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Aris-Arnelle Durocher Somebody advised me that Nell Cole who was a staunch supporter Of Con Artist Kevin Annett

has publicly withdrew support of Kevin Annett after many years. In her public letter of Withdrawal of Kevin Annett. Nell described how she had her ass handed to her over the years because she supported him. ( She indeed had her ass handed to her by Natives). I have already discussed my feelings on Nell in a previous article, so I will not repeat it, and will just direct you to my link if you are interested. In her public letter of withdrawal, she again denounces Kevin Annett for carrying around the bones as he did. However as a correction, these bones were not a child's bones. Kevin Annett own July 5, 2012 article attests to that where he states the following: Bone samples which turned out to be primarily animal mixed with probable human remains of small children. As well there was a statement by someone else that said that four archeologists said the bones were NOT human. Some people thought they were part of roast. I might add that Kevin Annett never disclosed that four archeologists said the bones were not human. Really since he got a report back shouldn't he have displayed the findings. He failed to do that and he did because four archeologists did not support his staged publication and he couldn't' get them to lie for him. I suspect if he disclosed the reports that it would conclude that the bones were NOT human. The Mohawk Elders stated the findings were not human in their video release even though they know there are mass graves. Please stop letting Kevin Annett hoodwink you into believing his lies! Please stop supporting Kevin Annett's fraud while he cons people into giving him thousands of dollars were nothing becomes out of it. I am going to keep asking this question. Who has Kevin Annett brought to justice on behalf of Natives in 17 years. NOBODY! Nell also stated that she felt that Kevin Annett was responsible for why millions of people became aware of Residential School Abuse. I beg to differ on her statement. In fact that accolade should go to Chief Phil Fontaine. In 1990 the Chief opened up and disclosed his own experience of abuse including sexual abuse. Kevin Annett was not known at that time. ( See video below) Annett worked has been Conning peoples in Native History for 17 years. Chief Fontaine disclosed his abuse in 1990 which was 22 years ago. A high ranking Native Chief is the one that rose the awareness of Residential School abuse through his own disclosure of his own abuse in Residential School. Having said that and even before Fontaines disclosure lets not forget about other Natives such as the Circle of Justice, Harriett Nahanee and many others that had been working on the awareness all along for years and years before Kevin Annett was ever heard of, that accolade is due to all the Native peoples along with Fontaine that rose that awareness Internationally to millions of people in my view. It was NOT Kevin Annett as Nell Cole

states and I imagine she stated that because she wanted to justify her staunch support of him as something came out of it. The truth is the truth! 1990 CBC Video: Phil Fontaine's shocking testimony of sexual abuse on my site The only thing Kevin Annett has did is force himself in Indian history stealing personal stories, raking in thousands of dollars for his staged publications. And While Nell Cole doesn't want her name out there, she has publicly supported Annett for a long time with her name intact. At any rate here is Nell Cole's full statement she released into the public. Again I advise proceed with caution, I really don't trust Nell Cole as I told others in convo when I learned about her release. This all remains to be seen with Ms Cole in my view! Time will tell! I am personally taking the wait and see approach on this one! Nell Cole on Saturday, 21 July 2012 at 14:26 I hereby remove my support in any way to Kevin Annett. I learned an incredible amount of historical information that will drive my life for many years. Yet, there are other things that I do not wish to be part of anymore. The truth of the Residential schools is something we all can carry within our worlds. I could say much more but I have already given too much of my life to this person's agenda. I am very well aware of the people who are fighting him. I have seen that play out many times when I Produced his show and got very close to his inner network. Again, I could say much but my life is not going to be spent fighting dramas when there are real issues to concentrate on. Again I state that I will never support the carrying around of any child's bones publicly for any reason. It is disrespectful. You are all grown and will have to come to your own conclusions. I don't believe these titles of "black ops" and bad jacketing are always that. I think sometimes it is just normal action and reaction from your network and things they don't like. Just because a person comes out against you doesn't make it anything but just an opinion. I don't know why everything has to be so hyped. Of course, given the amount of money this has cost me ( my choice) over the years I wish I would have figured it out sooner. If you don't like what is being said then pick up the message and do it in your own way. Like him or not, there are millions who know about these schools from his work. So, nothing is ever all good or bad. We are all broken in many ways and that causes so much more pain and confusion than is necessary. Take what truth you believe and lay the rest down and create it the way you wished it was. Don't hang your hat on any one person but on the true history and what needs to happen. It is a very complex issue to understand and when you mix it and social networks the drama is endless. It is not about Kevin, it is about the children and what happened to them. That is the only thing that matters. I am not looking to spend my weekend with this drama. If you support him than do as you wish. If you hate him then hate him. His battles are no longer mine to carry. I got my ass handed to me enough over the years of supporting him. I guess that was my life lesson to learn. I have learned it well! If you see my name on any list or letter from Kevin with any bad jacketing or black ops statement then my statement will be completely different. I am just a person who disagrees with him not connected to

anything else. However, I did see much in my three years of Producing his show and pushing his message very heavily. I hope that I can just walk on without any type reaction from him. Just sayin, don't put my name out there.. Copyright secured by Digiprove 2012 Pagan Media That Bites .Com 2007-201

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