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Nelr Species of T ~ t l i ? g ~ r l c(Eusiridae: .

4niphipoda) and Nen Record of ia Algae-Living (;aniniarid Amphipods in South Sea Islands Rlarine National Park. Nakhon Si Tharnniarat Province. Thailand

SELECTEDPAPERS OF THE NAGISA-JSPS WESTERN PACIFIC MARINE BIODIVERSITY CONFERENCE 2009 Published by the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Field Science Education and Research Center Kyoto University March 20 10

' ( 8 6 6 1 'alaJlS pUl? oolx?ddtlv)airoluauc r?a% pul? sa$uotIs 'sall?s!un] sl? ysns salcJqal.ra,\u! .raq]o 11)!m ~"I?!XIYSI? 31"11.'!1[!11 .al?p!s!cul?uvpnl? aoylonna? .stlno~S au!ll!nbili aql ~ . I pal.loda.1 oslv ' ( 1 ~ 6 .p.rc~~.~ca) I? 1 xp!.rax)~,Cqx~ put: xp!acsI .acp!.rov .al:p!oill!durv .a,! 's!.rqap pue an;i'll? ri1o.lj lcau .r!aql s y p m ll?ql sa!nads .ra11\a~1 spaq acSll? Srr!l!cl~?qu!spod!qtlurv aql jo 1so1,q .ssn.12cas puc 1e.ros p1:ap ~ I I M 3.11: aIc!sossr sa!sads ac311: auras .sp?q ssc.rSt?as pul? sjaa.1 11?.1os luanl?[p'pr? (11 pall?sol ,i[uorn~rros spaq a a 3 l ~ a.rl?


Study sites Study sites cornposed of five islands located in Marine National Park, Amphoe Khanom. Nakorn Si Thamrn;rrat Province. lower Gulf of Thailand. ( F i g ~ ~ 1 )e. r Specimens sampling Amphipods wcrc collected rrom five sitcs at five isl:~ndsin March. 2008. All of the sites were located in the intertidal zone at 1-2 ni depth. The sites were visited at low tide and samples were collected from the intertidal to suhtidal zone. Algae were collected by scraping them from their substrates using ;I small shovel. The substrates wcre transferred to plastic bags ant1 preserved in 5 % formalin.
Amphipods were sorted from the substrates under sterco microscope in thc laboratory. The protocol for amphipods identification follows that of Barnard and Karaman (1991). Drawings were made using an Olj,tnpus CH30 microscope equipped with a camera lucitla. Each species of amphipods was drawn to illustrate the whole body and dissected to illustrate other diagnostic characters. Body length refers to the measurement from the tip of rostrum to apex of telson. Type material uncl additional representative material arc deposited in the Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn History Museurn. Prince of Songkla University. Thailand.

Result A total of 12 species belonging to seven families of amphipods were identified (Table I). Eisht species were reported for the first time in Gulf of Thailand and South China Sea of which one species was apparently undescribed. These i~mphipodsare mostly associated with algae. and some species, such as A~lcilr~ii-is. associated with tunicate and sponge. The largest number of species is in family is Ampithoidae and Photidae (3 species).


S a n ~ u iIsland

, -

Tha Rai Island




Rap Island
Y? ?

AnMea)l? -.

u . 0 Wmg Nok Island

Fig. I.

S~ucly siles in milu urine National Park.Nako1.n Si Thnmmnrnt Province

L prlc Kllr?ls!p aclas Isnqo.1 alcuas 9 qi!n\ aield Jaino 'aelas 1e3!dc p Zu!~uaclaielcl .rauu! clpxem .anlas Iwparu q l ! ~ alcolej Li(llqZ![s .lalln[ 'qiSnal E alo!l.ll? z. '1saSuol a[s! .isalloys I ap!l.rc 'aielnn!~.rr! I E '.~t?lou~ IWU!XO.I~ dlcd .rnlnq!pun~ ~sloiuap!i~niu 1q2r.1 uo 1uasa.rd sl!qou~ u!u!sl?l ..1eulun[o3 01 'sl!s . ~ A I I ~ I I ~ ! .s.r~?lolu II .psqloo) ~os!su! .urn!pauI alq!puuw .pa?Iu!.lj lus!dv pue a l e ~ u n ~ l q n s saqol .1n[nq!pueru 'saqopaurr! inoql!M d!l .ram07 .atlas ay![-.l!er[ q l ! , ~u!S~uar [os!dc .paonpo.rdun aurols!da '8~01 ueql .lapt?o.lq .papulio.rqns 'a.I!]ua d!l . ~ a d d n.luasqc ulnllaSu~j iC.rosssssn ";al3!1.1e L I JO pasod~uos ii1n11aSe~ 'l.loqs r?llaZnu iC.r~?m!~d 1 als!iJc 'pannpord 1011 E a 1 - y ~ ~ jo uvql .ra~.roqsI aln!1.11?.Jal.rorls iCla~!ssa.lZo.ld I?uuaiuv jo salo!lle .~e[nsunpad 2 ur?qi JaiJoqq LpyS!lq .[~?nbaqns ' aeirualuc rllog ~e!p!ir~mu~o jo s.laLc1 Z-1 K paprlno.r.lns a.ros umo.lq y.rcp'Suol unyl .ladaap ' l s ~ o .reap q .(rllSual pcaq ~ 1 u ~ q ~alea.18) 1 l aS~r?l .~uasa.rd sakq .pasnpo.rd lou p~?aq II!S.IB~LI JO '~11Sual pcaq SZ'O a?I-lel inn~1so.1 'a~!iloa.rad E IS.I!J 01 lcnbaqns pl?aH 'qlooius ~passa.~d~uos V . I ~ I F,Cpo$~ ~C[~ [ uo!ld!~>saa


Fig 2.

Trtli~,~olc~ici Holotypc. male. bocl!. Icnzth 3.4 mm.t PSI'ZCsp. no\-. CR 071.2) Rab Ihland. Scale for G1 to P7 represents 0.5 m m .

medial setae. palp article I not expanded, 0.5 article 2 length. article 2 neakl! e\psnilsd distally. Maxilla 2 inner and outer plates subequal with slightly broader than outer. inner plate n~itlia stout plumose seta and small medial setae. Maxilliped inner plate bearing 2 medioapical \pine and plumose setae. outer plate with facial setule in 1 row and few scattered. palp \\ itli -I iirticles. article 2 expanded distally. coxac ordinary. coxa I not produced anteroventrall~..cosa 1 with posterior lobe. excavate. Gn:~thopotls I and 2 alike. subchelnte. carpus slightly shorter than propotlus. without lobe, propodus without setae along posterior m:lrgin. dactylus narro~ving disrnll!.. Carpus of gnathopod 2 with strong posterior lobc cxtcnding distdal. carpus without liumerous long setae. propodus rectangular. both propodus oblique with 2 Ixge spine o n posterio~.ventraIcorlier. Pereopods 3-4 similar in shape. both with basis longer than following article 3-5, propodus composed of 2 locking spines. dactyl each with distal constriction. nail long and sharp. bearins facial setae. inncr margin s~iiooth.Pereopod 5-7 dactyli inner margin bearing a small setae. Epimeron 1- 3 posteroventral marfin smooth. Uropod 1-2 peduncle longer than rami, outer rami of uropods 1-2 shorter than inncr fiuni. Uropod 2 rami stlyliform. Uropod 3 slightly extended beyond uropod 1.

alq!saLJ pun u ~ q lL I I ! p-E podoa.rad .~~

(z): U I I I ~ ~ " I ? ~ JL.~ossa,m~? 1 euualuc ( 1 ) :Su!.\~qLI! q11.n


.L put? ~ I S I '1' m 1 l n l l r ~ l o l ~ Y a 1'1J1 'n.~orrnl~ I~I .

01 Ll!.lnl!u~!satilos 1eana.l oslr! sa!s~d.;~rrasa.rda q ~

.LI!.II?LLI a~pp!ii1o~a1sod Su!pn.rlo.rd p ~ l c ipool ~ o l ~ c q \ pnl? dlcqs c ~rrasa.ldc.ram!ds sql :(E) LIE snpodo.1d JO q18i1algg.0 sncI~l?s. poclo~111?~8 :anlss ~ c ! p s ~ u 1 (E) 1 1 ~ ~ aa.rql pue I?las [en!dl? ILII:!~ auo SU!AI?L[ 1:1[!)1'1?111 a]v[d .I;~LIU! 1s 1 JO :urnlla31:~,C.lo<sss.w ( 1 ) :8u!lloj 8u!,zcrl u! Il?!.raleur I X ~ L L I I ? X 341 LUO.IJ paqs!nSn!ls!p sq rlcn 'purq .laqlo ail) uo ~


r,.x/,i.,r?tf .LJO ~ S O L [ ~ v q saLa lallnius aAnq 01 u r a x S ! . T ~ I , I L ~ I O ~ I ~ ) I / Y ' ~ I ? ISLIIYSOI I i .J. pill? ~s lo .~!cdscq sa!sads luasa.~d aql al!qM ,C~~cls!po.~al.;od aclas J ~ ~ I I2.11:~ II.I!/,I.II?~ .J. LI! t-Epocloa.lad ~ I Y lo ~npoclo.rc1 :atlas Ic!pam inoql!m anlas .rtio~s.laaq s ! . ~ l ~ a l r ~ o l ~ r.J l .a y i l ~ aql ~ /p al?]as asou~nltl .rnq scq r~.)!/:)rltl ' J . JO 1 "[!XCW jo alvld . ~ ~ z I u :runl[a%~+ ! L~oscassnqnns \ysn[ sa!sads 1rrasa.rd aql 111 Yl:a.laL{,%\ L L I ~ ~ ~ J ~ I i.lossa3nn s.ll?aq 11.1!fi~nd.L:s.rainc~~?ip ?LJ Lucw u! .rajj!p Laill nu!ll:tr!urcxa .rasols I . . '.laj\a.+\oH '!!n.\\l?HPLlVSpUl?[" L].Zl!30~ ' c ~ I ?O~ v . . I I ? ~ S I ? ~ I ? P I 'l?!llOpsTl?3M3N '~!~l?.IlSll~ I7alllq!.llS!p J JlnD ?~ 1110.~ ,<[.~lp!x! i l " ! q , ~ 1?.1!/,i.?11d 11!dl1d8.illl2~ 01 aso[h(..ra~ [u!lalr?~u 1 1 s! pau!iucxa aqL .a.laqds!ru;7q u.rai[lllos ail] LI! . \ ' l l ~ o u ~ s.ralc!\\ ~ ~ ? ~ d o . r l~ 1 . 1 1 : ~U! palnq!.rls!p ,Cluou~u~os pod~qdulc snilsS s ~ q ~ puu s! jo y.IemaH

Table 2. continued

T ,rl~o/oRamard.

Accessory Il@ellutn absent

inner plate o f ~ n a u i l l a I

Gn;ltIioliod I .2 gli I : cnlpus 0.0 leiiflli o f pr\>potlur. 9112: carlilts rubeqi!;tl to pro pod us. latter 1101 produce postc~~~vsntrally g n l : calplls 0.0 Icn:tli of ~>ropodus. gn7: c;\rptIi 0.P3 oipropodus. Istler produce ~>osti'ro\cn~rally gti I : cat-pus 0.55 length ol'pl-opodus. 8112: cal-pus 0.50 ol'p~.opodu~. latter prmluce ~~oslsru\enrrnll) boll1 h:l.;ic hearing 1ic:tvily setose po.;lero\-c~itrnll!. gnl : carliuh 0.8 length o f propodur. 2112: carlius 0.80 oipropodils. latter p~.oclucc postcro\entrally gti I.c;lrpus 0.9 Ietiflli o f prol)odus. ~112: carpus 0.83 ot'pt-opodus. latter produce 1)orteroventlnlly


with 2 tcr~ninal and I metliotem1i1ialsctac

setow along medial margin. \\.it11 4 plumose sctac T. /r~Ikcr~.l~ 13arnard. 1072 articulare. hroader than long
I gian~ apical sera a i ~ d 3 stiinll medial setae on disl:tl half

T ~trmrirrrl[:~ Harn;~rtl.

articulate. brollder tltan long

I glnnt apical scta and 4 s~nall ~ncdial setae on distal half

inner platc bearin@ 4 aliical berile. \villiout tiiedial setac

Table 2. continuetl
ipccic, Pcrcopod 3-4 locking ~ p i l t c tliin tlrxiblc aet,>c Epi~ncra 3 Ilizt~ihutio~~

T. clirrr,,~v~ a r l l a ~ d _ ~

1.I~~II~~IL~I~I setae thin llcsible

(Sliocmaket.. 143.3)

sharp s l i a l l o ~tooth n ~ i d \\'estc.rn usrl-alia protuding posten~middlc. margin sofily round slialloiv Cal-rillean I-egioli pmtusion protutling postcto~niddle margin Nortlicl-11Sihcria

T II<I!,LI.II,~ (Gu~:iano\a.195 1 )
I I I I / J I / I (Flas\\cll. 1880)

thin flexihle scrae lhin flexible selne tltili flexible setac thin flexible setnc


prorudiny Sydnc) : E i i ~ t ~ . ~ - n po.;tetolnidtllc ~ i i a s ~ i t i A~~str:tli;~ s o f l y round rhallo\\ protusion solily I-otcntl sliallo\\ ~irc>tuhion C'npc Vcnlc I\lnlid Pen: South-nesrcrn ,\u\trali:~ li.iim c:~pc Narur;~listcto (jrci.11 I-lcod Easter Pacific ( C i r ~ l f o i Calif'onlia) 4 ~ 1 s t ~ l Nciv. Ii~i C'nledoni:~.bladapascar. C;uIToTi\q:~b:t. Socicr! Island>. I:S.4. Ila\\.:lii S o ~ ~ t I ic<tel-li A~~stralia -i\


l i ee ~ x .


T. I~<I/L~I 13ar1iard. 1072

T. ~/VIU Bal-nard.

\I'itli pair o f locking \pilic 111-opodu.; \i 1t11 \lender sct;~e ~x~derodistrally. thin Ilcuil>lc sctac 1\1th]>air ol'l~cking spi~ie t l ~ i lilcxiblc sctae i

round \vitli 5 spinc ~postcro! cntral 1nn1-gin 2111oot11. cor~icr subacutcl> <pl~oduccd

T, {I~I' i/iccr l S r ~ i i ~ ~ l l ~ ~ t1'13Si , riroy



1 r 1 1 1 : li.


I liarI s i l o toolli :lnd protutling posterp~niddle margin \\ 1111 ~113111 halla an 2nd tutirh and protudlnp postel-pmidtllc m;tr:in

South-uecrern Auhrralia

7?//!i:qc~~1~~i<r klrorrorrrt,rr~i\ \p, no\'.

\Yith pair or lockil~g solily round shitllon bp111r protusion

Gulf oTThniland


' j p q luls!p uo 7i:ia~ Iwpaul .la[luurs p pu~? 1ns!dr! irlt?!S r:las S R 1 I?I[!XI?UI aicld m u ! ayi ~ JO pul? snpodo.rd jo s.0 paprlaixa podoqleu8 jo s ~ i c l ~pr~r? ~ ? ssnpodo~d 40 9.0 papualxa podoqleus' jo snd.rr?o ( I ) Su!,\eq 40 asua.rajj!p aql ,31011.; 1111rr1,rrri '1*.la,\oaJcl,, .u!Srnlu alpp!~uo.raisodpapnlo.rd E ~?.larn!da snpodo.rd jo 9.0 pu~? paualxa 1 podoqll?us' jo snd.lcs .~ult?d 1.1oys a~!]e[al Jauos .~aruledasou!ds ( I ) Su!,n[[o~aql uroy ss!sads 1rlasa.rd ruo.14!p !.lo.rnynili .-L pnr!


Material examined PSUZC-CR 0201. One specimen, hand collected at low tide from algae and coral rubble near the coral reef, Tarai Island, lower Gulf of Thailand: latitude 9" 19'20.38"N, longitude 99"46'51.39"E, A . Darakrai 15 March 7008. PSUZC-CR 00202. 8 specimens, hand collected. Wang Nok Island. lower Gulf of Thailand; latitude Y"18'36.41"N. longitude 99"54'46.51"E. A. Darakrai 15 March 2008. PSUZC-CR 00203. 10 specimens, hand collected, Rab Island. latitude YQ18'38.66'N. longitude 9937'29.8S"E. A . Dvrakrai 15 March 2008. Description [based on male (103 mm) PSUZC-CR 02011 Body laterally compressed. smooth. Head cuboidal, rostrum short, ocular lobe short. blunt. antenna1 sinus weak. Eye round, brown colour in alcohol. Both antennae subequal: antenna 1 shorter than 2, 0.5 bocly length. accessory flagellum absent. peduncular article 3 of antenna I shorter than I . article 2 and 3 progressiuely longer. Antenna 2 0.6 body length. Epistome unproduced anteriorly. Labrum subrounded. entire. Mandibular molar triturative, incisor toothed. composed of 9 spines. palp strong. article 3 rectolinear. article 3 shorter than 2. Labium with notched outer lobes and well developed inner lobes. mandibular lobe long and blunt. Maxilla 1 inner plate triangular with 2 apical setae. outer plate with 7 spines, palp 2-articulate. Outer plates of maxilla 2 broader than inner. Inncr plate of rnaxilliped with distal spines on medial margin, palp with 4 articles. article 2 short. article 3 unlobed, article 4 short. with mediu~n nail and setae.
Coxae relatively long. overlapping. coxa 1-4 subquadrate, coxa 1 produced forward. coxa 2 smaller than I . coxa 4 longer than coxn I . unlobed, coxa 4 as long as 4. coxa 4 not excavate. coxae 6-7 much smaller than anterior coxae. Cnathopods 1-2 weakly divcrsc, gnathopod 2 slightly larger than I . article 2 of both gnathopod I and 2 apically lobed. gnathopod 1 subchelate, article 5 triangular, shorter than 6. poorly lobed, propodus expanded. palm oblique. anterodistally without spine. Cnathopod 2 enlarged. subchelate. palm deeply excavate. defined by a large single spinc, article 4 extended distally along posterior margin of article 5, article 5 shorter than 6, dactyl ordinary.



- K \I11 11

Fig 6.

Atnpitl~oc, rcr~rror~cli (PSUZC-CR 2001 ) Wang Nok Island. Scale for mouthparts represented 0.25 mm

.suaur!3ads ue3!.rjv put? u c ~ p ujo asoq] ueq] .lnMo[[nqs s! z podorln:u?l jo alc~c3xa ~ aqL ' p n c l ! ~ ? qruolj suaur!sads ail] u! 5: podoqlnua jo snpodo.lcl aql 1da2xa !!l?nl?H ulolj ( 0 ~ 6 1 ) ~ p.leulr?g put? Pas ueder u r o ~ ( ~ 9 6 7 e ] e 8 l ! ~ pa1.1oda.1asoql q l ! ]nan.~Sno~x suarrr!sads .In0 j ) Lq ~ a syJsuraX ' ( ~ 8 16 s . l a / ( ~ (736 1 ) [ a y o ! ~ p s - d d e Lq ~ a s ueaueual!paI/\I ) put? .~ c U! paplO3J.I OSlt? SRM 11 ' ( 9 ~ 6 7 'ql!#!lf)) E3!.IJV qln0S 01 (~'61 'l[]WU".IpLl!qQ pplll? OL61 'weseyn.~de~!s) ut?a30 ue!puI prlc ( ~ 8 6 1c i u ~ i C l ! . l !pul! ~ 9 6 1P . I ~ ? ~ I ? N s rrcdcl u r o ~ j ~ l u a n b a s q n spun ' ~ ' ca ) L '9581 UI u!nopnv Lq ~d/(i?g paq!.lssap ~s.r!j u! SI?M 11 .sapads palnq!~ls!plC[ap!m c s! !plrolrio.r .F. :uopnq!qs!a .sdsns ~w!dupayooq r l ] ! ~alci\o '2uol st? pco.rq sr?.a.l!]ua uoslaL .aoo~as L[[e2!de put? ay11-pcd.peolq ',i[[es!dt? pa,z.rnsal snmr?.r ~ J l n o '!LUI?.I 'snurc~ Jalno rleq) ~ai?uol SI~LIII?J .laUU! .sau!ds-yooq [1?1s!p q ] ! ~ ueql .rai?uol aprrripad '1.1oqs L.ra~!~UI?.I q ~ o q .snoiue.l!q -~.roqs lnols E p o d o ~ n.ssa30.1d lels!po.uua.i puc lnoql!m 2-1 podo.ln jo al3unpad ' l ~ n h a u n/(llqB!ls !iuc.1 . ~ ~ U I . I O.snome.l!q l-1 p o d o ~ n .q~ooulc U uo~aw!dg . ~ c u ~ . ~ o u podoald .g-; iuaru8as uo luasa~d sl[!?l 1 ~ x 0 3 a s q c xe.~orll ssa3o.d leu.lalS w jo

N I H L N . I ~ I O H ~ T I S N > I pun ~ O~


. L I H ~ !~ NNY~ I C V Y ! I Y O ~ ~o I J H



'aexos .ro!.ralur! ueql JalIRlus qnnul L-9 acxos *p sc 8uo[ st? E l?xo3'paqolun ' I 12x03ueill ~ a s u o p exos ' 1 ucql .ia[[cws 2 l?xon '~.ICM.IOJ pasnpo~d axos [ 'p-1 L U ~ Jalv8uola IC[ai\!ssa~%o~d J '8u!ddel~ai\oL l y e a ~ '8nol L[ai\!l~?la.~ ar?xo3 ,ae]as put? [leu mn!pau q l ! ~l ~ o q sp a[3!].1!? 'paqo[i~nE a l y ~ '1.1oqs a[s!~.~u ' e 'sa[s! p ql!m d[l?d .sau!ds [c!pam jo s ~ o . 1 2 q l ! 211qd .rain0 'u!2.1r?m [e!paru uo sau!ds leis!p q l ! pad![[!xr:ui jo alold .1auuI 'aelas [elpaw L[]!M aleld ~ ~ Jarrrl! ' p c o ~ qL J ~ A lo11 elpxeur jo saleld .ralno ' 1 ul?ili .1a3uol z als!l.rl? 'ale[ns!lle-z died 'sau!ds JO smo~ q l ! ~ Oh\] alqd .mino '~e[n2rru!~l aleld .lanu! 1 t?l~!xt?w.lun[q prlu %if01 aqo[ .le[nq!pueu1 ' p a d o l a ~ a p Llall?.rapour saqol Jauu! 'saqol . ~ a ~ n o paqoiou ~ I ! Mdq ~ a ~ 'amas 1e]s!p p q l ! 2 01 [enbaqns c als!~.~~? o l ~ ']sal.loqs 1 a l s ! ~ ~ e '8uo~lsd ~ e d ..le[oru .le[nq!pucur a4.1cl q ] ! ~ '[cur~oua[q!pncl/y .Suol rlcql .lapr?o.lq 'palu!od 'papunolqns d!l ~ a d d n 'iCl.~~!.~alirr? pa3npo.ldun aruols!dg .sap! 91 JO pasodluos iiin[[aSc~j .luasqt? w n l l a S ~ ~ L~ossasse pue I a[ ucqi Jarrorls I nuualue j o E a[s!l.rr! .rt?lnsunpad -5: ilnql -5 qloq .laSuo[ 1 cur~aiur! 'lcnbaqns al?uualuc qlog '[orlo3[c rl! u ~ o . r q ylcp .p!oi\o 'aiCzJ 'yearn snuls [cullaloe 'lun[q .).loqs aqol .lelnso '1.1oqs uln.llso.1 '[l?p!oqno puaH .q)ooms .passa.rdiuos /(1~1?.n)1?1 .Cpog [BOZO X3-3ZnSd ( ~ ~ I I I c ' o ~ )uo p a s ~ q ] alelu uo!ld!~asaa



pubtctomiddle margin. IJropod 1-2 biramous. outcr ramus slightly shorter than inner ramus. peduncle of i~sopod1-2 with weak and blu~itventrodistnl process. Uropod 3 stout and short. biramous. both sami very short. peduncle longer than rami, outer ramus recurved apically, with 2 distal hook-spines. inner ramus longer than outer ramus. broad. pad-like and apically setose. Telson entire. broader than long. subg,..I>ular with 2 apical spines.

Distribution This species was first recordecl and described by K . H. Barnard in 1926 from Africa. It was silbsequently reported from the same region by Griffiths (1976) and lower Gulf of Thailand (cunent s~lrvcy). Remark The examined material closely agrees with description and figures by Bamard (1926) but differs in the palm of male gnathopod 2 which is straight with :I single definite spine while ~ a r n a r d A f s specimens show that gnathopod 2 has oblique sinuous palm.
Ptrr.trtlirsri biolohutu Ruffo, 1969 Fig 9. 10 Pa~.othrsubiolohtrtn Ruffo. 1969. pp 64-69. fig 21-23: Ledoyer. 1984. p 26. fig l I .

Material examined PSUZC-CR 0205, three specimens. hand collected at low tide from algae and coral rubble near the coral reef. Tarai Island. latitilde 9"19'20.38"N. longitude 99"46'51.39"E. A. Darakrai 15 March

Fig 9. Po~.nd~rsu lohatcr (PSUZC-CR 0207) Wang Nok Island. Scale for G I-P7 represented 0.5 mrn




2008. PSUZC-CR 0206, four sl)ecimens. hand collected, Taen Island, latitude Ym22'5Y.53"N. longitude 9Yo56'57.22"E, A. Darakrai 15 March 2008. PSUZC-CR 0207. four specimens. hand collected. Wang Nok Isl:md, latitude 9O18'36.41 "N, longitude 99"54'46.51 "E A . Darakrai 15 March 1008. PSUZC-CR 0208. 10 specimens. hand collected, Rab Island. latitude 9" 18'38.66"N. longitude 99"57'29.85"E. A . Darakrai 15 March 2 0 0 8 . PSUZC-CR 0209, heven specimens. hand collected.Wang Nai Island. latitude 9"18'42.12"N. longitude 99"53' 19.8Y"E. A . Darakrai 15 March 2008.

Description Malc [based on male ( 80.4 mm) PSUZC-CR 02071 Body laterally corupressed, smooth. Head subequal to first 3 pereonite. rostrurn short, ocular lobe short. blunt. antenna1 sinus weak. Eye present, suboval.

Both antennae slender. antcnna 1 about 0.75 of body length. peduncular article 3 shorter than 1 . article 2 and 3 progressively longer. accessory flagellum scale-like. Antenna 2 about 0.33 of body length. pcduncul:lr short. Episto~neunproduced anteriorly. upper lip subrounded, entire. Mandible rnolar medium, cylindrically, palp strong. article 1 shortest. article 2 subequal to 2. Lower lip with notched outer lobes and well developed inner lobes. mandibular lobe long and blunt. Maxilla 1 inncr

Fig 10.

P(irrid~rsa lobotci (PSUZC-CR 0207) Wang

Nok Island. Scale for mouthparts

arid U1-3 represented 0.25 mni

plate linguiform with I medial seta. outer plate composing of 10 spines; 4 bifid and 6 serrate spine. palp 2-articulate. article 1 about 0.3 of article 2 length. Maxilla 2 inner plate broad, with medial short setae, outer plate slender. Maxilliped inner plate with distal setae. cusp and medial setae, outer exceedin- apex of palp article 2 with X spines on medial margin, palp with 4 articles, article 2 short. article 3 unlobed, article 4 short. u ith long nail. Coxae weakly overlapping. progressively elongate from 1-4, coxa 1 and 2 subequal. subquadrate, coxa 1 produced forward. coxa -1 longer than coxa I . coxa 5 bilobe. coxae 6-7 much smaller than anterior coxae. Gnathopods 1-2 alike. ot' equal size. large. both powerful subchelnte, palm oblique. slightly excavate. anterodistally n,ith a \pine. article 5 of both gnathopods triangular. shorter than 6 , article 6 large. bearing setae poster@\-entrally. Pereopods 3-4 >in~ilnr shape. basis longer than following 3-7, antcrior side of merus expand, in bearing setae along posterior side. Pereopod 5 coxa biolobe, article 2-6 stout with setac on each distal end. nail sharp. Pereopod 6-7 alike, basis not posterior expand, article 6 bearing a distal spine. Epimeron 3 not bisinuate. Uropotl 1-2 biramous. normal, r a n i slightly uncq~lal, peduncle of uropod I2 with long and sharp ventrotlistnl process. Uropod 3 stout and short, biramous, both rami \;er>.short. peduncle longer than rnmi. outer ratnus recurved apically, with 2 distal hook-spines. inner ramus longer than outer ramus. broad. pad-like and apically setose. Telson entire, as broad as long, ovate with hooked apical c ~ ~ s p s .

Distribution This species \\.as reported in the Red Sea (Ruffo. 1969). New Caledonia (Ledoyer. 1984) and lower Gulf of Thailand (current survey). Remark The exalnined material is similar to P. hilohcrta Ruffo. 1969. described from Red Sea and New Caledonia by Ledo!er (1984). It shows the difference in following small details: outer plates of maxilla 2 bro21der than Ruffo's and Ledoyer's material and bearing niedial setae \vhile R ~ l f f o ' s rnaterial don't li:~\.eany of them. Gnathopod 1 and 2 subequal while in the Ruffo's materials. gnathopod 2 is slightly larger than I . The palms excavation of present material is shallo\ver and the rnantlibular palp of present material article 2 equal to article 3 and article 3 not rectolinear while in Ruffo's and L e d o ~ e r ' stni~terial. article 3 of mandibular palp are the longest and rectolinear.
Farnily Anamixidue Atlc~tlli.uissp. A Fig I I

Material examined PSUZC-CR 0210. one specimen. hand collected. Rab Island. latitude 9"18'38.66"N, longitude 99"57'29.XS"E. PSUZC-CR 021 I , one specimen, hand collected. Wang Nok Island latitude 9"18'36.41 "N. longitude 99O54'46.5 1 "E. Description [based on female (2.7 mm) PSCZC-CR 0211 Body laterally compressed. s~ilooth.Rostruni small, lateral cephalic lobe weak. eyes om~natidial. Antenna 1 slender. peduncle lonyer than flagellum, article 2 shorter than I . main flagellum sparsely articulate. without accessory flayellurn. Antenna 2 slender and feeble. Mouthparts well developed. Epistome strongly produced anteriorly. front of head with midvertical keel. Upper lip asymmetrically


Fig 11.
A~~trirri.~~.~ sp. A (PSUZC-CR 0 2 10



r 1'rorn Rnh Islancl. Scale for GI-P6 represented 0.5 mm.Scale for C I-U3 and T represented 0.025 mm and scale for moutliparts rrprc\snted 0.015 mm.

incised. Mouthparts except maxilliped estreniel!. reduced and vestigial. dominated by midventral keel. Mandible lacking molar, raker row lo~ig, i~icisorsbroad, toothed, wavy, palp slender. feeble, with 3 articles. Maxilla 1 present with broad inner plate. medial setae sparse but thick and short. spine-like. outer plate much more slender and sparsel!. setose. Outer plate of rnaxillipeds moderately well developed, inner plate small and fused t o ~ e t h e r .Palp long, thin, 4-articulate. Coxa I hidden by shieltl-like cosae 2-4. c o w 7 largest. 4 longer than 3. coxa 5-7 slightly smaller. bilobe. Gnathopod 1 small. carpochelate. Gnathopod 2 very large and subchelate. carpus produced posteroventrally. propodus large. triangular. dact!.l long. overlapping propodus and carpal process. Sternal gills absent. Sternal blisters absent. Sternal processes absent. Pereopod 3-4 slender. Pereopods 5-7 alike. short. base expanded. 7 n.c:~klylobate. Pleopods biramus. niultiarticulate. Gills simple5ovate. small. Uropods 1-3 slencler. ranii lanceolate. outer rami short. weakly spinose. Uropod 3 peduncle elonyate. telson short and entire.

Distribution Amphipods belonging to this genus occur in warm and tropical waters, cosmopolitan. Remark Amphipods of the family Anamixidae are remarkably associated with sponge and tunicate. The specimens reported here were discovered by chance and identification is uncertain as only females were discovered and they were difficult to identify

Family Melitidae Elasll~opus pzlte11.s Appadoo & Myers, 2003 Fig. 12, 13 Appadoo : Myer, 2003 p 71. fig 7 . 8 . .

Material examined PSUZC-CR 0217, three specimens, hand collected. Taen Island, latitude 9"22'58.53"N. longitude 9Yo56'57.22"E. A. Darakrai 15 March 2008. PSUZC-CR 0218, two specimens, hand collected. Rab Island latitude 9"18'38.66"N, longitude 99"57'29.85"E. A. Darakrai I5 March 2008. Description [based on male (6.2 mm) PSUZC-CR 02181 Body laterally compressed. smooth. Head subequal to first 3 pereonite. with subocular notch; eyes. small subrounded, with clear ommatidia. Antenna 1 longer than antenna 2. peduncle with some small setae at the end of each article, article 1-3 decreasc progressively, flagella composed of 7 articles. accessory flagellum articulate. Antenna 2, pedunclc poorly bearing small setae at the end of each article, article 5 subequal to article 4. flagellum with 5 articles, the terminal articles progressi\reiy st-t~aller.Mandible medium. manctibular palp 3 article, article 1-3 subequal, article 3 falcate with comb row of setae and 2 long terminal setae. Maxilla I , inner plate with 2 terminal plumose setae. palp long articulate. Lower lip, mandibular lobes point: outer plate with a small setae on inner margin. Maxillipcd, inner plate smaller than outer, bearing medial setae. outer plate medial, shorter than article


1 ,$
Fig 12.

- /


1 6 '


E1trsr~rq~r1.sI I ~ ~ ~ L(IP S U Z C - C R 021 1 ) Taen Island. Scale for II S

rep~.csented m m . 0.5

2 of maxilliped polp. palp article 3 with a small distal protuberance. Gnathopod I . coxa produced distally. as long as broad. with very short setae on distal margin: cat-pus shorter than propodus each with long setae o n the inner face of the anterior margin. paltn oblique with a definite spine. dactyl with small serration. Gnathopocl 2. coxa broader. distal margin with very short setae. carpus triangular. , ;ice as broad as long. propodus slender. subpyriform. twice as long as broad. palm oblique. weakly excavated. posterior margin with long setae with a definite spine, dactylus curved. about 0.5 length of propodus. Pereopods 3-4 alike, propodus subequal to carpus. dactylus excavated with a long seta. Pereopod 5 . basis subyuatlrate. posterior margin crenulate with setae. Pereopod 6. basis subquadrate. posterior margin slightly expanded. crenulate and with short setae. Pereopod 7. basis weakly expanded. posterior margin crenulatc with small setae. Epimeron 1 rounded. Epimera 2-3. producecl into a weak posterodistal tooth and with a row of robust setae on the anterodistal margin. Uropod I b i r > ~ n ~ u s , lanceolate. si~hequalto peduncle. laterodistal site bearing spines. Uropocl 2 biratnus. ratni rami lanceolate, inner ralnus slightly shorter than outer ramus. both rami bearing laterotlistal spine. Uropod 3. peduncle subequal to inner ralnus. inner ramus slightly shorter than outer ramus: inner ramus v.ith lateral and terminal robust setae: outer ramus with lateral robust setae and a group of terminal robust setae and I long slender seta. Telsoit. deeply cleft: apices notched. Distribution This species wi~sfirstl! ~.ttportcdat Mauritius Island. Pacific Ocean among algac bed. It is now known to occur in lou,er Gulf of Thailand.
Reniark The examined material resembles to E. puterrs Appadoo & Myers. 2003 reported from Mauritius Island. cspeciall!. on the diagnostic characters e.g. poorly setiferous antennae and very small body length ( 3 nim)but differs in the mandibular palp article 1-3 st~bequal(article 2 longest in Maritius

z--+ :




Fig 13.

Elusrr~o~~rr, prrrrrr\ (PSUZC-CR 02 1 I ) Taen Island. Scalc for GI-P7 and Ll I -U3and T represented 0.25 mtn.



specimens), mandibular lobe of lower lip is point while Mauritius specimens' lobe is blunt. In addition, the basis of pereopod 7 is weakly expanded while that of Mauritius's specimen is strongly expanded. Family Hyalidae Parahyule aquilinci (Costa. 1857) Fig. 14, 15

A~nphithoeaquilinn A. Costa, 1857, p. 202, pl. 2, fig. 7 Niceafi-rsciculata Heller. 1866, p. 6. pl. I. fig. 10- l 1 Hyale aq~lilinaDella Valle, 1893. p. 523, pl. 16. fig. 43-47 Parhyale aqltilina Krapp-Schickel, 1974, p. 326. p1.5-7 Pnrhyale aqlriline Krapp-Schickel, 1993:754, fig. 5 16.

Material examined PSUZC-CR 0219, two specimens, hand collected, Rab Island latitude 9"18'38.66"N, longitude 99"57'29.85"E. Description [based on female (3.7 mm) PSUZC-CR 02191 Body smooth, compressed. Head shorter than first three pereopod with subocular notch. Eyes medium, subround. Antenna I shorter than antenna 2 without accessory flagella, peduncle with setae at the end of each article. flagella composed of 7 articles. Antenna 2 peduncle 1, article 5 longest, flagella composed of 21 small articles. Maxilla 1 bearing short I-articulate palp with 2 terminal

Fig 14.

Parahyule nq~rlirru(PSUZC-CR 02 19 ). R a b Island. Scale for G I-P7 represented 0.5 mm.


Fig 15.

Poroh~crle aq~rlir~tr (PSUZC-CR 0219 ) , R a b Island. Scale for mouthparts ant1 U1 to U3 and telson represented 0.5 mm.

spines, inner plate linguiform with 3 terminal setae, outer plate broader with 5 serrate terminal setae and 2 medial setae. Dactyl of maxilliped unguiform, with short setae. Coxa I and 2 as broad as long, subquadrate, slightly produced forward, coxa 1-4 subequal, coxa 4 excavate posteriorly. Gnathopod 1 and 2 slightly unequal in size. Gnathopod 1 propodus slightly longer than carpus, palm oblique with a large spine posterodistal corner. Gnathopod 2. carpus without setae on the posterior margin propodus enlarged, palm oblique, propodus with robust palm bearing fine setae on distal oblique margin and 2 robust spune on the corner. Pereopods 3 to 7 without large robust striated setae on propodus. Pereopods 6 to 7 without tuft of setae at mid length on posterior margin of propodus. Pereopod 7 basis with large flange (about as broad as long). Uropods 1-2 biramus, rami equal, peduncles with lateral spines. Uropod 3 uniramus, inner ramus vestigial. peduncle bearing I large spine and 2 small spine at terminal. Telson cleft about 0.8 of total length.

Distribution This species was firstly described from Napoli by Costa (1857). It was reported in Warm Eastern Atlantic including Mediterranean. (Heller, 1866: Della Valle. 1893) Krapp-Schickel (1974) reported this species in the Indo-Pacific Region. It is now known to occur in lower Gulf of Thailand.
Remark The specimens reported here differ from those described by Costa (1857) and Krapp-Schickel (1974) that the present specimen has naked maxilliped palp article 3 which is densely setose in the specimen of Costa.
Podoceridae Podocerus onclnrnanensis (Giles, 1890) Fig 16. 17

Cyrtophiunz andarncrnense Giles. 1890. p 72-73, fig. 7.


Fig 16. Podocerrr.~ o1~r1trn1nnensi.s (PSUZC-CR 0220) Rab Island. Scale for G l P7 represented 0.5 rnm.

Podocc uiidcrmanensi.s Stebbing, 1906. p 702.

Material examined PSUZC-CR 0220, three specimens, hand collected at low tide from algae and coral rubble near the coral reef, Tarai Island, latitude 9"19'20.38"N, longitude 99"46'51.39"E, A. Darakrai 15 March 2008. PSUZC-CR 0221, two specimens, hand collected, Taen Island, latitude 9"22'58.53"N, longitude 99O56'57.22-E. A. Darakrai 15 March 2008. PSUZC-CR 0222, nine specimens, hand collected, Rab Island. latitude 9" 18'38.66"N. longitude 99"57'29.85"E, A . Darakrai 15 March 2008. Description [based on male (4.2 mm) PSUZC-CR 02191 Body not carinate but provided with elevation hump, subcylindrical, Urosomite I elongate. Rostrum short. ocular lobe short, blunt, antenna1 sinus deep. Eyes large, bulging laterally. Epistome produced anteriorly. Labrum incised, bilobed. Mandible normal, palp strong, article 3 clavate, shorter than 2. Labium with entire outer lobes, with well-developed inner lobes, mandibular lobes long, pointed or blunt. Inner plate of maxilla 1 short with 1 seta, outer plate with 9 spines, palp 2-articulate. Outer plates of maxilla 2 broad, inner plate with only sparse mediomarginal setae. Inner plate of mn~illiped with distal spine. outer plate normal, reaching halfway to apex of palp article 2, with spine on medial margin. palp with 4 articles, article 2 long, article 3 unlobed, article 4 short, with long nail


--- ,



> ;; --*-~-S ; F
. ., : '

Fig 17.

P o d o ~ ~ orrc/trtrrnrrer~sis r~~s (PSUZC-CR 0220) Rab Island. Scale for mouthpart and UI-3 and telson represented 0.5 mm.

and setae. Coxae very small. short, weakly overlap. of various sizes and shapes, not progressively elongate from 1 to 4, coxa 1 dilated. not produced forward, coxa 2 longer than 1, not produced. coxa 4 not longer than coxa I , not lobed. coxa 5 shorter than 4. coxae 6-7 smaller than anterior coxae. Gnathopods 1-2 diverse. gnathopod 2 greatly larger than 1, gnathopod I poorly subchelate, article 5 as long as 6. weakly lobed. Gnathopod 2 enlarged, barely merochelate, extended and fused distally along posterior margin of article 5, article 5 much shorter than 6 , triangular, fused to 4. article 6 dilated, dactylus long. Pereopods 3-4 longer than gnathopods, similar, with slender article 2 , article 4 dilated. dactylus medium. Pereopods 5-7 similar to each other, pereopod 7 longest, pereopods 5-7 with broad unlobed article 2, dactylus long. curved. Sternal precess of thorax absent. Coxal gill present on segment 2-6. Pleopods normal. Epimeron 3 bisinuate. Uropods 1-2 biramous, remi unequal. inner plate longer than outer.Uropod 3 forming small leaf lacking rami. Telson entire, short, broader than long, semicircular.

Distribution The species was firstly described by Giles (1890) in Africa and reported again in south Africa by



Stebbing (1906). It is now known to occur in Southern Sea Islands,Gulf of Thailand.

The specimens reported here are similar to those reported by Giles (1890) with the exception of possessin; a small hump o n the posterior pereon segment while the Giles' specimens are smooth.

T h e d o m i n a n t g r o u p in this study is a m p i t h o i d s that a r e c o m m o n l y herbivorous and prefer vegetative ecosystems such a s seagrass and algae beds (Barnard, 1970 and Myer, 1985). S o m e species are rare a s Maera quadrimancr that occurred only in R a b Island and Anamixis s p . A that was found only at W a n g Nok and R a b Island. T h e first o n e was reported in coral reef and sandy beach while the latter is associated with sponge and tunicate (Barnard and Karaman, 1991). T h e amphipods found in this study consisted of 12 species of which 8 species are n e w records for this area and one species should b e new to science according to the list of amphipod in South China S e a (Lowry, 2000). It implies that the further studies of amphipod diversity are nepded including species richness. ecology and also seasonal variatio~iof amphipod community. Furthermore. study of amphipods in adjacent habitats s u c h a s coral reef, seagrass bed a n d rocky s h o r e s should b e investigated t o understand amphipod distribution and migration.

The author is indebted to the Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University for the laboratory facilities. Thanks to Seagrass and Algae Research Unit for field work and specimens collecting. Thanks to Dr. Charle Oliver Coleman from Museum fiir Naturkunde, Germany and Dr. Abdul Azman from Universiti Kebangsaan. Malaysia and Assistant professor Pongrat Damrongrojwatthana for the valuable guidance and necessary documents for the aniphipod identification.

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I'Atlantique nord. Bulletin du Musee OcCanographique de Monaco, 1 17: 1-13. Costa. A. 1857. Ricerche sui crostacei anfipodi del Regno di Napoli. Memorie della Reale Accadeniia dclle Scienze Napoli. 1 165-235. Della Valle. A. 1893. Ga~nmarini Golfo di Napoli. Fauna und Flora des Golfes von Neapel, 20: 1-948. del Giles. G . M.1890. Description of seven additional new Indian amphipods. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, 59: 63-74. Griffith. C . 1975. The al~iphipodaof Southern Africa. Part 5. The Gammaridea and Caprellidea of the Cape Province West of Cape Agulhas. Annals of the South African Museum, 67: 91- 181. Griffith. C. 1976. Guide to the benthic marine amphipods of southern Africa. The Rustica Press. 106 pp. Gurjanova. E.F. 1951. Bokoplavy rnorej SSSR i sopredel' nykhvod (Amphipoda-Garnmariea). Akad. Nauk SSSR,. Opred. Faune SSSR.41: 1-1029. Haswell, W . A. 1880. On some additional new genera and species of amphipodous crustaceans. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales,4: 319-350. Heller, C . 1866. Beitrage zur niiheren Kenntniss der Amphipoden des. Adriatischen Meeres. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der. 26 (2): 1-62 pls 1-4 Hirayama. A. 1983. Taxonomic studies on the shallow water gammaridean Amphipoda of Wcst Kyushu. Japan. I Acanthonotozornatidae. Ampeliscidae, Ampithoidae, Amphilochidae. Anamixidae. Argissidac, Atylidae and Colomastigidae. Publication of Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, 29 (113): 1-92. Krapp-Schickel. 1982. Family Aniphitlioidae. In: Ruffo, S . (ed.) : The Arnphipoda of the Mediterranean. Part 1 .Mini. Inst. ocianogr. llonaco 13.70-93. Krapp-Schickel. 1993. Do algal-dwelling amphipods react to the 'critical zones' of a coastal slope. Journal of Satural Hi.;tor!. 27: 88.;-900 Ledoyer. l 1 . I 9 7 9 E~peditinnRuniphius 11. Crustaces parasites, comniensaux, ets (Th. Monod et R. Serene. ed). Cruztace, amphipod, saniniarideans. Bulletin du Museu, National d3HistoireNaturalle Paris. series 4. I: 137181. I9 figs. Ledoyer. h,l. 198-1. Le.; ganiniariens (Crustacea, Amphipoda) des herbiers des phanergames marine de Nouvelle Caledonie (region tit\ S o u m r a ) . llenioires du Museum National D'Historie Naturelle, new series, serie A. Zoolopie, 129: I I ? pp. Lowry, J. K. 2000. Taxonomic ,tatus of arnphipod crustaceans in the South China Sca with a chicklist of known species. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology. Supplement no.8.309-342. Myers, A. A. 1985. Shallon--\\ater. coral reef and mangrove Amphipoda (Garnmaridea) of Fiji. Records of the Australian Museum supplernrnt 5. 11-1 pp. 109 figs. Nagata, K . 1965. Studies on marine sammaridean Amphipoda of the Seto Inland Sea 111. Publications of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory. 1.3: 791-326. Rabindranath. P. 1972. Marine Gammaridea (Crustacea: A ~ n p h i p o d a )from the Indian rcgion. Family Amphithoidac. Marine Biolop!.. 1-1: 16 1 - 178. Ruffo. S . 1969. Terzo contributo alla conozcenza defli anfipodi del Mar Rosso. Memorie del Museo Ci\;io di Storia Naturale. Verona. 17: 1-77, Scliellenberg, A. 1938. Litorale Amphipoden des tl-opischen Pazifiks. Kungl. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Handlingar. Tredj e Ser.. 16: 1- 105 Shoemaker, C. R. 1933. Two ncw genera trnd six nen, species of Amphipoda from To~lugas. Paper of the Tortupas Laboratory. Carnegie Institule of Washinston 28 (Publ. 435) 245-256.8 figs. Sivaprakasam, T. E. 1970. Amphipods of the famil! Ampithoidae from the Madras Coast. Joul-nal of the Marine Biological Association of' India. 12: 64-80. Stebbing, T. R . R. 1906. Amphipoda I. Ganimaridea. D;is Tierreich. 21:806 pp. 127 figs. Stoner, A. W . 1979. Species-specific predation on arnphipod Crustacea by the pinfish Lagodon rhomboides: mediation by macrophyte standing crop. Marine Biology. 55: 201-207.

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