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Radomir MIJAILOVI Abstract: In this paper is defined complex mechanicalmathematical model of truck-crane which include a large number of parameters with are bigger than models defined by now, which can be found in professional literature. By application of the model accepted, we can obtain the results which, spatially and more realistically, in relation to the existing models, describe operation procedures and dynamic behaviour of the truck-crane during realization of its all functions as a mobile means of lifting, transport, and reloading. The truck-crane is modelled by means of the system of rigid and elastic bodies which are characterized by oscillation absorption. The ground is also characterized by rigidity and the feature of oscillation absorption. In that way, a complex mechanical-mathematical model with eighteen generalized coordinates is obtained. For derivation of differential equations of motion, Lagrange equations of the second order are applied. On the basis of the mechanical-mathematical model obtained, a computer code is made which can be used for the truck-cranes of various exploitation characteristics. Theoretical results obtained are confirm by a numerical example. Key words: truck-crane, oscillation absorption. oscillations, deformation,

there. A great number of possible operations, dynamic character of the truck-crane operation, as well as a great number of assistant workers are likely to cause greater possibility of casualties which can result in material loss and the loss of workers lives. According to the investigation carried out by the Japan Crane Association which referred to the period from the years 1987 to 1992 [18], the most important cause of casualties appears to be the loss of stability (43 %), both the instability of the load and the truck-crane itself. As a result of the same investigation the datum cited reads that the truck-crane casualties make 52% out of the total number of casualties of all types of cranes. The association Division of Occupational Safety and Health California of Industrial Relations [4] carried out the investigation referring to the casualties during the crane exploitation for the period between the years 1997 and 1999. Out of 158 cases recorded, as much as 115 (73 %) refer to the cases caused by the truck-cranes. Overturn of a truck-crane appears to be a casualty that results into great material loss and the loss of human lives. Nearly 3% of the casualties are fatal, and in 8% of them permanent disability occurs [5]. In professional papers written so far referring to the field of the truck-crane dynamics in most cases the chain models of reduced mass are used [6,11,12,19,20]. Some other approaches can be also found in professional literature, such as the application of the model with elastic bodies [7,13,21] and finite elements [14]. The lack of such models is ignoring some of the parameters which significantly influence dynamic behaviour of the truckcrane. That is why the truck-crane here is modelled by the system of rigid and elastic bodies which have the characteristic of oscillation absorption. The ground is also characterized by elasticity and the feature of oscillation absorption. In that way, a more complex mechanicalmathematical model with eighteen generalized coordinates is obtained which describes dynamic behaviour of the truck-crane more precisely [8,22].

Mechanical-mathematical model of every object should reflect its behaviour as accurately as possible, and, on the other hand, to be defined only by means of parameters that have significant influence on the problem discussed. Yet, the term significant is the term of relative value, which means that we should not be prevented to analyse the influence of some other parameters which have not been analysed up to now, and which, in our opinion, might have certain importance in solving the posed problem. Having in mind all the above said, and on the basis of critical analysis of mechanical models presented in the professional literature, we are going to define mechanical-mathematical model of the truck-crane, which will include all relevant parameters for the analysis of the truck-crane dynamic behaviour. Outriggers in the here accepted model, are considered deformational in the direction of their alongside axes. Their deformations in the direction of the other two axes of the Descartes coordinate system are neglected. 111

A truck-crane represents a mobile means of lifting, transport and reloading intended for lifting the load of different mass to various heights and radii. Similarly to the other cranes, it has the possibility of lifting and manipulating the load, but due to its mobility is able to transport as well. Because of that, the space for manipulation of the load is considerably enlarged, and, also, there is possibility of quick change of the truck crane location. Due to the possibilities for performing different types of motion under different ways of power units operation, the truck-crane must be considered a dynamic object. During its operation, within its working scope, besides the operator, the other workers might also be

Explanation can be found in the fact that the outrigger is affected by the load with the dominant component having the direction of alongside axis. One should also have in mind that the outrigger length is short in comparison with its cross-section length, which considerably adds to its greater rigidity in transversal directions, than in the axial one. Outriggers also have the feature of muffling. During manipulation with the load, the truck-crane is most frequently rested by means of outriggers. Depending on the type of the truck-crane, but also on the working conditions and load mass that is being lifted, resting of the truck-crane can be performed either on pneumatic tyres or using combination of pneumatic tyres and outriggers. The case when the truck-crane carries certain load, and at the same time moves with the speed of lower intensity can be also analysed. Pneumatic tyres will be considered deformational in the direction of axis perpendicular onto the ground, and they will also be considered to have the quality to muffle oscillation. The ground is also characterized by rigidity and ability to muffle oscillation. In most professional papers available the chassis is modelled as an absolutely rigid plate, or as a system of absolutely rigid beam carriers. A very small number of authors are modelling the chassis in some other way. Nikitinski [6] does not consider the chassis absolutely rigid, but, on the other hand, introduces a great number of approximations which significantly spoil the quality of the model. Most of the authors explain chassis modelling as an absolutely rigid body with an assumption that the chassis deformations have a minor effect on the truckcrane dynamic behaviour. We could agree with such an assumption, but on acceptance of one limitation. Selmic [7], in his doctors thesis, analyses the truck-crane with a special (strengthened) chassis. Rigidity of such a truckcrane chassis is considerably greater than the support rigidity, which offers a practical explanation for its modelling as an absolutely rigid plate. As the majority of the authors consider common standard chassis also rigid, the question might be raised where is the limitation of our rights to ignore the chassis elasticity, i.e. for which group of the chassis the former models offer satisfying results? Truck-crane chassis is composed of the group of beam carriers. The biggest load and greatest geometrical characteristics have two transversal beam carriers which connect outriggers, as well as the two alongside beam carriers. The distance between the two beam carriers is short in comparison to their length, and as such they can be substituted by one carrier, geometrical characteristics of which correspond to geometrical characteristics of both alongside carriers. Carriers by which chassis is modelled are absolutely rigid. General form of a differential equation of motion of the elastic carrier in the form of a beam geometric characteristics of which, as well as its load are variable along its longitudinal axis, can be defined by Matje-Hil equations [7]. According to the literature available, the problem was being solved by employing an example of one beam carrier only. In the papers [1,2,7,8,9,15,16,22,24] in which one of the investigation subjects was the bar or the boom, the problem was solved by assuming elastic line equation. 112

Elastic line of the beam carrier is assumed by means of a series of arbitrary elastic curves [1,9] i(z):

y (z ) = ai i (z ),
n i =1


where ai is used to denote unknown parameters which are defined on the basis of the limitation conditions. Dinik [1] defines conditions which each of the functions should satisfy: each of them should satisfy kinematic limitation conditions, each of them should, if possible, be close to the assumed form of the elastic line, differential equation of bending need not be satisfied by all functions. On the ground of previous observations and paper which treated similar problems, it can be concluded that we ought to assume elastic line equations of the chassis beam carriers. The final result is influenced to a great extent by the assumed form of the elastic line, as more precise results are obtained if the assumed form approximates better the real elastic line. In literature [1,2,7,8,9,16], polynomial and trigonometry functions are most frequently used, by means of which, it is established, the results of satisfying preciseness are obtained. In this paper neutral axis of the boom is assumed in the form of a polynome:

y ( z ) = a0 + a1 z + a2 z 2 .


Two limitation conditions necessary for defining unknown parameters are defined on the basis of condition that the deflection of the beam at the place of the supports is equal to zero. Beam carrier deflection achieves its maximum value approximately in the middle of the span. Later, that deflection value () will be added the function of a generalized coordinate, which gives dynamic character to the chassis analysis. Dimensions of the chassis carrier transversal crosssections change along its length. The model with its real geometric characteristics would, to a great extent, increase the complexity of the solution of the problem discussed, and, depending on the degree of the introduced approximations also depends on the possibility of the numerical way of solving the established equations. That is why, in further analysis average geometric characteristics of the carrier transversal cross-sections will be used [7,9,22]. Carrier construction has also got the characteristic of absorption which is often ignored. The model analysed here implies that all the truck-crane carriers (the chassis and the boom) possess the feature of oscillation absorption. Coefficient of absorption for working out a subsequent numerical example will be defined on the basis of the table suggestions [3]. Driver`s and operator`s cabs, driving-unit for motion on wheels (pneumatics), driving-unit for the truck-crane during the working operations and counterweight have been assumed as a concetrated masses. In the process of object designing it is necessary to notice all values which essentially influence its dynamic behaviour. Analysing available professional literature

[6,7,13,19,20] we have noticed that mechanicalmathematical models established so far gave approximate value of the angular ball bearing at the connecting point of the upper and lower machine assemblies considering it absolute rigid body. Professional literature does not offer any values of angular rigidity of the bearing discussed. At the same time, the practical problem of wearing out of some particular parts of the bearing after years of exploitation, particularly of the rolling bodies, should not be neglected, as they cause the increase of clearances and dynamic load. However, the last mentioned problem could be solved by frequent check ups and repairs of the angular ball bearing. After recognizing the problems, the question arises: how big mistake has been made by approximating the analysed bearing as rigid body? In order to get the answer to this question, the bearing at the point of connecting lower and upper machine assemblies will be considered elastic body. Swivelling angle of the bearing will be taken into account by introduction of appropriate generalized coordinate [8,23]. The problem of modelling the telescopic boom has been discussed in a number of professional papers. In the paper [15] mechanical system analysed consists of a telescopic boom which is modelled as a beam bearer of a variable cross-section. The boom consists of segments (telescopes) which fit one into another, so some parts of the boom have increased cross-sections, momentum of inertia and mass. Because of that, the boom has been divided into n modules which differ from one another according to their geometric characteristics. Each of the segments represents a separate body and, due to inevitable occurrence of some inaccuracies during the procedure of assembling, some extra, more relative displacements between the two adjacent segments occur. By use of the model established in this paper [15], and which takes into consideration the angle of the relative displacement between the two adjacent segments, it has been concluded that for the case of the boom with three segments (truckcrane AD-16 ILR Zeleznik, Belgrade), by ignoring the angle observed, a mistake is made in the deflection of the boom top which is less than 0.7%. On the ground of this, it can be concluded that the relative displacement between the two adjacent segments could be ignored. Equation of the telescopic boom neutral axis is unknown, too. In further paper the boom will be, in both planes, considered absolutely rigidly impacted to the stand of the upper assembly. The equation of the telescopic boom neutral (elastic) axis in the both planes is of the form:

for load lifting, and by the other for the hook with the load hung on it. In this paper the rope will be considered as non-deformable, i.e. its extension does not occur during the truck-crane exploitation. During the procedure of lifting the load, the change in the rope length might occur at the span between the boom top and the hook. Due to different kinds of motion which occur during the truck-crane exploitation, swaying of the load occurs (angular oscillations of the load), which will be described by two angles.

The truck-crane mechanical system (Fig. 1) in general case has an infinite number of degrees of free motion.

Fig. 1. Mechanical model of the truck-crane However, having in mind already introduced approximations, the motion of the system discussed will be defined by the following generalized coordinates: 0, 1, 2, 3 distances between the lower outrigger surface (pneumatic tyres) and non-deformed ground surface under the points S0, S1, S2, S3, respectively, 4, 5, 6 deflection in the middle of the beam carriers which belongs to the chassis, 7 the boom top angle of dip in horizontal plane, 8 the boom top angle of dip in vertical plane, 9 the angle of swaying of the load in vertical plane, 10 the angle of swaying of the load in horizontal plane, 11 the angle of rotation (turning) of the upper machine, 12 rotation angle of the boom in relation to the stand raising and lowering of the boom, 113

y( z) =

z2 ,


where for the generalized coordinate the angle is accepted, which will appear further in the text under a conditional term of the boom top angle of dip. Angle represents the angle between the longitudinal axis of the unloaded boom and the axis which connects the foot and the boom top in its deformed state. As in the case of the chassis, this will also be the case where average geometric characteristics of the boom transversal cross-section will be used. At the boom top there is a system of pulleys with a rope across them which is by one of its ends tied to the drum

13 distance from the boom top to the centre of the load, 14 swivelling angle of angular ball bearing at the point of connection of lower and upper machine assemblies, 15 telescopic boom length, 16 the covered path which describes the truck-crane motion by means of pneumatic tyres in the direction of coordinate axis x, 17 the covered path which describes the truck-crane motion by means of pneumatic tyres in the direction of the coordinate axis y.

mechanical systems and considerably facilitates the process of derivation of the final forms of differential equations of motion, and shortens the time needed for their solution. Position vector of origin of coordinates Ok+1 in relation to coordinate system Okxkykzk can be defined by the following expression:

Rk = Ok Ok +1 = Rk , x ik + Rk , y j k + Rk , z l k ,



For calculation of differential equations of motion, Lagrange equations of the second order will be used:

where is ik , j k , l k unit vector of the coordinate system Okxkykzk. Coordinates of the coordinate centre On in relation to the stationary coordinate system will be defined in the matrix form:

[R0n ] = [R01 ] + [A0k ] [Rk ] ,

k =1

n 1


d E k & dt i

E k E p n + + = Qi , i = 0, ...17 & i i i


[Rk ] = [Rk , x

Rk , y

Rk , z

[A0k ] = [A01 ] [A12 ]... [Ak 1,k ]

where is [A0k] matrix of the angle cosines of the coordinate system k in relation to the stationary coordinate system which is defined as the multiplication sum of the angle cosines partial matrices [Ak-1,k] transformation matrices (matrix of cosine of the angles) from coordinate system Ok-1xk-1yk-1zk-1 to adjacent coordinate system Okxkykzk. By differentiating the expression (6), the speed of the coordinate centre On can be also defined in this way:

where Ek, Ep, and are kinetic energy, potential energy, function of the dissipation (dissipative force), and corresponding generalized non-conservative force, respectively.

& & & & [v0n ] = [R0 n ] = [R01 ] + [A0k ] [Rk ] + [A0 k ] [Rk ], (7)
n 1 n 1 k =1 k =1

Fig. 2. Defining of mobile coordinate systems versus stationary coordinate system With more complex spatial systems the biggest problem is how to define the speeds and coordinates of the characteristic points of the system analysed. Derivation of their expressions in the developed form is an exceptionally complicated task. Also, their later differentiating gives us final forms of differential equations of motion,which are in their scope exceptionally complex. As such, they also produce difficulties in their numerical solutions. These difficulties are evident in impossibility of their solving or in considerably prolonged time needed for their calculation. The problem observed is solved by defining coordinates of any characteristic point of the truck-crane in any moment of time in relation to static coordinate system O0x0y0z0 (Fig 2). Within the frame of the model a number of mobile coordinate systems are defined Okxkykzk (k1), whose motion is also defined in relation to static coordinate system. In that way we obtain expressions by which necessary coordinates, speeds and acceleration are defined in the form of matrix [7]. Such an example enables simple defining of speed of very complex 114

& where is Rk local time derivation of the vector Rk . Potential energy of the mechanical system observed is defined as follows:

[ ]

E p = E p ,i ,
i =1


where is Ep1 potential energy of outriggers and ground, Ep2 potential energy of the chassis, Ep3 potential energy of the driver`s cab and drivingunit for motion on wheels (pneumatics), Ep4 potential energy of angular ball bearing at the point of connection of lower and upper machine assemblies [15], Ep5 potential energy of the operator`s cab and driving-unit for the truck-crane during the truck-crane operations, Ep6 potential energy of counterweight, Ep7 potential energy of the telescopic boom, Ep8 potential energy of load. Kinetic energy of the mechanical system is defined as:

E k = E k ,i ,
i =1


where is Ek1 kinetic energy of the chassis, Ek2 kinetic energy of the driver`s cab and drivingunit for motion on wheels (pneumatics), Ek3 kinetic energy of the operator`s cab and drivingunit for the truck-crane during the truck-crane operations, Ek4 kinetic energy of the counterweight, Ek5 kinetic energy of the telescopic boom, Ek6 kinetic energy of load. Function of dissipation (dissipative force) is defined by applying the following expression:

= i ,
i =1


where are 1 function of dissipation of the outriggers and the ground, 2 function of dissipation of the hydraulic cylinder for the boom elevation, 3 function of dissipation of the chassis, 4 function of dissipation of the telescopic boom [22]. Generalized non-conservative force is of the form:
p n R k = Qin = F k , qi k =1 p Rk , y Rk , x Rk , z = Fkn, x + Fkn, y + Fkn, z qi qi qi k =1


F k = Fkn, x i0 + Fkn, y j0 + Fkn, z l0 ,

Rk = Rk , x i0 + Rk , y j0 + Rk , z l0 ,
where is i number of generalized coordinates (i=0, ..., 17), k ordinal number of the material point at which nonconservative forces Fk act, the total sum of which is p. On the basis of expressions (11) it follows:
n Q0 n Q11

M12 friction momentum which occurs during the boom rotation in relation to the stand, Fp13 drive force acting within the rope by which lifting of the load is carried out, F13 force of friction which appears during lifting of the load as a result of friction which occurs between the rope and the pulleys, between the pulleys and the drum, as well as of friction in bearings of pulleys and the drum, Fp15 drive force which arises as a result of the boom telescoping system operation (e.g. hydraulic cylinders) by means of which the boom length change is realized, F15 force of friction which appears during the change of the boom length and which is a result of friction which occurs in slides during relative motion of the two adjacent segments of the boom, Fp16 drive force on the wheels (pneumatics) which appears as a result of the drive systems operation, and of the systems for power transmission by which the truck-crane motion is realized by means of pneumatic tyres in the direction of the coordinate axis x, Fp17 drive force on the wheels (pneumatics) which arises as a result of the drive systems operation, and of the systems for power transmission by which the truck-crane motion is realized by means of pneumatic tyres in the direction of the coordinate axis y, At the initial moment of time generalized coordinates which define deformations will have the values which are equal to their static deformations (i,st). The distance from the boom top to the load centre at the initial moment of time is designated by l0, and determined by the rope length. The telescopic boom length at the initial moment of time is designated by Lst,0. The first derivatives of the generalized coordinates through time are equal to zero. On the basis of the previous conclusions, expressions by which initial conditions are defined, follow as:

i (0 ) = i ,st for i=0,...,9,14,

i (0 ) = 0 for i=10,11,12,16,17,


= ... =

n Q10

n Q14

= 0,

& 13 (0) = lu , 0 , 15 (0 ) = Lst , 0 , i (0 ) = 0 for i=0, ..., 17.

Static deformations are defined on the basis of real load which acts on the truck-crane. Analysed load also includes the load weight, except in case when the procedure of lifting the load from the ground is analysed. In that case, the load lies on the ground, and as such does not load the truck-crane. That is the reason why static deformations appear as a result of action of remained load. When into Lagrange equations of the second order (4) expressions for potential (8) and kinetic energies (9), function of dissipation (10) and generalized force (12), 18 differential equations of the second order are obtained in the following form:

= M p11 M 11 ,

n Q12 = M p12 + M h12 M 12 , n Q13 = F p13 F13 , n Q15 = F p15 F15 , n n Q16 = F p16 , Q17 = F p17 ,

where is Mp11 drive momentum by which rotation of the upper assembly, M11 friction momentum which appears during the upper mechanism rotation, Mp12 drive momentum by which rotation of the boom is carried out in relation to the stand, Mh12 drive momentum by which the influence of the hydraulic cylinder on the boom is defined,

& [q&] = [A] ,

where is


& & [q&] = [&0

& & & & ... & & 1 16 17

, 115

[A] =

& f i , i , Li , ci , i ... matrix of the 18x18

order, which is the function of the generalized coordinate i (i=0,1,...,17), of the geometrical values of the truck-crane(Li), rigidity of the ground, outriggers, and of angular ball bearing (ci), coefficient of ground damping, outriggers and of cylinder for boom elevation damping... Differential equations (14) can be solved numerically, by means of a computer, introducing the changes:

& & X 0 = 0 , X 1 = 0 , X 2 = 1 , X 3 = 1 , ... & ... X 34 = 17 , X 35 = 17 .


the load is exclusively discussed, in such a case (with loose ropes), the complete procedure is discussed through two phases: the phase until achievement of dynamic balance and the phase of motion of the load after that. Comparison of the results for the case when the rope is tight, and the force within the rope at the start of the load lifting procedure is equal to the load weight (curve I mQ(t=0)=3 t), and the case when the rope is not tight, and the force within the rope before the start of the load lifting procedure is equal to zero (curve II mQ(t=0)=0 t) is shown on Figures 3, 4 and 5.

In that way 36 differential equations of the first order are obtained, which are convenient for numerical solution of some of the programmes such as Matlab and Mathcad.


Theoretical results obtained are discussed by means of a numerical example of the truck-crane AD-16 (maximum lifting capacities mq= 16 t) designed at Ivo Lola Ribar Belgrade [8,10]. Final differential equations of motion of the system discussed are too detailed to be given here in their complete form. That is why a computer code has been written [8], referring to the assumed functions of the following 11, 12, 13, 15, 16 and 17 values. In this paper, due to the limited space, only some of the results referring to the operation of lifting the load from the ground for the case 11=0O will be presented. Lifting the load from the ground, i.e. from the base, depending on the force within the rope for load lifting, can be discussed in the following characteristic cases: the rope is tight, and the force within the rope before the start of load lifting procedure is equal to the load weight, i.e. the case of static balance of the load appears, the rope is tight, and the force before the start of the load lifting procedure is smaller than the load weight, but bigger than zero, the rope is not tight (it is loose), and the force within the rope before the start of the load lifting procedure is equal to zero. Dynamic behaviour of the truck-crane during the procedure of lifting the load from the ground is most badly affected by the situation when the rope is not tight, i.e. when the force within the rope before the start of the load lifting procedure is equal to zero. In that case, initial conditions are defined for the value of the load weight mQ= 0 t. During the procedure of lifting the load, due to activation of appropriate power mechanisms, at the beginning, the first period occurs when the force within the rope increases from its zero value which is needed for separating the load from the ground. The observed period of time is short. Because of that, the truck-crane is during a very short period of time additionally loaded by the force which is, in static conditions, equal to the load weight. That kind of load can be classified into a group of impact load, and as such causes significant dynamic load of the truck-crane assemblies and elements. In professional literature where the phenomenon of lifting 116

Fig. 3. Function graph of 0=0(t)

Fig. 4. Function graph of 1=1(t) By the numerical analysis performed, it has been concluded that minimum differences in changes of the distance occur between the outrigger lower surface and non-deformed ground surface under the supports, as well as with swaying of the load (Fig. 3 and 4). The value of the force within the rope before the start of lifting the load has the greatest effect on deformation of the boom and the radial-axial bearing at the point of connection between the lower and upper assemblies (Table 1). So, the ratio of oscillation amplitudes and radial-axial bearing angle of turning at the point of connection between the lower and upper assemblies is 1.96, while in case of the boom top deflection in vertical plane that ratio is 2.62. It is interesting to say that ratio between the maximum boom deflection in vertical plane for the systems analysed is even 1.46, which causes an alarming ratio of the boom length and maximum boom top deflection in vertical plane 45. Further, the results obtained will be discussed for the case of lifting the load when the rope is tight, and the force within the rope is equal to the load weight. Initial conditions are defined for the value of the real load weight which has been hung on the hook. By analyzing the graphs by which the change of length between the outrigger lower surface and non-deformed ground surface under the support S0 (Fig. 3 curve I) is

defined, it can be noticed that in the beginning, and in the course of 3.4 seconds of the drive mechanism operation for lifting the load, a minor separation of the outrigger from the ground surface occurs (0,min= 0.0002 m). During this operation there is contact between the outrigger S1 and the ground (1,min=0.0052 m Fig. 4). Tab 1. Comparison of maximum and minimum values of the generalized coordinates 7, 8 and 14 as well as of their oscillation amplitudes for various values of the force within the rope before the start of lifting the load

Maximum value of the angle of turning of the radial-axial bearing at the point of connection between the lower and upper assemblies (Fig. 12) is 0.87O [15].

The aim of this paper is to offer a contribution to the solution of dynamic behaviour of the truck-crane on the whole, as well of its main component assemblies(the boom, radial-axial bearing, chassis carrier). By application of the model accepted, it is possible to obtain the results which spatially and more realistically, in relation to the existing models, describe operation and dynamic behaviour of the truck-crane during realization of all of its functions as a mobile means of lifting, transport and reloading.

rad 8, rad 14,

mQ (t = 0)

i ,max
0.00011 0.00016 0.01524 0.02221 0.87138 1.06864

i ,max,II i ,max,I
1.49 1.46

I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t

mQ (t = 0)


rad 8, rad 14,

i ,min
-0.00034 -0.00045 0.00677 0.00000 0.33651 0.01837

i ,min,II i ,min,I
1.33 0 0.05

I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t

mQ (t = 0)

rad 8, rad 14,

i ,max i ,min
0.00044 0.00061 0.00847 0.02221 0.53488 1.05028

i ,max,II i ,min,II i ,max,I i ,min,I

1.37 2.62 1.96

I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t I3t II 0 t

Fig. 5. Function graph of 14=14(t) Deformations of the boom in horizontal plane have minimum values, so, during the analysis of the load lifting operation they can be also ignored. Deformations of the boom in vertical plane (Fig. 5) take greater values. On the basis of the dynamic analysis performed here, the result obtained shows that, in dynamic conditions, the ratio between the boom length and maximum deflection of the boom in vertical plane is 64.5, while this ratio in case of the upper assembly rotation is 66 [8].

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Radomir MIJAILOVI, Ass. prof. Ph.D. University of Belgrade The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, Vojvode Stepe 305, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia radomirm@beotel.yu


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