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Semigroup Forum (2011) 83:289303 DOI 10.

1007/s00233-011-9306-x R E S E A R C H A RT I C L E

On the separator of subsets of semigroups

Attila Nagy

Received: 24 November 2010 / Accepted: 6 April 2011 / Published online: 1 May 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract By the separator Sep A of a subset A of a semigroup S we mean the set of all elements x of S which satisfy conditions xA A, Ax A, x(S A) (S A), (S A)x (S A). In this paper we deal with the separator of subsets of semigroups. In Sect. 2, we investigate the separator of subsets of special types of semigroups. We prove that, in the multiplicative semigroup S of all n n matrices over a eld F and in the semigroup S of all transformations of a set X with |X| = n < , the separator of an ideal I = S is the unit group of S. We show that the separator of a subset of a group G is a subgroup of G. Moreover, the separator of a subset A of a completely regular semigroup [a Clifford semigroup; a completely 0-simple semigroup] S is either empty or a completely regular semigroup [a Clifford semigroup, a completely simple semigroup (supposing = A = S)] of S. In Sect. 3 we characterize semigroups which satisfy certain conditions concerning the separator of their subsets. We prove that every subset A of a semigroup S with A S has an empty separator if and only if S is an ideal extension of a rectangular band by a nil semigroup. We also prove that every subsemigroup of a semigroup S is the separator of some subset of S if and only if Sep A A is satised for every subsemigroup A of S if and only if S is a periodic group if and only if A = Sep A for every subsemigroup A of S. In Sect. 4 we apply the results of Sect. 3 for permutative semigroups. We show that every permutative semigroup without idempotent elements has a non-trivial group or a group with a zero homomorphic image. Moreover, if a nitely generated permutative semigroup S has no neither a non-trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero homomorphic image then S is nite.
Communicated by Mohan S. Putcha. Research supported by the Hungarian NFSR grant No K77476. A. Nagy ( ) Department of Algebra, Institute of Mathematics, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Pf. 91, 1521 Budapest, Hungary e-mail:


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Keywords Semigroup Separator of a subset of a semigroup Permutative semigroups

1 Introduction By the idealizator Id A of a subset A of a semigroup S we mean the set of all elements x of S which satisfy conditions xA A, Ax A (see [12]). By the separator Sep A of a subset A of a semigroup S we mean the meet of Id A and Id(S A). With other words, Sep A is the set of all elements x of S which satisfy all of the conditions xA A, Ax A, x(S A) (S A), (S A)x (S A) (see [3]). We note that, for every subset A of a semigroup S, Sep A is either empty or a subsemigroup of S. Moreover, Sep A = Sep(S A). Specially, Sep = Sep S = S. If S is a monoid then the identity element belongs to Sep A for every subset A of S. The basic properties of the separator of subsets of semigroups were published in [3]. Here we present some of them which will be used in our investigations. Lemma 1 (Theorem 3 of [3]) If A is a subset of a semigroup S such that Sep A = then either Sep A A or Sep A S A. A subset A of a semigroup S is said to be separator including (excluding) if Sep A A (Sep A (S A)). In the case of Sep A = , A is considered separator including as well as separator excluding (see [3]). We note that if A is a right ideal or a left ideal of a semigroup S with A = S then A is separator excluding. Lemma 2 (Theorem 7 of [3]) If Sep A = for a subset A of a semigroup S then Sep A is separator including, that is, Sep Sep A Sep A. We say that a subset A of a semigroup S is unitary in S if ab A implies either a, b A or a, b A for every elements a, b S. / Lemma 3 (Theorem 8 of [3]) A subsemigroup A of a semigroup S is unitary in S if and only if A = A. In this paper we deal with further properties of the separator of subsets of semigroups. For notations and notion not dened here, we refer to [1, 2] or [4].

2 Separator of subsets of special types of semigroups First of all we deal with the separator of ideals of semigroups. Let I be an ideal of a semigroup S. The congruence on S dened by (a, b) if and only if a = b or a, b I is called the Rees congruence of S modulo I . We shall write S/I instead of S/. We may describe S/I as the result of collapsing I into a single (zero) element, while the elements of S outside of I retain their identity.

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


Theorem 1 For an ideal I of a semigroup S, Sep I = SepS/I ({0}), where SepS/I ({0}) denotes the separator of the zero element in the Rees factor semigroup S/I . Proof It is obvious. An element a of a semigroup S with zero 0 is called a left divisor of zero if there is an element c S such that c = 0 and bc = 0. The notion of the right divisor of zero is the dual of the notion of the left side case. An element will be called a divisor of zero if it is a left divisor or a right divisor of zero. Theorem 2 In an arbitrary semigroup S with a zero 0, Sep({0}) is the set of all non-divisors of zero. Proof It is obvious. In the next we investigate the separator of ideals of the multiplicative semigroup Mn (F) of all nn matrices over a eld F (n is a positive integer) and of the semigroup TX of all transformations of a nite set X. First of all, introduce the following notations: let Ek [E ] denote the nn diagonal k matrix, such that the rst [last] k elements of the diagonal are the identity element of F and the others are the zero of F. Let I be an ideal of Mn (F). It is clear that I contains a matrix A with rank(A) = k if and only if I contains the matrix Ek if and only if I contains all of the matrix of Mn (F) whose rank is k. It is easy to see that Ei Ej = Emin{i,j } . From this and the above mentioned facts we have the following. Lemma 4 For every ideal I of the multiplicative semigroup Mn (F) of all n n matrices over a eld F, there is an integer kI with 0 kI n such that I = {A Mn (F) : rank(A) kI }. An ideal I of a semigroup S will be called a proper ideal of S if I = S. Theorem 3 If I is a proper ideal of the multiplicative semigroup Mn (F) of all n n matrices over a eld F then the separator of I is the unit group of Mn (F). Proof Let I be a proper ideal of Mn (F). By Lemma 4, I = {A Mn (F) : rank(A) k}. As rank(AB) = rank(BA) = rank(A) for a regular matrix B and an arbitrary matrix A of Mn (F), we have that the unit group of Mn (F) is contained by Sep I . As the ideals of semigroups are separator excluding, Sep I is the unit group of Mn (F) if kI = n 1. Consider the case when kI < n 1. Let A be an arbitrary matrix of Mn (F) such that kI < rank(A) n 1. Let i denote the rank of A. Then there are regular matrices B and C of Mn (F) such that BAC = Ei . It is a matter of checking to see that Ei EI +1 is either the zero matrix or a diagonal k matrix in which the (kI + 1)th, . . . , ith positions of the diagonal contain the identity


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element of F and the other elements are the zero of F. Thus rank(Ei EI +1 ) kI k (because i < n) and so Ei EI +1 I . Thus k BACEI +1 I. k As B is regular, we have ACEI +1 I. k As rank(CEI +1 ) = kI + 1, we have k CEI +1 I. / k Thus A Sep I . Consequently Sep I is the unit group of Mn (F). Thus the theorem is / proved. Theorem 4 If I is a proper ideal of the semigroup TX of all transformations of a set X with |X| = n < then Sep I = Sn , where Sn denotes the group of all permutations of X. Proof Let I be a proper ideal of TX (|X| = n < ). By Theorem 2.9 and Exercise 3(a) for 2.2 of [1, 2], there is an integer kI (0 kI n) such that I is the set of all transformations of X whose rank is less then or equal to kI . It is clear that Sn Sep I . In case kI = n 1, Sep I = Sn . Consider the case when kI < n 1. Let be a transformation of X whose rank i satises the condition kI < i < n. Let X = {j1 , . . . , ji }. As i < n, X X = . Let x0 X X be an arbitrary xed element. Let be a transformation of X which / satises the following conditions: X = {j1 , . . . , jkI } and x = x0 for every x / X. As the rank of is kI + 1, we have I . As the rank of is kI , we have / I . Thus Sep I . Consequently, Sep I = Sn . In the next we deal with the separator of subsets of groups, completely regular semigroups, Clifford semigroups and completely 0-simple semigroups. Theorem 5 Let S be a semigroup and G be a subgroup of S. If A is a subset of S such that Sep A G = then Sep A G is a group. Proof Let e denote the identity element of G. Let a A be an arbitrary element. Assume ea A. Then, for an arbitrary t Sep A G, ta = (te)a = t (ea) A which / / is a contradiction, because ta A. Thus eA A. We can prove, in a similar way, that Ae A and e(S A) S A, (S A)e S A. Thus e Sep A. Let t Sep A G be an arbitrary element. Let t 1 denote the inverse of t in the group G. Then, for every a A, tt 1 a = ea A and so t 1 a A (because t Sep A). Similarly, at 1 A. Thus t 1 A A and At 1 A. We can prove, in a similar way, that t 1 (S A) S A and (S A)t 1 S A. Consequently t 1 Sep A. Thus Sep A G is a group. Theorem 6 For every subset A of a group G, Sep A is a subgroup of G.

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


Proof Let A be a subset of a group G. As the identity element of G is in Sep A, we have Sep A = . Applying Theorem 5 for A and G (as a subgroup of G), we can conclude that Sep A is a subgroup of G. An element a of a semigroup S is called completely regular, if there is an element x in S such that axa = a and ax = xa. A semigroup S is called a completely regular semigroup if every element of S is completely regular. It is known that a semigroup is completely regular if and only if it is a (disjoint) union of groups. Theorem 7 For every subset A of a completely regular semigroup S, Sep A is either empty or a completely regular subsemigroup of S. Proof Let S be a completely regular semigroup. Then it is a union of disjoint subgroups G , Y . Let A be a subset of S such that Sep A = . Then Sep A is a subsemigroup of S. Let be an arbitrary element of Y for which Sep A G = . By Theorem 5, Sep A G is a subgroup of G . Let Y = { Y : Sep A G = }. Then Sep A is a union of all subgroups Sep A G where Y . Thus Sep A is completely regular. A semigroup is called a Clifford semigroup if S is regular (for every element a S there is an element x S such that axa = a) and the idempotent elements of S are in the centre of S. It is known that a semigroup is a Clifford semigroup if and only if it is a semilattice of groups. Theorem 8 The separator of a subset of a Clifford semigroup S is either empty or a Clifford subsemigroup of S. Proof Let S be a Clifford semigroup. Then it is a semilattice Y of groups G ( Y ). Let A be a subset of S such that Sep A = . Let Y = { Y : Sep A G = }. Then, by Theorem 7, Sep A is the union of all subgroups Sep A G where Y . It is clear that Y is a subsemigroup of the semilattice of Y and so Sep A is a semilattice Y of subgroups Sep A G , ( Y ). Thus Sep A is a Clifford semigroup. It is known (see, for example, Lemma 1 of [11]) that if A is a subsemigroup of a nite completely 0-simple semigroup S = M0 (G; I, J ; P ) such that A does not contain the zero of S then there are subsets I I and J J and a subgroup G of G such that A = {(i, h, j ); i I , j J , h G } and pj,i G for any j J and i I . In the proof of Lemma 1 of [11], the niteness of the completely 0-simple semigroup is used for only proving that A H is a group for every H-class H of S for which A H = . It is clear that if A is a completely 0-simple semigroup S such that A does not contain the zero of S then every H-class H of S with A H = is a subgroup of S (see also Corollary 2.52b of [1, 2]). Thus we can formulate the following result. Lemma 5 If A is a subsemigroup of a completely 0-simple semigroup S = M0 (G : I, J ; P ) such that A does not contain the zero of S and, for every H-class H of S


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with A H = , A H is a subgroup of the group H then there are subset I I and J J and a subgroup G of G such that A = {(i, h, j ); i I , j J , h G } and pj,i G for any j J and i I . Proof See the above remark and the proof of Lemma 1 of [11]. A subset A of a semigroup S will be called a proper subset, if A = and A = S. Theorem 9 If A is a proper subset of a completely 0-simple semigroup S = M0 (G; I, J ; P ) then Sep A = or there are subsets I I and J J and a subgroup G of G such that Sep A = {(i, h, j ); i I , j J , h G } and pj,i G for any j J and i I . Proof Let S be a completely 0-simple semigroup. Let A be a proper subset of S such that Sep A = . It is easy to see that 0 Sep A. From this it follows that if / Sep A H = for some H-class H of S then H is a (maximal) subgroup of S (Corollary 2.52b of [1, 2]). By Theorem 5, Sep A H is a group. Thus our assertion follows from Lemma 5. Theorem 10 The separator of a subset of a completely simple semigroup S is either empty or a completely simple subsemigroup of S. Proof By Theorem 9 it is obvious.

3 On the separator of subsets of arbitrary semigroups Let S be a semigroup. A single valued mapping of S into itself is called a transformation of S. A transformation () of S is called a left translation of S if, for every x, y S, (xy) = ((x))y. A transformation () of S is called a right translation of S if, for every x, y S, (xy) = x((y)). From a left translation and a right translation of S, we can dene a single valued mapping of S into the direct product S S. For every x S, let (, )(x) = ((x), (x)). The mappings (, ) of S into S S dened above are called bitranslations of S. A left translation and a right translation of S are said to be linked if, for every x, y S, x((y)) = ((x))y (in this case we shall say that (, ) is a linked bitranslation of S). It is known that the set (S) of all linked bitranslations of S is a monoid under the operation (1 , 1 )(2 , 2 ) = (1 2 , 1 2 ), where 1 2 and 1 2 are dened as follows: for every x S, (1 2 )(x) = 1 (2 (x)) and (x)(1 2 ) = ((x)1 )2 . The identity element of (S) is (, ), where is the identity transformation of S. The monoid (S) is called the translational hull of S. It is easy to see that a and a dened by a (x) = ax, (x)a = xa are left and right translations of S, respectively, such that they are linked. The set
0 (S) = {(a , a ) :

a S}

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


is a subsemigroup of (S); it is called the inner part of for every (, ) (S) and (a , a ) 0 (S),

(S). It is easy to check that,

(, )(a , a ) = ((a) , (a ), (a , a )(, ) = ((a) , (a) ). Thus 0 (S) is an ideal of (S). It is known that : a (a , a ) is a homomorphism of S onto the inner part of (S); this homomorphism is injective if and only if S is weakly reductive (that is, for every a, b S, the assumption ax = bx and xa = xb are satised for all x S implies a = b). For a subset A of a semigroup S, let
Sep A (S) = {(, )

(S) : (A), (A) A, (S A), (S A) S A}.

As (S) is a monoid, Sep A (S) is not empty for every subset A of S. It is easy to see that Sep A (S) is a submonoid of (S). It is clear that Sep A (S) = Sep(SA) (S) for every subset A of S. We note that Sep (S) = Sep S (S) = (S). It is easy to see that, for a subset A of S, Sep A = {x S : (x) = (x , x )
Sep A (S)}.

In this section we concentrate our attention to semigroups S which satises one of the following conditions. Condition 1 Condition 2
0 (S) Sep A (S) =

for every proper subset A of S. for every subsemigroup A of S.


Sep A (S) =

It is easy to see that Condition 1 is equivalent to the condition: Sep A = for every proper subset A of S. Using also Lemma 1, it is clear that Condition 2 is equivalent the condition: Sep A A is satised for every subsemigroup A of S. A semigroup S is called a rectangular band if every element of S is idempotent and S satises the identity axa = a. A semigroup S with a zero 0 is called a nil semigroup if, for every a S, there is a positive integer n such that a n = 0. We show that, in a semigroup S, every proper subset A has an empty separator if and only if S is an ideal extension of a rectangular band by a nil semigroup. We also show that Sep A A is satised for every subsemigroup A of a semigroup S if and only if S is a periodic group. It is known that every semigroup is a semilattice of semilattice indecomposable semigroups. A special subclass of semilattice indecomposable semigroups is the class of Archimedean semigroups. A semigroup S is called an Archimedean semigroup if, for every elements a and b of S, there are positive integers n and m such that a n S 1 bS 1 and bm S 1 aS 1 . A semigroup is called a Putcha semigroup if, for every elements a, b S, the assumption b S 1 aS 1 implies bm S 1 a 2 S 1 for some positive integer m. The Putcha semigroups play an important role in the theory of semigroups.


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It is known that a semigroup S is a semilattice of Archimedean semigroups if and only if it is a Putcha semigroup (see Theorem 2.1 of [8] or Theorem 2.1 of [4]). In the investigation of some types of Archimedean semigroups S not containing idempotent elements, the subset Sa = {b S : (i, j, k N + ) a i ba j = a k } (N + is the set of all positive integers) dened for elements a S plays an important role (see, for example, Theorem 1.42 [4]). The subset Sa will play an important role in our investigation, too. The next lemma contains a basic result about the subsets Sa of an arbitrary semigroup S (a S). Lemma 6 For every element a of an arbitrary semigroup S, a Sep Sa . Proof Let a be an arbitrary element of a semigroup S. It is clear that a Sa . Let b Sa be arbitrary. Assume a i ba j = a k . We can suppose that i, j > 1. Then a k = a (i1) (ab)a j = a i (ba)a (j 1) and so ab, ba Sa . Thus a Id Sa . Let y (S Sa ) be an arbitrary element. If ay was in Sa then there would be positive integers k, m, n such that a n = a k (ay)a m = a (k+1) ya m and so y would be in Sa which would be a contradiction. Thus ay Sa . Similarly, / ya Sa . Hence / a Id(S Sa ). Consequently, a Sep Sa . 3.1 Semigroups with Condition 1 Theorem 11 For an arbitrary semigroup S, the following conditions are equivalent. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
0 (S) Sep A (S) = for every proper subset A of S. Sep A = for every proper subset A of S. Every proper subset of S is separator excluding. For every couple (a, b) S S, there are i, j, k N + such that a i ba j = a k . S is an ideal extension of a rectangular band by a nil semigroup.

Proof It is clear that conditions (1) and (2) are equivalent (see above). (2) implies (3). Assume (2) for a semigroup S. Let A be a proper subset of S such that A is not separator excluding. Then Sep A = which contradicts the assumption (2).

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


(3) implies (4): Assume (3) for a semigroup S. Let a be an arbitrary element of S. By Lemmas 6 and 1, Sa is separator including. Then Sa = S. Thus (4) is satised. (4) implies (5): Assume (4) for a semigroup S. Then, for every a S, there are positive integers i, j, k such that a 2k = (a 2 )k = (a 2 )i a(a 2 )j = a 2(i+j )+1 . The power on the left side is even, on the right side is odd. Thus the order of a is nite and so S is a periodic semigroup. Thus S has at least one idempotent element. Let E denote set of all idempotent elements of S. Let e E be arbitrary. By condition (4), for every b S, ebe = e from which we get (eb)2 = eb and (be)2 = be. Thus ES, SE E which means that E is an ideal of S. As S is periodic, the Rees factor semigroup S/E dened by the ideal E of S is a nil semigroup. By condition (4), ef e = e for every e, f E and so E is a rectangular band. Thus (5) is satised. (5) implies (2): Assume (5) for a semigroup S. Then the set E of all idempotent elements of S is a rectangular band, E is an ideal of S and, for every element a of S, there is a positive integer n such that a n E. Suppose (in an indirect way) that there is a proper subset A of S such that Sep A = . Then, by Lemma 1, either A or S A is separator including. Let B denote one of A and S A which is separator including. Then B is a proper subset of S and = Sep B B. As Sep B is a subsemigroup of S, for every x Sep B, there is a positive integer such that x n Sep B E. Thus Sep B E = . As E is a rectangular band, for arbitrary f E, ef e = e Sep B B which implies f B. Hence E B. Let s S be an arbitrary element. Then es E B which implies s B, because e Sep B. Thus B = S which is a contradiction. Thus S satises (2). Corollary 1 The separator of every proper subset of a rectangular band is empty. Proof By Theorem 11, it is obvious. Corollary 1 shows that a rectangular band is an example for a completely regular semigroup [a Clifford semigroup, a completely simple semigroup] in which the separator of every proper subset is empty. 3.2 Semigroups with Condition 2 Theorem 12 For an arbitrary semigroup S, the following conditions are equivalent. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (A) Sep A (S) = for every subsemigroup A of S. For every subsemigroup A of S, Sep A A. S is a periodic group. Every subsemigroup of S is unitary. A = Sep A for every subsemigroup A of S. For every subsemigroup A of S there is a subset K of S such that A = Sep K.

Proof Conditions (1) and (2) are equivalent (see above). (2) implies (3): Assume (2) for S. Let R be a right ideal of a semigroup S. Then there is a subset K of S such that R = Sep K. Then RK R and RK K. Thus K


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Sep K = . By Lemma 1, R K which implies K = S. Hence R = Sep K = Sep S = S. Consequently S is right simple. We can prove, in a similar way, that S is left simple. Thus S is a group. Let a S be arbitrary. Consider the cyclic subsemigroup a generated by a. As A = {a 2 , a 3 , . . .} is a subsemigroup of S and so Sep A A, there is an integer n 2 such that a n Sep A. Then a a n+1 A / and so a n+1 = a. Thus a has a nite order. Consequently, S is a periodic group and so (3) is satised. (3) implies (4). As every subsemigroup of a periodic group G is a subgroup and so is unitary in G, (3) implies (4). (4) implies (5). See Lemma 3. (5) implies (6). It is obvious. (6) implies (2). Assume (6) for a semigroup S. Let A be a proper subsemigroup of S. Then there is a subset K of S such that Sep K = A. By Lemma 2, Sep Sep K Sep K, and so Sep A = A. Thus (2) is satised. 4 On the separator of subsets of permutative semigroups In this section we concentrate our attention to the separator of subsets of permutative semigroups. We show that a permutative semigroup S satises Condition 1 if and only if every subsemigroup of S has an empty separator. We show that every permutative semigroup without idempotent elements has a non-trivial group or a group with a zero homomorphic image. Moreover, if a nitely generated permutative semigroup S has no neither a non-trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero homomorphic image then S is nite. A semigroup S is called a permutative semigroup ([7]) if it satises a non-trivial permutation identity, that is, there is a non-identity permutation of {1, 2, . . . , n} such that S satises the identity x1 x2 xn = x (1) x (2) x (n) . A subset A of a semigroup S is said to be reexive in S if, for every a, b S, ab A if and only if ba A (see [1, 2]). Lemma 7 If A is a subset of a permutative semigroup S such that Sep A = then A is reexive. Proof Let S be a permutative semigroup. Then, by Theorem 1 of [9], there exists a positive integer k such that, for every u, v S k and x, y S, we have uxyv = uyxv. Let A be an arbitrary subset of S with Sep A = . Assume xy A for some x, y S. Then, for arbitrary u, v Sep A, we get uk xyv k A, because Sep A is a

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


subsemigroup of S (and so uk , v k Sep A). As uk yxv k = uk xyv k , we get yx A. Hence A is reexive in S. Lemma 8 If S is a permutative semigroup and A is a subset of S such that Sep A = then Sep Sep A = Sep A. Proof If Sep A = for a subset A of an arbitrary semigroup S then, by Lemma 2, Sep Sep A Sep A. We prove that Sep A Sep Sep A also holds if S is permutative. Let t Sep A be arbitrary. As Sep A is a subsemigroup of S, we have t (Sep A) Sep A and (Sep A)t Sep A. Thus t Id(Sep A). We show that t Id(S Sep A). Indirectly, assume that t Id(S Sep A). Then / there is an element c S Sep A such that tc Sep A or ct Sep A. We show that both inclusions are impossible. Consider the case when tc Sep A. Then tca A for every a A and so ca A, because t Sep A. By Lemma 7, ac A also holds. Hence c Id A. We show that c Id(S A) also holds. As tc Sep A, for every b S A, tcb S A and so cb S A, because t Sep A. By Lemma 7, bc S A. Hence c Id(S A), indeed. Then c Id A Id(S A) = Sep A


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which contradict c S Sep A. We can prove, in a similar way, that the inclusion ct Sep A is impossible. Thus tc, ct Sep A. / Hence t Id(S Sep A). Consequently t Id(Sep A) Id(S Sep A) = Sep Sep A. Thus Sep A Sep Sep A, indeed. Hence, Sep Sep A = Sep A. Corollary 2 If H is a subsemigroup of a permutative semigroup S such that H = Sep A for some subset A of S then H is reexive and unitary in S. Proof By Lemma 7 and Lemma 8, it is obvious. The subset Sa of a semigroup S (a S) was dened in Sect. 2. The next lemma is about Sa when S is a permutative semigroup. Lemma 9 Sa is a reexive unitary subsemigroup of a permutative semigroup S for every a S. Proof See Lemma 1 of [6]. The reexive unitary subsemigroups of a semigroup S play an important role in the description of the group or a group with a zero congruences of S. It is known (see, for example, Theorem 1.41 (and the remark before Theorem 1.41) of [4]) that if H is a reexive unitary subsemigroup of a semigroup S then the factor semigroup S/PH is either a group or a group with a zero adjoined, where PH = {(a, b) S S : (x, y S) xat H xby H } is the principal congruence of S dened by H . Conversely, every group or group with a zero adjoined congruence of a semigroup can be so constructed. In [5] it was shown how can we construct the monoid congruences of permutative semigroups (see Theorem 2 of [5]). We proved the following. Lemma 10 (Theorem 2 of [5]) Let {Ai , i I } be a family of subsets of a permutative semigroup S such that A = iI Sep(Ai ) is not empty. Then P{Ai , iI } = {(a, b) S S : (x, y S)(i I ) xay Ai xby Ai }

On the separator of subsets of semigroups


is a monoid congruence of S such that A is the identity element of S/P{Ai , iI } . Conversely, every monoid congruence of a permutative semigroup can be so constructed. For subsets Ai , i I considered in Lemma 10, Sep Ai = . Thus, by Corollary 2, Sep Ai is a reexive unitary subsemigroup of S. Thus the principal congruence PA of S is a group or a group with a zero congruence. In the next corollary, we characterize permutative semigroups which has no neither a non-trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image. Theorem 13 On a permutative semigroup S, the following conditions are equivalent. (1) S has no neither a non-trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image. (2) Every proper subset of S has an empty separator (that is S is an ideal extension of a rectangular band by a nil semigroup (see Theorem 11)). (3) Every proper subsemigroup of S has an empty separator. (4) S has no a non-trivial monoid homomorphic image. Proof (1) implies (2). If A is a proper subset of a permutative semigroup S such that Sep A = then, by Corollary 2, Sep A is a reexive unitary subsemigroup of S. As Sep A A or Sep A (S A) (see Lemma 1), we get S = Sep A. Thus the principal congruence PSep A of S is either a non-trivial group or a group with a zero adjoined congruence. Thus (1) implies (2). (2) implies (3). It is evident. (3) implies (4). Let S be a permutative semigroup satisfying (3). If S had a non-trivial monoid homomorphic image then, by Lemma 10 and the remark after Lemma 10, S would have a subsemigroup A = S such that A = Sep A which would be a contradiction. Thus (3) implies (4). (4) implies (1). It is obvious. It is known that every permutative semigroup is a Putcha semigroup, that is, a semilattice of Archimedean semigroups (see [7]). It is easy to see that if S is an Archimedean semigroup then it has no homomorphic image which is a group with a zero adjoined, because, for every reexive unitary subsemigroup A of S, WA = {a S : (x, y S 1 ) xay A} / is empty (see Theorem 1.41 of [4] and the fact that the right residue of A equals WA , because A is reexive and unitary). Thus, by Theorem 13, an Archimedean permutative semigroup S has no a non-trivial group homomorphic image if and only if S is an ideal extension of a rectangular band by a nil semigroup and so it has an idempotent element. Thus we get the following corollary. Corollary 3 (Theorem 3 of [6]) An Archimedean permutative semigroup without idempotent element has a non-trivial group homomorphic image.


A. Nagy

The following theorem is a generalization of Corollary 3. Theorem 14 Every permutative semigroup without idempotent elements has a nontrivial group or a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image. Proof Let S be a permutative semigroup which has no idempotent elements. Let a be an arbitrary element of S such that a Sa 2 . Then there are positive integers i, j, k such that a 2i aa 2j = a 2k , that is, a 2(i+j )+1 = a 2k . The power on the left is odd, on the right is even. Thus a has a nite order and so S has an idempotent element. This is a contradiction. Thus a Sa 2 and so Sa 2 = S for every a S. By Lemma 9, Sa 2 is a / proper reexive unitary subsemigroup of S. Thus the factor semigroup S/Sa 2 of S is a non-trivial group or a group with a zero adjoined. The theorem is proved. Theorem 15 If S is a nitely generated permutative semigroup then S is either nite or S has a non-trivial group or a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image. Thus every innite nitely generated permutable semigroup has a non-trivial group or a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image. Proof Let S be a nitely generated permutative semigroup. Assume that Sa = S for every element a of S. Then a Sa 2 and so a is periodic (a has a nite order) for every a S. Then S is a permutative nitely generated periodic semigroup. By the solution of the Burnside problem for semigroups (see [10] or Theorem 1.1 of [4]), S is nite. Consider the case when Sa = S for some a S. Then, by Lemma 9, Sa is a proper reexive unitary subsemigroup of S and so the factor semigroup S/Sa of S is either a non-trivial group or a group with a zero adjoined. Corollary 4 If a nitely generated permutative semigroup S has no neither a trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image (or equivalently, Sep A = for every proper subset A of S) then S is nite. Proof By Theorem 15, it is obvious. Corollary 5 If a nitely generated permutative semigroup S has no a proper unitary subsemigroup then S is nite. Proof Using also Corollary 2, a permutative semigroup S has no neither a non-trivial group homomorphic image nor a group with a zero adjoined homomorphic image if and only if S has no proper unitary subsemigroup. Thus the assertion follows from Corollary 4.
Acknowledgement I would like to express my hearty thanks to the referee for his useful suggestions.

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On the separator of subsets of semigroups


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