Oncolgica; 3.4 auditoria no Programa Farmcia Bsica. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Marcelo Andr Barboza da Rocha Chaves, Secretrio de Controle Externo, TCU; Dagomar Henriques Lima, Auditor, TCU.

Arena Socioambiental - Palco #SonoroBrasil





16/06/2012 16/06/2012

17:00:00 17:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Parque dos Atletas

A Atuao do Tribunal de Contas da Unio na rea de Sade



Parque dos Atletas

Rodas de Conversa: Ativismo e Mobilizao para a Sustentabilidade, por meio da msica, do teatro, da arte e dos jogos cooperativos Premio _e Curta sobre povos indgenas - Ocupao irbita



Aterro do Flamengo O Premio _e tem foco em sustentabilidade e visa identificar, premiar e celebrar iniciativas socioambientais desenvolvidas nos ltimos 20 anos, desde a Rio-92, e enfrentar novos desafios mundiais por uma vida melhor. curta da cineasta Paraense Clia Maracaj sobre povos indgenas ( 9 minutos) - Exibio de Karioca, filme de Marcia Halfin de 1992. 9 minutos, sobre a construo da Oca da Rio 92 pelos indios Terena . Entrada Franca Kadosh) de Amos Gitai. Israel, 1999. Com Yael Abecassis, Yoram Hattab, Uri Ran Klauzner. Legendas em portugus. 110. Complemento Carro de bois de Humberto Mauro. Brasil, 1945. 9. No bairro ultra ortodoxo de Jerusalm, duas irms reagem diferentemente aos preconceitos religiosos defendidos pelos homens. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Curta da cineasta Paraense Clia Maracaj sobre povos indgenas + Karioca, filme de Marcia Halfin de 1992 + filme "Serras da Desordem" de Andrea Tonacci. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Presenting: Manish Bapna, Interim President (Executive Vice President and Managing Director) OFFICIAL EVENTS



Forte de Copacabana



Casa da Gvea

Kadosh Laos sagrados




FILMES INDGENAS Sesso VDEO-SHOW Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Development for Fighting Poverty Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Development for fighting poverty Exibio e debate do filme Into eternity

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 18:30:00

18:00:00 18:00:00

CASA DA GVEA Parque dos Atletas Riocentro

18:30:00 19:00:00

Riocentro Aterro do Flamengo

Crise ambiental e cultura: economia verde, deserto verde (Encontro das Redes Alerta contra o Deserto Verde) Prmio E Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Projees espao pblicos no convencionais Palestra do tel. filosofo Leonardo Boff -Ocupao irbita Exibio do filme "Serras da Desordem" - Ocupao irbita

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Praa Tiradentes Evento Fechado Projees em espaos no convencionais. Entrada Franca

16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012 16/06/2012

19:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00 22:00:00

Praa Tiradentes PRAA TIRADENTES Casa da Gvea Casa da Gvea

Projees em espaos no convencionais . Entrada Franca Projees espao pblicos no convencionais palestra do telogo e filosofo Leonardo Boff . Entrada Franca Premiado filme de Andrea Tonacci. Entrada Franca O Governo do Brasil est organizando quatro dias de eventos de dilogo no Riocentro, onde at 50.000 participantes da sociedade civil podem se conectar e compartilhar ideias paralelamente ao programa oficial da ONU. O objetivo gerar propostas inovadoras de como a sustentabilidade pode ser aplicada a uma srie de questes, incluindo segurana alimentar, erradicao da pobreza, crise econmica, energia sustentvel para todos, gua, oceanos, consumo e produo sustentveis, inovao e cidades sustentveis, desemprego, empregos verdes e migrao. Desde 1990, a conferncia trata de economia ecolgica e poltica ambiental. E nesse ano, foi planejado para acontecer durante a Rio+20 e aproveitar o debate sobre economia verde. O nome ser Economia Ecolgica e a Rio+20 Contribuies e desafios para uma economia verde. O ISEE uma organizao sem fins lucrativos dedicado compreenso das relaes entre economia, ecologia e sociedade, para o bem-estar das pessoas e da natureza. A proposta consiste em uma exposio multimdia (vdeos, fotografia e udios) intitulada Aldeia Global: tudo nosso!, que transmitir ao pblico contedo relativo aos pilares da Rio+20. O material audiovisual ser produzindo pelos alunos e membros do Grupo Pensar, que vem apostando em uma transformao social dentro da comunidade. A exposio servir tambm como espao de reconhecimento e memria, uma vez que as imagens projetadas dialogam diretamente com o territrio e seus moradores. A inteno ento chamar a atentao para a importncia de cada indivduo na construo de um coletivo mais justo e respeitado. A exposio vai buscar mostrar que atitudes individuais aparentemente insignificantes de um nico indivduo (como jogar lixo em local inapropriado) podem resultar em uma cadeia de acontecimentos prejudiciais em grande escala.

Dilogos de Sustentabilidade Global


Riocentro - Barra da Tijuca

12 Conferncia Bienal da Sociedade Internacional de Economia Ecolgica: ISEE 2012


Hotel Winsor Guanabara

Aldeia Global: tudo nosso!




Parque do Flamengo

Performances - intervena urbana The sustainable use of natural resources is a fundamental precondition for a green economy. FSC was set up by environmental and social organisations together with forest owners (private and community) and companies to develop a transparent and credible scheme for sustainable forest management. FSC has triggered substantial demand for sustainably harvested wood products: already 5% of the worlds total forests are managed according to FSC standards. Forest products play a key role in a green economy. For instance they provide construction material for zero-energy buildings and replace other resources for products and energy for environmental and scarcity reasons. It is essential to mobilise these products in complete harmony with globally agreed objectives to halt the deterioration of biodiversity, as well improving social justice and respect for people directly dependant on forests. Come and discuss the promotion of forest certification, in particular in tropical areas, and how governments and public authorities can help mainstream the use of certified forest products.

Certification as a tool for greening economies



Arena da Barra

Certificao como uma ferramenta para as economias verdes



Arena da Barra

O uso sustentvel dos recursos naturais uma pr-condio fundamental para uma economia verde. FSC foi criado por organizaes ambientais e sociais em conjunto com empresas e proprietrios florestais (privados e comunitrios) para desenvolver um sistema transparente e confivel para a gesto florestal sustentvel. FSC tem provocado uma demanda substancial de produtos de madeira produzidos de forma sustentvel: Atualmente 5% do total de florestas do mundo j so geridos de acordo com os padres do FSC. Os produtos florestais desempenham um papel fundamental em uma economia verde. Por exemplo, eles fornecem material de construo para edifcios de energia zero e substituem outros materiais para a gerao de produtos e energia, por razes ambientais e de escassez de recursos. essencial mobilizar esses produtos em completa harmonia com os objetivos globalmente acordados para conter a deteriorao da biodiversidade, bem como melhorar a justia social e o respeito pelas pessoas diretamente dependentes das florestas. Venha discutir a promoo da certificao florestal, em particular em reas tropicais, e como os governos e as autoridades pblicas podem ajudar a regular o uso de produtos florestais certificados. Este seminrio fruto do Movimento Evolutivo PACTO DE RESGATE AMBIENTAL LOCAL, uma estratgica e reconhecida iniciativa que h doze anos vem unindo governo, empresariado, ongs, entidades e comunidades no cuidado ambiental local, que nos conduz para um territrio mais sustentvel. It is necessary that everyone understands that the impacts provided by new technologies raise a number of urgent changes and require more participative involvement of communities. We can not continue to damage the support systems of life on Earth, our home our only shelter, which has been showing us an unequal world and that many of our habits, ways of being and doing are unsustainable. By spreading knowledge in addressing relevant issues of today such as, cutting CO2 emissions, green economy, valuation of ecosystem services, climate change, water resources, reverse logistics, sustainable construction, leads us to believe that we are on a path that allows environmental successful turnaround. Seminars like this provide an opportunity for convergence of values and eco-innovations in the search for new indicators that can assess the real wealth for the welfare of living beings. Emphasising the interrelatedness of the themes with a view to seeking new players who will be substantiated by inserting these debates and practices .. This seminar is the result of the Movement Evolutionary PACT LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESCUE, a strategic initiative and recognized that there are twelve years is uniting government, business, NGOs, agencies and communities in their environmental site, which leads to a more sustainable territory. O uso de abordagens diferenciadas para a educao cientfica e o seu potencial para preparar os jovens para a economia verde. Nesse contexto destaca-se o uso das tecnologias da informao, jogos e o desenvolvimento de competncias empreendedoras. Na ocasio, o programa QUED na Rdio (Ipanema FM 94.9 Porto Alegre - RS) ser gravado. The use of innovative approaches in scientific education and its potential to prepare young students for the green economy. In this context the use of information technology, games and entrepreneurial competences is highlighted. As reas degradadas pela minerao de saibro no Litoral Norte do Estado de So Paulo caracterizam-se por stios onde ocorre uma grande perda de solo quando comparada com a perda de solo dos demais usos da terra. Considerando-se o potencial de armazenamento de carbono no solo acredita-se que uma recuperao das reas degradadas que estanque essa perda de solo causar uma reduo quantificvel de emisso de carbono causada pela desagregao do solo por processos erosivos. Por outro lado, se a recuperao for feita por meio de revegetao da rea, haver concomitantemente um aumento considervel na remoo de carbono da atmosfera. Dessa forma a recuperao das reas degradadas pode ser enquadrada na situao de reduo do efeito estufa.

PACTO DE RESGATE AMBIENTAL LOCAL Ampliando perspectivas para uma cultura sustentvel



Arena da Barra

LOCAL ENVIRONMENTAL COVENANT OF REDEMPTION Broadening perspectives for a sustainable culture



Arena da Barra

Educao Cientfica Inovadora no contexto da Economia Verde 16/06/2012 11:00:00 Arena da Barra

Innovative Scientific Education in a Green Economy context



Arena da Barra




Arena da Barra

Projeto Nacional de Desenvolvimento com Valorizao do Trabalho e Sustentabilidade Ambiental



Arena da Barra

Tornando sonhos realidade: Como construir um projeto extremamente bem sucedido. O caminho do Dragon Dreaming



Arena da Barra

O tema elencado apresentar a viso dos trabalhadores classistas na construo do projeto nacional que foca a valorizao do trabalho e a sustentabilidade ambiental como fundamental para o desenvolvimento O objetivo da atividade reunir representantes de organizaes que desenvolvem projetos em sustentabilidade. Atravs de seu principal criador e facilitador, os participantes tero acesso ao Dragon Dreaming, uma abordagem baseada em sistemas vivos, baseando-se em ideias e inspiraes da histria, cincias, todas as culturas e tradies espirituais, visando a criao de organizaes e projetos extraordinariamente bem sucedidos para a Grande Virada do mundo, saindo de uma cultura doente e sem limites de crescimento para uma cultura que sustente o desenvolvimento da vida na Terra.

Reunio do Soil Biodiversity Cradle to Cradle: negcios que vo alm da sustentabilidade

17/06/2012 17/06/2012

8:00:00 9:00:00

Embrapa Solos Aterro do Flamengo Como crescer o seu negcio e ao mesmo tempo maximizar os impactos positivos sociais e ambientais? Uma oficina dinmica para orientar a tomada de deciso e aproveitar oportunidades para inovar o seu negcio! Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre desenvolvimento sustentvel; qualidade e ferramentas de gesto, normas tcnicas, ISO 14005 - Sistemas de gesto ambiental e avaliao de desempenho ambiental e os ganhos econmicos. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas.

Certificao Ambiental, Qualidade e Sustentabilidade nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas



Aterro do Flamengo

Nuevos paradigmas de civilizacion: para la justa sustentabilidad y la democratizacion del desarrollo O retrato dos rgos ambientais federais como reflexo do enfraquecimento da poltica ambiental brasileira na viso dos servidores Kawsay (Vida) TEATRO EM AO DIRETA. OFICINA DE VIVENCIA Debate: Desenvolvimento e o Direito Fundamental ao Meio Ambiente Participao universal na soluo das desigualdades econmicas e sociais: um novo paradigma de desenvolvimento Coleta Seletiva de leos e Gorduras Residuais (OGR) Japan Voices: Creating alternative future after the Megaquake and Fukushima Seminrio de Articulao - O Combate aos Agrotxicos e a Agroecologia - Estratgias para o Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentvel Taller: "EL RETO DEL DERECHO HUMANO AL AGUA Y AL SANEAMIENTO EN LAS PERIFERIAS DE LAS CIUDADES LATINOAMERICANAS. CRTICAS Y PROPUESTAS A LAS SOLUCIONES DE LOS GOBIERNOS" Beyond GDP: towards strong sustainability indicators World Summit Taller Gnero, Naturaleza y Soberania Alimentaria A gua e a Internet como Bens Comuns (oficina) Exposio sobre Incubadora de Cooperativas Populares Ncleo Franca Diagrama Interativo Meio Ambiente Huni Kuin, Sementes Verdadeiras. O olhar indgena sobre a sustentabilidade planetria Arte de liderar: do potencial pulsante s prticas transformadoras Roda de Conversa: Expanso urbana na Baixada de Jacarepagu e a defesa dos bens ambientais, sociais e culturais comuns: o caso dos PEUs Vargens, Taquara, Guaratiba e outros focos de expanso urbana no Municpio do Rio de Janeiro Desafios da Comunicao Comunitria Peoples Treaty on Millennium Consumption Goals Problemtica energtica en el Per: Avances y desafos Roda de conversa Redes Digitais e Sustentabilidade: as interaes com o meio ambiente na era da informao Ending Impunity for Economic, Social & Environmental Crimes: Linking Criminal Accountability and Global Sustainability Debate - Impactos Socioambientais das Usinas Hidreltricas: o mito da energia limpa Digamosle SI al servicio publico prestado por los recuperadores urbanos Educao popular e o bem viver

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Strengthening Southern Peoples Solidarity for Sustainable Development: Linking Peoples Struggles in Defense of Common Goods in Latin America & Caribbean to Peoples Struggles in Asia Pacific From Energy Democrazy to Energy Democracy: PPP (People\'s Power Plant) Movement Un aviso desde Japn sobre la crisis nuclear Participao popular e polticas pblicas Forum: Empreendedorismo Social e Tecnologias de Colaborao Forum: Elaborao de Projeto de Vida Forum: Governana Democrtica para acesso gua Cpula dos Prefeitos: Cidades BRICS Rio C. Challenge Press Conf. Juventude Brasileira e Participao Social



Aterro do Flamengo

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Arena Sociombiental | Parque do Flamengo inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Evento Fechado Evento Fechado Essa mesa apresentar a experincia brasileira em par cipao social da juventude e seus novos desafios. Nepal is leading the community based forest management and witnessing substantial post-conflict political, institutional, economic and social transformations. The forestry sector is also facing a number of unfolding challenges and opportunities, resulting from changes within and outside the sector. At this juncture of Rio+ 20, the forestry sector of Nepal will be organizing a side event as the UNCSD provides opportunity a forum for a debate on global opportunities and set priority action.

Community based climate resilient forests: Pathways to green economy,



T-9 (Riocentro)

The objectives: ? Articulate the linkages among community based forests, climate change, livelihood and the multiple facets of the green economy ? Discuss on how forests and green economy are mutually dependent; and focus on how community based forests play key roles Four speakers will provide presentation on the following three topics: (a) nexuses between green economy and Forest - livelihood and climate change; (b) sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation; and (c) the way to and from Rio for the forestry stakeholder Education is key to stimulating an appreciation for and consideration of the earth and its invaluable resources, including water. For many rural communities in developing countries, daily life and its challenges force a more immediate response to those challenges without concern for the environment. Our goal is to develop educational tools that promote and encourage sustainability, yet also empower rural communities economically, socially, and politically. We want to facilitate the ability to see a better future, by a foundation through means of education in order to develop strategies for furthering this goal through this process. Panelists from the organizing partners will share their experiences by promoting hands-on action in planting seeds for a sustainable future of love and peace. Discussions on sustainability are shifting from political, economic, and scientific discourses to social, cultural, and spiritual considerations. This shift is due to fundamental ethical questions that emerged at the intersection between religion and education, but are often disregarded in global discussions. This event will address this issue by exploring the following questions: ? What are the ethical implications of sustainability? ? How do religious and educational institutions address these challenges? ? What is the impact of religious and educational institutions on the global agenda for sustainability? ? How can religious and educational practices contribute to a ?green society?? By discussing how religion and educational groups promote ethical values and contribute to environmental action and sustainable practices, this event will shed light on a key strategic issue for Rio+20 UN Conference: the need to have innovative values and norms that translate the goals of sustainability to constituencies in global civil society.

Without Water There Is No Life - Educational Component



T-4 (Riocentro)

Ethical Implications of Sustainability: Educational and Religious Pers



T-5 (Riocentro)

Rights of Nature ? the Foundation for Sustainability An international panel of Rights of Nature experts will illustrate the vital role of a new legal framework recognizing rights of nature as the foundation for sustainable development. The panel will examine why a new framework for governance is necessary and is part of a bigger shift required in society today a shift that will require that modern laws and policies comply with the laws of the Earth, and a way of living which maintains the health and integrity of the whole Earth Community. Rights of Nature - the Foundation for Sustainability 17/06/2012 9:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro) Panel: ? Nnimmo Bassey ? Environmental Rights Action / Friends of the Earth, Nigeria ? Cormac Cullinan ? EnAct International, South Africa ? Tom Goldtooth ? Indigenous Environmental Network, USA ? Natalia Greene ? Fundacin Pachamama, Ecuador ? Linda Sheehan ? Earth Law Center, USA ? Pablo Solon ? Former Ambassador to the UN, Bolivia Moderator: Shannon Biggs, Global Exchange, USA Standards, Certification and Labelling Schemes: Catalysing the Green Economy Evidence from the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors The objective of the event convened by ISEAL and SECO is to present and discuss how the use of sustainability standards in the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors has demonstrated that standards and certification are effective drivers of sustainable development and their further uptake should be encouraged and supported. The event will advocate for: ? The inclusion of credible standards, certification and labels in the tool- box of good practices capable of supporting the green economy and sustainable development; ? Government support for the scaling-up of credible sustainability standards. The event will be concluded with a short press conference in which a number of key government, business and civil society leaders will announce new and important commitments with respect to the scaling up of sustainability standards - these are specific commitments with respect to encouraging and supporting the further uptake of sustainability standards. Nepal is leading the community based forest management and witnessing substantial post-conflict political, institutional, economic and social transformations. The forestry sector is also facing a number of unfolding challenges and opportunities, resulting from changes within and outside the sector. At this juncture of Rio+ 20, the forestry sector of Nepal will be organizing a side event as the UNCSD provides opportunity a forum for a debate on global opportunities and set priority action. Community based climate resilient forests: Pathways to green economy, The objectives: ? Articulate the linkages among community based forests, climate change, livelihood and the multiple facets of the green economy ? Discuss on how forests and green economy are mutually dependent; and focus on how community based forests play key roles Four speakers will provide presentation on the following three topics: (a) nexuses between green economy and Forest - livelihood and climate change; (b) sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation; and (c) the way to and from Rio for the forestry stakeholder Education is key to stimulating an appreciation for and consideration of the earth and its invaluable resources, including water. For many rural communities in developing countries, daily life and its challenges force a more immediate response to those challenges without concern for the environment. Our goal is to develop educational tools that promote and encourage sustainability, yet also empower rural communities economically, socially, and politically. We want to facilitate the ability to see a better future, by a foundation through means of education in order to develop strategies for furthering this goal through this process. Panelists from the organizing partners will share their experiences by promoting hands-on action in planting seeds for a sustainable future of love and peace.

Sustainability Standards: Catalysing the Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)



T-9 (Riocentro)

Without Water There Is No Life - Educational Component



T-4 (Riocentro)

Ethical Implications of Sustainability: Educational and Religious Pers



T-5 (Riocentro)

Discussions on sustainability are shifting from political, economic, and scientific discourses to social, cultural, and spiritual considerations. This shift is due to fundamental ethical questions that emerged at the intersection between religion and education, but are often disregarded in global discussions. This event will address this issue by exploring the following questions: ? What are the ethical implications of sustainability? ? How do religious and educational institutions address these challenges? ? What is the impact of religious and educational institutions on the global agenda for sustainability? ? How can religious and educational practices contribute to a ?green society?? By discussing how religion and educational groups promote ethical values and contribute to environmental action and sustainable practices, this event will shed light on a key strategic issue for Rio+20 UN Conference: the need to have innovative values and norms that translate the goals of sustainability to constituencies in global civil society. Rights of Nature ? the Foundation for Sustainability An international panel of Rights of Nature experts will illustrate the vital role of a new legal framework recognizing rights of nature as the foundation for sustainable development. The panel will examine why a new framework for governance is necessary and is part of a bigger shift required in society today a shift that will require that modern laws and policies comply with the laws of the Earth, and a way of living which maintains the health and integrity of the whole Earth Community.

Rights of Nature - the Foundation for Sustainability



T-3 (Riocentro) Panel: ? Nnimmo Bassey ? Environmental Rights Action / Friends of the Earth, Nigeria ? Cormac Cullinan ? EnAct International, South Africa ? Tom Goldtooth ? Indigenous Environmental Network, USA ? Natalia Greene ? Fundacin Pachamama, Ecuador ? Linda Sheehan ? Earth Law Center, USA ? Pablo Solon ? Former Ambassador to the UN, Bolivia Moderator: Shannon Biggs, Global Exchange, USA Standards, Certification and Labelling Schemes: Catalysing the Green Economy Evidence from the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors The objective of the event convened by ISEAL and SECO is to present and discuss how the use of sustainability standards in the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors has demonstrated that standards and certification are effective drivers of sustainable development and their further uptake should be encouraged and supported. The event will advocate for: ? The inclusion of credible standards, certification and labels in the tool- box of good practices capable of supporting the green economy and sustainable development; ? Government support for the scaling-up of credible sustainability standards. The event will be concluded with a short press conference in which a number of key government, business and civil society leaders will announce new and important commitments with respect to the scaling up of sustainability standards - these are specific commitments with respect to encouraging and supporting the further uptake of sustainability standards. Nepal is leading the community based forest management and witnessing substantial post-conflict political, institutional, economic and social transformations. The forestry sector is also facing a number of unfolding challenges and opportunities, resulting from changes within and outside the sector. At this juncture of Rio+ 20, the forestry sector of Nepal will be organizing a side event as the UNCSD provides opportunity a forum for a debate on global opportunities and set priority action.

Sustainability Standards: Catalysing the Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

Community based climate resilient forests: Pathways to green economy,



T-9 (Riocentro)

The objectives: ? Articulate the linkages among community based forests, climate change, livelihood and the multiple facets of the green economy ? Discuss on how forests and green economy are mutually dependent; and focus on how community based forests play key roles Four speakers will provide presentation on the following three topics: (a) nexuses between green economy and Forest - livelihood and climate change; (b) sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation; and (c) the way to and from Rio for the forestry stakeholder

Without Water There Is No Life - Educational Component



T-4 (Riocentro)

Education is key to stimulating an appreciation for and consideration of the earth and its invaluable resources, including water. For many rural communities in developing countries, daily life and its challenges force a more immediate response to those challenges without concern for the environment. Our goal is to develop educational tools that promote and encourage sustainability, yet also empower rural communities economically, socially, and politically. We want to facilitate the ability to see a better future, by a foundation through means of education in order to develop strategies for furthering this goal through this process. Panelists from the organizing partners will share their experiences by promoting hands-on action in planting seeds for a sustainable future of love and peace. Discussions on sustainability are shifting from political, economic, and scientific discourses to social, cultural, and spiritual considerations. This shift is due to fundamental ethical questions that emerged at the intersection between religion and education, but are often disregarded in global discussions. This event will address this issue by exploring the following questions: ? What are the ethical implications of sustainability? ? How do religious and educational institutions address these challenges? ? What is the impact of religious and educational institutions on the global agenda for sustainability? ? How can religious and educational practices contribute to a ?green society?? By discussing how religion and educational groups promote ethical values and contribute to environmental action and sustainable practices, this event will shed light on a key strategic issue for Rio+20 UN Conference: the need to have innovative values and norms that translate the goals of sustainability to constituencies in global civil society. Rights of Nature ? the Foundation for Sustainability An international panel of Rights of Nature experts will illustrate the vital role of a new legal framework recognizing rights of nature as the foundation for sustainable development. The panel will examine why a new framework for governance is necessary and is part of a bigger shift required in society today a shift that will require that modern laws and policies comply with the laws of the Earth, and a way of living which maintains the health and integrity of the whole Earth Community.

Ethical Implications of Sustainability: Educational and Religious Pers



T-5 (Riocentro)

Rights of Nature - the Foundation for Sustainability



T-3 (Riocentro) Panel: ? Nnimmo Bassey ? Environmental Rights Action / Friends of the Earth, Nigeria ? Cormac Cullinan ? EnAct International, South Africa ? Tom Goldtooth ? Indigenous Environmental Network, USA ? Natalia Greene ? Fundacin Pachamama, Ecuador ? Linda Sheehan ? Earth Law Center, USA ? Pablo Solon ? Former Ambassador to the UN, Bolivia Moderator: Shannon Biggs, Global Exchange, USA Standards, Certification and Labelling Schemes: Catalysing the Green Economy Evidence from the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors The objective of the event convened by ISEAL and SECO is to present and discuss how the use of sustainability standards in the forestry, agricultural and mining sectors has demonstrated that standards and certification are effective drivers of sustainable development and their further uptake should be encouraged and supported. The event will advocate for: ? The inclusion of credible standards, certification and labels in the tool- box of good practices capable of supporting the green economy and sustainable development; ? Government support for the scaling-up of credible sustainability standards. The event will be concluded with a short press conference in which a number of key government, business and civil society leaders will announce new and important commitments with respect to the scaling up of sustainability standards - these are specific commitments with respect to encouraging and supporting the further uptake of sustainability standards. Evento aberto ao pblico em geral

Sustainability Standards: Catalysing the Green Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

"Construo Sustentvel com Tijolos Ecolgicos" Guerrilha Social - Pela Terra Vermelha Direito e Cidadania Socioambiental la voix des opprims

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

MAM Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Eu amo Catumbi - Ocupao irbita




Eu Amo Catumbi Lavagem do Afago 10h Concentrao do Amor na rua Jos Bernadino (Lateral da garagem da COMLURB com o grupo Maracutaia) 10:30h Caminhada da paixo at a rua Valena onde Bafo da Ona e o Vai quem Quer estaro 12h Sada para a praa em frente ao cemitrio Incio da oficina Cultura reaproveitvel Encerramento do Afago na Rua na praa. Muda Catumbi - A ao se inicia com a reunio dos participantes na praa onde vai ocorrer o chorinho (em frente ao cemitrio do Catumbi) para diviso dos grupos e apresentao das tcnicas. Incio do plantio Carinhoso Catumbi - chorinho com Carlos Malta na praa . Entrada Franca

Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Patterns of production and consumption WRI - Clean Technology for a Green Economy

17/06/2012 17/06/2012

10:00:00 10:30:00

Riocentro Forte de Copacabana

OFFICIAL EVENTS Evento Fechado Reduo de Custo e Ganho de Competitividade com Resduos nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas . Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre os ganhos de competitividade e reduo da gerao de resduos e de custos nos processos. Elaborao do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resduos Slidos nas empresas, aes e mecanismos que evitem ou, pelo menos, minimizem ao mximo a produo dos resduos, e que tecnologias empregadas. Recomendaes para o adequado atendimento a legislao e as normas tcnicas. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas. Tempo de apresentao de 9 as 13 horas Tempo de apresentao de 9 as 13 horas Evento Pblico Evento Fechado inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Evento Fechado Room UN2 Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de pintura corporal com traduo simultnea Lanamento do livro Os imigrantes da beira do rio: a resistncia do povo Fulni-. . Entrada Franca

Reduo de Custo e Ganho de Competitividade com Resduos nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas



Aterro do Flamengo

Seminrio: Contextualizao da violncia contra crianas, adolescentes e mulheres: a importncia do trabalho intersetorial Seminar: violence agaiinst children, adolescents and women: the importance of intersectoral work II Jornada Internacional de Educao Ambiental Comit Executivo e Grupos de Trabalho da nrg4SD Forum: Moradia Cidad Cpula dos Prefeitos: A sustentabilidade nos projetos de revitalizao de Zonas Porturias Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production Fulni- - Ocupao irbita

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Arena da Barra E.A.V. Parque Lage

The Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) is the most inclusive international advocacy network of churches and Christian organizations with members and constituents in the tens of millions. Under EAA?s Food for Life Campaign, and in collaboration with UN and civil society partners, we promote just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and the right to food for all people. We advocate for food production, trade and distribution systems that are just, participatory and democratic while at the same time environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. ?Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production? will profile sustainable, smallholder-based, agroecological methods of food production. EAA will showcase research and case studies demonstrating the positive impacts of such methods in terms of both yield and environmental sustainability. Our aim is to stimulate discussion on the economic and environmental practicality of feeding the world through scaled-up implementation of agro-ecological food production methods. Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas de pintura corporal com traduo simultnea + Lanamento do livro Os imigrantes da beira do rio: a resistncia do povo Fulni-

Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production



UN2 (Barra Arena)

Apresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- no Parque Lage



Parque Lage

The Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) is the most inclusive international advocacy network of churches and Christian organizations with members and constituents in the tens of millions. Under EAA?s Food for Life Campaign, and in collaboration with UN and civil society partners, we promote just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and the right to food for all people. We advocate for food production, trade and distribution systems that are just, participatory and democratic while at the same time environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. ?Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production? will profile sustainable, smallholder-based, agroecological methods of food production. EAA will showcase research and case studies demonstrating the positive impacts of such methods in terms of both yield and environmental sustainability. Our aim is to stimulate discussion on the economic and environmental practicality of feeding the world through scaled-up implementation of agro-ecological food production methods. The Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA) is the most inclusive international advocacy network of churches and Christian organizations with members and constituents in the tens of millions. Under EAA?s Food for Life Campaign, and in collaboration with UN and civil society partners, we promote just and sustainable production and consumption of food, and the right to food for all people. We advocate for food production, trade and distribution systems that are just, participatory and democratic while at the same time environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. ?Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production? will profile sustainable, smallholder-based, agroecological methods of food production. EAA will showcase research and case studies demonstrating the positive impacts of such methods in terms of both yield and environmental sustainability. Our aim is to stimulate discussion on the economic and environmental practicality of feeding the world through scaled-up implementation of agro-ecological food production methods. Abertura da Exposio Tecnologia, Servios e Produtos Sustentveis e lanamentos de Publicaes Ao da Cidadania Global Contra a Destruio da Terra e pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Oficina Dana frica A Sustentabilidade e o Modo de Ser Indgena Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Seminrio sobre a importncia da produo e consumo de alimentos orgnicos The People says NO to a new form of colonialism. No REDD+ Tech-in Prsentation du web documentaire TERRES et dbat avec le ralisateur Acceso al Agua Potable como derecho Humano: Una revisin de instrumentos legales disponibles para defender a las vctimas de violaciones de derechos humanos debido a la sobre explotacin de los recursos hidricos JOOG DA CARTA DA TERRA Arranjos Produtivos Locais de Plantas Medicinais e seu Pontencial para o SUS Building Marine Ecosystem Resilience to Ocean Acidification Are dams a sostainable solution to wter problems? DROIT A LA VILLE : les habitants du sud se mobilisent !!! Occupy nature Roda de Dilogos da I Jornada Juvenil Ativismo hoje: um debate sobre a articulao de escolas e movimentos Populaoes tradicionais Apresentao do case Nova Friburgo Activit d'articulation autogre 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 Ptio da Unidade da Embrapa Solos Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production



UN2 (Barra Arena)

Scaling-Up Agro-Ecological Food Production



UN2 (Barra Arena)



Aterro do Flamengo

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo

O Cdigo Florestal e a proteo jurdica da biodiversidade. Contribuio para a definio de um princpio e de uma cultura global de no retrocesso em matria ambiental WORKSHOP LA REVOLUCION DE LAS PEQUEAS COSAS Programa Balano da Terra ECONOMIA VERDE, CAPITALISMO Y ORDEN MUNDIAL CONSTRUOECOLGICA COLETIVA DE YURTTERRITORIO COLETIVO DOS COMITS ESTADUAIS SUSTENTABILIDADE E SADE DA POPULAO NEGRA Accountability on commitments and Accomplishing sustainable development EMPREENDEDORISMO SOCIOAMBIENTAL - Formao de Atores Sociais em Multiplicadores de Aes Cidads Sustentveis Palestra Pintando de colores nuestros derechos ecologicos Up with People's World Youth in Action Up with People International Youth Forum

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Women belonging to the Roma minority face multiple discrimination, particularly in the field of education, health, employment or participation in public and political life. There is a strong concern regarding the lack of efficient solutions addressing the situation of Roma women and children, especially in order to reduce the poverty level. Roma women are characterised by very early marriages, birth of the first child in juvenile age and following births with short intervals in-between. Premature births are risk factors for severe congenital disorders, high child mortality in the first year of life and high mother mortality. Russia plays an important role in maintaining stability of the planet. It is the largest country (12% of the total land area) and the world's largest undisturbed by economic activity area (60-65% of the country). Russia holds the largest share of the world forests (22%), 13% of oil, 34% of gas, 12% of coal, 27% of iron ore. These resources are a storehouse for the development of the global economy. However, large-scale of its extraction would inevitably have a negative impact on the planet ecological balance.

Challenges for the Roma women in Europe



P3-2 (Riocentro)




T-3 (Riocentro) In Russia there are unique ecosystems that preserve rare species of flora and fauna, which are the planetary domain. The Russian economy is the fourth largest in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Besides the role of Russia in the global economy and politics is growing. All these factors determine the important role Russia can play in the transition to sustainable development globally. Access to economically viable and sustainable energy is fundamental for the economic, social and political development of a country. It brings improvements in healthcare, education, communication and several other areas of basic needs. Today it is estimated that 1.4 billion people live without access to reliable electricity and 2.7 billion without access to clean cooking facilities. This has several environmental and human health consequences. The WWF Clean, Reliable and Affordable Energy Access side event will address these problems showing success stories from the field, and demonstration projects that depict energy access models complemented by presentations from governments thus creating a link between field work and national policy. In showing the way from pilots to policy, stakeholders in different countries will come on as partners and add their perspectives of policy, governance, technology and entrepreneurship in the given context of energy access in the three selected countries India, Uganda and Madagascar. Leadership in Africa have globally been identified as one of the major crisis in Africa starting from selection, election processes And sustainability of the elected position And responsibilities. This derails major national, regional AND GLOBALL DEVELOPMENTS IN Africa. African Children Talent Discovery Foundation and World Mission Foundation an NGO in Special Consultative Status wit ECOSOC at the United Nations in taking steps to further their collaborative mission considers its significant need to bring the issues to Rio+20. The underlying purpose is to seek for diverse value based leadership skills that could be provided to youths of Africa in understanding the import of sustainable leadership for global, regional and national development of Africa.

WWF: Sustainable And Affordable Access To Energy-From Field To Policy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Sustainability, Value Based Leadership and African Youths



T-8 (Riocentro)

The Global Alliance for Banking on Values, the Green Economy Coalition and The Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development will co-host a debate to determine key policy changes that governments can make to help shift finance from a short term focus to long term sustainable value creation. Banking as if the future matters - Making the change from short term profit to long term prosperity 17/06/2012 11:30:00 P3-6 (Riocentro) Over the months up to Rio+20 an online consultation has taken place to identify enabling policies to promote a long term approach. The results will be launched at this event. Find out how banking and finance, in cooperation with governments and civil society, can create a profound shift towards a greener, more inclusive and fairer economy. Sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arct The Program of the roundtable meeting ?A Long-term Sustainable Development for Global Sustainable Development Based on Partnership of Civilizations and Prospects of Indigenous People of the North? within the UN Conference on Sustainable Development RIO+20 Prospects of sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arctic civilization To accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) adopted the ECOWAS/UEMOA Regional White Paper on Access to Energy Services for Populations in Rural and Peri-urban Areas in 2006. The white paper aims at providing access to improved domestic cooking fuels and sustainable electricity services for the majority of the population by 2015. After five years of implementation, the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in cooperation with its partners are organizing a side event at the Rio+20. At the background of the newly adopted UN Goals on Universal Access to Energy Services by 2030 the workshop will take stock of the achievements and will highlight success stories in some of the countries. Moreover, the side event will discuss the possible contribution of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to accelerate the implementation the White Paper. What does religion have to do with Rio+20? The Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization works towards the transformation of consciousness needed to enable changes towards sustainability. Religions help people shape their worldviews and act on their values. Governments need the guidance of an awakened civil society to make necessary radical changes. Corporations need an awakened civil society to insist on internalizing costs and serving society. Inspired by the work of Thomas Berry and by resources from the world's religions, this session will explore the spiritual resources for transformation and current manifestations of such transformations. We will then consider what is needed to ramp up this change in service to the Earth. Areas of application include communities, corporate engagement, the Convention on Corporate Social Responsibility, and support of youth leadership. The change in consciousness and the new actions that flow from it offer a positive direction towards renewed flourishing on Earth. In discussing sustainable development, many focus on the production aspect of development. Much of the dialogue centers on improving the efficiency of current production methods, i.e. providing more food for more people given a limited amount of resources. While sustainable and efficient production is important, it is only half of the equation. The Other Half of Development: Patterns of Sustainable Consumption 17/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro) The workshop will instead focus on patterns of sustainable consumption. The major stakeholders must be invested in inspiring the world?s population to reduce their desire for consumption as a crucial part of sustainable development. The thematic focus of this workshop is on in-depth discussion of sustainable individual consumption, including reduction of consumption habits, promotion of vegetarianism, and the benefits of recycling. The workshop will also cover efficient cooking methods and sustainable practices in food security and agriculture. Global issues like sustainable development are a down-top process that involves grassroots and how civil society will mobilize populations to support the work of the United Nations. By supporting this process, the Legion of Good Will (LGW), the only Brazilian NGO in general consultative status with ECOSOC, has substantially contributed towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals, especially in Latin America. The proposed side event intends to be a showcase of success stories gathered during the 9th Solidary Society Network Multi-stakeholder Forum, held last March by the LGW in partnership with the NGO Branch of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and other UN agencies in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The mechanisms to strengthen constructive cooperation among international organisms, NGOs, local authorities and academia are the focus of this dialogue towards concrete proposals to eradicate poverty in the context of a green economy.



P3-4 (Riocentro)

Towards Universal Access to Sustainable Energy Service in West Africa



T-5 (Riocentro)

Interfaith response to Sustainable Development:Ecological Civilization



T-2 (Riocentro)

Constructive Cooperation



T-9 (Riocentro)

For more than 30 years, the international community, through different international declarations (e.g the Rio Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration, the Earth Charter), have been trying to find shared ethical principles that can help humanity to make decisions in our current situation. These principles will be foundational for the governance system for sustainability that will be discussed during the Rio+20 Summit. An ethical framework for global governance 17/06/2012 11:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) This side event will offer the opportunity for an open discussion about the importance of agreeing on common ethical principles for a global governance system for sustainability. A panel involved in conversations about an ethical framework for global governance will share a wide range of opinions on this topic. Participants in this side event will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists and among themselves. The Buenos Aires province is developing public policies on sustainable development based on the subnational level as a member of the Network of Regional Governements for Sustainable Development. The social, economic and environmental dimensions sublie the design of any measure applied, allowing the synergy between programs. The aim of the side event proposed is to contribute to the strengthening of a national strategy on sustainable development from the perspective of a local (subnational) government. In addition, to increase the social awareness, showing the potentiality of the coordinated actions from local and regional governments through the exchange of experiences and capabilities between institutions and decision makers. The outcomes and inputs relative to the Rio+20 goals are: To strength the mechanisms of cooperation between local and regional governments. To contribute to the inclusion of the local aspects on sustainable development in national and international strategies, from a interjurisdictional, interinstitutional and interdisciplinary approach. Women belonging to the Roma minority face multiple discrimination, particularly in the field of education, health, employment or participation in public and political life. There is a strong concern regarding the lack of efficient solutions addressing the situation of Roma women and children, especially in order to reduce the poverty level. Roma women are characterised by very early marriages, birth of the first child in juvenile age and following births with short intervals in-between. Premature births are risk factors for severe congenital disorders, high child mortality in the first year of life and high mother mortality. Russia plays an important role in maintaining stability of the planet. It is the largest country (12% of the total land area) and the world's largest undisturbed by economic activity area (60-65% of the country). Russia holds the largest share of the world forests (22%), 13% of oil, 34% of gas, 12% of coal, 27% of iron ore. These resources are a storehouse for the development of the global economy. However, large-scale of its extraction would inevitably have a negative impact on the planet ecological balance. 17/06/2012 11:30:00 T-3 (Riocentro) In Russia there are unique ecosystems that preserve rare species of flora and fauna, which are the planetary domain. The Russian economy is the fourth largest in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Besides the role of Russia in the global economy and politics is growing. All these factors determine the important role Russia can play in the transition to sustainable development globally. Access to economically viable and sustainable energy is fundamental for the economic, social and political development of a country. It brings improvements in healthcare, education, communication and several other areas of basic needs. Today it is estimated that 1.4 billion people live without access to reliable electricity and 2.7 billion without access to clean cooking facilities. This has several environmental and human health consequences. The WWF Clean, Reliable and Affordable Energy Access side event will address these problems showing success stories from the field, and demonstration projects that depict energy access models complemented by presentations from governments thus creating a link between field work and national policy. In showing the way from pilots to policy, stakeholders in different countries will come on as partners and add their perspectives of policy, governance, technology and entrepreneurship in the given context of energy access in the three selected countries India, Uganda and Madagascar.

Subnational Governments. Building a Sustainable Development Strategy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Challenges for the Roma women in Europe



P3-2 (Riocentro)


WWF: Sustainable And Affordable Access To Energy-From Field To Policy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Sustainability, Value Based Leadership and African Youths



T-8 (Riocentro)

Leadership in Africa have globally been identified as one of the major crisis in Africa starting from selection, election processes And sustainability of the elected position And responsibilities. This derails major national, regional AND GLOBALL DEVELOPMENTS IN Africa. African Children Talent Discovery Foundation and World Mission Foundation an NGO in Special Consultative Status wit ECOSOC at the United Nations in taking steps to further their collaborative mission considers its significant need to bring the issues to Rio+20. The underlying purpose is to seek for diverse value based leadership skills that could be provided to youths of Africa in understanding the import of sustainable leadership for global, regional and national development of Africa. The Global Alliance for Banking on Values, the Green Economy Coalition and The Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development will co-host a debate to determine key policy changes that governments can make to help shift finance from a short term focus to long term sustainable value creation.

Banking as if the future matters - Making the change from short term profit to long term prosperity



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Over the months up to Rio+20 an online consultation has taken place to identify enabling policies to promote a long term approach. The results will be launched at this event. Find out how banking and finance, in cooperation with governments and civil society, can create a profound shift towards a greener, more inclusive and fairer economy.

Sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arct



P3-4 (Riocentro)

The Program of the roundtable meeting ?A Long-term Sustainable Development for Global Sustainable Development Based on Partnership of Civilizations and Prospects of Indigenous People of the North? within the UN Conference on Sustainable Development RIO+20 Prospects of sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arctic civilization To accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) adopted the ECOWAS/UEMOA Regional White Paper on Access to Energy Services for Populations in Rural and Peri-urban Areas in 2006. The white paper aims at providing access to improved domestic cooking fuels and sustainable electricity services for the majority of the population by 2015. After five years of implementation, the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in cooperation with its partners are organizing a side event at the Rio+20. At the background of the newly adopted UN Goals on Universal Access to Energy Services by 2030 the workshop will take stock of the achievements and will highlight success stories in some of the countries. Moreover, the side event will discuss the possible contribution of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to accelerate the implementation the White Paper. What does religion have to do with Rio+20? The Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization works towards the transformation of consciousness needed to enable changes towards sustainability. Religions help people shape their worldviews and act on their values. Governments need the guidance of an awakened civil society to make necessary radical changes. Corporations need an awakened civil society to insist on internalizing costs and serving society. Inspired by the work of Thomas Berry and by resources from the world's religions, this session will explore the spiritual resources for transformation and current manifestations of such transformations. We will then consider what is needed to ramp up this change in service to the Earth. Areas of application include communities, corporate engagement, the Convention on Corporate Social Responsibility, and support of youth leadership. The change in consciousness and the new actions that flow from it offer a positive direction towards renewed flourishing on Earth. In discussing sustainable development, many focus on the production aspect of development. Much of the dialogue centers on improving the efficiency of current production methods, i.e. providing more food for more people given a limited amount of resources. While sustainable and efficient production is important, it is only half of the equation.

Towards Universal Access to Sustainable Energy Service in West Africa



T-5 (Riocentro)

Interfaith response to Sustainable Development:Ecological Civilization



T-2 (Riocentro)

The Other Half of Development: Patterns of Sustainable Consumption



T-4 (Riocentro)

The workshop will instead focus on patterns of sustainable consumption. The major stakeholders must be invested in inspiring the world?s population to reduce their desire for consumption as a crucial part of sustainable development. The thematic focus of this workshop is on in-depth discussion of sustainable individual consumption, including reduction of consumption habits, promotion of vegetarianism, and the benefits of recycling. The workshop will also cover efficient cooking methods and sustainable practices in food security and agriculture.

Constructive Cooperation



T-9 (Riocentro)

Global issues like sustainable development are a down-top process that involves grassroots and how civil society will mobilize populations to support the work of the United Nations. By supporting this process, the Legion of Good Will (LGW), the only Brazilian NGO in general consultative status with ECOSOC, has substantially contributed towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals, especially in Latin America. The proposed side event intends to be a showcase of success stories gathered during the 9th Solidary Society Network Multi-stakeholder Forum, held last March by the LGW in partnership with the NGO Branch of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and other UN agencies in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The mechanisms to strengthen constructive cooperation among international organisms, NGOs, local authorities and academia are the focus of this dialogue towards concrete proposals to eradicate poverty in the context of a green economy. For more than 30 years, the international community, through different international declarations (e.g the Rio Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration, the Earth Charter), have been trying to find shared ethical principles that can help humanity to make decisions in our current situation. These principles will be foundational for the governance system for sustainability that will be discussed during the Rio+20 Summit.

An ethical framework for global governance



T-6 (Riocentro) This side event will offer the opportunity for an open discussion about the importance of agreeing on common ethical principles for a global governance system for sustainability. A panel involved in conversations about an ethical framework for global governance will share a wide range of opinions on this topic. Participants in this side event will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists and among themselves. The Buenos Aires province is developing public policies on sustainable development based on the subnational level as a member of the Network of Regional Governements for Sustainable Development. The social, economic and environmental dimensions sublie the design of any measure applied, allowing the synergy between programs. The aim of the side event proposed is to contribute to the strengthening of a national strategy on sustainable development from the perspective of a local (subnational) government. In addition, to increase the social awareness, showing the potentiality of the coordinated actions from local and regional governments through the exchange of experiences and capabilities between institutions and decision makers. The outcomes and inputs relative to the Rio+20 goals are: To strength the mechanisms of cooperation between local and regional governments. To contribute to the inclusion of the local aspects on sustainable development in national and international strategies, from a interjurisdictional, interinstitutional and interdisciplinary approach. Women belonging to the Roma minority face multiple discrimination, particularly in the field of education, health, employment or participation in public and political life. There is a strong concern regarding the lack of efficient solutions addressing the situation of Roma women and children, especially in order to reduce the poverty level. Roma women are characterised by very early marriages, birth of the first child in juvenile age and following births with short intervals in-between. Premature births are risk factors for severe congenital disorders, high child mortality in the first year of life and high mother mortality. Russia plays an important role in maintaining stability of the planet. It is the largest country (12% of the total land area) and the world's largest undisturbed by economic activity area (60-65% of the country). Russia holds the largest share of the world forests (22%), 13% of oil, 34% of gas, 12% of coal, 27% of iron ore. These resources are a storehouse for the development of the global economy. However, large-scale of its extraction would inevitably have a negative impact on the planet ecological balance.

Subnational Governments. Building a Sustainable Development Strategy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Challenges for the Roma women in Europe



P3-2 (Riocentro)




T-3 (Riocentro) In Russia there are unique ecosystems that preserve rare species of flora and fauna, which are the planetary domain. The Russian economy is the fourth largest in the world in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Besides the role of Russia in the global economy and politics is growing. All these factors determine the important role Russia can play in the transition to sustainable development globally.

WWF: Sustainable And Affordable Access To Energy-From Field To Policy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Access to economically viable and sustainable energy is fundamental for the economic, social and political development of a country. It brings improvements in healthcare, education, communication and several other areas of basic needs. Today it is estimated that 1.4 billion people live without access to reliable electricity and 2.7 billion without access to clean cooking facilities. This has several environmental and human health consequences. The WWF Clean, Reliable and Affordable Energy Access side event will address these problems showing success stories from the field, and demonstration projects that depict energy access models complemented by presentations from governments thus creating a link between field work and national policy. In showing the way from pilots to policy, stakeholders in different countries will come on as partners and add their perspectives of policy, governance, technology and entrepreneurship in the given context of energy access in the three selected countries India, Uganda and Madagascar. Leadership in Africa have globally been identified as one of the major crisis in Africa starting from selection, election processes And sustainability of the elected position And responsibilities. This derails major national, regional AND GLOBALL DEVELOPMENTS IN Africa. African Children Talent Discovery Foundation and World Mission Foundation an NGO in Special Consultative Status wit ECOSOC at the United Nations in taking steps to further their collaborative mission considers its significant need to bring the issues to Rio+20. The underlying purpose is to seek for diverse value based leadership skills that could be provided to youths of Africa in understanding the import of sustainable leadership for global, regional and national development of Africa. The Global Alliance for Banking on Values, the Green Economy Coalition and The Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development will co-host a debate to determine key policy changes that governments can make to help shift finance from a short term focus to long term sustainable value creation.

Sustainability, Value Based Leadership and African Youths



T-8 (Riocentro)

Banking as if the future matters - Making the change from short term profit to long term prosperity



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Over the months up to Rio+20 an online consultation has taken place to identify enabling policies to promote a long term approach. The results will be launched at this event. Find out how banking and finance, in cooperation with governments and civil society, can create a profound shift towards a greener, more inclusive and fairer economy.

Sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arct



P3-4 (Riocentro)

The Program of the roundtable meeting ?A Long-term Sustainable Development for Global Sustainable Development Based on Partnership of Civilizations and Prospects of Indigenous People of the North? within the UN Conference on Sustainable Development RIO+20 Prospects of sustainable development of indigenous people of the North and the Arctic civilization To accelerate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) the Economic Community for West African States (ECOWAS) adopted the ECOWAS/UEMOA Regional White Paper on Access to Energy Services for Populations in Rural and Peri-urban Areas in 2006. The white paper aims at providing access to improved domestic cooking fuels and sustainable electricity services for the majority of the population by 2015. After five years of implementation, the ECOWAS Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) in cooperation with its partners are organizing a side event at the Rio+20. At the background of the newly adopted UN Goals on Universal Access to Energy Services by 2030 the workshop will take stock of the achievements and will highlight success stories in some of the countries. Moreover, the side event will discuss the possible contribution of renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions to accelerate the implementation the White Paper. What does religion have to do with Rio+20? The Interfaith Consortium for Ecological Civilization works towards the transformation of consciousness needed to enable changes towards sustainability. Religions help people shape their worldviews and act on their values. Governments need the guidance of an awakened civil society to make necessary radical changes. Corporations need an awakened civil society to insist on internalizing costs and serving society. Inspired by the work of Thomas Berry and by resources from the world's religions, this session will explore the spiritual resources for transformation and current manifestations of such transformations. We will then consider what is needed to ramp up this change in service to the Earth. Areas of application include communities, corporate engagement, the Convention on Corporate Social Responsibility, and support of youth leadership. The change in consciousness and the new actions that flow from it offer a positive direction towards renewed flourishing on Earth.

Towards Universal Access to Sustainable Energy Service in West Africa



T-5 (Riocentro)

Interfaith response to Sustainable Development:Ecological Civilization



T-2 (Riocentro)

In discussing sustainable development, many focus on the production aspect of development. Much of the dialogue centers on improving the efficiency of current production methods, i.e. providing more food for more people given a limited amount of resources. While sustainable and efficient production is important, it is only half of the equation. The Other Half of Development: Patterns of Sustainable Consumption 17/06/2012 11:30:00 T-4 (Riocentro) The workshop will instead focus on patterns of sustainable consumption. The major stakeholders must be invested in inspiring the world?s population to reduce their desire for consumption as a crucial part of sustainable development. The thematic focus of this workshop is on in-depth discussion of sustainable individual consumption, including reduction of consumption habits, promotion of vegetarianism, and the benefits of recycling. The workshop will also cover efficient cooking methods and sustainable practices in food security and agriculture. Global issues like sustainable development are a down-top process that involves grassroots and how civil society will mobilize populations to support the work of the United Nations. By supporting this process, the Legion of Good Will (LGW), the only Brazilian NGO in general consultative status with ECOSOC, has substantially contributed towards the achievement of the sustainable development goals, especially in Latin America. The proposed side event intends to be a showcase of success stories gathered during the 9th Solidary Society Network Multi-stakeholder Forum, held last March by the LGW in partnership with the NGO Branch of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and other UN agencies in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The mechanisms to strengthen constructive cooperation among international organisms, NGOs, local authorities and academia are the focus of this dialogue towards concrete proposals to eradicate poverty in the context of a green economy. For more than 30 years, the international community, through different international declarations (e.g the Rio Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration, the Earth Charter), have been trying to find shared ethical principles that can help humanity to make decisions in our current situation. These principles will be foundational for the governance system for sustainability that will be discussed during the Rio+20 Summit. An ethical framework for global governance 17/06/2012 11:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) This side event will offer the opportunity for an open discussion about the importance of agreeing on common ethical principles for a global governance system for sustainability. A panel involved in conversations about an ethical framework for global governance will share a wide range of opinions on this topic. Participants in this side event will have the opportunity to interact with the panelists and among themselves. The Buenos Aires province is developing public policies on sustainable development based on the subnational level as a member of the Network of Regional Governements for Sustainable Development. The social, economic and environmental dimensions sublie the design of any measure applied, allowing the synergy between programs. The aim of the side event proposed is to contribute to the strengthening of a national strategy on sustainable development from the perspective of a local (subnational) government. In addition, to increase the social awareness, showing the potentiality of the coordinated actions from local and regional governments through the exchange of experiences and capabilities between institutions and decision makers. The outcomes and inputs relative to the Rio+20 goals are: To strength the mechanisms of cooperation between local and regional governments. To contribute to the inclusion of the local aspects on sustainable development in national and international strategies, from a interjurisdictional, interinstitutional and interdisciplinary approach. Evento ser um debate entre especialistas, profissionais de desenvolvimento, decisores polticos e parceiros de desenvolvimento sobre s vantagens comparativas e o valor agregado das polticas e abordagens de gerenciamento transfronterias, ecossitmicas e objetivas, frente s abordagens nacionais, setoriais e qualitativas. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Dr Alfredo Guillet, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - DGCS; Mr Methuseli Maphala Limpopo Transboundary Project Manager; Mr Albert Mbedzi Beitbridge Rural District Council; Mr Olivier Chassot, Tropical Science Center, IUCNWCPA TBC SG; Mr Tomasz Pezold, IUCN Programme Office for South Eastern Europe; Ms Bosiljka Vukovic - Head Dept. Sust. Dev. Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism; Ms Kathy McKinnon - Vice chair IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas

Constructive Cooperation



T-9 (Riocentro)

Subnational Governments. Building a Sustainable Development Strategy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Cooperao Transfronteiria pelo Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Integrado: Uma Proposta Vivel para a Implemementao da Economia Verde?



Parque dos Atletas

Dilogo sobre o Protocolo de Nagoia



Parque dos Atletas

O evento tem por finalidade criar um momento de discusso em torno do Protocolo de Nagoia sobre Acesso a Recursos Genticos e Repartio Justa e Equitativa dos Benefcios Derivados de sua Uitlizao Conveno sobre Diversidade Biolgica durante a Rio + 20, envolvendo representates do setor cientfico, empresarial, governamental e de comunidades tradicionais. O Protocolo de Nagoia busca implementar um dos trs objetivos principais da Conveno, a saber, a repartio justa e equitativa de benefcios. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Hugo-Maria Schally, Diretor, DG-Meio Ambiente, Comuidade Europia; Eliana Fontes, Diretora, DPG/MMA; Joaquim Machado, Pesquisador, Universidade de So Paulo; Cristiane de Moraes, Coordenadora, UEBT.

Seminar on upcoming Asia Pacific Youth Water Summit in Dhaka, Bangladesh Educao da Paz, Sustentabilidade Planetaria e Reconciliao com a Me Natureza La Televisin como Herramienta de Manipulacin Global Cpula dos Prefeitos: Brunch Sesso VDEO-SHOW The Green Economy: Driving Business Value and Competitiveness Rede frica Viva de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Poesia Verde

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13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana Evento Fechado Sesso VDEO-SHOW

14:00:00 14:00:00


Evento aberto ao pblico em geral Evento aberto ao pbico em geral A Amaznia um dos lugares mais famosos do mundo e, curiosamente, um dos menos conhecidos. Em meio a tanta desinformao, o documentrio se prope uma difcil misso. Buscar as inmeras verdades existentes, derrubando mitos e levando ao pblico um retrato mais fiel da maior floresta tropical do planeta. Quais so os viles do desmatamento? Qual o caminho para o desenvolvimento sem agredir a natureza? Estas so algumas das questes cruciais envolvendo a Amaznia e que ainda esperam por respostas convincentes. Trata-se de um filme sobre a Amazonia, feito por brasileiros, mas com uma viso global do tema, e apoiado nas mais recentes descobertas e pesquisas cientificas. Um filme que abriga vises conflitantes, e que abre espao para que muitas vozes possam ser ouvidas. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Fernando de Souza Dias, documentary producer - Gullane & Grifa ; Eduardo Rajabally, documentary director - Gullane & Grifa.

Pr-estreia do documentrio Amaznia Desconhecida



Parque dos Atletas

Pedagogia Waldorf e Medicina Antroposfica na Rede Pblica de Ensino e no Terceiro Setor Agricultural transition-into a viable food future Palestra Seminrio, debate,palestra e roda de conversa Marxismo, meio ambiente e desenvolvimento sustentvel da Amaznia Festival Encantado Forum:Cidades Sustentveis: oportunidades para os empreendedores sociais Forum: Governana de Ecossistemas na America L. Forum: Qualidade de Vida nas Cidades (Etapa III) Improving Lives with a Green Economy: A New Development Partnership? Debate sobre Educao, Agricultura e Meio Ambiente para Desenvolvimento Sustentvel INOVAO TECNOLGICA SUSTENTVEL: A CHAVE PARA O FUTURO DAS EMPRESAS DO SETOR ELTRICO

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 14:00:00

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Clube do Vale Encantado Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana PUC - RJ Show de Msica com Rog em retrato brasileiro | trio preto + 1 | Winston McAnnuff & Bazbaz | Seu Jorge | GRBC Unidos do Alto da Boa Vista e participaes especiais - maiores informaes: inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Presenting: Peter Hazlewood, Director, Ecosystems & Development

14:00:00 14:00:00

Sala Mariza - Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas INOVAO TECNOLGICA SUSTENTVEL: A CHAVE PARA O FUTURO DAS EMPRESAS DO SETOR ELTRICO Populaes pobres em todo mundo utilizam os recursos naturais para sua subsistncia. preciso garantir as condies e incentivos para que possam ter uma vida digna que inclua a conservao ambiental. O que aprendemos sobre isso at aqui? O programa Bolsa Verde Brasileiro e o Guarda Bosques Colombiano ilustram este debate. Convidados: Roberto Vinzentin, Wagner Pinheiro de Oliveira, Rodrigo Medeiros. Evento pblico OFFICIAL EVENTS Apresentao do Case SUAPE, enfatizando a ampliao dos ativos ambientais do Porto, com destaque para a zona de preservao ambiental - ZEPEC, a zona central de servios administrativos, com edificaes inteligentes, e tambm uma zona de preservao cultural. A expanso planejada do complexo prev uma sinergia entre os clusters e o porto de Suape. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Frederico Amncio- Vice presidente de Suape.

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Alm do Antagonismo: Conservao Ambiental e Incluso Social Sustainable Development Dialogues: Forests Complexo Industrial Porturio SUAPE, Transitando para a Sustentabilidade.









Parque dos Atletas

Biodiversidade Aqutica: Conservao e Impactos



Parque dos Atletas

Apresentao de palestras sobre biodiversidade aqutica e hidreltricas, sobre pesca e seus impactos, sobre conservao de biodiversidade marina: recifes de coral e sobre manguezais e mudanas climticas. Evento aberto ao pblico. Promovido pela Gerncia de Biodiversidade Aqutica e Recursos Pesqueiros SBF/MMA. Palestrantes: Paulo Pompeu Professor- UFMG; Bianca Chaim- Analista- MMA; Victor Paulo Azevedo-Analista IBAMA; Beatrice Padovani-Professora UFPE; Clvis Castro- professor UFRJ; Mnica Brick Peres- Analista MMA; Felipe ChavesProfessor- UERJ. Evento Fechado Programao infantil - Filmes sob a curadoria de Patrcia Alves Dias ( Curtas; Bilhes de rvores, de Frata Soares, O Caminho das Gaivotas, Bafo Quente de Mauricio Maia, Ensolarado de Ricardo Targino, Essencia de Daniel Rabanea, O Dirio da Terra de Diogo Viegas, Naia e a Lua de Leandro Tadashi, A Menina do Mar de Mauro DAddio e SACI de Humberto Avelar).. Entrada Franca Daniel Dantas, Bebel Lobo, Leonardo Netto, Marcos Palmeira e outros, em forma de entrevista. (Atores falam sobre suas expectativas sobre a Rio+20) . Entrada Franca Luis Carlos Maciel Roteiro, Direo e Produo de Flavia Orlando. Direo de Fotografia de Breno Cunha. . Entrada Franca O Baixo Gvea ouvir os cantores na janela da Casa da Gvea Com Cico Caseira / Marcia do Valle e Chico Caruso . Entrada Franca Curtas; Bilhes de rvores, de Frata Soares, O Caminho das Gaivotas, Bafo Quente de Mauricio Maia, Ensolarado de Ricardo Targino, Essencia de Daniel Rabanea, O Dirio da Terra de Diogo Viegas, Naia e a Lua de Leandro Tadashi, A Menina do Mar de Mauro DAddio e SACI de Humberto Avelar. INOVAR OU PERECER: O GRANDE DESAFIO DAS EMPRESAS DO SETOR ELTRICO

Cpula dos Prefeitos: Iniciativa Conjunta sobre Susten. Urbana



Forte de Copacabana

Curtas infantis - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

A conscincia dos atores - Ocupao irbita Retratos Brasileiros - Ocupao irbita Canto da janela - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea



Casa da Gvea



Casa da Gvea

Curtas Infantis INOVAR OU PERECER: O GRANDE DESAFIO DAS EMPRESAS DO SETOR ELTRICO Oficinas de Socilogos na Cpula dos Povos Achievements of Central Africa for the implementation of Agenda 21 We Canada: A Journey for Canadian Leadership at Rio+20 Cpula dos Prefeitos:Os caminhos do Desen. Urbano e Habitao Social Susten. 1a. Batalha de Bboys Zulub - Ocupao ABC Urbana Quanto vale ou por quilo APRESENTAO ABEEOLICA Seminrio "Transdisciplinaridade e Mudana de Paradigma na Relao com a gua" e lanamento oficial da Rede Internacional de Estudos e Aes Transdisciplinares da gua (REATA) Crescimento humano para o bem e para o mau como equilibrar essa balana? Abastecimento de gua e Saneamento Ambiental Universalizao COLQUIO: VOZES DA COMUM-UNIDADE Forum: Comprometa-se a Ser a Mudana que Voc quer Ver no Mundo Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living




17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

15:00:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 16:00:00 16:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Forte de Copacabana Cultura Urbana

Room ARN2 Room UN2 Evento Fechado Celebrao da Cultura Hip Hop com MC Slow DABF, DJ Marcelinho MG e DJ Glauco Mix . Entrada Franca de Srgio Bianchi. Brasil, 2005. Com Antnio Abujamra, Caio Blat, Herson Capri. 104. Adaptao livre do conto de Machado de Assis Pai contra me. O filme faz uma analogia entre o antigo comrcio de escravos e a atual explorao da misria pelo marketing social. Classificao indicativa 16 anos. APRESENTAO ABEEOLICA

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00

MAM Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo

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16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:45:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Aterro do Flamengo inscries pelo site: (esgotado)

A Atuao do Tribunal de Contas da Unio na rea Ambiental



Parque dos Atletas

1) TCU: competncias, estrutura e forma de atuao. 2) Forma de atuao do TCU no controle da gesto ambiental federal. 3) Principais trabalhos realizados objetivos e concluses relevantes: 3.1 - auditorias relativas ao processo de licenciamento ambiental federal; 3.2 - auditorias referentes a mudanas climticas; 3.3 levantamento de auditoria para avaliar as aes pblicas federais voltadas para a preveno e combate s queimadas; 3.4 - auditoria realizada com o objetivo de avaliar as aes adotadas pelo Governo Federal voltadas para a utilizao racional de energia eltrica, gua e papel pela Administrao Pblica Federal; 3.5 - auditoria realizada no sistema de controle de trnsito de produtos florestais DOF; 3.6 fiscalizao acerca da regularidade da norma autorizadora da pesca da tainha; 3.7 auditoria para avaliar o processo de internalizao dos compromissos assumidos pelo Brasil nos acordos internacionais celebrados por ocasio da Conferncia Rio92. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Rafel Lopes Torres (Secretrio de Controle Externo - TCU) e Fernando Antnio Dorna Magalhes (Diretor-TCU). Rios voadores so correntes areas que carregam vapor de gua da bacia Amaznica para outras regies do Brasil e da Amrica do Sul. Essa umidade, transportada pelas massas de ar, uma importante contribuio ao regime de chuvas do continente. De forma pioneira, o projeto Rios Voadores une aventura, cincia e educao, e focaliza estes processos, voando junto com os ventos, proporcionando um estudo meteorolgico e coletando/analisando amostras de vapor de gua. Evento aberto ao pblico. Promovido pela "Rio Voadores"; Palestrantes: Grard Moss, idealizador e coordenador do projeto Rios Voadores. 1) Zoneamento Ecolgico Econmico e Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel do Estado; 2) Planejamento participativo do estado por territrios de identidade; 3) Programa gua para todos, responsvel por garantir acesso gua e saneamento; 4) Modernizao, informatizao e aprimoramento do sistema de regulao ambiental do Estado. GLOBA WIND POWER UPDATE

Rios Voadores, pelo piloto e ambientalista Grard Moss



Parque dos Atletas

ZEE/PDS Territrios de Identidade PAT GLOBA WIND POWER UPDATE Lanamento pela Editora Anita Garibaldi/FMG dos livros Mudanas climticas - Fundamentos cientficos e polticos e Documentos sobre meio ambiente do PCdoB, e da revista Princpios Cpula dos Prefeitos: Cidades Inclusivas e Justas Bringing Climate Finance to Grassroots Women What does it take?

17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012 17/06/2012

17:00:00 17:00:00 17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Arena da Barra

Evento Fechado Room UN2 Democracia e garantia de direitos so condies essenciais para o desenvolvimento. Neste debate atores estratgicos desta construo, no Brasil e no mundo falam de sua experincia: dos conselhos brasileiros que definem polticas pblicas aos questionamentos do modelo de desenvolvimento econmico global, qual o papel da democracia para promoo de uma sociedade justa e sustentvel? Convidados: Gilberto Carvalho, Vanessa Zettler (participao online), Jos Jnior, Boaventura de Sousa Santo. Evento pblico francs de Nelson Pereira dos Santos. Brasil, 1970. Com Arduno Colassanti, Ana Maria Magalhes, Eduardo Imbassahy Filho. 83. Em 1594, um aventureiro francs fica prisioneiro dos ndios Tamoios. Classificao indicativa 16 anos. Sesso VDEO-SHOW

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Democracia e Direitos




Como era gostoso o meu francs Sesso VDEO-SHOW Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Sustainable Development Dialogues: Food and Nutrition Security. Encerramento do Forum de Empreendedorismo Social A Conscincia dos Atores Aulo de Charme - Ocupao ABC Urbana

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18:00:00 18:00:00 18:15:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00

MAM Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Riocentro Forte de Copacabana CASA DA GVEA Em frente ao quiosque Globo Rio

OFFICIAL EVENTS inscries pelo site: (esgotado) Daniel Dantas, Bebel Lobo, Leonardo Netto, Marcos Palmeira e outros, em forma de entrevista. (Atores falam sobre suas expectativas sobre a Rio+20) Aulo de Charme com Dj Corello. . Entrada Franca The Philippines is one of the forerunners of sustainable development in Asia. Several months after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the Philippine Government initiated the formulation of the ?Philippine Agenda 21? (PA 21), which served as the country?s blueprint towards sustainable development. As the PA 21 marks its 15th year this 2012, the side-event aims to showcase the gains achieved and lessons learned by the Philippines on sustainable development thus far.

Sustaining the Gains of Philippine Agenda 21


13:00:00 AM

P3-2 (Riocentro) Looking towards the future, the Philippines consider green economy as the new rallying point for the better integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. Likewise, it recognizes the need to encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns as a tool and mechanism to achieve sustainable development. The side-event shall also serve as a venue to share results of the partnership of UNEP and the Philippine Government on SCP and GE.

The Philippines is one of the forerunners of sustainable development in Asia. Several months after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the Philippine Government initiated the formulation of the ?Philippine Agenda 21? (PA 21), which served as the country?s blueprint towards sustainable development. As the PA 21 marks its 15th year this 2012, the side-event aims to showcase the gains achieved and lessons learned by the Philippines on sustainable development thus far. Sustaining the Gains of Philippine Agenda 21 17/06/2012 13:00:00 AM P3-2 (Riocentro) Looking towards the future, the Philippines consider green economy as the new rallying point for the better integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. Likewise, it recognizes the need to encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns as a tool and mechanism to achieve sustainable development. The side-event shall also serve as a venue to share results of the partnership of UNEP and the Philippine Government on SCP and GE. The Philippines is one of the forerunners of sustainable development in Asia. Several months after the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the Philippine Government initiated the formulation of the ?Philippine Agenda 21? (PA 21), which served as the country?s blueprint towards sustainable development. As the PA 21 marks its 15th year this 2012, the side-event aims to showcase the gains achieved and lessons learned by the Philippines on sustainable development thus far. Sustaining the Gains of Philippine Agenda 21 17/06/2012 13:00:00 AM P3-2 (Riocentro) Looking towards the future, the Philippines consider green economy as the new rallying point for the better integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. Likewise, it recognizes the need to encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns as a tool and mechanism to achieve sustainable development. The side-event shall also serve as a venue to share results of the partnership of UNEP and the Philippine Government on SCP and GE. L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio. The worsening pollution and intensifying ecological degradation in recent years has made it clear that China cannot continue to go about business as usual. Traditional development models are now under scrutiny. Chinese NGOs have joined together in critically reviewing the practices and challenges of sustainable development over the past two decades (1992-2011). Their collective effort has cumulated in a joint report, China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development. Covering a wide range of issues, from water pollution to climate change to green finance, the report will be launched at this side event. Lead authors from different NGOs will share their unique writing processes, which involved a multiplicity of stakeholders and their diverse views. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, is a rare opportunity to learn from seldom-heard independent voices within Chinese civil societies on the challenges and opportunities of the world?s fastest growing economy. There is an urgent need to transform unsustainable agriculture and food systems. Industrial agriculture and other forms of unsustainable practices have caused dramatic problems. But resilient and sustainable modes of food production exist, and small scale food producers nourish more than 70% of the global population. How can we make the transition into agricultural production and food systems which can - drastically reduce poverty, - reduce climate change and cool the planet, - restore biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources, - improve livelihoods and provide employment for billions of people, - produce enough, good and nutritious food for 9 billion people or more? Examples of sustainable food systems and lessons learned from transition into such systems will be presented. Leader of farmers? organizations and international institutions will together with scientists and activists discuss how a transition into a viable food future can happen.

Partenariat sur la Contribution des Organisations au DD


13:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development


13:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Agricultural transition - into a viable food future


13:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

African Young Scientist Initiative on Climate Change and IKS


13:30:00 AM

P3-4 (Riocentro)

The African Young Scientists Initiative on Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AYSICCIKS) seeks to participate in Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2012. The Initiative will organize a round table discussion and mini-exhibition to promote and showcase examples of African best practices on: the Role of African Young Scientists in Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) for Sustainable Livelihoods within the context of climate change. The focus will be on the role of IKS in food security, natural resource management and health. The objectives are to share experiences with the international community on the outcome of AYSICCIKS?s participation and deliberations at COP 17 in Durban (2011); and to enable African young scientists to build international networks on IKS, Climate Change and sustainable development. Middle East is one of the most climate sensitive regions. According to latest IPCC assessment, the climate is predicted to become even hotter and drier in most of the MENA region. It is further estimated that an additional 80?100 million people will be exposed by 2025 to water stress that is likely to result in an even stronger pressure on groundwater resources. In addition,they are expected to fluctuate more widely, ultimately falling to a significantly lower long-term average. Global models predict sea levels rising from about 0.1 to 0.3 meters by the year 2050, and from about 0.1 to 0.9 meters by 2100. In the case of extreme scenarios (0.5), 12 millions are expected to be displaced in Egypt alone. It will be critical for the governments plan to answer and prioritize these new threats from more multi dimensional scenarios in order to keep social and political stability Ethiopia is one of the countries which are severely affected by the impacts of climate change which is hindering the country?s efforts to eradicate poverty and develop sustainably. The country is currently undertaking several efforts to wade of the problems including the initiation of the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. Civil society in Ethiopia in recent past have been addressing the issue of climate change to a greater extent, thereby also supporting the initiatives of the government. Apart from individual organizations, civil society coalitions have been formed (eg ECSNCC, HoAREN, PHE Consortia etc.) to address the issues pertaining to climate change. The side event will address the role and contribution of civil society in addressing climate change impacts. The panel will also bring out specific case studies and future opportunities for CSOs in Ethiopia. Participants will enjoy the first parts of the documentary No Fight No Victory, presented by awardwinning Director Jan van den Berg. One billion people in the world face hunger. In Brazils third city, Belo Horizonte, the right to food is now guaranteed by law. Its policy inspired many people in the world, but each country needs to find its own strategy. Together with journalist Sara Abreu Mata Machado, the film takes us around the world to see the hopeful developments eradicating hunger through the eyes of the people Sara meets. It becomes very clear: to arrive at a truly sustainable agriculture and food system, we need to transform the food value chains from production to consumption. Full Title: Innovative collaborations enabling women to develop scalable green economy businesses to accelerate sustainable development (Learnings from Brazil, Guatemala, India, Kenya, New Zealand and Turkey)

The Role of Climate Induced Displacement in Socio-economic Development


13:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Climate Change and SD in Ethiopia : Role of Civil Society


13:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

From Production To Consumption - Towards A Sustainable Food System


13:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

nnovative Collaborations Driving Inclusive Sustainable Growth


13:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro) The purpose of this side event is to share learnings from creative collaborations among businesses, NGOs and governments that help women access clean water and renewable energy sources to improve their family?s health and livelihoods and empower them to be part of green supply chain.

Get mad and do something about it! Youth as initiators for change


13:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

The title of this panel ?Get mad and do something about it? is not meant to inspire militant direct action. Instead, this panel is meant to recognize the anger many young people feel when we look to our future but it will also show that youth are determined to create a positive future and seeks to inspire them to do something about it. The Rio +20 summit focuses on two topics: on the one hand a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and on the other hand the institutional framework for sustainable development. The side event aims to illustrate how biodiversity use can serve these two strategic objectives. In 2009, the Natural Resources Stewardship Circle of the aromatic, perfume and cosmetics industry (NRSC) committed to developing collaborative guidelines for ethical and sustainable sourcing of natural extracts from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples and local communities (ILCs) producers around the world. Currently, NRSC membership is made up of 20+ major international companies. In this event, the NRSC, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Associacao Sociocultural Yawanawa, and Tribal Link Foundation will share experiences from the field and engage the audience in an open dialogue on the development of guidelines and the next steps forward.

Indigenous and Local Communities and the Private Sector


13:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Do we need a green industrial policy?


13:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Partenariat sur la Contribution des Organisations au DD


13:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Industrial policy has made a forceful comeback. The global economic and financial crisis demanded swift action by governments to support and restructure productive activities, and industry in particular, in order to protect employment. At the same time global challenges such as climate change cannot be addressed without decisive policy changes in industry-related incentives and regulations. The conditions are ripe for placing industrial policy at the core of the policy agenda for green growth and sustainable development. Industry produces large amounts of emissions and pollution while being a major source of employment and wages. Rio + 20 thus become a unique forum for suggesting global and national industrial policies that are green, inclusive and economically dynamic. The side-event will bring together the business sector, governments, academia and representatives of civil society. It will aim at discussing the fundamental sustainability choices and proposing guiding principles and best practices for industrial policy. L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio. The worsening pollution and intensifying ecological degradation in recent years has made it clear that China cannot continue to go about business as usual. Traditional development models are now under scrutiny. Chinese NGOs have joined together in critically reviewing the practices and challenges of sustainable development over the past two decades (1992-2011). Their collective effort has cumulated in a joint report, China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development. Covering a wide range of issues, from water pollution to climate change to green finance, the report will be launched at this side event. Lead authors from different NGOs will share their unique writing processes, which involved a multiplicity of stakeholders and their diverse views. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, is a rare opportunity to learn from seldom-heard independent voices within Chinese civil societies on the challenges and opportunities of the world?s fastest growing economy. There is an urgent need to transform unsustainable agriculture and food systems. Industrial agriculture and other forms of unsustainable practices have caused dramatic problems. But resilient and sustainable modes of food production exist, and small scale food producers nourish more than 70% of the global population. How can we make the transition into agricultural production and food systems which can - drastically reduce poverty, - reduce climate change and cool the planet, - restore biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources, - improve livelihoods and provide employment for billions of people, - produce enough, good and nutritious food for 9 billion people or more? Examples of sustainable food systems and lessons learned from transition into such systems will be presented. Leader of farmers? organizations and international institutions will together with scientists and activists discuss how a transition into a viable food future can happen. The African Young Scientists Initiative on Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AYSICCIKS) seeks to participate in Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2012. The Initiative will organize a round table discussion and mini-exhibition to promote and showcase examples of African best practices on: the Role of African Young Scientists in Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) for Sustainable Livelihoods within the context of climate change. The focus will be on the role of IKS in food security, natural resource management and health. The objectives are to share experiences with the international community on the outcome of AYSICCIKS?s participation and deliberations at COP 17 in Durban (2011); and to enable African young scientists to build international networks on IKS, Climate Change and sustainable development.

China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development


13:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Agricultural transition - into a viable food future


13:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

African Young Scientist Initiative on Climate Change and IKS


13:30:00 AM

P3-4 (Riocentro)

The Role of Climate Induced Displacement in Socio-economic Development


13:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Middle East is one of the most climate sensitive regions. According to latest IPCC assessment, the climate is predicted to become even hotter and drier in most of the MENA region. It is further estimated that an additional 80?100 million people will be exposed by 2025 to water stress that is likely to result in an even stronger pressure on groundwater resources. In addition,they are expected to fluctuate more widely, ultimately falling to a significantly lower long-term average. Global models predict sea levels rising from about 0.1 to 0.3 meters by the year 2050, and from about 0.1 to 0.9 meters by 2100. In the case of extreme scenarios (0.5), 12 millions are expected to be displaced in Egypt alone. It will be critical for the governments plan to answer and prioritize these new threats from more multi dimensional scenarios in order to keep social and political stability Ethiopia is one of the countries which are severely affected by the impacts of climate change which is hindering the country?s efforts to eradicate poverty and develop sustainably. The country is currently undertaking several efforts to wade of the problems including the initiation of the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. Civil society in Ethiopia in recent past have been addressing the issue of climate change to a greater extent, thereby also supporting the initiatives of the government. Apart from individual organizations, civil society coalitions have been formed (eg ECSNCC, HoAREN, PHE Consortia etc.) to address the issues pertaining to climate change. The side event will address the role and contribution of civil society in addressing climate change impacts. The panel will also bring out specific case studies and future opportunities for CSOs in Ethiopia. Participants will enjoy the first parts of the documentary No Fight No Victory, presented by awardwinning Director Jan van den Berg. One billion people in the world face hunger. In Brazils third city, Belo Horizonte, the right to food is now guaranteed by law. Its policy inspired many people in the world, but each country needs to find its own strategy. Together with journalist Sara Abreu Mata Machado, the film takes us around the world to see the hopeful developments eradicating hunger through the eyes of the people Sara meets. It becomes very clear: to arrive at a truly sustainable agriculture and food system, we need to transform the food value chains from production to consumption. Full Title: Innovative collaborations enabling women to develop scalable green economy businesses to accelerate sustainable development (Learnings from Brazil, Guatemala, India, Kenya, New Zealand and Turkey)

Climate Change and SD in Ethiopia : Role of Civil Society


13:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

From Production To Consumption - Towards A Sustainable Food System


13:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

nnovative Collaborations Driving Inclusive Sustainable Growth


13:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro) The purpose of this side event is to share learnings from creative collaborations among businesses, NGOs and governments that help women access clean water and renewable energy sources to improve their family?s health and livelihoods and empower them to be part of green supply chain.

Get mad and do something about it! Youth as initiators for change


13:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

The title of this panel ?Get mad and do something about it? is not meant to inspire militant direct action. Instead, this panel is meant to recognize the anger many young people feel when we look to our future but it will also show that youth are determined to create a positive future and seeks to inspire them to do something about it. The Rio +20 summit focuses on two topics: on the one hand a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and on the other hand the institutional framework for sustainable development. The side event aims to illustrate how biodiversity use can serve these two strategic objectives. In 2009, the Natural Resources Stewardship Circle of the aromatic, perfume and cosmetics industry (NRSC) committed to developing collaborative guidelines for ethical and sustainable sourcing of natural extracts from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples and local communities (ILCs) producers around the world. Currently, NRSC membership is made up of 20+ major international companies. In this event, the NRSC, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Associacao Sociocultural Yawanawa, and Tribal Link Foundation will share experiences from the field and engage the audience in an open dialogue on the development of guidelines and the next steps forward.

Indigenous and Local Communities and the Private Sector


13:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Do we need a green industrial policy?


13:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Partenariat sur la Contribution des Organisations au DD


13:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Industrial policy has made a forceful comeback. The global economic and financial crisis demanded swift action by governments to support and restructure productive activities, and industry in particular, in order to protect employment. At the same time global challenges such as climate change cannot be addressed without decisive policy changes in industry-related incentives and regulations. The conditions are ripe for placing industrial policy at the core of the policy agenda for green growth and sustainable development. Industry produces large amounts of emissions and pollution while being a major source of employment and wages. Rio + 20 thus become a unique forum for suggesting global and national industrial policies that are green, inclusive and economically dynamic. The side-event will bring together the business sector, governments, academia and representatives of civil society. It will aim at discussing the fundamental sustainability choices and proposing guiding principles and best practices for industrial policy. L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio. The worsening pollution and intensifying ecological degradation in recent years has made it clear that China cannot continue to go about business as usual. Traditional development models are now under scrutiny. Chinese NGOs have joined together in critically reviewing the practices and challenges of sustainable development over the past two decades (1992-2011). Their collective effort has cumulated in a joint report, China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development. Covering a wide range of issues, from water pollution to climate change to green finance, the report will be launched at this side event. Lead authors from different NGOs will share their unique writing processes, which involved a multiplicity of stakeholders and their diverse views. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, is a rare opportunity to learn from seldom-heard independent voices within Chinese civil societies on the challenges and opportunities of the world?s fastest growing economy. There is an urgent need to transform unsustainable agriculture and food systems. Industrial agriculture and other forms of unsustainable practices have caused dramatic problems. But resilient and sustainable modes of food production exist, and small scale food producers nourish more than 70% of the global population. How can we make the transition into agricultural production and food systems which can - drastically reduce poverty, - reduce climate change and cool the planet, - restore biodiversity, soil fertility and water resources, - improve livelihoods and provide employment for billions of people, - produce enough, good and nutritious food for 9 billion people or more? Examples of sustainable food systems and lessons learned from transition into such systems will be presented. Leader of farmers? organizations and international institutions will together with scientists and activists discuss how a transition into a viable food future can happen. The African Young Scientists Initiative on Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (AYSICCIKS) seeks to participate in Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, June 2012. The Initiative will organize a round table discussion and mini-exhibition to promote and showcase examples of African best practices on: the Role of African Young Scientists in Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) for Sustainable Livelihoods within the context of climate change. The focus will be on the role of IKS in food security, natural resource management and health. The objectives are to share experiences with the international community on the outcome of AYSICCIKS?s participation and deliberations at COP 17 in Durban (2011); and to enable African young scientists to build international networks on IKS, Climate Change and sustainable development.

China Going Green? A Civil Society Review of 20 years of Sustainable Development


13:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Agricultural transition - into a viable food future


13:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

African Young Scientist Initiative on Climate Change and IKS


13:30:00 AM

P3-4 (Riocentro)

The Role of Climate Induced Displacement in Socio-economic Development


13:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Middle East is one of the most climate sensitive regions. According to latest IPCC assessment, the climate is predicted to become even hotter and drier in most of the MENA region. It is further estimated that an additional 80?100 million people will be exposed by 2025 to water stress that is likely to result in an even stronger pressure on groundwater resources. In addition,they are expected to fluctuate more widely, ultimately falling to a significantly lower long-term average. Global models predict sea levels rising from about 0.1 to 0.3 meters by the year 2050, and from about 0.1 to 0.9 meters by 2100. In the case of extreme scenarios (0.5), 12 millions are expected to be displaced in Egypt alone. It will be critical for the governments plan to answer and prioritize these new threats from more multi dimensional scenarios in order to keep social and political stability Ethiopia is one of the countries which are severely affected by the impacts of climate change which is hindering the country?s efforts to eradicate poverty and develop sustainably. The country is currently undertaking several efforts to wade of the problems including the initiation of the Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy. Civil society in Ethiopia in recent past have been addressing the issue of climate change to a greater extent, thereby also supporting the initiatives of the government. Apart from individual organizations, civil society coalitions have been formed (eg ECSNCC, HoAREN, PHE Consortia etc.) to address the issues pertaining to climate change. The side event will address the role and contribution of civil society in addressing climate change impacts. The panel will also bring out specific case studies and future opportunities for CSOs in Ethiopia. Participants will enjoy the first parts of the documentary No Fight No Victory, presented by awardwinning Director Jan van den Berg. One billion people in the world face hunger. In Brazils third city, Belo Horizonte, the right to food is now guaranteed by law. Its policy inspired many people in the world, but each country needs to find its own strategy. Together with journalist Sara Abreu Mata Machado, the film takes us around the world to see the hopeful developments eradicating hunger through the eyes of the people Sara meets. It becomes very clear: to arrive at a truly sustainable agriculture and food system, we need to transform the food value chains from production to consumption. Full Title: Innovative collaborations enabling women to develop scalable green economy businesses to accelerate sustainable development (Learnings from Brazil, Guatemala, India, Kenya, New Zealand and Turkey)

Climate Change and SD in Ethiopia : Role of Civil Society


13:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

From Production To Consumption - Towards A Sustainable Food System


13:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

nnovative Collaborations Driving Inclusive Sustainable Growth


13:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro) The purpose of this side event is to share learnings from creative collaborations among businesses, NGOs and governments that help women access clean water and renewable energy sources to improve their family?s health and livelihoods and empower them to be part of green supply chain.

Get mad and do something about it! Youth as initiators for change


13:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

The title of this panel ?Get mad and do something about it? is not meant to inspire militant direct action. Instead, this panel is meant to recognize the anger many young people feel when we look to our future but it will also show that youth are determined to create a positive future and seeks to inspire them to do something about it. The Rio +20 summit focuses on two topics: on the one hand a green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and on the other hand the institutional framework for sustainable development. The side event aims to illustrate how biodiversity use can serve these two strategic objectives. In 2009, the Natural Resources Stewardship Circle of the aromatic, perfume and cosmetics industry (NRSC) committed to developing collaborative guidelines for ethical and sustainable sourcing of natural extracts from the traditional territories of indigenous peoples and local communities (ILCs) producers around the world. Currently, NRSC membership is made up of 20+ major international companies. In this event, the NRSC, in cooperation with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Associacao Sociocultural Yawanawa, and Tribal Link Foundation will share experiences from the field and engage the audience in an open dialogue on the development of guidelines and the next steps forward.

Indigenous and Local Communities and the Private Sector


13:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Do we need a green industrial policy?


13:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Industrial policy has made a forceful comeback. The global economic and financial crisis demanded swift action by governments to support and restructure productive activities, and industry in particular, in order to protect employment. At the same time global challenges such as climate change cannot be addressed without decisive policy changes in industry-related incentives and regulations. The conditions are ripe for placing industrial policy at the core of the policy agenda for green growth and sustainable development. Industry produces large amounts of emissions and pollution while being a major source of employment and wages. Rio + 20 thus become a unique forum for suggesting global and national industrial policies that are green, inclusive and economically dynamic. The side-event will bring together the business sector, governments, academia and representatives of civil society. It will aim at discussing the fundamental sustainability choices and proposing guiding principles and best practices for industrial policy. The side event will present the SD21 project?s synthesis report for policy makers. The report draws upon a series of studies carried out under the project, in addition to recent major assessments. The SD21 studies approach sustainable development from various perspectives: (a) expert assessment of the progress made since 1992, including a review of Agenda 21 and the Rio principles; (b) critical analysis of global scenario exercises since 1992; (c) future vision of sustainable development, as suggested by ecological economics, compared to the ?green economy? and ?business-as-usual? views; (d) sectoral perspectives on challenges and potential ways forward. The project also includes a scenario component which analyzes sustainable development options based on the most recent scenarios prepared by key institutions for Rio+20. China?s spectacular economic growth in the last two decades has led to unprecedented environmental problems. Against this background, many youth environmental groups have sprung up across China, reflecting the aspirations of a green future by the next generation. In recent years, passionate Chinese youth are rising to the challenge and flocking to join the battle of creating a sustainable future. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, will review the history, successes and challenges of Chinese youth environmental activism. Speakers will articulate a youth perspective on China?s development and future. In order to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 21, Central African countries had taken relevant measures and institutional frameworks to promote sustainable development in Central Africa. The Summit of Rio+20 is an excellent opportunity for these countries to share their achievements and lessons learnt with the rest of the world. It is in this framework that, the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) which is an Intergovernmental Organization established in 2000 by the Heads of State of Central African Countries (ten countries members: Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Sao Tome & Principes) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) want to organize this side-event. This meeting will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Summit by the fact that, topics which will address have a linkage with the thematic of Rio+20. Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) actively collaborates with Ocean in Google Earth as the institution?s local partner in the Dominican Republic to provide and create content for ?Explore the Ocean?, a GFDD educational initiative, and one that will be highlighted at a special side panel to be held at the Rio + 20 Conference. Ocean in Google Earth collects local stories and locally-based knowledge from people who care about the ocean environment worldwide. These stories are related to six key areas: ecosystems, marine life, ocean and atmosphere, science and exploration, marine protected areas and human connections. GFDD and Ocean in Google Earth have teamed up to create a geo-referenced layer on Google Earth named Mission Blue. Mission Blue is built using a multimedia format including video footage, pictures, local music and the presentation of short stories in Spanish highlighting scientific studies, creating awareness of marine and coastal ecosystems and highlighting best practices as well as documenting the challenges & opportunities that lie ahead for the oceans. c'est un sminaire d?change et d'information sur le Lac Tchad A lack of resources hampers poor countries? ability to develop sustainably. Indeed insufficient financial resources are a major reason for the gaps in implementing the agreed sustainable development commitments and action programmes since the 1992 Rio Summit on Environment and Development. Tax revenues can provide governments with the sustainable and predictable resources they need. However the ability of governments to collect tax revenues is systematically undermined by a lack of capacity in tax authorities, poor tax systems and financial secrecy. This side event will explore how the obstacles to mobilising tax revenues could be overcome in the interests of sustainable development globally, particularly in developing countries.

Launch of report "Sustainable development for the 21st Century"


15:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

China Going Green? Youth Environmental Actions Rising to the Challenges


15:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Achievements of Central Africa for the implementation of Agenda 21


15:30:00 AM

Auditorium 2 (Barra Arena)

Oceans In Google Earth as an Environmental Educational Tool- the Dominican Perspective


15:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Seminaire d'echange et d'information sur le Lac Tchad


15:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tax justice: key to sustainable development?


15:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Society Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

T-11 (Riocentro)

There are many converging processes contributing to the preparation of the conference, the commitment of civil society is one of those. For over a year, civil society organizations in China, Europe and South America have been preparing for this world event and are expected to make contributions to Rio+20 from their perspectives. We are well aware, perhaps more than ever, that the interdependencies at a global level are irreversible, and world governance and the institutional framework for sustainable development cannot work without regional and global consensus and joint actions. In this sense, Association 4D and CEF are willing to organize during Rio+20 Conference a side event ?Jointly Heading for the Future We Want, calling on a Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies in Rio+20?. This workshop will focus on the perspectives of Voices from the South on how addressing population dynamics at national and community levels in ways that respect and protect human rights can make a significant contribution to sustainable development. Focused on the intersection between the ?social? and ?environmental? dimensions of sustainable development, this workshop will bring together global and local perspectives on how population dynamics, including growth, urbanization, migration etc affect sustainable development priorities, including the green economy, climate change, environmental degradation, poverty alleviation and gender equality. Presentations will focus on how the provision of voluntary family planning services that respect and protect rights can be combined with environmental approaches to meet a range of sustainable development needs defined at community level that have global potential and impact. The side event aims to trace, compile and highlight the role and contribution of exceptional women leaders , in the local, national and global scene to empower women to gain equality with men, enjoy human rights, and move towards a sustainable present and future for all, within the timeframe of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment(UNCHE) in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972 to the coming United Nations Conference on the Environment , Rio+20 in June 2012. The Canadian Earth Summit Coalition has been the focal point for Canadian civil society in the leadup to Rio+20. The side event is an opportunity for the Coalition to present highlights of its We Canada initiative ? an ambitious public engagement and policy development strategy. During the event, we will: release a comprehensive report detailing priorities of over 7,000 Canadians from public dialogues; detail the successes and lessons learned from an extensive cross-Canada tour; preview a short ?Rio+20 cut? of a documentary of the We Canada journey, including interviews with young Canadians; and, discuss the process of developing and proposing policy initiatives. We Canada Champion and sustainability advocate Severn Cullis-Suzuki will provide a keynote address, and Coalition partners will weigh in on the importance of civil society leadership. In addition to highlighting policy possibilities, the event will be an opportunity to share best practices for cross-country public engagement and coalition-building. This session will focus on the need to strengthen and democratize the institutional framework for an emerging global system of sustainable development governance and an international rule of law. We will address the need to uplevel UNEP into an implementing and regulating agency and to transform the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) into a Council with binding and enforceable coordinating powers. In cities around the world, grassroots recycling workers, visionary local leaders, and innovative practitioners are showing that zero waste is an achievable goal whose day has come. In contrast with the primitive idea of burning our garbage, recycling and composting create livelihoods, save money, and protect the environment and public health. These efforts go hand-in-hand with clean production, producer responsibility, and waste minimization programs for dangerous and hard-to-recycle materials. Together, these practical, bottom-up strategies also provide some of the best decentralized urban solutions for reducing climate pollution and conserving energy and natural resources. This event will feature leading-edge practitioners from Brazil, India, the United States, and several other countries where workers and environmentalists have come together to support truly sustainable approaches to waste and development. They will present their achievements along the road to zero waste, countervailing forces, and will describe lessons they have learned to share with other communities. In January 2011, The Nature Conservancy and The Dow Chemical Company announced a breakthrough collaboration?one that will help Dow and the business community recognize, value and incorporate nature into global business goals, decisions and strategies. The event will be about the contribution of the construction industry to sustainable development

Population, Rights and Sustainability: Voices from the Global South


15:30:00 AM

P3-F (Riocentro)

Women Empowering Women: From Stockholm to Rio, following footprints & continuing the legacy of women's leadership in advancing sustainable development, gender equality, and human rights from local, national, to global


15:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

We Canada: A Journey for Canadian Leadership at Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)

Creating a More Effective System of Environmental and Sustainable Development Governance


15:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

Zero Waste is Happening! Successes & struggles for real sustainability


15:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Valuing Ecosystem Services Sustainable Construction

17/06/2012 17/06/2012

15:30:00 AM 15:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro) P3-A (Riocentro)

Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development in Africa: Integrating the three Pillars of Sustainable Development


15:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Effective and well-coordinated institutions and strategies are essential in achieving a balanced integration of economic, social and environmental interests, central to accelerating progress towards sustainable development. As such, it is pertinent that Africa is adequately prepared to articulate its vision for a reformed global institutional framework that could ensure effective linkages and synergies, while at the same time supporting institutions at the regional, sub-regional, national and local levels to effectively implement sustainable development commitments. This side event will provide Africa and its partners a platform to deliberate on institutional frameworks at the regional, subregional, national and local levels that are responsive to the requirements of sustainable development, as well as on the model of global level institutional architecture that could support such institutions and their strategies. It will also serve as a launching platform for further consultations on the functioning and implementation of institutions and strategies in Africa after Rio+20. The side event will present the SD21 project?s synthesis report for policy makers. The report draws upon a series of studies carried out under the project, in addition to recent major assessments. The SD21 studies approach sustainable development from various perspectives: (a) expert assessment of the progress made since 1992, including a review of Agenda 21 and the Rio principles; (b) critical analysis of global scenario exercises since 1992; (c) future vision of sustainable development, as suggested by ecological economics, compared to the ?green economy? and ?business-as-usual? views; (d) sectoral perspectives on challenges and potential ways forward. The project also includes a scenario component which analyzes sustainable development options based on the most recent scenarios prepared by key institutions for Rio+20. China?s spectacular economic growth in the last two decades has led to unprecedented environmental problems. Against this background, many youth environmental groups have sprung up across China, reflecting the aspirations of a green future by the next generation. In recent years, passionate Chinese youth are rising to the challenge and flocking to join the battle of creating a sustainable future. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, will review the history, successes and challenges of Chinese youth environmental activism. Speakers will articulate a youth perspective on China?s development and future. In order to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 21, Central African countries had taken relevant measures and institutional frameworks to promote sustainable development in Central Africa. The Summit of Rio+20 is an excellent opportunity for these countries to share their achievements and lessons learnt with the rest of the world. It is in this framework that, the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) which is an Intergovernmental Organization established in 2000 by the Heads of State of Central African Countries (ten countries members: Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Sao Tome & Principes) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) want to organize this side-event. This meeting will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Summit by the fact that, topics which will address have a linkage with the thematic of Rio+20. Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) actively collaborates with Ocean in Google Earth as the institution?s local partner in the Dominican Republic to provide and create content for ?Explore the Ocean?, a GFDD educational initiative, and one that will be highlighted at a special side panel to be held at the Rio + 20 Conference. Ocean in Google Earth collects local stories and locally-based knowledge from people who care about the ocean environment worldwide. These stories are related to six key areas: ecosystems, marine life, ocean and atmosphere, science and exploration, marine protected areas and human connections. GFDD and Ocean in Google Earth have teamed up to create a geo-referenced layer on Google Earth named Mission Blue. Mission Blue is built using a multimedia format including video footage, pictures, local music and the presentation of short stories in Spanish highlighting scientific studies, creating awareness of marine and coastal ecosystems and highlighting best practices as well as documenting the challenges & opportunities that lie ahead for the oceans. c'est un sminaire d?change et d'information sur le Lac Tchad A lack of resources hampers poor countries? ability to develop sustainably. Indeed insufficient financial resources are a major reason for the gaps in implementing the agreed sustainable development commitments and action programmes since the 1992 Rio Summit on Environment and Development. Tax revenues can provide governments with the sustainable and predictable resources they need. However the ability of governments to collect tax revenues is systematically undermined by a lack of capacity in tax authorities, poor tax systems and financial secrecy. This side event will explore how the obstacles to mobilising tax revenues could be overcome in the interests of sustainable development globally, particularly in developing countries.

Launch of report "Sustainable development for the 21st Century"


15:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

China Going Green? Youth Environmental Actions Rising to the Challenges


15:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Achievements of Central Africa for the implementation of Agenda 21


15:30:00 AM

Auditorium 2 (Barra Arena)

Oceans In Google Earth as an Environmental Educational Tool- the Dominican Perspective


15:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Seminaire d'echange et d'information sur le Lac Tchad


15:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tax justice: key to sustainable development?


15:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Society Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

T-11 (Riocentro)

There are many converging processes contributing to the preparation of the conference, the commitment of civil society is one of those. For over a year, civil society organizations in China, Europe and South America have been preparing for this world event and are expected to make contributions to Rio+20 from their perspectives. We are well aware, perhaps more than ever, that the interdependencies at a global level are irreversible, and world governance and the institutional framework for sustainable development cannot work without regional and global consensus and joint actions. In this sense, Association 4D and CEF are willing to organize during Rio+20 Conference a side event ?Jointly Heading for the Future We Want, calling on a Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies in Rio+20?. This workshop will focus on the perspectives of Voices from the South on how addressing population dynamics at national and community levels in ways that respect and protect human rights can make a significant contribution to sustainable development. Focused on the intersection between the ?social? and ?environmental? dimensions of sustainable development, this workshop will bring together global and local perspectives on how population dynamics, including growth, urbanization, migration etc affect sustainable development priorities, including the green economy, climate change, environmental degradation, poverty alleviation and gender equality. Presentations will focus on how the provision of voluntary family planning services that respect and protect rights can be combined with environmental approaches to meet a range of sustainable development needs defined at community level that have global potential and impact. The side event aims to trace, compile and highlight the role and contribution of exceptional women leaders , in the local, national and global scene to empower women to gain equality with men, enjoy human rights, and move towards a sustainable present and future for all, within the timeframe of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment(UNCHE) in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972 to the coming United Nations Conference on the Environment , Rio+20 in June 2012. The Canadian Earth Summit Coalition has been the focal point for Canadian civil society in the leadup to Rio+20. The side event is an opportunity for the Coalition to present highlights of its We Canada initiative ? an ambitious public engagement and policy development strategy. During the event, we will: release a comprehensive report detailing priorities of over 7,000 Canadians from public dialogues; detail the successes and lessons learned from an extensive cross-Canada tour; preview a short ?Rio+20 cut? of a documentary of the We Canada journey, including interviews with young Canadians; and, discuss the process of developing and proposing policy initiatives. We Canada Champion and sustainability advocate Severn Cullis-Suzuki will provide a keynote address, and Coalition partners will weigh in on the importance of civil society leadership. In addition to highlighting policy possibilities, the event will be an opportunity to share best practices for cross-country public engagement and coalition-building. This session will focus on the need to strengthen and democratize the institutional framework for an emerging global system of sustainable development governance and an international rule of law. We will address the need to uplevel UNEP into an implementing and regulating agency and to transform the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) into a Council with binding and enforceable coordinating powers. In cities around the world, grassroots recycling workers, visionary local leaders, and innovative practitioners are showing that zero waste is an achievable goal whose day has come. In contrast with the primitive idea of burning our garbage, recycling and composting create livelihoods, save money, and protect the environment and public health. These efforts go hand-in-hand with clean production, producer responsibility, and waste minimization programs for dangerous and hard-to-recycle materials. Together, these practical, bottom-up strategies also provide some of the best decentralized urban solutions for reducing climate pollution and conserving energy and natural resources. This event will feature leading-edge practitioners from Brazil, India, the United States, and several other countries where workers and environmentalists have come together to support truly sustainable approaches to waste and development. They will present their achievements along the road to zero waste, countervailing forces, and will describe lessons they have learned to share with other communities. In January 2011, The Nature Conservancy and The Dow Chemical Company announced a breakthrough collaboration?one that will help Dow and the business community recognize, value and incorporate nature into global business goals, decisions and strategies. The event will be about the contribution of the construction industry to sustainable development

Population, Rights and Sustainability: Voices from the Global South


15:30:00 AM

P3-F (Riocentro)

Women Empowering Women: From Stockholm to Rio, following footprints & continuing the legacy of women's leadership in advancing sustainable development, gender equality, and human rights from local, national, to global


15:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

We Canada: A Journey for Canadian Leadership at Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)

Creating a More Effective System of Environmental and Sustainable Development Governance


15:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

Zero Waste is Happening! Successes & struggles for real sustainability


15:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Valuing Ecosystem Services Sustainable Construction

17/06/2012 17/06/2012

15:30:00 AM 15:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro) P3-A (Riocentro)

Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development in Africa: Integrating the three Pillars of Sustainable Development


15:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Effective and well-coordinated institutions and strategies are essential in achieving a balanced integration of economic, social and environmental interests, central to accelerating progress towards sustainable development. As such, it is pertinent that Africa is adequately prepared to articulate its vision for a reformed global institutional framework that could ensure effective linkages and synergies, while at the same time supporting institutions at the regional, sub-regional, national and local levels to effectively implement sustainable development commitments. This side event will provide Africa and its partners a platform to deliberate on institutional frameworks at the regional, subregional, national and local levels that are responsive to the requirements of sustainable development, as well as on the model of global level institutional architecture that could support such institutions and their strategies. It will also serve as a launching platform for further consultations on the functioning and implementation of institutions and strategies in Africa after Rio+20. The side event will present the SD21 project?s synthesis report for policy makers. The report draws upon a series of studies carried out under the project, in addition to recent major assessments. The SD21 studies approach sustainable development from various perspectives: (a) expert assessment of the progress made since 1992, including a review of Agenda 21 and the Rio principles; (b) critical analysis of global scenario exercises since 1992; (c) future vision of sustainable development, as suggested by ecological economics, compared to the ?green economy? and ?business-as-usual? views; (d) sectoral perspectives on challenges and potential ways forward. The project also includes a scenario component which analyzes sustainable development options based on the most recent scenarios prepared by key institutions for Rio+20. China?s spectacular economic growth in the last two decades has led to unprecedented environmental problems. Against this background, many youth environmental groups have sprung up across China, reflecting the aspirations of a green future by the next generation. In recent years, passionate Chinese youth are rising to the challenge and flocking to join the battle of creating a sustainable future. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues, will review the history, successes and challenges of Chinese youth environmental activism. Speakers will articulate a youth perspective on China?s development and future. In order to contribute to the implementation of Agenda 21, Central African countries had taken relevant measures and institutional frameworks to promote sustainable development in Central Africa. The Summit of Rio+20 is an excellent opportunity for these countries to share their achievements and lessons learnt with the rest of the world. It is in this framework that, the Central African Forests Commission (COMIFAC) which is an Intergovernmental Organization established in 2000 by the Heads of State of Central African Countries (ten countries members: Burundi, Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Rwanda and Sao Tome & Principes) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) want to organize this side-event. This meeting will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of this Summit by the fact that, topics which will address have a linkage with the thematic of Rio+20. Global Foundation for Democracy and Development (GFDD) actively collaborates with Ocean in Google Earth as the institution?s local partner in the Dominican Republic to provide and create content for ?Explore the Ocean?, a GFDD educational initiative, and one that will be highlighted at a special side panel to be held at the Rio + 20 Conference. Ocean in Google Earth collects local stories and locally-based knowledge from people who care about the ocean environment worldwide. These stories are related to six key areas: ecosystems, marine life, ocean and atmosphere, science and exploration, marine protected areas and human connections. GFDD and Ocean in Google Earth have teamed up to create a geo-referenced layer on Google Earth named Mission Blue. Mission Blue is built using a multimedia format including video footage, pictures, local music and the presentation of short stories in Spanish highlighting scientific studies, creating awareness of marine and coastal ecosystems and highlighting best practices as well as documenting the challenges & opportunities that lie ahead for the oceans. c'est un sminaire d?change et d'information sur le Lac Tchad A lack of resources hampers poor countries? ability to develop sustainably. Indeed insufficient financial resources are a major reason for the gaps in implementing the agreed sustainable development commitments and action programmes since the 1992 Rio Summit on Environment and Development. Tax revenues can provide governments with the sustainable and predictable resources they need. However the ability of governments to collect tax revenues is systematically undermined by a lack of capacity in tax authorities, poor tax systems and financial secrecy. This side event will explore how the obstacles to mobilising tax revenues could be overcome in the interests of sustainable development globally, particularly in developing countries.

Launch of report "Sustainable development for the 21st Century"


15:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

China Going Green? Youth Environmental Actions Rising to the Challenges


15:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Achievements of Central Africa for the implementation of Agenda 21


15:30:00 AM

Auditorium 2 (Barra Arena)

Oceans In Google Earth as an Environmental Educational Tool- the Dominican Perspective


15:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Seminaire d'echange et d'information sur le Lac Tchad


15:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tax justice: key to sustainable development?


15:30:00 AM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Society Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

T-11 (Riocentro)

There are many converging processes contributing to the preparation of the conference, the commitment of civil society is one of those. For over a year, civil society organizations in China, Europe and South America have been preparing for this world event and are expected to make contributions to Rio+20 from their perspectives. We are well aware, perhaps more than ever, that the interdependencies at a global level are irreversible, and world governance and the institutional framework for sustainable development cannot work without regional and global consensus and joint actions. In this sense, Association 4D and CEF are willing to organize during Rio+20 Conference a side event ?Jointly Heading for the Future We Want, calling on a Tripartite Dialogue of Chinese, European and South American Civil Societies in Rio+20?. This workshop will focus on the perspectives of Voices from the South on how addressing population dynamics at national and community levels in ways that respect and protect human rights can make a significant contribution to sustainable development. Focused on the intersection between the ?social? and ?environmental? dimensions of sustainable development, this workshop will bring together global and local perspectives on how population dynamics, including growth, urbanization, migration etc affect sustainable development priorities, including the green economy, climate change, environmental degradation, poverty alleviation and gender equality. Presentations will focus on how the provision of voluntary family planning services that respect and protect rights can be combined with environmental approaches to meet a range of sustainable development needs defined at community level that have global potential and impact. The side event aims to trace, compile and highlight the role and contribution of exceptional women leaders , in the local, national and global scene to empower women to gain equality with men, enjoy human rights, and move towards a sustainable present and future for all, within the timeframe of the first United Nations Conference on the Human Environment(UNCHE) in Stockholm, Sweden in 1972 to the coming United Nations Conference on the Environment , Rio+20 in June 2012. The Canadian Earth Summit Coalition has been the focal point for Canadian civil society in the leadup to Rio+20. The side event is an opportunity for the Coalition to present highlights of its We Canada initiative ? an ambitious public engagement and policy development strategy. During the event, we will: release a comprehensive report detailing priorities of over 7,000 Canadians from public dialogues; detail the successes and lessons learned from an extensive cross-Canada tour; preview a short ?Rio+20 cut? of a documentary of the We Canada journey, including interviews with young Canadians; and, discuss the process of developing and proposing policy initiatives. We Canada Champion and sustainability advocate Severn Cullis-Suzuki will provide a keynote address, and Coalition partners will weigh in on the importance of civil society leadership. In addition to highlighting policy possibilities, the event will be an opportunity to share best practices for cross-country public engagement and coalition-building. This session will focus on the need to strengthen and democratize the institutional framework for an emerging global system of sustainable development governance and an international rule of law. We will address the need to uplevel UNEP into an implementing and regulating agency and to transform the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) into a Council with binding and enforceable coordinating powers. In cities around the world, grassroots recycling workers, visionary local leaders, and innovative practitioners are showing that zero waste is an achievable goal whose day has come. In contrast with the primitive idea of burning our garbage, recycling and composting create livelihoods, save money, and protect the environment and public health. These efforts go hand-in-hand with clean production, producer responsibility, and waste minimization programs for dangerous and hard-to-recycle materials. Together, these practical, bottom-up strategies also provide some of the best decentralized urban solutions for reducing climate pollution and conserving energy and natural resources. This event will feature leading-edge practitioners from Brazil, India, the United States, and several other countries where workers and environmentalists have come together to support truly sustainable approaches to waste and development. They will present their achievements along the road to zero waste, countervailing forces, and will describe lessons they have learned to share with other communities. In January 2011, The Nature Conservancy and The Dow Chemical Company announced a breakthrough collaboration?one that will help Dow and the business community recognize, value and incorporate nature into global business goals, decisions and strategies. The event will be about the contribution of the construction industry to sustainable development

Population, Rights and Sustainability: Voices from the Global South


15:30:00 AM

P3-F (Riocentro)

Women Empowering Women: From Stockholm to Rio, following footprints & continuing the legacy of women's leadership in advancing sustainable development, gender equality, and human rights from local, national, to global


15:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

We Canada: A Journey for Canadian Leadership at Rio+20


15:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)

Creating a More Effective System of Environmental and Sustainable Development Governance


15:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)

Zero Waste is Happening! Successes & struggles for real sustainability


15:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Valuing Ecosystem Services Sustainable Construction

17/06/2012 17/06/2012

15:30:00 AM 15:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro) P3-A (Riocentro)

Institutional and Strategic Frameworks for Sustainable Development in Africa: Integrating the three Pillars of Sustainable Development


15:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Effective and well-coordinated institutions and strategies are essential in achieving a balanced integration of economic, social and environmental interests, central to accelerating progress towards sustainable development. As such, it is pertinent that Africa is adequately prepared to articulate its vision for a reformed global institutional framework that could ensure effective linkages and synergies, while at the same time supporting institutions at the regional, sub-regional, national and local levels to effectively implement sustainable development commitments. This side event will provide Africa and its partners a platform to deliberate on institutional frameworks at the regional, subregional, national and local levels that are responsive to the requirements of sustainable development, as well as on the model of global level institutional architecture that could support such institutions and their strategies. It will also serve as a launching platform for further consultations on the functioning and implementation of institutions and strategies in Africa after Rio+20. Women in many countries are disproportionally affected by climate change impacts with many women in developing countries hit the worst. They have different experiences, knowledge and capabilities from men which are instrumental for effective action on improving climate resilience, safeguarding forest stocks and reducing mitigation. In many cases, grassroots women in developing countries have taken action with community-based action, providing leadership, initiative and innovation. However, existing public financing instruments for climate change action very insufficiently are taking gender-differentiated impacts and contributions into account in allocating funding for projects and programs in developing countries to deal with climate change. Even where dedicated climate financing and climate-related development financing instrument display some gender-awareness, fund structures such as allocation frameworks or financial instruments used very rarely ensure that grassroots women, those at the forefront of the fight against climate change, are direct beneficiaries of dedicated public funding. Over recent decades, debate has been raging on the effectiveness of aid to achieve economic or development targets, with increasing focus on improving effectiveness of use, in particular in view of the current multiple crises. The potential result is a vicious cycle, i.e. the apparent lack of legitimacy that results from ineffective use of available resources may serve to reinforce the existing tendencies towards shrinking financing. This side event will serve as a platform for dialogue between African member States and their partners on: how resources can be mobilized for sustainable development ? both domestically and internationally ? with a particular emphasis on innovative sources of finance and leveraging resources from the private sector; and how national institutions can be assisted to effectively utilize these resources. The expectation is that active debate will lead to increased understanding of the options available for African countries, with regards to fostering the implementation of sustainable development commitments. A sustainable future requires major transformation in our current economic model. In a context of rising inequalities, unemployment, precarious work and irreversible environmental degradation, the labour movement is mobilised to promote an alternative model, where people and the planet are at the centre, and where a Just Transition is designed to accompany us all in the process of achieving it. Hear inspiring examples and share ideas about what trade unions and workers are doing to create more sustainable communities and how workers contribute to sustainable development. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a critical role to promote the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. ICTs are the most inclusive infrastructure on the planet, with 90% of the world population connected to mobile services and over one third connected to the Internet. ICTs are a truly unique platform for progress that creates wealth, optimize the use of natural resources, enables a low carbon economy and give equitable access to basic public services, such as health care and education. ICTs play a pivotal role in monitoring, predicting and detecting natural disasters. Using these technologies to mitigate disasters contributes to saving human life, protecting infrastructure, and supporting economic activity leading to sustainable development. The side event ?ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future? will look at specific ICT applications and services that have the capacity to contribute to the transition towards a green economy and to poverty alleviation.

Bringing Climate Finance to Grassroots Women - What does it take?


17:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)



17:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Another work is possible: a trade union contribution to Sustainable Development


17:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future


17:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Harnessing globalization for the green economy


17:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

Efforts to advance the green economy face tremendous challenges. They have to receive the sustained support from citizen and hence work within national economic systems to meet specific constraints and needs. They also have to be coordinated at global level to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts and increase the net benefits to ?turn green? for any country. Budding initiatives for greening the economy demonstrate that every green economy will be unique. They also suggest that their public policy content and the specific policy and measures used can turn conflicting in the current context of lingering crisis in some OECD countries and exacerbated power relations induced by fast convergence across developing and developed economies. How best harness globalization for the green economy is the issue at stake we intend to address in this side-event. Since 2008, FAS is responsible for implementing the largest Payment for Environmental Services (PES) program in the world, the Bolsa Floresta Program, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. Within this context, FAS organized several initiatives on South-South cooperation with Mozambique (20092011), Panam (2010), Indonesia (2010) and Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Madagascar and Republic of Congo (2010-2011), with support from different institutions such as Idesam, World Bank, CIFOR, IIED, and many others. This event thus will present and discuss different initiatives on PES, Reducing GHG Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and innovative institutional frameworks in Brazil and other forested countries, aiming at extracting lessons learned and identifying opportunities and bottlenecks, analysis and experience exchange, considering South-South cooperation initiatives. The event aims to explore the concept of Green Economy from a Central American perspective and contribute to the debate on what the implications of Green Economy could be for the Central American and Caribbean region, given its extreme environmental, social, political and economic vulnerability. This will be done through three short presentations and a short film giving concrete examples from Central America.

South-South Cooperation and Lessons Learned from Payment for Environme


17:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Green Economy: an outlook from Central America and the Caribbean


17:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro) Topics to be explored include: ? Green Economy: is it based on assumptions or can such transition really be effective to produce the profound changes required to save life on the planet? ? If not, is Green Economy just a cosmetic change to maintain status quo? ? What type of governance would be necessary to avoid the latter? ? How could the democratic ownership of the Green Economy be increased? ? What is needed to avoid the indebtness of the states to nature and to its populations? L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio. Johannesburg, 2002, IGD, with the support of UNITAR, has presented the Charter of essential services, which is the first step of a worldwide movement for the recognition of a right of access for all to basic services. The matter of access to basic services (water, sanitation, waste management, energy, transport, telecommunications, education, health, safety) is closely related to issues of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Indeed, these services are a prerequisite for a decent life and a healthy habitat, they condition the urban and economic development and they must be organized by preserving natural resources. If water and sanitation had been highlighted into the Millennium Development Goals and through the recognition of a right to water, strong efforts must be done for other services in a perspective of continuous improvement. Rio+20 is an opportunity to review both normative and operational point of view and to suggest some ways for the future in advancing the improvement of access to all services.

Partenariat contribution des organisations au DD: Apport d'ISO 26000


17:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro)

10 years of Essential Services Charter: review, case studies, outlook


17:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Imagine All The People: Advancing a Planetary Movement


17:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

The planetary challenge is urgent and systemic. The world confronts twenty-first century perils hobbled by twentieth century mindsets and institutions, a dangerous gap that bodes ill. A just and sustainable civilization is still possible. We can forge a path to a different future: a world of lives enriched and nature resilient. A fragmented movement is incapable of systemic transformation. Civil society efforts are vital, but lack an overarching vision and strategy matched to the complexity of the historic task. A critical social actor is missing from the global stage. The transition awaits the awakening of a vast cultural and political movement engaged on all fronts in a supranational project of global citizenship. The global citizens movement will be adaptive and polycentric. The living movement will evolve as a dispersed ecology of associations, spawning centers of influence in every nation and community. ?World Youth in Action? is an opportunity to gather the efforts currently being done by and for the youth that will impact the future of young people around the world and its relationships with other segments of society. The event will be facilitated by a group of international youth (ages 18 ? 29) currently traveling on the Up with People program. These young people are advocating for the betterment of the world, not by just talking, but by doing. They travel, they perform, and they impact. The event will work as a forum for sharing ideas and experiences about best sustainable practices around the world that will contribute to the future we want. There will also be selected musical performances as a way to encourage the audience to engage in the topics being presented, while also providing a more enjoyable environment and a break from other discussions at Rio+20. Women in many countries are disproportionally affected by climate change impacts with many women in developing countries hit the worst. They have different experiences, knowledge and capabilities from men which are instrumental for effective action on improving climate resilience, safeguarding forest stocks and reducing mitigation. In many cases, grassroots women in developing countries have taken action with community-based action, providing leadership, initiative and innovation. However, existing public financing instruments for climate change action very insufficiently are taking gender-differentiated impacts and contributions into account in allocating funding for projects and programs in developing countries to deal with climate change. Even where dedicated climate financing and climate-related development financing instrument display some gender-awareness, fund structures such as allocation frameworks or financial instruments used very rarely ensure that grassroots women, those at the forefront of the fight against climate change, are direct beneficiaries of dedicated public funding. Over recent decades, debate has been raging on the effectiveness of aid to achieve economic or development targets, with increasing focus on improving effectiveness of use, in particular in view of the current multiple crises. The potential result is a vicious cycle, i.e. the apparent lack of legitimacy that results from ineffective use of available resources may serve to reinforce the existing tendencies towards shrinking financing. This side event will serve as a platform for dialogue between African member States and their partners on: how resources can be mobilized for sustainable development ? both domestically and internationally ? with a particular emphasis on innovative sources of finance and leveraging resources from the private sector; and how national institutions can be assisted to effectively utilize these resources. The expectation is that active debate will lead to increased understanding of the options available for African countries, with regards to fostering the implementation of sustainable development commitments. A sustainable future requires major transformation in our current economic model. In a context of rising inequalities, unemployment, precarious work and irreversible environmental degradation, the labour movement is mobilised to promote an alternative model, where people and the planet are at the centre, and where a Just Transition is designed to accompany us all in the process of achieving it. Hear inspiring examples and share ideas about what trade unions and workers are doing to create more sustainable communities and how workers contribute to sustainable development.

World Youth in Action


17:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Bringing Climate Finance to Grassroots Women - What does it take?


17:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)



17:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Another work is possible: a trade union contribution to Sustainable Development


17:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future


17:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a critical role to promote the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. ICTs are the most inclusive infrastructure on the planet, with 90% of the world population connected to mobile services and over one third connected to the Internet. ICTs are a truly unique platform for progress that creates wealth, optimize the use of natural resources, enables a low carbon economy and give equitable access to basic public services, such as health care and education. ICTs play a pivotal role in monitoring, predicting and detecting natural disasters. Using these technologies to mitigate disasters contributes to saving human life, protecting infrastructure, and supporting economic activity leading to sustainable development. The side event ?ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future? will look at specific ICT applications and services that have the capacity to contribute to the transition towards a green economy and to poverty alleviation. Efforts to advance the green economy face tremendous challenges. They have to receive the sustained support from citizen and hence work within national economic systems to meet specific constraints and needs. They also have to be coordinated at global level to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts and increase the net benefits to ?turn green? for any country. Budding initiatives for greening the economy demonstrate that every green economy will be unique. They also suggest that their public policy content and the specific policy and measures used can turn conflicting in the current context of lingering crisis in some OECD countries and exacerbated power relations induced by fast convergence across developing and developed economies. How best harness globalization for the green economy is the issue at stake we intend to address in this side-event. Since 2008, FAS is responsible for implementing the largest Payment for Environmental Services (PES) program in the world, the Bolsa Floresta Program, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. Within this context, FAS organized several initiatives on South-South cooperation with Mozambique (20092011), Panam (2010), Indonesia (2010) and Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Madagascar and Republic of Congo (2010-2011), with support from different institutions such as Idesam, World Bank, CIFOR, IIED, and many others. This event thus will present and discuss different initiatives on PES, Reducing GHG Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and innovative institutional frameworks in Brazil and other forested countries, aiming at extracting lessons learned and identifying opportunities and bottlenecks, analysis and experience exchange, considering South-South cooperation initiatives. The event aims to explore the concept of Green Economy from a Central American perspective and contribute to the debate on what the implications of Green Economy could be for the Central American and Caribbean region, given its extreme environmental, social, political and economic vulnerability. This will be done through three short presentations and a short film giving concrete examples from Central America.

Harnessing globalization for the green economy


17:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

South-South Cooperation and Lessons Learned from Payment for Environme


17:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Green Economy: an outlook from Central America and the Caribbean


17:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro) Topics to be explored include: ? Green Economy: is it based on assumptions or can such transition really be effective to produce the profound changes required to save life on the planet? ? If not, is Green Economy just a cosmetic change to maintain status quo? ? What type of governance would be necessary to avoid the latter? ? How could the democratic ownership of the Green Economy be increased? ? What is needed to avoid the indebtness of the states to nature and to its populations? L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio.

Partenariat contribution des organisations au DD: Apport d'ISO 26000


17:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro)

10 years of Essential Services Charter: review, case studies, outlook


17:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Imagine All The People: Advancing a Planetary Movement


17:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Johannesburg, 2002, IGD, with the support of UNITAR, has presented the Charter of essential services, which is the first step of a worldwide movement for the recognition of a right of access for all to basic services. The matter of access to basic services (water, sanitation, waste management, energy, transport, telecommunications, education, health, safety) is closely related to issues of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Indeed, these services are a prerequisite for a decent life and a healthy habitat, they condition the urban and economic development and they must be organized by preserving natural resources. If water and sanitation had been highlighted into the Millennium Development Goals and through the recognition of a right to water, strong efforts must be done for other services in a perspective of continuous improvement. Rio+20 is an opportunity to review both normative and operational point of view and to suggest some ways for the future in advancing the improvement of access to all services. The planetary challenge is urgent and systemic. The world confronts twenty-first century perils hobbled by twentieth century mindsets and institutions, a dangerous gap that bodes ill. A just and sustainable civilization is still possible. We can forge a path to a different future: a world of lives enriched and nature resilient. A fragmented movement is incapable of systemic transformation. Civil society efforts are vital, but lack an overarching vision and strategy matched to the complexity of the historic task. A critical social actor is missing from the global stage. The transition awaits the awakening of a vast cultural and political movement engaged on all fronts in a supranational project of global citizenship. The global citizens movement will be adaptive and polycentric. The living movement will evolve as a dispersed ecology of associations, spawning centers of influence in every nation and community. ?World Youth in Action? is an opportunity to gather the efforts currently being done by and for the youth that will impact the future of young people around the world and its relationships with other segments of society. The event will be facilitated by a group of international youth (ages 18 ? 29) currently traveling on the Up with People program. These young people are advocating for the betterment of the world, not by just talking, but by doing. They travel, they perform, and they impact. The event will work as a forum for sharing ideas and experiences about best sustainable practices around the world that will contribute to the future we want. There will also be selected musical performances as a way to encourage the audience to engage in the topics being presented, while also providing a more enjoyable environment and a break from other discussions at Rio+20. Women in many countries are disproportionally affected by climate change impacts with many women in developing countries hit the worst. They have different experiences, knowledge and capabilities from men which are instrumental for effective action on improving climate resilience, safeguarding forest stocks and reducing mitigation. In many cases, grassroots women in developing countries have taken action with community-based action, providing leadership, initiative and innovation. However, existing public financing instruments for climate change action very insufficiently are taking gender-differentiated impacts and contributions into account in allocating funding for projects and programs in developing countries to deal with climate change. Even where dedicated climate financing and climate-related development financing instrument display some gender-awareness, fund structures such as allocation frameworks or financial instruments used very rarely ensure that grassroots women, those at the forefront of the fight against climate change, are direct beneficiaries of dedicated public funding. Over recent decades, debate has been raging on the effectiveness of aid to achieve economic or development targets, with increasing focus on improving effectiveness of use, in particular in view of the current multiple crises. The potential result is a vicious cycle, i.e. the apparent lack of legitimacy that results from ineffective use of available resources may serve to reinforce the existing tendencies towards shrinking financing. This side event will serve as a platform for dialogue between African member States and their partners on: how resources can be mobilized for sustainable development ? both domestically and internationally ? with a particular emphasis on innovative sources of finance and leveraging resources from the private sector; and how national institutions can be assisted to effectively utilize these resources. The expectation is that active debate will lead to increased understanding of the options available for African countries, with regards to fostering the implementation of sustainable development commitments.

World Youth in Action


17:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Bringing Climate Finance to Grassroots Women - What does it take?


17:30:00 AM

UN2 (Barra Arena)



17:30:00 AM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Another work is possible: a trade union contribution to Sustainable Development


17:30:00 AM

T-2 (Riocentro)

A sustainable future requires major transformation in our current economic model. In a context of rising inequalities, unemployment, precarious work and irreversible environmental degradation, the labour movement is mobilised to promote an alternative model, where people and the planet are at the centre, and where a Just Transition is designed to accompany us all in the process of achieving it. Hear inspiring examples and share ideas about what trade unions and workers are doing to create more sustainable communities and how workers contribute to sustainable development. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) play a critical role to promote the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development. ICTs are the most inclusive infrastructure on the planet, with 90% of the world population connected to mobile services and over one third connected to the Internet. ICTs are a truly unique platform for progress that creates wealth, optimize the use of natural resources, enables a low carbon economy and give equitable access to basic public services, such as health care and education. ICTs play a pivotal role in monitoring, predicting and detecting natural disasters. Using these technologies to mitigate disasters contributes to saving human life, protecting infrastructure, and supporting economic activity leading to sustainable development. The side event ?ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future? will look at specific ICT applications and services that have the capacity to contribute to the transition towards a green economy and to poverty alleviation. Efforts to advance the green economy face tremendous challenges. They have to receive the sustained support from citizen and hence work within national economic systems to meet specific constraints and needs. They also have to be coordinated at global level to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts and increase the net benefits to ?turn green? for any country. Budding initiatives for greening the economy demonstrate that every green economy will be unique. They also suggest that their public policy content and the specific policy and measures used can turn conflicting in the current context of lingering crisis in some OECD countries and exacerbated power relations induced by fast convergence across developing and developed economies. How best harness globalization for the green economy is the issue at stake we intend to address in this side-event. Since 2008, FAS is responsible for implementing the largest Payment for Environmental Services (PES) program in the world, the Bolsa Floresta Program, in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. Within this context, FAS organized several initiatives on South-South cooperation with Mozambique (20092011), Panam (2010), Indonesia (2010) and Cameroon, Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Madagascar and Republic of Congo (2010-2011), with support from different institutions such as Idesam, World Bank, CIFOR, IIED, and many others. This event thus will present and discuss different initiatives on PES, Reducing GHG Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) and innovative institutional frameworks in Brazil and other forested countries, aiming at extracting lessons learned and identifying opportunities and bottlenecks, analysis and experience exchange, considering South-South cooperation initiatives. The event aims to explore the concept of Green Economy from a Central American perspective and contribute to the debate on what the implications of Green Economy could be for the Central American and Caribbean region, given its extreme environmental, social, political and economic vulnerability. This will be done through three short presentations and a short film giving concrete examples from Central America.

ICTs, the foundation of our sustainable future


17:30:00 AM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Harnessing globalization for the green economy


17:30:00 AM

P3-E (Riocentro)

South-South Cooperation and Lessons Learned from Payment for Environme


17:30:00 AM

P3-B (Riocentro)

Green Economy: an outlook from Central America and the Caribbean


17:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro) Topics to be explored include: ? Green Economy: is it based on assumptions or can such transition really be effective to produce the profound changes required to save life on the planet? ? If not, is Green Economy just a cosmetic change to maintain status quo? ? What type of governance would be necessary to avoid the latter? ? How could the democratic ownership of the Green Economy be increased? ? What is needed to avoid the indebtness of the states to nature and to its populations?

Partenariat contribution des organisations au DD: Apport d'ISO 26000


17:30:00 AM

P3-A (Riocentro)

10 years of Essential Services Charter: review, case studies, outlook


17:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Imagine All The People: Advancing a Planetary Movement


17:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

L?Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a contribu de faon substantielle aux ngociations et l?adoption de la Norme ISO 26000 portant Lignes directrices du Dveloppement durable publie en novembre 2010. Pour le dploiement de cette norme, l?OIF a labor et adopt une stratgie propre en vue du dveloppement d?un partenariat du type de 2 des Nations Unies. C?est ainsi que lors du Forum francophone prparatoire Rio+20, un atelier s?est tenu le 7 fvrier 2012 Lyon, en France, qui a permis de faire un tat des lieux dtaill des initiatives et des dveloppements en cours au plan international en matire de responsabilit socitale comme contribution des organisations au dveloppement durable, illustrs par des exemples de dploiement dans des pays francophones. Ceci a abouti l?adoption du Projet de Partenariat objet de l?vnement parallle envisag Rio. Johannesburg, 2002, IGD, with the support of UNITAR, has presented the Charter of essential services, which is the first step of a worldwide movement for the recognition of a right of access for all to basic services. The matter of access to basic services (water, sanitation, waste management, energy, transport, telecommunications, education, health, safety) is closely related to issues of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Indeed, these services are a prerequisite for a decent life and a healthy habitat, they condition the urban and economic development and they must be organized by preserving natural resources. If water and sanitation had been highlighted into the Millennium Development Goals and through the recognition of a right to water, strong efforts must be done for other services in a perspective of continuous improvement. Rio+20 is an opportunity to review both normative and operational point of view and to suggest some ways for the future in advancing the improvement of access to all services. The planetary challenge is urgent and systemic. The world confronts twenty-first century perils hobbled by twentieth century mindsets and institutions, a dangerous gap that bodes ill. A just and sustainable civilization is still possible. We can forge a path to a different future: a world of lives enriched and nature resilient. A fragmented movement is incapable of systemic transformation. Civil society efforts are vital, but lack an overarching vision and strategy matched to the complexity of the historic task. A critical social actor is missing from the global stage. The transition awaits the awakening of a vast cultural and political movement engaged on all fronts in a supranational project of global citizenship. The global citizens movement will be adaptive and polycentric. The living movement will evolve as a dispersed ecology of associations, spawning centers of influence in every nation and community. ?World Youth in Action? is an opportunity to gather the efforts currently being done by and for the youth that will impact the future of young people around the world and its relationships with other segments of society. The event will be facilitated by a group of international youth (ages 18 ? 29) currently traveling on the Up with People program. These young people are advocating for the betterment of the world, not by just talking, but by doing. They travel, they perform, and they impact. The event will work as a forum for sharing ideas and experiences about best sustainable practices around the world that will contribute to the future we want. There will also be selected musical performances as a way to encourage the audience to engage in the topics being presented, while also providing a more enjoyable environment and a break from other discussions at Rio+20. Shweta Marandi ( eta) started a campaign for the frugal use of electricity.Today she has the support of over 10,000 students to save 100 Watt/hour of electricity a day. And the campaign is spreading. UNEP made Shweta Hero of the month for her successful campaign. She or her companions would present a demonstration of the campaign as a side event Every year, consumers spend billions of dollars on products with environmental and social certifications. What impact do these labels have? The Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) will unveil the results of six years of research on sustainability initiatives. The presentation will be followed by an expert panel discussion on how innovative policy makers, foundations and private companies are using certification and other approaches to create a green economy. The panel discussion will be held in English only. Why do rural women lag behind on the Millennium Development Goals? How can these challenges be addressed? Discuss the concrete actions that are working in the field and help identify the gaps that are needed to secure a better future for rural women

World Youth in Action


17:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Demonstration of Save One Megawatt Power a Day


19:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Certified Green - The Role and Impacts of Certification in the Green Economy


19:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Empowering Rural Women


19:30:00 AM

P3-1 (Riocentro)

Plan Nord is a sustainable development initiative covering the 1.2 million square kilometer northern boreal region of Quebec ? a nearly pristine area twice the size of France. The area is home to a significant portion of the Canadian Boreal, the largest intact forest ecosystem on Earth, and the world?s largest storehouse of carbon. Quebec's Plan Nord: Towards a New Global Model for Sustainable Develop Through the Plan Nord, Quebec has brought together businesses, scientists, conservationists, aboriginal leaders and local communities to find the best ways to balance economic development with conservation, including protecting 50% of the north from all industrial activity, through an innovative ecological planning process. The commitments of the Plan Nord to integrate economic development with conservation biology and sustainable development on a landscape scale, in a manner that respects the culture and rights of aboriginal people, have the potential to form the basis for a new global model for sustainable development. The debate on the Green Economy leads to an objective discussion of relevant aspects of present development pathways. The thinking on this concept aims to look at its relevance as an instrument to the transition of socio-technical systems and the transformation of consumption and production patterns. This should provide, at the same time, environment protection and ecosystem services valuation, inequalities reduction and social inclusion, together with the redesign and stimulation of the international economy in a context of structural crisis. The event is an open discussion on the role the Commonwealth Environment Task Force Meeting plays in the UNEP?s Governing Council and to push for a ??Blue Economy and Ocean Governance?? as possible outcome for Rio+20. Speakers and participants will explore together the role young people from the intergovernmental organization plays to ensure the survival of their nations and especially the small islands states which face sea-level raise in case of melting glaciers and ice caps. The discussion will also showcase best practices from youth of these nations working together to make the Green Economy a reality in order to support the idea of a possible ??Blue Economy?? for the Commonwealth nations. The event will then serve as an avenue for the official launching of a practical toolkit developed by the Commonwealth Youth Climate and Sustainable Development Network which was created by the Commonwealth Secretariat and involves several youth NGOs. New initiative in the field of education on sustainable development. This would be achieved by mobilizing innovative ideas and suggestions from students from different parts of the world using an ICT platform (global web platform to register new students? ideas. Novelty: use an internet platform for collecting innovative ideas on sustainable development from students from around the world on the global portal and share (for free) with all interested parties. Shweta Marandi ( eta) started a campaign for the frugal use of electricity.Today she has the support of over 10,000 students to save 100 Watt/hour of electricity a day. And the campaign is spreading. UNEP made Shweta Hero of the month for her successful campaign. She or her companions would present a demonstration of the campaign as a side event Every year, consumers spend billions of dollars on products with environmental and social certifications. What impact do these labels have? The Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) will unveil the results of six years of research on sustainability initiatives. The presentation will be followed by an expert panel discussion on how innovative policy makers, foundations and private companies are using certification and other approaches to create a green economy. The panel discussion will be held in English only. Why do rural women lag behind on the Millennium Development Goals? How can these challenges be addressed? Discuss the concrete actions that are working in the field and help identify the gaps that are needed to secure a better future for rural women


19:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)



19:30:00 AM

P3-2 (Riocentro)

Achieving a sustainable future in Rio: what can do a "Blue Economy"?


19:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Rio+20: Building "Green Bridge" through Generations


19:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

Demonstration of Save One Megawatt Power a Day


19:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Certified Green - The Role and Impacts of Certification in the Green Economy


19:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Empowering Rural Women


19:30:00 AM

P3-1 (Riocentro)

Plan Nord is a sustainable development initiative covering the 1.2 million square kilometer northern boreal region of Quebec ? a nearly pristine area twice the size of France. The area is home to a significant portion of the Canadian Boreal, the largest intact forest ecosystem on Earth, and the world?s largest storehouse of carbon. Quebec's Plan Nord: Towards a New Global Model for Sustainable Develop Through the Plan Nord, Quebec has brought together businesses, scientists, conservationists, aboriginal leaders and local communities to find the best ways to balance economic development with conservation, including protecting 50% of the north from all industrial activity, through an innovative ecological planning process. The commitments of the Plan Nord to integrate economic development with conservation biology and sustainable development on a landscape scale, in a manner that respects the culture and rights of aboriginal people, have the potential to form the basis for a new global model for sustainable development. The debate on the Green Economy leads to an objective discussion of relevant aspects of present development pathways. The thinking on this concept aims to look at its relevance as an instrument to the transition of socio-technical systems and the transformation of consumption and production patterns. This should provide, at the same time, environment protection and ecosystem services valuation, inequalities reduction and social inclusion, together with the redesign and stimulation of the international economy in a context of structural crisis. The event is an open discussion on the role the Commonwealth Environment Task Force Meeting plays in the UNEP?s Governing Council and to push for a ??Blue Economy and Ocean Governance?? as possible outcome for Rio+20. Speakers and participants will explore together the role young people from the intergovernmental organization plays to ensure the survival of their nations and especially the small islands states which face sea-level raise in case of melting glaciers and ice caps. The discussion will also showcase best practices from youth of these nations working together to make the Green Economy a reality in order to support the idea of a possible ??Blue Economy?? for the Commonwealth nations. The event will then serve as an avenue for the official launching of a practical toolkit developed by the Commonwealth Youth Climate and Sustainable Development Network which was created by the Commonwealth Secretariat and involves several youth NGOs. Shweta Marandi ( eta) started a campaign for the frugal use of electricity.Today she has the support of over 10,000 students to save 100 Watt/hour of electricity a day. And the campaign is spreading. UNEP made Shweta Hero of the month for her successful campaign. She or her companions would present a demonstration of the campaign as a side event Every year, consumers spend billions of dollars on products with environmental and social certifications. What impact do these labels have? The Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA) will unveil the results of six years of research on sustainability initiatives. The presentation will be followed by an expert panel discussion on how innovative policy makers, foundations and private companies are using certification and other approaches to create a green economy. The panel discussion will be held in English only. Why do rural women lag behind on the Millennium Development Goals? How can these challenges be addressed? Discuss the concrete actions that are working in the field and help identify the gaps that are needed to secure a better future for rural women Plan Nord is a sustainable development initiative covering the 1.2 million square kilometer northern boreal region of Quebec ? a nearly pristine area twice the size of France. The area is home to a significant portion of the Canadian Boreal, the largest intact forest ecosystem on Earth, and the world?s largest storehouse of carbon. Quebec's Plan Nord: Towards a New Global Model for Sustainable Develop Through the Plan Nord, Quebec has brought together businesses, scientists, conservationists, aboriginal leaders and local communities to find the best ways to balance economic development with conservation, including protecting 50% of the north from all industrial activity, through an innovative ecological planning process. The commitments of the Plan Nord to integrate economic development with conservation biology and sustainable development on a landscape scale, in a manner that respects the culture and rights of aboriginal people, have the potential to form the basis for a new global model for sustainable development.


19:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)



19:30:00 AM

P3-2 (Riocentro)

Achieving a sustainable future in Rio: what can do a "Blue Economy"?


19:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Demonstration of Save One Megawatt Power a Day


19:30:00 AM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Certified Green - The Role and Impacts of Certification in the Green Economy


19:30:00 AM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Empowering Rural Women


19:30:00 AM

P3-1 (Riocentro)


19:30:00 AM

T-10 (Riocentro)



19:30:00 AM

P3-2 (Riocentro)

The debate on the Green Economy leads to an objective discussion of relevant aspects of present development pathways. The thinking on this concept aims to look at its relevance as an instrument to the transition of socio-technical systems and the transformation of consumption and production patterns. This should provide, at the same time, environment protection and ecosystem services valuation, inequalities reduction and social inclusion, together with the redesign and stimulation of the international economy in a context of structural crisis. The event is an open discussion on the role the Commonwealth Environment Task Force Meeting plays in the UNEP?s Governing Council and to push for a ??Blue Economy and Ocean Governance?? as possible outcome for Rio+20. Speakers and participants will explore together the role young people from the intergovernmental organization plays to ensure the survival of their nations and especially the small islands states which face sea-level raise in case of melting glaciers and ice caps. The discussion will also showcase best practices from youth of these nations working together to make the Green Economy a reality in order to support the idea of a possible ??Blue Economy?? for the Commonwealth nations. The event will then serve as an avenue for the official launching of a practical toolkit developed by the Commonwealth Youth Climate and Sustainable Development Network which was created by the Commonwealth Secretariat and involves several youth NGOs. New initiative in the field of education on sustainable development. This would be achieved by mobilizing innovative ideas and suggestions from students from different parts of the world using an ICT platform (global web platform to register new students? ideas. Novelty: use an internet platform for collecting innovative ideas on sustainable development from students from around the world on the global portal and share (for free) with all interested parties. Organizado pelo Programa das Naes Unidas para o Meio Ambiente (PNUMA), este evento vai reunir chefes do Judicirio e magistrados de alto nvel, Advogados-gerais e procuradores envolvidos na interpretao e aplicao da lei, bem como Auditores-gerais, cujo trabalho incidir sobre a governana e a responsabilizao em questes sobre o papel da lei na promoo dos objetivos do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Por meio de palestras e interao com o pblico, apresentar e promover amplo debate acerca da importncia das normas internacionais desenvolvidas pela ISO como contribuio para a economia verde no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Apresentao do vdeo institucional do Projeto Guri; apresentao sobre Projeto Guri, misso, valores, mtodo de ensino, nmeros e estatsticas e casos de sucesso; apresentao musical do Grupo de Referncia Musical de Bauru A problemtica das espcies invasoras - segunda maior causa da perda da biodiversidade mundial. As cidades se planejam levando-se em conta este problema e as consequncias para a populao. Apresentar propostas para utilizao de espcies nativas na formao dos centros urbanos. Utilizao de espcies exticas e a relao com problemas scio-ambientais, como a Dengue Realizao FAO/ICFPA/BRACELPA. Registro e informaes:

Achieving a sustainable future in Rio: what can do a "Blue Economy"?


19:30:00 AM

T-3 (Riocentro)

Rio+20: Building "Green Bridge" through Generations


19:30:00 AM

T-5 (Riocentro)

Congresso Mundial sobre Justia, Governana e Direito para a Sustentabilidade Ambiental Importncia das normas internacionais desenvolvidas pela ISO como contribuio para a economia verde no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel Projeto Guri - o maior projeto sociocultural do Brasil funciona por msica. Conhea o programa que atende mais de 40.000 jovens em So Paulo


Museu de Histria Natural do Rio de Janeiro, na Quinta da Boa Vista



Arena da Barra



Arena da Barra

species invasoras - as cidades se preocupam com isto?



Arena da Barra

Forests: the heart of a green economy Resistncias e Alternativas no Brasil e no mundo: propostas para um modelo energtico sem o nuclear! - parte I GOVERNANA DO DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTVEL, INTEGRIDADE AMBIENTAL E JUSTIA SOCIAL Ouvidoria do Mar: compreender a crise para a formulao de agendas proativas entre redes marinhas-costeiras Resduos Slidos como Vantagem Competitiva

18/06/2012 18/06/2012

8:00:00 8:00:00

Ribalta Eventos Aterro do Flamengo

18/06/2012 18/06/2012

8:30:00 8:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Desde 2011 foi regulamentada a Lei n 12.305 que institui a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos e, logo, todas as empresas devero atender s exigncias, sob pena de arcar com as consequncias legais. A oficina discorrer sobre os riscos legais da m gesto dos resduos, bem como as oportunidades de mercados que a preveno da gerao de resduos pode oferecer. Realizao de debate com interessados no tema. Conta com o apoio do MIND - Munasinghe Institute of Development, tem por objetivo liderar, no ambito do setor privado, a discusso e adoo de prticas sustentveis e de reforar o compromisso da Vale com o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Contar com a participao de Mohan Munasinghe, Prmio Nobel da Paz em 2007 junto com Al Gore. EVENTO PARA CONVIDADO. PARCEIROS OFICIAIS QUE TIVEREM INTERESSE ENCAMINHAR EMAIL COM NOME, TELEFONE E EMAIL PARA



Aterro do Flamengo

"Comunicao comunitria e construo do desenvolvimento sustentvel"



Aterro do Flamengo

Forum Desenvolvimento Sustentvel: Novas Dimenses para a Sociedade e Negcios



Jardim Botnico

Debate: "Megaeventos e Violaes de Direitos Humanos"



Aterro do Flamengo

Indigenous Peoples Global Conference Sade, Padres de Produo e Consumo e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel: h Terra para todos? Responsabilit sociale des entreprises et le droit de l'homme dans les pays moins avancs (PMA) Atelier dbat Elaborer de voies de transition conomiques et cologiques pour lensemble des socits Debates sobre os desafios da pesca artesanal Empowering Future - Education as a key for a fair and sustainable world Cummunity Knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation Women - Water- Environment Our path to true sustainability: Rights for Nature and the International Crime of Ecocide SESSO COORDENADA: Movimentos instituintes na reconstruo do espao vivido como direito cidado Combate Mercantilizao e Privatizao da gua e do Saneamento IMPLEMENTAO DO ESTATUTO DA CIDADE E INSTRUMENTOS PARA EFETIVAO DA REFORMA URBANA Crtica economia verde e alternativas: construindo a partir dos povos OFICINA "APELOS DE SUSTENTABILIDADE NO MERCADO DE CONSUMO" Rights of Nature the Foundation for Sustainability Justicia social y justicia ambiental: el Bien Comun de la Humanidad y la ilegalidad de la pobreza No War! No Warming! Build an Economy for People and the Planet Exposio de trabalho realizado na COOPERFRAN Cooperativa de Catadores de Materiais Reciclveis de Franca e Regio Direito Cidade e os Impactos dos Megaprojetos The role of youth and women to advance the food security agenda, organizer International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies DIREITOS SOCIAIS, DEMARCAO DE TERRAS, NDIO NA INSERO DA SOCIEDADE Roda de Conversa: "Desafios para a celebrao e vivncia de uma espiritualidade transformadora: ecumenismo, juventude, meio ambiente e movimentos socias" Energy and regional integration, a path to sustainable energy sovernity Womens Rights, Reproductive Health and Climate Justice: Voices from the Global South Gestion social de la recoleccion diferenciada Plenarias de Convergencia Pre-Asamblea, foro juvenil Quilombo Amaznia Dvida e finaceirizao da natureza: reparaes j!! Seminrio: Por um novo paradigma alimentar Industries Extractives au Prou, Colombie, Rpublique de Congo et Tchad UPMS: desafios do futuro Ending Global Racism Ending Global Racism Impacto de Grandes Empreendimentos na Sade e no Ambiente Biodiversidade Cpula dos Prefeitos: Cpula Urbana - Cerimonia de Abertura

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo



Aterro do Flamengo

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9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Evento Fechado Evento Fechado

Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono - I - Medio e comunicao das emisses de carbono



Forte de Copacabana

Evento Fechado This event is organised by UCLG and UN-Habitat with the support of Cities Alliance and UNACLA under the auspices of the City of Rio. It will bring together over 250 Local and Regional Governments representatives to discuss their contributions to the Conference. This event is structured around dedicated roundtables with the objective of developing or strengthening collaborative ways to implement the recommendations made in view of Rio+20 and its aftermath. Launch of the awareness campaign I'm a City Changer in Rio de Janeiro. Im a City Changer is the UN-Habitat Campaign to raise awareness on positive actions that have demonstrated impacts on peoples lives in urban areas and improve the livability of cities. Im a City Changer shall serve as a conduit to sensitize on fundamental issues and campaigning on our urban future, our cities, each and everyones city. In the City of Rio, the campaign will be launched on the June 18th under the theme of Sustainable Transport "Evolua com mobilidade". Press is invited.

The Urban Summit



Forte de Copacabana.

I'm a City Changer Campaign / Evolua Com Mobilidade



Forte de Copacabana.

XXXII Semana da Qumica na Rio+20




Entre os dias 18 e 21 de junho de 2012 ser realizada a Semana da Qumica na Rio +20. Esta ser uma edio especial de nossa tradicional semana que ocorre h 32 anos e constar da programao oficial da Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel-Rio+20. Nosso evento contar com conferencistas e palestrantes de renome nacional e internacional. A grande atrao do evento a apresentao dos Projetos Discentes. Neles, os alunos so os protagonistas: definindo seu objeto de estudo, seu orientador e desenvolvendo metodologias especficas para a investigao que pretendem realizar. O conhecimento gerado com os projetos apresentado em salas ou laboratrios especialmente preparados para receber o pblico visitante. Nesta edio, o projeto vencedor ser premiado com o envio de 01 professor e 02 alunos para acompanhar a VIII reunio do "Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee" (POPRC-8) da Conveno de Estocolmo sobre Poluentes Orgnicos Persistentes, que acontecer na cidade de Genebra na Sua. Teremos ainda durante o evento a VI Jornada de Iniciao Cientfica e Tecnolgica do IFRJ, na qual trabalhos dos 11 Campi do Instituto sero apresentados a Comunidade, alm do Workshop de Segurana Qumica promovido pela Associao Brasileira de Qumica (ABQ). Presenting: Giulia Christianson, Research Officer, New Ventures

Enabling Green and Inclusive Markets: A Case for Public Private Collaboration Abertura do ciclo de Debates e Palestras do Mapa na Rio+20 Painel: O Papel do Solo na Sustentabilidade do Planeta Cpula dos Prefeitos: Painel I - Servios Bsicos entre os Objetivos de Desen. Susten. Acordo para o desenvolvimento sustentavel. Governana Multilateral do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel com Participao Social Announcing the Global Climate Registry Alliance

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:15:00 9:30:00 9:30:00 9:30:00

Windsor Barra Hotel Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Forte de Copacabana Confederao Nacional do Comrcio. Riocentro

Evento Fechado O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da Presidncia da Repblica (CDES) convida para participao nos debates Presenting: Manish Bapna, Interim President (Executive Vice President and Managing Director) The OAS through its Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) supports member states in designing and implementing policies, strategies, programs, and projects to integrate environmental sustainability with poverty alleviation and economic development, as well as translating sustainable development goals into concrete actions. The Department also supports countries in making fundamental decisions which engage all stakeholders, and encourage accountability for sustainable development principles and institutions. Consistent with the roles that it played in previous global conferences on environment and development, the Department has been engaging and collaborating with stakeholders from throughout the Americas to play a pivotal role in the preparations and outcomes of Rio+20. At the side event, the OAS-DSD will present the results of this collaborative process, which has included the organization of a Dialogue Series on a variety of sustainable development themes, including governance, public participation, energy, climate change, integrated water resources management, biodiversity, and risk management, among others.

Governance for Sustainable Development: Key Messages from the Americas



T-6 (Riocentro)

Innovative field actions as leverage for change



T-5 (Riocentro)

Field practitioners involved in local initiatives play an important role in the transition towards sustainable and inclusive development. Technical, social, managerial, and financial innovations are designed and implemented all around the world by local actors. Due to the lack of a means of systematically documenting these initiatives, comparable to peer-reviewed publications in the scientific community, these innovative field actions are not sufficiently reported and shared and, very often, get lost. FACTS Initiative and its partners propose a method and tools for documenting innovative initiatives undertaken by field practitioners (NGOs, governmental organizations, etc.). Together, they propose to promote it at Rio+20. This will also be an opportunity to launch collaborations with partners from all the countries involved in what could be a great project, whose aim is to establish an available ?Global Database of practices for sustainable and inclusive developments". Objective of the side event : to promote wide dialogue about the importance of the ISO international standards as a contribution to the green economy in the sustainable development context. This side event will provide the attendance with examples on how an international, consensus-based, multistakeholder standards-setting system can achieve global agreement on the pragmatic implementation of green economy issues at the organizational level. As a concrete example, ISO has developed an international standard that provides guidance on Social Responsibility ? ISO 26000 in 2010. It involved more than 450 participating experts, from 99 countries, and 42 organizations in liaison. These experts came from six specifically identified stakeholder categories of: government, industry, labour, consumers, NGO`s and academia. Its main topics are organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. Asia will be the key global driving force economically in the 21st Century and its way of development will give significant impacts globally. The solution against unsustainable patterns at the grass root level is essential and should be an integral part of sustainable development both in Asia and the world. This side event aims to highlight Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), particularly, (i) the significance of achieving sustainable development in the local communities, (ii) importance of local community empowerment in achieving local sustainability, and (iii) key role of NGO)s in local community empowerment and the new knowledge creation for local sustainability. We will present Asias ESD good practices and experiences by NGOs, leading to an Asia NGO Network on ESD to be established by 2014, the final year of UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Communitarian forest management (CFM) is a common practice in several countries of Latin America. Sustainable communitarian forest management helps to mitigate the effects of environmental degradation and climate change and promotes rural development by the creation of more employment opportunities in the forest sector, which strengthens the local economies and eradicates rural poverty. Thus, the communitarian forest management provides multiple ecologic, economic and social benefits, and can inspire other nations to learn from the experiences in Mexico and Central America to adopt similar strategies to promote sustainable development. Our side event will show what is crucial for successful and sustainable communitarian forest management, how it fosters local governance and how it improves local development. At the same time, challenges and needs will be presented to foster communitarian forest management that benefits nature and society in the local and global context. Rio+20 is an opportunity to redress the breakdown of virtually every system in our interconnected world. There is a collective understanding among major groups and governments, that the need for action is critical. Yet, creating systems and frameworks that enable long-term sustainable living, directly addressing poverty and wellbeing, do not happen only through policies. There are many avenues through which change occurs, yet the foundation of all of them is our awareness; our awareness directly determines our actions and behaviors. In the past, our limited awareness has created actions of exploitation leading to over-consumption, widespread famine and ecological demise. Creating a new awareness that assigns deep value to the self, our global family, and the natural world can facilitate true change. Our panel of experts will speak on different topics considering awareness, so we may understand how to voluntarily, wisely and transparently commit, to realize the future we want.

ISO International Standards and Green Economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Message from Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE): Role of NGOs in Empowering the Local Community for Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Communitarian forest management to assure Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Aligned Awareness and Action for the Future We Want



T-8 (Riocentro)

The world has changed dramatically since 1992. Economic power has shifted, corporate influence has grown and political will has faded. There is a real need to take stock of what we have learnt and to examine how this can be most usefully applied to new contexts. Fair Ideas: Sharing solutions for a sustainable planet 18/06/2012 9:30:00 P3-A (Riocentro) IIED and PUC-Rio will bring the results from a 2-day conference just before the Summit, and the diverse set of partners involved in organising this event (see for more information). We will highlight major opportunities to learn from existing practice and to shift to new patterns of behaviour. These will focus on two main UNCSD issues: ways to ensure SD Goals are grounded in specific experience and work at national and local levels; and ways in which a 'green economy' approach makes sense for low income countries and people. According to the last report by FAO, more than 900 million people in the world suffer from chronicle hunger. As a result of the rise in prices of basic commodities, these numbers are expected to dramatically increase. Furthermore, even if the first MDG would be achieved, 600 million people would still suffer from hunger. Linked to the financial, economical, energy and environmental crisis, speculation in the commodity markets ?particularly in the food one- is becoming a common trend; something that needs to be solved urgently. This situation of world structural hunger underlines the urgent need to rethink the policies, values and governance about food related issues. Sustainability at every level, from an individual household to the global community, depends on secure supplies of, and equitable access to, water, food, energy and biodiversity. Mountains play a vital role in this nexus, particularly in the provision of water and biodiversity services. Mountain ecosystems are much more significant today than they were in 1992 due to the emerging climate and global changes and challenges. The Rio+20 outcome document needs to recognize this new reality and take concrete actions since Mountains offer solutions both to kick-start a sustainable and equitable Green Economy and demonstrate inclusive development models that have reduced poverty and promoted social and gender equity in both upstream and downstream contexts. This side event will highlight and share local, national and regional knowledge-based solutions that are integrative, inclusive and supportive to the water, food and energy nexus and have promoted green growth strategies and reduced poverty. The Global Registry Alliance (GRA) is a consortium of programs worldwide actively supporting efforts to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions. GRA?s mission is to improve human and institutional capacity to address climate change through the use of credible, transparent standards for carbon measurement and management. Three GHG Programs ? TCR, ECR and GVces ? are working with over 500 organizations to measure, report, verify and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Reporting organizations include corporations, government agencies, universities and more, representing more than 30 sectors worldwide. Each program builds on the framework of the GHG Protocol, and uses similar tools such as online reporting software, a detailed reporting protocol, verification protocols, and trainings to collect data from companies, local governments, universities and more. Using these tools, reporters measure their carbon footprint in a transparent, accurate and standardized way, and then track their emissions over time as they manage their GHG performance.

Food, sustainability and global democracy: challenges and perspectives



T-3 (Riocentro)

Mountain knowledge solutions for sustainable green economy and improved water, food, energy, and environment nexus



T-2 (Riocentro)

Building a Global Registry: Global GHG reporting and standards



P3-B (Riocentro)

Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. The key principle underlying the Golden Rule is the unity and interconnectedness of all things. It is one of the cornerstones for dialogue and co operation in promoting more peaceful, just and sustainable global community. The growing interfaith and ecumenical movement, especially on the grass root is hope giving when responding todays ethical crisis. URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities. Faiths Without Borders has the project Holy Drop! that speaks for the need for spiritual literacy and ethics of water. The EWN is a network of churches and Christian organizations promoting people's access to water around the world. Based on key messages developed at the previous Nobel Laureates Symposia and the GSP report, the organising partners take the opportunity to present a declaration consisting of a science-based message on global sustainability to decision-makers, civil society and the media. This declaration highlights the importance of a science-based approach to sustainable development and the need for policy and decision-makers to acknowledge science if the world chooses a more sustainable path. The OAS through its Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) supports member states in designing and implementing policies, strategies, programs, and projects to integrate environmental sustainability with poverty alleviation and economic development, as well as translating sustainable development goals into concrete actions. The Department also supports countries in making fundamental decisions which engage all stakeholders, and encourage accountability for sustainable development principles and institutions. Governance for Sustainable Development: Key Messages from the Americas 18/06/2012 9:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) Consistent with the roles that it played in previous global conferences on environment and development, the Department has been engaging and collaborating with stakeholders from throughout the Americas to play a pivotal role in the preparations and outcomes of Rio+20. At the side event, the OAS-DSD will present the results of this collaborative process, which has included the organization of a Dialogue Series on a variety of sustainable development themes, including governance, public participation, energy, climate change, integrated water resources management, biodiversity, and risk management, among others.

Achieving Sustainable Development through Solidarity Economy



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Spirituality and Ethics of Water



P3-4 (Riocentro)

Open Dialogue on The Future We Choose



P3-A (Riocentro)

Innovative field actions as leverage for change



T-5 (Riocentro)

Field practitioners involved in local initiatives play an important role in the transition towards sustainable and inclusive development. Technical, social, managerial, and financial innovations are designed and implemented all around the world by local actors. Due to the lack of a means of systematically documenting these initiatives, comparable to peer-reviewed publications in the scientific community, these innovative field actions are not sufficiently reported and shared and, very often, get lost. FACTS Initiative and its partners propose a method and tools for documenting innovative initiatives undertaken by field practitioners (NGOs, governmental organizations, etc.). Together, they propose to promote it at Rio+20. This will also be an opportunity to launch collaborations with partners from all the countries involved in what could be a great project, whose aim is to establish an available ?Global Database of practices for sustainable and inclusive developments". Objective of the side event : to promote wide dialogue about the importance of the ISO international standards as a contribution to the green economy in the sustainable development context. This side event will provide the attendance with examples on how an international, consensus-based, multistakeholder standards-setting system can achieve global agreement on the pragmatic implementation of green economy issues at the organizational level. As a concrete example, ISO has developed an international standard that provides guidance on Social Responsibility ? ISO 26000 in 2010. It involved more than 450 participating experts, from 99 countries, and 42 organizations in liaison. These experts came from six specifically identified stakeholder categories of: government, industry, labour, consumers, NGO`s and academia. Its main topics are organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. Asia will be the key global driving force economically in the 21st Century and its way of development will give significant impacts globally. The solution against unsustainable patterns at the grass root level is essential and should be an integral part of sustainable development both in Asia and the world. This side event aims to highlight Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), particularly, (i) the significance of achieving sustainable development in the local communities, (ii) importance of local community empowerment in achieving local sustainability, and (iii) key role of NGO)s in local community empowerment and the new knowledge creation for local sustainability. We will present Asias ESD good practices and experiences by NGOs, leading to an Asia NGO Network on ESD to be established by 2014, the final year of UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Communitarian forest management (CFM) is a common practice in several countries of Latin America. Sustainable communitarian forest management helps to mitigate the effects of environmental degradation and climate change and promotes rural development by the creation of more employment opportunities in the forest sector, which strengthens the local economies and eradicates rural poverty. Thus, the communitarian forest management provides multiple ecologic, economic and social benefits, and can inspire other nations to learn from the experiences in Mexico and Central America to adopt similar strategies to promote sustainable development. Our side event will show what is crucial for successful and sustainable communitarian forest management, how it fosters local governance and how it improves local development. At the same time, challenges and needs will be presented to foster communitarian forest management that benefits nature and society in the local and global context. Rio+20 is an opportunity to redress the breakdown of virtually every system in our interconnected world. There is a collective understanding among major groups and governments, that the need for action is critical. Yet, creating systems and frameworks that enable long-term sustainable living, directly addressing poverty and wellbeing, do not happen only through policies. There are many avenues through which change occurs, yet the foundation of all of them is our awareness; our awareness directly determines our actions and behaviors. In the past, our limited awareness has created actions of exploitation leading to over-consumption, widespread famine and ecological demise. Creating a new awareness that assigns deep value to the self, our global family, and the natural world can facilitate true change. Our panel of experts will speak on different topics considering awareness, so we may understand how to voluntarily, wisely and transparently commit, to realize the future we want.

ISO International Standards and Green Economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Message from Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE): Role of NGOs in Empowering the Local Community for Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Communitarian forest management to assure Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Aligned Awareness and Action for the Future We Want



T-8 (Riocentro)

The world has changed dramatically since 1992. Economic power has shifted, corporate influence has grown and political will has faded. There is a real need to take stock of what we have learnt and to examine how this can be most usefully applied to new contexts. Fair Ideas: Sharing solutions for a sustainable planet 18/06/2012 9:30:00 P3-A (Riocentro) IIED and PUC-Rio will bring the results from a 2-day conference just before the Summit, and the diverse set of partners involved in organising this event (see for more information). We will highlight major opportunities to learn from existing practice and to shift to new patterns of behaviour. These will focus on two main UNCSD issues: ways to ensure SD Goals are grounded in specific experience and work at national and local levels; and ways in which a 'green economy' approach makes sense for low income countries and people. According to the last report by FAO, more than 900 million people in the world suffer from chronicle hunger. As a result of the rise in prices of basic commodities, these numbers are expected to dramatically increase. Furthermore, even if the first MDG would be achieved, 600 million people would still suffer from hunger. Linked to the financial, economical, energy and environmental crisis, speculation in the commodity markets ?particularly in the food one- is becoming a common trend; something that needs to be solved urgently. This situation of world structural hunger underlines the urgent need to rethink the policies, values and governance about food related issues. Sustainability at every level, from an individual household to the global community, depends on secure supplies of, and equitable access to, water, food, energy and biodiversity. Mountains play a vital role in this nexus, particularly in the provision of water and biodiversity services. Mountain ecosystems are much more significant today than they were in 1992 due to the emerging climate and global changes and challenges. The Rio+20 outcome document needs to recognize this new reality and take concrete actions since Mountains offer solutions both to kick-start a sustainable and equitable Green Economy and demonstrate inclusive development models that have reduced poverty and promoted social and gender equity in both upstream and downstream contexts. This side event will highlight and share local, national and regional knowledge-based solutions that are integrative, inclusive and supportive to the water, food and energy nexus and have promoted green growth strategies and reduced poverty. The Global Registry Alliance (GRA) is a consortium of programs worldwide actively supporting efforts to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions. GRA?s mission is to improve human and institutional capacity to address climate change through the use of credible, transparent standards for carbon measurement and management. Three GHG Programs ? TCR, ECR and GVces ? are working with over 500 organizations to measure, report, verify and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Reporting organizations include corporations, government agencies, universities and more, representing more than 30 sectors worldwide. Each program builds on the framework of the GHG Protocol, and uses similar tools such as online reporting software, a detailed reporting protocol, verification protocols, and trainings to collect data from companies, local governments, universities and more. Using these tools, reporters measure their carbon footprint in a transparent, accurate and standardized way, and then track their emissions over time as they manage their GHG performance.

Food, sustainability and global democracy: challenges and perspectives



T-3 (Riocentro)

Mountain knowledge solutions for sustainable green economy and improved water, food, energy, and environment nexus



T-2 (Riocentro)

Building a Global Registry: Global GHG reporting and standards



P3-B (Riocentro)

Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. The key principle underlying the Golden Rule is the unity and interconnectedness of all things. It is one of the cornerstones for dialogue and co operation in promoting more peaceful, just and sustainable global community. The growing interfaith and ecumenical movement, especially on the grass root is hope giving when responding todays ethical crisis. URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities. Faiths Without Borders has the project Holy Drop! that speaks for the need for spiritual literacy and ethics of water. The EWN is a network of churches and Christian organizations promoting people's access to water around the world. Based on key messages developed at the previous Nobel Laureates Symposia and the GSP report, the organising partners take the opportunity to present a declaration consisting of a science-based message on global sustainability to decision-makers, civil society and the media. This declaration highlights the importance of a science-based approach to sustainable development and the need for policy and decision-makers to acknowledge science if the world chooses a more sustainable path. The OAS through its Department of Sustainable Development (DSD) supports member states in designing and implementing policies, strategies, programs, and projects to integrate environmental sustainability with poverty alleviation and economic development, as well as translating sustainable development goals into concrete actions. The Department also supports countries in making fundamental decisions which engage all stakeholders, and encourage accountability for sustainable development principles and institutions. Governance for Sustainable Development: Key Messages from the Americas 18/06/2012 9:30:00 T-6 (Riocentro) Consistent with the roles that it played in previous global conferences on environment and development, the Department has been engaging and collaborating with stakeholders from throughout the Americas to play a pivotal role in the preparations and outcomes of Rio+20. At the side event, the OAS-DSD will present the results of this collaborative process, which has included the organization of a Dialogue Series on a variety of sustainable development themes, including governance, public participation, energy, climate change, integrated water resources management, biodiversity, and risk management, among others.

Achieving Sustainable Development through Solidarity Economy



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Spirituality and Ethics of Water



P3-4 (Riocentro)

Open Dialogue on The Future We Choose



P3-A (Riocentro)

Innovative field actions as leverage for change



T-5 (Riocentro)

Field practitioners involved in local initiatives play an important role in the transition towards sustainable and inclusive development. Technical, social, managerial, and financial innovations are designed and implemented all around the world by local actors. Due to the lack of a means of systematically documenting these initiatives, comparable to peer-reviewed publications in the scientific community, these innovative field actions are not sufficiently reported and shared and, very often, get lost. FACTS Initiative and its partners propose a method and tools for documenting innovative initiatives undertaken by field practitioners (NGOs, governmental organizations, etc.). Together, they propose to promote it at Rio+20. This will also be an opportunity to launch collaborations with partners from all the countries involved in what could be a great project, whose aim is to establish an available ?Global Database of practices for sustainable and inclusive developments". Objective of the side event : to promote wide dialogue about the importance of the ISO international standards as a contribution to the green economy in the sustainable development context. This side event will provide the attendance with examples on how an international, consensus-based, multistakeholder standards-setting system can achieve global agreement on the pragmatic implementation of green economy issues at the organizational level. As a concrete example, ISO has developed an international standard that provides guidance on Social Responsibility ? ISO 26000 in 2010. It involved more than 450 participating experts, from 99 countries, and 42 organizations in liaison. These experts came from six specifically identified stakeholder categories of: government, industry, labour, consumers, NGO`s and academia. Its main topics are organizational governance, human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, and community involvement and development. Asia will be the key global driving force economically in the 21st Century and its way of development will give significant impacts globally. The solution against unsustainable patterns at the grass root level is essential and should be an integral part of sustainable development both in Asia and the world. This side event aims to highlight Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), particularly, (i) the significance of achieving sustainable development in the local communities, (ii) importance of local community empowerment in achieving local sustainability, and (iii) key role of NGO)s in local community empowerment and the new knowledge creation for local sustainability. We will present Asias ESD good practices and experiences by NGOs, leading to an Asia NGO Network on ESD to be established by 2014, the final year of UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Communitarian forest management (CFM) is a common practice in several countries of Latin America. Sustainable communitarian forest management helps to mitigate the effects of environmental degradation and climate change and promotes rural development by the creation of more employment opportunities in the forest sector, which strengthens the local economies and eradicates rural poverty. Thus, the communitarian forest management provides multiple ecologic, economic and social benefits, and can inspire other nations to learn from the experiences in Mexico and Central America to adopt similar strategies to promote sustainable development. Our side event will show what is crucial for successful and sustainable communitarian forest management, how it fosters local governance and how it improves local development. At the same time, challenges and needs will be presented to foster communitarian forest management that benefits nature and society in the local and global context. Rio+20 is an opportunity to redress the breakdown of virtually every system in our interconnected world. There is a collective understanding among major groups and governments, that the need for action is critical. Yet, creating systems and frameworks that enable long-term sustainable living, directly addressing poverty and wellbeing, do not happen only through policies. There are many avenues through which change occurs, yet the foundation of all of them is our awareness; our awareness directly determines our actions and behaviors. In the past, our limited awareness has created actions of exploitation leading to over-consumption, widespread famine and ecological demise. Creating a new awareness that assigns deep value to the self, our global family, and the natural world can facilitate true change. Our panel of experts will speak on different topics considering awareness, so we may understand how to voluntarily, wisely and transparently commit, to realize the future we want.

ISO International Standards and Green Economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Message from Asian NGO Network on ESD (ANNE): Role of NGOs in Empowering the Local Community for Sustainable Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Communitarian forest management to assure Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Aligned Awareness and Action for the Future We Want



T-8 (Riocentro)

The world has changed dramatically since 1992. Economic power has shifted, corporate influence has grown and political will has faded. There is a real need to take stock of what we have learnt and to examine how this can be most usefully applied to new contexts. Fair Ideas: Sharing solutions for a sustainable planet 18/06/2012 9:30:00 P3-A (Riocentro) IIED and PUC-Rio will bring the results from a 2-day conference just before the Summit, and the diverse set of partners involved in organising this event (see for more information). We will highlight major opportunities to learn from existing practice and to shift to new patterns of behaviour. These will focus on two main UNCSD issues: ways to ensure SD Goals are grounded in specific experience and work at national and local levels; and ways in which a 'green economy' approach makes sense for low income countries and people. According to the last report by FAO, more than 900 million people in the world suffer from chronicle hunger. As a result of the rise in prices of basic commodities, these numbers are expected to dramatically increase. Furthermore, even if the first MDG would be achieved, 600 million people would still suffer from hunger. Linked to the financial, economical, energy and environmental crisis, speculation in the commodity markets ?particularly in the food one- is becoming a common trend; something that needs to be solved urgently. This situation of world structural hunger underlines the urgent need to rethink the policies, values and governance about food related issues. Sustainability at every level, from an individual household to the global community, depends on secure supplies of, and equitable access to, water, food, energy and biodiversity. Mountains play a vital role in this nexus, particularly in the provision of water and biodiversity services. Mountain ecosystems are much more significant today than they were in 1992 due to the emerging climate and global changes and challenges. The Rio+20 outcome document needs to recognize this new reality and take concrete actions since Mountains offer solutions both to kick-start a sustainable and equitable Green Economy and demonstrate inclusive development models that have reduced poverty and promoted social and gender equity in both upstream and downstream contexts. This side event will highlight and share local, national and regional knowledge-based solutions that are integrative, inclusive and supportive to the water, food and energy nexus and have promoted green growth strategies and reduced poverty. The Global Registry Alliance (GRA) is a consortium of programs worldwide actively supporting efforts to measure and manage greenhouse gas emissions. GRA?s mission is to improve human and institutional capacity to address climate change through the use of credible, transparent standards for carbon measurement and management. Three GHG Programs ? TCR, ECR and GVces ? are working with over 500 organizations to measure, report, verify and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Reporting organizations include corporations, government agencies, universities and more, representing more than 30 sectors worldwide. Each program builds on the framework of the GHG Protocol, and uses similar tools such as online reporting software, a detailed reporting protocol, verification protocols, and trainings to collect data from companies, local governments, universities and more. Using these tools, reporters measure their carbon footprint in a transparent, accurate and standardized way, and then track their emissions over time as they manage their GHG performance.

Food, sustainability and global democracy: challenges and perspectives



T-3 (Riocentro)

Mountain knowledge solutions for sustainable green economy and improved water, food, energy, and environment nexus



T-2 (Riocentro)

Building a Global Registry: Global GHG reporting and standards



P3-B (Riocentro)

Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. Caritas Internationalis - a worldwide confederation of 164 supportive Catholic organizations promotes human integral development, taking into account the various aspects of human well-being: economic, social, political, cultural, ecological and spiritual, with a view to achieving a fair and caring society. This approach is supported through the promotion and fulfilment of human rights, including the right to development, with a preferential option for the poor and the excluded. Following the call of Pope Benedict for ?an inner attitude of responsibility, able to inspire a different lifestyle, with the necessary modest behavior and consumption, in order: to promote the good of future generations in sustainable terms; the safeguard of the goods of creation; the distribution of resources and?the concrete commitment to the development of entire peoples and nations" (World Food Day 2011), Caritas intends to promote a more just way to achieve sustainable development through an economic model based on solidarity. The key principle underlying the Golden Rule is the unity and interconnectedness of all things. It is one of the cornerstones for dialogue and co operation in promoting more peaceful, just and sustainable global community. The growing interfaith and ecumenical movement, especially on the grass root is hope giving when responding todays ethical crisis. URI is a global grassroots interfaith network that cultivates peace and justice by engaging people to bridge religious and cultural differences and work together for the good of their communities. Faiths Without Borders has the project Holy Drop! that speaks for the need for spiritual literacy and ethics of water. The EWN is a network of churches and Christian organizations promoting people's access to water around the world. Based on key messages developed at the previous Nobel Laureates Symposia and the GSP report, the organising partners take the opportunity to present a declaration consisting of a science-based message on global sustainability to decision-makers, civil society and the media. This declaration highlights the importance of a science-based approach to sustainable development and the need for policy and decision-makers to acknowledge science if the world chooses a more sustainable path.

Achieving Sustainable Development through Solidarity Economy



P3-3 (Riocentro)

The Spirituality and Ethics of Water



P3-4 (Riocentro)

Open Dialogue on The Future We Choose



P3-A (Riocentro)

Painelista: Lourdes Mendoa - Chefe da Embrapa Solos Reunio da Comisso Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais. Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Energy for All Projeto Imagem-Identidade Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono - II - Apresentao do Plano de Desenvolvimento de Baixo Carbono da Cidade Rio de Janeiro Painelista: luca Montonarella - CE/JRC Cpula dos Prefeitos: Painel II - Governana Multilateral Side Event SEBRAE (Painel)

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

9:30:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos MAM Riocentro Cantagalo- Pavo-Pavozinho Evento aberto ao pblico em geral OFFICIAL EVENTS Exposio de fotos tiradas durante a preparao da Feira Rio+20 e de imagens da comunidade reunidas ao longo de 3 anos de trabalho da Entrelaces e do fotgrafo Ronaldo Silva junto s comunidades do Cantagalo, Pavo e Pavozinho Evento Fechado

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

10:00:00 10:20:00 10:30:00 11:00:00

Forte de Copacabana Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Forte de Copacabana Riocentro

Evento Fechado Discorre sobre a criao das Varas Ambientais, significado e importncia desta especializao. Traz observaes sobre o exerccio da jurisdio ambiental na Justia Federal e aponta a necessidade de educao ambiental de juzes e servidores. Apresenta casos concretos de decises ambientais. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Cndido Alfredo Silva Leal Jnior (Juiz Federal, Seo Judiciria do Rio Grande do Sul - TRF4) e Mariana Almeida Passos de Freitas (servidora da Seo Judiciria do Paran - TRF4).

Juiz e Meio Ambiente Jurisdio Ambiental



Parque dos Atletas

Desenvolvimento Regional nas Contas de Governo



Parque dos Atletas

1) TCU: competncias, estrutura e forma de atuao. 2) Contas de Governo: viso geral, forma de atuao para elaborao do relatrio e parecer prvio, principais objetivos. 3) Desenvolvimento Regional, 3.1) A persistncia da desigualdade regional, 3.2) A Atuao Governamental por meio da Poltica Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional (PNDR), 3.3) Problemas recorrentes, 3.4) Aprimoramentos verificados, 3.5) Atuao do TCU. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Leonardo Rodrigues Albernaz, Auditor, TCU. 1) Avano da energia elica na regio semirida; 2) Avano da energia solar com destaque para o primeiro estdio auto-sustentvel em energia na Amrica Latina; 3) Recuperao e verticalizao da cultura do cacau Cabruca para a agricultura familiar; 4) Incluso social com empregos verdes; 5) Incubadoras de empresas solidrias. Evento Fechado Room UN4 Room UN3 Room UN2 evento pblico The Global Bioenergy Partnership promotes the transition away from the unsustainable, traditional ways of deriving energy from biomass and towards the sustainable production and use of modern bioenergy. The traditional use of biomass, such as burning fuelwood for cooking and heating, drives environmental degradation and damages human health and welfare. Sustainable, modern bioenergy offers a means to improve energy access and to reduce negative effects on human health and the environment. Access to clean and affordable energy is a prerequisite to sustainable development. Energy produced sustainably from biomass can play a major role in achieving the goal of ?Sustainable Energy for All?. GBEP supports the transition to sustainable, modern bioenergy by fostering the sharing of best practices, encouraging the spread of relevant technologies, creating peer-to-peer learning networks, and triggering new investment. An intended benefit of these activities is to help sustainably intensify agriculture in regions where productivity is low. Driven by the goal of promoting a vibrant, sustainable bioenergy sector, the Global Bioenergy Partnership developed 24 indicators of sustainable bioenergy production and use. Evaluating these indicators will provide environmental, social and economic data, to policy-makers and other stakeholders so that they can: 1) inform the development of national bioenergy policies and programmes; 2) encourage monitoring and evaluation of the environmental, social and economic impacts of modern bioenergy production and use; and 3) support policy and programmatic responses to the impacts of bioenergy production and use. The seminar will raise awareness on the opportunities related to modern bioenergy development, as well as discuss policy options available to ensure the sustainability of this development. It features recent GBEP accomplishments, such as the development and agreement among 23 countries and 13 international organizations of the 24 Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy, country experiences with energy from biomass, and points to ways that GBEP Partners and Observers are working together to build capacity for sustainable bioenergy production and use.

Elicas Solar (com Pituau) Cacau para Sempre Trabalho Decente Economia Solidria Cpula dos Prefeitos: Painel III - Coeso entre territrios Forum Empresarial RIO+20 (Brazilian Business Forum RIO+20) RIO 2012: Sustainable Development Out of the Age of Innocence Boosting renewable energy in Brazil Juiz e Meio Ambiente - Jurisdio Ambiental



Parque dos Atletas

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

Forte de Copacabana Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Parque dos Atletas

Global Bioenergy Partnership Seminar



T-5 (Riocentro)

Aims to discuss the idea of Green Economy and Social Governance at the companies, local governments and civil society. The event brings together companies from the sectors of Trade, Industry, Services and related areas in order to discuss the actions that are aimed at the sustainability of their business, with extensive emphasis on modern concepts of Green Economy, Governance, Education and Social Transition . MAIN GOALS Contributing to the Creation of New Governance Indicators for Social Debating the Green Economy in its different pillars. Listen to the society and its industries. Create a database with the Information Obtained. Mapping the Positive and Negative Results Performing Other Regional Meetings to RIO +20 Gather a Bank Experiences About Green Economy with CASES OF REFERENCE. Contribute to the "Future We Want" Contribute to the Shares of the RIO +20 Revisit the Green Economy Recognizing the Social and Environmental Actions Aimed at Education Transition Assist and contribute to Actions For the Reduction of Poverty in the World Valuing Assets Resize the Economy. This event will examine why transforming the various declarations, conventions and Protocols into practical policies remains unfinished business, and on how to move forward in an adverse context marked by the financial crisis and concerns about the consequences of economic globalization. The underlying premise is that neither scientific alerts nor ethical claims alone are convincing enough to induce collective action. We must outgrow the ?age of innocence? and recognize that the financial crisis and its trail of unemployment, worsening poverty and international tensions put decisionmakers under harsh pressures when real choices must be made. The first roundtable will derive lessons from past experience on how scientific knowledge is received and incorporated in societies responses, and on how solidarity with future generations can be operationalized. The second roundtable will be devoted to the articulation of top-down search for reforms and bottom-up initiatives by local authorities to promote sustainable development.

Forum Empresarial RIO+20 ( Brazilian Business Forum RIO+20)



T-3 (Riocentro)

RIO 2012: Sustainable Development Out of the Age of Innocence



T-10 (Riocentro)

Boosting renewable energy in Brazil



T-2 (Riocentro)

The Green Economy (EV) is a key focus of the Rio +20, a term originally understood by the UNEP as "that which results in improvement of human welfare and social equality while reducing significant environmental risks and ecological scarcity. "As the energy security is one of the themes established by the Brazilian government to be discussed at Rio +20, it raise the question of how to ensure energy for all, consistently while ensuring compliance with the principles of a green economy? Exploring all potential to use renewable energy is one path to be followed. This side event intends to contribute on this debate showing what have being done in Brazil to promote distributed generation from renewable energy sources in projects connected to the grid. Apresentao de cantos e danas e oficinas bilnges (port/ingls) de coreografia e danas indgenas.

Apresentaes e Oficinas Fulni- na Estao General Osrio




Global Bioenergy Partnership Seminar



T-5 (Riocentro)

The Global Bioenergy Partnership promotes the transition away from the unsustainable, traditional ways of deriving energy from biomass and towards the sustainable production and use of modern bioenergy. The traditional use of biomass, such as burning fuelwood for cooking and heating, drives environmental degradation and damages human health and welfare. Sustainable, modern bioenergy offers a means to improve energy access and to reduce negative effects on human health and the environment. Access to clean and affordable energy is a prerequisite to sustainable development. Energy produced sustainably from biomass can play a major role in achieving the goal of ?Sustainable Energy for All?. GBEP supports the transition to sustainable, modern bioenergy by fostering the sharing of best practices, encouraging the spread of relevant technologies, creating peer-to-peer learning networks, and triggering new investment. An intended benefit of these activities is to help sustainably intensify agriculture in regions where productivity is low. Driven by the goal of promoting a vibrant, sustainable bioenergy sector, the Global Bioenergy Partnership developed 24 indicators of sustainable bioenergy production and use. Evaluating these indicators will provide environmental, social and economic data, to policy-makers and other stakeholders so that they can: 1) inform the development of national bioenergy policies and programmes; 2) encourage monitoring and evaluation of the environmental, social and economic impacts of modern bioenergy production and use; and 3) support policy and programmatic responses to the impacts of bioenergy production and use. The seminar will raise awareness on the opportunities related to modern bioenergy development, as well as discuss policy options available to ensure the sustainability of this development. It features recent GBEP accomplishments, such as the development and agreement among 23 countries and 13 international organizations of the 24 Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy, country experiences with energy from biomass, and points to ways that GBEP Partners and Observers are working together to build capacity for sustainable bioenergy production and use. Aims to discuss the idea of Green Economy and Social Governance at the companies, local governments and civil society. The event brings together companies from the sectors of Trade, Industry, Services and related areas in order to discuss the actions that are aimed at the sustainability of their business, with extensive emphasis on modern concepts of Green Economy, Governance, Education and Social Transition . MAIN GOALS Contributing to the Creation of New Governance Indicators for Social Debating the Green Economy in its different pillars. Listen to the society and its industries.

Forum Empresarial RIO+20 ( Brazilian Business Forum RIO+20)



T-3 (Riocentro)

Create a database with the Information Obtained. Mapping the Positive and Negative Results Performing Other Regional Meetings to RIO +20 Gather a Bank Experiences About Green Economy with CASES OF REFERENCE. Contribute to the "Future We Want" Contribute to the Shares of the RIO +20 Revisit the Green Economy Recognizing the Social and Environmental Actions Aimed at Education Transition Assist and contribute to Actions For the Reduction of Poverty in the World

RIO 2012: Sustainable Development Out of the Age of Innocence



T-10 (Riocentro)

This event will examine why transforming the various declarations, conventions and Protocols into practical policies remains unfinished business, and on how to move forward in an adverse context marked by the financial crisis and concerns about the consequences of economic globalization. The underlying premise is that neither scientific alerts nor ethical claims alone are convincing enough to induce collective action. We must outgrow the ?age of innocence? and recognize that the financial crisis and its trail of unemployment, worsening poverty and international tensions put decisionmakers under harsh pressures when real choices must be made. The first roundtable will derive lessons from past experience on how scientific knowledge is received and incorporated in societies responses, and on how solidarity with future generations can be operationalized. The second roundtable will be devoted to the articulation of top-down search for reforms and bottom-up initiatives by local authorities to promote sustainable development.

Boosting renewable energy in Brazil



T-2 (Riocentro)

The Green Economy (EV) is a key focus of the Rio +20, a term originally understood by the UNEP as "that which results in improvement of human welfare and social equality while reducing significant environmental risks and ecological scarcity. "As the energy security is one of the themes established by the Brazilian government to be discussed at Rio +20, it raise the question of how to ensure energy for all, consistently while ensuring compliance with the principles of a green economy? Exploring all potential to use renewable energy is one path to be followed. This side event intends to contribute on this debate showing what have being done in Brazil to promote distributed generation from renewable energy sources in projects connected to the grid. The Global Bioenergy Partnership promotes the transition away from the unsustainable, traditional ways of deriving energy from biomass and towards the sustainable production and use of modern bioenergy. The traditional use of biomass, such as burning fuelwood for cooking and heating, drives environmental degradation and damages human health and welfare. Sustainable, modern bioenergy offers a means to improve energy access and to reduce negative effects on human health and the environment. Access to clean and affordable energy is a prerequisite to sustainable development. Energy produced sustainably from biomass can play a major role in achieving the goal of ?Sustainable Energy for All?. GBEP supports the transition to sustainable, modern bioenergy by fostering the sharing of best practices, encouraging the spread of relevant technologies, creating peer-to-peer learning networks, and triggering new investment. An intended benefit of these activities is to help sustainably intensify agriculture in regions where productivity is low. Driven by the goal of promoting a vibrant, sustainable bioenergy sector, the Global Bioenergy Partnership developed 24 indicators of sustainable bioenergy production and use. Evaluating these indicators will provide environmental, social and economic data, to policy-makers and other stakeholders so that they can: 1) inform the development of national bioenergy policies and programmes; 2) encourage monitoring and evaluation of the environmental, social and economic impacts of modern bioenergy production and use; and 3) support policy and programmatic responses to the impacts of bioenergy production and use. The seminar will raise awareness on the opportunities related to modern bioenergy development, as well as discuss policy options available to ensure the sustainability of this development. It features recent GBEP accomplishments, such as the development and agreement among 23 countries and 13 international organizations of the 24 Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy, country experiences with energy from biomass, and points to ways that GBEP Partners and Observers are working together to build capacity for sustainable bioenergy production and use.

Global Bioenergy Partnership Seminar



T-5 (Riocentro)

Aims to discuss the idea of Green Economy and Social Governance at the companies, local governments and civil society. The event brings together companies from the sectors of Trade, Industry, Services and related areas in order to discuss the actions that are aimed at the sustainability of their business, with extensive emphasis on modern concepts of Green Economy, Governance, Education and Social Transition . MAIN GOALS Contributing to the Creation of New Governance Indicators for Social Debating the Green Economy in its different pillars. Listen to the society and its industries. Forum Empresarial RIO+20 ( Brazilian Business Forum RIO+20) 18/06/2012 11:00:00 T-3 (Riocentro) Create a database with the Information Obtained. Mapping the Positive and Negative Results Performing Other Regional Meetings to RIO +20 Gather a Bank Experiences About Green Economy with CASES OF REFERENCE. Contribute to the "Future We Want" Contribute to the Shares of the RIO +20 Revisit the Green Economy Recognizing the Social and Environmental Actions Aimed at Education Transition Assist and contribute to Actions For the Reduction of Poverty in the World This event will examine why transforming the various declarations, conventions and Protocols into practical policies remains unfinished business, and on how to move forward in an adverse context marked by the financial crisis and concerns about the consequences of economic globalization. The underlying premise is that neither scientific alerts nor ethical claims alone are convincing enough to induce collective action. We must outgrow the ?age of innocence? and recognize that the financial crisis and its trail of unemployment, worsening poverty and international tensions put decisionmakers under harsh pressures when real choices must be made. The first roundtable will derive lessons from past experience on how scientific knowledge is received and incorporated in societies responses, and on how solidarity with future generations can be operationalized. The second roundtable will be devoted to the articulation of top-down search for reforms and bottom-up initiatives by local authorities to promote sustainable development.

RIO 2012: Sustainable Development Out of the Age of Innocence



T-10 (Riocentro)

Boosting renewable energy in Brazil



T-2 (Riocentro)

The Green Economy (EV) is a key focus of the Rio +20, a term originally understood by the UNEP as "that which results in improvement of human welfare and social equality while reducing significant environmental risks and ecological scarcity. "As the energy security is one of the themes established by the Brazilian government to be discussed at Rio +20, it raise the question of how to ensure energy for all, consistently while ensuring compliance with the principles of a green economy? Exploring all potential to use renewable energy is one path to be followed. This side event intends to contribute on this debate showing what have being done in Brazil to promote distributed generation from renewable energy sources in projects connected to the grid.

Painelista: Ronald Vargas - FAO Reunio de Secretrios de Ambiente dos Estados e Municpios - ABEMA/ ANAMMA/AEMERJ Global Town Hall ICLEI

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Evento Pblico Evento Pblico

Rio+20 Global Town Hall



Parque dos Atletas

Review of China's Sustainable Development 1992 - 2011: A perspective from Chinese civil society



T-6 (Riocentro)

The Rio+20 Global Town Hall is the main setting at Rio+20 to discuss ICLEIs sustainable urban future! Mayors and local government officials from around the world will address how they can best contribute to greening the urban economy, to protecting the global common goods and to improving global and local governance systems. Main speakers: Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations* Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States* Mpho Parks Tau, Mayor of Johannesburg, South Africa Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Crown Prince of Qatar* Mercedes Bresso, President of EU Committee of Regions Ilmar Reepalu, Mayor of Malm, Sweden, Chair of the ENVE Commission of the EU Committee of the Regions Peter Altmaier, Minister for Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany* Asim Gzelbey, Mayor of Gaziantep, Turkey Villy Svndal, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Denmark* David Cadman, ICLEI President Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit* Dilma Roussed, President of Brazil* Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa* Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of UNFCCC Jean-Marc Ayrault, Prime Minister of France* *To be confirmed Twenty years ago, not a single NGO representative from China participated in the 1992 Rio Summit. In fact, there were no environmental NGO in China at that time. However, in recent years, the environmental NGO community has developed rapidly in China to become one of the most vibrant and vocal civil society sectors in promoting sustainable development. It has also played important roles in enabling and facilitating public participation in sustainability issues, as well as catalyzing cross-sector cooperation among youth, corporations, foundations, research institutes and media. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues and based on the findings of the collaborative report by Chinese NGOs reviewing sustainable development over the past 20 years, will address the current state of public participation in sustainable development, the roles and challenges of NGOs, and the future of green citizenship in China The intersection of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with the challenges of environmental, social and economic sustainability forms a critical nexus for the future of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Technology has long played a crucial part in economic and social development, and its evolution has continually raised the thresholds of possibility. In order to unleash the full potential of technology as an enabler for sustainable economic and social development throughout the developing world, a global strategy leveraging the power of technology is needed. The importance of sustainability has been recognized in development policy since the United Nations first Summit on that theme in the early 1990s and today it is being revived with the RIO+20 Summit that aims at securing renewed political commitment. A sustainable development approach must be holistic and analyze its three pillars: economic, social and environmental trends, and the interactions between them. The link between ICT and sustainable development recognizes the existence of both significant opportunities and threats.On the one hand, there is optimism that the ?new economy? will bring ?dematerialization?, a reduction in movement of goods, and a general decoupling of economic growth and resource use, on the other hand, there is fear that current unsustainable trends will be worsened. Without a holistic approach, the sustainable use of ICT alone will not deliver the goals of social and environmental sustainability. Common efforts from governments, civil society and businesses alike are needed. This will be a panel discussion on the framework and foundation for a World Constitution for our environment, so humanity can live in better balance with our world?s resources.

The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

RIO Panel on Humanity & Environment = Our World's Resources



P3-E (Riocentro)

Entrepreneurship Forum on Green Business Opportunities



P3-F (Riocentro)

The forum aims to introduce the practice of Chinese enterprises? adoption of energy-saving and environmental-friendly technologies in the process of sustainable development so that the world may know better the unremitting efforts Chinese enterprises are making in environmental protection, ecological building and resources recycling, etc. to explore an appropriate economic development path suited to Chinese national conditions The Chinese entrepreneurs wish to build a bridge with entrepreneurs of other countries and a platform for more communication through the forum. Entrepreneurs of other countries are welcome to the forum and participate in the discussion, which we hope will enhance understanding, offer new ways for mutual-beneficial cooperation and make contributions to the sustainable development of the world. Now that over half of the world?s population lives in cities, sustainable urbanization is an important new opportunity for the UN?s efforts to advance sustainable development and poverty reduction. This side event will offer a vision for sustainable and just cities and showcase what leaders and practitioners have learned in the implementation of promising initiatives. Speakers will discuss the crucial leadership of mayors and who are scaling up successful strategies in partnership with the world?s heads of state, environmental ministers, civil society organizations, and business leaders. The Ford Foundation will discuss the role of philanthropic institutions in generating greater resources and attention to the challenges of accommodating the 2 billion additional residents that are expected to reside in the world's cities by 2050. Attendees will be invited to share their ideas about to strengthen collaboration between practitioners, leaders, and key stakeholders to achieve a vision of sustainable and just cities. Addressing one of the seven critical issues identified by UNDESA for Rio+20, the purpose of this side event is to reflect on the triple disasters in Japan in 2011 and draw lessons for governance and policy from the international to the local level for developing resilience to hazards in the context of sustainable development in a post-Rio+20 world. Considering that the discussion will focus on contemporary and forward-looking issues, the outcomes should directly inform the ongoing process for developing Sustainable Development Goals, as disaster risk reduction and resilience has been proposed as one potential goal. This session will provide training in communication and strategic collaboration for policy makers, practitioners, and scientists working to advance sustainability. Leaders who know how to locate, talk to, and build relationships with experts can obtain current information on science and technology and feedback on policy alternatives to help design and implement effective policies. Scientists who talk with leaders and practitioners can design research relevant to societal problems and provide better links between science and policy. Communications training will help scientists to present research in a concise and accessible manner. Practitioners who know how to use both policy and science can shape more effective programs. Encouraging policy makers, practitioners, and scientists to communicate with each other and to build strategic collaborative relationships will create powerful networks working toward sustainable solutions to societal problems, and will lead to more sustainable public policies and programs at all levels of governance. This event will profile some of the world?s most innovative ?natural capital partnerships? implementing integrated approaches toward the transition to green growth and green economies today. It will promote a south-south knowledge exchange and commitments from Mexico, the Coastal Eastern Africa region and Asia?s Greater Mekong Subregion. Natural ecosystems provide economically valuable services vital to human welfare such as food, water, energy, and carbon sequestration. In many of the world?s ecoregions, declines in natural capital continue, causing negative impacts that contribute to increase poverty levels. Solutions are emerging, however. Across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, models for inclusive green growth are evolving through a range of integrated strategies and regional cooperation initiatives. This event will provide a forum for governments on the cutting edge of green economy innovations to profile integrated and collaborative approaches that enhance freshwater, forest, agricultural, and marine resources ? the vital building blocks of a sustainable future. The main purpose of this workshop is to present the need to invest in public policies and in practices from smallholder farmers on adaptation in order to build resilience to face climate changes. The workshop will launch an international database of experiences and practices on adaptation from different smallholder farmers around the world, which aims to share experiences so that others can replicate or adapt these practices into their contexts. There will be also a community leader to explain how the practice empowered the community to face the climate change maintaining or improving their production and lives.

The Sustainable and Just City



T-4 (Riocentro)

Implications of the triple disaster in Japan in a post-Rio+20 world



P3-B (Riocentro)

Advancing Sustainability through Communication and Collaboration



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Securing Food, Water and Energy in the World's Most Valued Ecoregions



T-3 (Riocentro)

Promote Adaptation by Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Resilience



T-6 (Riocentro)

We are at a turning point in which it is not only necessary to tackle global challenges, but also to address the disconnect between generations in order to produce new and greener ideas, attitudes, habits and a sense of responsibility and accountability linked to our daily actions. Today?s youth can and shall lead this shift by collaborating with previous generations. Beyond Rio+20: A Global Youth Movement for Sustainable Development 18/06/2012 11:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Current leaders and youth representatives have come together to make young people?s voice, interests, needs, actions, and visions a key part of Rio+20. Such cooperation efforts must continue after the UN summit. The event will therefore discuss future scenarios both in terms of priorities for the movement (SDGs, education?) and form (through the Major Groups or an independent alliance?). Feedback will be sought from other stakeholders, whose partnership will be fundamental in making a long-term youth movement flourish for a sustainable future. Mary Robinson and the Aspen Institute?s Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health (GLC) will convene a high-level moderated dialogue to raise the profile of human development, gender and reproductive health within the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Members of the GLC and other high-level leaders will speak to the role of human development and reproductive health in the new and emerging global discussion of sustainable development. Featured speakers will include: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister of Norway; Musimbi Kanyoro, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Global Fund for Women; Tewodros Melesse, Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation; Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and President of the Mary Robinson Foundation ? Climate Justice; Tim Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation. In line with Dublin/Rio conferences (1992) mandates, AMCOW has provided leadership and commitment in gender mainstreaming by elaborating the AMCOW Gender Policy and Strategy in the water sector. Many governments, civil society and development agencies have also adopted gender sensitive policies and programmes suggesting that there exists considerable knowledge and lessons learnt. GWP is currently elaborating a GWP gender Strategy for the GWP Network. AMCOW, GWP; UNDP; Cap-Net; SaciWATERs, the Center for Public Health and Climate Change at the Public Health Institute and GWA plan to convene a gender implementation event at the Rio+20 conference. The event will review progress made and facilitate information exchange on strategies, actions, approaches, partnerships/networks lessons learnt and gender mainstreaming needs. This event seeks to share knowledge so as to support Africa?s implementation of the AMCOW gender strategy and to develop an Africa network that will support AMCOW and bring these issues forward beyond RIO+20. Twenty years ago, not a single NGO representative from China participated in the 1992 Rio Summit. In fact, there were no environmental NGO in China at that time. However, in recent years, the environmental NGO community has developed rapidly in China to become one of the most vibrant and vocal civil society sectors in promoting sustainable development. It has also played important roles in enabling and facilitating public participation in sustainability issues, as well as catalyzing cross-sector cooperation among youth, corporations, foundations, research institutes and media. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues and based on the findings of the collaborative report by Chinese NGOs reviewing sustainable development over the past 20 years, will address the current state of public participation in sustainable development, the roles and challenges of NGOs, and the future of green citizenship in China

Sustainability Revisited: Population, Reproductive Health & the Planet



T-10 (Riocentro)

Dublin Rio Principles, where do we stand, what lessons learned



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Review of China's Sustainable Development 1992 - 2011: A perspective from Chinese civil society



T-6 (Riocentro)

The intersection of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with the challenges of environmental, social and economic sustainability forms a critical nexus for the future of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Technology has long played a crucial part in economic and social development, and its evolution has continually raised the thresholds of possibility. In order to unleash the full potential of technology as an enabler for sustainable economic and social development throughout the developing world, a global strategy leveraging the power of technology is needed. The importance of sustainability has been recognized in development policy since the United Nations first Summit on that theme in the early 1990s and today it is being revived with the RIO+20 Summit that aims at securing renewed political commitment. A sustainable development approach must be holistic and analyze its three pillars: economic, social and environmental trends, and the interactions between them. The link between ICT and sustainable development recognizes the existence of both significant opportunities and threats.On the one hand, there is optimism that the ?new economy? will bring ?dematerialization?, a reduction in movement of goods, and a general decoupling of economic growth and resource use, on the other hand, there is fear that current unsustainable trends will be worsened. Without a holistic approach, the sustainable use of ICT alone will not deliver the goals of social and environmental sustainability. Common efforts from governments, civil society and businesses alike are needed. This will be a panel discussion on the framework and foundation for a World Constitution for our environment, so humanity can live in better balance with our world?s resources. The forum aims to introduce the practice of Chinese enterprises? adoption of energy-saving and environmental-friendly technologies in the process of sustainable development so that the world may know better the unremitting efforts Chinese enterprises are making in environmental protection, ecological building and resources recycling, etc. to explore an appropriate economic development path suited to Chinese national conditions The Chinese entrepreneurs wish to build a bridge with entrepreneurs of other countries and a platform for more communication through the forum. Entrepreneurs of other countries are welcome to the forum and participate in the discussion, which we hope will enhance understanding, offer new ways for mutual-beneficial cooperation and make contributions to the sustainable development of the world. Now that over half of the world?s population lives in cities, sustainable urbanization is an important new opportunity for the UN?s efforts to advance sustainable development and poverty reduction. This side event will offer a vision for sustainable and just cities and showcase what leaders and practitioners have learned in the implementation of promising initiatives. Speakers will discuss the crucial leadership of mayors and who are scaling up successful strategies in partnership with the world?s heads of state, environmental ministers, civil society organizations, and business leaders. The Ford Foundation will discuss the role of philanthropic institutions in generating greater resources and attention to the challenges of accommodating the 2 billion additional residents that are expected to reside in the world's cities by 2050. Attendees will be invited to share their ideas about to strengthen collaboration between practitioners, leaders, and key stakeholders to achieve a vision of sustainable and just cities. Addressing one of the seven critical issues identified by UNDESA for Rio+20, the purpose of this side event is to reflect on the triple disasters in Japan in 2011 and draw lessons for governance and policy from the international to the local level for developing resilience to hazards in the context of sustainable development in a post-Rio+20 world. Considering that the discussion will focus on contemporary and forward-looking issues, the outcomes should directly inform the ongoing process for developing Sustainable Development Goals, as disaster risk reduction and resilience has been proposed as one potential goal.

The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

RIO Panel on Humanity & Environment = Our World's Resources



P3-E (Riocentro)

Entrepreneurship Forum on Green Business Opportunities



P3-F (Riocentro)

The Sustainable and Just City



T-4 (Riocentro)

Implications of the triple disaster in Japan in a post-Rio+20 world



P3-B (Riocentro)

Advancing Sustainability through Communication and Collaboration



P3-6 (Riocentro)

This session will provide training in communication and strategic collaboration for policy makers, practitioners, and scientists working to advance sustainability. Leaders who know how to locate, talk to, and build relationships with experts can obtain current information on science and technology and feedback on policy alternatives to help design and implement effective policies. Scientists who talk with leaders and practitioners can design research relevant to societal problems and provide better links between science and policy. Communications training will help scientists to present research in a concise and accessible manner. Practitioners who know how to use both policy and science can shape more effective programs. Encouraging policy makers, practitioners, and scientists to communicate with each other and to build strategic collaborative relationships will create powerful networks working toward sustainable solutions to societal problems, and will lead to more sustainable public policies and programs at all levels of governance. This event will profile some of the world?s most innovative ?natural capital partnerships? implementing integrated approaches toward the transition to green growth and green economies today. It will promote a south-south knowledge exchange and commitments from Mexico, the Coastal Eastern Africa region and Asia?s Greater Mekong Subregion. Natural ecosystems provide economically valuable services vital to human welfare such as food, water, energy, and carbon sequestration. In many of the world?s ecoregions, declines in natural capital continue, causing negative impacts that contribute to increase poverty levels. Solutions are emerging, however. Across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, models for inclusive green growth are evolving through a range of integrated strategies and regional cooperation initiatives. This event will provide a forum for governments on the cutting edge of green economy innovations to profile integrated and collaborative approaches that enhance freshwater, forest, agricultural, and marine resources ? the vital building blocks of a sustainable future. The main purpose of this workshop is to present the need to invest in public policies and in practices from smallholder farmers on adaptation in order to build resilience to face climate changes. The workshop will launch an international database of experiences and practices on adaptation from different smallholder farmers around the world, which aims to share experiences so that others can replicate or adapt these practices into their contexts. There will be also a community leader to explain how the practice empowered the community to face the climate change maintaining or improving their production and lives. We are at a turning point in which it is not only necessary to tackle global challenges, but also to address the disconnect between generations in order to produce new and greener ideas, attitudes, habits and a sense of responsibility and accountability linked to our daily actions. Today?s youth can and shall lead this shift by collaborating with previous generations. Current leaders and youth representatives have come together to make young people?s voice, interests, needs, actions, and visions a key part of Rio+20. Such cooperation efforts must continue after the UN summit. The event will therefore discuss future scenarios both in terms of priorities for the movement (SDGs, education?) and form (through the Major Groups or an independent alliance?). Feedback will be sought from other stakeholders, whose partnership will be fundamental in making a long-term youth movement flourish for a sustainable future. Mary Robinson and the Aspen Institute?s Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health (GLC) will convene a high-level moderated dialogue to raise the profile of human development, gender and reproductive health within the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Members of the GLC and other high-level leaders will speak to the role of human development and reproductive health in the new and emerging global discussion of sustainable development.

Securing Food, Water and Energy in the World's Most Valued Ecoregions



T-3 (Riocentro)

Promote Adaptation by Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Resilience



T-6 (Riocentro)

Beyond Rio+20: A Global Youth Movement for Sustainable Development



P3-F (Riocentro)

Sustainability Revisited: Population, Reproductive Health & the Planet



T-10 (Riocentro)

Featured speakers will include: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister of Norway; Musimbi Kanyoro, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Global Fund for Women; Tewodros Melesse, Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation; Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and President of the Mary Robinson Foundation ? Climate Justice; Tim Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation.

Dublin Rio Principles, where do we stand, what lessons learned



P3-6 (Riocentro)

In line with Dublin/Rio conferences (1992) mandates, AMCOW has provided leadership and commitment in gender mainstreaming by elaborating the AMCOW Gender Policy and Strategy in the water sector. Many governments, civil society and development agencies have also adopted gender sensitive policies and programmes suggesting that there exists considerable knowledge and lessons learnt. GWP is currently elaborating a GWP gender Strategy for the GWP Network. AMCOW, GWP; UNDP; Cap-Net; SaciWATERs, the Center for Public Health and Climate Change at the Public Health Institute and GWA plan to convene a gender implementation event at the Rio+20 conference. The event will review progress made and facilitate information exchange on strategies, actions, approaches, partnerships/networks lessons learnt and gender mainstreaming needs. This event seeks to share knowledge so as to support Africa?s implementation of the AMCOW gender strategy and to develop an Africa network that will support AMCOW and bring these issues forward beyond RIO+20. Twenty years ago, not a single NGO representative from China participated in the 1992 Rio Summit. In fact, there were no environmental NGO in China at that time. However, in recent years, the environmental NGO community has developed rapidly in China to become one of the most vibrant and vocal civil society sectors in promoting sustainable development. It has also played important roles in enabling and facilitating public participation in sustainability issues, as well as catalyzing cross-sector cooperation among youth, corporations, foundations, research institutes and media. This side event, as part of the ?China Going Green? Dialogues and based on the findings of the collaborative report by Chinese NGOs reviewing sustainable development over the past 20 years, will address the current state of public participation in sustainable development, the roles and challenges of NGOs, and the future of green citizenship in China The intersection of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with the challenges of environmental, social and economic sustainability forms a critical nexus for the future of sustainable development and poverty eradication. Technology has long played a crucial part in economic and social development, and its evolution has continually raised the thresholds of possibility. In order to unleash the full potential of technology as an enabler for sustainable economic and social development throughout the developing world, a global strategy leveraging the power of technology is needed. The importance of sustainability has been recognized in development policy since the United Nations first Summit on that theme in the early 1990s and today it is being revived with the RIO+20 Summit that aims at securing renewed political commitment. A sustainable development approach must be holistic and analyze its three pillars: economic, social and environmental trends, and the interactions between them. The link between ICT and sustainable development recognizes the existence of both significant opportunities and threats.On the one hand, there is optimism that the ?new economy? will bring ?dematerialization?, a reduction in movement of goods, and a general decoupling of economic growth and resource use, on the other hand, there is fear that current unsustainable trends will be worsened. Without a holistic approach, the sustainable use of ICT alone will not deliver the goals of social and environmental sustainability. Common efforts from governments, civil society and businesses alike are needed. This will be a panel discussion on the framework and foundation for a World Constitution for our environment, so humanity can live in better balance with our world?s resources. The forum aims to introduce the practice of Chinese enterprises? adoption of energy-saving and environmental-friendly technologies in the process of sustainable development so that the world may know better the unremitting efforts Chinese enterprises are making in environmental protection, ecological building and resources recycling, etc. to explore an appropriate economic development path suited to Chinese national conditions The Chinese entrepreneurs wish to build a bridge with entrepreneurs of other countries and a platform for more communication through the forum. Entrepreneurs of other countries are welcome to the forum and participate in the discussion, which we hope will enhance understanding, offer new ways for mutual-beneficial cooperation and make contributions to the sustainable development of the world.

Review of China's Sustainable Development 1992 - 2011: A perspective from Chinese civil society



T-6 (Riocentro)

The Impact of New Technologies and ICTs on Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

RIO Panel on Humanity & Environment = Our World's Resources



P3-E (Riocentro)

Entrepreneurship Forum on Green Business Opportunities



P3-F (Riocentro)

The Sustainable and Just City



T-4 (Riocentro)

Now that over half of the world?s population lives in cities, sustainable urbanization is an important new opportunity for the UN?s efforts to advance sustainable development and poverty reduction. This side event will offer a vision for sustainable and just cities and showcase what leaders and practitioners have learned in the implementation of promising initiatives. Speakers will discuss the crucial leadership of mayors and who are scaling up successful strategies in partnership with the world?s heads of state, environmental ministers, civil society organizations, and business leaders. The Ford Foundation will discuss the role of philanthropic institutions in generating greater resources and attention to the challenges of accommodating the 2 billion additional residents that are expected to reside in the world's cities by 2050. Attendees will be invited to share their ideas about to strengthen collaboration between practitioners, leaders, and key stakeholders to achieve a vision of sustainable and just cities. Addressing one of the seven critical issues identified by UNDESA for Rio+20, the purpose of this side event is to reflect on the triple disasters in Japan in 2011 and draw lessons for governance and policy from the international to the local level for developing resilience to hazards in the context of sustainable development in a post-Rio+20 world. Considering that the discussion will focus on contemporary and forward-looking issues, the outcomes should directly inform the ongoing process for developing Sustainable Development Goals, as disaster risk reduction and resilience has been proposed as one potential goal. This session will provide training in communication and strategic collaboration for policy makers, practitioners, and scientists working to advance sustainability. Leaders who know how to locate, talk to, and build relationships with experts can obtain current information on science and technology and feedback on policy alternatives to help design and implement effective policies. Scientists who talk with leaders and practitioners can design research relevant to societal problems and provide better links between science and policy. Communications training will help scientists to present research in a concise and accessible manner. Practitioners who know how to use both policy and science can shape more effective programs. Encouraging policy makers, practitioners, and scientists to communicate with each other and to build strategic collaborative relationships will create powerful networks working toward sustainable solutions to societal problems, and will lead to more sustainable public policies and programs at all levels of governance. This event will profile some of the world?s most innovative ?natural capital partnerships? implementing integrated approaches toward the transition to green growth and green economies today. It will promote a south-south knowledge exchange and commitments from Mexico, the Coastal Eastern Africa region and Asia?s Greater Mekong Subregion. Natural ecosystems provide economically valuable services vital to human welfare such as food, water, energy, and carbon sequestration. In many of the world?s ecoregions, declines in natural capital continue, causing negative impacts that contribute to increase poverty levels. Solutions are emerging, however. Across Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America, models for inclusive green growth are evolving through a range of integrated strategies and regional cooperation initiatives. This event will provide a forum for governments on the cutting edge of green economy innovations to profile integrated and collaborative approaches that enhance freshwater, forest, agricultural, and marine resources ? the vital building blocks of a sustainable future. The main purpose of this workshop is to present the need to invest in public policies and in practices from smallholder farmers on adaptation in order to build resilience to face climate changes. The workshop will launch an international database of experiences and practices on adaptation from different smallholder farmers around the world, which aims to share experiences so that others can replicate or adapt these practices into their contexts. There will be also a community leader to explain how the practice empowered the community to face the climate change maintaining or improving their production and lives. We are at a turning point in which it is not only necessary to tackle global challenges, but also to address the disconnect between generations in order to produce new and greener ideas, attitudes, habits and a sense of responsibility and accountability linked to our daily actions. Today?s youth can and shall lead this shift by collaborating with previous generations. Current leaders and youth representatives have come together to make young people?s voice, interests, needs, actions, and visions a key part of Rio+20. Such cooperation efforts must continue after the UN summit. The event will therefore discuss future scenarios both in terms of priorities for the movement (SDGs, education?) and form (through the Major Groups or an independent alliance?). Feedback will be sought from other stakeholders, whose partnership will be fundamental in making a long-term youth movement flourish for a sustainable future.

Implications of the triple disaster in Japan in a post-Rio+20 world



P3-B (Riocentro)

Advancing Sustainability through Communication and Collaboration



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Securing Food, Water and Energy in the World's Most Valued Ecoregions



T-3 (Riocentro)

Promote Adaptation by Reducing Vulnerability and Increasing Resilience



T-6 (Riocentro)

Beyond Rio+20: A Global Youth Movement for Sustainable Development



P3-F (Riocentro)

Mary Robinson and the Aspen Institute?s Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health (GLC) will convene a high-level moderated dialogue to raise the profile of human development, gender and reproductive health within the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. Members of the GLC and other high-level leaders will speak to the role of human development and reproductive health in the new and emerging global discussion of sustainable development. Sustainability Revisited: Population, Reproductive Health & the Planet 18/06/2012 11:30:00 T-10 (Riocentro) Featured speakers will include: Gro Harlem Brundtland, Former Prime Minister of Norway; Musimbi Kanyoro, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Global Fund for Women; Tewodros Melesse, Director General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation; Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and President of the Mary Robinson Foundation ? Climate Justice; Tim Wirth, President of the United Nations Foundation. In line with Dublin/Rio conferences (1992) mandates, AMCOW has provided leadership and commitment in gender mainstreaming by elaborating the AMCOW Gender Policy and Strategy in the water sector. Many governments, civil society and development agencies have also adopted gender sensitive policies and programmes suggesting that there exists considerable knowledge and lessons learnt. GWP is currently elaborating a GWP gender Strategy for the GWP Network. AMCOW, GWP; UNDP; Cap-Net; SaciWATERs, the Center for Public Health and Climate Change at the Public Health Institute and GWA plan to convene a gender implementation event at the Rio+20 conference. The event will review progress made and facilitate information exchange on strategies, actions, approaches, partnerships/networks lessons learnt and gender mainstreaming needs. This event seeks to share knowledge so as to support Africa?s implementation of the AMCOW gender strategy and to develop an Africa network that will support AMCOW and bring these issues forward beyond RIO+20.

Dublin Rio Principles, where do we stand, what lessons learned



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Debates Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono III - "Carta do Rio para a Sustentabilidade" Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono Almoo Sesso VDEO-SHOW Healthy Women, Healthy Planet: Women's Empowerment, Reproductive Health

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

11:30:00 12:00:00 12:30:00 13:00:00 13:15:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Evento Fechado Evento Fechado Sesso VDEO-SHOW Room UN2 Women are instrumental in determining a family?s ability to survive and effectively cope with the impacts of climate change. Access to reproductive health and family planning is an important part of strengthening women?s capacity as leaders in sustainable development, yet in too many places around the world women?s access to these services is limited. Reducing unintended pregnancies and giving families the tools to determine family size can improve socio-economic status of women, reduce strain on the environment, and improve conservation of resources ? all of which make significant contributions to sustainable development and resilience in the face of a changing climate. Funbio works with companies in Brazil that are implementing projects that go beyond philanthropy or social environmental corporate responsibility. These companies are considering biodiversity conservation and climate change impacts as key elements of their strategies, designing long term plans for the development of the territories where they are located or influential. These projects include the design of sustainable development plans for the territories, but also the creation and implementation of financial mechanisms to support these plans, as well as participative governance models to get local communities, government authorities and other partners involved. Three companies will present their experiences in a systematized way, allowing the audience to evaluate the convergences and specific aspects of the three cases. Women are instrumental in determining a family?s ability to survive and effectively cope with the impacts of climate change. Access to reproductive health and family planning is an important part of strengthening women?s capacity as leaders in sustainable development, yet in too many places around the world women?s access to these services is limited. Reducing unintended pregnancies and giving families the tools to determine family size can improve socio-economic status of women, reduce strain on the environment, and improve conservation of resources ? all of which make significant contributions to sustainable development and resilience in the face of a changing climate.

Healthy Women, Healthy Planet: Women's Empowerment, Reproductive Healt



T-2 (Riocentro)

Incorporating Biodiversity into Business - cases in Brazil



T-8 (Riocentro)

Healthy Women, Healthy Planet: Women's Empowerment, Reproductive Healt



T-2 (Riocentro)

Incorporating Biodiversity into Business - cases in Brazil



T-8 (Riocentro)

Funbio works with companies in Brazil that are implementing projects that go beyond philanthropy or social environmental corporate responsibility. These companies are considering biodiversity conservation and climate change impacts as key elements of their strategies, designing long term plans for the development of the territories where they are located or influential. These projects include the design of sustainable development plans for the territories, but also the creation and implementation of financial mechanisms to support these plans, as well as participative governance models to get local communities, government authorities and other partners involved. Three companies will present their experiences in a systematized way, allowing the audience to evaluate the convergences and specific aspects of the three cases. Women are instrumental in determining a family?s ability to survive and effectively cope with the impacts of climate change. Access to reproductive health and family planning is an important part of strengthening women?s capacity as leaders in sustainable development, yet in too many places around the world women?s access to these services is limited. Reducing unintended pregnancies and giving families the tools to determine family size can improve socio-economic status of women, reduce strain on the environment, and improve conservation of resources ? all of which make significant contributions to sustainable development and resilience in the face of a changing climate. Funbio works with companies in Brazil that are implementing projects that go beyond philanthropy or social environmental corporate responsibility. These companies are considering biodiversity conservation and climate change impacts as key elements of their strategies, designing long term plans for the development of the territories where they are located or influential. These projects include the design of sustainable development plans for the territories, but also the creation and implementation of financial mechanisms to support these plans, as well as participative governance models to get local communities, government authorities and other partners involved. Three companies will present their experiences in a systematized way, allowing the audience to evaluate the convergences and specific aspects of the three cases. Promotion of the green economy is one major means by which the current economy in Africa can make the transition to sustainable economic development. As has been widely acknowledged, although Africa has contributed least to global climate change, it has suffered disproportionately from its adverse effects. The challenges of adaptation and mitigation are therefore particularly urgent for Africa. The continent has 60 percent of the world?s arable land; 20 percent of its forest reserves; 20 percent of the global land mass; 40 percent of the world?s biodiversity and more than half of the world?s clean energy potential. A new paradigm is needed to ensure that countries maximize the potential benefits that the green economy could provide. A green economy with the vast untapped natural resources represent a paradigm shift in promoting clean and renewable energy, creation of employment and conservation of the continent?s natural resources. As the economic crisis continues to give rise to government spending cuts in many countries, increased attention is being paid to military budgets. The global military expenditure in 2010 has reached a historic high of $1630 billion. This is 5 times more than what we would need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This side event will show the effects of armed conflicts and weapons on development and explain an innovative way to finance programmes for sustainable development: by reducing military spending. This side event will highlight an independent study regarding the impact of energy-related pollution on human health. It will demonstrate that Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP Gas or LPG) can help to reduce negative health impacts particularly those stemming from cooking with traditional fuels and biomass while providing access to clean, modern energy that is necessary for sustainable development.

Healthy Women, Healthy Planet: Women's Empowerment, Reproductive Healt



T-2 (Riocentro)

Incorporating Biodiversity into Business - cases in Brazil



T-8 (Riocentro)

Promoting a Green Economy in Africa, LDCs, SIDS and LLDCS/Challenges/O



P3-E (Riocentro)

Disarmament for Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

LP Gas: An exceptional energy for improving health and development



P3-A (Riocentro)

LP Gas is a clean-burning, low carbon and efficient fuel and a vital source of energy for hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. It is modern and safe and can be used anywhere. It is also available immediately, without large investments in R&D, technology, time or infrastructure. It is portable and can be transported, stored and used virtually anywhere without large investments in infrastructure making it ideal for solving development issues and improving the life and health of millions of people who currently lack access to modern forms of energy. Cities currently spend around 10% of their GDP on their annual energy bill. How can this be reduced whilst also enhancing competitiveness and creating employment? What are the most cost and carbon effective options? What is the business case for major investments and how much would they cut the carbon emissions of cities?

The Economics of Low Carbon Cities



T-9 (Riocentro)

Renewable Energy Use in Rural Isolated Communities



T-3 (Riocentro)

The side event will provide an important opportunity to show-case and discuss projects and programmes being implemented to promote the use of renewable energy in rural isolated communities in Bolivia and in other developing countries of the world. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy and the Vice Ministry of Electricity and Alternative Energies are tentatively expected to participate. Soils are the basis for life on earth. They ensure food, water, fibre, bioenergy production for present and future generations and play a crucial role in adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change. However, soils have been taken for granted for too long. Over the last decades they have been degraded by mismanagement, jeopardizing this essential finite natural resource and its ecosystem services. Nowadays, land degradation directly affects 1.5 billion people. They include 74% of the poor in the world, therefore soil conservation has a very direct link to poverty eradication. At this event the relevance of soils will be presented in a vivid and intuitive way. First-hand insights from Ethiopia will be provided that show to delegates and the media that fertile soils are the basis for an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable development. Last decades have seen agriculture being transformed into an industrial activity, which has created hegemony of corporate interests and benefitted big business, starving countries and communities and creating unrest. The panel discussion will talk sustainable agriculture and right to food should be the first charge on sustainable development. Implementing the MAEs Conventions requires the collection, analysis and understanding of a huge amount of environmental information. This information is essential for a better understanding of the scientific background around the environmental issues, but also to serve decision-making and to enable sustainable development plans to be put in place. Earth Observation satellites provide ways to improve the implementation of the MEAs, such as continuous observations of essential environmental variables, the building of long-term archives of historical satellite data, and the provision of synoptic and comparable environmental information without infringing on national sovereignties. The Side Event will be organised along some keynote speeches and round table discussions on how Space Observations improve the assessment and the monitoring of essential ?climate change?, ?biodiversity? and ? land degradation? variables. Such an event would allow to increase awareness and share views on the importance of satellite observations for the implementation of the Rio Conventions. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development. El Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacin y Conservacin de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana. Ser un espacio para presentar los resultados y lecciones aprendidas de la ejecucin de las polticas de los pases participantes, con atencin en la experiencia de la Republica Dominicana, orientada a la recuperacin y conservacin de la cobertura forestal utilizando varios instrumentos incluyendo el Pago por Servicios Ambientales. Consiste en un panel de expertos de alto nivel y de tomadores de decisiones de las instancias institucionales nacionales y regionales vinculadas o responsable de la gestin ambiental, tomando como base la presentacin de un estudio de cobertura forestal de la Republica Dominicana y las polticas asociadas. The purpose of this side event is to explore the importance of mainstreaming BioDiversity to raise public understanding of BioDiversity. This session will highlight and introduce 1000 Days for the Planet, a global educational and awareness raising project launched in the context of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. At its heart is a three-year worldwide sailing expedition on the oceanographic vessel Sedna IV and a programme that combines science, education and public entertainment/documentary. The project will reach out to the general public through a multidimensional platform of exhibitions, educational activities, film and television productions, and online videoconferencing with the ship?s scientists. Examples of mainstreaming BioDiversity at the local level will also be presented through the Ontario Project ?The Halton Peel BioDiversity Network?, and Canadian Youth efforts to mainstream BioDiversity.

Fertile Soil for our Future: nourish our people - nurture our planet



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Agriculture and Food; First for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Space Observations in support to the Rio Conventions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



P3-B (Riocentro)

Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacion y Conservacion de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana



P3-F (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming BioDiversity for a Sustainable Future



T-2 (Riocentro)

Promoting a Green Economy in Africa, LDCs, SIDS and LLDCS/Challenges/O



P3-E (Riocentro)

Promotion of the green economy is one major means by which the current economy in Africa can make the transition to sustainable economic development. As has been widely acknowledged, although Africa has contributed least to global climate change, it has suffered disproportionately from its adverse effects. The challenges of adaptation and mitigation are therefore particularly urgent for Africa. The continent has 60 percent of the world?s arable land; 20 percent of its forest reserves; 20 percent of the global land mass; 40 percent of the world?s biodiversity and more than half of the world?s clean energy potential. A new paradigm is needed to ensure that countries maximize the potential benefits that the green economy could provide. A green economy with the vast untapped natural resources represent a paradigm shift in promoting clean and renewable energy, creation of employment and conservation of the continent?s natural resources. As the economic crisis continues to give rise to government spending cuts in many countries, increased attention is being paid to military budgets. The global military expenditure in 2010 has reached a historic high of $1630 billion. This is 5 times more than what we would need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This side event will show the effects of armed conflicts and weapons on development and explain an innovative way to finance programmes for sustainable development: by reducing military spending. This side event will highlight an independent study regarding the impact of energy-related pollution on human health. It will demonstrate that Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP Gas or LPG) can help to reduce negative health impacts particularly those stemming from cooking with traditional fuels and biomass while providing access to clean, modern energy that is necessary for sustainable development.

Disarmament for Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

LP Gas: An exceptional energy for improving health and development



P3-A (Riocentro)

LP Gas is a clean-burning, low carbon and efficient fuel and a vital source of energy for hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. It is modern and safe and can be used anywhere. It is also available immediately, without large investments in R&D, technology, time or infrastructure. It is portable and can be transported, stored and used virtually anywhere without large investments in infrastructure making it ideal for solving development issues and improving the life and health of millions of people who currently lack access to modern forms of energy. Cities currently spend around 10% of their GDP on their annual energy bill. How can this be reduced whilst also enhancing competitiveness and creating employment? What are the most cost and carbon effective options? What is the business case for major investments and how much would they cut the carbon emissions of cities? The side event will provide an important opportunity to show-case and discuss projects and programmes being implemented to promote the use of renewable energy in rural isolated communities in Bolivia and in other developing countries of the world. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy and the Vice Ministry of Electricity and Alternative Energies are tentatively expected to participate. Soils are the basis for life on earth. They ensure food, water, fibre, bioenergy production for present and future generations and play a crucial role in adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change. However, soils have been taken for granted for too long. Over the last decades they have been degraded by mismanagement, jeopardizing this essential finite natural resource and its ecosystem services. Nowadays, land degradation directly affects 1.5 billion people. They include 74% of the poor in the world, therefore soil conservation has a very direct link to poverty eradication. At this event the relevance of soils will be presented in a vivid and intuitive way. First-hand insights from Ethiopia will be provided that show to delegates and the media that fertile soils are the basis for an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable development. Last decades have seen agriculture being transformed into an industrial activity, which has created hegemony of corporate interests and benefitted big business, starving countries and communities and creating unrest. The panel discussion will talk sustainable agriculture and right to food should be the first charge on sustainable development.

The Economics of Low Carbon Cities



T-9 (Riocentro)

Renewable Energy Use in Rural Isolated Communities



T-3 (Riocentro)

Fertile Soil for our Future: nourish our people - nurture our planet



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Agriculture and Food; First for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Space Observations in support to the Rio Conventions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Implementing the MAEs Conventions requires the collection, analysis and understanding of a huge amount of environmental information. This information is essential for a better understanding of the scientific background around the environmental issues, but also to serve decision-making and to enable sustainable development plans to be put in place. Earth Observation satellites provide ways to improve the implementation of the MEAs, such as continuous observations of essential environmental variables, the building of long-term archives of historical satellite data, and the provision of synoptic and comparable environmental information without infringing on national sovereignties. The Side Event will be organised along some keynote speeches and round table discussions on how Space Observations improve the assessment and the monitoring of essential ?climate change?, ?biodiversity? and ? land degradation? variables. Such an event would allow to increase awareness and share views on the importance of satellite observations for the implementation of the Rio Conventions. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development. El Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacin y Conservacin de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana. Ser un espacio para presentar los resultados y lecciones aprendidas de la ejecucin de las polticas de los pases participantes, con atencin en la experiencia de la Republica Dominicana, orientada a la recuperacin y conservacin de la cobertura forestal utilizando varios instrumentos incluyendo el Pago por Servicios Ambientales. Consiste en un panel de expertos de alto nivel y de tomadores de decisiones de las instancias institucionales nacionales y regionales vinculadas o responsable de la gestin ambiental, tomando como base la presentacin de un estudio de cobertura forestal de la Republica Dominicana y las polticas asociadas. The purpose of this side event is to explore the importance of mainstreaming BioDiversity to raise public understanding of BioDiversity. This session will highlight and introduce 1000 Days for the Planet, a global educational and awareness raising project launched in the context of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. At its heart is a three-year worldwide sailing expedition on the oceanographic vessel Sedna IV and a programme that combines science, education and public entertainment/documentary. The project will reach out to the general public through a multidimensional platform of exhibitions, educational activities, film and television productions, and online videoconferencing with the ship?s scientists. Examples of mainstreaming BioDiversity at the local level will also be presented through the Ontario Project ?The Halton Peel BioDiversity Network?, and Canadian Youth efforts to mainstream BioDiversity.

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



P3-B (Riocentro)

Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacion y Conservacion de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana



P3-F (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming BioDiversity for a Sustainable Future



T-2 (Riocentro)

Promoting a Green Economy in Africa, LDCs, SIDS and LLDCS/Challenges/O



P3-E (Riocentro)

Promotion of the green economy is one major means by which the current economy in Africa can make the transition to sustainable economic development. As has been widely acknowledged, although Africa has contributed least to global climate change, it has suffered disproportionately from its adverse effects. The challenges of adaptation and mitigation are therefore particularly urgent for Africa. The continent has 60 percent of the world?s arable land; 20 percent of its forest reserves; 20 percent of the global land mass; 40 percent of the world?s biodiversity and more than half of the world?s clean energy potential. A new paradigm is needed to ensure that countries maximize the potential benefits that the green economy could provide. A green economy with the vast untapped natural resources represent a paradigm shift in promoting clean and renewable energy, creation of employment and conservation of the continent?s natural resources. As the economic crisis continues to give rise to government spending cuts in many countries, increased attention is being paid to military budgets. The global military expenditure in 2010 has reached a historic high of $1630 billion. This is 5 times more than what we would need to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This side event will show the effects of armed conflicts and weapons on development and explain an innovative way to finance programmes for sustainable development: by reducing military spending.

Disarmament for Development



T-4 (Riocentro)

This side event will highlight an independent study regarding the impact of energy-related pollution on human health. It will demonstrate that Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LP Gas or LPG) can help to reduce negative health impacts particularly those stemming from cooking with traditional fuels and biomass while providing access to clean, modern energy that is necessary for sustainable development. LP Gas: An exceptional energy for improving health and development 18/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-A (Riocentro) LP Gas is a clean-burning, low carbon and efficient fuel and a vital source of energy for hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. It is modern and safe and can be used anywhere. It is also available immediately, without large investments in R&D, technology, time or infrastructure. It is portable and can be transported, stored and used virtually anywhere without large investments in infrastructure making it ideal for solving development issues and improving the life and health of millions of people who currently lack access to modern forms of energy. Cities currently spend around 10% of their GDP on their annual energy bill. How can this be reduced whilst also enhancing competitiveness and creating employment? What are the most cost and carbon effective options? What is the business case for major investments and how much would they cut the carbon emissions of cities? The side event will provide an important opportunity to show-case and discuss projects and programmes being implemented to promote the use of renewable energy in rural isolated communities in Bolivia and in other developing countries of the world. The Minister of Hydrocarbons and Energy and the Vice Ministry of Electricity and Alternative Energies are tentatively expected to participate. Soils are the basis for life on earth. They ensure food, water, fibre, bioenergy production for present and future generations and play a crucial role in adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change. However, soils have been taken for granted for too long. Over the last decades they have been degraded by mismanagement, jeopardizing this essential finite natural resource and its ecosystem services. Nowadays, land degradation directly affects 1.5 billion people. They include 74% of the poor in the world, therefore soil conservation has a very direct link to poverty eradication. At this event the relevance of soils will be presented in a vivid and intuitive way. First-hand insights from Ethiopia will be provided that show to delegates and the media that fertile soils are the basis for an economically, ecologically and socially sustainable development. Last decades have seen agriculture being transformed into an industrial activity, which has created hegemony of corporate interests and benefitted big business, starving countries and communities and creating unrest. The panel discussion will talk sustainable agriculture and right to food should be the first charge on sustainable development. Implementing the MAEs Conventions requires the collection, analysis and understanding of a huge amount of environmental information. This information is essential for a better understanding of the scientific background around the environmental issues, but also to serve decision-making and to enable sustainable development plans to be put in place. Earth Observation satellites provide ways to improve the implementation of the MEAs, such as continuous observations of essential environmental variables, the building of long-term archives of historical satellite data, and the provision of synoptic and comparable environmental information without infringing on national sovereignties. The Side Event will be organised along some keynote speeches and round table discussions on how Space Observations improve the assessment and the monitoring of essential ?climate change?, ?biodiversity? and ? land degradation? variables. Such an event would allow to increase awareness and share views on the importance of satellite observations for the implementation of the Rio Conventions. The political economy of energy aided by international finance, trade and aid has been the principal reasons for unsustainable development. The panel will discuss how equity in energy is of paramount importance for the cherished goal of energy for all and for sustainable development. The panel will argue that equity in access to energy at international and sub national levels through fundamental changes in the patterns of production and consumption should be the first goal for sustainable development.

The Economics of Low Carbon Cities



T-9 (Riocentro)

Renewable Energy Use in Rural Isolated Communities



T-3 (Riocentro)

Fertile Soil for our Future: nourish our people - nurture our planet



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Agriculture and Food; First for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Space Observations in support to the Rio Conventions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Energy for all; Equity as fundamental goal



P3-B (Riocentro)

El Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacin y Conservacin de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana. Ser un espacio para presentar los resultados y lecciones aprendidas de la ejecucin de las polticas de los pases participantes, con atencin en la experiencia de la Republica Dominicana, orientada a la recuperacin y conservacin de la cobertura forestal utilizando varios instrumentos incluyendo el Pago por Servicios Ambientales. Consiste en un panel de expertos de alto nivel y de tomadores de decisiones de las instancias institucionales nacionales y regionales vinculadas o responsable de la gestin ambiental, tomando como base la presentacin de un estudio de cobertura forestal de la Republica Dominicana y las polticas asociadas. The purpose of this side event is to explore the importance of mainstreaming BioDiversity to raise public understanding of BioDiversity. This session will highlight and introduce 1000 Days for the Planet, a global educational and awareness raising project launched in the context of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity. At its heart is a three-year worldwide sailing expedition on the oceanographic vessel Sedna IV and a programme that combines science, education and public entertainment/documentary. The project will reach out to the general public through a multidimensional platform of exhibitions, educational activities, film and television productions, and online videoconferencing with the ship?s scientists. Examples of mainstreaming BioDiversity at the local level will also be presented through the Ontario Project ?The Halton Peel BioDiversity Network?, and Canadian Youth efforts to mainstream BioDiversity.

Panel sobre la Experiencia de Recuperacion y Conservacion de la Cobertura Boscosa en Centro Amrica y Republica Dominicana: Caso de la Republica Dominicana



P3-F (Riocentro)

Mainstreaming BioDiversity for a Sustainable Future



T-2 (Riocentro)

Seminrio SEBRAE + 20



Parque dos Atletas

Debate sobre a importncia das micro e pequenas empresas para o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Sustentabilidade significa, entre muitos outros fatores, a reduo na mo de obra e nos custos com manuteno dos sistemas de iluminao. Significa tambm a diminuio no consumo de energia eltrica ao alimentar as fontes de luz e a reduo dos custos com ar condicionado (em consequncia de menores nveis de calor gerados com as novas fontes de luz LED). O problema crescente da escassez global de gua criou um novo sentido de urgncia entre muitas empresas com produo em reas com escassez de gua. Nos ltimos anos temos visto um aumento do interesse por parte do setor privado em desenvolver estratgias de gesto de gua e calcular a escassez de gua como um risco crescente para os investimentos e as atividades empresariais. Um nmero crescente de empresas reconhece que importante ser proativo e desenvolver padres de uso da gua para evitar futuras perdas econmicas devido a diminuio e a poluio dos recursos hdricos e juntamente com uma legislao mais dura. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Karin Lexen (Swedish Water House) e Lisa Svensson (Swedish Parttnership for Global Responsibility). A primeira palestrante, Dr. Snia Maria Andrade dos Santos do 6o Ofcio de Registro de Ttulos e Documentos sempre acreditou que o cidado seguro um cidado feliz. Para colocar em prtica sua filosofia de vida, nasce em 2006 o projeto Registro de Documentos em Ao, de sua autoria, em parceria com Defensoria Pblica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, que garante sem nus ao cidado o registro da declarao de posse para moradores de comunidades carentes, partindo do princpio de que sustentabilidade comea com documento. A palestra apontar para a importncia do comprometimento com o social e convocar o espectador para ser parte da soluo do problema. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Sonia Maria Andrade do Santos Oficiala - 6o Ofcio de Registro de Ttulos e Documentos, Francisco Horta Filho - Defensor Pblico, Defensoria Pblica Geral do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

Iluminao Sustentvel



Aterro do Flamengo

Uso sustentvel da gua na produo txtil um case para cooperao



Parque dos Atletas

Registro de Documentos em ao: Sustentabilidade na Moradia



Parque dos Atletas

Seminrio SEBRAE+20



Parque dos Atletas

O Seminrio Sebrae+20 apresentar e debater as aes que o Sistema Sebrae e seus parceiros realizam para consolidarem a sustentabilidade como um valor dentre os empreendedores de pequeno porte, atribuindo-lhes mais capacidade competitiva ao mesmo tempo em que concorrem para uma sociedade mais justa e para o uso mais racional e eficiente dos recursos naturais. Reconhecendo ser este um imenso desafio e que apresenta mltiplas dinmicas que esto alterando a realidade social, ambiental e econmica, numa velocidade nunca antes conhecida, o Sebrae convida trs experientes instituies internacionais no tema para compartilharem suas iniciativas e debaterem os caminhos para a sustentabilidade dos pequenos negcios neste novo cenrio global. So convidados a Agncia Alem de Cooperao GIZ, a Organizao Internacional do Trabalho OIT e a Rede Internacional para as Pequenas e Mdias Empresas INSME. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Roberto Simes Presidente do Conselho Deliberativo do Sebrae Nacional; Luiz Barreto Diretor Presidente do Sebrae Nacional; Carlos Alberto dos Santos Diretor Tcnico do Sebrae Nacional; Carsten Schmitz-Hoffmann GIZ (Agnica Alem de Cooperao); Peter Poschen OIT (Organizao Internacional do Trabalho).

Restaurao Ambiental no Estado do Rio de Janeiro Cpula dos Prefeitos: Painel IV - Ambientes propcios

18/06/2012 18/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana

Evento Pblico Evento Fechado Esta ser a principal a vidade voltada aos rgos nacionais de juventude. A ONU apresentou a possibilidade de reforma do Regime Mul lateral de Juventude com a criao de um escritrio para um Conselheiro Especial de Juventude do Secretrio Geral e a possibilidade de novos instrumentos de par cipao social nos dilogos mul laterais. O Painel tem por obje vo provocar o debate sobre a criao do Frum e traar uma estratgia para a aprovao do mesmo pelo Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da ONU e pela Assembleia Geral da ONU, alm de apresentar recomendaes ao Secretrio Geral da ONU para criao do Frum. O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da Presidncia da Repblica (CDES) convida para participao nos debates This symposium organized by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) and the Fundao Getulio Vargas (FGV) will discuss the role of public administration in contributing to deliver the institutional framework for sustainable development and green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, the two main themes of the Rio+20 Conference. The sessions will discuss the new set of reforms in public management, organizations and policies in the different levels that are needed to create greener economic growth in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. During the event, it will be launched the special issue of the journal Public Administration and Development (PAD, Wiley-Blackwell) on Rio+20. 19

Painel sobre a criao do Frum Permanente de Juventude das Naes Unidas



Teatro Oi Futuro (Ipanema)

Mesa- Redonda da Sociedade Civil Brasil e Rssia



Confederao Nacional do Comrcio.

UNDP-UNU-FGV Symposium on Public Administration and Rio+20: The Role of the Visible Hand of Public Institutions in Creating a Sustainable Future



Fundao Getulio Vargas

Opening Remarks Painel: Sistemas Participativos de Garantia - Situao Atual e Perspectivas Os SPGs como Mecanismo de Controle para a Garantia da Qualidade . PROJETO PARINTINS - REDES INTELIGENTES NA AMAZMIA Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono IV - Cidades na linha de frente das alteraes climticas

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:30:00

Fundao Getulio Vargas Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana

PROJETO PARINTINS - REDES INTELIGENTES NA AMAZMIA Evento Fechado As mudanas climticas tem um impacto muito maior nas populaes pobres. possvel alterar cenrios e evitarmos situaes limite? Qual o papel das polticas pblicas para diminuir a vulnerabilidade destas populaes? Diferentes vises sobre incluso social em um ambiente em plena transformao. Convidados: Paulo Moutinho, Mrcia Valle Real, Rmulo Paes Sousa. Evento pblico OFFICIAL EVENTS 19

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas Sustainable Development Dialogues: Water Session 1 Rio+20, Public Administration and Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges (key findings from the special issue of PAD) A Experincia do Funcionamento dos SPGs no Brasil




18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

14:30:00 14:40:00 14:50:00

Riocentro Fundao Getulio Vargas Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

Cidades Sustentveis



Parque dos Atletas

Os centros urbanos do mundo so responsveis por quase 80% das emisses de CO2, porm s cobrem 2% da terra. A transformao tecnolgica em curso aborda alguns dos maiores desafios a serem enfrentados nas cidades em rpida expanso. A Ericsson est trabalhando com vrias cidades a nvel global para aumentar a conscincia e ajudar a realizar uma infinidade de benefcios que a TIC oferece para tratar de objetivos socioeconmicos e ambientais especficos. O Porto de Estocolmo um exemplo. O projeto conduzido pela cidade de Estocolmo pretende ser uma cidade sustentvel inigualvel com um distrito de clima positivo at 2030, utilizando uma infra-estrutura eficiente para conectar 10.000 casas e 30.000 espaos de trabalho. Essas metas climticas exigem inovao tecnolgica e colaborao entre disciplinas de planejamento e desenvolvimento urbano. Evento aberto ao pblico.Palestrantes: Elaine Weidman-Grunewald (Ericsson) e Tomas Gustafsson (Environment and Sustainability Strategist for Large City Development Projects at City of Stockholm).

SD Learning Event: Assessing Sustainable Transport in the Context of Green Economy AO INDIGENISTA COMO FORMA DE MITIGAO DE IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS EM TERRAS INDGENA - TERRA INDGENA PARAKAN Session 2 Public Administration and Good Governance for Sustainable Development Lanamento de Biocombustveis de Aviao Indigenous peoples: food security, climate changes and sustainability Gender, Water and Preparing for Climate Change: Implications for Food, Health and Human Rights

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00 15:20:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

Riocentro Parque dos Atletas Fundao Getulio Vargas Forte de Copacabana Arena da Barra Arena da Barra

Presenting: Holger Dalkmann, Director EMBARQ AO INDIGENISTA COMO FORMA DE MITIGAO DE IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS EM TERRAS INDGENA - TERRA INDGENA PARAKAN 19 Evento Fechado Room UN2 Room UN3 THE RAINFOREST STANDARD (RFS) Founding Members will host a side event in Rio + 20 meeting to present the RFS. The RFS integrates protocols for carbon accounting, socio-cultural-economic impact, and biodiversity outcomes in the belief that reducing carbon emissions from removals of biomass in forestland will not be effective or permanent without benefits flowing to all local stakeholders, and should produce an economic benefit that results in the protection of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. In this way, the RFS is the first fully integrated forest carbon emissions reduction standard that was built specifically for REDD and built by institutions in the countries in which it is to be deployed. This side event aims to show the efforts and achievements Chinese NGOs have made in the past 10 years, as well as challenges ahead in eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. participants will discuss how local NGOs can do better to help developing countries reach the UN Millennium Development Goals on time In accordance with the theme of the conference: A Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, our side event will focus on China?s path on poverty alleviation and sustainable development in recent 10 years. By assessing the progress to date, the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of former conferences, and discussing new and emerging challenges, this side event can make great contributions to the outcome of UNCSD/Rio+20. The side event has three thematic focuses:Chinese NGOs? efforts in poverty eradication; Relationship between poverty eradication and sustainable development; Working together to realize the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). Climate change is a key global challenge and national, sub-national, and local actors are responding in the political, social, and economic spheres. Forests are a key part of the international mitigation agenda. Transformational change is required to realize the forest sector's mitigation potential through avoided deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Dense webs of economic interests, political realities, and local needs come to the forefront as countries become "ready for REDD+" and start to develop national REDD+ strategies and policies. For the past four years, CIFOR and partners have been conducting a Global Comparative Study on REDD+ on policy development and the early stages of implementation. In this side event we will present the results of this work that are pertinent to the objectives of the CSD and the development of a green economy.

THE RAINFOREST STANDARD: Integrating Social, Environmental, and Econom



T-5 (Riocentro)

Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Chinese NGOs in Action



T-11 (Riocentro)

Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices



T-4 (Riocentro)

Empowering Youth Leadership for a Sustainable Future



T-10 (Riocentro)

A critical factor in the future of sustainability lies in the hands of the next generation of environmental stewards. The combination of the wisdom of the elders with the limitless creativity, enthusiasm and compassion of our youth will help us create solutions to the challenges facing our planet. It is our responsibility to educate and empower our young people to be leaders of sustainability. It is also our role to encourage their infinite resources of imagination and innovation. Social media and cultural arts are effective platforms that both give youth a voice on such global issues, and interconnect them. At this event, we will present several Rio+20 youth projects that are effectively mobilizing youth via music, spoken word and social media, as well as provide information on how our lifestyles can be improved to function with an awareness of sustainability. This panel aims to bring together information stemming from analyses of grass roots field experience and global processes in order to better understand the effects of climate change on women?s livelihoods, and the potential policy and programmatic approaches that may be taken to deal with them. Framed in a human rights perspective, major issues will include the impact of recent changes on the right to food, water, seeds and land. This IDLO Legal Roundtable Dialogue on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy, organized in partnership with other inter-governmental organizations and leading developing countries, will highlight the importance of an enabling legal environment , tailored legal instruments and rightsbased approaches to access the benefits of the global green economy. With distinguished legal experts, a dynamic discussion will examine how regulatory reforms are assisting countries to overcome barriers and establish new incentives for sustainable development and poverty eradication. Developing country jurists will share experiences with tailored legal reforms, institutions and compliance. Cutting-edge legal knowledge will be disseminated through the global launch of a new Compendium of Legal Best Practices on the Green Economy and an E-learning Course on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy in several languages. This Legal Roundtable showcases the latest innovations in green economy laws, focusing on facilitating South-South knowledge sharing and defining practical green economy strategies. To address the challenges to sustainability and development the global community has undertaken a number of very important steps towards engaging education in its efforts for a healthier ecological, economic and social environment, the time span emerging from Tbilisi Declaration of 1977 and covering Decade for Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Rio + 20 and its outcomes should further enhance and refine global efforts in this regards. Education should continue to be employed to provide common awareness towards current and emerging challenges to sustainable development and ways for their mitigation and solution as well as knowledge, values and skills for green economies and societies. The side event will be a multi-stakeholder forum involving international organizations, government and major group representatives as well as NGOs and private sector that will be held between 13th 18th June and discuss current and future perspective of education for sustainable development and greener societies. In the discussions leading up to Rio+20, there has been little debate on what is a sustainable development path which can address our contemporary issues as defined under Agenda 21. Mankind is facing enormous challenges: as the planet?s population rises and the industrialization of developing countries accelerates, global energy demand continues to climb. At the same time, an increase in carbon emissions brings the threat of runaway climate change and a drastic reduction in the earth?s capacity to support human life even closer. The DESERTEC Concept offers a solution to these challenges by integrating all renewable energies, generating sustainable power from those sites where at their most abundant. Realized sustainably it may provide climate protection, global energy security and further options for human development. To reach a broader audience the DESERTEC concept should be offered, presented and discussed with the global community of stakeholders of each part of society. The dialogue about which contribution the concept may provide to the aforementioned challenges and which opportunities it offers for the different regions of the world should be led.

Gender, Water and Preparing for Climate Change: Implications for Food, Health and Human Rights



P3-A (Riocentro)

Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Role of EESD in Transition to a Green Economy - from Tbilisi to Rio+20



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Peasants Reclaiming our Future with Food Sovereignty and Agroecology



T-2 (Riocentro)

The DESERTEC Concept - Energy Security, Sustainability and Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Inadequate Planning: Challenges on the Andean Amazon



T-11 (Riocentro)

SPDA and ICAA in their efforts to contribute to the discussion on the future of the Andean Amazon, have produced three reports on the Ecuadorian, Peru and Colombia Amazon, which provide information never before collected on investments of productive sectors (mining, energy, infrastructure, etc.) and their cumulative impacts on natural resources, conservation and development of the Amazonian populations. This information is useful for civil society and states and contributes on the decision making process. It also generate ?political capital? based on quality information, synergies with the media, politicians and civil society organizations. Therefore, we propose a dialogue event as part of Rio +20, to generate this global political capital, which should not only occur in areas of the Amazon, but also in areas where strategic decisions are being taking and affect the development of our countries. Shortly after the world urban population surpassed the world rural population and the food price crisis of 2007-8, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD17) called for ?strong rural-urban linkages and partnerships between countryside and communities, to enhance livelihoods and food security?. Food Security and Cities are both priority theme areas of the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The purpose of this event is to present the Consumers? Platform for Rio+20 created and signed by a number of consumer organizations around the world. The goal is to use the platform as a reference to share perspectives on a new model of consumption based on sustainability as well as proposing new forms to orient and educate consumers on sustainable development. We will also be presenting a case study of a campaign for mandatory green labeling for cars, debating the most effective ways to implement that enforce consumer?s right to know where their products are ?green? or not. A green economy is one that will boost private sector markets and drive economic activity while minimizing impacts on natural resources and scarce energy supplies. Improving the efficiency of the building sector offers a least-cost greenhouse gas abatement opportunity with high returns on investment; powerful socioeconomic co-benefits; and potential for urban renewal and sustainability. Yet, developing policy pathways that will unlock the benefits of efficient buildings at scale remains a challenge for governments all over the world. This event will mark the release of a new study by the Johnson Controls Institute for Building Efficiency that will assist decision-makers and development institutions prioritize policy instruments. Based on polling a wide sample of the building industry, the results indicate that some policies are more effective than others in attracting private sector investment and contributing to a long-term market for energy efficient products and services. More than $500 billion is provided per year in fossil fuel subsidies. Fossil fuel subsidies drain public resources, drive global warming, and make it harder for clean energy to compete. In fact, fossil fuel subsidies are 500% larger than the subsidies provided for clean energy. While a total of 53 countries have made specific commitments to phase-out their fossil fuel subsidies, little progress has been made in following through by enacting changes to the laws and policies in the key countries. A panel of experts on fossil fuel subsidies will outline how much money is provided for these subsidies, where key countries stand in terms of phasing-out their subsidies, and what is needed to turn this promise into reality. Climate changes affecting our planet require an insight into the development and sustainability. The proposal has the support of researchers at the University, and also with the indigenous leaders of the Intertribal Committee, through a round table debate issues related to Climate Change, Food Security and Insecurity and the Carbon Market, enabling and opening the dialogue between research University, the knowledge of the Indians and the Society. Access to sustainable energy is a necessary precondition to achieving many social goals: eradicating poverty, increasing food production, providing clean water, improving public health, enhancing education, creating economic opportunity, empowering women, and combating climate change. In short, development is not possible without energy, and sustainable development is not possible without sustainable energy. This panel will showcase how a collaborative worldwide effort, under the auspices of Sustainable Energy for All, can accelerate progress in achieving universal energy access by 2030.

Food and the City



P3-E (Riocentro)

Consumer Voices at Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

Spurring Private Sector Investment in Energy Efficient Buildings



P3-A (Riocentro)

Phasing-out fossil fuel subsides: what is at stake and why now?



P3-F (Riocentro)

Indigenous peoples: food security, climate changes and sustainability



T-4 (Riocentro)

Expanding Energy Access to Achieve Sustainable Energy For All



T-6 (Riocentro)

THE RAINFOREST STANDARD: Integrating Social, Environmental, and Econom



T-5 (Riocentro)

Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Chinese NGOs in Action



T-11 (Riocentro)

THE RAINFOREST STANDARD (RFS) Founding Members will host a side event in Rio + 20 meeting to present the RFS. The RFS integrates protocols for carbon accounting, socio-cultural-economic impact, and biodiversity outcomes in the belief that reducing carbon emissions from removals of biomass in forestland will not be effective or permanent without benefits flowing to all local stakeholders, and should produce an economic benefit that results in the protection of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. In this way, the RFS is the first fully integrated forest carbon emissions reduction standard that was built specifically for REDD and built by institutions in the countries in which it is to be deployed. This side event aims to show the efforts and achievements Chinese NGOs have made in the past 10 years, as well as challenges ahead in eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. participants will discuss how local NGOs can do better to help developing countries reach the UN Millennium Development Goals on time In accordance with the theme of the conference: A Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, our side event will focus on China?s path on poverty alleviation and sustainable development in recent 10 years. By assessing the progress to date, the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of former conferences, and discussing new and emerging challenges, this side event can make great contributions to the outcome of UNCSD/Rio+20. The side event has three thematic focuses:Chinese NGOs? efforts in poverty eradication; Relationship between poverty eradication and sustainable development; Working together to realize the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). Climate change is a key global challenge and national, sub-national, and local actors are responding in the political, social, and economic spheres. Forests are a key part of the international mitigation agenda. Transformational change is required to realize the forest sector's mitigation potential through avoided deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Dense webs of economic interests, political realities, and local needs come to the forefront as countries become "ready for REDD+" and start to develop national REDD+ strategies and policies. For the past four years, CIFOR and partners have been conducting a Global Comparative Study on REDD+ on policy development and the early stages of implementation. In this side event we will present the results of this work that are pertinent to the objectives of the CSD and the development of a green economy. A critical factor in the future of sustainability lies in the hands of the next generation of environmental stewards. The combination of the wisdom of the elders with the limitless creativity, enthusiasm and compassion of our youth will help us create solutions to the challenges facing our planet. It is our responsibility to educate and empower our young people to be leaders of sustainability. It is also our role to encourage their infinite resources of imagination and innovation. Social media and cultural arts are effective platforms that both give youth a voice on such global issues, and interconnect them. At this event, we will present several Rio+20 youth projects that are effectively mobilizing youth via music, spoken word and social media, as well as provide information on how our lifestyles can be improved to function with an awareness of sustainability. This panel aims to bring together information stemming from analyses of grass roots field experience and global processes in order to better understand the effects of climate change on women?s livelihoods, and the potential policy and programmatic approaches that may be taken to deal with them. Framed in a human rights perspective, major issues will include the impact of recent changes on the right to food, water, seeds and land. This IDLO Legal Roundtable Dialogue on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy, organized in partnership with other inter-governmental organizations and leading developing countries, will highlight the importance of an enabling legal environment , tailored legal instruments and rightsbased approaches to access the benefits of the global green economy. With distinguished legal experts, a dynamic discussion will examine how regulatory reforms are assisting countries to overcome barriers and establish new incentives for sustainable development and poverty eradication. Developing country jurists will share experiences with tailored legal reforms, institutions and compliance. Cutting-edge legal knowledge will be disseminated through the global launch of a new Compendium of Legal Best Practices on the Green Economy and an E-learning Course on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy in several languages. This Legal Roundtable showcases the latest innovations in green economy laws, focusing on facilitating South-South knowledge sharing and defining practical green economy strategies.

Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices



T-4 (Riocentro)

Empowering Youth Leadership for a Sustainable Future



T-10 (Riocentro)

Gender, Water and Preparing for Climate Change: Implications for Food, Health and Human Rights



P3-A (Riocentro)

Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Role of EESD in Transition to a Green Economy - from Tbilisi to Rio+20



P3-6 (Riocentro)

To address the challenges to sustainability and development the global community has undertaken a number of very important steps towards engaging education in its efforts for a healthier ecological, economic and social environment, the time span emerging from Tbilisi Declaration of 1977 and covering Decade for Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Rio + 20 and its outcomes should further enhance and refine global efforts in this regards. Education should continue to be employed to provide common awareness towards current and emerging challenges to sustainable development and ways for their mitigation and solution as well as knowledge, values and skills for green economies and societies. The side event will be a multi-stakeholder forum involving international organizations, government and major group representatives as well as NGOs and private sector that will be held between 13th 18th June and discuss current and future perspective of education for sustainable development and greener societies. In the discussions leading up to Rio+20, there has been little debate on what is a sustainable development path which can address our contemporary issues as defined under Agenda 21. Mankind is facing enormous challenges: as the planet?s population rises and the industrialization of developing countries accelerates, global energy demand continues to climb. At the same time, an increase in carbon emissions brings the threat of runaway climate change and a drastic reduction in the earth?s capacity to support human life even closer. The DESERTEC Concept offers a solution to these challenges by integrating all renewable energies, generating sustainable power from those sites where at their most abundant. Realized sustainably it may provide climate protection, global energy security and further options for human development. To reach a broader audience the DESERTEC concept should be offered, presented and discussed with the global community of stakeholders of each part of society. The dialogue about which contribution the concept may provide to the aforementioned challenges and which opportunities it offers for the different regions of the world should be led. SPDA and ICAA in their efforts to contribute to the discussion on the future of the Andean Amazon, have produced three reports on the Ecuadorian, Peru and Colombia Amazon, which provide information never before collected on investments of productive sectors (mining, energy, infrastructure, etc.) and their cumulative impacts on natural resources, conservation and development of the Amazonian populations. This information is useful for civil society and states and contributes on the decision making process. It also generate ?political capital? based on quality information, synergies with the media, politicians and civil society organizations. Therefore, we propose a dialogue event as part of Rio +20, to generate this global political capital, which should not only occur in areas of the Amazon, but also in areas where strategic decisions are being taking and affect the development of our countries. Shortly after the world urban population surpassed the world rural population and the food price crisis of 2007-8, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD17) called for ?strong rural-urban linkages and partnerships between countryside and communities, to enhance livelihoods and food security?. Food Security and Cities are both priority theme areas of the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The purpose of this event is to present the Consumers? Platform for Rio+20 created and signed by a number of consumer organizations around the world. The goal is to use the platform as a reference to share perspectives on a new model of consumption based on sustainability as well as proposing new forms to orient and educate consumers on sustainable development. We will also be presenting a case study of a campaign for mandatory green labeling for cars, debating the most effective ways to implement that enforce consumer?s right to know where their products are ?green? or not. A green economy is one that will boost private sector markets and drive economic activity while minimizing impacts on natural resources and scarce energy supplies. Improving the efficiency of the building sector offers a least-cost greenhouse gas abatement opportunity with high returns on investment; powerful socioeconomic co-benefits; and potential for urban renewal and sustainability. Yet, developing policy pathways that will unlock the benefits of efficient buildings at scale remains a challenge for governments all over the world. This event will mark the release of a new study by the Johnson Controls Institute for Building Efficiency that will assist decision-makers and development institutions prioritize policy instruments. Based on polling a wide sample of the building industry, the results indicate that some policies are more effective than others in attracting private sector investment and contributing to a long-term market for energy efficient products and services.

Peasants Reclaiming our Future with Food Sovereignty and Agroecology



T-2 (Riocentro)

The DESERTEC Concept - Energy Security, Sustainability and Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Inadequate Planning: Challenges on the Andean Amazon



T-11 (Riocentro)

Food and the City



P3-E (Riocentro)

Consumer Voices at Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

Spurring Private Sector Investment in Energy Efficient Buildings



P3-A (Riocentro)

Phasing-out fossil fuel subsides: what is at stake and why now?



P3-F (Riocentro)

Indigenous peoples: food security, climate changes and sustainability



T-4 (Riocentro)

More than $500 billion is provided per year in fossil fuel subsidies. Fossil fuel subsidies drain public resources, drive global warming, and make it harder for clean energy to compete. In fact, fossil fuel subsidies are 500% larger than the subsidies provided for clean energy. While a total of 53 countries have made specific commitments to phase-out their fossil fuel subsidies, little progress has been made in following through by enacting changes to the laws and policies in the key countries. A panel of experts on fossil fuel subsidies will outline how much money is provided for these subsidies, where key countries stand in terms of phasing-out their subsidies, and what is needed to turn this promise into reality. Climate changes affecting our planet require an insight into the development and sustainability. The proposal has the support of researchers at the University, and also with the indigenous leaders of the Intertribal Committee, through a round table debate issues related to Climate Change, Food Security and Insecurity and the Carbon Market, enabling and opening the dialogue between research University, the knowledge of the Indians and the Society. Access to sustainable energy is a necessary precondition to achieving many social goals: eradicating poverty, increasing food production, providing clean water, improving public health, enhancing education, creating economic opportunity, empowering women, and combating climate change. In short, development is not possible without energy, and sustainable development is not possible without sustainable energy. This panel will showcase how a collaborative worldwide effort, under the auspices of Sustainable Energy for All, can accelerate progress in achieving universal energy access by 2030. THE RAINFOREST STANDARD (RFS) Founding Members will host a side event in Rio + 20 meeting to present the RFS. The RFS integrates protocols for carbon accounting, socio-cultural-economic impact, and biodiversity outcomes in the belief that reducing carbon emissions from removals of biomass in forestland will not be effective or permanent without benefits flowing to all local stakeholders, and should produce an economic benefit that results in the protection of biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. In this way, the RFS is the first fully integrated forest carbon emissions reduction standard that was built specifically for REDD and built by institutions in the countries in which it is to be deployed. This side event aims to show the efforts and achievements Chinese NGOs have made in the past 10 years, as well as challenges ahead in eradicating poverty and promoting sustainable development. participants will discuss how local NGOs can do better to help developing countries reach the UN Millennium Development Goals on time In accordance with the theme of the conference: A Green Economy in the Context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, our side event will focus on China?s path on poverty alleviation and sustainable development in recent 10 years. By assessing the progress to date, the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of former conferences, and discussing new and emerging challenges, this side event can make great contributions to the outcome of UNCSD/Rio+20. The side event has three thematic focuses:Chinese NGOs? efforts in poverty eradication; Relationship between poverty eradication and sustainable development; Working together to realize the UN Millennium Development Goals(MDGs). Climate change is a key global challenge and national, sub-national, and local actors are responding in the political, social, and economic spheres. Forests are a key part of the international mitigation agenda. Transformational change is required to realize the forest sector's mitigation potential through avoided deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). Dense webs of economic interests, political realities, and local needs come to the forefront as countries become "ready for REDD+" and start to develop national REDD+ strategies and policies. For the past four years, CIFOR and partners have been conducting a Global Comparative Study on REDD+ on policy development and the early stages of implementation. In this side event we will present the results of this work that are pertinent to the objectives of the CSD and the development of a green economy. A critical factor in the future of sustainability lies in the hands of the next generation of environmental stewards. The combination of the wisdom of the elders with the limitless creativity, enthusiasm and compassion of our youth will help us create solutions to the challenges facing our planet. It is our responsibility to educate and empower our young people to be leaders of sustainability. It is also our role to encourage their infinite resources of imagination and innovation. Social media and cultural arts are effective platforms that both give youth a voice on such global issues, and interconnect them. At this event, we will present several Rio+20 youth projects that are effectively mobilizing youth via music, spoken word and social media, as well as provide information on how our lifestyles can be improved to function with an awareness of sustainability.

Expanding Energy Access to Achieve Sustainable Energy For All



T-6 (Riocentro)

THE RAINFOREST STANDARD: Integrating Social, Environmental, and Econom



T-5 (Riocentro)

Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Development: Chinese NGOs in Action



T-11 (Riocentro)

Analysing REDD+: challenges and choices



T-4 (Riocentro)

Empowering Youth Leadership for a Sustainable Future



T-10 (Riocentro)

Gender, Water and Preparing for Climate Change: Implications for Food, Health and Human Rights



P3-A (Riocentro)

This panel aims to bring together information stemming from analyses of grass roots field experience and global processes in order to better understand the effects of climate change on women?s livelihoods, and the potential policy and programmatic approaches that may be taken to deal with them. Framed in a human rights perspective, major issues will include the impact of recent changes on the right to food, water, seeds and land. This IDLO Legal Roundtable Dialogue on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy, organized in partnership with other inter-governmental organizations and leading developing countries, will highlight the importance of an enabling legal environment , tailored legal instruments and rightsbased approaches to access the benefits of the global green economy. With distinguished legal experts, a dynamic discussion will examine how regulatory reforms are assisting countries to overcome barriers and establish new incentives for sustainable development and poverty eradication. Developing country jurists will share experiences with tailored legal reforms, institutions and compliance. Cutting-edge legal knowledge will be disseminated through the global launch of a new Compendium of Legal Best Practices on the Green Economy and an E-learning Course on Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy in several languages. This Legal Roundtable showcases the latest innovations in green economy laws, focusing on facilitating South-South knowledge sharing and defining practical green economy strategies. To address the challenges to sustainability and development the global community has undertaken a number of very important steps towards engaging education in its efforts for a healthier ecological, economic and social environment, the time span emerging from Tbilisi Declaration of 1977 and covering Decade for Education for Sustainable Development 2005-2014. Rio + 20 and its outcomes should further enhance and refine global efforts in this regards. Education should continue to be employed to provide common awareness towards current and emerging challenges to sustainable development and ways for their mitigation and solution as well as knowledge, values and skills for green economies and societies. The side event will be a multi-stakeholder forum involving international organizations, government and major group representatives as well as NGOs and private sector that will be held between 13th 18th June and discuss current and future perspective of education for sustainable development and greener societies. In the discussions leading up to Rio+20, there has been little debate on what is a sustainable development path which can address our contemporary issues as defined under Agenda 21. Mankind is facing enormous challenges: as the planet?s population rises and the industrialization of developing countries accelerates, global energy demand continues to climb. At the same time, an increase in carbon emissions brings the threat of runaway climate change and a drastic reduction in the earth?s capacity to support human life even closer. The DESERTEC Concept offers a solution to these challenges by integrating all renewable energies, generating sustainable power from those sites where at their most abundant. Realized sustainably it may provide climate protection, global energy security and further options for human development. To reach a broader audience the DESERTEC concept should be offered, presented and discussed with the global community of stakeholders of each part of society. The dialogue about which contribution the concept may provide to the aforementioned challenges and which opportunities it offers for the different regions of the world should be led. SPDA and ICAA in their efforts to contribute to the discussion on the future of the Andean Amazon, have produced three reports on the Ecuadorian, Peru and Colombia Amazon, which provide information never before collected on investments of productive sectors (mining, energy, infrastructure, etc.) and their cumulative impacts on natural resources, conservation and development of the Amazonian populations. This information is useful for civil society and states and contributes on the decision making process. It also generate ?political capital? based on quality information, synergies with the media, politicians and civil society organizations. Therefore, we propose a dialogue event as part of Rio +20, to generate this global political capital, which should not only occur in areas of the Amazon, but also in areas where strategic decisions are being taking and affect the development of our countries. Shortly after the world urban population surpassed the world rural population and the food price crisis of 2007-8, the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD17) called for ?strong rural-urban linkages and partnerships between countryside and communities, to enhance livelihoods and food security?. Food Security and Cities are both priority theme areas of the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.

Legal Preparedness for the Green Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Role of EESD in Transition to a Green Economy - from Tbilisi to Rio+20



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Peasants Reclaiming our Future with Food Sovereignty and Agroecology



T-2 (Riocentro)

The DESERTEC Concept - Energy Security, Sustainability and Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Inadequate Planning: Challenges on the Andean Amazon



T-11 (Riocentro)

Food and the City



P3-E (Riocentro)

Consumer Voices at Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

The purpose of this event is to present the Consumers? Platform for Rio+20 created and signed by a number of consumer organizations around the world. The goal is to use the platform as a reference to share perspectives on a new model of consumption based on sustainability as well as proposing new forms to orient and educate consumers on sustainable development. We will also be presenting a case study of a campaign for mandatory green labeling for cars, debating the most effective ways to implement that enforce consumer?s right to know where their products are ?green? or not. A green economy is one that will boost private sector markets and drive economic activity while minimizing impacts on natural resources and scarce energy supplies. Improving the efficiency of the building sector offers a least-cost greenhouse gas abatement opportunity with high returns on investment; powerful socioeconomic co-benefits; and potential for urban renewal and sustainability. Yet, developing policy pathways that will unlock the benefits of efficient buildings at scale remains a challenge for governments all over the world. This event will mark the release of a new study by the Johnson Controls Institute for Building Efficiency that will assist decision-makers and development institutions prioritize policy instruments. Based on polling a wide sample of the building industry, the results indicate that some policies are more effective than others in attracting private sector investment and contributing to a long-term market for energy efficient products and services. More than $500 billion is provided per year in fossil fuel subsidies. Fossil fuel subsidies drain public resources, drive global warming, and make it harder for clean energy to compete. In fact, fossil fuel subsidies are 500% larger than the subsidies provided for clean energy. While a total of 53 countries have made specific commitments to phase-out their fossil fuel subsidies, little progress has been made in following through by enacting changes to the laws and policies in the key countries. A panel of experts on fossil fuel subsidies will outline how much money is provided for these subsidies, where key countries stand in terms of phasing-out their subsidies, and what is needed to turn this promise into reality. Climate changes affecting our planet require an insight into the development and sustainability. The proposal has the support of researchers at the University, and also with the indigenous leaders of the Intertribal Committee, through a round table debate issues related to Climate Change, Food Security and Insecurity and the Carbon Market, enabling and opening the dialogue between research University, the knowledge of the Indians and the Society. Access to sustainable energy is a necessary precondition to achieving many social goals: eradicating poverty, increasing food production, providing clean water, improving public health, enhancing education, creating economic opportunity, empowering women, and combating climate change. In short, development is not possible without energy, and sustainable development is not possible without sustainable energy. This panel will showcase how a collaborative worldwide effort, under the auspices of Sustainable Energy for All, can accelerate progress in achieving universal energy access by 2030.

Spurring Private Sector Investment in Energy Efficient Buildings



P3-A (Riocentro)

Phasing-out fossil fuel subsides: what is at stake and why now?



P3-F (Riocentro)

Indigenous peoples: food security, climate changes and sustainability



T-4 (Riocentro)

Expanding Energy Access to Achieve Sustainable Energy For All



T-6 (Riocentro)

A Viso Internacional sobre os SPGS



Auditrio da Embrapa Solos A maneira como planejamos e desenvolvemos as nossas cidades tm grandes implicaes para as questes energticas e climticas. Durante essa sesso a nfase ser colocada na troca de experincias sobre como governos locais podem promover a sustentabilidade do ponto de vista de energia atravs de planejamento e processos associados. Em 2003, a Agncia Sueca de Energia iniciou o Programa Municpio Sustentvel. Desde ento, o programa expandiu e se desenvolveu com o objetivo de alavancar o trabalho dos governos locais suecos em direo a uma sociedade sustentvel. Nas diversas redes criadas, os municpios discutem e desenvolvem com base em questes comuns e recebem o apoio do governo por parte de especialistas em reas relevantes. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Maria Steinbach Lindgren (Swedish Energy Agency), Albin Carln (Swedish Energy Agency), Tom Andersson Second Deputy Mayor, City of Boras ) e Johanna Thorn (Environmental Analyst, City of Boras). Evento Fechado Evento Fechado

Praticando a sustentabilidade atravs de um programa sueco para o desenvolvimento urbano



Parque dos Atletas

Cpula dos Prefeitos: Painel V - Rumo a uma agenda urbana revigorada Cpula dos Prefeitos: Rumo a um Futuro de Baixo Carbono Encerramento

18/06/2012 18/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00

Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana

Carlos Alberto Pinto Barreto Gerente do Ambiente de PolticasTerritoriais, Ambientais e de Inovao do Banco do Nordeste.Documento que formaliza compromissos para a promoo do desenvolvimento sustentvel do BiomaCaatinga e entre os compromissos que compem a Declarao da Caatinga,destacam-se: Mobilizao de esforos para aprovaoda Proposta de Emenda Constitucional que transforma a Caatinga em patrimnionacional e da Poltica Nacional de Combate e Preveno Desertificao eMitigao dos Efeitos da Seca; Implementao de um frum de gestoresestaduais do meio ambiente, fortalecendo a governana nas polticas voltadas aodesenvolvimento sustentvel do bioma Caatinga; Promoo de tecnologias sustentveis,adequadas s necessidades especficas das populaes locais; Promoo da gesto, recuperao ecriao de unidades de conservao em reas prioritrias para a proteo dobioma; Adoo de medidas para prever, evitar ouminimizar as causas da mudana do clima e mitigar eventuais efeitos negativos; Apoio ao desenvolvimento de projetos queviabilizem formas alternativas de gerao de renda para as populaes maisvulnerveis aos efeitos da seca e da desertificao; Criao da Agenda Positiva para aCaatinga, um plano de comunicao cujo objetivo ser intensificar a divulgaodas riquezas do patrimnio natural e cultural do bioma, com mudana do foco,atualmente centrado na pobreza, para um paradigma baseado no campo daspossibilidades e das belezas existentes; Instituio do FundoCaatinga, cuja finalidade captar recursos no reembolsveis parainvestimentos em aes de conservao e uso sustentvel dos recursos naturaisdo bioma. evento pblico NAM THEUN 2 Lanamento do concurso de Samba "Eu Amo o Rio de Janeiro".. Entrada Franca Coordenao: Prof. Claudia Bolshaw Os melhores curta metragens e animaes produzidos pela PUC-Rio em Mdia Digital. A Curadoria dos filmes est sendo feita por vrios professores para mostrar a diversidade e criatividade da gerao Y. Entrada Franca 19




AuditrioCentral - Parque dos Atletas

Responsabilidade Ambiental e Social do TRF da 2 Regio (TRF2) NAM THEUN 2 Debates Concurso de Samba Eu Amo Rio - Ocupao ABC Urbana

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00 16:20:00 17:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Clube Renascena

N.A.D.A - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Session 3 Public Administration and the Mechanisms for Promoting Green Economy "Megawatt Solar - A Eletrosul gerando hoje a energia do futuro" Tools for Data Collection and Mapping: the Ground to the Cloud Story Towards the constitution of a Supranational Democratic Climate Authority Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - gua: cidadania para comer e beber Tools for Data Collection and Mapping: the Ground to the Cloud Story Complex Institutional Frameworks for Sustainability

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 17:00:00 17:30:00 17:30:00


Fundao Getulio Vargas Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra

Room UN2 Room UN5 gua, nosso recurso natural vital, escasso em muitas regies. Como garantir a segurana ao acesso? Prticas da sociedade orientam o desenho de polticas pblicas, como o caso do Programa Um Milho de Cisternas. gua tambm como recurso essencial para produo de alimentos. Convidados: Marcelo Crivella, Naidison Quintella Baptista, Cristophe Golay (participao online). Evento pblico Presenting: Craig Hanson, Director, People & Ecosystems Program & Nigel Sizer, Director, Global Forest Initiative Presenting: Craig Hanson, Director, People & Ecosystems Program & Nigel Sizer, Director, Global Forest Initiative




18/06/2012 18/06/2012

17:30:00 17:30:00

Arena da Barra Riocentro

World Agricultural Heritage Systems: towards a sustainable development



T-3 (Riocentro)




P3-6 (Riocentro)

Ten years after its initiation by FAO in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the GIAHS Partnership Initiative represents a sophisticated framework for the recognition, dynamic conservation and adaptive management of remarkable systems of agriculture with their associated livelihoods, ecosystems and landscapes. Defined as ?unique, remarkable traditional agricultural practices and evolving systems that demonstrate multiple goods and services to humanity and the environment?. GIAHS Initiative seek to support the present-day resilience of these traditional systems and thus provide a sustainable legacy for the benefit of future generations. The initiative has assembled an impressive list of pilot site/system designations and is actively pursuing their sustainable development. It has an innovative and integrated approach looking on the well being of small farmers. Prestigious global acknowledgment is emerging, and is reflected in the participation of Japan?s Vice Minister and India?s Prime Minister in the ceremonial designation of local GIAHS in 2012. Fundamentally we all depend on nature, the ecological infrastructure of the planet that provides the flow of goods and services upon which our livelihoods and economies are built. Yet Africas ecosystems are declining faster than ever before through the combined impact of global and local pressures. Loss of ecosystem services is compromising future food security, health and well-being and the effects are being borne disproportionately by the poor. The Ecological Footprint of all African countries increased by 240 per cent between 1961 and 2008 as a result of growing populations as well as increased per capita consumption in a minority of countries. Transitioning to a green economy would ensure that our natural capital is maintained so it can continue to provide the ecosystem services we all depend on. This 90-minute panel discussion would highlight the actions taken by the business community to promote a sustainable, low-carbon energy future through development of new low-carbon technologies, at the same time as they promote economic growth and development opportunities. The discussion would profile the effective methods used by leading companies to capture low-carbon innovation opportunities, and how those strategies take into account differences in regional markets. This side event will focus on four of Rio+20?s seven critical issues ? energy, food, water and oceans. It will review applications of nuclear technology to all four issues and present initial progress on integrated modelling to help devise mutually supportive policies for energy, food, water and oceans and avoid conflicting policies. Nuclear technology is used to generate low-carbon electricity; to breed improved crops and reduce post-harvest losses; to map and manage ground water; as well as to assess and monitor climate change and pollution impact on oceans. Rio+20 will consider setting goals in these and other areas that integrate the economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainable development. The interrelated nature of multiple issues suggests that an integrated approach to policymaking is needed. This side event intends to lead to a broader use of integrated modelling and mutually supportive sustainable development policies for energy, food, water and oceans.

The Business of Innovating: Bringing Low-Carbon Solutions to Market



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy, Food, Water & Oceans



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Green Power Fund: Carbon Negative Tech for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, this event examines the proposal for a ?Green Power Fund? to leverage the existing $200 billion/year traded on the carbon markets to fund ?carbon negative? power plants in developing nations. The Green Power Fund was proposed by Graciela Chichilnisky, noted economist, author of the carbon market mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, and co-founder of Global Thermostat, which has developed a technology that uses waste heat from power plants to capture more carbon than they emit. By using existing global carbon markets to finance a Green Power Fund, the international community can leverage massive amounts of private and public capital to fund carbon negative solutions in developing nations, particularly in least developed nations and small island states. This would also engage the global power sector in the sustainable development institutional framework, and spur the development of a green economy that also directly addresses climate change. This event launches ?International Partnership for Climate Finance Effectiveness (tbc)?. This partnership is composed of 25 countries and institutions to promote knowledge and experience sharing on effective management of climate finance at the country level, drawing on lessons learnt from the management of development aid.

Launching the Building Block on Climate Change Financing



P3-B (Riocentro)

Tools for Data Collection and Mapping: the Ground to the Cloud Story



T-10 (Riocentro)

As the public demands economic accountability and sustainability, organizations need tools that help scale their work, make their data more accessible, and increase transparency around their work. The Rio+20 agenda recognizes that it is ?essential to work towards universal access to information and communications technologies.? This side event features key organizations at the forefront of the application of these technologies, working on the ground to develop means to enable citizens, businesses and governments to harness the power of the cloud. Discover free, open source or software grants for tools that allow for managing, analyzing, cartographically styling, sharing and hosting the data in the cloud infrastructure. Learn about the latest technologies that enable better governance through transparency, accessibility of information and scalability of technologies. Learn how maps can change the world.

Buen Vivir and Human Rights in the Face of REDD+



T-5 (Riocentro)

Climate change is a critical issue for indigenous peoples. While effective solutions to the climate crisis are desperately needed, many popular strategies, like REDD+, actually threaten indigenous peoples? rights and livelihoods. This event will explore two frameworks for ensuring that climate policies protect the rights of indigenous peoples. CAOI will present on Buen Vivir, the millenarian practice of indigenous peoples of living in harmony with nature, and how it can re-shape climate policies to support both sustainability and the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples. The Indian Law Resource Center will present on the human rights obligations of states and institutions, such as the World Bank and the UN-REDD Programme, engaged in REDD+ initiatives, and identify the minimum standards necessary for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples impacted by REDD+ projects. The discussion will highlight shortcomings of existing climate solutions and propose distinct approaches for sustainable development. This side event, organized by the ICCA Consortium, IUCN CEESP, GEF-SGP and the Equator Initiative, will provide space to discuss Indigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs), i.e. those "natural and modified ecosystems that contain significant biodiversity values, ecological values and cultural values and are voluntarily conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities through customary laws or other effective means" (IUCN, 2004). This conservation practice, intertwined with local livelihoods and the spiritual and material values of local cultures, is the oldest on earth. Today, it remains one of the staunchest to hold the fort of bio-cultural diversity against the destructive powers of "development", extractive industries, land grabbing, large infrastructures, loss of culture and values. The incorporation of ICCAs in the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the CBD is managing only too slowly to provide some substantial protection against the variety of destructive forces and threats affecting them. ICCAs are found everywhere in the world, span all types of ecosystems and are the oldest form of conservation (i.e., preservation, sustainable use and restoration) known on earth. As successful examples of collective decision-making about nature they closely relate to peoples' culture and identity. They conserve nature but also secure livelihoods, in unique ways for unique contexts. They embody the capacity of communities to adapt in the face of change (resilience) and prevent natural disasters. And they are an occasion of empowerment for indigenous peoples and local/ rural communities and pride for their youth. Despite all this, ICCAs are today under serious jeopardy by the powers of "development" inexorably at play in every corner of the planet. While in some cases such power are fully accepted by indigenous peoples and local communities their penetration is likely to succeed even when they are fiercely resisted. Only strong and determined communities endowed with integrity and luck appear to manage their own paths towards the "buen vivir" - their own selfdefined "human development" agenda where ICCAs are often found as essential components. In the first part of our side event, a series of case examples will exemplify the statements just made. In the second part, a panel will provide insights into some of well advanced local, national and international initiatives currently "recognizing" and supporting ICCAs across the globe with proven benefits for the conservation of nature, human development, the upholding of human and indigenous

Indigenous Peoples' and Community ConservIndigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs): a force against destructive development and for the "buen vivir"



T-4 (Riocentro)

The Global Energy Assessment - the science to transform energy systems



T-2 (Riocentro)

A revolutionary new approach to the development and delivery of energy services is essential if economic prosperity, human and social development, and environmental protection goals are to be achieved. Reducing energy deprivation, Increasng access to clean energy, decarbonising energy systems through increasing use of renewables are key goals of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Additionally, achievement of the many of the UN Millennium Development Goals will only be possible when global energy challenges are confronted. Following introductions and overviews by UNIDO and the UN Foundation IIASA scientists will outline their contributions to the Global Energy Assessment (GEA), the first ever fully integrated study of the global energy system. Presenters will describe a range of energy futures that offer viable, cost-effective, sustainable pathways for resolving some of the abovementioned issues. The findings, offer policy makers, at all levels, invaluable new knowledge to inform transformational changes to the global energy system with its multiple benefits. Leading scholars and practitioners from Yale, CISDL, IUFRO, RECOFTC, and WRI discuss the role of complex institutional frameworks in the global pursuit of sustainability. Complex institutional frameworks bring together multiple institutions, actors, and processes in a manner that cuts across public and private authority, national borders, and policy sectors. Speakers will discuss innovations for managing conflicts and promoting coherence within such frameworks, drawing on case studies focusing on non-state market-driven systems, public/private regimes, and legality verification schemes. Due to its economic, environmental, and social dimensions, processes, and stakeholders, the transnational governance of forestry will serve as a cross-cutting illustration of the challenges and opportunities of complex governance, emphasizing its role in sustainability, development, and human rights. This side-event will not only aim to identify best practices for managing governance complexity in sustainable development, but will also feature the launch of an innovative research agenda and partnership on these issues. The Planetworkshops wish to organize a side event dedicated to the question of climate change. As a matter of fact, the fight against global warming is an essential stake to preserve our environment and our ways of life. This question is part of the main sustainable developments stakes. In this prospect, we want to organize two debates, based on the works of the ?climate negotiations? Planetworkshops? Working Commission, which gathers a large spectrum of actors involved in sustainable development: government officials, leaders of NGOs and associations, business managers, experts, researchers, students, etc Visualizing commitments and identifying opportunities at regional level This side event aims to interconnect high political representatives/managers of regional organizations, agencies and other regional mechanism working in the field of sustainable development. The complex and ambitious roadmap towards Rio+20 requires not only strong political will from parties but also an inclusive process where all stakeholders are offered the possibility to interact and commit according to their respective mandate, field of expertise, interest and capacities. The Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development requires commitments and action at all levels and in this respect it is essential to analyse the contribution of regional organizations, mechanisms and IGOs operating at regional level outside the UN system. Based on their mandate and area of expertise, this interactive round table should identify concrete opportunities and synergies for potential cooperation within their respective regions and across regions.

Complex Institutional Frameworks for Sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

The economy of climate change and international negotiations



T-6 (Riocentro)

Towards and beyond Rio+20: Delivering Sustainable Development at the Regional Level



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Juggling Gender Justice in the Three Pillars



P3-F (Riocentro)

This side event is aimed at addressing developing country challenges in balancing the three dimensions of sustainable from a gender perspective. Panelists from G77 governments and international institutions will speak to a range of experiences in integrating these three dimensions into policies and programs. Discussions will also address contentious issues in the Rio+20 negotiations and provide concrete inputs toward shaping the post-MDG sustainable development framework.

World Agricultural Heritage Systems: towards a sustainable development



T-3 (Riocentro)




P3-6 (Riocentro)

Ten years after its initiation by FAO in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the GIAHS Partnership Initiative represents a sophisticated framework for the recognition, dynamic conservation and adaptive management of remarkable systems of agriculture with their associated livelihoods, ecosystems and landscapes. Defined as ?unique, remarkable traditional agricultural practices and evolving systems that demonstrate multiple goods and services to humanity and the environment?. GIAHS Initiative seek to support the present-day resilience of these traditional systems and thus provide a sustainable legacy for the benefit of future generations. The initiative has assembled an impressive list of pilot site/system designations and is actively pursuing their sustainable development. It has an innovative and integrated approach looking on the well being of small farmers. Prestigious global acknowledgment is emerging, and is reflected in the participation of Japan?s Vice Minister and India?s Prime Minister in the ceremonial designation of local GIAHS in 2012. Fundamentally we all depend on nature, the ecological infrastructure of the planet that provides the flow of goods and services upon which our livelihoods and economies are built. Yet Africas ecosystems are declining faster than ever before through the combined impact of global and local pressures. Loss of ecosystem services is compromising future food security, health and well-being and the effects are being borne disproportionately by the poor. The Ecological Footprint of all African countries increased by 240 per cent between 1961 and 2008 as a result of growing populations as well as increased per capita consumption in a minority of countries. Transitioning to a green economy would ensure that our natural capital is maintained so it can continue to provide the ecosystem services we all depend on. This 90-minute panel discussion would highlight the actions taken by the business community to promote a sustainable, low-carbon energy future through development of new low-carbon technologies, at the same time as they promote economic growth and development opportunities. The discussion would profile the effective methods used by leading companies to capture low-carbon innovation opportunities, and how those strategies take into account differences in regional markets. This side event will focus on four of Rio+20?s seven critical issues ? energy, food, water and oceans. It will review applications of nuclear technology to all four issues and present initial progress on integrated modelling to help devise mutually supportive policies for energy, food, water and oceans and avoid conflicting policies. Nuclear technology is used to generate low-carbon electricity; to breed improved crops and reduce post-harvest losses; to map and manage ground water; as well as to assess and monitor climate change and pollution impact on oceans. Rio+20 will consider setting goals in these and other areas that integrate the economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainable development. The interrelated nature of multiple issues suggests that an integrated approach to policymaking is needed. This side event intends to lead to a broader use of integrated modelling and mutually supportive sustainable development policies for energy, food, water and oceans.

The Business of Innovating: Bringing Low-Carbon Solutions to Market



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy, Food, Water & Oceans



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Green Power Fund: Carbon Negative Tech for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, this event examines the proposal for a ?Green Power Fund? to leverage the existing $200 billion/year traded on the carbon markets to fund ?carbon negative? power plants in developing nations. The Green Power Fund was proposed by Graciela Chichilnisky, noted economist, author of the carbon market mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, and co-founder of Global Thermostat, which has developed a technology that uses waste heat from power plants to capture more carbon than they emit. By using existing global carbon markets to finance a Green Power Fund, the international community can leverage massive amounts of private and public capital to fund carbon negative solutions in developing nations, particularly in least developed nations and small island states. This would also engage the global power sector in the sustainable development institutional framework, and spur the development of a green economy that also directly addresses climate change. This event launches ?International Partnership for Climate Finance Effectiveness (tbc)?. This partnership is composed of 25 countries and institutions to promote knowledge and experience sharing on effective management of climate finance at the country level, drawing on lessons learnt from the management of development aid.

Launching the Building Block on Climate Change Financing



P3-B (Riocentro)

Tools for Data Collection and Mapping: the Ground to the Cloud Story



T-10 (Riocentro)

As the public demands economic accountability and sustainability, organizations need tools that help scale their work, make their data more accessible, and increase transparency around their work. The Rio+20 agenda recognizes that it is ?essential to work towards universal access to information and communications technologies.? This side event features key organizations at the forefront of the application of these technologies, working on the ground to develop means to enable citizens, businesses and governments to harness the power of the cloud. Discover free, open source or software grants for tools that allow for managing, analyzing, cartographically styling, sharing and hosting the data in the cloud infrastructure. Learn about the latest technologies that enable better governance through transparency, accessibility of information and scalability of technologies. Learn how maps can change the world.

Buen Vivir and Human Rights in the Face of REDD+



T-5 (Riocentro)

Climate change is a critical issue for indigenous peoples. While effective solutions to the climate crisis are desperately needed, many popular strategies, like REDD+, actually threaten indigenous peoples? rights and livelihoods. This event will explore two frameworks for ensuring that climate policies protect the rights of indigenous peoples. CAOI will present on Buen Vivir, the millenarian practice of indigenous peoples of living in harmony with nature, and how it can re-shape climate policies to support both sustainability and the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples. The Indian Law Resource Center will present on the human rights obligations of states and institutions, such as the World Bank and the UN-REDD Programme, engaged in REDD+ initiatives, and identify the minimum standards necessary for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples impacted by REDD+ projects. The discussion will highlight shortcomings of existing climate solutions and propose distinct approaches for sustainable development. This side event, organized by the ICCA Consortium, IUCN CEESP, GEF-SGP and the Equator Initiative, will provide space to discuss Indigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs), i.e. those "natural and modified ecosystems that contain significant biodiversity values, ecological values and cultural values and are voluntarily conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities through customary laws or other effective means" (IUCN, 2004). This conservation practice, intertwined with local livelihoods and the spiritual and material values of local cultures, is the oldest on earth. Today, it remains one of the staunchest to hold the fort of bio-cultural diversity against the destructive powers of "development", extractive industries, land grabbing, large infrastructures, loss of culture and values. The incorporation of ICCAs in the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the CBD is managing only too slowly to provide some substantial protection against the variety of destructive forces and threats affecting them. ICCAs are found everywhere in the world, span all types of ecosystems and are the oldest form of conservation (i.e., preservation, sustainable use and restoration) known on earth. As successful examples of collective decision-making about nature they closely relate to peoples' culture and identity. They conserve nature but also secure livelihoods, in unique ways for unique contexts. They embody the capacity of communities to adapt in the face of change (resilience) and prevent natural disasters. And they are an occasion of empowerment for indigenous peoples and local/ rural communities and pride for their youth. Despite all this, ICCAs are today under serious jeopardy by the powers of "development" inexorably at play in every corner of the planet. While in some cases such power are fully accepted by indigenous peoples and local communities their penetration is likely to succeed even when they are fiercely resisted. Only strong and determined communities endowed with integrity and luck appear to manage their own paths towards the "buen vivir" - their own selfdefined "human development" agenda where ICCAs are often found as essential components. In the first part of our side event, a series of case examples will exemplify the statements just made. In the second part, a panel will provide insights into some of well advanced local, national and international initiatives currently "recognizing" and supporting ICCAs across the globe with proven benefits for the conservation of nature, human development, the upholding of human and indigenous

Indigenous Peoples' and Community ConservIndigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs): a force against destructive development and for the "buen vivir"



T-4 (Riocentro)

The Global Energy Assessment - the science to transform energy systems



T-2 (Riocentro)

A revolutionary new approach to the development and delivery of energy services is essential if economic prosperity, human and social development, and environmental protection goals are to be achieved. Reducing energy deprivation, Increasng access to clean energy, decarbonising energy systems through increasing use of renewables are key goals of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Additionally, achievement of the many of the UN Millennium Development Goals will only be possible when global energy challenges are confronted. Following introductions and overviews by UNIDO and the UN Foundation IIASA scientists will outline their contributions to the Global Energy Assessment (GEA), the first ever fully integrated study of the global energy system. Presenters will describe a range of energy futures that offer viable, cost-effective, sustainable pathways for resolving some of the abovementioned issues. The findings, offer policy makers, at all levels, invaluable new knowledge to inform transformational changes to the global energy system with its multiple benefits. Leading scholars and practitioners from Yale, CISDL, IUFRO, RECOFTC, and WRI discuss the role of complex institutional frameworks in the global pursuit of sustainability. Complex institutional frameworks bring together multiple institutions, actors, and processes in a manner that cuts across public and private authority, national borders, and policy sectors. Speakers will discuss innovations for managing conflicts and promoting coherence within such frameworks, drawing on case studies focusing on non-state market-driven systems, public/private regimes, and legality verification schemes. Due to its economic, environmental, and social dimensions, processes, and stakeholders, the transnational governance of forestry will serve as a cross-cutting illustration of the challenges and opportunities of complex governance, emphasizing its role in sustainability, development, and human rights. This side-event will not only aim to identify best practices for managing governance complexity in sustainable development, but will also feature the launch of an innovative research agenda and partnership on these issues. The Planetworkshops wish to organize a side event dedicated to the question of climate change. As a matter of fact, the fight against global warming is an essential stake to preserve our environment and our ways of life. This question is part of the main sustainable developments stakes. In this prospect, we want to organize two debates, based on the works of the ?climate negotiations? Planetworkshops? Working Commission, which gathers a large spectrum of actors involved in sustainable development: government officials, leaders of NGOs and associations, business managers, experts, researchers, students, etc Visualizing commitments and identifying opportunities at regional level This side event aims to interconnect high political representatives/managers of regional organizations, agencies and other regional mechanism working in the field of sustainable development. The complex and ambitious roadmap towards Rio+20 requires not only strong political will from parties but also an inclusive process where all stakeholders are offered the possibility to interact and commit according to their respective mandate, field of expertise, interest and capacities. The Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development requires commitments and action at all levels and in this respect it is essential to analyse the contribution of regional organizations, mechanisms and IGOs operating at regional level outside the UN system. Based on their mandate and area of expertise, this interactive round table should identify concrete opportunities and synergies for potential cooperation within their respective regions and across regions.

Complex Institutional Frameworks for Sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

The economy of climate change and international negotiations



T-6 (Riocentro)

Towards and beyond Rio+20: Delivering Sustainable Development at the Regional Level



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Juggling Gender Justice in the Three Pillars



P3-F (Riocentro)

This side event is aimed at addressing developing country challenges in balancing the three dimensions of sustainable from a gender perspective. Panelists from G77 governments and international institutions will speak to a range of experiences in integrating these three dimensions into policies and programs. Discussions will also address contentious issues in the Rio+20 negotiations and provide concrete inputs toward shaping the post-MDG sustainable development framework.

World Agricultural Heritage Systems: towards a sustainable development



T-3 (Riocentro)




P3-6 (Riocentro)

Ten years after its initiation by FAO in 2002, during the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the GIAHS Partnership Initiative represents a sophisticated framework for the recognition, dynamic conservation and adaptive management of remarkable systems of agriculture with their associated livelihoods, ecosystems and landscapes. Defined as ?unique, remarkable traditional agricultural practices and evolving systems that demonstrate multiple goods and services to humanity and the environment?. GIAHS Initiative seek to support the present-day resilience of these traditional systems and thus provide a sustainable legacy for the benefit of future generations. The initiative has assembled an impressive list of pilot site/system designations and is actively pursuing their sustainable development. It has an innovative and integrated approach looking on the well being of small farmers. Prestigious global acknowledgment is emerging, and is reflected in the participation of Japan?s Vice Minister and India?s Prime Minister in the ceremonial designation of local GIAHS in 2012. Fundamentally we all depend on nature, the ecological infrastructure of the planet that provides the flow of goods and services upon which our livelihoods and economies are built. Yet Africas ecosystems are declining faster than ever before through the combined impact of global and local pressures. Loss of ecosystem services is compromising future food security, health and well-being and the effects are being borne disproportionately by the poor. The Ecological Footprint of all African countries increased by 240 per cent between 1961 and 2008 as a result of growing populations as well as increased per capita consumption in a minority of countries. Transitioning to a green economy would ensure that our natural capital is maintained so it can continue to provide the ecosystem services we all depend on. This 90-minute panel discussion would highlight the actions taken by the business community to promote a sustainable, low-carbon energy future through development of new low-carbon technologies, at the same time as they promote economic growth and development opportunities. The discussion would profile the effective methods used by leading companies to capture low-carbon innovation opportunities, and how those strategies take into account differences in regional markets. This side event will focus on four of Rio+20?s seven critical issues ? energy, food, water and oceans. It will review applications of nuclear technology to all four issues and present initial progress on integrated modelling to help devise mutually supportive policies for energy, food, water and oceans and avoid conflicting policies. Nuclear technology is used to generate low-carbon electricity; to breed improved crops and reduce post-harvest losses; to map and manage ground water; as well as to assess and monitor climate change and pollution impact on oceans. Rio+20 will consider setting goals in these and other areas that integrate the economic, social and environmental dimension of sustainable development. The interrelated nature of multiple issues suggests that an integrated approach to policymaking is needed. This side event intends to lead to a broader use of integrated modelling and mutually supportive sustainable development policies for energy, food, water and oceans.

The Business of Innovating: Bringing Low-Carbon Solutions to Market



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy, Food, Water & Oceans



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Green Power Fund: Carbon Negative Tech for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Hosted by the Earth Institute, Columbia University, this event examines the proposal for a ?Green Power Fund? to leverage the existing $200 billion/year traded on the carbon markets to fund ?carbon negative? power plants in developing nations. The Green Power Fund was proposed by Graciela Chichilnisky, noted economist, author of the carbon market mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol, and co-founder of Global Thermostat, which has developed a technology that uses waste heat from power plants to capture more carbon than they emit. By using existing global carbon markets to finance a Green Power Fund, the international community can leverage massive amounts of private and public capital to fund carbon negative solutions in developing nations, particularly in least developed nations and small island states. This would also engage the global power sector in the sustainable development institutional framework, and spur the development of a green economy that also directly addresses climate change. This event launches ?International Partnership for Climate Finance Effectiveness (tbc)?. This partnership is composed of 25 countries and institutions to promote knowledge and experience sharing on effective management of climate finance at the country level, drawing on lessons learnt from the management of development aid.

Launching the Building Block on Climate Change Financing



P3-B (Riocentro)

Tools for Data Collection and Mapping: the Ground to the Cloud Story



T-10 (Riocentro)

As the public demands economic accountability and sustainability, organizations need tools that help scale their work, make their data more accessible, and increase transparency around their work. The Rio+20 agenda recognizes that it is ?essential to work towards universal access to information and communications technologies.? This side event features key organizations at the forefront of the application of these technologies, working on the ground to develop means to enable citizens, businesses and governments to harness the power of the cloud. Discover free, open source or software grants for tools that allow for managing, analyzing, cartographically styling, sharing and hosting the data in the cloud infrastructure. Learn about the latest technologies that enable better governance through transparency, accessibility of information and scalability of technologies. Learn how maps can change the world.

Buen Vivir and Human Rights in the Face of REDD+



T-5 (Riocentro)

Climate change is a critical issue for indigenous peoples. While effective solutions to the climate crisis are desperately needed, many popular strategies, like REDD+, actually threaten indigenous peoples? rights and livelihoods. This event will explore two frameworks for ensuring that climate policies protect the rights of indigenous peoples. CAOI will present on Buen Vivir, the millenarian practice of indigenous peoples of living in harmony with nature, and how it can re-shape climate policies to support both sustainability and the rights and livelihoods of indigenous peoples. The Indian Law Resource Center will present on the human rights obligations of states and institutions, such as the World Bank and the UN-REDD Programme, engaged in REDD+ initiatives, and identify the minimum standards necessary for the protection of the rights of indigenous peoples impacted by REDD+ projects. The discussion will highlight shortcomings of existing climate solutions and propose distinct approaches for sustainable development. This side event, organized by the ICCA Consortium, IUCN CEESP, GEF-SGP and the Equator Initiative, will provide space to discuss Indigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs), i.e. those "natural and modified ecosystems that contain significant biodiversity values, ecological values and cultural values and are voluntarily conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities through customary laws or other effective means" (IUCN, 2004). This conservation practice, intertwined with local livelihoods and the spiritual and material values of local cultures, is the oldest on earth. Today, it remains one of the staunchest to hold the fort of bio-cultural diversity against the destructive powers of "development", extractive industries, land grabbing, large infrastructures, loss of culture and values. The incorporation of ICCAs in the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the CBD is managing only too slowly to provide some substantial protection against the variety of destructive forces and threats affecting them. ICCAs are found everywhere in the world, span all types of ecosystems and are the oldest form of conservation (i.e., preservation, sustainable use and restoration) known on earth. As successful examples of collective decision-making about nature they closely relate to peoples' culture and identity. They conserve nature but also secure livelihoods, in unique ways for unique contexts. They embody the capacity of communities to adapt in the face of change (resilience) and prevent natural disasters. And they are an occasion of empowerment for indigenous peoples and local/ rural communities and pride for their youth. Despite all this, ICCAs are today under serious jeopardy by the powers of "development" inexorably at play in every corner of the planet. While in some cases such power are fully accepted by indigenous peoples and local communities their penetration is likely to succeed even when they are fiercely resisted. Only strong and determined communities endowed with integrity and luck appear to manage their own paths towards the "buen vivir" - their own selfdefined "human development" agenda where ICCAs are often found as essential components. In the first part of our side event, a series of case examples will exemplify the statements just made. In the second part, a panel will provide insights into some of well advanced local, national and international initiatives currently "recognizing" and supporting ICCAs across the globe with proven benefits for the conservation of nature, human development, the upholding of human and indigenous

Indigenous Peoples' and Community ConservIndigenous Peoples' and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCAs): a force against destructive development and for the "buen vivir"



T-4 (Riocentro)

The Global Energy Assessment - the science to transform energy systems



T-2 (Riocentro)

A revolutionary new approach to the development and delivery of energy services is essential if economic prosperity, human and social development, and environmental protection goals are to be achieved. Reducing energy deprivation, Increasng access to clean energy, decarbonising energy systems through increasing use of renewables are key goals of the United Nations Sustainable Energy for All initiative. Additionally, achievement of the many of the UN Millennium Development Goals will only be possible when global energy challenges are confronted. Following introductions and overviews by UNIDO and the UN Foundation IIASA scientists will outline their contributions to the Global Energy Assessment (GEA), the first ever fully integrated study of the global energy system. Presenters will describe a range of energy futures that offer viable, cost-effective, sustainable pathways for resolving some of the abovementioned issues. The findings, offer policy makers, at all levels, invaluable new knowledge to inform transformational changes to the global energy system with its multiple benefits. Leading scholars and practitioners from Yale, CISDL, IUFRO, RECOFTC, and WRI discuss the role of complex institutional frameworks in the global pursuit of sustainability. Complex institutional frameworks bring together multiple institutions, actors, and processes in a manner that cuts across public and private authority, national borders, and policy sectors. Speakers will discuss innovations for managing conflicts and promoting coherence within such frameworks, drawing on case studies focusing on non-state market-driven systems, public/private regimes, and legality verification schemes. Due to its economic, environmental, and social dimensions, processes, and stakeholders, the transnational governance of forestry will serve as a cross-cutting illustration of the challenges and opportunities of complex governance, emphasizing its role in sustainability, development, and human rights. This side-event will not only aim to identify best practices for managing governance complexity in sustainable development, but will also feature the launch of an innovative research agenda and partnership on these issues. The Planetworkshops wish to organize a side event dedicated to the question of climate change. As a matter of fact, the fight against global warming is an essential stake to preserve our environment and our ways of life. This question is part of the main sustainable developments stakes. In this prospect, we want to organize two debates, based on the works of the ?climate negotiations? Planetworkshops? Working Commission, which gathers a large spectrum of actors involved in sustainable development: government officials, leaders of NGOs and associations, business managers, experts, researchers, students, etc Visualizing commitments and identifying opportunities at regional level This side event aims to interconnect high political representatives/managers of regional organizations, agencies and other regional mechanism working in the field of sustainable development. The complex and ambitious roadmap towards Rio+20 requires not only strong political will from parties but also an inclusive process where all stakeholders are offered the possibility to interact and commit according to their respective mandate, field of expertise, interest and capacities. The Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development requires commitments and action at all levels and in this respect it is essential to analyse the contribution of regional organizations, mechanisms and IGOs operating at regional level outside the UN system. Based on their mandate and area of expertise, this interactive round table should identify concrete opportunities and synergies for potential cooperation within their respective regions and across regions.

Complex Institutional Frameworks for Sustainability



P3-E (Riocentro)

The economy of climate change and international negotiations



T-6 (Riocentro)

Towards and beyond Rio+20: Delivering Sustainable Development at the Regional Level



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development: Juggling Gender Justice in the Three Pillars



P3-F (Riocentro)

This side event is aimed at addressing developing country challenges in balancing the three dimensions of sustainable from a gender perspective. Panelists from G77 governments and international institutions will speak to a range of experiences in integrating these three dimensions into policies and programs. Discussions will also address contentious issues in the Rio+20 negotiations and provide concrete inputs toward shaping the post-MDG sustainable development framework. Visita Guiada de Jean-Pierre Duttileux e Luiz Carlos Lacerda. Brasil/Frana/Blgica, 1978. 85. Complemento Ecologia de Leon Hirzsman. Brasil, 1973. 13. Na aldeia dos ndios Mekronotis, onde Raoni o cacique, chega a notcia de que, mais uma vez, tratores penetram na floresta, invadindo as fronteiras da reserva indgena. O filme concorreu ao Oscar de melhor documentrio. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Visita Guiada ao Estande Interativo



Parque dos Atletas





Projeto Alto Uruguai - Cidadania, Energia e Meio Ambiente Sustainable Development Dialogues: Sustainable Cities and Innovation. Session 4 Final remarks and the way forward Programa Plataforma Vide Urbe (Estao Central) Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Fora do eixo - Ocupao irbita

18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012 18/06/2012

18:00:00 18:30:00 18:40:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Riocentro Fundao Getulio Vargas CENTRAL DO BRASIL Central do Brasil Metr Rio

Projeto Alto Uruguai - Cidadania, Energia e Meio Ambiente OFFICIAL EVENTS 19 Projees espaos pblicos no convencionais (Central do Brasil) Projees em espaos no convencionais. Entrada Franca Sesses de cinema ao ar livre. Entrada Franca 19 h - "O ESTRANHO" (Texto de Iara Pereira da Costa) de Santa Catarina Mayara Zanuzzo, Day Willain, Kamila Mafra, Matheus Franklin, Paulo Vitor, Iara Pereira da Costa, Fernanda Moroso. Part. Especial de Marcio Mariante. Direo: Fernanda Moroso 21h - "REALITY" (de Michelle Ferreira) de So Paulo Direo do espetculo: Ramiro Silveira Direo da Leitura: Michelle Ferreira Com: Sara Antunes, Lvia Guerra, Maura Hayas. Entrada Franca

Leituras dramticas de textos teatrais - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita



Coelho Neto

Projees em espaos no convencionais. Entrada Franca The side event will highlight the contribution of MENA forest ecosystems to societies in the MENA region, especially in regard to climate change. The initiatives of the forest administrations involved in the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF) which promote the sustainable management of forests with a view to improving the resilience of MENA territories and societies to Climate Change will be presented and discussed with participants. The side-event will comprise three parts: ? Short presentations on: o the regional cooperation between forest administrations of the MENA region promoting the sustainable management of forests ; o the role of forest ecosystems? goods and services in climate change adaptation and innovative initiatives from the forest administrations in the MENA region ; o the contribution of the MENA forest sector to the Rio+20 outcomes and recommendations. ? Round-table with representatives of the forest administrations ? Poster exhibition in the side event room Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential to accelerate sustainable development and the transition to a fair and green economy Tertiary education plays a critical role in shaping the future, as political, business and civil society leaders are likely to be university graduates and will prepare the skilled workforce needed for a green economy. This event will emphasise the important role tertiary education plays in realising sustainable development and the transition to a green economy. Hosted by a collaborative of tertiary education sustainability organisations, in collaboration with numerous governments, we will answer: ? How can governments, NGOs, businesses and tertiary education instigate the necessary shift towards sustainable development and the transition to a Green Economy? ? How do we unlock the potential of tertiary education sector to transform society? ? What role should tertiary education play in creating and participating in the institutional framework for sustainable development? ? What funding and support mechanisms will need to be provided to ensure the success of tertiary education in sustainable development efforts?

Mediterranean Forests for Development: a key for adapting policies, territories and societies to climate change in the Middle East North African region



T-11 (Riocentro)

Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential for SD



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth? The Future They Want!



P3-6 (Riocentro)

1. Since it was announced by President Lee Myung-Bak at a national address on the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea on 15 August 2008, ?Low Carbon, Green Growth? has become a new national vision to guide the Korea?s long-term sustainable development. In line with the new vision, the Korean Government announced a Five-Year Plan for Green Growth in 2009 to serve as a medium-term plan for implementing the National Strategy for Green Growth over the period 20092013. Recognizing the Korea?s leadership, UNEP praised South Korea?s commitment to a green economic future in its report in April 2010. However, while Korea?s Green Growth initiative could be a good benchmark for other countries coming to Rio+20 to develop their own national model towards achieving a green economy, they could also learn from the critical lessons derived from the Korea?s experience. There have been a number of criticisms among Korean civil society against the governance process of the Green Growth and its emphasis on the expansion of nuclear power and the construction industry. In this context, the Rio+20 Committee of Korean Civil Society, composed of more than twenty Korean civil society organizations in the fields of environment, sustainable energy, forest protection, human rights, gender equality, international development cooperation and etc., are pleased to invite Rio+20 participants from all over the world to the above side event. We seeks to provide a strategic knowledge platform to discuss a range of issues that people of the world need to be aware of when they pursue a green economy. In addition, considering the important role of cities in sustainable energy planning toward achieving a green economy, a case study of Seoul will be shared with participants as a benchmark initiative at the local government level in the Post-Fukushima era. At the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the UN institutions that deal with sustainable development are to be restructured. This offers a unique opportunity to implement long overdue reforms. The proposed reforms should follow the objective to improve the visibility and key priority of sustainable development in the UN system. An important building block towards these reforms might be the establishment of a Sustainable Development Council (SDC), replacing the politically weak UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The UNCSD outcome document should recommend that the UN General Assembly decides to adopt a resolution establishing such a council as its subsidiary organ. Moreover, the new council's mandate, membership, and institutional design need to be negotiated. The proposed side event will tackle these questions, including ideas for effective decision-making structures, enhanced participation, a peer review mechanism, innovative financing mechanisms etc. Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions would draw much needed attention to the emerging challenge of sustainable development in the Polar Regions. The Polar Regions are crucial to global sustainable development, but have received very little attention in the lead-up to Rio. This event would feature speakers from the Students on Alumni Delegation to Rio ( This delegation is comprised of youth under 24 who have visited the Polar Regions and are committed to their protection.

IFSD put into Practice: Setting up a Sustainable Development Council



P3-A (Riocentro)

Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions



P3-F (Riocentro) During this event, delegates will speak about the importance of the Polar Regions in the context of sustainable development, threats facing these regions, and opportunities to promote sustainable development of the poles. This event aims to raise awareness about the unique sustainable development challenges facing the Polar Regions and to inspire national delegates and civil society organizations to commit to their protection. The event will provide concrete ways for attendees to take action. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred on March 11, 2011 have had dramatic impact around the world. More than a year has passed since this massive disaster, but the nuclear power plant remains unstable. Workers continue to work in life-threatening conditions, while many people including children are forced to suffer from prolonged radiation exposure, unable to evacuate due to lack of support from the government. Despite such severe situations, the government of Japan has been eagerly trying to restart other nuclear plants within the country that have been stopped for regular checks. This event aims to deliver the direct voices of the people of Fukushima, providing the participants with opportunities to not only learn the reality of what is currently happening in Japan, but also to think of what it takes to build a sustainable future.

Voices from Fukushima: Sharing Lessons for Global Sustainability



T-5 (Riocentro)

Low Carbon Strategies;Challenge or Opportunity for Developing Countrie



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Indigenous Peoples Rights



T-4 (Riocentro)

Scalable Solutions - Managing water for economies, communities and nature



T-9 (Riocentro)

"Brot fr die Welt" ("Bread for the World") is part of the Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany and active on their behalf in the field of development cooperation. ?Brot fr die Welt? supports the poor in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe in their attempts to lead a dignified life. We work jointly with local churches and partner organisations on over 1,000 projects in the main areas of food security, education and health, the struggle against HIV/Aids and the promotion of a culture of peace. ?Brot fr die Welt? regards itself as the advocate of disadvantaged people in the countries of the Southern hemisphere and as such promotes global transformation as an indispensable means to achieve justice for the poor. The Society for Threatened Peoples International is active in the field of indigenous peoples' rights. Together with 3 major actors in this field in Latin America, we want shed a light on the interrelationship between sustainable development and indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples are considered most vulnerable to any changes in their physical environment due to their close linkage with nature. As a consequence, they have to be heard, their experience has to be shared, and their interests and needs duely considered in any global debate on sustainable development. The sideevent will allow for exchanges between indigenous representatives, state representatives and other actors present at the Rio summit. This session will highlight solutions to water, food, and energy challenges through six important elements of WWF?s Freshwater outreach with partners. All these sessions are designed to show how collaborative approaches are bringing new thinking, partnerships and action to help solve our shared water challenges. These integrated initiatives encompass a broad range of stakeholder engagement, including governments, at both local and national level, corporations, investors, development banks and local communities. This work touches on the central challenges of water security and the trade-offs with energy and food. The six initiatives demonstrate positive and proactive contributions to solving water challenges and an ability to be magnified and replicated in other parts of the world, helping lay the foundations for a genuinely green economy. From Burden Bearing to Opportunity Sharing: How reframing environmental negotiations can create opportunities for sustainable development In order for the "Green Economy" strategy to achieve sustainable social and environmental pillar goals, some new approaches will be required. Three examples are provided. 1. Reframe the climate treaty as a sustainable development treaty that supplies low-carbon energy services for all rather than continuing to focus on pollution control. 2. Utilize adaptation for climate and other global change as a means towards resilient sustainable development instead of considering it as a reactive response. 3. Health is an essential input into the social pillar of sustainable development. Utilizing the health and environmental indicators from WHO can ensure that meaningful social goals are achieved in the development process. The aim of this project is to inform about the benefits Wind Energy can bring to the humanity within the next years and about its positive influence on the planet?s climate change. The power sector is far from being the only culprit when it comes to climate change, it is the largest single source of emissions, accounting for about 40% of CO2 emissions, and about 25% of overall emissions. The options for making major emissions reductions in the power sector between now and 2020 are basically three: energy efficiency and conservation; fuel switching from coal to gas; and renewable energy, primarily Wind Power. JCI and Farias Brito College decided to study the Wind Power benefits and its direct influence on Earth?s climate change due to the fact Eolic Energy is the most popular source of energy in Cear, northeast of Brazil, were Farias Brito College is situated at.

Reframing environmental negotiations to create opportunities



T-8 (Riocentro)

Wind Power and Climate Change: Sustainable Development in Brazil



P3-B (Riocentro)

Mediterranean Forests for Development: a key for adapting policies, territories and societies to climate change in the Middle East North African region



T-11 (Riocentro)

The side event will highlight the contribution of MENA forest ecosystems to societies in the MENA region, especially in regard to climate change. The initiatives of the forest administrations involved in the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF) which promote the sustainable management of forests with a view to improving the resilience of MENA territories and societies to Climate Change will be presented and discussed with participants. The side-event will comprise three parts: ? Short presentations on: o the regional cooperation between forest administrations of the MENA region promoting the sustainable management of forests ; o the role of forest ecosystems? goods and services in climate change adaptation and innovative initiatives from the forest administrations in the MENA region ; o the contribution of the MENA forest sector to the Rio+20 outcomes and recommendations. ? Round-table with representatives of the forest administrations ? Poster exhibition in the side event room Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential to accelerate sustainable development and the transition to a fair and green economy Tertiary education plays a critical role in shaping the future, as political, business and civil society leaders are likely to be university graduates and will prepare the skilled workforce needed for a green economy. This event will emphasise the important role tertiary education plays in realising sustainable development and the transition to a green economy. Hosted by a collaborative of tertiary education sustainability organisations, in collaboration with numerous governments, we will answer: ? How can governments, NGOs, businesses and tertiary education instigate the necessary shift towards sustainable development and the transition to a Green Economy? ? How do we unlock the potential of tertiary education sector to transform society? ? What role should tertiary education play in creating and participating in the institutional framework for sustainable development? ? What funding and support mechanisms will need to be provided to ensure the success of tertiary education in sustainable development efforts? 1. Since it was announced by President Lee Myung-Bak at a national address on the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea on 15 August 2008, ?Low Carbon, Green Growth? has become a new national vision to guide the Korea?s long-term sustainable development. In line with the new vision, the Korean Government announced a Five-Year Plan for Green Growth in 2009 to serve as a medium-term plan for implementing the National Strategy for Green Growth over the period 20092013. Recognizing the Korea?s leadership, UNEP praised South Korea?s commitment to a green economic future in its report in April 2010. However, while Korea?s Green Growth initiative could be a good benchmark for other countries coming to Rio+20 to develop their own national model towards achieving a green economy, they could also learn from the critical lessons derived from the Korea?s experience. There have been a number of criticisms among Korean civil society against the governance process of the Green Growth and its emphasis on the expansion of nuclear power and the construction industry. In this context, the Rio+20 Committee of Korean Civil Society, composed of more than twenty Korean civil society organizations in the fields of environment, sustainable energy, forest protection, human rights, gender equality, international development cooperation and etc., are pleased to invite Rio+20 participants from all over the world to the above side event. We seeks to provide a strategic knowledge platform to discuss a range of issues that people of the world need to be aware of when they pursue a green economy. In addition, considering the important role of cities in sustainable energy planning toward achieving a green economy, a case study of Seoul will be shared with participants as a benchmark initiative at the local government level in the Post-Fukushima era.

Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential for SD



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth? The Future They Want!



P3-6 (Riocentro)

IFSD put into Practice: Setting up a Sustainable Development Council



P3-A (Riocentro)

At the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the UN institutions that deal with sustainable development are to be restructured. This offers a unique opportunity to implement long overdue reforms. The proposed reforms should follow the objective to improve the visibility and key priority of sustainable development in the UN system. An important building block towards these reforms might be the establishment of a Sustainable Development Council (SDC), replacing the politically weak UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The UNCSD outcome document should recommend that the UN General Assembly decides to adopt a resolution establishing such a council as its subsidiary organ. Moreover, the new council's mandate, membership, and institutional design need to be negotiated. The proposed side event will tackle these questions, including ideas for effective decision-making structures, enhanced participation, a peer review mechanism, innovative financing mechanisms etc. Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions would draw much needed attention to the emerging challenge of sustainable development in the Polar Regions. The Polar Regions are crucial to global sustainable development, but have received very little attention in the lead-up to Rio. This event would feature speakers from the Students on Alumni Delegation to Rio ( This delegation is comprised of youth under 24 who have visited the Polar Regions and are committed to their protection.

Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions



P3-F (Riocentro) During this event, delegates will speak about the importance of the Polar Regions in the context of sustainable development, threats facing these regions, and opportunities to promote sustainable development of the poles. This event aims to raise awareness about the unique sustainable development challenges facing the Polar Regions and to inspire national delegates and civil society organizations to commit to their protection. The event will provide concrete ways for attendees to take action. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred on March 11, 2011 have had dramatic impact around the world. More than a year has passed since this massive disaster, but the nuclear power plant remains unstable. Workers continue to work in life-threatening conditions, while many people including children are forced to suffer from prolonged radiation exposure, unable to evacuate due to lack of support from the government. Despite such severe situations, the government of Japan has been eagerly trying to restart other nuclear plants within the country that have been stopped for regular checks. This event aims to deliver the direct voices of the people of Fukushima, providing the participants with opportunities to not only learn the reality of what is currently happening in Japan, but also to think of what it takes to build a sustainable future. "Brot fr die Welt" ("Bread for the World") is part of the Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany and active on their behalf in the field of development cooperation. ?Brot fr die Welt? supports the poor in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe in their attempts to lead a dignified life. We work jointly with local churches and partner organisations on over 1,000 projects in the main areas of food security, education and health, the struggle against HIV/Aids and the promotion of a culture of peace. ?Brot fr die Welt? regards itself as the advocate of disadvantaged people in the countries of the Southern hemisphere and as such promotes global transformation as an indispensable means to achieve justice for the poor. The Society for Threatened Peoples International is active in the field of indigenous peoples' rights. Together with 3 major actors in this field in Latin America, we want shed a light on the interrelationship between sustainable development and indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples are considered most vulnerable to any changes in their physical environment due to their close linkage with nature. As a consequence, they have to be heard, their experience has to be shared, and their interests and needs duely considered in any global debate on sustainable development. The sideevent will allow for exchanges between indigenous representatives, state representatives and other actors present at the Rio summit.

Voices from Fukushima: Sharing Lessons for Global Sustainability



T-5 (Riocentro)

Low Carbon Strategies;Challenge or Opportunity for Developing Countrie



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Indigenous Peoples Rights



T-4 (Riocentro)

Scalable Solutions - Managing water for economies, communities and nature



T-9 (Riocentro)

This session will highlight solutions to water, food, and energy challenges through six important elements of WWF?s Freshwater outreach with partners. All these sessions are designed to show how collaborative approaches are bringing new thinking, partnerships and action to help solve our shared water challenges. These integrated initiatives encompass a broad range of stakeholder engagement, including governments, at both local and national level, corporations, investors, development banks and local communities. This work touches on the central challenges of water security and the trade-offs with energy and food. The six initiatives demonstrate positive and proactive contributions to solving water challenges and an ability to be magnified and replicated in other parts of the world, helping lay the foundations for a genuinely green economy. From Burden Bearing to Opportunity Sharing: How reframing environmental negotiations can create opportunities for sustainable development In order for the "Green Economy" strategy to achieve sustainable social and environmental pillar goals, some new approaches will be required. Three examples are provided. 1. Reframe the climate treaty as a sustainable development treaty that supplies low-carbon energy services for all rather than continuing to focus on pollution control. 2. Utilize adaptation for climate and other global change as a means towards resilient sustainable development instead of considering it as a reactive response. 3. Health is an essential input into the social pillar of sustainable development. Utilizing the health and environmental indicators from WHO can ensure that meaningful social goals are achieved in the development process. The aim of this project is to inform about the benefits Wind Energy can bring to the humanity within the next years and about its positive influence on the planet?s climate change. The power sector is far from being the only culprit when it comes to climate change, it is the largest single source of emissions, accounting for about 40% of CO2 emissions, and about 25% of overall emissions. The options for making major emissions reductions in the power sector between now and 2020 are basically three: energy efficiency and conservation; fuel switching from coal to gas; and renewable energy, primarily Wind Power. JCI and Farias Brito College decided to study the Wind Power benefits and its direct influence on Earth?s climate change due to the fact Eolic Energy is the most popular source of energy in Cear, northeast of Brazil, were Farias Brito College is situated at. The side event will highlight the contribution of MENA forest ecosystems to societies in the MENA region, especially in regard to climate change. The initiatives of the forest administrations involved in the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests (CPMF) which promote the sustainable management of forests with a view to improving the resilience of MENA territories and societies to Climate Change will be presented and discussed with participants. The side-event will comprise three parts: ? Short presentations on: o the regional cooperation between forest administrations of the MENA region promoting the sustainable management of forests ; o the role of forest ecosystems? goods and services in climate change adaptation and innovative initiatives from the forest administrations in the MENA region ; o the contribution of the MENA forest sector to the Rio+20 outcomes and recommendations. ? Round-table with representatives of the forest administrations ? Poster exhibition in the side event room

Reframing environmental negotiations to create opportunities



T-8 (Riocentro)

Wind Power and Climate Change: Sustainable Development in Brazil



P3-B (Riocentro)

Mediterranean Forests for Development: a key for adapting policies, territories and societies to climate change in the Middle East North African region



T-11 (Riocentro)

Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential to accelerate sustainable development and the transition to a fair and green economy Tertiary education plays a critical role in shaping the future, as political, business and civil society leaders are likely to be university graduates and will prepare the skilled workforce needed for a green economy. This event will emphasise the important role tertiary education plays in realising sustainable development and the transition to a green economy. Hosted by a collaborative of tertiary education sustainability organisations, in collaboration with numerous governments, we will answer: ? How can governments, NGOs, businesses and tertiary education instigate the necessary shift towards sustainable development and the transition to a Green Economy? ? How do we unlock the potential of tertiary education sector to transform society? ? What role should tertiary education play in creating and participating in the institutional framework for sustainable development? ? What funding and support mechanisms will need to be provided to ensure the success of tertiary education in sustainable development efforts? 1. Since it was announced by President Lee Myung-Bak at a national address on the 60th anniversary of the Republic of Korea on 15 August 2008, ?Low Carbon, Green Growth? has become a new national vision to guide the Korea?s long-term sustainable development. In line with the new vision, the Korean Government announced a Five-Year Plan for Green Growth in 2009 to serve as a medium-term plan for implementing the National Strategy for Green Growth over the period 20092013. Recognizing the Korea?s leadership, UNEP praised South Korea?s commitment to a green economic future in its report in April 2010. However, while Korea?s Green Growth initiative could be a good benchmark for other countries coming to Rio+20 to develop their own national model towards achieving a green economy, they could also learn from the critical lessons derived from the Korea?s experience. There have been a number of criticisms among Korean civil society against the governance process of the Green Growth and its emphasis on the expansion of nuclear power and the construction industry. In this context, the Rio+20 Committee of Korean Civil Society, composed of more than twenty Korean civil society organizations in the fields of environment, sustainable energy, forest protection, human rights, gender equality, international development cooperation and etc., are pleased to invite Rio+20 participants from all over the world to the above side event. We seeks to provide a strategic knowledge platform to discuss a range of issues that people of the world need to be aware of when they pursue a green economy. In addition, considering the important role of cities in sustainable energy planning toward achieving a green economy, a case study of Seoul will be shared with participants as a benchmark initiative at the local government level in the Post-Fukushima era. At the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), the UN institutions that deal with sustainable development are to be restructured. This offers a unique opportunity to implement long overdue reforms. The proposed reforms should follow the objective to improve the visibility and key priority of sustainable development in the UN system. An important building block towards these reforms might be the establishment of a Sustainable Development Council (SDC), replacing the politically weak UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The UNCSD outcome document should recommend that the UN General Assembly decides to adopt a resolution establishing such a council as its subsidiary organ. Moreover, the new council's mandate, membership, and institutional design need to be negotiated. The proposed side event will tackle these questions, including ideas for effective decision-making structures, enhanced participation, a peer review mechanism, innovative financing mechanisms etc.

Aiming higher, unlocking tertiary education's potential for SD



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth? The Future They Want!



P3-6 (Riocentro)

IFSD put into Practice: Setting up a Sustainable Development Council



P3-A (Riocentro)

Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions would draw much needed attention to the emerging challenge of sustainable development in the Polar Regions. The Polar Regions are crucial to global sustainable development, but have received very little attention in the lead-up to Rio. This event would feature speakers from the Students on Alumni Delegation to Rio ( This delegation is comprised of youth under 24 who have visited the Polar Regions and are committed to their protection. Students Speak Up for the Polar Regions 18/06/2012 19:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) During this event, delegates will speak about the importance of the Polar Regions in the context of sustainable development, threats facing these regions, and opportunities to promote sustainable development of the poles. This event aims to raise awareness about the unique sustainable development challenges facing the Polar Regions and to inspire national delegates and civil society organizations to commit to their protection. The event will provide concrete ways for attendees to take action. The Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred on March 11, 2011 have had dramatic impact around the world. More than a year has passed since this massive disaster, but the nuclear power plant remains unstable. Workers continue to work in life-threatening conditions, while many people including children are forced to suffer from prolonged radiation exposure, unable to evacuate due to lack of support from the government. Despite such severe situations, the government of Japan has been eagerly trying to restart other nuclear plants within the country that have been stopped for regular checks. This event aims to deliver the direct voices of the people of Fukushima, providing the participants with opportunities to not only learn the reality of what is currently happening in Japan, but also to think of what it takes to build a sustainable future. "Brot fr die Welt" ("Bread for the World") is part of the Social Service Agency of the Protestant Church in Germany and active on their behalf in the field of development cooperation. ?Brot fr die Welt? supports the poor in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe in their attempts to lead a dignified life. We work jointly with local churches and partner organisations on over 1,000 projects in the main areas of food security, education and health, the struggle against HIV/Aids and the promotion of a culture of peace. ?Brot fr die Welt? regards itself as the advocate of disadvantaged people in the countries of the Southern hemisphere and as such promotes global transformation as an indispensable means to achieve justice for the poor. The Society for Threatened Peoples International is active in the field of indigenous peoples' rights. Together with 3 major actors in this field in Latin America, we want shed a light on the interrelationship between sustainable development and indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples are considered most vulnerable to any changes in their physical environment due to their close linkage with nature. As a consequence, they have to be heard, their experience has to be shared, and their interests and needs duely considered in any global debate on sustainable development. The sideevent will allow for exchanges between indigenous representatives, state representatives and other actors present at the Rio summit. This session will highlight solutions to water, food, and energy challenges through six important elements of WWF?s Freshwater outreach with partners. All these sessions are designed to show how collaborative approaches are bringing new thinking, partnerships and action to help solve our shared water challenges. These integrated initiatives encompass a broad range of stakeholder engagement, including governments, at both local and national level, corporations, investors, development banks and local communities. This work touches on the central challenges of water security and the trade-offs with energy and food. The six initiatives demonstrate positive and proactive contributions to solving water challenges and an ability to be magnified and replicated in other parts of the world, helping lay the foundations for a genuinely green economy.

Voices from Fukushima: Sharing Lessons for Global Sustainability



T-5 (Riocentro)

Low Carbon Strategies;Challenge or Opportunity for Developing Countrie



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Indigenous Peoples Rights



T-4 (Riocentro)

Scalable Solutions - Managing water for economies, communities and nature



T-9 (Riocentro)

From Burden Bearing to Opportunity Sharing: How reframing environmental negotiations can create opportunities for sustainable development In order for the "Green Economy" strategy to achieve sustainable social and environmental pillar goals, some new approaches will be required. Three examples are provided. 1. Reframe the climate treaty as a sustainable development treaty that supplies low-carbon energy services for all rather than continuing to focus on pollution control. 2. Utilize adaptation for climate and other global change as a means towards resilient sustainable development instead of considering it as a reactive response. 3. Health is an essential input into the social pillar of sustainable development. Utilizing the health and environmental indicators from WHO can ensure that meaningful social goals are achieved in the development process. The aim of this project is to inform about the benefits Wind Energy can bring to the humanity within the next years and about its positive influence on the planet?s climate change. The power sector is far from being the only culprit when it comes to climate change, it is the largest single source of emissions, accounting for about 40% of CO2 emissions, and about 25% of overall emissions. The options for making major emissions reductions in the power sector between now and 2020 are basically three: energy efficiency and conservation; fuel switching from coal to gas; and renewable energy, primarily Wind Power. JCI and Farias Brito College decided to study the Wind Power benefits and its direct influence on Earth?s climate change due to the fact Eolic Energy is the most popular source of energy in Cear, northeast of Brazil, were Farias Brito College is situated at. Sarau sob o comando de Vera Fajardo com Kaleba, Yamandu Costa, Julia Fajardo Alesandra Vermey,Jos Mayer, Cludio Botelho, Leila Pinheiro entre outros. Entrada Franca Rosana Najjar (Diretora do Centro Nacional de Arqueologia-IPHAN) - A relevncia dos achados arqueolgicos recentes na regio porturia do Rio de Janeiro; Sergio Bessermann (Economista) - O significado da candidatura do Rio de Janeiro a Patrimnio Mundial na categoria de Paisagem Cultural; Lygia Segalla (Antroploga) - As novas possibilidades e instrumentos para salvaguarda do patrimnio imaterial. Exibio de filmes e fotografias da Rocinha na dcada de 60 e 70, inclusive documentrio Rocinha 1977. A atividade abordar o tema dos Ecossistemas de Montanha, iniciativas e polticas para sua conservao e o papel dasUnidades de Conservao A iniciativa se fundamenta no captulo XIII da Agenda 21, dedicado aos ecossistemas frgeis, nos encaminhamentos do Seminrio de Mobilizao para os Ecossistemas de Montanha, realizado em 2002 no Parque Nacional do Itatiaia e no workshop coordenado pelo Centro Nacional de Conservao da Flora - CNCFlora, do Jardim Botnico do Rio de Janeiro, em 2009. As atividades objetivam colaborar para a construo de uma poltica nacional para os ecossistemas de montanha e resultaram no Programa Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservao de Ecossistemas de Montanha PNPCEM The activity will address the topic of Mountain Ecosystems, initiatives and policies for its conservation and the role of Protected Areas. The initiative is based on Chapter XIII of Agenda 21, dedicated to fragile ecosystems and in referrals of the Seminary of mobilization for Mountain Ecosystems, held in 2002 in the Itatiaia National Park and at the Workshop coordinated by the National Center for the Conservation of the Flora - CNCFlora, of the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro, in 2009. The activities aim developing a national policy for mountain ecosystems and resulted in the National Program of Research and Conservation of mountain ecosystems - PNPCEM. Innovative Financing for Green Building at the City Level, Public, Private and Multilateral A Declarao do Milnio em 2000 e a criao dos Objetivos do Milnio (ODM) levantaram um esforo global em busca da reduo da pobreza. Mesmo na dimenso social tratada nos ODM, ainda observada uma grande lacuna para se alcanar a melhor distribuio do bem-estar social. Uma agenda de desenvolvimento realista no pode negligenciar a ligao entre as dimenses sociais, econmicas e ambientais do desenvolvimento. Em contraste com os ODM, a proposta de se desenvolverem Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel (ODS) para serem discutidos na conferncia da Rio+20 ir considerar de forma integral os aspectos sociais, econmicos e ambientais de um modo balanceado e bastante conectados. O Seminrio proposto debater as perspectivas atualmente discutidas sobre o assunto no mundo acadmico e nas organizaes multilaterais.

Reframing environmental negotiations to create opportunities



T-8 (Riocentro)

Wind Power and Climate Change: Sustainable Development in Brazil



P3-B (Riocentro)

Sarau - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Seminrio Novas Perspectivas para a Preservao e Gesto do Patrimnio Cultural



Centro Cultural Ao da Cidadania

Marcando a memria e a histria da Rocinha pela Arte -


15h nos dias 18 e 19; 19h nos dias 20 a 23


Ecossistemas de Montanha, Iniciativas e Polticas para sua Conservao e o Papel da Unidade de Conservao



Arena da Barra

Mountain Ecosystems, Protection Politics and Protected Areas



Arena da Barra

Innovative Financing for Green Building at the City Level, Public, Private and Multilateral



Arena da Barra

Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel da ONU



Arena da Barra

UN Sustainable Development Goals



Arena da Barra

A Declarao do Milnio em 2000 e a criao dos Objetivos do Milnio (ODM) levantaram um esforo global em busca da reduo da pobreza. Mesmo na dimenso social tratada nos ODM, ainda observada uma grande lacuna para se alcanar a melhor distribuio do bem-estar social. Uma agenda de desenvolvimento realista no pode negligenciar a ligao entre as dimenses sociais, econmicas e ambientais do desenvolvimento. Em contraste com os ODM, a proposta de se desenvolverem Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel (ODS) para serem discutidos na conferncia da Rio+20 ir considerar de forma integral os aspectos sociais, econmicos e ambientais de um modo balanceado e bastante conectados. O Seminrio proposto debater as perspectivas atualmente discutidas sobre o assunto no mundo acadmico e nas organizaes multilaterais. The theme of this side event builds on the notion that environment stewardship and economic development are not mutually exclusive. Presentations will focus on identifying the critical role forests play in climate change and green economy at local, national, and global level. We will bring together experts in forest management from various organizations, and the speakers will share their expertise and real time experiences to demonstrate the relationship among forests, livelihoods, and green economy. They will also elaborate on the functions of forests, from carbon sequestration, water conservation to livelihoods development. In 2009, the record-heavy rain brought by the typhoon Morakot caused serious floods and mudslides in Taiwan, devastating peoples lives. That was a typical case of extreme climate. After the disaster, we, the Environmental Quality Protection Foundation (EQPF), the Red Cross Society (Taiwan) and the Forestry Bureau of Taiwan initiated a series of reforestation projects at the mudslide areas, with the goal to restore the environment as well as local peoples livelihoods. The organizations involved in the projects will show the great potential of cooperation among humanitarian and environmental organizations and government agencies, the importance of forest governance, and the feasibility of combining environment conservation and livelihood improvement into a green economy strategy to provide references for future reforestation and disaster recovery efforts. For the Green Cross International and the Green Belt Movement, they will share forest management related experiences, demonstrating how forestry can contribute directly to the triple bottom line (the people, the planet, the profit) and facilitate the transition toward a green economy.

Forests, Livelihoods, and Green Economy



Arena da Barra

Limpgas Tecnologia em Descarte de Gases Industriais Ltda.



Arena da Barra

Inovaes fsicas como nica alternativa vivel de curto prazo; a reduo significativa de emisses de gases de efeito estufa no planeta. A importncia de construir e fortalecer uma estratgia de segurana alimentar no contexto da economia verde mostra que a anlise deveria considerar duas escalas na sua abordagem: (a) os desafios nas mudanas polticas macroeconmicas (b) os contextos econmicos e ambientais nacionais e locais e as tcnicas de produo e os alvos de conservao ambiental. Este evento se prope a discutir alternativas e caminhos para esverdear os setores agrcola e de pecuria e que considere o paradigma da segurana alimentar em relao atual modelo produtivo do agronegcio. Trs questes sero tratadas: (1) Existe a possibilidade do agronegcio e a segurana alimentar coexistirem? (2) Quais so os caminhos para a adoo de um modelo de agricultura sustentvel, que inclua valores ambientais e sociais na prtica produtiva e no mercado? (3) Como o agronegcio, a agroecologia e a agricultura familiar podem caminhar juntas, interagirem e beneficiar uma a outra na lgica da busca por uma nova economia verde?. A importncia de construir e fortalecer uma estratgia de segurana alimentar no contexto da economia verde mostra que a anlise deveria considerar duas escalas na sua abordagem: (a) os desafios nas mudanas polticas macroeconmicas (b) os contextos econmicos e ambientais nacionais e locais e as tcnicas de produo e os alvos de conservao ambiental. Este evento se prope a discutir alternativas e caminhos para esverdear os setores agrcola e de pecuria e que considere o paradigma da segurana alimentar em relao atual modelo produtivo do agronegcio. Trs questes sero tratadas: (1) Existe a possibilidade do agronegcio e a segurana alimentar coexistirem? (2) Quais so os caminhos para a adoo de um modelo de agricultura sustentvel, que inclua valores ambientais e sociais na prtica produtiva e no mercado? (3) Como o agronegcio, a agroecologia e a agricultura familiar podem caminhar juntas, interagirem e beneficiar uma a outra na lgica da busca por uma nova economia verde?.

Responsabilidade socioambiental e segurana alimentar



Arena da Barra

Environmental Responsibility and Food Security



Arena da Barra

ARPA Programa de reas Protegidas da Amaznia: um novo caminho para a conservao da Amaznia



Arena da Barra

Este evento apresentar a experincia do Programa reas Protegidas da Amaznia (ARPA) no apoio a criao e consolidao de unidades de conservao na Amaznia, bem como, os resultados alcanados. Atualmente o ARPA apia aproximadamente 100 Unidades de Conservao (UCs) e conta com financiamento para a segunda fase do Fundo Amaznia/BNDES, KfW e do Global Environmental Fund (GEF/Banco Mundial). Durante este evento, ser lanada a nova iniciativa de sustentabilidade do programa, com o objetivo de viabilizar a sua 3 fase e sua continuidade no longo prazo. Essa iniciativa est sendo desenvolvida em parceria com o WWF, Ministrio do Meio Ambiente, Fundo Nacional para a Biodiversidade (Funbio), Fundao Moore , Linden Trust e outros. Este evento apresentar a experincia do Programa reas Protegidas da Amaznia (ARPA) no apoio a criao e consolidao de unidades de conservao na Amaznia, bem como, os resultados alcanados. Atualmente o ARPA apia aproximadamente 100 Unidades de Conservao (UCs) e conta com financiamento para a segunda fase do Fundo Amaznia/BNDES, KfW e do Global Environmental Fund (GEF/Banco Mundial). Durante este evento, ser lanada a nova iniciativa de sustentabilidade do programa, com o objetivo de viabilizar a sua 3 fase e sua continuidade no longo prazo. Essa iniciativa est sendo desenvolvida em parceria com o WWF, Ministrio do Meio Ambiente, Fundo Nacional para a Biodiversidade (Funbio), Fundao Moore , Linden Trust e outros. Realizao WBCSD e empresas membros. Pre-registro:

ARPA - Amazon Region Protected Areas: making the difference on Amazon Conservation



Arena da Barra

BASD Rio+20 Business Day Choosing Our Future: Open and Participatory Sustainable Development Governance

19/06/2012 19/06/2012 8:00:00


Windsor Barra Hotel Fundao Getlio Vargas




Hotel Windsor Barra

Evento aberto ao pblico Descrio: Com apoio do Planeta Sustentvel, o Rio+Social um encontro global articulado nas mdias e tecnologias sociais, para envolver a comunidade on-line nas discusses da Rio+20. Encontro com a presena de personalidades como Ted Turner, Pete Cashmore, Fbio Barbosa, Gro Brundtland e Luciano Huck. Evento Fechado Evento Fechado

Energias Renovveis para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Segurana Alimentar e Tecnologias de agronegcios Painel: Conservao Produtiva da Regio Cacaueira da Bahia, Sistema Cabruca e Sistema Agroflorestais Cacau Cabruca - Conservao Produtiva no sul da Bahia . Mesa- Redonda da Sociedade Civil Brasil e Unio Europia

19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:30:00

Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Confederao Nacional do Comrcio.




T-10 (Riocentro)

O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da Presidncia da Repblica (CDES) convida para participao nos debates To break through to a sustainable future, scientists from post-Chernobyl Ukraine, supported by their American, British and Belgian colleagues, urge development of the World Environmental Constitution (WEC). The WEC should be comprised of two indissoluble parts: a) definitive ? a global legal act prescribing basic norms for environmental safety and stimulation of a green economy for sustainability; b) institutional ? to fulfill the WEC mandate, a global system of environmental governance under the umbrella of the World Environmental Organization (WEO). The idea of a WEC is as old as Rio-92. First declared by scientists in April 1992, it has been repeatedly emphasized by Ukraine at UNGA sessions since 1997. Simultaneously, WEO establishment has been promoted by Brazil, France, Germany and other states. Without such a breakthrough, any political commitments on Rio+20 Summit, even reaffirmation of Rio92 principles, will not provide desirable results.

Energy Day



P-3 (Riocentro)

UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Want on 19 and 21 June 2012. On 19 June 2012, the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. This event will be followed by the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012. Leaders' Forum on the Future Women Want: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment for Sustainable Development 19/06/2012 9:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro) The event on is envisioned as an all-day event with Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women as the convener. Eminent leaders representing their governments, the United Nations, civil society organizations, including grassroots groups, the private sector and the academia will share their experiences and contribute to the visioning on the way forward in advancing gender equality and women?s empowerment in sustainable development. Social media platforms will be utilized both to hear various voices from around the world to be shared to the participants as well as to disseminate to a broader audience the key messages emanating from the discussions. Presentation and panel discussion of the very latest new scenario work relating to energy for all in the context of global sustainability. The side event is centered around three just published global studies and will be followed by a panel discussion with a number of leading development thinkers globally who will reflect on implications in terms of sustainable development goals, including social, environmental and economic aspects, as well as the governance frameworks required from local to subnational levels to shape the future. The work will feed directly into the discussions about how sustainable energy can be represented in the follow up of the Rio outcomes, including the work on formulating sustainable development goals. In particular, it will discuss how international goals of environmental and resource sustainability, efficiency and energy access can be reconciled and made coherent over the long term, and what types of governance and institutional frameworks will be required at the international level. Sustainable development integrates social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. Physical infrastructure serves all three dimensions. Solid and properly maintained infrastructure helps communities and nations ensure human well-being while preserving their environment. Climate change is the 21st century?s preeminent threat to sustainable development. Rural and urban communities lose livelihoods and homes, suffer physical damages and health problems and may need to relocate. Governments and communities are often forced to repeatedly commit limited resources to rebuilding vital infrastructure for transport, energy, education, and sanitation and health services. Based on its mandate (GA resolution A/RES/65/176) in procurement, civil works and physical infrastructure development, UNOPS primary contribution to sustainable development is made by supporting countries and their communities in their efforts to design and build high quality, low carbon emission infrastructure and protect these precious investments against climate risks. The main purpose of the side event will be to launch new initiatives and partnerships in these areas. The challenges of the 21st century require that developed and developing countries transform our approach to economic development. Central to this transformation is technological innovation, from basic research to commercialization, for environmental sustainability. The vast majority of this innovation has occurred in less than a dozen developed countries ? leaving a real risk that Least Developed Countries could miss the opportunity to ?leap frog? their current developing pathways onto more environmentally sustainable trajectories. How can international cooperation best support strengthening of research and development institutions in the developing world? Can innovative strategies bolster access to Intellectual Property? How can other models, like joint innovation centers, support Base of the Pyramid innovation? While capacity building for green growth in BRIC countries has soared, there remains tremendous need for green growth innovation in LDCs. Please join us to discuss a proposal for a new architecture that could support exactly this type of innovation.

Energy for All and Global Sustainability: new scenarios and governance



T-6 (Riocentro)

Low Carbon High Resilience Infrastructure for Sustainable Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Innovation in Green Growth Technology for Developing Countries



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy for All - implications and opportunities for Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

The Sustainable Energy for All (SEfA) goals will have particular implications for sub-Saharan African countries, where 70% of people do not have access to electricity and 80% cook on wood or charcoal stoves. When many Africa countries aspire to become middle income or developed economies in the next two decades and many have large fossil fuel reserves, how can low-carbon sustainable goals be met without hindering economic objectives? How can peoples? total energy needs best be met and how can the wealth of renewable energy resources across Africa be better exploited to deliver access for all? Can Africa countries become leaders in sustainable energy? This event brings together civil society, private sector and government to explore implications of SEFA for African nations and people. How can benefits be maximised? What initiatives and investment are needed to make it a reality? PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FULL DAY EVENT The objectives of the Water Day are: 1. To demonstrate to the broad range of stakeholders, particularly decision makers, that some of the major challenges facing humanity today relate to water management; this will be based on findings of the major UN]Water reports. 2. To identify major water issues that connect with the themes of the Rio+20 Conference, particularly its link with the notion of green economy. 3. To focus on the means of implementation, particularly focusing on the action areas where UN organizations and agencies can act together through UN]Water. Each year, millions of people are forced from their homes and places of livelihood by the impact of disasters associated with ?natural? hazards. Development gains may be wiped out in a moment or eroded if communities are not prepared or resilient. Disaster-induced displacement undermines sustainable development and inhibits a community?s ability to recover by depriving it of its most important resource: its people. Rio+20 provides an opportunity to address the challenge of disasterrelated displacement as part of renewed political and operational commitments to sustainable development. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of weather and climate-related disasters is expected to increase. The governments of affected countries, together with civil society and international actors, are challenged to respond and adapt. The achievement of sustainable development goals requires strengthened policy and operational responses to address the displacement risks and related protection concerns for especially the poorest people, and durable solutions for displaced persons as integral to development efforts. Educational approaches that child participation and empowerment are key components of the must be recognized to achieve the ?Future We Want.? Acknowledging the importance of environmental restoration and preservation to green development; necessitates the inclusion of children in a debate in which they are main stakeholders. With this in mind, the side-event, ?2.2 Billion, The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way to the ?Future We Want? at Rio+20?, will consist of a panel of youth representatives from each partner organization, discussing recent progress in sustainable development, their own stories and perspectives on youth empowerment and environmental activism, underscoring action as we move forward from Rio+20. The roundtable will demonstrate true empowerment of children and young people that take action themselves and highlight the importance of policy-makers ensuring that children and youth activity- and action-based education is the essence of sustainable development. Sustainable Intensification and Agroecology: Which approaches work for the right to food, climate, and sustainable development? A key issue under discussion at UNCSD is the confluence between agriculture and climate change. The Rio+20 zero-draft outcome document calls for prioritizing sustainable intensification of food production? as well as ?increasing the use of appropriate technologies for sustainable agriculture?. In light of the right to food, this side event will review what kind of climate-friendly intensification is needed, and what technologies and practices should be considered as appropriate. Based on investigations and evidence, the panel will examine whether approaches promoted by stakeholders in the context of the green economy, such as no-tillage farming, low external input agriculture, and their inclusion in carbon markets, represent real solutions in view of human rights and climate criteria. The results of joint scientific research and projects will be presented, bringing new light to promising practices and policy measures to support their scale-up.

UN-Water Day (part1)



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tackling displacement by natural disasters in the sustainable developm




The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Intensification,Agroecology - Right to Food and Climate



T-8 (Riocentro)

RSA Renewables Initiative - Unlocking RSA's Green Growth Potential




The South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) was launched on the 7 December 2011 in Durban, during UNFCCC COP17, in a bid to scale-up and secure long-term funding to enable the growth of the renewable energy industry in South Africa. The project was launched by the South African Ministers of Energy and Trade and Industry. The initiative is an International Partnership by the Government of the Republic of South Africa together with the Governments of Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK, and the European Investment Bank. The Declaration of Intent was signed at Durban in December 2011.The (SARi) aims to mobilize domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa in implementing its ambitious plans for the scale-up of renewable energy. The purpose of this roundtable is to present an overview of the projects on Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in both Latin America and Brazil until the present day. An overview will be presented of this tool by representatives from the World Bank and the initiatives by the Boticrio Group Foundation (Oasis Project) in partnership with government agencies (Minas Gerais State Attorney?s Office) and private social investment (Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation) will be highlighted as a model of PES involving several stakeholders which has succeeded since 2006. Suriname will be presenting a Side Event in Rio on the above mentioned UN Conference, not only to impress the guests but make sure that Suriname ?brand? will be heard and seen all over with the aim of Funding for the Suriname Greening Process.

Institutional arrangements for projects of PES in Lat. America & Brazil




You have never much green




Aspect of the Side Event: ? Presentation of the ?Brand? ? Presentation of the Greening Policy of Surinam ? Presentation of the different cultures ? Presentation of the Indigenous people ? The effects of the ?branding? to ensure poverty alleviation in the areas at the end. To break through to a sustainable future, scientists from post-Chernobyl Ukraine, supported by their American, British and Belgian colleagues, urge development of the World Environmental Constitution (WEC). The WEC should be comprised of two indissoluble parts: a) definitive ? a global legal act prescribing basic norms for environmental safety and stimulation of a green economy for sustainability; b) institutional ? to fulfill the WEC mandate, a global system of environmental governance under the umbrella of the World Environmental Organization (WEO). The idea of a WEC is as old as Rio-92. First declared by scientists in April 1992, it has been repeatedly emphasized by Ukraine at UNGA sessions since 1997. Simultaneously, WEO establishment has been promoted by Brazil, France, Germany and other states. Without such a breakthrough, any political commitments on Rio+20 Summit, even reaffirmation of Rio92 principles, will not provide desirable results. UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Want on 19 and 21 June 2012. On 19 June 2012, the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. This event will be followed by the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012.




T-10 (Riocentro)

Energy Day



P-3 (Riocentro)

Leaders' Forum on the Future Women Want: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment for Sustainable Development



T-2 (Riocentro)

The event on is envisioned as an all-day event with Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women as the convener. Eminent leaders representing their governments, the United Nations, civil society organizations, including grassroots groups, the private sector and the academia will share their experiences and contribute to the visioning on the way forward in advancing gender equality and women?s empowerment in sustainable development. Social media platforms will be utilized both to hear various voices from around the world to be shared to the participants as well as to disseminate to a broader audience the key messages emanating from the discussions.

Energy for All and Global Sustainability: new scenarios and governance



T-6 (Riocentro)

Presentation and panel discussion of the very latest new scenario work relating to energy for all in the context of global sustainability. The side event is centered around three just published global studies and will be followed by a panel discussion with a number of leading development thinkers globally who will reflect on implications in terms of sustainable development goals, including social, environmental and economic aspects, as well as the governance frameworks required from local to subnational levels to shape the future. The work will feed directly into the discussions about how sustainable energy can be represented in the follow up of the Rio outcomes, including the work on formulating sustainable development goals. In particular, it will discuss how international goals of environmental and resource sustainability, efficiency and energy access can be reconciled and made coherent over the long term, and what types of governance and institutional frameworks will be required at the international level. Sustainable development integrates social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. Physical infrastructure serves all three dimensions. Solid and properly maintained infrastructure helps communities and nations ensure human well-being while preserving their environment. Climate change is the 21st century?s preeminent threat to sustainable development. Rural and urban communities lose livelihoods and homes, suffer physical damages and health problems and may need to relocate. Governments and communities are often forced to repeatedly commit limited resources to rebuilding vital infrastructure for transport, energy, education, and sanitation and health services. Based on its mandate (GA resolution A/RES/65/176) in procurement, civil works and physical infrastructure development, UNOPS primary contribution to sustainable development is made by supporting countries and their communities in their efforts to design and build high quality, low carbon emission infrastructure and protect these precious investments against climate risks. The main purpose of the side event will be to launch new initiatives and partnerships in these areas. The challenges of the 21st century require that developed and developing countries transform our approach to economic development. Central to this transformation is technological innovation, from basic research to commercialization, for environmental sustainability. The vast majority of this innovation has occurred in less than a dozen developed countries ? leaving a real risk that Least Developed Countries could miss the opportunity to ?leap frog? their current developing pathways onto more environmentally sustainable trajectories. How can international cooperation best support strengthening of research and development institutions in the developing world? Can innovative strategies bolster access to Intellectual Property? How can other models, like joint innovation centers, support Base of the Pyramid innovation? While capacity building for green growth in BRIC countries has soared, there remains tremendous need for green growth innovation in LDCs. Please join us to discuss a proposal for a new architecture that could support exactly this type of innovation. The Sustainable Energy for All (SEfA) goals will have particular implications for sub-Saharan African countries, where 70% of people do not have access to electricity and 80% cook on wood or charcoal stoves. When many Africa countries aspire to become middle income or developed economies in the next two decades and many have large fossil fuel reserves, how can low-carbon sustainable goals be met without hindering economic objectives? How can peoples? total energy needs best be met and how can the wealth of renewable energy resources across Africa be better exploited to deliver access for all? Can Africa countries become leaders in sustainable energy? This event brings together civil society, private sector and government to explore implications of SEFA for African nations and people. How can benefits be maximised? What initiatives and investment are needed to make it a reality? PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FULL DAY EVENT The objectives of the Water Day are: 1. To demonstrate to the broad range of stakeholders, particularly decision makers, that some of the major challenges facing humanity today relate to water management; this will be based on findings of the major UN]Water reports. 2. To identify major water issues that connect with the themes of the Rio+20 Conference, particularly its link with the notion of green economy. 3. To focus on the means of implementation, particularly focusing on the action areas where UN organizations and agencies can act together through UN]Water.

Low Carbon High Resilience Infrastructure for Sustainable Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Innovation in Green Growth Technology for Developing Countries



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy for All - implications and opportunities for Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

UN-Water Day (part1)



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tackling displacement by natural disasters in the sustainable developm




Each year, millions of people are forced from their homes and places of livelihood by the impact of disasters associated with ?natural? hazards. Development gains may be wiped out in a moment or eroded if communities are not prepared or resilient. Disaster-induced displacement undermines sustainable development and inhibits a community?s ability to recover by depriving it of its most important resource: its people. Rio+20 provides an opportunity to address the challenge of disasterrelated displacement as part of renewed political and operational commitments to sustainable development. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of weather and climate-related disasters is expected to increase. The governments of affected countries, together with civil society and international actors, are challenged to respond and adapt. The achievement of sustainable development goals requires strengthened policy and operational responses to address the displacement risks and related protection concerns for especially the poorest people, and durable solutions for displaced persons as integral to development efforts. Educational approaches that child participation and empowerment are key components of the must be recognized to achieve the ?Future We Want.? Acknowledging the importance of environmental restoration and preservation to green development; necessitates the inclusion of children in a debate in which they are main stakeholders. With this in mind, the side-event, ?2.2 Billion, The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way to the ?Future We Want? at Rio+20?, will consist of a panel of youth representatives from each partner organization, discussing recent progress in sustainable development, their own stories and perspectives on youth empowerment and environmental activism, underscoring action as we move forward from Rio+20. The roundtable will demonstrate true empowerment of children and young people that take action themselves and highlight the importance of policy-makers ensuring that children and youth activity- and action-based education is the essence of sustainable development. Sustainable Intensification and Agroecology: Which approaches work for the right to food, climate, and sustainable development? A key issue under discussion at UNCSD is the confluence between agriculture and climate change. The Rio+20 zero-draft outcome document calls for prioritizing sustainable intensification of food production? as well as ?increasing the use of appropriate technologies for sustainable agriculture?. In light of the right to food, this side event will review what kind of climate-friendly intensification is needed, and what technologies and practices should be considered as appropriate. Based on investigations and evidence, the panel will examine whether approaches promoted by stakeholders in the context of the green economy, such as no-tillage farming, low external input agriculture, and their inclusion in carbon markets, represent real solutions in view of human rights and climate criteria. The results of joint scientific research and projects will be presented, bringing new light to promising practices and policy measures to support their scale-up. The South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) was launched on the 7 December 2011 in Durban, during UNFCCC COP17, in a bid to scale-up and secure long-term funding to enable the growth of the renewable energy industry in South Africa. The project was launched by the South African Ministers of Energy and Trade and Industry. The initiative is an International Partnership by the Government of the Republic of South Africa together with the Governments of Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK, and the European Investment Bank. The Declaration of Intent was signed at Durban in December 2011.The (SARi) aims to mobilize domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa in implementing its ambitious plans for the scale-up of renewable energy. The purpose of this roundtable is to present an overview of the projects on Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in both Latin America and Brazil until the present day. An overview will be presented of this tool by representatives from the World Bank and the initiatives by the Boticrio Group Foundation (Oasis Project) in partnership with government agencies (Minas Gerais State Attorney?s Office) and private social investment (Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation) will be highlighted as a model of PES involving several stakeholders which has succeeded since 2006.

The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Intensification,Agroecology - Right to Food and Climate



T-8 (Riocentro)

RSA Renewables Initiative - Unlocking RSA's Green Growth Potential




Institutional arrangements for projects of PES in Lat. America & Brazil




Suriname will be presenting a Side Event in Rio on the above mentioned UN Conference, not only to impress the guests but make sure that Suriname ?brand? will be heard and seen all over with the aim of Funding for the Suriname Greening Process. You have never much green 19/06/2012 9:30:00 P3-E Aspect of the Side Event: ? Presentation of the ?Brand? ? Presentation of the Greening Policy of Surinam ? Presentation of the different cultures ? Presentation of the Indigenous people ? The effects of the ?branding? to ensure poverty alleviation in the areas at the end. To break through to a sustainable future, scientists from post-Chernobyl Ukraine, supported by their American, British and Belgian colleagues, urge development of the World Environmental Constitution (WEC). The WEC should be comprised of two indissoluble parts: a) definitive ? a global legal act prescribing basic norms for environmental safety and stimulation of a green economy for sustainability; b) institutional ? to fulfill the WEC mandate, a global system of environmental governance under the umbrella of the World Environmental Organization (WEO). The idea of a WEC is as old as Rio-92. First declared by scientists in April 1992, it has been repeatedly emphasized by Ukraine at UNGA sessions since 1997. Simultaneously, WEO establishment has been promoted by Brazil, France, Germany and other states. Without such a breakthrough, any political commitments on Rio+20 Summit, even reaffirmation of Rio92 principles, will not provide desirable results. UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Want on 19 and 21 June 2012. On 19 June 2012, the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. This event will be followed by the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012. Leaders' Forum on the Future Women Want: Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment for Sustainable Development 19/06/2012 9:30:00 T-2 (Riocentro) The event on is envisioned as an all-day event with Ms. Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women as the convener. Eminent leaders representing their governments, the United Nations, civil society organizations, including grassroots groups, the private sector and the academia will share their experiences and contribute to the visioning on the way forward in advancing gender equality and women?s empowerment in sustainable development. Social media platforms will be utilized both to hear various voices from around the world to be shared to the participants as well as to disseminate to a broader audience the key messages emanating from the discussions. Presentation and panel discussion of the very latest new scenario work relating to energy for all in the context of global sustainability. The side event is centered around three just published global studies and will be followed by a panel discussion with a number of leading development thinkers globally who will reflect on implications in terms of sustainable development goals, including social, environmental and economic aspects, as well as the governance frameworks required from local to subnational levels to shape the future. The work will feed directly into the discussions about how sustainable energy can be represented in the follow up of the Rio outcomes, including the work on formulating sustainable development goals. In particular, it will discuss how international goals of environmental and resource sustainability, efficiency and energy access can be reconciled and made coherent over the long term, and what types of governance and institutional frameworks will be required at the international level.




T-10 (Riocentro)

Energy Day



P-3 (Riocentro)

Energy for All and Global Sustainability: new scenarios and governance



T-6 (Riocentro)

Low Carbon High Resilience Infrastructure for Sustainable Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

Sustainable development integrates social, economic and environmental dimensions of development. Physical infrastructure serves all three dimensions. Solid and properly maintained infrastructure helps communities and nations ensure human well-being while preserving their environment. Climate change is the 21st century?s preeminent threat to sustainable development. Rural and urban communities lose livelihoods and homes, suffer physical damages and health problems and may need to relocate. Governments and communities are often forced to repeatedly commit limited resources to rebuilding vital infrastructure for transport, energy, education, and sanitation and health services. Based on its mandate (GA resolution A/RES/65/176) in procurement, civil works and physical infrastructure development, UNOPS primary contribution to sustainable development is made by supporting countries and their communities in their efforts to design and build high quality, low carbon emission infrastructure and protect these precious investments against climate risks. The main purpose of the side event will be to launch new initiatives and partnerships in these areas. The challenges of the 21st century require that developed and developing countries transform our approach to economic development. Central to this transformation is technological innovation, from basic research to commercialization, for environmental sustainability. The vast majority of this innovation has occurred in less than a dozen developed countries ? leaving a real risk that Least Developed Countries could miss the opportunity to ?leap frog? their current developing pathways onto more environmentally sustainable trajectories. How can international cooperation best support strengthening of research and development institutions in the developing world? Can innovative strategies bolster access to Intellectual Property? How can other models, like joint innovation centers, support Base of the Pyramid innovation? While capacity building for green growth in BRIC countries has soared, there remains tremendous need for green growth innovation in LDCs. Please join us to discuss a proposal for a new architecture that could support exactly this type of innovation. The Sustainable Energy for All (SEfA) goals will have particular implications for sub-Saharan African countries, where 70% of people do not have access to electricity and 80% cook on wood or charcoal stoves. When many Africa countries aspire to become middle income or developed economies in the next two decades and many have large fossil fuel reserves, how can low-carbon sustainable goals be met without hindering economic objectives? How can peoples? total energy needs best be met and how can the wealth of renewable energy resources across Africa be better exploited to deliver access for all? Can Africa countries become leaders in sustainable energy? This event brings together civil society, private sector and government to explore implications of SEFA for African nations and people. How can benefits be maximised? What initiatives and investment are needed to make it a reality? PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A FULL DAY EVENT The objectives of the Water Day are: 1. To demonstrate to the broad range of stakeholders, particularly decision makers, that some of the major challenges facing humanity today relate to water management; this will be based on findings of the major UN]Water reports. 2. To identify major water issues that connect with the themes of the Rio+20 Conference, particularly its link with the notion of green economy. 3. To focus on the means of implementation, particularly focusing on the action areas where UN organizations and agencies can act together through UN]Water.

Innovation in Green Growth Technology for Developing Countries



T-3 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Energy for All - implications and opportunities for Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

UN-Water Day (part1)



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Tackling displacement by natural disasters in the sustainable developm




Each year, millions of people are forced from their homes and places of livelihood by the impact of disasters associated with ?natural? hazards. Development gains may be wiped out in a moment or eroded if communities are not prepared or resilient. Disaster-induced displacement undermines sustainable development and inhibits a community?s ability to recover by depriving it of its most important resource: its people. Rio+20 provides an opportunity to address the challenge of disasterrelated displacement as part of renewed political and operational commitments to sustainable development. With climate change, the frequency and intensity of weather and climate-related disasters is expected to increase. The governments of affected countries, together with civil society and international actors, are challenged to respond and adapt. The achievement of sustainable development goals requires strengthened policy and operational responses to address the displacement risks and related protection concerns for especially the poorest people, and durable solutions for displaced persons as integral to development efforts. Educational approaches that child participation and empowerment are key components of the must be recognized to achieve the ?Future We Want.? Acknowledging the importance of environmental restoration and preservation to green development; necessitates the inclusion of children in a debate in which they are main stakeholders. With this in mind, the side-event, ?2.2 Billion, The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way to the ?Future We Want? at Rio+20?, will consist of a panel of youth representatives from each partner organization, discussing recent progress in sustainable development, their own stories and perspectives on youth empowerment and environmental activism, underscoring action as we move forward from Rio+20. The roundtable will demonstrate true empowerment of children and young people that take action themselves and highlight the importance of policy-makers ensuring that children and youth activity- and action-based education is the essence of sustainable development. Sustainable Intensification and Agroecology: Which approaches work for the right to food, climate, and sustainable development? A key issue under discussion at UNCSD is the confluence between agriculture and climate change. The Rio+20 zero-draft outcome document calls for prioritizing sustainable intensification of food production? as well as ?increasing the use of appropriate technologies for sustainable agriculture?. In light of the right to food, this side event will review what kind of climate-friendly intensification is needed, and what technologies and practices should be considered as appropriate. Based on investigations and evidence, the panel will examine whether approaches promoted by stakeholders in the context of the green economy, such as no-tillage farming, low external input agriculture, and their inclusion in carbon markets, represent real solutions in view of human rights and climate criteria. The results of joint scientific research and projects will be presented, bringing new light to promising practices and policy measures to support their scale-up. The South African Renewables Initiative (SARi) was launched on the 7 December 2011 in Durban, during UNFCCC COP17, in a bid to scale-up and secure long-term funding to enable the growth of the renewable energy industry in South Africa. The project was launched by the South African Ministers of Energy and Trade and Industry. The initiative is an International Partnership by the Government of the Republic of South Africa together with the Governments of Denmark, Germany, Norway and the UK, and the European Investment Bank. The Declaration of Intent was signed at Durban in December 2011.The (SARi) aims to mobilize domestic and international funding, and sector expertise, to support South Africa in implementing its ambitious plans for the scale-up of renewable energy. The purpose of this roundtable is to present an overview of the projects on Payment for Environmental Services (PES) in both Latin America and Brazil until the present day. An overview will be presented of this tool by representatives from the World Bank and the initiatives by the Boticrio Group Foundation (Oasis Project) in partnership with government agencies (Minas Gerais State Attorney?s Office) and private social investment (Mitsubishi Corporation Foundation) will be highlighted as a model of PES involving several stakeholders which has succeeded since 2006.

The Power of One Child: youth and children leading the way



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Intensification,Agroecology - Right to Food and Climate



T-8 (Riocentro)

RSA Renewables Initiative - Unlocking RSA's Green Growth Potential




Institutional arrangements for projects of PES in Lat. America & Brazil




Suriname will be presenting a Side Event in Rio on the above mentioned UN Conference, not only to impress the guests but make sure that Suriname ?brand? will be heard and seen all over with the aim of Funding for the Suriname Greening Process. You have never much green 19/06/2012 9:30:00 P3-E Aspect of the Side Event: ? Presentation of the ?Brand? ? Presentation of the Greening Policy of Surinam ? Presentation of the different cultures ? Presentation of the Indigenous people ? The effects of the ?branding? to ensure poverty alleviation in the areas at the end. Plano Nacional de Silvicultura de Espcies Nativas e Sistemas Agroflorestais PENSAF Polticas Pblicas Socioamentais e Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais: Articulao e Monitoramento Cpula dos Prefeitos - C40 - Press Conf. Sustainable Development Dialogues: Oceans. Cpula dos Prefeitos - C40 - Cerimonia de Abertura Cpula dos Prefeitos- C40 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 9:50:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:30:00 10:30:00 Auditrio da Embrapa Solos MAM Forte de Copacabana Riocentro Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Pblico restrito 30 representantes do governo federal e 30 representantes da sociedade civil, de povos e comunidades tradicionais, apenas para convidados. Evento Fechado OFFICIAL EVENTS Evento Fechado Evento Fechado Vincular TIC com a ao climtica para uma economia de baixa emisso de carbono combatendo as mudanas climticas exige uma ao global coordenada atravs da colaborao inter-setorial por parte dos governos, setor privado, organizaes internacionais e da sociedade civil. Medidas de incremento no so suficientes. Os governos podem acelerar o ritmo de transformao, integrando o uso da Tecnologia da Informao e Comunicao com a poltica ambiental para posicionar os pases em um curso para avanar, enquanto trabalham para atender o desenvolvimento nacional e os objetivos de reduo da pobreza. O grupo de trabalho Comisso da banda larga para o desenvolvimento digital liderado pelo Sr Hans Vestberg, presidente e CEO da Ericsson emitiu um relatrio que mostra como a banda larga pode contribuir para a reduo de gases de efeito estufa, bem como a mitigao e a adaptao aos efeitos das mudanas climticas. Como uma introduo a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel (Rio+20), em junho, o relatrio apresenta dez recomendaes da Comisso para os tomadores de decises e lderes mundiais com o intuito de ativar e reforar o poder da TIC e da banda larga no processo de acelerar o progresso global para uma economia de baixo carbono. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Elaine Weidman-Grunewald, Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility at Ericsson. O pioneirismo do TRF da 4 Regio (TRF4) na criao das Varas Ambientais. A importncia da especializao das Varas Federais e o preparo de servidores e magistrados para julgar casos ambientais. Os projetos socioambientais desenvolvidos na regio, com base no planejamento Estratgico que visa promover o exerccio da cidadania e incentivar e fomentar aes de responsabilidade social e ambiental. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Marga Inge Barth Tessler (Desembargadora Federal, Presidente do TRF da 4 Regio) e Vladimir Passos de Freitas (Desembargador Federal, TRF da 4 Regio). 1. TCU: competncias, estrutura e forma de atuao. 2. Fiscalizao de desestatizao e regulao: estratgia de atuao do TCU e benefcios do controle concomitante. 3. A atuao do TCU no setor eltrico: 3.1 Sustentabilidade do crescimento nacional: energia e meio ambiente; 3.2 Fiscalizao de concesses de gerao e de transmisso de energia eltrica; 3.3 Fiscalizao da universalizao do acesso energia eltrica: programa luz para todos e tarifa social. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Daniel Maia Vieira, Auditor, TCU. Evento Pblico Room UN4 Para celebrar o aniversrio da criao do circuito das Feiras Orgnicas de Rio de Janeiro este ano em sintonia com a Rio + 20, Cordelia Fourneau, estilista e ambientalista, foi incitada pelas prprias feirantes a realizar um desfile de moda cuja passarela fosse a passeada pela feira. Ela resolveu organizar um evento holstico, onde o desfile de moda se imisce na vida da feira e vira performance artstico-teatral Para celebrar o aniversrio da criao do circuito das Feiras Orgnicas de Rio de Janeiro este ano em sintonia com a Rio + 20, Cordelia Fourneau, estilista e ambientalista, foi incitada pelas prprias feirantes a realizar um desfile de moda cuja passarela fosse a passeada pela feira. Ela resolveu organizar um evento holstico, onde o desfile de moda se imisce na vida da feira e vira performance artstico-teatral evento pblico

A ponte da banda larga



Parque dos Atletas

Projetos de jurisdio e responsabilidade socioambiental do TRF da 4 Regio



Parque dos Atletas

Fiscalizao da desestatizao e regulao do setor eltrico pelo Tribunal de Contas da Unio



Parque dos Atletas

World Summit of States and Regions WSSR Motorcycle Safety at Rio + 20 Desfil Performtico Celebrando os Cultivos Orgnicos Ocupao irbita

19/06/2012 19/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra



Desfil Performtico Celebrando os Cultivos Orgnicos Ocupao irbita Projetos de jurisdio e responsabilidade socioambiental do TRF da 4 Regio (TRF4)



Feira Orgnica - Glria



Parque dos Atletas

Global Forest Watch 2.0: Transforming Transparency of Forest Management Motorcycle Safety al Rio + 20 Sistemas Agroflorestais Biodiversos



Parque dos Atletas

19/06/2012 19/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00

UN5 (Barra Arena) Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

Presenting: Craig Hanson, Director, People & Ecosystems Program & Nigel Sizer, Director, Global Forest Initiative The Motorcycle Road Safety Plan was born inspired on the United Nations and World Health Organization, Decade of Action for Global Road Safety. It is indispensable to reduce the incredibly high rate of accidents, mortality and permanent injuries, that motorcycle transportation generates every year in Latin America. The side-event will focus on LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. The proposed theme will provide a platform to highlight and reaffirm the vulnerabilities faced by all three groups in the area of desertification and land degradation. The theme lends itself to discussions that involves the environment, economic and social aspects of the topic under consideration that will include, agriculture, water and food security issues and related issues that are vital to all three groups of countries. The side-event will also highlight the need for capacity-building and transfer of technologies to enable these three groups of countries combat desertification, land degradation, food insecurity and water related issues. This side event will focus on one of the seven critical topics on the agenda of the Rio ConferenceDisasters- with the aim of generating higher level of awareness among policy makers and experts in the OIC member countries with regard to the need for a comprehensive disaster risk management strategy as an integral part of their overall national development strategy. The majority of the population in the 57 member countries is extensively prone to natural disasters due to extensive exposure to natural hazards and other vulnerabilities. This session will bring together the representatives of governments, international organizations, and civil societies with the aim of mobilizing actions on the part of OIC member countries, and initiating the necessary exchange of knowledge and best practices to improve upon existing national capacities for building resilience to natural disasters. Climate change as recognized widely is the acceleration of glacier melt around the world, particularly in the Himalayas and the Andes regions. Anthropogenic activity, tied to global trends to increase productive output is further impacting our glacier resources, critical both as regulators of water basins as well as for long term water storage, particularly during especially hot and dry years. This workshop will look specifically at work underway in the Latin America region to protect environmentally vulnerable glacier resources, seeking a balanced approach to economic activities such as mining and other large infrastructure occurring in high mountain areas. Some areas to be covered include legislation development to protect glaciers, public policy needs and opportunities relevant to glacier protection and existing industrial activity (including mining), an international protocol under development for Mining in Glacier Territory, the need to educate communities about glaciers and the role they play in our ecosystems. The representative of the president of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas to the UNCSD RIO+20, H.E. Dr. Riad Malki, Minister of Foreign Affairs will open the side event to outline the Palestinian vision to achieve sustainable economic growth and development while being subjected to the ongoing Israeli occupation. The session will be based on the 2nd Palestinian sustainable development report titled ?Sustainable Development under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges?. Green Economy principles of valuing and investing in natural capital and people, reforming high impact sectors to address sustainability, driving investment and financial flows towards proenvironment and pro-people growth and improving governance and forging partnership are key to ensure the transition to a successful equitable and balance growth.

Addressing Desertification and Land Degradation in LDC, LLDCs and SIDs




Building Resilience for Sustainable Development in the OIC Member Coun




Glaciers and Sustainability in the Anthropocen




Sustainable Development Under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges




The Forest Green Economy and South-South Cooperation




States of Acre in Brazil and Sabah in Malaysia are examples of important growth area in Latin America and Asia that are transitioning towards a green economic development pathways. The vision that guides this growth and the challenges in transforming its high impact sector, opportunities through adopting a credible and sustainable growth in the forest sector and partnership with NGO and private sector are some means by which changes are taking place. Heads of state will share their experiences and other partners will be contributing to the discussion on how to further transition these economies and how partners can play a role.

Nurses across the Borders (NAB), SeaTrust Institute and Africa Environmental Network proposed to highlight partnership with the UNISDR and other DRR specialists to demonstrate the symbiotic qualities of directly incorporating human health and first responder?s capacity building into DRR in a new way that delivers outcomes that help countries achieve their MDGs and deliverables for the Hyogo Framework for Action. CLIMATE CHANGE DISASTERS-THE ROLE OF THE GLOBAL FIRST RESPONDERS in RR 19/06/2012 11:30:00 T-8 At the heart of the collaborative strategy being showcased in this side event is multi-criteria vulnerability identification and intersectoral integration of knowledge, programs, finance and other resources to build resilience to climate related disasters. Responding to the COP 17 Durban by actively engaging health care professionals as FIRST RESPONDERS in disaster risk planning and action addresses many of the MDGs that developing countries are struggling to achieve. Represents a tangible intervention strategy to climate change disasters at a local level, while integrating with the multilateral processes that support local action. About the event: The rapid increase in volume and diversification of solid waste generated mainly as a result of economic growth, urbanization, industrialization, and unsustainable production and consumption patterns has had a severe impact on the global and local environment, natural resources, public health, local economy, and living conditions, and threatens the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sustainable cities attach significant importance to the need for moving towards resource efficient and zero waste society. Zero waste shifts the focus from end-of-pipe solutions and disposal practices, to promote waste minimization and cyclical use of materials in the economy. Zero waste is a long-term vision that ultimately envisages a thriving society that exists within nature?s resource constraints and its ability to assimilate waste. The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. We plan to host a panel highlighting current initiatives being organized in the Dominican Republic for environmental care and sustainable development. The side-event will focus on LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. The proposed theme will provide a platform to highlight and reaffirm the vulnerabilities faced by all three groups in the area of desertification and land degradation. The theme lends itself to discussions that involves the environment, economic and social aspects of the topic under consideration that will include, agriculture, water and food security issues and related issues that are vital to all three groups of countries. The side-event will also highlight the need for capacity-building and transfer of technologies to enable these three groups of countries combat desertification, land degradation, food insecurity and water related issues. This side event will focus on one of the seven critical topics on the agenda of the Rio ConferenceDisasters- with the aim of generating higher level of awareness among policy makers and experts in the OIC member countries with regard to the need for a comprehensive disaster risk management strategy as an integral part of their overall national development strategy. The majority of the population in the 57 member countries is extensively prone to natural disasters due to extensive exposure to natural hazards and other vulnerabilities. This session will bring together the representatives of governments, international organizations, and civil societies with the aim of mobilizing actions on the part of OIC member countries, and initiating the necessary exchange of knowledge and best practices to improve upon existing national capacities for building resilience to natural disasters.

Zero Waste Strategies and Actions towards Sustainable Cities




Crossborder Projects of Maiombe and Kaza: The actual status of impleme




Caribbean Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development




Addressing Desertification and Land Degradation in LDC, LLDCs and SIDs




Building Resilience for Sustainable Development in the OIC Member Coun




Glaciers and Sustainability in the Anthropocen




Climate change as recognized widely is the acceleration of glacier melt around the world, particularly in the Himalayas and the Andes regions. Anthropogenic activity, tied to global trends to increase productive output is further impacting our glacier resources, critical both as regulators of water basins as well as for long term water storage, particularly during especially hot and dry years. This workshop will look specifically at work underway in the Latin America region to protect environmentally vulnerable glacier resources, seeking a balanced approach to economic activities such as mining and other large infrastructure occurring in high mountain areas. Some areas to be covered include legislation development to protect glaciers, public policy needs and opportunities relevant to glacier protection and existing industrial activity (including mining), an international protocol under development for Mining in Glacier Territory, the need to educate communities about glaciers and the role they play in our ecosystems. The representative of the president of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas to the UNCSD RIO+20, H.E. Dr. Riad Malki, Minister of Foreign Affairs will open the side event to outline the Palestinian vision to achieve sustainable economic growth and development while being subjected to the ongoing Israeli occupation. The session will be based on the 2nd Palestinian sustainable development report titled ?Sustainable Development under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges?. Green Economy principles of valuing and investing in natural capital and people, reforming high impact sectors to address sustainability, driving investment and financial flows towards proenvironment and pro-people growth and improving governance and forging partnership are key to ensure the transition to a successful equitable and balance growth.

Sustainable Development Under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges




The Forest Green Economy and South-South Cooperation




States of Acre in Brazil and Sabah in Malaysia are examples of important growth area in Latin America and Asia that are transitioning towards a green economic development pathways. The vision that guides this growth and the challenges in transforming its high impact sector, opportunities through adopting a credible and sustainable growth in the forest sector and partnership with NGO and private sector are some means by which changes are taking place. Heads of state will share their experiences and other partners will be contributing to the discussion on how to further transition these economies and how partners can play a role. Nurses across the Borders (NAB), SeaTrust Institute and Africa Environmental Network proposed to highlight partnership with the UNISDR and other DRR specialists to demonstrate the symbiotic qualities of directly incorporating human health and first responder?s capacity building into DRR in a new way that delivers outcomes that help countries achieve their MDGs and deliverables for the Hyogo Framework for Action. At the heart of the collaborative strategy being showcased in this side event is multi-criteria vulnerability identification and intersectoral integration of knowledge, programs, finance and other resources to build resilience to climate related disasters. Responding to the COP 17 Durban by actively engaging health care professionals as FIRST RESPONDERS in disaster risk planning and action addresses many of the MDGs that developing countries are struggling to achieve. Represents a tangible intervention strategy to climate change disasters at a local level, while integrating with the multilateral processes that support local action. About the event: The rapid increase in volume and diversification of solid waste generated mainly as a result of economic growth, urbanization, industrialization, and unsustainable production and consumption patterns has had a severe impact on the global and local environment, natural resources, public health, local economy, and living conditions, and threatens the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sustainable cities attach significant importance to the need for moving towards resource efficient and zero waste society. Zero waste shifts the focus from end-of-pipe solutions and disposal practices, to promote waste minimization and cyclical use of materials in the economy. Zero waste is a long-term vision that ultimately envisages a thriving society that exists within nature?s resource constraints and its ability to assimilate waste.





Zero Waste Strategies and Actions towards Sustainable Cities




The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. We plan to host a panel highlighting current initiatives being organized in the Dominican Republic for environmental care and sustainable development. The side-event will focus on LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS. The proposed theme will provide a platform to highlight and reaffirm the vulnerabilities faced by all three groups in the area of desertification and land degradation. The theme lends itself to discussions that involves the environment, economic and social aspects of the topic under consideration that will include, agriculture, water and food security issues and related issues that are vital to all three groups of countries. The side-event will also highlight the need for capacity-building and transfer of technologies to enable these three groups of countries combat desertification, land degradation, food insecurity and water related issues. This side event will focus on one of the seven critical topics on the agenda of the Rio ConferenceDisasters- with the aim of generating higher level of awareness among policy makers and experts in the OIC member countries with regard to the need for a comprehensive disaster risk management strategy as an integral part of their overall national development strategy. The majority of the population in the 57 member countries is extensively prone to natural disasters due to extensive exposure to natural hazards and other vulnerabilities. This session will bring together the representatives of governments, international organizations, and civil societies with the aim of mobilizing actions on the part of OIC member countries, and initiating the necessary exchange of knowledge and best practices to improve upon existing national capacities for building resilience to natural disasters. Climate change as recognized widely is the acceleration of glacier melt around the world, particularly in the Himalayas and the Andes regions. Anthropogenic activity, tied to global trends to increase productive output is further impacting our glacier resources, critical both as regulators of water basins as well as for long term water storage, particularly during especially hot and dry years. This workshop will look specifically at work underway in the Latin America region to protect environmentally vulnerable glacier resources, seeking a balanced approach to economic activities such as mining and other large infrastructure occurring in high mountain areas. Some areas to be covered include legislation development to protect glaciers, public policy needs and opportunities relevant to glacier protection and existing industrial activity (including mining), an international protocol under development for Mining in Glacier Territory, the need to educate communities about glaciers and the role they play in our ecosystems. The representative of the president of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas to the UNCSD RIO+20, H.E. Dr. Riad Malki, Minister of Foreign Affairs will open the side event to outline the Palestinian vision to achieve sustainable economic growth and development while being subjected to the ongoing Israeli occupation. The session will be based on the 2nd Palestinian sustainable development report titled ?Sustainable Development under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges?.

Crossborder Projects of Maiombe and Kaza: The actual status of impleme




Caribbean Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development




Addressing Desertification and Land Degradation in LDC, LLDCs and SIDs




Building Resilience for Sustainable Development in the OIC Member Coun




Glaciers and Sustainability in the Anthropocen




Sustainable Development Under Occupation: Achievements and Challenges




Green Economy principles of valuing and investing in natural capital and people, reforming high impact sectors to address sustainability, driving investment and financial flows towards proenvironment and pro-people growth and improving governance and forging partnership are key to ensure the transition to a successful equitable and balance growth. The Forest Green Economy and South-South Cooperation 19/06/2012 11:30:00 P3-F States of Acre in Brazil and Sabah in Malaysia are examples of important growth area in Latin America and Asia that are transitioning towards a green economic development pathways. The vision that guides this growth and the challenges in transforming its high impact sector, opportunities through adopting a credible and sustainable growth in the forest sector and partnership with NGO and private sector are some means by which changes are taking place. Heads of state will share their experiences and other partners will be contributing to the discussion on how to further transition these economies and how partners can play a role. Nurses across the Borders (NAB), SeaTrust Institute and Africa Environmental Network proposed to highlight partnership with the UNISDR and other DRR specialists to demonstrate the symbiotic qualities of directly incorporating human health and first responder?s capacity building into DRR in a new way that delivers outcomes that help countries achieve their MDGs and deliverables for the Hyogo Framework for Action. At the heart of the collaborative strategy being showcased in this side event is multi-criteria vulnerability identification and intersectoral integration of knowledge, programs, finance and other resources to build resilience to climate related disasters. Responding to the COP 17 Durban by actively engaging health care professionals as FIRST RESPONDERS in disaster risk planning and action addresses many of the MDGs that developing countries are struggling to achieve. Represents a tangible intervention strategy to climate change disasters at a local level, while integrating with the multilateral processes that support local action. About the event: The rapid increase in volume and diversification of solid waste generated mainly as a result of economic growth, urbanization, industrialization, and unsustainable production and consumption patterns has had a severe impact on the global and local environment, natural resources, public health, local economy, and living conditions, and threatens the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Sustainable cities attach significant importance to the need for moving towards resource efficient and zero waste society. Zero waste shifts the focus from end-of-pipe solutions and disposal practices, to promote waste minimization and cyclical use of materials in the economy. Zero waste is a long-term vision that ultimately envisages a thriving society that exists within nature?s resource constraints and its ability to assimilate waste. The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. The Mayombe Project aims at enhancing the implementation of the plan of action of the Convention on Biodiversity at regional level. Along this line, Angola and countries involved in the Mayombe area of conservation (RDC e Congo), signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in order to implement joint projects for the forest protection and conservation. The Kaza Project. It is a cooperation project between some countries in the region of Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) - Angola, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. Kaza, focuses in implementing joint actions to preserve wetlands, conservation of biodiversity and develop ecotourism projects in the region. We plan to host a panel highlighting current initiatives being organized in the Dominican Republic for environmental care and sustainable development.





Zero Waste Strategies and Actions towards Sustainable Cities




Crossborder Projects of Maiombe and Kaza: The actual status of impleme




Caribbean Youth Empowerment for Sustainable Development




Movendo pessoas, mudando mentes - Solues para transportes sustentveis



Parque dos Atletas

Os nibus rodando em um sistema racional oferecem um transporte pblico rentvel. O sistema tem que ser de fcil entendimento com tabelas de horrios e mapas de viagem simples e cobertura espacial boa. Os nibus devem ser confortveis para os passageiros alm de ter acesso a faixas de nibus e ter prioridade no trnsito. A gesto operacional e de liderana da cidade tem que ousar e ver o sistema de nibus como uma cadeia mvel de alta qualidade. H muitos vencedores. O congestionamento do trfego vai se dissolver. Com menos trfego nas ruas a qualidade do ar vai melhorar e a vida urbana ser mais agradvel. As pessoas podem ir s escolas aos locais de trabalho que no podiam chegar antes. O aumento da mobilidade e acessibilidade um benefcio para o clima de negcios e para a sociedade civil. O resultado em desenvolvimento econmico e social, juntamente com a melhoria do meio ambiente, fornece a base para a estrada em direo sustentabilidade. Pessoas que se deslocam efetivamente no apenas tornam a sociedade mais rica, mas tambm aumentam o fluxo de novas idias, melhora o debate pblico e tomam decises melhores. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Urban Wstljung (Manager public and environmental affairs) Energy efficiency : an expensive toolbox ? Room UN3 Room UN6 Room UN2 Room UN4 We all live on planet Earth. Our environment matters. How is it changing? Why is it changing? How can we precisely know, on local scales, the cause of extreme weather, floods, coastal erosion, and oceanic acidification? What does it mean for us and what can we do about it? We believe that answering these questions begins with establishing scientifically reliable, robust and continuous measurements of environmental attributes. While climate change is well understood at global scales, additional observations and science are needed on finer temporal and spatial scales to develop the level of understanding required to solve the challenges that society will face in the decades ahead. How do we take continuous observations and how we convert those observations into environmental intelligence, in real-time? This talk will explore how this very task is being accomplished to address key climate adaptation and mitigation challenges. Given that sustainable consumption and production is, as the World Summit on Sustainable Development highlighted, one of the "overarching objectives of sustainable development", what progress can we expect towards this objective in the next decade following the Rio+20 conference? What plans are in place or proposed for research, knowledge-exchange, practice, capacity-building and collaboration among educators, policymakers, journalists, business and public interest organizations? This event will include presentations and interactive discussions on plans for the 10YFP, SCP as a Sustainable Development Goal, ideas for a Global SCP Pact, and other steps forward. Members of the Global Research Forum on Sustainable Production & Consumption, policy makers and practitioners will consider practical strategies for future collaboration and steps to achieve the scp objective. Today, nearly half the world?s population ?more than 3 billion people?are under the age of 25. Globally, 215 million women around the world want to limit or delay births, but don?t have access to the family planning resources they need. When women have power over if, when and how many children to have, communities are better equipped to adapt sustainably, access education and health, and manage community resources. Yet, in some regions young women ages 15-19 are twice as likely to lack access to the contraception they want and need as women over twenty. Collectively, we as young people have a critical role to play in the shaping policies and programs surrounding young people?s sexual and reproductive health and rights, and a just and sustainable world. Heart of Borneo (HoB) is an initiative of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia based on the principles of conservation and sustainable development for the tropical highland forests in Borneo. The HoB initiative?s goal is to preserve and maintain the sustainability of one of Borneo?s best remaining rain forests, for the welfare of present and future generations. In November 2011, the State Government of Sabah (Malaysia) and WWF co-hosted an international symposium entitled, ?Heart of Borneo - Green Economic Development for Business and Environment?. Delegates from the three countries presented updates on the current national processes to develop green economy approaches. The side event aims to profile the efforts in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia under the trilateral Heart of Borneo Initiative to develop green economy approaches. The side event will showcase adoption of measurable targets for programs, policies, and investments as a leadership case for the Rio+20 Summit in 2012.

Energy efficiency : an expensive toolbox ? Taking the Pulse of the Planet: Observing networks to support Climate Achieving SCP After Rio: Research, Practice & Capacitybuilding Youth SRHR in the Context of Sustainable Development Incorporating Biodiversity into Business - cases in Brazil

19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012

13:00:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00

Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra

Taking the Pulse of the Planet: Observing networks to support Climate



UN3 (Barra Arena)

Achieving SCP After Rio: Research, Practice & Capacitybuilding



UN6 (Barra Arena)

Youth SRHR in the Context of Sustainable Development



UN2 (Barra Arena)

Developing Green Economy Approaches: The Role of Heart of Borneo



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth Approach in the River Basin Management Planning

Basin Protection Action Plans which have been prepared by General Directorate of Water Management have the same vision with River Basin Management Plans. Basin Protection Action Plans for 25 basins in Turkey aims; protection of the water resources potential in every condition, best use of water resources, prevention of pollution, improving the quality of polluted water resources. 19/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Water scarcity is an important subject for Turkey. To resolve the water scarcity problem and reduce the taxes, agricultural and water sectors make a great effort. Untreated waste water is an important point of interest. There is a project started between Netherlands and Turkey called ?Reuse of Treated Waste Water in Irrigation: Afyon Municipality Pilot Project? and Afyon was selected as pilot city. The aim of the project is to provide using new technologies for reuse of waste water in irrigation. 19/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-6 (Riocentro) During this side event, leaders of the international academic community will come together to announce a new Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20, to be facilitated by an umbrella of United Nations partner organizations The event will foster a dialogue on promoting human-centered sustainability strategies for the promotion of food security, stewardship of natural resources, land and the need for global solidarity to address these concerns. This side event is being organized by Grenada in cooperation with Guatemala and Bolivia. It will show-case environmental projects and programmes being developed in these three countries that tackle impacts from climate change especially in relation to water supply, food security and energy preparedness. It also includes a micro-pilot project that demonstrates the policies, strategies and actions that can be taken to green the economy of small island communities to induce poverty eradication and sustainable development. It also reflects the importance these countries give to the potential use of renewable energy resources and technologies. The event represents an opportunity for seeking potential financial support, and for promoting South-South and North-South cooperation and will highlight commitments being made for implementing sustainable development goals. The Minister of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development and the Minister of Carriacou and Petite Martinique of Grenada are expected to participate. The Ministry of Planning and Investment - Vietnam a. Is a Government Agency, implementing state management in planning and investment field, including: synthesizing advice on socio-economic development strategies, programs and plans for the whole country; on economic management mechanisms and policies in general and in some concrete sectors: domestic and foreign investment, industrial and processing zones, official development assistance (ODA), procurement, enterprises, business registration nation-wide; state management on public services under the Ministry?s functions and responsibilities according to Laws. 19/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-B (Riocentro) b. Is assigned by the Government to be: - Planning Agency for the whole country Socio-economic Development Strategies (SEDSs) and Socio-economic Development Plans (SEDPs) preparation; - Leading Agency for formulating and implementing Vietnam Green Growth Strategy. - Standing agency for National Sustainable Development Council (NSDC); - Focal point for MDGs and VDGs; Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS). Health and sustainable development are inherently linked. Forms of development that create environmental problems almost always have important health implications, while the failure to adequately address pressing health issues undermines sustainable development efforts. Rio+20 provides a critical opportunity to discuss how multisectoral frameworks for sustainable development can help create environments that promote health, and help prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs), like cancer, diabetes, heart and lung diseases. In particular, the panel will focus on three critical development challenges that link NCDs and environmental concerns: nutrition, healthy cities, and tobacco control.

Launch of a Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20 AGRICULTURE & SUSTAINABLE SOCIEITIES: Food Security, Land & Solidarity



T-8 (Riocentro)

Climate Change and Sustainable Development



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green development - perspective from Vietnam and Bangladesh

Health within the Green Economy: Multisectoral Frameworks for NCD Control and Sustainable Development



P3-E (Riocentro)

The Rio+20 Conference is leading a new agenda around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), combining economic, social and environmental targets. Poor countries and the poorest people within them need growth and access to natural resources for human development ? which will require socioeconomic targets. Increased pressures on the planet?s natural resources will require environmental targets. The discussion on the SDGs should provide the opportunity to not only look at each resource individually, but also take account of the extensive linkages among resources such as water, energy and land (the ?WEL nexus?). The new European Report on Development (ERD) \"Confronting Scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth\" suggests an ambitious integrated approach, which would embrace this nexus, avoiding perverse solutions and stimulating innovation. The ERD 2012 is an independent report prepared by ODI, DIE-GDI and ECDPM, and supported by the European Commission and seven EU Member States, including the UK. More information about the ERD: Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability. The Landscape: Transformative Action thru Cross-Sectoral Coordination Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests. Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability. Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests. This Side Event will build on the experience in the Commonwealth Fisheries Programme and of the last two Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings, working to identify transferable best practice in Commonwealth countries; build new partnerships to strengthen the role of universities in policy communities through South-South-North cooperation; thereby also enhancing the production and accessibility of relevant data on fisheries and their supporting ecosystems to improve the evidence base for policy; the relationship between fisheries decline, piracy and national security; the role of the Blue Economy in the Green Economy; how to strengthen regional fisheries governance mechanisms, including non-Commonwealth countries sharing common ecosystems; the role of inshore fisheries in providing protein for coastal communities, with particular attention paid to the role of women and child nutrition; the contribution of integrating aquaculture development as a supplement to capture fisheries in securing sustainable growth for Commonwealth countries, and the campaign to have IUU fishing declared a transnational organised crime.

Sustainable Development Goals: From 'silo thinking' towards an integrated approach. Insights from the European Report on Development



T-6 (Riocentro)



T-3 (Riocentro)

UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)



T-6 (Riocentro)




T-5 (Riocentro)

Africa Day: Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

Significant challenges remain in implementing sustainable development commitments in Africa. Accelerating progress calls for, inter alia, an in-depth reflection on Africa?s sustainable development priorities, and strengthening strategic alliances and partnerships. Towards this end, the Africa Day will be held under the theme Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa. It will consist of a four-hour, moderated High Level Roundtable, focusing on strengthening and speeding up implementation and mobilising political leadership. Panellists will include African Heads of State and Government, Heads of African regional institutions and UN Agencies, and representatives of major groups. The roundtable will be followed by a press conference with the objective to disseminate to a wide audience the outcomes of the Roundtable, focusing on key policy messages that could inform the discussions at the Rio+20 Conference, and will conclude with a cocktail reception. Heart of Borneo (HoB) is an initiative of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia based on the principles of conservation and sustainable development for the tropical highland forests in Borneo. The HoB initiative?s goal is to preserve and maintain the sustainability of one of Borneo?s best remaining rain forests, for the welfare of present and future generations. In November 2011, the State Government of Sabah (Malaysia) and WWF co-hosted an international symposium entitled, ?Heart of Borneo - Green Economic Development for Business and Environment?. Delegates from the three countries presented updates on the current national processes to develop green economy approaches. The side event aims to profile the efforts in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia under the trilateral Heart of Borneo Initiative to develop green economy approaches. The side event will showcase adoption of measurable targets for programs, policies, and investments as a leadership case for the Rio+20 Summit in 2012. Basin Protection Action Plans which have been prepared by General Directorate of Water Management have the same vision with River Basin Management Plans. Basin Protection Action Plans for 25 basins in Turkey aims; protection of the water resources potential in every condition, best use of water resources, prevention of pollution, improving the quality of polluted water resources.

Developing Green Economy Approaches: The Role of Heart of Borneo



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth Approach in the River Basin Management Planning



P3-F (Riocentro) Water scarcity is an important subject for Turkey. To resolve the water scarcity problem and reduce the taxes, agricultural and water sectors make a great effort. Untreated waste water is an important point of interest. There is a project started between Netherlands and Turkey called ?Reuse of Treated Waste Water in Irrigation: Afyon Municipality Pilot Project? and Afyon was selected as pilot city. The aim of the project is to provide using new technologies for reuse of waste water in irrigation.

Launch of a Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20 AGRICULTURE & SUSTAINABLE SOCIEITIES: Food Security, Land & Solidarity



P3-6 (Riocentro)



T-8 (Riocentro)

During this side event, leaders of the international academic community will come together to announce a new Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20, to be facilitated by an umbrella of United Nations partner organizations The event will foster a dialogue on promoting human-centered sustainability strategies for the promotion of food security, stewardship of natural resources, land and the need for global solidarity to address these concerns. This side event is being organized by Grenada in cooperation with Guatemala and Bolivia. It will show-case environmental projects and programmes being developed in these three countries that tackle impacts from climate change especially in relation to water supply, food security and energy preparedness. It also includes a micro-pilot project that demonstrates the policies, strategies and actions that can be taken to green the economy of small island communities to induce poverty eradication and sustainable development. It also reflects the importance these countries give to the potential use of renewable energy resources and technologies. The event represents an opportunity for seeking potential financial support, and for promoting South-South and North-South cooperation and will highlight commitments being made for implementing sustainable development goals. The Minister of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development and the Minister of Carriacou and Petite Martinique of Grenada are expected to participate.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green development - perspective from Vietnam and Bangladesh

The Ministry of Planning and Investment - Vietnam a. Is a Government Agency, implementing state management in planning and investment field, including: synthesizing advice on socio-economic development strategies, programs and plans for the whole country; on economic management mechanisms and policies in general and in some concrete sectors: domestic and foreign investment, industrial and processing zones, official development assistance (ODA), procurement, enterprises, business registration nation-wide; state management on public services under the Ministry?s functions and responsibilities according to Laws. 19/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-B (Riocentro) b. Is assigned by the Government to be: - Planning Agency for the whole country Socio-economic Development Strategies (SEDSs) and Socio-economic Development Plans (SEDPs) preparation; - Leading Agency for formulating and implementing Vietnam Green Growth Strategy. - Standing agency for National Sustainable Development Council (NSDC); - Focal point for MDGs and VDGs; Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS). Health and sustainable development are inherently linked. Forms of development that create environmental problems almost always have important health implications, while the failure to adequately address pressing health issues undermines sustainable development efforts. Rio+20 provides a critical opportunity to discuss how multisectoral frameworks for sustainable development can help create environments that promote health, and help prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs), like cancer, diabetes, heart and lung diseases. In particular, the panel will focus on three critical development challenges that link NCDs and environmental concerns: nutrition, healthy cities, and tobacco control. The Rio+20 Conference is leading a new agenda around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), combining economic, social and environmental targets. Poor countries and the poorest people within them need growth and access to natural resources for human development ? which will require socioeconomic targets. Increased pressures on the planet?s natural resources will require environmental targets. The discussion on the SDGs should provide the opportunity to not only look at each resource individually, but also take account of the extensive linkages among resources such as water, energy and land (the ?WEL nexus?). The new European Report on Development (ERD) \"Confronting Scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth\" suggests an ambitious integrated approach, which would embrace this nexus, avoiding perverse solutions and stimulating innovation. The ERD 2012 is an independent report prepared by ODI, DIE-GDI and ECDPM, and supported by the European Commission and seven EU Member States, including the UK. More information about the ERD: Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability.

Health within the Green Economy: Multisectoral Frameworks for NCD Control and Sustainable Development



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development Goals: From 'silo thinking' towards an integrated approach. Insights from the European Report on Development



T-6 (Riocentro)

The Landscape: Transformative Action thru Cross-Sectoral Coordination



T-3 (Riocentro)

Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests.

Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability. Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests. This Side Event will build on the experience in the Commonwealth Fisheries Programme and of the last two Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings, working to identify transferable best practice in Commonwealth countries; build new partnerships to strengthen the role of universities in policy communities through South-South-North cooperation; thereby also enhancing the production and accessibility of relevant data on fisheries and their supporting ecosystems to improve the evidence base for policy; the relationship between fisheries decline, piracy and national security; the role of the Blue Economy in the Green Economy; how to strengthen regional fisheries governance mechanisms, including non-Commonwealth countries sharing common ecosystems; the role of inshore fisheries in providing protein for coastal communities, with particular attention paid to the role of women and child nutrition; the contribution of integrating aquaculture development as a supplement to capture fisheries in securing sustainable growth for Commonwealth countries, and the campaign to have IUU fishing declared a transnational organised crime. Significant challenges remain in implementing sustainable development commitments in Africa. Accelerating progress calls for, inter alia, an in-depth reflection on Africa?s sustainable development priorities, and strengthening strategic alliances and partnerships. Towards this end, the Africa Day will be held under the theme Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa. It will consist of a four-hour, moderated High Level Roundtable, focusing on strengthening and speeding up implementation and mobilising political leadership. Panellists will include African Heads of State and Government, Heads of African regional institutions and UN Agencies, and representatives of major groups. The roundtable will be followed by a press conference with the objective to disseminate to a wide audience the outcomes of the Roundtable, focusing on key policy messages that could inform the discussions at the Rio+20 Conference, and will conclude with a cocktail reception. Heart of Borneo (HoB) is an initiative of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia and Malaysia based on the principles of conservation and sustainable development for the tropical highland forests in Borneo. The HoB initiative?s goal is to preserve and maintain the sustainability of one of Borneo?s best remaining rain forests, for the welfare of present and future generations. In November 2011, the State Government of Sabah (Malaysia) and WWF co-hosted an international symposium entitled, ?Heart of Borneo - Green Economic Development for Business and Environment?. Delegates from the three countries presented updates on the current national processes to develop green economy approaches. The side event aims to profile the efforts in Brunei, Indonesia and Malaysia under the trilateral Heart of Borneo Initiative to develop green economy approaches. The side event will showcase adoption of measurable targets for programs, policies, and investments as a leadership case for the Rio+20 Summit in 2012. Basin Protection Action Plans which have been prepared by General Directorate of Water Management have the same vision with River Basin Management Plans. Basin Protection Action Plans for 25 basins in Turkey aims; protection of the water resources potential in every condition, best use of water resources, prevention of pollution, improving the quality of polluted water resources. 19/06/2012 13:30:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Water scarcity is an important subject for Turkey. To resolve the water scarcity problem and reduce the taxes, agricultural and water sectors make a great effort. Untreated waste water is an important point of interest. There is a project started between Netherlands and Turkey called ?Reuse of Treated Waste Water in Irrigation: Afyon Municipality Pilot Project? and Afyon was selected as pilot city. The aim of the project is to provide using new technologies for reuse of waste water in irrigation.

UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)



T-6 (Riocentro)




T-5 (Riocentro)

Africa Day: Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

Developing Green Economy Approaches: The Role of Heart of Borneo



T-10 (Riocentro)

Green Growth Approach in the River Basin Management Planning

Launch of a Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20 AGRICULTURE & SUSTAINABLE SOCIEITIES: Food Security, Land & Solidarity



P3-6 (Riocentro)



T-8 (Riocentro)

During this side event, leaders of the international academic community will come together to announce a new Higher Education Sustainability Initiative for Rio+20, to be facilitated by an umbrella of United Nations partner organizations The event will foster a dialogue on promoting human-centered sustainability strategies for the promotion of food security, stewardship of natural resources, land and the need for global solidarity to address these concerns. This side event is being organized by Grenada in cooperation with Guatemala and Bolivia. It will show-case environmental projects and programmes being developed in these three countries that tackle impacts from climate change especially in relation to water supply, food security and energy preparedness. It also includes a micro-pilot project that demonstrates the policies, strategies and actions that can be taken to green the economy of small island communities to induce poverty eradication and sustainable development. It also reflects the importance these countries give to the potential use of renewable energy resources and technologies. The event represents an opportunity for seeking potential financial support, and for promoting South-South and North-South cooperation and will highlight commitments being made for implementing sustainable development goals. The Minister of Environment, Foreign Trade and Export Development and the Minister of Carriacou and Petite Martinique of Grenada are expected to participate. The Ministry of Planning and Investment - Vietnam a. Is a Government Agency, implementing state management in planning and investment field, including: synthesizing advice on socio-economic development strategies, programs and plans for the whole country; on economic management mechanisms and policies in general and in some concrete sectors: domestic and foreign investment, industrial and processing zones, official development assistance (ODA), procurement, enterprises, business registration nation-wide; state management on public services under the Ministry?s functions and responsibilities according to Laws.

Climate Change and Sustainable Development



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green development - perspective from Vietnam and Bangladesh



P3-B (Riocentro) b. Is assigned by the Government to be: - Planning Agency for the whole country Socio-economic Development Strategies (SEDSs) and Socio-economic Development Plans (SEDPs) preparation; - Leading Agency for formulating and implementing Vietnam Green Growth Strategy. - Standing agency for National Sustainable Development Council (NSDC); - Focal point for MDGs and VDGs; Comprehensive Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy (CPRGS). Health and sustainable development are inherently linked. Forms of development that create environmental problems almost always have important health implications, while the failure to adequately address pressing health issues undermines sustainable development efforts. Rio+20 provides a critical opportunity to discuss how multisectoral frameworks for sustainable development can help create environments that promote health, and help prevent and control non-communicable diseases (NCDs), like cancer, diabetes, heart and lung diseases. In particular, the panel will focus on three critical development challenges that link NCDs and environmental concerns: nutrition, healthy cities, and tobacco control. The Rio+20 Conference is leading a new agenda around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), combining economic, social and environmental targets. Poor countries and the poorest people within them need growth and access to natural resources for human development ? which will require socioeconomic targets. Increased pressures on the planet?s natural resources will require environmental targets. The discussion on the SDGs should provide the opportunity to not only look at each resource individually, but also take account of the extensive linkages among resources such as water, energy and land (the ?WEL nexus?). The new European Report on Development (ERD) \"Confronting Scarcity: Managing water, energy and land for inclusive and sustainable growth\" suggests an ambitious integrated approach, which would embrace this nexus, avoiding perverse solutions and stimulating innovation. The ERD 2012 is an independent report prepared by ODI, DIE-GDI and ECDPM, and supported by the European Commission and seven EU Member States, including the UK. More information about the ERD:

Health within the Green Economy: Multisectoral Frameworks for NCD Control and Sustainable Development



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development Goals: From 'silo thinking' towards an integrated approach. Insights from the European Report on Development



T-6 (Riocentro)

Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability. The Landscape: Transformative Action thru Cross-Sectoral Coordination Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests. Around the world there are extraordinary examples of integrated sustainable land management approaches that have improved the livelihoods of millions of people; from the transformation of the Loess Plateau in China to the hillside restoration across Rwanda. These are called a landscape approach, which incorporates economic, social and environmental actions required to achieve sustainability. Global leaders have not emphasized and operationalized enough the value of local wisdom, global expertise and the transformative power that emerges when sustainable economic growth and food systems are combined. Food security is one illustration of the critical need for cross-sectoral approaches to economic development. We cannot feed people without protecting forests or protect forests without feeding people. We cannot sustainably grow our economies without valuing our environment. We must bridge the gaps between agriculture, forests, water, land and energy, and between rhetoric and action. The event will focus on two sectors: agriculture and forests. This Side Event will build on the experience in the Commonwealth Fisheries Programme and of the last two Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings, working to identify transferable best practice in Commonwealth countries; build new partnerships to strengthen the role of universities in policy communities through South-South-North cooperation; thereby also enhancing the production and accessibility of relevant data on fisheries and their supporting ecosystems to improve the evidence base for policy; the relationship between fisheries decline, piracy and national security; the role of the Blue Economy in the Green Economy; how to strengthen regional fisheries governance mechanisms, including non-Commonwealth countries sharing common ecosystems; the role of inshore fisheries in providing protein for coastal communities, with particular attention paid to the role of women and child nutrition; the contribution of integrating aquaculture development as a supplement to capture fisheries in securing sustainable growth for Commonwealth countries, and the campaign to have IUU fishing declared a transnational organised crime. Significant challenges remain in implementing sustainable development commitments in Africa. Accelerating progress calls for, inter alia, an in-depth reflection on Africa?s sustainable development priorities, and strengthening strategic alliances and partnerships. Towards this end, the Africa Day will be held under the theme Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa. It will consist of a four-hour, moderated High Level Roundtable, focusing on strengthening and speeding up implementation and mobilising political leadership. Panellists will include African Heads of State and Government, Heads of African regional institutions and UN Agencies, and representatives of major groups. The roundtable will be followed by a press conference with the objective to disseminate to a wide audience the outcomes of the Roundtable, focusing on key policy messages that could inform the discussions at the Rio+20 Conference, and will conclude with a cocktail reception. Durante a Rio+20, a ABNT ir publicar a ABNT NBR ISO 14005, o lanamento oficial ser realizado em parceria com o SEBRAE. A ISO 14005, oferecer orientaes para que as organizaes, principalmente aquelas de pequeno porte, implementem a ABNT NBR ISO 14001:2004, Sistemas da gesto ambiental - Requisitos com orientaes para uso, por meio de um processo em etapas. A ISO 14005 uma norma com diretrizes para a implantao de um Sistema de Gesto Ambiental, atendendo aos requisitos da ISO 14001. A nova norma tambm incluir orientaes para o uso de indicadores de desempenho ambiental, de tal forma que se possa ir medindo os resultados da implantao do SGA ao longo do tempo e a cada fase.



T-3 (Riocentro)

UN Forum on Forests (UNFF)



T-6 (Riocentro)




T-5 (Riocentro)

Africa Day: Accelerating Progress towards Sustainable Development in Africa



T-4 (Riocentro)

Polticas Pblicas para SAF no Brasil



Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

Lanamento da ISO 14005 / SEBRAE e ABNT



Aterro do Flamengo

Polticas Pblicas e a Rio+20



Parque dos Atletas

Apresentao das polticas pblicas sustentveis do governo de Minas Gerais. Foram selecionadas no Menu de polticas aes inovadoras com vistas ao avano rumo a sustentabilidade. Sero apresentados conceitos e resultados gerados. Espera-se ser uma oportunidade de troca de experincias com outras instituies e governos. Evento aberto ao pblico. O evento prover um panorama do conceito de inovao verde, os principais obstculos sob a perspectiva dos setores privado e pblico, e ajudar a identificar meios de super-los. As apresentaes de entidades dos setores privado e pblico iro destacar o valor intrnseco da inovao verde para companhias, governos, destinos e suas comunidades, e defender a colaborao, o dilogo e o intercmbio de melhores prticas setoriais e intersetoriais. The event will provide an overview of the concept of green innovation, the main obstacles from a private and public sector perspective, and help identify ways of overcoming them. The presentations from private and public sector entities will highlight the intrinsic value of green innovation for companies, governments, destinations and their communities, and make the case for sectoral as well as cross-sectoral collaboration, dialogue and exchange of best practices. Envolver o pblico jovem de diversos pases nas discusses sobre os problemas socioambientais globais e seus impactos locais e possveis solues. Essa a proposta do projeto CEnaRios verso em portugus para Science Centers Engagement and the Rio Summit (SCEnaRioS) desenvolvido pela Fundao Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz) e a Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), em parceria com o Instituto de Arte Contempornea e Jardim Botnico (Inhotim). Os participantes, jovens de 15 a 19 anos de museus de cincias de doze pases, receberam a tarefa de desenvolver seis projetos piloto sobre temas como acesso gua potvel, alternativas sustentveis de consumo de energia e sade. Os resultados dos projetos desenvolvidos sero apresentados durante uma videoconferncia com a participao de todos os jovens contemplados pelo CEnaRios. A conferncia virtual, que ter a presena do presidente da Fiocruz, Paulo Gadelha, e o diretor de Relaes Internacionais da ASTC, Walter Staveloz, ser realizada durante o Pop Cincia, evento paralelo Rio +20, no dia 19 de junho, s 14h, no Armazm 4 do Cais do Porto do Rio de Janeiro. As discusses relacionadas Rio+20 mostram que a forma como nos relacionamos com o planeta precisa mudar. Neste contexto, fundamental os jovens assumirem um papel protagonista para pensarmos em um desenvolvimento mais sustentvel. justamente esse o objetivo do CEnaRios, explica Luisa Massarani, chefe do Museu da Vida e responsvel pelo projeto por parte da Fiocruz. Encarregados de desenvolver projeto sobre sade e ambiente em parceria com a Escola Secundria Paulo Samuel Kankhomba, em Moambique, os jovens do Museu da Vida, nico representante brasileiro no CEnaRios, vo apresentar em computadores com tecnologia touchscreen um mapa georreferenciado com fotografias e informaes sobre os problemas socioambientais diagnosticados nas reas onde moram - Mar, Manguinhos e Jacar, na Zona Norte do Rio de Janeiro e observados pelos participantes moambicanos. Os brasileiros contemplados pelo projeto so alunos do ensino mdio de escolas pblicas e moradores do entorno da Fiocruz. Ao participar do CEnaRios, tive a oportunidade de conhecer a realidade de dois pases, a viso de outras pessoas e pude ajudar a encontrar solues para os problemas ambientais dessas regies. Com isso, poderei ajudar a comunidade onde vivo, conta Mariane Cavalcante, uma das participantes do CEnaRios no Brasil. O projeto realizado pelos jovens brasileiros e moambicanos est disponvel no site do Museu da Vida Sesso VDEO-SHOW O Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econmico e Social da Presidncia da Repblica (CDES) convida para participao nos debates A declarao final da Conferncia do Rio em 92 coloca que Os seres humanos esto no centro das preocupaes com o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Tm direito a uma vida saudvel e produtiva, em harmonia com a natureza. Vinte anos depois, como este conjunto de diretos tem sido tratado? Participao, seguridade e proteo s populaes vulnerveis fazem parte deste debate. Convidados: Maria do Rosrio, Garibaldi Alves Filho, Pierre Calame. Evento pblico

Inovao Verde em Turismo




Green Innovation in Tourism




Projeto CEnaRios apresentado durante Rio+20



Cais do Porto

Sesso VDEO-SHOW Encontro da Sociedade Civil Unio Europia e agrupamento BRICS

19/06/2012 19/06/2012

14:00:00 14:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Confederao Nacional do Comrcio.

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Direitos Humanos e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel




Educao e Formao no Brasil em Sistemas Agroflorestais e Agroecologia BANDA LARGA E TICs PARA SOCIEDADES INTELIGENTES, INCLUSIVAS E SUSTENTVEIS



Auditrio da Embrapa Solos O evento analisar as oportunidades oferecidas pela banda larga e TICs no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel, considerando os pilares de crescimento econmico inteligente, desenvolvimento social e proteo ambiental. Alm disso, discutir-se-o os obstculos e desafios polticos, legais e regulamentares para a banda larga atingir o seu potencial



Parque dos Atletas

APA dos Morros Garapenses: da Mobilizao Popular Sustentabilidade Regional. .



Parque dos Atletas

A palestra visa mostrar o histrico de criao da APA dos Morros Garapenses, a primeira Unidade de Conservao do Maranho criada pela mobilizao popular junto ao governo do Estado. A mesma foi criada h 3 anos, em 31 de Dezembro de 2008 graas mobilizao primeira dos ambientalistas da ABAMA- Associao Bacelarense de Proteo ao Meio Ambiente, ONG fundado em 2003 em Duque Bacelar para proteger o Morro Garapa e os ecossistemas no destrudos ao derredor da cidade. Depois a mobilizao envolveu ambientalistas das cidades de Buriti, Coelho Neto e Afonso Cunha, levado a extenso da defesa dos ecossistemas da regio, surgindo assim A REA DE PROTEO AMBIENTAL DOS MORROS GARAPENSES com 234.767 ha. Os trabalhos hoje continuam mais abrangentes, envolvendo outros parceiros institucionais e as populaes da rea, ocasionando o surgimento de diversos projetos de sustentabilidade scio- ambientais entre os municpios formadores da Unidade de Conservao. Evento aberto ao pblico. Promovido pela ABAMA Associao Bacelarense de Proteo ao Meio Ambiente/Secretaria de Estado do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais do Maranho. Palestrante: Francisco Carlos Machado, Presidente da ABAMA, Vice- Presidente da APA dos Morros Garapenses. O evento analisar as oportunidades oferecidas pela banda larga e TICs no contexto do desenvolvimento sustentvel, considerando os pilares de crescimento econmico inteligente, desenvolvimento social e proteo ambiental. Alm disso, discutir-se-o os obstculos e desafios polticos, legais e regulamentares para a banda larga atingir o seu potencial. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Fowlie, Head ITU Liaison Office in New York; Paulo Bernardo Silva, Ministro das Comunicaes; Achim Steiner, Diretor Executivo, UNEP ; Houlin Zhao, Deputy Secretary-General, ITU ; Prof J. Sach, Earth Institute; Francisco Soares, Director Senior, Qualcomm; Gilberto Cmara, Diretor, INPE; Sebastio Saho, Diretor, CPqD; Irina Bokova, Diretor Geral, UNESCO Mark Summer, CIO e Co- fundador, INVENEO ; Joo Batista de Rezende, Presidente da ANATEL Artur Coimbra, Diretor, Ministrio das Comunicaes; Doris Leuthard, Suia; Hans Vestberg, CEO, Ericsson; Representante da Coria; Louise Kantrow, Ph.D, Perm. Rep to the UN - ICC; Paul W. Garnett, Diretor, Microsoft. Palestra emocionante, levando voc a uma intimidade com a Terra. Acompanhada de apresentao musical com canes inditas que vo deixar voc apaixonado por Ela.Palestrante: Sonia Pereira Room UN7 This side event will address the core Rio+20 theme of how to accelerate the green economy globally. Hosted by The Green Economics Institute, the event will examine the critical importance of developing and deploying ?carbon negative technologies,? reducing the net amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. R Green Economics as a pathway for green jobs and survivability underlies the ideas of this presentation and discussion session. This event will examine the importance and potential of green economics and carbon negative technologies and other approaches to runnaway climate change. This side event discusses the Pacific Regional Oceans Policy and the Pacific Oceanscape Framework for implementing the ocean policy. It highlights the challenges for small islands in managing the Planet?s biggest resource ? the Pacific Ocean - not only for themselves but for the whole global community; and, in particular, raises the special case of small islands in terms of their vulnerabilities, location, size, remoteness and capacities. The special case for SIDS is well established since the initial UNCED. However, despite significant progress, the factors that make SIDS a special case in achieving sustainable development remain. We need to examine how we can retain and manage this special case through the evolving institutional framework for sustainable development to ensure that SIDS needs are accommodated and the modalities for implementation appropriate to their special context.

Banda Larga e TICs para sociedades inteligentes, inclusivas e sustentveis



Parque dos Atletas

Msica para a Sustentabilidade Going Carbon Negative

19/06/2012 19/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00

Edificio Sede do Clube Naval Arena da Barra

Going Carbon Negative: Why Carbo



UN7 (Barra Arena)

Pacific islands: Applying the green economy in a blue world



T-10 (Riocentro)

Defying Disasters: A Tri-Continental South-South Dialogue



T-6 (Riocentro)

Philippines, Kenya and Colombia have joined forces through their public and civil society sectors, to address the pressing issues of disaster mitigation, adaptation and risk management as a novel example of South-South Cooperation. The ultimate goal is to replicate solutions to problems to other countries in three continents of developing world. The process known as ?Cartagena Dialogues? hopes to assist response to disasters so that resources can be utilized for sustainable development purposes instead of diverting them to respond and recover from disasters. This Cartagena dialogue addresses the key issues on the UNCSD agenda of making some of the poorest communities, including countries with largest number of displaced people and of refugees, more resilient to disasters. Special emphasis is paid on the role of local authorities, use of indigenous techniques, creative cultural communications and strengthening of financial mechanisms to generate some resources at local level for immediate response to disasters. The collective efforts towards achieving sustainable development in the Mediterranean eco-region were presented twenty years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (UNCED), ten years ago at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg (?The Mediterranean Eco-Region: the first firm steps towards Sustainability?) and hopefully once again at Rio+20. This side event will bring together the major institutions and stakeholders from European, Western Asian and North African countries to provide an overview of the joint efforts of strengthened cooperation, common vision and shared strategies towards achieving sustainable development. Under the light of a growing financial volatility, the new realities following the Arab Spring, and taking into consideration the emerging challenges (Integration, Implementation, Coherence) the event aspires to renew the political commitment on a realistic basis in an eco-region located at the North-South interface, facing serious demographic, economic, environmental, technological and socio-cultural problems. Under the title ?SPACE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? this side-event will focus on the Contribution of Space-based Information and Technologies to Support the Implementation of Rio+20 Outcomes and Actions.

Challenges and Opportunities for a Mediterranean Green Growth



T-3 (Riocentro)




P3-E (Riocentro) The proposed side event will focus on space and its contributions that would lead to a convergence on the use of space-based technologies for sustainable development and assist in identifying the next actions that would embrace Rio+20 outcomes. Ensuring food security and safety has a strong role to play in supporting development in the Arab region, given its huge reliance on food export. The changes that the region is currently undergoing increase the need for carefully designed policies and programmes that contribute to food security and safety and ultimately ensure social security. Within this context, the proposed Arab side event is expected to contribute to: a) The creation of a forum/network of civil society and international and regional partners for ensuring awareness and ongoing information on food safety and food security; b) The elaboration of a regional development project targeting public institutions and civil society with the overall objective of promoting safe and secure food habits and dynamics. The side event will feature a short video expressing the views of the youth on food security and food safety issues at national levels and in the Arab world.

Food Security and Safety for Development in a Changing Arab World



P3-F (Riocentro)

Human Rights at the heart of Sustainable Development Honouring Principle 1



T-5 (Riocentro)

The 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development was founded on human rights principles starting with Principle One - "Human beings should be placed at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.? The thematic focus of this panel will be on human rights and sustainable development, and why a human rights-based approach is critical to the success of achieving the twin goals of (i) moving towards a green economy and (ii) building the institutional framework for sustainable development. Since the 1992 Earth Summit the world has seen tremendous changes. Within a generation, nearly one and half billion people have been added to the planet ? around a billion in cities. Globalization has intensified, but its benefits have not been shared equally. Inequalities have widened and despite some progress in achieving the MDGs, there are massive disparities between and within countries. The last decade has seen the hottest temperatures since humans began recording temperatures around 150 years ago. Climate change threatens to destroy our path towards sustainable development, a global financial crisis has shaken the planet?s economic foundations, and a global food crisis has brought suffering and unrest. Perhaps most worryingly, the global political will to address the structural and root causes of these multiple crises seems ever elusive. In the pursuit of an institutional framework for sustainable development, human rights, development and the environment are intricately linked. A healthy environment is a key factor in promoting human health and life, basic human rights and creating sustainable development. To encourage and promote sustainable development, integrated strategies and policies regarding human rights and the environment need to be developed to create an effective strategy. A human rights-based approach to sustainable development is central to efforts to move towards a green economy that will deliver benefits to the international community in addressing food, energy and water security and the MDGS. Sub headlines: How to govern and administrate the cities of tomorrow? This conference focuses on the challenges that urbanisation pose to environment and the way our cities will be adapting to climate change. Urban organisation will have to be re thought totally. In this respect, the role of different stakeholders is likely to be changing. The conference will feature elected people, technical experts, enterprises and other organisations. The debate will be followed by the signature of a cooperation agreement between the City of Montpellier and Rio City Council. The Club France Rio+20 proposes to examine how city stakeholders (local authorities, enterprises, associations) are tackling these new challenges. How to plan a sustainable city, while its concept itself is still to be defined? What are the priorities? How to design projects that conciliate foresight, transversality and global vision? Which tools can be used by developers? How are the responsibilities shared in the process of change? Bio-economy is an environmental and economic theory and practice by which you can proceed towards a new ecological and social development. With bio-economy you can define new areas of research and develop new programs for an appropriate use of natural, biological and renewable resources to overcome poverty and produce safe and wholesome food, but also materials, energy and other products. In this regard, we propose to launch a bio-economy strategy in view of the world's population increase (up to 9 billion inhabitants in 2050) and the scarcity of natural resources. How do we achieve universal access to modern energy services, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix? Companies in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and natural gas sectors can deliver the technology solutions that will help countries achieve the vision of the UN Secretary General?s Sustainable Energy for All.

Sustainable city, a concrete utopia



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Bio-economy and development. Beyond the crisis, a New World



T-11 (Riocentro)

Business Taking the Lead: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy



T-8 (Riocentro)

This panel of private sector executives will discuss: ? What policy incentives will ensure a greater access to clean energy? ? Where does public sector finance best leverage and unlock private sector investments? ? What partnership opportunities can the clean energy business community offer at Rio ? to improve the energy efficiency of our building stock? To expand energy access through renewable and distributed forms of energy? To deploy smarter technologies to better connect our communities?

Putting Green Economy into practice



P3-B (Riocentro)

Switzerland has proposed an international Green Economy Roadmap as an outcome of the Rio+20 Conference. The side event will illustrate how Green Economy can benefit both developed and developing countries and share some practical experiences of policies and instruments for assisting the transformation towards a green economy. The first example shares some success stories in promoting the development and implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) through the Marrakech Task Force on SPP and gives an outlook on how the work will be continued under the lead of UNEP. The second example provides lessons from the longstanding collaboration of Switzerland with UNIDO and UNEP in establishing a network of Cleaner Production Centers in developing countries which has facilitated the transfer of know-how and technology for improving production processes and resource efficiency. The last example will address the issue of sustainable agriculture and the necessity of land tenure rights. Environment is a priority in the national agenda. We are investing human and economic resources to make the difference in different issues. It is our interest to share with the international community some progresses to reach by this Ministry and other involved actors in specific issues such as: ? Climate change ? Water ? Food security ? Short- lived climate forcers This side event discusses the Pacific Regional Oceans Policy and the Pacific Oceanscape Framework for implementing the ocean policy. It highlights the challenges for small islands in managing the Planet?s biggest resource ? the Pacific Ocean - not only for themselves but for the whole global community; and, in particular, raises the special case of small islands in terms of their vulnerabilities, location, size, remoteness and capacities. The special case for SIDS is well established since the initial UNCED. However, despite significant progress, the factors that make SIDS a special case in achieving sustainable development remain. We need to examine how we can retain and manage this special case through the evolving institutional framework for sustainable development to ensure that SIDS needs are accommodated and the modalities for implementation appropriate to their special context. Philippines, Kenya and Colombia have joined forces through their public and civil society sectors, to address the pressing issues of disaster mitigation, adaptation and risk management as a novel example of South-South Cooperation. The ultimate goal is to replicate solutions to problems to other countries in three continents of developing world. The process known as ?Cartagena Dialogues? hopes to assist response to disasters so that resources can be utilized for sustainable development purposes instead of diverting them to respond and recover from disasters. This Cartagena dialogue addresses the key issues on the UNCSD agenda of making some of the poorest communities, including countries with largest number of displaced people and of refugees, more resilient to disasters. Special emphasis is paid on the role of local authorities, use of indigenous techniques, creative cultural communications and strengthening of financial mechanisms to generate some resources at local level for immediate response to disasters. The collective efforts towards achieving sustainable development in the Mediterranean eco-region were presented twenty years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (UNCED), ten years ago at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg (?The Mediterranean Eco-Region: the first firm steps towards Sustainability?) and hopefully once again at Rio+20. This side event will bring together the major institutions and stakeholders from European, Western Asian and North African countries to provide an overview of the joint efforts of strengthened cooperation, common vision and shared strategies towards achieving sustainable development. Under the light of a growing financial volatility, the new realities following the Arab Spring, and taking into consideration the emerging challenges (Integration, Implementation, Coherence) the event aspires to renew the political commitment on a realistic basis in an eco-region located at the North-South interface, facing serious demographic, economic, environmental, technological and socio-cultural problems. Under the title ?SPACE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? this side-event will focus on the Contribution of Space-based Information and Technologies to Support the Implementation of Rio+20 Outcomes and Actions.

Mexico's contribution to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Pacific islands: Applying the green economy in a blue world



T-10 (Riocentro)

Defying Disasters: A Tri-Continental South-South Dialogue



T-6 (Riocentro)

Challenges and Opportunities for a Mediterranean Green Growth



T-3 (Riocentro)




P3-E (Riocentro) The proposed side event will focus on space and its contributions that would lead to a convergence on the use of space-based technologies for sustainable development and assist in identifying the next actions that would embrace Rio+20 outcomes.

Food Security and Safety for Development in a Changing Arab World



P3-F (Riocentro)

Ensuring food security and safety has a strong role to play in supporting development in the Arab region, given its huge reliance on food export. The changes that the region is currently undergoing increase the need for carefully designed policies and programmes that contribute to food security and safety and ultimately ensure social security. Within this context, the proposed Arab side event is expected to contribute to: a) The creation of a forum/network of civil society and international and regional partners for ensuring awareness and ongoing information on food safety and food security; b) The elaboration of a regional development project targeting public institutions and civil society with the overall objective of promoting safe and secure food habits and dynamics. The side event will feature a short video expressing the views of the youth on food security and food safety issues at national levels and in the Arab world. The 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development was founded on human rights principles starting with Principle One - "Human beings should be placed at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.? The thematic focus of this panel will be on human rights and sustainable development, and why a human rights-based approach is critical to the success of achieving the twin goals of (i) moving towards a green economy and (ii) building the institutional framework for sustainable development. Since the 1992 Earth Summit the world has seen tremendous changes. Within a generation, nearly one and half billion people have been added to the planet ? around a billion in cities. Globalization has intensified, but its benefits have not been shared equally. Inequalities have widened and despite some progress in achieving the MDGs, there are massive disparities between and within countries. The last decade has seen the hottest temperatures since humans began recording temperatures around 150 years ago. Climate change threatens to destroy our path towards sustainable development, a global financial crisis has shaken the planet?s economic foundations, and a global food crisis has brought suffering and unrest. Perhaps most worryingly, the global political will to address the structural and root causes of these multiple crises seems ever elusive. In the pursuit of an institutional framework for sustainable development, human rights, development and the environment are intricately linked. A healthy environment is a key factor in promoting human health and life, basic human rights and creating sustainable development. To encourage and promote sustainable development, integrated strategies and policies regarding human rights and the environment need to be developed to create an effective strategy. A human rights-based approach to sustainable development is central to efforts to move towards a green economy that will deliver benefits to the international community in addressing food, energy and water security and the MDGS. Sub headlines: How to govern and administrate the cities of tomorrow? This conference focuses on the challenges that urbanisation pose to environment and the way our cities will be adapting to climate change. Urban organisation will have to be re thought totally. In this respect, the role of different stakeholders is likely to be changing. The conference will feature elected people, technical experts, enterprises and other organisations. The debate will be followed by the signature of a cooperation agreement between the City of Montpellier and Rio City Council. The Club France Rio+20 proposes to examine how city stakeholders (local authorities, enterprises, associations) are tackling these new challenges. How to plan a sustainable city, while its concept itself is still to be defined? What are the priorities? How to design projects that conciliate foresight, transversality and global vision? Which tools can be used by developers? How are the responsibilities shared in the process of change? Bio-economy is an environmental and economic theory and practice by which you can proceed towards a new ecological and social development. With bio-economy you can define new areas of research and develop new programs for an appropriate use of natural, biological and renewable resources to overcome poverty and produce safe and wholesome food, but also materials, energy and other products. In this regard, we propose to launch a bio-economy strategy in view of the world's population increase (up to 9 billion inhabitants in 2050) and the scarcity of natural resources.

Human Rights at the heart of Sustainable Development Honouring Principle 1



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable city, a concrete utopia



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Bio-economy and development. Beyond the crisis, a New World



T-11 (Riocentro)

How do we achieve universal access to modern energy services, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix? Companies in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and natural gas sectors can deliver the technology solutions that will help countries achieve the vision of the UN Secretary General?s Sustainable Energy for All. Business Taking the Lead: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy 19/06/2012 15:30:00 T-8 (Riocentro) This panel of private sector executives will discuss: ? What policy incentives will ensure a greater access to clean energy? ? Where does public sector finance best leverage and unlock private sector investments? ? What partnership opportunities can the clean energy business community offer at Rio ? to improve the energy efficiency of our building stock? To expand energy access through renewable and distributed forms of energy? To deploy smarter technologies to better connect our communities? Switzerland has proposed an international Green Economy Roadmap as an outcome of the Rio+20 Conference. The side event will illustrate how Green Economy can benefit both developed and developing countries and share some practical experiences of policies and instruments for assisting the transformation towards a green economy. The first example shares some success stories in promoting the development and implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) through the Marrakech Task Force on SPP and gives an outlook on how the work will be continued under the lead of UNEP. The second example provides lessons from the longstanding collaboration of Switzerland with UNIDO and UNEP in establishing a network of Cleaner Production Centers in developing countries which has facilitated the transfer of know-how and technology for improving production processes and resource efficiency. The last example will address the issue of sustainable agriculture and the necessity of land tenure rights. Environment is a priority in the national agenda. We are investing human and economic resources to make the difference in different issues. It is our interest to share with the international community some progresses to reach by this Ministry and other involved actors in specific issues such as: ? Climate change ? Water ? Food security ? Short- lived climate forcers This side event discusses the Pacific Regional Oceans Policy and the Pacific Oceanscape Framework for implementing the ocean policy. It highlights the challenges for small islands in managing the Planet?s biggest resource ? the Pacific Ocean - not only for themselves but for the whole global community; and, in particular, raises the special case of small islands in terms of their vulnerabilities, location, size, remoteness and capacities. The special case for SIDS is well established since the initial UNCED. However, despite significant progress, the factors that make SIDS a special case in achieving sustainable development remain. We need to examine how we can retain and manage this special case through the evolving institutional framework for sustainable development to ensure that SIDS needs are accommodated and the modalities for implementation appropriate to their special context. Philippines, Kenya and Colombia have joined forces through their public and civil society sectors, to address the pressing issues of disaster mitigation, adaptation and risk management as a novel example of South-South Cooperation. The ultimate goal is to replicate solutions to problems to other countries in three continents of developing world. The process known as ?Cartagena Dialogues? hopes to assist response to disasters so that resources can be utilized for sustainable development purposes instead of diverting them to respond and recover from disasters. This Cartagena dialogue addresses the key issues on the UNCSD agenda of making some of the poorest communities, including countries with largest number of displaced people and of refugees, more resilient to disasters. Special emphasis is paid on the role of local authorities, use of indigenous techniques, creative cultural communications and strengthening of financial mechanisms to generate some resources at local level for immediate response to disasters.

Putting Green Economy into practice



P3-B (Riocentro)

Mexico's contribution to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Pacific islands: Applying the green economy in a blue world



T-10 (Riocentro)

Defying Disasters: A Tri-Continental South-South Dialogue



T-6 (Riocentro)

Challenges and Opportunities for a Mediterranean Green Growth



T-3 (Riocentro)

The collective efforts towards achieving sustainable development in the Mediterranean eco-region were presented twenty years ago at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (UNCED), ten years ago at the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg (?The Mediterranean Eco-Region: the first firm steps towards Sustainability?) and hopefully once again at Rio+20. This side event will bring together the major institutions and stakeholders from European, Western Asian and North African countries to provide an overview of the joint efforts of strengthened cooperation, common vision and shared strategies towards achieving sustainable development. Under the light of a growing financial volatility, the new realities following the Arab Spring, and taking into consideration the emerging challenges (Integration, Implementation, Coherence) the event aspires to renew the political commitment on a realistic basis in an eco-region located at the North-South interface, facing serious demographic, economic, environmental, technological and socio-cultural problems. Under the title ?SPACE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? this side-event will focus on the Contribution of Space-based Information and Technologies to Support the Implementation of Rio+20 Outcomes and Actions.




P3-E (Riocentro) The proposed side event will focus on space and its contributions that would lead to a convergence on the use of space-based technologies for sustainable development and assist in identifying the next actions that would embrace Rio+20 outcomes. Ensuring food security and safety has a strong role to play in supporting development in the Arab region, given its huge reliance on food export. The changes that the region is currently undergoing increase the need for carefully designed policies and programmes that contribute to food security and safety and ultimately ensure social security. Within this context, the proposed Arab side event is expected to contribute to: a) The creation of a forum/network of civil society and international and regional partners for ensuring awareness and ongoing information on food safety and food security; b) The elaboration of a regional development project targeting public institutions and civil society with the overall objective of promoting safe and secure food habits and dynamics. The side event will feature a short video expressing the views of the youth on food security and food safety issues at national levels and in the Arab world. The 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development was founded on human rights principles starting with Principle One - "Human beings should be placed at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature.? The thematic focus of this panel will be on human rights and sustainable development, and why a human rights-based approach is critical to the success of achieving the twin goals of (i) moving towards a green economy and (ii) building the institutional framework for sustainable development. Since the 1992 Earth Summit the world has seen tremendous changes. Within a generation, nearly one and half billion people have been added to the planet ? around a billion in cities. Globalization has intensified, but its benefits have not been shared equally. Inequalities have widened and despite some progress in achieving the MDGs, there are massive disparities between and within countries. The last decade has seen the hottest temperatures since humans began recording temperatures around 150 years ago. Climate change threatens to destroy our path towards sustainable development, a global financial crisis has shaken the planet?s economic foundations, and a global food crisis has brought suffering and unrest. Perhaps most worryingly, the global political will to address the structural and root causes of these multiple crises seems ever elusive. In the pursuit of an institutional framework for sustainable development, human rights, development and the environment are intricately linked. A healthy environment is a key factor in promoting human health and life, basic human rights and creating sustainable development. To encourage and promote sustainable development, integrated strategies and policies regarding human rights and the environment need to be developed to create an effective strategy. A human rights-based approach to sustainable development is central to efforts to move towards a green economy that will deliver benefits to the international community in addressing food, energy and water security and the MDGS.

Food Security and Safety for Development in a Changing Arab World



P3-F (Riocentro)

Human Rights at the heart of Sustainable Development Honouring Principle 1



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sub headlines: How to govern and administrate the cities of tomorrow? This conference focuses on the challenges that urbanisation pose to environment and the way our cities will be adapting to climate change. Urban organisation will have to be re thought totally. In this respect, the role of different stakeholders is likely to be changing. The conference will feature elected people, technical experts, enterprises and other organisations. The debate will be followed by the signature of a cooperation agreement between the City of Montpellier and Rio City Council. The Club France Rio+20 proposes to examine how city stakeholders (local authorities, enterprises, associations) are tackling these new challenges. How to plan a sustainable city, while its concept itself is still to be defined? What are the priorities? How to design projects that conciliate foresight, transversality and global vision? Which tools can be used by developers? How are the responsibilities shared in the process of change? Bio-economy is an environmental and economic theory and practice by which you can proceed towards a new ecological and social development. With bio-economy you can define new areas of research and develop new programs for an appropriate use of natural, biological and renewable resources to overcome poverty and produce safe and wholesome food, but also materials, energy and other products. In this regard, we propose to launch a bio-economy strategy in view of the world's population increase (up to 9 billion inhabitants in 2050) and the scarcity of natural resources. How do we achieve universal access to modern energy services, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix? Companies in the renewable energy, energy efficiency and natural gas sectors can deliver the technology solutions that will help countries achieve the vision of the UN Secretary General?s Sustainable Energy for All. Business Taking the Lead: Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Energy 19/06/2012 15:30:00 T-8 (Riocentro) This panel of private sector executives will discuss: ? What policy incentives will ensure a greater access to clean energy? ? Where does public sector finance best leverage and unlock private sector investments? ? What partnership opportunities can the clean energy business community offer at Rio ? to improve the energy efficiency of our building stock? To expand energy access through renewable and distributed forms of energy? To deploy smarter technologies to better connect our communities? Switzerland has proposed an international Green Economy Roadmap as an outcome of the Rio+20 Conference. The side event will illustrate how Green Economy can benefit both developed and developing countries and share some practical experiences of policies and instruments for assisting the transformation towards a green economy. The first example shares some success stories in promoting the development and implementation of Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) through the Marrakech Task Force on SPP and gives an outlook on how the work will be continued under the lead of UNEP. The second example provides lessons from the longstanding collaboration of Switzerland with UNIDO and UNEP in establishing a network of Cleaner Production Centers in developing countries which has facilitated the transfer of know-how and technology for improving production processes and resource efficiency. The last example will address the issue of sustainable agriculture and the necessity of land tenure rights. Environment is a priority in the national agenda. We are investing human and economic resources to make the difference in different issues. It is our interest to share with the international community some progresses to reach by this Ministry and other involved actors in specific issues such as: ? Climate change ? Water ? Food security ? Short- lived climate forcers

Sustainable city, a concrete utopia



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Bio-economy and development. Beyond the crisis, a New World



T-11 (Riocentro)

Putting Green Economy into practice



P3-B (Riocentro)

Mexico's contribution to sustainable development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sistemas Agroflorestais no Contexto das Mudanas Climticas Globais Incluso Digital e Juventude Rural Women Leading the Way: Mobilizing for an Equitable, Resilient and Thriving Future

19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012

15:30:00 16:00:00 16:00:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Per Mau Armazm 2 Arena da Barra Ser um debate sobre como a incluso digital da juventude rural pode contribuir para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel. Room UN2

No rastro do Eldorado




de Silvino Santos. Brasil, 1925. O filme mostra a expedio do Dr. Rice, em 1925, pelo Amazonas e Roraima. Classificao indicativa livre.

Gesto Ambiental no TRF da 4 Regio



Parque dos Atletas

evento pblico This side event will address leveraging women?s leadership for sustainability solutions. Women are at the nexus of a thriving and just global future: they are disproportionately impacted by environmental and economic problems and yet demonstratively central to the most important solutions. We will be highlighting women worldwide as innovators and agents of change in mitigating and adapting to climate change and environmental degradation, while also demonstrating a way forward with cross-sector and cross-cultural solutions. Given the urgency of global warming, we are addressing how to accelerate a whole-systems, global women?s climate movement. Room UN7 This event will present some of the best and most creative writing and innovation in the green economy and green economics field. It will present 7 new books including the Handbook of Green Economics,The Green Economics Reader, Green Economics Voices of Africa, Green Economics and womens unequal pay and poverty.The Green Built Environment.

Women Leading the Way: Mobilizing for an Equitable, Resilient and Thriving Future



UN2 (Barra Arena)

Launch of a major book series on Green Economics Green Economics:Launch of a major book series on Green Economics Leitura da Carta de Belm, encaminhamentos SBSAF/CBSAF e debates



Arena da Barra



UN7 (Barra Arena)



Auditrio da Embrapa Solos A Companhia Esprito Santense de Saneamento (Cesan) est presente em 52 municpios, atingindo 2,2 milhes de pessoas. Em nove anos de 2003 a 2011 - os investimentos superaram R$ 1,3 bilho em obras de abastecimento de gua e esgotamento sanitrio. Com a concluso das obras do Programa guas Limpas, sero 80 mil ligaes de esgoto disponveis a partir de meados deste ano, atingindo a cobertura de 60% de esgoto tratado, com a construo de 1.640 quilmetros de redes at 2012. Isso far com que o Esprito Santo fique muito acima da mdia do Brasil, entre os cinco estados com melhores ndices e com planos e projetos para continuar buscando os 100% previstos no Plano Estratgico 2025. As obras do Programa guas Limpas faro de Vitria a primeira Capital a ter 100% do esgoto tratado. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Neivaldo Bragato, diretorpresidente da Cesan, e Anselmo Tozi, Diretor de Meio Ambiente da Cesan. Evento Fechado Room UN6 Room UN3 Para alm da segurana alimentar, o conceito de soberania alimentar implica no direito dos povos a alimentos nutritivos e culturalmente adequados, acessveis, produzidos de forma sustentvel e ecolgica, advindos do direito de decidir o prprio sistema alimentar e produtivo. Estamos neste caminho? Convidados: Pepe Vargas, Renato Srgio Jamil Maluf, Karen Hansen-Kuhn. Evento pblico The event ?Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future? is focused at discussing the key elements of green growth from various perspectives and contributing further to the existing knowledge on the concept of green growth, since the concept is still evolving and there is no clearly agreed upon definition of a green economy. The event would, through a framing presentation on ?Roadmap for transitioning India towards a green economy?, focus on issues relevant for India for transitioning towards a green economy. The challenges confronting the Indian economy in ensuring rapid and inclusive growth are several ? be they in terms of constraints related to land, water or energy availability, access to appropriate technologies, adequate finance, requisite capacities and skill sets. The presentation would be followed by a discussion on both developed and developing country perspectives around key issues, enabling frameworks and mechanisms necessary to accelerate green growth globally.

Programa guas Limpas, o maior investimento em saneamento da histria do Esprito Santo



Parque dos Atletas

Filme do Biodiversidade New ways to build a more sustainable production and consumption model Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods: Spaces Lost, Spaces Gained Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Segurana e Soberania Alimentar

19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012

17:30:00 17:30:00 17:30:00

Forte de Copacabana Arena da Barra Arena da Barra




Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future



T-10 (Riocentro)




P3-E (Riocentro)

Since the Rio 1992 Earth Summit, there has been much progress in the field of socio-economic development. However, the world has also witnessed a drastic rise in social inequalities and environmental degradation as well as biodiversity loss resulting from continuous unsustainable economic models. In addition, inadequate governance systems as well as lack of implementation of international obligations related to sustainable development and of various environmental agreements jeopardize the achievement of sustainable development. The UNCSD will address economic, social and environmental dimensions of implementation of the sustainable development framework. To tackle this challenge, two overarching themes have been defined, namely, Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication; and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. IUCN works with many partners in projects that put nature at the centre of strategies and action plans to improve the quality of life using a people-centred approach and fair distribution of resources. The UNCSD is an opportunity to share lessons learned and discuss strategies for scaling up successful models. The objetcives of the side event are: To present the report on the implementation of Agenda 21 by Niger: progresses made and challenges -To present a comprehensive approach to achieve sustainable development, especially with regards to food security : the 3N Initiative

Towards Sustainable Food Security in the Sahel



T-9 (Riocentro) Contribution to the Conference - Presentation of an example of implementation of Agenda 21 in one of the most vulnerable countries - Presentation of a comprehensive approach taken by a developing country to achieve sustainable development, in particular through tackling the issue of food insecurity. This approach is a response to the emerging challenges of food crises, adaptation to climate change, access to water, among others. The side event titled ?High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy? aims to identify key challenges toward green economy and explore possible policy frameworks to promote green economy with the high-level policy makers. The side event will provide a good chance to policy makers and key stakeholders to enhance awareness of challenges and opportunities in green economy, possible policy options to shift conventional resource-intensive economic structure towards green economy, specifically in the key sectors of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns, resource efficiency and green infrastructure. Through this event, participants will share policy experiences of countries in different circumstances and seek policy frameworks to promote green economy beyond Rio+20. It is well known that developing sustainable energy resources are important for social and economic development as well as to promote low-carbon and resilient societies. In order to implement sustainable energy policies it is essential to monitor the effectiveness of these national policies and identify areas for improvement, taking into consideration social, economic, environmental, technology and governance issues. It is also essential to base large-scale implementation with good plans and practices. This side event will present a toolbox of methodologies and indicators that can be used to monitor progress and highlight both development and investment opportunities in the energy sector to support the growth of a green economy. It will also show good practices in strategies and practices in transition to green energy. Examples of recent pilot studies will be presented. The event has the objective to stimulate discussion on the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) and knowledge community in the context of the second theme of UNCSD-institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD). It will try to harness in best possible manner the diverse knowledge and experience of the participants, accommodating different opinions and interests and providing the tools and the space for productive brainstorming of future role and direction of CSOs. The role of CSOs exists at all levels ? international, regional, national, sub-national and local ? and may be increasingly mobilized and organized through innovative methods. So far, partnerships registered with the Commission on Sustainable Development have been limited in terms of geographical scope showing a lack of visibility of local initiatives. Yet, undeniably, many innovations start at the local level and there is renewed attention to scaling up local development innovations and mainstream key lessons learnt.

High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green energy for a green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Civil Society and Knowledge Community: Dialogues around IFSD



P-3 (Riocentro)

New ways to build a more sustainable production and consumption model



UN6 (Barra Arena)

Considering that one of the key topics of Rio+20 is the transition to Green Economy, a model that provides for human wellbeing and social equality while at the same time significantly reduces the environmental risks and ecological scarcity, this is an opportune moment to reflect on the necessary changes in the consumption and production methods. In this context, Akatu Institute, in partnership with Po de Acar Group, proposes a workshop that will bring together private enterprise, civil society and governments to help publicly launch 10 ways to build more sustainable consumption and production methods. Based on this benchmark, the participants will work to jointly create more sustainable business models, and also identify the necessary conditions for their implementation, considering the changes in consumer behavior, public policies and civil society actions that must support the consolidation of the business. This highly interactive event will be developed by and for young people (YP). It will feature YP?s growing exposure to and interest in world affairs due to ICT, and their ability to connect and collaborate to shape their futures, unencumbered by sectoral identities and interests. It will advance the SG?s agenda on youth, and complement the Youth Blast by its focus on innovative ICT approaches such as crowdsourcing, mutual accountability, and its grounding in lessons learned from the AIDS movement. This session will catalyse new partnerships to join the passion and knowledge of the HIV, global health and environment movements, with practical ways to work together at country level. These partnerships will intensify progress toward the MDGs, and build political support and capacity for delivering the UN Post-2015 development agenda. It will strengthen YP?s engagement and add zest to the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development theme.

New Generation Leaders Unite HIV and Environment for Sustainability



T-6 (Riocentro)

UN-Water Day (part 2)



P3-6 (Riocentro) The event ?Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future? is focused at discussing the key elements of green growth from various perspectives and contributing further to the existing knowledge on the concept of green growth, since the concept is still evolving and there is no clearly agreed upon definition of a green economy. The event would, through a framing presentation on ?Roadmap for transitioning India towards a green economy?, focus on issues relevant for India for transitioning towards a green economy. The challenges confronting the Indian economy in ensuring rapid and inclusive growth are several ? be they in terms of constraints related to land, water or energy availability, access to appropriate technologies, adequate finance, requisite capacities and skill sets. The presentation would be followed by a discussion on both developed and developing country perspectives around key issues, enabling frameworks and mechanisms necessary to accelerate green growth globally. Since the Rio 1992 Earth Summit, there has been much progress in the field of socio-economic development. However, the world has also witnessed a drastic rise in social inequalities and environmental degradation as well as biodiversity loss resulting from continuous unsustainable economic models. In addition, inadequate governance systems as well as lack of implementation of international obligations related to sustainable development and of various environmental agreements jeopardize the achievement of sustainable development. The UNCSD will address economic, social and environmental dimensions of implementation of the sustainable development framework. To tackle this challenge, two overarching themes have been defined, namely, Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication; and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. IUCN works with many partners in projects that put nature at the centre of strategies and action plans to improve the quality of life using a people-centred approach and fair distribution of resources. The UNCSD is an opportunity to share lessons learned and discuss strategies for scaling up successful models. The objetcives of the side event are: To present the report on the implementation of Agenda 21 by Niger: progresses made and challenges -To present a comprehensive approach to achieve sustainable development, especially with regards to food security : the 3N Initiative

Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future



T-10 (Riocentro)




P3-E (Riocentro)

Towards Sustainable Food Security in the Sahel



T-9 (Riocentro) Contribution to the Conference - Presentation of an example of implementation of Agenda 21 in one of the most vulnerable countries - Presentation of a comprehensive approach taken by a developing country to achieve sustainable development, in particular through tackling the issue of food insecurity. This approach is a response to the emerging challenges of food crises, adaptation to climate change, access to water, among others.

The side event titled ?High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy? aims to identify key challenges toward green economy and explore possible policy frameworks to promote green economy with the high-level policy makers. The side event will provide a good chance to policy makers and key stakeholders to enhance awareness of challenges and opportunities in green economy, possible policy options to shift conventional resource-intensive economic structure towards green economy, specifically in the key sectors of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns, resource efficiency and green infrastructure. Through this event, participants will share policy experiences of countries in different circumstances and seek policy frameworks to promote green economy beyond Rio+20. It is well known that developing sustainable energy resources are important for social and economic development as well as to promote low-carbon and resilient societies. In order to implement sustainable energy policies it is essential to monitor the effectiveness of these national policies and identify areas for improvement, taking into consideration social, economic, environmental, technology and governance issues. It is also essential to base large-scale implementation with good plans and practices. This side event will present a toolbox of methodologies and indicators that can be used to monitor progress and highlight both development and investment opportunities in the energy sector to support the growth of a green economy. It will also show good practices in strategies and practices in transition to green energy. Examples of recent pilot studies will be presented. The event has the objective to stimulate discussion on the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) and knowledge community in the context of the second theme of UNCSD-institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD). It will try to harness in best possible manner the diverse knowledge and experience of the participants, accommodating different opinions and interests and providing the tools and the space for productive brainstorming of future role and direction of CSOs. The role of CSOs exists at all levels ? international, regional, national, sub-national and local ? and may be increasingly mobilized and organized through innovative methods. So far, partnerships registered with the Commission on Sustainable Development have been limited in terms of geographical scope showing a lack of visibility of local initiatives. Yet, undeniably, many innovations start at the local level and there is renewed attention to scaling up local development innovations and mainstream key lessons learnt. This highly interactive event will be developed by and for young people (YP). It will feature YP?s growing exposure to and interest in world affairs due to ICT, and their ability to connect and collaborate to shape their futures, unencumbered by sectoral identities and interests. It will advance the SG?s agenda on youth, and complement the Youth Blast by its focus on innovative ICT approaches such as crowdsourcing, mutual accountability, and its grounding in lessons learned from the AIDS movement. This session will catalyse new partnerships to join the passion and knowledge of the HIV, global health and environment movements, with practical ways to work together at country level. These partnerships will intensify progress toward the MDGs, and build political support and capacity for delivering the UN Post-2015 development agenda. It will strengthen YP?s engagement and add zest to the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development theme.

High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green energy for a green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Civil Society and Knowledge Community: Dialogues around IFSD



P-3 (Riocentro)

New Generation Leaders Unite HIV and Environment for Sustainability



T-6 (Riocentro)

UN-Water Day (part 2)



P3-6 (Riocentro) The event ?Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future? is focused at discussing the key elements of green growth from various perspectives and contributing further to the existing knowledge on the concept of green growth, since the concept is still evolving and there is no clearly agreed upon definition of a green economy. The event would, through a framing presentation on ?Roadmap for transitioning India towards a green economy?, focus on issues relevant for India for transitioning towards a green economy. The challenges confronting the Indian economy in ensuring rapid and inclusive growth are several ? be they in terms of constraints related to land, water or energy availability, access to appropriate technologies, adequate finance, requisite capacities and skill sets. The presentation would be followed by a discussion on both developed and developing country perspectives around key issues, enabling frameworks and mechanisms necessary to accelerate green growth globally.

Green economy and inclusive growth for a sustainable future



T-10 (Riocentro)




P3-E (Riocentro)

Since the Rio 1992 Earth Summit, there has been much progress in the field of socio-economic development. However, the world has also witnessed a drastic rise in social inequalities and environmental degradation as well as biodiversity loss resulting from continuous unsustainable economic models. In addition, inadequate governance systems as well as lack of implementation of international obligations related to sustainable development and of various environmental agreements jeopardize the achievement of sustainable development. The UNCSD will address economic, social and environmental dimensions of implementation of the sustainable development framework. To tackle this challenge, two overarching themes have been defined, namely, Green Economy in the context of Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication; and Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development. IUCN works with many partners in projects that put nature at the centre of strategies and action plans to improve the quality of life using a people-centred approach and fair distribution of resources. The UNCSD is an opportunity to share lessons learned and discuss strategies for scaling up successful models. The objetcives of the side event are: To present the report on the implementation of Agenda 21 by Niger: progresses made and challenges -To present a comprehensive approach to achieve sustainable development, especially with regards to food security : the 3N Initiative

Towards Sustainable Food Security in the Sahel



T-9 (Riocentro) Contribution to the Conference - Presentation of an example of implementation of Agenda 21 in one of the most vulnerable countries - Presentation of a comprehensive approach taken by a developing country to achieve sustainable development, in particular through tackling the issue of food insecurity. This approach is a response to the emerging challenges of food crises, adaptation to climate change, access to water, among others. The side event titled ?High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy? aims to identify key challenges toward green economy and explore possible policy frameworks to promote green economy with the high-level policy makers. The side event will provide a good chance to policy makers and key stakeholders to enhance awareness of challenges and opportunities in green economy, possible policy options to shift conventional resource-intensive economic structure towards green economy, specifically in the key sectors of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns, resource efficiency and green infrastructure. Through this event, participants will share policy experiences of countries in different circumstances and seek policy frameworks to promote green economy beyond Rio+20. It is well known that developing sustainable energy resources are important for social and economic development as well as to promote low-carbon and resilient societies. In order to implement sustainable energy policies it is essential to monitor the effectiveness of these national policies and identify areas for improvement, taking into consideration social, economic, environmental, technology and governance issues. It is also essential to base large-scale implementation with good plans and practices. This side event will present a toolbox of methodologies and indicators that can be used to monitor progress and highlight both development and investment opportunities in the energy sector to support the growth of a green economy. It will also show good practices in strategies and practices in transition to green energy. Examples of recent pilot studies will be presented. The event has the objective to stimulate discussion on the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) and knowledge community in the context of the second theme of UNCSD-institutional framework for sustainable development (IFSD). It will try to harness in best possible manner the diverse knowledge and experience of the participants, accommodating different opinions and interests and providing the tools and the space for productive brainstorming of future role and direction of CSOs. The role of CSOs exists at all levels ? international, regional, national, sub-national and local ? and may be increasingly mobilized and organized through innovative methods. So far, partnerships registered with the Commission on Sustainable Development have been limited in terms of geographical scope showing a lack of visibility of local initiatives. Yet, undeniably, many innovations start at the local level and there is renewed attention to scaling up local development innovations and mainstream key lessons learnt.

High Level Policy Forum on Development of Framework for Green Economy



P3-A (Riocentro)

Green energy for a green economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Civil Society and Knowledge Community: Dialogues around IFSD



P-3 (Riocentro)

New Generation Leaders Unite HIV and Environment for Sustainability



T-6 (Riocentro)

This highly interactive event will be developed by and for young people (YP). It will feature YP?s growing exposure to and interest in world affairs due to ICT, and their ability to connect and collaborate to shape their futures, unencumbered by sectoral identities and interests. It will advance the SG?s agenda on youth, and complement the Youth Blast by its focus on innovative ICT approaches such as crowdsourcing, mutual accountability, and its grounding in lessons learned from the AIDS movement. This session will catalyse new partnerships to join the passion and knowledge of the HIV, global health and environment movements, with practical ways to work together at country level. These partnerships will intensify progress toward the MDGs, and build political support and capacity for delivering the UN Post-2015 development agenda. It will strengthen YP?s engagement and add zest to the Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development theme. (Derakht-e Jaan) de Farhad Mehranfar. Ir, 1998. Com Anis Shakoorim Omid Amiri, Adeleh Shakoori, Jian Amir Rezvani. Legendas em portugus. 90. A tradio cultural do nascimento, amor e morte entre os antigos povos que vivem nas florestas enevoadas de Talesh. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

UN-Water Day (part 2)



P3-6 (Riocentro)

A rvore da vida




Demo Alley: Showcasing Examples of Technology Helping to Solve Sustainability Challenges



Parque dos Atletas

Presenting: Nigel Sizer, Director, Global Forest Initiative

A Place for Climate Vulnerability in the Rio Agenda



T-9 (Riocentro)

An international response to the threat of climate change and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) were key outcomes of the first Rio conference in 1992. Since then, climate change has intensified, and international action has yet to rise to the challenge of an adequate response. Science also indicates that further, accelerated warming over the next 20-30 years is inevitable due to the inertia of the climate system. Rio+20 marks the starting point of a process to develop new global targets for international development to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, disproportionate vulnerability to effects brought about through climate change has created a major impediment for several of the world?s poorest groups in attaining the MDGs by 2015. Just two examples of impact areas, biodiversity and desertification, also core pillars of the original Rio agenda, highlight the dangers of climate change for sustainable development, since lower-income groups are in general more dependent on ecosystems and more prevalent in the world?s arid regions. By the time any new global goals on sustainable development would be nearing their own deadlines, greater degrees of climate change would have a correspondingly more comprehensive detrimental effect on poverty reduction and environmental protection efforts. Reducing vulnerability to climate change therefore constitutes a factor of growing significance in achieving global progress on sustainable development and should be seen as a central to the Rio+20 agenda. A panel of high-level representatives and partners active in the Climate Vulnerable Forum will debate the place of climate vulnerability in the Rio Agenda. Forum partner DARA will also report on progress towards the 2012 Climate Vulnerability Monitor and share some preliminary results. At a moment where half of humanity lives and works in cities around the world and where previsions expect this proportion to increase to 70% by 2050, the role of urban governance and sub-national levels of governments in the global agenda is becoming increasingly important. Given the need to go beyond clusters and sectoral approaches, local and subnational authorities are calling for a more human centered debate and for an integrated framework to assessing sustainable development. Local and regional authorities as the closest level of government to the people can play a pivotal role in bringing all actors together and linking up all levels of governance: local, subnational, national and international to build new models of governance and a more equitable and sustainable development for all. International and national strategies for sustainable development should take into account local realities and trends with the active assistance of local governments. The presentation will provide a vision of what a green and fair economy may look like, in different contexts, around the world. In particular, the presentation will include the launch of the Global Transition to a New Economy map (please see Gus Speth will provide a keynote speech on what an economy that delivers on social justice and operates within environmental limits looks like in the United States.

Urban an subnational territories:key elements of a sustainable future



T-3 (Riocentro)

The Global Transition to a New Economy- mapping a green and fair world



P3-F (Riocentro)

Urbanization has been identified by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of the top environmental issues of the 21st Century. Given the environmental changes associated with Climate Change and the vulnerability of urban areas, urban resilience is a key component of overall sustainability. Ecocity principles, tied to citizen participation and multidisciplinary sustainable development frameworks and networks, can produce quantifiable benefits to cities and citizens, often reducing or eliminating the need for more expensive urban infrastructure interventions while simultaneously boosting community health and economic resilience. We will demonstrate how the use of next generation web technologies, cloud computing, global information systems and large scale knowledge-bases can increase and amplify efficiency and resilience, as well as boost citizen participation, to conceive a new, more public infrastructure ?a robust network of urban interventions with tangible benefits to the health and well-being of every citizen. Justice first! All environmental interventions must promote justice! Rights, Recourse, Representation! Nature belongs to everyone. Oceans, coasts, and small island developing States (SIDS) have taken a prominent role in the Rio+20 discussions and will likely factor centrally into the Rio+20 outcome. States, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society have voiced strong support for addressing ocean issues and supporting the role of oceans and coasts in achieving sustainable development goals. Many in the global community have also stressed the need to continue to work towards previously unfulfilled global commitments on oceans, coasts, and SIDS. This event will address perspectives of States, UN-agencies and civil society on the Rio+20 outcome, host discussions on how to reach a strong oceans outcome (including a viable implementation framework for Rio+20 commitments), and will also serve as a follow-up to the high-level oceans event, "Advancing Oceans and Coasts at Rio+20 and Beyond" (scheduled for June 16), and the thematic oceans half-day organized by the Brazilian government and the Rio+20 Executive Coordinators. What share or one?s country energy mix can be supplied by renewable energy? Where are the resources located? What is the most cost-effective combination of technologies? What volume of investments does it represent, and is there a market large enough for creating a supply chain? Assessing renewable energy resources is a first step for answering those questions, and eventually creating a market environment for deploying renewable energy investments. This first step requires large upfront investments in measurement campaigns, and a high level of technical knowledge. For countries willing to exploit their national resources, the IRENA Global Atlas programme provides the initial elements to investigate renewable energy potentials, before initiating detailed national investigations and building human capacities. Education, employment and social inclusion of new generations are recognized as essential components for sustainable cities. The focus on the development of each single person, his/her family and community is key to foster the active protagonism of city dwellers, their associations and institutions, which, along with the private sector, are essential for city planning and development. The human being: the core of a sustainable city 19/06/2012 19:30:00 P3-E (Riocentro) These are the main lessons we propose to share at the side-event, derived from the innovative multiyear and multi-stakeholder partnership in an integrated urban development intervention in Brazil involving local and national Governments ( Bahia State , Ministry of Cities), international donors ( Government of Italy, World Bank) , local CSOs and Institutions, international NGOs (AVSI Foundation) and Cities Alliance. The quality of the results and of the partnership has now spurred Brazil, Italy, and Cities Alliance to associate with Mozambique in an urban upgrading project in Maputo, inspired and guided by the Bahia approach. Throughout history, young people have been the drivers of change, often standing up for what?s right in direct opposition to the established norm. From organised struggles for democracy and civil liberties, to peaceful protests calling for new economic ideals, youth voices have transformed the socio-political landscape of the 21st century. Now, with the future of life on Earth at stake, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development calls out for young people across the world to lead the charge and we have brought some of the most prominent voices together to speak truth to power and make their voice heard to those that can influence the outcome of Rio+20 and ensure that young people have the future they want and deserve.

Building Ecocities - Geodesign and Citizen Participation



P3-B (Riocentro)

Occupy nature



T-11 (Riocentro)

Oceans at Rio+20: Toward Implementation of the Rio Ocean Commitments



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Speak Truth to Power: Listening to the demands of future generations



T-4 (Riocentro)

Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security



T-9 (Riocentro)

The world is facing very daunting challenges. Over 1 billion people are malnourished, often resultingin chronic diseases and premature deaths. Agriculture burdens the environment through pesticides,fertilizers, irrigation, ploughing and conversion of natural habitats. This situation will be compoundedby the further growth of the world population. By 2050 the world will have to produce 6070% morefood, feed, fibre and biomass on a smaller agricultural area and under the stress of climate change. Farmers will have to produce more with less impact on the environment. In other words, to increase yieldper hectare, to make better use of water, to be less dependent on pesticides and fertilisers, to enhance nutritional value, etc. As was already recognised in the Earth Summit in 1992, this immense challenge cannot be solved by conventional approaches alone, but requires the involvement of new technologies such as modern biotechnology. This event explores the road towards sustainable prosperity by various means. Voices from Europe will debate and present research results on green economy and policy advices for Rio+20. These voices represent businesses, NGOs and intellectuals from Europe. To reach a broad audience, the advices from Europe will be communicated using different media, including scientific presentations, video, art and music that will be integral to the event supporting and strengthen key policy advices. The real and perceived social and environmental impacts of extractive industries are today presenting a monumental global challenge, to balance sustainable growth, with the inevitable depletion and massive use of natural resources, all of this while attempting to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for affected communities and other stakeholders. Governments receiving much of the global investment occurring today for mining prospecting and extraction, have in many cases shown that they are unprepared from a policy and management perspective to tackle the challenges of providing socially and environmentally effective investment frameworks, proper policy guidance, monitoring systems, or reporting mechanisms to ensure a more sustainable approach to mining. Mining companies meanwhile, have made a strong push to offer Corporate Social Responsibility-type responses to concerned stakeholders in local communities. The rights to water and food are basic human rights and key issues to be taken into account when aspiring to achieve tangible results for green economies in the context of poverty eradication and in setting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Voices from Europe: Build a Living Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Trends and Conflicts in the Extractives Sector: Designing Public Policy for a More Sustainable Future



T-5 (Riocentro)

Water and food security: How to reduce vulnerabilities and empower



T-8 (Riocentro)

The panel discussion stimulates the debate by offering a variety of perspectives that illustrate the importance of mainstreaming inclusive multi-stakeholder cooperation into all actions both at national and international level. The panel focuses on examples, which illustrate how to increase policy coherence and cross-sectoral cooperation as well as the influence of marginalized groups in dealing with the linkages between food security and the management of fresh water and marine resources. An international response to the threat of climate change and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) were key outcomes of the first Rio conference in 1992. Since then, climate change has intensified, and international action has yet to rise to the challenge of an adequate response. Science also indicates that further, accelerated warming over the next 20-30 years is inevitable due to the inertia of the climate system. Rio+20 marks the starting point of a process to develop new global targets for international development to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, disproportionate vulnerability to effects brought about through climate change has created a major impediment for several of the world?s poorest groups in attaining the MDGs by 2015. Just two examples of impact areas, biodiversity and desertification, also core pillars of the original Rio agenda, highlight the dangers of climate change for sustainable development, since lower-income groups are in general more dependent on ecosystems and more prevalent in the world?s arid regions. By the time any new global goals on sustainable development would be nearing their own deadlines, greater degrees of climate change would have a correspondingly more comprehensive detrimental effect on poverty reduction and environmental protection efforts. Reducing vulnerability to climate change therefore constitutes a factor of growing significance in achieving global progress on sustainable development and should be seen as a central to the Rio+20 agenda. A panel of high-level representatives and partners active in the Climate Vulnerable Forum will debate the place of climate vulnerability in the Rio Agenda. Forum partner DARA will also report on progress towards the 2012 Climate Vulnerability Monitor and share some preliminary results.

A Place for Climate Vulnerability in the Rio Agenda



T-9 (Riocentro)

Urban an subnational territories:key elements of a sustainable future



T-3 (Riocentro)

At a moment where half of humanity lives and works in cities around the world and where previsions expect this proportion to increase to 70% by 2050, the role of urban governance and sub-national levels of governments in the global agenda is becoming increasingly important. Given the need to go beyond clusters and sectoral approaches, local and subnational authorities are calling for a more human centered debate and for an integrated framework to assessing sustainable development. Local and regional authorities as the closest level of government to the people can play a pivotal role in bringing all actors together and linking up all levels of governance: local, subnational, national and international to build new models of governance and a more equitable and sustainable development for all. International and national strategies for sustainable development should take into account local realities and trends with the active assistance of local governments. The presentation will provide a vision of what a green and fair economy may look like, in different contexts, around the world. In particular, the presentation will include the launch of the Global Transition to a New Economy map (please see Gus Speth will provide a keynote speech on what an economy that delivers on social justice and operates within environmental limits looks like in the United States. Urbanization has been identified by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of the top environmental issues of the 21st Century. Given the environmental changes associated with Climate Change and the vulnerability of urban areas, urban resilience is a key component of overall sustainability. Ecocity principles, tied to citizen participation and multidisciplinary sustainable development frameworks and networks, can produce quantifiable benefits to cities and citizens, often reducing or eliminating the need for more expensive urban infrastructure interventions while simultaneously boosting community health and economic resilience. We will demonstrate how the use of next generation web technologies, cloud computing, global information systems and large scale knowledge-bases can increase and amplify efficiency and resilience, as well as boost citizen participation, to conceive a new, more public infrastructure ?a robust network of urban interventions with tangible benefits to the health and well-being of every citizen. Justice first! All environmental interventions must promote justice! Rights, Recourse, Representation! Nature belongs to everyone. Oceans, coasts, and small island developing States (SIDS) have taken a prominent role in the Rio+20 discussions and will likely factor centrally into the Rio+20 outcome. States, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society have voiced strong support for addressing ocean issues and supporting the role of oceans and coasts in achieving sustainable development goals. Many in the global community have also stressed the need to continue to work towards previously unfulfilled global commitments on oceans, coasts, and SIDS. This event will address perspectives of States, UN-agencies and civil society on the Rio+20 outcome, host discussions on how to reach a strong oceans outcome (including a viable implementation framework for Rio+20 commitments), and will also serve as a follow-up to the high-level oceans event, "Advancing Oceans and Coasts at Rio+20 and Beyond" (scheduled for June 16), and the thematic oceans half-day organized by the Brazilian government and the Rio+20 Executive Coordinators. What share or one?s country energy mix can be supplied by renewable energy? Where are the resources located? What is the most cost-effective combination of technologies? What volume of investments does it represent, and is there a market large enough for creating a supply chain? Assessing renewable energy resources is a first step for answering those questions, and eventually creating a market environment for deploying renewable energy investments. This first step requires large upfront investments in measurement campaigns, and a high level of technical knowledge. For countries willing to exploit their national resources, the IRENA Global Atlas programme provides the initial elements to investigate renewable energy potentials, before initiating detailed national investigations and building human capacities.

The Global Transition to a New Economy- mapping a green and fair world



P3-F (Riocentro)

Building Ecocities - Geodesign and Citizen Participation



P3-B (Riocentro)

Occupy nature



T-11 (Riocentro)

Oceans at Rio+20: Toward Implementation of the Rio Ocean Commitments



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy



T-10 (Riocentro)

Education, employment and social inclusion of new generations are recognized as essential components for sustainable cities. The focus on the development of each single person, his/her family and community is key to foster the active protagonism of city dwellers, their associations and institutions, which, along with the private sector, are essential for city planning and development. The human being: the core of a sustainable city 19/06/2012 19:30:00 P3-E (Riocentro) These are the main lessons we propose to share at the side-event, derived from the innovative multiyear and multi-stakeholder partnership in an integrated urban development intervention in Brazil involving local and national Governments ( Bahia State , Ministry of Cities), international donors ( Government of Italy, World Bank) , local CSOs and Institutions, international NGOs (AVSI Foundation) and Cities Alliance. The quality of the results and of the partnership has now spurred Brazil, Italy, and Cities Alliance to associate with Mozambique in an urban upgrading project in Maputo, inspired and guided by the Bahia approach. Throughout history, young people have been the drivers of change, often standing up for what?s right in direct opposition to the established norm. From organised struggles for democracy and civil liberties, to peaceful protests calling for new economic ideals, youth voices have transformed the socio-political landscape of the 21st century. Now, with the future of life on Earth at stake, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development calls out for young people across the world to lead the charge and we have brought some of the most prominent voices together to speak truth to power and make their voice heard to those that can influence the outcome of Rio+20 and ensure that young people have the future they want and deserve. The world is facing very daunting challenges. Over 1 billion people are malnourished, often resultingin chronic diseases and premature deaths. Agriculture burdens the environment through pesticides,fertilizers, irrigation, ploughing and conversion of natural habitats. This situation will be compoundedby the further growth of the world population. By 2050 the world will have to produce 6070% morefood, feed, fibre and biomass on a smaller agricultural area and under the stress of climate change. Farmers will have to produce more with less impact on the environment. In other words, to increase yieldper hectare, to make better use of water, to be less dependent on pesticides and fertilisers, to enhance nutritional value, etc. As was already recognised in the Earth Summit in 1992, this immense challenge cannot be solved by conventional approaches alone, but requires the involvement of new technologies such as modern biotechnology. This event explores the road towards sustainable prosperity by various means. Voices from Europe will debate and present research results on green economy and policy advices for Rio+20. These voices represent businesses, NGOs and intellectuals from Europe. To reach a broad audience, the advices from Europe will be communicated using different media, including scientific presentations, video, art and music that will be integral to the event supporting and strengthen key policy advices. The real and perceived social and environmental impacts of extractive industries are today presenting a monumental global challenge, to balance sustainable growth, with the inevitable depletion and massive use of natural resources, all of this while attempting to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for affected communities and other stakeholders. Governments receiving much of the global investment occurring today for mining prospecting and extraction, have in many cases shown that they are unprepared from a policy and management perspective to tackle the challenges of providing socially and environmentally effective investment frameworks, proper policy guidance, monitoring systems, or reporting mechanisms to ensure a more sustainable approach to mining. Mining companies meanwhile, have made a strong push to offer Corporate Social Responsibility-type responses to concerned stakeholders in local communities. The rights to water and food are basic human rights and key issues to be taken into account when aspiring to achieve tangible results for green economies in the context of poverty eradication and in setting the Sustainable Development Goals. Water and food security: How to reduce vulnerabilities and empower 19/06/2012 19:30:00 T-8 (Riocentro) The panel discussion stimulates the debate by offering a variety of perspectives that illustrate the importance of mainstreaming inclusive multi-stakeholder cooperation into all actions both at national and international level. The panel focuses on examples, which illustrate how to increase policy coherence and cross-sectoral cooperation as well as the influence of marginalized groups in dealing with the linkages between food security and the management of fresh water and marine resources.

Speak Truth to Power: Listening to the demands of future generations



T-4 (Riocentro)

Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security



T-9 (Riocentro)

Voices from Europe: Build a Living Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Trends and Conflicts in the Extractives Sector: Designing Public Policy for a More Sustainable Future



T-5 (Riocentro)

A Place for Climate Vulnerability in the Rio Agenda



T-9 (Riocentro)

An international response to the threat of climate change and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) were key outcomes of the first Rio conference in 1992. Since then, climate change has intensified, and international action has yet to rise to the challenge of an adequate response. Science also indicates that further, accelerated warming over the next 20-30 years is inevitable due to the inertia of the climate system. Rio+20 marks the starting point of a process to develop new global targets for international development to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, disproportionate vulnerability to effects brought about through climate change has created a major impediment for several of the world?s poorest groups in attaining the MDGs by 2015. Just two examples of impact areas, biodiversity and desertification, also core pillars of the original Rio agenda, highlight the dangers of climate change for sustainable development, since lower-income groups are in general more dependent on ecosystems and more prevalent in the world?s arid regions. By the time any new global goals on sustainable development would be nearing their own deadlines, greater degrees of climate change would have a correspondingly more comprehensive detrimental effect on poverty reduction and environmental protection efforts. Reducing vulnerability to climate change therefore constitutes a factor of growing significance in achieving global progress on sustainable development and should be seen as a central to the Rio+20 agenda. A panel of high-level representatives and partners active in the Climate Vulnerable Forum will debate the place of climate vulnerability in the Rio Agenda. Forum partner DARA will also report on progress towards the 2012 Climate Vulnerability Monitor and share some preliminary results. At a moment where half of humanity lives and works in cities around the world and where previsions expect this proportion to increase to 70% by 2050, the role of urban governance and sub-national levels of governments in the global agenda is becoming increasingly important. Given the need to go beyond clusters and sectoral approaches, local and subnational authorities are calling for a more human centered debate and for an integrated framework to assessing sustainable development. Local and regional authorities as the closest level of government to the people can play a pivotal role in bringing all actors together and linking up all levels of governance: local, subnational, national and international to build new models of governance and a more equitable and sustainable development for all. International and national strategies for sustainable development should take into account local realities and trends with the active assistance of local governments. The presentation will provide a vision of what a green and fair economy may look like, in different contexts, around the world. In particular, the presentation will include the launch of the Global Transition to a New Economy map (please see Gus Speth will provide a keynote speech on what an economy that delivers on social justice and operates within environmental limits looks like in the United States. Urbanization has been identified by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as one of the top environmental issues of the 21st Century. Given the environmental changes associated with Climate Change and the vulnerability of urban areas, urban resilience is a key component of overall sustainability. Ecocity principles, tied to citizen participation and multidisciplinary sustainable development frameworks and networks, can produce quantifiable benefits to cities and citizens, often reducing or eliminating the need for more expensive urban infrastructure interventions while simultaneously boosting community health and economic resilience. We will demonstrate how the use of next generation web technologies, cloud computing, global information systems and large scale knowledge-bases can increase and amplify efficiency and resilience, as well as boost citizen participation, to conceive a new, more public infrastructure ?a robust network of urban interventions with tangible benefits to the health and well-being of every citizen. Justice first! All environmental interventions must promote justice! Rights, Recourse, Representation! Nature belongs to everyone.

Urban an subnational territories:key elements of a sustainable future



T-3 (Riocentro)

The Global Transition to a New Economy- mapping a green and fair world



P3-F (Riocentro)

Building Ecocities - Geodesign and Citizen Participation



P3-B (Riocentro)

Occupy nature



T-11 (Riocentro)

Oceans at Rio+20: Toward Implementation of the Rio Ocean Commitments

Oceans, coasts, and small island developing States (SIDS) have taken a prominent role in the Rio+20 discussions and will likely factor centrally into the Rio+20 outcome. States, intergovernmental organizations, and civil society have voiced strong support for addressing ocean issues and supporting the role of oceans and coasts in achieving sustainable development goals. Many in the global community have also stressed the need to continue to work towards previously unfulfilled global commitments on oceans, coasts, and SIDS. 19/06/2012 19:30:00 P3-A (Riocentro) This event will address perspectives of States, UN-agencies and civil society on the Rio+20 outcome, host discussions on how to reach a strong oceans outcome (including a viable implementation framework for Rio+20 commitments), and will also serve as a follow-up to the high-level oceans event, "Advancing Oceans and Coasts at Rio+20 and Beyond" (scheduled for June 16), and the thematic oceans half-day organized by the Brazilian government and the Rio+20 Executive Coordinators. What share or one?s country energy mix can be supplied by renewable energy? Where are the resources located? What is the most cost-effective combination of technologies? What volume of investments does it represent, and is there a market large enough for creating a supply chain? Assessing renewable energy resources is a first step for answering those questions, and eventually creating a market environment for deploying renewable energy investments. This first step requires large upfront investments in measurement campaigns, and a high level of technical knowledge. For countries willing to exploit their national resources, the IRENA Global Atlas programme provides the initial elements to investigate renewable energy potentials, before initiating detailed national investigations and building human capacities. Education, employment and social inclusion of new generations are recognized as essential components for sustainable cities. The focus on the development of each single person, his/her family and community is key to foster the active protagonism of city dwellers, their associations and institutions, which, along with the private sector, are essential for city planning and development.

The Global Atlas for Solar and Wind Energy



T-10 (Riocentro)

The human being: the core of a sustainable city



P3-E (Riocentro)

These are the main lessons we propose to share at the side-event, derived from the innovative multiyear and multi-stakeholder partnership in an integrated urban development intervention in Brazil involving local and national Governments ( Bahia State , Ministry of Cities), international donors ( Government of Italy, World Bank) , local CSOs and Institutions, international NGOs (AVSI Foundation) and Cities Alliance. The quality of the results and of the partnership has now spurred Brazil, Italy, and Cities Alliance to associate with Mozambique in an urban upgrading project in Maputo, inspired and guided by the Bahia approach. Throughout history, young people have been the drivers of change, often standing up for what?s right in direct opposition to the established norm. From organised struggles for democracy and civil liberties, to peaceful protests calling for new economic ideals, youth voices have transformed the socio-political landscape of the 21st century. Now, with the future of life on Earth at stake, the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development calls out for young people across the world to lead the charge and we have brought some of the most prominent voices together to speak truth to power and make their voice heard to those that can influence the outcome of Rio+20 and ensure that young people have the future they want and deserve. The world is facing very daunting challenges. Over 1 billion people are malnourished, often resultingin chronic diseases and premature deaths. Agriculture burdens the environment through pesticides,fertilizers, irrigation, ploughing and conversion of natural habitats. This situation will be compoundedby the further growth of the world population. By 2050 the world will have to produce 6070% morefood, feed, fibre and biomass on a smaller agricultural area and under the stress of climate change. Farmers will have to produce more with less impact on the environment. In other words, to increase yieldper hectare, to make better use of water, to be less dependent on pesticides and fertilisers, to enhance nutritional value, etc. As was already recognised in the Earth Summit in 1992, this immense challenge cannot be solved by conventional approaches alone, but requires the involvement of new technologies such as modern biotechnology. This event explores the road towards sustainable prosperity by various means. Voices from Europe will debate and present research results on green economy and policy advices for Rio+20. These voices represent businesses, NGOs and intellectuals from Europe. To reach a broad audience, the advices from Europe will be communicated using different media, including scientific presentations, video, art and music that will be integral to the event supporting and strengthen key policy advices.

Speak Truth to Power: Listening to the demands of future generations



T-4 (Riocentro)

Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security



T-9 (Riocentro)

Voices from Europe: Build a Living Economy



T-6 (Riocentro)

Trends and Conflicts in the Extractives Sector: Designing Public Policy for a More Sustainable Future



T-5 (Riocentro)

The real and perceived social and environmental impacts of extractive industries are today presenting a monumental global challenge, to balance sustainable growth, with the inevitable depletion and massive use of natural resources, all of this while attempting to guarantee a safe and healthy environment for affected communities and other stakeholders. Governments receiving much of the global investment occurring today for mining prospecting and extraction, have in many cases shown that they are unprepared from a policy and management perspective to tackle the challenges of providing socially and environmentally effective investment frameworks, proper policy guidance, monitoring systems, or reporting mechanisms to ensure a more sustainable approach to mining. Mining companies meanwhile, have made a strong push to offer Corporate Social Responsibility-type responses to concerned stakeholders in local communities. The rights to water and food are basic human rights and key issues to be taken into account when aspiring to achieve tangible results for green economies in the context of poverty eradication and in setting the Sustainable Development Goals.

Water and food security: How to reduce vulnerabilities and empower



T-8 (Riocentro)

The panel discussion stimulates the debate by offering a variety of perspectives that illustrate the importance of mainstreaming inclusive multi-stakeholder cooperation into all actions both at national and international level. The panel focuses on examples, which illustrate how to increase policy coherence and cross-sectoral cooperation as well as the influence of marginalized groups in dealing with the linkages between food security and the management of fresh water and marine resources. Shows com Mombaa e Martnlia. Entrada Franca Conversa indita social e tecnolgica focada em questes globais relacionadas sustentabilidade e ao futuro do nosso planeta, o evento Rio+Social reunir os mais inovadores agentes jovens e as vozes pblicas mais influentes para discutir como a tecnologia pode ser usada para criar uma mudana inspirada a partir da cidadania e das mdias digitais. O Rio+Social vai garantir, atravs de uma extensa transmisso digital, que os jornalistas, jovens ativistas e redes sociais em todo canto tenham uma voz e um chamada ao para o desenvolvimento sustentvel. Organizado pela ONU Mulheres e pelo Governo do Brasil, o Frum vai reunir mulheres chefes de Estado e de Governo e outras mulheres lderes e defensores da igualdade de gnero. O Frum ter sua concluso em uma Cpula em 21 de junho, quando as lderes so esperadas para fazer uma chamada ao para elevar a contribuio vital das mulheres para a realizao do desenvolvimento sustentvel, bem como para serem beneficiadas por ele. O Green Rio organizado pelo Planeta Orgnico, com larga experincia em promover e organizar eventos relacionados aos setores orgnico e sustentvel no Brasil e no exterior. Bovespa &, BBM patrocinam o Green Rio que conta com o apoio da GIZ e do Sebrae RJ. Por meio de palestras e interao com o pblico, apresentar e promover amplo debate acerca da importncia do trabalho da Certificao Ambiental de Rotulagem Ecolgica realizado pelo GEN e pela ABNT e tambm o Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Gases de Efeito Estufa realizado com as Pequenas e Mdias Empresas. Este evento tem o propsito de propor inovaes disruptivas para o setor financeiro, com foco na incorporao das dimenses ambientais e de crescimento social inclusivo nas operaes de crdito dessas instituies para os mercados das economias emergentes. Neste sentido, com este propsito, mecanismos e instrumentos prticos sero discutidos, com ateno especial para a integrao de riscos em setores especficos. Este evento tem o propsito de propor inovaes disruptivas para o setor financeiro, com foco na incorporao das dimenses ambientais e de crescimento social inclusivo nas operaes de crdito dessas instituies para os mercados das economias emergentes. Neste sentido, com este propsito, mecanismos e instrumentos prticos sero discutidos, com ateno especial para a integrao de riscos em setores especficos. Present the sustainability strategy for 2014 FWC illustrated with past examples and current activities on the ground LDERES DO SETOR DE SANEAMENTO NO BRASIL, TANTO OPERADORES QUANTO RGOS GESTORES E AGENCIAS DE FOMENTO. LEADERS OF SANITATION SECTOR IN BRAZIL, OPERATORS, BODIES MANAGERS AND AGENCIES.

Show Mombaa e Martinlia - Ocupao ABC Urbana



Teatro Rival BR -



Windsor Barra Hotel

Frum de Lderes Mulheres Igualdade de Gnero, Empoderamento da Mulher e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel


Windsor Barra Hotel

Green Rio Importncia do trabalho da Certificao Ambiental de Rotulagem Ecolgica realizado pelo GEN e pela ABNT e tambm o Desenvolvimento do Projeto de Gases de Efeito Estufa realizado com as Pequenas e Mdias Empresas Finanas inovadoras: Integrando elementos de sustentabilidade ambiental e social de risco nas operaes de crdito nos mercados emergentes


Centro de Convenes Bolsa do Rio



Arena da Barra



Arena da Barra

Innovative finance: Integrating sustainable and social inclusive elements of risk into credit for Emerging Economies



Arena da Barra


19/06/2012 19/06/2012 19/06/2012

10:00:00 15:15:00 15:15:00

Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra





Vem crescendo internacionalmente o debate sobre a adoo de critrios de responsabilidade social e sustentabilidade ambiental na realizao de investimentos pblicos e privados, tendo em vista o impacto que esses investimentos promovem na configurao da realidade econmica e social de locais, pases e regies. No caso do Brasil, em que esto sendo realizados grandes investimentos em infraestrutura e na realizao de eventos esportivos, coloca-se a questo de integrar esses investimentos ao esforo de uso sustentvel dos recursos naturais e combate estrutural pobreza e s desigualdades sociais e regionais. O Investimento Responsvel (Impact Investing) prtica do investimento com retorno financeiro acrescido de benefcios sociais e ambientais pode oferecer aos gestores pblicos e aos investidores um poderoso mecanismo para a promoo do bem comum. Esse tipo de poltica j direcionou bilhes de dlares para projetos ambientais e sociais em diferentes pases no mundo. O BNDES tem o prazer de sediar esse importante evento, em conjunto com a UNISOL Brasil e com apoio da Fundao Rockefeller. O evento tambm marca o lanamento do Impact Investing Policy Collaborative, uma rede internacional de lideranas intelectuais nesse tema. A palestra tem o objetivo de quebrar o paradigma que relaciona ganhos ambientais e econmicos nas MPE com altos custos ou investimentos nas empresas. Uma das caractersticas mais marcantes da sociedade moderna a urbanizao e, como consequncia, o incremento de resduos slidos. No Brasil, a destinao inadequada dos resduos provoca um prejuzo de 8 bilhes de reais por ano ao enviar para os aterros sanitrios materiais como celulose, plstico, vidro e alumnio a gerao. Em resposta a este cenrio, foi regulamentada a Lei n 12.305 que institui a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos e, logo, todas as empresas devero atender s exigncias, sob pena de arcar com as consequncias legais. Consultoria coletiva que pretende responder os questionamentos dos empresrios em relao ao consumo de energia da sua empresa. Sero abordados aspectos importantes em sistemas de iluminao, refrigerao, condicionamento de ar, motores, entre outros, que podero ser aplicados nas empresas com o objetivo de reduzir o valor da conta de energia eltrica. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas. Evento Fechado Evento Fechado A unique initiative, ScenaRio 2012 will enable 30,000 young people and 100 personalities to share perspectives on the multiple issues linking the environment, development and governance. The ScenaRio 2012 team is currently consulting the world youth through a quantitative study covering 30 countries (including developing and least developed countries). In each country, 1,000 young citizens aged 16-29 will be consulted, representing the main socioeconomic characteristics of the national youth.

5 Menos que so Mais. 20/06/2012 9:00:00 Aterro do Flamengo

Resduos Slidos como Vantagem Competitiva



Aterro do Flamengo

Eficincia Energtica



Aterro do Flamengo

Seminrio de Lideranas Empresariais Reunio Ministros de Agricultura

20/06/2012 20/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00

Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana

ScenaRio 2012: 30,000 young voices for a sustainable future



T-8 (Riocentro)

In parallel, the ScenaRio 2012 team is also interviewing a panel of 100 personalities with a strong personal commitment towards sustainability issues. Specially created for the project, this panel includes opinion-makers from ten complementary spheres of influence (academia, business, culture, media, nonprofit, politics, spirituality, sports, UN and youth) and respects gender parity and geographic balance. ScenaRio 2012 has the official support of six UN Agencies and is a member of the UNCSD Major Group for Children and Youth.

UNCSD follow up: the role of parliaments



T-10 (Riocentro)

A look at the legisaltive, oversight and representational role of parliaments as key actors to be engaged in the global re-think and accelerated action that are required to achieve sustainable development.

The emergence of greener economies has been the consequence of several drivers including, increasing regulatory and policy changes put in place to deal with negative externalities, difficulties faced in responding to ever increasing demands over natural and energy inputs, changes in consumption patterns, corporate responses to environmental and social considerations, as well as competitiveness, efficiency and image variables. In discussions leading the Rio+20 Conference, considerable political and negotiating efforts focused on the concerns that the green economy raises in trade contexts, for example: the emergence of green protectionist temptations and recent trade-related conflicts. Opportunities are seen in the trade of environmental goods and services, higher investment levels and in the emergence of greener sectors in both developed and developing countries, such as organic agriculture, biodiversity based production, ecotourism and clean energy generation. At the Rio+20 Summit, a shift in emphasis will start occurring from negotiations to the implementation of agreed outcomes. It is time to start exploring concrete proposals on innovative cooperation frameworks and capacity building initiatives by leading UN agencies and other assistance providers that will implement those outcomes. The ocean, our common heritage, covers over 70% of the globe?s surface. The ocean shapes Earth?s climate and influences the distribution of ecosystems, biodiversity, and thus food availability across the globe. This single, contiguous body of water is an absolutely essential component of human lives. Yet, despite the scientific research promoted via international cooperation over the past 50 years, the ocean remains relatively unexplored. Moving towards sustainable development of the ocean requires strengthening global scientific efforts to fully comprehend and protect coastal and marine environmental health, as well as to conserve biological diversity, and mitigate the impact of ocean threats. Sound ocean management requires developing the appropriate tools and mechanism to protect ocean resources, biodiversity and to sustain livelihoods that are compatible with healthy ecosystems. Finally, the transition towards such a blue-green approach will require a shift in human behavior which can only be instrumented through ocean education and awareness-raising leading to the emergence of a true ?ocean citizenship?. Ces dernires annes, le Maroc ainsi que d?autres pays africains sont rentr dans le verdissement de leur conomie. Plusieurs chantiers ont t d?ores et dj lancs et visant instaurer un dveloppement durable. Le Side Event sera une occasion pour partager l?exprience de certains pays africains y compris le Maroc avec les dlgations des autres pays et les organismes internationaux. A cet gard, le Side Event connatra la prsentation des initiatives du dveloppement durable et la projection des films et des reportages en relation avec l?conomie verte et le Dveloppement durable. The world is facing severe economic, social and environmental problems that are posing serious threats to sustainable development. Climate change alone can lead to a surge in social challenges such as reduced food production, reduced livelihoods and mass migration. While there has been increased recognition of the need for natural sciences to contribute to a knowledge base for informed policy decisions regarding prevention and mitigation of environmental and climate change, the role the social sciences can and should play in providing knowledge to society on the consequences of these inevitable changes have largely been down-played or even ignored. At the same time, the need for social science to contribute to sustainable development is recognized in chapter 35 of Agenda 21 and in the negotiations for the outcome document for ?Rio + 20?. There is a clear need for a better and more informed dialogue between social scientists and the decision-makers. Cities are home to half of the world?s population and in the coming years, this number is expected to grow by 70%. As engines of economic growth, innovation and job creation, cities play a pivotal role for sustainable development to be realized. Cities have also become one of the main contributors to many environmental problems. Emerging sustainable development challenges such as disaster risks are brought by rapid urbanization, unsustainable development practices and climate change. More than half of the world?s largest cities, with populations ranging from 2 to 15 million, are currently located in areas of high risk of seismic activity. Furthermore, almost a billion people live in slums or marginal and informal settlements without access to basic services and they are often in high-risk areas. If not addressed properly and in time, disasters will continue to pose significant threats to people?s lives and assets and development actions. It is critical for all stakeholders concerned to bring about a sea change in how we address urban disaster risks.

The trade dimension in the follow-up to the Rio plus 20 Summit



T-6 (Riocentro)

Know our Ocean, Protect our Marine Treasures, Empower Ocean Citizens



T-9 (Riocentro)

L'Economie Verte en Afrique : Experiences et Initiatives des Etats



P3-E (Riocentro)

Social science support to policies promoting the social dimension of sustainable development in a changing climate



P3-B (Riocentro)

Resilient Cities - Fostering Local Action for Sustainable Development



T-1 (Riocentro)

Accelerating clean and sustainable energy access for all in Africa



P3-F (Riocentro)

Energy is essential for socio-economic, human and technological development. Access to energy remains a fundamental and key ingredient to achieve sustainable development. Access to clean modern energy services is equally an enormous challenge facing the African continent. Africa accounts for about 3% of world energy consumption, the lowest per capita modern energy consumption in the world. However, solving the challenges facing the provision of universal energy access in Africa will require improve energy efficiency practices, harness untapped renewable energy potential and accelerate the introduction of Independent Power Producers. The South African Government is committed to reducing carbon emissions and provide clean energy sources. This side event will introduce two approaches that universities in both developed and emerging economies are using to promote the interdisciplinary training of their students on critical environmental issues. Speakers will represent the Princeton Energy and Climate Scholars (PECS), and the Pontifcia Universidade Catlica (PUC) do Rio de Janeiro?s Interdisciplinary Center for the Environment (NIMA).

Strengthening Students of Sustainability: Interdisciplinary Approaches



T-5 (Riocentro)

PECS is a group of Princeton University graduate students from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds focusing on energy and/or climate related research who meet frequently to discuss their research and important environmental issues. PUC NIMA?s Sustainable University project takes a holistic approach to transforming the university into a model for sustainable development, from the classroom to the entire campus. Representatives from both groups will introduce the concept behind their organization, how they differ from traditional student environmental organizations, and how these interdisciplinary models can be applied to other institutions. If we are to create a resilient economy that provides a better life for all within the ecological limits of the planet, a new frame of reference for decision-making is required, involving new ways to measure progress. The event will focus on the three major proposals in the negotiating text: The momentum for a set of goals at the global level that focus on sustainable development Proposals for a set of national performance metrics that go beyond GDP The call for more integrated and robust corporate reporting that helps to redefine business value Our proposition is that in order for these metrics to be transformational, then these need to be aligned against the same broad objectives such that they work together to drive change. The purpose of the event will be to discuss how the processes to develop these metrics can be linked such that these systems are mutually reinforcing. The outcome will be to build upon a working group of key organizations and governments to take this forward. In recent years, Brazil has "relearned to think the future", but our pattern of development is still in development itself. In comparison to the 1980s, there have certainly been important changes. The first one is the role of income distribution as an essential element ? "distribute to grow". Social inclusion is a core issue for our development. The second point is environmental sustainability and the struggle to overcome the false antagonism between ?development? and ?environment?. These changes place Brazil as an internationally recognized reference for sustainable development strategy. However, some challenges still remain: - Reduced interested of entrepreneurs on investment and technical progress; - Structural, economic and social disparities, which lead to maldistribution of income and to poverty; - A pattern of international insertion with excessive specialization in natural resources and insufficient export diversity; - A Social Welfare State still under construction.

Measure What Matters



T-4 (Riocentro)

Public Investment: chalanges and opportunities of sustainable development



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Abertura do Painel ABC Plano ABC no contexto da Implementao da Poltica Nacional sobre Mudana do Clima. Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentvel e Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais First Plenary Meeting (Formal Opening) As estratgias de uma Agricultura Climaticamente Inteligente para a Agricultura Familiar e sua Correlao com o Plano ABC. O Plano Setorial da Agricultura, Plano ABC para uma agricultura sustentvel, climaticamente inteligente e suas tecnologias de baixa emisso de carbono.

20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012

9:00:00 9:30:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:20:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos MAM Riocentro | Plenary Hall Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Evento aberto ao pblico em geral OFFICIAL EVENTS



Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

Tourism for a Sustainable Future



T-4 (Riocentro)

In the face of global challenges, tourism has become a key instrument for eradicating poverty, responding to climate change, environmental sustainability and contributing to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Furthermore, the tourism sector has been identified within the Green Economy Initiative of the United Nations (UN) as one of the ten sectors which can lead in the transformation to the new social, economic and environmental model, while still addressing development challenges in all economies and nations toward a more sustainable path, with improved benefits and opportunities for humanity?s future while preserving its natural environment. Tourism for sustainable development can be the future, but clearly requires effective, coherent and coordinated government policies and actions, including in other sectors. The Pacific Small Island Developing States in partnership with Earthjustice will host a side event on ?Building Marine Ecosystem Resilience to Ocean Acidification? during the Rio+20 final PrepComm. A significant body of science and experience shows that reducing pollution, overfishing, and other stressors builds resilience to ocean acidification in sensitive species and ecosystems, including coral reefs, critical for marine biodiversity, global food security and sustainable livelihoods and development in the Pacific and around the world. Building resilience is fundamental to the three pillars of sustainable development on which the Pacific depends. Legal, policy, and financial solutions will be examined with special attention given to successful efforts to build marine ecosystem resilience in the Small Island Developing States. This side event will feature a interactive competition on urban environmental issues. The host of these ?The Urban Games? will provide a series of challenging questions to the 6-8 participating mayors and governors. Throughout the ?contest,? the competitors will share their experience and indepth knowledge on how they are promoting environmentally-sustainable urban development in their cities. The discussion will showcase how local decision makers in the developing world can harness existing knowledge, financial resources and technologies to develop ?green cities.? The main target audience is various stakeholders (e.g. policymakers at the national and local levels, staff of donor agencies, NGOs) that support the formulation and implementation of sustainable urban policies, programs and projects. Partnerships for Education: Building the foundations of a green, prosperous and equitable global economy. With support from UNESCO, the World Bank and BG Group, the International Business Leaders Forum will present new research on Partnerships for Education. The session will feature a panel of expert speakers representing the different sectors engaged in education partnerships, together with a keynote address. Education has a central role to play in realising the vision of a sustainable future that will be shared at the Rio+20 Summit. The objectives of the event are to raise awareness of the opportunities and key success factors for effective education partnerships, and to build a platform and network to expand the delivery of effective cross-sectoral education partnerships after Rio+20. Adequate water supply is essential to reduce the risk of disease and to ensure the right to food, health and housing. Water is a key factor in many activities, and access to water and sanitation improves school attendance, productivity and reduces health risks for women. Sustainable management of water resources is an essential component of the fight against poverty, and the right to safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as a human right is essential for the full enjoyment of all human rights. Spain has played a leading role in the international recognition of the human right to water and sanitation. The objective of the side event is to contribute to the Ro+20 process by promoting debate and exchange of ideas among different stakeholders, and partners on the challenge of implementing the human right to water and sanitation and including it in post 2015 development agenda. His Excellency Namburete, Minister of Energy of Mozambique, in his capacity as President of the IRENA Assembly, will host a side event on Africa's Energy Future, with the participation of energy ministers and environment ministers. African heads of state will also be invited depending on availability. This event will contribute to the outcomes of the UNCSD by making the case for measuring progress through a people-centered approach based on protecting and promoting human capabilities, choices, and freedoms. Based on the human development paradigm, with a global vision of equitable growth with social and environmental sustainability, the Rio panel will examine how the Human Development Index (HDI) can be adapted to incorporate environmental sustainability dimensions, and serve as a measure of the future we want - High level round table with participation of the UNDP Administrator Helen Clark, and Heads of State/Government of Indonesia (tbc) and Denmark (tbc). - Q&A session with prominent experts and opinion leaders

Building Marine Ecosystem Resilience to Ocean Acidification



P3-B (Riocentro)

The Urban Games: A Competition to Promote Green Cities



T-8 (Riocentro)

Partnerships for Education in the Green Economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

Water and Sanitation: Rights for Sustainable Development



T-9 (Riocentro)

Renewing Africa's Energy Future



T-2 (Riocentro)

Beyond GDP: Measuring the Future We Want



P3-6 (Riocentro)

The importance of micro and small business for sustainable development Sustentabilidade: um planeta de oportunidades

20/06/2012 20/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00

P3-5 (Riocentro) Aterro do Flamengo

Reduo de Desperdcio - Como Ganhar Mais Gastando Menos



Aterro do Flamengo

Negcios Verdes



Aterro do Flamengo

SEBRAE proposes to demonstrate that micro and small business are a important actor in the context of the promotion of sustainable development. Sustentabilidade um elemento de mercado. Na palestra, voc reconhecer a importncia da sustentabilidade nos seus negcios para que a sua empresa torne-se mais competitiva, por meio de solues inovadoras em sustentabilidade que garantam efetivos ganhos. Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre identificao e reduo de desperdcios nos empreendimentos, aplicao de aes corretivas, diminuio de custos, aumento da produtividade e minimizao dos impactos no ambiente. Prope solues por meio de medidas de racionalizao no uso dos insumos e de matrias-primas, eliminao dos desperdcios, ampliao da eficincia da empresa, trazendo economia financeira e melhorando, desta forma, a sua competitividade no mercado. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas O que so negcios verdes? Palestra introdutria sobre as mudanas climticas e suas consequncias no mundo dos negcios, criando oportunidades para "negcios verdes". Nessa palestra sero mostrados os pontos mais comuns de desperdcio de energia em sistemas de iluminao, alm de apresentar algumas solues tpicas voltadas para a eliminao desses desperdcios. Sero abordados aspectos tcnicos e no tcnicos em uma linguagem atraente de fcil entendimento, como por exemplo, o efeito da cor da luz no comportamento humano. A cidade de Estocolmo foi a cidade anfitri da primeira Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente Humano, em 1972. Desde ento, as cidades tornaram-se cada vez mais importantes como os principais motores para a sustentabilidade. Estocolmo tem grandes ambies para o futuro e quando a Comisso Europia ofereceu cidade o prestigioso prmio de primeira Capital Verde Europia de 2010, ficou claro que estamos no caminho certo. Durante o seminrio a cidade de Estocolmo convida o pblico a participar na jornada de sustentabilidade com a qual a cidade tem se comprometido nos ltimos anos para enfrentar vrios desafios urbanos, tais como energia, transportes e habitao. Vamos ilustrar esse trabalho dando alguns exemplos de desenvolvimento urbano para inspirar outras cidades. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Gunnar Sderholm (Director of Environment at City of Stockholm).

Eficincia Energtica na Iluminao



Aterro do Flamengo

Estocolmo sustentvel, de 1972 ao futuro



Parque dos Atletas

Governana para a Sustentabilidade Modelo de Gesto do Governo de Pernambuco



Parque dos Atletas

O Modelo de Gesto implantado em Pernambuco pela Lei Complementar 141 vem trazendo avanos em todas as reas da administrao pblica. Ouvir a populao a base de todo o planejamento. Atravs de seminrios realizados em todas as regies do Estado so percebidas as necessidades da populao e definidas as prioridades do trabalho, que so integradas ao plano de Governo, cuja sntese o Mapa da Estratgia. Os objetivos so monitorados periodicamente garantindo o bom funcionamento da gesto. A qualidade de vida da populao e o crescimento econmico do Estado so promovidos de forma equilibrada e dinmica, garantindo a sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento e a melhoria da entrega dos servios pblicos. Isso corresponde a uma vida melhor para milhares de pernambucanos. Palestrante: Alexandre Reblo, Secretario de Planejamento e Gesto do Estado de Pernambuco.

Call for Action - R20 Apresentao dos Governos Subnacionais membros do R20 Regies de Ao Climtica: Um Chamado Ao R20 Regions of Climate Action Subnational Government Showcase: A Call to action Eusuring Effective Sustainable Development in the South: Will Rio+20 be Up to the Task?

20/06/2012 20/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00





Parque dos Atletas Evento Pblico Como regies podem levar crescimento verde em colaborao com organizaes internacionais, Parque dos Atletas - Pavilho do Rio de governos nacionais, ONGs, instituies de ensino superior, o setor privado e investidores para Janeiro - AUDITRIO PRINCIPAL implementar projetos verdes em todo o mundo. How regions can lead green growth in collaboration with international organizations, national Parque dos Atletas governments, NGOs, academics, the private sector and financers to implement low carbon projects around the world. The idea for this side event is to be able to highlight developing country perspectives on sustainable development and, in this context, various issues that are being tackled in the Rio20 conference such T-6 (Riocentro) as the institutional framework for sustainable development, sustainable development goals and green economy.

GreenEvo-best practices in endogenous development and transfer of gree



P3-A (Riocentro)

"GreenEvo ? best practices in endogenous development and transfer of green technologies" Sustainable development should include the endogenous development of environmentally sound technologies. Poland will share its experiences in its transformation towards knowledge-based and green economy and reveal how its GreenEvo - Green Technology Accelerator project helped build local industry, reduce the need for foreign imports and abolish barriers to environmental technology development and transfer. The presentation will cover practical aspects of GreenEvo technology verification framework and present success stories, which could inspire other governments and prove that by co-operation with the business and science, every country can benefit from the green economy?s contribution to sustainable development and poverty eradication. Guyana proposes to convene a Side Event to showcase its initiatives towards sustainable development with focus on Guyana?s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and the execution of its Interim REDD+ Partnership with Norway. SEBRAE proposes to demonstrate that micro and small business are a important actor in the context of the promotion of sustainable development.

Achieving sustainability through low carbon development ? The Guyana story Side Events - The Importance of Micro and Small Business for Sustainable Development Construo de capacidade tcnica focada no bioma, na profissionalizao e na viabilidade econmica do mdio produtor rural. Global Town Hall ICLEI

20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:20:00

P3-E (Riocentro) Riocentro Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

20/06/2012 Debates e encerramento. 20/06/2012

11:30:00 11:50:00

Parque dos Atletas Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

Evento Pblico

Estocolmo+40 - Um chamado para a ao



Parque dos Atletas

Na corrida preparatria para a conferncia do Rio+20, a conferncia de Estocolmo+40 - Frum de Parceria para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel teve lugar em Estocolmo nos dia 23-25 de abril, em comemorao ao 40 aniversrio da Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre o Ambiente Humano em 1972, tambm conhecida como a Conferncia de Estocolmo. O objetivo da conferncia foi fornecer uma plataforma para compartilhar bons exemplos e discutir medidas concretas para a transformao sustentvel, e propor recomendaes sobre como os atuantes em diferentes reas podem contribuir e se unir em coligaes futuras para o avano da agenda de desenvolvimento sustentvel. Estocolmo+40 teve como objetivo desenvolver um momento para o desenvolvimento sustentvel visando a conferncia do Rio +20 e mais alm. Cerca de 700 pesquisadores, polticos, jovens, lderes empresariais e da sociedade civil, incluindo 40 ministros de pases desenvolvidos e em desenvolvimento selecionados participaram. O resultado do Frum de Parceria de Estocolmo+40 para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, o Chamado Estocolmo para Ao sintetizou as discusses e recomendaes durante os trs dias, incluindo o dilogo ministerial. O documento foi emitido pelas anfitris Lena Ek, Ministra do Ambiente, e Gunilla Carlsson, Ministra de Cooperao Internacional para o Desenvolvimento. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Gunilla Carlsson (Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation) e Lena Ek (Swedish Minister for the Environment). Evento apoiar o dilogo entre os pases insulares e os pases que possuem ilhas, sobre iniciativas significativas para a conservao marinha e costeira: Iniciativa Desafio do Caribe, a Iniciativa Trigulo de Coral, o Desafio Micronsia e o emergente Desafio do Oceano ndico. O evento promover o intercmbio de lies aprendidas, know-how, tecnologias e novas iniciativas conjuntas entre as ilhas, mostrando a contribuio da conservao marinha e costeira para o desenvolvimento sustentvel, buscando oportunidades de ampliao destas inicaitivas. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Embaixador Ronny Jumeau, Seychelles (TBC) /Government of Italy representative (TBC)" ITALY Dr Rolph Payet, M, Seychelles Mr Tony de Brum, Minister in Assistance to the President, Republic of the Marshall Islands Minister (TBC) CTI Secretariat Rob Weary, The Nature Conservancy Minister, Antigua and Barbuda Monique Barbut, GEF CEO World Bank (CEO, tbc) Ambassador Dessima Williams (tbc).

Uma iniciativa de economia azul para a conservao marinha e costeira nas naes insulares do Caribe, do Pacfico, do Oceano ndico e do Tringulo de Coral: integrando objetivos na adaptao das costas, da pesca, do turismo e da segurana alimentar.



Parque dos Atletas

Desenvolvimento com Direitos Humanos



Parque dos Atletas

A presena de autoridades de direitos humanos de vrios pases da Amrica Latina e Caribe na Conferncia Rio+20 representa uma oportunidade hitsrica para aprofundar as discusses a respeitro da icorporao das perspectivas de direitos humanos s polticas de proteo ambiental e desenvolvimento sustentvel na regio. Com vistas a fomentar o dilogo e o intercmbio de experincias nessa matria, a Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidncia da Repblica (SDH/PR) realizar, durante a Rio+20, um encontro "Desenvolvimento com Direitos Humanos", que contar com a participao de autoridades de direitos humanos da rea, bem como de representantes de organismos internacionais e da sociedade civil organizada. O evento ser composto por quatro painis temticos sobre os temas "Promoo dos direitos humanos", "Proteo dos direitos humanos", "Direitos das crianas e dos adolescentes" e "Direito das pessoas com deficincia". Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Ministra Maria do Rosrio, Ministra de Estado Chefe da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidncia da Repblica; Doutora Salete Valesan Camba, Secretria Nacional de Promoo e Defesa dos Direitos Humanos (SDH/PR); Doutora Carmen da Silveira, Secretria Nacional de Promoo da Criana e dos Adolescentes (SDH/PR), Doutor Antonio Jos Ferreira, Secretrio Nacional de Promoo dos Direitos das Pessoas com Deficincia (SDH/PR). An historic outcome of the 1992 Earth Summit, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established to assist developing nations incorporate global environmental benefits into their traditional development efforts. To reflect on the 20 years of GEF, a book that tells the story of a remarkable portfolio amounting to over $50 billion will be launched and discussed in this high-level event. The book features 20 initiatives that illustrate the strength and breadth of the GEF implemented by MDBs, UN agencies, country governments and NGOs. The event will celebrate the launch of this remarkable account and showcase environmental successes that trace their roots to the 1992 Earth Summit. The event will feature addresses from high-level representatives of initiatives highlighted in the publication and offer practical solutions to sustainable development, inspire attendees negotiating current conference outcomes, and offer new commitments by GEF and its partners for the next round of funding in 2014. The Yasun-ITT Initiative is a pioneering and holistic climate change mitigation and social development proposal. Yasun National Park, located in Ecuadors Amazon rainforest, is among the top 5 biodiversity hotspots of the planet, as well as home to indigenous cultures living in voluntary isolation. The Yasun-ITT Initiative intends to indefinitely abstain from extracting 846 million barrels of oil from the ITT fields hereby avoiding the emission of 406 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and significantly contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts while conserving both the incredible biodiversity the Yasun National Park holds and the ancestral indigenous cultures living there in voluntary isolation. The strategic importance of shipping and maritime activities in a sustainable future: Sustainable Maritime Development - The Contribution of Maritime Transport to Green Growth and Inclusive Development The IMO side event will explain how international shipping contributes significantly to the three pillars of sustainable development, the eradication of poverty and the widespread development of green growth. It will also present IMO?s vision of a framework for Sustainable Maritime Development.

From Rio to Rio: A 20-year Journey to Green the World's Economies



T-6 (Riocentro)

The Yasun-ITT Initiative: shifting paradigms for a sustainable future



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Maritime Development - The Contribution of Maritime Transport to Green Growth and Inclusive Development



T-5 (Riocentro)

Shipping is an essential component of any programme for future sustainable economic growth. A job in shipping is a green job. Trade can facilitate the structural transformation of developing economies toward higher value-added products, leading to eradication of poverty, greener economies and a positive, beneficial impact on incomes and people. The regulatory regime developed by IMO, supported by a comprehensive body of guidelines and recommended practices, provides a blueprint for countries to develop their maritime transport infrastructure in a safe, efficient and environmentally sound manner.

Multilateral Co-operation Towards Sustainable Development



T-2 (Riocentro)

The high-level side event "Multilateral Co-operation Towards Sustainable Development: A Rio+20 Dialogue with the Heads of WTO, UNEP and ILO" wil explore the contribution that Rio+20 can make to enhance coherence among systems of governance in the transition to a green economy. It will highlight the importance of international dialogue both to promote a better understanding of the links between trade, environment and social policies and to assist countries in designing and implementing sound sustainable development policy frameworks tailored to their unique goals and priorities. The side event will offer an opportunity to explore possible avenues for strengthening cooperation among WTO, UNEP, and ILO in support of the expected outcomes from Rio+20. The side event will include interventions by: ? Mr. Pascal LAMY, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO); ? Mr. Juan SOMAVIA, Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO); and ? Mr. Achim STEINER, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Resilience for Communities ? what do we really need by 2015? Inputs for a new post Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) Regime ? How can communities be better tackled in the post HFA process? Format: High level Panel discussion moderated by Manuel Bessler, Head of the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Domain: ?Give Communities a Voice? Key note speakers: Representatives from major ISDR stakeholders present their views on how to embed disaster resilience for communities in the post HFA process and resilience architecture Introduction key note by Andreas Gtz, Vice Director of the Federal Office of Environment: ?Resilience against shocks and stresses ? an overview of recent achievements in DRR relevant processes? Growing prosperity has made it possible for countries in the Baltic Sea Region to invest in solutions to many environmental problems. In fact, no other region in the world has such a strong track-record when it comes to green economy and sustainable development, in both principle and practice.

Resilience for Communities - what do we really need by 2015?



P3-A (Riocentro)

Northern Lights on Sustainable Development



P3-B (Riocentro)

The side event will focus on how regional cooperation can deliver sustainable development and act as bridge between national actions and global commitments. The side event will also highlight some successful projects for cross-sectoral and integrated approaches to sustainable development as well as launch a publication on key messages on green economy. Sustainable development defined by Bruntlands 1987 report Our Common Future remains valid today: Development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Local action, which strengthens resilience, is key to its achievement. It is also clear that no actor alone can achieve sustainable development; meaningful partenrships are required.

Local Action and Partnerships for more resilient people and communitie



T-8 (Riocentro) Objective of the side event is to highlight the importance of the following: ? local actions in strengthening resilience of vulnerable communities as a key contribution for the fulfilment of the internationally agreed sustainable development agenda, ? inclusive partnerships at all levels, across humanitarian and developmental actors, which support greater resilience toward effective sustainable development Today?s collective sustainability challenge requires all actors, whether business, government or civil society, to accept shared responsibility and shift mind-sets towards more collaborative and solutionsoriented thinking. The move towards a ?Green Economy? necessitates a global discourse that addresses the current fragmentation in the world?s economic systems, which should result in new and innovative collaborations across the chain of business and with government to bring solutions to these challenges. This side event will discuss the global efforts by business, government and civil society at all levels, aiming at strategies to better integrate the economic, environmental and social dimensions of sustainable development. During this event, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will present its ?Green Economy Roadmap?, a framework that sets timetables for specific goals, objectives and actions at local, national, and global levels.

Making a green economy happen



T-10 (Riocentro)




P3-F (Riocentro)

Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, the Maldives has faced unique challenges as a Small Island Developing State in fulfilling its commitments under Agenda 21 and subsequent agreements pertaining to sustainable development. The biggest challenge Facing the country is climate change and its impacts, which threatens its sustainable developmental aspirations, its fragile ecosystems and the very existence of the country itself. As a small island state, Maldives would like to share its experiences of the past twenty years with the international community in the hope that a better understanding of the circumstances of small islands states would help enable SIDS concerns to be reflected more meaningfully in the final outcome document negotiated in the conference. Countries, governments or businesses cannot deliver sustainability alone. Managing our transition to a green economy requires all parties to act together, internationally, across the public and private sectors and civil society. Focusing on the role of natural capital, and building on the shared recognition that we use nature because it is valuable, but lose nature because it is free, this event will bring together a range of initiatives at different levels to demonstrate specific approaches to meeting their common goal of improving how we account for the value of nature in decisions. Governments, financiers and businesses will show why we need to go ?beyond GDP? and mainstream financial accounting to understand the real progress of our countries and companies. They will highlight the role of natural capital in delivering economic prosperity and human well-being and commit to working together to create the conditions necessary to sustainably manage natural capital stocks. Leaders from island nations, UN agencies, several major international/regional organizations, private sector and financial institutions have formed a coalition to support the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and participating Island Economies to achieve their goals of becoming energy independent. This process is being launched during the historic Rio+20 Conference at the platform provided by the UN Secretary General?s initiative of Sustainable Energy for All.

Natural Capital Summit



T-4 (Riocentro)

VISION20/30-Vision for Independence of Small Islands frm Fossil Energy



T-9 (Riocentro)

Successful implementation of these plans would not only bring prosperity and economic development to Island Economies but it will also showcase examples of ?smart? economic growth and development. This, we hope, would accelerate the goal of universal energy access for all through renewable energy while also stabilizing greenhouse gas emissions. This event will feature announcements by Island leaders and commitments by the implementing partner organizations. An action plan for pilot Island Economies to achieve their energy transformation goals by 2030 will also be presented.

Renewable energy : mind the storage



Parque dos Atletas

living heritage for sustainable development



UN2 (Barra Arena)

Renewable energy : mind the storage The Islamic Countries through the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) has joined the FAO?s Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Partnership Initiative. The GIAHS Initiative represents a sophisticated framework for the recognition, dynamic conservation and adaptive management of remarkable systems of agriculture with their associated livelihoods, culture diversity, ecosystems and landscapes. The Director Generals of ISESCO and FAO and some member states and some member states will come to explain their programmes and progress made.

World Green Summit Casos de Sucesso de Negcios Sustentveis: EKOA Caf (SP) e Megamatte (RJ)

20/06/2012 20/06/2012

13:30:00 14:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Aterro do Flamengo Conhea a histria de duas empresas que assumiram a sustentabilidade na sua rotina. TI Verde e a Destinao de Resduos Eletrnicos: Ganhos Econmicos e Ambientais. Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre sustentabilidade e organizacional e a TI VERDE, resduos eletrnicos nas micro e pequenas empresas, formas de tratamentos, tipos de reciclagem e coleta de resduos eletrnicos, ganhos econmicos e ambientais e SELO TI VERDE. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas.

TI Verde e a Destinao de Resduos Eletrnicos: Ganhos Econmicos e Ambientais



Aterro do Flamengo

Sustentabilidade e Desenvolvimento



Parque dos Atletas

Apresentao das polticas pblicas sustentveis do governo de Minas Gerais. Foram selecionadas no Menu de polticas aes inovadoras com vistas ao avano rumo a sustentabilidade. Sero apresentados conceitos e resultados gerados. Espera-se ser uma oportunidade de troca de experincias com outras instituies e governos. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Carlos Augusto Lemos Chernicharo, Professor Associado, Depto. de Engenharia Sanitria e Ambiental, Escola de Engenharia, UFMG; Raphael Tobias de Vasconcelos Barros, Professor Adjunto, Depto. de Engenharia Sanitria e Ambiental, Escola de Engenharia, UFMG; Roberto Luis de Melo Monte-Mor, Professor Associado, Depto. de Cincias Econmicas , Faculdade de Cincias Econmicas, UFMG; Virginia Sampaio Teixeira Ciminelli, Professora Titular, Departamento de Engenharia Metalrgica e de Materiais, Escola de Engenharia, UFMG. O Poder de Transformao a Joia de Ser Humano 14h - desenvolvimento de novas linguagens com economia criativa para gerar negcios sustentveis para os artistas e o planeta Curadoria: Mana Bernardes poeta, designer e arte terapeuta toca a marca prpria de jias com materiais cotidianos Ines Braconnot da "Krud" (sensibilizao e arte a partir dos alimentos) Rute Casoy sociloga, arte terapeuta, contadora de estrias e autora do projeto Poranduba Gustavo Santos de Castro scio da Trevo Criativo de consultoria em economia criativa Mariana Brunelli trabalha com meios de negcios sustentveis Entrada Franca

Mana Bernardes - Economia Criativa - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Painel : Agropecuria e Sustentabilidade: exemplos de sucesso Oswaldo Viu Junior (Fazenda da Toca) Reunio do Tratado Internacional de Recursos Fitogenticos para Agricultura e Alimentao TIRFAA "Educao Ambiental no processo de Gesto Ambiental na Eletrobras Furnas" Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Autonomia das Mulheres e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Jorge Roberto de Almeida (SFA/RS) Mauro Lcio Costa ( Sindicato Rural de Paragominas) palestra ONS: Gesto dos Recursos Hdricos no Sistema Interligado Nacional - O Desafio de Conciliar os Aspectos de Meio Ambiente e de Uso Mltiplo da gua e a Segurana do Atendimento Eletroenergtico Second Plenary Meeting (Part one) Eduardo Brito Bastos (Grupo de Trabalho da Pecuria Sustentvel)

20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas "Educao Ambiental no processo de Gesto Ambiental na Eletrobras Furnas" Sem igualdade no h desenvolvimento. A degradao ambiental est diretamente ligada deteriorao das relaes humanas e das desigualdades. Como alcanar melhores condies de trabalho e incentivar o empodaremento da mulher? Convidadas: Eleonora Menicucci, Sueli Carneiro, Alcia Brcena, Mara del Roco Garca Gaytn. Evento pblico

20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012

14:30:00 14:30:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:50:00

MAM Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas Riocentro | Plenary Hall Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

palestra ONS: Gesto dos Recursos Hdricos no Sistema Interligado Nacional - O Desafio de Conciliar os Aspectos de Meio Ambiente e de Uso Mltiplo da gua e a Segurana do Atendimento Eletroenergtico OFFICIAL EVENTS

Carta camponesa




(Lettre Paysanne) de Safy Faye. Senegal/Frana, 1973. Legendas em portugus. 98. Ngor e Coumba vivem em uma pequena vila na Serere, pas no Senegal. Ngor e Coumba querem se casar h algum tempo, mas este ano a colheita pobre. As chuvas so demasiado irregulares para o amendoim, nica opo comercial para fornecer renda o suficiente. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

"1,3 billion people without energy access: please turn on the lights Family photo with Heads of State and/or Government and Heads of Delegation Debate Second Plenary Meeting (Part Two Cerimonial Opening)

20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 20/06/2012

16:00:00 16:00:00 16:20:00 16:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Riocentro | VIP Entrance, Pavilion 5 Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Riocentro | Plenary Hall

"1,3 billion people without energy access: please turn on the lights OFFICIAL EVENTS OFFICIAL EVENTS

Sustainable Development in an Unequal World



T-4 (Riocentro)

Inequality presents an unprecedented challenge to our present model of development. This reality is insightfully summarized in the vision statement of the UN Secretary-General?s High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability: ?Today our planet and our world are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times? Inequality between the world?s rich and poor is growing, and more than a billion people still live in poverty. In many countries, there are rising waves of protest reflecting universal aspirations for a more prosperous, just and sustainable world.? In this event, world leaders past and present will speak to the urgent need of millions of people worldwide for equitable and sustainable development to get out of poverty and to ensure their security and stability. They will also address the challenge for every country to transition to sustainable consumption and production patterns that can ensure socially equitable and economically and environmentally viable human development, objectives which should be pursued together. The event will focus on the topic of sustainability reporting as a tool to advance a Green and Responsible Economy. The Danish Prime Minister and the South African Minister of Environment will testify that this is common and successful practice in their countries. Achim Steiner will picture the broader context. The objective of the event will be to profile i) the role of business and ensure accountability of the corporate sector, ii) the importance of corporate sustainability reporting in sustainable development policies, iii) the role of governments as regulators with special emphasis on Denmark presenting the results of its sustainability reporting policy and the South African approach and iv) the strong multistakeholder collaboration among the different Rio+20 actors (Governments, CSOs and Private Sector). The targeted audience includes Heads of State; the UN SG; Heads of Delegations; business community including GRI Reporters and Organizational Stakeholders and UNGC Signatories and CSOs. The side event is based on Israel's long experience in the water arena and especially in the field of Urban Water Solutions. Urban water will be critical for global development in the 21st century. Half of the world's population already lives in cities. Urban water infrastructure is decaying and will need to be replaced. Existing systems lack the sophistication and integration with data that the latest technology can offer. Israel has long played a major role in creating smart urban water systems for both developed and developing countries. Israel is actively cooperating with developing countries to ensure safe and accessible urban water. For example, we have a bilateral agreement with India's Ministry of Urban Development on water issues and with SABESP in Brazil to name a few. This side event, organized by the UN Global Geospatial Information Management (UNGGIM) secretariat and supported by United Kingdom, Australia, and Brazil, will demonstrate the vital role accurate, maintained and reliable geospatial information can, and indeed is, playing in helping to deliver sustainable development across the globe and in providing financial benefits to users. It will illustrate why Member States should develop and leverage accurate and maintained geospatial information in order to deliver successfully on the outcomes of Rio+20 and to monitor the implementation of such outcomes effectively. We expect a senior politician from the government of the United Kingdom to give the opening speech. The presentations will be based on real-country experiences and illustrative and nontechnical. The main target audience is senior government officials with decision responsibility on monitoring systems for sustainable development. Translating Principle 1 of the Rio Declaration into practice requires specific policies which together create a ?Socio-environmental Protection Floor? for the population. The creation of such a ?Floor? has had profoundly positive effects in several countries. This session will explore those experiences, assess their potential for wider adoption, and discuss their viability as an outcome of the Rio+20 Conference.

Denmark and South Africa show the way: Corporate Social Responsibility



T-2 (Riocentro)

Sharing and Partnering in Urban Water Solutions



P3-B (Riocentro)




T-10 (Riocentro)

Socio-Environmental Protection Floor



P3-6 (Riocentro)

A ?Socio-environmental Protection Floor? ensures basic income and services that are essential for health, food security, water and sanitation, while linking protection of the people to protection of the environment. The combination of methods and components of the ?Floor? promotes conservation of environmental assets and resources in poor communities, benefiting not only the community but also improving the quality of the global environment. The session?s debate starts with the analysis of international experiences, such the Brazilian Green Grant (Bolsa Verde) and other initiatives from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) is in the final stages of implementing the Project ROA-105 ?Strengthening National Capacity for the Integration of Sustainable Development Principles into Development Strategies in Countries Emerging from Conflict?. The main objectives of the project are to: 1) Produce methodologies that explain and illustrate ways to integrate sustainable development principles into national development strategies as part of peacebuilding processes; and 2) Increase the capacity of governments to utilize sustainable development principles in policymaking in countries emerging from conflict through an inclusive approach that includes creating guidelines for conflict-sensitive National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS), performing in depth country analysis and needs assessments, and organizing stakeholder consultations with both government and civil society. The 3-year project, involved 2 main pilot countries-Lebanon and Liberia - in integrating sustainable development as part of the peacebuilding processes The overall objective of the side event is to showcase EAC?s efforts, achievements and challenges in the implementation of sustainable development goals in the region within the context of EAC?s integration process. More specifically, the event shall review the progress in the implementation of the EAC Treaty and its related Protocols relevant to sustainable development namely; the Sustainable Development of Lake Victoria Basin (2003), Protocol on Environment and Natural Resources Management (2006); and Environment and Natural Resources provisions of the EAC Common Market Protocol (2009). The event is expected to mobilize political will and support to EAC on the Implementation of Regional Policy Instruments aimed at contributing to the three pillars of sustainable development in the region and identify the role of EAC?s in monitoring the implementation of the Rio+20 Outcome. In 2011, TUSIAD prepared the ?Vision 2050 TURKEY? Report, which was inspired by WBCSD?s ?Vision 2050? Report. ?Vision 2050 TURKEY? aims to answer the question of how a sustainable Turkey looks like and draws a roadmap as to how to achieve this objective. The Report contains ?Human Development?, ?Urbanisation?, ?Urban Transportation?, ?Energy? and ?Consumption Patterns and Energy and Resource Efficiency in Production? chapters. It was introduced by a large scale conference held in Istanbul on September 27, 2011 with the participation of WBCSD Turkey. In RIO+20, we would like to organize a side event similar to this conference. The event will begin with a short film and opening remarks, which will be followed by the presentation of ?Vision 2050 Turkey? Report. There will also be a panel on ?Sustainable Development and the Business World?. The organizing partners are planned to be UNDP, WBCSD, GFN and the Ministry of Development Turkey. The Commonwealth Secretariat, the Indian Ocean Commission, the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre propose a side event to explore the value of cross-regional learning to foster climate resilience and the Green Economy in SIDS. The side event will look at the value that communities of practice and partnerships across SIDS regions can deliver in terms of mutual learning and appropriate SIDS-tailored responses to building climate resilience and a Green Economy. The event is complimentary to UNDESA?s work on SIDSNet and SIDSdoc. The event will look at the conditions for a green economy under an inclusive perspective, with particular reference to the effects of sustainable energy supply and resource efficiency on economic growth and poverty eradication. It will also focus on the water, energy and food security nexus. The worldwide transformation to an inclusive green economy is a common task of governments, business and civil society. We have to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy the same level of comfort and social welfare that we enjoy today.

Advancing Sustainable Development in Post-Conflict Countries



P3-F (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development in the context of Regional Integration in EAC



P3-E (Riocentro)




T-5 (Riocentro)

Across the Regions: SIDS Solutions for Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

The way forward to a sustainable future



T-9 (Riocentro)

Vulnerability of urban migrants: Challenges and responses



T-6 (Riocentro)

Australian side event hosted by Prime Minister Julia Gillard A comercializao de energia eltrica proveniente de fontes alternativas Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Povos Tradicionais e Comunidades Indgenas: Valorizao do Conhecimento

20/06/2012 20/06/2012

17:00:00 17:00:00

P3-A (Riocentro) Parque dos Atletas

Increasing numbers of migrants, including refugees and internally displaced persons, move into cities in search of the opportunities cities provide. Cities offer more livelihood options and security for those fleeing crises areas. Recent research has described how intense weather events, sea level rise and accelerated environmental degradation exacerbated by climate change act as a major driver of migration, including displacement. Populations under environmental or climate-induced stress, or affected by natural disasters or conflicts, are prone to gravitate to urban areas, where they often face multi-dimensional vulnerabilities which too frequently are chronic and recurrent. Additionally, this increase in urban population risks putting further strains on limited resources, weak infrastructure and fragile ecosystems, particularly for many of the world?s largest cities located in low lying coastal regions. The side event, in the form of a panel-led discussion, will elaborate upon key issues at stake and launch a number of concrete initiatives and voluntary contributions to the implementation of the postRio+20 sustainable development agenda. The Hon Julia Gillard MP, Prime Minister of Australia and The Hon Tony Burke MP, Australian Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Are hosting the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Land and Sea Management Side Event A comercializao de energia eltrica proveniente de fontes alternativas Diferentes saberes, diferentes modos de viver, diferentes modos de lidar com a natureza. A riqueza da diversidade socioambiental contrasta com a desigualdade social vivenciada pelos povos tradicionais e comunidades indgenas. Como construir a igualdade respeitando e valorizando a diversidade? Luiza Bairros, Maria de Jesus Ferreira Bringelo - Dona Dij (participao online), Vandana Shiva, Aniceto Cantanhede Filho, Mrcio Santilli. Evento pblico Lanamento da Revista Destinos: Olhares alm da Fachada tema 2011 Praia do Aventureiro Ilha Grande/RJ, tema 2012 Baixada Fluminense. O GEMTE (Grupo de Estudos em Marketing, Tecnologia e Ecologia) da UFRRJ, desenvolve um projeto de extenso universitria que tem como produto final uma revista chamada "Destinos: Olhares alm da Fachada". Trata-se de uma publicao informativa trilngue com distribuio gratuita pelo site da UFRRJ e de forma impressa. Com autores nacionais e internacionais, mostrando uma realidade boa que pouco se v sobre alguns lugares e sobre algumas pessoas. A revista o resultado de 1 ano de contato com um grupo social escolhido dentro de um tema, e tem a misso de ser a voz escrita de grupos que tm pouco espao na mdia, mostrando quem so, o que os seus lugares tm de interessante e diferente e o que esto fazendo localmente. um trabalho multidisciplinar, pois temos alunos de administrao, turismo, letras, cincia da computao, gesto ambiental, jornalismo e educao fsica. A primeira revista entrou online e foi distribuda no ano de 2011, o tema era Praia do Aventureiro, na Ilha Grande - RJ, onde vive uma comunidade tradicional caiara em uma unidade de conservao, local de turismo feito pela prpria comunidade, preferido por surfistas e ecoturistas. A segunda, que ser lanada durante a Rio+20, no dia 20 de junho de 2012, na UFRRJ, campus de Nova Iguau, apresenta a Baixada Fluminense e est belssima. A Baixada Fluminense mostrada com todos os seus aspectos positivos, sua beleza e vocao turstica e esportiva. Assim como as pessoas incrveis que esto fazendo aes diferentes e interessantes na regio. Envio o link para a primeira revista. O tema foi a praia do Aventureiro (2011), que parte do resultado de outro projeto financiado pelo Ministrio do Turismo, que terminou ano passado: A revista 2012 sobre a Baixada Fluminense estar no site do GEMTE a partir do dia 20 de junho: Em 2013 a revista a ser lanada ter como tema Oportunidades para Deficientes Fsicos. Quem quiser participar, pode entrar em contato com o GEMTE. REVISTA DESTINOS de Akira Kurosawa. Japo/URSS, 1975. Com Maxim Munzuk, Yuri Solomin, Vladimir Kremena. Legendas em portugus. 140. Um campons mongol serve de guia para um militar russo, que est em uma expedio para fazer um levantamento topogrfico da Sibria. Filme ganhador do Oscar de Melhor Filme Estrangeiro. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.




Lanamento da Revista Universitria Trilngue: "Destinos: Olhares Alm da Fachada Sobre a Baixada Fluminense"




Dersu Uzala




Desafios da Universalizao dos Servios de Energia Eltrica Desafio do Atendimento na Regio Norte com emprego de Fontes Renovveis de Energia



Parque dos Atletas

Desafios da Universalizao dos Servios de Energia Eltrica - Desafio do Atendimento na Regio Norte com emprego de Fontes Renovveis de Energia

Land and soils deliver key ecosystem services and are pillars of the green economy. They support human well-being and provide sustenance for all including the poor, and are a source of decent new jobs and economic progress. Their degradation is a serious global issue because of its adverse impact on food security, climate change, and ecosystem resilience. Goals for Healthy Soils and the Role of the Global Soil Partnership 20/06/2012 19:00:00 P3-B (Riocentro) Current land and soil degradation rates are unsustainable, thus business-as-usual is not an option. The side event will discuss what kind of goals and targets on land and soil should be decided upon in Rio+20 and what role FAO's Global Soil Partnership and other relevant initiatives could play in supporting their implementation. Senior speakers from diverse regions of the world will indicate which direction the planet should take to ensure that land and soil develop their full potential, thus contributing to the Rio+20 outcome in an informal setting. ACTO member countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela) will present their vision concerning sustainable development, in particular in sustainable forest management (SFM). Progress on project implementation: Monitoring Deforestation in the Panamazonian Forests will be presented. Indonesia is at the forefront of nations that are catalyzing alternative development pathways that can bring benefits for conservation and equity. It has signed a Letter of Intent with Norway on the realization of REDD+ and subsequent regulatory actions. While the Cancun Agreement of the UNFCCC 17th CoP took the discussions on REDD+ further and the Aichi Nagoya protocol of the 10th CoP of CBD has laid out clear targets, there still remains a large gap with regards the financing required to achieve REDD+ and shift current patterns of forest use and the economies of forested landscapes towards a more sustainable Green Economy pathway, as envisioned by H.E. the President of Indonesia. Indonesia would like to share its experiences and consult with key stakeholders at Rio+20 on a sustainable transition to climate and sustainable development. One of the core themes of Rio+20 is pursuing green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The need to strengthen international cooperation to facilitate this pursuit cannot be overemphasized. The Korean government established the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) with a mission to spread and provide on-demand, tailor made green growth strategies for developing countries. To further expand the reach of GGGI as a global asset, Korea, Denmark, Australia and the United Kingdom with other countries to be confirmed, have agreed to transform it into an international organization on the occasion of the Rio+20 Summit and present the objectives and benefits of the GGGI to the international community. Article 36 of Agenda 21 reads: ?Education is critical for promoting sustainable development and improving the capacity of the people to address environment and development issues.? Therefore, education, both formal and non-formal, must play a vital role in achieving the objective and the themes set forth for the forthcoming UNCSD. However, education has not been fully tapped in our efforts for sustainable development. Education plays an important role in virtually all thematic areas. For instance, the General Assembly adopted the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training (A/RES/66/137) in 2011. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the UN Study on Disarmament and Non-proliferation Education. The roundtable will bring together participants from various areas of work and examine best practices and lessons learned and generate recommendations on the role of education and learning for UNCSD and its themes. The ten years post-Johannesburg have witnessed a tectonic shift in the development strategies of major hydrocarbon exporters. Countries like the UAE have made multibillion investments in renewable energy, urban sustainability, environmental management, and cleantech education, emerging alongside Norway in navigation of seemingly contradictory imperatives. This side event reviews the case for sustainability in major hydrocarbon economies, highlighting both the drivers and barriers that shape long-term economic, social, and environmental health and performance. Panel discussion and presentations by private and public sector commentators from the UAE, Norway, the International Renewable Energy Agency, the World Bank Group, and other countries and entities will illuminate the lessons for implementation of the Rio+20 agenda through the unique experience of the global economy?s essential fuel suppliers.

ACTO Member Countries vision of Amazon forests. Monitoring deforestati



P3-F (Riocentro)

Towards a Green Economy Transition in Indonesia



T-6 (Riocentro)

Green Growth for All: Converting the Global Green Growth Institute int



P3-6 (Riocentro)

The Future We Create: An interdisciplinary roundtable discussion on th



T-10 (Riocentro)

Black gold and the green economy: hydrocarbon exporters' perspectives



P3-A (Riocentro)

?Human beings are at the centre of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature?. Principle 1 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development Twenty years on, the Government of Brazil, Ministry of Health and the WHO recognize the opportunity provided by the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development to set the world back onto a sustainable development path in which better and more equitable health outcomes play a key role. The purpose of this event is to help Member States articulate how health and the health sector can contribute towards the achievement of the Rio+20 Conference objectives, support fits decisions and follow-up actions, with respect to three key issues: - Universal health coverage - Health in the 'green economy' - Health as a measure of sustainable development achievements; measuring progress and impact Ministerial dialogue with Nordic and Southern Cone countries sets the focus on ecolabelling and sustainable public procurement (SPP) and highlights the potential and advantages of the regional cooperation. Ecolabelling and SPP are important instruments in striving for more sustainable consumption and production patterns and green economy. A green economy needs pragmatic approaches with feasible instruments for countries striving for a path towards low-carbon, small-footprint societies. Enhanced use of ecolabelling and SPP improves performance of products throughout their life-cycle, stimulates the demand of more sustainable products and technologies and helps consumers to make more sustainable choices. One inspiring example on the ongoing efforts is a joint venture initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the United Nations Environment Programme. The project evaluates and advances the strategies towards the development of a regional ecolabelling programme and promotes the role of sustainable public procurement in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Current and anticipated trends in energy poverty are alarming and show that increasing access to energy will be critical to achieving sustainable development. A wide range of technologies is now available not only to scale up energy access but also to foster the use of ?clean? energy. However, in many developing countries, the main obstacle to uptake is the lack of financing models that make energy accessible and affordable to low-income consumers. This side event - entitled: ?Financing Access to Clean Energy for the Poor? - will address this important challenge and present innovative approaches that combine strengthening clean energy value chains with innovative financing arrangements targeting low-income population and micro-enterprises. This side event has four primary objectives: ? Summarize the business contributions to the Rio+20 process - principally through the outputs of in the BASD Business Day (19 June) ? Assess the progress made by business from 1992-2012 as a partner and solution provider in sustainable development ? To highlight business commitments to Sustainable Development ? Identify the key actions necessary to increase private sector initiative and investment in sustainable development The session will include leading figures from business, government, and other stakeholder groups in a moderated discussion format. (Individual participants will depend on the time slot provided.) Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Revista Eletnica Ptn Dudu- Ocupao ABC Urbana 20/06/2012 20/06/2012 19:00:00 19:00:00 Metr Rio Projees em espaos urbanos no convencionais. Entrada Franca

Health and Sustainable Development - Reinforcing the Links



T-9 (Riocentro)

Seizing ecolabelling and sustainable public procurement opportunities



T-8 (Riocentro)

Financing Access to Clean Energy for the Poor



P3-E (Riocentro)

Business Solutions for Sustainability: Rio+20 and beyond



T-2 (Riocentro)

Lanamento da Revista e Exposio de fotos "Imagens de Ax"e fotos da cutura negra africana. Entrada Franca

Entrega do Prmio da Iniciativa Equatorial



Arena do MAM

The Equator Prize is awarded to recognize and celebrate outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation of biodiversity. As sustainable community initiatives take root throughout the tropics, they are laying the foundation for a global movement of local successes that are collectively making a significant contribution to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Entrada sob convite O Brasil , desde 2008, o pas que mais consome agrotxicos no planeta! Muitos desses herbicidas, fungicidas e pesticidas que consumimos esto proibidos em quase todo o mundo pelo risco que representam sade humana e ambiental. O perigo tanto para os trabalhadores, que manipulam os venenos, quanto para toda a populao do campo e das cidades, que consomem os produtos agrcolas com agrotxicos. S quem lucra com isso so as transnacionais fabricantes dos venenos. A idia do filme mostrar como estamos nos alimentando mal por conta de um modelo agrrio perverso, baseado no agronegcio. Entrada Franca Sustentabilidade um elemento de mercado. Na palestra, voc reconhecer a importncia da sustentabilidade nos seus negcios para que a sua empresa torne-se mais competitiva, por meio de solues inovadoras em sustentabilidade que garantam efetivos ganhos. Como crescer o seu negcio e ao mesmo tempo maximizar os impactos positivos sociais e ambientais? Uma oficina dinmica para orientar a tomada de deciso e aproveitar oportunidades para inovar o seu negcio! Evento Fechado Os membros do Painel de Alto Nvel sobre Sustentabilidade Global apresentaro as principais recomendaes feitas em seu relatrio ao Secretrio-Geral da ONU, Ban Ki-moon, que tambm participar do evento. So esperadas importantes recomendaes para a formao de um consenso sobre as decises da Rio+20 e aps a Conferncia. Evento aberto ao pblico em geral OFFICIAL EVENTS Reforma Urbana no Desenvolvimento Econmico Social pelo Direito a Moradia, ao Saneamento a gua e Energia com sustentabilidade Uma das caractersticas mais marcantes da sociedade moderna a urbanizao e, como consequncia, o incremento de resduos slidos. No Brasil, a destinao inadequada dos resduos provoca um prejuzo de 8 bilhes de reais por ano ao enviar para os aterros sanitrios materiais como celulose, plstico, vidro e alumnio a gerao. Em resposta a este cenrio, foi regulamentada a Lei n 12.305 que institui a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos e, logo, todas as empresas devero atender s exigncias, sob pena de arcar com as consequncias legais. Um sistema de energia sustentvel uma pr-condio para o desenvolvimento de qualquer modelo de economia verde. Isto significa que grandes mudanas na maneira como a infra-estrutura de energia organizada e mercados de energia operam so necessrias. Propomos um dilogo sobre como essas mudanas podem ser alcanadas olhando para o exemplo particular da Sucia. Ao integrar o planejamento energtico no planejamento da cidade e elaborao de solues multifuncionais, novos nveis de eficincia energtica podem ser alcanados em paralelo com ganhos ambientais. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Mark Howells (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) e Semida Silveira (KTH Royal Institute of Technology).

Exibio filme O Veneno est na mesa - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Sustentabilidade: um planeta de oportunidades



Aterro do Flamengo

Cradle to Cradle: negcios que vo alm da sustentabilidade

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Aterro do Flamengo Forte de Copacabana

Seminrio de Lideranas Empresariais Evento Especial sobre o Relatrio do Painel do SecretrioGeral da ONU sobre Sustentabilidade Global A voz das Avs Third Plenary Meeting/High Level Round Table Confederao Nacional das Associaes de Moradores CONAM

MAM Riocentro | Plenary Hall CONAM

Resduos Slidos como Vantagem Competitiva



Aterro do Flamengo

Mudanas para sistemas de energia sustentveis



Parque dos Atletas

A construo participativa de um Estado Sustentvel: um olhar sobre a Poltica e o Sistema Estadual de Educao Ambiental do Maranho



Parque dos Atletas

A palestra apresenta a Poltica Estadual de Educao Ambiental do Maranho e alguns de seus instrumentos especficos, como o Sistema Estadual e o Fundo Estadual de Educao Ambiental, propostos de forma precursora pelo Maranho em relao aos demais estados brasileiros. O objetivo da palestra o de incentivar a reflexo sobre os novos paradigmas da gesto publica da educao ambiental e sobre os meios de potencializar o alcance desta dimenso educativa ante a problemtica das mudanas ambientais globais e ante a necessria reviso dos pactos polticosinstitucionais, culturais, econmicos, ticos para a construo de sociedades sustentveis. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Eliane Oliveira de Abreu Alhadef, Superintendente de Educao Ambiental SEMA; Viviane Vazzi Pedro, Supervisora de Comunicao Socioambiental SEMA.

Eletricidade e Sustentabilidade uma Viso Global



Parque dos Atletas

O evento constar de 4 Mdulos de apresentaes: Mdulo 1: Integrao Energtica / Segurana de Suprimento / Supergrids; Mdulo 2: Energias Renovveis ; Mdulo 3: Cidades Eficientes/Cidades Inteligentes; Modulo 4: Apresentao do Relatrio de Sustentabilidade/2011 da Eletrobras. Eventorestrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Mrcio Zimmermann, Secretrio Executivo do MME; Hermes Chipp (Cier); Martine Provost (Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership); George Alves (Eletrobras); SGCC (State Grid Corporation of China), Cepel (Centro de Pesquisas de Energia Eltrica da Eletrobras), IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency), GWEC (Global Wind Energy Council), ITAIPU, UNICA, NORTE ENERGIA, Dii (Desertec Industrial Initiative), EdF, PROCEL (Eletrobras); Rio Cidade Sustentvel (Prefeitura RJ), Rio Capital da Energia (Governo do Estado RJ); Luiz Augusto Figueira (Eletrobras relatrio de Sustentabilidade), ISE/BOVESPA.

Global Town Hall ICLEI Cities Leadership for the Urban World 2030 Cadastro Ambiental Rural(CAR /BV-Rio) Governana das guas atravs dos organismos colegiados Young people in the life cycle of sustainable development El derecho a ciudades justas, democraticas y sostenibles Beyond the GDP: toward social and environmental sustainability indicators

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Evento Pblico Evento Pblico Room UN4 Room UN2 Room UN6 Contratos pblicos constituem 16-20% do PIB na Europa. Essa quantidade enorme de dinheiro que o setor pblico utiliza na aquisio de bens e servio pode atravs de decises bem informadas mover o mercado em uma direo mais sustentvel. Contratos pblicos sustentveis podem estimular a inovao e fazer do setor pblico um motor para o desenvolvimento de uma economia verde. Por meio de solues ao longo prazo, tais como medidas de eficincia energtica, o setor pblico pode no s diminuir o impacto ambiental atravs de contratos pblicos ecolgicos, mas tambm diminuir os custos totais substancialmente. Contrato pblico sustentvel um instrumento para o mercado local que pode ter grandes efeitos globais se gerido de forma adequada. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Annie Stlberg (Project manager and environmental economist at Swedish Environmental Management Council); an Mattsson, Executive Director - UNOPS. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Room UN2 Room UN3 Room UN4 Room UN7 Room UN6 Consultoria coletiva que pretende responder os questionamentos dos empresrios em relao ao consumo de energia da sua empresa. Sero abordados aspectos importantes em sistemas de iluminao, refrigerao, condicionamento de ar, motores, entre outros, que podero ser aplicados nas empresas com o objetivo de reduzir o valor da conta de energia eltrica. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas. Reduo de Custo e Ganho de Competitividade com Resduos nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas . Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre os ganhos de competitividade e reduo da gerao de resduos e de custos nos processos. Elaborao do Plano de Gerenciamento de Resduos Slidos nas empresas, aes e mecanismos que evitem ou, pelo menos, minimizem ao mximo a produo dos resduos, e que tecnologias empregadas. Recomendaes para o adequado atendimento a legislao e as normas tcnicas. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas.

Contratos pblicos sustentveis - agregando valor a uma economia verde



Parque dos Atletas

Populao, Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sesso VDEO-SHOW CLIMATE, SUSTAINABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN DRYLANDS The Future of Food: Challenges and Recommendations Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy Efficient W & S services provision as a key factor for the SD Delivering green economy: some French views on publicprivate dialogue

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012

13:00:00 13:00:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:15:00 13:30:00

MAM Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Arena da Barra

Eficincia Energtica



Aterro do Flamengo

Reduo de Custo e Ganho de Competitividade com Resduos nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas



Aterro do Flamengo

Lanamento oficial do "Meditation on life", um documentrio produzido por Michael Tobias, Embaixador da Boa Vontade para para o Yasun-TT



Parque dos Atletas

Como parte da estratgia Yasun-ITT de promoo no mbito da Rio +20 Conferncia sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, uma pea artstica 20 minutos foi produzido por Michael Tobias, ativista de conservao reconhecida internacionalmente e Embaixadora da Boa Vontade para a Iniciativa Yasun para mostrar a importncia deste projeto para a conservao de um dos pontos mais megadiversos do planeta, onde vastas reservas de petrleo bruto mentira foram confirmados. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Dra. Ivonne A. Baki (Secretaria de Estado para la Iniciativa Yasun-ITT Presidencia de la Repblica Del Ecuador) e Dr. Michael Tobias (Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de la Fundacin Dancing Star y Embajador de Buena voluntad para la Inicitativa YasunITT). Uma conversa aberta sobre arte, design e tecnologia, apresentando conceitos como hiperorganismo e baixa tecnologia de ponta, conduzida por pesquisadores do Ncleo de Arte e Novos Organismos (NANO-EBA-UFRJ) e da rede Encontros Digitais. Vdeos e projetos sero apresentados com a proposta de discutir este novo contexto social onde sustentabilidade, ecologia e acesso tecnologia tornam-se temas-chave para o dilogo entre arte e cincia. Com Marlus Araujo, Guto Nbrega e convidados Entrada Franca A "Conferncia PUC-SP/EPM + 20" um evento acadmico jurdico, aberto ao pblico, que discutir temas relacionados "Conferncia Rio+20", tais como: Mudanas Climticas, Economia Verde, Polticas Pblicas e Direito.

Hiper Organismos - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Conferncia PUC-SP/EPM + 20 Painel : Agricultura Sustentabilidade no contexto da Economia Verde e Intercmbio de Conhecimentos e transferncia de tecnologias da Embrapa em Programas sociais e Ambientais palestra ONS: Impactos das Novas Fontes de Energia no Sistema O SIN do Futuro






Auditrio da Embrapa Solos



Parque dos Atletas

palestra ONS: Impactos das Novas Fontes de Energia no Sistema O SIN do Futuro Desenvolver um territrio identificar seus pontos fortes e vocaes econmicas para elaborar estratgias de desenvolvimento local. Qual o papel dos mercados institucionais nestas estratgias? A promoo dos produtos da sociobiodiversidade ajuda a dinamizar as economias locais? Como produtores, governo e empresariado podem trabalhar juntos para estimular a produo e consumo sustentveis? Convidados: Laudemir Muller, Pierlangela Nascimento da Cunha (participao online), Joo Galassi. Evento pblico palestra ONS: A Operao de Sistemas Hidrotrmicos com Predominncia Hdrica OFFICIAL EVENTS Room UN2 Room UN4

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Desenvolvimento Territorial, Sustentabilidade e Mercados




Rio Carbon Talks palestra ONS: A Operao de Sistemas Hidrotrmicos com Predominncia Hdrica Fourth Plenary Meeting/High Level Round Table New Standards & Legacies with Sustainable Event Management & Reporting Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experience Painel: tratado internaacional de Recursos Fitogenticos para Agricultura e alimentao - TIRFAA

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:30:00 15:30:00 15:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro Arena da Barra Arena da Barra Auditrio da Embrapa Solos (La Chasse au lion l'arc) de Jean Rouch. Frana, 1965. Legendas em portugus. 80. Cpia em DVD. Complemento A pedra da riqueza de Vladimir Carvalho. Brasil, 1975. 16. De 1957 1964, Rouch seguiu os caadores Gaos da regio de Yatakala e o filme retraa os episdios desta caa na qual tcnica e magia esto intimamente ligadas: fabricao dos arcos e flechas, preparao do veneno, rastreamento e ritual de sacrifcio. Classificao indicativa livre.

A Caa ao Leo com Arco




Sesso VDEO-SHOW Felipe Lara - Ocupao irbita ZEE PAT Energias Renovveis Cacau Sesso VDEO-SHOW Organizing for Change: Women's Tribunals as Civil Society Advocacy



Parque dos Atletas



Casa da Gvea



Parque dos Atletas

21/06/2012 21/06/2012

17:00:00 17:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra

Sesso VDEO-SHOW 1a parte: International Contemporary Ensemble 2a parte: Introduo e apresentao do DVD - Nos Sons da APA So Francisco Xavier *** - Felipe Lara e Roberto Fachini 3a parte: International Contemporary Ensemble Entrada Franca 1) Zoneamento Ecolgico Econmico e Plano de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel do Estado; 2) Programa gua para todos, responsvel por garantir acesso gua e saneamento; 3) Avano da energia elica na regio semirida ; 4) Avano da energia solar com destaque para o primeiro estdio auto-sustentvel em energia na Amrica Latina; 5) Recuperao e verticalizao da cultura do cacau Cabruca para a agricultura familiar. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Room UN6

A global convention on corporate sustainability reporting?



Arena da Barra

Room UN2 Em um mundo que se urbaniza, a organizao das grandes cidades escancara as desigualdades sociais. Mobilidade urbana, qualidade na moradia, tratamento de resduos slidos, acessibilidade, so questes para todos, mas as populaes pobres so particularmente afetadas. O que pode ser feito para promoo de um espao urbano mais democrtico e sustentvel? Convidados: Eduardo Ferreira de Paula, ngela C. da Cunha. Evento pblico (Man of Aran) de Robert J. Flaherty. Gr-Bretanha, 1934. Legendas em portugus. 76. Complemento Arraial do cabo de Paulo Csar Saraceni e Mrio Carneiro. Brasil, 1959. Cpias em DVD. Um clssico do documentrio mundial. O curta mostra a vida na aldeia de pescadores em Arraial do Cabo. Classificao indicativa livre.

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Cidades Sustentveis e Acessveis




O Homem de Aran




Coquetel lanamento Relatrio de Sustentabilidade/2011 da Eletrobras Vivncia Fulni- - Ocupao irbita Fora do eixo - Ocupao irbita Plataforma Vide Urbe + artistas e coletivos associados - Ocupao irbita Decisions We Need for the City of 2030 Lanamento e obliterao do selo personalizado em homenagem ao Ano Internacional das Cooperativas 2012 Painel: Sobre Cooperativismo e Sustentabilidade Reunio Comit Planeta Sustentvel

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 19:00:00

18:30:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00

Parque dos Atletas E.A.V. Parque Lage Praa Paris Praa Paris Riocentro

Coquetel lanamento Relatrio de Sustentabilidade/2011 da Eletrobras Apresentao de cantos e danas e da histria Fulni- com traduo simultnea para o ingls. Uma grande roda xamnica de transmisso de sabedoria. Entrada Franca Sesses de cinema ao ar livre. Entrada Franca Projees em espaos pblicos no convencionais. Entrada Franca

Presenting: Manish Bapna, Interim President (Executive Vice President and Managing Director)

19:00:00 19:20:00 20:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Hotel Copacabana Palace Evento fechado Descrio: Encontro do Planeta Sustentvel para governo, mdia, empresas e sociedade conversarem sobre os pontos que estaro sendo discutidos na Rio+20. mesa redonda com Renata Lara - Associao Anitcha - Cidades em Transio Graja, Marcelo Bueno - Instituto de Permacultura da Mata Atlntica, Emanuel Khodja - Educao Gaia e Ecovila Terra Una, Ricardo Piva - Construo de baixo impacto Temas: Ecovilas e comunidades, Redes e aes colaborativas, Permacultura e construo de baixo impacto, Agroecologia e produo local de alimentos, Gerenciamento de resduos, Economia solidria, Moedas sociais, Redes de troca, Consumo responsvel, Transporte Entrada Franca Show com Chelpa Ferro. (Entrada Franca Com Cico Caseira / Marcia do Valle e Chico Caruso / Madalena Bernardes Entrada Franca Reforma Urbana no Desenvolvimento Econmico Social pelo Direito a Moradia, ao Saneamento a gua e Energia com sustentabilidade Conferencia com palestras e seminrio com Mesa Redonda que envolvem o tema "O desenvolvimento sustentvel, o novo paradigma ecocntrico e o uso sustentvel e solidrio das guas como meio de integrao da Amrica do Sul", resultado de pesquisas conjuntas, grupos de investigao de professores e alunos dos cursos de ps-graduao e de graduao em Direito das seguintes universidades nacionais: UFC, UFSC, UNIVALI, UNISINOS e UCS. Responsible World Citizen for Sustainable Actions O projeto Condomnio da Terra prope que os sistemas climtico e ocenico sejam reconhecidos como um Patrimnio Natural Intangvel da Humanidade. Com base nesse suporte jurdico global, no s possvel construir um sistema de contabilidade de benefcios e encargos, como ainda um sistema de compesaes aos povos que assegurem e promovam a disponibilizao de benefcios comuns. O projeto Green Cork tem como objetivos genricos o incentivo do consumo sustentvel e responsvel e o aumento da taxa de recolha de rolhas de cortia para reciclagem em Portugal. Discusso em torno do pargrafo 24 do Draft Zero; discutir o papel do relato socioambiental e da poltica Relate ou Explique na transio para a economia verde; o papel dos reguladores e autoreguladores; o papel das grandes empresas na induo de sua cadeia de valor e criao de massa critica de informaes ESG para os mercados.

Boas Atitudes Ambientais no Cotidiano Caruso - Ocupao irbita

Argus 21/06/2012 21:00:00 Casa da Gvea

Nuvem Chelpa Ferro - Ocupao irbita Canto da Janela - Ocupao irbita Confederao Nacional das Associaes de Moradores CONAM

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012

23:00:00 23:30:00 11:00:00

Circo Voador Casa da Gvea Arena da Barra

Programa de Ps-Graduao em Direito da Universidade Federal do Cear



Arena da Barra

World Summit of Love and Peace on Sustainable Future



Arena da Barra

Condomnio da Terra - O que nos une a todos / Green Cork Uma Experincia de Economia Verde



Arena da Barra

O papel do Relatrio de Sustentabilidade na transio para a economia verde e o futuro que queremos



Arena da Barra

Propostas de uma nova economia: posicionamneto e encaminhamento do Instituto Ethos e seus parceiros



Arena da Barra

O Setor Empresarial e as Inovaes em prol de uma Economia Verde / The Brazilian Private Sector and Innovations that favor the Green Economy



Arena da Barra

Resduos Slidos Palestra Sobre Poltica Agrcola Brasileira Frum de Atualizao sobre Culturas Indgenas O Desenvolvimento Sustentvel e a Histria no Sculo XXI. Continuao da Palestra e Debates

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:30:00 10:00:00 10:50:00

Forte de Copacabana Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Caixa Cultural Rio Aterro do Flamengo Auditrio da Embrapa Solos

A partir da Plataforma para uma Economia Includente, Verde e Responsvel, lanada em 2011, O Instituto Ethos, suas empresas associadas e organizaes parceiras na elaborao de uma agenda de transio para a nova economia ( 36 organizaes) vem construindo um conjunto de propostas para internalizacao dos compromissos globais pela sustentabilidade na economia e na poltica, Dessa reflexo sero apresentadas propostas para cada um um dos temas objeto dos dilogos para o desenvolvimento sustentvel alm de complementados por outros tambm considerados estratgicos,. Tambm sero apresentados compromissos empresariais em prol de novos Padres operacionais de produo Calcadas no auto-compromisso e em princpios de justia e equidade no uso dos recursos naturais iniciativas aquecem as discusses no setor privado mas tambm publico ou na sociedade civil e estimulam a inovao no desenvolvimento de alternativas sustentveis, na promoo do crescimento econmico dentro de melhores prticas e na mobilizao para o estabelecimento de marcos legais adequados, favorecendo sobremaneira o estabelecimento dos pilares essenciais de uma economia verde. O debate sobre inovaes com destaque do setor empresarial nos temas citados no poderia contar com espao mais apropriado do que a Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, a Rio+20. Oportunidade sem igual de apresentar exemplos, identificar benchmarks, fortalecer articulaes e debater em profundidade os diversos aspectos relacionados economia verde, as prticas empresariais articuladas com o setor publico, acadmico e a sociedade civil. Evento Fechado O frum visa preparao dos profissionais de educao das redes pblica e privada de ensino para a introduo da temtica indgena em sala de aula A palestra discorrer sobre os desafios para o crescimento econmico e incluso social, na perspectiva do desenvolvimento sustentvel. Discutir ainda as consequncias econmicas e sociais da mudana climtica global desde 1992. A administrao florestal moderna foi iniciada no incio do sculo XX na Sucia. Florestas super exploradas desde ento foram transformadas em florestas que fornecem rendimentos altos em biomassa enquanto ao mesmo tempo asseguram outros servios do ecossistema. Esta apresentao ir comunicar os fundamentos do modelo sueco de silvicultura sustentvel. Iremos fornecer uma perspectiva sobre como um manejo florestal sadio em uma escala global pode suavizar as mudanas climticas e contribuir para um conhecimento baseado em uma bio economia. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrantes: Annika Nordin (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) e Tomas Lundmark (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences). Discusso sobre como implementar a Coleta Seletiva nas cidades-sede da Copa do Mundo, com a perspectiva do Governo, da indstria e do Movimento Nacional de Catadores.

O modelo sueco florestal: como combinar alta produtividade com sustentabilidade



Parque dos Atletas

Implementao da Coletiva Seletiva nas Cidades sede da Copa do Mundo IV Dilogo Federativo Rumo `a Rio + 20 Dilogos Federativos: por uma agenda nacional de desenvolvimento sustentvel ps Rio+20

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 11:00:00


Parque dos Atletas

Auditrio CNO 1 do Parque dos Atletas SAF | SRI Evento pblico: Debate envolvendo representantes do Governo Federal, estados , municpios e sociedade civil organizada sobre o papel dos entes federativos nas transformaes operadas pelo conceito de economia verde e inclusiva, e os desafios das cidades para se adaptarem a esse novo tempo. Discussion on how to implement Selective Garbage Collection in the World Cup host cities from the perspective of government, industry and the National Trash Pickers' Movement



Auditrio CNO 1 Parque dos Atletas

Implementation of Selective Garbage Collection in the World Cup Host Cities



Athletes' Park

Side Events - Viso do Brasil 2050




Dilogos Federativos: Balano Rio+20 Experincias Governamentais dos Estados e Municpios Brasileiros Stakeholders Forum

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas

This side event aims at hosting "Vision 2050: A new agenda for business in Brazil" official international launch. The document, a version of WBCSD?s internationally acclaimed ?Vision 2050?, but solely based on Brazilian scenario, will be symbolically signed by BCSD-Brazil associated CEOs as their pathway and agendas toward a sustainable world for the next forty years. It is expected the presence of government, business, civil society, academia and press representatives as ?Vision 2050 Brazil? stands as a landmark on sustainability talks and actions within Brazilian reality. Evento Pblico Evento Pblico Evento Pblico

Dilogos Federativos Rio+20, Global Compact e Redes Internacionais



Auditrio Principal do Pavilho do Rio de Janeiro no Parque dos Atletas

Evento pblico: Debate sobre a construo de uma Agenda Nacional de Desenvolvimento Sustentvel ps Rio+20, que considere o papel de cada um dos nveis de governo no enfrentamento aos desafios necessrios s mudanas no padro de produo e consumo, e distribuio de renda e riqueza, que considere os limites da natureza e a equidade entre pessoas e regies Evento discutir as polticas e os resultados metodolgicos do Frum Mundial da gua em 2012 e os debates tcnicos sobre as lies aprendidas da Itlia sobre a gesto integrada dos recursos hdricos e sua influncia sobre a economia verde. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrantes: Alfredo Guillet, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Anna Rita Laurenzi, OXFAM Italia, M.C. Ciancetta, HYDROAID; Pier Luigi Gentile Environment Coordination DGCS Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; UNSGAB Amb. Giorgio Giacomelli; ENI Ms Sabina Ratti, sustainability Senior Vice President; Petrobras representative. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Room UN2 Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre desenvolvimento sustentvel; qualidade e ferramentas de gesto, normas tcnicas, ISO 14005 - Sistemas de gesto ambiental e avaliao de desempenho ambiental e os ganhos econmicos. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas. A palestra tem o objetivo de estimul-lo a partir para a ao. Sair da teoria e se engajar em prticas sustentveis. Voc conhecer ainda casos de empresas que, por meio da implementao de prticas sustentveis, descobriram oportunidades de melhorias nos seus processos, gerando assim resultados positivos para o seu negcio Promover o dilogo sobre a realizao da Copa do Mundo no Brasil (2014) a partir das temticas: Solues/ Estratgias de sustentabilidade; desafios e Oportunidades. Ilustrada com exemplos passados e atividades atuais no mbito (Governo Federal, FIFA e Comit Organizador Local). Evento aberto ao mpblico. Palestrantes: Luiz Manuel Rebelo Fernandes, Secretrio-Executivo do Ministrio do Esporte; Juan Carlos De la Hoz, Representante do BID no Brasil; Federico Addiechi, Chefe da Responsabilidade Social Coorporativa da FIFA; Neio Campos, Professor e Diretor do Centro de Excelncia em Turismo da UNB; Plabo Vaggione, Arquiteto especialista em desenvolvimento urbano, Mestre pela Harvard University. Evento restrito a convidados. Palestrante: Cludia Lorenzo, Diretora - Instituto Coca-Cola Brasil. Evento Fechado Evento Fechado

Gesto integrada do conhecimento e sua influncia sobre a economia verde: lies aprendidas de casos italianos e brasileiros de gesto da gua e da energia pelo desenvolvimento sustentvel Sesso VDEO-SHOW Roots of Equity: what rights and safeguards do women need who are dependent for their livelihoods on forest, biodiversity and subsistence farmers Certificao Ambiental, Qualidade e Sustentabilidade nas Micro e Pequenas Empresas



Parque dos Atletas

22/06/2012 22/06/2012

13:00:00 13:15:00

Parque dos Atletas Arena da Barra



Aterro do Flamengo

Melhores prticas de Sustentabilidade



Aterro do Flamengo

Copa 2014: Sustentabilidade, Desafios e Oportunidades



Parque dos Atletas

Negcio Social Carta da Terra para Crianas Conselho SEBRAE-RJ Painel: A importncia da Agroenergia para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Joo da silva Abreu neto Coordenador -Geral de agroenergia do Departamento de Cana-de-acar e Agroenergia - SPAE MAPA Sesso VDEO-SHOW

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Forte de Copacabana Forte de Copacabana Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas

Amazonia: Sustainable Development

Sesso VDEO-SHOW The panel will address sustainable development in the Amazon with concrete cases such as those developed by the Sustainable Amazon Foundation - FAS. The panel will include the presence of renown individuals, such as Senator Eduardo Braga and the General Superintendent of FAS, Virglio Viana.



Athletes' Park

Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Acesso Sustentvel e Energia Exibio do Filme gua Ouro Azul - Ocupao irbita Guy de Capdeville chefe adjunto de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e inovao embrapa Agroenergia Sesso VDEO-SHOW Sixth Plenary Meeting (Closing of the Conference)




Sem energia no temos nem produo nem qualidade de vida. No entanto, no mundo todo, milhes ainda no tem sequer uma lmpada em casa. Quais os desafios para conciliar amplo acesso com gerao de energia sustentvel? Estamos caminhando para consolidar o acesso utilizando uma matriz enrgica limpa? Convidados: Miguel Rossetto, Jos Deval da Silva (participao online), Sebastio Amorim, Sheila Oparaocha. Evento pblico De Didier Bergonhoux. Didier fotografo do grupo de Peter Brook. Entrada Franca

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012

15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00

Casa da Gvea Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Parque dos Atletas


E-sustainability Seminar Aes de Sustentabilidade da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre



Arena da Barra



Parque dos Atletas

Room UN4 Apresentao de aes prticas de sustentabilidade desenvolvidas pela Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. Sero abordados temas como organizao territorial, arborizao urbana, produo de alimentos na cidade, transporte pblico, eficincia energtica, entre outros. Evento aberto ao pblico. Palestrante: Leonardo Ribeiro Cesar, Assessor Especialista, Secretaria do Planejamento Municipal da Prefeitura Municipal de Porto Alegre. (Eisenfresser) de Shaheen Dill-Riaz. Alemanha, 2007. Legendas em portugus.85. Cpia em DVD. Ano aps ano, camponeses empobrecidos mudam do norte de Bangladesh para o sul do pas a fim de trabalhar no desmonte de navios, gigantes do oceano que so removidos. Trabalham arduamente sob condies severas e esperam muitas vezes em vo pelo salrio, de qualquer modo excessivamente baixo. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Sesso VDEO-SHOW Stand up com Marcos Castro, Gabirel Louchard, Cludio Torres Gonzaga. Entrada Franca Presenting: Holger Dalkmann, Director, EMBARQ Sesso VDEO-SHOW No ltimo dia da Conferncia governo e sociedade fazem um balano da Rio+20. A incluso social com conservao ambiental foi adequadamente contemplada nas negociaes? E a sociedade, o que discutiu? O quanto avanamos? Quais os prximos passos? Convidados: Tereza Campello, Fernando Lyrio, Aron Belinky, Jos Graziano. Evento pblico de Marcos Prado. Brasil, 2003. 115. Complemento Ilha das flores de Jorge Furtado. Brasil, 1990. 13. O filme conta a histria de uma mulher de 63 anos, com problemas mentais, que vive e trabalha h mais de 20 anos no aterro sanitrio de Gramacho, que recebe diariamente oito mil toneladas de lixo produzidas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Ganhador de 23 prmios nacionais e internacionais. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Comedores de ferro




Sesso VDEO-SHOW Debates Stand Up Comedy -Ocupao irbita The Critical Links Between Transportation and Sustainable Development Sesso VDEO-SHOW Arena Socioambiental - Encontros Globais - Dilogos com a Conferncia Rio+20

22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 22/06/2012 17:00:00

16:00:00 16:20:00 17:00:00

Parque dos Atletas Auditrio da Embrapa Solos Casa da Gvea Arena da Barra

17:00:00 17:30:00

Parque dos Atletas MAM





Sesso VDEO-SHOW Cine Lage nas Aldeias - Ocupao irbita

22/06/2012 22/06/2012

18:00:00 20:00:00

Parque dos Atletas E.A.V. Parque Lage

Talk Show - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Festa de encerramento - Ocupao irbita



Casa da Gvea

Digital Dubs e outros - Ocupao irbita



Circo Voador

Sesso VDEO-SHOW ENCERRAMENTO E.A.V. PARQUE LAGE 20h - Cine Lage nas Aldeias na Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage Projees indgenas Vide Urbe na fachada da EAV Entrada Franca De Modo Geral: revista ao vivo do comportamento brasileiro - com Allan Siebe, Fred Coelho, Joo Paulo Cuenca, Paulo Scott, Ramon Mello e convidados O De Modo Geral uma mistura de talk-show e sala de redao com vdeos e msica girando sobre literatura, cinema, msica e o que de mais interessante esteja acontecendo no cenrio cultural brasileiro. Entrada Franca pista de dana. Atraes dos Saraus: a atriz Julia Lemmertz ler poemas de seu pai, o ator e crtico de dana Linneu Moreira Dias, do livro indito "Urbia", a Poeta Kuri ler poemas de seus livros "Rescaldo , Os atores Paulo Betti e Paulo Giardini a a atriz Eliane Giardini lero trechos do poema "Marco do Mundo" de Waldemar Solha poeta, pintor, ator e escritor sorocabano radicado em Joo Pessoa na Paraba. Alexei Bueno ler seus poemas. Mano Mello, poeta e performer Joana lima Verde, Ana Baird, Helena Ignes, Djin Sganzerla, Gabriel Louchard, Ernesto Picollo, Jorge Mautner, Or Figueiredo, Duda Ribeiro, Claudio Torres Gonzaga, Curadoria - Paulo Betti / curadores Antonio Carlos Bola Harres, , Argus Caruso, Marlus Arajo, Claudia Bolshaw, Luisa Thir, Luciana Dulizio, Patricia Alves, Juliana Betti, Isabel Lobvo, Marcia Do Valle, Duda Ribeiro, Marcos Castro e Paulo Scott. Entrada Franca Msica eletrnica - Digital Dubs Mateus Pingim e Dubatak TomaDub Entrada Franca Reviso do papel do transporte sustentvel no processo de desenvolvimento sustentvel; avaliao dos avanos; e discusso dos principais desafios de transporte sustentvel de mercadorias e transporte e mudana climtica. Proteo das guas/Incluso social/Renda para cidados pobres/Por que reciclar o resduo de leo de cozinha?/O projeto Ecleo/Como participar

Desenvolvimento sustentvel atravs de transporte sustentvel Reciclagem do resduo de leo comestvel para produo de biodisel e outros produtos

22/06/2012 22/06/2012

11:00:00 16:00:00

Arena da Barra Arena da Barra

Resduos Slidos como Vantagem Competitiva



Aterro do Flamengo

Desde 2011 foi regulamentada a Lei n 12.305 que institui a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos e, logo, todas as empresas devero atender s exigncias, sob pena de arcar com as consequncias legais. A oficina discorrer sobre os riscos legais da m gesto dos resduos, bem como as oportunidades de mercados que a preveno da gerao de resduos pode oferecer. A atividade turstica traz inmeras oportunidades para as pequenas empresas, inclusive nas reas de entorno dos Parques Nacionais e outras categorias de Unidades de Conservao. A palestra tem o objetivo de estimul-lo a partir para a ao. Sair da teoria e se engajar em prticas sustentveis. Voc conhecer ainda casos de empresas que, por meio da implementao de prticas sustentveis, descobriram oportunidades de melhorias nos seus processos, gerando assim resultados positivos para o seu negcio Montagem Marco infantil - O projeto destina-se ocupao e revitalizao de uma praa, em frente Escola de Samba Vila Rica (Ladeira dos Tabajaras). Ser realizada oficina de construo de brinquedos reciclados com crianas moradoras na Comunidade da Ladeira dos Tabajaras. Aps a oficina, ser montado, na praa, um totem denominado Marco Infantil. As oficinas sero realizadas no Lajo Cultural, espao antes dominado pelo o trfico de drogas. A construo do Marco Infantil contribui de forma simblica para chamar a ateno do pblico e estimular a revitalizao da praa por parte dos moradores. Consultoria coletiva, fornece solues rpidas e sob medida para os produtos e servios da empresa. uma oportunidade de esclarecer dvidas e obter informaes sobre identificao e reduo de desperdcios nos empreendimentos, aplicao de aes corretivas, diminuio de custos, aumento da produtividade e minimizao dos impactos no ambiente. Prope solues por meio de medidas de racionalizao no uso dos insumos e de matrias-primas, eliminao dos desperdcios, ampliao da eficincia da empresa, trazendo economia financeira e melhorando, desta forma, a sua competitividade no mercado. o ambiente que proporciona a interao pessoal da empresa com especialistas, com hora marcada e em pequenos grupos de no mximo 30 empresas A sustentabilidade das empresas que atuam na atividade turstica se reveste em diferencial competitivo. Nesse cenrio os programas de certificao so uma oportunidade para os empreendedores. Evento Pblico Evento Pblico Evento Pblico Uma das caractersticas mais marcantes da sociedade moderna a urbanizao e, como consequncia, o incremento de resduos slidos. No Brasil, a destinao inadequada dos resduos provoca um prejuzo de 8 bilhes de reais por ano ao enviar para os aterros sanitrios materiais como celulose, plstico, vidro e alumnio a gerao. Em resposta a este cenrio, foi regulamentada a Lei n 12.305 que institui a Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos e, logo, todas as empresas devero atender s exigncias, sob pena de arcar com as consequncias legais. Sustentabilidade um elemento de mercado. Na palestra, voc reconhecer a importncia da sustentabilidade nos seus negcios para que a sua empresa torne-se mais competitiva, por meio de solues inovadoras em sustentabilidade que garantam efetivos ganhos. (Holunderblte) de Volker Koepp. Alemanha, 2007. Legendas em espanhol. 89. Cpia em DVD. A vida de crianas que vivem prximo a Kaliningrado ao norte da antiga Prssia Oriental. Os adultos deixaram a regio em busca de trabalho, as crianas permanecem nas aldeias despovoadas, abandonadas prpria sorte. Classificao indicativa 14 anos.

Mesa Redonda: Fomento ao Turismo em Unidade de Conservao



Aterro do Flamengo

Melhores prticas de Sustentabilidade



Aterro do Flamengo

Marco Infantil



Ladeira dos Tabajaras

Reduo de Desperdcio - Como Ganhar Mais Gastando Menos



Aterro do Flamengo

Mesa redonda: A importncia dos Programas de Certificao para o Turismo Brasileiro Incluso Social e Sustentabilidade PROCON/RJ - Consumo Sustentvel A funo Socioambiental das Relaes de Consumo Experincias Governamentais

23/06/2012 23/06/2012 23/06/2012 23/06/2012

11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00

Aterro do Flamengo Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas Parque dos Atletas

Resduos Slidos como Vantagem Competitiva



Aterro do Flamengo

Sustentabilidade: um planeta de oportunidades



Aterro do Flamengo

Flor de sabugueiro




Batalha de MC's e Dana de Rua - Ocupao ABC Urbana



Cultura Urbana

Batalha de MCs e dana de rua. Entrada Franca de Jorge Furtado. Brasil, 2007. Com Fernanda Torres, Wagner Moura, Camila Pitanga. 112. Uma pequena comunidade de descendentes de italianos no interior do Rio Grande do Sul resolve fazer um vdeo para tentar resolver os problemas de saneamento bsico da localidade. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. Tigre Dente de Sabre Wladimir Gasper Apavoramento Sound System Vivi Seixas Entrada Franca

Saneamento bsico




Tigre Dente de Sabre e outros - Ocupao irbita



Circo Voador

Batalha de Bboys Zulub - Ocupao ABC Urbana



Quadra futsal Estao Metr de Coelho Batalha de B,Boys- Zulub Neto Franca

Funk, Hip Hop e Brake Dance Entrada

Finis Terrae




de Jean Epstein. Frana, 1929. Com Jean-Marie Laot, Gibois, Malgorn. Legendas em portugus. 80. Cpia em DVD. Realizado na costa da Bretanha com os habitantes da ilha de Ouessant, faz parte de uma trilogia (completada com Mor vran - La Mer de Corbeaux (1931) e L'Or des Mers (1932)) dedicada Bretanha que toma a forma de um poema visual sobre a vida o amor e a morte dos seus habitantes. Classificao indicativa livre. Taafe Fanga, Pouvoir de pagne) de Adama Drago. Mali/Frana, 1997. Legendas em portugus. 103. Cpia em DVD. Complemento Vizinhos (Neigbours) de Norman MacLaren. Canad, 1953. 8. O ilustre feiticeiro africano Sidiki Diabat nos convida para a falsia de Bandiagara, ao passado do povo dogon. L'Albarga, a mscara dos espritos da falsia, smbolo de poder, cai nas mos de Yayme, uma adolescente, e provoca uma desordem em Yanda. Classificao indicativa 14 anos. SuperMario Bloco, Lencinho, Os Biltres, Mahmundi Entrada Franca

Taafe Fanga, Poder de saia




Super Mrio Bloco e outros - Ocupao irbita Campanha Weblixo - Ocupao ABC Urbana 20 Anos de CULTNE - Ocupao ABC Urbana

24/06/2012 25/06/2012 27/06/2012

23:00:00 10:00:00 19:00:00

Circo Voador

2 Festival Internacional de Filmes sobre Energia Nuclear


Festa Black - encerramento - Ocupao ABC Urbana Corrida de veteranos - Ocupao ABC Urbana Batalha de B Boys - semi-final - Ocupao ABC Urbana Batalha de B Boys - final - Ocupao ABC Urbana

29/06/2012 01/07/2012 01/07/2012 01/07/2012

19:00:00 8:00:00 21:00:00 22:00:00

Campanha Weblixo na Comunidade Jorge Turco - con scientizao e fomento economia criativa Cultura Urbana Entrada Franca Comemorao dos 20 anos de CULTNE - Acervo digital da Cultura Negra. Celebrando a marca de 1000 vdeos no portal da web Entrada Franca Quando acabar a Rio+20, comea o festival, conhecido internacionalmente como Uranium Film Festival. Mais de 40 filmes de vrios continentes trazem na pauta a energia nuclear. Os roteiros Cinemateca do Museu de Arte Moderna passam pelas primeiras bombas atmicas at o acidente de Fukushima, no Japo. H uma sesso MAM de filmes de animao e o primeiro Oscar Amarelo para o melhor filme de animao sobre energia nuclear. Festa black de encerramento e comemorao da Rio+20, com baile - Na ocasio sero projetadas imagens de todas as atividades do ms de junho e mais os vdeos do acervo CULTNE - Entrada Franca Corrida dos Veteranos - Organizao A.V.A.T - Associao dos Veteranos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro -Entrada Franca Cultura Urbana Cultura Urbana Semi - finais - batalha de B,BOYS - Zulub Entrada Franca Final - batalha de B,BOYS - Zulub Entrada Franca No Brasil h diversas iniciativas de recomposio vegetal realizadas por empresas, ONGs, universidades, estados e municpios. No entanto, diante das necessidades de recuperao de reas crticas, tais iniciativas no seu conjunto ainda so isoladas e de pequeno porte. Objetivos do Seminrio: 1.apresentar um quadro atual da recomposio de florestas e outros biomas no Brasil; 2. discutir as dificuldades tcnicas, financeiras e de gesto; 3. apresentar recomendaes para a promoo de um programa brasileiro de grande escala para a recomposio vegetal.

Reflorestamento no Brasil: como aumentar a escala da recuperao de biomas



Parque dos Atletas

Espetculo Kwertzaltoch e oficina de brinquedos tradicionais, construo com reaproveitamento Semana do meio ambiente Florinha homenageia o Meio Ambiente Mundo em trs tempos

03.06.12 04.06.12 05.06.12 05.06.12

11:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Sesc Ramos Sesc Terespolis Sesc Niteri Sesc Ramos Atividades multiculturais e educativas voltadas para a comemorao do Dia do Meio Ambiente. Teatro, exposies, palestras, exibio de filmes e distribuio de mudas e sementes. Segunda a sexta. Grtis. Livre. Espetculo de contao de histrias e oficina, baseado na linda obra de Srgio Brunni, Florinha na Terra dos Rinocefantes. Livre; Exposio itinerante e interativa que abrange trs momentos de um ambiente: presente, passado e futuro, simbolizando os efeitos das diferentes formas de degradao ambiental produzidas pelos seres humanos. Tera a sbado. Grtis. Livre. Imagens capturadas por importantes fotgrafos e por membros da WSPA, que retratam o melhor e o pior no tratamento dado aos animais pelo ser humano em diversos pases do mundo. Grtis. Livre.. Exposio itinerante dos trabalhos realizados durante a oficina de Jardins Urbanos. De Grtis. Livre. Aes educativas para estimular a prtica de comportamentos saudveis parapreservao da sade e do meio ambiente. Realizao de oficinas, teatro infantil e contao de histrias. Teras e quartas. Grtis. Livre.

Animais em foco Jardins urbanos Sade - Meio ambiente em sade

05.06.12 05.06.12 05.06.12

9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00

Sesc So Gonalo Sesc So Joo de Meriti Sesc Duque de Caxias

Lixo extraordirio



Sesc So Gonalo

A trajetria do lixo dispensado no Jardim Gramacho, em Duque de Caxias, Rio de Janeiro, at ser transformado em arte pelo artista plstico Vik Muniz. De Joo Jardim, Karen Harley e Lucy Walker. Brasil, 2011. Aps a exibio do filme haver debate com especialista. s 10h. Grtis. Livre. Ciclo de palestras e oficinas sobre os mais variados temas de Educao Ambiental dentro do espao escolar. Com agendamento. Tera a sexta-feira. Grtis. Livre. O melhor do artesanato alternativo, reunindo diversos artesos da cidade. Grtis. Livre. Exibio de vdeos ambientais, com debates e oficinas. Grtis. Livre. Ao educativa sobre economia domstica por meio de painis, oficina e materiais expositivos, que simulam o combate ao desperdcio dos recursos naturais. Maquete de uma casa que simula o consumo de energia eltrica, mini-hidreltrica, mostra de energia esttica, materiais reciclados e oficina de reaproveitamento do leo vegetal usado. Grtis. Livre. Apresentao artstica com instrumentos de percusso construdos com objetos reciclveis descartados no lixo. Com garrafas pet, frascos de achocolatados, tampinhas de garrafas, condutes de eletricidade, latas diversas e muita criatividade. Grtis. Livre.

Eco-escola Feiras - Feirarte sustentvel Filmes e vdeos - Vdeos ambientais Meio ambiente, cincia e tecnologia - Exposio interativa

05.06.12 05.06.12 05.06.12 05.06.12

10:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Sesc Terespolis Sesc Madureira Sesc Duque de Caxias Sesc Madureira

Projetos integrados - O som do lixo Espetculo Kwertzaltoch e oficina de brinquedos tradicionais, construo com reaproveitamento plantando que se cresce

05.06.12 05.06.12

14:00:00 14:00:00

Sesc Madureira Sesc Ramos



Sesc Nova Iguau

Feira agroecolgica Feiras - Feirarte sustentvel Alternativa sustentvel Alternativa sustentvel Ideias renovveis Meio ambiente, cincia e tecnologia - Meio ambiente em exposio Nativa Meio ambiente, cincia e tecnologia - Tons de verde

06.06.12 09.06.12 09.06.12 10.06.12 12.06.12 12.06.12 12.06.12 12.06.12

9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 14:00:00

Sesc Terespolis Sesc Madureira Sesc So Joo de Meriti Sesc So Joo de Meriti Sesc Nova Iguau Sesc Duque de Caxias Sesc Terespolis Sesc Engenho de Dentro

Poluio, desperdcio, diferena entre lixo orgnico e inorgnico, reaproveitamento de materiais reciclveis e combate proliferao da dengue sero os temas abordados em oficinas e palestras ministradas em escolas da rede pblica de ensino. Para escolas da rede pblica da Baixada Fluminense. Com agendamento. Quartas e quintas. Grtis. Livre. Produtos agroecolgicos dos agricultores locais. Valorizao de hbitos saudveis e sustentveis. Quartas. Grtis. Livre. O melhor do artesanato alternativo, reunindo diversos artesos da cidade. Grtis. Livre. Prticas e dicas sustentveis para o seu bem-estar no dia a dia. Culinria alternativa, mostra de artesanato com matrias reaproveitveis e apresentao cultural. Grtis. Livre. Prticas e dicas sustentveis para o seu bem-estar no dia a dia. Culinria alternativa, mostra de artesanato com matrias reaproveitveis e apresentao cultural. Grtis. Livre. Oficinas, apresentao de vdeos e bate-papo sobre materiais reaproveitveis. Mostra de plantas aromticas e oficinas para o incentivo do cultivo domstico. Com agendamento. Tera a sexta. Grtis. Livre. Exposies educativas em comemorao Semana do Meio Ambiente. Com monitoria. Tera a sbado. Grtis. Livre. Informao sobre cultivo e plantio de rvores nativas da Mata Atlntica, com exposio de carpoteca e distribuio de sementes. Tera a sexta-feira.. Grtis. Livre. Espao de referncia socioambiental e interativo para oficinas, debates, exibio de filmes e exposies. Aes em agroecologia urbana, produo ecolgica de alimentos e acompanhamento da horta construda. Teras. Grtis. Livre. Exibio de vdeos e rodas de conversas sobre a importncia do reaproveitamento do leo vegetal residual, as formas de reciclagem dos resduos e destinao adequada em prol do meio ambiente. Para escolas da rede pblica da Baixada Fluminense. Com agendamento. Grtis. Livre. Exposio de fotografias, objetos indgenas e composies musicais registradas pelo compositor, pesquisador e ambientalista Sergio Vieira na dcada de 90, junto aos ndios Parakan na Amaznia. Tera a sbado. Mostra de objetos artsticos confeccionados com materiais reaproveitados. O que aconteceu de 92 at hoje, retrocessos, avanos e desafios da questo ambiental contempornea. Palestrante: Celso Sanchez. Roda de Leitura que levar os participantes a uma viagem inesquecvel ao universo mgico das florestas brasileiras. Livre; A questo do uso da gua do planeta deve ser infinitamente debatida. A humanidade s agora comea a perceber que esse recurso natural finito. nossa responsabilidade promover um ambiente equilibrado e assegurar uma vida saudvel no meio em que vivemos. Grtis. Livre. Por meio de experincias divertidas, crianas percebero que a gua o nosso grande tesouro. Energia limpa - o conceito de Energia Limpa, aquela que no libera (ou libera poucos) gases ou resduos que contribuem para o aquecimento global, em sua produo ou consumo. Grtis. 12 anos. Espetculo musical potico e interativo com o grupo Sucateando.

leo vegetal e coisa e tal



Sesc Nova Iguau

Mostra fotogrfica O canto dos Parakans Stand Modelarte Palestra A outra margem da Rio + 20 Uma Visita s Florestas para Preservao da Natureza gua, uma questo de sobrevivncia

14.06.12 14.06.12 14.06.12 14.06.12 14.06.12

8:00:00 9:00:00 9:30:00 10:00:00 10:00:00

Sesc Niteri Sesc Niteri Sesc Niteri Sesc Niteri Sesc Nova Friburgo

Cincia divertida Eco Som Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Discusses sobre experincias sociais e ambientais Desenvolvimento da Aquicultura por Pescadores Artesanais no Prque Aquicola no So Francisco Verdadeiro - Entre Rios do Oeste Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz

14.06.12 14.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12

14:00:00 14:30:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Sesc Engenho de Dentro Sesc Niteri t2e t2b t1d t2d

Sharing the Power Forward +50 Rio People-oriented Development for Sustainable and Equitable Cities Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable Soberania Alimentar Global Campus Station Zahy Guajajara / Aula de Lngua Tupi Guarani Oficina De Percusso / Objetos do Cotidiano Circo Marcos Frota / Fernanda Mayrinck Poesia Domingos Ailton Desenvolvimento Sustentvel na Amrica do Sul Solues e experincias demonstrativas e prticas Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Exemplo de reflorestamento,educao ambiental,ecoturismo e utilizao ds recursos naturais de forma racional,bem como experiencia de parceria pblico privada. Experincias demonstrativas, prticas Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz Economia Solidaria para comunidade quilombolas envolvendo o etinoturismo Developing a manifesto for democracy and sustainable development Modelo de Vida Carbono,Metano e Oxido Nitroso ZERO para garantir o Equilibro e a Justia Climtica O Futuro que Queremos A experincia da \"Ao da Cidadania contra a Fome, a Misria e Pela Vida\" e a \"Carta da Terra\" do Betinho Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Discusses sobre experincias sociais e ambientais Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz MANIFESTAO PELO DIA INTERNACIONAL DE VIOLNCIA CONTRA PESSOAS IDOSAS Ecovilas Rurais e Uranas: pela erradcao da pobreza mas com qualidade de vida. Sharing the Power Cincia e Arte no contexto da Sustentabilidade Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable Exchange Experiences on the Activities of the Woodmiles Forum in Japan DAUA PURI - Contao de Histrias Indgenas #14 Semana do meio ambiente - Homem bicho, homem livre Dana Da Paz Universal / Denise Martins Bloise Teatro - Lixo no lugar errado, t fora Jogo Cooperativo " Em Construo"/ Simone Fadel CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Desenvolvimento Sustentvel na Amrica do Sul Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Violncia na Fronteira Lanamento do Vdeo Favela Como Modelo Sustentvel, apresentao das ferramentas da ONG Ecocity Builders e debate com lideranas favelas do Rio de Janeiro. Experincias demonstrativas, prticas

15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

t1e t1g t1f t2f t2a t1c Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 t2a t1e t2e

Aula de Tupi Guarani Rede Mundial de Pontos de Cultura Atracoes de circo variadas Recital de poesia ecolgica

15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00

t1c t2b t2d t1d t1f t1g t2f t2a t2e t2b t2d t1g t1c t1e t1f t2f t1d Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Sesc Terespolis Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Sesc Duque de Caxias Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t2a t2e t1c t1d t2b Contao de histrias indigena. Contos Infantis Estudante tem um encontro inusitado com Joo, um catador de lixo. Os dois passam, ento, a travar dilogos que iro falar sobre liberdade, patriotismo, conscincia ambiental e trabalho escravo. Grtis. 12 anos. Roda de dana da Paz Universal, com vrios lderes e focalizadores, com propsito de meditar e celebrar. Rosilda mora numa comunidade e, muito despreocupadamente, sempre aps o lixeiro passar coletando lixo, coloca o seu lixo na rua, na porta de sua vizinha Mariquita. Os vizinhos seguem o exemplo de Rosilda, at que o local se torna um lixo. Grtis. Livre. Jogo que tem como objetivo se constituir como motivador do pblico infanto-juvenil com projetos de educao ambiental Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos

Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los Developing a manifesto for democracy and sustainable development Modelo de Vida Carbono,Metano e Oxido Nitroso ZERO para garantir o Equilibro e a Justia Climtica Strategic alliance of eco-communities and eco-nomadic movements. O Futuro que Queremos Mulheres Bantas / Ana Cruz #41 Pelada Potica / Eduardo Tornaghi #55 BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Corujo da Poesia Poesia By Marla De Queiroz Fuses Orientadas / Dana Tribal Claudio Salles & Os Aliens e Movimento Pop Goiaba Ratos Di Versos / Dalberto Gomes #33 Dizer Poesia No Bairro Peixoto / Marisa Queiroz "Ar Quente" - La Crista / Teatro de Movimento Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Construo coletiva de uma narrativa das favelas no Rio de hoje Exemplo de reflorestamento,educao ambiental,ecoturismo e utilizao ds recursos naturais de forma racional,bem como experiencia de parceria pblico privada. Responsabilidade Socioambiental RODA DE CONVERSA: OS IDOSOS NA ECONOMIA VERDE. United Global Citizens Rcyclage et transformation des sachets plastiques Gesto de territorio, sustentabilidade e minerao na Amaznia Vila-Escola Projeto de Gente: uma proposta de educao alternativa Arte sustentvel DAUA PURI - Contao de Histrias Indgenas #14 Poesia Domingos Ailton O Salto / Teatro Infantil The People says NO to a new form of colonialism. No REDD+ Tech-in Intercmbio tnico como superao dos preconceitos Uma prtica de Educao Biosustentvel, Ecosistmica e Transdisciplinar Consumo Consciente Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Educao Popular na Construo de uma Cultura de Direitos Humanos Forward +50 Rio United Global Citizens How to turn children in your country into sustainability activists People-oriented Development for Sustainable and Equitable Cities Atelie Oficina de Xequere / Livia Souza Vidal #61 Ponto De Cultura de Arraial Do Cabo A experincia da \"Ao da Cidadania contra a Fome, a Misria e Pela Vida\" e a \"Carta da Terra\" do Betinho PLANETE ET LEADERS

15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 15.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12

16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:00 20:00:00 21:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

t2d t1f t1g t1e t2f Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t2e t2f t1d Performance literria que rene poesia e msica com foco na questo Afro-Brasileira Roda de expresso potica escrita e falada no esprito "campo de pelada" O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Junto com Sergio Gramtico, a poeta e jornalista brasiliense apresenta o evento potico mensal Poesia de Primeira a Segunda. Dana do ventre e suas fuses com ritmos brasileiros/latinos Poesia performatica e teatralizada. O grupo existe h 6 anos no bairro da Lapa - RJ Sarau Potico Espetculo "Ar Quente"

16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

t1c t2d t1g t1e t1f t2a t2b Sesc Niteri Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t2a t1c t2b t2d t2f t1d t1g t1e t2e t1f Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t2a t1c Oficinas de construo de um painel com base na associao Mulheres da Pedra Mestre de Redes de Pesca, renda de Bilros, msica e Poesia Oficina de confeco de puffs com garrafas pet. Contao de histrias indgenas. Contos Infantis Recital de poesia ecolgica Teatro Infantil

Os direitos humanos de LGBT, e luta contra Homofobia no Brasil Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. REPROCESSED HOUSE Responsabilidade Socioambiental MANIFESTAO PELO DIA INTERNACIONAL DE VIOLNCIA CONTRA PESSOAS IDOSAS Defining participatory rights for planetaryboundaries Exchange Experiences on the Activities of the Woodmiles Forum in Japan Debate sobre Amaznia Sistentvel Coral Da Vila Olimpica Da Mar Jongo Coletivo Griot #61 Colaboratrio de Teatro #3 CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Djuena Tikuna e Grupo Maguta / Msica Indgena Roda de Conversa REPROCESSED HOUSE Consumo Consciente RODA DE CONVERSA: OS IDOSOS NA ECONOMIA VERDE. Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Conexo de Roda Tecnologia de reciclagem de nutrientes em comunidades. Cincia e Arte no contexto da Sustentabilidade Gesto de territorio, sustentabilidade e minerao na Amaznia Conhecer para atuar e transformar . A importncia da qualificao e educao como elementos fundamentais para atuaes presente e futura em diversos fruns. Folias Metafsicas / Lucida Casual Cortejo e Poesia / Marina Mara BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Poesia -AnaSim Ratos Di Versos / Dalberto Gomes #33 Cia Arquitetura de Movimento / Andrea Jabor Juliano Juba Dizer Poesia No Bairro Peixoto / Marisa Queiroz Montanha Russa Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Intercmbio tnico como superao dos preconceitos Commerce, environnement et dveloppement durable en Afrique : quelle place pour une conomie verte ? Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los Oficina Jogo da Carta da Terra - uma estratgia de educao para sustentabilidade A zero fossils strategy for your city! Forward +50 Rio United Global Citizens O Futuro que Queremos The World Hibakusha Exhibition~No More Hibakusha Dana Ritual Indigena / Pataxo Contao de Histria / Bare Manaura Teatro Tupiniquim Oficina de brinquedos tradicionais, construo com reaproveitamento Domingo alternativo

16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 16.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:00:00 18:00:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:00:00 20:15:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:00:00

t2e t2f t1e t2d t1g t1f t1d t2b Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t1c t1d t2d t1g t2f t2b t1e t1f t2a t2e Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Aterro do Flamengo t2e t1c t1f t2d t2a t2b t1g t1e t2f t1d Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Sesc Ramos Prticas alternativas em prol do autoconhecimento, aumento da autoestima e melhoria da qualidade de vida. Feira de artesanato sustentvel e produtos orgnicos, trilha ecolgica, oficina de brinquedos, oficina de sabo com reaproveitamento de leo vegetal, oficina de compostagem e oficina de horta. Grtis. Livre. Teatro Poesia performtica e teatralizada. Parada Potica O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Poesia performatica e teatralizada. O grupo existe h 6 anos no bairro da Lapa - RJ Dana com interveno urbana e Flash Mob Sarau Potico Apresentao do Coral da Vila Olmpica da Mar Oficina de Dana Teatro Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos Comunidade indgena Tikuna Wotchimaucu

Dana de rituais e cerimnias sagradas Contao de histrias



Sesc Tijuca

Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Exemplo de reflorestamento,educao ambiental,ecoturismo e utilizao ds recursos naturais de forma racional,bem como experiencia de parceria pblico privada. Solues, experincias demonstrativas e prticas a serem expostas nos Territrios do Futuro Discusso sobre o uso do territrio Consumo Consciente Modelo de Vida Carbono,Metano e Oxido Nitroso ZERO para garantir o Equilibro e a Justia Climtica United Global Citizens Rcyclage et transformation des sachets plastiques The World Hibakusha Exhibition~No More Hibakusha Boa Praa Malasarte / Teatro PLANETE ET LEADERS Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los RODA DE CONVERSA: OS IDOSOS NA ECONOMIA VERDE. Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Oficina Jogo da Carta da Terra - uma estratgia de educao para sustentabilidade A zero fossils strategy for your city! Strategic alliance of eco-communities and eco-nomadic movements. Tecnologia de reciclagem de nutrientes em comunidades. Cincia e Arte no contexto da Sustentabilidade Conhecer para atuar e transformar . A importncia da qualificao e educao como elementos fundamentais para atuaes presente e futura em diversos fruns. DAUA PURI - Contao de Histrias Indgenas #14 Coletivo Teatro de Operaes - UNIRIO Colaboratrio de Teatro Grupo Onix / Vila Da Mare Teatro Tupiniquim CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulao #65 Solues e experincias demonstrativas e prticas Proteo da biodiversidade e conflitos socioambientais: o caso do Mico-Leo-Dourado, Rio de Janeiro BRASIL REPROCESSED HOUSE CidadeDana/Paratodos Discusso sobre o uso do territrio Responsabilidade Socioambiental MANIFESTAO PELO DIA INTERNACIONAL DE VIOLNCIA CONTRA PESSOAS IDOSAS A educao uma moa grvida: ps descalos no barro do cho O Futuro que Queremos Sustainable food systems: examples from the US and the UK Grande Circo Piquinininho / Eduardo Tornaghi Folias Metafsicas / Lucida Casual Poesia By Marla De Queiroz BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Abertura Ellas & Os Monstros A Boca Lips Ratos Di Versos / Dalberto Gomes #33 Novo Mundo Novo Diego Guar Sandra Grego

17.06.12 17.06.12

11:30:00 11:30:00

t2e t2f




17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12 17.06.12

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 15:00:00 15:30:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:00:00 17:30:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:15:00

t2b t2a t2d t1g t1e t1f t1d Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 t1c t2d t1g t2f t2a t2b t1d t1e t1f t2e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t1d t1c t1e t1f t2a t2d t1g t2b t2f t2e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Poesia Teatro Junto com Sergio Gramtico, a poeta e jornalista brasiliense apresenta o evento potico mensal Poesia de Primeira a Segunda. O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Poesia performtica e teatralizada. O grupo existe h 6 anos no bairro da Lapa - RJ Teatro Contao de histrias indgenas. Contos Infantis Teatro de Rua Mostrar que a dana acolhe todas as diversidades Teatro Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos

Tecnologias populares e outras cincias: Morros da Mangueira e Macacos MANIFESTAO PELO DIA INTERNACIONAL DE VIOLNCIA CONTRA PESSOAS IDOSAS Tecnologias Socioambientais para Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas People-oriented Development for Sustainable and Equitable Cities Aldeia Charrua Polidoro: A reinveno histrica que educa Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable EMPREENDEDORISMO SUSTENTVEL Corao da Terra / Denise Mendonca Terra Indigena / Garapira - Pataxo Multimundos Floresta e Cidade #5 O Poder Da Ecologia Profunda 50+20 Collaboratory Prototype Centro de Saberes da Bacia do Prata e comunidades originrias Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Solues e prticas socioambientais de Igrejas Ecocidads brasileiras. Harnessing Biodiversity for a Sustainable World: a Project Development Workshop on the Responsible Use of Biological Resources Formao superior indgena na experincia do Instituto Insikiran no extremo norte brasileiro Rcyclage et transformation des sachets plastiques Aldeia Charrua Polidoro: A reinveno histrica que educa The World Hibakusha Exhibition~No More Hibakusha PLANETE ET LEADERS Projeto Agricultura Urbana e a Revoluo dos Baldinhos oficina terica desta experincia e prtica de compostagem termoflica Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences Solues e prticas socioambientais de Igrejas Ecocidads brasileiras. REDD: No um mecanismo financeiro, mas sim, sagrado para os Povos Indgenas Como promover os Direitos Humanos numa sociedade preconceituosa e intolerante Sharing the Power Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable Debate sobre Amaznia Sistentvel Contao de Historia / Bare Manaura #17 CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Solues e prticas socioambientais de Igrejas Ecocidads brasileiras. Economa Solidaria Trabajo Digno y Cooperacin Internacional: potencialidades, puntos criticos, experiencias en America latina, en Europa y en Asia Intercmbio tnico como superao dos preconceitos Sharing the Power Voices from Fukushima: Calling for a Nuclear Power Free World for a Sustainable Future Sustainable food systems: examples from the US and the UK Programa de Educao Ambiental e Cidadania - Oficina de Reciclagem de leo Troca de Saberes: uma experincia ecopedaggica Candy Schibli Mulheres Bantas / Ana Cruz #41

18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:00:00

t1c t1g t1d t1f t1e t2f t2b Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t2e t1c t2f t1g t2a t2b t1f t1e t1d t1c t1f t1d t1g t2a t2e t1e t2f t2b Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t1g t2f t1c t1e t1d t2e t1f t2b t2a Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Contao de histrias Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos Oficina de arte ldica. Espao para brincar e criar Danas e rituais de cerimnias sagradas Oficinas culturais Jogos coperativos e dinmica de dilogo

Performance literria que rene poesia e msica com foco na questo Afro-Brasileira

BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Fuses Orientadas / Dana Tribal Poesia Ecologia Profunda Eduardo Vitale Pelada Da Copa: Paixo ou Negcio??? Bapt Ludi Um Socialistas europeus e esquerda da Amrica Latina e Caribe debatem o desenvolvimento sustentvel Civil Society voices on Rio+20 - Perspectives and Recommendations from Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America Sade, Padres de Produo e Consumo e Desenvolvimento Sustentvel: h Terra para todos? Climate-Smart Agriculture A smart solution? Towards a Green Society? Participation for Social Change Palestra: Educao Ambiental na Educao Superior: requisito legal e indutor de qualidade na formao de profissionais no Brasil Climate Jobs seminar Presentacin del sitio web Una especie en peligro y exposicin de fotos Rostros en peligro Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Celebraco interreligiosa Towards a Green Society? Participation for Social Change O novo papel da organizaes de defesa de direitos na promoo da justia social e ambiental Contribucin de Mesoamrica para un real desarrollo sostenible, basado en las experiencia de comunidades forestales y pueblos indgenas: Lecciones para la reflexin de Ro+20 Resisting Canada\'s Criminal Assault on the Environment Simpsio: O Setor Eltrico Brasileiro e a Sustentabilidade no Sculo 21: Oportunidades e Desafios Juventude e a Carta da Terra na Rio + 20 Bioeconoma y desarrollo en Amrica Latina y el Caribe Des investissements contre les droits? SUSTENTABILIDADE NO MEIO URBANO. PRA QUE? PRA QUEM? Atelier dbat Climate-Smart Agriculture A smart solution? Autonomia econmica para mulheres e igualdade social Celebraco interreligiosa brincadeiras de roda e oferta de ch, campanha fechos eu cuido People\'s Sustainability Treaty on Rights of Mother Earth Reflexiones sobre el desarrollo desde el pensamiento ecolgico de base en Venezuela: contradicciones y oportunidades. EU in the multidimensional crisis, green economy to deapen the ecological ruin and financial capitalism. Let\'s fight EU\'s greedy economy! Analysis and strategies to resist and promote our alternatives Power of the People? Whats wrong with the current energy model & how do we fix it Reglas de inversin global y tribunales de arbitraje: una barrera para el cuidado del planeta Rights of Nature the Foundation for Sustainability No War! No Warming! Build an Economy for People and the Planet Do Gesto Potico ao Gesto Poltico Debate sobre a mulher no mercado de trabalho

18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.12 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012

18:00:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:15:00 8:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:15:00 9:15:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:15:00 11:00:00 11:00:00 11:30:00

Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Tenda B Tenda B Tenda C Tenda 31 Tenda Tenda Auditorio menor Sala Multimdia Tenda G Tenda 33 Tenda Tenda 1

O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Dana do ventre e suas fuses com ritmos brasileiros/latinos Partida de futebol teatralizada

18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Tenda 10 Tenda 2 Tenda 27 Tenda Tenda 20 t2c Tenda 12 Tenda 19 Tenda 29 Tenda 17 Tenda 8 Tenda 3 t1a Tenda 18



Tenda 5

18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Tenda 13 Tenda 21 Tenda 6 Tenda 14 Tenda 9 Tenda 26

Reform of International Financial Institutions (IFIs), Official Development Assistance (ODA) and Private Development Assistance (PDA) towards poverty eradication and sustainable/inclusive development in developing countries Encontro de Jovens Ecossocialistas International Forum on the failure of \'sustainable development\' and the urgent need for a socialist future Workshop on Climate Justice and LDCs Courses aux armements, budgets militaires et satisfaction des besoins humains Climate Jobs seminar A misria uma violncia - Qual desenvolvimento para construir a paz? Polticas globais e alternativas locais Forests, lands and territories for people! No REDD+! Womens Rights, Reproductive Health and Climate Justice: Voices from the Global South Bancos Comunitrios e Moedas Sociais como estratgia de desenvolvimento Debate: a insero econmica dos povos de terreiros e quilombolas em um novo modelo de desenvolvimento Expriences et enjeux internationales de dveloppement durable travers lESS Financing sustainable development, Financial Transaction Tax (FFT) Moradia, Autogesto e Ambiente Urbano IMPLEMENTAO DO ESTATUTO DA CIDADE E INSTRUMENTOS PARA EFETIVAO DA REFORMA URBANA Medalhas Pedro Ernesto Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Democratizar a comunicao: Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living OFICINA: \"Agenda Comum da CPLP para uma Agricultura Familiar Sustentvel\" Situacin de la Comunidad La Merced y su relacin con la naturaleza. Painel Interativo Vivendo com, na e da Mata Atlntica The need for a rights-based approach to sustainable development governance Roda de Conversa Sustainable Cities and New Economic Models Anlise e discusso dos problemas encontrados no Litoral Paranaense PAINEL SOBRE AS POLTICAS DAS AGUAS NO BRASIL X Seminrio Internacional de Sustentabilidade Roda de conversa - Instituto Arte no Dique Sem poesia a vida torna-se insustentvel: celebrao da diversidade cultural dos povos pelo coletivo Ns da Poesia Dbat Palestra The Global Transition to a New Economy: Presenting a new economic paradigm geared towards maximizing human wellbeing within environmental limits Launch of the Report of the Civil Society Reflection Group on Global Development Perspectives Occupy World Street Conocimiento tradicional y mercados verdes Seminrio \"Transdisciplinaridade e Mudana de Paradigma na Relao com a gua\" e lanamento oficial da Rede Internacional de Estudos e Aes Transdisciplinares da gua (REATA) Palestra \"O Sagrado da Ancestralidade\"

18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012

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Clube Boqueiro (Salo de festas) Tenda 15 Tenda 7 Tenda 25 t1b Tenda 22 Tenda 30 Tenda Tenda 23 Tenda 24 tenda 28 tenda 4 Tenda 16 Tenda 11 Clube Boqueiro (quadra) Tenda C Tenda G Auditorio menor Tenda G Clube Boqueiro (Salo de festas) Tenda 25 Tenda 23 t2c Tenda J t1a Tenda 27 Tenda 24 Tenda 30 Tenda 29 tenda 28 Tenda 22 Tenda 26 t1b Tenda B Tenda G Auditorio menor Tenda J Tenda 22

Painel: Autoestima dos Afrodescendentes, consolidao de seu Direito. PERCEPO AMBIENTAL COMO FERRAMENTA PARA EDUCAO AMBIENTAL: UMA EXPERINCIA NO SUL DO BRASIL Convergenica das juventudes para Trabalho, por uma outra economia e novos paradigmos de sociedade Green not Greed: The Role of Business in Reducing Poverty & Sustainable Development Pos Tv SEMINRIO ARTE,ECOLOGIA e NOVOS PARADIGMAS Idec na Rua e Oficina de Faxina Ecolgica Seminrio: Biodigestor Sertanejo, alternativa sustentvel para o semirido brasileiro Voices of Fukushima: Calling for a Nuclear Power Free World for a Sustainable Future Educao Popular Economia Solidria um novo paradigma: Bancos Comunitrios solues reais? Industries extractives, droits des autochtones et environnement : le cas du Plan Nord au Qubec Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living As mulheres, o poder e a sustentabilidade Cultura e sustentabilidade Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences 50+20 Collaboratory Prototype Conscientizao do planeta atravs da contao de histrias Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences Oficina de Fitocosmticos de leos vegetais da floresta amaznica Pirmide Alimentar Expofloresta - Grande tenda do dilogo. Defining participatory rights for planetaryboundaries Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Aldeia Charrua Polidoro: A reinveno histrica que educa Jogo Cooperativo " Em Construo"/ Simone Fadel Oficina de Correia de Bicicletas #40 Espetculo Kwertzaltoch Peixe Fredi / Teatro Infantil mesa redonda Experincias municipais da BP3\" Oficina de Fitocosmticos de leos vegetais da floresta amaznica Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz A educao uma moa grvida: ps descalos no barro do cho Projeto Arte do consumo consciente Tecnologias Socioambientais para Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas Conversatorio de experiencias sobre Conocimiento Tradicional y Agrobiodiversidad Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Aldeia Charrua Polidoro: A reinveno histrica que educa Sustainable food systems: examples from the US and the UK Casa Da Rua Do Amor / Oficinas Ecoldicas #10 Tecnologias populares e outras cincias: Morros da Mangueira e Macacos Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences

18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 18.06.2012 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12

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Tenda 27 Tenda 29 Tenda 3 Tenda 25 tenda 28 t1a Tenda 24 Clube Boqueiro (Salo de festas) t1b t2c Tenda 26 Tenda 23 Tenda G Tenda B Tenda B t1d t2b t2e t1c t1g t2d t2a t1f t2f t1e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Sesc Ramos Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t1c t1g t2d t2b t1f t1d t2a t2f t1e t2e Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t1c t1d Oficina de fabricao de objetos ldicos Jogo que tem como objetivo se constituir como motivador do pblico infanto-juvenil com projetos de educao ambiental Oficina de educao ambiental e reciclagem Teatro Infantil

Solues e prticas socioambientais de Igrejas Ecocidads brasileiras. Pirmide Alimentar Expofloresta - Grande tenda do dilogo. Exploring Climate Leadership A zero fossils strategy for your city! Defining participatory rights for planetaryboundaries Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Conhecer para atuar e transformar . A importncia da qualificao e educao como elementos fundamentais para atuaes presente e futura em diversos fruns. Viajando no Universo Literario / Marly Cuesta Djuena Tikuna e Grupo Maguta / Msica Indgena A rvore Que Dava Dinheiro / Angela Moreira CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences REPROCESSED HOUSE O Coletivo Educador da Bacia do Paran 3: como a educao ambiental pode contribuir para socidades sustentveis? Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz Seminario sobre Reservas de Biosfera en Ambiente Urbano Projeto Arte do consumo consciente Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Troca de Saberes: uma experincia ecopedaggica Compassion, harmony, philanthropy and health as a new economic paradigm BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Fuses Orientadas / Dana Tribal Recital da poesia - Conscincia Ecolgica Profunda Gaia Terapia / Teatro Trio Floresta Jazz Nervoso & Os Calmantes European Civic Initiatives promoting Access to Land O papel da cincia e do Estado na construo de legitimidade em torno do modelo energtico e de desenvolvimento hegemnicos Territrios Sustentveis na Perspectiva Agenda 21 Panorama Internacional Prticas para uma alimentao sustentvel: da produo ao consumo e ao destino dos alimentos. Una nueva internacional para una justicia global. Un nuevo modelo energetico para defender los bienes comunes, construir justicia y nueva ocupacion. Debate- O papel do jovem no papel de mobilizao e mudana do Brasil Hidreltricas desconstruindo o mito da energia limpa: a ameaa ao futuro da Amaznia, seus rios e seus povos Transbananal - Bom para quem? Youth, Popular Culture and The Future of the Planet Migraes e novos equilbrios socioambientais OFICINA: CONSCINCIA E CONSUMO Forum: Necessity of an international front of resistance to save the environment from the profit economy and the proposal to build an environmental union (in Germany) Defesa de Direitos: Experincias e Desafios da Juventude Religiosa Oficina "Grandes projetos transnacionais, grandes prejuzos locais - instrumentos para o empoderamento das populaes locais" Presentacin del libro \"Nuestro deber es luchar\" O papel da Agricultura Familiar na construo do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel

19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.12 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 18:00:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:15:00 5:30:00 8:00:00 8:30:00 8:30:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

t1g t2d t2a t1e t2b t1f t2f t2e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t1d t1e t1c t2d t2a t1f t2f t2b t2e Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Sala Multimdia Tenda H Tenda D Tenda E Clube Boqueiro (quadra) Tenda 24 Tenda 10 Tenda 17 Tenda 15 Tenda 8 Tenda 18 Tenda 3 Tenda 19 Tenda 11 Tenda 21 O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Dana do ventre e suas fuses com ritmos brasileiros/latinos Poesia, parlendas e trava lnguas Comunidade indgena Tikuna Wotchimaucu Contao de histrias apresentada de forma performtica Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos

RODA DE CONVERSA Atividade de coordenao das juventudes para a mobilizao Beyond GDP: towards strong sustainability indicators. AO GLOBAL - TRABALHADORES E PROFISSIONAIS CONSTRUINDO A INTERNET DE UM NOVO MUNDO SUSTENTVEL No War! No Warming! Build an Economy for People and the Planet Citoyennet Droits de l\'Homme & Dveloppement Durable Seminar on Sustainable Development and climate justice DIALOGUE ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS APPROACH IN FISHERIES, IN PARTICULAR THE ACCESS RIGHT TO THE RESOURCE AND TERRITORY Ecovilas Sociais Rurais e Urbanas: pela erradicao da pobreza mas com qualidade de vida. Marxismo, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento. La educacin que necesitamos para el mundo que queremos seminar : Fukushima nuclear power plant and radioactivity TOXIC TOURS: Misses de intercambio e mobilizao no Lado B do Rio de Janeiro Propuestas latinoamericanas para un modelo de desarrollo justo, democrtico y sustentable CRISE FINAL DO DEUS-FETICHE DINHEIRO A Suplantao do Moderno Sistema Patriarcal Produtor de Mercadoria e a Emancipao Humana Lanamento do Manifesto e do Projeto do Movimento Sair do Capitalismo. Palestra Ecomuseus e Museus Comunitrios: escolas de apropriao e gesto do patrimnio e protagonismo comunitrio Energy and regional integration, a path to sustainable energy sovernity What Can 1 Person Do For the Planet? Actvit1)Confrence dbat sur la problmatique environnementale en Hati. Activit 2) Exposition Projection de vido Culture hatienne (musique, gastronomie ) Fala, Comunidade: Quais so as violaes frente a epidemia de HIV/Aids e doenas associadas e as solues encontradas e propostas pela sociedade civil no Brasil? Polticas Pblicas para transies Ps-extrativistas \'Visions of the Living Earth\' Book Launch (Event #2) Workshop O Olhar das feministas emancipacionistas no marco da luta anticapitalista, antiracista e antihomofbica: O mundo que queremos construir com justia social e ambiental. Sustentabilidade e Trabalho Decente em Tempos de Crise Direito ao desenvolvimento, crise econmica e polticas de sustentabilidade Saneamento em Terras Indgenas, Sade e Nutrio Desenvolvimento Sustentvel, Ambiente e Sade: Debate sobre o documento da Fiocruz para a Rio+20 Plenria Unificada do Movimento Negro AO GLOBAL - TRABALHADORES E PROFISSIONAIS CONSTRUINDO A INTERNET DE UM NOVO MUNDO SUSTENTVEL Mesa de dialogo com os lideres religiosos Novos direitos e paradigmas Strengthening the governance of the Clean Development Mechanism so as to ensure sustainable development benefits

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Tenda 23 Clube Boqueiro (Salo de festas) Tenda 29 Tenda 7 Tenda 13 Tenda 26 tenda 28 Tenda 1 Tenda 25 t2c tenda 4 Tenda 30 Tenda 12 Tenda 6

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Tenda 20 Tenda 27 Tenda 22 Tenda 9 t1b Tenda

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t1a Tenda 2 Tenda 16 Tenda 5 Tenda 14 Tenda A Tenda B Tenda C Tenda C Tenda Tenda 7 tenda OAB Sala Multimdia

Hidreltricas desconstruindo o mito da energia limpa: a ameaa ao futuro da Amaznia, seus rios e seus povos Alternativas al modelo civilizatorio capitalista desde los Pueblos Indgenas de los Andes, avances, estado de situacin y retos Seminrio \"Direito, Meio Ambiente e Economia: olhares para os Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais da Amaznia\" China-U.S. Youth Sustainability Forum Mesa de dialogo com os lideres religiosos Articulao e convergncia das lutas socioambientais Debate sobre a 5a Semana social brasileira com o tema sobre o Estado para que e para quem. O papel da Agricultura Familiar na construo do Desenvolvimento Sustentvel Indigenous Peoples Struggle for Self Determination and Liberation Accaparement des terres : se dfendre ou renoncer la souverainet alimentaire !! Modelo Energtico para Pases em Desenvolvimento Capitalism, Agriculture and Landgrabbing Desenvolvimento sustentvel e solidrio nos territrios: estratgia de outra economia Transgenic GMO Trees: The Ultimate Commodification of the Forests No War! No Warming! Build an Economy for People and the Planet OFICINAS DE DIREITOS HUMANOS E MEIO AMBIENTE. RUMO A UMA CIDADANIA ECOLGICA NO SCULO XXI. Climate finance: ecological debt vs. corporate power Dilogos Intergeracionais sobre Sustentabilidade: -20 +20 Interfaith Vision of Ecological Civilization panel and discussion Tricontinental Peoples\' Solidarity Forum for Social and Environmental Justice A democratic and equitable UN - challenges for peoples mobilisation Exploring Climate Leadership RETOS Y DESAFIOS MS ALLA DE RIO+20 DESDE LA CRISIS CLIMATICA Energy and regional integration, a path to sustainable energy sovernity Roda de conversa sobre la campaa por los Estados Laicos Proteger os Bens Comuns, no os Bancos! Workshop and cultural activity Palestra sobre Democracia dos Alimentos Human Right to Nature and a Healthy Environment Labour and Environment. Trade Unions Commitments IMAGINE ALL THE PEOPLE: Advancing a Global Citizens Movement Workshop Vamos a detener los abusos de las transnacionales! Lanzamiento del proceso de campaa global. Global Financial Transactions Tax: a just solution for human development / Impuesto a las Transacciones Financieras: una solucin justa para el desarrollo humano frica e Brasil por um desenvolvimento sustentvel Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Debate sobre taxao do sistema financeiro internacional TERRA UM PLANETA SAGRADO! Cooperao Inter-religiosa para a sustentabilidade. Voices from the Local Community: Japan since 3.11 Sustainability as a Global Development Model? International Perspectives and National Strategies

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Tenda 10 Tenda 23

Tenda 1 Tenda 19 Tenda 18 Tenda 11 Tenda 21 tenda 28 Tenda 6 Clube Boqueiro (quadra) Tenda 29 Tenda 14 Tenda 8 Tenda 13 Tenda 27 t2c Tenda t1a Tenda 30 Tenda 5 t1b tenda 4 Tenda 12 Tenda 17 Tenda 3 Clube Boqueiro (Salo de festas) Tenda 16 Tenda 26 Tenda 22 Tenda 20 Tenda 9 Tenda Tenda 15 Tenda B Tenda G Tenda B t1a t1b Tenda B

Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Seminrio \"Direito, Meio Ambiente e Economia: olhares para os Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais da Amaznia\" Roda de Conversa Tecendo as redes da segurana humana s vtimas de violncias Rodas de Conversa: Ativismo e Mobilizao para a Sustentabilidade, por meio da msica, do teatro, da arte e dos jogos cooperativos Resistncias e Alternativas no Brasil e no mundo: propostas para um modelo energtico sem o nuclear! - parte II Os movimentos sociais e o desenvolvimento inclusivo com democracia e soberania nacional Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Solues, experincias demonstrativas e prticas a serem expostas nos Territrios do Futuro Tricontinental Peoples\' Solidarity Forum for Social and Environmental Justice Festival de lnguas Oficina Estetica Urbana/Performance Coletiva #63 Oficinas de Criacao Ecoludicas #10 Noos no bambu Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI A universidade e a sustentabilidade: desafios e dificuldades Harnessing Biodiversity for a Sustainable World: a Project Development Workshop on the Responsible Use of Biological Resources Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Animao Musical / Tatiana Milanez Oficina de Danca - Xote, Cacuria e Frevo #61 De Quem e a Culpa / UNIVEG Teatro Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Seminario sobre Reservas de Biosfera en Ambiente Urbano Dialogando sobre contribuies da Educao Ambiental para uma proposta contra-hegemnica de modelo societrio Djuena Tikuna e Grupo Maguta / Msica Indgena Dana Da Paz Universal / Denise Martins Bloise CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Palestras. Candy Schibli Fuses Orientadas / Dana Tribal Abertura Catadoras do DF Guerreiras Sim "Ar Quente" - La Crista / Teatro de Movimento Rollo

19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012

15:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 17:30:00

Tenda G t1a t2c t1b Tenda D

19.06.2012 19.06.2012 19.06.2012 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.12

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Tenda H Tenda B Tenda G t2d t2e t2b t2a Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Sesc Nova Iguau t2d t2b t2a t2e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t2d t2e t2a t2b Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t2d t2e t2b t2a Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Comunidade indgena Tikuna Wotchimaucu Roda de dana da Paz Universal, com vrios lderes e focalizadores, com propsito de meditar e celebrar Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos Animao musical Atelier de criao Pedao Dos Povos Mistura de ritual, poesia, coreografia e msica Oficina de fabricao de objetos ldicos Os segredos da reciclagem, reaproveitamento e reutilizao atravs da contao de histrias. Com Flvia Muniz Cirilo e Demtrio Oliveira. Grtis. 10 anos.

Dana do ventre e suas fuses com ritmos brasileiros/latinos Teatro de Movimento

SEBASTIANA Penna Firme Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Solues e experincias demonstrativas e prticas Proteo da biodiversidade e conflitos socioambientais: o caso do Mico-Leo-Dourado, Rio de Janeiro BRASIL Arquitetura social na universidade: as experincias dos Escritrios Modelos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Oficina de Fitocosmticos de leos vegetais da floresta amaznica Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz Anlisis integral del deterioro agroecolgico y ambiental Tecnologias Socioambientais para Adaptao s Mudanas Climticas Tricontinental Peoples\' Solidarity Forum for Social and Environmental Justice Vdeo-Debate: Saberes e Fazeres da herana cultural da gastronomia indgena contra a fome e a misria Seminrio e oficina: Um novo olhar sobre alimentao: uma revoluo necessria para a verdadeira Cultura de Paz Oficina De Bonecas Oficina De Sensibilizao Da Crise Scio-Ambiental #8 Circo Marcos Frota / Fernanda Mayrinck gua, uma questo de sobrevivncia Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences Lagrocologie en pratiques : 20 ans dexprience sur le terrain pour lutter contre la pauvret en faveur de la scurit alimentaire Proteo da biodiversidade e conflitos socioambientais: o caso do Mico-Leo-Dourado, Rio de Janeiro BRASIL Arquitetura social na universidade: as experincias dos Escritrios Modelos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Oficina de Fitocosmticos de leos vegetais da floresta amaznica Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz Harnessing Biodiversity for a Sustainable World: a Project Development Workshop on the Responsible Use of Biological Resources Strategic alliance of eco-communities and eco-nomadic movements. How to turn children in your country into sustainability activists Sustentabilidade no mbito da atuao profissional do Arquiteto e Urbanista Os direitos humanos de LGBT, e luta contra Homofobia no Brasil Combate Fome - Cultura da Paz Seminario sobre Reservas de Biosfera en Ambiente Urbano Dialogando sobre contribuies da Educao Ambiental para uma proposta contra-hegemnica de modelo societrio Projeto Arte do consumo consciente

20.06.12 20.06.12 20.06.2012 20.06.2012 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12

19:30:00 20:15:00 18:15:00 19:30:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Tenda G Tenda G t2d t1e t1c t1f t1g t2c t2b t1d t2a t2e t2f Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Sesc Nova Friburgo t1d t2f t1c t1f t2e t1g t2c t2a t1e t2d t1d t2d t2c t2a t2b t1f

Blocos do Rio De Janeiro

Oficina de confeccao de bonecas Laboratrio de Urbanismo e meio-ambiente - UFRJ Atraes de circo variadas A questo do uso da gua do planeta deve ser infinitamente debatida. A humanidade s agora comea a perceber que esse recurso natural finito. nossa responsabilidade promover um ambiente equilibrado e assegurar uma vida saudvel no meio em que vivemos. Grtis. Livre.

Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Encontro de Educao, Sade e Meio Ambiente Seminrio e oficina: Um novo olhar sobre alimentao: uma revoluo necessria para a verdadeira Cultura de Paz Up with People\'s International Youth Forum Jogo Cooperativo " Em Construo"/ Simone Fadel Ecoinvenes Viajando no Universo Literrio / Marly Cuesta CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulo #65 Lagrocologie en pratiques : 20 ans dexprience sur le terrain pour lutter contre la pauvret en faveur de la scurit alimentaire Tecnologias populares e outras cincias: Morros da Mangueira e Macacos Experincias demonstrativas, prticas Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los Exploring Climate Leadership Voices from Fukushima: Calling for a Nuclear Power Free World for a Sustainable Future O Futuro que Queremos Feria de la Diversidad por el buen vivir Conhecer para atuar e transformar . A importncia da qualificao e educao como elementos fundamentais para atuaes presente e futura em diversos fruns. Candy Schibli BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida #43 Poesia Eduardo Tornaghi Earth Code / Teatro Marcelo Diniz Feijo Coletivo Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living tica X Nuclear: testemunhos e reflexes e Ato inter-religioso antinuclear Roda de Conversa: Aliana Mundial de Organizaes Plantadoras de rvores Conflitos e desafios socioambientais na Mata Atlntica Fim do subsdio aos combustveis fsseis EDUCAO AMBIENTAL - caminho das aguas caminho das pedras Social and economic activities for small farmers through agroecological practicies A resposta da terra: experincias socioambientais alternativas ao modelo convencional de ocupao do territrio dbat Taxation and public investments: the basis for solidarity, equity and justice the case of water supply and sanitation. Oficina: Abordagem sobre a Biopirataria - Apropriao indbita dos recursos da fauna e da flora e dos conhecimentos das comunidades tradicionais por laboratrios farmacuticos internacionais. Nuevos paradigmas para el Desarrollo y la Cooperacin Internacional: Miradas desde el Sur Lanamento do livro Psico Trpicos PRESENTACION DE LIBRO SOBRE CONTAMINACION ELECTROMAGNETICA O Ecossocialismo e a Sustentabilidade - Paradigmas Ecopoliticos

21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.12 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 18:00:00 19:00:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:15:00 7:30:00 8:00:00 8:30:00 8:30:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

t2e t1c t2f t1e Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Sesc Niteri Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 t2f t1c t2b t2c t1e t1d t2e t1f t2d t2a Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Aterro do Flamengo Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Tenda G Tenda H Tenda E Tenda D Tenda 26 Tenda 12 t1b tenda 4 Tenda 20 Tenda 2 Jogo que tem como objetivo se constituir como motivador do publico infanto-juvenil com projetos de educacao ambiental Oficina de confeco de brinquedos. Poesia, parlendas e trava linguas Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos

O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza



Tenda 30

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Tenda 16 Tenda 7 Tenda 3 Tenda 27

Formao preparatria para a Assemblia Geral da Cpula dos Povos MUJERES INGENIERAS POR UN MUNDO MEJOR The Failure of Green Market solutions case studies from Asia The Truth Behind Fracking and what we can do about it SEMINRIO SOBRE EL CAMBIO DE PARADIGMA HACIA LA SUSTENTABILIDAD Rethinking Sustainable Development - Towards a new sustainability concept (Workshop) Juventude quer Bem Viver Crise do Capital e alternativa ecossocialista \"Ro Guarapiche: visin de un ecocidio ambiental\" ACTIVITES AUTOGEREES Foundations for a Life-Sustaining Economy: Moving from a Paradigm of Domination to Cooperation with Nature Seminario: Agricultura Urbana Ecolgica en Bogot (Colombia) y su contribucin al desarrollo sustentable y la soberana alimentaria A global response to the climate crisis: Buen Vivir in harmony with nature and respect for human and collective rights in the face of REDD+ DISPUTAS DE HEGEMONIA NOS ESPAOS PBLICOS DE CONTROLE SOCIAL E DEMOCRACIA PARTICIPATIVA Nome da atividade: Roda de conversa - Onde e como os carteiros esto levando a Carta da Terra? Changing mentalities and motivations: values for the sustainability transition Environmental Challenges & the Fate of Nomads on the Tibetan Plateau Os atuais desafios da juventude: cenrio internacional dos conflitos ambientais Oficina de Educao para Sustentabilidade Programa \"Balano\" da Terra A Ordem No Passar Fome Agenda 21, instrumento de governana para convergncia PRESENTACION DEL CASO HUERTA COMUNITARIA DON TORCUATO Derechos laborales y nuevos paradigmas para una sociedad justa e inclusiva. Favelas e Sade Ambiental A crise do capitalismo e a construo de um modelo de desenvolvimento justo e sustentvel. Mapas, Resistncias e Movimentos por Justia Ambental, Economia Solidria e Agroecologia Criao de um Conselho Mundial Popular da gua Panel sobre la posicin comn de la Red En Defensa de la Humanidad y Proyeccin del Documental de Santiago lvarez O Trabalho como arte transformadora da realidade, gerando a sustentabilidade. UNISOL Brasil: A economia solidria enquanto estratgia para o desenvolvimento sustentvel Um novo olhar de sustentabilidade para a Caatinga Iniciativa Panamaznica: Comunicacin para el Buen Vivir Fortalecendo o Princpio de Precauo Integrao dos Povos, rumo a Nao Pachamama Teatro do Oprimido Workshop: Alternative development paradigms: Viable proposals Taller Introduo ao Modelo GATS - Governana da gua e do Territrio para a Sustentabilidade Are dams a sostainable solution to wter problems?

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00

Tenda 29 Tenda 14 Tenda Tenda 6 Tenda 15 Tenda 25 Tenda 21 t2c Tenda 24 Tenda 23 Tenda 17 Tenda 13



Tenda 10

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 10:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

Tenda 1 Tenda 8

Tenda 19 Tenda 22 Tenda 18 Tenda 5 Tenda 9 tenda 28 Tenda 11 Tenda A Tenda C Tenda B Tenda C Tenda Sala Multimdia Auditrio Auditorio Tenda 16 Tenda 26 t2c Tenda 12 Tenda 6 Tenda 3 Tenda 23 Tenda 9

ECO-Projeto Chapada Diamantina: Inicio da criacao da Rede Mundial de Centros de Educacao, Tecnologia Ambiental e Ecoturismo Commerce, environnement et dveloppement durable en Afrique : quelle place pour une conomie verte ? XAXIM ECOLGICO Land Forest and Water Grabbing A dialogue between Asian and Latin American Social Movements. Gesto Pblica e Participativa dos Recursos Naturais L\'apport des Exercices de Diplomatie Non Gouvernementale du FIP aux rflexions autour du Sommet Rio+20 Crise do Capital e alternativa ecossocialista Glaciares y cambio climtico en el proceso Rio+20 Engaging Urban and Marginalized Youth in Policy, Advocacy, and Activism in a Globalized Context Indigenous Peoples and Local Community Conserved Areas and Territories (ICCAs): a movement for social and environmental justice in defense of the commons. \'READING AND PRESERVING PLANET ART\' \'READING AND PRESERVING PLANET ART\' Oxi, Crack e Drogadio: Os Mandamentos da Sade Para Pessoas Em Situao de Rua e o Cerco ao Problema .

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00

tenda 28 Tenda 2 Tenda 27 Tenda Tenda 21 tenda 4 Tenda 8 Tenda 29 Tenda 18 t1b Tenda 14 Tenda 30



Tenda 1

Criao do TPH - Tribunal Penal da Histria. Seminar 2 For a Global Climate Jobs Network La Vida es Sagrada OHK recommond Oxfam Ambassador Hai Qing and Professor Zheng Baowei to give speeches on People Assembly MOSTRA DE VIDEOS SOCIO-AMBIENTAIS DE MINAS GERAIS- PELAS SERRAS, AGUAS E POVO DE MINAS Oficina Prtica de Agroecologia e Permacultura na Aldeia Maracan Turismo de Base Comunitria, Sustentabilidade e Incluso Social Forum - No Barragem rio Guapiau El camino hacia una nueva gobernanza mundial y ambiental Women Leading the Way: Mobilizing for an Equitable, Resilient and Thriving Future Belo Monte: o comeo do fim - a usina de Belo Monte como smbolo e piloto do destrutivo boom hidreltrico na Amaznia Lanamento de Livro: Elmo Amador Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living O lugar de brincar: territrio do sonho EU in the multidimensional crisis, green economy to deapen the ecological ruin and financial capitalism. Let\'s fight EU\'s greedy economy! Analysis and strategies to resist and promote our alternatives Frei Betto fala sobre Infncia, Valores e Sustentabilidade Tecnologias Sustentaveis Para Qualidade de Vida e Justia Social Territorios y reas Conservadas por Pueblos Indgenas y Comunidades Locales (ICCAs): su importancia para la soberana alimentaria de los pueblos. Proceso de transicin de Colombia y la Regin (Latinoamrica) hacia la economa verde y minera en Colombia Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 12:00:00 12:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 13:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

Tenda 5 Tenda 11 t1a Tenda 20 Tenda 7 Tenda 10 Tenda 22 Tenda 24 Tenda 17 Tenda 25 Tenda C Tenda G Auditrio Sala Multimdia Auditorio t2c t1b

21.06.2012 21.06.2012

14:00:00 15:00:00

t1a Tenda G

A esquerda latinoamericana e o debate sobre o desenvolvimento sustentvel Seminrio: Ecologia e Espiritualidade. Contribuio para a cidadania planetria Radical Ecological Democracy as Alternative to Globalised Development soluciones e inversion al desarrollo sostenible de cordoba Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Rodas de Conversa: Ativismo e Mobilizao para a Sustentabilidade, por meio da msica, do teatro, da arte e dos jogos cooperativos Occupy World Street Lanamento de "As esquerdas latino-americanas em tempo de criar", de Nils Castro Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living

21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012 21.06.2012

15:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:45:00 17:30:00 18:15:00 18:30:00 20:30:00

Tenda B t1b t1a t2c Tenda G Tenda D Tenda G Tenda B Tenda G This event is from the global leaders in Green Economics who created the field of Green Economics as an academic discipline and who have been resposible for its spread over the last 10 years. The first green academic journal International Journal of Green Economics which is double blind peer reviewed will be introduced- now in its 6th volume as well as a complete range of books on green economics and the green economy in 4 series, Ashgate Academic Press, Gower Management Publishers and The Green Economics Reader Series and the Green Economics Handbook series from the Green Economics Institute. This side events charts the history origins, background, theory and practise of Green Economics and the competing ideas within the field and the literature and introduces and analyses the field. There will be 4 speakers and participation is encouraged from the floor.



T-6 (Riocentro)

CSR and sustainability reporting: creating a green economy and sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro) INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing will introduce the main messages of public sector auditors derived throughout years of work of Supreme Audit Institutions about the factors hindering the progress of national governments in their quest towards achieving solid performance in sustainable development. The working group, drawing together Supreme Audit Institutions of more than 70 countries, will present concrete findings of public sector audit institutions worldwide in their various audits on the fields of environment and sustainable development related to governments' work and progress in the area of sustainable development. On their basis, and following the 21st UNINTOSAI Symposium inviting INTOSAI to contribute to the Rio+20 process, concrete recommendations to UNCSD delegates for incorporating to their agreement text will be presented. L?vnement de haut niveau sur la sauvegarde du Lac Tchad prvu Rio Center, dans la salle T4, le 21 juin 2012 de 9h00 10h30. Cet vnement qui sera coprsid par le Tchad et la Commission du Bassin du Lac Tchad se penchera sur la situation du Lac Tchad qui constitue un exemple significatif des effets destructeurs du rchauffement climatique et de la dsertification sur l?avenir de l?humanit. Ce sera galement l?occasion de contribuer la rflexion sur les perspectives de mise en ?uvre des rsultats attendus de la Confrence des Nations Unies sur le Dveloppement Durable Rio+20, notamment sur les projets de prservation et de gestion des eaux du Lac Tchad au profil des populations qui vivent de ses ressources. This side-event will demonstrate that Environmental Fiscal Reform (EFR) is an essential policy instrument for a Green Economy. The event will focus on carbon-energy taxation and the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies. Speakers will highlight successful examples of EFR and present measures planned in the future. The discus-sion will explore how EFR can support governments in the process of greening their economies and bring-ing about environmental improvements, while also raising additional tax revenues for poverty alleviation or pro-poor investment. Participants will also watch video excerpts of interviews with political figures talking about their vision of a Green Economy in 2030. The event will raise awareness of EFR as a central policy tool for the Green Economy with a number of en-vironmental, economic and social co-benefits and support the arguments of delegates willing to strengthen language in the final document on the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies and other EFR meas-ures.

Environmental Auditing for Better Environmental Governance



P3-A (Riocentro)

Workshop on the Protection of Lake Chad



T-5 (Riocentro)

Environmental Fiscal Reform - The key to achieving a green economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

UN multi-stakeholder strategies for scaling-up and mainstreaming SD



T-4 (Riocentro)

Learning for sustainable development is already acknowledged as a key in transformation towards more sustainable society. In order to achieve a green economy and green society, and to build a world fit for children, contemporary patterns of production, ways of consumption, applications of technologies, foci of innovation, policies governing major aspects of our lives and even the cities, towns and villages in which we live have to be radically transformed. In 2050, we will be 9bn people on the planet. We know the challenges that this implies for energy, food, water ? especially, if we set the ambition of creating a global middle class comprising all of us. To turn these challenges into opportunities for sustainable and equitable growth, a closer collaboration between the public and private sectors is needed. The UN Secretary-General, who has made sustainable development his top priority, the President of Mexico, G20 chair and a leading regional champion on sustainable growth, the President of South Korea, one of the world's green growth economy leaders, and the Prime Minister of Denmark,current Presidency of the Council of the European Union and a pioneer of clean growth, as well as a number of other prominent decision-makers and thought leaders, will be part of a session on critical post Rio+20 and G20 implementation challenges and how to intensify private sector engagement in driving the transition to a sustainable and inclusive growth economy. The session will address the challenge of speed-to-scale in securing green and inclusive growth called for by the Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, and explore how platforms such as the Global Green Growth Forum can contribute to spur action and scale up and intensify business contribution in the transition to a green economy. The discussion will feed into the agenda of the next Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen on 9-10 October 2012, where a select group of 200 public and private world leaders will convene to give momentum to PPPs with a potential to bring speed and scale to the third industrial revolution. Water has been mentioned, for example in the discussions on Sustainable Development Goals, as one of the thematic areas on which a new global goal should be set. Such goal would promote socially, economically and environmentally sustainable use and management of water resources, as well as implementation of related human right obligations. What would be the content of such global goal? What kind of specific targets should be set to promote its achievement? How states, private sector actors and civil society can work together towards these targets? Reaching the goal of sustainable energy to all will only be possible through women?s increased participation in the economy. Norway proposes a side-event to explore the linkages between sustainable energy, gender and development. The event will take the form of a dialogue imagining the impact of decisions made during Rio+20, , looking back from a 2030 perspective. This will followed by a high-level panel discussion including leaders from both industrialized and developing countries as well ass business and NGO leaders. The expected outcome of this event is that member states will endorse the importance of integrating a gender and sustainability perspective in their energy planning and policies. Buildings belong to the most basic human needs with food, water & clothes. The more an economy develops, the more people spend time within buildings (up to 90% of their time in developed environments). The building sector has major impacts on the environment. It is the largest energy consumer of all end-use sectors, accounting for a third of total energy demand and for a large portion of GHG emissions in all economies. Additionally, when considering solutions to lower their energy consumption, buildings present the largest potential for GHG reductions. As they represent the immediate environment to human beings, buildings will also be a key sector for CC adaptation. Unfortunately, the building sector has not yet received the focus it deserves in CC policies. In developing countries, new constructions will quickly account to high proportion of energy demand. In developed countries, building energy refurbishment needs to be harnessed rapidly and efficiently.

Sustainable, Inclusive Growth: The Way Forward from Rio+20 and G20



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Water: Global Goal, Targets, Partnerships



P3-F (Riocentro)

Energy, Gender and Economic Growth



T-8 (Riocentro)

Energy Efficiency in Buildings: key element of global SD agenda



T-4 (Riocentro)



T-6 (Riocentro)

This event is from the global leaders in Green Economics who created the field of Green Economics as an academic discipline and who have been resposible for its spread over the last 10 years. The first green academic journal International Journal of Green Economics which is double blind peer reviewed will be introduced- now in its 6th volume as well as a complete range of books on green economics and the green economy in 4 series, Ashgate Academic Press, Gower Management Publishers and The Green Economics Reader Series and the Green Economics Handbook series from the Green Economics Institute. This side events charts the history origins, background, theory and practise of Green Economics and the competing ideas within the field and the literature and introduces and analyses the field. There will be 4 speakers and participation is encouraged from the floor.

CSR and sustainability reporting: creating a green economy and sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro) INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing will introduce the main messages of public sector auditors derived throughout years of work of Supreme Audit Institutions about the factors hindering the progress of national governments in their quest towards achieving solid performance in sustainable development. The working group, drawing together Supreme Audit Institutions of more than 70 countries, will present concrete findings of public sector audit institutions worldwide in their various audits on the fields of environment and sustainable development related to governments' work and progress in the area of sustainable development. On their basis, and following the 21st UNINTOSAI Symposium inviting INTOSAI to contribute to the Rio+20 process, concrete recommendations to UNCSD delegates for incorporating to their agreement text will be presented. L?vnement de haut niveau sur la sauvegarde du Lac Tchad prvu Rio Center, dans la salle T4, le 21 juin 2012 de 9h00 10h30. Cet vnement qui sera coprsid par le Tchad et la Commission du Bassin du Lac Tchad se penchera sur la situation du Lac Tchad qui constitue un exemple significatif des effets destructeurs du rchauffement climatique et de la dsertification sur l?avenir de l?humanit. Ce sera galement l?occasion de contribuer la rflexion sur les perspectives de mise en ?uvre des rsultats attendus de la Confrence des Nations Unies sur le Dveloppement Durable Rio+20, notamment sur les projets de prservation et de gestion des eaux du Lac Tchad au profil des populations qui vivent de ses ressources. This side-event will demonstrate that Environmental Fiscal Reform (EFR) is an essential policy instrument for a Green Economy. The event will focus on carbon-energy taxation and the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies. Speakers will highlight successful examples of EFR and present measures planned in the future. The discus-sion will explore how EFR can support governments in the process of greening their economies and bring-ing about environmental improvements, while also raising additional tax revenues for poverty alleviation or pro-poor investment. Participants will also watch video excerpts of interviews with political figures talking about their vision of a Green Economy in 2030. The event will raise awareness of EFR as a central policy tool for the Green Economy with a number of en-vironmental, economic and social co-benefits and support the arguments of delegates willing to strengthen language in the final document on the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies and other EFR meas-ures. Learning for sustainable development is already acknowledged as a key in transformation towards more sustainable society. In order to achieve a green economy and green society, and to build a world fit for children, contemporary patterns of production, ways of consumption, applications of technologies, foci of innovation, policies governing major aspects of our lives and even the cities, towns and villages in which we live have to be radically transformed.

Environmental Auditing for Better Environmental Governance



P3-A (Riocentro)

Workshop on the Protection of Lake Chad



T-5 (Riocentro)

Environmental Fiscal Reform - The key to achieving a green economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

UN multi-stakeholder strategies for scaling-up and mainstreaming SD



T-4 (Riocentro)

In 2050, we will be 9bn people on the planet. We know the challenges that this implies for energy, food, water ? especially, if we set the ambition of creating a global middle class comprising all of us. To turn these challenges into opportunities for sustainable and equitable growth, a closer collaboration between the public and private sectors is needed. The UN Secretary-General, who has made sustainable development his top priority, the President of Mexico, G20 chair and a leading regional champion on sustainable growth, the President of South Korea, one of the world's green growth economy leaders, and the Prime Minister of Denmark,current Presidency of the Council of the European Union and a pioneer of clean growth, as well as a number of other prominent decision-makers and thought leaders, will be part of a session on critical post Rio+20 and G20 implementation challenges and how to intensify private sector engagement in driving the transition to a sustainable and inclusive growth economy. The session will address the challenge of speed-to-scale in securing green and inclusive growth called for by the Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, and explore how platforms such as the Global Green Growth Forum can contribute to spur action and scale up and intensify business contribution in the transition to a green economy. The discussion will feed into the agenda of the next Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen on 9-10 October 2012, where a select group of 200 public and private world leaders will convene to give momentum to PPPs with a potential to bring speed and scale to the third industrial revolution. Water has been mentioned, for example in the discussions on Sustainable Development Goals, as one of the thematic areas on which a new global goal should be set. Such goal would promote socially, economically and environmentally sustainable use and management of water resources, as well as implementation of related human right obligations. What would be the content of such global goal? What kind of specific targets should be set to promote its achievement? How states, private sector actors and civil society can work together towards these targets? Reaching the goal of sustainable energy to all will only be possible through women?s increased participation in the economy. Norway proposes a side-event to explore the linkages between sustainable energy, gender and development. The event will take the form of a dialogue imagining the impact of decisions made during Rio+20, , looking back from a 2030 perspective. This will followed by a high-level panel discussion including leaders from both industrialized and developing countries as well ass business and NGO leaders. The expected outcome of this event is that member states will endorse the importance of integrating a gender and sustainability perspective in their energy planning and policies. Buildings belong to the most basic human needs with food, water & clothes. The more an economy develops, the more people spend time within buildings (up to 90% of their time in developed environments). The building sector has major impacts on the environment. It is the largest energy consumer of all end-use sectors, accounting for a third of total energy demand and for a large portion of GHG emissions in all economies. Additionally, when considering solutions to lower their energy consumption, buildings present the largest potential for GHG reductions. As they represent the immediate environment to human beings, buildings will also be a key sector for CC adaptation. Unfortunately, the building sector has not yet received the focus it deserves in CC policies. In developing countries, new constructions will quickly account to high proportion of energy demand. In developed countries, building energy refurbishment needs to be harnessed rapidly and efficiently. This event is from the global leaders in Green Economics who created the field of Green Economics as an academic discipline and who have been resposible for its spread over the last 10 years. The first green academic journal International Journal of Green Economics which is double blind peer reviewed will be introduced- now in its 6th volume as well as a complete range of books on green economics and the green economy in 4 series, Ashgate Academic Press, Gower Management Publishers and The Green Economics Reader Series and the Green Economics Handbook series from the Green Economics Institute. This side events charts the history origins, background, theory and practise of Green Economics and the competing ideas within the field and the literature and introduces and analyses the field. There will be 4 speakers and participation is encouraged from the floor.

Sustainable, Inclusive Growth: The Way Forward from Rio+20 and G20



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Water: Global Goal, Targets, Partnerships



P3-F (Riocentro)

Energy, Gender and Economic Growth



T-8 (Riocentro)

Energy Efficiency in Buildings: key element of global SD agenda



T-4 (Riocentro)



T-6 (Riocentro)

CSR and sustainability reporting: creating a green economy and sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro)

Environmental Auditing for Better Environmental Governance



P3-A (Riocentro)

INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing will introduce the main messages of public sector auditors derived throughout years of work of Supreme Audit Institutions about the factors hindering the progress of national governments in their quest towards achieving solid performance in sustainable development. The working group, drawing together Supreme Audit Institutions of more than 70 countries, will present concrete findings of public sector audit institutions worldwide in their various audits on the fields of environment and sustainable development related to governments' work and progress in the area of sustainable development. On their basis, and following the 21st UNINTOSAI Symposium inviting INTOSAI to contribute to the Rio+20 process, concrete recommendations to UNCSD delegates for incorporating to their agreement text will be presented. L?vnement de haut niveau sur la sauvegarde du Lac Tchad prvu Rio Center, dans la salle T4, le 21 juin 2012 de 9h00 10h30. Cet vnement qui sera coprsid par le Tchad et la Commission du Bassin du Lac Tchad se penchera sur la situation du Lac Tchad qui constitue un exemple significatif des effets destructeurs du rchauffement climatique et de la dsertification sur l?avenir de l?humanit. Ce sera galement l?occasion de contribuer la rflexion sur les perspectives de mise en ?uvre des rsultats attendus de la Confrence des Nations Unies sur le Dveloppement Durable Rio+20, notamment sur les projets de prservation et de gestion des eaux du Lac Tchad au profil des populations qui vivent de ses ressources. This side-event will demonstrate that Environmental Fiscal Reform (EFR) is an essential policy instrument for a Green Economy. The event will focus on carbon-energy taxation and the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies. Speakers will highlight successful examples of EFR and present measures planned in the future. The discus-sion will explore how EFR can support governments in the process of greening their economies and bring-ing about environmental improvements, while also raising additional tax revenues for poverty alleviation or pro-poor investment. Participants will also watch video excerpts of interviews with political figures talking about their vision of a Green Economy in 2030. The event will raise awareness of EFR as a central policy tool for the Green Economy with a number of en-vironmental, economic and social co-benefits and support the arguments of delegates willing to strengthen language in the final document on the phase-out of environmentally harmful subsidies and other EFR meas-ures. Learning for sustainable development is already acknowledged as a key in transformation towards more sustainable society. In order to achieve a green economy and green society, and to build a world fit for children, contemporary patterns of production, ways of consumption, applications of technologies, foci of innovation, policies governing major aspects of our lives and even the cities, towns and villages in which we live have to be radically transformed. In 2050, we will be 9bn people on the planet. We know the challenges that this implies for energy, food, water ? especially, if we set the ambition of creating a global middle class comprising all of us. To turn these challenges into opportunities for sustainable and equitable growth, a closer collaboration between the public and private sectors is needed. The UN Secretary-General, who has made sustainable development his top priority, the President of Mexico, G20 chair and a leading regional champion on sustainable growth, the President of South Korea, one of the world's green growth economy leaders, and the Prime Minister of Denmark,current Presidency of the Council of the European Union and a pioneer of clean growth, as well as a number of other prominent decision-makers and thought leaders, will be part of a session on critical post Rio+20 and G20 implementation challenges and how to intensify private sector engagement in driving the transition to a sustainable and inclusive growth economy. The session will address the challenge of speed-to-scale in securing green and inclusive growth called for by the Secretary-General's High Level Panel on Global Sustainability, and explore how platforms such as the Global Green Growth Forum can contribute to spur action and scale up and intensify business contribution in the transition to a green economy. The discussion will feed into the agenda of the next Global Green Growth Forum in Copenhagen on 9-10 October 2012, where a select group of 200 public and private world leaders will convene to give momentum to PPPs with a potential to bring speed and scale to the third industrial revolution.

Workshop on the Protection of Lake Chad



T-5 (Riocentro)

Environmental Fiscal Reform - The key to achieving a green economy



T-10 (Riocentro)

UN multi-stakeholder strategies for scaling-up and mainstreaming SD



T-4 (Riocentro)

Sustainable, Inclusive Growth: The Way Forward from Rio+20 and G20



T-9 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development and Water: Global Goal, Targets, Partnerships



P3-F (Riocentro)

Water has been mentioned, for example in the discussions on Sustainable Development Goals, as one of the thematic areas on which a new global goal should be set. Such goal would promote socially, economically and environmentally sustainable use and management of water resources, as well as implementation of related human right obligations. What would be the content of such global goal? What kind of specific targets should be set to promote its achievement? How states, private sector actors and civil society can work together towards these targets? Reaching the goal of sustainable energy to all will only be possible through women?s increased participation in the economy. Norway proposes a side-event to explore the linkages between sustainable energy, gender and development. The event will take the form of a dialogue imagining the impact of decisions made during Rio+20, , looking back from a 2030 perspective. This will followed by a high-level panel discussion including leaders from both industrialized and developing countries as well ass business and NGO leaders. The expected outcome of this event is that member states will endorse the importance of integrating a gender and sustainability perspective in their energy planning and policies. Buildings belong to the most basic human needs with food, water & clothes. The more an economy develops, the more people spend time within buildings (up to 90% of their time in developed environments). The building sector has major impacts on the environment. It is the largest energy consumer of all end-use sectors, accounting for a third of total energy demand and for a large portion of GHG emissions in all economies. Additionally, when considering solutions to lower their energy consumption, buildings present the largest potential for GHG reductions. As they represent the immediate environment to human beings, buildings will also be a key sector for CC adaptation. Unfortunately, the building sector has not yet received the focus it deserves in CC policies. In developing countries, new constructions will quickly account to high proportion of energy demand. In developed countries, building energy refurbishment needs to be harnessed rapidly and efficiently. A highlight of RIO+20 is that the UN and major international players have agreed to initiate work to develop new indicators leading us towards a more sustainable and fair world. But which indicators will be proposed? Certainly some more or less green varieties of the GDP or of the ANS (Adjusted Net Saving). The danger that there remain solely monetized indicators exists, as the outcomes of the World Bank, UNEP and the European Commission suggest. FAIR has often noticed the many limitations of such indicators: they mask the irreversibility of certain pollution or destruction, they do not reflect deficiencies in inequality or in human and environmental rights. Worse, they give us the illusion that it would be possible to compensate for severe deterioration of resources or climate through for example financial, training or research and development investments. Lastly, FAIR is looking for how to choose and build sustainability indicators for and by citizens. Our struggle for the democratic establishment of non-monetary indicators of ecological and social sustainability joined the one of NGO activists defending the ecological footprint or these of the Southern States representatives directly threatened by the human consequences of climatic disorders. The Rights of Nature and Buen Vivir, or life at its fullest, are the main innovative proposals that Ecuador has made in its Constitution and that it is implementing through public policy. Ecuador has the first country in the world taht recognizes the rights of nature and is implementing within a plurinational and intercultural state guided by the concept of Buen Vivir, which means living in harmony with nature, with oneself and with others. Buen Vivir is presented as an alternative to the concept of development.

Energy, Gender and Economic Growth



T-8 (Riocentro)

Energy Efficiency in Buildings: key element of global SD agenda



T-4 (Riocentro)

Beyond the GDP: toward social and environmental sustainability indicators



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Rights of Nature to reach Buen Vivir



T-9 (Riocentro)

UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012. The Summit will gather women Heads of State and Government to endorse a ?Call to Action? to highlight women?s vital contribution to realizing sustainable development as well as benefit from it. Their agency, leadership, voice and participation is crucial to this call and must therefore be fostered. Women Leaders' Summit on the Future Women Want 21/06/2012 11:00:00 T-2 (Riocentro) The Summit follows the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development, to be held on 19 June 2012, which will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. You can follow the live tweeting from @UN_Women in English and @ONUMujeres in Spanish and Portuguese, and use the hashtag #WomenRio to ask questions to the panelists. Climate change and its consequences are recognized amongst the major environmental challenges for this century. These issues impact agriculture and forestry in several ways: 1) The productive systems are affected by climate change and need to develop adaptation strategies. 2) In many parts of the world agriculture heavily relies on chemical inputs, likely to be more and more expensive in the future. On the other hand growing demand for food and bio-energy imply increasing production in the future. 3) Farming, livestock production and deforestation are major GHG producers. 4) Forest and agricultural lands can be major carbon sinks under appropriate management practices. Considering above mentioned aspects, many carbon calculators for agriculture and forestry sectors have been developed recently. ADEME, IRD and the FAO decided to make a review on existing tools focusing on complete tools that assess most of land based activities. For many environmental problems, fiscal policies are a very effective instrument. Reflecting environmental costs into market prices gives all actors the right incentives to exploit all possibilities for emissions mitigation and efficient use of natural resources. But the fiscal instruments must be well designed, in terms of targeting the right base, aligning their scale to the magnitude of environmental damages, and using the revenues productively, while also addressing concerns as to the burdens on households and industry. Often, however, the first priority in ?getting the prices right? is reform of existing energy and agricultural subsidies that distort the functioning of markets, and run counter to environmental objectives. This session will provide recommendations for tax and subsidy reforms to promote environmental sustainability. Case studies will be examined, with a focus on experience in Latin America, Asia, and selected countries of the OECD area. Sustainable Development - Human Dimension 21/06/2012 11:00:00 T-6 (Riocentro) High Level Side Event to promote human development within the context of sustainable development. The YMCA is both the largest and oldest youth organisation in the world, reaching 58 million people throughout 119 countries worldwide. Representing youth globally, we will through our event seek to urge politicians to greater ambition, responsibility and political courage. We will have young speakers within our delegation from around the world present their different messages, and further emphasise our communal responsibility through a short film and a song performance. This will be followed by a panel discussion with politicians from national delegations including Ministers, as well as UN representatives, and will include questions from the floor. See under Read more for a list of panellists and further details. CDKN and FFLA will lead a high level debate on the climate security agenda in the Amazon and worldwide, focusing on ways in which Climate Compatible Development can reduce the threats that climate change poses on water, energy, and food security, and ecosystems resilience. Panelists from the research arena, from the political level and from the social sector, coming from LAC, Africa and Asia will showcase specific examples of where this has happened. The event will promote dialogue between science, policy and action, bridging the gaps and integrating global and regional levels. This event will offer the perspective of developing countries on the topic, drawing from CDKN?s experience working in these regions.

Green Economy and Agriculture: Tools for policy makers to account for



P3-F (Riocentro)

Tax and Subsidy Reform for a Greener Economy



P3-5 (Riocentro)

Songs and Voices of Worldwide Youth: A Call to Act For Change Now!



P3-E (Riocentro)

Climate Compatible Development for Sustainability & Climate Security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Future Cities and National Urban Policies



T-2 (Riocentro)

This side event will convene six high-level speakers ? including a Head of State, Minister, Mayor, and CEO -- from different regions for an interactive discussion facilitated by a high-profile journalist. The expected outcome is that member states will endorse the importance of developing national urban policies as levers for sustainable development. Cities must rapidly address unprecedented demographic and spatial expansion. However, poor capacity, dwindling funds and dysfunctional linkages with higher levels of government have yielded sprawl, congestion and segregation ? environmental, economic and social, respectively ? which are sometimes beyond their immediate control. Many cities cannot tackle these challenges alone: they require interventions at higher levels of government. One crucial step is to integrate urban development in national sustainable development policies. These can serve as enabling frameworks for transport corridors, job creation and development within and between cities, and they can also empower local authorities to work more closely with national governments. In order to achieve Sustainable Development, building sustainable cities is indispensable. There are a number of frameworks that have been put forward by organizations and associations working on sustainable cities, however, many municipalities, particularly in developing countries, face the lack of technology as well as financial and human resources. In order to build more sustainable cities, it is important to share best practices and to support their own efforts and knowledge sharing. At this side event, Japan, on behalf of itself and its partners, will announce an establishment of an initiative of ?Future Cities We Want?. Activities to be implemented in this initiative are: to formulate concepts of ?Future Cities?; to establish a platform to coordinate a number of existing frameworks; to establish a platform for local authorities to provide mutual support; to establish a mechanism to support resource mobilization; and to promote regional cooperative mechanisms. The panel discussion aims to focus on bringing a youth perspective to sustainable development. Scouting will share inputs on how and why Child and Youth Participation is at the core of Scouting?s fundamentals and we wish to invite other youth organisations and key UN agencies to bring their views and inputs. The discussion hopes to provide an understanding of the impact of engaging young people and the advantage of involving the youth very early in development processes and problem solving on the global issues concerning the world today. Esta actividad discutir la articulacin de actores sociales hacia una plataforma de convergencia por El derecho a la ciudad: Reforma urbana y cambio de paradigma hacia ciudades justas, democrticas y sostenibles. Reunir organizaciones de diversas redes en una construccin de compromisos comunes a ser presentados a los gobiernos nacionales, gobiernos locales, organizaciones sociales. En este taller vamos a discutir estrategias para consolidar la plataforma del derecho a la ciudad. La dinmica del evento se desarrollar con dos ponencias, la presentacin de las redes y un debate abierto al pblico. As the Italian Minister indicated at the first HLRT, Italy is going to facilitate a second HLRT and that the most effective option of convening the 2nd HLRT would be to organize it in relation to the Rio +20 Summit under the auspices of the High Level Task Force of the BSF, which is currently chaired by H.E. Min. Lars Peder Brekk. The main focus will be:

Future Cities We Want-Linking and Spreading Sustainable Future Cities-



P3-F (Riocentro)

Panel discussion 'Young people in the life cycle of sustainable devt.'



T-6 (Riocentro)

El derecho a ciudades justas, democraticas y sostenibles



T-4 (Riocentro)

High Level Round Table on the International Treaty



P3-A (Riocentro)

Sustainable Futures: Youth, Innovation & the MDGs



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. To highlight the interaction between the economy, biodiversity and food security; 2. To showcase the Treaty as one of the foremost legal instruments leading the agricultural field internationally with innovative mechanisms such as the Multilateral System of Access and Benefitsharing and its Benefit-sharing Fund; 3. ?Facilitate the High Level discussion on the Potential Monetary and Non-monetary Benefits Arising from the Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources under the Multilateral System of the International Plant Treaty?. It is proposed that the event will take place June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. The UN has recognized the need to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world?s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, from enhancing peace to boosting economic development and dealing with Climate Change. This event will focus on youth as agents of change and catalysts in achieving the MDGs and beyond, with a focus on innovations that are youth driven dealing with sustainable development. It will: a) present some powerful examples of youth-led initiatives which impact local decision-making processes b) showcase tech and social business solutions which empower communities and c) provide recommendations for ensuring stronger linkages between the youth and MDG agenda 2015+.

A highlight of RIO+20 is that the UN and major international players have agreed to initiate work to develop new indicators leading us towards a more sustainable and fair world. But which indicators will be proposed? Certainly some more or less green varieties of the GDP or of the ANS (Adjusted Net Saving). The danger that there remain solely monetized indicators exists, as the outcomes of the World Bank, UNEP and the European Commission suggest. FAIR has often noticed the many limitations of such indicators: they mask the irreversibility of certain pollution or destruction, they do not reflect deficiencies in inequality or in human and environmental rights. Worse, they give us the illusion that it would be possible to compensate for severe deterioration of resources or climate through for example financial, training or research and development investments. Lastly, FAIR is looking for how to choose and build sustainability indicators for and by citizens. Our struggle for the democratic establishment of non-monetary indicators of ecological and social sustainability joined the one of NGO activists defending the ecological footprint or these of the Southern States representatives directly threatened by the human consequences of climatic disorders. The Rights of Nature and Buen Vivir, or life at its fullest, are the main innovative proposals that Ecuador has made in its Constitution and that it is implementing through public policy. Ecuador has the first country in the world taht recognizes the rights of nature and is implementing within a plurinational and intercultural state guided by the concept of Buen Vivir, which means living in harmony with nature, with oneself and with others. Buen Vivir is presented as an alternative to the concept of development. UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012. The Summit will gather women Heads of State and Government to endorse a ?Call to Action? to highlight women?s vital contribution to realizing sustainable development as well as benefit from it. Their agency, leadership, voice and participation is crucial to this call and must therefore be fostered. Women Leaders' Summit on the Future Women Want 21/06/2012 11:00:00 T-2 (Riocentro) The Summit follows the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development, to be held on 19 June 2012, which will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. You can follow the live tweeting from @UN_Women in English and @ONUMujeres in Spanish and Portuguese, and use the hashtag #WomenRio to ask questions to the panelists. Climate change and its consequences are recognized amongst the major environmental challenges for this century. These issues impact agriculture and forestry in several ways: 1) The productive systems are affected by climate change and need to develop adaptation strategies. 2) In many parts of the world agriculture heavily relies on chemical inputs, likely to be more and more expensive in the future. On the other hand growing demand for food and bio-energy imply increasing production in the future. 3) Farming, livestock production and deforestation are major GHG producers. 4) Forest and agricultural lands can be major carbon sinks under appropriate management practices. Considering above mentioned aspects, many carbon calculators for agriculture and forestry sectors have been developed recently. ADEME, IRD and the FAO decided to make a review on existing tools focusing on complete tools that assess most of land based activities.

Beyond the GDP: toward social and environmental sustainability indicators



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Rights of Nature to reach Buen Vivir



T-9 (Riocentro)

Green Economy and Agriculture: Tools for policy makers to account for



P3-F (Riocentro)

Tax and Subsidy Reform for a Greener Economy



P3-5 (Riocentro)

For many environmental problems, fiscal policies are a very effective instrument. Reflecting environmental costs into market prices gives all actors the right incentives to exploit all possibilities for emissions mitigation and efficient use of natural resources. But the fiscal instruments must be well designed, in terms of targeting the right base, aligning their scale to the magnitude of environmental damages, and using the revenues productively, while also addressing concerns as to the burdens on households and industry. Often, however, the first priority in ?getting the prices right? is reform of existing energy and agricultural subsidies that distort the functioning of markets, and run counter to environmental objectives. This session will provide recommendations for tax and subsidy reforms to promote environmental sustainability. Case studies will be examined, with a focus on experience in Latin America, Asia, and selected countries of the OECD area.

Sustainable Development - Human Dimension



T-6 (Riocentro)

High Level Side Event to promote human development within the context of sustainable development. The YMCA is both the largest and oldest youth organisation in the world, reaching 58 million people throughout 119 countries worldwide. Representing youth globally, we will through our event seek to urge politicians to greater ambition, responsibility and political courage. We will have young speakers within our delegation from around the world present their different messages, and further emphasise our communal responsibility through a short film and a song performance. This will be followed by a panel discussion with politicians from national delegations including Ministers, as well as UN representatives, and will include questions from the floor. See under Read more for a list of panellists and further details. CDKN and FFLA will lead a high level debate on the climate security agenda in the Amazon and worldwide, focusing on ways in which Climate Compatible Development can reduce the threats that climate change poses on water, energy, and food security, and ecosystems resilience. Panelists from the research arena, from the political level and from the social sector, coming from LAC, Africa and Asia will showcase specific examples of where this has happened. The event will promote dialogue between science, policy and action, bridging the gaps and integrating global and regional levels. This event will offer the perspective of developing countries on the topic, drawing from CDKN?s experience working in these regions. This side event will convene six high-level speakers ? including a Head of State, Minister, Mayor, and CEO -- from different regions for an interactive discussion facilitated by a high-profile journalist. The expected outcome is that member states will endorse the importance of developing national urban policies as levers for sustainable development. Cities must rapidly address unprecedented demographic and spatial expansion. However, poor capacity, dwindling funds and dysfunctional linkages with higher levels of government have yielded sprawl, congestion and segregation ? environmental, economic and social, respectively ? which are sometimes beyond their immediate control. Many cities cannot tackle these challenges alone: they require interventions at higher levels of government. One crucial step is to integrate urban development in national sustainable development policies. These can serve as enabling frameworks for transport corridors, job creation and development within and between cities, and they can also empower local authorities to work more closely with national governments. In order to achieve Sustainable Development, building sustainable cities is indispensable. There are a number of frameworks that have been put forward by organizations and associations working on sustainable cities, however, many municipalities, particularly in developing countries, face the lack of technology as well as financial and human resources. In order to build more sustainable cities, it is important to share best practices and to support their own efforts and knowledge sharing. At this side event, Japan, on behalf of itself and its partners, will announce an establishment of an initiative of ?Future Cities We Want?. Activities to be implemented in this initiative are: to formulate concepts of ?Future Cities?; to establish a platform to coordinate a number of existing frameworks; to establish a platform for local authorities to provide mutual support; to establish a mechanism to support resource mobilization; and to promote regional cooperative mechanisms. The panel discussion aims to focus on bringing a youth perspective to sustainable development. Scouting will share inputs on how and why Child and Youth Participation is at the core of Scouting?s fundamentals and we wish to invite other youth organisations and key UN agencies to bring their views and inputs. The discussion hopes to provide an understanding of the impact of engaging young people and the advantage of involving the youth very early in development processes and problem solving on the global issues concerning the world today.

Songs and Voices of Worldwide Youth: A Call to Act For Change Now!



P3-E (Riocentro)

Climate Compatible Development for Sustainability & Climate Security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Future Cities and National Urban Policies



T-2 (Riocentro)

Future Cities We Want-Linking and Spreading Sustainable Future Cities-



P3-F (Riocentro)

Panel discussion 'Young people in the life cycle of sustainable devt.'



T-6 (Riocentro)

El derecho a ciudades justas, democraticas y sostenibles



T-4 (Riocentro)

Esta actividad discutir la articulacin de actores sociales hacia una plataforma de convergencia por El derecho a la ciudad: Reforma urbana y cambio de paradigma hacia ciudades justas, democrticas y sostenibles. Reunir organizaciones de diversas redes en una construccin de compromisos comunes a ser presentados a los gobiernos nacionales, gobiernos locales, organizaciones sociales. En este taller vamos a discutir estrategias para consolidar la plataforma del derecho a la ciudad. La dinmica del evento se desarrollar con dos ponencias, la presentacin de las redes y un debate abierto al pblico. As the Italian Minister indicated at the first HLRT, Italy is going to facilitate a second HLRT and that the most effective option of convening the 2nd HLRT would be to organize it in relation to the Rio +20 Summit under the auspices of the High Level Task Force of the BSF, which is currently chaired by H.E. Min. Lars Peder Brekk. The main focus will be:

High Level Round Table on the International Treaty



P3-A (Riocentro)

Sustainable Futures: Youth, Innovation & the MDGs



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. To highlight the interaction between the economy, biodiversity and food security; 2. To showcase the Treaty as one of the foremost legal instruments leading the agricultural field internationally with innovative mechanisms such as the Multilateral System of Access and Benefitsharing and its Benefit-sharing Fund; 3. ?Facilitate the High Level discussion on the Potential Monetary and Non-monetary Benefits Arising from the Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources under the Multilateral System of the International Plant Treaty?. It is proposed that the event will take place June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. The UN has recognized the need to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world?s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, from enhancing peace to boosting economic development and dealing with Climate Change. This event will focus on youth as agents of change and catalysts in achieving the MDGs and beyond, with a focus on innovations that are youth driven dealing with sustainable development. It will: a) present some powerful examples of youth-led initiatives which impact local decision-making processes b) showcase tech and social business solutions which empower communities and c) provide recommendations for ensuring stronger linkages between the youth and MDG agenda 2015+. A highlight of RIO+20 is that the UN and major international players have agreed to initiate work to develop new indicators leading us towards a more sustainable and fair world. But which indicators will be proposed? Certainly some more or less green varieties of the GDP or of the ANS (Adjusted Net Saving). The danger that there remain solely monetized indicators exists, as the outcomes of the World Bank, UNEP and the European Commission suggest. FAIR has often noticed the many limitations of such indicators: they mask the irreversibility of certain pollution or destruction, they do not reflect deficiencies in inequality or in human and environmental rights. Worse, they give us the illusion that it would be possible to compensate for severe deterioration of resources or climate through for example financial, training or research and development investments. Lastly, FAIR is looking for how to choose and build sustainability indicators for and by citizens. Our struggle for the democratic establishment of non-monetary indicators of ecological and social sustainability joined the one of NGO activists defending the ecological footprint or these of the Southern States representatives directly threatened by the human consequences of climatic disorders. The Rights of Nature and Buen Vivir, or life at its fullest, are the main innovative proposals that Ecuador has made in its Constitution and that it is implementing through public policy. Ecuador has the first country in the world taht recognizes the rights of nature and is implementing within a plurinational and intercultural state guided by the concept of Buen Vivir, which means living in harmony with nature, with oneself and with others. Buen Vivir is presented as an alternative to the concept of development.

Beyond the GDP: toward social and environmental sustainability indicators



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Rights of Nature to reach Buen Vivir



T-9 (Riocentro)

UN Women, in collaboration with the Government of Brazil, is organizing the Women Leaders? Summit on the Future Women Want on 21 June 2012. The Summit will gather women Heads of State and Government to endorse a ?Call to Action? to highlight women?s vital contribution to realizing sustainable development as well as benefit from it. Their agency, leadership, voice and participation is crucial to this call and must therefore be fostered. Women Leaders' Summit on the Future Women Want 21/06/2012 11:00:00 T-2 (Riocentro) The Summit follows the multi-stakeholder Leaders? Forum on the Future Women Forum: Gender Equality and Women?s Empowerment for Sustainable Development, to be held on 19 June 2012, which will bring together leaders and experts from governments, the UN System, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector to discuss and reaffirm the centrality and the interlinkages of gender equality and women?s empowerment with the three dimensions of sustainable development?social, economic and environmental. You can follow the live tweeting from @UN_Women in English and @ONUMujeres in Spanish and Portuguese, and use the hashtag #WomenRio to ask questions to the panelists. Climate change and its consequences are recognized amongst the major environmental challenges for this century. These issues impact agriculture and forestry in several ways: 1) The productive systems are affected by climate change and need to develop adaptation strategies. 2) In many parts of the world agriculture heavily relies on chemical inputs, likely to be more and more expensive in the future. On the other hand growing demand for food and bio-energy imply increasing production in the future. 3) Farming, livestock production and deforestation are major GHG producers. 4) Forest and agricultural lands can be major carbon sinks under appropriate management practices. Considering above mentioned aspects, many carbon calculators for agriculture and forestry sectors have been developed recently. ADEME, IRD and the FAO decided to make a review on existing tools focusing on complete tools that assess most of land based activities. For many environmental problems, fiscal policies are a very effective instrument. Reflecting environmental costs into market prices gives all actors the right incentives to exploit all possibilities for emissions mitigation and efficient use of natural resources. But the fiscal instruments must be well designed, in terms of targeting the right base, aligning their scale to the magnitude of environmental damages, and using the revenues productively, while also addressing concerns as to the burdens on households and industry. Often, however, the first priority in ?getting the prices right? is reform of existing energy and agricultural subsidies that distort the functioning of markets, and run counter to environmental objectives. This session will provide recommendations for tax and subsidy reforms to promote environmental sustainability. Case studies will be examined, with a focus on experience in Latin America, Asia, and selected countries of the OECD area. Sustainable Development - Human Dimension 21/06/2012 11:00:00 T-6 (Riocentro) High Level Side Event to promote human development within the context of sustainable development. The YMCA is both the largest and oldest youth organisation in the world, reaching 58 million people throughout 119 countries worldwide. Representing youth globally, we will through our event seek to urge politicians to greater ambition, responsibility and political courage. We will have young speakers within our delegation from around the world present their different messages, and further emphasise our communal responsibility through a short film and a song performance. This will be followed by a panel discussion with politicians from national delegations including Ministers, as well as UN representatives, and will include questions from the floor. See under Read more for a list of panellists and further details. CDKN and FFLA will lead a high level debate on the climate security agenda in the Amazon and worldwide, focusing on ways in which Climate Compatible Development can reduce the threats that climate change poses on water, energy, and food security, and ecosystems resilience. Panelists from the research arena, from the political level and from the social sector, coming from LAC, Africa and Asia will showcase specific examples of where this has happened. The event will promote dialogue between science, policy and action, bridging the gaps and integrating global and regional levels. This event will offer the perspective of developing countries on the topic, drawing from CDKN?s experience working in these regions.

Green Economy and Agriculture: Tools for policy makers to account for



P3-F (Riocentro)

Tax and Subsidy Reform for a Greener Economy



P3-5 (Riocentro)

Songs and Voices of Worldwide Youth: A Call to Act For Change Now!



P3-E (Riocentro)

Climate Compatible Development for Sustainability & Climate Security



P3-B (Riocentro)

Future Cities and National Urban Policies



T-2 (Riocentro)

This side event will convene six high-level speakers ? including a Head of State, Minister, Mayor, and CEO -- from different regions for an interactive discussion facilitated by a high-profile journalist. The expected outcome is that member states will endorse the importance of developing national urban policies as levers for sustainable development. Cities must rapidly address unprecedented demographic and spatial expansion. However, poor capacity, dwindling funds and dysfunctional linkages with higher levels of government have yielded sprawl, congestion and segregation ? environmental, economic and social, respectively ? which are sometimes beyond their immediate control. Many cities cannot tackle these challenges alone: they require interventions at higher levels of government. One crucial step is to integrate urban development in national sustainable development policies. These can serve as enabling frameworks for transport corridors, job creation and development within and between cities, and they can also empower local authorities to work more closely with national governments. In order to achieve Sustainable Development, building sustainable cities is indispensable. There are a number of frameworks that have been put forward by organizations and associations working on sustainable cities, however, many municipalities, particularly in developing countries, face the lack of technology as well as financial and human resources. In order to build more sustainable cities, it is important to share best practices and to support their own efforts and knowledge sharing. At this side event, Japan, on behalf of itself and its partners, will announce an establishment of an initiative of ?Future Cities We Want?. Activities to be implemented in this initiative are: to formulate concepts of ?Future Cities?; to establish a platform to coordinate a number of existing frameworks; to establish a platform for local authorities to provide mutual support; to establish a mechanism to support resource mobilization; and to promote regional cooperative mechanisms. The panel discussion aims to focus on bringing a youth perspective to sustainable development. Scouting will share inputs on how and why Child and Youth Participation is at the core of Scouting?s fundamentals and we wish to invite other youth organisations and key UN agencies to bring their views and inputs. The discussion hopes to provide an understanding of the impact of engaging young people and the advantage of involving the youth very early in development processes and problem solving on the global issues concerning the world today. Esta actividad discutir la articulacin de actores sociales hacia una plataforma de convergencia por El derecho a la ciudad: Reforma urbana y cambio de paradigma hacia ciudades justas, democrticas y sostenibles. Reunir organizaciones de diversas redes en una construccin de compromisos comunes a ser presentados a los gobiernos nacionales, gobiernos locales, organizaciones sociales. En este taller vamos a discutir estrategias para consolidar la plataforma del derecho a la ciudad. La dinmica del evento se desarrollar con dos ponencias, la presentacin de las redes y un debate abierto al pblico. As the Italian Minister indicated at the first HLRT, Italy is going to facilitate a second HLRT and that the most effective option of convening the 2nd HLRT would be to organize it in relation to the Rio +20 Summit under the auspices of the High Level Task Force of the BSF, which is currently chaired by H.E. Min. Lars Peder Brekk. The main focus will be:

Future Cities We Want-Linking and Spreading Sustainable Future Cities-



P3-F (Riocentro)

Panel discussion 'Young people in the life cycle of sustainable devt.'



T-6 (Riocentro)

El derecho a ciudades justas, democraticas y sostenibles



T-4 (Riocentro)

High Level Round Table on the International Treaty



P3-A (Riocentro)

Sustainable Futures: Youth, Innovation & the MDGs



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. To highlight the interaction between the economy, biodiversity and food security; 2. To showcase the Treaty as one of the foremost legal instruments leading the agricultural field internationally with innovative mechanisms such as the Multilateral System of Access and Benefitsharing and its Benefit-sharing Fund; 3. ?Facilitate the High Level discussion on the Potential Monetary and Non-monetary Benefits Arising from the Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources under the Multilateral System of the International Plant Treaty?. It is proposed that the event will take place June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. The UN has recognized the need to harness the energy, imagination and initiative of the world?s youth in overcoming the challenges facing humankind, from enhancing peace to boosting economic development and dealing with Climate Change. This event will focus on youth as agents of change and catalysts in achieving the MDGs and beyond, with a focus on innovations that are youth driven dealing with sustainable development. It will: a) present some powerful examples of youth-led initiatives which impact local decision-making processes b) showcase tech and social business solutions which empower communities and c) provide recommendations for ensuring stronger linkages between the youth and MDG agenda 2015+.

Discussion on Kazakhstan?s initiatives ? Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and Green Bridge Partnership Programme. Side-event will focus on the two initiatives that Kazakhstan has proposed for the Rio+20 Conference: the Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and the Green Bridge Partnership Programme. The event will serve as a platform for wide discussion on these two initiatives, their goals, mode of implementation, collaboration, achievements and prospects. Side-event will be followed by lunch RSVP: The side event will provide an incisive and highly original up-to-date contribution to the ongoing discussions on indicators relevant for measuring progress of transition to a green economy in the context of ?Beyond GDP? initiatives. It will be opened by Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Mr Tom? Chalupa, to be followed by presentations of eminent experts of the leading international organizations, agencies, think-tanks and academia, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European Environment Agency, the Global Footprint Network and the Charles University in Prague. The side events ambition is to highlight one of the key expected elements of the Rio+20 outcome document, i.e. reliable measuring methods as a prerequisite for responsible and informed policy decision-making. Prior to Rio+20, the 9 states that compose the Brazilian Amazon have come together to develop the Amazon Letter to Rio+20, with the objective of identifying the main needs and bottlenecks of the region, but also to propose a roadmap to the sustainable development of the region. The construction of this document involved representatives of the 9 major groups active in each one of the states and was lead by the State's Governors, in cooperation with Federal Government institutions and culminated with the Amazon Sustainable Development Meeting, in which 400 representatives from all the Major Groups came together to consolidate the document. The objective of the side event is to present the building process and outcomes of the Letter, including the commitments adopted the 9 regional states. the side event will be hosted by the states' Governors. The final version of the letter will be ready on June 1st. Over the last 20 years economic growth has lifted more than 660 million people out of poverty and raised the income levels of millions more, but growth has too often come at the expense of the environment. Environmental damages are reaching a scale at which they are beginning to threaten growth prospects and progress made on social welfare. Moreover, despite the gains from growth, 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity, 2.6 billion have no access to sanitation, and 900 million lack safe, clean drinking water. In other words, growth has not been inclusive enough. 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-6 (Riocentro) What we need, therefore, is growth that growth that is both environmentally sustainable and meets the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable?in other words, inclusive green growth. Inclusive green growth is the pathway to sustainable development, one that reconciles the urgent need for rapid growth with the imperative of avoiding lock-in to unsustainable growth patterns and irreversible environmental damages. Inclusive green growth is not anti-growth, nor is it slower growth; rather, it represents an incremental change in how we manage economies. One year before the UNCSD in Rio de Janeiro, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), initiated a multi-stakeholder dialogue process to create public awareness on the concept of Green Economy and to identify concrete opportunities to support the green economy transition in the specific context of Namibia. Managing natural resources in Namibia in the green economy context 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-E (Riocentro) After the initial dialogues in July 2011, thematic working groups continued to elaborate on the key issues and their results were further consolidated in a second stakeholder meeting in November 2011. The outcomes of this process guided the formulation of the Green Economy Chapter in Namibias National Report to the UNCSD as well as the countrys contribution to the Zero Draft Document. Clean energy matrix and renewable energy 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-4 (Riocentro)

Time for Strategic Decisions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Measuring a Green Economy: Insights into "Beyond GDP" Indicators



T-10 (Riocentro)

Building Together: Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon



T-9 (Riocentro)

Inclusive Green Growth: Challenges and Opportunities on the Pathway to Sustainable Development

Creating Wealth and Prosperity in a Resource Constrained World: Count



P3-E (Riocentro)

This event, co-organized by several Governments and UN partners, will focus on practical country experiences with one of the key themes of the conference: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. It will provide a high level venue for country leaders to share their experiences, knowledge and best practices about how they are shaping their national agendas with regard to the concept of a green economy, looking in particular through the lens of national economic planning. The event seeks to enhance the state of knowledge and awareness about different policy options and initiatives that are being implemented and tested from a variety of different situations that promote employment, income and socially inclusive growth that optimizes country endowments of natural resources and positions them for prosperity in a resource constrained world. Discussion on Kazakhstan?s initiatives ? Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and Green Bridge Partnership Programme. Side-event will focus on the two initiatives that Kazakhstan has proposed for the Rio+20 Conference: the Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and the Green Bridge Partnership Programme. The event will serve as a platform for wide discussion on these two initiatives, their goals, mode of implementation, collaboration, achievements and prospects. Side-event will be followed by lunch RSVP: The side event will provide an incisive and highly original up-to-date contribution to the ongoing discussions on indicators relevant for measuring progress of transition to a green economy in the context of ?Beyond GDP? initiatives. It will be opened by Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Mr Tom? Chalupa, to be followed by presentations of eminent experts of the leading international organizations, agencies, think-tanks and academia, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European Environment Agency, the Global Footprint Network and the Charles University in Prague. The side events ambition is to highlight one of the key expected elements of the Rio+20 outcome document, i.e. reliable measuring methods as a prerequisite for responsible and informed policy decision-making. Prior to Rio+20, the 9 states that compose the Brazilian Amazon have come together to develop the Amazon Letter to Rio+20, with the objective of identifying the main needs and bottlenecks of the region, but also to propose a roadmap to the sustainable development of the region. The construction of this document involved representatives of the 9 major groups active in each one of the states and was lead by the State's Governors, in cooperation with Federal Government institutions and culminated with the Amazon Sustainable Development Meeting, in which 400 representatives from all the Major Groups came together to consolidate the document. The objective of the side event is to present the building process and outcomes of the Letter, including the commitments adopted the 9 regional states. the side event will be hosted by the states' Governors. The final version of the letter will be ready on June 1st. Over the last 20 years economic growth has lifted more than 660 million people out of poverty and raised the income levels of millions more, but growth has too often come at the expense of the environment. Environmental damages are reaching a scale at which they are beginning to threaten growth prospects and progress made on social welfare. Moreover, despite the gains from growth, 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity, 2.6 billion have no access to sanitation, and 900 million lack safe, clean drinking water. In other words, growth has not been inclusive enough.

Sustainable Development in Mongolia



T-8 (Riocentro)

Time for Strategic Decisions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Measuring a Green Economy: Insights into "Beyond GDP" Indicators



T-10 (Riocentro)

Building Together: Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon



T-9 (Riocentro)

Inclusive Green Growth: Challenges and Opportunities on the Pathway to Sustainable Development



P3-6 (Riocentro) What we need, therefore, is growth that growth that is both environmentally sustainable and meets the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable?in other words, inclusive green growth. Inclusive green growth is the pathway to sustainable development, one that reconciles the urgent need for rapid growth with the imperative of avoiding lock-in to unsustainable growth patterns and irreversible environmental damages. Inclusive green growth is not anti-growth, nor is it slower growth; rather, it represents an incremental change in how we manage economies.

One year before the UNCSD in Rio de Janeiro, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), initiated a multi-stakeholder dialogue process to create public awareness on the concept of Green Economy and to identify concrete opportunities to support the green economy transition in the specific context of Namibia. Managing natural resources in Namibia in the green economy context 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-E (Riocentro) After the initial dialogues in July 2011, thematic working groups continued to elaborate on the key issues and their results were further consolidated in a second stakeholder meeting in November 2011. The outcomes of this process guided the formulation of the Green Economy Chapter in Namibias National Report to the UNCSD as well as the countrys contribution to the Zero Draft Document. Clean energy matrix and renewable energy 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-4 (Riocentro) This event, co-organized by several Governments and UN partners, will focus on practical country experiences with one of the key themes of the conference: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. It will provide a high level venue for country leaders to share their experiences, knowledge and best practices about how they are shaping their national agendas with regard to the concept of a green economy, looking in particular through the lens of national economic planning. The event seeks to enhance the state of knowledge and awareness about different policy options and initiatives that are being implemented and tested from a variety of different situations that promote employment, income and socially inclusive growth that optimizes country endowments of natural resources and positions them for prosperity in a resource constrained world. Discussion on Kazakhstan?s initiatives ? Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and Green Bridge Partnership Programme. Side-event will focus on the two initiatives that Kazakhstan has proposed for the Rio+20 Conference: the Global Energy-Ecological Strategy and the Green Bridge Partnership Programme. The event will serve as a platform for wide discussion on these two initiatives, their goals, mode of implementation, collaboration, achievements and prospects. Side-event will be followed by lunch RSVP: The side event will provide an incisive and highly original up-to-date contribution to the ongoing discussions on indicators relevant for measuring progress of transition to a green economy in the context of ?Beyond GDP? initiatives. It will be opened by Minister of the Environment of the Czech Republic, Mr Tom? Chalupa, to be followed by presentations of eminent experts of the leading international organizations, agencies, think-tanks and academia, such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the European Environment Agency, the Global Footprint Network and the Charles University in Prague. The side events ambition is to highlight one of the key expected elements of the Rio+20 outcome document, i.e. reliable measuring methods as a prerequisite for responsible and informed policy decision-making. Prior to Rio+20, the 9 states that compose the Brazilian Amazon have come together to develop the Amazon Letter to Rio+20, with the objective of identifying the main needs and bottlenecks of the region, but also to propose a roadmap to the sustainable development of the region. The construction of this document involved representatives of the 9 major groups active in each one of the states and was lead by the State's Governors, in cooperation with Federal Government institutions and culminated with the Amazon Sustainable Development Meeting, in which 400 representatives from all the Major Groups came together to consolidate the document. The objective of the side event is to present the building process and outcomes of the Letter, including the commitments adopted the 9 regional states. the side event will be hosted by the states' Governors. The final version of the letter will be ready on June 1st.

Creating Wealth and Prosperity in a Resource Constrained World: Count



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development in Mongolia



T-8 (Riocentro)

Time for Strategic Decisions



T-8 (Riocentro)

Measuring a Green Economy: Insights into "Beyond GDP" Indicators



T-10 (Riocentro)

Building Together: Sustainable Development in the Brazilian Amazon



T-9 (Riocentro)

Inclusive Green Growth: Challenges and Opportunities on the Pathway to Sustainable Development

Over the last 20 years economic growth has lifted more than 660 million people out of poverty and raised the income levels of millions more, but growth has too often come at the expense of the environment. Environmental damages are reaching a scale at which they are beginning to threaten growth prospects and progress made on social welfare. Moreover, despite the gains from growth, 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity, 2.6 billion have no access to sanitation, and 900 million lack safe, clean drinking water. In other words, growth has not been inclusive enough. 21/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-6 (Riocentro) What we need, therefore, is growth that growth that is both environmentally sustainable and meets the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable?in other words, inclusive green growth. Inclusive green growth is the pathway to sustainable development, one that reconciles the urgent need for rapid growth with the imperative of avoiding lock-in to unsustainable growth patterns and irreversible environmental damages. Inclusive green growth is not anti-growth, nor is it slower growth; rather, it represents an incremental change in how we manage economies. One year before the UNCSD in Rio de Janeiro, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET), with support from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), initiated a multi-stakeholder dialogue process to create public awareness on the concept of Green Economy and to identify concrete opportunities to support the green economy transition in the specific context of Namibia.

Managing natural resources in Namibia in the green economy context



P3-E (Riocentro) After the initial dialogues in July 2011, thematic working groups continued to elaborate on the key issues and their results were further consolidated in a second stakeholder meeting in November 2011. The outcomes of this process guided the formulation of the Green Economy Chapter in Namibias National Report to the UNCSD as well as the countrys contribution to the Zero Draft Document.

Clean energy matrix and renewable energy



P3-4 (Riocentro) This event, co-organized by several Governments and UN partners, will focus on practical country experiences with one of the key themes of the conference: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. It will provide a high level venue for country leaders to share their experiences, knowledge and best practices about how they are shaping their national agendas with regard to the concept of a green economy, looking in particular through the lens of national economic planning. The event seeks to enhance the state of knowledge and awareness about different policy options and initiatives that are being implemented and tested from a variety of different situations that promote employment, income and socially inclusive growth that optimizes country endowments of natural resources and positions them for prosperity in a resource constrained world. Drought, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation and erosion, unpredictable climate variabilities, consequential damages associated with the wide use of agrochemicals amongst others are threatening global agriculture and the food production for a growing population. Today, more than one billion people are constantly affected by hunger and malnutrition. At the same time an equal part is suffering from overweight and obesity. Food and access to the means of food production are unevenly distributed. We would like to discuss questions like: how can we describe the interconnectedness of climate/ environment and agriculture/ nutrition with violent conflicts? What are the probable next steps to improve the overall world food situation? How can relevant international conventions and assessments be linked together, elaborated and communicated in order to impact individual and political action? It is high time that the international civil community channels its knowledge and commitment to help finding sustainable ways to feed the world population. Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy will discuss the current migration of Urban Black America and the role Historically Black Colleges and Universities play in preparing students and communities for existing and developing issues related to environmental justice,climate change, human rights, clean energy development, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability.

Creating Wealth and Prosperity in a Resource Constrained World: Count



P3-E (Riocentro)

Sustainable Development in Mongolia



T-8 (Riocentro)

The Future of Food - Challenges and Recommendations



P3-B (Riocentro)

Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Drylands (arid, semi-arid and subhumid lands) represent 40% of the land area of the planet, and 30% percent of the world population, about 2 billion people. Of these, more than 1 billion (also referred to as the forgotten billion) live below the poverty line defined by the World Bank. In fact, most of the world poverty is concentrated in the drylands of Africa, Central and South Asia, and Latina America, including the Northeast of Brazil. These are also the lands that are most prone to suffer from the adverse effects of climate change, according to the last IPCC report and other scientific assessments of climate change. At the same time, these regions contribute significantly to the world production of food and energy. These regions lack political power in the world, and even in each affected country. It is known, However, it is known that there will be no sustainability in the world if the drylands are not themselves sustainably developed. Side event titled "Efficient Water and sanitation services provision as a key factor for the sustainable development" with the international participation of water operators in Latin America in order to share the experiences of the sector in each institution involved with the water and sanitation services focused to the sustainable development. Drought, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation and erosion, unpredictable climate variabilities, consequential damages associated with the wide use of agrochemicals amongst others are threatening global agriculture and the food production for a growing population. Today, more than one billion people are constantly affected by hunger and malnutrition. At the same time an equal part is suffering from overweight and obesity. Food and access to the means of food production are unevenly distributed. We would like to discuss questions like: how can we describe the interconnectedness of climate/ environment and agriculture/ nutrition with violent conflicts? What are the probable next steps to improve the overall world food situation? How can relevant international conventions and assessments be linked together, elaborated and communicated in order to impact individual and political action? It is high time that the international civil community channels its knowledge and commitment to help finding sustainable ways to feed the world population. Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy will discuss the current migration of Urban Black America and the role Historically Black Colleges and Universities play in preparing students and communities for existing and developing issues related to environmental justice,climate change, human rights, clean energy development, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability. Drylands (arid, semi-arid and subhumid lands) represent 40% of the land area of the planet, and 30% percent of the world population, about 2 billion people. Of these, more than 1 billion (also referred to as the forgotten billion) live below the poverty line defined by the World Bank. In fact, most of the world poverty is concentrated in the drylands of Africa, Central and South Asia, and Latina America, including the Northeast of Brazil. These are also the lands that are most prone to suffer from the adverse effects of climate change, according to the last IPCC report and other scientific assessments of climate change. At the same time, these regions contribute significantly to the world production of food and energy. These regions lack political power in the world, and even in each affected country. It is known, However, it is known that there will be no sustainability in the world if the drylands are not themselves sustainably developed. Side event titled "Efficient Water and sanitation services provision as a key factor for the sustainable development" with the international participation of water operators in Latin America in order to share the experiences of the sector in each institution involved with the water and sanitation services focused to the sustainable development. Drought, loss of biodiversity, soil degradation and erosion, unpredictable climate variabilities, consequential damages associated with the wide use of agrochemicals amongst others are threatening global agriculture and the food production for a growing population. Today, more than one billion people are constantly affected by hunger and malnutrition. At the same time an equal part is suffering from overweight and obesity. Food and access to the means of food production are unevenly distributed. We would like to discuss questions like: how can we describe the interconnectedness of climate/ environment and agriculture/ nutrition with violent conflicts? What are the probable next steps to improve the overall world food situation? How can relevant international conventions and assessments be linked together, elaborated and communicated in order to impact individual and political action? It is high time that the international civil community channels its knowledge and commitment to help finding sustainable ways to feed the world population. Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy will discuss the current migration of Urban Black America and the role Historically Black Colleges and Universities play in preparing students and communities for existing and developing issues related to environmental justice,climate change, human rights, clean energy development, cultural, economic and environmental sustainability.

Efficient W & S services provision as a key factor for the SD



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Future of Food - Challenges and Recommendations



P3-B (Riocentro)

Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Efficient W & S services provision as a key factor for the SD



P3-A (Riocentro)

The Future of Food - Challenges and Recommendations



P3-B (Riocentro)

Preparing for Change: Migration, Black America and the Green Economy



P3-F (Riocentro)




T-4 (Riocentro)

Drylands (arid, semi-arid and subhumid lands) represent 40% of the land area of the planet, and 30% percent of the world population, about 2 billion people. Of these, more than 1 billion (also referred to as the forgotten billion) live below the poverty line defined by the World Bank. In fact, most of the world poverty is concentrated in the drylands of Africa, Central and South Asia, and Latina America, including the Northeast of Brazil. These are also the lands that are most prone to suffer from the adverse effects of climate change, according to the last IPCC report and other scientific assessments of climate change. At the same time, these regions contribute significantly to the world production of food and energy. These regions lack political power in the world, and even in each affected country. It is known, However, it is known that there will be no sustainability in the world if the drylands are not themselves sustainably developed. Side event titled "Efficient Water and sanitation services provision as a key factor for the sustainable development" with the international participation of water operators in Latin America in order to share the experiences of the sector in each institution involved with the water and sanitation services focused to the sustainable development. Being in this fragile state has led them to have a better way to identify and consider their indispensable resources (natural, human...) and to propose innovative solutions to go towards viable development. We will look at these experiences: The territory of Nord-Pas de Calais, localized in the North of France BRUSSELS-CAPITAL REGION (BELGIUM) WALLONIA REGION (BELGIUM) NRG4SD From the experiences of differents continents, our goal is to reveal : ? Identify sources of change for a new development pathway that best suits the needs of human and natural well-being. ? The specific and universal solutions from the three resilient areas ? Advice from people of different countries and cultures. ? new recommendations and methods to build a mode of development which reduces inequality and restores natural capital. ? Finding new economics models towards a green economy The Ministry of Finance of Brazil proposes as a side event to organize a Ministerial Seminar of the Group of Twenty (G20), which would gather Finance Ministers from G20 countries as well as from outside the group. The event will offer an opportunity to discuss the perspectives of Financial Ministries on the implementation of a Green and Inclusive Economy, viewed as one of the tools available to countries for the promotion of sustainable development. This gathering would also highlight the commitment of major countries? Finance Ministries to better integrate the economic pillar on national strategies of sustainable development. Business, Sport and Cultural events represent a significant economic sector as well as a plat-form and catalyst for initiatives, programs, celebrations, competitions that advance society. People come together to meet, compete, perform and celebrate. New standards have been developed around sustainable event management and reporting. Well planned - positive social, environmental and economic legacies are generated through the event planning cycle. Come and learn how strategic event planning creates benefits and minimizes negative impacts. Discover how new norms and standards for management and reporting enhance the sustainability performance of events in host cities and regions.

Efficient W & S services provision as a key factor for the SD



P3-A (Riocentro)

Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experienc



T-5 (Riocentro)

A Green and Inclusive Economy: The Finance Ministers' Perspective



P3-A (Riocentro)

New Standards & Legacies with Sustainable Event Management & Reporting



P3-F (Riocentro)

Being in this fragile state has led them to have a better way to identify and consider their indispensable resources (natural, human...) and to propose innovative solutions to go towards viable development.

Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experienc



T-5 (Riocentro)

We will look at these experiences: The territory of Nord-Pas de Calais, localized in the North of France BRUSSELS-CAPITAL REGION (BELGIUM) WALLONIA REGION (BELGIUM) NRG4SD

A Green and Inclusive Economy: The Finance Ministers' Perspective



P3-A (Riocentro)

New Standards & Legacies with Sustainable Event Management & Reporting



P3-F (Riocentro)

From the experiences of differents continents, our goal is to reveal : ? Identify sources of change for a new development pathway that best suits the needs of human and natural well-being. ? The specific and universal solutions from the three resilient areas ? Advice from people of different countries and cultures. ? new recommendations and methods to build a mode of development which reduces inequality and restores natural capital. ? Finding new economics models towards a green economy The Ministry of Finance of Brazil proposes as a side event to organize a Ministerial Seminar of the Group of Twenty (G20), which would gather Finance Ministers from G20 countries as well as from outside the group. The event will offer an opportunity to discuss the perspectives of Financial Ministries on the implementation of a Green and Inclusive Economy, viewed as one of the tools available to countries for the promotion of sustainable development. This gathering would also highlight the commitment of major countries? Finance Ministries to better integrate the economic pillar on national strategies of sustainable development. Business, Sport and Cultural events represent a significant economic sector as well as a plat-form and catalyst for initiatives, programs, celebrations, competitions that advance society. People come together to meet, compete, perform and celebrate. New standards have been developed around sustainable event management and reporting. Well planned - positive social, environmental and economic legacies are generated through the event planning cycle. Come and learn how strategic event planning creates benefits and minimizes negative impacts. Discover how new norms and standards for management and reporting enhance the sustainability performance of events in host cities and regions. Being in this fragile state has led them to have a better way to identify and consider their indispensable resources (natural, human...) and to propose innovative solutions to go towards viable development.

Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experienc



T-5 (Riocentro)

We will look at these experiences: The territory of Nord-Pas de Calais, localized in the North of France BRUSSELS-CAPITAL REGION (BELGIUM) WALLONIA REGION (BELGIUM) NRG4SD

A Green and Inclusive Economy: The Finance Ministers' Perspective



P3-A (Riocentro)

From the experiences of differents continents, our goal is to reveal : ? Identify sources of change for a new development pathway that best suits the needs of human and natural well-being. ? The specific and universal solutions from the three resilient areas ? Advice from people of different countries and cultures. ? new recommendations and methods to build a mode of development which reduces inequality and restores natural capital. ? Finding new economics models towards a green economy The Ministry of Finance of Brazil proposes as a side event to organize a Ministerial Seminar of the Group of Twenty (G20), which would gather Finance Ministers from G20 countries as well as from outside the group. The event will offer an opportunity to discuss the perspectives of Financial Ministries on the implementation of a Green and Inclusive Economy, viewed as one of the tools available to countries for the promotion of sustainable development. This gathering would also highlight the commitment of major countries? Finance Ministries to better integrate the economic pillar on national strategies of sustainable development.

New Standards & Legacies with Sustainable Event Management & Reporting



P3-F (Riocentro)

Business, Sport and Cultural events represent a significant economic sector as well as a plat-form and catalyst for initiatives, programs, celebrations, competitions that advance society. People come together to meet, compete, perform and celebrate. New standards have been developed around sustainable event management and reporting. Well planned - positive social, environmental and economic legacies are generated through the event planning cycle. Come and learn how strategic event planning creates benefits and minimizes negative impacts. Discover how new norms and standards for management and reporting enhance the sustainability performance of events in host cities and regions. Regional meeting of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), will act as a forum for promoting sub-regional cooperation and affirmation of the current environmental issues, sustainable development and green economy at the member state level. It will be a suitable gathering for country representatives and other stakeholders to define priorities, activities and strategic directions for the development of green economy in accordance with their respective national circumstances, available resources and needs. The Side Event will act as a follow-up to the Roundtable on the Environmental Protection of the Adriatic ? Ionian Initiative, on the Road to Rio+20, which will be held in Belgrade on 22nd March. Conclusions of this regional meeting will be presented and further discussed. The side event highlights experiences and lessons of indigenous peoples in undertaking their sustainable development in an integrated holistic manner, one that is based on respect for rights, is ecosystem-based and integrates traditional knowledge and culture. Morocco has undertaken several programs over the past years, which are meant to act in favor of a sustainable development. Some of these programs can be considered contributing to building a green economy. The Side Event will be an opportunity to share the Morocco?s experience with delegations from other countries and international organizations. We would like to use this opportunity to highlight some of our experiences and initiatives we believe to be relevant and related to a ?green and inclusive economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication?. Our participation will be accompanied with a film projection, and several reports. The Planet Earth Institute (PEI), as a leading NGO operating in the Global South that has successfully implemented several projects and initiatives using a model based in public - private partnerships involving governments, academia, civil society and private sector, is a firm believer in the value of the contributions that Partnerships can make towards advancing the future sustainable development agenda. The Institute has always been a strong supporter of the International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development. It is our belief that only by meeting and discussing ideas in person, can we effectively share our experiences and assist in making Partnership for Sustainable Development a significant contributory element in the build up to, during, and after Rio+20. President Mikhail Gorbachev was urged at the 1992 Earth Summit to create a ?Red Cross for the environment?. 20 years later, Green Cross International returns to Brazil as the unique civil society organization launched at the Rio Earth Summit that continues carrying the Rio flag to this day. Green Cross, joined by eminent partners from the Club of Rome and Earth Charter International, will stage a side event to share learnings from the last 20 years and make the case for urgent and concerted action to avert the threat of dangerous climate change and environmental degradation by addressing its underlying causes. Interventions by distinguished personalities and experts from the worlds of politics, business and civil society will demonstrate the opportunities and co-benefits from effective action to avert these risks by moving onto a path of truly sustainable development. Most importantly, the panel will suggest broad lines of priority and action to preserve a stable climate and viable environment by building new resource-efficient, sustainable societies and economies of the future. Sustainable Development should represent an opportunity and not a constraint for developing countries. The RIO+20 Summit will consider the definition of Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the Millennium Development Goals. Amongst those goals, the universal access to sustainable energy is a key issue that requires large technology transfer. The South-South and Triangular Cooperation appears as a new dynamic bringing together countries with a view to engaging in collaborative models to share innovative, adaptable and cost-efficient solutions to address their development challenges. Drawing upon relevant evidence, this side-event will focus on essential policy tools, modalities and mechanisms by which to improve the technology transfer and ownership necessary to facilitate the universal access to energy and hence contributing to the development of Southern countries.

Green Economy: Achievements & Perspectives in the Adriatic-Ionian region



T-9 (Riocentro)

Undertaking Sustainable Development, the Indigenous Peoples' Way



P3-E (Riocentro)

Morocco: greening it's economy - the road ahead



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-3 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-5 (Riocentro)

South-South&Triangular cooperation:innovative solutions to achieve SDG



T-6 (Riocentro)

Brazilian Policy to Reduce Deforestation



P3-F (Riocentro)

The Brazilian experience in fighting deforestation, by integrating the environmental, social and economic perspectives, has essentially become a sustainable development policy, with all the challenges, obstacles and opportunities that the concept carries on. Rio+20, in turn, is, to the eyes of the international community, an opportunity for the discussion of development models that incorporate the three dimensions of sustainability. Therefore, a side event is suggested during the Conference at RioCentro, aimed at, on one hand, celebrating the advances achieved by the Brazilian Government in fighting deforestation ? including the social and economic gains of this process, and on the other hand providing the international debate with lessons learned with this experience, which has created a unique combination between national efforts and international cooperation. Moreover, in the context of South-South cooperation, the Brazilian lessons may strengthen relations between Amazonian countries and other stakeholders for the maintenance of tropical forests. Over the last four decades, the world?s population has increased by over 3 billion people, and the world economy has more than tripled. This growth, however, has been unevenly distributed across countries and communities, and has incurred significant costs to the environment. Failure to responsibly manage the natural assets on which life depends under these new pressures will have social consequences, especially for the poor, and can ultimately undermine growth and human development.

Tailoring green growth strategies to country circumstances: practical



T-8 (Riocentro) In response to these challenges, policy efforts to promote more sustainable growth have been intensifying worldwide. This side-event will feature a dialogue between the OECD Secretary-General, government Leaders and Ministers on how green growth reforms can contribute to sustainable development. The need for differentiated green growth strategies to fit countries' specific conditions will be discussed, and how OECD's green growth toolkit and indicators can be adapted to help countries measure their own progress. The Principality of Monaco, Republic of Kiribati, and World Bank Group have convened an event to showcase the recently announced Global Partnership for Oceans. The event will include remarks from Prince Albert II of Monaco, President Tong of Kiribati, International Development Minister Heikke Holms of Norway, Director-General Julia Marton Lefvre of IUCN, and other government, private sector, and civil society leaders who are committed to responsible ocean stewardship. Limited seating is available. Global Partnership for Oceans website: Regional meeting of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), will act as a forum for promoting sub-regional cooperation and affirmation of the current environmental issues, sustainable development and green economy at the member state level. It will be a suitable gathering for country representatives and other stakeholders to define priorities, activities and strategic directions for the development of green economy in accordance with their respective national circumstances, available resources and needs. The Side Event will act as a follow-up to the Roundtable on the Environmental Protection of the Adriatic ? Ionian Initiative, on the Road to Rio+20, which will be held in Belgrade on 22nd March. Conclusions of this regional meeting will be presented and further discussed. The side event highlights experiences and lessons of indigenous peoples in undertaking their sustainable development in an integrated holistic manner, one that is based on respect for rights, is ecosystem-based and integrates traditional knowledge and culture. Morocco has undertaken several programs over the past years, which are meant to act in favor of a sustainable development. Some of these programs can be considered contributing to building a green economy. The Side Event will be an opportunity to share the Morocco?s experience with delegations from other countries and international organizations. We would like to use this opportunity to highlight some of our experiences and initiatives we believe to be relevant and related to a ?green and inclusive economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication?. Our participation will be accompanied with a film projection, and several reports. The Planet Earth Institute (PEI), as a leading NGO operating in the Global South that has successfully implemented several projects and initiatives using a model based in public - private partnerships involving governments, academia, civil society and private sector, is a firm believer in the value of the contributions that Partnerships can make towards advancing the future sustainable development agenda. The Institute has always been a strong supporter of the International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development. It is our belief that only by meeting and discussing ideas in person, can we effectively share our experiences and assist in making Partnership for Sustainable Development a significant contributory element in the build up to, during, and after Rio+20.

Global Partnership for Oceans: Coming Together for Healthy and Productive Oceans



T-4 (Riocentro)

Green Economy: Achievements & Perspectives in the Adriatic-Ionian region



T-9 (Riocentro)

Undertaking Sustainable Development, the Indigenous Peoples' Way



P3-E (Riocentro)

Morocco: greening it's economy - the road ahead



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-3 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-5 (Riocentro)

President Mikhail Gorbachev was urged at the 1992 Earth Summit to create a ?Red Cross for the environment?. 20 years later, Green Cross International returns to Brazil as the unique civil society organization launched at the Rio Earth Summit that continues carrying the Rio flag to this day. Green Cross, joined by eminent partners from the Club of Rome and Earth Charter International, will stage a side event to share learnings from the last 20 years and make the case for urgent and concerted action to avert the threat of dangerous climate change and environmental degradation by addressing its underlying causes. Interventions by distinguished personalities and experts from the worlds of politics, business and civil society will demonstrate the opportunities and co-benefits from effective action to avert these risks by moving onto a path of truly sustainable development. Most importantly, the panel will suggest broad lines of priority and action to preserve a stable climate and viable environment by building new resource-efficient, sustainable societies and economies of the future. Sustainable Development should represent an opportunity and not a constraint for developing countries. The RIO+20 Summit will consider the definition of Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the Millennium Development Goals. Amongst those goals, the universal access to sustainable energy is a key issue that requires large technology transfer. The South-South and Triangular Cooperation appears as a new dynamic bringing together countries with a view to engaging in collaborative models to share innovative, adaptable and cost-efficient solutions to address their development challenges. Drawing upon relevant evidence, this side-event will focus on essential policy tools, modalities and mechanisms by which to improve the technology transfer and ownership necessary to facilitate the universal access to energy and hence contributing to the development of Southern countries. The Brazilian experience in fighting deforestation, by integrating the environmental, social and economic perspectives, has essentially become a sustainable development policy, with all the challenges, obstacles and opportunities that the concept carries on. Rio+20, in turn, is, to the eyes of the international community, an opportunity for the discussion of development models that incorporate the three dimensions of sustainability. Therefore, a side event is suggested during the Conference at RioCentro, aimed at, on one hand, celebrating the advances achieved by the Brazilian Government in fighting deforestation ? including the social and economic gains of this process, and on the other hand providing the international debate with lessons learned with this experience, which has created a unique combination between national efforts and international cooperation. Moreover, in the context of South-South cooperation, the Brazilian lessons may strengthen relations between Amazonian countries and other stakeholders for the maintenance of tropical forests. Over the last four decades, the world?s population has increased by over 3 billion people, and the world economy has more than tripled. This growth, however, has been unevenly distributed across countries and communities, and has incurred significant costs to the environment. Failure to responsibly manage the natural assets on which life depends under these new pressures will have social consequences, especially for the poor, and can ultimately undermine growth and human development.

South-South&Triangular cooperation:innovative solutions to achieve SDG



T-6 (Riocentro)

Brazilian Policy to Reduce Deforestation



P3-F (Riocentro)

Tailoring green growth strategies to country circumstances: practical



T-8 (Riocentro) In response to these challenges, policy efforts to promote more sustainable growth have been intensifying worldwide. This side-event will feature a dialogue between the OECD Secretary-General, government Leaders and Ministers on how green growth reforms can contribute to sustainable development. The need for differentiated green growth strategies to fit countries' specific conditions will be discussed, and how OECD's green growth toolkit and indicators can be adapted to help countries measure their own progress. The Principality of Monaco, Republic of Kiribati, and World Bank Group have convened an event to showcase the recently announced Global Partnership for Oceans. The event will include remarks from Prince Albert II of Monaco, President Tong of Kiribati, International Development Minister Heikke Holms of Norway, Director-General Julia Marton Lefvre of IUCN, and other government, private sector, and civil society leaders who are committed to responsible ocean stewardship. Limited seating is available. Global Partnership for Oceans website:

Global Partnership for Oceans: Coming Together for Healthy and Productive Oceans



T-4 (Riocentro)

Green Economy: Achievements & Perspectives in the Adriatic-Ionian region



T-9 (Riocentro)

Regional meeting of the Adriatic-Ionian Initiative (AII), will act as a forum for promoting sub-regional cooperation and affirmation of the current environmental issues, sustainable development and green economy at the member state level. It will be a suitable gathering for country representatives and other stakeholders to define priorities, activities and strategic directions for the development of green economy in accordance with their respective national circumstances, available resources and needs. The Side Event will act as a follow-up to the Roundtable on the Environmental Protection of the Adriatic ? Ionian Initiative, on the Road to Rio+20, which will be held in Belgrade on 22nd March. Conclusions of this regional meeting will be presented and further discussed. The side event highlights experiences and lessons of indigenous peoples in undertaking their sustainable development in an integrated holistic manner, one that is based on respect for rights, is ecosystem-based and integrates traditional knowledge and culture. Morocco has undertaken several programs over the past years, which are meant to act in favor of a sustainable development. Some of these programs can be considered contributing to building a green economy. The Side Event will be an opportunity to share the Morocco?s experience with delegations from other countries and international organizations. We would like to use this opportunity to highlight some of our experiences and initiatives we believe to be relevant and related to a ?green and inclusive economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication?. Our participation will be accompanied with a film projection, and several reports. The Planet Earth Institute (PEI), as a leading NGO operating in the Global South that has successfully implemented several projects and initiatives using a model based in public - private partnerships involving governments, academia, civil society and private sector, is a firm believer in the value of the contributions that Partnerships can make towards advancing the future sustainable development agenda. The Institute has always been a strong supporter of the International Forum on Partnerships for Sustainable Development. It is our belief that only by meeting and discussing ideas in person, can we effectively share our experiences and assist in making Partnership for Sustainable Development a significant contributory element in the build up to, during, and after Rio+20. President Mikhail Gorbachev was urged at the 1992 Earth Summit to create a ?Red Cross for the environment?. 20 years later, Green Cross International returns to Brazil as the unique civil society organization launched at the Rio Earth Summit that continues carrying the Rio flag to this day. Green Cross, joined by eminent partners from the Club of Rome and Earth Charter International, will stage a side event to share learnings from the last 20 years and make the case for urgent and concerted action to avert the threat of dangerous climate change and environmental degradation by addressing its underlying causes. Interventions by distinguished personalities and experts from the worlds of politics, business and civil society will demonstrate the opportunities and co-benefits from effective action to avert these risks by moving onto a path of truly sustainable development. Most importantly, the panel will suggest broad lines of priority and action to preserve a stable climate and viable environment by building new resource-efficient, sustainable societies and economies of the future. Sustainable Development should represent an opportunity and not a constraint for developing countries. The RIO+20 Summit will consider the definition of Sustainable Development Goals, in line with the Millennium Development Goals. Amongst those goals, the universal access to sustainable energy is a key issue that requires large technology transfer. The South-South and Triangular Cooperation appears as a new dynamic bringing together countries with a view to engaging in collaborative models to share innovative, adaptable and cost-efficient solutions to address their development challenges. Drawing upon relevant evidence, this side-event will focus on essential policy tools, modalities and mechanisms by which to improve the technology transfer and ownership necessary to facilitate the universal access to energy and hence contributing to the development of Southern countries.

Undertaking Sustainable Development, the Indigenous Peoples' Way



P3-E (Riocentro)

Morocco: greening it's economy - the road ahead



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-3 (Riocentro)

The Partnership Fair



T-5 (Riocentro)

South-South&Triangular cooperation:innovative solutions to achieve SDG



T-6 (Riocentro)

Brazilian Policy to Reduce Deforestation



P3-F (Riocentro)

The Brazilian experience in fighting deforestation, by integrating the environmental, social and economic perspectives, has essentially become a sustainable development policy, with all the challenges, obstacles and opportunities that the concept carries on. Rio+20, in turn, is, to the eyes of the international community, an opportunity for the discussion of development models that incorporate the three dimensions of sustainability. Therefore, a side event is suggested during the Conference at RioCentro, aimed at, on one hand, celebrating the advances achieved by the Brazilian Government in fighting deforestation ? including the social and economic gains of this process, and on the other hand providing the international debate with lessons learned with this experience, which has created a unique combination between national efforts and international cooperation. Moreover, in the context of South-South cooperation, the Brazilian lessons may strengthen relations between Amazonian countries and other stakeholders for the maintenance of tropical forests. Over the last four decades, the world?s population has increased by over 3 billion people, and the world economy has more than tripled. This growth, however, has been unevenly distributed across countries and communities, and has incurred significant costs to the environment. Failure to responsibly manage the natural assets on which life depends under these new pressures will have social consequences, especially for the poor, and can ultimately undermine growth and human development.

Tailoring green growth strategies to country circumstances: practical



T-8 (Riocentro) In response to these challenges, policy efforts to promote more sustainable growth have been intensifying worldwide. This side-event will feature a dialogue between the OECD Secretary-General, government Leaders and Ministers on how green growth reforms can contribute to sustainable development. The need for differentiated green growth strategies to fit countries' specific conditions will be discussed, and how OECD's green growth toolkit and indicators can be adapted to help countries measure their own progress. The Principality of Monaco, Republic of Kiribati, and World Bank Group have convened an event to showcase the recently announced Global Partnership for Oceans. The event will include remarks from Prince Albert II of Monaco, President Tong of Kiribati, International Development Minister Heikke Holms of Norway, Director-General Julia Marton Lefvre of IUCN, and other government, private sector, and civil society leaders who are committed to responsible ocean stewardship. Limited seating is available. Global Partnership for Oceans website: France has been characterised as a country with a specific culture, relying on strong central authorities, rules and regulation rather than soft law, and a specific public-private relationnship. The EpE association gathers some 40 international groups that share the view of environment as a source of progress and opportunities, and work together to better take it into account in their strategies and management practices. Their common 20-years history allow to draw some lessons as to some efficient ways to deliver green economy. It shows the importance of a healthy public-private dialogue in many possible forms. France has been characterised as a country with a specific culture, relying on strong central authorities, rules and regulation rather than soft law, and a specific public-private relationnship. The EpE association gathers some 40 international groups that share the view of environment as a source of progress and opportunities, and work together to better take it into account in their strategies and management practices. Their common 20-years history allow to draw some lessons as to some efficient ways to deliver green economy. It shows the importance of a healthy public-private dialogue in many possible forms. France has been characterised as a country with a specific culture, relying on strong central authorities, rules and regulation rather than soft law, and a specific public-private relationnship. The EpE association gathers some 40 international groups that share the view of environment as a source of progress and opportunities, and work together to better take it into account in their strategies and management practices. Their common 20-years history allow to draw some lessons as to some efficient ways to deliver green economy. It shows the importance of a healthy public-private dialogue in many possible forms. The UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon established the 22-member High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity. On 30 January 2012, the GSP released its report, ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing?. The Panel?s vision is to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and make growth inclusive, and production and consumption more sustainable, while combating climate change and respecting a range of other planetary boundaries. The report contains 56 recommendations aimed at putting sustainable development into practice.

Global Partnership for Oceans: Coming Together for Healthy and Productive Oceans



T-4 (Riocentro)

Delivering green economy: some French views on public-private dialogue


13:30:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Delivering green economy: some French views on public-private dialogue


13:30:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Delivering green economy: some French views on public-private dialogue


13:30:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Green Growth and Sustainable Development: Regional Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

The importance of integration of the economic, social and environmental pillars of SD has been long recognized as critical to achieving a balanced development agenda, however, the implementation of the concept in practice has proved to be challenging. There are some examples of good practices in implementing public policies and programmes which have successfully promoted a green economy in key areas. The multidisciplinary expertise and platforms of the Regional Commissions gives them the comparative advantage of promoting a green economy in the context of poverty eradication by linking the economic, social and environmental issues as an integration of the three pillars of SD. As part of this side event, the Regional Commissions are focusing on key elements of the green economy which are critical to their regions and highlighting the challenges, opportunities and the enablers for effectively implementing an integrated approach to sustainable development. Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Economy: the Amazonia sem fogo integrated sustainable development model. This event is expected to contribute with substantive methodological and policy lessons learned toward green economy pursuits, in the context of sustainable development and poverty alleviation in forest regions. Building upon a case study in the Amazon biome, it will promote a High Level panel review on the outcomes of an actual application of innovative green growth alternatives to unsustainable agricultural and livestock practices associated to fire-induced deforestation. Increasing urbanization worldwide and its impact on climate change makes the sustainable development of cities and their territories as one of the main challenges and priorities of the 21st century. If urbanization is inadequately spread, it can have negative impacts on environment and dramatic social and economic consequences. However, a well-designed urban development potentially promotes preservation of Global Public Goods, through a considerable economy of scale effect in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (urban density, public transport ...) and prevention of communicable diseases ( access to health services). Urban growth should be framed and supported. As other countries, France is promoting an integrated approach to support sustainable urban development, where local stakeholders, including local governments, are key actors for sustainable development policies. This approach is the result of fruitful exchanges with partners from Southern countries. The overall goal of the Site Event is to strengthen the international visibility of the commitments of Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries to global voluntary carbon reduction and sustainable development. Having developed unilateral mitigation activities in line with their economic and financial capabilities, CA countries are now engaged in developing NAMAs in different sectors of their economies in order to enhance opportunities to shift to a low carbon sustainable development path. The focus is on sustainable energy as well as on sustainable housing and sustainable agriculture & forestry. Thereby countries engage in ways of restructuring their national economies, which reduce pressure on the prevailing regional distribution conflict on access to energy and water resources. The Side Event shall include the presentation of the concepts of NAMAs and green growth strategies, which are currently under development in this region. The world is urbanizing fast. As a consequence the development in cities will be of fundamental importance for almost any sustainability issue. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 Sweden launched the SymbioCity-initiative for sustainable cities in partnership with China, building on our experience of innovative, holistic eco-city projects. Since then, the work for sustainable and inclusive urban development has been further intensified in cooperation with China, UAE and other countries and stakeholders who are also spearheading urban sustainability. This side event will engage national and local politicians, front runner cities in Sweden, China, UAE and other countries, industry, urban experts, UN-agencies and stakeholder groups for presentations and discussions on the current thinking, best practices and new commitments for integrated, inclusive and sustainable urban development and the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda. Fossil-fuel subsidies represent inefficient use of public funds, encourage wasteful energy consumption and deter investments in a low-carbon economy. Both G-20 and APEC nations are committed to undertake reform, and the draft UNCSD negotiating text includes commitments to reform subsidies. But recent attempts to phase out fossil-fuel subsidies by the governments of Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria and some other countries have stumbled over significant political barriers. This session aims to foster an open and constructive discussion among all stakeholders on the practical and political barriers to fossil-fuel subsidy reform and how they can be overcome. The session will include perspectives from government officials from both developed and developing countries, industry associations, trade unions, social and labour political activists and civil society organisations.

Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Ec


15:00:00 PM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches for sustainable urban development -North & South


15:00:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Initiatives of Central Asian countries toward greening their economies


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

SymbioCity - the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda


15:00:00 PM

P3-E (Riocentro)

Breaking Down Political Barriers to Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform


15:00:00 PM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Inequality & Sustainable Development-BRICS Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

The social situations in BRICS countries reveal that economic growth is not sufficient to achieve social and economic justice at national and regional levels. Inequality is a unifying factor across the diverse political and economic contexts of the BRICS countries and entrenched inequality remains an obstacle to sustainable development in these countries. In this context, we will discuss why ?growth is not enough? and how lack of access to common property resources (land, forest produce and state sponsored essential services) results in real reduction in incomes, hits the poor and the near-poor hardest and results in spiking inequality. Brazils experience shows that public policies can be effective in addressing inequality and poverty reduction, especially with significant levels of social participation in design and implementation. In the last 20 years, the development of public policies and social participation in Brazil were key elements for the reduction of inequality, hunger, and poverty. The event will provide an opportunity for an open discussion about the various interactions between the UN and external stakeholders in the context of UN international negotiations and partnerships for sustainable development. Research and analysis will be provided by civil society organisations from all continents. Participants will be invited to reflect on the engagement and partnership policy that has significantly increased since the Rio summit of 1992. A particular focus will be put on the growing influence of major corporations and business lobby groups in the UN, which is perceived as increasingly resulting on UN policies that do not necessarily serve the public interest, but rather support certain companies or business sectors. The organizers will present solutions based on Binding Obligations on the operations of corporations. Under the theme ?The Future We Want: The role of development cooperation in getting us there? the side event will look the implications of the agreements reached at Rio+20 means for the future of development cooperation. It will focus at the country level, where implementation ultimately will need to take place. It will discuss where development cooperation for sustainable development can benefit from lessons learned in the work on aid effectiveness. More specifically, it will examine how aid should be delivered to best contribute to the goal of sustainable development and identify and best practices. It will also review how to use and further develop existing country-level planning and coordination tools to operationalize and mainstream the outcomes of the Rio+20 summit into national development strategies and policies. Following the multistakeholder tradition of both the Development Cooperation Forum and the Commission for Sustainable Development it will include speakers from Member States and one of the major groups. Presentations by the panellists will be followed by an interactive discussion.

Corporate Power: Time for a Turnaround


15:00:00 PM

T-10 (Riocentro)

The Future We Want-The role of dev.cooperation in getting us there


15:00:00 PM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Secretary General's Energy 4 All Thematic Session on Water Cooperation

21/06/2012 21/06/2012

15:00:00 PM 15:00:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro) P3-B (Riocentro) The UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon established the 22-member High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity. On 30 January 2012, the GSP released its report, ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing?. The Panel?s vision is to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and make growth inclusive, and production and consumption more sustainable, while combating climate change and respecting a range of other planetary boundaries. The report contains 56 recommendations aimed at putting sustainable development into practice. The importance of integration of the economic, social and environmental pillars of SD has been long recognized as critical to achieving a balanced development agenda, however, the implementation of the concept in practice has proved to be challenging. There are some examples of good practices in implementing public policies and programmes which have successfully promoted a green economy in key areas. The multidisciplinary expertise and platforms of the Regional Commissions gives them the comparative advantage of promoting a green economy in the context of poverty eradication by linking the economic, social and environmental issues as an integration of the three pillars of SD. As part of this side event, the Regional Commissions are focusing on key elements of the green economy which are critical to their regions and highlighting the challenges, opportunities and the enablers for effectively implementing an integrated approach to sustainable development.

Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Green Growth and Sustainable Development: Regional Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Ec


15:00:00 PM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches for sustainable urban development -North & South


15:00:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Initiatives of Central Asian countries toward greening their economies


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

SymbioCity - the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda


15:00:00 PM

P3-E (Riocentro)

Breaking Down Political Barriers to Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform


15:00:00 PM

T-8 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Economy: the Amazonia sem fogo integrated sustainable development model. This event is expected to contribute with substantive methodological and policy lessons learned toward green economy pursuits, in the context of sustainable development and poverty alleviation in forest regions. Building upon a case study in the Amazon biome, it will promote a High Level panel review on the outcomes of an actual application of innovative green growth alternatives to unsustainable agricultural and livestock practices associated to fire-induced deforestation. Increasing urbanization worldwide and its impact on climate change makes the sustainable development of cities and their territories as one of the main challenges and priorities of the 21st century. If urbanization is inadequately spread, it can have negative impacts on environment and dramatic social and economic consequences. However, a well-designed urban development potentially promotes preservation of Global Public Goods, through a considerable economy of scale effect in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (urban density, public transport ...) and prevention of communicable diseases ( access to health services). Urban growth should be framed and supported. As other countries, France is promoting an integrated approach to support sustainable urban development, where local stakeholders, including local governments, are key actors for sustainable development policies. This approach is the result of fruitful exchanges with partners from Southern countries. The overall goal of the Site Event is to strengthen the international visibility of the commitments of Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries to global voluntary carbon reduction and sustainable development. Having developed unilateral mitigation activities in line with their economic and financial capabilities, CA countries are now engaged in developing NAMAs in different sectors of their economies in order to enhance opportunities to shift to a low carbon sustainable development path. The focus is on sustainable energy as well as on sustainable housing and sustainable agriculture & forestry. Thereby countries engage in ways of restructuring their national economies, which reduce pressure on the prevailing regional distribution conflict on access to energy and water resources. The Side Event shall include the presentation of the concepts of NAMAs and green growth strategies, which are currently under development in this region. The world is urbanizing fast. As a consequence the development in cities will be of fundamental importance for almost any sustainability issue. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 Sweden launched the SymbioCity-initiative for sustainable cities in partnership with China, building on our experience of innovative, holistic eco-city projects. Since then, the work for sustainable and inclusive urban development has been further intensified in cooperation with China, UAE and other countries and stakeholders who are also spearheading urban sustainability. This side event will engage national and local politicians, front runner cities in Sweden, China, UAE and other countries, industry, urban experts, UN-agencies and stakeholder groups for presentations and discussions on the current thinking, best practices and new commitments for integrated, inclusive and sustainable urban development and the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda. Fossil-fuel subsidies represent inefficient use of public funds, encourage wasteful energy consumption and deter investments in a low-carbon economy. Both G-20 and APEC nations are committed to undertake reform, and the draft UNCSD negotiating text includes commitments to reform subsidies. But recent attempts to phase out fossil-fuel subsidies by the governments of Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria and some other countries have stumbled over significant political barriers. This session aims to foster an open and constructive discussion among all stakeholders on the practical and political barriers to fossil-fuel subsidy reform and how they can be overcome. The session will include perspectives from government officials from both developed and developing countries, industry associations, trade unions, social and labour political activists and civil society organisations. The social situations in BRICS countries reveal that economic growth is not sufficient to achieve social and economic justice at national and regional levels. Inequality is a unifying factor across the diverse political and economic contexts of the BRICS countries and entrenched inequality remains an obstacle to sustainable development in these countries. In this context, we will discuss why ?growth is not enough? and how lack of access to common property resources (land, forest produce and state sponsored essential services) results in real reduction in incomes, hits the poor and the near-poor hardest and results in spiking inequality. Brazils experience shows that public policies can be effective in addressing inequality and poverty reduction, especially with significant levels of social participation in design and implementation. In the last 20 years, the development of public policies and social participation in Brazil were key elements for the reduction of inequality, hunger, and poverty.

Inequality & Sustainable Development-BRICS Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Corporate Power: Time for a Turnaround


15:00:00 PM

T-10 (Riocentro)

The event will provide an opportunity for an open discussion about the various interactions between the UN and external stakeholders in the context of UN international negotiations and partnerships for sustainable development. Research and analysis will be provided by civil society organisations from all continents. Participants will be invited to reflect on the engagement and partnership policy that has significantly increased since the Rio summit of 1992. A particular focus will be put on the growing influence of major corporations and business lobby groups in the UN, which is perceived as increasingly resulting on UN policies that do not necessarily serve the public interest, but rather support certain companies or business sectors. The organizers will present solutions based on Binding Obligations on the operations of corporations. Under the theme ?The Future We Want: The role of development cooperation in getting us there? the side event will look the implications of the agreements reached at Rio+20 means for the future of development cooperation. It will focus at the country level, where implementation ultimately will need to take place. It will discuss where development cooperation for sustainable development can benefit from lessons learned in the work on aid effectiveness. More specifically, it will examine how aid should be delivered to best contribute to the goal of sustainable development and identify and best practices. It will also review how to use and further develop existing country-level planning and coordination tools to operationalize and mainstream the outcomes of the Rio+20 summit into national development strategies and policies. Following the multistakeholder tradition of both the Development Cooperation Forum and the Commission for Sustainable Development it will include speakers from Member States and one of the major groups. Presentations by the panellists will be followed by an interactive discussion.

The Future We Want-The role of dev.cooperation in getting us there


15:00:00 PM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Secretary General's Energy 4 All Thematic Session on Water Cooperation

21/06/2012 21/06/2012

15:00:00 PM 15:00:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro) P3-B (Riocentro) The UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-moon established the 22-member High-level Panel on Global Sustainability (GSP) in August 2010 to formulate a new blueprint for sustainable development and low-carbon prosperity. On 30 January 2012, the GSP released its report, ?Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing?. The Panel?s vision is to eradicate poverty, reduce inequality and make growth inclusive, and production and consumption more sustainable, while combating climate change and respecting a range of other planetary boundaries. The report contains 56 recommendations aimed at putting sustainable development into practice. The importance of integration of the economic, social and environmental pillars of SD has been long recognized as critical to achieving a balanced development agenda, however, the implementation of the concept in practice has proved to be challenging. There are some examples of good practices in implementing public policies and programmes which have successfully promoted a green economy in key areas. The multidisciplinary expertise and platforms of the Regional Commissions gives them the comparative advantage of promoting a green economy in the context of poverty eradication by linking the economic, social and environmental issues as an integration of the three pillars of SD. As part of this side event, the Regional Commissions are focusing on key elements of the green economy which are critical to their regions and highlighting the challenges, opportunities and the enablers for effectively implementing an integrated approach to sustainable development. Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Economy: the Amazonia sem fogo integrated sustainable development model. This event is expected to contribute with substantive methodological and policy lessons learned toward green economy pursuits, in the context of sustainable development and poverty alleviation in forest regions. Building upon a case study in the Amazon biome, it will promote a High Level panel review on the outcomes of an actual application of innovative green growth alternatives to unsustainable agricultural and livestock practices associated to fire-induced deforestation. Increasing urbanization worldwide and its impact on climate change makes the sustainable development of cities and their territories as one of the main challenges and priorities of the 21st century. If urbanization is inadequately spread, it can have negative impacts on environment and dramatic social and economic consequences. However, a well-designed urban development potentially promotes preservation of Global Public Goods, through a considerable economy of scale effect in reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (urban density, public transport ...) and prevention of communicable diseases ( access to health services). Urban growth should be framed and supported. As other countries, France is promoting an integrated approach to support sustainable urban development, where local stakeholders, including local governments, are key actors for sustainable development policies. This approach is the result of fruitful exchanges with partners from Southern countries.

Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Green Growth and Sustainable Development: Regional Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches toward the actual implementation of the Green Ec


15:00:00 PM

T-4 (Riocentro)

Innovative approaches for sustainable urban development -North & South


15:00:00 PM

T-2 (Riocentro)

Initiatives of Central Asian countries toward greening their economies


15:00:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

SymbioCity - the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda


15:00:00 PM

P3-E (Riocentro)

Breaking Down Political Barriers to Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform


15:00:00 PM

T-8 (Riocentro)

The overall goal of the Site Event is to strengthen the international visibility of the commitments of Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian countries to global voluntary carbon reduction and sustainable development. Having developed unilateral mitigation activities in line with their economic and financial capabilities, CA countries are now engaged in developing NAMAs in different sectors of their economies in order to enhance opportunities to shift to a low carbon sustainable development path. The focus is on sustainable energy as well as on sustainable housing and sustainable agriculture & forestry. Thereby countries engage in ways of restructuring their national economies, which reduce pressure on the prevailing regional distribution conflict on access to energy and water resources. The Side Event shall include the presentation of the concepts of NAMAs and green growth strategies, which are currently under development in this region. The world is urbanizing fast. As a consequence the development in cities will be of fundamental importance for almost any sustainability issue. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 Sweden launched the SymbioCity-initiative for sustainable cities in partnership with China, building on our experience of innovative, holistic eco-city projects. Since then, the work for sustainable and inclusive urban development has been further intensified in cooperation with China, UAE and other countries and stakeholders who are also spearheading urban sustainability. This side event will engage national and local politicians, front runner cities in Sweden, China, UAE and other countries, industry, urban experts, UN-agencies and stakeholder groups for presentations and discussions on the current thinking, best practices and new commitments for integrated, inclusive and sustainable urban development and the role of cities in realizing the Rio+20 agenda. Fossil-fuel subsidies represent inefficient use of public funds, encourage wasteful energy consumption and deter investments in a low-carbon economy. Both G-20 and APEC nations are committed to undertake reform, and the draft UNCSD negotiating text includes commitments to reform subsidies. But recent attempts to phase out fossil-fuel subsidies by the governments of Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria and some other countries have stumbled over significant political barriers. This session aims to foster an open and constructive discussion among all stakeholders on the practical and political barriers to fossil-fuel subsidy reform and how they can be overcome. The session will include perspectives from government officials from both developed and developing countries, industry associations, trade unions, social and labour political activists and civil society organisations. The social situations in BRICS countries reveal that economic growth is not sufficient to achieve social and economic justice at national and regional levels. Inequality is a unifying factor across the diverse political and economic contexts of the BRICS countries and entrenched inequality remains an obstacle to sustainable development in these countries. In this context, we will discuss why ?growth is not enough? and how lack of access to common property resources (land, forest produce and state sponsored essential services) results in real reduction in incomes, hits the poor and the near-poor hardest and results in spiking inequality. Brazils experience shows that public policies can be effective in addressing inequality and poverty reduction, especially with significant levels of social participation in design and implementation. In the last 20 years, the development of public policies and social participation in Brazil were key elements for the reduction of inequality, hunger, and poverty. The event will provide an opportunity for an open discussion about the various interactions between the UN and external stakeholders in the context of UN international negotiations and partnerships for sustainable development. Research and analysis will be provided by civil society organisations from all continents. Participants will be invited to reflect on the engagement and partnership policy that has significantly increased since the Rio summit of 1992. A particular focus will be put on the growing influence of major corporations and business lobby groups in the UN, which is perceived as increasingly resulting on UN policies that do not necessarily serve the public interest, but rather support certain companies or business sectors. The organizers will present solutions based on Binding Obligations on the operations of corporations.

Inequality & Sustainable Development-BRICS Perspectives


15:00:00 PM

T-6 (Riocentro)

Corporate Power: Time for a Turnaround


15:00:00 PM

T-10 (Riocentro)

The Future We Want-The role of dev.cooperation in getting us there


15:00:00 PM

P3-6 (Riocentro)

Under the theme ?The Future We Want: The role of development cooperation in getting us there? the side event will look the implications of the agreements reached at Rio+20 means for the future of development cooperation. It will focus at the country level, where implementation ultimately will need to take place. It will discuss where development cooperation for sustainable development can benefit from lessons learned in the work on aid effectiveness. More specifically, it will examine how aid should be delivered to best contribute to the goal of sustainable development and identify and best practices. It will also review how to use and further develop existing country-level planning and coordination tools to operationalize and mainstream the outcomes of the Rio+20 summit into national development strategies and policies. Following the multistakeholder tradition of both the Development Cooperation Forum and the Commission for Sustainable Development it will include speakers from Member States and one of the major groups. Presentations by the panellists will be followed by an interactive discussion.

Secretary General's Energy 4 All Thematic Session on Water Cooperation

21/06/2012 21/06/2012

15:00:00 PM 15:00:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro) P3-B (Riocentro) Governments should express clearly at Rio+20 their commitment to develop a Convention on corporate sustainability reporting. It is now twenty years since the first Earth Summit as such this is momentous opportunity to move the corporate sustainability agenda forward as a mechanism to move towards a 'green economy'. An intergovernmental message from such an important international conference would signal to all listed and large firms that now is the time to act on sustainability. A clear message that an international convention drafting process is ongoing will generate an interest in those firms which have not yet evaluated the way their firm ought to contribute to a sustainable future in a globalized business market ? some twenty years after the first Earth Summit highlighted its importance. Wording to this effect is currently included within the draft summit outcomes document and this event will explain why it should remain. Whether it be unsustainable urbanization, contamination and pollution, deforestation, lack of water and sanitation, poverty and climate change, women bear the brunt of ecological and environmental degradation. As the majority of the world?s farmers, caretakers and impoverished, women will be impacted at a disproportionate rate by global environmental threats. Despite these alarming realities, women voices, and in particular rural and indigenous women, grassroots and impoverished urban women, are not being heard in the corridors of decision-making venues. Furthermore, women?s needs are not being fully addressed in the climate change and sustainability debates at all levels. The proposed session will show how women have elevated their voices in the climate justice debate, featuring the methodology of the women\'s tribunal on gender and climate justice. Panelists will compare and contrast outcomes and policy recommendations of the tribunals. The session will feature short video presentations of rural and grassroots women providing testimony. The presentation of women\'s testimony and experiences will be even more impactful coming from on-theground women organizers. Governments should express clearly at Rio+20 their commitment to develop a Convention on corporate sustainability reporting. It is now twenty years since the first Earth Summit as such this is momentous opportunity to move the corporate sustainability agenda forward as a mechanism to move towards a 'green economy'. An intergovernmental message from such an important international conference would signal to all listed and large firms that now is the time to act on sustainability. A clear message that an international convention drafting process is ongoing will generate an interest in those firms which have not yet evaluated the way their firm ought to contribute to a sustainable future in a globalized business market ? some twenty years after the first Earth Summit highlighted its importance. Wording to this effect is currently included within the draft summit outcomes document and this event will explain why it should remain.

A global convention on corporate sustainability reporting?


17:30:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro)

Organizing for Change: Women's Tribunals as Civil Society Advocacy


17:30:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

A global convention on corporate sustainability reporting?


17:30:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro)

Organizing for Change: Women's Tribunals as Civil Society Advocacy


17:30:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Whether it be unsustainable urbanization, contamination and pollution, deforestation, lack of water and sanitation, poverty and climate change, women bear the brunt of ecological and environmental degradation. As the majority of the world?s farmers, caretakers and impoverished, women will be impacted at a disproportionate rate by global environmental threats. Despite these alarming realities, women voices, and in particular rural and indigenous women, grassroots and impoverished urban women, are not being heard in the corridors of decision-making venues. Furthermore, women?s needs are not being fully addressed in the climate change and sustainability debates at all levels. The proposed session will show how women have elevated their voices in the climate justice debate, featuring the methodology of the women\'s tribunal on gender and climate justice. Panelists will compare and contrast outcomes and policy recommendations of the tribunals. The session will feature short video presentations of rural and grassroots women providing testimony. The presentation of women\'s testimony and experiences will be even more impactful coming from on-theground women organizers. Governments should express clearly at Rio+20 their commitment to develop a Convention on corporate sustainability reporting. It is now twenty years since the first Earth Summit as such this is momentous opportunity to move the corporate sustainability agenda forward as a mechanism to move towards a 'green economy'. An intergovernmental message from such an important international conference would signal to all listed and large firms that now is the time to act on sustainability. A clear message that an international convention drafting process is ongoing will generate an interest in those firms which have not yet evaluated the way their firm ought to contribute to a sustainable future in a globalized business market ? some twenty years after the first Earth Summit highlighted its importance. Wording to this effect is currently included within the draft summit outcomes document and this event will explain why it should remain. Whether it be unsustainable urbanization, contamination and pollution, deforestation, lack of water and sanitation, poverty and climate change, women bear the brunt of ecological and environmental degradation. As the majority of the world?s farmers, caretakers and impoverished, women will be impacted at a disproportionate rate by global environmental threats. Despite these alarming realities, women voices, and in particular rural and indigenous women, grassroots and impoverished urban women, are not being heard in the corridors of decision-making venues. Furthermore, women?s needs are not being fully addressed in the climate change and sustainability debates at all levels. The proposed session will show how women have elevated their voices in the climate justice debate, featuring the methodology of the women\'s tribunal on gender and climate justice. Panelists will compare and contrast outcomes and policy recommendations of the tribunals. The session will feature short video presentations of rural and grassroots women providing testimony. The presentation of women\'s testimony and experiences will be even more impactful coming from on-theground women organizers. Hunger eradication is fundamental to achieving the Rio vision of sustainable development. Current pathways have left 1.4 billion in extreme poverty, 925 million hungry and many more malnourished and food insecure. There can be no sustainable development when billions of people are left in hunger, poverty and food insecurity on the side-lines of mainstream development, with no protection from risks and shocks, and no hope to contribute to and benefit from growth, nor to fully enjoy their human development potential. Moving sustainable development requires a shift to food production and consumption systems that are productive, sustainable and fair. Moving towards sustainable development cannot be achieved by political agreements, financial incentives or technological solutions alone. To safeguard the natural environment and promote greater global equity, we need a fundamental change in the ways we think and act. This can only be achieved if all individuals and societies are equipped and empowered by knowledge, skills and values as well as heightened awareness to drive such change.

A global convention on corporate sustainability reporting?


17:30:00 PM

P3-A (Riocentro)

Organizing for Change: Women's Tribunals as Civil Society Advocacy


17:30:00 PM

T-9 (Riocentro)

Food for life & life of food


19:00:00 PM


Educating for a sustainable future


19:00:00 PM

T-2 The transition towards green economies and societies requires that we educate and train everyone and prepare society at large for such a sustainable future. This entails the comprehensive revision of current curricula, job qualifications and corresponding learning objectives of educational programmes at all levels as well as the development or re-design of relevant professional training and capacitybuilding.

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy


19:00:00 PM


The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development, however green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC, and focuses on the existing gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making. We outline what a ?social lens? on green economy might look like, pointing to the key role for social policy in addressing negative social impacts of transition, institutional change, and achieving policy coherence. These social dimensions are not addons to economic or environmental concerns, but underpin the process of structural transformation required to move towards development policies that are inclusive, equitable and sustainable. Finally, we highlight directions for future research in this area. The private sector is getting increasingly aware of its role for long term growth that is green and inclusive for sustainable development. It is providing new ideas in the fight to end global poverty by partnering with traditional development players such as national aid agencies and NGOs, leveraging supply chains to create economic opportunity for the world?s poorest people, and incorporating social responsibility into their business practices. It is an important contributor to shape the green and inclusive growth agenda of Africa. Governments need to ensure a conducive investment climate to spur private sector engagement. The objective of this side event is to bring together donors, private sector representatives, civil society and government officials to discuss their respective roles in helping enable a conducive environment for private sector development in the context of green growth and green development.



19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a systemwide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.


19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a system-wide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.



19:00:00 PM


VOLUNTEER ACTION COUNTS: THE POWER OF VOLUNTEERISM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Volunteerism is an essential ingredient in the recipe for sustainable development. In the same way as sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme, UNV?s partnerships for Rio+20 are cross-cutting. Building on the global partnerships developed during the International Year of Volunteers + 10, UNV will bring together partners from different organizations, backgrounds and fields: UN Agencies, governments, private sector, academia, NGOs ? from the global North and South ? to speak about citizen participation in making sustainable development for future generations a reality. In its sideevent, UNV and partners will provide good practice examples from several countries from the South as well as present the results of the multi-media campaign ?VolunteerActionCounts?. UNV will also stress that sustainable development is more than a political decision and will depend on an adequate operational infrastructure; including volunteers implementing sustainable development activities. Eco-Forum Global (EFG) is the first of its kind as an international non-profit foundation incorporated in China. EFG believes strongly in the capability of informal mechanisms to bring together key decision makers from all stakeholders to better pursue a sustainable future. Our side event?s theme will be ?China Forum: Building an Inclusive and Green Economy.? We will have a moderator and approximately 5-7 panelists, including Maurice Strong, former Under SecretaryGeneral of the UN, Hans d?Orville, Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning of UNESCO, and Zhang Xinsheng, Secretary-General of Eco-Forum Global and former Chair of UNESCO?s Executive Board. This side event will provide a conclusion on effective strategies to build a green economy using the Chinese experience as a starting point and discuss ways and actions to sustain progress toward sustainable development goals after Rio+20. In particular, the panel will discuss how informal mechanisms can contribute to a post-Rio+20 world.

Second Track beyond Rio - a Chinese Perspective on Green Economy


19:00:00 PM


Decisions we need for the city of 2030


19:00:00 PM


In 2050, about 9 billion people will live on this planet ? how can we ensure at least basic, decent livelihoods for all with more equity and social justice while climatic changes will have taken effect, scarcity will have led to significant price increases in water, food, mineral oil, natural gas, and many materials? ICLEI?s vision is not to merely look at the status quo and make incremental improvements to it, but rather to consider the systemic changes we need to make now in order to ensure sustained human life on earth. Within this approach, the side event will consider specifically how we must design our cities now in order to create a sustainable urban future. Which decisions and by whom have to be taken now in order to create a sustainable urban city of 2050? Agenda 21 called for setting up national coordinating structures to translate countries? aspirations of sustainable development (SD) into concrete actions and establish national programmes on Agenda 21. In the 20 year since 1992, countries in the Asia Pacific region have developed and are implementing their National SD Strategies, through their National Apex Bodies for SD. As part of the Rio + 20 preparatory process, each country has held national consultations and is preparing its national report to the conference. These national reports identify achievements, gaps and continuing needs. These bodies and strategies remain key national mechanisms for implementing the commitments of Agenda 21 and the Rio + 20 outcomes. This side event will showcase good practices, and identify ways to strengthen national implementation through new initiatives for capacity building, south-south exchange and enhanced sub regional cooperation. Creating a green economy is commonly understood to be about realising the links between healthy ecosystems and sustainable livelihoods and incomes. Some emphasise that green economy is ?blue economy?, recognising the significance of marine resources. The Coral Triangle is a significant illustration of the importance of countries cooperating regionally to provide sustainable management of ocean and coastal resources for the benefit of their own communities and beyond. The marine and coastal ecosystems of the region provide significant actual and potential economic benefits to more than 360 million people in the Coral Triangle, and the millions more outside the region who rely on its marine resources. However, these resources are under serious threat and mounting pressure and it is of global significance that the six Coral Triangle countries have cooperated to deal with these threats. The establishment of the Coral Triangle Initiative has created a powerful platform for collaboration to deliver national and regional commitments on multilateral conventions relevant for fisheries, oceans, biodiversity and climate. Further, the Initiative, with its focus on ?people-centred biodiversity conservation?, is an excellent illustration of how to progress towards achieving Blue Economies. Hunger eradication is fundamental to achieving the Rio vision of sustainable development. Current pathways have left 1.4 billion in extreme poverty, 925 million hungry and many more malnourished and food insecure. There can be no sustainable development when billions of people are left in hunger, poverty and food insecurity on the side-lines of mainstream development, with no protection from risks and shocks, and no hope to contribute to and benefit from growth, nor to fully enjoy their human development potential. Moving sustainable development requires a shift to food production and consumption systems that are productive, sustainable and fair. Moving towards sustainable development cannot be achieved by political agreements, financial incentives or technological solutions alone. To safeguard the natural environment and promote greater global equity, we need a fundamental change in the ways we think and act. This can only be achieved if all individuals and societies are equipped and empowered by knowledge, skills and values as well as heightened awareness to drive such change.

Strengthening National Apex Bodies of Sustainable Development (SD) for


19:00:00 PM


Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security


19:00:00 PM


Food for life & life of food


19:00:00 PM


Educating for a sustainable future


19:00:00 PM

T-2 The transition towards green economies and societies requires that we educate and train everyone and prepare society at large for such a sustainable future. This entails the comprehensive revision of current curricula, job qualifications and corresponding learning objectives of educational programmes at all levels as well as the development or re-design of relevant professional training and capacitybuilding.

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy


19:00:00 PM


The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development, however green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC, and focuses on the existing gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making. We outline what a ?social lens? on green economy might look like, pointing to the key role for social policy in addressing negative social impacts of transition, institutional change, and achieving policy coherence. These social dimensions are not addons to economic or environmental concerns, but underpin the process of structural transformation required to move towards development policies that are inclusive, equitable and sustainable. Finally, we highlight directions for future research in this area. The private sector is getting increasingly aware of its role for long term growth that is green and inclusive for sustainable development. It is providing new ideas in the fight to end global poverty by partnering with traditional development players such as national aid agencies and NGOs, leveraging supply chains to create economic opportunity for the world?s poorest people, and incorporating social responsibility into their business practices. It is an important contributor to shape the green and inclusive growth agenda of Africa. Governments need to ensure a conducive investment climate to spur private sector engagement. The objective of this side event is to bring together donors, private sector representatives, civil society and government officials to discuss their respective roles in helping enable a conducive environment for private sector development in the context of green growth and green development.



19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a systemwide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.


19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a system-wide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.



19:00:00 PM


VOLUNTEER ACTION COUNTS: THE POWER OF VOLUNTEERISM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Volunteerism is an essential ingredient in the recipe for sustainable development. In the same way as sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme, UNV?s partnerships for Rio+20 are cross-cutting. Building on the global partnerships developed during the International Year of Volunteers + 10, UNV will bring together partners from different organizations, backgrounds and fields: UN Agencies, governments, private sector, academia, NGOs ? from the global North and South ? to speak about citizen participation in making sustainable development for future generations a reality. In its sideevent, UNV and partners will provide good practice examples from several countries from the South as well as present the results of the multi-media campaign ?VolunteerActionCounts?. UNV will also stress that sustainable development is more than a political decision and will depend on an adequate operational infrastructure; including volunteers implementing sustainable development activities. Eco-Forum Global (EFG) is the first of its kind as an international non-profit foundation incorporated in China. EFG believes strongly in the capability of informal mechanisms to bring together key decision makers from all stakeholders to better pursue a sustainable future. Our side event?s theme will be ?China Forum: Building an Inclusive and Green Economy.? We will have a moderator and approximately 5-7 panelists, including Maurice Strong, former Under SecretaryGeneral of the UN, Hans d?Orville, Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning of UNESCO, and Zhang Xinsheng, Secretary-General of Eco-Forum Global and former Chair of UNESCO?s Executive Board. This side event will provide a conclusion on effective strategies to build a green economy using the Chinese experience as a starting point and discuss ways and actions to sustain progress toward sustainable development goals after Rio+20. In particular, the panel will discuss how informal mechanisms can contribute to a post-Rio+20 world.

Second Track beyond Rio - a Chinese Perspective on Green Economy


19:00:00 PM


Decisions we need for the city of 2030


19:00:00 PM


In 2050, about 9 billion people will live on this planet ? how can we ensure at least basic, decent livelihoods for all with more equity and social justice while climatic changes will have taken effect, scarcity will have led to significant price increases in water, food, mineral oil, natural gas, and many materials? ICLEI?s vision is not to merely look at the status quo and make incremental improvements to it, but rather to consider the systemic changes we need to make now in order to ensure sustained human life on earth. Within this approach, the side event will consider specifically how we must design our cities now in order to create a sustainable urban future. Which decisions and by whom have to be taken now in order to create a sustainable urban city of 2050? Agenda 21 called for setting up national coordinating structures to translate countries? aspirations of sustainable development (SD) into concrete actions and establish national programmes on Agenda 21. In the 20 year since 1992, countries in the Asia Pacific region have developed and are implementing their National SD Strategies, through their National Apex Bodies for SD. As part of the Rio + 20 preparatory process, each country has held national consultations and is preparing its national report to the conference. These national reports identify achievements, gaps and continuing needs. These bodies and strategies remain key national mechanisms for implementing the commitments of Agenda 21 and the Rio + 20 outcomes. This side event will showcase good practices, and identify ways to strengthen national implementation through new initiatives for capacity building, south-south exchange and enhanced sub regional cooperation. Creating a green economy is commonly understood to be about realising the links between healthy ecosystems and sustainable livelihoods and incomes. Some emphasise that green economy is ?blue economy?, recognising the significance of marine resources. The Coral Triangle is a significant illustration of the importance of countries cooperating regionally to provide sustainable management of ocean and coastal resources for the benefit of their own communities and beyond. The marine and coastal ecosystems of the region provide significant actual and potential economic benefits to more than 360 million people in the Coral Triangle, and the millions more outside the region who rely on its marine resources. However, these resources are under serious threat and mounting pressure and it is of global significance that the six Coral Triangle countries have cooperated to deal with these threats. The establishment of the Coral Triangle Initiative has created a powerful platform for collaboration to deliver national and regional commitments on multilateral conventions relevant for fisheries, oceans, biodiversity and climate. Further, the Initiative, with its focus on ?people-centred biodiversity conservation?, is an excellent illustration of how to progress towards achieving Blue Economies. Hunger eradication is fundamental to achieving the Rio vision of sustainable development. Current pathways have left 1.4 billion in extreme poverty, 925 million hungry and many more malnourished and food insecure. There can be no sustainable development when billions of people are left in hunger, poverty and food insecurity on the side-lines of mainstream development, with no protection from risks and shocks, and no hope to contribute to and benefit from growth, nor to fully enjoy their human development potential. Moving sustainable development requires a shift to food production and consumption systems that are productive, sustainable and fair. Moving towards sustainable development cannot be achieved by political agreements, financial incentives or technological solutions alone. To safeguard the natural environment and promote greater global equity, we need a fundamental change in the ways we think and act. This can only be achieved if all individuals and societies are equipped and empowered by knowledge, skills and values as well as heightened awareness to drive such change.

Strengthening National Apex Bodies of Sustainable Development (SD) for


19:00:00 PM


Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security


19:00:00 PM


Food for life & life of food


19:00:00 PM


Educating for a sustainable future


19:00:00 PM

T-2 The transition towards green economies and societies requires that we educate and train everyone and prepare society at large for such a sustainable future. This entails the comprehensive revision of current curricula, job qualifications and corresponding learning objectives of educational programmes at all levels as well as the development or re-design of relevant professional training and capacitybuilding.

Integrating the social dimensions of green economy into policy


19:00:00 PM


The preparatory process for Rio+20 has called for renewed attention to the social dimensions of development, however green economy and sustainable development debates have largely been dominated by economic and environmental concerns. This side event brings together policy-relevant lessons from recent research by UNRISD, UNESCO and ISSC, and focuses on the existing gaps and barriers that need to be overcome in order for the social dimensions of green economy to be better integrated into green economy decision-making. We outline what a ?social lens? on green economy might look like, pointing to the key role for social policy in addressing negative social impacts of transition, institutional change, and achieving policy coherence. These social dimensions are not addons to economic or environmental concerns, but underpin the process of structural transformation required to move towards development policies that are inclusive, equitable and sustainable. Finally, we highlight directions for future research in this area. The private sector is getting increasingly aware of its role for long term growth that is green and inclusive for sustainable development. It is providing new ideas in the fight to end global poverty by partnering with traditional development players such as national aid agencies and NGOs, leveraging supply chains to create economic opportunity for the world?s poorest people, and incorporating social responsibility into their business practices. It is an important contributor to shape the green and inclusive growth agenda of Africa. Governments need to ensure a conducive investment climate to spur private sector engagement. The objective of this side event is to bring together donors, private sector representatives, civil society and government officials to discuss their respective roles in helping enable a conducive environment for private sector development in the context of green growth and green development.



19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a systemwide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.


19:00:00 PM


The President of the General Assembly is launching a system-wide initiative to offset the carbon footprint from UN staff participation in Rio +20. The Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has been tasked to facilitate this initiative by building partnerships and leveraging the services of its flagship exchange platform - South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE) - to offset the estimated 3,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions from the participation (including travel) of approximately 1,400 UN staff in Rio +20. At this side event, the President of the General Assembly will formally launch the initiative and recognize partners and donors. A reception will follow.



19:00:00 PM


VOLUNTEER ACTION COUNTS: THE POWER OF VOLUNTEERISM FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Volunteerism is an essential ingredient in the recipe for sustainable development. In the same way as sustainable development is a cross-cutting theme, UNV?s partnerships for Rio+20 are cross-cutting. Building on the global partnerships developed during the International Year of Volunteers + 10, UNV will bring together partners from different organizations, backgrounds and fields: UN Agencies, governments, private sector, academia, NGOs ? from the global North and South ? to speak about citizen participation in making sustainable development for future generations a reality. In its sideevent, UNV and partners will provide good practice examples from several countries from the South as well as present the results of the multi-media campaign ?VolunteerActionCounts?. UNV will also stress that sustainable development is more than a political decision and will depend on an adequate operational infrastructure; including volunteers implementing sustainable development activities. Eco-Forum Global (EFG) is the first of its kind as an international non-profit foundation incorporated in China. EFG believes strongly in the capability of informal mechanisms to bring together key decision makers from all stakeholders to better pursue a sustainable future. Our side event?s theme will be ?China Forum: Building an Inclusive and Green Economy.? We will have a moderator and approximately 5-7 panelists, including Maurice Strong, former Under SecretaryGeneral of the UN, Hans d?Orville, Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning of UNESCO, and Zhang Xinsheng, Secretary-General of Eco-Forum Global and former Chair of UNESCO?s Executive Board. This side event will provide a conclusion on effective strategies to build a green economy using the Chinese experience as a starting point and discuss ways and actions to sustain progress toward sustainable development goals after Rio+20. In particular, the panel will discuss how informal mechanisms can contribute to a post-Rio+20 world.

Second Track beyond Rio - a Chinese Perspective on Green Economy


19:00:00 PM


Decisions we need for the city of 2030


19:00:00 PM


In 2050, about 9 billion people will live on this planet ? how can we ensure at least basic, decent livelihoods for all with more equity and social justice while climatic changes will have taken effect, scarcity will have led to significant price increases in water, food, mineral oil, natural gas, and many materials? ICLEI?s vision is not to merely look at the status quo and make incremental improvements to it, but rather to consider the systemic changes we need to make now in order to ensure sustained human life on earth. Within this approach, the side event will consider specifically how we must design our cities now in order to create a sustainable urban future. Which decisions and by whom have to be taken now in order to create a sustainable urban city of 2050? Agenda 21 called for setting up national coordinating structures to translate countries? aspirations of sustainable development (SD) into concrete actions and establish national programmes on Agenda 21. In the 20 year since 1992, countries in the Asia Pacific region have developed and are implementing their National SD Strategies, through their National Apex Bodies for SD. As part of the Rio + 20 preparatory process, each country has held national consultations and is preparing its national report to the conference. These national reports identify achievements, gaps and continuing needs. These bodies and strategies remain key national mechanisms for implementing the commitments of Agenda 21 and the Rio + 20 outcomes. This side event will showcase good practices, and identify ways to strengthen national implementation through new initiatives for capacity building, south-south exchange and enhanced sub regional cooperation. Creating a green economy is commonly understood to be about realising the links between healthy ecosystems and sustainable livelihoods and incomes. Some emphasise that green economy is ?blue economy?, recognising the significance of marine resources. The Coral Triangle is a significant illustration of the importance of countries cooperating regionally to provide sustainable management of ocean and coastal resources for the benefit of their own communities and beyond. The marine and coastal ecosystems of the region provide significant actual and potential economic benefits to more than 360 million people in the Coral Triangle, and the millions more outside the region who rely on its marine resources. However, these resources are under serious threat and mounting pressure and it is of global significance that the six Coral Triangle countries have cooperated to deal with these threats. The establishment of the Coral Triangle Initiative has created a powerful platform for collaboration to deliver national and regional commitments on multilateral conventions relevant for fisheries, oceans, biodiversity and climate. Further, the Initiative, with its focus on ?people-centred biodiversity conservation?, is an excellent illustration of how to progress towards achieving Blue Economies.

Strengthening National Apex Bodies of Sustainable Development (SD) for


19:00:00 PM


Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security


19:00:00 PM


Biofuels for Sustainable Development Biofuels for Sustainable Development Biofuels for Sustainable Development Cidadania Global: uma nova realidade para os desafios do sculo XXI Projeto Agricultura Urbana e a Revoluo dos Baldinhos oficina terica desta experincia e prtica de compostagem termoflica Solues, experincias demonstrativas e prticas a serem expostas nos Territrios do Futuro Responsabilidade Socioambiental Exchanging Experiences Encontro de Educao, Sade e Meio Ambiente Voices from Fukushima: Calling for a Nuclear Power Free World for a Sustainable Future Seminrio e oficina: Um novo olhar sobre alimentao: uma revoluo necessria para a verdadeira Cultura de Paz Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable Up with People\'s International Youth Forum Bairro sustentvel Oficina De Bonecas

21/06/2012 21/06/2012 21/06/2012 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12

19:30:00 PM 19:30:00 PM 19:30:00 PM 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 10:00:00

T-5 T-5 T-5 t2d t1f t2b t2c t2a t1c t1d t2f t2e t1e Sesc Terespolis Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Projeto itinerante que leva para as comunidades e bairros de Terespolis prticas sustentveis na rea de Agricultura Urbana, Energia Limpa, Recursos Hdricos e Resduos. Sbados e domingos. Grtis. Livre. Oficina de confeco de bonecas

Bairro sustentvel Transition Territories, the lessons learned after the crisis experiences Lagrocologie en pratiques : 20 ans dexprience sur le terrain pour lutter contre la pauvret en faveur de la scurit alimentaire Concientizao da sociedade atravs de Palestra e Debates. Proteo da biodiversidade e conflitos socioambientais: o caso do Mico-Leo-Dourado, Rio de Janeiro BRASIL Arquitetura social na universidade: as experincias dos Escritrios Modelos de Arquitetura e Urbanismo A universidade e a sustentabilidade: desafios e dificuldades Cultura e resistncia guarani na busca da terra sem males, um exemplo na construo do bem viver. Consumo Consciente Food security through prevention and restoration of desert land Up with People International Interactive Booth Proteo da biodiversidade e conflitos socioambientais: o caso do Mico-Leo-Dourado, Rio de Janeiro BRASIL Responsabilidade Socioambiental Developing a manifesto for democracy and sustainable development Dialogando sobre contribuies da Educao Ambiental para uma proposta contra-hegemnica de modelo societrio Workshop: Right to Water: Green Economy or Right based approaches to sustainable development Seminrio e oficina: Um novo olhar sobre alimentao: uma revoluo necessria para a verdadeira Cultura de Paz Lconomie sociale comme solution de dveloppement inclusif et durable Conhecer para atuar e transformar . A importncia da qualificao e educao como elementos fundamentais para atuaes presente e futura em diversos fruns. Up with People\'s International Youth Forum Terra Indigena / Garapira - Pataxo Cincia divertida Teatro Para Deficiente Visual Viajando no Universo Literrio / Marly Cuesta A rvore Que Dava Dinheiro / Angela Moreira CAPOEIRA / Mestre Paulao Trancando Histrias / Vila Da Mare Lagrocologie en pratiques : 20 ans dexprience sur le terrain pour lutter contre la pauvret en faveur de la scurit alimentaire Economa Solidaria Trabajo Digno y Cooperacin Internacional: potencialidades, puntos criticos, experiencias en America latina, en Europa y en Asia Consumo Consciente Oficina Jogo da Carta da Terra - uma estratgia de educao para sustentabilidade TERRITORIO E MEIO AMBIENTE Feria de la Diversidad por el buen vivir Sustainable food systems: examples from the US and the UK Palestras.

22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12

10:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:30:00 15:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:00:00 16:30:00

Sesc Terespolis t1d t2f t2d t1c t1f t2b t2e t2c t2a t1e t1c t2c t1f t2b t2a t2f t2e t2d t1e Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Sesc Engenho de Dentro Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 1 (Menor) - 4x3 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 t2f

Projeto itinerante que leva para as comunidades e bairros de Terespolis prticas sustentveis na rea de Agricultura Urbana, Energia Limpa, Recursos Hdricos e Resduos. Tera a sexta. Grtis. Livre.

Danas e rituais de cerimnias sagradas Por meio de experincias divertidas, crianas percebero que a gua o nosso grande tesouro. Energia limpa - o conceito de Energia Limpa, aquela que no libera (ou libera poucos) gases ou resduos que contribuem para o aquecimento global, em sua produo ou consumo. Grtis. 12 anos. Poesia, parlendas e trava lnguas Contao de histrias apresentada de forma performtica Roda de Capoeira e oficina de confeco de instrumentos Espetculo de dana com grupo folclrico da Vila Da Mare

22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12

16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00

t2e t2c t2a t1c t1f t2d t2b

"Ar Quente" - La Crista / Teatro de Movimento Cia Arquitetura de Movimento / Andrea Jabor BIODANZA / Leila Maria De Almeida Bloco Scio Ambiental / Quem Mora no Meia No Bobeia Cairo e Denizis Trindade Ayahuasca Geraldo Jr. & Grupo Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living Seminrio de Apresentao do Observatrio do REDD Ecovillages and Transition Towns: Laboratories of Sustainable Living MAKING DREAMS COME TRUE: HOW TO BUILD AN OUTRAGEOUSLY SUCCESSFUL PROJECT Rodas de Conversa: Ativismo e Mobilizao para a Sustentabilidade, por meio da msica, do teatro, da arte e dos jogos cooperativos

22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.12 22.06.2012 22.06.2012 22.06.2012 22.06.2012 22.06.2012

17:00:00 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:30:00 19:00:00 19:30:00 20:15:00 12:00:00 14:00:00 15:00:00 16:45:00 18:15:00

Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Palco 2 (Medio) - 6x3 Palco 3 (Maior) - 8x4 Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Aterro do Flamengo Tenda G Tenda D Tenda G Tenda G Tenda D

Teatro de Movimento Dana com interveno urbana e Flash Mob O Meio Ambiente Somos Ns - Biodanza Bloco de Msica

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-2 (Riocentro)

After decades of attempts to electrify rural populations worldwide the International Energy Agency (IEA) in a series of energy access papers has come to the conclusion that business as usual V defined as a reliance on centralized grid extensions can not solve the problem. The IEA found that by 2030 there will still be 1 billion people without electricity using current approaches, while billions more considered "electrified" will receive only a few hours of electricity per day. We argue that the only way to reverse the present situation and reach the 1 billion people without electricity is to abandon the "grid fallacy" - that building out the grid is the only way to achieve universal electrification and the "aid trap" - that rural electrification requires heavy end user subsidies typically associated with costly grid extensions This side event aims at hosting "Vision 2050: A new agenda for business in Brazil" official international launch. The document, a version of WBCSD?s internationally acclaimed ?Vision 2050?, but solely based on Brazilian scenario, will be symbolically signed by BCSD-Brazil associated CEOs as their pathway and agendas toward a sustainable world for the next forty years. It is expected the presence of government, business, civil society, academia and press representatives as ?Vision 2050 Brazil? stands as a landmark on sustainability talks and actions within Brazilian reality. The Side Event deals with the questions which dangers for security and peace pose the crisis of food supply; which temporary and structural problems pose societal conflicts in connection to food crisis, and which course of action exists for sustainable politics of prevention crisis and violence, for politics of civil cooperation and disarmament. Unique case of Pakistan sustaining its development in face of: - Decade of uninvited natural calamities (Earthquake, Cyclones, Floods) - Decade of Conflict and engagement in ?war on terror? - Economic dampeners - Forcibly superimpose on self inflicted challenges (population, weak governance, corruption) TITLE - Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty In October 2011 an Expert Group Meeting on Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty, was held in Israel as a contribution to the preparation for Rio+20 . The meeting took place in co-operation with UN-DESA and was attended by representatives from 28 countries, three UN organisations and representatives of civil society and major groups; thus the full geographical spectrum was represented. The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the central role that green and sustainable agriculture can play in stimulating economic growth and combating poverty, and ultimately attaining food security, through the sharing of approaches, best practices and lessons learned. One of the recommendations of the meeting was to present the EGM Chair's summary at the Rio+20 Conference.

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-6 (Riocentro)

Food, agriculture and conflicts - challenge for peace



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Sustaining resilience - development in crisis



T-4 (Riocentro)

Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Secu



P3-A (Riocentro)

We need a new way of looking at Latin America and the Caribbean, with a perspective that emphasizes the region?s strengths without neglecting its weaknesses, that focuses on opportunities without ignoring risks. We need a way that promotes long-term development without forgetting that the situation still demands prudent, disciplined public policies. Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: An Emerging Paradigm for Latin America & the Caribbean 22/06/2012 11:00:00 T-9 (Riocentro) The Inter-American Development Bank is reassessing its role in mainstreaming sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean and therefore seeks to promote high level dialogue around the concept of sustainability and its concrete dimensions. As a partner, UNDP has always assessed the Bank in its different initiatives, its recommendations on how the institution can contribute to the growth, equity and competitiveness of the region. ?U.S. Priorities for Rio+20? will feature high-level United States Government officials and leaders from the private sector and civil society. This exciting and compelling event will focus on U.S. priorities for advancing sustainable development. We will feature speakers and presentations that demonstrate the commitment of the United States to integrate the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, environmental, and social. The side event will also address themes of promoting a green economy, good governance, the importance of data collection and sharing, the impact of connection technologies in furthering sustainable development, and women?s and youth issues. This side event will discuss pathways to a sustainable future by drawing on countries experiences and major reports by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and the World Bank. The WBGU will share key findings from Worlds in Transition A Social Contract for Sustainability, which outlines the concepts of a new social contract for sustainability and 'great transformations', identifies opportunities and barriers to change, and recommends relevant policies for transformation management. In particular the WBGU will discuss the needed transformation of the energy system. Similarly, the World Bank will draw on Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development to build the economic case for green growth, a necessary input into sustainable development. The Bank will argue that greener growth is necessary, efficient, and affordable, and should focus on what needs to happen in the next five to 10 years to avoid getting locked into unsustainable paths and causing irreversible environmental damage. Narratives from Vietnam and Morocco will contextualize these analytical views in the ongoing efforts of developing countries to devise and implement green growth strategies, providing policymakers, advocates, and leaders from industry and finance the conceptual framework and practical understanding needed to make growth processes greener, avert worst-case scenarios for resource depletion, and achieve sustainable development. The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Government of Denmark in collaboration with the Government of Brazil (TBC) and proposes the ?Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights? Side Event. The high level Side Event brings together a high level panel of governments and civil society to ensure that the Rio+20 outcome document highlights the centrality of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to sustainable development. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action must be reflected as a critical component to achieving sustainable development. The Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development will have a major bearing and influence on the post-2015 development framework. Governments and civil society must work together to ensure that SRHR are a central component of sustainable development. Rio+20 must recognize the centrality of human rights to sustainable development and particularly the well-being of women and young people in a changing world. Marine ecosystems and resources have a key role in supporting food security, sustainable livelihoods, economic opportunity and social inclusion for billions of people. Recognising this, ?Blue Economy? ? or the oceans aspects of the Rio+20 theme ?green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication? ? has been identified by many as a priority issue for Rio+20. Around the world, there are a number of innovative efforts underway to achieve a Blue Economy. This event will involve a selection of key Blue Economy leaders showcasing their efforts to conserve and sustainably manage marine resources, and defining key commitments and actions for the future.

U.S. Priorities for Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Global Transformation and Inclusive Green Growth



T-6 (Riocentro)

Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights



P3-B (Riocentro)

Blue Economy Leadership Event: showcasing efforts to achieve a Blue Ec



P3-F (Riocentro)

UN Secretary-General and CEB Executive Heads will participate in the side event. IThe side event seeks to showcase concrete deliverables and innovative actions by which the UN system will provide coherent and integrated support to Member States in advancing sustainable development objectives and implementing of the Rio+20 outcome. UN System: Together for the Future We Want 22/06/2012 11:00:00 P3-E (Riocentro) The event is envisaged as a moderated discussion with CEB Executive Heads will focus on innovative ideas, forward-looking initiatives and promising partnerships to advance the global sustainable development agenda. Guided by a number ofoverarching questions, the debate will focus on priority areas for action and the role of the UN system in supporting Member States and their peoples. Afghanistan is a member of G-7 Countries. (Fragile /post conflict country) Afghanistan is also, member of Least Developing Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries. During the past 10 years the government of Afghanistan with the support of a coalition of "International Security Forces (ISAF) and NATO" has been fighting against threats of international terrorism and fundamentalism. Right now the country is in a process of transition of security and governance from International actors to Afghans. A number of panellists consisting of representatives of government and civil society of Afghanistan and high-representatives of UN agencies, World Bank and will brief the audience. The unique experience of Afghanistan is a matter of interest for the participants of Rio +20 Conferences After decades of attempts to electrify rural populations worldwide the International Energy Agency (IEA) in a series of energy access papers has come to the conclusion that business as usual V defined as a reliance on centralized grid extensions can not solve the problem. The IEA found that by 2030 there will still be 1 billion people without electricity using current approaches, while billions more considered "electrified" will receive only a few hours of electricity per day. We argue that the only way to reverse the present situation and reach the 1 billion people without electricity is to abandon the "grid fallacy" - that building out the grid is the only way to achieve universal electrification and the "aid trap" - that rural electrification requires heavy end user subsidies typically associated with costly grid extensions This side event aims at hosting "Vision 2050: A new agenda for business in Brazil" official international launch. The document, a version of WBCSD?s internationally acclaimed ?Vision 2050?, but solely based on Brazilian scenario, will be symbolically signed by BCSD-Brazil associated CEOs as their pathway and agendas toward a sustainable world for the next forty years. It is expected the presence of government, business, civil society, academia and press representatives as ?Vision 2050 Brazil? stands as a landmark on sustainability talks and actions within Brazilian reality. The Side Event deals with the questions which dangers for security and peace pose the crisis of food supply; which temporary and structural problems pose societal conflicts in connection to food crisis, and which course of action exists for sustainable politics of prevention crisis and violence, for politics of civil cooperation and disarmament. Unique case of Pakistan sustaining its development in face of: - Decade of uninvited natural calamities (Earthquake, Cyclones, Floods) - Decade of Conflict and engagement in ?war on terror? - Economic dampeners - Forcibly superimpose on self inflicted challenges (population, weak governance, corruption)

Transistion, Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-2 (Riocentro)

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-6 (Riocentro)

Food, agriculture and conflicts - challenge for peace



P3-6 (Riocentro)

Sustaining resilience - development in crisis



T-4 (Riocentro)

TITLE - Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty In October 2011 an Expert Group Meeting on Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty, was held in Israel as a contribution to the preparation for Rio+20 . The meeting took place in co-operation with UN-DESA and was attended by representatives from 28 countries, three UN organisations and representatives of civil society and major groups; thus the full geographical spectrum was represented. The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the central role that green and sustainable agriculture can play in stimulating economic growth and combating poverty, and ultimately attaining food security, through the sharing of approaches, best practices and lessons learned. One of the recommendations of the meeting was to present the EGM Chair's summary at the Rio+20 Conference. We need a new way of looking at Latin America and the Caribbean, with a perspective that emphasizes the region?s strengths without neglecting its weaknesses, that focuses on opportunities without ignoring risks. We need a way that promotes long-term development without forgetting that the situation still demands prudent, disciplined public policies. Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: An Emerging Paradigm for Latin America & the Caribbean 22/06/2012 11:00:00 T-9 (Riocentro) The Inter-American Development Bank is reassessing its role in mainstreaming sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean and therefore seeks to promote high level dialogue around the concept of sustainability and its concrete dimensions. As a partner, UNDP has always assessed the Bank in its different initiatives, its recommendations on how the institution can contribute to the growth, equity and competitiveness of the region. ?U.S. Priorities for Rio+20? will feature high-level United States Government officials and leaders from the private sector and civil society. This exciting and compelling event will focus on U.S. priorities for advancing sustainable development. We will feature speakers and presentations that demonstrate the commitment of the United States to integrate the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, environmental, and social. The side event will also address themes of promoting a green economy, good governance, the importance of data collection and sharing, the impact of connection technologies in furthering sustainable development, and women?s and youth issues. This side event will discuss pathways to a sustainable future by drawing on countries experiences and major reports by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and the World Bank. The WBGU will share key findings from Worlds in Transition A Social Contract for Sustainability, which outlines the concepts of a new social contract for sustainability and 'great transformations', identifies opportunities and barriers to change, and recommends relevant policies for transformation management. In particular the WBGU will discuss the needed transformation of the energy system. Similarly, the World Bank will draw on Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development to build the economic case for green growth, a necessary input into sustainable development. The Bank will argue that greener growth is necessary, efficient, and affordable, and should focus on what needs to happen in the next five to 10 years to avoid getting locked into unsustainable paths and causing irreversible environmental damage. Narratives from Vietnam and Morocco will contextualize these analytical views in the ongoing efforts of developing countries to devise and implement green growth strategies, providing policymakers, advocates, and leaders from industry and finance the conceptual framework and practical understanding needed to make growth processes greener, avert worst-case scenarios for resource depletion, and achieve sustainable development.

Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Secu



P3-A (Riocentro)

U.S. Priorities for Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Global Transformation and Inclusive Green Growth



T-6 (Riocentro)

Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights



P3-B (Riocentro)

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Government of Denmark in collaboration with the Government of Brazil (TBC) and proposes the ?Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights? Side Event. The high level Side Event brings together a high level panel of governments and civil society to ensure that the Rio+20 outcome document highlights the centrality of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to sustainable development. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action must be reflected as a critical component to achieving sustainable development. The Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development will have a major bearing and influence on the post-2015 development framework. Governments and civil society must work together to ensure that SRHR are a central component of sustainable development. Rio+20 must recognize the centrality of human rights to sustainable development and particularly the well-being of women and young people in a changing world. Marine ecosystems and resources have a key role in supporting food security, sustainable livelihoods, economic opportunity and social inclusion for billions of people. Recognising this, ?Blue Economy? ? or the oceans aspects of the Rio+20 theme ?green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication? ? has been identified by many as a priority issue for Rio+20. Around the world, there are a number of innovative efforts underway to achieve a Blue Economy. This event will involve a selection of key Blue Economy leaders showcasing their efforts to conserve and sustainably manage marine resources, and defining key commitments and actions for the future. UN Secretary-General and CEB Executive Heads will participate in the side event. IThe side event seeks to showcase concrete deliverables and innovative actions by which the UN system will provide coherent and integrated support to Member States in advancing sustainable development objectives and implementing of the Rio+20 outcome.

Blue Economy Leadership Event: showcasing efforts to achieve a Blue Ec



P3-F (Riocentro)

UN System: Together for the Future We Want



P3-E (Riocentro) The event is envisaged as a moderated discussion with CEB Executive Heads will focus on innovative ideas, forward-looking initiatives and promising partnerships to advance the global sustainable development agenda. Guided by a number ofoverarching questions, the debate will focus on priority areas for action and the role of the UN system in supporting Member States and their peoples. Afghanistan is a member of G-7 Countries. (Fragile /post conflict country) Afghanistan is also, member of Least Developing Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries. During the past 10 years the government of Afghanistan with the support of a coalition of "International Security Forces (ISAF) and NATO" has been fighting against threats of international terrorism and fundamentalism. Right now the country is in a process of transition of security and governance from International actors to Afghans. A number of panellists consisting of representatives of government and civil society of Afghanistan and high-representatives of UN agencies, World Bank and will brief the audience. The unique experience of Afghanistan is a matter of interest for the participants of Rio +20 Conferences After decades of attempts to electrify rural populations worldwide the International Energy Agency (IEA) in a series of energy access papers has come to the conclusion that business as usual V defined as a reliance on centralized grid extensions can not solve the problem. The IEA found that by 2030 there will still be 1 billion people without electricity using current approaches, while billions more considered "electrified" will receive only a few hours of electricity per day. We argue that the only way to reverse the present situation and reach the 1 billion people without electricity is to abandon the "grid fallacy" - that building out the grid is the only way to achieve universal electrification and the "aid trap" - that rural electrification requires heavy end user subsidies typically associated with costly grid extensions This side event aims at hosting "Vision 2050: A new agenda for business in Brazil" official international launch. The document, a version of WBCSD?s internationally acclaimed ?Vision 2050?, but solely based on Brazilian scenario, will be symbolically signed by BCSD-Brazil associated CEOs as their pathway and agendas toward a sustainable world for the next forty years. It is expected the presence of government, business, civil society, academia and press representatives as ?Vision 2050 Brazil? stands as a landmark on sustainability talks and actions within Brazilian reality.

Transistion, Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-2 (Riocentro)

1 Billion Reasons to Deliver Clean Energy Access for the Poor



T-6 (Riocentro)

Food, agriculture and conflicts - challenge for peace



P3-6 (Riocentro)

The Side Event deals with the questions which dangers for security and peace pose the crisis of food supply; which temporary and structural problems pose societal conflicts in connection to food crisis, and which course of action exists for sustainable politics of prevention crisis and violence, for politics of civil cooperation and disarmament. Unique case of Pakistan sustaining its development in face of: - Decade of uninvited natural calamities (Earthquake, Cyclones, Floods) - Decade of Conflict and engagement in ?war on terror? - Economic dampeners - Forcibly superimpose on self inflicted challenges (population, weak governance, corruption) TITLE - Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty In October 2011 an Expert Group Meeting on Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Security and Eradicate Poverty, was held in Israel as a contribution to the preparation for Rio+20 . The meeting took place in co-operation with UN-DESA and was attended by representatives from 28 countries, three UN organisations and representatives of civil society and major groups; thus the full geographical spectrum was represented. The purpose of the meeting was to raise awareness of the central role that green and sustainable agriculture can play in stimulating economic growth and combating poverty, and ultimately attaining food security, through the sharing of approaches, best practices and lessons learned. One of the recommendations of the meeting was to present the EGM Chair's summary at the Rio+20 Conference. We need a new way of looking at Latin America and the Caribbean, with a perspective that emphasizes the region?s strengths without neglecting its weaknesses, that focuses on opportunities without ignoring risks. We need a way that promotes long-term development without forgetting that the situation still demands prudent, disciplined public policies.

Sustaining resilience - development in crisis



T-4 (Riocentro)

Using Green Agriculture to Stimulate Economic Growth, Attain Food Secu



P3-A (Riocentro)

Sustainable and Inclusive Growth: An Emerging Paradigm for Latin America & the Caribbean



T-9 (Riocentro)

The Inter-American Development Bank is reassessing its role in mainstreaming sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean and therefore seeks to promote high level dialogue around the concept of sustainability and its concrete dimensions. As a partner, UNDP has always assessed the Bank in its different initiatives, its recommendations on how the institution can contribute to the growth, equity and competitiveness of the region. ?U.S. Priorities for Rio+20? will feature high-level United States Government officials and leaders from the private sector and civil society. This exciting and compelling event will focus on U.S. priorities for advancing sustainable development. We will feature speakers and presentations that demonstrate the commitment of the United States to integrate the three pillars of sustainable development: economic, environmental, and social. The side event will also address themes of promoting a green economy, good governance, the importance of data collection and sharing, the impact of connection technologies in furthering sustainable development, and women?s and youth issues. This side event will discuss pathways to a sustainable future by drawing on countries experiences and major reports by the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) and the World Bank. The WBGU will share key findings from Worlds in Transition A Social Contract for Sustainability, which outlines the concepts of a new social contract for sustainability and 'great transformations', identifies opportunities and barriers to change, and recommends relevant policies for transformation management. In particular the WBGU will discuss the needed transformation of the energy system. Similarly, the World Bank will draw on Inclusive Green Growth: The Pathway to Sustainable Development to build the economic case for green growth, a necessary input into sustainable development. The Bank will argue that greener growth is necessary, efficient, and affordable, and should focus on what needs to happen in the next five to 10 years to avoid getting locked into unsustainable paths and causing irreversible environmental damage. Narratives from Vietnam and Morocco will contextualize these analytical views in the ongoing efforts of developing countries to devise and implement green growth strategies, providing policymakers, advocates, and leaders from industry and finance the conceptual framework and practical understanding needed to make growth processes greener, avert worst-case scenarios for resource depletion, and achieve sustainable development.

U.S. Priorities for Rio+20



T-5 (Riocentro)

Sustainable Global Transformation and Inclusive Green Growth



T-6 (Riocentro)

Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights



P3-B (Riocentro)

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and the Government of Denmark in collaboration with the Government of Brazil (TBC) and proposes the ?Dynamics of Rio: Population, Women and Rights? Side Event. The high level Side Event brings together a high level panel of governments and civil society to ensure that the Rio+20 outcome document highlights the centrality of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) to sustainable development. The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action must be reflected as a critical component to achieving sustainable development. The Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development will have a major bearing and influence on the post-2015 development framework. Governments and civil society must work together to ensure that SRHR are a central component of sustainable development. Rio+20 must recognize the centrality of human rights to sustainable development and particularly the well-being of women and young people in a changing world. Marine ecosystems and resources have a key role in supporting food security, sustainable livelihoods, economic opportunity and social inclusion for billions of people. Recognising this, ?Blue Economy? ? or the oceans aspects of the Rio+20 theme ?green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication? ? has been identified by many as a priority issue for Rio+20. Around the world, there are a number of innovative efforts underway to achieve a Blue Economy. This event will involve a selection of key Blue Economy leaders showcasing their efforts to conserve and sustainably manage marine resources, and defining key commitments and actions for the future. UN Secretary-General and CEB Executive Heads will participate in the side event. IThe side event seeks to showcase concrete deliverables and innovative actions by which the UN system will provide coherent and integrated support to Member States in advancing sustainable development objectives and implementing of the Rio+20 outcome.

Blue Economy Leadership Event: showcasing efforts to achieve a Blue Ec



P3-F (Riocentro)

UN System: Together for the Future We Want



P3-E (Riocentro) The event is envisaged as a moderated discussion with CEB Executive Heads will focus on innovative ideas, forward-looking initiatives and promising partnerships to advance the global sustainable development agenda. Guided by a number ofoverarching questions, the debate will focus on priority areas for action and the role of the UN system in supporting Member States and their peoples. Afghanistan is a member of G-7 Countries. (Fragile /post conflict country) Afghanistan is also, member of Least Developing Countries and Landlocked Developing Countries. During the past 10 years the government of Afghanistan with the support of a coalition of "International Security Forces (ISAF) and NATO" has been fighting against threats of international terrorism and fundamentalism. Right now the country is in a process of transition of security and governance from International actors to Afghans. A number of panellists consisting of representatives of government and civil society of Afghanistan and high-representatives of UN agencies, World Bank and will brief the audience. The unique experience of Afghanistan is a matter of interest for the participants of Rio +20 Conferences The Brazilian environmental public agencies in the Municipalities and Federal States, represented by ABEMA and ANAMMA, will promote a meeting from 18th to 19th June in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting will discuss issues involving Environment Public Policy and the setting of environmental management regarding the Rio +20 theme: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The discussions will provide a document that will address the 10 principles regarded as fundamental to the sustainability through the Brazilian environmental managers? point of view. The main goal is elaborating a consistent and democratic document to be delivered during the Conference Rio+20.

Transistion, Regional Cooperation and Sustainable Development



T-8 (Riocentro)

Environmental Public Agencies Meeting at Rio+20



T-2 (Riocentro)

Proposals for a Green, Inclusive and Responsible Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

With the perspective of a Green Economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, Ethos Institute has mobilized, motivated and helped companies manage their business in a socially responsible manner. However, management tools and voluntary commitments from the business sector have not been sufficient to promote the necessary changes. We have built, therefore, a vision of a new development model, requiring new process in the economy, making it green, inclusive and responsible. With this vision, companies should not only improve their business practices, but must also influence public policies, demanding higher standards from governments and transforming, effectively, the economy. The ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission have developed a draft Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy. The plan provides the basis for ECE member States to identify actions required at the national, regional and international levels for a transition towards a green economy. The plan covers the following sectors:

A roadmap for ECE Forests in a Green Economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. Sustainable production and consumption of forest products 2. The low-carbon forest sector 3. Decent green jobs in the forest sector 4. Valuation of and payment for forest ecosystem services 5. Monitoring and governance of the forest sector. A Road Map and related timeline for the development and implementation of actions identified in the plan should be further developed during the side event. This side event explores calls in the Rio+20 outcome document to improve science-policy links, and develop a new mechanism for international scientific cooperation and collaboration on sustainable development. Speakers will introduce efforts by the scientific community to collaborate with other stakeholders to meet these demands, particularly through the major new global initiative ?Future Earth ? research for global sustainability?, which was jointly established by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the Belmont Forum, UNEP, UNU and UNESCO, with WMO as observer. Future Earth aims to work with policy-makers and other stakeholders to deliver the knowledge needed to enable societies to meet their sustainable development goals. The event will encourage debate between scientists, policy-makers and civil society on how this initiative can ensure that international science is truly collaborating with policymakers and other stakeholders, to provide the knowledge needed in the wake of Rio+20. It will be a seminar, presented by Mr. Muhammad Kabir Secretary General Batool Welfare Trust. Central idea will be bases on, ?Sustainable Development?. Stress will on involvement of youth for success of Rio+20 declarations for the overall betterment of environment and sustainable development. The Latin American Platform on Climate (LPC) carries out the Report on the State and Quality of Public Policies on Climate Change and Development in Latin America that is held on a biannual basis, in 10 countries in the region. The results of the research will be enriched by national forums and then released on this side event in the framework of Rio +20. This strategic project for the region strengthens the alliance of the 17 LPC member organizations to achieve synergy and a common product that will improve the quality of public policies on climate change and development (CCD) in the region, and will strengthen both the capacity of policy makers and civil society to develop policies on CCD as well as the regional position in international negotiations through the identification of common strategies to be developed on the basis of this document. Poverty, environmental degradation, sustainability and development have been at the core of religious communities and faith based organizations? (FBO) concerns. Religious communities and FBO echo the suffering of people because of threats to their lives due to poverty, hunger, diseases, environmental degradation and the climate and water crises. This side event will highlight the ethical and spiritual dimensions of green economy, sustainable development and its international framework, based on their religious traditions and the long involvement they have had with the United Nations. A special video message from His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will be projected at the side event. Speakers will include religious leaders from Afro-Brazilian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions.

Enhancing science-policy links for Rio+20: The Future Earth Initiative



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth as change agent for sustainable development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Latin America



T-10 (Riocentro)

Ethical and Religious Insights on The Future We Want



T-6 (Riocentro)

Decent Work and Social Protection Floors for Sustainable Development



T-1 (Riocentro)

The new vision of development links economic growth with low environmental impact, social inclusion and decent jobs. This requires a strong social pillar of sustainable development and policies which reinforce the synergies and mitigate the trade-offs between the environmental, economic and social pillars. The transition to a greener, fairer and sustainable development will create opportunities but also enormous challenges. With the right policies, such transformation can lead to social inclusion and more and better jobs. It provides significant opportunities for the creation of new jobs in sustainable enterprises, for the upgrading of existing jobs to lift millions out of poverty and to improve livelihood through access to basic social protection and services in the form of social protection floors. The side event will highlight examples of coherent policies and effective programmes linking social protection, employment, economic and environmental issues. The side event will launch major initiatives lead by ILO.

The business case for sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro)

The goal of the dialogue is to strengthen the relationship between Member States and Business and Industry for Sustainable Development. The impact of natural disasters is increasing over time in parallel to the expansion of human activity. Furthermore, growing urbanization increases exposure and vulnerability of large numbers of people to natural hazards. The escalation of severe disaster events triggered by natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters is increasingly threatening both sustainable development and poverty-reduction initiatives. Poverty and hazard vulnerability are integrally linked, thereby increasing both the risk and exposure to disasters. Sustainable and integrated management of natural resources will increase the resilience of communities to disasters by reversing current trends of environmental degradation. With the aim of reducing risks from natural disasters, the Ministers of Environment of the 57 Islamic countries adopted an Islamic Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, and an its Implementation Plan with the aim of reducing risk from natural disasters which would be presented at a side event during the Rio+20 meetings. L'aide publique au dveloppement devrait subir une baisse constante dans les prochaines annes alors mme que les besoins se font plus pressants. Les financements innovants pour le dveloppement ont t crs disposer de moyens concrets pour inverser cette tendance. Bass sur un menu d'options, ils constituent une autre faon de financer le dveloppement, en complment de l'APD.

Sustainable Development: The Critical Role of Disaster Risk Management



P3-A (Riocentro)

les financements innovants au service du developpement durable



P3-F (Riocentro)

Le Groupe Pilote, qui regroupe 63 membres (Etats, organisations internationales et organisations non gouvernementales), a dj organis plusieurs runions de haut niveau en marge de confrences et Sommets des Nations Unies (PMA, 2011; OMD 2010; Doha 2008). Cet vnement parallle de haut niveau constituera un moment cl pour valuer le potentiel des financements innovants pour chaque dimension du dveloppement durable (sociale, conomique et environnementale),. Organis en partenariat avec les Nations Unies, il runira des reprsentants de haut niveau des tats, Organisations internationales, ONG et Fondations. The degradation and destruction of forests, grasslands, coastal areas and other ecosystems is having a particularly strong negative impact on women, as they often depend on the wood, medicinal plants, wild fruits, seafood and other food and energy sources these ecosystems provide. The agrofuel plantations cause land grabbing and other violations of the rights of indigenous peoples and communities and are one of the root causes of the current food crisis and effect in a dramatic way the lives of women and their families. Women and their traditional knowledge systems play a very important role in the management of Indigenous territories and community conserved areas and other community-based initiatives to conserve and restore ecosystems. This role, and these initiatives, should be recognized, protected against outside economic interference, and strengthened Biodiversity loss in agriculture, the threat of GMO-trees, the gender aspects of farmer?s traditional knowledge and implications of the asses and benefit sharing agreements from Nagoya will be the focus of this side-event. What are the key areas of concern, what actions should citizens, business and policy makers take to protect women?s forest dwellers and subsistence farmers? Rio+20 should lead to commitments on policy priorities and sustainable development goals, assuring women?s rights.

Roots of Equity : what rights and safeguards do women need who are dependent for their livelihoods on forest, biodiversity and subsistence farmers.



T-2 (Riocentro)

E-sustainability Seminar



P3-1 (Riocentro)

The E-sustainability Seminar is a concerted effort between the Inter-American Bar Association and the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce to help promote technology as one of the foundations of sustainable development. The event will be composed of lectures given by experts on the technology and sustainability fields, enabling a broad understanding of how technology can help the world develop in a sustainable and affordable way, going through economic and legal issues concerning this matter. A round of networking will be held afterwards, to consolidate the efforts and explanations of the lectures and promote an even bigger cooperation amongst those who participate in this event. The Brazilian environmental public agencies in the Municipalities and Federal States, represented by ABEMA and ANAMMA, will promote a meeting from 18th to 19th June in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting will discuss issues involving Environment Public Policy and the setting of environmental management regarding the Rio +20 theme: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The discussions will provide a document that will address the 10 principles regarded as fundamental to the sustainability through the Brazilian environmental managers? point of view. The main goal is elaborating a consistent and democratic document to be delivered during the Conference Rio+20. With the perspective of a Green Economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, Ethos Institute has mobilized, motivated and helped companies manage their business in a socially responsible manner. However, management tools and voluntary commitments from the business sector have not been sufficient to promote the necessary changes. We have built, therefore, a vision of a new development model, requiring new process in the economy, making it green, inclusive and responsible. With this vision, companies should not only improve their business practices, but must also influence public policies, demanding higher standards from governments and transforming, effectively, the economy. The ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission have developed a draft Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy. The plan provides the basis for ECE member States to identify actions required at the national, regional and international levels for a transition towards a green economy. The plan covers the following sectors:

Environmental Public Agencies Meeting at Rio+20



T-2 (Riocentro)

Proposals for a Green, Inclusive and Responsible Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

A roadmap for ECE Forests in a Green Economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. Sustainable production and consumption of forest products 2. The low-carbon forest sector 3. Decent green jobs in the forest sector 4. Valuation of and payment for forest ecosystem services 5. Monitoring and governance of the forest sector. A Road Map and related timeline for the development and implementation of actions identified in the plan should be further developed during the side event. This side event explores calls in the Rio+20 outcome document to improve science-policy links, and develop a new mechanism for international scientific cooperation and collaboration on sustainable development. Speakers will introduce efforts by the scientific community to collaborate with other stakeholders to meet these demands, particularly through the major new global initiative ?Future Earth ? research for global sustainability?, which was jointly established by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the Belmont Forum, UNEP, UNU and UNESCO, with WMO as observer. Future Earth aims to work with policy-makers and other stakeholders to deliver the knowledge needed to enable societies to meet their sustainable development goals. The event will encourage debate between scientists, policy-makers and civil society on how this initiative can ensure that international science is truly collaborating with policymakers and other stakeholders, to provide the knowledge needed in the wake of Rio+20. It will be a seminar, presented by Mr. Muhammad Kabir Secretary General Batool Welfare Trust. Central idea will be bases on, ?Sustainable Development?. Stress will on involvement of youth for success of Rio+20 declarations for the overall betterment of environment and sustainable development.

Enhancing science-policy links for Rio+20: The Future Earth Initiative



T-9 (Riocentro)

Youth as change agent for sustainable development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Latin America



T-10 (Riocentro)

The Latin American Platform on Climate (LPC) carries out the Report on the State and Quality of Public Policies on Climate Change and Development in Latin America that is held on a biannual basis, in 10 countries in the region. The results of the research will be enriched by national forums and then released on this side event in the framework of Rio +20. This strategic project for the region strengthens the alliance of the 17 LPC member organizations to achieve synergy and a common product that will improve the quality of public policies on climate change and development (CCD) in the region, and will strengthen both the capacity of policy makers and civil society to develop policies on CCD as well as the regional position in international negotiations through the identification of common strategies to be developed on the basis of this document. Poverty, environmental degradation, sustainability and development have been at the core of religious communities and faith based organizations? (FBO) concerns. Religious communities and FBO echo the suffering of people because of threats to their lives due to poverty, hunger, diseases, environmental degradation and the climate and water crises. This side event will highlight the ethical and spiritual dimensions of green economy, sustainable development and its international framework, based on their religious traditions and the long involvement they have had with the United Nations. A special video message from His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will be projected at the side event. Speakers will include religious leaders from Afro-Brazilian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions. The new vision of development links economic growth with low environmental impact, social inclusion and decent jobs. This requires a strong social pillar of sustainable development and policies which reinforce the synergies and mitigate the trade-offs between the environmental, economic and social pillars. The transition to a greener, fairer and sustainable development will create opportunities but also enormous challenges. With the right policies, such transformation can lead to social inclusion and more and better jobs. It provides significant opportunities for the creation of new jobs in sustainable enterprises, for the upgrading of existing jobs to lift millions out of poverty and to improve livelihood through access to basic social protection and services in the form of social protection floors. The side event will highlight examples of coherent policies and effective programmes linking social protection, employment, economic and environmental issues. The side event will launch major initiatives lead by ILO.

Ethical and Religious Insights on The Future We Want



T-6 (Riocentro)

Decent Work and Social Protection Floors for Sustainable Development



T-1 (Riocentro)

The business case for sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro)

The goal of the dialogue is to strengthen the relationship between Member States and Business and Industry for Sustainable Development. The impact of natural disasters is increasing over time in parallel to the expansion of human activity. Furthermore, growing urbanization increases exposure and vulnerability of large numbers of people to natural hazards. The escalation of severe disaster events triggered by natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters is increasingly threatening both sustainable development and poverty-reduction initiatives. Poverty and hazard vulnerability are integrally linked, thereby increasing both the risk and exposure to disasters. Sustainable and integrated management of natural resources will increase the resilience of communities to disasters by reversing current trends of environmental degradation. With the aim of reducing risks from natural disasters, the Ministers of Environment of the 57 Islamic countries adopted an Islamic Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, and an its Implementation Plan with the aim of reducing risk from natural disasters which would be presented at a side event during the Rio+20 meetings. L'aide publique au dveloppement devrait subir une baisse constante dans les prochaines annes alors mme que les besoins se font plus pressants. Les financements innovants pour le dveloppement ont t crs disposer de moyens concrets pour inverser cette tendance. Bass sur un menu d'options, ils constituent une autre faon de financer le dveloppement, en complment de l'APD.

Sustainable Development: The Critical Role of Disaster Risk Management



P3-A (Riocentro)

les financements innovants au service du developpement durable



P3-F (Riocentro)

Le Groupe Pilote, qui regroupe 63 membres (Etats, organisations internationales et organisations non gouvernementales), a dj organis plusieurs runions de haut niveau en marge de confrences et Sommets des Nations Unies (PMA, 2011; OMD 2010; Doha 2008). Cet vnement parallle de haut niveau constituera un moment cl pour valuer le potentiel des financements innovants pour chaque dimension du dveloppement durable (sociale, conomique et environnementale),. Organis en partenariat avec les Nations Unies, il runira des reprsentants de haut niveau des tats, Organisations internationales, ONG et Fondations.

Roots of Equity : what rights and safeguards do women need who are dependent for their livelihoods on forest, biodiversity and subsistence farmers.



T-2 (Riocentro)

The degradation and destruction of forests, grasslands, coastal areas and other ecosystems is having a particularly strong negative impact on women, as they often depend on the wood, medicinal plants, wild fruits, seafood and other food and energy sources these ecosystems provide. The agrofuel plantations cause land grabbing and other violations of the rights of indigenous peoples and communities and are one of the root causes of the current food crisis and effect in a dramatic way the lives of women and their families. Women and their traditional knowledge systems play a very important role in the management of Indigenous territories and community conserved areas and other community-based initiatives to conserve and restore ecosystems. This role, and these initiatives, should be recognized, protected against outside economic interference, and strengthened Biodiversity loss in agriculture, the threat of GMO-trees, the gender aspects of farmer?s traditional knowledge and implications of the asses and benefit sharing agreements from Nagoya will be the focus of this side-event. What are the key areas of concern, what actions should citizens, business and policy makers take to protect women?s forest dwellers and subsistence farmers? Rio+20 should lead to commitments on policy priorities and sustainable development goals, assuring women?s rights. The E-sustainability Seminar is a concerted effort between the Inter-American Bar Association and the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce to help promote technology as one of the foundations of sustainable development. The event will be composed of lectures given by experts on the technology and sustainability fields, enabling a broad understanding of how technology can help the world develop in a sustainable and affordable way, going through economic and legal issues concerning this matter. A round of networking will be held afterwards, to consolidate the efforts and explanations of the lectures and promote an even bigger cooperation amongst those who participate in this event. The Brazilian environmental public agencies in the Municipalities and Federal States, represented by ABEMA and ANAMMA, will promote a meeting from 18th to 19th June in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The meeting will discuss issues involving Environment Public Policy and the setting of environmental management regarding the Rio +20 theme: green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. The discussions will provide a document that will address the 10 principles regarded as fundamental to the sustainability through the Brazilian environmental managers? point of view. The main goal is elaborating a consistent and democratic document to be delivered during the Conference Rio+20. With the perspective of a Green Economy, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, Ethos Institute has mobilized, motivated and helped companies manage their business in a socially responsible manner. However, management tools and voluntary commitments from the business sector have not been sufficient to promote the necessary changes. We have built, therefore, a vision of a new development model, requiring new process in the economy, making it green, inclusive and responsible. With this vision, companies should not only improve their business practices, but must also influence public policies, demanding higher standards from governments and transforming, effectively, the economy. The ECE Timber Committee and the FAO European Forestry Commission have developed a draft Action Plan for the Forest Sector in a Green Economy. The plan provides the basis for ECE member States to identify actions required at the national, regional and international levels for a transition towards a green economy. The plan covers the following sectors:

E-sustainability Seminar



P3-1 (Riocentro)

Environmental Public Agencies Meeting at Rio+20



T-2 (Riocentro)

Proposals for a Green, Inclusive and Responsible Economy



T-8 (Riocentro)

A roadmap for ECE Forests in a Green Economy



T-5 (Riocentro)

1. Sustainable production and consumption of forest products 2. The low-carbon forest sector 3. Decent green jobs in the forest sector 4. Valuation of and payment for forest ecosystem services 5. Monitoring and governance of the forest sector. A Road Map and related timeline for the development and implementation of actions identified in the plan should be further developed during the side event.

Enhancing science-policy links for Rio+20: The Future Earth Initiative



T-9 (Riocentro)

This side event explores calls in the Rio+20 outcome document to improve science-policy links, and develop a new mechanism for international scientific cooperation and collaboration on sustainable development. Speakers will introduce efforts by the scientific community to collaborate with other stakeholders to meet these demands, particularly through the major new global initiative ?Future Earth ? research for global sustainability?, which was jointly established by the International Council for Science (ICSU), the International Social Science Council (ISSC), the Belmont Forum, UNEP, UNU and UNESCO, with WMO as observer. Future Earth aims to work with policy-makers and other stakeholders to deliver the knowledge needed to enable societies to meet their sustainable development goals. The event will encourage debate between scientists, policy-makers and civil society on how this initiative can ensure that international science is truly collaborating with policymakers and other stakeholders, to provide the knowledge needed in the wake of Rio+20. It will be a seminar, presented by Mr. Muhammad Kabir Secretary General Batool Welfare Trust. Central idea will be bases on, ?Sustainable Development?. Stress will on involvement of youth for success of Rio+20 declarations for the overall betterment of environment and sustainable development. The Latin American Platform on Climate (LPC) carries out the Report on the State and Quality of Public Policies on Climate Change and Development in Latin America that is held on a biannual basis, in 10 countries in the region. The results of the research will be enriched by national forums and then released on this side event in the framework of Rio +20. This strategic project for the region strengthens the alliance of the 17 LPC member organizations to achieve synergy and a common product that will improve the quality of public policies on climate change and development (CCD) in the region, and will strengthen both the capacity of policy makers and civil society to develop policies on CCD as well as the regional position in international negotiations through the identification of common strategies to be developed on the basis of this document. Poverty, environmental degradation, sustainability and development have been at the core of religious communities and faith based organizations? (FBO) concerns. Religious communities and FBO echo the suffering of people because of threats to their lives due to poverty, hunger, diseases, environmental degradation and the climate and water crises. This side event will highlight the ethical and spiritual dimensions of green economy, sustainable development and its international framework, based on their religious traditions and the long involvement they have had with the United Nations. A special video message from His All Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew will be projected at the side event. Speakers will include religious leaders from Afro-Brazilian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim traditions. The new vision of development links economic growth with low environmental impact, social inclusion and decent jobs. This requires a strong social pillar of sustainable development and policies which reinforce the synergies and mitigate the trade-offs between the environmental, economic and social pillars. The transition to a greener, fairer and sustainable development will create opportunities but also enormous challenges. With the right policies, such transformation can lead to social inclusion and more and better jobs. It provides significant opportunities for the creation of new jobs in sustainable enterprises, for the upgrading of existing jobs to lift millions out of poverty and to improve livelihood through access to basic social protection and services in the form of social protection floors. The side event will highlight examples of coherent policies and effective programmes linking social protection, employment, economic and environmental issues. The side event will launch major initiatives lead by ILO.

Youth as change agent for sustainable development



T-4 (Riocentro)

Climate Change and Sustainable Development in Latin America



T-10 (Riocentro)

Ethical and Religious Insights on The Future We Want



T-6 (Riocentro)

Decent Work and Social Protection Floors for Sustainable Development



T-1 (Riocentro)

The business case for sustainable development



P3-E (Riocentro)

The goal of the dialogue is to strengthen the relationship between Member States and Business and Industry for Sustainable Development. The impact of natural disasters is increasing over time in parallel to the expansion of human activity. Furthermore, growing urbanization increases exposure and vulnerability of large numbers of people to natural hazards. The escalation of severe disaster events triggered by natural hazards and related technological and environmental disasters is increasingly threatening both sustainable development and poverty-reduction initiatives. Poverty and hazard vulnerability are integrally linked, thereby increasing both the risk and exposure to disasters. Sustainable and integrated management of natural resources will increase the resilience of communities to disasters by reversing current trends of environmental degradation. With the aim of reducing risks from natural disasters, the Ministers of Environment of the 57 Islamic countries adopted an Islamic Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, and an its Implementation Plan with the aim of reducing risk from natural disasters which would be presented at a side event during the Rio+20 meetings.

Sustainable Development: The Critical Role of Disaster Risk Management



P3-A (Riocentro)

L'aide publique au dveloppement devrait subir une baisse constante dans les prochaines annes alors mme que les besoins se font plus pressants. Les financements innovants pour le dveloppement ont t crs disposer de moyens concrets pour inverser cette tendance. Bass sur un menu d'options, ils constituent une autre faon de financer le dveloppement, en complment de l'APD. les financements innovants au service du developpement durable 22/06/2012 13:00:00 P3-F (Riocentro) Le Groupe Pilote, qui regroupe 63 membres (Etats, organisations internationales et organisations non gouvernementales), a dj organis plusieurs runions de haut niveau en marge de confrences et Sommets des Nations Unies (PMA, 2011; OMD 2010; Doha 2008). Cet vnement parallle de haut niveau constituera un moment cl pour valuer le potentiel des financements innovants pour chaque dimension du dveloppement durable (sociale, conomique et environnementale),. Organis en partenariat avec les Nations Unies, il runira des reprsentants de haut niveau des tats, Organisations internationales, ONG et Fondations. The degradation and destruction of forests, grasslands, coastal areas and other ecosystems is having a particularly strong negative impact on women, as they often depend on the wood, medicinal plants, wild fruits, seafood and other food and energy sources these ecosystems provide. The agrofuel plantations cause land grabbing and other violations of the rights of indigenous peoples and communities and are one of the root causes of the current food crisis and effect in a dramatic way the lives of women and their families. Women and their traditional knowledge systems play a very important role in the management of Indigenous territories and community conserved areas and other community-based initiatives to conserve and restore ecosystems. This role, and these initiatives, should be recognized, protected against outside economic interference, and strengthened Biodiversity loss in agriculture, the threat of GMO-trees, the gender aspects of farmer?s traditional knowledge and implications of the asses and benefit sharing agreements from Nagoya will be the focus of this side-event. What are the key areas of concern, what actions should citizens, business and policy makers take to protect women?s forest dwellers and subsistence farmers? Rio+20 should lead to commitments on policy priorities and sustainable development goals, assuring women?s rights. The E-sustainability Seminar is a concerted effort between the Inter-American Bar Association and the Brazilian Chamber of Electronic Commerce to help promote technology as one of the foundations of sustainable development. The event will be composed of lectures given by experts on the technology and sustainability fields, enabling a broad understanding of how technology can help the world develop in a sustainable and affordable way, going through economic and legal issues concerning this matter. A round of networking will be held afterwards, to consolidate the efforts and explanations of the lectures and promote an even bigger cooperation amongst those who participate in this event.

Roots of Equity : what rights and safeguards do women need who are dependent for their livelihoods on forest, biodiversity and subsistence farmers.



T-2 (Riocentro)

E-sustainability Seminar



P3-1 (Riocentro)

Discusses sobre experincias sociais e ambientais Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los Tenda das Sementes Crioulas 50+20 Collaboratory Prototype Experincias demonstrativas, prticas Consumo Consciente Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Discusses sobre experincias sociais e ambientais Desastres ambientais: como reconhece-los e como preveni-los Como promover os Direitos Humanos numa sociedade preconceituosa e intolerante Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Experincias demonstrativas, prticas Responsabilidade Socioambiental Tenda das Sementes Crioulas Sustainable food systems: examples from the US and the UK Conselho Mirim de Vises Um olhar sobre a Sustentabilidade Palestras e debates - Mitos e desafios da sustentabilidade Teatro de Bonecos Malas Regionais - Lenda do Uirapuru

23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.12 23.06.2012 27.06.2012 28.06.2012 28.06.2012

9:00:00 9:00:00 9:00:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 11:30:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 16:30:00 10:15:00 18:00:00 14:00:00 14:00:00

t2a t2c t2e t2d t2a t2c t2e t2a t2c t2d t2e t2a t2c t2e t2d Tenda G Sesc Nova Friburgo Sesc Madureira Sesc Niteri hora de entendermos melhor o que sustentabilidade. Grtis. Livre. Um convite reflexo e ao debate sobre sustentabilidade, em busca de uma sociedade equilibrada ambientalmente, economicamente e socialmente. Grtis. Livre. Espetculo teatral de forma interativa e dinmica, trazendo o pblico para perto dos sonhos e mistrios da nossa cultura.

Projeto Museu de Favela (MUF)

Visitao ao Museu Casa-Tela

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