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CSEB113 Principles of Programming


For each problem below: a) Analyze the problem by identifying input, output, formula, and constraint b) Design an algorithm to solve the problem using pseudocode (so that you could include the pseudocode in your program) c) Prepare several, appropriate number of test data to verify the correctness of your program d) Prepare, compile, link, and execute the program to solve the problem e) Test your program using the prepared test data f) Write proper documentation in the program. Include the following information to form a banner at the beginning of your program:
/****************************************************** * Authors: your name and student ID * * Course: the course code only * * Section: your specific section number * * Date: of lab session * * Brief description: of what problem the * * program tries to solve * * Test data: provide a set of test data * * - input & expected output * ******************************************************/

QUESTIONS 1. Using several or one printf() statement(s), write a program to print the following logo on the screen.

CSEB113 Principles of Programming

2. Write a program to print out the first two letters of your name. Format the programs output in the following manner: \----------------------------------------/ \ BBBBB A / \ B B A A / \ BBBB A A / \ B B AAAAAAA / \ BBBBB A A / \----------------------------------------/

-BS-May 2012

CSEB113 Principles of Programming

3. Write a program to input your GPA and CGPA. If your CGPA is higher than 3.9, then produce a beep ten times to celebrate. 4. Write a simple program to determine whether a number entered is an odd or even number. Print x is odd number or x is even number message on the screen based on the type of the number entered. 5. Write a program that print on the screen a degree classification of a user based on entered gender, and CGPA. Refer to the following table in determining the degree classification. (Please
take note that the scenarios presented here are fictitious )

Gender Female Male

CGPA Above 3.75 3.00 3.74 2.5 2.99 2.00 2.4

Degree classification First-Class Honours Upper Second-Class Honours Lower Second-Class Honours Third-Class Honours

6. Using ifelse if, write a basic calculator program that takes two real numbers as input and allows the user to select which operation they would like to perform on the two numbers, either: 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division Print out the result of the selected operation on the screen. Format the programs output in the following manner: ------------------------------------------Basic Calculator A: Addition S: Subtraction M: Multiplication D: Division ------------------------------------------Enter two real numbers: x y Select an operation: z x operator-based-on-z-value y = t [End-of-program]

7. Re-write the program for question (6) using switch statement

-BS-May 2012

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