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STD: The Dangerous Side of Unprotected Sex

Couples having unprotected sex do not only increase their chances of getting pregnant but they are also exposing themselves to the dangers of acquiring a sexually transmitted disease. A sexually transmitted disease, if left undiagnosed and thereby untreated, can lead to a number of complications. What is the Most Common Type of STD? There are several types of sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis but the most common of all is chlamydia. Brought on by a type of bacteria known as Chlamydia trachomatis, this is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Oral sex and anal sex may also cause the transmission of this bacteria. An infected woman may unknowingly pass this on to their partner because oftentimes, women experience no symptoms at the onset of the disease. Both men and women can be infected by the disease. Symptoms As mentioned, women generally do not manifest any symptoms of already being infected by this particular sexually transmitted disease. Only an estimated thirty percent of infected women show one or all of the following symptoms: burning feeling when urinating, pain during intercourse, pain in the rectal area and discharge from the rectal area or vagina. In infected men, symptoms of chlamydiaare akin to symptoms of gonorrhea. These are the following: burning sensation when urinating, rectal or penile discharge, pain or tenderness in the testicles and pain in the rectal area. If a sexually active person experiences any or all of these symptoms, it is a matter of urgency that proper tests be administered immediately. Testing for this specific type of STD usually involves testing for other sexually transmitted diseases, too. Complications, Treatment and Prevention Once a person has been found to have the disease, antibiotics are usually prescribed by a healthcare professional to cure the infection. If an infected person remains untreated, complications may arise. It is also of utmost importance that an infected person inform their recent sexual partners about their condition so they can be tested as well. Untreated infected men may ultimately develop urethritis while untreated infected women may develop cervical inflammation and in worst cases, infertility because the infection can spread to a womans uterus as well as her fallopian tubes.

Now if a woman gets the disease while she is pregnant, the infection may likewise affect the baby particularly if delivery will be through the vagina. An infected baby may develop an infection in the eye or even pneumonia. To prevent individuals from acquiring this disease, it is important to not engage in unprotected sex. Sexually transmitted diseases are often acquired when an individual has several sexual partners. It is also recommended that before couples engage in sex for the first time; both of them should undergo STD screening to ensure that both are not infected. Finally, being monogamous can greatly reduce the risk of acquiring any type of sexually transmitted disease.

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