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These yieldtorqueratings weregenerated via an engineering formulaand shouldbe considered approximate figures. Actual yield may be higher lowerthan shown or here,deperrding uponactualsteelformula and heattreat. These numbers useful afe to showthe clifferences sizeand matcrial that haveon yieldtorque. Yieldtorqueis more useful strength thantensile becausc once yields,it'ssoonhislory. selecthe metal The tion of cliametcrs covcrs manyof the conrmon dimensions foundout thefe.l{ you f i n dt h e m i n i m u m i a m e t ea n cs t e ec o m d r l l pr.:sition somcthing covered for not here, usethe strength fornrula the appenclix in to f i n dt h ey i e l dl o r q u e .

. 0 0l n c h L00 lnch 1 . 1 ir n c 0 r 1 . 0 0i f L h 1 .l 0 f c h 1 . 1 0n c h 1 10inch I 10inch 1 l1 inrh 1 . 1I i n c h l.ll inch l.l I inch l.l2S rn(h L L 2 5i r ( h l . 1 2 5i n c r h | 1 2 5i n c h I lU iixh l.l{l inch 1.111 indr Ll8 inch 1 . 2 5i n c h 1 . 2 5i n .h 1 . 2 5l f r h 1 . 2 9i r r ( : h 129 inch 1 . 2 9i n c h l.2i-r inrh I 3.1inch 1. 4 inch I l'1 ifch 1.:14 ch n l.l6 inch 1 . 3 6n c h i L.:ll:r ifch I l6 inch l.l8 ln.h I :lIl ifLh 1.:18 ch n 1 . 3 8i n c h 1.42inch 1.42inch 1.42inch 1.42inch


YlcldTofquc (cal.ulated)(lbsJt)
17.11 2t85 26/r) J430 2 3t . 1 3185 3578 4582 ) l / -1 ' 3266 I669 .169{J 25f)9 - 99 JUt{) 4U{J9 2B,t5 .l9.i9 A421 J:i92 4672 3lJ t] 6720 -l72 5' 5t Jt 57tJ) 7:lt]0 57 3 8 8254 ,1325' 6012 675l 8641 6277

I U40 carbonslee I050 carbon sle,. 1541carbon slccl

1050cnrhon ste 43,10 allov 1040cal)on slee 1050cad)on stccL I 541 carbon stccl 4:i'10a 0y I 0.10c;rrbof slec l0;0 cnrl)on st(d l54l (.rrlnrn strcl 4:140 alloy 11140 1n)nnLrc .ir 1050crrbonst0cl 154| cain)n $krel 4.140.lov 10,10 cirbof slccl (rrl)()r s1c0l 1{150 41140 ailoy I040 c,rrl)on slec l-i41 carl)on slccl ,1.J,10 loy a 1050cnrbon steel l5.ll carbon steel 4-140 alloy I 0,tr0 carbonstccl 1050carbofsteel 4:140n lo), 1040carbon stccl IU5LI carbon steel 1541.afbon stcc 4140 alloy I0,10carbon steel I050 carbon steel I5,11catuonsteel ,l:l'10allov

r :r

1 .r 5

o k r l ' { , t ! ,r l i n i s D r ! r r i n r a r l 0 s j t i r e , i ! ! e . s o t d L x i d N o ! . 6 . nrrn(loddovn{ior.n(ir\4.r3 3nd l0$ rF n.dLir e dD(s J! lr I d :r0jpl or i.o n Lr.tu SpiL., ai ., s *lt ,\ko rhp n,ind d,. nere, nlOL nuli dle !i D.m Spnu4.l iid l0 hoh nod irler, 19 sfliF Diri sfi.e, r0.r7 s|lir. iriTtr.0 iic di.trrrkJ Lrm:sr.r;|1 Lqsrir. nn.rsn ied ineler DtrnrSpi.r i0 !p ir. nriandlinarpr r !5p. i, D4l rn. D6ir1Lr llo.n Arso rd 23sn arfir.rdrrclerF F trvd ni 7 5 ni|h, I s iilh ind 'r rr.h Mi,u sli m lixtrrtr DtL)lrl s r.r r0 spirp.!:e' i: p.n D: i Sprer 6ir f t n dr r t p i e ; ! . r e r d ) , n t r . 8 i r h ! n i h . ]\1n.. lpLn. d i ndcr r.r arq | |5107::.nrd 10.:5 14 brf r.rd rl)25lrol fr r.fttitrr io axt.s,:15 sptii. D : n a V . p r 6 0 , 7 0 ) r d 3 0 . r 5s f n e d i . ' s p n r . r i r m d c r c M 9 5 , J l ! n i n . i i ) r o r! p r p . l 3 i r e l e r

902.) 19(A ' 68:l7 7r180 98:l4


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