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What do we have to show for spending almost $1 trillion? Next to nothing Nothing was built, no jobs were created.

Instead of having $1 trillion in the private sector doing some good, this money was wasted. Obama even joked in 2011, when asked about the Stimulus Bill and its results "I guess there weren't as many shovelready jobs as I thought there were." Contrary to the misinformation that's spewing out of this White House, the Stimulus money did get spent. It went into the pockets of Left wing special interest groups, and into the coffers of various Union leaders, and Entitlement programs. Ask yourself this: If a friend of yours won $1 trillion in the lottery, and four years later that friend had NOTHING to show for it - Would you trust that person with your money? I wouldn't. And he had the nerve to double down on the failures of Stimulus II by pushing his "Jobs Bill. That would have cost the taxpayer (ie You) an additional $500 billion.

After ObamaCare was upheld by an outrageous 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court I said, "Enough!" At that moment I decided to type up a 3-page brochure, and start a Wordpress blog to get the word out. I made a promise to myself that I would personally visit 200 of my neighbors in Ward 41. What can you do? Vote, and help spread the word among your family, friends and neighbors that we're in a dilemma and the stakes couldn't be higher. We work hard, pay our taxes, raise our children and take care of our families. We don't need our communities "organized" and we don't need cradle-to-grave government bureaucrats spending OUR money on wasteful government programs. We know better how to spend our own money. That's what the Tea Party is all about: Limited government, lower taxation, less bureaucracies, and more power in the hands of the citizens than in the hands of a top-down-centralized-government.

You're worried.
I'm your neighbor and I'm worried. For 41 consecutive months, unemployment has been above 8% In Illinois, its even worse: under-employment is 25%. Illinois pension debt is $200 billion. Gas prices are still the highest they've ever been. Electricity rates are rising, and the cost of food is up. The National Debt is now over 100% of our GDP. The federal government is spending 25% of every dollar it takes in. It hasn't been that high since World War II. Almost 50 million Americans are on Food Stamps. With the nation in an economic quagmire ask yourself the question: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

Clearly the answer is NO.

Please visit

In 2008 we elected a man who is incompetent; yes I said it - incompetent. He is an ideologue whose main purpose in being president is to "fundamentally transform" America. No one in the media bothered to drill down into what that meant. But four years into his term we now see what his vision for America is. Obama is using the instrumentalities of government to take your private property and enslave the voters to accepting government handouts to keep voting Democrat. Transformation also means compelling you to buy insurance, and become a pawn in the ObamaCare Tax Ponzi scheme. You dont want to "fundamentally transformation" some thing you love, support, and cherish. Obama is a failure and I will prove it to you

The biggest civil rights challenge in the last 40 years; ObamaCare drastically and fundamentally distorts the individual citizen's relationship to the federal government. For the first time it allows the government to compel US Citizens, under penalty or jail, to enter into a private contract with a private vendor. To push it through Obama lied: He said if you like your doctor you can keep him or her. He said your policy will not change. He said quality of care would stay the same. Those congressmen who cooperated and voted Yes to the bill, were rewarded. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana received $100 million for voting for the bill. Ben Nelson of Nebraska, a late holdout, received $45 million in Medicare subsidies after signing. Over the last 3 years 70% of Americans say they do not want ObamaCare. Does Obama, Pelosi or Reid care what you want?

President Obama is the biggest spendthrift in US History. Here are the deficit numbers from the CBO: 2008: $459 billion 2009: $1.4 trillion 2010: $1.3 trillion 2011: $1.3 trillion 2012: $1.5 trillion (projected) Obama added $6 trillion dollars to the national debt in four years. It's mind blowing. The debt is vast, staggering and deeply destructive to the nation's future. Just look at Greece. Greeces civil unrest and financial ruin will be staring us in the face one day - Only if we keep electing Leftist politicians who continually act as Wastrels. And did Obama inherit his deficit from George Bush? No. The fact is that George Bush added almost $5 trillion in debt over his eight years in office. Obama will have added $6 trillion in his first four years in office.

The Stimulus
Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, on February 17th, 2009. He promised that if congress passed the bill, unemployment would not go over 8%. Did you know that the $787 billion dollar plan was all BORROWED? That means that at the end of 2013, the ARRA will cost the tax payer $940 billion because of interest costs.

Senior Alert! Obama took $500 billion

Please visit for more information. Thank you and Vote Romney/Ryan in November. America Deserves Better than Obama! Sic semper tyrannis!

OUT of Medicare to pay for ObamaCare, and a 15 person panel will be there to decide if you or your loved ones get the treatments you need. Death Panels are a reality under ObamaCare.

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