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T.D. Jakes /Homosexuality In His Church

I am critical of this man as it relates to some of the issues surrounding religion of today. For some reason the ministers are shifting more than snakes on issues confronting the modern church. Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton have their opinions as do many other in the business regarding homosexuality in the church. I took exception to his style. In the nineties when I watched his programs on television, I was a bit turned off by the jewelry he would wear during his sermons. Although, I thought he was indeed called to do what he was doing, and you could hear it in his message, I must say he has both gotten better in areas and can improve in others like everyone. As I wished he would take a stronger stance on the Eddie Long situation, we cant look for him to judge people. That is not his job, His job is to put out the message of his faith. If Eddie Long is homosexual he should say so, and not mislead the congregation. Lately, controversy has arisen concerning T.D. and his son whom is homosexual. It was mentioned that his son is not allowed a position in the church because of his homosexuality. Of which, I do agree. In a community which advocates religion as being opposed to such, their interpretation and beliefs should be respected, just as the homosexuals belief should be equally respected. In comparison, the same can be said about gay bars etc.. A church that supports the issues of homosexuality does not want a man like T.D. Jakes on its pulpit preaching the beliefs as he sees fit. Likewise, homosexuals shouldnt expect to be accommodated in his church as they would in a church that espouses their beliefs. Catholics dont worship at the Mosque, or synagogue, they go to their house of worship. If you want a big mac, you dont go to Burger King, and if you want a whopper, you dont go to McDonalds. In this world we have many different faiths, religions, and gods. As T.D. Jakes believe they are going to hell. They can likewise believe and put forth their idea that he in turn will be going to hell, If they dont believe in the scripture as it relates to hell, then thats their opinion as well. If there is a doctrine that a church has, it should be respected, and not one person should feel offended. Homosexuality is a freedom of choice, and should not be imposed, just as heterosexuality should not be imposed on the non-heterosexual. His son has a right in this country to open a church for believers of his faith. This is America, and he is grown and does not have to ask T.D. Jakes for permission. As someone that fights for Civil Rights, its a non issue. I dont expect to find someone at a KKK convention to embrace my philosophy or ideas regarding Civil Rights. Neither should a KKK member be expected to find any support in my writings or beliefs other than he/she has the right as I do to have the freedom to believe whatever they wish as long as it doesnt impose that presence upon my free will as a person. Other than the common areas of society that we must share, such as in public places, of which his church is not, he should have the right to speak his mind. If his son doesnt agree, he is a grown man. He can go forth and do as he will in America. His father should have the same right, and the interpretation thereof.

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