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Posted by Royce White Calf posted to Lydia Hersloff White Calf about an hour ago RED OPS ADVISORY

Y FRAUD AND GENOCIDE PERPETRATOR ALERT RE: KEVIN ANNETT A CALL TO ALL INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF TURTLE ISLAND My wife, Lydia (of 20 years) and I were asked by an NGO, IHRAAM, to be jurors for a Tribunal in 1998 in Vancouver to hear Survivors testimonies regarding abuses committed by the Residential Boarding School system. We sent our findings to the NGO for the UN. This is when and where we met Kevin Annett. To the extent to which we have been involved in assisting Survivors and their testimonies be heard by the International community, we had to cross paths with Annett over the years. We knew there was a lot wrong with him, his lack of ethics and his behaviors, but what is going on now is beyond the pale. This guy is committing outright crimes against our People, (and now I know always has been), and we have to shut him down. Seriously. Problem condensed: -This is a case of obvious Criminal Conspiracy against our Peoples and our Nations, both in Canada and in the US. -Annett has used, since before I met him, the classic standard methodologies of agent provocateur, Cointelpro, Socialist, Marxist, Jesuit, and other fronts for our Enemy, to Indigenous Peoples of The Northern Hemisphere. -These include: whisper campaigning, classic intimidation, cyber-stalking, emotional blackmail, the consistent and chronic labeling of voices of objection and dissent to his person and his actions against us (such as but not limited to: agent, paid informant, FBI agent or informant, RCMP informant, Cointelpro informant or agent, Black Ops, smear artist, mind-control slave, MK Ultra, etc..), classic character assassination tactics including but not limited to: delusional, deranged, mentally ill or incapacitated, agitated, mentally unstable, pathological liar etc etc etc. and other political psychiatry, and lastly outright hate crimes, especially as defined by law in Canada to individuals within the First Nations Peoples and Nations down here, as well as conquer and divide tactics to whole Nations on both sides of the Border. (He seems especially interested in Pine Ridge, AIM, Oliver, Anna Mae, etcand quotes me prolifically with- of course- words I have never spoken). He has lied since the beginning of his career as our academic savior starting in or around 1994 - that he has permission from Nations that do and do not exist, and the names that go along with that classic that were never given, etcsuch as STRONG EAGLE VOICE. He claims he has Ambassadorship from all kinds of bizarre places using our names. He has started his own groups in our names such as The Friends and Relatives of The Disappeared (FRD), The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (, filed bogus law suits in bogus courts, or non-existent suits in credible courts including Federal Court of Canada under our

names, yet with himself somehow as plaintiff. He uses imaginary press to interview himself, and imaginary elegant staff names to talk to each other, and to him on his websites now a total of three. Also he claims the be the drum roll- FIGUREHEAD OF A GROWING INTERNATIONAL MOVEMENT in our name blah blah blah etc. He has multiple Facebook sites for fan pages, MySpace pages, has published three books, one real one that has been reported by my wife and me and others to Amazon (the manuscript sells for $113.00) as complete fraud and trashy airport read, a film that largely features yours dearly him - Unrepentant, Canadas Genocide, etc etc He profits illegally and handsomely on his unreported paypal income and private donations, and uses his alcoholic, nasty, rude, bipolar fathers trashy trailer park in Florida to collect all funds through his personal account. (Of course IRS and tax evasion fraud here and in Canada). Of course these illegal solicitations are International in our name- and he has traveled the world lecturing and book and film touring on our behalf, without our knowledge or permission. His last stop has been our unfortunate Brothers and Sisters of the Mohawk Nation, where he claimed he had UNEARTHED A MASS GRAVE OF CHILDREN AND FOUND HUMAN BONES DECLARED SO BY HIMSELF- ALL THE WHILE WAVING SAID BONES AROUND INFRONT OF VIDEOS WITH HIS BARE HANDSthey are believed to be pig bones he planted in the grave site. Currently, he has just named a well-known crackpot New Age and Disclosure Guru, Alfred Webre to be JUDGE for our great Tribunal that was due to occur in London September 2011, but the Tribunal never happens, and the paypal account never rests. (Oh and he was caught on camera raping a First Nations prostitute AND SMOKING CRACK WITH HER at a tiny co-op radio studio in Vancouver and was thrown out- WHEREBY HE SOUGHT INTERNATIONAL ASYLUM AS A POLITICAL REFUGEE with global posting and all due hysteria THAT IT WAS HIS DOUBLE PLANTED BY THE RCMP). There is a legitimate Harper Police Force investigation ongoing for, we believe, HATE CRIMES, by Officer Brian Ritchie. In solidarity with all my Brothers and Sisters of Canada and the US, Royce White Calf Copyright secured by Digiprove 2012 Pagan Media That Bites .Com 2007-2012

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