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International Conflict Conflict over scarce resources usually occurs when countries with less natural resources use

force to gain more as it is necessary for their survival and economic growth. For example, Iceland has few natural resources so she depends on it fishing indu stry for survival. In the 1970s, her food stock especially cod, fell by 1/3 because of over fishin g by british fishermen in the seas around iceland. iceland wanted other countries to reduce their fish catch and made suggestions to united nations conference on the law of the sea but most of ther suggestions fell on deaf ear. In 1976 , Iceland broke off diplomatic ties with britain. in 1976 both countries signed an agreement to settle the issue of the resources amicably. As a result, conflict over scarce resources is serious as competition over fishing ground has caused iceland to break off diplomatic ties with britain and this greatly affected the economic development of both co untires. The people also suffer from unemployment and dropped in standard of living.

Conflict over territory means that conflict occurs when one territory has been invaded and claimed two countries or more due to ill-defined boundaries . For example china and india went to war in 1962 over their national boundaires. there were no mutually accetable borders between china and india when the latte r gained aksai chin area and the north east frontier agency became areas of confli ct between the two countires. the unclear border divison led to china contesting in several localities while india built the aksai chin road as a sign of protes t over china's violation. As a result, conflict over territoy is serious as ill-defined national boundarie s have led to wars betwween china and india and many lives would be sacrificed in battles. Luckily the war ended quickly and prevented greater tragedy. This also affects the sovereignty of a state and its national security. In addition, it is difficult to compromise because the pride of nations is at st ate. Confilct over ideological differences refers to countires become hostile if they see that their ideological beliefs are threatened. For example, North and south korean governments each claimed the right to rule the whole korean peninsula, thus leading ot frequent border clashes. In 1960-1953, war broke out between them, North korea was supported by the Commu nists people's Republic of China whereas south korea was supported by the usa and its western allies

in 1953 both sides signed and agreement to stop the fighting. They created a demilitarized zone between north and south korea. As a result, conflict over ideological differences is serious as disparity in political systems resulted un deep distrust within the korean peninsula. In addition, it is difficult to compromise because neither side will give up their beliefs for the other. Tension is high and there us growing deep hostility among people living near the national boundaries.

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