You are on page 1of 5238

Sayfa Silerken Uyar Gelmemesi

"A1:m8" hcrelerinin arkaplani yanip sner

0 olan hcreleri geri alma

0 Sfrn tm alma kitabnda gsterilmemesi iin

1 Den 26 ya kadar olan kolon says kadar gizleme

1. Satirla 2. Satir arasina 7 tane satir ekled

1.pir adl sayfay kopyalayarak 10 adet oaltr ve .pir ekler 1.Satr 1.Stunu se

1.sayfa hari dierlerini uyarsz siler

1.Sayfa hari tm sayfalari gzle 1.Sayfay ama

10 Sn sreli mesaj

10.Satrdan itibaren gizleme ve gsterme

100 Buton bar ekle kaldr

2 Listboxlar aras ver tama

2 Listboxlar aras ver tama 2 Tane userform_intalze olayini brletrme

2.stunda ift tkla eklenecek satr belirle

3 Boyutlu hcreye kenarlk

3 Kere ifre hakk

3 Sn ierisinde msg box alarm

30 Excel dosyasi nde br kelme aratma

4 ilem program(basit) 4. Satrda ilem yaplrsa macro otomatik alsn 4. Stunda ilem yaplrsa macro otomatik alsn

5 Dk da bir kitab kaydetme

5. Stnundaki hcreye girilen veriye karlk farkl farkl makrolarn almas

65536 Dan oksa der sheet ' e atsin styorum....

9 Farkli deer n koullu bmlendrme

A hcresindeki deere gre sayfaya kaydetme

A ile b'yi karlatr, ayn olanlar c'ye, farkl olanlar d'ye yaz

A stunu Auto_Copy

A stununa pir yaznca makro alsn

A stununda aralarda bo satrlar siler ve yukar eker

A stununda ayn deerde olanlar yazdrma alan olarak ayrr

A stununda ayn olanlardan 1 tane brakr ve sraya dizer

A stununda ayn olanlar sayfa alan olarak ayrr

A stununda ayn olanlar sayfa alan olarak ayrr2

A stununda bo satrlar siler A stununda boluklar aldrma dolular listeleme

A stununda bugn bulsun

A stununda en son srada olan veriyi b1 e kopyalar

A stununda herhangi bir hcreye tkla satr numarasn versin

A stununda verilere gre sayfa ekler ve d stununa kadar olan verileri de yazar

A stunundaki ayn deerleri br sayfada szp b deki toplamlarn ilave eder

A stunundaki bo satrlar gizler

A stunundak dolu hcreler bulur ve yazdirma alani ne alir A stunundaki en byk say iin

A stunundaki en son veriyi b1 e yaz

A stunundaki saylara 1 ekler c stununa yazar

A stunundakiler combboxta, combobox seilince B,C,D dekiler textboxta

A stunundakileri 100 ile toplar b stununa yazar

A stunundakileri benzersiz olacak ekilde ayklar

A stunundakileri benzersiz olacak ekilde ayklar2 A stunundakileri saydrn

A stunundan g stununa (g hari) kadar olan hesaplamalar ak , dier stunlar butona basnca hesaplasn

A stununu hcrelerini ereve ierisine alr

A stnndaki saylar sralar (aradan biri silinice bile sralar)

A stnndaki saylar sralar (aradan biri silinice bile sralar) 2 A ve c stunundaki veriler aynysa o satr silsin

A, b stunlarn topla c'ye yaz

a,b,c stununda arar bulur

A,B,C,D stunundaki verilerden H1 e yaz I1 de bulsun

A:a stunundak dolu satirlarin altina bo satir ekler

A:a200 hcrelerndek verlerden lstbox a sadece dolu hcreler alir. (Bo hcreler gzkmez)

A1 0 ise 10 ve 20.Satrlar arasn gizle deilse gster

A1 0 ise a10:a20 arasn gizle deilse gster

A1 0 ise c10:c20 gizle 1 ise gster

A1 1 ise b1 mart

A1 10 karakterden fazla ise mesaj ver

A1 b1 den itibaren numaralar(kodlar) ve damgalar A1 bo ise (silersen) 10 yapar

A1 de ad yazan sayfay acmak A1 de kritere gre filtreleme (sz ilemi)

A1 de artl say verme

A1 deki email adresine mesaj gnderir

A1 deki forml renme

A1 deki isimle farkl kaydet

A1 deki isimle yeni sayfa + ayns var ikaz

A1 deki isimle yeni sayfa oluturma

A1 deki isimleri listboxta sral olarak gsterir

A1 deki kelimeyi sesli ve sessiz olarak ayrr

A1 den itibaren ne kadar sayfa varsa yazar A1 den itibaren veri olan hcreye kadar seer

A1 den itibaren verili hcrelere 1 er satr ekler

A1 den sayfa oluturma

A1 den sra numaras verir veya aktif satr numarasn versin(klavye-fare se)

A1 devaml a2 de toplanacak

A1 e deer girin ce makro kodlar altrma

A1 e deer girince 10 ile arp a2 ye yaz

A1 e her veri giriinde b1,c1 srasyla hep yan kolona artarak yazar A1 e kullanc adn yazdrma

A1 e mail linki vermek ve outloooku a1 deki maille ama

A1 e mesajla veri girme ve mesaj kutusunda a1 deki veriyi grme

A1 e sadece rakam girer (yaz girince 0 yapar) ve devaml a1 de toplar A1 e tarihi gir b1 de kanc hafta olduunu bulsun

A1 e veri girildikten sonra 100 e blnmesi

A1 e veri yazlnca solda stbilgi ekleme

A1 e yaz b1 de devaml toplasn

A1 e yazlan (i) harfinin 90 derece yatk olmas A1 hcre ismiyle farkl kaydetme

A1 hcresi bosa kaydetme

A1 hcresi dolu ise d1 gizle, bo ise gster

A1 hcresinde saat

A1 hcresindeki isimle sayfay istenilen yere kaydetme

A1 hcresindeki isimle yeni sayfa A1 hcresine hapsetmek

A1 hcresine rakam yazmak mecburi yoksa dier hcrelere gei yasak

A1 hcresine x yaznca yanp snme efekti

A1 hcresn b1yapitir c1 gtsn

A1 i 1 artrma

A1 ile sayfa ekleme ekleyerek

A1 itibaren sayfa isimlerini yaz

A1 stununda ift kayt girmek yasak (hcreyeelle girersen siler)

A1 ve b1 hcresindeki verileri birletirme

A1, a3 ten kkse mesaj verir.

A1,b1,c1,d1 e yaz yaz kolonlar se ve sil (bekletmeli silme) A1:a10 , c1:c10 u karlatrr girilen rakamlar farkl ise uyar verir

A1:a10 arasndaki hcreleri rastgele seer:

A1:A10 hcreleri arasnda 10 dan bykleri kaln yapar

A1:A10 hcreleri arasnda 10 olanlar 21 yapar

A1:a10 hcreleri arasndaki bo hcreleri yeile boyar

A1:a10 hcreler arasindak bo hcreler yele boyar

A1:a10 topla mesaj ver toplamn a11 e yaz

A1:a1000 aras aynsn yama

A1:a30 snf ad, b1-b30 snf 2 comboboxta gsterimi

A1:A5 e say yaz c1 e de bunlarn toplam 100 deilse uyar verir

A1:A5 e say yaz c1 e de bunlarn toplam 100 ise uyar verir

A1:A5 e say yaz c1 e de bunlarn toplam 100den aa ise uyar verir

A1:a5 verileri ile birlikte ait olunan ay ve yl isimli yeni sayfa ekler

A1:a50 ad soyadlar textboxta arat listboxta listele

A1:a50 adlar textboxta arat listboxta listele

A1:af12 hcreleri arasndaki veriler yanp sner

A1:af12 hcreler arasindak verler yanip sner

A1:an1000 arasindak text le bulunan satirdak dolu hcreler lstboxa atmak styorum A1:b10 hcrelerine ad tanmlar

A1:b5 arasna tklaynca alan userform 1

A1:b5 arasna tklaynca alan userform 2

A1:c10 aras veri girilince e1:e10 arasna tarihini ekler

A1:c10 arasnn aynsn aktif hcreden itibaren yaz

A1:d20 arasnda krmz olan hcreleri toplar

A1:d20 hcreler arasindak arka plan reng kirmizi olan hcreler toplar

A1:d4 se b2 yi active et

A1:h1 satrlarn dier sayfalara da uygulatn

A1:j44 harici hcreleri gizleme

A1:j44 harici hcreleri gsterme

A1:m8 hcrelerinin arkaplan yanp sner

A1=1 ise yanp snsn 0 ise dursun

A1=1, c1=3, b stunu ise gizli olsun. Sayfa2 ye a1=1, b1=3 olur

A16:g28 hcrelerini seer ve 0 yapar

A1-a20 arasna veri girersen mesaj verir

A1-a5 arasnn ilk harflerini byk harfe evirir

A1'den a3000 e kadar olan hcrelerde eer herhangi bir veri varsa krmz yapar ve satr tamamen sayfa 3 'e gnder

A1'e tarih girmeye zorlamak vba ile

A2 deki tarihi gn ay yl olarak b2,c2,d2 ye alr

A2 hcresiyle birbiri zerine ekleme A3 se 2 satr aa ve 2 satr yana 5 yaz

A3 e ne yazarsan b7 de ayns

A3:f15 hcreleri arasndaki verileri yazdrr

A5 =2 ise userform almasn A penceresi Ak olan tm kitaplarn kapatlmas

Aklama ekleme Aklama formunu kapatr

Aklama formunun adresi

Aklama silme

Aklamadaki yaz geniliini otomatik sdrma

Aklamann yaz puntosu ve kalnl

Aklamaya resim eklemek

Alan kitabn ekrann bytr Al makrosu (istenilen sayfa)

Al makrosu(aktif pencerede mesaj verir.)

Al ta prosedr (makro) altrma

Alta aktif pencerenin minimize olmas

Alta ayr men olarak ara dmelerinden bir kan getirme

Alta b1 tarihi b2 ye ka kez aldn yazar

Alta f8 tuu ila makro altrma Alta istediin makronu alsn Alta istediiniz makro otomatik altrma

Alta istenen sayfa

Alta istenilen sayfay gizleme, kaydetme iptali Alta karlama ismini yaz hello .... Desin

Alta makronun kayt edilmesi ve altrlmas

Alta msgbox Alta sayfa saysn mesajla renme

Alta sayfann gsterilmesi ve kapanta grnmemesi

Alta tablo korumasn kaldr parolasn sorar

Aik dosyanin tekrar

Aik k excel dosyasindan sadece brn kapatmak.

Aik olan dosyanin bulunduu yer renmek

Aik olan tm excel sayfalarini kayit ederek kapatablyoruz..

Aiklama formunun adres

Aiklamayi kapar

Ailita stedn makronu alimasi Ailita stednz makro otomatk al&

Ailita nce user form gelsn

Ad oluturma penceresi Ad tanmla penceresi Ad tanimli hcrelern ayri olarak sem

Ad ve soyad karlatrarak kayt yapan kodlar

Adlandrlm hcreleri wb_names sayfasnda ayrntl listeler

Adres gstererek gizleme

A balantnzn ad

A zerinden dier kitaptaki makroyu altrma Adaki excel dosyasn ama

Aktif bulunan ara ubuklarn sayar, sralar

Aktif alma kitab hari ym kitaplar kapat Aktif alma kitabnn adn aktif hcreye yazdrr Aktif alma kitabnn kaydedilmesi

Aktif hcre bldirimi

Aktif hcre bo ve 0 deilse bo deilse 0 yapar

Aktif hcre renklensin Aktif hcre veya seilen hcrelere ad tanmlar Aktif hcre veya seilen hcrelere ad tanmlar "my range2"

Aktif hcrede ift tkla st satrlarn alttoplam formln yazsn

Aktif hcrede daha kk deer girdirmez

Aktif hcrede forml varsa adresini ve forml cinsini verir

Aktif hcredeki metni harflere (stunlara 3 er karaktere blerek ayrr)

Aktif hcredeki metni harflere (stunlara ayrr) Aktif hcreden 7 satr aasn ve 7 satr yukarsn seer Aktif hcreden aasn seer

Aktif hcreden aaya doru sayfalara kpr atlr

Aktif hcreden bir alt hcreye srar

Aktif hcreden bir hcre yukar srar

Aktif hcreden bir sa hcreye srar

Aktif hcreden itibaren 10 satr aaya 100 yazar ve toplar

Aktif hcreden itibaren b1 deki saydan balayarak 1er say artrarak 10 say yazar toplar

Aktif hcreden itibaren istediin sayda satr ekler

Aktif hcreden saa doru seer

Aktif hcreden saa, sola, yukar, aa son hcreye gitme Aktif hcreden sola doru seer Aktif hcreden yukarsn seer

Aktif hcrelerdeki metinleri aklama olarak yazan kodlar

Aktf hcreler renklendrr

Aktif hcrenin adresini mesajla renme

Aktif hcrenin altndaki bo olan satrlar siler

Aktif hcrenin bulunduu satr renklensin Aktif hcrenin bulunduu satr seer Aktif hcrenin bulunduu stunu (kolonu) seer

Aktif hcrenin cinsini bulma

Aktif hcrenin numerik veya yaz olduunu kontrol etme

Aktif hcrenin sayfa bana kmasn istiyor musunuz?

Aktif hcrenin stne 4 satr ekler

Aktif hcrenin yazdrlmas

Aktif hcreye aklama ekleme ve o aklamann yaz tipi ve puntosunu ayarlama

Aktif hcreye bugnn tarihini ekler Aktif hcreye alma kitabnn ve aktif sayfann adn yazdrr

Aktif hcreye ift tkla 1 artrsn

Aktif hcreye ift tkla alttoplam eklesin Aktif hcreye ift tklamayla tarih ekleme

Aktif hcreyi 1 artr

Aktif hcreyi 1 eksilt

Aktif hcreyi 30 artrma

Aktif hcreyi listbox ve textboxa alma (spinbutton kullanarak)

Aktif hcreyi seince yaknlatrp uzaklatrma (c2 hcresi) Aktif kitabn email penceresi Aktif kolonu seer

Aktif olan alma kitab pencerelerini minimize etme Aktf olan hcre renklensn...

Aktif olan hcrede veri varsa ad tanmlar

Aktf olan vsual basc formunun kapatilmasi

Aktif pencerenin balna kullanc adn atar

Aktif satrda hafta sonlarn iaretler

Aktif satrdan itibaren tek tek alt satr seer Aktif satrn hepsini seer

Aktif satrn herhangi bir stununda bir satr bile dolu olsa silmez(Satrda boluklar aldrma)

Aktif satrn herhangi bir stununda bir satr bile dolu olsa silmez(Satrda boluklar aldrma) 2

Aktif sayfa haricinde tm sayfalar siler Aktif sayfa ismini deitirme

Aktif sayfa ve hedef hcrelerde saat format

Aktif sayfa ve hedef hcrelerde tarih format

Aktif sayfa ve hcreden itibaren tm sayfalarn isimlerini yazar ve sayfalara link ekler

Aktif sayfada a1 0 ise b1 e olur b1 e ise resmi gsterir

Aktif sayfada a1 den itibaren alt alta 3 hcreyi kaln yapar

Aktif sayfada ayn verilerin kontrol

Aktif sayfada belli hcrelere girilen saylarn bana ift sfr ekler

Aktif sayfada comboboxta sayfa isimleri tklaynca sayfaya gitme

Aktif sayfada kt aldktan sonra mesaj alma

Aktif sayfada rakama gre renk

Aktif sayfada rakama gre zemin rengi verme

Aktif sayfada rakama gre zemin rengi verme2

Aktif sayfada rakamla kelime birletirme

Aktif sayfada sa fare yasak

Aktif sayfada tm hcrelerde ayn hcreye devaml rakam yaz, toplasn

Aktif sayfada st bilgi "my report" yazar "a1 den alr" (14 punto)

Aktif sayfada veri girilen hcrelere veri girildii tarih ve saati aklama olarak ekler

Aktif sayfada yaz yaz tarih ve saat,dakika,saniyesi ile aklama ekler ve aklamalar siler

Aktif sayfada yazlan harfler byk

Aktif sayfada yazlan kelimeler byk harf

Aktif sayfadaki dikdrtgendeki yazy hcreye kopyalar

Aktif sayfadaki formlleri bulur yeni sayfaya listeler

Aktif sayfadan modldeki makroyu altrma Aktif sayfann adn aktif hcreye yazdrr

Aktif sayfann aynsn kopyalar."Newsheet" adnda

Aktif sayfann ismi a1 hcresinde

Aktif sayfann ismi sayfa1 ise dosya kapanmasn Aktif sayfann ismini renme

Aktif sayfann kopyalanmas

Aktif sayfann sandaki ve solundaki sayfay semek

Aktif sayfaya gre ayr ayr makro altrma

Aktif sayfaya koruma koyma ve kaldrma

Aktif sayfaya veri girilince uyar verip veriyi siler

Aktif sayfay aktif ay ad ve yl ile kopyalar ve oaltr

Aktif sayfay emaille gnderme

Aktif sayfay kopyala ve yeni bir alma kitab a ve smini "yenisayfa" ver ve kopyalanan yaptr:

Aktif sayfay kopyalar email ile yollar Aktif sayfay uyarsz silmeve uyary eski haline getirme

Aktif sayfay yazdrr Aktif sayfay yazdrma

Aktf sayfayi yazdirir

Aktif stunda bo olan satra gider

Aktif varsaylan yazc da yazdrr

Aktif ve aktif olmayan kitaplarn kapatlmas

Aktif ve dolu hcreler arasna ka bo satr eklensin

Aktif yazcnn ismini renme

Aktifa sayfada otomatik filtreleme

Aktf sayfada rectangle (drtgen) silmek

Alarml saat

Alt alta kaydetme ve alfabetik sralama

Alt alta kayt ilemi

Alt klasrler

Alt+enter kodunda nasil br deklk yapablrm. Altbilgide dosya yolunu yazar

Anamenu.Xls aik delse der workbook ailmasin



Ara bul bulunca yan hcreye yaz

Ara bul dier sayfaya kopyala

Ara bul listele

Ara bul makrosu

Ara bul renklendir

Ara-bul komutu

Ara ubuu ekleme

Ara ubuu oluturma ve silme

Ara ubuklarna resetleme

Ara ubuklarn alr kutuya ekler, oradan seersin

Ara ubuklarnn hepsini kaldrma

Ara ubuklarnn zelletirilmesi ve geri dnmesi

Ara ubuklarnn zelletirilmesi, dosya mens kalr

Aralar menusu gzleme

Aralarinda boluk olan satirlari br baka sayfaya akta

Aralarinda boluk olan satirlari br baka sayfaya aktar

Arama ve bulma

Aranan kelimeyi bulup o satr temizleyen makro

Aranan bulur hcresini rapor eder

Arayp bulma ve mesajla sral olarak listeleme

Arkadalar textbox`a grdm yaziyi enter tuuna basarak satirbai yapiyorum. Ancak her enter`dan sonra gryorum k hcre ersnde [] kare olu

Arkaplan yanp sner

Artalan resmini deitirmek sonra da none yapmak

Aa yukar kaydrma

Aa, yukar, sa, sol

Aadan yukar doru teker teker sildirme Aaidak lnkte yer alan panzehr sml proseduru br module yerletrp, alitir.


Ay adna gre sayfa aar ve aktif sayfay kopyalar

Ay adlarn sayfa isimleri oluturarak yaz

Ay otomatik tanyan kodlar

Ayn olann yanndaki hcreye kaydeder (A,B,C stunundaki verilere gre)

Ayn son gnn bulur aktif hcreye yazar

Aylar sayfa olarak ekleme

Aylar sayfa olarak ekler ayn gnlerini de yazar ve aktif ay ve gne gider

Aylar sayfa olarak ekler ve o gne gider

Ayn anda 2 tane form

Ayn dizine txt dosyasna a,b,c stunundakileri kopyalar, kapatr

Ayn hcrede rakam deitike b1'e yaz

Ayn olann zerine kayt etme

Ayn olanlardan tekini comboboxta listeleme

Ayn olanlarn zerlerine kayt etme Ayn sayfa ile alma

Ayn sayfa var uyars

Ayn sayfa var uyars 2

Ayni makroyla brden ok sayfaya kayit yapmak

Ayni makroyu baka sheetlerde de alitirmak

Ayni olan sayilar

Ayrntl adres stun no, stun ad, satr no, satr ad

Ayrntl aktif hcre adresi

Ayrntl hcre adresi

Ayri sayfalardak bell hcreler toplatmak B kolonunda 2.Satr ve 21.Satrlar arasna tklaynca form a

B stununda ayn olanlar siler 1 tane brakr

B stununda herhangi bir hcreye ift tkla 1 artrsn

B stununda herhangi bir hcreye ift tkla ka satr ekleneceini belirt

B stununda tkladn satrn numarasn a stununa yazar

B stunundaki isimleri a stunu ile karlatrr ayn olanlar a stunundan siler

B stunundaki mkerrerleri siler

B stunundaki sayfalara gre kaydeder

B stunundan a stunana bo hcreleri aktarmak

B1 den itibaren yaz A1 e sra numaras versin

B1 hcresine klasr yolunu yaz xls dosyalarn listelesin

B1 x ise saati durdur

B1:g13 deer varsa 0 dan bykse sfr yapar

B2 bo ise tarih deilse sayfa korumal

B2 i 10 dan bykse makro altr

B2'de saat b3'de kronometre

B3 e gre alt alta 10 adet yazp toplar

B3'e veri gir entere bas sayfa olarak eklesin

B4:h23 harici hcreleri kilitleme ve ama

B5 dolu se a5 e 1,b6 dolu se a6 ya 2 eklnde a stuna makro le otomatk sira no yazdirablrmyz

B5:g22 harici hcrelere setirmeme

Basamak deerleri toplam

Baslan tuu bilir byk, kk, saysal

Bask nizlemede deiiklikleri engelleme

Bask nizlemeyi kapatnca userforma dnme Basknizlemeyi kapatnca userforma dnme 2

Baski n zlemede deklkler engelle Baski nzleme komutlarinin ptal

Ba harfne gre bulma

Baka aik br excel alima sayfasindak formu ama

Baka bir kitap ama

Baka alima ktabindak userformu amak Baka kitaptaki bir sayfadan hcreyi silme

Baka kitaptan combobox a veri alma

Baka kullanicida aiksa uyarsin

Balat ubuunu gizleme

Balat mensn gizle-gster

Balat atrma

Balksz userform

Balksz userform

Baz sayfalarn listelenmesini engelleme

Beep sesi kartma

Bekletme komutu

Bekletmeli macro yapma durum ubuunda Bekletmeli makro altrma

Bekletmeli mesaj

Bekletmeli ve aralara makro koyarak mesaj alma

Belgelerim klasrn a alt+f4 ile kapat Belgelerim klasrn ama

Bel sayfada true-false kontrol

Belrledm verlern klasr, dosyaadi olarak kaydi

Belirlenen blgede alan userform

'Belirlenen hcre aralklarnda ift tklama ile x iareti koyar ve kaldrr

Belrlenen hcre araliinin iktisini almak

Belrl br stundak blgler slen br macro ?

Belrl br sre ekranda bekleyen ve daha sonra kapan user form

Belirtilen ay bittiinde yeni aya gemeden nce, aadaki eski aya ait sayfalar otomatik olarak silecek bir makro

Belirtilen yoldaki xls dosyalarn aktif hcreden itibaren listeler

Belli sayfalar (a , b ve c adl sayfalar) haricindekileri silmek

Belli sayfalar haricindeki sayfalar silme

Bell sayfalar harcndek sayfalari

Bell sutunlarda aliirken uyari Belli tarihlerde uyar mesaj alma

Bilgisayar ismi

Bilgisayara bip sesleriyle melodi

Br hcredek kelmey arattirip sayisini bulma

Br hcreye makro atamak

Br hcrey aktf hale getren komut hangs

Br ktaptak sayfalar baska br ktaba tasmak

Br sayfadak very der sayfalara kopyalamak

Br sutundak uyusan verler dger sutuna kopyalama

Br stundak deerler sayma

Birden ok hcrede yuvarlama

Birden fazla isimlileri harcamalaryla birlikte tek isim altnda toplatma

Birden fazla sayfalara koruma koyma/kaldrma

Birden fazla textboxlarn zelliklerin deitirmek

Birden fazla textboxlarn zelliklerin deitirmek Birletir penceresi

Brletrlm hcrede makro uygulama

Birletirilmi hcreleri krmz yapar

Bo hcreler yeil olur

Bo hcrey br sttek hcre le ayni yapmak

Bo olan satrlar gizle

Bo olan stunlar gizle

Bo olanlar silerek dolular yukar ekme

Bo satr silme

Bo satr silme2

Bo satrlar gizlemek

Bo satrlar iptal etmek

Bo satirlar lstbox'ta lstelenmesn.

Bo satirlari slmek

Boluk aldrma

Boluklar aldrma

Boluklar aldrmak (silerek)

Bu ayn gnlerini saa doru yazma, alt hcreye gnn yazma ve haftasonlarn renklendirme Bugn yln kanc haftas (formlle)

Bul komutu aktif sayfada

Bul komutu btn sayfalarda

Bul makrosu

Bul makrosu

Bul mesaj ver ayns var diye Bul penceresi

Bul penceresinin almas

Bul ve lstele

Bul-deitir-sil-kaydet makrosu

Bullets (iaret) ekleme silme

Bul-renklendir(hcre aralkl)

Bul-sil-deitir-kaydet kodlar

Bul-sil-deitir-kaydet kodlar2

Bulunduun dizinde wav dosyas almak iin

Bulunulan hcrenin adresi (rnek g3)

Bulunulan klasre tarihli yedek alr

Buton ekle-kaldr

Buton le der sayfayi yazdirmak

Buton komutlarina uyari ekleme

Buton resimleri

Buton yardimiyla kayit olan satiri slme

Butona hareket verr

Butona tklaynca comboboxa veri aldrma

Butonala text box aarak ver aktarimi

Butonala text box aarak ver aktarimi.

Butonda ver kaydirma

Butonla sayfa korumas yapma

Butonlar ve numaralarn grn

Butonlarn deerini labele yazdrma

Butonlarn gizlenmesi

Butonu kullanma ama-kapama

Butonun adn syler

Button'lara fare ile geldiimde renk deitirmesi

Btn excel dosyalarnn %85 ile almas

Btn pencereler minimize

Byk-kk harf dntrr, dntrlen hcreleri belirtir. (Toggle)

C de test isimli klasr oluturur

C dizindeki klasrleri listboxta listeler

C dizininde xls dosya says

C klasrnde .Ini dosyas oluturur, aktif ve ak excel dosya saysn iine yazar

C kolonuna tklaynca geniler, baka hcreye tklaynca daralr

C stunu bos olan btn satrlar slmek

C stununda aralkl olanlar toplar

C stununda aralkl toplam alr

C stununda byk harf

C stunundaki bo satrlar gizler

C stunundakileri karlatrp ka tane olduunu bulur ve dier sayfaya aktarr

C stununun otomatik genilemesi ve daralmas

C1 hcre ismi ile kitap oluturma

C1 hcresini sadan 3 say, c2 ile birletir farkl kaydet ve a

C10 100 ise mesaj ver C5 le c15 arasindak bo hcreler saymak ve d1 e yazdirmak styorum C5:c20 arasndaki sra numaralar arasndaki boluklar alr

C8:c18 aras hcrelerinde sola tklaynca sa fare mens ksn

C8:c18 arasna tklaynca sa fare mens alr

Calsma sayfasnn yedegn alma

Capslock u atrma (n yakma)

Cd ap kapatma

Cd ama kapama

Cd ama kapama 2

Check atma A1:A10 hcreleri Checkbox onayl se a1 hcresine 100 yazsn 1

Checkbox onayl se a1 hcresine 100 yazsn 2

Checkbox u iaretlettirme

Checkboxla sayfa yazdrma

Chr ne demektir

Class modullegeri alma

Classmodle ile yaplan ilemi mesajla renme

Classmodle ile yaplan ilemi mesajla renme2

Combobox a a verler alamiyorum..

Combobox a grlen sayilari der combo boxta toplatmak

Combobox benzersiz kayt

Combobox bo iken multipage grnr Combobox bo iken multipage grnr-grnmez

Combobox change zellnde arama yapmak

Combobox erndek textn sel olmasi

Combobox ile yaplan karlatrma rnei

Combobox kullanm

Combobox mkerrer iptali

Combobox otomatik almas.Tklamaya son

Combobox' ta bir deerin hazr seili olarak gelmesi

Combobox taki isme gre commandbutton altrma

ComboBox vlookup

Combobox1 de yl combobox2 de ay seince ayn gnlerini textboxlara srala

Comboboxa aldnz veri seilince byk hafre dnsn

Combobox'a atanacak sabit deerler

Combobox'a aylar yazar

Combobox'a aylari yazdirir

Comboboxa el ile veri girii yasak 1 Comboboxa el ile veri girii yasak 2

Comboboxa gre kayit Comboboxa stundan veri aldrma

Comboboxda verilerin yalnzca birer kere grnmesi Combobox'in ne yazi yazilamasin.

Comboboxlara sm lstes oluturma

Comboboxlara sra numaras yazdrma

Comboboxlardaki 2 tarih aralklarn sz listboxa aktar Comboboxta 2. Sray seersen k2 ye

Combobox'ta kanlar grnmesin

Comboboxta deer semek

Comboboxta saat format

Comboboxta sayfalar listeleme ve seilen sayfaya gitme

Comboboxta seilen sayfaya gitme

Comboboxta seilen veriyi ve satr silme

Comboboxta siralama

Comboboxtak blglern et olmasi halnde lstboxlanmasi Comboboxtak sayfayi lstboxta gster

Comboboxtaki sraya gre sayfadan seme 'veriler A stununda Comboboxtaki veriyi mesaj olarak versin

Comboboxtan sayfaya aktarm

Comboboxtan textboxlara veri aktarma

Comboxta liste tanmlama

Commadbuton oluturma makrosu

Commandbar ekleme

Commandbarlarn tmnn adlarn ve trke karlklar

Commandbuton a ifre ekleme Commandbutton artk tklatmyor, kayor

Commandbuttonun zerine gelince renklenmesi

Commobox'a atanacak sabt

Alma kitab ap a kolonundan veri alma

Alma kitab bilgisi zellikleri Alma kitab her alta a1 1 artar

Alma kitab kaydetme

Alma kitabna ifreli giri

Alma kitabna ifreli giri Alma kitabndaki son kullanlm hcre 1

Alma kitabndaki son kullanlm hcre 2

Alma kitabn diskete yedekler

Alma kitabn gnn tarihi ile kaydeder - varsa farkl kaydeder

Alma kitabn hardiskinizin "c:\" blmne istediiniz adla farkl kaydetmek Alma kitabn kaydet Alma kitabn paylatr penceresi

Alma kitabn tam ekran yapp kltme

Alma kitabn uyarsz kapatma alma kitabnn tmn yazdrma

alma kitabnn yedeini alp kaydeder (bulunulan dizine)--- bana yedek yazar

Alma sayfanzda belli aralktaki hcreler seilemez

Alma sayfanzdaki bo satrlar siler

Alma sayfanz korur, otomatik szler alr

Alima ktabi freleme Alima ktabimi ,sayfam nde yer alan br butonla kapamak

Alima ktabinda sheet1 sml sayfa modulunun name zelln mysh olarak detrr

Alima ktabinizin baliini stednz eklde detrn

Alima ktabinizin satir ve sutun gzleme

Alima sayfalarini alima ktabi olarak kaydet

Alima sayfalarinizin smler de&

Alima sayfanizdak bo satirlari sler

Alima sayfanizdak alima alaninizi belrleyen ve ptal eden macrolar

Alima sayfanizdak hcrenn deerlerne gre hcreler renklerle dolar

Alima sayfanizi korur ancak otomatk szler aliir

Alima sayfasini korumaya alir

Alitiim sayfanin sadece aliilan kisminin grntlenmesn nasil salarim

Ift fonksiyonlu commandbutton Ift satrl mesaj kutusu 1

Ift satrl mesaj kutusu 2 Ift satrl mesaj kutusu 3

Ift tklamayla aktif sayfa harici sayfalar gizleyip gsterme Ift tklamayla aktif sayfaya koruma koyma Ift tklamayla hcreye saat ve tarihli aklama ekleme

Ift tklamayla sayfa3'e git Ift tklamayla tarih ve saat ekleme

Ift tklayarak aklamaya tarih-saat eklemek


K makrosu

K yordam

Ft kayit engelleme (makrolu zm)

Ft kayit engelleme.

ift tklama ile listboxtan silme

Ft tikladiimda stedm sayfaya gtsn

Ft tikladiimda stedm sayfaya gtsn.

Znrlk bulma

Znrlk bulma2

Znrlk renme

D, e stununda tek tklamayla check atma

D2 hcresinde veri dorulamal alr liste olsun alr listenin otomatik genilemesi daralmas

Daha nce koruma yaptiim sayfanin koruma fresn nasil kirablrm

Dao ile 2 tarih aras

Data form ama

Dataform ama

Decimal kontrol

Deere bal olarak dier stunu deitir.

Deerlerin aynen kopyalama

Deen hcreler gster

Deien hcreleri gsterme

Deiik kopyalama

Deiikliklerin a kolonuna saat & tarihli kaydedilmesi

Deiken ve dng ile 1 den 10 a kadar saylarn toplam

Deikene toplam atamak Deitir penceresi

Del tuu 2. Stunda almasn

Demo program yapma

Ders ortalamalarn hesaplamak

Deiklik yaplan hcredeki eski deeri grme

Detayl karlama, kapama

Dger ktaptak makroyu alitirmak Dier alma kitabndaki modlden makro altrma

Dier formdaki command butonu altrmak Dier kitaptaki makroyu altrma

Dikdrtgen silme

Disket etiketlendirme

Disket formatlama

Diskete yedekleme

Disketten .Bat dosyas ama

Diyagram izme Dizi yntemi sayfa seme

Dizindeki en son klasr ya da dosya ismini verir

Dizindeki src harfini verir

Doum gnn bulma

Dolayl makro

Dolu alanla yazdrma

Dolu hcreleri seer ve byk harfe evirir

Dolu hcreleri seer ve kk harfe evirir

Dolu kayt says

Dolu olanlar dier sayfaya aktarr

Dolu olanlar semek (satr deiken stun sabit)

Dolu satr ve stunu kesitirerek seme (mkemmel)

Dolu textbox saysn mesajla bildir

Dolu, yazl alanlarn seilmesi ve enson dolu hcrenin bulunmas

Dosya ak m deil mi bakar deilse aar

Dosya aldnda tanmlama bilgisi

Dosya aldnda tanimlama bilgisi

Dosya ap ierisine veri girme

Dosya ad, yolu ve alma sayfas adn fornsiyonlarla yazdr

Dosya al

Dosya arama

Dosya arama (var m, yok mu)

Dosya arama 2

Dosya arayp bulsun varsa onaylasn

Dosya cd rom ismin kontrol ediyor tutmuyorsa kapatyor

Dosya dizinde mi bakar, varsa aar yoksa mesaj verir

Dosya dzen menlerinin iptali ve yeni men

Dosya dzen mensne men ekleme

Dosya dzen mensn gizleme ve gsterme

Dosya dzen mensn silme

Dosya isimleri

Dosya isimlerin excele atamak

Dosya ka kere alm

Dosya klasr ekle

Dosya klasr ekle

Dosya listeleme

Dosya mens hari dier ara ubuklarnn gizlenmesi

Dosya says Dosya silmek

Dosya sistemini gsterme

Dosya sistemini renme

Dosya tama

Dosya uzantsn verir

Dosya yedekleme

Dosya yedekleme mesaj kutusu ile ismini yaz

Dosya yoluna gre excelden excele ykleme

Dosya yolunda excel dosyalarn bulur ve aar

Dosya, dzen mensne men ekleme

Dosya, grnm, dzen mensn gizle gster Dosya, men ubuunu gizle

Dosyada k resm olmadiinda formdak mage'nn bo olmasi

Dosyamz silme

Dosyann ak olup olmadna bakar ak deilse aar

Dosyann alma tarih ve saatini txt'ye iler (alt alta)

Dosyann tarihini yazn ka gn getiin hesaplasn

Dosyann yolunu ve ismini hcreye yazdrr

Dosyanz stediiniz klasre yedekleyin

Dosyanin bayt cnsnden bykl nedr?

Dosyay farkl ekillerde kaydetme

Dosyay kapama

Dosyay kim at

Dosyay kim ne zaman hangi tarihte at txt

Dosyay sizden bakas kaydetmesin

Dosyay tarihli olarak kayt etme

Dosyayi km ati


Dng ile yanyana yazdrma

Dngl forml girme Dtpicker le gncel tarih Dtpicker tarih deerini hcreye alma

Dtpickerin deerinin database den gelen bir deer olmasn istiyorsak

Durum ubuunda bulunduun adres

Durum ubuunda bulunduun adres2

Durum ubuunda say mesaj

Durum ubuunda toplam alma (fare ile seileni toplar) Dzen seenekleri penceresi E1:e15 'i toplayp a1'e yazar

E10 hcresine yaz yaz sadan sola kayarak yazsn

E2 hcresinde forml aa doru ekerek oaltr

Eer "p" stununda "evet" yazanlar listede yer alsn

Eer a1 1 ise sayfa ekle

Eer a1 hcresi 1 ise mesaj kutusu alsn ve excelpazar yazsn Eer a1 hcresi sfrdan bykse macro alsn Eer a1 hcresinde ilem yaplrsa a2 hcresine deitirilme tarihi ve saatini yazar

Eer a1 hcresinin deeri a3 hcresindeki deerden dkse macro alsn

Eer aktif hcre deeri 1 den byk ise aktif hcrenin altna bo satr ekler

Eer aktif hcre numerik ise ve 500 den bykse kaln yapar

Eer aktif hcrede deer varsa onu a17'ye yazar Eer forml 7 tane ve daha fazlas

Eer sayfa bo ise alt bilgiye tarihi ekler deilse ekleyer ve yazdrr

Eer stunda veriler varsa yukardan aaya doru seer

Eer yanyana 2 hcrede deer varsa sadan sola doru seer

Eerle hcreye forml girme ve koda evirme

Ehatalysa formlnn izah

Eklantilerin tamamnn kontrol Ekle (hcre) penceresi Eklentiler penceresi

Eklentileri mesajla renin

Eklentinin varln kontrol etme

Ekran znrl ayarlama

Ekran znrln ayarlatma

Ekran znrln ayarlattrmak

Ekran znrln renme

Ekran znrlnn 800x600 ayarl olarak sayfann gsterilmesi

Ekran znrlnz renin

Ekrandaki ara ubuklarn kaldrr ve getirir

Email ayklama Email linki ekleme

Email linki verme ve ama

En alttak bo hcre

En son aktf hcrenin bulunduu stunu syler En son aktif hcreye gider

En son boluklu kelimeyi bulur =pir(a3)

En son dolu hcrenin bulunduu kolon numarasn verir En son girilen verinin satr numarasn syler (a stununda)

En son hc.Yukaridaklern sler

En son kaydedlen hcre En son kayt tarihini alta ren

En son kaytl hcreye gider a stununda

Enter tuunun geri gelsin

Enter tuunun geri gelsin 2

Enter tuunun iptali Entere basilinca stedmz br hcrenn aktf olmasi

Esc tuuyla userformunuzu

Eski formlleri geri getirme (frml yenileme)

E zamanli olmayan verler otomatk slen kod Etiket aralklar ekleme penceresi Etkin ilem sayfasnn geniliini belirle Etkinletir penceresi

Etopla formlne karilik gelen makro

Evet ve hayr dorultusunda makro altrma

Excel ' de kopyalama makrosu nasil yazilir?

Excel (xls) dosyasn silme

Excel belgeler salt okunur ailiyor

Excel crack

Excel izim yapar mi?

Excel de baka verler sirali verler arasina otomatk ekle

Excel de f2 enter lev

Excel de hcre ierisinde kayan yazi olusturmak

Excel de standart ara ubuklarini kaldirmak

Excel dosyamin kisayolunu masastnde oluturmak n api

Excel dosyas bul gizle

Excel dosyas kaydetme

Excel dosyasnn cdde almas Excel dosyasnn klasr ierisine tanmas

Excel dosyasi belrl br tarhten sonra ailmasin.

Excel dosyasinin korunmasi

Excel fontlar

Excel fontlar 2

Excel multiuser ( oklu kullanac ) amak

Excel sayfalarn men olarak ekleme

Excel sayfasnn istee gre kstlanmas

Excel sayfasinda tm sayfalari br dme le yazdirmak

Excel sayfasinda yazdiklarimi text'e evrmek Excel userformu'nu exe yapmak

Excel uygulamasndaki eklentileri a1 den itibaren listeler

Excel versiyon bulucu

Excel versiyonunu renme

Excel yardmcsna mesaj yazdrma Excel'de "veya" Excelde brletrlm hcreler makro le ayirma

Excelde byk kk harf

Excelde herhang br hcrenn ndeyken sa klk yaptiimda "yazdir" komutu iksin styorum

Excelde sa klik mensn gizle-gster

Excelde satir slme

Excelde srekli flash rnei

Excelden word belgesi amak

Excele ifreli giri 3 hakknz var.

Excel aita stenen sayfa gelr

Exceli gizleme

Exceli gizleyerek mesaj verir

Exceli kapatma ilemi Excel tamamen kapatma Excel tamamen kapatmak

Excelin tm men buton resimler

Excelinizin versiyonunu renin


Explorer ama Explorer'i ama tam ekran

F9 tuuna bastiimda alimasini yan kaydetmesn styorum

F9 tuuna makro atama

F9 tuuna makrro atama

Faz hesabi

Fare ile textbox iinin renklenmesi

Fare imleci kum saati

Fare kursrn gizlemek 1

Fare kursrn gizlemek 2

Fare kursrn hareket ettirme

Farkl kaydederken dosya ismini otomatik yazsn

Farkl kaydederken dosya ismini otomatik yazsn 2

Farkl kaydet butonu ekleme ve renk verme

Farkl kaydet ekran gelmeden ve kaydetmeden kmak

Farkl kaydet ve sa klik tuunu disable yapma

Farkl kaydet ve sa klik tuunu disable yapma

Farkl kaydeti engelle

Farkl kaydetin devaml gelmesini istiyorsanz

Farkli kayded engelle

Farkli uyari pencereler

Fcommandbutton hareket etsn.Ormda

Filtreyi (szmeyi) iptal etme

Fnd mens oluturma

Fonksiyon altrma kodu Fonksiyon altrma kodu2

Fonksiyon tanmlama not puanlama

Fonksiyonla kitabn ak olup olmadn renme

Font isimleri a stununda

Fontlar sayfaya yazdrma

Form aar Form ama

Form airir

Form dolarsa knc forma gep iktisini alsin

Form kutusundan ls.Kutusuna kom.Verme

Form kutusundan liste kutusuna komut verme

Form penceres

Formatli olarak grdm sayinin sifirlarini gremyorum

Formlarda x ikmaya zn vermez

Formlardan brn kapar dern aar

Formlardan birini kapayp, dierini ama Formu kapama

Formu kapar

Formu otomatk kapar

Formun srklenmesn engeller Formunuzun baliini kodlarla stednz eklde ayarlayablrsnz;

Forml evirici

Forml oaltma

Forml oaltma

Forml oaltma

Forml oaltma dolu satra gre Forml oaltma dolu satra gre (formlle) Forml ubuunu kaldrma

Forml sonuna karakter ilave etme

Formlden deere, deerden formle dnm Formlle ba harfi byk kk renme

Formlleri deere dntrme

Formlleri sayya evirme

Formller sayiya evrr

Formllerin gizlenmesi

Formllerin makro dili (ingilizcesi)

Formll hcre renkli

Formll hcre silmeyi engelleme

Formll hcreleri korumaya alr

Formll hcreleri silmeyi engelleme

Formll hcreyi makroyla geri getirme

Formll hcreyi semeden baka sayfaya deer olarak atamak

Formll ve tarihli kopyalama

Forml deere dntrme

Framede adres blgs

Geici dosya ismi alma

Geici dosyaya kaydetme

Geici klasrler

Gei seenekleri penceresi Genel seenekleri penceresi

Ger alian tmer

Gif, jpg vs resim ekleme

Gif, jpg vs resmi hcreler arasna yerletirme

Grlen ver rakam diinda br ey olursa kullaniciyi uyararak tekrar rakam stesn

Grlen vernn aynisi varsa kaydetmesn Git penceresi

Gitmek istenilen hcreyi seer

Gizli aklamay gster (hcre se)

Gizli safalar gsterme

Gizli sayfada makro calisirmi

Gizli sayfalar siler

Gizli sayfann gsterimi iin ifre sorulmas

Gizli sayfay yazdr

Gzl tm tm sayfalari gster

Grsel ve gzel bir userform Grnm seenekleri penceresi

Gruplandr penceresi

Gncelletirme el ile

Gncelletirme otomatik

Haftann gnn bulma Haftanin kainci gn?

Hangi butona basldn bildirir (commandbutton) Hangi hcreye gitmek istiyorsan gider scroll yaparak Hangi hcreye yazarsan yaz a1 kaydetsin

Hangi sayfalar korumal renin

Hangi tua basarsan o makro alr

Hang tua basildiini bleblmek Hard disk formatlama

Harddisk hakknda ayrntl rapor

Harddisk seri numaras alma a1 hcresine Harddiske format atma

Harddiskin bo alann vs.. Renme Hareket ettirilemeyen userform

Hareketsiz inputbox

Hareketsiz userform

Hareketsiz userform bal

Harf deiimi

Harf says 100'den fazla se alttaki hcreye yaz 1

Harf says 100'den fazla se alttaki hcreye yaz 2 Hata mesajn yoksaymak

Hata mesajn yoksaymak

Hataya mesaj yazma 1

Hataya mesaj yazma 2 Hedef ara penceresi Hedef hcreye gitme

Hepsi bir arada toplama arpma blme

Her 3 saniyede alt alta forml girme

Her 30 sn de bir mesaj verme (makro)

Her 5 dk a1:a3000 arasnda veri varsa bir uyar vermeden silme

Her 5 satrdan sonraki satrn ykseklii 5

Her 5 sn de bir makro altrma (mesaj)

Her 50 satrda bir toplam alr

Her hangi bir sayfaya hzl bilgi giri iin

Her saniye arayla mesaj verme

Her saniyede bip ile birlite mesaj alma

Her sayfay ayr ayr kitap olarak c'ye kaydetme

Her veri giriten sonra mesaj alma

Herhang br form zerndek metn kutusuna grlecek karakter sayisini nasil sinirlandirablrm

Herhangi bir hcreye tklaynca makro alsn

Herhangi bir hcreye tklaynca o hcreden saa doru kayarak o aydaki gnlerin numaralarn yazar ve haftasonlarn renklendirir

Herhangi bir hcreye tklaynca o hcreden saa doru kayarak o aydaki gnlerin numaralarn yazma Herhangi bir tarihten sonraki ilk pazartesiyi bulma

Hesap maknasi airir

Hesap makinesi ama

Hesap makinesi arma

Hesaplama seenekleri penceresi Hesaplama seenekleri penceresi Hizalama penceresi Hoparlrden beep sesi karmak Htm uzantl dosyay ama

Hucre ye geldgnde makro calssn

Hcre a1 deki yaz boyutu ve karekterini sadece yazcya gnderirken arial-italik ve 14 punto yapar Hcre alan kesme, seili alan kesme Hcre alan seme

Hcre biimi textboxta da ayn biimde

Hcre bmn ayarlamak

Hcre biimlendir penceresi Hcre biimlendir/yaz tipleri penceresi

Hcre bo iken makro 1 dolu iken makro2

Hcre deer deiince makro alsn

Hcre deerne gre renk detrr

Hcre deern aiklamaya ekleme

Hcre deerleri belli tabloda otomatik renklendirmeli seme

Hcre detnde yaninda k hcreye tarh yazsin

Hcre deitirilemez uyars, dier hcreye ynlendirme

Hcre dolu se bo hcreye aktar

Hcre geniliince kenarlk izme

Hcre geniliince kenarlk izme2

Hcre erne ekleme yap karilatir. Hcre ieriinin silinmesi

Hcre ierisinde kayan yaz Hcre ersndek boluklari slmek

Hcre ierisine kelime ekleme

Hcre isimlerini renme

Hcre ismi ile tarihli ve tarihsiz kitap kaydetme Hcre kopyalama Hcre kopyalama Hcre koruma penceresi

Hcre renkleri ile ilgili kodlar

Hcre renkler le lgl kodlar

Hcre seilince ifreli giri

Hcre seilince ifreli giri

Hcre seme,tanmlama

Hcre srklemesini engelle, aktif yap

Hcre srklenmesn engelle & aktf yap

Hcre tanmlayarak yazcdan kt alma

Hcre tanimlamalarini sayfaya gre ayarlama

Hcre ve stun semler

Hcre veya hcreleri kopyalama

Hcre, stun seimleri

Hcre_bicimlendir_saydirma (dalga geme) Hcrede 0 (sfr) varsa durur yoksa atlar

Hcrede ad soyad'lar 2 textbox'ta gstermek

Hcrede ay renme (fonksiyon tanmlayarak)

Hcrede bir sonraki ayn gn says kadar gn ilave etme

Hcrede enter a basnca makro altrma

Hcrede entere baslncs direk sayfaya gitme

Hcrede ilk harfler byk 1

Hcrede ilk harfler byk 2

Hcrede sim kk harfli se o hcreyi silme

Hcrede sim kk harfli se o satr silme

Hcrede karakter say

Hcrede kelimelerin ilk harfi byk

Hcrede saat

Hcrede saat (hcreye ad tanmlayarak)

Hcrede saat saydrma

Hcrede saat saydrma

Hcrede saat saydrma-durdurma

Hcrede takvim (calendar) ama

Hcrede yazl sayfa var m yok mu bulur Hcredeki aklamay textbox'a alma

Hcredeki ad soyad ayrmak

Hcredeki adrese ping atma

Hcredeki deere gre makro altrma

Hcredeki deere gre mesaj veya makro

Hcredeki deeri 1 er artrarak yazdrma

Hcredeki deeri birer artrarak yazdrma Hcredeki deerlerin yaz tipi, fontu kalnlk

Hcredek forml deen satir sayisi kadar kopyala

Hcredeki metne evir olayn userformdan yapmak

Hcredek otomatk tarh formati

Hcredek rakamlari harf kariliklarina evrme

Hcredeki renge gre filtreleme Hcredeki say kadar kt almak

Hcredeki say kadar yazcdan kt alma Hcredeki saynn son rakamn 0 (sfr) yapar

Hcredeki sayy alt veya st karaktere ve normale evirir. H2o, co2 Hcredeki sayy bir st binlie tamamlar

Hcredeki sayy bulma Hcredeki sayy kendi binliine 0 sfrlar

Hcredeki veri kadar stunda genilik (otomatik)

Hcredeki veri mesaj kutusunda 1

Hcredeki veri mesaj kutusunda 2 Hcredeki verinin dier sayfada altbilgi olarak gzkmesi

Hcredeki veriyi txtboxta gstermek 1

Hcredeki veriyi txtboxta gstermek 2

Hcredeki yaz tersinden

Hcredek yazi karakternn rengne gre fltreleme

Hcredekine gre hcre temizleme

Hcreler arasna tklaynca userform kar

Hcreler arasn seer ve yaknlatrr

Hcreler bo geilemez b1:b8

Hcreler renkl yanip sner

Hcrelerde font, renk yaz tipi deitirme Hcrelerde yuvarlama forml 1 Hcrelerde yuvarlama forml 2 Hcrelerde yuvarlama forml 3

Hcrelerdeki formllerin deere dnmesi 1

Hcrelerdeki formllerin deere dnmesi 2

Hcrelerdeki verileri birletirme

Hcrelerden biri veya birka bo olunca yazdrmay iptal etme

Hcrelerden hangisi dolu ise(a2:e2) onu dier hcreye yaz (a5)

Hcrelere 100 yazdrma dier stuna 2 satr ekleyerek atama

Hcrelere ver gr yapildiktan sonra

Hcreler bo gememek , bo geecek olursam uyari versn

Hcreleri doldurmadan yazdrmaz

Hcreleri mage nesnesi olarak kopyalama

Hcreleri resim olarak kopyalamak

Hcreleri se 2 eit madde imi koysun silsin (srayla 3 tklama)

Hcrelerin aklamasn otomatik daralt, rengini deitir

Hcrelern baindak ( ' ) tek tirnak semboln makro le nasil kaldirablrm.

Hcrenin adn siler yani tanmlanan adn siler

Hcrenin ayrntl bilgisi (adresi)

Hcrenin bulunduu satr ve stunu sra ile mesajla bildirme Hcrenin ktsn alma

Hcrenin deerlerine gre hcreler renklerle dolar

Hcrenin ierii deiince mesaj verir

Hcrenin ii krmz ,yazlar ise beyaz renkte olsun.Ve italk ve bold olsun

Hcrenin zemin renginin saysal kodu Hcresi belli aktif kolonu seer

Hcresi belli aktif satr seer Hcresi belli aktif satr seer

Hcreye aklama ekle (mesaj kutusu ile)

Hcreye ad ver, o hcreye yaz yaz, sayfa ismi o olsun

Hcreye check atma

Hcreye deer girince picture grnmesi

Hcreye deer yaznca baka hcreye gitme

Hcreye deer yaznca toplama, baka hcreye yazma Hcreye forml atama

Hcreye forml ekleme

Hcreye forml girme, kitaba link Hcreye forml girmek

Hcreye forml yazdirirken referans etler

Hcreye gelindiinde makro altr Hcreye grdm sayiya gre ekln ennn byyp klmesn styorum.

Hcreye girilen saynn aklamada (123,00) eklinde yazlmas

Hcreye git Hcreye gitme

Hcreye inputbox ile veri girme

Hcreye o anki saati , zaman eklemek Hcreye say veya deer girme

Hcreye silinecek veri araln yaz silsin (sayfa1de a2,b2ye yaz,sayfa1 ve sayfa2den siler)

Hcreye fre vermek

Hcreye tklaynca otomatik olarak stunun istenilen genilikte almas

Hcreye tklaynca otomatik olarak stunun istenilen genilikte almas 2 Hcreye tklaynca userform alsn

Hcreye veri girince uyar alma

Hcreye yaz yaz ve fontunu kaln yap

Hcreye yaz yazmak

Hcreyi basamak eklinde renklendirme

Hcreyi gster virglden sonra rakam eklesin Hcreyi metin biiminde biimlendirmek:

Hcrey para brm yapmak Hreler farkl olursa uyar mesaj

I1:i13 hcrelerinde yazl yazl olan veriler 0'a eit deilse 0 yapar evirir

If mant

If, else

Inputbox ile sayfa ekleme ve adlandrma

Inputbox'ta cancel ile textbox'a deer atamak

Inputbox'ta cancel selrse

Ip numarasn bulan makro Ie 12 tane eer

Ie 17 tane if kullanmak Ie eer komutu

F lerden sadece br aliiyor?

K hcrenn forml sonucu farkli olduu zaman msgbox u

Ki saat arasndaki fark dakika formatnda yazmak

Ki tarih arasn listele

Ki tarih arasn listele

K tarh arasindak verlern lstbox1 'e aktarilmasi

K tarh arasini sz ve

Lgl sayfaya gtme

Lk ailita optonbutton1 aretl olsun

Lk bo hcreyi seer

Lk harf byk dierleri kk (yazm dzeni)

Lk harfler byk yazm dzeni

Lk satra yaztm tarihe bakarak tek bir hareket ile o aya ait alma gnlerini aaya doru dier hcrelere amak. Yani aradaki tatil gnlerini otomatik Mlecn bo hcrey atlamasi

Mlecn hcre atlamasi

Mle textbox4'te iken textbox6'ya veya textbox7'ye tklansa bile imle textbox5'e gider

Ndis hcredekinin vba kodu

Nds levnn vba kodu olarak karilii

Ndis vba kodu Ndsn vba makrosu hakkinda

Nput ile sayfa kopyalama

Nputbox ift satrl rnek

Nputbox ne yazilan karakterler "*****" eklnde ikablr m?

Nputbox ile aktif hcreye aklama ekleme

Nputbox ile filtreleme ve filtreleneni silme

Nputbox la doru rakam girmeye zorlama

Nputbox la mesaj alma

Nputboxa gre bo satrlar semek

Nputboxa gre kt says

Nputboxa gre kt says2 Nputboxla a1 e veri girme

Nputbox'la bulma

nputboxla sayfa bulma

nputboxla sayfaya gitme

Nputboxlarda yazlanlar arpar

Nputboxta cancel'e deer aatmak

Nputboxta soru cevap

Nputboxta tarih format

Nputboxta yazlan hcreye gider

Nternet balants olduunda veya olmadnda raporunu word'e yazar

Nternet sayfas ama istenilen adres

Nternete dial up la balanmak iin

P numarasi gsterecek makro

Smi belirle aktif sayfay kitap halinde kaydedip kapatsn

Stedm mkerrer olanlari slmes(satir slme olablr)

Stediiniz sayfa hari sayfadaki verileri temizler

Stediiniz sayfaya gider

Stednz sayfaya gder

Stediiniz yerde istediiniz uyary verdirin

Stednz yerde stednz uyariyi verdrn...

Stenen aralii temzler

Stenen hcreye ver grme

Stenilen hcreleri dikey yazdrr

Stenilen hcreye gitme

Stenilen makronun kodlarnn grlmesi

Stenilen saat ve dakikada makro altrma

Stenilen saat ve dakikada makro altrma 2

Stenilen saatte kt alma

Stenilen saatte makro altrma

Stenilen sayfa isminden bakasn eklemez Stenilen sayfadaki istenilen hcreye gitme stenilen sayfalar haricinde gizleme

Stenlen sayfayi aablmek

Stenilen siteyi ama

Stenlen sutunu gzlemek

Stenlen srece ekranda kalan userform

Stenilen srece ekranda kalan userform

Stenilen stunu gizleme

Stenilen stunu gsterme

Stenilen yazcy aktif yapmak iin

Gnlerini hesaplayan fonksiyon

Gnlerne at sheet amak.

Gnlerne at yen sayfa oluturma

Lemci bilgilerini hcreye aktarma

Lemci hz

Lemciyi uyutma

Letim sistemini renme Lev ekle penceresi

Jpeg resmi ekleme ve silme

Ka satr seili olduunu bulur

Ka sayfa var hesaplasn

Kanc hafta olduunu bulan fonksiyon

Kanc hafta olduunu bulan fonksiyon

Kanc hafta olduunu bulan fonksiyon kodlar

Kanc hafta, hangi gn sorusunun cevab

Kanc satr kanc stun

Kanc satr kanc stuna ne girecen

Kaln olanlar topla

Kapal dosyalardan verileri toplayarak almak

Kapal kitap ontime

Kapal kitap ontime

Kapal olan sayfann bo olan bir alttaki satrna kayt

Kapali durumdak c:\test.Xls dosyasi ailacak ve ne c:\userform1.Frm lave edldkten sonra kaydedlerek kapatilacaktir

Kapan-k makrosu

Kapani mesaji

Karlama (al makrosu)

Karlatrma; sayfa1 sayfa2 a,b,c stunlar Kaydederek k Kaydederken a1 e tarih ve saatini yazar

Kaydederken mesaj verdirme

Kaydedince a1 e tarihli kaydeder sol alt bilgi olarak ta ekler

Kaydet,temzle ve tamamen kapat

Kaydetmeden k Kaydetmeden k Kaydetmeden kapatma

Kaydetmeden nce ifre isteme

Kayit engeleneblr m?

Kdv hesaplatma

Kdv hesaplatma 2

Kelimeler arasnda 1 space boluu brakr Kenarlk penceresi

Kendi kendine kapanan kitap 10 sn de

Kendi kendine kapanan kitap 10 sn de mkemmel

Kes kopyalay iptal etmek & a

Kes kopyalayi ptal et & a

Kesme, kopyala, yaptr etkin

Kesme, kopyala, yaptr iptal

Krmz renkli sayy se g12 ye yazsn

Ksayol tular listesi

Kitab ama-kopyalama-kapama

Kitab belirlenen isimle kayt etme

Kitab diskete yedekleme

Kitab isimle kaydetme

Kitab kapat, kaydet Kitab kapatrken a1 hcresine tarihi yaz

Kitab kaydederken mesaj alma

Kitab kaydet pencereyi kapat, a1'i se:

Kitab kilitleme. Salt okunur olarak ama. Makrolar gizler

Kitab otomatik kaydedip kapatma

Kitab yedekleme Kitabn adn renme

Kitabn baln deitirme

Kitabn boyutunu hesaplasn

Kitabn bulunduu yolu ve ismini belirtir

Kitabn ilk kaydedili tarihini yazar

Kitabn kopyasn userform,modul,class silerek oluturur

Kitabnz diskete yedekler

Kitabnzn kapanmas bir hcrenin deerine bal ise

Ktabi kapat ktabi kaydet

Ktabi kaydet pencerey kapat a1' se

Ktabi otomatk kaydetme

Kitap alrken bu gn tarihli yedek alr

Kitap ama (1 den fazla dosya)

Kitap ama (tek dosya) Kitap adn a1 e aldrma

Kitap bal isimlendirme (caption)

Kitap her alta a1 1 artar

Kitap ismi ile klasr oluturur her sayfay ayr ayr olarak kaydet Kitap ka kere alm

Kitap kapanrken a1 e tarih ekleme

Kitap kaydet ismini sen belirle - mesajla bildirir

Kitap kaydetme ismini belirli

Kitap penceresini 2 boyut kltme Kitap sayfasn simge durumunda kltme

Kitap toplam ka kere,hangi tarih ve hangi saatte ald

Kitap yedekleme Kitapta istenilen sayfa adn nizlemek iin

Kitapta yazdrmay iptal etme

Kitaptaki tm resimleri silme

Klasr ama

Klasr alma

Klasr arama

Klasr bilgisi

Klasr ismi deitirme

Klasr oluturma

Klasr oluturuyormuuz gibi bir dizin oluturur

Klasr silme

Klasr ve dosya makrolarndaki yollar kendine gre dzenle

Klasrdek dosyalari comboboxta gstermek

Klasrdeki tm xls dosyalarn sxs klasrne kopyala

Klasrdeki veya dizindeki xls dosyasnn boyutunu renme

Klasrden alima sayfasi ama kpr kurma

Klasre gzat penceresini arr

Klasrn nde ka adet jpg uzantili dosya var ?

Klavye ok ynleri ile mesaj alma

Kod yazarak showmodal durumunu ayarlamak. Kod yazarken Koda forml adres yolunu hcreden vermek

Kodlara aiklama ekleme Kodlar kopyalama

Kodlarin hata vermesn engeller

Kolon numarasn ver kolonu bulsun

Kolon saysn yaz kolon adn harf olarak versin (ktf)

Komutlar zelletir penceresi

Kopyala yapitir

Kopyala yapitir lemler

Kopyalama ve yaptrma


Kopyala-yaptr' engelleme

Korumali hcrelere siralama yapmak?

Korumali sayfada makro aliir mi?

Koul salanyorsa karma ilemi yapsn

Koula gre alian makro Koullu biimlendirme penceresi

Kk dosya gster Kpr ekle penceresi

Kprleri silmek iin Kritere uyanlar c stununda (c2den itibaren) bulup tm satrlar ile birlikte siler(kriter combobox)

Kullanc ad ve parola eklemek

Kullanc ad ve pc adn renme

Kullanc adn bulan fonksiyon

Kullanc kitabnn kapatlmas

Kullanc tanml not fonksiyonu

Kullanici tanimli foksyon

Kullanici tanimli(sayfa sayisi)

Kullanilan xl turkce, ingilizce ..... Veya ne ?

Kurulari hesaplama

Ksuratl bir parasal tutarn ytl ve ykr ksmlarn ayr hcrelere yazdrma

Label de dikey yaz Label de tarih ve saat yazdrma Label lerde ortalama alma

Label tretme

Label1 ve label2 de rakamlar var.Ben label1 ve label2 dek rakamlarin ortalamasini label3 te almak styorum Label'a istenilen sayfa ve hcreden deer almak Labelde tarih format Label'de tarih ve saat Labele tiklayinca aiklama ikar Labeller de toplama, ortalama alma

Link koleksiyon

Lisans program

Lstbox & textbox da ver grme

Listbox A dakileri listeler a ya gre b dekini textboxta listele command butonla sil

Listbox a dan veri alr, tklaynca textbox b dekini yazar

Listbox a for dngs ile additem ekleme

Listbox a sadece dolu hcreleri alma

Listbox a sayfa isimlerini alma

Listbox daki herhangi bir kolon deerlerinin toplamn textboxta gsterme

Lstbox format sorunu

Listbox hk Listbox index numarasn renme

Listbox indexlerinin ayn anda seilmesi

Listbox zellikleri

Lstbox tan selen hcrey slmek.

Lstbox ve combobox a ver grmek

Lstbox ve combobox'tak boluklar

Lstbox veya combobox balik formati

Lstbox1 n ndek btn verler excel sayfasina yazdirma

Lstbox1.Rowsource sorunu

Listbox1'de deiken

Listboxa alnan adreslerin bana ' karakteri koy

Listboxa ift tklayarak satrdan ve listboxtan silme

Listboxa ift tklaynca textboxa listbox kolonlarndaki deerleri alma

Listboxa hcreden dolu olanlar alma

Listboxa sayfa ile birlikte hcre tam adresini alma

Listboxa stundan veri aldrma

Listboxa veri aldrma

Lstbox'in 2nc kolonunu nasil yazdirablrm?

Listboxla dosya ama kapama silme

Listboxla szme ilemi

Listboxta a, al eklinde sralama, textboxta sralayarak

Listboxta dolu hrecelwein listelenmesi

Listboxta ilk sayfann grnmemesi

Listboxta kitaptaki sayfalarn listelenmesi

Listboxta listeleme

Listboxta sayfadan veri alma

Listboxta seilen satrn silinmesi

Listboxta stun ve hcrelerin gsterilmesi

Listboxta tklama ile textboxlara aldrma

Listboxta toplam alma

Listboxtaki addtem i yeniden adlandrma

Listboxtaki adrese ift tklamayla gider ve form kapanr

Listboxtaki adrese ift tklamayla gider ve form kapanr2

Listboxtaki adrese ift tklamayla gitme Listboxtaki adrese ift tklamayla gitme2

Listboxtaki adrese tek tklamayla gitme

Listboxtaki hcrenin bulunduu satr ift tklamayla seer gider ve form kapanr Listboxtaki kolonun tarih format

Listboxtaki kolonun tarih format

Listboxtaki saylarn toplam textboxta

Lstboxtak verler alima sayfasina nasil aktaririm?

Listboxtaki verileri sayfaya aktarma

Listboxtaki veriyi enterla semek (faresiz yani)

Listboxtakileri topla mesaj ver

Listboxtakilerin yeni kitaba kayd Lstbox'tan combobox'a ver almak Lstbox'tan textbox'a aktarilan deer ayni bmde ik

Lstboxtan ver slmek

Listede 1 den fazla olanlarn 1 adet olarak listelenmesi

Lstedekler excelle gnder

Lstenn en sonuna yapitirma

Llistede ka kii olduunu bulmann ksayolu.

Macro alrken mlecin hareket etmemesini salayan kodlar

Macro le koullu slme

Macro le satir ama

Mal gnderm outlok le

Makro bitince tekrar batan aldrma (dng)

Makro altrma 5 dakikada bir

Makro iinde tamsay ve tavana yuvarlama

Makro nde yazilan mesaj metnn detrmek

Makro le ayni olan hcreler slme.

Makro le belrl br hcreye sayfa sayisi yazdirma

Makro ile birletir formln oluturma Makro le dosya ama problem

Makro ile form import etmek Makro ile geri al (undo)

Makro le gzledmz sheet amak n yazacaimiz makraya fre sormasini salaya blrmyz Makro ile hcre birletirme

Makro le kopyalama ve yapitirma

Makro le sayfa slmek Makro ile tarih karma cevap gn olarak Makro istediim tarihten sonra almasn

Makro kodlarnda hata mesaj verdirme

Makroda br veya brden ok deer dndrmek

Makroda bul ve kopyala yapitir

Makroda hesaplanyor mesaj

Makro'da kenarlik ?

Makrolar kutusu ve makrolar grnsn

Makrolar otomatik almas, almas, kapanmas

Makrolarn istenilen sayfada almas

Makrolarnz gizli olsun diyorsanz

Makrolariniz gzl olsun dyorsaniz

Makronun alimasi a1 hcresne 1000 yazip aaidak kodu alitirin

Makronun otomatk olarak aclmas ve calsmas Makronun sadece bulunulan dosyada almas

Makroyla buton eklemek

Makroyla email gnderme

Makroyu alitiran makro

Makroyu makro iinden armak iin Makroyu makro iinden armak iin 2

Masastndeki xls uzantllar yazar

Masastne ikon oluturma

Masastne ksayol oluturma iconlu

Maskeleme kodu

Menu ve komutlar etkin, seilebilir

Menu ve komutlarnn iptali, seilemez

Men ubuunu ve tam ekran gizle

Men ubuunun silinmesi ve zel bir mennn oluturulmas

Men ekleme

Men ekleme

Men ekleme ve silme

Men ekleme ve silme

Men index numaralar

Menlerin ngilizce ve trkeleri Mesaj alt alta birletirme

Mesaj ile saati renme

Mesaj kutusu caption Mesaj kutusu ift satrl 1

Mesaj kutusu ift satrl 2

Mesaj kutusu ift satrl 3

Mesaj kutusu ile sayfa yazdrma adedi gir (sayfa bo bile olsa yazdrr)

Mesaj kutusu rnekleri

Mesaj kutusunda evet hayr a makro atama

Mesaj kutusunda gn, tarih, saat

Mesaj kutusuyla forml girme

Mesaj rnekleri

Mesaj verdirip kapatma

Mesajdan sonra makro

Mesajla bo olup olmadn kontrol etme

Mesajla numerik veya numerik olmadn kontrol etme

Mesajla tarih format olup olmadn kontrol etme

Metn kutusuna grllen yazinin para brm eklnde olmasi

Metn kutusunun formatini ayarlamak

Metinleri byk & kk harfe evirir

Metnler byk&kk harfe evrr

Mcrosoft outlookdan uyari e-mal gndersn

Midi alma

Midi alma

Midi dosyas alma

Mini email

Modl gizleme

Modl silme

Modle yazlan kodun sayfada aktif yaplmas

Modle yazilan kodu sayfada aktf yapar

Mouse tklaynca hesaplama

Mp3 dosyas alma

Mp3 dosyasnn sresini hesaplatn (dosya yolunu yazn ve o hcreyi sein)

Msgbox ikaz

Msgbox la a1 e veri girme

Msgbox'da - gn - tarh - saat gster

Msgbox'da - gn - tarih - saat gsterir Multipage de butonla gei

Multipage de sayfa semek

Multipage' e tklaynca makro almas

Multipage gei ifreli Multipage geii

Multipage te gezinti butonla

Multipage te gezinti scroll barla

Multipage zemin rengi

MultiPageden sayfaya gei

Multipageler de sayfaya gei

Mkemmel men ekleme, dosya mensnde yazdr, bask nizle, sayfa yaps kalr

Mkemmel mp3 aldrma

Mkemmel sa fareye mensn siler ve yazdr, bask nizle, sayfa yapsn ekler

Mkerrer kayt var ikaz

Mkerrer kaytlarda yeniden kayt yaplsn m olay

Mkerrer kaytlar siler

Mkerrer kaytlar siler (mkerrer kayt raporlar)

Mkerrer olanlar krmz ile tespit etmek

Negetif saylar toplama Nesne ekleme penceresi

Nesne zelln tek seferde detrme

Networkteki yazc da yazdrr Normal ekran iin

Not defterini ama ve kapama

Not defterini arma

Not deftern airir

Not defterini veya dier uygulamalar ama Notepad ile txt dosyas atrma

Numfact isimli hcrenin al ve kapanta artrlmas

Numlock u ama, kapama

Office yardmcsna hello yazdrn Ondalkl toplam

Optionbutonla seilen verinin yazdirilmasi

Optonbuttonlarin aretn kaldirmak

Optionbuttonun zelliini textboxa yazdrmak

Otomatk cmle yazar Otomatik dzelt penceresi

Otomatik hesaplama etkin-etkisiz

Otomatik makro her 10 saniyede

Otomatk makro kayt Otomatik sz ile alttoplam Otomatik sz (filtreyi) a

Otomatik sz atrma

Nzleme makrosu

Nizlemesiz a5 kattan kt alma

nizlemesiz yazdrma Zel altbilgi sayfa1 de sol alt kede kitap ismi zel gider indirimi makrosu Zel grnmler penceresi

Zelaltbilgi sada dosya yolu, sada kitap ismi

Para format

Para al fonksyonu macro olarak hazirlamak

Parola deitirme farkl kaydetle

Partisyon belirt ne kadar dosya varsa listelesin

Pasfze olan excel alima ktabinin aktfletrlmes

Pasta diyagram izme

Pc kapatma kodlar

Pdf dosyas ama penceresi

Pdf dosyas ama penceresi2

Pdf nizleme Pencereleri yerletir penceresi

Pencerelerin hepsi minimize

Pencereyi dikey blme

Pencereyi dikey blme 2

Performans testi

Pepee bul komutu

Pvot table sum - count hakkinda Pivot table verileri yineleme

Pivot table yenileme Pivot tables veri yineleme Pivot tablo bilgilerinin gncellenmesinin ak olduunu bildirir Pivot tablo bilgilerinin gncellenmesinin kapal olduunu bildirir

Pivot tablodaki bilgileri yenileme 1

Pivot tablodaki bilgileri yenileme 2

Prnt alinmisa sayiyi br artir Program aldnda merhaba

Program kapar

Rakam metne evirme

Rakam metne evirme 2

Rakamlarin soluna sifir eklenmes

Raporlamadak sorun

Rastgele (random) numara verme

Rastgele bir sayinin retilmesi

Rastgele say retir 49 dan kk

Rastgele say retme

Rastgele say retmek

Rastgele say retmek

Rastgele say retmek 2

Rastgele saylar reten random

Rastgele seer fakat setiini bir daha semez

Rastgele seimi farkl hcrelerden balayarak yapar

Rastgele seme

References kontrol

Regster de yen anahtar oluturmak

Renk saydrma hangi renkten ka tane var buldurma Renk seenekleri penceresi

Renklendirilmi hcreler harici satrlar gizleme

Renkleri listeleme

Renkli hcreleri saysn

Renkli hcreleri toplama Renkli hcreleri toplama 2

Renkli hcreye sadece rakam girme: msgbox

Renkli hcreye ifreli giri (sar)

Resim ekmek (printscreen) Resim ekleme penceresi

Resim ekletme mecburi dizin Resmi kopyala penceresi

Resmin yarsn gizleme ve gsterme

Rgb kodlar ile hcreyi renklendirme

Saat fark hesaplatma

Saat format

Saat tarih fonksiyonlar

Saat tarh fonksyonlari

Saati saniyeye evirme

Saati ve tarihi renme

Sadece a1 hcresinin yazdrlmas

Sadece harf veya rakam girme

Sadece hcredeki deerleri silme

Sadece rakam girme

Sadece yazl alandan aa doru yazdrma alan seilir, tek hcre bile olsa

Sa fare yasak belli hcrelerde

Sa fareye kolay men

Sa fareye men

Sa fareye mensne ekleme Sa klik yapinca 3 tane ok ikiyor bunu silemiyorum Sa ok yn tuu ile textbox atlama Sa stbilgiye tarih ekleme

Sadan kelme alma

Sadan ve soldan ilk boluklu harf ve harf gruplarn bulma

Satr ekleme 32 adet

Satr gizleme 6 ar satr atlayarak

Satr gizleme ikinci tklamada zlr Satr seme

Satr sralama son satra kadar

Satr sralama tm stuna kadar

Satr sralama yandaki satrla birlikte

Satr sralama yandaki satrla birlikte 2

Satr stun balaklarn gizle-gster

Satr stun gizleme 1

Satr stun gizleme 2

Satr ve stun genilii

Satr ve stun geniliini siz belirleyin

Satr ve stunla ilgili bir makro

Satr ve stunlar cm olarak ayarlayn

Satr ve stunlar renklendirme

Satr veya stundan aritmetik sralama

Satr yksekliini ayarlatma Satr, stun isimleri hcreler dahil hereyi seer Satrda ilk bo olan hcreye gider

Satr dier sayfaya kopyalama

Satir ekle, kopyala,sirala,alt toplamlarini al.

Satir eklendiinde m-n ve o stnundaki hcre deimesin

Satir silme Satir stun baliklarini etkisiz yapar

Satir stun gizleme Satirdan stuna dntrme

Satiri temizleme

Satirlari artan siralamaya almak

Satirlari semek

Satirlari stunlara listelemek

Save as

Save as makrosu sadece belrtlen sayfayi kaydetsn

Save as(farkli kaydet)

Sayfa 1 a1 den itibaren sayfalarn listesi

Sayfa 1 hari tm sayfalar gizle

Sayfa 1'den 2'ye kaydetme, boluklar doldurarak

Sayfa 2 deki isimlerin karisina deeri yazma

Sayfa adini deitirme

Sayfa adini yazdirma

Sayfa adlarn listeleme

Sayfa adlarn listeleme 2 Sayfa adlarn renklendirme

Sayfa adlarinin (sekme adi) lstelenmes Sayfa aktif olunca mesaj verme

Sayfa aktif olunca sol stbilgi olarak tarihi ekleme Sayfa aktifleince makro altrma

Sayfa alfabetik sralama gizli sayfalar da sralar Trke karakter sorunu olmaz

Sayfa alfabetik sralama gizli sayfalar da sralar Trke karakter sorunu olmaz 2

Sayfa oaltma

Sayfa dolu ise dolular srayla nizleme yapar bo ise gstermez

Sayfa ekle a1 hcresine otomatik olarak sayfanin adinin yazilmasi

Sayfa ekleme

Sayfa ekleme inputboxa ismini yaz

Sayfa ekleme sra numaras vererek

Sayfa eklemek n aaidak kodu deneyn. 1.Sayfayi kopyalar

Sayfa gzleme h gstermeme

Sayfa gizleme ilemleri

Sayfa index numarasna gre bulma

Sayfa isimleri mesaj kutusunda sral

Sayfa isimleri x ve y olan haricinde olanlarn silinmesi

Sayfa isimlerini a1 den itibaren listele

Sayfa isimlerini alta alfabetik sralama

Sayfa isimlerini alfabetik sralama

Sayfa isimlerini alfabetik sralama 2

Sayfa isimlerini byk harfe evirme Sayfa isimlerini comboboxa aktarma Sayfa isimlerini listelemek 1

Sayfa isimlerini listelemek 2

Sayfa isimlerini mesajla saydrma

Sayfa isimlerini olduu gibi sralar

Sayfa isimlerini sayfann a stununa yazdrma

Sayfa isimlerini sralama

Sayfa isimlerini srayla mesaj vererek sayar

Sayfa isimlerini toptan deitirme

Sayfa isimlerini z den a ya sralama

Sayfa ismi a1 in ismi olsun

Sayfa ismini deitirme

Sayfa kaydrma scroll ubuunu altrma

Sayfa kopyalama

Sayfa kopyalama

Sayfa kopyalama (indexi 2 olan sayfann c6 adyla kopyalar butonlar silerek)

Sayfa kopyalama (macro ile)

Sayfa kopyasn siz belirleyin

Sayfa koruma koyduysanz sra ile koruma kaldrma mens

Sayfa koruma menlerini arr

Sayfa koruma menlern airir

Sayfa koruma ifresini kaldrma

Sayfa koruma, otomatik filtre ak

Sayfa korumalarn kaldrr (ifresiz olanlar)

Sayfa korumas krma

Sayfa korumas nasl kaldrlr Sayfa korumasn kaldrma

Sayfa korumasn krma

Sayfa korumasn krmak iin

Sayfa korumasn krmak iin (unuttuysanz kullann) Sayfa link gncelletirme

Sayfa numaras ekleme makrosu

Sayfa protect unprotect

Sayfa saydrma Sayfa saysn bulan kod 1

Sayfa saysn bulan kod 2

Sayfa sekmelerine koruma atamak Sayfa sekmelerini hcrede gster

Sayfa sekmelerinin gizlenmesi

Sayfa sralama

Sayfa sralama

Sayfa sralama

Sayfa silerken mesaj vermesin

Sayfa silme & adlandrmay engelleme

Sayfa slme & adlandirmayi engeller

Sayfa silme inputbox a yazarak

Sayfa silme iptal (ing. excel ver.)

Sayfa silme uyar mesaj almadan

Sayfa ifreleme

Sayfa ifreleme ve ama

Sayfa1 a stununda sral olmayan isimleri ayn anda sayfa2 a stununda a-z ye sralar

Sayfa1 a1,b1,c1 dolu ve b stunu gizli,a1 ve c1 i sayfa2 de a1,b1 e kopyala

Sayfa1 a1:a100 arasinda dolgu reng sari olan hcre varsa o satirin a:an araliini sayfa2 ye nasil kopyalariz

Sayfa1 de arar bulur, Sayfa2 de listeler

Sayfa1 excel ailirken 10 sanye gzksn.

Sayfa1 excel ailirken 10 sanye gzksn... Sayfa1 i yazdrma

Sayfa1 in tam ekran olmas

Sayfa1'deki btn kodlar silebilirsiniz

Sayfa2 ye geince b1 hcresini se ve macro altr: Sayfa2 yi ok gizler

Sayfa2 yi gizler Sayfa2 yi gizler gsterir(srayla 2 tane tkla) Sayfa2 yi gster

Sayfada a,b,c,d harflerinden birine tklaynca istenileni yazdrma

Sayfada b5:g22 arasn setirmeme

Sayfada belli hcrelere veri girilince yanndaki satra tarihini atar

Sayfada bo satrlar gizler Sayfada bo satrlar gster

Sayfada bul ve gster Sayfada buton ismi renme

Sayfada byk harf 1

Sayfada byk harf 2

Sayfada ift tklama ile saat ekleme

Sayfada ift tklama yasak

Sayfada enter ile bir st hcreye

Sayfada enter ile saa doru ilerleme

Sayfada enter iptali

Sayfada formller silinmesin (dierlerinin silinmesine izin verir)

Sayfada formlleri silmeyi engelleme (delete tu iptali)

Sayfada internet explorer ile internet

Sayfada ka adet forml var sayar bulur

Sayfada kayan yazi

Sayfada koruma olup olmadn renme Sayfada link silme

Sayfada metin kutusu oluturma

Sayfada not verme

Sayfada numerik deer girilirse mesaj ver

Sayfada rakam bul veya yaknn bulma

Sayfada renklendirilmesini istediiniz sayy msgboxa yaznz Sayfada resim (image) silme

Sayfada sabitlik

Sayfada sadece formll hcreleri kilitler dierleri ak kalr

Sayfada sa fareye men

Sayfada sa fareye men ekleme

Sayfada sa klik geersiz

Sayfada satr aar

Sayfada tanmlanan adlar silme

Sayfada tanml adlar siler

Sayfada yazdn her harfi byk harfe evirir

Sayfada, hcrede ift tklamayla dier sayfaya gitme Sayfada, hcrede tek tklamayla dier sayfaya gitme

Sayfadaki butonlarn zerine gitme Sayfadaki butonun almasn engeller Sayfadaki commandbuttonun baslmasn nleme

Sayfadaki dolu alan semek

Sayfadaki en son dolu hcreden stteki bo hcreleri siler

Sayfadaki formll hcrelerin formllerini aklama olarak ekleme ve silme

Sayfadaki kilitli hcrenin kilidini ift tklama ile ama

Sayfadaki resmi 180 derece evirme

Sayfadan adres alp stun genilii ayarlama Sayfadan sayfaya geerken hangi sayfann aktif olduunu mesajla bildirir Sayfadan sayfaya gei

Sayfadan var se sayfaad n sep sayfa zernde leme devam edecek yok se eer sayfaad altinda yen alima sayfasi aacak

Sayfakadi dolu alan semek. Satr deiken stun sabit

Sayfakad dolu alani semek.

Sayfalara ara ubuklu ve menl gei

Sayfalara stee bali ver kaydetmek

Sayfalara otomatik zel alt ve st bilgi ekleme

Sayfalara fre koymak

Sayfalar alfabetik sralama

Sayfalar alfabetik sralama

Sayfalar a-z veya z-a ya gre sralama

Sayfalar gsteren userform (form olmadan kod ile)

Sayfalar koruma

Sayfalar kpr olarak ekler

Sayfalar men olarak ekleme

Sayfalar seer ayn hcreleri kaln yapp, fontunu deitirir

Sayfalar srala a dan z ye

Sayfalar tarar ve veri varsa bask nizleme yapar

Sayfalar z-a ya sralar

Sayfalar, stunlar, satrlar, hcrelerin raporunu verir

Sayfalardaki verileri seilen tarih aralnda rapor sayfasna listeyen kodlar aadadr.

Sayfalarn index numaralar mesajla, grafik sayfas ekleme Sayfalarn men olarak listelenmesi

Sayfalarzn isimlerini gizleyin

Sayfalarin kisa yolunu ekrana getrr

Sayfam aktfken dosyam , alt+f4 le veya x aretne tiklayarak kapanmasin styorum

Sayfann adn ,footernada sayfa numarasn yazar.1Of 5 gibi Sayfann en stne gider

Sayfann kopyasn alma (adn siz belirleyin) Sayfann sa alt kesine alma kitabnn adn alt bilgi olarak yazdrr

Sayfanzda hcreye 1 yazlnca bire karlk gelen cmle otomatik yazlr

Sayfanzdaki alma alannz belirleyen ve iptal eden macrolar

Sayfanin aktf hcresnden aaiya doru sayfalariniza kpr atilir

Sayfaya gre form a. Sayfaya isim verme

Sayfaya jpeg eklemek Sayfaya koruma koyma

Sayfaya koruma koyma ve kaldrma

Sayfaya koruma koyma ve kaldrma

Sayfaya koruma koyma ve kaldrma 2

Sayfaya ifre koymak

Sayfay aktive edip aktif hcreye say girin

Sayfay gizle

Sayfay kaydederken mesaj farkl kaydet iptal

Sayfay kopyalar ve dn tarihli bir sayfa oluturup bilgileri onun ierisine atar

Sayfay koru c stununu gizleyerek

Sayfay mesajla listeler sen sadece numarasn yaz o sayfaya gider

Sayfay n zleme yap

Sayfay parola ile koruma

Sayfay yatay yapar ve a1 hcresini yazdrr

Sayfay yazdrrken alma kitabnzn ad ile yazdrr

Sayfayi gzle

Sayfayi stenlen sayi kadar yazdirma ve numaralandirma

Say bulma Say format virglden sonra 2 basamak

Say tutma

Say yaz sonuna ",00" koysun stun geniliini ayarlasn, sola yaslasn

Say yuvarla (matematiksel ilemler) Say yuvarla 1

Say yuvarla 2

Say yuvarla 3

Say yuvarla 4

Sayy dakika ve saniye cinsinden yazma

Sayy paranteze alma rnek: 3- = (3) saynn yanna izgi art

Sayinin karekk

Se bir aaya srklesin

Se birletir ortala Seilen alann 2 sayfa olarak yazdrlmas Seilen alann bask nizlemesi

Seilen alanlar bir katta yazdrr eder

Selen alanlari br kaitda yazdirir eder

Seilen dosyann adn okur

Seilen hcre rakamsa 0 yapar harfse yapmaz

Seilen hcreler renklenir

Seilen hcrelerdeki formlleri deere dntrr

Seilen hcrelerdeki formlleri deere dntrr 2

Seilen hcrelerdeki sral saylar tersten sralar

Seilen hcreyi sol st keye alr

Seilen tm hcreleri 0 yapar

Seileni word belgesi olarak aar ve kopyalar

Seilenin yazdrlmas ve sorulmas

Seili alanlar durum uunda anlk toplar

Seili hcrelerdeki en byk deeri bulur ve kaln yapar

Seili hcreleri emaille gnderir

Seili hcrelerin hepsi kk harf (yazm dzeni)

Seili hcreye bo bir aklama ekler

Seili hcreye gider Seili hcreye isim verir (ad tanmlar)

Seili hcreye mesajla 100 yazdrr

Seili hcreyi kopyalar ve word e aktarr

Seili satrn silinmesi, sier stunlardaki formlleri silmeden

Sem ekle sub ft_kayitlar_arala Seli hcrelerin zoom edilmesi

Seri rakam gir tarihe evirsin

Sesli saat

Sheet'ler br sheette toplamak

Sfra blnme hatasn yakalama

Sral (artan) sayfa ekler

Sral sayfa ekler

Sral ve hcre geniliinde textbox oluturma Srasyla, b,c,d stunlarna gre sralama yapar.

Sil penceresi

Simgeleri, menleri ve butonlar sayfaya ekleyin

Siralama alttak ayni numarayi setmde sel numaranin blglernn textboxa alinmasini styorum

Sistem raporu Sistem tarihini ama Sistem yazclarn grme

Syahla yazili .. Lari iktida grnmemes n beyaz renkl olmasini styorum

Solda, sadan karakter sayma + ka karakter var onu da sayar

Son dolu satr ve stun

Son yazilan sayfanin slnmes nde iki butonuna aaidak kodu yazin.

Spnbutton le lstbox'ta lk ve son satira gtmek.

Status barda mesajla bekleterek makro yaptrma

Statusbar da (durum ubuunda) kayan yaz

Statusbar da 10 dan geriye doru say ve mesaj ver

Statusbar da mkemmel nitialize

Statusbar(durum ubuu) da saniyeli mesaj

Statusbar1 saat gsterme

Stil penceresi

Sub dosyabul()

Sutun seimini makrodaki ("c:c") deeriyle oynayarak deitirebilirsiniz

Sutun semn makrodak ("c:c") deeryle oynayarak detreblrsnz

Sutunu ve aranacak deer makronun iine yazlr

Sre sona erdrme

Srekli flash veren makro rnei

Sreli userform

Sreli userform 1

Sreli userform 2

Src seri numaras gster

Src1) srcnn olup olmadn arama

Src2) src ka tane acaba

Src3) src isimlerini renmek iin

Src4) src harfi gster

Src6) bo alan gster

Src7) src hazr m gster

Srcnn dosya formatn renme

Srrc5) src tipi gster

Stun aktarma ayns gibi c,i

Stun aktarma srasyla, boluk silerek c,i

Stun balklar rc stili ve normal stil

Stun genilii 5 ayarla Stun genilii ayarlama penceresi

Stun gizleme artl

Stunda arama

Stunda bo olan satrlar hepsini sil

Stunda bo olan satrlar teker teker sil

Stunda dolu olanlar seer c

Stunda satrlar se bo olanlar silsin

Stundaki (a:a) dolu satrlarn altna bo satr ekler

Stundaki dolu olanlar 65536 dan karr

Stundaki en son dolu satrn bir altndaki bo satra gider

Stundaki harfler ve rakamlardan rakamlar ayrr Stundaki ilk bo hcreye gider

Stundaki satr saysn renme

Stunlarin gzlenmes Stunu hcredeki veriye gre daraltma

Stunu se dolu olan veri says sylesin

Stunu se krmz renkli rakamlar a1 e toplasn

Stunu se verili hcreden itibaren sesin Stunun sonuna kadar yandaki iki stunun farkini al

Stunundaki dolu hcreleri bulur ve yazdrma alan iine alr

Szl aktarma

Szme stunda krmzlar (butonla) Szlenlerin comboboxta sralanmas

Arta bali makro

Arta gre mesajbox grntleme

Artlara gre aktf yada pasf olan komut dmes

Artl wav aldrma

ekillerin alanlarn hesaplama

Ifreleme de son nokta

Ifreli giri 0-254 aras bir say

Ifreli giri userformda textboxlu

Ifreli yazy deifre etme

Ifreyi girince kodlar tekrar aktif olsun

Ifreyi girmeye zorlama girince dier sayfaya ynlendirir

ifre ama

ifrelemede son nokta

Frel kapali br dosyadan ver almak

T.C. Merkez Bankas Gncel Dviz Kurlarn alma Tab ile textbox ieriini seme Tab ile textbox ieriini seme 2

Tablo boaltr

Tablo boaltir Tablonuz ald anda internettesiniz: Tablonuz aildii anda

Tablonuzu tam ekran yapar

Takvimi sayfaya yazar(yl deitiriniz)

Tam dizin ismini veren bir kod Tam ekran iin

Tam ekran normal ekran

Tam ekran normal ekran

Tam ekran userform Tam ekran yap, ve ubuu gizle

Tanml adlar silme

Tarh formati yanli se uyarsin.

Tarih ilemleri 1

Tarih ilemleri 2

Tarih ve sra numarasna gre kayt

Tarih yln kanc haftas

Tarihe gre kitap ama makrosu (belirlenen tarih gemise kitab amaz)

Tarh macroya metn olarak okuma.

Tarihi seriye evirme

Tarihi tam gir o tarihten sonraki ve o yl ierisindeki haftalar sayfa olarak eklesin

Tarihli hcrede eer (f) makro

Tarihli kopya

Tarihli ve saatli yedek alma

Tarihli yedek almak 1

Tarihli yedek almak 2 Tarihten gn karma

Tek br userform le lem yapmak

Tek buton le belrl hcreler temzleme

Tek hcrede yer alan "ad soyad" bilgisini ayr hcrelere alma

Tek tklamayla kt almak

Tek tklamayla sayfa2'ye git Temizleme penceresi

Tersten yazdrma

Texboox1 e bu gnn tarhn atmasini styorum

Texbox la veri arama Texboxta yaz rengi

Text box bmlendrme

Text dosyas1) oluturma

Text dosyas2) silme

Text dosyas3) ama ve hazrlama

Text dosyas4) olutur ve yaz

Text dosyasndan veri alma (alt alta, tm veriler)

Text dosyasndan veri alma a stununa yazma

Text dosyasn aar yeni kitaba aar

Textboka ver kopyalama

Textbok'tan hcrelere ver grme

TextBox 10 dan kk ise uyar verir

Textbox byk harf trke karakter sorunu

Textbox da alt+enter ve rakam format / bo hucrey bul Textbox format Textbox her seldnde er slnsn Textbox her seildiinde ieriinin silinmesi

Textbox hcre toplaminin yazdirilmasi

Textbox ieriini kopyalamak Textbox nde gnn tarh

Textbox iine gelindiinde renklendirme

Textbox karakter kstlamas

Textbox kutusu grnmez ise grnr yap

Textbox lara grlen rakamlarin para bazinda gsterlmes

Textbox nesnesi tab tuuyla veya mausla seildiinde yani aktif olduunda renk deitirme

Textbox ta 2 karakterden fazla yaz yazlrsa dier textbox a geer

Textbox ta 2 karakterden fazla yaz yazlrsa dier textbox ta mesaj verir

Textbox ta 2 karakterden fazla yaz yazlrsa dier textbox ta mesaj verir Textbox ta binlik ayrac

Textbox ta virgul kullanmasin nokta ile giris yapsin ve noktadan once ve sonra 2 rakam girilsin.

Textbox taki boluklar aldrma

Textbox tarih format

Textbox tarih rnei Textbox un rengi deisin

Textbox ve comboboxtakileri sayfaya sral kaydetme

Textbox yazlan kelimelerin ilk harfini byk yazmak

Textbox`a metn grnde pararaf yapablrmyz enter

Textbox`dak yazinin hcreye aktarilmasi

Textbox1 de arama textbox2 de bulma

Textbox1 e grlen br smle yen alima sayfasi ama

Textbox1'e tarih, textbox2'ye ay girdiinizde sayfada bunun kesiimi olan deeri label'a yazar

Textbox2 textbox1 den bykse mesaj ver 1 Textbox2 textbox1 den bykse mesaj ver 2

Textbox7'de verler saa yanaik yazilsin.

Textboxa alfabetik, backspace ve spacebar a izin verir Textboxa ift tklama ile form almas

Textbox'a girerken her rakamn arasna bir nokta koyma

Textboxa harf girilince ses karsn

Textboxa numerik girmeye zorlama

Textboxa numerik ve backspace e izin verir Textboxa rakam gir sonucu labelde gr

Textboxa rakam girmeye zorlamak

Textboxa sadece harf girilmesi

Textboxa sadece nokta veya virgl girmek Textboxa sadece numara

Textboxa sadece rakam girme

Textboxa sadece rakam girme-karakter snrl-bo geemez Textboxa sadece rakam ve virgl Textboxa sadece rakam ve virgl

Textboxa arta bali ver gr Textboxa tarh yazdirma

Textboxa tklandnda ieriin tmn semek

Textboxa veri girmeye zorlamak

Textboxa veri kopyalama Textboxa yazlan verinin hcreye aktarlmas

Textboxa yazy yazar yazmaz hesaplama

Textbox'a(metin kutusuna) girlilen yaznn para birimi eklinde olmas

Textboxlar bo geilmesin Textboxlara veri girmeyi zorlamak

Textboxlarda tarih toplama Textboxlarda toplama

Textboxlarda yazanlar tek textboxta alt alta birletirmek Textboxlar hcreye aktarrken arada boluk brakmak

Textboxlarn bo geilmemesi

Textboxlarn bo geilmemesi

Textboxlarn tmne format tanmlamak

Textboxlarla sayfaya kayt

Textboxlarla toplama Textboxlarla toplama 2 Textboxta baa 0 sfr eklemek Textboxta binlik ayrac 1 Textboxta binlik ayrac 2

Textboxta binlik ayracl toplama

Textboxta email sorgulama

Textboxt'a formatlanan sayi hcrede ayni formatta gzk Textboxta girite otomatik byk harf

Textboxta girite otomatik byk harf 2

Textboxta girite otomatik byk harf 3 (trke karakter sorunu iin)

Textboxta girite otomatik byk harf 4 (trke karakter sorunu iin) Textboxta kuru Textbox'ta kuru 1 Textbox'ta kuru 2

Textbox'ta metn k yana yaslama ve tab zell Textboxta ondalkl saylar toplama

Textbox'ta para birimi

Textbox'ta para birimi 2

Textboxta para format-birimi

Textboxta rakamn bana 0 sfr ekleme Textboxta saa yanak yazma

Textboxta seslileri sayma Textbox'ta tam sayi rne Textboxta tarih format

Textboxta tarih format 2

Textboxta tarih toplama

Textboxta tarih toplama karma hatasz

Textboxta telefon format

Textboxta telefon format 2

Textboxta telefon format 3 Textboxta telefon numaras format

Textboxta toplama Textboxta veri snrlamas (max karakter) Textboxta virglden sonra 2 haneden fazla veya eksik veri giriini engelleme

Textboxta yazan sayfada buldurma (tamamn yazmak art)

Textboxta yazanlarn ilk harfleri byk olur Textboxta ytl

Textboxtak 1/1 excelde 1

Textboxtaki karakterleri seme ok iaretiyle

Textboxtak verye gre szme lem Textboxtaki yaznn mesaj olarak bildirilmesi Textboxtan karken msgbox

Textbox'u sesli okuma Textbox'un aktifletirilmesi

Timer mesaj rnei

Tl ve ytl

Toggle button oluturma ve komut

Toolbar oluturma

Topla formln yazar Topla.Arpm worksheet.Function karl

Toplama forml makro rnekleri

Toplamlar sfra eit olan satrlar gizler

Treevew Treeview a eklediimiz bir veriyi seerek bunu ift tklamayla aktif hcreye yazdr Tua aktarlr gelen kutucuktaki deeri Tua aktarilir gelen kutucuktak

Tularn ascii deerleri ve vba karlklar Tularn keycode lar

Tm aklamalar gizle gster

Tm ara ubuklarn listele

Tm checkbutton lar sfrlar

Tm dosya ve klasrlerde ara bul penceresini arma

Tm excel dosyalarn ama

Tm excel dosyasnda yazdmz tm kodlarn silinmesini

Tm formlar kapatmak showmodal false olanlar 1

Tm formlar kapatmak showmodal false olanlar 2

Tm gizli satr ve stunlar gsterme

Tm gizli sayfalar gster

Tm gizli sayfalar gster

Tm gizli sayfalar srayla gsterir, mesaj verir gstereyim mi diye?

Tm harfler byk (yazm dzeni)

Tm harfler byk yazm dzeni

Tm harfler kk (yazm dzeni)

Tm kitab ifreleleme-ifreyi siz verin

Tm kitab ve sayfalarn ifreleme

Tm kitab ve sayfalarn ifreleme 2

Tm kitapta istenilen sayfada stunlardaki en son dolu hcreleri bildirir

Tm kitapta seili hcre sar renkli

Tm klasr kopyalanyor

Tm makrolar setiiniz bir klasrdeki excel dosyalarnn iindeki makrolar listeler

Tm makrolarn listesi

Tm oppitobuttonlar sfrlar

Tm resimleri silmek

Tm satr stunlar gizle

Tm satr stunlar gster

Tm satr ve stunlar gizler

Tm sayfada tek ve fazla seimde renklendirme

Tm sayfalarda a1:a5, b6:b10,c1:c5, d4:d10 hcrelerinde veri var ise 0 yapar Tm sayfalarda resim (image) silme

Tm sayfalarda zoom ayar

Tm sayfalar gizle 1 sayfa mutlaka gzkr

Tm sayfalar gizler ve istediiniz sayfay gsterir ve tersini yapar

Tm sayfalar koruma altna alr, kilitler

Tm sayfalar seip alfabetik olarak son sayfay aktif klma

Tm sayfalar seme

Tm sayfalar seme 2

Tm sayfalarn a1 deerlerini toplar mesajla bildirir

Tm srcleri gsterir

Tm ifreli sayfalar geri ama

Tm textboxlarn ieriini temizler Txt dosyas ama

Txt dosyasna a1 de deeri yazdrma

Txt dosyasn sayfada ap ieriini alma, txt dosyasnn ad sayfa ad olur

Txt dosyasn se yeni excel sayfasna yazsn

Txt dosyasn silme

Txt dosyasi ama

Txtbox a k krtere gre ver getrme

Undo---geri al Userform 1) userform bal

Userform 2) userforma alt simge durumunu kltme ve ekran kapla butonu ekleme

Userform 3) userformun st sadaki kapat butonunu gizler

Userform 4) belirli bir sre ekranda bekleyen ve daha sonra kapan user form.

Userform 5) sreli userform-2 Userform 6) userformun bandaki kapat butonunu pasif yapar (arpya basnca userform kapanmaz

Userform 7) userformun arp iaretine tklaynca mesaj kutusuyla uyar veriyor

Userform bekletmeli al

Userform bekletmeli al 2

Userform k iptali mesaj ile

Userform da thundername alma

Userform da x tiklayinca excel kapansin Userform en stte

Userform full ekran Userform ierisindeki nesnelerin tamamnn says

Userform kapan rnei ***** yldz

UserForm mkemmel bir al efekti

Userform otomatik boyutlandrma

Userform otomatik boyutlandrma 2

Userform sa altta

Userform sa stte

Userform sayfa1'den alsn sayfa2'ye kayt etsin

Userform tam ekran

Userform tam ekran2

Userform un bal haraket ediyor

Userform un balii haraket edyor

Userform zernden excel sayfasini otomatk sz

Userform ve ver semne gre blg alma

Userform x iaretini kaldrmak

Userform x yok Userform1'n otomatk ailmasi

Userforma alt simge durumunu kltme ve ekran kapla butonu ekler

Userforma alt smge durumunu kltme ve ekrani kapla butonu ekler

Userforma kalan sre yazdir

Userforma x ya basnca mesaj gelir kapatmaz

Userformda aktf sayfa adi

Userform'da alan saat-takvimle birlikte

Userform'da alian saat-takvmle

Userformda hareketl gf

Userform'da iskonto

Userform'da kapat butonu

Userformda resim nzileme

Userformda resm nzleme Userformda saat

Userformda saat

Userformda saat, ilemci yormamas iin 1dk bir kendini yeniler

Userformda takvim

Userformda tarh Userformda toplama Userformda x basnca alma kitabndan kma

Userformda x iareti yok

Userformdaki checkboxlar sfrlamak

Userformdaki commandbotton'a bul eklemek

Userformdaki optionbuttonlar sfrlamak

Userformdaki textboxlar sfrlamak

Userformdan hcreye

Userformdan nizleme kapannca forma dnme

Userform'dan sayfaya blg gr

Userformdan userforma

Userformdan x ile kma geersiz uyar mesaj

Userformdan x ile excel k

Userformsuz combobox tryit e makro yolu verin

Userformsuz form men sayfa seme

Userformu alt+f4 ile kapatmak yasak

Userformu daraltma

Userformu kilitlemek 1

Userformu kilitlemek 2

Userformu kilitlemek 3

Userformu maksmze yapmak n

Userformu otomatk boyutlandirma

Userformu tam ekran yapan kodlar

Userformu tam ekran yapan kodlar

Userformu tam ekran yapan kodlar 2

Userform'un al saysn snrlamak (demo yapmak) Userformun bandaki kapat butonunu pasif yapar (arpya basnca userform kapanmaz)

Userformun baindak kapat butonunu pasf yapar (arpiya basinca userform kapanmaz) Userformun code blmne yapitir,textbox'lari oaltablrsn

Userformun arp iaretine tklaynca mesaj kutusuyla uyar veriyor

Userformun esc ile kapanmas, butonla da Userformun esc ile kapatlmas

Userformun genilii zaman ayarl

Userformun kapand haliyle almas

Userformun kod blmne Userformun pasif olmas

Userformun st sadak kapat butonunu gzler

Userformun st sadaki kapat butonunu gizler Userformun zernde 3 adet text box var ve textbox1 deermz 2. Ve 3.Nn toplmi olsun styoruz

Userform'un yer.

Userformunuza ekleyeceiniz bir adet combobox'a aylar yazar

Userformunuza ekleyecenz br adet combobox'a aylari yazar Userformunuzdadak texbox'a yazdiiniz verler ayni anda excel alima sayfanizdak a2 hcresne yazdirilir Userformunuzu yazdrmak

Userformunuzu yazdirmak

Userformunuzun bal '+' eklinde Userformunuzun baln kodlarla istediinizi ekilde ayarlayabilirsiniz

Userformunuzun balii '+' eklnde

Userin balii hareket eder

Uyan artlara gre userform3'tek commandbutton gzlensn.

Uyar mesaj (istediin zaman, istediin yerde)

Uyar mesaj 4 x eklinde uyar penceresi Uyar mesajlar 1 Uyar mesajlar 2

Uyar mesajlar 3 x eklinde

Uyarl mesaj---100 tane beep ten sonra mesaj

Uyari kutucuu!! Uygulama bal

Uygulama ve kitap bal ayarlama

Var olan men ubuuna buton ekleme

Varolan kitabn iine kayt

Varolan sayfalar a1 itibaren alt alta yazar

VB kodlari ile bir excel dosyasi aciyorum fakat bu Excel dosyasindaki makroyu altrma VB kodlari ile bir excel dosyasi aciyorum fakat bu Excel dosyasindaki makroyu altrma2

Vba da aaltrrsan vba kitapln aar, sayfada kullanrsan 7 er kolon atlar

Vba daki sray takip ederek sayfa isimlerini otomatik sralar Vba kodlarn grme makrosu Vba kodunu grmek iin butonla

Vba penceresnn ailmasini ve kodlara ulailmasini engelleyen ve aan kodlar

Vbs le klasr lemler

Vergi iadesi hesaplama

Ver aktarma...

Veri bulur

Ver bulur

Veri deitirir

Ver detrr

Ver detrrken uyari alma

Veri girme grme

Ver grme grme

Veri kaydrr

Ver kaydirir

Veri olan hcreleri yazdrr

Veri olan iki ayr stunu birletirme

Veri olan satrlardan yukarsn gizler

Veri olan sayfalar yazdrma

Veri olan tm sayfalar yazdrr yoksa tarar ama yazdrmaz

Veri sralar ve isim bulur

Veri siler

Ver sler

Ver siralar ve sm bulur

Verilen degeri bul yanindakilari kopyala yapistir.

Verlen deere gre farkli hcreye blg veren br macro

Verlen sayiyi gruplara blme lem

Verileri forml bozmadan siler

Verler forml bozmadan sler

Verileri hcreye otomatik sdrma

Verileri kaydeder

Verler kaydeder

Verlern rapor olarak saklanmasi

Verinin bittii lk bo satira yapitirmak

Verisiz son satra gtrr

Versz son satira gtrr

Verye gre sayfa oluturmak ve satirlari kopyalamak

Versiyon numaralarn renme

Virglden sonra sfr ekleme

Virgll kelimeleri alt alta sralar

Vsual basc project ermne gven ekbox'ini true yapmak.

Wait" yerine baka bir komut

Wav aldrma

Wav alma

Wav dosyas alma 1

Wav dosyas alma 2

Wav dosyas alma 3 Wav dosyas alma 4

Wav dosyas alma 5

Web sayfas ama

Windows arama penceresi Windows help ama

Windows kapatma penceresini arma

Windowsu kapatma

Wmi anakart

Wmi bilgi

Wmi bios

Wmi ekran kart

Wmi mouse

Wmi network adaptrleri

Wmi sistem

Wmi windows

Word belgesi ama

Word de fontlar

Word sayfasi olarak ikti almak

Worde veri aktarma

Wordpad'a yazdrmak istediiniz bir metni excel ierisinden yazdrmak iin

Workarea1 isimli hcreyi 0 yapar

Workbook ta yazdrma komutu


X eklnde uyari penceres Xla dosyasndaki eklenti disable etmek

Xls dosyalar okuyup iinden veri almak iin

Yalniz alima sayfasi kaydetme

Yanp snme

Yanp snme efekti

Yapilan kaydi hafizada tutma

Ya bulma yl, ay, gn olarak

Ya hesaplama

Ya hesaplama ve mesajla bildirim

Yatay ve dkey saydirma

Yazdracanz satr ve stunlar manuel olarak seebileceiniz kodlar

Yazdrlacak alann boluk olmadan

Yazdrma alan seme

Yazdrma alan varsa bulur ve mesajla belirtir

Yazdrma alann a3:f15 yapar ve yinelenecek satr da seer ve yazdrr

Yazdrma alann bulma

Yazdrmak iin szme art olsun

Yazdrmak iin szme art olsun 2

Yazdrmay engelle (zgnz kt almak yasak) Yazdrmay engelleme

Yazdir butonu sayfa yazdirilacak, nzleme yapmak styor musunuz

Yazdirma alani bell ama sadece dolu olan hcrelern n nasil yazdirablrm. Yazdirma alani sep yazdirmak.

Yaz tipi kalnln ayarlama Yazc penceresi

Yazc test etme

Yazcdan kt alma kopya saysn siz belirleyin

Yazcnzn markasn a1 hcresine yazdr. (Api)

Yazm denetimi trke, matematik terimleri

Yazm denetimindeki kelimelerin listesi

Yazi anmasyonu

Yazi tipleri penceresi

Yazi tiplerini rnekli listele

Yazilar ersnde kirmizi renk var se bulablrmyz?

Yazilari yanip sndrme

Yedek alma le lgl

Yedek alma ifreleyerek

Yedek alma tarihli

Yeni ara ubuu ekleme Yeni belge ama penceresi Yeni belge ama penceresi

Yen br sayfa oluturmak ve o sayfaya sm vermek.

Yen alima sayfasi aarken bml sayfayi kopyalama

Yeni kitap aar Yeni kitap oluturma kitabn ismiyle balayan ve birer artan kitap oluturur

Yen tl ve kurua evr Yeni web sorgusu alma penceresi

Yer tanmlama makrosu

Yern detrene akolsun. (Hareket ettrlemeyen userform)

Yl ekleme

Yldzl efektler

Yukardan aaya satrlar se otomatik sra numaras versin

Yuvarla makroyla (r1c1 stili) nasil yapilir?

Yuvarlak userform stermisiniz

Yuvarlak userform stermsnz

Ykl yazc var m yok mu

Ykl yazc var m yok mu 2

Yzde hesaplama

Zaman kaydrma silerek

Zaman sayaci Zamanlamal userform

Zamanlamal userform 2

Zamanlanms makro ontme ?

Sub Sil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Delete End Sub 'kta Eski Haline Getirir. Sub Auto_Close() Application.DisplayAlerts = True 2533 End Sub 'Make cell range Background color, flash x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-a is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range background flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:M8") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for Flashing to Stop! " 'Make cell background flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 11 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.2 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 2 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub

Val As Variant Addr As String End Type ' Stores info about current selection Public OldWorkbook As Workbook Public OldSheet As Worksheet Public OldSelection() As SaveRange Sub ZeroRange() ' Inserts zero into all selected cells ' Abort if a range isn't selected If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub ' The next block of statements ' Save the current values for undoing ReDim OldSelection(Selection.Count) Set OldWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook Set OldSheet = ActiveSheet i=0 For Each cell In Selection i=i+1 OldSelection(i).Addr = cell.Address OldSelection(i).Val = cell.Formula Next cell ' Insert 0 into current selection Application.ScreenUpdating = False Selection.Value = 0 ' Specify the Undo Sub Application.OnUndo "Undo the ZeroRange macro", "UndoZero" End Sub Sub UndoZero() ' Undoes the effect of the ZeroRange sub ' Tell user if a problem occurs On Error GoTo Problem Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' Make sure the correct workbook and sheet are active OldWorkbook.Activate OldSheet.Activate ' Restore the saved information For i = 1 To UBound(OldSelection) Range(OldSelection(i).Addr).Formula = OldSelection(i).Val Next i Exit Sub ' Error handler Problem: MsgBox "Can't undo" End Sub Other examples of Undo

Option Explicit Sub Auto_Open() Dim sht As Worksheet For Each sht In Worksheets sht.Activate ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False Next sht End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Dim sht As Worksheet For Each sht In Worksheets sht.Activate ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = True Next sht End Sub Sub BaskaBirYntem() Dim byt As Byte For byt = 1 To Worksheets.Count Worksheets(byt).Activate ActiveWindow.DisplayZeros = False Next byt End Sub Sub LeereSpalteAus() Dim i% For i = 1 To 26 If IsEmpty(Cells(Rows.Count, i).End(xlUp)) Then Columns(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub Sub SATIREKLE() For i = 2 To 8 If Cells(i, 1) <> Cells(i + 1, 1) Then Rows(i + 1).EntireRow.Insert End If Next i End Sub sizin yaptnzdan esinlenerek yle bir ey yaptm. O da sadece 1. satrla 2. satr arasna 7 tane satr ekledi. Yani dngde ilk if'in saland yere. Sub Modul_Loeschen() Dim Ini As Integer For Ini = 2 To 10 Sheets("1.pir").Copy After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = Ini & ".pir" Next Ini With Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject .vbComponents.Remove .vbComponents("Modul1") End With End Sub Sub sec() Cells(1, 1).Select End Sub Sub birincisayfaharicsil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False While Worksheets.Count > 1 Sheets(2).Delete Wend Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Sub xlVeryHidden_All_Sheets() On Error Resume Next Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In Worksheets sh.Visible = xlVeryHidden Next End Sub Sub FirstSheet() Sheets(1).Select End Sub

ThisWorkbook a Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim WshShell Dim intText As Integer Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") intText = WshShell.Popup("Diese ''MsgBox'' wird nach 10 sec geschlossen", _ 10, "''MsgBox'' fr 10 sec ()2003 KMB", vbSystemModal) End Sub Sub BenutzterBereich() Dim WsTabelle As Worksheet On Error Resume Next For Each WsTabelle In Worksheets With WsTabelle .Rows(.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1 & ":65536").EntireRow.Hidden = _ Not .Rows(.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row + 1 & ":65536").EntireRow.Hidden .Range(.Cells(1, .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column + 1), .Cells(65536, 256)).EntireColumn.Hidden = _ Not .Range(.Cells(1, .UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column + 1), .Cells(65536, 256)).EntireColumn.Hidden End With Next WsTabelle End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Toolbars("100 Button Faces").Visible = True Toolbars("Custom Toolfaces").Visible = True End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Toolbars("100 Button Faces").Delete Toolbars("Custom Toolfaces").Delete End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "A1:A" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row ListBox1.ListStyle = fmListStyleOption ListBox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti End Sub ' Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ListBox2.Clear For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then ListBox2.AddItem ListBox1.List(i) End If Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.ColumnCount = 6 ListBox2.ColumnCount = 6 ListBox1.ListStyle = fmListStyleOption ListBox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti ListBox1.RowSource = "A1:F" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row End Sub ' Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim MyArray() ListBox2.Clear For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then For j = 0 To 5 ReDim Preserve MyArray(5, xx) MyArray(j, xx) = ListBox1.List(i, j) Next xx = xx + 1 End If Next ListBox2.List() = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(MyArray) End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal _ Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) 'D.McRitchie, 2004-09-21, nsert more rows up ' until 15, no deletions of rows If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub If Not IsNumeric(Target) Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Dim i As Long, curv As Long, tov As Long curv = Target.Value tov = InputBox("supply new total rows", _ "Rows input", curv + 1) If tov < curv Then Exit Sub For i = curv + 1 To tov Cells(Target.Row + i - 1, 1).EntireRow.Insert Cells(Target.Row + i - 1, 3) = i Cells(Target.Row, 2) = i Next i End Sub Sub Makro1() With ActiveCell.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With ActiveCell.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlMedium .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With End Sub Sub auto_open() Static sayac As Integer Do If sayac = 3 Then ThisWorkbook.Close False Else If InputBox("ifreyi girin") = "1" Then GoTo devam Else sayac = sayac + 1 End If End If Loop devam: End Sub Sub timerMsg() Dim alertTime MsgBox "The alarm will go off in 3 seconds!" alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:03") Application.OnTime alertTime, "msg" End Sub Sub msg() MsgBox "Three Seconds is up!" End Sub

D:\Belgelerim aldm.Siz yolu deitirebilrsiniz.Kodlar modle yaptrn.Daha sonra Butona FileList makrosunu atayn.Kod: Sub FileList() Dim FileNamesList As Variant, i As Integer FileNamesList = CreateFileList("*.xls", True) Range("A:B").ClearContents For i = 1 To UBound(FileNamesList) Cells(i + 1, 1) = FileNamesList(i) Cells(i + 1, 2) = FileSize(Dir(FileNamesList(i))) Next Columns("A:B").AutoFit End Sub Function CreateFileList(FileFilter As String, IncludeSubFolder As Boolean) As Variant Dim FileList() As String, FileCount As Long CreateFileList = "" Erase FileList With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "D:\Belgelerim\" .Filename = FileFilter .SearchSubFolders = IncludeSubFolder If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then Exit Function ReDim FileList(.FoundFiles.Count) For FileCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count FileList(FileCount) = .FoundFiles(FileCount) Next End With CreateFileList = FileList Erase FileList End Function Function FileSize(filespec) Dim fs, f, f1, fc Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder("D:\Belgelerim\") Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 In fc If f1.Name = filespec Then FileSize = f1.Size / 1024 & " Kb" Next End Function

Dosyalar Geldikten Sonra u makro ile Dosyalarn adlarn ayrarak stediin dosyay fonksiyonlarla Bulabilirsin..Tabi bu yntem tam istediiniz deil ama y Sub ayr() Columns("A:A").Select Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _ Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _ :="\", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1)) ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 2 End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim say1, say2, sonu As Double say1 = Val(Text1.Text) say2 = Val(Text2.Text) If Option1 = True Then sonu = say1 + say2 If Option2 = True Then sonu = say1 - say2 If Option3 = True Then sonu = say1 * say2 If Option4 = True Then sonu = say1 / say2 Text3.Text = Str(sonu) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Row = 4 Then MsgBox "Akndan Selamlar" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Column = 4 Then MsgBox "Akn'dan Selamlar" End Sub

Sub auto_open() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:05:00"), "Kayt" End Sub Sub Kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Save MsgBox "Kitap Kaydedildi" Call auto_open End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column <> 6 Then Exit Sub Select Case Target.Value Case "a" A_Makrosu Case "b" B_Makrosu Case "c" C_Makrosu End Select End Sub Sub GetTxtData2() 'Raider Dim MyFile As String MyFile = "C:\Test.txt" j=0 Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add j=j+1 NewSh.Name = "TextSheet-" & j Open MyFile For Input As #1 Do While Not EOF(1) i=i+1 Line Input #1, InputData Cells(i, 1) = InputData If i > 65535 Then Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add j=j+1 NewSh.Name = "TextSheet-" & j i=0 End If Loop Close #1 Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub Aadaki kodu sayfann kod sayfasna kopyalayn. A1 hcresine yazdnz say renk indexi olarak kabul edilmitir. visual basic kodu: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address <> "$A$1" Or IsNumeric(Target) = False Then Exit Sub Target.Interior.ColorIndex = Target End Sub Sub aktar() Set verisayfasi = Sheets(1) Select Case Range("a1").Value Case "A" Set sayfam = Sheets(1) Case "B" Set sayfam = Sheets(2) Case "C" Set sayfam = Sheets(3) Case "D" Set sayfam = Sheets(4) End Select ensonhucre = sayfam.Range("A65000").End(xlUp).Row 'son hucreye A sutunundan baktm For i = 1 To 5 sayfam.Cells(ensonhucre, i) = verisayfasi.Cells(2, i) Next End Sub Sub bul() For a = 2 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(1), Cells(a, 2).Value) = 0 Then e = WorksheetFunction.CountA([d2:d65536]) + 1 Cells(e + 1, 4) = Cells(a, 2).Value End If If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(2

Sub AutoCopy() Dim LookupRange As Range, cell As Range, Found As Boolean Dim DestRange As Range Set LookupSheet = Sheet2 Set DestSheet = Sheet3 n = ActiveCell.Value Set LookupRange = Intersect(LookupSheet.Columns("A"), LookupSheet.UsedRange) Set DestRange = DestSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) Found = False If n <> "" Then For Each cell In LookupRange If cell.Value = n Then delrange = cell.Address cell.EntireRow.Cut DestRange Found = True Exit For End If Next cell End If If Not Found Then msg = "The code does not exist on " & LookupSheet.Name & "." MsgBox msg, vbOKOnly, "AutoCopy" Else LookupSheet.Range(delrange).EntireRow.Delete DestSheet.Select Range("A65536").End(xlUp).EntireRow.Select End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If Intersect(Target, [A:A]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target = "" Then Exit Sub If Target = "pir" Then Call Test End Sub Sub Test() MsgBox "Tebrikler..!", vbInformation End Sub Option Explicit Sub Leerzeilenlschen() Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete End Sub Sub AutoBreak() Set Urange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange Set ColA = Range("A:A") Set Arange = Intersect(ColA, Urange) Set Brange = Arange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Arange.Rows.Count - 1) Cells.PageBreak = xlNone For Each cell In Brange If cell.Value <> cell.Offset(1, 0).Value Then cell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual End If Next End Sub Sub Doppelte_lschen() Range("A:A").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _ xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:= _ xlTopToBottom Range("A1").Select nr = ActiveCell zellende = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row Do ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select If ActiveCell = nr Then Selection.EntireRow.Delete ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Range("A1").Select End If nr = ActiveCell Loop Until ActiveCell = Range("A" & zellende + 1) End Sub

Sub AutoBreak() Set Urange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange Set ColA = Range("A:A") Set Arange = Intersect(ColA, Urange) Set Brange = Arange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Arange.Rows.Count - 1) Cells.PageBreak = xlNone For Each cell In Brange If cell.Value <> cell.Offset(1, 0).Value Then cell.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual End If Next End Sub Sub SetzeSeiten() Dim rngBereich As Range Dim rngZelle As Range Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error GoTo Ende Set rngBereich = Range("A1:A" & Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row) Cells.PageBreak = xlNone For Each rngZelle In rngBereich If rngZelle <> rngZelle.Offset(1, 0) Then rngZelle.Offset(1, 0).PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual Next rngZelle Ende: Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub bossatirsil() For a = 1 To Sheets.Count sat = Sheets(a).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row sut = Sheets(a).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column For b = sat To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(a).Rows(b)) = 0 Then Sheets(a).Rows(b).Delete Next For c = sut To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(a).Columns(c)) = 0 Then Sheets(a).Columns(c).Delete Next Next End Sub Sub Leerzeilenlschen() Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete End Sub Sub bugunu_bul() Dim lr As Long Dim i As Integer lr = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To lr If Cells(i, 1).Value = Date Then Cells(i, 1).Select End End If Next i End Sub Sub LetztenWertKopieren() Dim intCol As Integer intCol = 1 '1 steht fr Spalte A Cells(Rows.Count, intCol).End(xlUp).Copy _ Range("B1") End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) rowoffset = 0 Intersect(ActiveCell.EntireRow, Columns("A")).Value = ActiveCell.Row + rowoffset End Sub

Sub aktar() On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Move before:=Sheets(1) Application.DisplayAlerts = True ActiveSheet.Copy after:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 1").Select Selection.Cut ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 2").Select Selection.Cut basla: If [A2] = "" Then Exit Sub Set sayfa = ActiveSheet Columns("A:D").EntireColumn.AutoFit sayfa.Name = [A2] Set sec = [A2].CurrentRegion.Columns(1).ColumnDifferences([A2]) Set sec = Intersect(sec.EntireRow, [A:D]) If sec.Address = "" Then Exit Sub Worksheets.Add after:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) Set sonsayfa = Sheets(Worksheets.Count) sayfa.Select For Each alan In sec.Areas alan.Copy sat = sonsayfa.[a65536].End(3).Row + 1 sonsayfa.Cells(sat, 1).Insert shift:=xlDown alan.Delete shift:=xlUp Next Set sec = Nothing sonsayfa.Select GoTo basla End aktar() Sub Sub Dim isim, deger As Variant Dim rng As Range Dim i, z As Integer i=2 z=1 Do If Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then GoTo bitti If Range([A1], [A10000]).Find(What:=Cells(i, 1).Value, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row < i Then GoTo devam2 ReDim isim(z) ReDim deger(z) isim(z) = Cells.Find(What:=Cells(i, 1).Value, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Value deger(z) = Cells(i, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value hcr = i Do On Error Resume Next Set rng = Range(Cells(hcr, 1), [A10000]).FindNext If rng.Row = hcr Then GoTo devam hcr = rng.Row deger(z) = deger(z) + rng.Offset(0, 1).Value Loop devam: Sheets(2).Cells(z, 1).Value = isim(z) Sheets(2).Cells(z, 2).Value = deger(z) z=z+1 devam2: i=i+1 Loop bitti: End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 300 '1 satr ile 300. satr aras If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) Then '1. Satr 1. Stun yani A1 hcresi Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True

Aklama:A stunundaki dolu hcreleri bulur ve yazdrma alan iine alr Kod: Sub setPrintArea() Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) stcell = "A1": lcell = rng.Address ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = stcell & ":" & lcell End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Max(Range("A:A")) End Sub Sub enbuyuk() Dim intCol As Integer intCol = 1 '1 steht fr Spalte A Cells(Rows.Count, intCol).End(xlUp).Copy _ Range("B1") End Sub Sub ekle1yazC() Dim MaValeur, compteur For compteur = 1 To 15 Range("A" & compteur).Select MaValeur = ActiveCell.Value Range("C" & compteur).Select ActiveCell.Value = MaValeur + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Dim I As Long For I = 1 To 3 Me.Controls("TextBox" & I) = Range("A" & ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1).Offset(, I) Next I End Sub Sub topla100yazB() Dim MaValeur, nbcell For nbcell = 1 To 10 Range("A" & nbcell).Select MaValeur = ActiveCell.Value Range("B" & nbcell).Select ActiveCell.Value = MaValeur + 100 Next End Sub Sub benzersiz() Columns("A:A").Select Range("A:A").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Columns("C:C"), Unique:=True Range("C11").Select End Sub Sub sz() On Error Resume Next Sayfa1.Range("a1:a1500").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CopyToRange:=Sayfa1.Range( _ "h1"), Unique:=True End Sub WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns("A")) Sub Auto_Open() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'hesaplamay el ile yapar Application.OnKey "{F9}", "sec_hesapla" 'F9 tuuna basnca sec_hesapla makrosunu altrr End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic 'kta otomatik hesaplama yapar. End Sub Sub sec_hesapla() Dim sec 'sec sabiti sec = Range("A1:A9").Select 'sec sabitinin aral tanmlanr ve seilir (A1:A9 arasnda formllerin olduunu varsayorum) Selection.Calculate 'seili olan aralk F9 tuuna baslnca hesaplanr End Sub

Sub ZeilenFrben() Dim Zeile As Range, ZeilenNr As Integer For Each Zeile In Selection.Columns ZeilenNr = ZeilenNr + 1 If ZeilenNr Mod 2 = 0 Then Zeile.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else Zeile.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If Zeile.Borders.Weight = xlThin Next End Sub Dim say As Integer Dim i As Integer say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A65000")) For i = 1 To say Cells(i + 1, 1) = i Next i Sub sirala() For x = 2 To [b65536].End(3).Row Cells(x, 1).Value = x - 1 Next End Sub For C = [c65536].End(3).Row To 1 Step -1 If Cells(C, "c")=cells(C,"a") Then Rows(C).Delete Next Sub abtoplaCyaz() Dim i As Integer On Error GoTo 10 For i = 1 To 50 If Cells(i, 1).Value <> Empty And Cells(i, 2).Value <> Empty And _ IsNumeric(Cells(i, 1).Value) And IsNumeric(Cells(i, 2).Value) Then Cells(i, 3).FormulaR1C1 = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Val(Cells(i, 1).Value) + Val(Cells(i, 2).Value)) Else 10 MsgBox "Geersiz deer bulundu, ltfen kontrol ediniz ", vbExclamation, "H A T A !!! " Exit Sub End If Next i End Sub Dim bul As String Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo 10 bul = InputBox("LTFEN ARANACAK UBE KODUNU YADA SMN GRNZ!!!!!!") bassat = Range("A4:C65536").Find(bul).Row For a = bassat To 65536 sonsat = Range("A" & a, "C65536").Find(bul).Row Next a 10 If sonsat = 0 Then MsgBox ("ARADIINIZ VER BULUNAMADI") Exit Sub End If Range("A" & bassat, "C" & sonsat).Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Bul As Range, ilkadres, i Application.ScreenUpdating = False If Target.Address = "$H$1" Then Sayfa1.[I1:I65536].ClearContents Set Bul = Sayfa1.[A:A].Find(Target, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not Bul Is Nothing Then ilkadres = Bul.Address i=1 Do i=i+1 Target(i - 1, 2) = Bul(1, 4) Set Bul = Sayfa1.[A:A].FindNext(Bul) Loop Until ilkadres = Bul.Address End If End If End Sub

AIKLAMA: A:A stunundaki dolu satrlarn altna bo satr ekler Kod: Sub ZeileEinfuegen() Dim Zeile As Integer Zeile = 2 Application.ScreenUpdating = False Do Until Range("a" & Zeile).Value = "" Rows(Zeile & ":" & Zeile).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown Zeile = Zeile + 2 Loop Range("A1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim myrange As Range Dim myrange As Range Set myrange = Range("A1:A200") For Each c In myrange If c.Value = ListBox1.Value Then TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value & c.Value.Offset(1, 0).Value End If Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If [a1].Value = 0 Then Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = True Else Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = False End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If [a1].Value = 0 Then Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = True Else Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = False End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If [a1].Value = 0 Then Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = True Else Rows("10:20").EntireRow.Hidden = False End If End Sub sayfann kod ksmna Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Range("a1") = 1 Then Range("b1") = "Mart" End If End Sub Sub testNbCaractere() CellTest = Range("a1").Value If Len(CellTest) > 10 Then MsgBox "Pas plus de 10 caractres", vbOKOnly, "Erreur de caractres" Exit Sub End If End Sub

Sub Zeichen_auslesen() Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CHAR(ROW(RC))" Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CODE(RC[1])" Range("A1:B1").Select With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .ShrinkToFit = False .MergeCells = False End With With Selection.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 12 .Strikethrough = False .Superscript = False .Subscript = False .OutlineFont = False .Shadow = False .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With Selection.Font.Bold = True Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:B255"), Type:=xlFillDefault Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" And IsEmpty(Target) = True Then Target = "10" End Sub Sayfa1'de A1 hcresinde "Sayfa2" yazsn. Aadaki kodu kullann. Worksheets(Range("A1").Value).Select Eer Value'yu eklemezseniz kod almayabilir. Value yerine Text' de yazabilirsiniz. Eer bu kodu baka sayfadan altracaksanz yani Sayfa1'de deilken altracaksanz aadaki kodu kullanmalsnz. Worksheets(Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Text).Select Byle durumlarda genelde kodun ksa ve anlalabilir olmas iin sayfalara set atamasn yapmanz tavsiye ederim. Sub SayfaAc() Set s1 = Worksheets("Sayfa1") Worksheets(s1.Range("A1").Text).Select End Sub Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">2", Operator:=xlAnd, Criteria2:="<8" Sub SelonCas() Nombre = ActiveCell.Value Select Case Nombre Case 1 To 5 Range("A1").Value = 0 Case 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Range("A1").Value = 1 Case Else Range("A1").Value = 1000 End Select End Sub

Sub Excel_Serienmail_via_Outlook_Senden() Dim OutApp As Object, Mail As Object Dim i As Integer Dim Nachricht For i = 1 To 10 'Variablen mssen bei jeder Schleife neu initalisiert werden Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set Nachricht = OutApp.CreateItem(0) With Nachricht .To = Cells(i, 1)'Adresse .Subject = Cells(i, 2) 'Betreffzeile .Body = Cells(i, 3) 'Sendetext 'Hier wird die Mail gleich in den Postausgang gelegt 'und die Sicherheitsabfrage muss jedesmall besttigt werden '.Send 'Hier wird die Mail "angezeigt" 'aber gleich versendet,... OHNE Sicherheitsabrage .Display SendKeys "%s",True End With 'Variablen zurcksetzen sonst geht es nicht Set OutApp = Nothing 'CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set Nachricht = Nothing 'OutApp.CreateItem(0) Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:05")) Next i End Sub =A1 yaz A1 deki forml yazsn Function formul_al(hucre) If Left(hucre.Formula, 1) = "=" Then _ formul_al = Right(hucre.Formula, Len(hucre.Formula) - 1) Else _ formul_al = "" End Function Sub Speichern() test = Application.GetSaveAsFilename([a1]) If test = False Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs test End Sub Sub Test2() If Not Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") = Empty Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") Then MsgBox "Bu isimli bir sayfa mevcut..... !" Exit Sub End If Next Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) NewSh.Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") End If Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub Sub Test() Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) NewSh.Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub

Sub List_Alphab() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim Entree As String Dim Cel As Range Set Cel = Range("A1") 'Pour chaque enregistrement For i = 0 To Cel.End(xlDown).Row - 1 'Rcupre la valeur Entree = Cel.Offset(i) With UserForm1 'Pour chaque valeur de la listBox For j = 0 To .ListBox1.ListCount - 1 'Si la valeur de la listbox est > la valeur entrer 'on rcupre l'index j et on sort de la boucle If .ListBox1.List(j) > Entree Then Exit For End If Next j 'ajout de la valeur son emplacement spcifi par l'index j .ListBox1.AddItem Entree, j End With Next i UserForm1.Show End Sub Sub Cons_Voy() Dim i As Integer Dim Chaine As String Dim Caract As String * 1 Dim Conson As String, Voyel As String Chaine = Range("A1") For i = 1 To Len(Chaine) Caract = Mid(Chaine, i, 1) Select Case LCase(Caract) Case "a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y" Voyel = Voyel & Caract Case Else Conson = Conson + Caract End Select Next i Range("A2") = Conson Range("A3") = Voyel End Sub Sub Blattname() i=1 For Each Blatt In Sheets Range("A" & i) = Blatt.Name i=i+1 Next End Sub Sub SelectActiveArea() Range(Range("A1"), ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select End Sub Sub ValMaxi() Dim i As Integer i=1 Do While Range("A1").Offset(i) <> "" Rows(i + 1).Insert i=i+2 Loop End Sub Sub Test2() If Not Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") = Empty Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") Then MsgBox "Bu isimli bir sayfa mevcut..... !" Exit Sub End If Next Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) NewSh.Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") End If Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) rowoffset = 0 Intersect(ActiveCell.EntireRow, Columns("A")).Value = ActiveCell.Row + rowoffset End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Static kod If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then Range("A2").Value = kod + Target End If kod = Target.Value End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("a1")) Is Nothing Then "MAKROCODE" End If End Sub Sub RecupValeur() Dim Val1 'Dim Resultat As Integer (pour un rsultat en entier) Val1 = Sheets("Feuil1").[a1].Value Resultat = Val1 * 10 Sheets("Feuil1").[a2].Value = (Resultat) MsgBox "Opration effectue." & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Rsultat :" & CStr(Resultat) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then Set actcell = [C1] Do While actcell <> "" Set actcell = actcell.Offset(0, 1) Loop actcell.Value = Target.Value End If End Sub Sub Username() Range("A1").Value = Environ("USERNAME") End Sub Sub HyperlinkEmail() Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="" End Sub Sub HyperlinkAktive() Range("A1").Select Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True End Sub Sub Vorschlagwert_in_InputBox() Dim vorschlag As String vorschlag = InputBox("Geben Sie bitte einen Namen ein", "Name", Range("A1").Value) If vorschlag = "" Then Exit Sub Range("A1").Value = vorschlag End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Static dAccumulator As Double With Target If .Address(False, False) = "A1" Then If Not IsEmpty(.Value) And IsNumeric(.Value) Then dAccumulator = dAccumulator + .Value Else dAccumulator = 0 End If Application.EnableEvents = False .Value = dAccumulator Application.EnableEvents = True End If End With End Sub B1 e aadaki forml gir =NSAT((A1-HAFTANINGN(A1;2)-TARH(YIL(A1+4-HAFTANINGN(A1;2));1;-10))/7)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Application.EnableEvents = False If Target.AddressLocal = "$A$1" Then Target = Target / 100 End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If (Target = Range("A1")) Then Worksheets("Tabelle1").PageSetup.LeftHeader = Range("A1") End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) With Target If .Address(False, False) = "A1" Then If IsNumeric(.Value) Then Application.EnableEvents = False Range("B1").Value = Range("B1").Value + .Value Application.EnableEvents = True End If End If End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then Target.Orientation = 0 If Target = "I" Then Target.Orientation = 90 End If End If End Sub Sub saveas() ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\" & ActiveSheet.Range("A1") End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") = "" Then MsgBox ("Kaydetme ilemi devam edemiyor!" & vbNewLine & _ "A1 hcresini bo brakamazsnz."), , "pir" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Columns("A:A") <> "" Then Columns("D:D").EntireColumn.Hidden = True Else Columns("D:D").EntireColumn.Hidden = False End If End Sub Dim stopit As Boolean 'on top of module! Sub startclock() 'assign start button stopit = False clock End Sub Sub clock() If stopit = True Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value = _ Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)), "clock" End Sub Sub stopclock() 'assign stop button stopit = True End Sub Sub Enreg_Fichier() Dim NomFichier As String NomFichier = Range("A1") ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "c:\excel\" & NomFichier End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" And Target.Value = 1 Then Dim sayfa As Worksheet Dim nek As String Dim sonek As Integer Set Sayfam = Worksheets.Add nek = "Sayfam" SonEkim = 1 On Error Resume Next Sayfam.Name = nek & sonek If Err.Number <> 0 Then nek = sonek + 1 Sayfam.Name = nek & sonek End If End If End Sub Application.Sheets("Sayfa Ad").ScrollArea = "A1" Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Not IsNumeric(Range("A1")) Or Range("A1") = "" Then Range("A1").ClearContents Range("A1").Select MsgBox "Sie mssen Zelle A1 numerisch fllen !" End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address <> "$A$1" Then Exit Sub If UCase(Range("A1")) = UCase("x") Then Call ersteFarbe Else Call Ende End If End Sub 'thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call Ende End Sub 'modle Public ET As Variant Sub ersteFarbe() ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 36 ET = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") Application.OnTime ET, "zweiteFarbe" End Sub Sub zweiteFarbe() ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 37 ET = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") Application.OnTime ET, "ersteFarbe" End Sub Sub Ende() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=ET, Procedure:="ErsteFarbe", Schedule:=False Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=ET, Procedure:="zweiteFarbe", Schedule:=False ET = "" Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Sub Sayn imdatsaral sorularnz sorarken uygulama rneinizi aynen verin.Tamam kelimesinden baka anlam ,Kod: MsgBox "Sipari Tarihini Giriniz..."

kodundan baka anlam karyoruz.Burda rahat olun ekinecek birey yok.Amacmz,amacnzdr.renmek,retmek..Bakn.Ben size yle bir rnek ha Sipari Tarihini girerek kullanc TextBox1'e:CommandButtona u kodlar yazn.Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox2 End Sub Dosyay yollyorum..Hereyin bir ilk var dimi..

Sub Count() mycount = Range("a1") + 1 Range("a1") = mycount End Sub Sub Workbook_Open() With Worksheets(1).Range("A1") .Value = .Value + 1 End With End Sub Sub FeuilViaLst() Dim Mycell As Range, Mysheet As Worksheet, MyName$ For Each Mycell In Selection 'liste de noms MyName = Mycell.Value If MyName <> "" Then On Error Resume Next Set Mysheet = Sheets(MyName) On Error GoTo 0 If Mysheet Is Nothing Then Sheets.Add.Name = MyName End If Next Mycell End Sub Sub ListeFeuilles() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set ArrFeuil = Sheets("Sayfa1") ArrFeuil.Cells(1, 1).Value = "Tableau des feuilles" For i = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ArrFeuil.Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheets(i).Name Next i Application.DisplayAlerts = True Alerte = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) For a = [a65536].End(3).Row To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("a1:a" & a), Cells(a, "a")) > 1 Then Rows(a).ClearContents Next End Sub Sub birlestir() For a=1 To cells(65536,1).end(xlup).row cells(a,3)=cells(a,1) & " " & cells(a,2) Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() If Range("A1").Value < Range("A3").Value Then Call Macro1 End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Or Target.Address = "$A$3" Then If Range("A1").Value < Range("A3").Value Then Call Macro2 Else End If End If End Sub Sub Macro1() MsgBox " bu 1.makrodur" End Sub Sub Macro2() MsgBox " bu 2.makrodur" End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next For Each TmpRng In Target TmpVal = TmpRng.Validation.Type If TmpVal > 0 Then If Application.CutCopyMode = 1 Then MsgBox "You cannot paste into validated cells." Application.CutCopyMode = False Exit Sub End If End If Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If [a10].Value <> [c10].Value Then MsgBox ("Girdiiniz rakamlar farkl") End Sub Sub rast() Dim rastgele As Integer ilk: rastgele = Int(Rnd() * 11) If rastgele <= 0 Or rastgele > 11 Then GoTo ilk Cells(rastgele, 1).Select End Sub Sub buyukler_kalin() Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Select For Each rgRow In Range("a1:a10").Rows If rgRow.Cells(1).Value > 10 Then rgRow.Font.Bold = True Else rgRow.Font.Bold = False End If Next rgRow End Sub Sub degistir() Dim CurCell As Range For Each CurCell In Range("A1:A10") If CurCell.Value = 10 Then CurCell.Value = 21 Next End Sub Sub BackgroundColors() For Each cell In Range("a1:a10") If Not IsError(cell.Value) Then With cell.Interior Select Case cell.Value Case Is = Empty .ColorIndex = 10 Case Is = "?" .ColorIndex = 6 Case Else .ColorIndex = 0 'xlAutomatic End Select End With Else cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If Next cell End Sub

Aklama: a1:a10 Hcreleri arasndaki bo hcreleri yeile boyar Kod: Sub BackgroundColors() For Each cell In Range("a1:a10") If Not IsError(cell.Value) Then With cell.Interior Select Case cell.Value Case Is = Empty .ColorIndex = 10 Case Is = "?" .ColorIndex = 6 Case Else .ColorIndex = 0 'xlAutomatic End Select End With Else cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If Next cell End Sub Sub SommePositive() For Each Cell In Range("A1:A10") If Cell.Value > 0 Then total = total + Cell End If Next MsgBox "Total des valeurs positives " & total Range("A11") = total End Sub Option Explicit Sub Macro2() Dim buf As Variant Dim i As Long 'Get values as an array buf = Range("A1:A10000").Value 'loop through the array and add a string to each element For i = LBound(buf, 1) To UBound(buf, 1) buf(i, 1) = buf(i, 1) & " - modified" Next 'Put the array back into the worksheet Range("A1:A10000").Value = buf End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ComboBox2 = "" If ComboBox1 = "1 A Snf" Then ComboBox2.RowSource = "1!b2:b40" ElseIf ComboBox1 = "1 B Snf" Then ComboBox2.RowSource = "1!d2:d40" ElseIf ComboBox1 = "1 C Snf" Then ComboBox2.RowSource = "1!f2:f40" End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryComplete ComboBox2.MatchEntry = fmMatchEntryComplete ComboBox1.AddItem "1 A Snf" ComboBox1.AddItem "1 B Snf" ComboBox1.AddItem "1 C Snf" End Sub

Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() ' Target value: Const lVal As Long = 100 Dim rCell As Range ' Put the cell you want to look at here ' Cell must be a formula!! Set rCell = Range("C1") ' If the target cells value rises above the specified target value, If rCell.Value > lVal Then ' then deliver a message MsgBox "Target value is above " & lVal, 16, "Too High!" ' And step backwards Application.Undo End If ' Explicitly clear memory Set rCell = Nothing End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() ' Target value: Const lVal As Long = 100 Dim rCell As Range ' Put the cell you want to look at here ' Cell must be a formula!! Set rCell = Range("C1") ' If the target cells value equals the specified target value, If rCell.Value = lVal Then ' then deliver a message MsgBox "Target value of " & lVal & " has been achieved", 64, "Target Met!" End If ' Explicitly clear memory Set rCell = Nothing End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() ' Target value: Const lVal As Long = 100 Dim rCell As Range ' Put the cell you want to look at here ' Cell must be a formula!! Set rCell = Range("C1") ' If the target cells value drops below the specified target value, If rCell.Value < lVal Then ' then deliver a message MsgBox "Target value is below " & lVal, 16, "Target too Low!" ' And step backwards Application.Undo End If ' Explicitly clear memory Set rCell = Nothing End Sub Sub Add_Sheet() Dim wSht As Worksheet Dim shtName As String shtName = Format(Now, "mmmm_yyyy") For Each wSht In Worksheets If wSht.Name = shtName Then MsgBox "Sheet already exists...Make necessary " & _ "corrections and try again." Exit Sub End If Next wSht Sheets.Add.Name = shtName Sheets(shtName).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets("Mahmut").Range("A1:A5").Copy _ Sheets(shtName).Range("A1") End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Integer ListBox1.Clear For i = 1 To 50 If StrConv(Cells(i, 1), vbUpperCase) = StrConv(TextBox1, vbUpperCase) Then ListBox1.AddItem Cells(i, 1).Text & " - " & Cells(i, 1).Address(False, False) End If Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim say As Integer ListBox1.Clear Set isim = Range("A1:A50").Find(TextBox1) If Not isim Is Nothing Then ilk = isim.Address Do ListBox1.AddItem isim & " - " & isim.Address(False, False) Set isim = Range("A1:A50").FindNext(isim) Loop While Not isim Is Nothing And isim.Address <> ilk End If End Sub

'Joe Was 'Make cell range font flash, x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-z is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range font flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:AF12") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... u an flash yaz gsterisi var ltfen biraz bekleyin...! " 'Make cell font flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 3 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.3 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 15 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub Sub reSetFlash() 'Re-set cell range color if edit break on color, Ctrl-r to re-set! ActiveCell.Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Sub

Kod: Sub FlashFont() 'Joe Was 'Make cell range font flash, x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-z is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range font flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:AF12") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... u an flash yaz gsterisi var ltfen biraz bekleyin...! " 'Make cell font flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 3 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.3 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 15 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub Sub reSetFlash() 'Re-set cell range color if edit break on color, Ctrl-r to re-set! ActiveCell.Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Sub

dorudan listbox'a yerletirmek bazen kafa kartrabiliyor onun yerine aadaki gibi diziye yerletirirseniz daha rahat alrsnz.stediinizi yanl anlam Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim satirda(100, 40) If Not TextBox1 = Empty Then Say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("sayfa1").Range("l2:aj15000")) Set bulHucre = Sheets("sayfa1").Range("l2:aj" & Say).Find(TextBox1.Text, lookat:=xlPart) If bulHucre Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ilkAdres = bulHucre.Address ilksat = bulHucre.Row i=0 Do While Not IsEmpty(bulHucre) i=i+1 For t = 1 To 40 satirda(i, t) = Cells(ilksat, t) Next t Set bulHucre = Sheets("sayfa1").Range("l2:aj" & Say).FindNext(bulHucre) If bulHucre.Address = ilkAdres Then Exit Do ilkAdres = bulHucre.Address ilksat = bulHucre.Row Loop End If ListBox1.List = satirda() Set bulHucre = Nothing End Sub Sub AddName1() ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange1", RefersTo:="=$A$1:$B$10" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Row < 6 And Target.Column < 3 Then UserForm1.Show End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Set MyIsect = Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B5")) If Not MyIsect Is Nothing Then UserForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:C11")) Is Nothing Then Application.EnableEvents = False Cells(Target.Row, 5).Value = Date Application.EnableEvents = True End If End Sub

Dim sourceRange As Range Dim destrange As Range If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Set sourceRange = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:C10") Set destrange = ActiveCell sourceRange.Copy destrange End Sub Sub CopyToActiveCellValues() Dim sourceRange As Range Dim destrange As Range If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Set sourceRange = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:C10") With sourceRange Set destrange = ActiveCell.Resize _ (.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) End With destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value End Sub Function LastRow(sh As Worksheet) On Error Resume Next LastRow = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=sh.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Row On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function Lastcol(sh As Worksheet) On Error Resume Next Lastcol = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=sh.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Column On Error GoTo 0 End Function

Range1, ParamArray Range2()) As Double Dim objCell As Range ' Best to use this even if it does ' slow Excel down somewhat. Application.Volatile ' Initialise. SumIfColours = 0 ' Process first argument. ' Restrict the range to stop the loop looking ' at huge swathes of empty cells. For Each objCell In Intersect(Range1, _ Range1.Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell ' Process additional arguments (if any) If UBound(Range2) <> 0 Then For intArgument = 1 To UBound(Range2) For Each objCell In Intersect(Range2(intArgument), _ Range2(intArgument).Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell Next intArgument End If End Function D21 veya A1:D20 hcreleri dnda bir hcreye aadaki frml yazn. =SumIfColours(3;$A$1:$D$20)

Kod: Function SumIfColours(cellTextColour As Integer, _ Range1, ParamArray Range2()) As Double Dim objCell As Range ' Best to use this even if it does ' slow Excel down somewhat. Application.Volatile ' Initialise. SumIfColours = 0 ' Process first argument. ' Restrict the range to stop the loop looking ' at huge swathes of empty cells. For Each objCell In Intersect(Range1, _ Range1.Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell ' Process additional arguments (if any) If UBound(Range2) <> 0 Then For intArgument = 1 To UBound(Range2) For Each objCell In Intersect(Range2(intArgument), _ Range2(intArgument).Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell Next intArgument End If End Function D21 veya A1:D20 hcreleri dnda bir hcreye aadaki frml yazn. =SumIfColours(3;$A$1:$D$20) Sub MakeActive() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate Range("A1:D4").Select Range("B2").Activate End Sub Sub FillAll() Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1:H1") _ .Borders(xlBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble Worksheets.FillAcrossSheets (Worksheets("Sheet2") _ .Range("A1:H1")) End Sub Sub gizle() Columns("K:IV").Hidden = True Rows("45:65536").Hidden = True End Sub Sub gster() Columns("K:IV").Hidden = False Rows("45:65536").Hidden = False End Sub

'Make cell range Background color, flash x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-a is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range background flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:M8") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for Flashing to Stop! " 'Make cell background flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 11 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.2 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 2 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub kod blmne yaptrn sayfann Option Explicit Public CellCheck As Boolean Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Range("A1") = "1" And CellCheck = False Then Call StartBlink CellCheck = True ElseIf Range("A1") <> "1" And CellCheck = True Then Call StopBlink CellCheck = False End If End Sub 'modle yaptrn Option Explicit Public RunWhen As Double Sub StartBlink() If Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Application.OnTime RunWhen, "StartBlink", , True End Sub Sub StopBlink() Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Application.OnTime RunWhen, "StartBlink", , False End Sub

Sub sichtbare_kopieren() Range("A1").CurrentRegion _ .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _ Worksheets("Tabelle2").Range("A1") End Sub Sub ResetTest2() For Each n In Range("A16:G28") If IsNumeric(n) Then n.Value = 0 End If Next n End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim Schnittpunkt As Range Set Schnittpunkt = Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range("A1:A20")) If Schnittpunkt Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Else MsgBox "A1-A20 arasna veri girildi" End If End Sub Sub ilkharfler_buyuk() For i = 1 To 5 Range("A" & i).Select t = ActiveCell s = Len(t) u = UCase(Left(t, 1)) & Right(t, s - 1) Range("A" & i) = u Next i End Sub Range("1:3000").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone For x = 1 To 3000 If Cells(x, 1).Value <> Empty Then Rows(x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next x End Sub Sub DENE_2() For x = 1 To 3000 If Cells(x, 1).Value <> Empty Then Rows(x).Cut Sheets("Sayfa3").Select son = [a65536].End(3).Row + 1 Cells(son, 1).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Sheets("Sayfa1").Select End If Next x End Sub Sub DENE_3() For x = 1 To 3000 yeniden: If Cells(x, 1).Value <> Empty Then Rows(x).Cut Sheets("Sayfa3").Select son = [a65536].End(3).Row + 1 Cells(son, 1).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Rows(x).Delete GoTo yeniden End If Next x End Sub

On Error Resume Next If Target = Range("A1") Then Date_Validation End Sub ' Input the following code in standard module Sub Date_Validation() Dim dteDate As Date Dim strDate As String With Range("A1") ' Memo original date dteDate = CDate(.Text) ' Create date string strDate = Format(dteDate, "m\/d\/yy") With .Validation ' Delete old settings .Delete ' Set new data validation .Add _ Type:=xlValidateDate, _ AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _ Operator:=xlGreaterEqual, _ Formula1:=strDate .IgnoreBlank = False .InCellDropdown = True .InputTitle = "" .ErrorTitle = "Invalid Date Entry" .InputMessage = "" .ErrorMessage = _ "Date is older than the previous date (" & _ dteDate & ")." .ShowInput = True .ShowError = True End With End With End Sub

Sub datum_splitten() z=2 Do While Cells(z, 1) <> "" Cells(z, 2).NumberFormat = "@" Cells(z, 2) = Left(Cells(z, 1), 2) Cells(z, 3).NumberFormat = "@" Cells(z, 3) = Mid(Cells(z, 1), 4, 2) Cells(z, 4).NumberFormat = "@" Cells(z, 4) = Right(Cells(z, 1), 2) z=z+1 Loop End Sub Sub NomOnglet() Dim Name As String Name = Range("A2") Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveSheet.Name = (Name) End Sub Sub satsut() Range("A3").Offset(2, 2) = 5 End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim rMonitor As Range Dim rTarget As Range Set rMonitor = Range("A3") Set rTarget = Range("B7") If Not Intersect(Target, rMonitor) Is Nothing Then rMonitor.Copy rTarget End If Set rMonitor = Nothing Set rTarget = Nothing End Sub Sub PrintRpt3() With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PageSetup .CenterHorizontally = True .PrintArea = "$A$3:$F$15" .PrintTitleRows = ("$A$1:$A$2") .Orientation = xlPortrait .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut End Sub Sub Auto_Open() If Range("a5") <> 2 Then UserForm1.Show ActiveWorkbook.Save Else ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close End If End Sub Sub Dialog_28() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFindFile).Show End Sub Workbooks.Close Sub aciklama_ekler() Dim Aklama_Ekleme As Comment Dim strText As String strText = Application.InputBox("Eklenecek olan mesaj aaya yaznz.", _ "Aklama_Ekleme", "Aklama Ekler", , , , 2) If Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Cell(46)") = True Then ActiveCell.Comment.Delete End If ActiveCell.AddComment Set Aklama_Ekleme = ActiveCell.Comment With Aklama_Ekleme .Text Text:=strText With .Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 10 .Bold = False End With End With End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Load UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub

Sub aciklama_sil() If Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro("Get.Cell(46)") = True Then ActiveCell.Comment.Delete End If End Sub Sub aciklama_sil() If Not ActiveCell.Comment Is Nothing Then ActiveCell.Comment.Delete End If End Sub Sub auto_comment() Dim commentrange As Range Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator For Each commentrange In ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(1) commentrange.Comment.Shape.Select True Selection.AutoSize = True 'Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 150 'Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 100 Next Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly End Sub Sub Kommentar_Font() Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeComments) With Cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font .Size = 10 .Bold = True End With Next End Sub Option Explicit Const ImgFileFormat = "Image Files (*.bmp;*.gif;*.tif;*.jpg;*.jpeg)," & _ "*bmp;*gif;*.tif;*.jpg;*.jpeg" Sub AddPicturesToComments() Dim HasCom Dim Pict As String Dim Ans As Integer Set HasCom = ActiveCell.Comment If Not HasCom Is Nothing Then ActiveCell.Comment.Delete Set HasCom = Nothing GetPict: Pict = Application.GetOpenFilename(ImgFileFormat) 'Note you can load in, almost any file format If Pict = "False" Then End Ans = MsgBox("Open : " & Pict, vbYesNo + vbExclamation, "Use this Picture?") If Ans = vbNo Then GoTo GetPict With ActiveCell .AddComment .Comment.Visible = False .Comment.Shape.Fill.Transparency = 0# .Comment.Shape.Fill.UserPicture Pict End With End Sub Sub auto_open() Application.WindowState = xlMaximized ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized Application.MoveAfterReturn = False With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Buch") .Range("J2").Value = Month(Date) .Range("K2").Value = Year(Date) .OnEntry = "Fahrtenbuch" End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sayfa1").Activate End Sub

Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("Bir").Select ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized Range("C2").Select ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMaximized Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Visible = False Application.CommandBars("Formatting").Visible = False Application.CommandBars("Standard").Visible = False ActiveCell.Select 'mesaj ver yazdr makrosunu kullanarak ilan Application.Caption = "" ActiveWindow.Caption = "0505-778 47 69" End Sub Sub Auto_Open() ActiveSheet.OnEntry = "Action" End Sub Sub Auto_Close() ActiveSheet.OnEntry = "" End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized UsfIntro.Show End Sub 'eski haline gelmesi Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlNormal End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() On Error Resume Next With Application.CommandBars("TestCB") .Position = msoBarFloating .Left = 200 .Top = 200 .Visible = True End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("TestCB").Delete End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Activate() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("TestCB").Visible = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("TestCB").Visible = False End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Const sAPPLICATION As String = "Excel" Const sSECTION As String = "Invoice" Const sKEY As String = "Invoice_key" Const nDEFAULT As Long = 1& Dim nNumber As Long With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sayfa1") With .Range("B1") If IsEmpty(.Value) Then .Value = Date .NumberFormat = "dd mmm yyyy" End If End With With .Range("B2") If IsEmpty(.Value) Then nNumber = GetSetting(sAPPLICATION, sSECTION, sKEY, nDEFAULT) .NumberFormat = "@" .Value = Format(nNumber, "0000") SaveSetting sAPPLICATION, sSECTION, sKEY, nNumber + 1& End If End With End With End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Application.OnKey "%{F8}", "makro" End Sub Sub makro() MsgBox "Merhaba!" MsgBox ActiveCell.Address End Sub sub auto_open() call <istediin makronun adn yaz> end sub sub auto_open() call calisacakmakroadi ' almasn istediiniz makronun ad ... end sub Sub SayfaHucreSec() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Selection.Range("A1").Select End Sub

Dim InI As Integer Dim ByS As Boolean Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) ' Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = xlVeryHidden aus Dim Mldg As Byte ' ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect ("Passwort") If ActiveWorkbook.Saved Then Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True For InI = Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1 If Worksheets(InI).Name <> "Sayfa1" Then Worksheets(InI).Visible = xlVeryHidden Next InI ByS = True ThisWorkbook.Save Else If ByS = True Then Exit Sub Mldg = MsgBox(" Sollen die Vernderungen gespeichertg werden ??", _ vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Speicher abfrage ?", "", 0) If Mldg = 6 Then Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True For InI = Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1 If Worksheets(InI).Name <> "Sayfa1" Then Worksheets(InI).Visible = xlVeryHidden Next InI ByS = True ThisWorkbook.Save Else ByS = True ThisWorkbook.Close False End If End If ' ActiveWorkbook.Protect ("Passwort") End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If ByS = False Then Cancel = True MsgBox "Datei kann nur beim schlieen gespeichert werden" End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect ("Passwort") For InI = Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1 Worksheets(InI).Visible = True Next InI Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = False ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True ' ActiveWorkbook.Protect ("Passwort") End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() MsgBox "Hallo " & InputBox("Bitte Namen eingeben:") & "!" End Sub Sub Auto_Open() ActiveWorkbook.OnSave = "MacroX" End Sub Sub MacroX() With ActiveSheet.pagesetup .LeftFooter = "&8" + ActiveWorkbook.Path End With End Sub Programnz atnzda size merhaba demesini istemezmisiniz ite kodlar Sub Auto_Open() Msgbox "Hello" End Sub Sub auto_open() MsgBox ("Toplam ") & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count & (" adet sayfa bulunmaktadr."), vbOKOnly, "pir" End Sub

Sub Auto_Open() Application.Visible = False Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True Worksheets("Sayfa2").Visible = True End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Application.Visible = False Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = False Worksheets("Sayfa2").Visible = False ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo 10 Windows("kaytlar.xls").Activate MsgBox ("BU DOSYA ZATEN AIKTIR") Exit Sub 10 Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Belgelerim\kaytlar.xls" End Sub Kodu aadaki gibi dzenleyin. Kitap3 yerine kapatacanz kitabn adn yazn. "Application.Quit " komutu tm exceli kapatan bir komuttur. Alnt: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Unload Me ActiveWorkbook.Save Windows("Kitap3").Close End Sub A1 hcresine yazdrmak iin; Sub dizin() [A1] = ActiveWorkbook.Path End Sub For Each w In Application.Workbooks w.Save Next w Application.Quit AIKLAMA FORMUNUN ADRES. Private Sub CommandButton11_Click() Load UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub AIKLAMA FORMUNU KAPAR. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub sub auto_open() call <istediin makronun adn yaz> end sub sub auto_open() call calisacakmakroadi ' almasn istediiniz makronun ad ... end sub Sub auto_open() UserForm1.Show End Sub Application.Visible = True Sheets("Sayfa1").Select UserForm1.Hide End Sub


Sub Dialog_17() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCreateNames).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_20() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDefineName).Show End Sub Range("A1:newrij,b1:sprij").Select Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'bo geilemeyeceini belirten yordam If TextBox1.Text = Empty Then MsgBox ("Ad ksmn bo gemeyiniz"), vbOKOnly, "Uyar!!!": Exit Sub Else End If If TextBox2.Text = Empty Then MsgBox ("Soyad yazmak mecburidir"), , "Uyar!!!": Exit Sub Else End If 'kayt kodlar pir = False sonsatir = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For x = 2 To sonsatir If Cells(x, 1) & Cells(x, 2) = TextBox1 & TextBox2 Then pir = True sira = x Exit For End If Next x If pir = False Then Cells(sonsatir + 1, 1) = TextBox1 Cells(sonsatir + 1, 2) = TextBox2 MsgBox (sonsatir + 1 & ". sraya kayd yapld.") Else MsgBox ("Bu kayt daha nce girilmi..." & sira & ". satir") End If End Sub Sub Update_Names() ' Define the range that holds the names for your workbook. Set MyNameRange = Sheets("WB_Names").Range("B:B").SpecialCells(xlConstants) n = MyNameRange.Count - 1 Set MyNameRange = MyNameRange.Offset(1, 0).Resize(n, 1) ' Delete all the current names in the workbook. For Each WBname In ActiveWorkbook.Names WBname.Delete Next ' Recreate all the names in the workbook. For Each WBname In MyNameRange NewName = WBname.Text NewRef = WBname.Offset(0, 1).Text ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=NewName, RefersTo:=NewRef Next ' Display message to acknowledge completion. MsgBox "Workbook names have been updated." End Sub Sub AfficheLigneColonne() [A:IV].Select Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = False Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False Cells(1, 1).Select End Sub Declare Function nom_ordi Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lbbuffer As String, nsize As Long) As Long Sub nom_de_l_ordinateur() Dim ag As String ag = Space(50) Call nom_ordi(ag, 51) MsgBox Left(ag, InStr(1, ag, Chr(0)) - 1) End Sub lan zerindeki bir makinedeki bir excel kitabnn iindeki makroyu kendi makinenizden altrmak Application.Run "\\makineadi\klasoradi\kitapadi.xls!makroadi" 'eer kitaplar ayn makine zerinde ise Application.Run "c:\klasoradi\kitapadi.xls!makroadi" Workbooks.Open Filename:="\\Hakan\c\Belgelerim\HRACAT KAYITLI.xls"

Sub DisplayToolBarNumber() Dim i As Integer i=0 For i = 1 To Application.Toolbars.Count MsgBox Toolbars(i).Name, , "Toolbar " & _ i & " of " & Application.Toolbars.Count Next i End Sub Sub CloseAllButActive() 'based on Tom Ogilvy's postings Dim wkbk As Workbook For Each wkbk In Application.Workbooks If wkbk.Name <> ActiveWorkbook.Name Then If Windows(wkbk.Name).Visible = True Then 'MsgBox wkbk.Name & " " & Window Sub kitapismi() ActiveCell.Value = ActiveWorkbook.FullName End Sub ActiveWorkbook.Save Sub GetColumnLetter() Dim MyColumn As String, Here As String '// Get the address of the active cell in the current selection. Const msg = "The column letters @ " Here = ActiveCell.Address '// Note Address format is $<columnletter>$<rownumber>, '// so drop the first character and the characters '// after the column letter(s). MyColumn = Mid(Here, InStr(Here, "$") + 1, InStr(2, Here, "$") - 2) '// Show the result MsgBox msg & Here & ":= " & MyColumn End Sub Sub ResetTest4() For Each n In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If n.Value <> 0 Then n.Value = 0 End If Next n End Sub Kod alma sayfasna Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Static EskiHucre As Range If Target.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then EskiHucre.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Exit Sub ElseIf Not EskiHucre Is Nothing Then EskiHucre.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Set EskiHucre = Target End Sub Sub AddName4() Selection.Name = "MyRange4" End Sub Sub AddName2() ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange2", RefersTo:="=" & Selection.Address() End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal _ Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True Range(Target.Offset(-1, 0).End(xlUp), Target).Select Target.Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9," _ & Selection(1).Address(0, 0) & ":" _ & Selection(Selection.Count - 1).Address(0, 0) & ")" Target.Activate End Sub

Dim eski Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Value < eski Then MsgBox "Mevcut deerden daha kk bir deer giremezsiniz!", vbCritical Target.Value = eski End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) eski = Target.Value End ListFormulas() Sub Sub Dim counter As Integer Dim i As Variant Dim sourcerange As Range Dim destrange As Range Set sourcerange = Selection.SpecialCells(xlFormulas) Set destrange = Range("M1") destrange.CurrentRegion.ClearContents destrange.Value = "Address" destrange.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Formula" If Selection.Count > 1 Then For Each i In sourcerange counter = counter + 1 destrange.Offset(counter, 0).Value = i.Address destrange.Offset(counter, 1).Value = "'" & i.Formula Next ElseIf Selection.Count = 1 And Left(Selection.Formula, 1) = "=" Then destrange.Offset(1, 0).Value = Selection.Address destrange.Offset(1, 1).Value = "'" & Selection.Formula Else MsgBox "This cell does not contain a formula" End If destrange.CurrentRegion.EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Sub AA_Parse_3Letter() 'converts a string in a single cell into tripletts of characters in consecutive cells, assuming one separation character 'e.g. Amino acid sequences in 3-letter-code or nucleotide tripletts 'you can select a range of cells within the Sub AA_Parse() 'converts a text string in a single cell into individual characters in consecutive cells 'you can select a range of cells within the same column 'do not select more than one column, cells to the right of this column will be overwritten If S Sub ResizeRng() Selection.Resize(7, 7).Select End Sub Sub SelectDown() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select End Sub

Sub Tabellennamen_auflisten() Dim i As Integer Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = ActiveCell myRange.Resize(Worksheets.Count).Select If (MsgBox("UYARI: Sayfalara kpr oluturulacak... !" & vbCrLf & _ Chr(13) & " Emin misin ?", vbYesNo)) _ <> vbYes Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count With myRange.Cells(i) .Value = Worksheets(i).Name .Hyperlinks.Add _ Anchor:=myRange.Cells(i), _ Address:="", _ SubAddress:=.Value & "!" & .Address, _ ScreenTip:="Blatt (" & .Value & ")", _ TextToDisplay:=.Value End With Next i myRange.Select MsgBox (" Toplam ") & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count & _ (" alma sayfasna kpr oluturuldu"), vbOKOnly, ThisWorkbook.Name End Sub Sub ActivateNextBlankDown() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub Sub range_up() Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Selection Cell.Select Application.SendKeys "{F2}+{ENTER}", True Next End Sub Sub ActivateNextBlankToRight() ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Loop End Sub Sub EnterInfo() Dim i As Integer Dim cel As Range Set cel = ActiveCell For i = 1 To 10 cel(i).Value = 100 Next i cel(i).Value = "=SUM(R[-10]C:R[-1]C)" End Sub Sub EnterInfo() Dim i As Integer Dim cel As Range 'Set cel = [B3] Set cel = ActiveCell For i = 1 To 10 cel(i).Value = [B1].Value - 1 + i Next i cel(i).Value = "=SUM(R[-10]C:R[-1]C)" End Sub Sub InsertRow() Dim Rng Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0), ActiveCell.Offset(Rng - 1, 0)).Select Selection.EntireRow.Insert End Sub

Sub SelectToRight() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select End Sub Sub git() ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Select ' aktif hcreden aa doru son satra gider End Sub Sub git2() ActiveCell.End(xlUp).Select ' aktif hcreden yukar doru ilk satra gider End Sub Sub git3() ActiveCell.End(xlToLeft).Select ' aktif hcreden sola doru ilk satra gider End Sub Sub git4() ActiveCell.End(xlToRight).Select ' aktif hcreden saa doru son satra gider End Sub Sub SelectToLeft() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlToLeft)).Select End Sub Sub SelectDown() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlUp)).Select End Sub Sub TextIntoComments() Dim cell As Range Selection.ClearComments For Each cell In Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If Trim(cell.Text) <> "" Then cell.AddComment cell.Text cell.Comment.Visible = False cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True BU KODU SAYFA KOD BLMNE YAZARSANIZ AKTF HCRELER RENKL OLUR Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Static EskiHucre As Range If Target.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone Then EskiHucre.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Exit Sub ElseIf Not EskiHucre Is Nothing Then EskiHucre.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 37 Set EskiHucre = Target End Sub Sub Aktive_Zelle() az = ActiveCell.Address MsgBox az End Sub Sub bossasil() Dim N As Long For N = Selection(1, 1).Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1 _ To Selection(1, 1).Row Step -1 With Cells(N, 1) If .Value = 0 And Not .HasFormula Then .EntireRow.Delete End If End With Next N End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 'Turn off previous use If Cells(1, 1) = "." Then Exit Sub Target.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 End Sub Sub SelectEntireRow() Selection.EntireRow.Select End Sub Sub SelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Application.IsText(ActiveCell) = True Then MsgBox "Bu hcrede YAZI vardr." Else If ActiveCell = "" Then MsgBox "Bu hcre BO tur." Else End If If ActiveCell.HasFormula Then MsgBox "Bu hcrede FORML vardr" Else End If If IsDate(ActiveCell.Value) = True Then MsgBox "Bu hcrede TARH vardr" Else End If If IsNumeric(ActiveCell.Value) = True Then MsgBox "Bu hcrede SAYI vardr" Else End If End If End Sub Sub numeric_control() If Not Application.IsNumber(ActiveCell) Then MsgBox "Numerik deil" Else MsgBox "Numerik" End If End Sub Sub text_control() If Not Application.IsText(ActiveCell) Then MsgBox "Yaz deil" Else MsgBox "Yaz" End If End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Application.Goto Reference:=ActiveCell, Scroll:=True End Sub Sub dortsatirekle() ActiveCell.Rows("1:4").EntireRow.Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Range("A1").Select End Sub

Dim aCount As Integer, cCount As Integer, rCount As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Long, aRange As String Dim rHeight() As Single, cWidth() As Single Dim AWB As Workbook, NWB As Workbook If UCase(TypeName(ActiveSheet)) <> "WORKSHEET" Then Exit Sub aCount = Selection.Areas.Count If aCount = 0 Then Exit Sub ' no cells selected cCount = Selection.Areas(1).Cells.Count If aCount > 1 Then ' multiple areas selected Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.StatusBar = "Printing " & aCount & " selected areas..." Set AWB = ActiveWorkbook rCount = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row cCount = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column ReDim rHeight(rCount) ReDim cWidth(cCount) For i = 1 To rCount rHeight(i) = Rows(i).RowHeight Next i For i = 1 To cCount cWidth(i) = Columns(i).ColumnWidth Next i Set NWB = Workbooks.Add ' create a new workbook For i = 1 To rCount ' set row heights Rows(i).RowHeight = rHeight(i) Next i For i = 1 To cCount ' set column widths Columns(i).ColumnWidth = cWidth(i) Next i For i = 1 To aCount AWB.Activate aRange = Selection.Areas(i).Address Range(aRange).Copy ' copying the range NWB.Activate With Range(aRange) ' pastes values and formats .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False End With Application.CutCopyMode = False Next i NWB.PrintOut NWB.Close False ' close the temporary workbook without saving Application.StatusBar = False AWB.Activate Set AWB = Nothing Set NWB = Nothing Else If cCount < 10 Then ' less than 10 cells selected If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print " & _ cCount & " selected cells ?", _ vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Print celected cells") = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If Selection.PrintOut End If End Sub Sub commenter() Dim Cmt As Comment Set Cmt = ActiveCell.AddComment Cmt.Text "Mahmut BAYRAM" With Cmt.Shape.TextFrame.Characters.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 14 End With End Sub

Sub FirmDate() Selection.Value = Date End Sub Font listele Sub SchriftLesen() Dim C As CommandBarControl Dim i As Integer Set C = CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1728) For i = 1 To C.ListCount With Cells(i, 1) .Value = C.List(i) .Font.Name = C.List(i) End With Next i End Sub Sub KitapveSayfaadi() ActiveCell.Value = ExecuteExcel4Macro("get.document(1)") End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target _ As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True 'Get out of edit mode If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub 'Require Col B On Error Resume Next Application.EnableEvents = False Target.Value = Target.Value + 1 Application.EnableEvents = True If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Unable to add 1 to value in cell " _ & Target.Address(0, 0) End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal _ Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) 'David McRitchie, misc, 2001-07-02 '-- Find top cell in continguous range Cancel = True 'Get out of edit mode Range(Target.Offset(-1, 0).End(xlUp), Target).Select '-- leave selection of cells showing for visual verification. Target.Formula = "=SUBTOTAL(9," _ & Selection(1).Address(0, 0) & ":" _ & Selection(Selection.Count - 1).Address(0, 0) & ")" 'make the double-clicked cell the active cell for the range Target.Activate End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) ActiveCell = Date End Sub Aktif hcre deerini bir artr. Sub addme() i = ActiveCell ActiveCell.Value = (i + 1) End Sub Aktif hcre deerini bir artr. Sub addme() i = ActiveCell ActiveCell.Value = (i -1) End Sub Sub artir_30() Dim pir pir = ActiveCell + 30 ActiveCell = pir End Sub

On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown() On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub SpinButton2_SpinDown() On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub SpinButton2_SpinUp() On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.Clear ListBox1.AddItem (ActiveCell) TextBox1.Text = "" TextBox1 = ActiveCell End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Row = 2 And Target.Column = 3 Then 'fr Zelle C2, ggf. anpassen ActiveWindow.Zoom = 200 Else ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100 End If End Sub Sub EmailWorkbook() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show End Sub Sub aktifkolon() ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Select End Sub Sub Red_Class() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count Workbooks(i).Activate ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized Next i End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Sub Sub AddName3() Dim rngSelect As String rngSelect = Selection.Address ActiveSheet.Names.Add Name:="MyRange3", RefersTo:="=" & rngSelect End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload UserForm1 End Sub Hseyin Bey 'de byle alglam olacak ki Command1 yerine CommandButton1 yazm. VB de de ayn kod geerli olacaktr. Kod: Private Sub Command1_Click() Unload Form1 End Sub

Hide ile Unload arasndaki fark bu. O halde baka bir dme ile formu tekrar aktif yapmak isterseniz Initialize olayn kullanmalsnz. Eer Hseyin Bey'in d O halde zet yapacak olursak. Hide ----> Activate Unload ---> VBA iin Initialize , VB iin Load Sub UserName() ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWindow _ .Caption & " " & Application.UserName End Sub Sub haftasonuisaretle() For Each oCell In Range(Cells(1, 4), Cells(1, 14)) If Weekday(oCell.Value) = 7 Or Weekday(oCell.Value) = 1 Then With oCell.Interior .Pattern = xlGray16 .PatternColorIndex = 42 End With End If Next oCell End Sub Sub selectionrowscount() Dim ZeileAnfang As Integer Dim ZeileEnde As Integer Dim SpalteAnfang As Integer Dim SpalteEnde As Integer SpalteAnfang = Selection.Column SpalteEnde = Selection.Columns.Count ZeileAnfang = Selection.Row ZeileEnde = Selection.Rows.Count ZeileAnfang = ZeileAnfang ZeileEnde = ZeileEnde + ZeileAnfang SpalteEnde = SpalteEnde + SpalteAnfang - 1 Range(Cells(ZeileAnfang, SpalteAnfang), Cells(ZeileEnde, SpalteEnde)).Select End Sub Sub ZeilenAuswahl() Selection.EntireRow.Select End Sub Sub DeleteBlankRowsEvenFaster() Set myrange = Range("B4:I31") Set blanks = myrange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) For Each area In blanks.Areas If area.Columns.Count = myrange.Columns.Count Then n=n+1 If n = 1 Then Set delrange = area.EntireRow Else Set delrange = Union(delrange, area.EntireRow) End If End If Next area delrange.Delete End Sub

Sub DeleteBlankRows() Set myrange = Range("B4:I31") Set blanks = myrange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks) For Each area In blanks.Areas If area.Columns.Count = myrange.Columns.Count Then area.EntireRow.Delete End If Next area End Sub Sub DeleteSheets() Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each Sheet In Worksheets If Sheet.Name <> ActiveSheet.Name Then Sheet.Delete Next Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub Sub ArbeitsblattUmbenennen() Activesheet.Name="Neuer Name" End Sub Dim TimeStr As String On Error GoTo EndMacro If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub End If If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub End If Application.EnableEvents = False With Target If .HasFormula = False Then Select Case Len(.Value) Case 1 ' e.g., 1 = 00:01 AM TimeStr = "00:0" & .Value Case 2 ' e.g., 12 = 00:12 AM TimeStr = "00:" & .Value Case 3 ' e.g., 735 = 7:35 AM TimeStr = Left(.Value, 1) & ":" & _ Right(.Value, 2) Case 4 ' e.g., 1234 = 12:34 TimeStr = Left(.Value, 2) & ":" & _ Right(.Value, 2) Case 5 ' e.g., 12345 = 1:23:45 NOT 12:03:45 TimeStr = Left(.Value, 1) & ":" & _ Mid(.Value, 2, 2) & ":" & Right(.Value, 2) Case 6 ' e.g., 123456 = 12:34:56 TimeStr = Left(.Value, 2) & ":" & _ Mid(.Value, 3, 2) & ":" & Right(.Value, 2) Case Else Err.Raise 0 End Select .Value = TimeValue(TimeStr) End If End With Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub EndMacro: MsgBox "You did not enter a valid time" Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub

Dim DateStr As String On Error GoTo EndMacro If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub End If If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub End If If Target.Value = "" Then Exit Sub End If Application.EnableEvents = False With Target If .HasFormula = False Then Select Case Len(.Formula) Case 4 ' e.g., 9298 = 2-Sep-1998 DateStr = Left(.Formula, 1) & "/" & _ Mid(.Formula, 2, 1) & "/" & Right(.Formula, 2) Case 5 ' e.g., 11298 = 12-Jan-1998 NOT 2-Nov-1998 DateStr = Left(.Formula, 1) & "/" & _ Mid(.Formula, 2, 2) & "/" & Right(.Formula, 2) Case 6 ' e.g., 090298 = 2-Sep-1998 DateStr = Left(.Formula, 2) & "/" & _ Mid(.Formula, 3, 2) & "/" & Right(.Formula, 2) Case 7 ' e.g., 1231998 = 23-Jan-1998 NOT 3-Dec-1998 DateStr = Left(.Formula, 1) & "/" & _ Mid(.Formula, 2, 2) & "/" & Right(.Formula, 4) Case 8 ' e.g., 09021998 = 2-Sep-1998 DateStr = Left(.Formula, 2) & "/" & _ Mid(.Formula, 3, 2) & "/" & Right(.Formula, 4) Case Else Err.Raise 0 End Select .Formula = DateValue(DateStr) End If End With Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub EndMacro: MsgBox "You did not enter a valid date." Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub

Sub Tabellennamen_auflisten() 'Sisto Salera 24.06.2003 'Melanie Breden 25.06.2003 Dim i As Integer Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = ActiveCell myRange.Resize(Worksheets.Count).Select If (MsgBox("ACHTUNG: Der markierte Bereich wird berschrieben !" & vbCrLf & _ Chr(13) & " Trotzdem fortfahren ?", vbYesNo)) _ <> vbYes Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count With myRange.Cells(i) .Value = Worksheets(i).Name .Hyperlinks.Add _ Anchor:=myRange.Cells(i), _ Address:="", _ SubAddress:=.Value & "!" & .Address, _ ScreenTip:="Blatt (" & .Value & ")", _ TextToDisplay:=.Value End With Next i myRange.Select

MsgBox ("Es befinden sich ") & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count & _ (" Tabellenbltter in dieser Arbeitsmappe."), vbOKOnly, ThisWorkbook.Name End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() If Range("B1").Value = "E" Then ActiveSheet.Pictures(1).Visible = True Else ActiveSheet.Pictures(1).Visible = False End If End Sub 'Thisworkbook a Option Explicit Option Explicit Sub Top3LinesAllSheets() Dim wkSheet As Worksheet For Each wkSheet In Application.Worksheets With wkSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "$1:$3" End With Sheets(wkSheet.Name).Rows("1:3").Font.Bold = True Veriler B,C,D,E stununda Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ' If Target.Column <> 6 Then Exit Sub ' buras aktif olursa yalnzca kontrol f stununa geince yapar For x = 2 To [b65536].End(3).Row - 1 For y = x + 1 To [b65536].End(3).Row alan1 = Cells(x, 2) & Cells(x, 3) & Cells(x, 4) & Cells(x, 5) alan2 = Cells(y, 2) & Cells(y, 3) & Cells(y, 4) & Cells(y, 5) If alan1 = alan2 Then If MsgBox(y & ".satrdaki veri " & x & ".nci satrda girilmi," & y & ".satr silmek istiyor musunuz?", vbYesNo, "Uyar") = vbYes Then Range(Cells(y, 2), Ce End If Next Next End Sub

Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim mahmut As Range, bayram As Range On Error GoTo pir: Set mahmut = Range("B3:C20,D1:D7") Application.EnableEvents = False For Each bayram In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(bayram, mahmut) Is Nothing Then If bayram <> "" Then bayram = "'00" & bayram End If Next bayram Set mahmut = Nothing pir: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Select If Not ComboBox1.Value = "" Then Worksheets(ComboBox1.Value).Select Sheets(1).ComboBox1.Value = "" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If ActiveSheet.Name = "Tabelle1" Then Application.OnTime Time + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), "AfterPrint" End If End Sub Modle Public Sub AfterPrint() MsgBox ("Ich werde erst angezeigt, nachdem der Druck ''angestossen'' wurde !!!") ' hier auszufhrenden Code ergnzen End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Select Case Target.Value Case 1 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 2 Case 2 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case 3 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Case 4 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 5 Case 5 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Case 6 Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 7 Case Else Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End Select End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Set RaBereich = Range("B3:C20, D1:D7") ' Set RaBereich = Union(Range("C7:I26"), Range("L7:R26"), Range("U7:AA26"), Range("AD7:AJ26")) ' ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("Passwort") For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then With RaZelle Select Case UCase(.Value) Case "1" .Interior.ColorIndex = 1 .Font.ColorIndex = 2 '.NumberFormat = "General" ' Zellenformat Standard Case "2" .Interior.ColorIndex = 6 .Font.ColorIndex = 0 '.NumberFormat = "General" ' Zellenformat Standard Case "3" .Interior.ColorIndex = 3 .Font.ColorIndex = 2 '.NumberFormat = ";;;" Case "4" .Interior.ColorIndex = 4 .Font.ColorIndex = 0 '.NumberFormat = "General" ' Zellenformat Standard Case "KLAUS" .Interior.ColorIndex = 5 .Font.ColorIndex = 0 '.NumberFormat = "General" ' Zellenformat Standard Case Else .Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone .Font.ColorIndex = 0 '.NumberFormat = "General" ' Zellenformat Standard End Select End With End If Next RaZelle ' ActiveSheet.protect ("Passwort") Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Set RaBereich = Range("B3:C20, D1:D7") ' Set RaBereich = Union(Range("C7:I26"), Range("L7:R26"), Range("U7:AA26"), Range("AD7:AJ26")) ' ActiveSheet.Unprotect For Each RaZelle In RaBereich If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then Select Case RaZelle.Value Case "1" RaZelle.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 Case "2" RaZelle.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Case "3" RaZelle.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "4" RaZelle.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 Case Else RaZelle.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Select End If Next RaZelle ' ActiveSheet.protect Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Plage As Range Set Plage = Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) If Plage Is Nothing Then Exit Sub For Each cellule In Plage If cellule.Value = 1 Then cellule.NumberFormat = "General"" er""" Else: cellule.NumberFormat = "General"" Snf""" End If Next End Sub

End Sub 'Modle Option Explicit Const PopUpCommandBarName As String = "TemporaryPopupMenu" Sub DeletePopUp() On Error Resume Next CommandBars(PopUpCommandBarName).Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub CreatePopUp() Dim cb As CommandBar, m As CommandBarPopup DeletePopUp Set cb = CommandBars.Add(PopUpCommandBarName, msoBarPopup, False, True) With cb With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 71 .Caption = "Custom Menu 1" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 1" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 72 .Caption = "Custom Menu 2" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 2" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 73 .Caption = "Custom Menu 3" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 3" End With Set m = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) With m .BeginGroup = True .Caption = "Sub Menu" With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 71 .Caption = "Custom Menu 1" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 1" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 72 .Caption = "Custom Menu 2" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 2" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "MyMacroName" .FaceId = 73 .Caption = "Custom Menu 3" .TooltipText = "Custom Tooltip Text 3" End With End With Set m = Nothing End With Set cb = Nothing End Sub Sub DisplayCustomPopUp() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars(PopUpCommandBarName).ShowPopup On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub DisplayExampleUserForm() Load UserForm1 UserForm1.Show Unload UserForm1 End Sub Sub MyMacroName()

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True MsgBox "Click droit indisponible" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Application.EnableEvents = False If IsNumeric(Target.Value) Then If Not Target.Comment Is Nothing Then Target = Target.Value + CDbl(Target.Comment.Text) Target.Comment.Delete End If Target.AddComment (Target.Text) Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = 0 End If ErrorHandler: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Sub Printr() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&""Arial,Bold Italic""&14My Report" & Chr(13) _ & Sheets(1).Range("A1") ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Target.NoteText "Die Zelle wurde am " & Format(Date, "") & " um " & Format(Now(), " hh:mm:ss") & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocum End Sub 'Modl blmne Sub Kommentare_lschen() Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator Cells.Select Selection.ClearComments Range("A1").Select Selection.ClearComments Application.CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Target.NoteText "Die Zelle wurde am " & Format(Date, "") & " um " & Format(Now(), " hh:mm:ss") & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocum End Sub Sub Kommentare_lschen() Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator Cells.Select Selection.ClearComments Range("A1").Select Selection.ClearComments Application.CommandBars("Reviewing").Visible = False Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next Target = UCase(Target) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target = BH(Target) End Sub Function BH(cevir) BH = Replace(cevir, "i", "") BH = Replace(BH, "", "I") BH = UCase(BH) End Function Dim MyData As DataObject Sub TestClip() Set MyData = New DataObject ActiveSheet.Shapes("Dikdrtgen 4").Select MyData.SetText Selection.Text MyData.PutInClipboard [A1].Select ActiveSheet.Paste End Sub

Dim FormulaCells As Range, Cell As Range Dim FormulaSheet As Worksheet Dim Row As Integer ' Create a Range object for all formula cells On Error Resume Next Set FormulaCells = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlFormulas, 23) ' Exit if no formulas are found If FormulaCells Is Nothing Then MsgBox "No Formulas." Exit Sub End If ' Add a new worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set FormulaSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add FormulaSheet.Name = "Formulas in " & FormulaCells.Parent.Name ' Set up the column headings With FormulaSheet Range("A1") = "Address" Range("B1") = "Formula" Range("C1") = "Value" Range("A1:C1").Font.Bold = True End With ' Process each formula Row = 2 For Each Cell In FormulaCells Application.StatusBar = Format((Row - 1) / FormulaCells.Count, "0%") With FormulaSheet Cells(Row, 1) = Cell.Address _ (RowAbsolute:=False, ColumnAbsolute:=False) Cells(Row, 2) = " " & Cell.Formula Cells(Row, 3) = Cell.Value Row = Row + 1 End With Next Cell ' Adjust column widths FormulaSheet.Columns("A:C").AutoFit Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Option Explicit Const hedefsahife = "Sayfa1" Sub auto_open() Worksheets(hedefsahife).OnDoubleClick = "pir" End Sub Sub auto_close() Worksheets(hedefsahife).OnDoubleClick = "" End Sub Sub pir() MsgBox "a ha da alt" End Sub Sub sayfaismi() ActiveCell.Value = ActiveSheet.Name End Sub

Sub Copy_Sheet() Dim wSht As Worksheet Dim shtName As String shtName = "NewSheet" For Each wSht In Worksheets If wSht.Name = shtName Then MsgBox "Sheet already exists...Make necessary " & _ "corrections and try again." Exit Sub End If Next wSht Sheets(1).Copy before:=Sheets(1) Sheets(1).Name = shtName Sheets(shtName).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End Sub Sub A1nomfeuil() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each x In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets x.Activate [A1] = ActiveSheet.Name Next End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) If ActiveSheet.Name = "Liste2" Then Cancel = True End If End Sub 'Aktif sayfa ismi Sub ornek() MsgBox "Active Sheet : " & ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Sub TypeSheet() MsgBox "Bu sayfann ad " & ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Sub Enregistre_1_Feuille() ActiveSheet.Copy Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show 'Active la boite de dialogue Enregistrer sous End Sub Sub sol() Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1).Select End Sub Sub sag() Sheets(ActiveSheet.Index + 1).Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Select Case ActiveSheet.Name Case "Sheet1" Makro1 Case "Sheet2" Makro2 Case "Sheet3" Makro3 Case Else Makro4 End Select Unload Me End Sub Sub koru() ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="pir" End Sub Sub koru_ma() ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="pir" End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If IsNumeric(Target) = False Then MsgBox "Valeur numrique obligatoire" Target.Clear Target.Select End If End Sub Sub Add_Sheet() Dim Sayfa As Worksheet Dim SayfaAd As String SayfaAd = Format(Now, "mmmm_yyyy") For Each Sayfa In Worksheets If Sayfa.Name = SayfaAd Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir sayfa bulunmaktadr." Exit Sub End If Next Sayfa Sheets.Add.Name = SayfaAd Sheets(SayfaAd).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A:IV").Copy _ Sheets(SayfaAd).Range("A1") End Sub Sub Mail_ActiveSheet_TXT_File() Dim wb As Workbook Dim strdate As String Dim Fname As String strdate = Format(Now, "dd-mm-yy h-mm-ss") Fname = "C:\Part of " & ThisWorkbook.Name _ & " " & strdate & ".txt" Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveSheet.Copy Set wb = ActiveWorkbook With wb .SaveAs Fname, FileFormat:=xlText .SendMail "", _ "Bu mail excel uzerinden geliyor" .Close False End With Kill Fname Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub YeniKitap() Dim Sh As Worksheet Set Sh = ActiveSheet3422 ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveSheet.Name = "YeniSayfa" Sh.Range("A1:Z10").Copy Range("A2") End Sub Sub EmailSheet() On Error GoTo Terminator Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim shtName As String shtName = ActiveSheet.Name ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Application.GetSaveAsFilename("Kopya " & shtName, "Microsoft Excel File, *.xls") Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSendMail).Show With ActiveWorkbook .ChangeFileAccess xlReadOnly Kill .FullName .Close False End With Terminator: MsgBox "Dosya gnderilemedi" Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub PrintThisSheet() ActiveSheet.PrintOut End Sub Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub der() Range("A1").Select If Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, ActiveCell.Column).Value <> "" Then ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Select End If End Sub Sub PrintToAnotherPrinter() Dim strCurrentPrinter As String strCurrentPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter ' store the current active printer On Error Resume Next ' ignore printing errors Application.ActivePrinter = "microsoft fax on fax:" ' change to another printer ActiveSheet.PrintOut ' print the active sheet Application.ActivePrinter = strCurrentPrinter ' change back to the original printer On Error GoTo 0 ' resume normal error handling End Sub Eer birden daha fazla Workbook aksa sadece Active olan Window'u kapatyoruz. Eer tek br window (yani zerinde altmz) aksa tm Excel uygulamasn kapatyoruz. Ak olan pencereleri sayyor ve eer tek bir window aksa Exceli kapatyor. 'Deilse sadece o pencereyi kapatyor. If Application.Windows.Count = 1 Then Application.Quit Else Application.ActiveWindow.Close End If Sub SpreadOut() Dim bossat As Integer, J As Integer bossat = InputBox("Ka satr Olacak?", "Bo Satr Ekle") ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select While ActiveCell.Value > "" And bossat > 0 For J = 1 To bossat Selection.EntireRow.Insert Next J ActiveCell.Offset(bossat + 1, 0).Select Wend End Sub Sub ActivePrinter_() 'Aktif Yazacnz ismini renin MsgBox ActivePrinter End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ActiveCell.EntireColumn.AutoFit ActiveCell.EntireRow.AutoFit End Sub Sub dortgen_sil() For Each Rectangle In ActiveSheet.Shapes Rectangle.Delete Next End Sub

Sub Alarm() Dim beepat As String beepat = InputBox("Give Alarm at", "hh:mm:ss " & _ Format(Now, "mm:hh"), "17:00") If beepat = "" Then MsgBox "cancelled" Exit Sub End If Application.OnTime TimeValue(beepat), "BeepMe" End Sub 'Example of a Count Down Timer Sub CountDownTimer() Dim beepat As String beepat = InputBox("Count down Timer hh:mm:ss i.e. 10:00", _ "Time now is " & Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss"), "3:00") If beepat = "" Then MsgBox "cancelled" Exit Sub End If Application.OnTime (Now + TimeValue(beepat)), "BeepMe" End Sub Sub beepme() Beep Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.8)), "beepme2" End Sub Sub beepme2() Beep Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.8)), "beepme3" End Sub Sub beepme3() Beep End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Activate Row = ActiveCell.Row + 1 Cells(Row, 1).Activate ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value = TextBox1.Text ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Text ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox3.Text ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox4.Text Range("A3:D3030").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A3"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To GELEN.Controls.Count - 1 If Mid(GELEN.Controls(i).Name, 1, 7) = "TextBox" Then GELEN.Controls(i).Value = "" DoEvents End If Next i End Sub

Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'BU KOD MAKRO ALIINKEN SAYFA HAREKETLERN ENGELLER If TextBox1.Value = "" Then MsgBox ("KAYIT YAPILACAK KNN SMN GRNZ.") Exit Sub Else End If 'BU KOD TEXTBOX1 E KAYIT GRLMEM SE LEM YAPMASINA ZN VERMEZ. Sheets("DATA").Select Range("a2").Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop If Range("a2").Value = "" Then Range("a2").Value = 1 Else ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value + 1 End If 'BU KODLAR DATA SAYFASINI SEER,KAYIT OLMAYAN SATIRI BULUR,KAYIDA OTOMATK NUMARA VERR. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox3.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value = TextBox4.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = TextBox5.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value = TextBox6.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value = TextBox7.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value = TextBox8.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value = TextBox9.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value = TextBox10.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).Value = TextBox11.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value = TextBox12.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value = TextBox13.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 14).Value = TextBox14.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 15).Value = TextBox15.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16).Value = TextBox16.Value 'BU KODLAR TEXTBOXDAK BLGLER AYNI SATIRDA,FARKLI SUTUNLARA KAYIT YAPAR TextBox1.Value = "" TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox3.Value = "" TextBox4.Value = "" TextBox5.Value = "" TextBox6.Value = "" TextBox7.Value = "" TextBox8.Value = "" TextBox9.Value = "" TextBox10.Value = "" TextBox11.Value = "" TextBox12.Value = "" TextBox13.Value = "" TextBox14.Value = "" TextBox15.Value = "" TextBox16.Value = "" 'BU KODLAR TEXTBOXLARDAK VERLER SLER MsgBox ("Bilgiler veri tabanna kayt edildi.") 'BU KOD MESAJ VERR. Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'BU KOD SAYFA HAREKETN NORMAL HALE GETRR. End Sub Sub Alt_Klasr_smi_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = ds.GetParentFolderName("D:\Excelrnekleri\Vergi ade") MsgBox f End Sub

Sub DUZEN() For x=1 To 10 For y=1 To 10 Cells(x,y).select ActiveCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(ActiveCell.Value) ActiveCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(ActiveCell.Value) Next Next End Sub Sub Dateipfad() Worksheets(1).PageSetup.LeftFooter = ThisWorkbook.FullName End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim i As Byte Dim AnaMenAk As Boolean For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count If Workbooks(i).Name = "Anamen.xls" Then AnaMenAk = True Exit Sub Else AnaMenAk = False End If Next If AnaMenAk = False Then MsgBox "Ltfen nce AnaMen.xls dosyasn anz..." ThisWorkbook.Close End If End Sub

Private Declare Function GetEnvironmentVariable Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetEnvironmentVariableA" ( _ ByVal lpName As String, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) As Long Function GetEnvironmentVar(strEnvName As String) As String GetEnvironmentVar = String(255, 0) GetEnvironmentVariable strEnvName, _ GetEnvironmentVar, _ Len(GetEnvironmentVar) If InStr(1, GetEnvironmentVar, Chr(0)) > 0 Then GetEnvironmentVar = Left(GetEnvironmentVar, _ InStr(1, GetEnvironmentVar, Chr(0)) - 1) End If GetEnvironmentVar = strEnvName & ": " & GetEnvironmentVar End Function Sub GetEnviro() Dim strMsg As String '// Build the string msg strMsg = GetEnvironmentVar("_MACH") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("_TYPE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("ALLUSERSPROFILE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("APPDATA") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("CommonProgramFiles") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("COMPUTERNAME") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("ComSpec") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("HOMEDRIVE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("HOMEPATH") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("HOMESHARE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("Include") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("Lib") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("LOGONSERVER") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("LOGSERVER") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("OS") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("Os2LibPath") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("Path") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("PATHEXT") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("PROCESSOR_LEVEL") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("PROCESSOR_REVISION") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("ProgramFiles") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("SMSHOME") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("STARTUPLOG") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("SYBASE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("SystemDrive") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("SystemRoot") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("TEMP") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("TMP") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("USERDOMAIN") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("USERDOMAIN") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("UserName") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("USERPROFILE") strMsg = strMsg & vbCr & GetEnvironmentVar("windir") MsgBox strMsg, vbInformation, "Envoronmental variables" End Sub Size Bu rnek Fikir verebilir.Kendi almanza derlersiniz. A1 Hcresine stediiniz zaman atarsnz.Tabii A1 Hcresini ss:dd:nn biimlendirmeniz gerek. Kod: Sub basla() Application.OnTime Now + [a1], procedure:="Mesaj" End Sub Sub Mesaj() MsgBox "deneme" End Sub

Sub SearchText() Dim SearchString, SearchChar, MyPos SearchChar = "salut" For Each cell In Range("A1:A11") SearchString = cell.Text MyPos = InStr(SearchString, SearchChar)

If MyPos > 0 Then MsgBox ("Mot trouv") MsgBox "Mot trouv cette adresse: " & cell.Address cell(1, 2).Value = "(salut) est sur cette ligne" End If Next End Sub Sub arabul() ara = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Aranacak Veri?", Type:=3) Range("A3:A341").Select Selection.Find(What:=ara, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate satir = ActiveCell.Row Range(Cells(satir, 2), Cells(satir, 8)).Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A2").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=True End Sub Sub Asteriks() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim Sayac As Integer Dim SinananVeri As String Veri = InputBox("Aranan Veriyi Belirtiniz", "ARANAN VER", "") SinananVeri = "*" & Veri & "*" Set Say1 = Worksheets("Sayfa1") Set Say2 = Worksheets("Sayfa2") j=1 For i = 1 To 10 If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Say2.Cells(i, 1), SinananVeri) > 0 Then Say1.Cells(j, 1) = Say2.Cells(i, 1) Sayac = Sayac + 1 j=j+1 End If Next i MsgBox Say2.Name & "'de aram olduunuz " & Veri & " verisini ieren toplam " & Sayac & " adet hcre deeri bulundu ve " & Say1.Name & "'de liste End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim FirstMatch As String, strVal As String, MyMsg As String Dim MyData As Variant If Len(TextBox1) >= 1 Then Set MyData = Columns("C").Find(TextBox1) If Not MyData Is Nothing Then FirstMatch = MyData.Address Do strVal = strVal & MyData.Address(False, False) & vbCrLf Set MyData = Columns("C").FindNext(MyData) Loop While Not MyData Is Nothing And MyData.Address <> FirstMatch End If Else MsgBox "Aranlacak deeri girin..." Exit Sub End If If strVal = Empty Then strVal = "Bulunamad...." MyMsg = "Aranlan deer " & TextBox1 & " nn bulunduu hcreler:" _ & vbCrLf & String(35, "*") MsgBox MyMsg & vbCrLf & strVal Set MyData = Nothing End Sub

Option Compare Text Sub Check_Values_1() On Error Resume Next Dim CurCell As Range Dim Heading As String Dim Prompt As String Dim Criteria As Variant Dim Color As Long Dim lRows As Long Dim lCols As Long Dim lAllCells As Long lRows = ActiveSheet.Rows.Count lCols = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count lAllCells = lRows * lCols If Selection.Cells.Count = lAllCells Then MsgBox "To check the entire sheet, please select only one cell", 64 Exit Sub End If Heading = "Enter Criteria" Prompt = "Enter the value you want to find and highlight." Color = 3 Criteria = InputBox(Prompt, Heading) If Criteria = "" Then Exit Sub ElseIf IsNumeric(Criteria) Then Criteria = CLng(Criteria) ElseIf IsDate(Criteria) Then Criteria = CDate(Criteria) Else Criteria = CStr(Criteria) End If If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then For Each CurCell In Selection If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell Else For Each CurCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell End If End Sub Sub Check_Values_2() Dim CurCell As Range For Each CurCell In Range("A1:A10") If CurCell.Value = 10 Then CurCell.Value = 21 Next End Sub UserForma Bir TextBox1 ve CommandButton1 ekliyerek aadaki kodlar CommandButtonu clikliyerek aacanz kod sayfasna yazn. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Byte If Len(TextBox1) > 0 Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Call Myxxrt(Worksheets(i).Name) Next End If End Sub Private Function Myxxrt(ShName As String) Dim MyRng As Range On Error Resume Next Set MyRng = Range(Sheets(ShName).Cells.Find(TextBox1, LookAt:=xlWhole).Address) MsgBox "Aranlan deer " & ShName & " sayfasnda " & MyRng.Address(False, False) & " hcresinde bulundu !" Set MyRng = Nothing End Function

Sub Creation_barre_outil() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Toolbars.Add Name:="Outils NewGam" Toolbars("Outils NewGam").Visible = True Set BarOutil = Toolbars("Outils NewGam").ToolbarButtons BarOutil.Add Button:=214, Before:=1, OnAction:="Action0",Enabled:=True,Pushed:=False BarOutil(1).Name = "Interface" Set BarOutil = Toolbars("Outils NewGam").ToolbarButtons BarOutil.Add Button:=211, Before:=1, OnAction:="Action1", Enabled:=True,Pushed:=False BarOutil(1).Name = "CreTarifCatalogue" Set BarOutil = Toolbars("Outils NewGam").ToolbarButtons BarOutil.Add Button:=213, Before:=1, OnAction:="Action2", Enabled:=True, Pushed:=False BarOutil(1).Name = "CreeTarifExport" Set BarOutil = Nothing 'Positionnement de la barre d'outils With Toolbars("Outils NewGam") .Left = 620 .Top = 450 .Width = 120 End With End Sub Sub Action0() Range("a1").Formula = "Commande Action0" End Sub Sub Action1() Range("a2").Formula = "Commande Action1" End Sub Sub Action2() Range("a3").Formula = "Commande Action2" End Sub Sub SupprimeBarOutil() On Error Resume Next Toolbars("Outils NewGam").Delete End Sub

Eigene_Symbolleiste_erzeugen End Sub Sub Eigene_Symbolleiste_erzeugen() Toolbars.Add Name:="Eigene_Symbolleiste" Toolbars("Eigene_Symbolleiste").Visible = True With Application .ShowToolTips = True: .LargeButtons = False: .ColorButtons = True End With With Toolbars("Eigene_Symbolleiste") .ToolbarButtons.Add Button:=211, Before:=1 .ToolbarButtons(1).OnAction = "Dieser_Befehl_wird_bei_Klick_ausgefhrt" .ToolbarButtons(1).Name = ("Dieser Text erscheint als Quickinfotext, wenn die Maus an das Symbol gehalten wird") .Position = xlTop .Left = -1 .Top = -1 End With End Sub Sub Dieser_Befehl_wird_bei_Klick_ausgefhrt() MsgBox "Diese Meldungsbox ist der Befehl, der bei Klick auf das Symbol ausgefhrt wird.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Funktion dieses Symbols" End Sub Sub Eigene_Symbolleiste_lschen() Dim Sym As Toolbar Toolbars("Eigene_Symbolleiste").Delete For Each Sym In Toolbars If Sym.Visible = True Then Sym.Left = 1 Next Sym End Sub Sub Auto_close() Eigene_Symbolleiste_lschen End Sub Sub toolres() For Each tb In Application.Toolbars tb.Reset Next tb End Sub

Dim CmdB As CommandBar Dim Ctl As CommandBarControl, nCtlC As CommandBarComboBox For Each Ctl In Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _ .Controls If Ctl.Type = msoControlComboBox And _ Ctl.Caption = "Symbolleistenauswahl" Then Ctl.Delete End If Next Ctl With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") Set nCtlC = .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox, _ Before:=.Controls.Count, Temporary:=True) End With With nCtlC .Caption = "Symbolleistenauswahl" .OnAction = "Me_007_Visible" For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypeNormal Then .AddItem CmdB.NameLocal End If Next CmdB .DropDownLines = 20 .Width = 150 .ListIndex = 1 End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call Me_007_Delete End Sub Public Sub Me_007_Visible() Dim CmdB As CommandBar Dim CtlC As CommandBarComboBox Dim CmdBName As String 'Dim CmdBName$ Set CtlC = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _ .Controls("Symbolleistenauswahl") CmdBName = CtlC.List(CtlC.ListIndex) For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypeNormal And _ CmdB.NameLocal = CmdBName Then CmdB.Visible = True Exit Sub End If Next CmdB MsgBox "Die Symbolleiste '" & CmdBName & "' existiert" & _ " nicht!", _ vbInformation, "Code-Beispiel (Me_007)" End Sub Public Sub Me_007_Delete() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") _ .Controls("Symbolleistenauswahl").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub toolbar_disable() For Each tb In Toolbars tb.Visible = False 'true geri getirir Next tb End Sub

Sub auto_open() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count Application.CommandBars(i).Enabled = False Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count Application.CommandBars(i).Enabled = 1 Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private VisibleCmdBs As New Collection Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim CmdB As CommandBar For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypeNormal And CmdB.Visible = True Then VisibleCmdBs.Add CmdB, CmdB.Name CmdB.Visible = False End If Next CmdB End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim CmdB As Object For Each CmdB In VisibleCmdBs CmdB.Visible = True Next CmdB Set VisibleCmdBs = Nothing End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30007).Enabled = False End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30007).Enabled = True End Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row If Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "" And Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "m.cinsi" Then Range(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("sayfa2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True

edit : yukardaki rnekteki gibi aplication 'un screenupdate'i daha sonra kullanlmayacaksa, true yapmak mantkszdr. i bittiinde zaten otomatik olarak tr sen neden yaptn derseniz, alkanlk. Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row If Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "" And Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "m.cinsi" Then Range(i & ":" & i).EntireRow.Copy Sheets("sayfa2").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True

edit : yukardaki rnekteki gibi aplication 'un screenupdate'i daha sonra kullanlmayacaksa, true yapmak mantkszdr. i bittiinde zaten otomatik olarak tr sen neden yaptn derseniz, alkanlk. Sub bul() On Error GoTo 10 aranan = InputBox("erii girtiniz", "Arama Yap", " ") cells.Find(aranan).Select Exit Sub 10 MsgBox "Aranan veri bulunamad." End Sub

Sub sil() For i = 1 To Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row If Cells(i, 1) = "Sunta" Then Rows(i).Delete End If Next End Sub Sub Bul_Adres() Find = InputBox("Aranan deer?", "pir") On Error GoTo yok bul = Cells.Find(Find).Address MsgBox bul, vbInformation, "Aradnz kaydn bulunduu hcre:" Exit Sub yok: MsgBox "Kayt bulunamad", vbCritical End FindItAll() Sub Sub Dim oSheet As Object Dim Firstcell As Range Dim NextCell As Range Dim WhatToFind As Variant WhatToFind = Application.InputBox("What are you looking for ?", "Search", , 100, 100, , , 2) If WhatToFind <> "" And Not WhatToFind = False Then For Each oSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets oSheet.Activate oSheet.[a1].Activate Set Firstcell = Cells.Find(What:=WhatToFind, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) If Not Firstcell Is Nothing Then Firstcell.Activate MsgBox ("Found " & Chr(34) & WhatToFind & Chr(34) & " in " & oSheet.Name & "!" & Firstcell.Address) On Error Resume Next While (Not NextCell Is Nothing) And (Not NextCell.Address = Firstcell.Address) Set NextCell = Cells.FindNext(After:=ActiveCell) If Not NextCell.Address = Firstcell.Address Then NextCell.Activate MsgBox ("Found " & Chr(34) & WhatToFind & Chr(34) & " in " & oSheet.Name & "!" & NextCell.Address) End If Wend End If Set NextCell = Nothing Set Firstcell = Nothing Next oSheet End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox9_Change() [a1] = Replace(TextBox9, Chr(13), "") End Sub

'Make cell range Background color, flash x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-a is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range background flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:M8") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for Flashing to Stop! " 'Make cell background flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 11 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.2 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 2 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias "SystemParametersInfoA" ( _ ByVal uAction As Long, _ ByVal uParam As Long, _ ByVal lpvParam As Any, _ ByVal fuWinIni As Long) As Long ' Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER = 20 Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE = &H1 Const MyPic = "C:\muhtelif\resim1.bmp" ' Sub Test() SystemParametersInfo SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER, ByVal 0&, MyPic, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE End Sub 'none yapmak iin .... Const SPI_SETDESKWALLPAPER = 20 Const SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE = &H1 Const MyPic = ""

Sub myScrollDown() ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=1 ActiveWindow.ActivateNext ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=1 ActiveWindow.ActivatePrevious End Sub Sub myScrollUp() ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Up:=1 ActiveWindow.ActivateNext ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Up:=1 ActiveWindow.ActivatePrevious End Sub Sub Down() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select End Sub Sub up() ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select End Sub Sub Right() ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select End Sub Sub Left() ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() e = Application.CountA(Range("A:A")) Cells(e, 1).Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp End Sub Sub PanZehir() CommandBars("Cell").Reset End Sub Public Sub CopyDown() LastRow = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LastRow If Range("A" & i).Value = "" Then Range("A" & i - 1 & ":CB" & i - 1).Copy Destination:=Range("A" & i) End If Next i End Sub Sub Add_Sheet() Dim Sayfa As Worksheet Dim SayfaAd As String SayfaAd = Format(Now, "mmmm_yyyy") For Each Sayfa In Worksheets If Sayfa.Name = SayfaAd Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir sayfa bulunmaktadr." Exit Sub End If Next Sayfa Sheets.Add.Name = SayfaAd Sheets(SayfaAd).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A:IV").Copy _ Sheets(SayfaAd).Range("A1") End Sub Sub NomFeuilMois() For I = 1 To 12 ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = Format(30 * I, "mmmm") Next I End Sub

Dim J As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim sDay As String Dim sTemp As String Dim iTarget As Integer Dim dBasis As Date iTarget = 13 While (iTarget < 1) Or (iTarget > 12) iTarget = Val(InputBox("Numeric month?")) If iTarget = 0 Then Exit Sub Wend Application.ScreenUpdating = False sTemp = Str(iTarget) & "/1/" & Year(Now()) dBasis = CDate(sTemp) For J = 1 To 31 sDay = Format((dBasis + J - 1), "dddd mm-dd-yyyy") If Month(dBasis + J - 1) = iTarget Then If J <= Sheets.Count Then If Left(Sheets(J).Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then Sheets(J).Name = sDay Else Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = sDay End If Else Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = sDay End If End If Next J For J = 1 To (Sheets.Count - 1) For K = J + 1 To Sheets.Count If Right(Sheets(J).Name, 10) > _ Right(Sheets(K).Name, 10) Then Sheets(K).Move Before:=Sheets(J) End If Next K Next J Sheets(1).Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Cells([C65536].End(3).Row + 1, "C") = TextBox3 TextBox1 = "" TextBox2 = "" TextBox3 = "" UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() SON = [C65536].End(3).Row + 1 TextBox1 = Cells(SON, "A") TextBox2 = Cells(SON, "B") TextBox3.SetFocus End Sub

sub songun() Dim MyDate as Date ActiveCell.Value = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now) + 1, 0) End Sub 'tarih imdiki zaman hesaplama Sub ss1() 'As constants the following will not update [a1] = Int(Now) 'date [a2] = Now 'date and time [a3] = Date 'date [a4] = Date + Time 'same as now 'As Worksheet Functions the following will update [a5] = "=Today()" 'current date into worksheet formula [a6] = "=now()" 'current date [a7] = "=now() - Today()" 'current time when recalculated [a7].NumberFormat = "hh:mm" [a8] = "=MOD(NOW(),1)" 'current time when recalculated [a8].NumberFormat = "hh:mm" End Sub Dim J As Integer Dim K As Integer Dim sMo(12) As String sMo(1) = "January" sMo(2) = "February" sMo(3) = "March" sMo(4) = "April" sMo(5) = "May" sMo(6) = "June" sMo(7) = "July" sMo(8) = "August" sMo(9) = "September" sMo(10) = "October" sMo(11) = "November" sMo(12) = "December" For J = 1 To 12 If J <= Sheets.Count Then If Left(Sheets(J).Name, 5) = "Sheet" Then Sheets(J).Name = sMo(J) Else Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = sMo(J) End If Else Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = sMo(J) End If Next J For J = 1 To 12 If Sheets(J).Name <> sMo(J) Then For K = J + 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(K).Name = sMo(J) Then Sheets(K).Move Before:=Sheets(J) End If Next K End If Next J Sheets(1).Activate End Sub

Option Explicit Sub CreateMonths() Dim lDay As Long Dim iWks As Integer, iDay As Integer For iWks = 1 To 12 Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = Format(DateSerial(1, iWks, 1), "mmmm") For lDay = DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks, 1) To DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks + 1, 0) iDay = iDay + 1 Cells(iDay, 1).Value = DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks, iDay) Next lDay iDay = 0 Next iWks Worksheets(1).Select End Sub Sub GotoToDay() Dim iRow As Integer Worksheets(Month(Date) + 1).Select iRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(CDbl(Date), Columns(1), 0) Cells(iRow, 1).Select End Sub 'Kodun altrlaca aktif sayfaya Option Explicit

End With 'Feiertage eintragen und formatieren WS.Cells(x + 7, 2) = FeiertagCH(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1)) If WS.Cells(x + 7, 2) <> "" Then If Right(WS.Cells(x + 7, 2), 1) = "*" And _ WS.Cells(x + 7, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Else Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If End If End If Next x Next i With Worksheets(13) .Name = "bersicht" .PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape With .Columns("A:F") .ColumnWidth = 19.5 ' weitere Formatierungen der Spalten End With For i = 1 To 6 .Cells(2, i) = Format(DateSerial(0, i, 1), "MMMM") .Cells(20, i) = Format(DateSerial(0, i + 6, 1), "MMMM") Range(.Cells(2, i), .Cells(19, i)).BorderAround ColorIndex:=0, Weight:=xlThin Range(.Cells(20, i), .Cells(38, i)).BorderAround ColorIndex:=0, Weight:=xlThin Next i End With End Sub Function FeiertagCH(datum As Date) Dim J As Integer Dim O As Date Dim D As Integer J = Year(datum) D = (((255 - 11 * (J Mod 19)) - 21) Mod 30) + 21 O = DateSerial(J, 3, 1) + D + (D > 48) + 6 - _ ((J + J \ 4 + D + (D > 48) + 1) Mod 7) Select Case datum Case Is = DateSerial(J, 1, 1) FeiertagCH = "Neujahr" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 1, 2) FeiertagCH = "Berchtoldstag*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 3, 3) FeiertagCH = "Josefstag*" Case Is = DateAdd("D", -2, O) FeiertagCH = "Karfreitag" Case Is = O FeiertagCH = "Ostersonntag" Case Is = DateAdd("D", 1, O) FeiertagCH = "Ostermontag*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 5, 1) FeiertagCH = "Maifeiertag*" Case Is = DateAdd("D", 39, O) FeiertagCH = "Auffahrt, Christi Himmelfahrt" Case Is = DateAdd("D", 49, O) FeiertagCH = "Pfingstsonntag" Case Is = DateAdd("D", 50, O) FeiertagCH = "Pfingstmontag" Case Is = DateAdd("D", 60, O) FeiertagCH = "Fronleichnam*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 8, 1) FeiertagCH = "Bundesfeier" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 8, 15) FeiertagCH = "Mariae Himmelfahrt*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 11, 1) FeiertagCH = "Allerheiligen*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 12, 8) FeiertagCH = "Mariae Empfngnis*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 12, 24) FeiertagCH = "Heilig Abend*" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 12, 25) FeiertagCH = "Weihnachtsfeiertag" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 12, 26) FeiertagCH = "Stefanstag" Case Is = DateSerial(J, 12, 31) FeiertagCH = "Silvester*" Case Else FeiertagCH = ""

Sub CreateMonths() Dim lDay As Long Dim iWks As Integer, iDay As Integer For iWks = 1 To 12 Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Name = Format(DateSerial(1, iWks, 1), "mmmm") For lDay = DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks, 1) To DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks + 1, 0) iDay = iDay + 1 Cells(iDay, 1).Value = DateSerial(Year(Date), iWks, iDay) Next lDay iDay = 0 Next iWks Worksheets(1).Select End Sub Sub GotoToDay() Dim iRow As Integer Worksheets(Month(Date) + 1).Select iRow = WorksheetFunction.Match(CDbl(Date), Columns(1), 0) Cells(iRow, 1).Select End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.StartUpPosition = 0 UserForm1.Top = 10 UserForm1.Left = 10 End Sub Sub als_text_speichern() Dim iRow As Long, strDatei As String, iLastRow As Integer iLastRow = Sheets(1).Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row strDatei = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\test1.txt" Open strDatei For Output As #1 For iRow = 1 To iLastRow Print #1, Format(Cells(iRow, 1), "#0.00"); Chr(9); Print #1, Format(Cells(iRow, 2), "YYYYMMDD"); Chr(9); Print #1, Cells(iRow, 3) Next iRow Close #1 End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Cells.Address <> "$A$2" Then Exit Sub If [b1] = Empty Then [b1] = "=" If IsNumeric([a1]) And [a1] <> 0 Then [b1].Formula = [b1].Formula & "+" & [a1] End Sub

Dim i As Integer Sheets("Sayfa1").Select '*** nce textoxlar kontrol edelim If txtadet.Value = "" Or txtkilo.Value = "" Or txtfiyat.Value = "" Then MsgBox "Eksik tamlama yapmsnz!" Exit Sub End If '**** imdi de ayn fiyattan varm diye bakalm '**** varsa zerine toplayalm '**** yoksa alttaki bo satra gidelim For i = 1 To 18 If txtfiyat.Value * 1 = Cells(i, 3) Then Cells(i, 1) = Cells(i, 1) + txtadet.Value Cells(i, 2) = Cells(i, 2) + txtkilo.Value Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i, 3) GoTo AtlaSona Else If Cells(i, 3).Value = "" Then Cells(i, 1) = txtadet.Value Cells(i, 2) = txtkilo.Value Cells(i, 3) = txtfiyat.Value GoTo AtlaSona End If End If Next i MsgBox "18 satrnz da dolmu" Exit Sub AtlaSona: txtadet.Value = "" txtkilo.Value = "" txtfiyat.Value = "" MsgBox "Kaydedildi" txtadet.SetFocus End Sub For x = 2 To Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("c2:c" & x), Cells(x, 3)) = 1 Then ComboBox1.AddItem Cells(x, 3).Value End If Next

Dim i As Integer Sheets("Sayfa1").Select '*** nce textoxlar kontrol edelim If txtadet.Value = "" Or txtkilo.Value = "" Or txtfiyat.Value = "" Then MsgBox "Eksik tamlama yapmsnz!" Exit Sub End If Dim j As Integer, k As Integer j=1 k=3 BASADONELIM: '**** imdi de ayn fiyattan varm diye bakalm '**** varsa zerine toplayalm '**** yoksa alttaki bo satra gidelim For i = k To k + 15 If txtfiyat.Value * 1 = Cells(i, j + 2) Then Cells(i, j) = Cells(i, j) + txtadet.Value Cells(i, j + 1) = Cells(i, j + 1) + txtkilo.Value Cells(i, j + 2) = Cells(i, j + 2) GoTo AtlaSona Else If Cells(i, j + 2).Value = "" Then Cells(i, j) = txtadet.Value Cells(i, j + 1) = txtkilo.Value Cells(i, j + 2) = txtfiyat.Value GoTo AtlaSona End If End If Next i If i = k + 16 And j < 16 Then '18satr dolu ve son stunlar bo ise j = j + 5 'A-F-K-P eklinde 1 den balayp 5er 5er ilerledik GoTo BASADONELIM Else If k < 72 And j = 16 Then j=1 k = k + 23 GoTo BASADONELIM Else If k = 72 And j = 16 Then j=1 k = 120 GoTo BASADONELIM Else If k < 166 And j = 16 Then j=1 k = k + 23 GoTo BASADONELIM Else If k = 166 And j = 16 Then Msgox " tm aralklar dolu" End If End If End If End If End If AtlaSona: txtadet.Value = "" txtkilo.Value = "" txtfiyat.Value = "" txtadet.SetFocus MsgBox "Kaydedildi" End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End Sub

isimgir = TextBox3.Text satrndan sonra For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = isimgir Then MsgBox "Ayn isimde sayfa var" Exit Sub End If Next i Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If Not TextBox3.Text = Empty Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = TextBox3.Text Then MsgBox "Bu isimli bir sayfa mevcut..... !" Exit Sub End If Next Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) NewSh.Name = TextBox3.Text End If Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub Kod: Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() If TextBox14.Value <> "" Then Sheets("Cari Kart").Activate Cells(8, 1).Select Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" If Trim(ActiveCell.Value) = Trim(Me.TextBox15.Value) Then If MsgBox(Me.TextBox15 & " Dosya Numaral rn Kayd Var" & " Yeniden Kayt Yaplsn m?", vbYesNo, "Mkerrer Kayt") = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Loop ActiveCell.Value = TextBox14.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox15.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox16.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox19.Value 'diyelimki Bundan sonrakileri Sayfa2'ye kaydedeceksiniz. 'Sheets("Sayfa2").Select ile verileri kaydetmek istediiniz sayfaya geiyor 'Range ("A1).Select Aktif hcreyi seerek kayd tamamlyor. Sheets("Kasa").Select Range("B8").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate ActiveCell.Value = TextBox14.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox15.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox16.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox19.Value 'Kasa sayfasna kaytlar B8 hcresinden balamas gerekiyor 'TextBox14 deki bilgiler B stununa atlyor ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox14.Value 'TextBox17 deki bilgiler C stununa atlyor ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox17.Value 'TextBox20 deki bilgiler E stununa atlyor ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value = TextBox20.Value End If End Sub Sub listele() [a2:p65536].ClearContents For a = 2 To Sheets.Count Set s1 = Sheets(a) For b = 2 To s1.[w65536].End(3).Row c=c+1 Cells(c + 1, "a") = s1.[b1] Cells(c + 1, "b") = s1.[b8] For sut = 1 To 14 Cells(c + 1, sut + 2) = s1.Cells(b, sut + 22) Next Next Next End Sub

Sub AKTAR() Set s1 = [Sayfa1] Set s2 = [Sayfa2] s1.Select s1_son = s1.[A65536].End(3).Row S2_SON = s2.[A65536].End(3).Row For x = 2 To S2_SON For y = 2 To s1_son If s1.Cells(y, 1) = s2.Cells(x, 1) Then For z = 2 To 11 s2.Cells(x, z + 8) = s1.Cells(y, z) Next z Exit For End If Next y Next s2.Select End Sub Sub Spalte() Dim s As Integer Dim z As Integer Dim t As String Dim u As String s = ActiveCell.Column z = ActiveCell.Row t = Columns(s).Address(0, 0) u = Rows(z).Address(0, 0) MsgBox "Spaltennummer: " & s & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Spaltenbuchstabe(n): " & Left(t, InStr(t, ":") - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Zeilennum vbOKOnly, "Adresse der aktiven Zelle ..." End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim s As Integer Dim z As Integer Dim t As String Dim u As String s = ActiveCell.Column z = ActiveCell.Row t = Columns(s).Address(0, 0) u = Rows(z).Address(0, 0) MsgBox "Stun numaras: " & s & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Stun Ad: " & Left(t, InStr(t, ":") - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Satr Numaras: " & vbOKOnly, "Ayrntl aktif hcre adresleri" End Sub Sub Zelladresse() Worksheets(1).Select With ActiveCell MsgBox .Address MsgBox .Address(False) MsgBox .Address(, False) MsgBox .Address(False, False) MsgBox .Row MsgBox .Column MsgBox "Zeile: " & .Row & _ " - Spalte:" & .Column End With End Sub

Bir alternatif, Sub test(yol As String, dosyaadi As String, sayfaadi, range As String) With ActiveSheet.Range(range) .FormulaArray = "='" & yol & "\[" & dosyaadi & "]" & sayfaadi & "'!" & range .Value = .Value End With End Sub arma rnei test ("C:\klasoradi", "kitap.xls","sayfa1", "A1") kapal c:\klasoradi\kitap.xls dosyasnn sayfa1 sayfasndaki a1 hcresini alr. Bir dier alternatif Applicaiton.ScreenUpdating = False Application.EnableEvents = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set kitap = Workbooks.Open ("c:\klasor\kitapadi.xls") cells(1,1) = kitap.Worksheets("sayfa1").cells(1,1) Applicaiton.ScreenUpdating = True Application.EnableEvents = True Application.DisplayAlerts = True kapal c:\klasor\kitapadi.xls sayfa1 sayfasndaki a1 hcresini alr. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.Column = 2 And ActiveCell.Row > 1 And ActiveCell.Row < 22 Then Kalender.Show End Sub Sub mukerrersil() Dim i, y, a As Integer a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("b1:b65000")) For i = 1 To a For y = i + 1 To a If Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(y, 1) Then Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value Cells(y, 1).Value = Cells(y, 1).Value Cells(y, 1).EntireRow.Delete End If Next y Next i End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target _ As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next Application.EnableEvents = False Target.Value = Target.Value + 1 Application.EnableEvents = True If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Unable to add 1 to value in cell " _ & Target.Address(0, 0) End If End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal _ Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub If Not IsNumeric(Target) Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Dim i As Long, curv As Long, tov As Long curv = Target.Value tov = InputBox("supply new total rows", _ "Rows input", curv + 1) If tov < curv Then Exit Sub For i = curv + 1 To tov Cells(Target.Row + i - 1, 1).EntireRow.Insert Cells(Target.Row + i - 1, 3) = i Cells(Target.Row, 2) = i Next i End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) rowoffset = 0 Intersect(ActiveCell.EntireRow, Columns("A")).Value = ActiveCell.Row + rowoffset End Sub Sub test() Dim ra As Range, rb As Range For Each rb In [B1:B100] For Each ra In [A1:A100] If InStr(1, ra, rb) > 0 And rb <> "" Then ra.ClearContents Next ra Next rb End Sub Sub mukerrersil() Dim i, y, a As Integer a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("b1:b65000")) For i = 1 To a For y = i + 1 To a If Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(y, 1) Then Cells(i, 1).Value = Cells(i, 1).Value Cells(y, 1).Value = Cells(y, 1).Value Cells(y, 1).EntireRow.Delete End If Next y Next i End Sub Sub aktar() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim s(2) Set s(1) = Sheets("ATLYE RAPORU") Set s(2) = Sheets("BAKIM RAPORU") For a = 1 To 2 For b = 3 To s(a).[a65536].End(3).Row Set s3 = Sheets("" & s(a).Cells(b, "b")) sonsat = s3.[a65536].End(3).Row + 1 If s(a).Cells(b, "d") = "x" Then GoTo 10 s3.Cells(sonsat, "a") = s(a).Cells(b, "a") s3.Cells(sonsat, "b") = s(a).Cells(b, "c") s(a).Cells(b, "d") = "x" s3.[a3:b65536].Sort Key1:=s3.[a3] 10 Next: Next s(1).Select MsgBox "VERLER AKTARILDI" End Sub Sub Test() Dim MyRng As Range Dim NoB As Long NoB = Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row For Each MyRng In Range("B2:B" & NoB) If MyRng.Offset(0, -1) = "" Then MyRng.Offset(0, -1) = MyRng Next End Sub

Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Column <> 2 Then Exit Sub If Target.Row = 1 Then Exit Sub If Left(Target.Offset(0, -1), 1) = "~" Then Exit Sub If Left(Target.Offset(0, -1), 1) = "~" Then Exit Sub If Left(Target.Offset(0, -1), 1) = "=Row()-1" Then Exit Sub Target.Offset(0, -1).Formula = "=Row()-1" End Sub Sub xlslistele() Dim pir As Integer With Application.FileSearch .LookIn = Range("B1").Value .Filename = "*.xls" .Execute For pir = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count Cells(pir + 1, 1).Value = Dir(.FoundFiles(pir)) Next pir End With End Sub Sub clock() If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value = "X" Then Exit Sub ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM") Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), "clock" End Sub Sub ResetTest1() For Each n In Range("B1:G13") If n.Value <> 0 Then n.Value = 0 End If Next n End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() ActiveSheet.Unprotect If [b2] = "" Then [b2] = Date ActiveSheet.Protect End Sub Modle Function MakroStart() Application.Volatile Tut End Function Sub Tut() MsgBox ("Tuuuuuuuuut") End Sub 'C2 ye =EER(B2>10;MakroStart();"Nix") yaz 'B2 ye 11 yaz makro alsn

alt+f11 den sonra alma kitab blmne Kod: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Start = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Zeitmakro Zeit = Time Start = True End Sub Kod: Public Zeit As Date Public Start As Boolean Sub Zeitmakro() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "Zielmakro" End Sub Sub Zielmakro() Range("B2").Value = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") Range("B3").Value = Format(Time - Zeit, "hh:mm:ss") If Start = True Then Call Zeitmakro End Sub Sub EnterInfo() Dim i As Integer Dim cel As Range 'Set cel = [B3] Set cel = ActiveCell For i = 1 To 10 cel(i).Value = [B1].Value - 1 + i Next i cel(i).Value = "=SUM(R[-10]C:R[-1]C)" End Sub

sonra makro blmne

Dim bln As Boolean Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim wks As Worksheet Dim strName As String Dim rng As Range Dim StAr() Dim InI As Integer Set rng = Sheets("Eingabe").Range("B3") 'hier "Auslesezelle" fr neuen TabBlattNamen anpassen If Target.Address = rng.Address Then bln = True If bln = True And Target.Address <> rng.Address Then If Len(rng) < 1 Or Len(rng) > 31 Then MsgBox "Bitte min. 1 und max. 31 Zeichen eingeben !" bln = False Exit Sub End If StAr = Array(":", "/", "\", "?", "[", "]") For InI = 0 To UBound(StAr) If InStr(1, rng, StAr(InI), 0) > 0 Then MsgBox "Sonderzeichen ' " & StAr(InI) & " ' nicht zulssig !" bln = False Exit Sub End If Next InI For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If UCase(wks.Name) = UCase(rng) Then MsgBox "Es existiert bereits ein Tabellenblatt mit diesem Namen !" bln = False Exit Sub End If Next Sheets.Add.Move after:=Sheets("Eingabe") ActiveSheet.Name = rng.Value Sheets("Eingabe").Select bln = False End If End Sub Sub Nodefil() Feuil1.ScrollArea = "B4:H23" End Sub Sub Okdefil() ' pour librer le dfilement Feuil1.ScrollArea = "" End Sub Sub Test() Dim i As Long, No As Long For i = 5 To Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row If Cells(i, 2) <> Empty Then No = No + 1 Cells(i, 1) = No Else Cells(i, 1) = Empty End If Next End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Application.CellDragAndDrop = False If Intersect(Target, Range("B5:G22")) Is Nothing Then Range("A1").Select End If End Sub Kullanm : A1 e say yaz baka bir hcreye =bas_top(A1) Function bas_top(hucre As Range) As Integer Dim intI% For intI = 1 To Len(hucre) bas_top = bas_top + CInt(Mid(hucre, intI, 1)) Next End Function

Private Private Private Private

Declare Declare Declare Declare

Function Function Function Function

IsCharAlpha Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharAlphaA" (ByVal cChar As Byte) As Long IsCharAlphaNumeric Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharAlphaNumericA" (ByVal cChar As Byte) As Long IsCharLower Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharLowerA" (ByVal cChar As Byte) As Long IsCharUpper Lib "user32" Alias "IsCharUpperA" (ByVal cChar As Byte) As Long

Private Sub UserForm_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Dim strSave As String If IsCharAlphaNumeric(KeyAscii) Then strSave = " Saysal" If IsCharAlpha(KeyAscii) Then strSave = "Bu karakter" If IsCharLower(KeyAscii) Then strSave = strSave & " Kk" If IsCharUpper(KeyAscii) Then strSave = strSave & " Byk" MsgBox "Bastn tu: " & Chr$(KeyAscii) & Chr(10) & strSave End Sub Sub PrtPvw() ActiveSheet.PrintPreview False Deiiklie izin vermez True verir. ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Me.Hide Sheets("Sayfa1").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview Me.Show End Sub Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show Sub PrtPvw() ActiveSheet.PrintPreview False '"False"==> Deiiklie izin vermez True verir. ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1.Value = UCase(TextBox1.Value) Dim i As Integer ListBox1.Clear For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 9 If Left(Worksheets(i).Name, Len(TextBox1)) = TextBox1 Then ListBox1.AddItem Worksheets(i).Name End If Next End Sub user formundaki kapat tuunun altna aadaki kodu yazp dener misin ? visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dismi = ActiveWorkbook.Name ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "C:\cari-a1\maltakipyedek\ " & Dismi ActiveWorkbook.Save Unload Me Windows(2).Activate With Workbooks("maltakip.xls") .Close False End With Sub AddSaveAsNewWorkbook() Dim Wk As Workbook Set Wk = Workbooks.Add Application.DisplayAlerts = False Wk.SaveAs Filename:="C:/MyData/SalesData.xls" End Sub

ncelikle "zin" isimli dosyanzdaki bir module aadaki kodu yazn. visual basic kodu: Sub ac() UserForm1.Show End Sub

Daha sonra "personel" isimli dosyanzda bulunan userformun zerindeki command butonada aadaki kodu yazn. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me Application.Run "izin.xls!ac" End Sub

Workbook (KTAP.XLS).Worksheets(Tablo1).Range(D8).Clear Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For i = 1 To 20 ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Formula = _ "='C:\Yeni Klasr (2)\[Deneme.xls]Sayfa1'!C" & i UserForm1.ComboBox1.AddItem (Range("A1").Value) Next i Range("A1").Value = "" End Sub Sub FileOpened() Dim MyFile As String MyFile = "C:\den\A.xls" On Error GoTo FileInUse Open MyFile For Binary Access Read Lock Read As #1 Close #1 MsgBox "Dosya daha nceden kullanmda deil, aabilirsiniz !" Workbooks.Open MyFile Exit Sub FileInUse: MsgBox "Dosya u anda bakas tarafndan kullanlmakta !" End Sub Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx A Const Gizle = &H80 Const Goster = &H40 Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim hWnd1 As Long hWnd1 = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") Call SetWindowPos(hWnd1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Gizle) End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim hWnd1 As Long hWnd1 = FindWindow("Shell_traywnd", "") Call SetWindowPos(hWnd1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Goster) End Sub

Option Explicit Dim handleW1 As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "user32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" _ (ByVal handleW1 As Long, _ ByVal handleW1InsertWhere As Long, ByVal w As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal z As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long Const TOGGLE_HIDEWINDOW = &H80 Const TOGGLE_UNHIDEWINDOW = &H40 Sub masque() handleW1 = FindWindowA("Shell_traywnd", "") Call SetWindowPos(handleW1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TOGGLE_HIDEWINDOW) End Sub Sub affiche() Call SetWindowPos(handleW1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, TOGGLE_UNHIDEWINDOW) End Sub Option Explicit Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Const VK_CONTROL = &H11 Const KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 Const VK_ESCAPE = &H1B Sub baslat_ac() Call keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, 0, 0) Call keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, 0, 0, 0) Call keybd_event(VK_ESCAPE, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) Call keybd_event(VK_CONTROL, 0, KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0) End Sub

(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As _ Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long Private Declare Function ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, _ ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long Private FensterRegion&, Region& Private Hauptfensternummer&, Clientfensternummer& Private dummy As Long Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Const GW_CHILD = 5 Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Private Const HTCAPTION = 2 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Call pirullah End Sub Sub pirullah() Dim Abmessung As RECT Dim Abmessung1 As RECT Dim Pos1x&, Pos1y&, Pos2x&, Pos2y& If FensterRegion <> 0 Then Exit Sub UserForm1.BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle Call Fensternummer(UserForm1, Abmessung, Abmessung1) Pos1x = 0 Pos1y = (Abmessung1.Top - Abmessung.Top) Pos2x = Abmessung.Right - Abmessung.Left Pos2y = Abmessung.Bottom - Abmessung.Top Region = CreateRectRgn(Pos1x, Pos1y, Pos2x, Pos2y) FensterRegion = SetWindowRgn(Hauptfensternummer, Region, True) End Sub Private Sub Fensternummer(Form As Object, Abmessung As RECT, Abmessung1 As RECT) Dim Fenstername$, Suchstring$ Suchstring = "UserForm ohne Titelzeile" Fenstername = Form.Caption Form.Caption = Suchstring Hauptfensternummer = FindWindow(vbNullString, Suchstring) Form.Caption = Fenstername Clientfensternummer = GetWindow(Hauptfensternummer, GW_CHILD) dummy = GetWindowRect(Hauptfensternummer, Abmessung) dummy = GetWindowRect(Clientfensternummer, Abmessung1) End Sub Private Sub CommanButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub

Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Label1.Caption = "" If Worksheets.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets(i).Name = LCase(Sheets(i).Name) For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count If LCase(Worksheets(j).Name) < LCase(Worksheets(i).Name) Then Worksheets(j).Move Before:=Worksheets(i) End If Next j Next i For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If LCase(Sheets(i).Name) <> ("ana sayfa") _ And LCase(Sheets(i).Name) <> ("toplam") _ And LCase(Sheets(i).Name) <> ("stok") _ And LCase(Sheets(i).Name) <> ("sayfa1") Then ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets(i).Name End If Next Sheets("ana sayfa").Move Before:=Sheets(2) Option Explicit Declare Function Beep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal Fq As Long, ByVal Tm As Long) As Long Sub Warnung() Beep 392, 200 Beep 494, 100 Beep 588, 200 Beep 740, 100 Beep 880, 400 Beep 740, 100 Beep 880, 900 End Sub DoEvents kullanrsanz bekleme sresince program kilitlenmez. Dim basla Dim bekle basla = Timer bekle = 2 While Timer < basla + bekle DoEvents '2 saniye bekle Wend Sub MsgBarreEtat() barreEtatEnregistre = Application.DisplayStatusBar Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "Cration du tarif catalogue.....Veuillez patienter, SVP....." '....excution d'une macro (gnralement long)..... Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:04") Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = barreEtatEnregistre End Sub Sub MsgHeure() mheure = Time MsgBox ("Il est: " & mheure) End Sub Sub Pause() Application.OnTime Now+TimeValue("00:00:01"), "NextMacro" End Sub

Sub bekletmeli_mesaj() MsgBox "Selamun Aleykm OK !" saatsimdi = Hour(Now()) dakikasimdi = Minute(Now()) saniyesimdi = Second(Now()) + 10 zamansayaci = TimeSerial(saatsimdi, dakikasimdi, saniyesimdi) Application.Wait zamansayaci Beep MsgBox "Ve Aleykm Selam! Kusura bakma 10 saniye sonra oldu ama." End Sub Sub StatusBarExample() Application.ScreenUpdating = False ' turns off screen updating Application.DisplayStatusBar = True ' makes sure that the statusbar is visible Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 1..." ' add some code for task 1 that replaces the next sentence Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 2..." ' add some code for task 2 that replaces the next sentence Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Application.StatusBar = False ' gives control of the statusbar back to the programme End Sub Sub LanceProgramme() ValRetour = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE", 1) Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:04") SendKeys "%{F4}", True ' Envoie Alt+F4 pour fermer l'application EXPLORER. End Sub Sub Lanc_Explorateur() Shell "explorer.exe", vbMaximizedFocus End Sub kodu thisworkbook sayfasna kopyalayarak deneyin. Aadaki Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) deg=IIf(ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1", True, False) With Application .FixedDecimal =deg .FixedDecimalPlaces = 2 End With End Sub Sub Button1_Click() If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1" Then With Application .FixedDecimal = True .FixedDecimalPlaces = 2 End With Else With Application .FixedDecimal = False .FixedDecimalPlaces = 2 End With End If MsgBox Application.FixedDecimal End Sub

bu ilemi sayfa zerinde buton ile yapmak istiyorsanz aadaki kodlar

Sayfa1'in kod blmne: Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 19 And Target.Row = 8 Then [S1] = [S1] + 1 End If Call Islemler End Sub

ChDir-MkDir.xls'nin Module1'ine; Kod: Sub Islemler() Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 On Error Resume Next VerilecekAd = Left(Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("S8"), 3) & 241 + Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("S1") MkDir "C:\Veriyedekle" MkDir "C:\Veriyedekle\" & VerilecekAd Workbooks.Add ChDir "C:\Veriyedekle\" & VerilecekAd VerilecekAd = VerilecekAd & ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs VerilecekAd ActiveWorkbook.Close False Application.DisplayAlerts = 1 End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Set MyIsect = Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B5")) If Not MyIsect Is Nothing Then UserForm1.Show End Sub Option Explicit 'Belirlenen hcre aralklarnda ift tklama ile x iareti koyar ve kaldrr Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Dim RaBereich As Range Set RaBereich = Range("B3:P16,B19:P22") If Intersect(Target, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False Cancel = True If Target.Value = "X" Then Target.Value = "" Else Target.Value = "X" End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub Sub Yaz() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$a$1:$h$30" ActiveSheet.PrintOut From:=1, Copies:=1, preview:=False, Collate:=True End Sub Private Sub metinayikla() Dim nums As String For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For b = 1 To Len(Cells(i, 1)) If IsNumeric(Mid(Cells(i, 1), b, 1)) = True Then nums = nums & Mid(Cells(i, 1), b, 1) End If Next b Cells(i, 1) = CLng(nums) nums = "" Next i End Sub

Belirli Bir Sre ekranda bekleyen ve daha sonra kapan userform. Private Sub UserForm_Activate() TimeDebut = Timer DoEvents While Timer < TimeDebut + 10 Wend Unload Me End Sub 'Sreli UserForm-2 Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3) Unload Me End Sub Sub sayfasil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False For a = Sheets.Count To 1 Step -1 ad = Sheets(a).Name If IsNumeric(ad) = True And ad < 32 Then Sheets(a).Delete Next End Sub Sub DateinamenAuflisten() Dim Dateiname As String, i As Integer Dateiname = Dir$("c:\*.xls") uzantsn deitirebilirsiniz .doc gibi veya c:\windows\ bu yolla da klasr ii de olabilir. Do While Dateiname <> "" ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0) = Dateiname i=i+1 Dateiname = Dir$() Loop End Sub Sub GereksizSayfaSil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each ws In Worksheets If ws.Name = "a" Or ws.Name = "b" Or ws.Name = "c" Then GoTo sonraki ws.Delete sonraki: Next Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Sub GereksizSayfaSil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each ws In Worksheets If ws.Name = "a" Or ws.Name = "b" Or ws.Name = "c" Then GoTo sonraki ws.Delete sonraki: Next Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Pek ok sayfa olan dosyamzdaki rnek olarak a , b ve c adl sayfalar haricindekileri silmek istersek; Kod: Sub GereksizSayfaSil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each ws In Worksheets If ws.Name = "a" Or ws.Name = "b" Or ws.Name = "c" Then GoTo sonraki ws.Delete sonraki: Next Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Her zaman sylediim gibi gelitirmek sizin elinizde sutun B:B DELDE C:C OLABLR GB Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Buraya istediiniz uyary yazyorsunuz!", vbOKOnly, "" End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Buraya istediiniz uyary yazyorsunuz!", vbOKOnly, "" End If End Sub Application.OnTime TimeValue("12:00:00"), "makro ad"

Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Sub ComputerName() Dim lngTemp As Long, strPCName As String strPCName = Space(256) lngTemp = GetComputerName(strPCName, Len(strPCName)) MsgBox strPCName End Sub Option Explicit Declare Function Beep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal Fq As Long, ByVal Tm As Long) As Long Sub Warnung() Beep 392, 200 Beep 494, 100 Beep 588, 200 Beep 740, 100 Beep 880, 400 Beep 740, 100 Beep 880, 900 End Sub Sub say() c=0 For k = 3 To 5 'stun numaralar, istediiniz gibi ayarlayn For ara = 2 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(k)) If Cells(ara, k) Like "*" & [e2] & "*" Then c = c + 1 Next ara Next k [f2] = c 'neticenin yazdrlaca hcreyi deitirmek gerekebilir.. f2 yerine ist.hcre adresini girin End Sub kolonundaki bir hcreye veri girii olursa veya ift tklanrsa bu durumda alacak makronuzu aadaki iki kodun "......." yazan yerine kopyalay Sadece C ift tklama ile altrmak iin Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If ActiveCell.Column = 3 Then '........ End If End Sub hcredeki deer deiince altrmak iin Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.Column = 3 Then '........ End If End Sub

her iki koduda ilgili sayfann kod sayfasna yaznz. Yapacanz ilem nmerik ise Macro1'i, alfanmerik ise Macro2'yi bir deneyin,iinizi grr sanrm. Kod: Sub Macro1() eklenecek = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0) ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value + eklenecek End Sub Sub Macro2() eklenecek = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0) ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value & eklenecek End Sub

koddaki test.xls i gerekli isimle degistin basla kacinci sayfadan baslanacagini tane basladan sonra kac tane sayfa kopyalanacagini gosterir. Kod: Sub kopyala() Dim kitap As String Dim tane As Integer Dim basla As Integer basla = 1 tane = 2 kitap = ActiveWorkbook.Name For x = 1 To tane Workbooks(kitap).Sheets(basla).Move _ Before:=Workbooks("Test.xls").Sheets(1) Next End Sub

not: soru basliginizi seceken "makro hakkinda" gibi cok amator bir baslik secmektense, " bir kitaptaki sayfalari baska bir kitaba tasimak" gibi ilk okundugun makro forumunda bir sorunun "makro hakkinda" olmamasi zaten imkansizdir. Sub deneme() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Worksheets(i).[a1].Value = Worksheets("sayfa1").[a1] Next i End Sub bu kod ile sayfa1 deki a1 hcresindeki veriyi dier sayfalara atabilrsin Sub kont() baksut = "AI" kontsut = "AL" son = Cells(65536, baksut).End(3).Row For x = 1 To son - 1 For y = x + 1 To son If Cells(x, baksut) = Cells(y, baksut) And Cells(y, kontsut) = "" Then Cells(y, kontsut) = Cells(x, kontsut) Next y Next x End Sub

Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOutline).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_53() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPageSetup).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_54() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogParse).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_55() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPasteSpecial).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_56() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPatterns).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_57() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrint).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_58() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_59() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrintPreview).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_60() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogProperties).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_61() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogProtectDocument).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_62() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogProtectSharing).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_63() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPublishAsWebPage).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_64() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogReplaceFont).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_65() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogRowHeight).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_66() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogRun).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_67() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_68() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveWorkbook).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_69() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveWorkspace).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_70() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogScenarioAdd).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_71() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogScenarioCells).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_72() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogScenarioMerge).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_73() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSelectSpecial).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_74() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSetBackgroundPicture).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_75() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSetPrintTitles).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_76() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogShowToolbar).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_77() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSort).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_78() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogStandardFont).Show End Sub

For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row Cells(i, 2) = UBound(Split(Cells(i, 1), ",")) + 1 Next i A1hucresine =YUVARLA(A1;-5) 'B2hucresine =YUVARLA(B2;-5) 'C3hcresine =YUVARLA(C3;-5) Sub yuvarla() [A1] = Round((Range("A1").Value) / 50000) * 50000 [B2] = Round((Range("B2").Value) / 50000) * 50000 [C3] = Round((Range("C3").Value) / 50000) * 50000 End Sub Veriler Sheet1 de A stununda isimler, B stununda deerleri, Sonular sheet2 ye A ve B stununa yazlyor. Sub a() Dim isim, deger As Variant Dim rng As Range Dim i, z As Integer i=2 z=1 Do If Cells(i, 1).Value = "" Then GoTo bitti If Range([A1], [A10000]).Find(What:=Cells(i, 1).Value, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row < i Then GoTo devam2 ReDim isim(z) ReDim deger(z) isim(z) = Cells.Find(What:=Cells(i, 1).Value, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Value deger(z) = Cells(i, 1).Offset(0, 1).Value hcr = i Do On Error Resume Next Set rng = Range(Cells(hcr, 1), [A10000]).FindNext If rng.Row = hcr Then GoTo devam hcr = rng.Row deger(z) = deger(z) + rng.Offset(0, 1).Value Loop devam: Sheets(2).Cells(z, 1).Value = isim(z) Sheets(2).Cells(z, 2).Value = deger(z) z=z+1 devam2: i=i+1 Loop bitti: End Sub Sub KorumaKaldir() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Unprotect ("a") Next End Sub Sub KorumaKoy() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Protect ("a") Next End Sub

UserForm un Initialize olayna da yazabilirsiniz Dim Ctr As Control Dim Say As Integer Say = 0 For Each Ctr In Controls If TypeName(Ctr) = "TextBox" Then Say = Say + 1 With Controls("TextBox" & (Say)).Font .Bold = 1 .Size = 12 .Name = "Verdana" .Italic = 1 End With Next End Sub UserForm un Initialize olayna da yazabilirsiniz Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Say = 0 For Each Ctr In Controls If TypeName(Ctr) = "TextBox" Then Say = Say + 1 With Controls("TextBox" & (Say)) .Font.Bold = 1 .Font.Size = 12 .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Italic = 1 .BackColor = &HC0FFC0 .ForeColor = &HFF& End With Next End Sub Sub Dialog_15() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogConsolidate).Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For a=1 To sheets.count For Each hucre In sheets(a).[a1:e20] If hucre.Interior.Color = vbYellow Then If hucre.MergeCells = True Then sheets(a).select hucre.Select Selection.ClearContents Else hucre.ClearContents End If End If Next Next End Sub Sub Verbundene_Zellen() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If cell.MergeCells = True Then cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Next End Sub

Sub BackgroundColors() For Each cell In Range("a1:a10") If Not IsError(cell.Value) Then With cell.Interior Select Case cell.Value Case Is = Empty .ColorIndex = 10 Case Is = "?" .ColorIndex = 6 Case Else .ColorIndex = 0 'xlAutomatic End Select End With Else cell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End If Next cell End Sub Sub dene() For i = 2 To 1200 If Cells(i, 1) = "" Then Range(Cells(i - 1, 1), Cells(i - 1, 5)).Copy Cells(i, 1).PasteSpecial End If Next i End Sub Sub satirgizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Rows(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub Sub stungizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Column(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Column(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub Sub listele() For x = [b65526].End(3).Row To 2 Step -1 If Cells(x, 2).Value <= Empty Then Rows(x).Delete Next End Sub Sub bossatirsil() For a = 1 To Sheets.Count sat = Sheets(a).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row sut = Sheets(a).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column For b = sat To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(a).Rows(b)) = 0 Then Sheets(a).Rows(b).Delete Next For c = sut To 1 Step -1 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets(a).Columns(c)) = 0 Then Sheets(a).Columns(c).Delete Next Next End Sub Sub sil() For x = [b65526].End(3).Row To 2 Step -1 If Cells(x, 2).Value <= Empty Then Rows(x).Delete Next End Sub

Sub Gizle() For Each t In Range("C9:C85").Cells If t.Value = "" Then 'bo hcreleri gizler t.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next t End Sub Sub Gster() For Each t In Range("C9:C85").Cells If t.Value = "" Then 'bo hcreleri gsterir t.EntireRow.Hidden = False End If Next t End Sub Sub Bul_Sil() Dim hucre As Range For Each hucre In Range("B5:B25") Application.StatusBar = hucre.Address(False, False) '_______1 nci ALTERNATF (GZLEME)_______ If hucre.Value = "" Then hucre.EntireRow.Hidden = True '_______2 nci ALTERNATF (SLME)_______ 'If hucre.Value = "" Then hucre.Delete Shift:=xlUp Next hucre Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() dolu_son_satr = Sheets("Sevkiyat").Cells(65536, "A").End(xlUp).Row ListBox1.RowSource = "Sevkiyat!A6:I" & dolu_son_satr ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True ListBox1.ColumnCount = 9 ListBox1.ListIndex = 0 Satirsayisi = ListBox1.ListCount Label12.Caption = Satirsayisi End Sub Sub auto_close() Range("A:A").Select Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Select Selection.EntireRow.Delete Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub DeleteEmptyRows() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub Option Explicit Sub Leerzeilenlschen() Range("A:A").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Delete End Sub Sub DeleteEmptyRows() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub

Dim Ayin_Ilk_Gunu As Date, Ayin_Son_Gunu As Date, Hedef As Range, Adres As String Ayin_Ilk_Gunu = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), 1) Ayin_Son_Gunu = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now) + 1, 1) - 1

On Error Resume Next ActiveWorkbook.Names("Bayramlar").Delete On Error GoTo 0 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Bayramlar", RefersToR1C1:= _ "={" & CDbl(CDate("23.04.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("19.05.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("23.10.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("24.10.2007")) & ";" CDbl(CDate("29.10.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("31.12.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("01.01.2008")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("02.01.2008")) & ";" & CDbl( Set Hedef = Range("A5") Hedef = Ayin_Ilk_Gunu Hedef.NumberFormat = "DD" With Hedef Adres = .Address(True, False) .Select .FormatConditions.Delete .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _ "=VE(" & Adres & "<>"""";YADA(DEL(EHATALIYSA(DEYARA(" & Adres & ";Bayramlar;1;0)));HAFTANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=6;HAFTANING .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End With With Hedef(2, 1) .FormatConditions.Delete .FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlExpression, Formula1:= _ "=VE(" & Adres & "<>"""";YADA(DEL(EHATALIYSA(DEYARA(" & Adres & ";Bayramlar;1;0)));HAFTANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=6;HAFTANING .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End With

Hedef.DataSeries Rowcol:=xlRows, Type:=xlChronological, Date:=xlDay, _ Step:=1, stop:=CDbl(Ayin_Son_Gunu), Trend:=False Hedef.AutoFill Destination:=Range(Hedef, Hedef.End(xlToRight)), Type:=xlFillDefault Hedef(2, 1) = Format(Hedef(1, 1), "DDD") Hedef(2, 1).AutoFill Destination:=Range(Hedef(2, 1), Hedef.End(xlToRight)(2, 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault Range(Hedef(2, 1).EntireColumn, Hedef.End(xlToRight)(2, 1).EntireColumn).Columns.AutoFit Hedef(3, 1).Formula = "=IF(AND(OR(WEEKDAY(" & Adres & ",2)=1,WEEKDAY(" & Adres & ",2)=3,WEEKDAY(" & Adres & ",2)=5),ISERROR(VLOOKUP Hedef(3, 1).AutoFill Destination:=Range(Hedef(3, 1), Hedef.End(xlToRight)(3, 1)), Type:=xlFillDefault Set Hedef = Nothing End Sub Forml A1 e kadar =NSAT((A1-HAFTANINGN(A1;2)-TARH(YIL(A1+4-HAFTANINGN(A1;2));1;-10))/7) Sub Test() ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1849).Execute End Sub Sub Test2() For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets(i).Select Sheets(i).UsedRange.Select Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1849).Execute Next End Sub Sub DoBox() ActiveSheet.Cells.Find What:="", LookAt:=xlWhole Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").FindControl( _ ID:=1849, recursive:=True).Execute End Sub

Private Sub CheckBox4_Click() If CheckBox4.Value = True Then CheckBox3.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1.Text = "" Then Exit Sub If CheckBox1.Value = True Then look = 1 Else look = 2 If CheckBox3.Value = True Then bas = 1 Else bas = 2 ListBox1.Clear Set c = Range("a:a").Find(TextBox1, LookIn:=xlValues, MatchCase:=CheckBox2.Value, LookAt:=look, SearchDirection:=bas) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address ListBox1.AddItem ListBox1.List(0, 0) = c.Address ListBox1.List(0, 1) = c basla: Set c = Range("a:a").FindNext(c) If Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress Then a=a+1 ListBox1.AddItem ListBox1.List(a, 0) = c.Address ListBox1.List(a, 1) = c GoTo basla End If End If If CheckBox4.Value = 0 Then Exit Sub If ListBox1.ListCount > 0 Then For x = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 2 For y = x + 1 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If Val(Replace(ListBox1.List(x, 0), "$A$", "")) > Val(Replace(ListBox1.List(y, 0), "$A$", "")) Then Call swap(x, y) Next y, x End If End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Range(ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 0)).Select End Sub Sub swap(ind1, ind2) Set l = ListBox1 ara = l.List(ind1, 0) l.List(ind1, 0) = l.List(ind2, 0) l.List(ind2, 0) = ara ara = l.List(ind1, 1) l.List(ind1, 1) = l.List(ind2, 1) l.List(ind2, 1) = ara End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim Bul As Range, Adres On Error GoTo HATA If Target.Column = 1 And Not Target = "" Then Set Bul = Range("A:A").Find(Target, LookAt:=xlWhole) Adres = Bul.Address Set Bul = Range("A:A").FindNext(Bul) If Not Bul.Address = Adres Then MsgBox Target & " deeri daha nce girilmi" Target.Select End If End If HATA: End Sub Sub Dialog_32() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaFind).Show End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1849).Execute End Sub ListBox1.Clear son = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To son If Cells(i, 7).Value = ComboBox1.Value Then Cells(i, 1).Select c=c+1 For y = 1 To 10 ListBox1.AddItem ListBox1.List(c - 1, y - 1) = Cells(i, y + 1).Value Next End If Next

End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.AddItem "l Sosyal Hizmetler Mdrl" ComboBox1.AddItem "Gzde Birsz ocuk Yuvas Mdrl" ComboBox1.AddItem "75. Yl Huzurevi Mdrl" ComboBox1.AddItem "Aile Danma Merkezi Mdrl" ListBox1.ColumnCount = 10 End Sub

For Each hucre In Range("a2:a" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a1:a65000"))) If StrConv(hucre.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then hucre.Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox3 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value End If Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() 'deitir ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox3.Value End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 'sil satr = ActiveCell.Row Rows(satr).Delete Shift:=xlUp 'say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A65000")) For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a2:a65000")) Cells(i + 1, 1) = i Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() 'kaydet Dim say As Integer For Each bak In Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000"))) If bak.Value = cbAd.Value Then MsgBox "Bu Kayt numaras bulundu." Exit Sub End If Next bak For Each bak In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(cbAd.Value, vbUpperCase) Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir kaydnz bulundu" Exit Sub End If Next bak b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("sayfa1").Range("A:A")) Sheets("sayfa1").Range("a" & b + 1).Select ActiveCell = ComboBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = TextBox3.Value End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A6500")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!a2:a" & b End Sub


Sub AddBullets() Dim Bullet As String Dim Dash As String Dim Cel As Range Dim Str As String Dim i As Long Bullet = " " Dash = " - " 'select which cells to perform an action on For Each Cel In Selection Str = Cel.Value 'If there is already a bullet there then put a dash in its place If Left(Str, Len(Bullet)) = Bullet Then Str = Right(Str, Len(Str) - 2) Cel.Value = Dash & Str Else 'If there is already a dash there then trim back to normal text If Left(Str, Len(Dash)) = Dash Then Str = Trim(Cel.Value) i = Len(Str) - 1 If i >= 0 Then Cel.Value = Trim(Right(Str, i)) End If Else 'Otherwise add the bullet Cel.Value = Bullet & Str End If End If 'Go to the next cell in the selection and do the same thing Next Cel End Sub Sub Bul_Renklendir() Dim neyi As String, rng As Range, alan As Range neyi = Application.InputBox("A1:D20 hcrelerinde, bulmak istediiniz veri", , "") Set alan = Range("A1:D20") alan.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone For Each rng In alan If StrConv(rng, vbProperCase) = StrConv(neyi, vbProperCase) Then rng.Interior.ColorIndex = 35 End If Next rng Set alan = Nothing End Sub

For Each hucre In Range("a2:a" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a1:a65000"))) If StrConv(hucre.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then hucre.Select TextBox1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox3 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value End If Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value = TextBox3.Value End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() satr = ActiveCell.Row Rows(satr).Delete Shift:=xlUp 'say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A65000")) For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a2:a65000")) Cells(i + 1, 1) = i Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("sayfa1").Range("A:A")) Sheets("sayfa1").Range("a" & b + 1).Select ActiveCell = ComboBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = TextBox3.Value End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() b = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A6500")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!a2:a" & b End Sub Dim index As Integer Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() index = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() End End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() For a = 1 To 13 Controls("combobox" & a).RowSource = "" Cells(index, a) = Controls("combobox" & a) If IsNumeric(Controls("combobox" & a)) = True Then Cells(index, a) = Controls("combobox" & a) * 1 Next Call UserForm_Initialize End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For a = 1 To 13 ReDim Preserve comb(13) Set comb(a).comb = Controls("combobox" & a) adres = Range(Cells(1, a), Cells(Cells(65536, 1).End(3).Row, a)).Address Controls("combobox" & a).RowSource = adres Next End Sub 'classmodle Public WithEvents comb As MSForms.ComboBox Dim a As Integer Private Sub comb_Click() If a = 1 Then Exit Sub For a = 1 To 13 If UserForm1.Controls("combobox" & a).Name <> comb.Name Then UserForm1.Controls("combobox" & a).ListIndex = comb.ListIndex Next End Sub Private Sub comb_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) a=1 End Sub

Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "sndPlaySoundA" ( _ ByVal SoundName As String, _ ByVal Flags As Long) As Long Sub PlayWav(ByVal WavFileName As String) Call sndPlaySound(WavFileName, 0) End Sub

Sub TestWav() Call PlayWav(ThisWorkbook.Path + "\pir.wav") End Sub Sub Markierung() Dim Mark_Bereich Mark_Bereich = Selection.Address(False, False) MsgBox Mark_Bereich End Sub Thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim Phad As String Phad = ThisWorkbook.Path ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=Phad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY_hh-mm") & "_Backup_Beispielmappe_113.XLS" End Sub Sub EditionCopierOK() Application.CommandBars(1).Controls(2).Controls(4).Enabled = True End Sub Sub EditionCopierNo() Application.CommandBars("Edit").FindControl(ID:=19).Enabled = False End Sub Sub menuOutilsOptNo() Application.CommandBars("Tools").FindControl(ID:=522).Enabled = False End Sub Sub menuOutilsOptok() Application.CommandBars("Tools").FindControl(ID:=522).Enabled = True End Sub sheets("sayfa2").PrintOut Sn tb belki iinize yarar birde bunu deneyin a1 hresine yazdnz Sub Test() Sheets("sayfa2").PrintOut From:=1, To:=[a1].Value End Su BU KOD BUTONLARDAN VERDNZ KOMUTLARI YERNE GETRMEDEN NCE KULLANICIYA UYARI VERR Dim cevap cevap = MsgBox("Kayd Silmek stediinize Eminmisiniz ? Evet Dersen Veri Kalc Olarak Silinecek ! ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultcmdsil + vbApp If cevap = vbNo Then End End If

Sub CommandBarControlID_List() Dim a, b, c Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ComBar In Application.CommandBars If ComBar.Name = "test" Then ComBar.Delete Next Set ComBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="test", Position:=msoBarTop) b=0 c=1 For a = 1 To 50000 On Error Resume Next Set cbb = ComBar.Controls.Add(ID:=a) If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo weiter cbb.CopyFace With Workbooks("FaceIDs").Sheets(1) .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 1).Formula = a .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 3).Formula = cbb.Caption End With If (c + 1) Mod 100 = 0 Then b = b + 3 c=c+1 weiter: Application.CommandBars("test").FindControl(ID:=a).Delete Err.Clear Next End Sub Sub CommandBarFaceID_List() Dim a, b Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ComBar In Application.CommandBars If ComBar.Name = "test" Then ComBar.Delete Next On Error Resume Next Set ComBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="test", Position:=msoBarTop) Set cbb = ComBar.Controls.Add(ID:=1) b=0 For a = 1 To 3518 With cbb .FaceId = a .CopyFace End With With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) .Cells((a Mod 100) + 1, (a \ 100) + b + 1).Formula = a .Cells((a Mod 100) + 1, (a \ 100) + b + 2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste End With If (a + 1) Mod 100 = 0 Then b = b + 2 Next End Sub Sub CommandBar_List() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim a, b, c, cbc, d b=1 d=0 For Each a In Application.CommandBars Cells(b + d, 1) = a.Name Cells(b + d, 2) = "Item-no: " & b For Each cbc In a.Controls d=d+1 Cells(b + d, 3) = cbc.Caption Cells(b + d, 4) = Cells(cbc.Type, 10) Cells(b + d, 5) = "Type: " & cbc.Type Cells(b + d, 6) = "ID: " & cbc.ID Next b=b+1 Next End Sub

Sheets("Liste").Rows(Cells(2, 1) & ":" & Cells(2, 1)).Delete Shift:=xlUp BU KOMUT BUTONU AAI YUKARI HAREKET ETTRR(ENTERE BASTIKA) Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("sayfa2").Select Range("A1").Show End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) CommandButton1.Top = ActiveCell.Rows.Top End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim NbreEnreg As Integer With UserForm1 .ComboBox1.RowSource = "A1:A9" NbreEnreg = .ComboBox1.ListCount .ComboBox1.ListRows = NbreEnreg .Show 'bu satr silebilirsiniz End With End Sub Sorunu ikitrl anladm. 1.Hcreye yazdn derleri textboxlara getirmek. Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Text = Range("b1").Text TextBox2.Text = Range("b2").Text TextBox3.Text = Range("b3").Text TextBox4.Text = Range("b4").Text TextBox5.Text = Range("b5").Text End Sub 2.TextBpxa Yazdn deerleri lgili hcrelere aktarmak. Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("b1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox1 Range("b2").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox2 Range("b3").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox3 Range("b4").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox4 Range("b5").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox5 End Sub Sorunu ikitrl anladm. 1.Hcreye yazdn derleri textboxlara getirmek. Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Text = Range("b1").Text TextBox2.Text = Range("b2").Text TextBox3.Text = Range("b3").Text TextBox4.Text = Range("b4").Text TextBox5.Text = Range("b5").Text End Sub 2.TextBpxa Yazdn deerleri lgili hcrelere aktarmak.Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("b1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox1 Range("b2").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox2 Range("b3").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox3 Range("b4").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox4 Range("b5").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox5 End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1 = Cells(2, 1) ComboBox1 = Cells(2, 2) TextBox2 = Cells(2, 3) TextBox3 = Cells(2, 4) End Sub 'EN SONA GT Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() Dim say As Integer say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000")) TextBox1 = Cells(say, 1) ComboBox1 = Cells(say, 2) TextBox2 = Cells(say, 3) TextBox3 = Cells(say, 4) End Sub 'BR,BR GER GT Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() If TextBox1 = 1 Then Exit Sub Else TextBox1 = TextBox1 - 1 ComboBox1 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 2) TextBox2 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 3) TextBox3 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 4) End If End Sub 'BR,BR LER GT Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Dim say As Integer say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000")) If TextBox1 = say Then Exit Sub Else TextBox1 = TextBox1 + 1 ComboBox1 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 2) TextBox2 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 3) TextBox3 = Cells(TextBox1 + 1, 4) End If End Sub Sub Set_Protection() On Error GoTo errorHandler Dim myDoc As Worksheet Dim cel As Range Set myDoc = ActiveSheet myDoc.Unprotect For Each cel In myDoc.UsedRange If Not cel.HasFormula And _ Not TypeName(cel.Value) = "Date" And _ Application.IsNumber(cel) Then cel.Locked = False cel.Font.ColorIndex = 5 Else cel.Locked = True cel.Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic End If Next myDoc.Protect Exit Sub errorHandler: MsgBox Error End Sub

Sub AfficheBoutons() Dim NewBarreOutil As CommandBar Dim NewBouton As CommandBarButton Dim i As Integer, IconOn As Integer, IconOff As Integer 'Supprime la barre si elle existe dj On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("BarBouton").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set NewBarreOutil = Application.CommandBars.Add _ (Name:="BarBouton", temporary:=True) NewBarreOutil.Visible = True IconOn = 1 IconOff = 200 For i = IconOn To IconOff Set NewBouton = NewBarreOutil.Controls.Add _ (Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=2950) NewBouton.FaceId = i NewBouton.Caption = "FaceID = " & i Next i NewBarreOutil.Width = 700 NewBarreOutil.Left = 50 NewBarreOutil.Top = 120 End Sub Sub SupMenuBar() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Do If UserForms.Count < 1 Then Exit Sub DoEvents If TypeName(ActiveControl) = "CommandButton" Then _ Label1.Caption = ActiveControl.Caption Loop End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Dim a Dim x a = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count For x = 1 To a ActiveSheet.Shapes(x).Visible = False Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() CommandButton3.Enabled = False CommandButton4.Enabled = False CommandButton5.Enabled = False End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() CommandButton3.Enabled = True CommandButton4.Enabled = True CommandButton5.Enabled = True End Sub Sub Shape_Index_Name() Dim myVar As Shapes Dim shp As Shape Set myVar = Sheets(1).Shapes For Each shp In myVar MsgBox "Index = " & shp.ZOrderPosition & vbCrLf & "Name = " _ & shp.Name Next End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) CommandButton1.BackColor = vbYellow End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton1.Tag = CommandButton1.BackColor End Sub Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) CommandButton1.BackColor = CommandButton1.Tag End Sub Sub Auto_Open() ActiveWindow.Zoom = 85 End Sub 'Dosyay kaydedin. Mesela Kucult.XLS ismini verin. 'Dosyay C:\Windows\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\Xlstart klasrne kopyalayn. Sub ButunPencerelerMinimize() Dim Pencere As Window For Each Pencere In Windows If Pencere.Visible = False Then Pencere.Visible = True Pencere.WindowState = xlMinimized Next End Sub Dim Upr, Lwr, Ppr Set OriginalCell = ActiveCell Set OriginalSelection = Selection If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then GoTo NoneFound On Error GoTo Limiting If OriginalCell = OriginalSelection Then Selection.Select GoTo Converting Else Resume Next End If Limiting: On Error GoTo NoneFound Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 3).Select Converting: Application.StatusBar = "ndere Gross- und Kleinschreibung..." For Each DCell In Selection.Cells Upr = UCase(DCell) Lwr = LCase(DCell) If Upr = DCell.Value Then DCell.Value = Lwr Else DCell.Value = Upr End If Next DCell Application.StatusBar = False Exit Sub NoneFound: MsgBox "Alle Zellen der aktuelllen Auswahl enthalten Formeln oder sindleer!", vbExclamation, " Fehler aufgetreten" OriginalSelection.Select OriginalCell.Activate End Sub Sub Cree_Repert() Dim Repert As String Repert = Dir("c:\test\", vbDirectory) If Repert = "" Then MkDir "c:\test" End If End Sub

Sub Liste_Repert() Dim Repert As String Repert = Dir("c:\", vbDirectory) Do While Repert <> "" 'Si Repert est un dossier. If GetAttr("c:\" & Repert) = vbDirectory Then UserForm1.ListBox1.AddItem Repert End If Repert = Dir Loop End Sub Sub ExcelDateienZhlen() With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:\" .Filename = "*.xls" .Execute MsgBox .FoundFiles.Count End With End lfdNr() Sub Sub Dim Nr% Dim dName$ Dim Zielordner$, Dateiname$ 'Hier den Pfad verndern Zielordner = "c:\" 'Hier den Dateinamen verndern Dateiname = "lfdNr" dName = Zielordner & Dateiname & ".ini" Close On Error Resume Next Open dName For Input As #1 If Err > 0 Then Nr = 1 Close Open dName For Output As #1 Print #1, Nr Close Exit Sub Else Input #1, Nr Close Open dName For Output As #1 Print #1, Nr + 1 Close End If ActiveCell.Value = Nr End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("C:C") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub Sub sil() Range("c1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim hucre As Range For Each hucre In Range("c1:c" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("c1:c5000"))) Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

Sub Add_Totals() For Each NumRange In Columns("C").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).Areas SumAddr = NumRange.Address(False, False) NumRange.Offset(NumRange.Count, 0).Resize(1, 1).Formula = "=SUM(" & SumAddr & ")" Next NumRange End Sub Sub Add_Totals() For Each NumRange In Columns("C").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlNumbers).Areas SumAddr = NumRange.Address(False, False) NumRange.Offset(NumRange.Count, 0).Resize(1, 1).Formula = "=SUM(" & SumAddr & ")" Next NumRange End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = False If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("C:C")) Is Nothing Then Target(1).Value = UCase(Target(1).Value) End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Sub bidahabossatgizle() For i = 6 To 160 If Range("c" & i) = "" Then _ Range("c" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True Next Sub aktar() Dim sonsat As Long, sat As Long, i As Long, sut As Byte Sheets("2007").Select Sheets("PARCA").Range("A3:G65536").ClearContents sonsat = Cells(65536, "A").End(xlUp).Row sat = 3 If sonsat < 3 Then Exit Sub For i = 3 To sonsat If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("PARCA").Range("C3:C65536"), Cells(i, "C")) = 0 Then For sut = 1 To 7 Sheets("PARCA").Cells(sat, sut).Value = Cells(i, sut).Value Next sut sat = sat + 1 End If Next i Sheets("PARCA").Select MsgBox "LEM TAMAM" End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("C:C") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub Sub NomClasseur() Dim Chr As String 'dclare la variable Chr = Range("Sayfa1!C1") 'Feuille Essai et cellule C1 ChDrive "C" 'si C n'est pas le disque par dfaut ChDir "C:\" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=(Chr) End Sub Sub NomClasseur1() Dim Month As String * 3 'seulement les 3 premires lettres Dim Year As String Month = Range("Feuil1!C1") Year = Right(Range("Feuil1!C2"), 2) 'pour ne renvoyer que 01 de 2001 ChDrive "C" ChDir "C:\ajeter\" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=(Month) & (Year) End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Static DblWert If Range("C10") = 100 Then If Range("C10") = DblWert Then Exit Sub MsgBox "Jetzt ist der Wert in A1 100!" End If DblWert = Range("C10") End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Range("D1").Value = WorksheetFunction.CountBlank(Range("C5:C15")) End Sub Sub BlendeAus() Range("C5:C20").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).EntireRow.Hidden = True End Sub Sayfann kod bmne Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C8:C18")) Is Nothing Then Application.CommandBars("Cell").ShowPopup End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C8:C18")) Is Nothing Then Application.CommandBars("Cell").ShowPopup End If End Sub Sub Makro1() Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Documents And Settings\ocamsul\Belgelerim\[a1] End Sub

Alias "GetVersionExA" (lpVersionInformation As OSVERSIONINFO) As Long Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Private Declare Function GetKeyboardState Lib "user32" _ (pbKeyState As Byte) As Long Private Declare Function SetKeyboardState Lib "user32" _ (lppbKeyState As Byte) As Long Private Type OSVERSIONINFO dwOSVersionInfoSize As Long dwMajorVersion As Long dwMinorVersion As Long dwBuildNumber As Long dwPlatformId As Long szCSDVersion As String * 128 ' Maintenance string for PSS usage End Type Const Const Const Const Const VK_CAPITAL = &H14 KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = &H1 KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = &H2 VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT = 2 VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS = 1

Dim Keys(0 To 255) As Byte Sub SetCapsOn() Dim o As OSVERSIONINFO Dim NumLockState As Boolean Dim ScrollLockState As Boolean Dim CapsLockState As Boolean ' CapsLock handling: o.dwOSVersionInfoSize = Len(o) GetVersionEx o CapsLockState = Keys(VK_CAPITAL) If CapsLockState <> True Then 'Turn capslock on If o.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS Then '===== Win95 Keys(VK_CAPITAL) = 1 SetKeyboardState Keys(0) ElseIf o.dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT Then '===== WinNT 'Simulate Key Press keybd_event VK_CAPITAL, &H45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY Or 0, 0 'Simulate Key Release keybd_event VK_CAPITAL, &H45, KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY _ Or KEYEVENTF_KEYUP, 0 End If End If End Sub Option Explicit Public Declare Function SendCDcmd Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "mciSendStringA" ( _ ByVal lpstrCommand As String, _ ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _ ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _ ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Dim lRet As Long Public Sub EjectCD() lRet = SendCDcmd("set CDAudio door open", vbNullString, 127, 0) End Sub Public Sub CloseCD() lRet = SendCDcmd("set CDAudio door closed", vbNullString, 127, 0) End Sub

Private Declare Function mciExecute Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal _ lpstrCommand As String) As Long Public Sub Ap_001_Open() Call mciExecute("Set CDaudio door open") End Sub Public Sub Ap_001_Close() Call mciExecute("Set CDaudio door closed") End Sub Option Base 1 Sub main() Dim Now As String Dim a(2) As String a(1) = "set cdaudio door open" a(2) = "set cdaudio door closed" total = 1 For I = 1 To (total * 2) If Int(I / 2) = I / 2 Then Now = vbString(a(2), 0) Else Now = vbString(a(1), 0) End If Next I End Sub Dim Buff As String Dim dwR As Long Buff = Space$(100) ' Create a buffer dwR = mciSendString(Command, ByVal Buff, Len(Buff), hWnd) vbString = Buff End Function Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A10")) Is Nothing Then Target.Font.Name = "Marlett" If Target = vbNullString Then Target = "a" Else Target = vbNullString End If End If End Sub Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() [A1] = CheckBox1 * 20 + 120 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Range("a1") = 120 End Sub Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() If Me.CheckBox1.Value = False Then Range("a1") = 120 Else Range("a1") = 100 End If End Sub Aktif sayfaya 1 tane checkbox ve kod blmne aadaki kodlar Option Explicit Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() Range("F2").Value = CheckBox1.Value End Sub 'Modle Option Explicit Sub CheckboxEinAus() With Sheets("Tabelle1").OLEObjects("CheckBox1") .Object.Value = Not .Object.Value End With End Sub

Public Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uR

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If CheckBox1 = True Then Sheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut ElseIf CheckBox2 = True Then Sheets("Sayfa2").PrintOut ElseIf CheckBox3 = True Then Sheets("Sayfa3").PrintOut ElseIf CheckBox4 = True Then Sheets("Sayfa4").PrintOut End If End Sub Sub MsgAscii() Dim sayi1 As Integer For sayi1 = 1 To 255 msg = msg & (sayi1) & Chr(58) & Chr(sayi1) & Space(1) Next sayi1 MsgBox msg, 64, Chr(83) & Chr(252) & Chr(108) & Chr(101) _ & Chr(121) & Chr(109) & Chr(97) & Chr(110) & Chr(32) & Chr(85) _ & Chr(90) & Chr(85) & Chr(78) & Chr(75) & Chr(214) & Chr(80) & _ Chr(82) & Chr(220) End Sub

Private mcolUndoObjects As Collection Private mUndoObject As clsUndoObject Public Function AddAndProcessObject(oObj As Object, sProperty As String, vValue As Variant) As Boolean Set mUndoObject = New clsUndoObject With mUndoObject Set .ObjectToChange = oObj .NewValue = vValue .PropertyToChange = sProperty mcolUndoObjects.Add mUndoObject If .ExecuteCommand = True Then AddAndProcessObject = True Else AddAndProcessObject = False End If End With End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize() Set mcolUndoObjects = New Collection End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() ResetUndo End Sub Public Sub ResetUndo() While mcolUndoObjects.Count > 0 mcolUndoObjects.Remove (1) Wend Set mUndoObject = Nothing End Sub Public Sub UndoAll() Dim lCount As Long ' On Error Resume Next For lCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count To 1 Step -1 Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(lCount) mUndoObject.UndoChange Set mUndoObject = Nothing Next ResetUndo End Sub Public Sub UndoLast() Dim lCount As Long ' On Error Resume Next If mcolUndoObjects.Count >= 1 Then Set mUndoObject = mcolUndoObjects(mcolUndoObjects.Count) mUndoObject.UndoChange mcolUndoObjects.Remove mcolUndoObjects.Count Set mUndoObject = Nothing Else ResetUndo End If End Sub Public Function UndoCount() As Long UndoCount = mcolUndoObjects.Count End Function

Bir tane classmodule ekleyin ad AppEventClass olsun. Option Explicit Public WithEvents App As Application Private Sub App_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook) MsgBox "A new workbook is created!" End Sub Private Sub App_WorkbookBeforeClose(ByVal Wb As Workbook, Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "A workbook is closed!" End Sub Private Sub App_WorkbookBeforePrint(ByVal Wb As Workbook, Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "A workbook is printed!" End Sub Private Sub App_WorkbookBeforeSave(ByVal Wb As Workbook, ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "A workbook is saved!" End Sub Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook) MsgBox "A workbook is opened!" End Sub Bir tane classmodule ekleyin ad EventClass olsun. Option Explicit Public WithEvents App As Application Private Sub App_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Excel.Workbook) MsgBox "Application Event: New Workbook: " & Wb.Name End Sub Private Sub App_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) MsgBox "Application Event: SheetActivate: " & Sh.Name End Sub Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Excel.Workbook) MsgBox "Application Event: WorkbookOpen: " & Wb.Name End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() For i = 6 To 1000 If Sheets("NAAT TABLO").Cells(i, 1) = "" Then GoTo 10: UserForm2.ComboBox1.AddItem (Sheets("NAAT TABLO").Cells(i, 1)) 10: Next End Sub

Toplama sonucunu alacanz Texbox3 kabul edersek aadaki kodu Textbox3'in iine yaznz. Kod: Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = CInt(TextBox1) + CInt(TextBox2) End Sub

veya Kod: Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = Val(TextBox1) + Val(TextBox2) End Sub ondalkl saylarda toplamas iin Kod: Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = Ccur(TextBox1) + Ccur(TextBox2) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For x = 2 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("a2:a" & x), Cells(x, 1)) = 1 Then ComboBox1.AddItem Cells(x, 1).Value End If Next End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Call MyCheck End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Call MyCheck End Sub Private Sub MyCheck() If ComboBox1 = Empty Then MultiPage1.Visible = False Else MultiPage1.Visible = True End If End Sub MultiPage1.Visible = True If ComboBox1 = "" Then MultiPage1.Visible = False Private Sub CmbUrun_Change() Set no = Worksheets("tms").Range("A1:CZ200") Set ara = Cells.Find(What:=CmbUrun.Value, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas) If Not ara Is Nothing Then ilk = ara.Address ara.Select End If LblStok1 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.ListRows = 5 ComboBox1.Text = "PERSONEL SENZ..." ComboBox1.AddItem "DENEME 1" ComboBox1.AddItem "DENEME 2" ComboBox1.AddItem "DENEME 3" ComboBox1.AddItem "DENEME 4" ComboBox1.AddItem "DENEME 5" With ComboBox1 .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = Len(ComboBox1) End With End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next ComboBox2.Value = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells([Sayfa1!b1:b65536].Find(ComboBox1.Value).Row, 1) End Sub Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() On Error Resume Next ComboBox1.Value = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells([Sayfa1!a1:a65536].Find(ComboBox2.Value).Row, 2) End Sub 1. Sayfa ismine sag tikla "KODU GRNTLE" se 2. Yeni Form Se 3. Form zerine ailir kutu ekle 4. sayfaya geri dn 5. ailir kutuda bulunmasini istedigin verileri hcrelere yaz 6. hcreleri se ve ekle ad tanimla rnegin ISIMLER olsun 7. Kod grntleyiciye geri dn 8. izdigin ailir kutuyu se 9. PROPERTIES den ROW SOURCE kutusuna ISIMLER yaz 10 comboboxa ift tikla CHANGE olayina range("c1").value = combobox1.value yazarsan setigin deger c1 hcresine aktarilir For b = 2 To Sheets("veri").Cells(65536, 5).End(xlUp).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("veri").Range("e2:e" & b), Sheets("veri").Cells(b, 5)) = 1 Then ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets("veri").Cells(b, 5).Value End If Next Option Explicit

Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Const CB_SHOWDRPDOWN = &H14F Private Sub Combo1_GotFocus() SendMessage Combo1.hwnd, CB_SHOWDRPDOWN, True, ByVal 0& End hcresinin deeri "1" ise -------ComboBox2 de "A" seili B2" Sub B2" hcresinin deeri "2" ise -------ComboBox2 de "B" seili B2" hcresinin deeri "3" ise -------ComboBox2 de "C" seili Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox2.AddItem "A" ComboBox2.AddItem "B" ComboBox2.AddItem "C" Select Case Sheets("Sheet ismi").Range("B2") Case 1 ComboBox2 = "A" Case 2 ComboBox2 = "B" Case 3 ComboBox2 = "C" End Select End Sub 'dier seenek Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'form yklendiinde Me.ComboBox2.ListIndex = Range("b2")-1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() 'form aktif olduunda Me.ComboBox2.ListIndex = Range("b2") - 1 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Select Case ComboBox1.ListIndex Case 0 CommandButton1_Click Case 1 CommandButton2_Click . . End Select End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() TextBox1.Text = Application.VLookup( _ ComboBox1.Value, Range("D8:E11"), 2, False) End Sub de yllar combo1 'combo2 de aylar (1,2,...12) '31 tanede textbox oldugunu varsaydim. Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() If ComboBox2 = 12 Then x = DateDiff("d", "1" & "." & ComboBox2 & "." & ComboBox1, "1" & "." & "1" & "." & ComboBox1 + 1) Else x = DateDiff("d", "1" & "." & ComboBox2 & "." & ComboBox1, "1" & "." & ComboBox2 + 1 & "." & ComboBox1) End If z=1 Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = "" End If Next ctrl For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = z If z = x Then Exit For z=z+1 End If Next ctrl End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ComboBox1 = byk(ComboBox1) End Sub Function byk(veri) Dim a As Integer Dim b As String For a = 1 To Len(veri) If Mid(veri, a, 1) = "i" Then b = "" ElseIf Mid(veri, a, 1) = "" Then b = "I" Else b = Mid(UCase(veri), a, 1) End If byk = byk & b Next End Function Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With ComboBox1 .AddItem "Kubilay" .AddItem "Akn" .AddItem "Karabulut" End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i% Dim TMP$ ComboBox1.Clear For i = 1 To 12 TMP = Format(DateSerial(2004, i, 1), "mmmm") ComboBox1.AddItem TMP Next i ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub

FORMA EKLEDNZ COMBOBOXA AYLARI YAZDIRIR Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i% Dim TMP$ ComboBox1.Clear For i = 1 To 12 TMP = Format(DateSerial(2004, i, 1), "mmmm") ComboBox1.AddItem TMP Next i ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) MsgBox "EL LE VER GRLEMEZ" ComboBox1 = "" End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) MsgBox "EL LE VER GRLEMEZ" End Sub Userformun initialize olayna aadaki kodu ilave edin. Bu kod en altta bulunan comboboxa sayfa isimlerini alacaktr. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For sayfa = 1 To Worksheets.Count ComboBox1.AddItem Sheets(sayfa).Name Next sayfa End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sayfa isimlerini seeceiniz combobox ada aadaki kodu yazn. Bu kod comboboxtan seilen sayfaya gidecektir. Bylece tm ilemler comboboxtan seile visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() Sheets(ComboBox1.Value).Select End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.RowSource = "LISTE!A1:A31" End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim ComboListe As Variant, i As Long ComboListe = Benzersiz_Liste(Range("A2:A500"), True) For i = 1 To UBound(ComboListe) ComboBox1.AddItem ComboListe(i) Next i End Sub Private Function Benzersiz_Liste(Aralik As Range, DuzListe As Boolean) As Variant Dim Hucre As Range, Benzersiz As New Collection, Say As Long, Dizi() As Variant Application.Volatile On Error Resume Next For Each Hucre In Aralik If Hucre.Formula <> "" Then Benzersiz.Add Hucre.Value, CStr(Hucre.Value) End If Next Hucre Benzersiz_Liste = "" If Benzersiz.Count > 0 Then ReDim Dizi(1 To Benzersiz.Count) For Say = 1 To Benzersiz.Count Dizi(Say) = Benzersiz(Say) Next Say Benzersiz_Liste = Dizi If Not DuzListe Then Benzersiz_Liste = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Benzersiz_Liste) End If End If On Error GoTo 0 End Function Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) ComboBox1 = Empty End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With UserForm1.ComboBox1 .AddItem "izinli" .AddItem "kaak" .AddItem "mazeretsiz" .AddItem "ge" End With End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For i = 1 To 10 UserForm1.Controls("ComboBox" & i).Text = i Next i End Sub A ve G Stun aralnn Combobox1'e girilen tarihe gre listelenmesi

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As Date For i = 2 To Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row x = Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) If x >= CDate(ComboBox1.Value) And x <= CDate(ComboBox2.Value) Then listbox1.additem Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 1) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 2) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) & "-" End If Next i End Sub 'ListBox1'in Stun ayarlarn; 'ColumnCount zelliini stediiniz stun saysn yazn. 'ColumnWidths zelliini Stun Genilii.70;80;55...gibi (Kafana Gre ayarlarsn) 'UserForm alrken Sayfaya Mdahale etmek istersen. 'UserFormu tklat ShowModal zelliini False yap. ActiveSheet.Cells(ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, "k") = TextBox1.Value

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then Dim hucre As Range Me.ListBox1.RowSource = "" For Each hucre In Range("h2:h" & Range("h65536").End(xlUp).Row) If hucre.Value = "" Then Me.ListBox1.AddItem Range("B" & hucre.Row).Value End If Next End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i, b As Integer Dim indexsec For i = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount On Error Resume Next combo = combo & "Veri: " & _ ComboBox1.List(i, 0) & " - ndex'i:" & i & vbCrLf Next i indexsec = InputBox("Ltfen Aadaki deger veya ndexlerden bir" _ & "deger sein" & combo, "Combobox deer se") If indexsec = "" Then Exit Sub If IsNumeric(indexsec) = True Then If indexsec > ComboBox1.ListCount Then MsgBox "Bu ndex Numaras listede yok" Exit Sub End If ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox1.List(indexsec, 0) Else For b = 0 To ComboBox1.ListCount On Error Resume Next If ComboBox1.List(b, 0) = Trim(indexsec) Then MsgBox "Yazdnz Veri " & b & " Nolu Veridir - " & ComboBox1.List(b, 0) ComboBox1.Value = ComboBox1.List(b, 0) Exit Sub End If Next b End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("YER SABT BLGLER").Activate TextBox12.Text = Range("b18").Text TextBox13.Text = Range("e18").Text TextBox14.Text = Range("b19").Text TextBox15.Text = Range("e19").Text End Sub Sheets("YER SABT BLGLER").Activate Range("b18").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox12 Range("e18").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox13 Range("b19").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox14 Range("e19").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox15 End Sub 'B18 Hcresinde 06:30 Yazl 'E18 Hcresinde 15:30 Yazl 'B19 Hcresinde 23:00 Yazl Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For i = 1 To 8 ComboBox1.AddItem Format(Cells(i, 1), "hh:mm") Next End Sub

Private Sub cb1_Change() Worksheets(cb1.Text).Select UserForm1.Hide Unload UserForm1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets Me.cb1.AddItem ws.Name Next End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Worksheets(ComboBox1.Text).Select UserForm1.Hide Unload UserForm1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets Me:ComboBox1.AddItem ws.Name Next End Sub Public satir As Integer Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() satir = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Cells(satir, 1).EntireRow.Delete End Sub For a = 1 To [b65536].End(3).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("a1:a" & a), Cells(a, "b")) > 1 Then GoTo 10 c=c+1 ComboBox2.AddItem Cells(a, "b") deg2 = ComboBox2.List(c - 1, 0) If IsNumeric(ComboBox2.List(c - 1, 0)) = True Then deg2 = ComboBox2.List(c - 1, 0) * 1 For b = 0 To c - 2 deg1 = ComboBox2.List(b, 0) If IsNumeric(ComboBox2.List(b, 0)) = True Then deg1 = ComboBox2.List(b, 0) * 1 If deg1 > deg2 Then deg = ComboBox2.List(c - 1, 0) ComboBox2.List(c - 1, 0) = ComboBox2.List(b, 0) ComboBox2.List(b, 0) = deg End If Next Private Sub ListBox1_Click() On Error Resume Next cells(ListBox1.Column(5),"a").Select End Sub ListBox1.RowSource = combobox1.text & "!A1:R15" Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa2!A1:A20" End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() sat = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1 Cells(sat, "a").Select End Sub mesaj = MsgBox(ComboBox1.Value & " degerini girdiniz !", ,"Balk") Combobox ile seince aktarsn diyorsanz Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Worksheets("sayfa1").Range("a1") = ComboBox1.Value End Sub

Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() TextBox1 = ComboBox1.Column(0) TextBox2 = ComboBox1.Column(1) TextBox3 = ComboBox1.Column(2) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() With UserForm1.ComboBox1 .AddItem "masa" .AddItem "sra" .AddItem "sandalye" End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With ComboBox1 .AddItem "pir" .AddItem "Mahmut" .AddItem "Bayram" End With End Sub Sub SchaltflcheInTabellenEinfgen() Dim Tabelle As Worksheet For Each Tabelle In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Tabelle.Activate Tabelle.Buttons.Add(96, 15, 93, 24).Select Selection.Name = "Datum" Selection.Characters.Text = "Datum" Selection.OnAction = "Datum2" Range("A1").Select Next Tabelle End Sub Sub command_add() Dim cmdB As CommandBar Set cmdB = CommandBars.Add("MyToolbar", temporary:=True) With cmdB .Left = 50 .Top = 100 .Visible = True End With End Sub Dim x As Integer For x = 1 To 127 Cells(x, 1) = Application.CommandBars(x).Name Cells(x, 2) = Application.CommandBars(x).NameLocal Next x Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() sifre = InputBox("Kodlarn almas iin ifre gerekiyor", _ "Yetkili Kii", "ifreyi buraya yaznz.") If sifre = "excel" Then 'ifre MsgBox "ifre doruland", vbInformation, _ "ifre Doru" 'buraya kodlarnz yaptrnz ' " " Else MsgBox "Yanl ifre girdiniz." & Chr(13) & _ "Kod almas iptal edildi", vbCritical, "Yanl ifre" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) CommandButton1.Top = CommandButton1.Top + 20 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) CommandButton1.BackColor = vbYellow End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton1.Tag = CommandButton1.BackColor End Sub Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) CommandButton1.BackColor = CommandButton1.Tag End Sub

Userformunuzun zerindeki combobox'nzda grnmesini istediiniz sabit deerler iin formunuzun code blmne; Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With ComboBox1 .AddItem "Kubilay" .AddItem "Akn" .AddItem "Karabulut" End With End Sub Sub ac() sPath = "C:\My Documents\" On Error Resume Next For Each cell In Range("A1", Range("a1").End(xlDown)) Workbooks.Open Filename:=sPath & cell.Value & ".xls" Next On Error GoTo 0 For Each cell In Range("A1", Range("a1").End(xlDown)) Workbook Sub lstProprieteFichier() lg = 1 Worksheets.Add For Each LstPro In ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties Cells(lg, 1).Value = LstPro.Name On Error Resume Next Cells(lg, 2).Value = ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties.Item(LstPro.Name) lg = lg + 1 Next Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.AutoFit Range("B10:B12").NumberFormat = "[$-F800]dddd, mmmm dd, yyyy" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open () Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value + 1 End Sub Option Explicit Dim FileDir As String Dim Filenumber As String Const FilePath = "C:" Private Sub cmdSave_Click() On Error Resume Next Filenumber = InputBox("Oluturulacak kitabn ismi?", "pir") If Filenumber = "" Then MsgBox "HATA", vbOKOnly, "pir" Exit Sub End If FileDir = FilePath & Filenumber & ".xls" SaveAs Filename:=FileDir On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Heute = Now Verfalldatum = #5/14/2003# 'Hier Verfalldatum im Format MM/TT/JJJJ eintragen

If Verfalldatum < Heute Then Dim passwort As String passwort = InputBox("Die Testphase ist abgelaufen," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " bitte geben Sie Ihre Registrierungs-Nr.:", "Testphase abgelaufen, Reg. If passwort <> "36" Then MsgBox " Das Kennwort ist ungltig," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "der Vorgang wird abgebrochen !" ThisWorkbook.Close End If MsgBox ("Registrierung erfolgreich") Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim passwort As String passwort = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie das Passwort" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " fr das Einfgen von Kommentaren ein:", "Passwortabfrage fr das Ein If passwort <> "36" Then MsgBox " Das Kennwort ist ungltig," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Sie drfen keine Kommentare einfgen !" Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Einfgen").Controls("Kommentar").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Kommentar einfgen").Enabled = False Exit Sub Else Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Einfgen").Controls("Kommentar").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls("Kommentar einfgen").Enabled = True End If End Sub ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select Son kaldnz hcreyi "Static" bir deikene atayabilirsiniz. Static sonhucre as Range Sub Kontrol() set sonhucre = "kontrol edilen hcre" .... End Sub 'geri dndnzde 'yazdnzda bu hcre seilecektir. Sub SaveWorkbookBackupToFloppyA() Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.Path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.Name OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave If Dir("A:\" & BackupFileName) <> "" Then Kill "A:\" & BackupFileName End If With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs "A:\" & BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Dosya Yedeklenemedi!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub Sub gnntarihi() Dim sFileName As String sFileName = Format(Now, "dd_mm_yyyy") + ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFileName End Sub Sub Kaytsmi() ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Mahmut.xls" End Sub Sub kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Sub Dialog_27() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFileSharing).Show End Sub

Sub InTheMiddle() Dim dWidth As Double, dHeight As Double With Application .WindowState = xlMaximized dWidth = .Width dHeight = .Height .WindowState = xlNormal .Top = dHeight / 4 .Height = dHeight / 2 .Left = dWidth / 4 .Width = dWidth / 2 End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Sub PrintAll() ThisWorkbook.PrintOut End Sub Sub SaveNow() SaveWithBackup ThisWorkbook.Save End Sub On Error Resume Next Dim Proceed As Long Proceed = MsgBox("Yedekleyip kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?" & vbNewLine & _ "Selecting No will save without Backup", vbYesNo) If Proceed = vbYes Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ActiveWorkbook.FullName, CreateBackup:=True Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A100")) Is Nothing Then Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 2).Select MsgBox "Bu aralktaki hcreler seilemez!" End If End Sub Sub BosSatirlariSil() Dim LastRow As Long, r As Long LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count LastRow = LastRow + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub Sub sayfaykoru() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True End Sub Sub auto_open() Static sayac As Integer Do If sayac = 3 Then ThisWorkbook.Close False Else If InputBox("ifreyi girin") = "Buraya koymak istediiniz ifreyi yazacaksnz!" Then GoTo devam Else sayac = sayac + 1 End If End If Loop devam: End Sub Sub kapat() ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub

Sub SaveW

Aadaki kod, alma kitabnda Sheet1 isimli sayfa modulunun Name zelliini MySh olarak deitirir. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub Test() Dim MyMod As Object For Each MyMod In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents If MyMod.Name = "Sheet1" Then MyMod.Name = "MySh" Next End Sub Aklama:alma Kitabnzn Baln istediiniz ekilde deitirin Sub test() Application.Caption = "pir" ActiveWindow.Caption = "" 'Incorrect MsgBox Application.Caption & " " & ActiveWindow.Caption 'Correct MsgBox Application.Caption End Sub Sub gzle() For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count Sheets(i).Select ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False Next End Sub gstermesi iin: Sub goster() For i = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count Sheets(i).Select ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = true Next End Sub Sub SayfaKaydet() Dim sayfa As Worksheet For Each sayfa In Worksheets sayfa.Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Documents and Settings\pir\Desktop\" & sayfa.Name & ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.Close False Next sayfa End Sub Module blmne; Global WCnt Global Sh(1 To 100) As Worksheet Global ShNames(1 To 100) As String 'workbooka; Public Sub Workbook_Open() Dim i As Integer WCnt = Worksheets.Count For i = 1 To WCnt ShNames(i) = Sheets(i).Name Set Sh(i) = Sheets(ShNames(i)) Next i End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Dim z As Integer For z = 1 To WCnt Sh(z).Name = ShNames(z) Next z End Sub alma Sayfanzdaki Bo Satrlar Siler Sub BosSatirlariSil() Dim LastRow As Long, r As Long LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count LastRow = LastRow + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub

Aklama: alma sayfanzdaki alma alannz belirleyen ve iptal eden macrolar. Kod: Sub LimiteDefilement() ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "A1:A10" End Sub Sub RetablitDefilement() ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "" End Sub Aklama: alma sayfanzdaki hcrenin deerlerine gre hcreler renklerle dolar Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Target Case " ": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 ' gri Case "A": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 ' krmz Case "B": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "A&B": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "-": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 ' yeil Case Else: Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Select End Sub Aklama: alma Sayfanz korur ancak otomatik szler alr Kod: Sub sayfaykoru() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True End Sub ALIMA SAYFASINI KORUMAYA ALIR Sub sayfaykoru() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True End Sub Aadaki makroyu bir butona balarsanz taramanza gerek kalmadan gizleme yapabilirsiniz. Sub gizle() Columns("K:IV").Hidden = True Rows("45:65536").Hidden = True End Sub tekrar gstermek iin ise Sub gster() Columns("K:IV").Hidden = False Rows("45:65536").Hidden = False End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If CommandButton1.Caption = "altr" Then CommandButton1.Caption = "Sorgu Gir" CommandButton1.Font.Bold = True CommandButton1.Font.Size = 15 Else CommandButton1.Caption = "altr" CommandButton1.Font.Bold = False CommandButton1.Font.Size = 20 End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton1.Caption = "Sorgu Gir" End Sub MsgBox "Mesaj boxlarda satr ba yapamyorum." & vbCrlf & "Bunun bir yolu olmal !" & vbCrlf & "Acaba vbCrlf kullanrsam ne olur?", vbinformation

Yada Alt+Enter'in Ascii kodu olan chr(10) kullanlabilir.

Sub A() MsgBox "A" & Chr(10) & "B" & Chr(10) & "C" & Chr(10) & "D" & Chr(10) End Sub Sub msg() MsgBox "A" & Chr(13) & "B" & Chr(13) & "C" & Chr(13) & "D" & Chr(13) End Sub Option Explicit Sub AusEin() Dim S As Integer For S = 2 To Worksheets.Count Worksheets(S).Visible = Not Worksheets(S).Visible Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ActiveSheet.Protect "abc" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Target.NoteText "Die Zelle wurde am " & Format(Date, "") & " um " & Format(Now(), " hh:mm:ss") & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocum End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) sayfa = Target.Cells.Value Sheets("sayfa3").Select End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) ActiveCell = Date & ", " & Time End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) ' MsgBox "destination: target.subaddress " & Target.SubAddress ' MsgBox "Source: Target.Range.Address " & Target.Range.Address ' MsgBox "Source: Target.Range.Value " & Target.Range(1, 1).Value Range(Target.SubAddress) = Target.ActiveCell End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True 'Get out of edit mode ActiveCell = Target.Text On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.AddComment On Error GoTo 0 ActiveCell.Comment.Visible = False ActiveCell.Comment.Text Text:="Value from: " & Target.Address(0, 0) _ & Chr(10) & Format(Now, "ddmmmyyyy hh:mm:ss") Cancel = True ' no further need to edit the cell End Sub Sub ift_kaytlari_arala() totalrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count For Row = totalrows To 2 Step -1 If Cells(Row, 1).Value <> Cells(Row - 1, 1).Value Then Rows(Row).Insert Next Row End Sub kullanici = Application.UserName saat = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") tarih = Format(Date, "d mmmm yyyy dddd") sor = MsgBox(" GRMEK ZERE " & kullanici & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "WWW.XXX.COM / +90 312 111 11 11" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "Tarih : " & tarih & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ & "Saat : " & saat & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ & "XXX A.. yi almalar Diler." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "dosyann kaydedilmesini istiyormusunuz?", 4, "") If sor = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close Else Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close End If End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click() pir = MsgBox("kmak istediinizden emin misiniz?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "k") Select Case pir Case vbYes End End Select End Sub Aadaki kodu sayfann kod sayfasna kopyalayarak deneyin. visual basic kodu: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If Intersect(Target, [a:a]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub say = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("a1:a" & Target.Row - 1), Target) If say > 0 Then MsgBox "BU KAYIT MEVCUTTUR" Target.Select Target = "" End If End Sub Aadaki kod sadece a stunu iin geerli, buna birde e stununu nasl eklerim? Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, [a:a]) Is Nothing Or Target = 0 Then Exit Sub UserForm1.Show End Sub

Kodu aadaki gibi dzenleyin.

visual basic kodu: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 1 Or Target.Column = 5 Then say = WorksheetFunction.CountIf([m:m], Target) If say > 0 Then Exit Sub UserForm1.Show End If End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then Exit Sub cevap = MsgBox(ListBox1.List(, 0) & " nolu kayd silmek istiyor musunuz?", vbYesNo) If cevap = vbYes Then Range(Cells(ListBox1.List(, 0) + 1, 2), Cells(ListBox1.List(, 0) + 1, 6)).Delete shift:=xlUp [a65536].End(3).Delete shift:=xlUp Call UserForm_Activate End If End Sub Hcreye Maus veya Tularla Geldiinide stenilen sayfaya gemesi iin,bu kodlar O sayfann zerinde sa tu ile Kod Grntle ksmna yazlacak.Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$C$18" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End Sub Hcreye Maus veya Tularla Geldiinide stenilen sayfaya gemesi iin,bu kodlar O sayfann zerinde sa tu ile Kod Grntle ksmna yazlacak. Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$C$18" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End Sub Declare Function GetClipCursor Lib "user32" (lprc As RECT) As Long Type RECT gauche As Long haut As Long droit As Long bas As Long End Type Dim oGCC As RECT Sub dimEcran() GetClipCursor oGCC With oGCC MsgBox .droit & " x " & .bas End With End Sub

Declare Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "User32" _ Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Sub DisplayMonitorInfo() Dim w As Long, h As Long w = GetSystemMetrics32(0) ' width in points h = GetSystemMetrics32(1) ' height in points MsgBox Format(w, "#,##0") & " x " & Format(h, "#,##0"), _ vbInformation, "Monitor Size (width x height)" End Sub Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Sub Bild() MsgBox ("znrlk Pixel Deerleri: " & GetSystemMetrics(0) & " x " & GetSystemMetrics(1)) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim iOffset As Integer On Error GoTo err_handler Application.EnableEvents = False If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Columns("D:E")) Is Nothing Then If Target.Column = 4 Then iOffset = 3 Else iOffset = 2 End If If IsEmpty(Target.Value) Then With Target .Font.Name = "Wingdings" .Value = Chr(252) End With Target.Offset(0, iOffset).Select Else Target.Value = "" Target.Offset(0, iOffset).Select End If End If err_handler: Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Zelle = Target.Address Select Case Zelle Case "$D$2" Range("$D$2").ColumnWidth = 52 'entspricht 369 Pixel Case Else Range("$D$2").ColumnWidth = 16.43 'entspricht 120 Pixel End Select End Sub

Kod: Sub SifreAc() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer

On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For m = 65 To 66 For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 For i3 = 65 To 66 For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 For i6 = 65 To 66 For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _ Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) _ & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) _ & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) _ & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) Exit Sub End If Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next End Sub Dim dbs2 as Database Dim rst2 as Recordset Set dbs2 = OpenDatabase(datayolu) Set rst2 = dbs2.OpenRecordset("Select * from cr Where tarih>=datevalue('" & trh1.Value & "') and tarih<=datevalue('" & trh2.Value & "')-1 and crkod=' If rst2.RecordCount > 0 Then rst2.MoveLast rst2.MoveFirst i=1 fg5.Rows = rst2.RecordCount + 1 While Not rst2.EOF If Not IsNull(rst2("tutar")) Then fg5.TextMatrix(i, 2) = rst2("tutar") i=i+1 rst2.MoveNext Wend End If Sub data_form() ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Database", RefersTo:="=" & Worksheets(1).Name & "!" & Range("A15:F35").Address Range("A1:F11").Select Worksheets(1).ShowDataForm End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm End Sub

If KeyAscii = 8 Then DecControl = KeyAscii Exit Function End If If NOOFDEC = 0 Then If InStr(1, "0123456789-", Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then DecControl = 0 Exit Function Else DecControl = KeyAscii Exit Function End If Else If InStr(1, "0123456789.-", Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then DecControl = 0 Exit Function End If End If If Len(Text) - Text.SelStart > NOOFDEC And Chr(KeyAscii) = "." Then DecControl = 0 Exit Function End If If KeyAscii <> 8 Then If InStr(1, Text, ".") <> 0 And Chr(KeyAscii) = "." Then DecControl = 0 Exit Function End If Dim pos As Integer Dim RET As Integer pos = InStr(1, Text.Text, ".") If pos = 0 Then If InStr(1, "0123456789.-", Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then RET = 0 Else RET = KeyAscii End If Else 'IF AFTER DECIMAL If Text.SelStart + 1 > pos Then a = Len(Text.Text) - InStr(1, Text, ".") If a >= NOOFDEC Then RET = 0 Else RET = KeyAscii End If Else RET = KeyAscii End If End If Else RET = KeyAscii End If DecControl = RET End Function Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim i As Long For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("H:H")) If Cells(i, 8).Value = "A" And Left(Cells(i, 9), 3) <> "(-)" Then Cells(i, 9) = "(-)" & Cells(i, 9).Value Cells(i, 9).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight End If Next i End Sub Sub aynideger() Dim Cel1 As Range, Cel2 As Range Set Cel1 = Range("A1:B1") Set Cel2 = Workbooks("Kitap1").Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("D5") Cel1.Copy Cel2 End Sub

Bu kodu bir module ierisine deil Alt+F11 ile VBAy an. Project Explorerden "This Workbook" zerine ift tklayn ve kodu bu alan sayfaya kopyalayn. Normal module sayfasna eklerseniz almaz. Deneme sonras sonucu bildirirseniz memnun olurum. Sonuca farkl ekilde giden arkadalar kodlarn paylarsa sevinirim. Kod: Private Sub yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) If deger = 0 Then yuzde = 1 ElseIf IsNumeric(deger) And IsNumeric(yenideger) Then yuzde = (deger - yenideger) / deger yuzde = yuzde * 100 * (-1) yuzde = FormatNumber(yuzde, 2) End If If deger < 1 Then deger = 0 Range(adres).ClearComments Range(adres).AddComment " " Range(adres).Comment.Visible = False Range(adres).Comment.Text Text:="Eski Deer: " & deger & Chr(10) & "Deiim: %" & yuzde End Sub Public Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) adres = Range("IV1").Value deger = Range("IV2").Value If adres > 0 Then yenideger = Range(adres).Value If deger <> yenideger Then Call yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) End If End If Range("IV1").Value = ActiveCell.Address Range("IV2").Value = ActiveCell.Value End Sub

'Normal module sayfasna eklerseniz almaz. Private Sub yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) If deger = 0 Then yuzde = 1 ElseIf IsNumeric(deger) And IsNumeric(yenideger) Then yuzde = (deger - yenideger) / deger yuzde = yuzde * 100 * (-1) yuzde = FormatNumber(yuzde, 2) End If If deger < 1 Then deger = 0 Range(adres).ClearComments Range(adres).AddComment " " Range(adres).Comment.Visible = False Range(adres).Comment.Text Text:="Eski Deer: " & deger & Chr(10) & "Deiim: %" & yuzde End Sub Public Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) adres = Range("IV1").Value deger = Range("IV2").Value If adres > 0 Then yenideger = Range(adres).Value If deger <> yenideger Then Call yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) End If End If Range("IV1").Value = ActiveCell.Address Range("IV2").Value = ActiveCell.Value End Sub Sub kopyala() Dim pir1 As Range, pir2 As Range Set pir1 = Range("A1:B2") Set pir2 = Range("F1:G2") pir2.Value = pir1.Value pir2.NumberFormat = pir1.NumberFormat End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = False Me.Cells(Target.Row, 1) = Now '1 steht fr Spalte A, fr Spalte H waere es die 8 Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Sub Accumulate() Dim n As Integer Dim t As Integer For n = 1 To 10 t=t+n Next n MsgBox " The total is " & t End Sub Sub a() b = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Sheets("sayfa1").Range("A1:A50")) End Sub 'bu kodda b deikenine A1:A50 arasndaki deerlerin toplam atanmtr. Sub Dialog_34() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaReplace).Show End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 2 Then Application.OnKey "{Del}", "" Else Application.OnKey "{Del}" End If End Sub

Sub demo() Dim saat1 As Date Dim saat2 As Date saat1 = "15/10/2005" saat2 = Date If saat2 > saat1 Then MsgBox ("Sreniz dolmu zgnm.") ActiveWorkbook.Close End If MsgBox ("Kullanm iin " & saat1 - saat2 & " gnnz kalmtr.") MsgBox "Bu gn SON GN" End If End Sub '1 ADET COMMAND '4 ADET TEXT '5 ADET LABEL Private Sub Command1_Click() Label5.Caption = (Val(Text1) + Val(Text2) + Val(Text3) + Val(Text4)) / 4 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" Combo1.AddItem "DERSNZN SM" End Sub Private Sub Text1_Change() If Val(Text1) > 100 Or 0 > Val(Text1) Then MsgBox "GRDNZ SAYI 0 LE 100 ARASI OLMALIDIR" Text1.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Text2_Change() If Val(Text2) > 100 Or Val(Text2) < 0 Then MsgBox "GRDNZ SAYI 0 LE 100 ARASI OLMALIDIR" Text2.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Text3_Change() If Val(Text3) > 100 Or 0 > Val(Text3) Then MsgBox "GRDNZ SAYI 0 LE 100 ARASI OLMALIDIR" Text3.Text = "" End If End Sub Private Sub Text4_Change() If Val(Text4) > 100 Or 0 > Val(Text4) Then MsgBox "GRDNZ SAYI 0 LE 100 ARASI OLMALIDIR" Text4.Text = "" End If End Sub

If sure

Private Sub yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) If deger = 0 Then yuzde = 1 ElseIf IsNumeric(deger) And IsNumeric(yenideger) Then yuzde = (deger - yenideger) / deger yuzde = yuzde * 100 * (-1) yuzde = FormatNumber(yuzde, 2) End If If deger < 1 Then deger = 0 Range(adres).ClearComments Range(adres).AddComment " " Range(adres).Comment.Visible = False Range(adres).Comment.Text Text:="Eski Deer: " & deger & Chr(10) & "Deiim: %" & yuzde End Sub Public Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) adres = Range("IV1").Value deger = Range("IV2").Value If adres > 0 Then yenideger = Range(adres).Value If deger <> yenideger Then Call yaz(deger, adres, yenideger) End If End If Range("IV1").Value = ActiveCell.Address Range("IV2").Value = ActiveCell.Value End Sub Application.StatusBar = " LDER GROUP 2005 / - MALYET ANALZ LSTELER -" Sheets("ANA SAYFA").Select Range("A1").Select Dim kullanici As String Dim tarih As String Dim saat As String tarih = Now() kullanici = Application.UserName saat = Format(tarih, "hh:mm:ss") tarih = Format(tarih, "d mmmm yyyy dddd") MsgBox " MERHABA " & kullanici & ", HO GELDNZ!" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Tarih : " & tarih & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Saat : " & saat & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Kalite Ynetim Mdrl yi almalar Diler." & Chr(13) & Chr(13), vbApplicationModal, " LDER GROUP End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Dim kullanici As String Dim tarih As String Dim saat As String tarih = Now() kullanici = Application.UserName saat = Format(tarih, "hh:mm:ss") tarih = Format(tarih, "d mmmm yyyy dddd") MsgBox " GRMEK ZERE " & kullanici & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & _ "Tarih : " & tarih & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Saat : " & saat & Chr(13) & Chr(13) _ & "Kalite Ynetim Mdrl yi almalar Diler." & Chr(13) & Chr(13), vbApplicationModal, " LDER GROUP

2005 "

2005 "

ActiveWorkbook.Save Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close False Application.Quit End Sub

zerindeki bir makinedeki bir excel kitabnn iindeki makroyu kendi makinenizden altrmak Kod: Application.Run "\\makineadi\klasoradi\kitapadi.xls!makroadi" eer kitaplar ayn makine zerinde ise Kod: Application.Run "c:\klasoradi\kitapadi.xls!makroadi" Sub Essai() Run ("Kitap1.xls!Module1.MAkro1") End Sub Form2 VBA Public Sub Buton1_Click() Msgbox "Merhaba" End Sub 'Form1 VBA 'da Private Sub Buton1_Click() userform2.buton1_click End Sub Application.Run "kitap2.xls!makro1" Sub dortgen_sil() For Each Rectangle In ActiveSheet.Shapes Rectangle.Delete Next End Sub Declare Function SetVolumeLabel Lib "kernel32" Alias "SetVolumeLabelA" _ (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeName As String) As Long Sub NommeDSK() retval = SetVolumeLabel("a:\", "MaDisquette") 'pour supprimer le label 'retval = SetVolumeLabel("a:\", vbNullString) End Sub

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private hWnd As Long Const SHFMT_DRV_A = 0 Const SHFMT_DRV_B = 1 Const SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT = &HFFFF Const SHFMT_OPT_QUICKFORMAT = 0 Const SHFMT_OPT_FULLFORMAT = 1 Const Const Const Const SHFMT_OPT_SYSONLY = 2 SHFMT_ERROR = -1 SHFMT_CANCEL = -2 SHFMT_NOFORMAT = -3

Private Sub format() Dim Res As Long hWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) Res = SHFormatDrive(hWnd, SHFMT_DRV_A, SHFMT_ID_DEFAULT, SHFMT_OPT_QUICKFORMAT) Select Case Res Case SHFMT_ERROR MsgBox "Hata.", vbCritical Case SHFMT_CANCEL MsgBox "ptal edildi.", vbInformation Case SHFMT_NOFORMAT MsgBox "Formatl deil.", vbInformation Case Else MsgBox "Formatlama bitti." End Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() format End SaveWorkbookBackupToFloppyA() Sub Sub Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.Name OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave If Dir("A:" & BackupFileName) <> "" Then Kill "A:" & BackupFileName End If With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs "A:" & BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub

'//The Shell function runs other programs asynchronously so what '//What you basically have to do is Open the existing Process '//for the running Application and, LOOP & WAIT for the processes return state '//ie when the specified process is in the signaled state '//or a timeout occurs. Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _ ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal hHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal hProcess As Long, _ lpExitCode As Long) As Long '&HFFFF Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000 '// Note:SYNCHRONIZE Windows NT/2000 Private Const INFINITE = &HFFFF 'OR -1& '// INFINITE, the functions time-out interval never elapses. Private Const STILL_ACTIVE = &H103 Public Function ShellAndWait(ByVal BatFile As String) ' ' Shells a new process and waits for it to complete. ' Calling application is totally non-responsive while ' new process executes. ' Dim PID As Long Dim hProcess As Long Dim nRet As Long '// Unlike other Functions Shell generates an error '// instead of returning a 0 so handling the error '// = Application NOT started. On Error Resume Next PID = Shell(BatFile, vbMinimizedNoFocus) If Err Then '// handle the error here and End MsgBox "Could NOT exercute:= " & BatFile End End If On Error GoTo 0 '// SYNCHRONIZE For Windows NT/2000: '// Enables using the process handle in any of the wait '// functions to wait for the process to terminate. '// obviously with NT you need access rights. hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, False, PID) '// Just set the dwMilliseconds to INFINITE to initiate a Loop nRet = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, INFINITE) Do GetExitCodeProcess hProcess, nRet DoEvents Loop While nRet = STILL_ACTIVE CloseHandle hProcess End Function Sub OpenFileAndWait() Dim sApp As String '// Define the Application FullPath here sApp = "C:\A\Batch.bat" 'sApp = "C:\windows\system32\calc.exe" '// Lets DoIt ShellAndWait sApp '// Tell me if Successful MsgBox "Finished running task!" End Sub

Sub polygon() 'zeichnet Polygon Application.ScreenUpdating = False anzeck = InputBox("Wieviele Ecken ?") If anzeck = Empty Or Not IsNumeric(anzeck) Or anzeck < 3 Then Exit Sub seite = InputBox("Seitenlnge ?") If seite = Empty Or Not IsNumeric(seite) Then Exit Sub a = 200 ActiveSheet.Drawings.Add(a, a, a + seite, a, False) _ .Select winkel = 180 - 360 / anzeck gegenwinkel = 180 - (winkel + 90) winkel1 = 3.14159265358979 * winkel / 180 gegenwinkel1 = 3.14159265358979 * gegenwinkel / 180 x = a + seite y=a k=1 For i = 1 To anzeck - 1 x = x - k * seite * Sin(gegenwinkel1) y = y + k * seite * Cos(gegenwinkel1) Selection.AddVertex x, y k = k * (-1) gegenwinkel1 = gegenwinkel1 - winkel1 Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub sec() Worksheets(Array(1, 3, 5)).Select End Sub Sub Dizindeki_Son_sim() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.GetBaseName("C:\SXS\Deneme\Ben.txt") MsgBox a End Sub Sub Src_smi() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.GetDriveName("C:\SXS\Deneme\Ben.txt") MsgBox a End Sub Dim d_tarih Do d_tarih = InputBox("Doum Tarihiniz r:01/04/1979", "Doum Tarihinizi Yazn Ltfen") Loop While Not IsDate(d_tarih) MsgBox (WeekdayName(Weekday(d_tarih, 0), False, 0) + " " + "Gn Domusunuz.")

Dim sDollars As String Dim sCents As String Dim iLen As Integer Dim sTemp As String Dim iPos As Integer Dim iHundreds As Integer Dim iTens As Integer Dim iOnes As Integer Dim sUnits(2 To 5) As String Dim bHit As Boolean Dim vOnes As Variant Dim vTeens As Variant Dim vTens As Variant If Not IsNumeric(vNumber) Then Exit Function End If sDollars = Format(vNumber, "###0.00") iLen = Len(sDollars) - 3 If iLen > 15 Then DollarText = CVErr(xlErrNum) Exit Function End If sCents = Right$(sDollars, 2) & "/100 Dollars" If vNumber < 1 Then DollarText = sCents Exit Function End If sDollars = Left$(sDollars, iLen) vOnes = Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", _ "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine") vTeens = Array("Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", _ "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen") vTens = Array("", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", _ "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety") sUnits(2) = "Thousand" sUnits(3) = "Million" sUnits(4) = "Billion" sUnits(5) = "Trillion" sTemp = "" For iPos = 15 To 3 Step -3 If iLen >= iPos - 2 Then bHit = False If iLen >= iPos Then iHundreds = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 1, 1)) - 48 If iHundreds > 0 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vOnes(iHundreds) & " Hundred" bHit = True End If End If iTens = 0 iOnes = 0 If iLen >= iPos - 1 Then iTens = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 2, 1)) - 48 End If If iLen >= iPos - 2 Then iOnes = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 3, 1)) - 48 End If If iTens = 1 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vTeens(iOnes) bHit = True Else If iTens >= 2 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vTens(iTens) bHit = True End If If iOnes > 0 Then If iTens >= 2 Then sTemp = sTemp & "-" Else sTemp = sTemp & " " End If sTemp = sTemp & vOnes(iOnes) bHit = True End If End If

aktif sayfaya alr kutu ekleyin. Referansn A stununa verin. A stunundakileri dolayl olarak b14 te gsterir ActiveSheet.Shapes("Drop Down 1").Select [b14] = Evaluate("=INDIRECT(""A" & Selection.Value & """" & ")") [b13].Select End Sub Sub doluyazdir() ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select Selection.PrintOut End Sub Sub doluhucre_sec() Dim range As range Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select For Each range In Selection If range.HasFormula = False Then range.Value = UCase(range.Value) End If Next End Sub Sub doluhucre_sec() Dim range As range Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select For Each range In Selection If range.HasFormula = False Then range.Value = LCase(range.Value) End If Next End Sub Sub DoluKayitSayisi() Sayi = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A9000")) 'Eer mesajla almak isterseniz u koduda ekleyin MsgBox Sayi End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim MyRng As Range Dim NoA1 As Long Set sh1 = Sheets("Sayfa1") Set sh2 = Sheets("Sayfa2") NoA1 = sh1.Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For Each MyRng In sh1.Range("A1:A" & NoA1) NoA2 = sh2.Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1 If MyRng <> "m.cinsi" And MyRng <> "" Then sh2.Range("A" & NoA2) = MyRng sh2.Range("B" & NoA2) = MyRng.Offset(0, 1) sh2.Range("C" & NoA2) = MyRng.Offset(0, 2) sh2.Range("D" & NoA2) = MyRng.Offset(0, 3) End If Next End Sub veya, C2 den balayarak C stunundaki son dolu hcreye kadar seim: range("c2:c" & cells(65536, 3).end(xlup).row).select baka bir yazm ekli de; range("c2:c" & range("c65536").end(xlup).row).select Sub SelAllData() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim myLastRow As Long Dim myLastColumn As Long Range("A1").Select On Error Resume Next myLastRow = Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row myLastColumn = Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column myLastCell = Cells(myLastRow, myLastColumn).Address myRange = "a1:" & myLastCell Application.ScreenUpdating = True Range(myRange).Select End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim say Dim ekle On Error Resume Next For say = 1 To UserForm1.Controls.Count If Mid(Controls(say).Name, 1, 7) = "TextBox" Then GoTo ileri Else GoTo gec End If ileri: If Controls(say).Text <> "" Then ekle = ekle + 1 End If gec: Next say MsgBox ekle End Sub LastCell(ws As Worksheet) As Range Function Dim LastRow&, LastCol% On Error Resume Next With ws LastRow& = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows).Row LastCol% = .Cells.Find(What:="*", _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns).Column End With Set LastCell = ws.Cells(LastRow&, LastCol%) End Function Sub RealLastCell() RLC = LastCell(ActiveSheet).Address(False, False) MsgBox ("The ""real"" last cell is..." & vbCrLf & vbLf & RLC) End Sub Sub Used_Range() ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select End Sub Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean WorkbookOpen = False On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then WorkbookOpen = True Exit Function End If WorkBookNotOpen: End Function Sub AA() If Not WorkbookOpen("C.xls") Then Workbooks.Open "C.xls" End If End Sub

Sub auto_open() Sheets("GR").Select Range("a1").Select MsgBox "GR Sayfasndaki gerekli bilgileri doldurun " End Sub 'ThisWorkbook'a aklama ekler(kitap aldnda otomatik devreye girer. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call MsgBox("Programlayan : Mahmut BAYRAM" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "Sonular kontrol etmeyi unutmayn!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "sayfalar kopyalayabilirsiniz. ", vbInformation, "UYARI") End Sub Sub auto_open() Sheets("GR").Select Range("a1").Select MsgBox "GR Sayfasndaki gerekli bilgileri doldurun " End Sub 'ThisWorkbook'a aklama ekler(kitap aldnda otomatik devreye girer. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call MsgBox("Programlayan : pir." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "Sonular kontrol etmeyi unutmayn!" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & _ "sayfalar kopyalayabilirsiniz. ", vbInformation, "UYARI") End Sub Sub DateiAuswahl() Dim WB As Workbook Dim TB As Worksheet Dim i% Dim dName Dim dFilter$ dFilter = "Excel-Dateien(*.xls), *.xls" ChDrive "c" ChDir "c:\" dName = Application.GetOpenFilename(dFilter) If dName = False Then Exit Sub Set WB = Workbooks.Open(dName) Set TB = WB.Worksheets(1) For i = 1 To 20 TB.Cells(i, 5) = "Spalte E - Zeile " & i Next i End Sub UYARI: Aadaki ilevlerin sonu verebilmesi iin alma kitabnn kaydedilmi olmas gerekmektedir. alma kitabnn tam yolunu, adn ve alma sayfas adn birlikte yazdrmak iin; =HCRE("DosyaAd") alma kitabnn yolunu yazdrmak iin; =SOLDAN(HCRE("DosyaAd");BUL("[";HCRE("DosyaAd");1)-1) alma kitab adn dosya uzants ile birlikte yazdrmak iin; =PARAAL(HCRE("DosyaAd");MBUL("[";HCRE("DosyaAd");1)+1;MBUL("]";HCRE("DosyaAd");1)-MBUL("[";HCRE("DosyaAd"))-1) alma kitab adn dosya uzants olmakszn yazdrmak iin; =PARAAL(HCRE("DosyaAd");MBUL("[";HCRE("DosyaAd");1)+1;MBUL("]";HCRE("DosyaAd");1)-MBUL("[";HCRE("DosyaAd"))-5) alma sayfas adn yazdrmak iin; =SADAN(HCRE("DosyaAd");UZUNLUK(HCRE("DosyaAd"))-MBUL("]";HCRE("DosyaAd");1))

Tek bana bir ie yaramayan bir kod. Ad geen dosya ismi hafzada tutuluyor ve ilemler bu dosya zerinden yaplyor. rnekler ikinci blmde 'verilecek Sub Dosya_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetFile("D:\Excelrnekleri\Soru.xls") MsgBox f End Sub 'Bu kodda ise dosya deil,sadece ismi alnyor. Sub Dosya_smi_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = ds.GetFileName("D:\Excelrnekleri\Soru.xls") 'Sadece Dosya ismi alnd iin SET tabiri kullanlmaz MsgBox f End Sub Sub ProcessBooks() Dim wkbk As Workbook Dim i As Long With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:\My Documents" .SearchSubFolders = False .FileName = "*.xls" .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks If .Execute() > 0 Then Sub dosya_ara() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.FileExists("C:\testfile.txt") If a = True Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir dosya var" Else MsgBox "Bu isimde bir dosya yok" End If End Sub istediiniz dosyalar (alt klasrler dahil) nasl bulacanz ve bir comboda nasl listeleyeceiniz yazyor. Diskteki 'Bir forma btnara ismli bir dme ve comsonuc isimli bir combobox yerletirmeniz yeterli. Private Sub btnara_Click() comsonuc.Clear comsonuc.Refresh Dim arama As Object Dim aradosya As Object Set arama = CreateObject("FileSearch.Search") Call arama.SearchFiles("d:\", "*.mp3", True) Call arama.SearchFiles("C:\", "*.xls", True) DoEvents If arama.Files.Count > 0 Then For Each aradosya In arama.Files comsonuc.AddItem aradosya.FileName Set aradosya = Nothing Next End If Set arama = Nothing comsonuc.text="ARAMA BTT" End Sub Sub Existe() If Dir$("c:\ajeter\test.xls") = "" Then MsgBox " Pas trouv ce fichier :O(" Else MsgBox " OK ! Trouv :O)" End If End Sub

Sub auto_open() Dim fso, drv, cdr Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For Each drv In fso.Drives If drv.driveType = 4 Then Set cdr = drv Next If cdr.volumename <> "CD nin ad" Then MsgBox "Ltfen program cd sini takmadan program altrmaynz" ThisWorkbook.Close False End If End Sub Function FileExists(FullFileName As String) As Boolean FileExists = Len(Dir(FullFileName)) > 0 End Function Sub ss() If Not FileExists("C:\f.xls") Then MsgBox "Aradnz dosya belirtilen dizinde yok" Else Workbooks.Open "C:\f.xls" End If End Sub

Sub CreateMenu() ' creates a new menu. ' can also be used to create commandbarbuttons ' may be automatically executed from an Auto_Open macro or a Workbook_Open eventmacro Dim cbMenu As CommandBarControl, cbSubMenu As CommandBarControl RemoveMenu ' delete the menu if it already exists ' create a new menu on an existing commandbar (the next 6 lines) Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, , , , True) With cbMenu .Caption = "&My menu" .Tag = "MyTag" .BeginGroup = False End With ' or add to an existing menu (use the next line instead of the previous 6 lines) 'Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, 30007) ' Tools-menu If cbMenu Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' didn't find the menu... ' add menuitem to menu With cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "&Menu Item1" .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Macroname" End With ' add menuitem to menu With cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "&Menu Item2" .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Macroname" End With ' add a submenu Set cbSubMenu = cbMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, 1, , , True) With cbSubMenu .Caption = "&Submenu1" .Tag = "SubMenu1" .BeginGroup = True End With ' add menuitem to submenu (or buttons to a commandbar) With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "&Submenu Item1" .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Macroname" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 71 .State = msoButtonDown ' or msoButtonUp End With ' add menuitem to submenu (or buttons to a commandbar) With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "&Submenu Item2" .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Macroname" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 72 .Enabled = False ' or True End With ' add a submenu to the submenu Set cbSubMenu = cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, 1, , , True) With cbSubMenu .Caption = "&Submenu2" .Tag = "SubMenu2" .BeginGroup = True End With ' add menuitem to submenu submenu With cbSubMenu.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "&Submenu Item1" .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!Macroname" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 71 .State = msoButtonDown ' or msoButtonUp End With

Sub MenuErstellen() Dim MB As CommandBar Dim Ctrl1 As CommandBarControl Dim Ctrl2 As CommandBarControl Dim Ctrl1a As CommandBarControl Dim Ctrl1b As CommandBarControl Set MB = CommandBars.Add(Name:="Neues Men", MenuBar:=True) Set Ctrl1 = MB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) Ctrl1.Caption = "Untermen1" Set Ctrl2 = MB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) Ctrl2.Caption = "Untermen2" Set Ctrl1a = Ctrl1.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) Ctrl1a.Caption = "Daten" Set Ctrl1b = Ctrl1.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) Ctrl1b.Caption = "bertragen" CommandBars("Neues Men").Visible = True End Sub MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus.Add "&Test Men" Set ml = MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("Test Men") With ml .MenuItems.Add Caption:="&Daten erfassen", _ OnAction:="DatenSpeichern" .MenuItems.AddMenu Caption:="&Auswertungen" With .MenuItems("Auswertungen") .MenuItems.Add Caption:="&Auswertung1", _ OnAction:="" .MenuItems.Add Caption:="A&uswertung2", _ OnAction:="" End With End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Reset End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus.Add "&Test Men" Set ml = MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("Test Men") With ml .MenuItems.Add Caption:="&Daten erfassen", _ OnAction:="DatenSpeichern" .MenuItems.AddMenu Caption:="&Auswertungen" With .MenuItems("Auswertungen") .MenuItems.Add Caption:="&Auswertung1", _ OnAction:="" .MenuItems.Add Caption:="A&uswertung2", _ OnAction:="" End With End With End Sub Sub Menueleiste_ausblenden() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False End Sub Sub Menueleiste_einblenden() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True End Sub Sub supBA() For Each LaBarMenu In ActiveMenuBar.Menus LaBarMenu.Delete Next MsgBox "Barre de menus supprime !" ActiveMenuBar.Reset MsgBox "Barre de menus rtablie !" End Sub Sub ac() Application.CommandBars(1).Enabled = True End Sub

Sub Dosya_simleri() Dim ds, dc, f, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetFolder("C:\SXS") Set dc = f.Files For Each dosya In dc s = s & vbCrLf & dosya.Name Next MsgBox s End Sub Sub Dosyalar() Dim Klasor As String Dim Dosya As String Dim i As Integer Klasor = "C:\osman" Dosya = Dir(Klasor & Application.PathSeparator & "*.*", vbDirectory) Do While Dosya <> "" Cells(i + 1, 1) = Dosya i=i+1 Dosya = Dir Loop End Sub ThisWorkbook'a Private Sub Workbook_Open() Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value = Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value + 1 MsgBox "Bu dosya " & Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value & " kez ald" & vbCrLf & "En son aan : " & Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("B1") Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("B1") = Application.UserName ThisWorkbook.Save End Sub Sub Auto_Open() 'belirtilen dizinde "pir" isimli bir klasr olup olmadna bakar yoksa oluturur On Error Resume Next If Dir("C:\pir") = "" Then MkDir "C:\pir" Sheets("Sheet1").Select End Sub Sub dosyaekle() 'belirtilen dizine dosya ekler. ayn isimli dosya varsa ncekini siler yeniden ekler Dim Dosyam As String, Message As String Workbooks.Add 'alma kitab ekler Dosyam = "C:\pir.xls" 'yeni eklenecek dosyamzn ismi On Error Resume Next Kill Dosyam 'nceki dosyay kaldrr On Error GoTo 0 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Dosyam 'dosyaya isim verir ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub Sub Auto_Open() 'belirtilen dizinde "mahmut" isimli bir klasr olup olmadna bakar yoksa oluturur On Error Resume Next If Dir("C:\mahmut") = "" Then MkDir "C:\pir" Sheets("Sheet1").Select End Sub Sub dosyaekle() 'belirtilen dizine dosya ekler. ayn isimli dosya varsa ncekini siler yeniden ekler Dim Dosyam As String, Message As String Workbooks.Add 'alma kitab ekler Dosyam = "C:\mahmut.xls" 'yeni eklenecek dosyamzn ismi On Error Resume Next Kill Dosyam 'nceki dosyay kaldrr On Error GoTo 0 ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Dosyam 'dosyaya isim verir ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub

Sub dosya_listeleme() Dim datename As String, i As Integer datename = Dir$("C:\Documents and Settings\pir\Belgelerim\*.xls") Do While datename <> "" ActiveCell.Offset(i, 0) = datename i=i+1 datename = Dir$() Loop End Sub Sub Verstecken() For Each tb in Toolbars tb.Visible = False Next tb End Sub Sub Dosya_Says() Dim ds, dc, f, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetFolder("C:\SXS") Set dc = f.Files s = dc.Count MsgBox s End Sub Sub sil() Kill "C:\Documents And Settings\pir\Belgelerim\pir.xls" End Sub Sub Dosya_Sistemi_Gster() Dim ds, d, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("C:\") s = d.FileSystem MsgBox s End Sub Private Declare Function GetVolumeInformation Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeNameBu Sub Dosya_Sistemi() Dim DosyaSistemi As String DosyaSistemi = String$(255, Chr$(0)) GetVolumeInformation "C:\", 0, 255, 0, 0, 0, DosyaSistemi, 255 DosyaSistemi = Left$(DosyaSistemi, InStr(1, DosyaSistemi, Chr$(0)) - 1) MsgBox DosyaSistemi End Sub Sub Dosya_Ta() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = ds.MoveFile("D:\Excelrnekleri\Move.xls", "C:\") End Sub Sub Uzant_smi() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = ds.GetExtensionName("D:\Excelrnekleri\Soru.xls") MsgBox f End Sub Sub Yedek() '/_ Dismi= ActiveWorkbook.Name ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "D:\Alihan_Bordro\ " & Dismi ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub

Sub Enregistre_Sous() Rponse = MsgBox("Voulez-vous enregistrer ce classeur ?", vbYesNo) If Rponse = vbYes Then Nom = InputBox("Donnez un nom de fichier !" & Chr(13) & "Exemple: Rapport") If Nom = "" Then Exit Sub Else GoTo continu End If continu: ChDrive "c" ChDir "c:\" 'Indiquez le rpertoire ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=(Nom) End If End Sub

pidlRoot As Long pszDisplayName As String lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" _ (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Private z! Function GetDirectory(Msg) As String Dim bInfo As BROWSEINFO Dim path As String Dim r As Long, x As Long, pos As Integer With bInfo .pidlRoot = 0& .lpszTitle = Msg .ulFlags = &H1 End With x = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo) path = Space$(512) r = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal x, ByVal path) If r Then pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0)) GetDirectory = Left(path, pos - 1) Else GetDirectory = "" End If End Function Sub Dateisuche(Laufwerk, Dateien) Dim tmp, Wdhlg, Dateiname As String On Error Resume Next If Right(Laufwerk, 1) <> "\" Then Laufwerk = Laufwerk + "\" tmp = Dir(Laufwerk & Dateien) Do While Len(tmp) Dateiname = Laufwerk & tmp Application.StatusBar = Dateiname Cells(z, 1).Select Cells(z, 1) = Laufwerk & tmp 'Pfad Cells(z, 2) = FileLen(Laufwerk & tmp) 'Gre Cells(z, 3) = FileDateTime(Laufwerk & tmp) 'Datum/Zeit Cells(z, 4) = tmp 'nur Dateiname z=z+1 tmp = Dir() Loop tmp = Dir(Laufwerk, vbDirectory) Do While Len(tmp) If (tmp <> ".") And (tmp <> "..") Then If (GetAttr(Laufwerk & tmp) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then Dateisuche Laufwerk & tmp, Dateien z=z-1 Wdhlg = Dir(Laufwerk, vbDirectory) z=z+1 Do While Wdhlg <> tmp Wdhlg = Dir() Loop End If End If tmp = Dir() Loop On Error GoTo 0 Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Sub Suchen() Dim Laufwerk$, Dateien$ 'Ersze Zeile, in der eine Eintragung erfolgt z=2 'Alte Eintragungen lschen [a1:e5000] = "" 'Ersatz: ... = "C:\Eigene Dateien" Laufwerk = GetDirectory("Bitte einen Ordner whlen") If Laufwerk = "" Then Exit Sub

Sub a() Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Sheet") xl.Application.Workbooks.Open Range("K1") End Sub Sub ExcelDateienffnen() With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = "C:\" \Belgelerim eklinde de olabilir. .SearchSubFolders = False .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks .Execute For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count Workbooks.Open .FoundFiles(i) Next i End With End Sub

lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Sub Verzeichnisse_auflisten() Dim Pfad1, Name1, Anzahl, X, X0, X1, X2, Verz, Anzverz, Gre Dim TB1, TB2 As Worksheet Dim msg As String Set TB1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Set TB2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2) start = Now TB1.[a:D] = "" TB2.[a:D] = "" If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count > 2 Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False For X = 3 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(3).Delete Next X Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If msg = "Whlen Sie bitte einen Ordner aus:" Pfad1 = getdirectory(msg) If Pfad1 = "" Then Exit Sub Name1 = Dir(Pfad1, vbDirectory) TB1.[a2] = Pfad1 Anzahl = 2 TB1.[a1] = "Pfad" TB1.[b1] = "UnterVerz." TB1.[c1] = "Anz. Dateien" TB1.[d1] = "Datgre in Verz." X0 = 2 X1 = 2 Do While TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row <> TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row For X2 = X0 To X1 Pfad1 = TB1.Cells(X2, 1) If Right(Pfad1, 1) <> "\" Then Pfad1 = Pfad1 & "\" Name1 = Dir(Pfad1, vbDirectory) Verz = 0 Do While Name1 <> "" If Name1 <> "." And Name1 <> ".." Then If (GetAttr(Pfad1 & Name1) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then Anzahl = Anzahl + 1 TB1.Cells(Anzahl, 1) = Pfad1 & Name1 & "\" Verz = Verz + 1 End If End If Name1 = Dir Loop TB1.Cells(X2, 2) = Verz Next X2 X0 = X1 + 1 X1 = X2 Loop Anzverz = TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row i=1 ii = 0 For Verz = 2 To Anzverz Anzahl = 0 Gre = 0 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(TB1.Cells(Verz, 1)) Set fc = f.Files For Each f1 In fc If i = 65536 Then ii = ii + 1 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Add.Move After:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ii + 2).Name = "Dateien " & ii + 1 Set TB2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ii + 2) i=1

Dim cmb As CommandBar Dim cmbp As CommandBarPopup Set cmb = Application.CommandBars. _ Add(Name:="MeineLeiste", _ Position:=msoBarTop, _ Temporary:=True) Set cmbp = cmb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) cmb.Visible = True cmbp.Caption = "Mein Submen" With cmbp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _ Temporary:=True) .Caption = "Meine 1. Prozedur" .BeginGroup = True .FaceId = 59 .OnAction = "MeineProzedur1" End With With cmbp.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _ Temporary:=True) .Caption = "Meine 2. Prozedur" .FaceId = 49 .OnAction = "MeineProzedur2" End With Set cmb = Nothing Set cmbp = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim cmb As CommandBar Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("MeineLeiste") cmb.Delete Set cmb = Nothing End Sub Sub MeineProzedur1() MsgBox Application.UserName End Sub Sub MeineProzedur2() MsgBox Now() End Sub Sub MenueleisteAusblenden() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False End Sub Sub MenueleisteAusblenden() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True End Sub

Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Enabled = False On Error GoTo hata If foto <> False Then Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("E:\Office\WINDOWS\Resim\" & foto & ".bmp") 'BU SATIRIN ALIMASI N "C" BLMNE "Resim" adnda bir klasr a Image1.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch End If End If Next bak Exit Sub hata: Image1.Picture =loadpicture("") Sub dosyasil() On Error Resume Next RmDir "C:\pir\xp\beyza" End Sub

Function WorkbookOpen(WorkBookName As String) As Boolean WorkbookOpen = False On Error GoTo WorkBookNotOpen If Len(Application.Workbooks(WorkBookName).Name) > 0 Then WorkbookOpen = True Exit Function End If WorkBookNotOpen: End Function Sub AA() If Not WorkbookOpen("C.xls") Then Workbooks.Open "C.xls" End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Open ThisWorkbook.Path & "\pirr.log" For Append As #1 Print #1, Application.UserName, Now Close #1 End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Dim exdate As Date exdate = "11/30/2004" If Date > exdate Then MsgBox ("You have reached end of your trail period") ActiveWorkbook.Close End If MsgBox ("You have " & exdate - Date & "Days left") End Sub IncludeSubFolder As Boolean) As Variant Dim FileList() As String, FileCount As Long CreateFileList = "" Erase FileList If FileFilter = "" Then FileFilter = "*.*" ' all files With Application.FileSearch .NewSearch .LookIn = CurDir .Filename = FileFilter .SearchSubFolders = IncludeSubFolder .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, _ SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) = 0 Then Exit Function ReDim FileList(.FoundFiles.Count) For FileCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count FileList(FileCount) = .FoundFiles(FileCount) Next FileCount .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks ' reset filetypes End With CreateFileList = FileList Erase FileList End Function Sub TestCreateFileList() Dim FileNamesList As Variant, i As Integer 'ChDir "C:\My Documents" FileNamesList = CreateFileList("*.*", False) Range("A:A").ClearContents For i = 1 To UBound(FileNamesList) Cells(i + 1, 1).Formula = FileNamesList(i) Next i End Sub Sub Yedek() '/_ Dismi= ActiveWorkbook.Name ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs "D:\Alihan_Bordro\ " & Dismi ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub

Kod: Sub Dateiname_Hyperlink() Dim StDateiname As String Dim Dateiform As String Dim InI As Long, TotFiles As Long Dim Suchpfad As String Dim OldStatus As Variant Suchpfad = InputBox("Yolunu deitirebilirsiniz", "Adres yolu", Application.DefaultFilePath) If Suchpfad = "" Then Exit Sub Dateiform = InputBox("Dosya uzantsn siz deitiriniz", "Uzant", "*.xls") If Dateiform = "" Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = True OldStatus = Application.StatusBar Sheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) With Application.FileSearch .LookIn = Suchpfad .SearchSubFolders = True .Filename = Dateiform If .Execute() > 0 Then TotFiles = .FoundFiles.Count Application.StatusBar = "Total " & TotFiles & " gefunden" For InI = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count Application.StatusBar = "Datei: " & InI & " von " & TotFiles StDateiname = Mid(.FoundFiles(InI), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(InI), "\") + 1) ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(InI, 1), _ Address:=.FoundFiles(InI), TextToDisplay:=StDateiname Cells(InI, 2) = FileLen(.FoundFiles(InI)) Cells(InI, 3) = FileDateTime(.FoundFiles(InI)) Next InI End If End With Application.StatusBar = OldStatus Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub auto_close() sor = MsgBox("Gle gle " & Format(Now, "dd.mmmm.yy hh:mm") & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "dosyann kaydedilmesini istiyormusunuz?", 4, "") If sor = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close Else Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close End If End Sub Sub kapa() MsgBox "Bu program pir dzenlemitir.", , "KAPATILIYOR" ActiveWorkbook.Close True End Sub

'Ayrca C:\aclsarsiv.txt olarak ayrca txt dosyas oluturuyor.. Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim Counter As Long, LastOpen As String, Msg As String LastOpen = GetSetting("xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", "") [a1] = "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen [a2] = "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName LastOpen = Date & " " & Time SaveSetting "xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", LastOpen Dim LastRowA As Integer Dim veri1 As String Dim veri2 As String Dim i As Integer Open "C:\aclsarsiv.txt" For Output As #1 LastRowA = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LastRowA veri1 = Cells(i, 1).Text veri2 = Cells(i, 2).Text Print #1, veri1; " "; veri2; Next i Close #1 'C Klasrnde txt hazrlad 'enson aan kiinin yazl bulunduuSayfa1 a1 ve a2 deki verileri siler.. 'eer Sayfa1'de silmesini istemezseniz aadakileri silin. Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A1:A2").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("A1").Select End Sub 'Mesaj olarakta [a1] = "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen [a2] = "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName 'Kodlarnn altna bunlar yazn. MsgBox "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen MsgBox "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName ThisWorkbook'a Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim Counter As Long, LastOpen As String, Msg As String LastOpen = GetSetting("xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", "") [a1] = "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen [a2] = "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName MsgBox "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen MsgBox "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName LastOpen = Date & " " & Time SaveSetting "xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", LastOpen Dim LastRowA As Integer Dim veri1 As String Dim veri2 As String Dim i As Integer Open "C:\aclsarsiv.txt" For Output As #1 LastRowA = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LastRowA veri1 = Cells(i, 1).Text veri2 = Cells(i, 2).Text Print #1, veri1; " "; veri2; Next i Close #1 'C Klasrnde txt hazrlad 'enson aan kiinin yazl bulunduuSayfa1 a1 ve a2 deki verileri siler.. 'eer Sayfa1'de silmesini istemezseniz aadakileri silin. Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A1:A2").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("A1").Select End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave _ (ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) sifre = InputBox("i Maa cmali olduundan Kayt iin ifre Girmelisiniz.", _ "Yetkili Kii", "Kaydetmek in ifre girin") If sifre = "123456" Then'rnek ifre olarak 123456 MsgBox "Kayt ilemi tamamland", vbInformation, _ "KAYIT BAARILI" Else MsgBox "Yanl ifre girdiniz." & Chr(13) & _ "Dosya kaydedilemedi", vbCritical, "HATALI FRE" Cancel = True End If End Sub Option Explicit Sub DateAsFilename() Dim sFileName As String sFileName = Format(Now, "") + ".xls" ' tarih formatn deitirebilirsiniz (ddmmyy) gibi ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs sFileName End Sub .Ayrca C:\aclsarsiv.txt olarak ayrca txt dosyas oluturuyor.. Kod: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim Counter As Long, LastOpen As String, Msg As String LastOpen = GetSetting("xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", "") [a1] = "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen [a2] = "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName LastOpen = Date & " " & Time SaveSetting "xxrt", "Dosya", "Opened", LastOpen Dim LastRowA As Integer Dim veri1 As String Dim veri2 As String Dim i As Integer Open "C:\aclsarsiv.txt" For Output As #1 LastRowA = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LastRowA veri1 = Cells(i, 1).Text veri2 = Cells(i, 2).Text Print #1, veri1; " "; veri2; Next i Close #1 'C Klasrnde txt hazrlad 'enson aan kiinin yazl bulunduuSayfa1 a1 ve a2 deki verileri siler.. 'eer Sayfa1'de silmesini istemezseniz aadakileri silin. Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A1:A2").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("A1").Select End Sub

Mesaj olarakta Kod: [a1] = "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen [a2] = "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName Kodlarnn altna bunlar yazn.Kod: MsgBox "En son al tarihi: " & LastOpen MsgBox "Dosyay en son aan kullanc: " & Application.UserName

C1, C2, C3 veC4'e X deerlerini 'D1, D2,D3 ve D4'e Y deerlerini 'E1, E2, E3 ve E4'e Z deerlerini girin. Sub xyz() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim satir As Integer satir = 1 For k = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 4 For i = 1 To 4 Cells(satir, 1) = Cells(k, 3) & Cells(j, 4) & Cells(i, 5) satir = satir + 1 Next i Next j Next k End Sub Sub TableauAnTrimestre() For An = 1 To 5 Cells(1, An + 1).Value = 2000 + An Next An For Trimestre = 1 To 4 Cells(Trimestre + 1, 1).Value = "Trim" & Trimestre Next Trimestre End Sub Sub JourSemaine() Dim semaine(1 To 7) As String semaine(1) = "Lundi" semaine(2) = "Mardi" semaine(3) = "Mercredi" semaine(4) = "Jeudi" semaine(5) = "Vendredi" semaine(6) = "Samedi" semaine(7) = "Dimanche" For i = 1 To 7 Selection.Offset(i - 1, 0).Formula = semaine(i) Next i End Sub a = Mid(Date, 3, 1) DTPicker1.Value = Format(Date, "dd" + a + "mm" + a + "yyyy") Private Sub DTPicker1_Change() [B3] = DTPicker1.Value End Sub Date = gunkontrol.Fields("tarih") a = Mid(Date, 3, 1) DTPicker1.Value = Format(Date, "dd" + a + "mm" + a + "yyyy") ancak bu kod yazldnda bilgisayarn sistem tarihi de database den galen tarih olarak deiiyor. bunu nlemek ii yle bir kontrol uygulayabiliriz: sondate = Date Date = gunkontrol.Fields("tarih") a = Mid(Date, 3, 1) DTPicker1.Value = Format(Date, "dd" + a + "mm" + a + "yyyy") Date = sondate Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, _ ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Application.StatusBar = Sh.Name & ":" & Target.Address End Sub Thisworkbook'a Application.StatusBar = Application.UserName & "-" & _ ThisWorkbook.Path & "-" & Sh.Name & ":" & Target.Address Application.Caption = ThisWorkbook.Path & "-" & Sh.Name ActiveWindow.Caption = Target.Address End Sub

Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "User32" _ (ByVal vKey As Integer) As Integer 'GetAsyncKeyState est asynchrone - La touche est mmorise Sub testToucheA() For y = 1 To 10000 Application.StatusBar = y Next If (GetAsyncKeyState(65) <> 0) Then MsgBox "Touche A frappe." End If End Sub Sub tridoublon() Worksheets("Feuil1").Range("A1").Sort _ key1:=Worksheets("Feuil1").Range("A2"), _ Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess Set MaCell = Worksheets("Feuil1").Range("A1") Do While Not IsEmpty(MaCell) Set MaCellSuite = MaCell.Offset(1, 0) If MaCellSuite.Value = MaCell.Value Then MaCell.EntireRow.Delete End If Set MaCell = MaCellSuite Loop End Sub Sub Dialog_47() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOptionsEdit).Show End Sub Sub GetSum() [A1].Value = Application.Sum([E1:E15]) End Sub Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub Rotieren() Dim C As Range Dim i% Set C = Range("E10") For i = 1 To 2000 C = Right(C, Len(C.Value) - 1) + Left(C, 1) Sleep 200 Next i End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() x = Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row Range("E2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E" & x) Application.Calculate End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For Each yes In Range("P:P") If yes = "evet" Then ListBox1.AddItem yes.Offset(0, -12) End If Next End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Value = 1 Then Dim sayfa As Worksheet Dim nek As String Dim sonek As Integer Set Sayfam = Worksheets.Add nek = "Sayfam" SonEkim = 1 On Error Resume Next Sayfam.Name = nek & sonek If Err.Number <> 0 Then nek = sonek + 1 Sayfam.Name = nek & sonek End If End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then If Target.Value = "1" Then MsgBox "ExcelPazar" End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Range("A1") >= 1 Then MsgBox "Akndan Selamlar" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target = Cells(1, 1) Then Cells(2, 1) = Now End Sub 'alternatif MD() or Bugn or Time Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Or Target.Address = "$A$3" Then If Range("A1").Value < Range("A3").Value Then Macro1 End If End If End Sub Sub Macro1() MsgBox "Selam" End Sub Sub InserLSiRupture() Set x = ActiveCell Do Until IsEmpty(x) If x.Row > 1 Then If x.Offset(-1, 0).Value <> x.Value Then Rows(x.Row).Insert Shift:=xlDown End If End If Set x = x.Offset(1, 0) Loop End Sub Sub Action() If IsNumeric(ActiveCell) Then ActiveCell.Font.Bold = ActiveCell.Value >= 500 End If End Sub Sub SelCurRegCopy() Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Selection.Copy Range("A17").Select ' Substitute your range here ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub 12 adet eer formln araya + ilecini koyarak 2 ye blmektir. Forml B1 hcresine yazlm ve A1 hcresindeki veriyi kontrol etmektedir.


Sub Datum_in_Fusszeile() Dim SeitenNummer%, X% Dim Zaehler As Boolean Zaehler = True X = ExecuteExcel4Macro("get.document(50)") For SeitenNummer = 1 To X If Zaehler = True Then With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .RightFooter = "&D" .LeftFooter = "" End With End If If Zaehler = False Then With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .RightFooter = "" .LeftFooter = "&D" End With End If ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut _ From:=SeitenNummer, To:=SeitenNummer, Copies:=1 Zaehler = Not Zaehler Next SeitenNummer End Sub Sub SelectFirstToLastInColumn() Set TopCell = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column) Set BottomCell = Cells(16384, ActiveCell.Column) If IsEmpty(TopCell) Then Set TopCell = TopCell.End(xlDown) If IsEmpty(BottomCell) Then Set BottomCell = BottomCell.End(xlUp) If TopCell.Row = 16384 And BottomCell.Row = 1 Then ActiveCell.Select Else Range(TopCell, BottomCell).Select End Sub Sub SelectFirstToLastInRow() Set LeftCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1) Set RightCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 256) If IsEmpty(LeftCell) Then Set LeftCell = LeftCell.End(xlToRight) If IsEmpty(RightCell) Then Set RightCell = RightCell.End(xlToLeft) If LeftCell.Column = 256 And RightCell.Column = 1 Then ActiveCell.Select Else Range(LeftCell, RightCell).Select End Sub Sub ExcelEger() [B1] = "=IF(A1>=50,""Snf Geer"",""Snfta Kalr"")" End Sub

Sub VBAEger() If [A1] >= 50 Then [B1] = "Snf Geer" Else [B1] = "Snfta Kalr" End If End Sub Bu tr hata mesajlarnn hepsinde ayn yntemi uygulamak mmkndr. Unutulmamaldr ki, hata mesaj olan hcrede bir forml bulunmaktadr. 'Farzede =DEYARA(B1;C1:D11;2;0)

'Deyara ile aranlan veri bulunamadnda hcrede #YOK hata deeri olacaktr. Dolays ile bu da o hcrenin ierisinde bulunduu bir toplama 'dizisini h =EER(EHATALIYSA(DEYARA(B1;C1:D11;2;0));"";DEYARA(B1;C1:D11;2;0)) 'Yaptmz tek ey normal olarak bildiimiz EER forml ile birlikte EHATALIYSA formln kullanmaktr. Formln anlalmas iin aadaki 'aklamay =EER(HATALIYSA(forml);"";forml)) '"Eer forml hatal sonu veriyorsa hcreyi bo brak, deil ise forml sonucunu yazdr."

Sub Eklenti() Dim i As Integer Dim Eklenti Cells(1, Cells(1, Cells(1, Cells(1, Cells(1, 1).Value = "Eklenti Ad" 2).Value = "Eklenti Yolu" 3).Value = "Eklenti Boyutu" 4).Value = "Eklentiyi Oluturma Tarihi" 5).Value = "Dosya Tipi"

Set Eklenti = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For i = 1 To Application.AddIns.Count Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = Application.AddIns(i).Name 'ad Cells(i + 1, 2).Value = Application.AddIns(i).Path 'Dosya Yolu Cells(i + 1, 3).Value = Int(Eklenti.GetFile(Application.AddIns(i).FullName).Size / 1024) & " Kb" Cells(i + 1, 4).Value = Eklenti.GetFile(Application.AddIns(i).FullName).DateCreated Cells(i + 1, 5).Value = Eklenti.GetFile(Application.AddIns(i).FullName).Type If Application.AddIns(i).Installed = False Then Cells(i + 1, 6).Value = "Aktif Deil" Else Cells(i + 1, 6).Value = "Aktif" End If Next i Columns("A:F").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Sub Dialog_38() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsert).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_03() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogAddinManager).Show End Sub Sub afficheComplement() For Each a In AddIns MsgBox a.FullName Next a End Sub Sub testUtilitAnalyse() If AddIns("Query manager").Installed = True Then MsgBox "Utilitaire d'analyse install" Else MsgBox "Utilitaire d'analyse non install" End If End Sub

Private Declare Function ChangeDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (lpDevMode As Any, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long Const Const Const Const CCDEVICENAME = 32 CCFORMNAME = 32 DM_PELSWIDTH = &H80000 DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H100000

Type DEVMODE dmDeviceName As String * CCDEVICENAME dmSpecVersion As Integer dmDriverVersion As Integer dmSize As Integer dmDriverExtra As Integer dmFields As Long dmOrientation As Integer dmPaperSize As Integer dmPaperLength As Integer dmPaperWidth As Integer dmScale As Integer dmCopies As Integer dmDefaultSource As Integer dmPrintQuality As Integer dmColor As Integer dmDuplex As Integer dmYResolution As Integer dmTTOption As Integer dmCollate As Integer dmFormName As String * CCFORMNAME dmUnusedPadding As Integer dmBitsPerPel As Integer dmPelsWidth As Long dmPelsHeight As Long dmDisplayFlags As Long dmDisplayFrequency As Long End Type Dim DevM As DEVMODE Private Sub ChangeScreenResolution(iWidth As Single, iHeight As Single) Dim a As Boolean Dim i& Dim b& i=0 Do a = EnumDisplaySettings(0&, i&, DevM) i=i+1 Loop Until (a = False) DevM.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH Or DM_PELSHEIGHT DevM.dmPelsWidth = iWidth DevM.dmPelsHeight = iHeight b = ChangeDisplaySettings(DevM, 0) End Sub Sub ChangeTo1024_768() Call ChangeScreenResolution(1024, 768) 'buradaki deerleri deitirerek ayarlayabilirsiniz. End Sub

Private Declare Function ChangeDisplaySettings Lib "user32" Alias "ChangeDisplaySettingsA" (lpDevMode As Any, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long Const Const Const Const CCDEVICENAME = 32 CCFORMNAME = 32 DM_PELSWIDTH = &H80000 DM_PELSHEIGHT = &H100000

Type DEVMODE dmDeviceName As String * CCDEVICENAME dmSpecVersion As Integer dmDriverVersion As Integer dmSize As Integer dmDriverExtra As Integer dmFields As Long dmOrientation As Integer dmPaperSize As Integer dmPaperLength As Integer dmPaperWidth As Integer dmScale As Integer dmCopies As Integer dmDefaultSource As Integer dmPrintQuality As Integer dmColor As Integer dmDuplex As Integer dmYResolution As Integer dmTTOption As Integer dmCollate As Integer dmFormName As String * CCFORMNAME dmUnusedPadding As Integer dmBitsPerPel As Integer dmPelsWidth As Long dmPelsHeight As Long dmDisplayFlags As Long dmDisplayFrequency As Long End Type Dim DevM As DEVMODE Private Sub ChangeScreenResolution(iWidth As Single, iHeight As Single) Dim a As Boolean Dim i& Dim b& i=0 Do a = EnumDisplaySettings(0&, i&, DevM) i=i+1 Loop Until (a = False) DevM.dmFields = DM_PELSWIDTH Or DM_PELSHEIGHT DevM.dmPelsWidth = iWidth DevM.dmPelsHeight = iHeight b = ChangeDisplaySettings(DevM, 0) End Sub Sub ChangeTo1024_768() Call ChangeScreenResolution(1024, 768) End Sub

Declare Function GetClipCursor Lib "user32" (lprc As RECT) As Long Type RECT gauche As Long haut As Long droit As Long bas As Long End Type Dim oGCC As RECT Sub auto_open() GetClipCursor oGCC With oGCC [a1] = .droit & " x " & .bas If [a1] <> "1024 x 768" Then MsgBox "zgnm ekran znrlnz 1024 x 768 olmas gerekiyor aksi taktirde bu program kullanmazsnz" Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close End If End With End SubFunction GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Declare Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Const HORZRES = 8 Const VERTRES = 10 Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Const SM_CYSCREEN As Long = 1 Const SM_CXSCREEN As Long = 0 Sub GetScreenDimensions() Dim lWidth As Long Dim lHeight As Long lWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) lHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) MsgBox "Screen Width = " & lWidth & vbCrLf & "Screen Height = " & lHeight End Sub Function ScreenResolution() Dim lRval As Long Dim lDc As Long Dim lHSize As Long Dim lVSize As Long lDc = GetDC(0&) lHSize = GetDeviceCaps(lDc, HORZRES) lVSize = GetDeviceCaps(lDc, VERTRES) lRval = ReleaseDC(0, lDc) ScreenResolution = lHSize & "x" & lVSize End Function Sub GetScreenSize() Debug.Print ScreenResolution() End Sub

Call GetScreenSize End Sub Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Const HORZRES = 8 Const VERTRES = 10 Function ScreenResolution() Dim lRval As Long Dim lDc As Long Dim lHSize As Long Dim lVSize As Long lDc = GetDC(0&) lHSize = GetDeviceCaps(lDc, HORZRES) lVSize = GetDeviceCaps(lDc, VERTRES) lRval = ReleaseDC(0, lDc) ScreenResolution = lHSize & "x" & lVSize End Function Sub GetScreenSize() Dim aufl As String aufl = ScreenResolution() If aufl = "800x600" Then ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75 End If If aufl = "1024x768" Then ActiveWindow.Zoom = 125 End If End Sub Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, _ ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long) As Long Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal hdc As Long) As Long Sub RsolutionEcran() Dim Pix As Long Pix = GetDC(0) MsgBox "La rsolution est : " & GetDeviceCaps(Pix, 8) _ & " * " & GetDeviceCaps(Pix, 10) & " pixels" ReleaseDC 0, Pix End Sub

With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .CommandBars("toolbar list").Enabled = True .CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True .CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = True .DisplayFormulaBar = False .DisplayStatusBar = False .DisplayFullScreen = False End With With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True .DisplayWorkbookTabs = True .DisplayHeadings = True .WindowState = xlMaximized End With End Sub Sub Menueleiste_aus() With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .CommandBars("toolbar list").Enabled = False .CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = False .CommandBars("Cell").Enabled = False .DisplayFormulaBar = True .DisplayStatusBar = True .DisplayFullScreen = True End With With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False .DisplayWorkbookTabs = False .DisplayHeadings = False .WindowState = xlMaximized End With End Sub Sub ayikla() For x = 1 To [a65536].End(3).Row d = Split(Cells(x, 1)) For Each elem In d If InStr(elem, "@") Then a=a+1 Sheets("sayfa2").Cells(a, 1) = Trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(elem, ",", ""), "e-mail:", ""), Chr(160), "")) End If Next elem Next x Sheets("sayfa2").Select End Sub Sub Email() ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="" End Sub Sub HyperlinkMitEmailEinfuegen() Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:= "" End Sub Sub HyperlinkAktivieren() Range("A1").Select Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True End Sub Tm sayfadaki en son hcreyi isterseniz aadaki kodu deneyin. Sub ensonagit() Sheets("sayfa2").Select Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Offset(1, 0).Select End Sub

Sub test_A() Colonne = Left$(ActiveCell.Address(0, 0), (ActiveCell.Column < 27) + 2) If Colonne = "A" Then MsgBox "Je lance la macro ici" Else MsgBox Colonne End If End Sub Sub LetzteZelle() Rows.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Rows.Activate End Sub Function pir(Mahmut) For I = 0 To Len(Mahmut) - 1 Verkehrt = Verkehrt & Mid(Mahmut, _ Len(Mahmut) - I, 1) Next I pir = Right(Mahmut, InStr(1, _ Verkehrt, " ", 0)) End Function Sub AnzahlVerwendeteZeilen() i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count MsgBox i End Sub Sub LastRow() MsgBox Cells.Find("*", searchdirection:=xlPrevious).Row End Sub alma Sayfasndaki en son dolu hcreden stteki bo hcreleri siler Sub DeleteEmptyRows() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 + _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub SATIR BOLUKLARINI DOLDURUR(sayfada) Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 + _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub Soruyu sorduktan sonra tesadfen Sayn Raider'in daha nce yazm olduu aadaki kodu buldum ve iimi grd. Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Select End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties(12).Name & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties(12) End Sub Sub der() Range("A1").Select If Cells(ActiveCell.Row + 1, ActiveCell.Column).Value <> "" Then ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Select End If End Sub Sub ResetEnterReturn() Application.OnKey "{ENTER}" Application.OnKey "~" End Sub

Sub Auto_Close() Application.MoveAfterReturn = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.OnKey "{ENTER}", "Macro1" Application.OnKey "~", "Macro1" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Row > 4 Then Cells(1, Target.Column + 1).Activate End Sub ESC tuuyla Userformunuzu kapatabilirsiniz Kod: Private Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 27 Then Unload Me End Sub Sub formulyenile() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Range("e2").Select Range("e2").Formula = "=ROUND(AVERAGE(RC[-4]:RC[-1]),0)" Range("e2").Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("e2:e50"), Type:=xlFillDefault Range("e2:e50").Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("e2:e50"), Type:=xlFillDefault Range("e2").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub a() For i = 1 To 100 If Cells(i, 1) <> Cells(i, 3) Then Cells(i, 3).EntireRow.Delete End If Next End Sub Sub Dialog_40() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertNameLabel).Show End Sub ActiveSheet.StandartWidth=25 - ->Etkin ilem sayfasnn geniliini 25 yapar. Sub Dialog_01() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogActivate).Show End Sub UserForm'a CommandButton1 nesnesini ilave ederseniz; Kod: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() [AA1] = ComboBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MsgBox Format(Evaluate("SUMIF(C8:C1000,AA1,E8:E1000)"), "###,###") End Sub TextBox2' e girdiin tarih de dikkate alnsn istiyorsan; Kod: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next [AA1] = ComboBox1.Text [AA2] = CDate(TextBox2.Text) + 0 End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Change() On Error Resume Next [AA1] = ComboBox1.Text [AA2] = CDate(TextBox2.Text) + 0 End Sub ' Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MsgBox Format(Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT((B8:B998=AA2)*(C8:C998=AA1)*(E8:E998))"), "###,###") End Sub

Sub mesaj() YesNo = MsgBox("Bu makroyu altrmak istiyor musunuz?", vbYesNo + vbCritical, "Soru Bal") Select Case YesNo Case vbYes MsgBox "Makro altrld.", vbMsgBoxRtlReading Case vbNo MsgBox "Makroyu iptal ettiniz.", vbMsgBoxSetForeground End Select End Sub 1.cisi activ sayfada active hucre en son veri girdiiniz hucre ise Kod: Sub Cozum1() Dim i As Integer Set Sliste = Worksheets("liste") For i = 2 To 30000 If Sliste.Range("A" & i).Value = Empty Then Sliste.Range("A" & i).Value = ActiveCell.Value Sliste.Range("B" & i).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value Exit Sub End If Next i End Sub 2.cisi ise Activ sayfada activ hucra neresi olursa olsun.en son veri girii yaptnz hucredeki veriyi liste sayfasna aktarr. Kod: Sub Cozum2() Dim iliste, satir As Integer Dim hucre As Range Set Sliste = Worksheets("liste") For iliste = 2 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000")) For Each hucre In Range("A1:A65000").Cells If hucre.Value = Empty Then satir = hucre.Row - 1 GoTo cik End If Next hucre cik: If Sliste.Range("A" & iliste).Value = Empty Then Sliste.Range("A" & iliste).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(satir, 1).Value Sliste.Range("B" & iliste).Value = ActiveSheet.Cells(satir, 2).Value Exit Sub End If Next iliste End Sub Burada listeniz a ve b surunlarnda olduunu ve devaml ekilde liste sayfasna aktaracanz hesap ederek yaplmtr Sub Killfile() Dim MyFile As String 'This line of code is optional On Error Resume Next 'On hitting errors, code resumes next code MyFile = "c:\Yeni.xls" Kill MyFile End Sub

Open "c:/uluda/no" For Random As #4 Dim s As Integer Dim h As String Get 4, 1, s u=2 For i = 2 To s Get 4, i, h Dim kitap As Excel.Application Set kitap = CreateObject("Excel.Application") kitap.Workbooks.Open ("c:\uluda\" & h & ".xls") kitap.Visible = False Sheets(1).Cells(u, 2).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(2, 2).Value Sheets(1).Cells(u, 3).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(2, 3).Value For w = 1 To 9 If kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 4) = "" Then u = u + w: GoTo 10 Sheets(1).Cells(u + w - 1, 1).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(2, 1).Value Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Sheets(1).Cells(u Next w + + + + + + + w w w w w w w 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 4) 5).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 5) 6).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 6) 7).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 7) 8).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 8) 9).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 9) 10).Value = kitap.Sheets(9).Cells(w + 1, 10)

10 Next i Close 4 kitap.Quit Set kitap = Nothing End Sub xlCrack End Sub Private Function xlCrack() Dim wkb As Workbook Dim wks As Worksheet Dim txt As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set wkb = ActiveWorkbook Set wks = ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet txt = Application.Version If Left(txt, 1) <> 8 And Left(txt, 1) <> 9 Then Beep MsgBox "Das AddIn ist nur unter XL8 und XL9 lauffhig!" Exit Function End If Call wkbEncode(wkb) For Each wks In Worksheets If wks.ProtectContents Then Call wksEncode(wks) Next wks MsgBox prompt:="Der Job wurde nach langer, harter Arbeit erledigt!", _ Title:="Fertig" Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Function Private Function wksEncode(wks As Worksheet) On Error Resume Next With wks .Protect vbNullString, , , , True .Range("IV65536").Copy .Range("IV65536") .Unprotect vbNullString End With End Function Private Function wkbEncode(wkb As Workbook) On Error Resume Next With wkb .Protect vbNullString, True, True .Unprotect vbNullString End With End Function

Sub Kareler() Dim i As Byte For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 100, Cells(i, 1).Value, Cells(i, 1).Value, Cells(i, 1).Value).Select Selection.Name = Cells(i, 1).Value & " Nolu Kare " Next i End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() [D1:E2].Copy sat = WorksheetFunction.CountA([A1:A65536]) + 1 Cells(sat, "a").PasteSpecial Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("A1:A100").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _ xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal Range("B1:B100").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal Range("A1").Select End ilem() Sub Sub For x = 1 To 100 Cells(x, 3) = Cells(x, 1) * 1 * Cells(x, 2) Next End Sub Sub bala() For x = 1 To Sheets.Count Sheets(x).Select Application.Run "ilem" Next End Sub Sub TRIMLE_BOSLUK_AL() Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Set xxx = Selection For Each x In xxx x.Activate ActiveCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Clean(ActiveCell.Value) ActiveCell.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.TRIM(ActiveCell.Value) Next x Selection.CurrentRegion.Select With Selection .WrapText = False End With Range("A1").Select End Sub kodlar excel sayfasnda bi commandbutton oluturup o butona atama ilemini yapyoruz. commandbutona tkladmzda yanp snme ilemi c1 Aadaki Sub YANIPSON() Dim durum As Boolean, i As Single Do While (True) If durum=True Then Range("C1").Select With Selection.Interior .ColorIndex=3 .Pattern=xlSolid End With For i =0 To 2500 DoEvents Next durum=False Else Range("C1").Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex=xlNone For i=0 To 2500 DoEvents Next durum=True End If Loop End Sub

Sn.Danersin'e ait Kod.inizi Grecektir.

Sub auto_open() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count Application.CommandBars(i).Enabled = False Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub '******************** Sub auto_close() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Application.CommandBars.Count Application.CommandBars(i).Enabled = 1 Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Neden Api aryorsunuz anlayamadm. Bu ilem windows script ile kolayca yaplabilir. rnein aadaki kod aktif dosyann masa stnde ksayolunu olutu visual basic kodu: Sub Desktopkisayol() Set kisayol = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") yol = kisayol.SpecialFolders("Desktop") Set deg = kisayol.CreateShortcut(yol & "\" & ActiveWorkbook.Name & ".lnk") With deg .TargetPath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName .Save End With Set kisayol = Nothing MsgBox "Ksayol oluturuldu" End Sub Sub Dirxls() Shell " /c dir c:\*.xls /W/O/S >C:\ajeter\dirxls.xls", vbHide End Sub Sub Dirxls2() Shell " /c dir c:\*.xls /s/b >C:\ajeter\dirxls.xls", vbHide End Sub Sub Auto_Close() Dim f As String, r As Integer f = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Value If f = "" Then f = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(fileFilter:="Excel Workbook(*.xls), *.xls") If f = False Then Exit Sub End If End If r = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Characters.Count If ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(1, 1).Characters(r - 3).Text <> ".xls" Then f = f & ".xls" End If ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=f End Sub Bu program CD-Rom ismini kontrol ediyor ve tutmuyorsa dosya amay iptal ediyor. CD-Rom a zel bir isim vermemi iseniz, CD-Rom dahi herhangi bir dosyayda kontrol ettirebilirsiniz, eer o dosya yoksa program kapanr. Sub auto_open() Dim fso, drv, cdr Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For Each drv In fso.Drives If drv.driveType = 4 Then Set cdr = drv Next If cdr.volumename <> "CD nin ad" Then MsgBox "Ltfen program cd sini takmadan program altrmaynz" ThisWorkbook.Close False End If End Sub Sub deplace() Name "c:\Test.xls" As "c:\aaa\Test.xls" End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Activate() On Local Error Resume Next Application.Visible = False 'Excel Uygulamasn grnmez yap Dim d, x, y d = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Ilk Giris", "") If d = "" Then SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Ilk Giris", Date Else If (Date - CDate(d)) > 30 Then MsgBox ("Programin Demo Sresi dolmustur.Uzatmak Iin E-Mail adresine Not mesaj atabilirsiniz") DoCmd.Close Application.Quit Else x = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Tarihi", "") If x = "" Then 'End Else If CVDate(x) > Date Then MsgBox ("Programin Deneme Sresi Doldu Ltfen Israr Etmeyin") DoCmd.Close Else y = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Saati", "") If (CVDate(x) = Date) And (CVDate(y) > Time) Then MsgBox ("Programin Deneme Sresi Doldu Ltfen Israr Etmeyin") DoCmd.Close End If End If x = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Sayi", "1") MsgBox ("Programi" & x & ". defa alistiriyorsunuz.") SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Sayi", x + 1 End If End If End If siparisfrm.Show End Sub Benim k iin kullandm ;Userform kapatldnda dosyay kapatyor,bu arada ilgili dosyaya k tarihini ve saatini kaydettiriyorum. Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Tarihi", Date 'Danman dosyasnn k tarihi SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Saati", Time 'Danman dosyasnn k saati Application.Visible = True 'Excel Ara yz grnr Yap Application.Quit 'Excel Uygulamasndan Komple k End Sub Sub auto_open() Static sayac As Integer Do If sayac = 3 Then ThisWorkbook.Close False Else If InputBox("ifreyi girin") = "sifre" Then GoTo devam Else sayac = sayac + 1 End If End If Loop devam: End Sub

Sub GetFonts() Dim Fonts Dim x As Integer x=1 Set Fonts = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1728) On Error Resume Next Do Cells(x + 1, 1) = Fonts.List(x) If Err Then Exit Do x=x+1 Loop On Error GoTo 0 Range("A1").FormulaR1C1 = "=""Font List = "" & COUNTA(R[1]C:R[" & x - 1 & "]C)" With Range("A1") .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlCenter .Font.Name = "Arial" .Font.FontStyle = "Bold" .Font.Size = 10 .Font.ColorIndex = 5 .Interior.ColorIndex = 15 End With Columns("A:A").EntireColumn.AutoFit Set Fonts = Nothing End Sub

Dim FontNamesCtrl As CommandBarControl, FontCmdBar As CommandBar, tFormula As String Dim fontName As String, i As Long, fontCount As Long, fontSize As Integer fontSize = 0 fontSize = Application.InputBox("Enter Sample Font Size Between 8 And 30", _ "Select Sample Font Size", 12, , , , , 1) If fontSize = 0 Then Exit Sub If fontSize < 8 Then fontSize = 8 If fontSize > 30 Then fontSize = 30 Set FontNamesCtrl = Application.CommandBars("Formatting").FindControl(ID:=1728) ' If Font control is missing, create a temp CommandBar If FontNamesCtrl Is Nothing Then Set FontCmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add("TempFontNamesCtrl", _ msoBarFloating, False, True) Set FontNamesCtrl = FontCmdBar.Controls.Add(ID:=1728) End If Application.ScreenUpdating = False fontCount = FontNamesCtrl.ListCount Workbooks.Add ' list font names in column A and font example in column B For i = 0 To FontNamesCtrl.ListCount - 1 fontName = FontNamesCtrl.List(i + 1) Application.StatusBar = "Listing font " & _ Format(i / (fontCount - 1), "0 %") & " " & _ fontName & "..." Cells(i + StartRow, 1).Formula = fontName With Cells(i + StartRow, 2) tFormula = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" If Application.International(xlCountrySetting) = 47 Then tFormula = tFormula & "" End If tFormula = tFormula & UCase(tFormula) tFormula = tFormula & "1234567890" .Formula = tFormula .Font.Name = fontName End With Next i Application.StatusBar = False If Not FontCmdBar Is Nothing Then FontCmdBar.Delete Set FontCmdBar = Nothing Set FontNamesCtrl = Nothing ' add heading Columns(1).AutoFit With Range("A1") .Formula = "Installed fonts:" .Font.Bold = True .Font.Size = 14 End With With Range("A3") .Formula = "Font Name:" .Font.Bold = True .Font.Size = 12 End With With Range("B3") .Formula = "Font Example:" .Font.Bold = True .Font.Size = 12 End With With Range("B" & StartRow & ":B" & _ StartRow + fontCount) .Font.Size = fontSize End With With Range("A" & StartRow & ":B" & _ StartRow + fontCount) .VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter End With Range("A4").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True Range("A2").Select ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True End Sub

VB excel balants gerekletirenlere : Tools > Protection > Protect and Shared Workbook : Protect Shared Workbook = Sharing with track changes , seenei aktif edilirse Ayn dosyaya birden ok kullanc Read Only olmadan balanabilir ve Save

xlPICT xlPicture xlPie xlPivotTable xlPlaceholders xlPlotArea xlPLT xlPlus xlPlusValues xlPolynomial xlPortrait xlPower xlPowerTalk xlPrevious xlPrimary xlPrinter xlProduct xlPublisher xlPublishers xlR1C1 xlRadar xlReadOnly xlReadWrite xlReference xlRelative xlRelRowAbsColumn xlRight xlRightBrace xlRightBracket xlRoutingComplete xlRoutingInProgress xlRowField xlRowHeader xlRowItem xlRows xlRowSeparator xlRowThenColumn xlRTF xlRunningTotal xlScale xlScreen xlScreenSize xlSecondary xlSecondCode xlSelect xlSemiautomatic xlSemiGray75 xlSendPublisher xlSeries xlShared xlShort xlShowLabel xlShowLabelAndPercent xlShowPercent xlShowValue xlSimple xlSingle xlSingleAccounting xlSingleQuote xlSolid xlSortLabels xlSortValues xlSquare xlStack xlStandardSummary xlStar xlStDev xlStDevP xlStError xlStretch xlStrict xlSubscriber xlSubscribers xlSubtract xlSum xlSYLK xlSyllabary xlTableBody xlTemplate xlText

Sub Auto_Open() MyMenu Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub MyMenu() On Error Resume Next If Not MyControl Is Nothing Then GoTo ResumeSub: Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) MyControl.Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set MyBar = Application.CommandBars("standard") Set NewCombo = MyBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox) ResumeSub: With NewCombo .Clear .Text = "Sayfa secin" .Tag = "MyMenu" .Width = 150 .Text = ActiveSheet.Name For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count .AddItem Sheets(i).Name, i Next .DropDownLines = 5 .DropDownWidth = 90 .OnAction = "MyCombo" End With Set NewCombo = Nothing Set MyBar = Nothing Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub Sub MyCombo() Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) Sheets(MyControl.Text).Select Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub Sub DelMyMenu() Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) MyControl.Delete Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub

Sub Auto_Close() DelMyMenu End Sub Sayfada herhangi bir ilem yapmanza izin vermez. sadece "a1" ile "p40" arasn gsterir. Men aa-yukar ve saa-sola scrollunu kullanmanza 'izin verm Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("Anasayfa").Select Sheets("Anasayfa").Range("a1:p40").ClearContents Sheets("Anasayfa").ScrollArea = "c5" End Sub Sub yazdir() For a=1 To sheets.count sheets(a).printout Next End Sub

Kod: Sub txtaktar() MsgBox "Dosya Hazrlanyor" Dim LastRowA As Integer Dim veri1 As String Dim veri2 As String Dim veri3 As String Dim veri4 As String Dim veri5 As String Dim veri6 As String Dim veri7 As String Dim veri8 As String Dim veri9 As String Dim veri10 As String Dim veri11 As String Dim veri12 As String Dim veri13 As String Dim veri14 As String Dim i As Integer Open "C:\Veri\Deneme.txt" For Output As #1 LastRowA = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To LastRowA veri1 = Cells(i, 1).Text veri2 = Cells(i, 2).Text veri3 = Cells(i, 3).Text veri4 = Cells(i, 4).Text veri5 = Cells(i, 5).Text veri6 = Cells(i, 6).Text veri7 = Cells(i, 7).Text veri8 = Cells(i, 8).Text veri9 = Cells(i, 9).Text veri10 = Cells(i, 10).Text veri11 = Cells(i, 11).Text veri12 = Cells(i, 12).Text veri13 = Cells(i, 13).Text veri14 = Cells(i, 14).Text

Print #1, veri1; " "; veri2; " "; veri3; " "; veri4; " "; veri5; " "; veri6; " "; veri7; " "; veri8; " "; veri9; " "; veri10; " "; veri11; " "; veri12; " "; veri13; " "; veri1 Next i Close #1 Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A1").Select End Sub

Daha fazla veri aktarlacaksa 14'den sonra ilave edin..Ayrca bu aktardn verileri herhangi bir prorama adapte edeceksen karakter saylarna dikkat et.Ko Yapmanz gereken hazrladnz UserForm'u ve ilikili modlleri File mensnden Export etmek ve daha sonra Visual Basic'i aarak Import etmeniz yeterli Sub AddIns() Dim AI As AddIn i=1 For Each AI In Application.AddIns Range("A" & i) = AI.FullName i=i+1 Next End Sub Sub VersionBulucu() If Application.Version Like "*7*" Then MsgBox "Office-Version = 95" ElseIf Application.Version Like "*8*" Then MsgBox "Office-Version = 97" ElseIf Application.Version Like "*9" Then MsgBox "Office-Version = 2000" ElseIf Application.Version Like "10*" Then MsgBox "Office-Version = XP" Else MsgBox "Version bulunamad", vbCritical End If End Sub

Function fGetExcelVer() As Integer If Application.Version Like "*5*" Then fGetExcelVer = 5 ElseIf Application.Version Like "*7*" Then fGetExcelVer = 7 Else fGetExcelVer = 8 End If End Function Sub PerVersion() MsgBox Application.Version Select Case Left(Application.Version, 1) Case "5" MsgBox "TEBRKLER Excel 5" Case "7" MsgBox "TEBRKLER Excel 7/95" Case "8" MsgBox "TEBRKLER Excel 8/97" Case Else MsgBox "TEBRKLER Excel- Version" End Select ThisWorkbook.Activate End Sub Sub assist() Application.Assistant.Visible = True Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationIdle Set SB = Assistant.NewBalloon SB.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething SB.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons SB.Heading = " M E R H A B A! ! ! " SB.Text = _ "Selam Mahmut KARDE" If SB.Show = msoBalloonButtonOK Then Assistant.Visible = False End If End Sub If Cells(x, 4).Value = "AGR" or Cells(x, 4).Value = "DAL" Then Cells.MergeCells = False Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target = BH(Target) End Sub Function BH(cevir) BH = Replace(cevir, "i", "") BH = Replace(BH, "", "I") BH = UCase(BH) End Function Sub SpecialCellMenu() Dim cb As CommandBar Set cb = Application.CommandBars("Cell") ' Set MenuObject = cb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True) MenuObject.Caption = "Lovekiller Menu" MenuObject.BeginGroup = True ' With MenuObject With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=4) .Visible = True End With End With Set MenuObject = Nothing End Sub

BR FORML NASIL OLUTURULUR; Eer Excel in formllerini incelemiseniz una benzer ekilde olduklarn grrsnz; =HEX2DEC(A1) Yani A1 hcresinin iinde hex say var onu decimale evir demek =HEX2DEC(ff) steki formlle ayn fakat hcre erimi deil direkt olarak hex biimli veri girilmi

=TOPLA(A1:A10) A1den A10 a kadar tm hcrelerin ierisindeki verileri topla demek =TOPLA(A1;A5;A8;B13) stteki formlle ayn fakat sadece A1 + A5 + A8 + B13 hcrelerini topla demek, erim olarak geni karelik bir alan verilmemi (; =TOPLA(A1;125) stteki formlle yine ayn fakat sadece A1 hcresi ile 125 saysn topla demek.

=DEYARA(A5;SHEET1!A1:C500;2;YANLI) Bu formlde ise aktif sayfann A5 hcresine bak, sheet1 sayfasnn A1:C500 eriminde A stununda bunu ara Yukardaki formllerde de grlecei zere; 1. Forml = ile balar 2. Formln kod kelimesi verilir 3. Formlde verilecek deerler parantez iinde girilir 4. Verilecek deer birden fazla ise aralarnda noktal virgl kullanlr 5. Deerler girilecek formln ihtiyacna gre deiebilir (say olabilir, string olabilir, erim yada tek hcre olabilir vs.)

imdi bu bilgilerin nda kendi formlmz oluturalm XOR fonksiyonunu yapan bir forml oluturacaz. Verilen iki hcre yada erim ierisindeki verileri long olarak okuyacak ve birbirleriyle XORlayp sonucu for

1. nce formlmze bir isim verelim: XorDec (long tipindeki saylarn XOR u iin kullanlacandan her zaman aklda kalmas iin anlaml olmasna dikkat e 2. Girilecek (istenen) veriler ne olacak (nce tek hcreli sonra geni erim olsun; A1 ile A2:A5 gibi) 3. Forml sonucu nasl gsterilecek (forml girilen hcreye long tipinde say)

FONKSYON OLUTURMAK; Buraya kadar tamam, peki Forml nasl yazlacak? Fark etmi olacanz zere bu Basicde de yazlan fonksiyonlara benzer. Giri deerlerini alacak, stnd Public Function xORdec(OneCell As Range, Optional MultipCells As Range) As Long Satrn yazalm. Bu Public olarak fonksiyonumuzu tanmlayacak, her taraftan kullanabileceiz. OneCell isimli deiken bir erim, tercihsel olarak MultipCells kullanacamz deer tiplerini tanmlayalm Dim tmpH As Long long tipinde tmpH deeri tm XOR deerler iin kullanlacak hata tuzaklamas, eer hata kontrol yaplmazsa sonsuz dng ve istenmeyen sonular dourabilir fonksiyonumuz Local olarak tanmlanmasnn nedeni function yada sublarda hata olursa buraya gelmemesi iin On Local Error GoTo errTekHcre Eer hcre doluysa bunu geici bir deere ata If OneCell Then tmpH = Val(OneCell) geni erim olarak tanmlanan oklu hcrelerin deerini For Each Cell In MultipCells xor la tmpH = tmpH Xor Val(Cell) Next sonucu fonksiyona ata xORdec = tmpH Exit Function errTekHcre: hatay temizle Err.Clear gsterilecek sonuca ne yazlacak, hata nasl gsterilecek; hata mesaj olarak biz burada 0 sonucunu dndrdk xORdec = 0 hata artk olduu yerde kalsn On Local Error GoTo 0 Exit Function End Function

Basite yazacamz kodlar imdilik bu kadar. imdi bunu kaydedelim. Bu ak Excel dosyasnn iinde yer alacak. Bu dosyann herhangi bir yerine imdi for =xordec(A3;A4:A10) anlam A3den A10a kadar hcrelerin iindekileri XORla demek eer iinde hata oluursa sonucunda 0 yazacak EKLENT OLUTURMAK; Peki bu Excel dosyasn kaydedip, kapatp baka bir Excel dosyas aarsak bu forml kullanabilir miyiz? Bu forml yazdmz hcrede #AD? hata mesaj

Bo bir Excel dosyas aalm, Visual Basic Dzenleyicisini (Aralar Makro altnda yada Alt+F11 ksayol) nden, Insert mensnden bir Module ekleyelim. Y Am olduumuz alma kitabn farkl kaydet mens ile Microsoft Excel Eklentisi (*.xla) kayt trnde, rnein BenimMakrolarm adyla kaydedelim. Bu

imdi de Aralar-Eklentiler mens aalm. Gzat butonuna basarak, yeni kaydetmi olduumuz eklentiyi iaretleyerek Tamam butonuna basalm. Kullanla Artk yazdmz fonksiyonu herhangi bir Excel alma sayfas ierisinden forml yazarm gibi girerek kullanabiliriz una benzer bir fonksiyonu eklentinize eklerseniz, Public Function aX() As String aX = "Adnz Soyadnz"

Application.CommandBars("Men Ad").Visible = True 'False de gizler ok o zaman yle yapalm Kod: Sub sil() For i = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row to 2 step -2 Rows(i).Delete Next i End Sub not: denemedim. edit: son satrn tek olma ihtimaline karn Kod: Sub sil() z= Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row if z mod 2 = 1 then z = z -1 For i = z to 2 step -2 Rows(i).Delete Next i End Sub Dim NextTime As Date Sub Flash() NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font If .ColorIndex = 2 Then .ColorIndex = 3 Else .ColorIndex = 2 End With Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash" End Sub Sub StopIt() Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash", schedule:=False ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End Sub Sub WordAc() adres = Application.InputBox("Belgenizin Ad Nedir ?", "Adres", "\Word.doc") On Error GoTo hata1 With CreateObject("Word.Application") .Visible = 1 .Documents.Open (ThisWorkbook.Path & adres) End With hata1: End Sub Sub auto_open() Static sayac As Integer Do If sayac = 3 Then ThisWorkbook.Close False Else If InputBox("ifreyi girin") = "Buraya koymak istediiniz ifreyi yazacaksnz!" Then GoTo devam Else sayac = sayac + 1 End If End If Loop devam: End Sub Exceli lk Atnzda istediiniz sayfann gelmesi iin Sub SayfaHucreSec() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Selection.Range("A1").Select End Sub

Sub HideExcel() Application.Visible = False End Sub Sub Nur_MsgBox() Application.Visible = False MsgBox ("Du siehst nur die MsgBox") Application.Visible = True End Sub Private Sub kapat() Dim Cevap As VbMsgBoxResult Cevap = MsgBox("PROGRAMIN KAPATILMASINI STYOR MUSUNUZ.?", _ vbOKOnly + vbYesNo, "MESAJ") If Cevap = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save Excel.Application.Quit End If End Sub makronuzun uygun yerine aaidaki kodu yazmalsnz. Application.Quit application.quit Public Sub ListAllFaces() Btn = MsgBox("This macro will list all of the button faces (over 5000)" & vbCrLf & _ "in this worksheet." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Are you READY TO PROCEED?", vbOKCancel, "Button Image Listing") If Btn = vbCancel Then Exit Sub Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim k As Integer Dim cbCtl As CommandBarControl Dim cbBar As CommandBar On Error Resume Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set cbBar = CommandBars.Add(Position:=msoBarFloating, MenuBar:=False, temporary:=True) Set cbCtl = cbBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, temporary:=True) k=1 Do While Err.Number = 0 For j = 1 To 10 i=i+1 Application.StatusBar = "Face ID = " & i cbCtl.FaceId = i cbCtl.CopyFace If Err.Number <> 0 Then Exit For ActiveSheet.Paste Cells(k, j + 1) Cells(k, j).Value = i Next k=k+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False cbBar.Delete End Sub Sub testVersion() Dim myvers As String myvers = Application.Version MsgBox ("Microsoft Excel" & " " & myvers) End Sub A1 Hcresine yazldnda zaten kpr kendi kendine gelir ve bunu tkladnzda Outlook alr.Ama yinede makro ile derseniz. 1.)A1 Hcresine manuel mail adresi yazlmas art ile; Sub Makro6() Range("A1").Select Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True End Sub Sub Windows_Explorer_aufrufen() Shell (Environ("systemroot") & "\explorer.exe"), 1 '********************************************************** 'Shell (Environ("systemroot") & "\explorer.exe C:\Temp"), 1 '********************************************************** End Sub Sub ExplorerDossier() Shell "C:\WINDOWS\EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e,D:\FichXls", vbMaximizedFocus End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) chkFKey (KeyCode) End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) chkFKey (KeyCode) End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) chkFKey (KeyCode) End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) chkFKey (KeyCode) End Sub Private Sub chkFKey(KeyCode) If vbKeyF1 <= KeyCode And KeyCode < vbKeyF12 Then Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyF1: MsgBox "f1 e bastnz" Case vbKeyF9: x = MsgBox("f9 a bastnz. kayt yaplsn m?", vbYesNo) 'kayt ilemin burada yapn. Case Else: MsgBox "F" & (KeyCode - vbKeyF1 + 1) & " e bastnz." End Select End If End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Application.OnKey "{F9}", "macro" End Sub Sub macro() MsgBox "aaa F9 tuuna bastn" End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Application.OnKey "{F9}", "mesaj" End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "aaa F9 tuuna bastn" End hesapla() Sub Sub k=4 Do While Cells(k, 7) <> "" tutar = Cells(k, 7) bastar = Cells(k, 8) sontar = Cells(k, 9) tmpbastar = bastar j=4 faiz = 0 devam = True Do Until devam = False faiztar = Cells(j, 3) If Cells(j, 3) = "" Or faiztar > sontar Then faiztar = sontar: devam = False If bastar > faiztar Then GoTo 20 faizor = Cells(j - 1, 4) faiz = faiz + ((faiztar - tmpbastar) * tutar * faizor) / 36500 tmpbastar = faiztar 20 j=j+1 Loop Cells(k, 10) = faiz k = k + 1: faiz = 0 Loop End Sub

Dim combolar() As New Class1 Dim nense As Control Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For Each nesne In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(nesne) = "TextBox" Then ReDim Preserve txtler(i) Set txtler(i).txt = nesne i=i+1 ElseIf TypeName(nesne) = "ComboBox" Then ReDim Preserve combolar(i) Set combolar(i).combo = nesne i=i+1 End If Next nesne End Sub Private Sub UserForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) For Each nesne In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(nesne) = "TextBox" Or TypeName(nesne) = "ComboBox" Then nesne.BackColor = vbWhite End If Next nesne End Sub classmodle Public WithEvents txt As MSForms.TextBox Public WithEvents combo As MSForms.ComboBox Private Sub txt_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) txt.BackColor = vbRed End Sub Private Sub combo_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) combo.BackColor = vbRed End Sub Sub fare_imleci() If Application.Cursor = xlWait Then Application.Cursor = xlNormal Worksheets(1).Buttons(1).Caption = "Fare mleci Kum Saati" Else Application.Cursor = xlWait Worksheets(1).Buttons(1).Caption = "Fare mleci Normal" End If End Sub Private Declare Function BlockInput Lib "user32" (ByVal fBlock As Long) As Long Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Sub Dme1_Tklat() DoEvents BlockInput True Sleep 5000 '5 saniye BlockInput False End Sub Declare Function ShowCursor Lib "user32" (ByVal bShow As Long) As Long Sub FareGizle() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "FareGster" ShowCursor False End Sub Sub FareGster() ShowCursor True End Sub Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long Sub Cursor1() SetCursorPos 540, 350 End Sub Sub Cursor2() SetCursorPos 220, 200 End Sub

Sub Enregistre_Sous2() Rponse = MsgBox("Voulez-vous enregistrer ce classeur ?", vbYesNo) If Rponse = vbYes Then Dim nom As String Do While nom = "" 'Rpte l'instruction tant qu'aucun nom est donn nom = InputBox("Donnez un nom de fichier !" & Chr(13) & "Exemple: Rapport") Loop ChDrive "c" ChDir "c:\" 'Indiquez le rpertoire ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=(nom) Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show 'pour afficher la bote Enregistrer sous End If End Sub Sub Enregistre_Sous2() Rponse = MsgBox("Voulez-vous enregistrer ce classeur ?", vbYesNo) If Rponse = vbYes Then ChDrive "c" ChDir "c:\" 'Indiquez le rpertoire ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=456 Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show 'pour afficher la bote Enregistrer sous End If End Sub Sub Icon_Speichern_unter() Dim Pos As Byte ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Copy Pos = Application.CommandBars("Standard").FindControl(, 3).Index + 1 With Application.CommandBars("Standard").Controls.Add(msoControlButton, ID:=748, before:=Pos) .Style = msoButtonIcon .PasteFace End With End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub Sub ac() EnableControl 748, 1 End Sub Sub kapa() EnableControl 748, 0 End Sub Sub EnableControl(Id As Integer, Enabled As Boolean) Dim CB As CommandBar Dim C As CommandBarControl For Each CB In Application.CommandBars Set C = CB.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = Enabled Next End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If SaveAsUI Then Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal pir As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If pir Then Cancel = True End Sub Thisworkbook'a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If SaveAsUI Then Cancel = True'False farkl kaydede izin verir. End If End Sub

ThisWorkbook'a yaznz. Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.GetSaveAsFilename End Sub Aadaki kod kullancnn kullanmakta olduu dosyasn (farkl kaydet) yapmasn engeller. 'KOD Thisworkbook'a yazlacak Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If SaveAsUI Then Cancel = True'False farkl kaydede izin verir. End If End Sub Sub Dene() MsgBox "aa", 16, "hata" End Sub Kod: Sub Denee() MsgBox "aa", 64, "hata" End Sub Private Sub SpinButton1_Change() CommandButton1.Top = 104 - SpinButton1.Value * 10 CommandButton1.Caption = "YUKARI-AAI" End Sub Private Sub SpinButton2_Change() CommandButton1.Left = 2 + SpinButton2.Value * 20 CommandButton1.Caption = "SAA-SOLA" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() SpinButton1.Value = 5 SpinButton2.Value = 5 CommandButton1.Caption = "" End Sub

Dim x As Integer Dim shp As Shape ActiveSheet.Unprotect Range("A1:IV65536").Locked = False For Each shp In ActiveSheet.Shapes If shp.Type = msoTextEffect Then shp.Delete End If Next shp For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count If Rows(i).PageBreak = xlAutomatic Or _ Rows(i).PageBreak = xlManual Or _ i = 1 Then Cells(i, 1).Select Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextEffect _ (msoTextEffect1, _ "Mahmut BAYRAM", "Arial Black", _ 36#, msoFalse, msoFalse, _ Cells(i, 1).Left + 40.5, _ Cells(i, 1).Top + 180#) With shp With .Fill .Visible = msoTrue .Solid .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 22 .Transparency = 0.51 End With With .Line .Weight = 0.75 .DashStyle = msoLineSolid .Style = msoLineSingle .Transparency = 0# .Visible = msoFalse End With .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue .Height = 51# .Width = 156# .Rotation = 40# End With For x = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count If Columns(x).PageBreak = xlAutomatic Or _ Columns(x).PageBreak = xlManual Then Cells(i, x).Select Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextEffect _ (msoTextEffect1, _ "Mahmut BAYRAM", "Arial Black", _ 36#, msoFalse, msoFalse, _ Cells(i, x).Left + 40.5, _ Cells(i, x).Top + 180#) With shp With .Fill .Visible = msoTrue .Solid .ForeColor.SchemeColor = 22 .Transparency = 0.51 End With With .Line .Weight = 0.75 .DashStyle = msoLineSolid .Style = msoLineSingle .Transparency = 0# .Visible = msoFalse End With .LockAspectRatio = msoTrue .Height = 51# .Width = 156# .Rotation = 40# End With End If Next x End If Next i

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Worksheets("Sayfa1").AutoFilterMode = False End Sub Bu durumda bir userform zerindeki textboxla bunu yapmak mmkn. Bunun iin bir userform oluturun ve zerine bir textbox ile command buton yerle Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo hata Set ara = Sheets("sayfa1").Columns("A:IV").Find(What:=TextBox1) Application.Goto Reference:=Range(ara.Address), _ Scroll:=False Exit Sub hata: MsgBox ("yok") End Sub Sub Goto_Factors() Application.Goto Reference:="Factors" End Sub Function Factors(x As Double) As String Dim i As Integer Factors = x For i = x - 1 To 1 Step -1 If x / i = Int(x / i) Then Factors = Factors & ", " & i End If Next i End Function Sub Code2() Application.Goto Reference:="Sum_color" End Sub Function Puan(Notu As Integer) Select Case Notu Case Is > 100: Puan = "Geersiz not" Case Is >= 85: Puan = "5 Geti" Case Is >= 70: Puan = "4 Geti" Case Is >= 55: Puan = "3 Geti" Case Is >= 45: Puan = "2 Geti" Case Is >= 0: Puan = "1 Kald" Case Else: Puan = "Geersiz not" End Select End GotoCode() Sub Function Application.Goto Reference:="test" End Sub Sub test() Dim wkbook As String wkbook = "MyWorkbook.xls" If IsOpen(wkbook) Then MsgBox wkbook & " is open" Else MsgBox wkbook & " is not open" End If End Sub Function IsOpen(WkBookName As String) As Boolean IsOpen = False For Each wkbk In Application.Workbooks opened = UCase(wkbk.Name) = UCase(WkBookName) If opened Then IsOpen = True End If Next wkbk End Function

Sub SchriftAuslesen() Dim cnt As CommandBarControl Dim intCounter As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set cnt = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1728) For intCounter = 1 To cnt.ListCount With Cells(intCounter, 1) .Value = cnt.List(intCounter) .Font.Name = cnt.List(intCounter) End With Next intCounter Columns(1).AutoFit Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub SchriftAuslesen() Dim cnt As CommandBarControl Dim intCounter As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set cnt = Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1728) For intCounter = 1 To cnt.ListCount With Cells(intCounter, 1) .Value = cnt.List(intCounter) .Font.Name = cnt.List(intCounter) End With Next intCounter Columns(1).AutoFit Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub FORM AAR Sub forma() Gnlk.Show End Sub Sub forma() Gnlk.Show End Sub EKLEYECENZ FORMU AIRIR Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Load UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) Select Case ActiveSheet.Name Case "Sayfa1", "Sayfa2" Cancel = True MsgBox "Bu sayfalar yazdrlamaz!!", vbInformation End Select End Sub

FORM KUTUSUNDAN LSTE KUTUSUNA KOMUT VERME Private Sub UserForm_Click() Sheets("gnlk").Select TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("a2:a65000")) + 1 TextBox2.SetFocus L = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("gnlk").Range("a1:a10000")) ListBox1.RowSource = "gnlk!a1:a" & L ListBox1.ColumnCount = 12 ListBox1.RowSource = "gnlk!a1:l" & L ' istatislikler ykleniyor Range("b2").Select TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value TextBox7.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value TextBox8.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value TextBox9.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value TextBox10.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value TextBox11.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value TextBox12.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Click() Sheets("gnlk").Select TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("a2:a65000")) + 1 TextBox2.SetFocus L = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("gnlk").Range("a1:a10000")) ListBox1.RowSource = "gnlk!a1:a" & L ListBox1.ColumnCount = 12 ListBox1.RowSource = "gnlk!a1:l" & L ' istatislikler ykleniyor Range("b2").Select TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value TextBox7.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value TextBox8.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value TextBox9.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value TextBox10.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value TextBox11.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value TextBox12.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value End Sub Formu amak iin u kodlar bir module yazabilirsiniz. Kod: Sub Makro1() Range("A1:C5").Select ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm End sub

Formu aarken "Microsoft Excel bu komut iin gereken stun etiketlerini hangi listenin ya da seimin ierdiini belirleyemiyor" gibi bir uyar kyor ise u k Kod: Sub Makro1() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Range("A1:C5").Select ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

1 adet cmbobox 1 adet Label1 'BU KOD EN BAA YAZILACAK Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long 'BU KOD SAYFADAK ADRESTE BULUNAN RESMLER GSTERR Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Image1.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then MsgBox "Resim Yok", vbCritical Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show Exit Sub End If Label1.Caption = Cells(ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, 1).Value 'seim kutusundaki isim etikete yazlyor Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Label1.Caption) 'Etikette adresi gsterilen resim ykleniyor End Sub 'BU KOD STENLEN RESMLER SAYFAYA KAYIT EDER Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim son As Integer Dim MyPic As Variant On Error Resume Next MyPic: MyPic = Application.GetOpenFilename("JPEG,*.jpg,GIF,*.gif,Bitmap, *.bmp") If MyPic <> False Then resim.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom resim.Picture = LoadPicture(MyPic) son = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("resimdata").Range("A:A")) + 1 'Resim adlarn sayfada depo ediyor. Sheets("resimdata").Cells(son, 1) = MyPic cevap = MsgBox(" " & MyPic & " kayt edildi.Yeni resim eklemek istiyor musunuz?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "RESM KAYIT") If cevap = vbYes Then GoTo MyPic End If End If End Sub 'BU KOD USERFORMA YAZILACAK Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.RowSource = "resimdata!A:A" End Sub KOMPLE UYGULAMALI RNEK 'BU KOD EN BAA YAZILACAK Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long 'BU KOD COMBOBOX1 N Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Image1.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom If ComboBox1.Value = "" Then MsgBox "Resim Yok", vbCritical Exit Sub End If Label1.Caption = Cells(ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, 1).Value 'seim kutusundaki isim etikete yazlyor Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(Label1.Caption) 'Etikette adresi gsterilen resim ykleniyor End Sub 'BU KOD VERLEN ADRESTEN RESM SAYFAYA EKLER Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() cevap = MsgBox("BU LEM YANLIZCA YETKL K YAPABLR ? YETKNZ YOKSA LTFEN VAZGEN ! ", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultcmdsil If cevap = vbNo Then End End If Dim son As Integer Dim MyPic As Variant On Error Resume Next MyPic: MyPic = Application.GetOpenFilename("JPEG,*.jpg,GIF,*.gif,Bitmap, *.bmp") If MyPic <> False Then resim.PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeZoom resim.Picture = LoadPicture(MyPic) son = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("resimdata").Range("A:A")) + 1 'Resim adlarn sayfada depo ediyor. Sheets("resimdata").Cells(son, 1) = MyPic cevap = MsgBox(" " & MyPic & " kayt edildi.Yeni resim eklemek istiyor musunuz?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, "RESM KAYIT") If cevap = vbYes Then GoTo MyPic End If End If End Sub 'BU KOD TEXTBOX1'DE VER ARATMAK N

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,###") Cells(1, 1) = TextBox1.Value End Sub Option Explicit Public a, d As Integer Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() d=0 ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub 'KAPAT BUTONUNA BASILDIINDA UYARI VERR ENGELLER Private Sub UserForm_initialize() d=1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If d = 1 Then MsgBox " kapat butonunu kullannz.", vbCritical, "UYARI" Cancel = True End If End Sub 'BU KOD FORMUN ARPI ARETN GZLER Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", _ "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub EKLENEN FORMLARIN BRN KAPAR STENLEN AAR. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.Hide UserForm2.Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.Hide UserForm2.Show End Sub Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() End End Sub TABLOYU KAPAR Private Sub CommandButton4_Click() End End Sub FORMU OTOMATK KAPAR Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3) Unload Me End Sub

BU KODU FORMA YAZDIINIZDA FORM AILDIINDA FORMU SRKLEYEMEZSNZ. Private Sub UserForm_Layout() Me.Move Application.Width / 2 - Me.Width / 2, Application.Height / 2 - Me.Height / 2 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.Caption = "" End Sub Sub Formul_Convertor() Dim data As New DataObject Dim z As String On Error GoTo hata MsgBox Application.ConvertFormula( _ Formula:=ActiveCell.Formula, _ fromReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1, _ toReferenceStyle:=xlA1), vbInformation, "Normal Bavuru" z = Application.ConvertFormula( _ Formula:=ActiveCell.Formula, _ fromReferenceStyle:=xlA1, _ toReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1) MsgBox z, vbInformation, "R1C1 Stili" data.SetText z data.PutInClipboard Exit Sub hata: MsgBox ("Forml yok !!!"), vbCritical, "Bavurulan hcrede" End Sub Sub formulyaz() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(ComboBox1.Value).Activate [m11].Select Range("m11").Formula = "YUVARLA(J12 + L12) / 2,0)" [m11].Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=[m11:m60], Type:=xlFillDefault [m11].Select '********* [n11].Select [n11].Formula = "=YAZIYLA(M11)" [n11].Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=[N11:N60], Type:=xlFillDefault [n11].Select '********** End Sub Sub Summebilden() z = ActiveCell.Row For i = 1 To 7 Cells(z - 1 + i, 6).FormulaArray = _ "=SUM((r2c1:r23c2=1)*(r2c3:r23c3=" & i & ")*(r2c[-2]:r23c[-2]))" Next i End Sub Sub Minus() ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[1]-R[-1]C[1]" Range(ActiveCell.Address & ":A" & [B65536].End(xlUp).Row).FillDown End Sub Sub Test() x = Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row Range("E2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E" & x) Application.Calculate End Sub e1 hcresine eer(c2<>"";c2-e2;"") da yazp srkleyin Application.DisplayFormulaBar=False - -> Forml ubuu kaldrlr. Sub Formul_Sonuna_Karakter_Ilave_Et() Dim Hucre As Range karakter = InputBox("Formln Sonuna Ekleyeceiniz Karakteri Giriniz ?", "") For Each Hucre In Selection Hucre.Formula = Hucre.Formula & "&""" & karakter & """" Next End Sub

Sub formulyaz() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(ComboBox2.Value).Select [b2].Select Range("b2").Formula = "=yasbul(e1,e2,1)*(-1)" [b2].Select Selection.AutoFill Destination:=[b2:b51], Type:=xlFillDefault [b2].Select End Sub Sub formulden_degere() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(ComboBox2.Value).Select Range("B2:B51").Select Selection.Copy Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Range("B2").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("B2").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Byk Sub a() 1.yol [B1].Value = [A1].Value End Sub Sub cokcokolsun() 2.yol [B1:B100].Value = [A1].Value End Sub Sub stepkopyala() 3.yol 1 er stun atlayarak Dim x As Integer For x = 2 To 256 Step 2 Cells(1, x).Value = Cells(1, x).Offset(0, -1).Value Next x End Sub Sub Form2val() For Each c in Selection.Cells c.formula=c.value Next c End Sub FORMLLER SAYIYA EVRR Sub Form2val() For Each c in Selection.Cells c.formula=c.value Next c End Sub

' revised 04 July 2003 by Tom Ogilvy to add ' sheets when reaching ROWLIM formulas Const SHEETNAME As String = "Formulas in *" Const ALLFORMULAS As Integer = _ xlNumbers + xlTextValues + xlLogical + xlErrors Const ROWLIM As Long = 65500 Dim formulaSht As Worksheet Dim destRng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim wkSht As Worksheet Dim formulaRng As Range Dim shCnt As Long Dim oldScreenUpdating As Boolean With Application oldScreenUpdating = .ScreenUpdating .ScreenUpdating = False End With shCnt = 0 ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt ' list formulas on each sheet Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A4") For Each wkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If Not wkSht.Name Like SHEETNAME Then Application.StatusBar = wkSht.Name destRng.Value = wkSht.Name Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) On Error Resume Next Set formulaRng = wkSht.Cells.SpecialCells( _ xlCellTypeFormulas, ALLFORMULAS) On Error GoTo 0 If formulaRng Is Nothing Then destRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = "None" Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) Else For Each cell In formulaRng With destRng .Offset(0, 1) = cell.Address(0, 0) .Offset(0, 2) = "'" & cell.Formula .Offset(0, 3) = cell.Value End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) If destRng.row > ROWLIM Then ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A5") destRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value = wkSht.Name End If Next cell Set formulaRng = Nothing End If With destRng.Resize(1, 4).Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) If destRng.row > ROWLIM Then ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A5") destRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value = wkSht.Name End If End If Next wkSht With Application .StatusBar = False .ScreenUpdating = oldScreenUpdating End With End Sub Private Sub ListFormulasAddSheet( _ formulaSht As Worksheet, shtCnt As Long) Const SHEETNAME As String = "Formulas in " Const SHEETTITLE As String = "Formulas in $ as of " Const DATEFORMAT As String = "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm" Dim shtName As String With ActiveWorkbook ' Delete existing sheet and create new one shtCnt = shtCnt + 1 shtName = Left(SHEETNAME & .Name, 28)

Sub Auto_Open() Cells.Select 'Range("formll hcreler").Select Selection.Locked = True Selection.FormulaHidden = True Range("a1").Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Protect Password:="123" End Sub '***********Dosyay kapatrken ise*********************** Sub Auto_Close() Sheets("Sayfa1").Unprotect Password:="123" Cells.Select 'Range("formll hcreler").Select Selection.Locked = False Selection.FormulaHidden = False Range("a1").Select End Sub Sub AddressFormulasMsgBox() For Each Item In Selection If Mid(Item.Formula, 1, 1) = "=" Then MsgBox "The formula in " & Item.Address(rowAbsolute:=False, _ columnAbsolute:=False) & " is: " & Item.Formula, vbInformation End If Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.HasFormula Then With Selection.Interior .ColorIndex = 39 End With ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select End If End Sub *********Sayfann kod blmne*************************** Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.OnKey "{del}" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.HasFormula Then Application.OnKey "{del}", "mesaj" Else Application.OnKey "{del}" End If End Sub '*********ThisWorbook kod blmne************************* Option Explicit '*********bunu da modle ********************************* Sub mesaj() MsgBox " Forml silmek yasak kardeim" End Sub Sub Formul_bul_koru() Cells.Select Selection.Locked = False Selection.FormulaHidden = False Call ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Select Selection.Locked = True Selection.FormulaHidden = False ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True End Sub

Sayfann kod blmne

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim oRange As Range Application.EnableEvents = False On Error GoTo Fehler: If Target.Cells.Count = 1 Then If Target.HasFormula Then MsgBox "In dieser Zelle befindet sich eine Formel oder ein Verweis." & vbLf & vbLf & " Ein Entfernen ist nur in der Bearbeitungsleiste mglich !", vb Application.OnKey "{del}", "" Else Application.OnKey "{del}" End If Else Set oRange = Target.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas) MsgBox "Es befinden sich Formeln oder Verweise im markierten Bereich." & vbLf & vbLf & " Ein Entfernen ist nur in der Bearbeitungsleiste mglic Application.OnKey "{del}", "" End If Aufraeumen: Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub Fehler: Application.OnKey "{del}" Resume Aufraeumen End Sub Type RangeCellInfo CellContent As Variant CellAddress As String End Type Public OrgWB As Workbook Public OrgWS As Worksheet Public OrgCells() As RangeCellInfo Sub EditRange() Dim i As Integer, cl As Range If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False ReDim OrgCells(Selection.Count) Set OrgWB = ActiveWorkbook Set OrgWS = ActiveSheet i=1 For Each cl In Selection OrgCells(i).CellContent = cl.Formula OrgCells(i).CellAddress = cl.Address i=i+1 Next cl Selection.Formula = "X" If Application.International(xlCountrySetting) = 47 Then Application.OnUndo "Angre endringer utfrt av makroen", "UndoEditRange" Else Application.OnUndo "Undo the latest macro", "UndoEditRange" End If End Sub Sub UndoEditRange() Dim i As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error GoTo NoWBorWS OrgWB.Activate OrgWS.Activate On Error GoTo 0 For i = 1 To UBound(OrgCells) Range(OrgCells(i).CellAddress).Formula = OrgCells(i).CellContent Next i Set OrgWB = Nothing Set OrgWS = Nothing Erase OrgCells NoWBorWS: End Sub

Sub deger() Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Copy Worksheets("Sayfa2").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Dim Cel As Range ActiveSheet.Unprotect Set Cel = Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) With Cel .Value = Date .NumberFormat = "d-mmm-yy" .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter With .Offset(0, 1) .Value = Now .NumberFormat = "hh:mm" .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End With End With End Sub Sub FinActivite() Dim Cel As Range Set Cel = Range("D65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) With Cel .Value = Now .NumberFormat = "hh:mm" .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter With .Offset(0, 1) .FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]-RC[-2]" '.Value = Time .NumberFormat = "hh:mm" .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter End With End With ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True End Sub Sub formuldegerlere () Application.ScreenUpdating = False Range("D7:AH27").Select Selection.Copy Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Range("D7").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("D7").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Bu ii framele yapmak istemenizin bir sebebi varm? Label bu i iin daha kullanl. Framelerin yerine label yerletirip aaadaki kodu bir deneyin.

visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ara = ComboBox1.Value alan = Sheets("KAYITLAR").Range("adresler") Label14.Caption = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(ara, alan, 3, 0) End Sub Sub Geici_Dosya_smi_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") f = ds.GetTempName MsgBox f End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim StDatei As String Dim StPhad As String StDatei = ThisWorkbook.Name ' Dateiname StPhad = ThisWorkbook.Path ' Phad Dim Fso As Object Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Fso.FileExists(StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei) Then Kill StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei End If ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs FileName:=StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei End Sub zel klasr isimleri alnyor burada.Aklama kodun iinde var. Sub zel_Klasr_smi_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetSpecialFolder(0) '0 Windows,1 Sistem,2 Geici Klasrlerinin yerini verir. MsgBox f End Sub Sub Dialog_49() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOptionsListsAdd).Show End Sub

Sub Dialog_50() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOptionsTransition).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_48() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOptionsGeneral).Show End Sub Kodlar modle deil workbook iine yerletirdiniz deilmi? (gzden kam olabilir diye sordum). birde az nceki kodda dosyada tek sayfa varsa hata vere Kod: Public AcZaman Private Sub Workbook_Open() AcZaman = Timer End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) Application.DisplayAlerts = False SonZaman = Timer If SonZaman - AcZaman > 10 Then Range("a1:IV65536").Delete End If Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

InsertPicture "C:\Excel Programlama\PictureFileName.gif", Range("D10"), True, True 'uzanty deitirerek dier resim formatlarn da ekleyebilirsiniz. End Sub Sub InsertPicture(PictureFileName As String, TargetCell As Range, _ CenterH As Boolean, CenterV As Boolean) ' inserts a picture at the top left position of TargetCell ' the picture can be centered horizontally and/or vertically Dim p As Object, t As Double, l As Double, w As Double, h As Double If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub If Dir(PictureFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub ' import picture Set p = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureFileName) ' determine positions With TargetCell t = .Top l = .Left If CenterH Then w = .Offset(0, 1).Left - .Left l = l + w / 2 - p.Width / 2 If l < 1 Then l = 1 End If If CenterV Then h = .Offset(1, 0).Top - .Top t = t + h / 2 - p.Height / 2 If t < 1 Then t = 1 End If End With ' resim pozisyonu With p .Top = t .Left = l End With Set p = Nothing End TestInsertPictureInRange() Sub Sub InsertPictureInRange "C:\Excel Programlama\Arnold.gif", _ Range("B5:D10") End Sub Sub InsertPictureInRange(PictureFileName As String, TargetCells As Range) ' inserts a picture and resizes it to fit the TargetCells range Dim p As Object, t As Double, l As Double, w As Double, h As Double If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub If Dir(PictureFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub ' import picture Set p = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(PictureFileName) ' determine positions With TargetCells t = .Top l = .Left w = .Offset(0, .Columns.Count).Left - .Left h = .Offset(.Rows.Count, 0).Top - .Top End With ' position picture With p .Top = t .Left = l .Width = w .Height = h End With Set p = Nothing End Sub Sub hesaplama() zamoran: z = InputBox("Zam orann giriniz ! Ondalk ksm varsa virglle ayrnz !") If Not IsNumeric(z) Then GoTo zamoran Cells(1, 23) = (z + 100) / 100 End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As Boolean x = False For i = 1 To Sheets("sheet2").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row If TextBox1.Text = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i, 1) And TextBox2.Text = Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i, 2) Then x = True MsgBox ("Mkerrer kayt") Exit For End If Next i If x = False Then Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i, 1) = TextBox1 Sheets("sheet2").Cells(i, 2) = TextBox2 End If End Sub Sub Dialog_33() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormulaGoto).Show End Sub Sub hcresec() 'Gitmek istenilen hcreyi seer Dim Rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Gitmek istediiniz Hcreyi Yaznz", Type:=8) If Rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Seimden vazgetiniz" Else Rng.Select End If End Sub Sub MSQCommentaire() Dim wks As Worksheet, MyCmt As Comment For Each wks In Worksheets For Each MyCmt In wks.Comments MyCmt.Visible = False ' Masque le commentaire MyCmt.Visible = True ' Affiche le commentaire Next MyCmt Next wks End Sub Sub gizligoster() Dim wsh As Worksheet For Each wsh In Sheets wsh.Visible = True Next wsh End Sub

alma Kitabnda Sayfa1'i Gizlediini varsayalm.. Fakat Dosyay aan Kullanc Sayfa1'de ilem yapmas gerekiyor veya sizin kodlarnz Sayfa1'de ilem yapmas gerekiyor.. Kodlarnzn bana Kod: Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True yazdnzda Gizli olan Sayfa1 alyor.. Ve Kodlarnzda yaplmas gerekenler ne ise onu yapyorsunuz,ii bittikten sonra yani kodlarn, Kod: Sheets("Sayfa1").Select 'Sayfay seiyor. ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False'Seili sayfay gizliyor.. rnek Bir alma .. Burada Sayfa'in Gizli olmas Gerek.. Kod: Sub deneme() Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A1").Value = "Bu Sayfa Gizlidir." Sheets("Sayfa1").Select 'Sayfay seiyor. ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible = False 'Seili sayfay gizliyor.. End Sub Kodu altrdktan sonra Gizli Sayfay an. A1 Hcresine Bu Sayfa Gizlidir. yazsnn yazldn greceksiniz.. Sub DeleteHiddenSheets() Dim sh As Worksheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If sh.Visible <> xlSheetVisible Then sh.Visible = True sh.Delete End If Next sh Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If LCase(Sh.Name) = "sheet1" Or LCase(Sh.Name) = "sheet2" Then If InputBox("ifreyi girin") <> "sifre" Then Sh.Visible = False End If End Sub Sayfa gizliyken yapmak mmkn deil ama 'Sayfa grnr hale getirip 'ktsn alp 'Tekrar gizlerken 'Bu ilemlerin gzkmemesi iin kodlarnz bana application.screenuptading = false GZL OLAN TM SAYFALARI GSTER Sub Un_Hide_All() Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In Worksheets sh.Visible = True Next End Sub

Private Private Private Private Private

Declare Declare Declare Declare Declare

Function Function Function Function Function

GetWindowRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpRect As RECT) As Long ReleaseCapture Lib "user32" () As Long SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As CreateRectRgn Lib "gdi32" (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long

Private FensterRegion&, Region& Private Hauptfensternummer&, Clientfensternummer& Private dummy As Long Private Type RECT Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type Private Const GW_CHILD = 5 Private Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = &HA1 Private Const HTCAPTION = 2 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Call FensterOhneKopf End Sub Sub FensterOhneKopf() Dim Abmessung As RECT Dim Abmessung1 As RECT Dim Pos1x&, Pos1y&, Pos2x&, Pos2y& If FensterRegion <> 0 Then Exit Sub UserForm1.BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle Call Fensternummer(UserForm1, Abmessung, Abmessung1) Pos1x = 0 Pos1y = (Abmessung1.Top - Abmessung.Top) Pos2x = Abmessung.Right - Abmessung.Left Pos2y = Abmessung.Bottom - Abmessung.Top Region = CreateRectRgn(Pos1x, Pos1y, Pos2x, Pos2y) FensterRegion = SetWindowRgn(Hauptfensternummer, Region, True) End Sub 'Fensterhandles und Infos ber Fenster holen Private Sub Fensternummer(Form As Object, Abmessung As RECT, Abmessung1 As RECT) Dim Fenstername$, Suchstring$ Suchstring = "UserForm ohne Titelzeile" Fenstername = Form.Caption Form.Caption = Suchstring Hauptfensternummer = FindWindow(vbNullString, Suchstring) Form.Caption = Fenstername Clientfensternummer = GetWindow(Hauptfensternummer, GW_CHILD) dummy = GetWindowRect(Hauptfensternummer, Abmessung) dummy = GetWindowRect(Clientfensternummer, Abmessung1) End Sub 'Folgendes ist notwendig, um die Form ohne Titelleiste zu verschieben Private Sub UserForm_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) If Button = 1 Then If Hauptfensternummer <> 0 Then dummy = ReleaseCapture() dummy = SendMessage(Hauptfensternummer, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTCAPTION, 0) End If Else Unload UserForm1 ' Zum schlieen, beim ausprobieren. End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Sub Dialog_25() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDisplay).Show End Sub

Sub Dialog_24() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDemote).Show End Sub Sub guncelle() Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.AskToUpdateLinks = False ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Select Case Weekday(Date, vbMonday) 'Weekday(Date, vbMonday) u anki tarihin (Date) haftann kanc gn olduunu verir. 'kan sonu ka ise o satra (rn: Case 5) gidip komutu iletir. Case 1: gun = "Pazartesi" Case 2: gun = "Sal" Case 3: gun = "aramba" Case 4: gun = "Perembe" Case 5: gun = "Cuma" Case 6: gun = "Cumartesi" Case 7: gun = "Pazar" End Select MsgBox gun End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MsgBox Application.Weekday(CDate(TextBox1), 2) End Sub 1 adet userform 1 adet buton ekleyin rnek iin Option Explicit Dim Buttons() As New Class1 Sub ShowDialog() Dim ButtonCount As Integer Dim ctl As Control ' Create the Button objects ButtonCount = 0 For Each ctl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctl) = "CommandButton" Then If ctl.Name <> "OKButton" Then 'Skip the OKButton ButtonCount = ButtonCount + 1 ReDim Preserve Buttons(1 To ButtonCount) Set Buttons(ButtonCount).ButtonGroup = ctl End If End If Next ctl UserForm1.Show End Sub 'classmodle Public WithEvents ButtonGroup As CommandButton Private Sub ButtonGroup_Click() MsgBox "Hello from " & ButtonGroup.Name End Sub Sub git_hucre() Application.Goto Reference:=Range("Q6"), Scroll:=True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then Application.MoveAfterReturn = False Sub ProtectScan() MySheet = ActiveSheet.Name MyNote = "" For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets IsProtected = sht.ProtectContents MyNote = MyNote & sht.Name & ": " & IsProtected & vbCrLf Next sht MsgBox Prompt:=MyNote, Title:="Korumal Sayfalar" End Sub

Sub Auto_open() Call EingabeEreignis End Sub Sub EingabeEreignis() Sheets("Sayfa1").OnEntry = "B" End Sub Sub B() If ActiveCell = Range("A5") Then ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects("Button").Select If Selection.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then Selection.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 1 Else Selection.Characters.Font.ColorIndex = 3 End If Range("A5").Select End If End Sub

Type POINTAPI16 x As Integer y As Integer End Type Type MSG16 hWnd As Integer message As Integer wParam As Integer lParam As Long time As Long pt As POINTAPI16 End Type Declare Function FindWindow16 Lib "User" Alias "FindWindow" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Integer Declare Function PeekMessage16 Lib "User" Alias "PeekMessage" (lpMsg As MSG16, _ ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Integer, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Integer, _ ByVal wRemoveMsg As Integer) As Integer Declare Function TranslateMessage16 Lib "User" Alias "TranslateMessage" (lpMsg As MSG16) As Integer Type POINTAPI32 x As Long y As Long End Type Type MSG32 hWnd As Long message As Long wParam As Long lParam As Long time As Long pt As POINTAPI32 End Type Declare Function FindWindow32 Lib "USER32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Declare Function PeekMessage32 Lib "USER32" Alias "PeekMessageA" (lpMsg As MSG32, _ ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMin As Long, ByVal wMsgFilterMax As Long, _ ByVal wRemoveMsg As Long) As Long Declare Function TranslateMessage32 Lib "USER32" Alias "TranslateMessage" (lpMsg As MSG32) As Long Sub procTestKey() Dim iCount As Integer Dim sKey As String Application.DisplayStatusBar = True iCount = 0 Do iCount = iCount + 1 Application.StatusBar = "Loop: " & iCount & " Press any key to stop." If InStr(1, Application.OperatingSystem, "32") = 0 Then sKey = funCheckKey16 Else sKey = funCheckKey32 End If Loop Until sKey <> "" MsgBox "You pressed: " & sKey Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Function funCheckKey16() As String Dim msgMessage As MSG16 Dim iHwnd As Integer Dim i As Integer Const Const Const Const WM_CHAR As Integer = &H102 WM_KEYDOWN As Integer = &H100 PM_REMOVE As Integer = &H1 PM_NOYIELD As Integer = &H2

funCheckKey16 = "" iHwnd = FindWindow16("XLMAIN", Application.Caption) i = PeekMessage16(msgMessage, iHwnd, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN, PM_REMOVE + PM_NOYIELD) If i <> 0 Then i = TranslateMessage16(msgMessage) i = PeekMessage16(msgMessage, iHwnd, WM_CHAR, WM_CHAR, PM_REMOVE + PM_NOYIELD) funCheckKey16 = Chr(msgMessage.wParam)

gzarlk m yapyorum bilmem ama konu btnl olsun istedim. Kodun son hali. Private Sub Tarih_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii <> vbKeyBack Then If Len(Tarih) = 2 Then Tarih = Tarih + "." If Len(Tarih) = 5 Then Tarih = Tarih + "." If Len(Tarih) = 10 Then Tarih = Left(Tarih, 10) End If End Sub SHFormatDrive hwnd, 2, SHFD_CAPACITY_DEFAULT, SHFD_FORMAT_QUICK Option Explicit Sub Festplatten() Const TEILER As Long = 1073741824 Dim objFSO As Object, objDrive As Object, colDrives As Object, varFree, intCount As Integer Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives intCount = 5 With LW .[b6:i100].ClearContents For Each objDrive In colDrives If objDrive.DriveType = 2 Then intCount = intCount + 1 .Cells(intCount, 2) = objDrive.DriveLetter .Cells(intCount, 3) = objDrive.TotalSize .Cells(intCount, 4) = objDrive.TotalSize / TEILER .Cells(intCount, 5) = objDrive.FreeSpace .Cells(intCount, 6) = objDrive.FreeSpace / TEILER If objDrive.IsReady Then .Cells(intCount, 7) = "Bereit" Else .Cells(intCount, 7) = "Nicht bereit" End If .Cells(intCount, 8) = objDrive.SerialNumber .Cells(intCount, 9) = objDrive.VolumeName End If Next End With End End Sub Sub Seriennummer() Dim myfso As Object Set myfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'MsgBox myfso.GetDrive("C:\").SerialNumber Range("A1").Value = myfso.GetDrive("C:\").SerialNumber Set myfso = Nothing End Sub Sub FormatageDSK() ValRetour = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE shell32,SHFormatDrive", 1) End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Activate() Call Festplatten End Sub Sub Festplatten() Const TEILER As Long = 1073741824 Dim objFSO As Object, objDrive As Object, colDrives As Object, varFree, intCount As Integer Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set colDrives = objFSO.Drives intCount = 5 With LW .[b6:i100].ClearContents For Each objDrive In colDrives If objDrive.DriveType = 2 Then intCount = intCount + 1 .Cells(intCount, 2) = objDrive.DriveLetter .Cells(intCount, 3) = objDrive.TotalSize .Cells(intCount, 4) = objDrive.TotalSize / TEILER .Cells(intCount, 5) = objDrive.FreeSpace .Cells(intCount, 6) = objDrive.FreeSpace / TEILER If objDrive.IsReady Then .Cells(intCount, 7) = "Bereit" Else .Cells(intCount, 7) = "Nicht bereit" End If .Cells(intCount, 8) = objDrive.SerialNumber .Cells(intCount, 9) = objDrive.VolumeName End If Next End With End End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Layout() Me.Move Application.Width / 2 - Me.Width / 2, Application.Height / 2 - Me.Height / 2 End MyAddComment() Sub Sub ' 'dan alnarak trkeletirilmitir. ' Local Variables Dim DefaultRange As String, rngSelected As Range Dim UserRange As Range ' Step 1 : Retrieve range from user DefaultRange = Selection.Address On Error Resume Next Set UserRange = Application.InputBox _ (Prompt:="Aklama yazlacak hcreyi seiniz:", _ Title:="pir", _ Default:=DefaultRange, _ Type:=8) On Error GoTo 0 ' Step 2 : Set cell comments If Not UserRange Is Nothing Then For Each rngSelected In UserRange rngSelected.ClearComments With rngSelected.AddComment .Text InputBox("Aklamada Gzkecek Metni Giriniz") End With Next rngSelected End If ' Step 3 : Make sure that the comment indicators are made visible If Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlNoIndicator Then _ Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub UserForm_Layout() ' Von Bert Krn ' Me.Move Application.Width / 2 - Me.Width / 2, Application.Height / 2 - Me.Height / 2 End Sub

Sub HarfHarf(ref As UserForm1) baslik = ref.Caption ref.Caption = "" For i = 0 To Len(baslik) If i = 0 Then ref.Caption = "" current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.1 DoEvents Loop GoTo Son Else End If ref.Caption = Left(baslik, i) current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.01 DoEvents Loop Son: Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() HarfHarf Me End Sub Sub Umlaute() Range("A5:C10").Select With Selection .Replace What:="", Replacement:="Oe", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True .Replace What:="", Replacement:="Ae", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True .Replace What:="", Replacement:="Ue", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True .Replace What:="", Replacement:="oe", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True .Replace What:="", Replacement:="ae", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True .Replace What:="", Replacement:="ue", LookAt:=xlPart, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True End With Range("A5").Select End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Select Case Len(TextBox1) Case 1 To 100 [A1] = TextBox1 Case 101 To 200 [A2] = Mid(TextBox1, 101, Len(TextBox1) - 100) Case Is > 200 [A3] = Mid(TextBox1, 201, Len(TextBox1) - 200) End Select End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Select Case Len(TextBox1) Case 1 To 100 ActiveCell.Offset.Value = TextBox1 Case 101 To 200 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value = Mid(TextBox1, 101, Len(TextBox1) - 100) Case Is > 200 ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value = Mid(TextBox1, 201, Len(TextBox1) - 200) End Select End Sub on error resume next

Sub Test() On Error GoTo ExitProc: ' ' ' Kodlar ' ' ' Exit Sub ExitProc: End Sub Sub verigir() On Error GoTo hata Range("A1") = "pir" On Error GoTo 0 Range("A2") = "pir" hata: MsgBox "Korumal Hcreye mesaj yazamazsn" End Sub Sub verigir() On Error GoTo hata Range("A1") = "pir" On Error GoTo 0 git: Range("A1") = "pir" hata: MsgBox "Korumal Hcreye mesaj yazamazsn" GoTo git End Sub Sub Dialog_36() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogGoalSeek).Show End Sub Sub git() Application.Goto reference:=Range("Sayfa1!A1") 'You can change the address to a range name End Sub =(A5*B5/C5)+(A6*B6/C6)+(A7*B7/C7)+.....(A100*B100/C100) imdi,bu uzun formln grevini yapacak ksack bir forml yok mu?Basit gibi grnen Bu uzun forml,benim mrmn trps oldu ya hu! Mesela;

Bu Excel'i icat eden, TOPLA.ARPIM veya DARP gibi harika fonksiyonlar yapmlar da,TOPLA.BL veya DBL ya da ARP.BL.TOPLA gibi fonksiyonlar n Function boltopla(bas As Integer, son As Integer) If bas <= 0 Or son <= 0 Then MsgBox "lk deer ve son deer sfr ve sfrdan kk olamaz" boltopla = "HATA" Exit Function End If If bas > 65536 Or son > 65536 Then MsgBox "lk deer ve son deer 65536'dan byk olamaz" boltopla = "HATA" Exit Function End If If son < bas Then MsgBox "lk deer Son deerden byk olamaz" boltopla = "HATA" Exit Function End If boltopla = 0 For i = bas To son boltopla = boltopla + Cells(i, 1) * Cells(i, 2) / Cells(i, 3) Next i End Function

Sub auto_open() Call makro_bei_zeit End Sub Sub makro_bei_zeit() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"), "daten_lesen" End Sub Sub daten_lesen() Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = "=VTPlus|NTV244!'3,3,,,B(13/12/17/12)'" 'Brsenkurs aus dem Videotext von ntv 'Call makro_bei_zeit End Sub Modle Option Explicit Sub MsgBox_alle_5min() Dim NextTime As Date NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:30") Application.OnTime NextTime, "AufrufMsgBox" End Sub Sub AufrufMsgBox() MsgBox "Nicht vergessen zu speichern." Call MsgBox_alle_5min End Sub 'Thisworbook a Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call MsgBox_alle_5min End Sub 'Sayfann kod blmne Option Explicit Sub auto_open() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:05:00"), "dene" End Sub Sub dene() on error resume next Range("A1:A3000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants ).EntireRow.Delete Call auto_open End Sub Sub Ligne() Range("D1:D20").Select 'Exemple de slection possible For Each col In Selection.Rows If col.Row Mod 6 = 0 Then col.RowHeight = 5 End If Next col End Sub Public bekleme As Double Public Const Pause = 5 '5 saniye Public Const CallMakro = "Selam" Sub StartTimer() bekleme = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, Pause) Application.OnTime earliesttime:=bekleme, _ procedure:=CallMakro, schedule:=True End Sub Sub Selam() MsgBox ("Selamun Aleykm") StartTimer End Sub Sub StopTimer() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime earliesttime:=bekleme, _ procedure:=CallMakro, schedule:=False End Sub

Sub Zwischensumme() ' Bildet die Zwischensumme der Spalte C nach jeweils 49 Zeilen, fgt einen Seitenwechsel ein und bertrgt die Zwischensumme auf die neue Seite For i = 50 To 2500 Step 50 '2500 ist Zeilenanzahl, ggf ndern a=i+2 Rows(i).Select Selection.EntireRow.Insert Selection.EntireRow.Insert Cells(i, 3).FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-49]C:R[-1]C)" '3 steht fr Spalte C Cells(i + 1, 3).Value = Cells(i, 3) '3 steht fr Spalte C ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.HPageBreaks.Add Before:=Cells(i + 1, 3) '3 steht fr Spalte C Next i End Sub Private Sub cmd_click() Columns("A:D").Select ActiveSheet.ShowDataForm End Sub 'Sayfa ierisindeki balklar excel'in kendi form ile birlikte 'size sorulacak , bu sayede pratik bir ekilde veri girii salanabilir. Option Explicit Sub Countdown() Dim intCounter As Integer Dim bln As Boolean bln = Application.DisplayStatusBar For intCounter = 10 To 1 Step -1 Application.StatusBar = "Noch " & _ intCounter & " Sekunden ..." Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Next intCounter Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = bln MsgBox "Fertig ", vbOKOnly, " K.-M. Buss" End Sub Sub bip_uyari() pir = InputBox("Almak istediinizi mesaj yaznz?") For Count = 1 To pir Beep Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01") Next Count End Sub Sub BreakItUp() Dim sht As Worksheet Dim NFName As String Const WBPath = "C:\" For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets sht.Copy NFName = WBPath & sht.Name & ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=NFName, _ FileFormat:=xlNormal, CreateBackup:=False ActiveWindow.Close Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B:B")) Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Elemtere fi kem gzlere i!", vbOKOnly, "" End If End Sub

aadaki kodlar bie denerseniz sanrm istediiniz olacaktr. Bunlar module deilde objelerin kendi kodlar olarak girmelisiniz. Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) 'Girilen deer numerik deilse Textboxten k engelliyor, bu durumda bota olamyor. If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Value) Then Cancel = False Else Cancel = True Beep ' 'beep' sesi retiyor MsgBox ("Sadece say girin!") ' Uyar penceresi ayor. End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.MaxLength = 8 End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$H$3" Then test End If End Sub Sub test() MsgBox "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Intersect(Target, [A:A]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Satr = Target.Row Range(Cells(Satr, 1), Cells(Satr + 1, 31)).ClearContents Range(Cells(Satr, 1), Cells(Satr + 1, 31)).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone TARH = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), 1) AYINLKGN = TARH AYEKLE = DateAdd("M", 1, TARH) AYINSONGN = DateAdd("D", -1, CDate(AYEKLE)) Stun = 1 For GNLER = AYINLKGN To AYINSONGN Cells(Satr, Stun) = GNLER Cells(Satr + 1, Stun) = Format(GNLER, "DDDD") If Weekday(Cells(Satr, Stun), vbMonday) = 6 Or Weekday(Cells(Satr, Stun), vbMonday) = 7 Then Range(Cells(Satr, Stun), Cells(Satr + 1, Stun)).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 End If Stun = Stun + 1 Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) If Intersect(Target, [A:A]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Cancel = True Satr = Target.Row Range(Cells(Satr, 1), Cells(Satr + 1, 31)).ClearContents TARH = DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), 1) AYINLKGN = TARH AYEKLE = DateAdd("M", 1, TARH) AYINSONGN = DateAdd("D", -1, CDate(AYEKLE)) Stun = 1 For GNLER = AYINLKGN To AYINSONGN Cells(Satr, Stun) = GNLER Cells(Satr + 1, Stun) = Format(GNLER, "DDDD") Stun = Stun + 1 Next End Sub =G1+8-weekday(G1;2) '=G1+8-HAFTANINGN(G1;2)

End Sub 'TEXTBOX'AGRLEN RAKAMLARI HANEDE BR NOKTA LE OTOMATK AYIRIR Private Sub TextBox5_Change() TextBox5.Value = Format(TextBox5, "###,###") End Sub 'G STUNUNA 50000 SATIR IKARMA FORML GRER(E2'DEN F2'Y IKARIR) Private Sub CommandButton9_Click() Range("G2").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=+RC[-2]-RC[-1]" Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("G2:G50000"), Type:=xlFillDefault Range("G2:G50000").Select End Sub TOPLAM FORMLN HER DEFASINDA BR ALTA TOPLAYAN KODLAR Sub Addieren() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) rng.Formula = "=SUM(A1:A" & rng.Row - 1 & ")" End Sub AKTF HCREYE GRLEN RAKAMLARI ALTAK STATUSBAR DA TOPLAYAN KODLAR Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim myVar As Double myVar = Application.Sum(Columns(Target.Column)) If myVar <> 0 Then Application.StatusBar = Format(myVar, "###,###") Else Application.StatusBar = False End If End Sub HCRELERE VERLEN AD TANIMLAMALARINI SLER Sub DeleteRangeNames() Dim rName As Name For Each rName In ActiveWorkbook.Names rName.Delete Next rName End Sub FAREYLE SETNZ HCRELERDEK FORMLLER AIKLAMA OLARAK YAZDIRAN KODLAR Sub formulacikla() Dim cell As Range Selection.ClearComments For Each cell In Selection If cell.HasFormula Then cell.AddComment cell.Formula cell.Comment.Visible = False cell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True End If Next cell End Sub MAKRO LE TOPLAMA VE BLME YAPMA (YZDE ALMA) Sub topla_bl() Range("C1") = (Range("A1") / Range("A2")) * 100 End Sub 'VERLER BRLETRR Sub birlestir() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=CONCATENATE(R[1]C[0],R[1]C[1],R[1]C[2])" Range("A2").Select End Sub 'HCRELERE GRLEN SAYILARI YAZIYA EVRR =Yaziyla(A1)forml girildiinde makro iler. Function Yaziyla(Sayi#) ReDim birler$(10), onlar$(10), basamak$(5) birler$(0) = "": birler$(1) = "Bir" birler$(2) = "ki": birler$(3) = "" birler$(4) = "Drt": birler$(5) = "Be" birler$(6) = "Alt": birler$(7) = "Yedi" birler$(8) = "Sekiz": birler$(9) = "Dokuz" onlar$(0) = "": onlar$(1) = "On" onlar$(2) = "Yirmi": onlar$(3) = "Otuz" onlar$(4) = "Krk": onlar$(5) = "Elli" onlar$(6) = "Altm": onlar$(7) = "Yetmi" onlar$(8) = "Seksen": onlar$(9) = "Doksan" basamak$(1) = "": basamak$(2) = "Bin" basamak$(3) = "Milyon": basamak$(4) = "Milyar" basamak$(5) = "Trilyon" virgul2$ = "": cevap$ = "": onda$ = "" Say$ = Str$(Sayi#) virgul% = InStr(1, Say$, ".") If virgul% Then Say$ = Right$(Say$, Len(Say$) - virgul%) Select Case Len(Say$)

HESAP MAKNASINI AKTF YAPAR Sub Hesap_makinesi() Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp Index:=0 End Sub Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, _ ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32" ( _ ByVal lnghProcess As Long, _ lpExitCode As Long) As Long '// If your going to be working with Systems that support security '// settings eg NT, XP the access will be checked against any '// security descriptor for the target process, so use this Const '// Sets all possible access flags for the process object. Private Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = &H1F0FFF Public Function ShlProc_IsRunning(ShellReturnValue As Long) As Boolean Dim lnghProcess As Long Dim lExitCode As Long Dim lRet As Long '//Get the process handle lnghProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0&, ShellReturnValue) If lnghProcess <> 0 Then '// The GetExitCodeProcess function retrieves the '// termination status of the specified process. GetExitCodeProcess lnghProcess, lExitCode If lExitCode <> 0 Then '// Process still ALIVE! ShlProc_IsRunning = True Else '// YES...finished @ last ShlProc_IsRunning = False End If End If End Function Sub ShellTester() Dim RetVal As Long '// '// When you Shell out to an Application the Return Value '// is the Applications Task ID '// in order to determine if it has Terminated we need to check '// if there is an existing process object '// > OpenProcess function opens an existing process object. '// On Error Resume Next '// On WinXP Calc.exe @ C:\WINDOWS\System32\ '// On Win9x Calc.exe @ C:\WINDOWS\ RetVal = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\System32\CALC.EXE", 1) On Error GoTo 0 If RetVal = 0 Then MsgBox "NoGo!" & vbCr & "Check your Path": End '// Ok, lets loop until the App process is terminated! Do While ShlProc_IsRunning(RetVal) = True DoEvents Loop MsgBox "Program finished!" & vbCr & "Lets continue on now!" End Sub

Sub Hesap_makinesi() Application.ActivateMicrosoftApp Index:=0 End Sub

Private Declare Function GetSystemMenu _ Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal bRevert As Long) _ As Long Private Declare Function DeleteMenu _ Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hMenu As Long, _ ByVal nPosition As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) _ As Long '// used to get the Windows Dir Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory _ Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetWindowsDirectoryA" ( _ ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal nSize As Long) _ As Long '// used to find the calculator Window Private Declare Function FindWindow _ Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String) _ As Long '// used to CLOSE the calcul7ator Private Declare Function PostMessage _ Lib "user32" _ Alias "PostMessageA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Long, _ lParam As Any) _ As Long '// Used to set the Windows Style Private Declare Function SetWindowPos _ Lib "user32" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, _ ByVal x As Long, _ ByVal y As Long, _ ByVal cx As Long, _ ByVal cy As Long, _ ByVal wFlags As Long) _ As Long '// Positions Private Const HWND_TOPMOST = -1 Private Private Private Private Const Const Const Const SWP_NOSIZE = &H1 SWP_NOMOVE = &H2 SWP_NOACTIVATE = &H10 SWP_SHOWWINDOW = &H40

Private Const WM_CLOSE = &H10 Private Const MF_BYCOMMAND As Long = &H0 Private Const SC_CLOSE = &HF060 Dim HoldVar As New Class1 Sub WinCalculator_Open() '// Need to consider International Versions Dim strSysDir1 As String Dim strSysDir2 As String Dim Fso As Object Dim Ret As Long Dim strTmp1 As String Dim strTmp2 As String '// make sure only ONE instance of Calc is open '// Unless you want more? then just remove this code. If HoldVar.hdlCalc Then Exit Sub

Sub Dialog_09() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCalculation).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_46() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOptionsCalculation).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_04() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogAlignment).Show End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Beep End Sub Sub Help() Call Shell("hh " & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\varCheck.htm", vbMaximizedFocus) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("a1:a10")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub makroadi() End Sub Sub Printr() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&""Arial,Bold Italic""&14Benim Tercihim" & Chr(13) _ & Sheets(1).Range("A1") ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub Range(A1:E10).Cut Selection.Cut

Range(A1:E10).Select Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("a1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox1 End Sub Sorunuz zerine biraz dndm. Aadaki gibi kodlar sanrm isteinizi karlar. Aada iki textbox iin kod yazlmtr. Textbox1 "A1" hcresine deer at Textbox2'ye en az basamakl bir biim girin rnein "O/E" eklinde, daha az basamakl deer iin iki nolu koddaki mid formllerini biim uzunluu kada selamlar Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() [a1] = TextBox1.Value End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) [a1].NumberFormat = "General \" & Mid(TextBox2.Value, 1, 1) & "\" & Mid(TextBox2.Value, 2, 1) & "\" & Mid(TextBox2.Value, 3, 1) End Sub Sub Dialog_02() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogActiveCellFont).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_22() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDeleteFormat).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_30() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFontProperties).Show End Sub Sayfann kod ksmna Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Range("B3").Value = "" Then Call Makro1 Else Call Makro2 End If End Sub Sub Makro1() MsgBox "Selam" End Sub Sub Makro2() MsgBox "Gnaydn" End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$A$1" <> Empty Then Deneme End Sub Sub Deneme() MsgBox "suzunkopru" End Sub BU KOD HCRELERN DEERLERNE GRE HCRE RENGN DETRR Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Target Case "65/4G": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 ' gri Case "70/3G": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 5 ' krmz Case Else: Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Select End Sub

stediin eyi doru anladysam yaptm ve bende alt. imdi A1 den A20 ye kadar her hcrede ayr bilgilerin var ve bunlar gnlk deitiriyorsun.Vede her hcrede ayr ayr aklaman olmasn ve bu hcreleri Macroyu yazarken A1:A20 arasn baz aldm ve C1 hcresinede =bugn() fonksiyonunu yazarak o gnn tarihini yazdrdm. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim eski As String If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A1:A20")) Is Nothing Then yeni = Target.Value eski = Target.Comment.Text tarih = Range("c1").Value 'burdaki C1 o gnn tarihinin yazdigi hcre. Target.Comment.Text Text:=eski & tarih & " / " & yeni & Chr(10) End If End Sub

Bastaki if sadece A1 ve A20 aras hcrelere bilgi girdiin zaman aklamaya bilgi yazmas iin.Range("A1:A20") deitirerek bu aral ayarlayabilirsin. Tek art daha nceden elle A1 A20 arasna ii bo olan bir aklama eklemen.(Ama ii bo olsun.Bal dahi olmasn) A1 ile A20 arasndaki herhangi bir hcrede deiiklik yaptn an, o hcreye ait aklamada, o hcrede yaptn deiiklik "tarih / eiiklik" eklinde kendili

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Range("A1") = False Then Exit Sub ' Optional On Error Resume Next Dim myRange As Range Dim myTopLeftCell As Range Dim myBottomRightCell As Range ' Set your Top Left Cell and Bottom Right Cell, (Range Names can be used also) ' **************************************************************** Set myTopLeftCell = Range("B3") Set myBottomRightCell = Range("H17") ' **************************************************************** If Target.Row >= myTopLeftCell.Row And _ Target.Offset(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Row <= myBottomRightCell.Row And _ Target.Column >= myTopLeftCell.Column And _ Target.Offset(, Selection.Columns.Count - 1).Column <= myBottomRightCell.Column Then Set myRange = Selection If ActiveSheet.Shapes("hSelection") Is Nothing Then ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, myTopLeftCell.Left, Selection.Top, _ myBottomRightCell.Offset(, 1).Left - _ myTopLeftCell.Left, Selection.Height).Select With Selection With .ShapeRange .Fill.Visible = msoFalse .Line.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 12 ' Change Color Here .Line.Weight = 2.25 ' Change Line Weight (Thickness) Here .ZOrder msoSendToBack .Shadow.Visible = msoFalse End With .Name = "hSelection" .PrintObject = False End With Else With ActiveSheet.Shapes("hSelection") .Left = myTopLeftCell.Left .Top = Selection.Top .Width = myBottomRightCell.Offset(, 1).Left - myTopLeftCell.Left .Height = Selection.Height .ShapeRange.Shadow.Visible = msoFalse End With End If myRange.Select End If Set myTopLeftCell = Nothing Set myBottomRightCell = Nothing Set myRange = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target = 0 Then Exit Sub Application.EnableEvents = False Target.Offset(0, 1) = Now Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.Column = 11 Then Msg = "Bu blmdeki bilgileri deitiremezsin!" Cvp = MsgBox(Msg) Application.Undo Else End If If ActiveCell.Column = 12 Then Msg = "Bu blmdeki bilgileri deitiremezsin! " Cvp = MsgBox(Msg) Application.Undo Else End If End Sub

Dim satirsay As Integer satirsay = Application.CountA(Sheets("sayfa1").Columns("A")) if satirsay=0 then Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(1, 1)="ne yazlacaksa" else Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(2, 1)="ne yazlacaksa" end if Sub TextBox2Cell() With ActiveCell ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox _ msoTextOrientationHorizontal, .Left, _ .Top, .Width, .Height End With End Sub Sub TextBox2Selection() If TypeName(Selection) = "Range" Then With Selection ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddTextbox _ msoTextOrientationHorizontal, .Left, _ .Top, .Width, .Height End With End If End Sub verilen ilk koda dikkat etti iseniz Kod: Sub Macro1() For i = 1 To 20 bir = Cells(i, 1) [b]' 20 kez ilem yapar[/b] For j = 1 To 20 iki = Cells(j, "2&" Total") [b]'400 kez bu ilemi [/b] If bir = iki Then [b]'400 kez bu kontrol [/b] Cells(j, 4) = "eit" [b]'400 kez bu ilemi yapar[/b] Next j Next i End Sub gereksiz 1200 ilem yaptn grmnzdr. Range(D2:E5).Clear Sub YANIPSON() Dim durum As Boolean, i As Single Do While (True) If durum=True Then Range("C1").Select With Selection.Interior .ColorIndex=3 .Pattern=xlSolid End With For i =0 To 2500 DoEvents Next durum=False Else Range("C1").Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex=xlNone For i=0 To 2500 DoEvents Next durum=True End If Loop End Sub Columns("H").Cells.Replace What:=" ", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart

Sub InserTermineDansCellule() Cells(1, 1).Select With Selection .Characters(.Characters.Count + 1).Insert (" termin") End With End Sub Sub a() Dim Nm As Name For Each Nm In Names Nm.Visible = True Next End Sub Sub ShowNames() Dim N As Integer For N = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count On Error Resume Next Cells(N, 1) = "'" & ActiveWorkbook.Names(N).Nam Sub range_date_save () Dim dName$ dName = Worksheets(1).Range("A1") dName = Format(dName, "mmdd") & ".xls" ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs dName End Sub Sub range_save() ThisWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=Worksheets(1).Range("A1") End Sub Sub CopyRange() Range("A1:A3").Copy Destination:=ActiveCell End Sub Sub copy() Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:A3").copy Destination:=ActiveCell End Sub Sub Dialog_10() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCellProtection).Show End Sub

Sub DeleteRowsRedInColA() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'pre XL97 xlManual Dim rng As Range, ix As Long Set rng = Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange) For ix = rng.Count To 1 Step -1 If rng.Item(ix).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then 'rakam deitirebilirsiniz rng.Item(ix).EntireRow.Delete End If Next Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Intersect(Selection, ActiveCell.EntireColumn, _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange) Select Case cell.Value Case Is >= 50 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 20 Case Is >= 40 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 37 Case Is >= 20 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Case Is >= 0 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Case Else cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 44 End Select Next cell Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B10")) _ Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target.Value > 10 Then Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If End Sub

Sub kirmizisil() Sub DeleteRowsRedInColA() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual 'pre XL97 xlManual Dim rng As Range, ix As Long Set rng = Intersect(Range("A:A"), ActiveSheet.UsedRange) For ix = rng.Count To 1 Step -1 If rng.Item(ix).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then 'rakam deitirebilirsiniz rng.Item(ix).EntireRow.Delete End If Next Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub DOLU HCRELERN SATIRINI MAV BOLARI SE SARI YAPAN KODLAR Sub bosdolurenklendir() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Intersect(Selection, ActiveCell.EntireColumn, _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange) Select Case cell.Value Case Is >= 50 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 20 Case Is >= 40 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 37 Case Is >= 20 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 38 Case Is >= 0 cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 36 Case Else cell.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 44 End Select Next cell Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub A1:B10 HCRELERNDEK DEER 10 DAN BYK SE HCRE RENG SARI OLUR Private Sub Worksheet_Change( _ ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("A1:B10")) _ Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target.Value > 10 Then Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Else Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Selection.Cells.Address = "e26:36" Then Exit Sub ifre = InputBox("ltfen ifreyi giriniz") If ifre <> "a" Then [e2].Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) sut = Selection.Cells.Column sat = Selection.Cells.Row If sut < 5 Or sut > 9 Or sat < 26 Or sat > 36 Then Exit Sub ifre = InputBox("ltfen ifreyi giriniz") If ifre <> "a" Then [a2].Select End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, myMultiAreaRange As Range Set r1 = Range("A1:B2") Set r2 = Range("C3:D4") Set myMultiAreaRange = Union(r1, r2) myMultiAreaRange.Select End Sub

Sub SuruklemeyiEngelle() Application.CellDragAndDrop = False End Sub 'srklemeyi aktif yap Sub Auto_Close() Application.CellDragAndDrop = True End Sub HCRE SRKLENMESN ENGELLE Sub SuruklemeyiEngelle() Application.CellDragAndDrop = False End Sub HCRE SRKLENMESN AKTF YAP Sub Auto_Close() Application.CellDragAndDrop = True End Sub Sub ImpZoneEtTitle() With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PageSetup .CenterHorizontally = True .PrintArea = "$A$10:$G$15" .PrintTitleRows = ("$A$1:$A$2") .Orientation = xlPortrait .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut End Sub Private Sub cmdkaydet_Click() Dim bak As Range Dim say As Integer For Each bak In Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(sheets("veriler").Range("A1:A65000"))) ---------------------------------------------------txtceksirano.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(sheets("veriler").Range("A1:A65000")) + 1

Sub SelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub AKTF SATIRI SE Sub SelectEntireRow() Selection.EntireRow.Select End Sub TM HCRELER SE Sub SelectEntireSheet() Cells.Select End Sub DOLU HCRELERN ALTINDAK BO HCREY SEER Sub ActivateNextBlankDown() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub AKTF HCRELERN SA TARAFINDAK BO HCREY SEER Sub ActivateNextBlankToRight() ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Loop End Sub AKTF HCRENN SAINDAK VE SOLUNDAK DOLU HCRELER SEER Sub SelectFirstToLastInRow() Set LeftCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1) Set RightCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 256) If IsEmpty(LeftCell) Then Set LeftCell = LeftCell.End(xlToRight) If IsEmpty(RightCell) Then Set RightCell = RightCell.End(xlToLeft) If LeftCell.Column = 256 And RightCell.Column = 1 Then ActiveCell.Select Else Range(LeftCell, RightCell).Select End Sub AKTF HCRENN ALTINDAN BALAYARAK EN SON HCREYE KADAR SEER Sub SelectDown() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select End Sub A1:A3 VE C3:C8 HCRE ARALIINI SEER Sub hucresec() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, rAll As Range Set r1 = Range("A1", "A3") Set r2 = Range("C3", "C8") Set rAll = Union(r1, r2) rAll.Select End Sub Aktif hcrenin 3 satr altndaki, iki stun nndeki hcreyi seer Sub MoveToCell() ActiveCell.Offset(3, 2).Select End Sub

Dim sourceRange As Range Dim destrange As Range Dim Lr As Long Lr = LastRow(Sheets("Sayfa1")) + 1 Set sourceRange = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:c10") Set destrange = Sheets("Sayfa2").Range("A" & Lr) sourceRange.Copy destrange End Sub Sub CopyOneAreaValues() Dim sourceRange As Range Dim destrange As Range Dim Lr As Long Lr = LastRow(Sheets("Sayfa2")) + 1 Set sourceRange = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:c10") With sourceRange Set destrange = Sheets("Sayfa2").Range("A" & Lr). _ Resize(.Rows.Count, .Columns.Count) End With destrange.Value = sourceRange.Value End Sub Function LastRow(sh As Worksheet) On Error Resume Next LastRow = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=sh.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Row On Error GoTo 0 End Function Function Lastcol(sh As Worksheet) On Error Resume Next Lastcol = sh.Cells.Find(What:="*", _ After:=sh.Range("A1"), _ Lookat:=xlPart, _ LookIn:=xlFormulas, _ SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _ SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, _ MatchCase:=False).Column On Error GoTo 0 End Function

Sub SelectEntireColumn() Selection.EntireColumn.Select End Sub 'Aktif satr se Sub SelectEntireRow() Selection.EntireRow.Select End Sub 'Tm hcreleri se Sub SelectEntireSheet() Cells.Select End Sub 'Dolu hcrelerin altndaki bo hcreyi se Sub ActivateNextBlankDown() ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub 'Aktif hcrenin sa tarafndaki bo hcreyi se Sub ActivateNextBlankToRight() ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select Loop End Sub 'Aktif hcrenin sandaki ve solundaki dolu hcreleri seer Sub SelectFirstToLastInRow() Set LeftCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1) Set RightCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 256) If IsEmpty(LeftCell) Then Set LeftCell = LeftCell.End(xlToRight) If IsEmpty(RightCell) Then Set RightCell = RightCell.End(xlToLeft) If LeftCell.Column = 256 And RightCell.Column = 1 Then ActiveCell.Select Else Range(LeftCell, RightCell).Select End Sub 'Aktif hcrenin altndan balayarak en son hcreye kadar se Sub SelectDown() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select End Sub 'A1:A3 VE C3:C8 hcre araln se Sub hucresec() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim r1 As Range, r2 As Range, rAll As Range Set r1 = Range("A1", "A3") Set r2 = Range("C3", "C8") Set rAll = Union(r1, r2) rAll.Select End Sub 'Aktif hcrenin 3 satr altndaki, iki stun nndeki hcreyi seer Sub MoveToCell() ActiveCell.Offset(3, 2).Select End Sub Sub hcre_bic_say() For n = 100 To 1 Step -1 Application.StatusBar = n SendKeys "{Tab}" For i = 1 To 11 SendKeys "{down}" Next SendKeys "{Tab}" SendKeys "{Tab}" For i = 1 To n SendKeys "{down}" Next SendKeys "%l" SendKeys "{Enter}" Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormatNumber).Show Next Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) And ActiveCell <> "" And ActiveCell <> 0 ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop

Sub ayr() b = Split(Range("a1").Value, " ") If UBound(b) > 1 Then TextBox1 = b(0) & " " & b(1) TextBox2 = b(2) Else TextBox1 = b(0) TextBox2 = b(1) End If End Sub rnek kullanm 1 'a1 =1 'b1==aycevir(A1) 'rnek kullanm 2 'a2=02.02.2006 'b2=aycevir(AY(A2)) Function AyCevir(deger As Byte) AyCevir = Choose(deger, "Ocak", "ubat", "Mart", "Nisan", "Mays", "Haziran", _ "Temmuz", "Austos", "Eyll", "Ekim", "Kasm", "Aralk") End Function Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For i = 2 To 100 ay = DatePart("m", DateAdd("m", 1, Cells(i - 1, 2))) yl = DatePart("yyyy", DateAdd("m", 1, Cells(i- 1, 2))) For k = 28 To 31 yeni = DateAdd("d", k, "1/" & ay & "/" & yl) If ay <> DatePart("m", yeni) Then Exit For Next k Cells(i, 2) = DateAdd("d", k, Cells(i - 1, 2)) Next i End Sub Burada A2 ile A100 arasna A1 deki tarih baz alnarak uygun tarihler yerletirildi. Ama baktm, bu ite bir gariplik var dedim. Bu kadar basit bir ilemi Excel fonksiyonlar zmlemeli diyerek formllerimi kurcaladm biraz. Eer ToolPak-VBA zmleyicisi eklentisi aktif ise sizin formlleriniz iinde de EoMonth formln bulacaksnz. =EoMonth(ReferansTarih,stenilenAy) Referans Tarih = Yeni tarihi bulmak iin zerine ilave etmek istediiniz tarih deeri. stenilen Ay = Gn saysn renmek istediiniz ay belirtecek olan ve ReferansTarih ten sonraki ay belirten Tamsay deiken. Bu Durumda A2 hcresine = A1+EoMonth(A1;1) A3 hcresine = A2+EoMonth(A2;1) ve bu ekilde devam edildiinde istenilen zm bulunmu oluyor. Sub auto_open() Call Ereignis End Sub Sub Ereignis() Sheets("Sayfa1").OnEntry = "frben" End Sub Sub frben() Farbzahl = Range("C6") Range("B2:D5").Select With Selection.Interior .ColorIndex = Farbzahl End With Range("C5").Select End Sub Sub auto_close() Worksheets("Sayfa1").OnEntry = "" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If Intersect(Target, [a4]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target <> "" Then Sheets("" & [a4]).Select End Sub

Option Explicit Sub ChangeText_Proper() Dim cCell As Range Dim TheRg As Range '// Incase No constants of type text in the selection! On Error Resume Next Set TheRg = Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 2) If TheRg Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Yaz yok mu desem!", vbCritical: Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 For Each cCell In TheRg cCell = Application.WorksheetFunction.Proper(cCell) Next MsgBox "Tamam!", vbInformation End Sub Sayfann kod blmne 'lk harfler byk Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target.Value = WorksheetFunction.Proper(Target.Value) End Sub 'Hepsi Byk Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target.Value = WorksheetFunction.UPPER(Target.Value) End Sub 'Hepsi Kk Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Target.Value = WorksheetFunction.Lower(Target.Value) End Sub Sub kucuksil() Dim gg as double gg = Application.worksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) For i = 1 to gg if LCase(Cells(i,1).text) = Cells(i,1).text then Cells(i,1).value="" Else End if Next i End sub Sub sil() For i = 1 To 500 If LCase(Cells(i, 1).Text) = Cells(i, 1).Text Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False Cells(i, 1).EntireRow.Delete If Not ActiveCell.Value = "" Then i = i - 1 Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If Next i MsgBox "Satr Silme lemi Tamamlanmtr." End Sub Sub hucresaymesaj() pir = [a1] MsgBox Len(pir) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Static dur As Boolean If Target.Address = "$A$4" And dur = False Then dur = True Target.Value = UCase(Left(LTrim(Target.Value), 1)) & Right(LTrim(Target.Value), Len(LTrim(Target.Value)) - 1) End If dur = False End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Do DoEvents [a1] = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Loop End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call Ayar End Sub Sub Ayar() Dim Zaman As Date Zaman = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") Application.ontime Zaman, "Yenile" End Sub Sub Yenile() Range("Saat").Value = Now Call Ayar End Sub Sub clock() If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value = "X" Then Exit Sub ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss AM/PM") Application.OnTime Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1), "clock" End Sub Sub Heure() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "Heure" Range("A1") = Time End Sub Sub Arret() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "Heure", , False End Sub Dim stopit As Boolean 'on top of module! Sub startclock() 'assign start button stopit = False clock End Sub Sub clock() If stopit = True Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).cells(1, 1).Value = _ Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1)), "clock" End Sub Sub stopclock() 'assign stop button stopit = True End Sub Sayfaya bir Calendar ekle ve ad Calendar1 olsun. Sonra 'ThisWorkbook ' un Open event ine : Private Sub Workbook_Open() Calendar1.Visible = False End Sub 'Bunu da olayn gereklemesini istediin sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Calendar1_Click() ActiveCell.Value = Calendar1.Value End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = Range("A2").Address Then Calendar1.Visible = True Else Calendar1.Visible = False End If End Sub

Sub SayfaAra() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Worksheets(i).Name = Range("B5").Value Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir sayfa var" Exit Sub End If Next i End Sub TextBox1 = Sheets("Sayfa2").Range("A21").Comment.Text A Stnu B Stnu C Stnu

Sub hcre_ayir() Dim AD As String Dim SOYAD As String For HCRE = 1 To 1000 'DNG SAYISINI SZ VEREBLRSNZ. BURADA 1000 ALINDI Range("A" & HCRE).Select UZUNLUK = Len(Range("A" & HCRE).Text) 'BAVURULAN HCRENN METN UZUNLUU For KARAKTER = 1 To UZUNLUK If Mid(Range("A" & HCRE), KARAKTER, 1) = " " Then 'EER BAKILAN KARAKTER " " SE AYIRMA LEM YAPILACAK VE BR SONRAK HCREYE GEL AD = Left(Range("A" & HCRE), KARAKTER - 1) SOYAD = Mid(Range("A" & HCRE), KARAKTER + 1, UZUNLUK - Len(AD)) '+1 VE -1 LER BOLUU ALMAMAK N EKLEND Range("B" & HCRE).Value = AD Range("C" & HCRE).Value = SOYAD Exit For End If Next KARAKTER Next HCRE Range("A1").Select End Sub

Dim c As Range 'Range("A2:A4") contains the domain names to ping For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("A2:A4") c.Offset(0, 1) = PingAddress(c.Text) Next c End Sub Function PingAddress(strDomain As String) As String Dim fso As Object Dim WshShell As Object Dim RetVal As Long Dim strTemp As String Dim colOutput As New Collection Dim OutputItem Dim i As Long Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") RetVal = WshShell.Run("cmd /c nslookup.exe -ls " & strDomain & " > C:\NSLOOKUPDATA.TXT", 0, True) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set txtstream = fso.OpenTextFile("C:\NSLOOKUPDATA.TXT", 1) Do strTemp = txtstream.ReadLine colOutput.Add strTemp Loop Until txtstream.AtEndOfStream txtstream.Close For i = colOutput.Count To 1 Step -1 If Left(colOutput(i), 10) = "Addresses:" Then strTemp = Trim(colOutput(i)) PingAddress = Trim(Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(1, strTemp, "Addresses:") - 9)) Exit For End If Next If PingAddress = "" Then For i = colOutput.Count To 1 Step -1 If Left(colOutput(i), 8) = "Address:" Then strTemp = Trim(colOutput(i)) PingAddress = Trim(Right(strTemp, Len(strTemp) - InStr(1, strTemp, "Addresses:") - 9)) Exit For End If Next End If If PingAddress = "" Then PingAddress = "Domain name not resolved" Set txtstream = Nothing Set fso = Nothing Set WshShell = Nothing End Function Sayfann kod blmne, Mahmut yazarsan Makro1'i altrr. If Target = "Mahmut" Then Run "Module1.Makro1" End If End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate() Worksheet_Change Range("VB_Trigger") End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ' Level 1: Set up the event to watch a single cell. If Target.Address = Range("VB_Trigger").Address Then ' Level 2: Perform some action based on the value of the watched cell. Select Case Target.Value Case 1 MsgBox "Hello" Case 2 MsgBox "Goodbye" Case 3 MsgBox "Pretty Bird" End Select End If End Sub Sub pay_wages() Dim counter counter = 1 Range("B3").Select Do While ActiveCell.Value < 10 ActiveCell.Value = counter ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True counter = counter + 1 Loop End Sub Sub herartista_bir_kopya() Dim counter counter = 1 Range("B3").Select Do While ActiveCell.Value < 10 ActiveCell.Value = counter ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True counter = counter + 1 Loop End Sub Range(D3).Font.Size=14 Range(D3).Font.Name=Arial Range(D3).Font.Bold=True gibi Sub Test() x = Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row Range("E2").AutoFill Destination:=Range("E2:E" & x) Application.Calculate End Sub Sub GunFormati() Yil = Sheets("MEN").Range("AA1") Ay = Sheets("MEN").Range("AA2") Gun = Range("D6") MsgBox Format(DateSerial(Yil, Ay, Gun), "dddd") End Sub

worksheet in change olayna visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim blg As Range If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub Set blg = Range("A:A") If Intersect(Target, blg) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Len(Target) = 8 Then If InStr(Target, ".") = 0 Then Target = Left(Target, 2) & "." & Mid(Target, 3, 2) & "." & Right(Target, 4) End If End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

kodunu eklerseniz, a stununa bahsettiiniz formatta girdiiniz her tarih ksaltmasn istediiniz formata evirir. lgili hcreleri setikten sonra; Kod: Sub Encrypt2() Dim Array1, Array2 Dim i As Integer Dim MyRng As Range Array1 = Array("a", "N", "b", "t", "S", "E", "T", "K", "I", "Z") Array2 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) For Each MyRng In Selection For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) MyRng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(MyRng, Array1(i), Array2(i)) Next Next End Sub ' Sub Decrypt2() Dim Array1, Array2 Dim i As Integer Dim MyRng As Range Array1 = Array("a", "N", "b", "t", "S", "E", "T", "K", "I", "Z") Array2 = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) For Each MyRng In Selection For i = LBound(Array1) To UBound(Array1) MyRng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(MyRng, Array2(i), Array1(i)) Next Next End Sub Sayfann kod blmne. Function renkkodu(hucre As Range) hucre1 = hucre.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False, RowAbsolute:=False) renkkodu = Range(hucre1).Font.ColorIndex End Function 'Kaydet, kapat. 'Renkkodu adnda yeni bir fonksiyon oluturmu olduk. 'Tablonun en sandaki hcrelere '=renkkodu(adres) yaz (adres rengine gre filtreleme yapacan hcre) 'Ayn forml tablonun tm satrlarna karlk gelecek ekilde kopyala. 'Bylece szkonusu hcrenin renk kodunu yazdrm olduk. 'imdi bu kolon zerinden istediin renk koduna gre filtre yapabilirsin Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut From:=1, To:=[A1].Value TextBox1.value olursa textboxtali say kadar kt alnr End Sub

Sub ImprimFormulaire() Dim CellPara Range("A2") = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Taper le nombre de copies que vous dsirez.", Type:=1) For CellPara = 1 To Range("A2") Range("E13").Value = Range("E13").Value + 1 ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$5:$I$24" ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 Next End Sub Sub Round() ActiveCell = Application.Round(ActiveCell, -3) End Sub Dim r As Range Dim i As Integer For Each r In Selection.Cells If r.Value <> Empty Then For i = 1 To Len(r.Value) If IsNumeric(Mid(r.Value, i, 1)) Then r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Superscript = True Else r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Superscript = False End If Next End If Next End Sub Sub ZahlTief() Dim r As Range Dim i As Integer For Each r In Selection.Cells If r.Value <> Empty Then For i = 1 To Len(r.Value) If IsNumeric(Mid(r.Value, i, 1)) Then r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Subscript = True Else r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Subscript = False End If Next End If Next End Sub Sub ZahlNormal() Dim r As Range Dim i As Integer For Each r In Selection.Cells If r.Value <> Empty Then For i = 1 To Len(r.Value) If IsNumeric(Mid(r.Value, i, 1)) Then r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Superscript = False r.Characters(i, 1).Font.Subscript = False End If Next End If Next End Sub Sub son() ActiveCell = Application.Ceiling(ActiveCell, 1000) End Sub Function sayim(hucre) Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Len(hucre) sayi = Mid(hucre, i, 1) If IsNumeric(sayi) = True Then sayim = sayim & sayi End If Next i End Function Sub bin() ActiveCell = Application.Floor(ActiveCell, 1000) End Sub

Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) x = Target.Row y = Target.Column ActiveSheet.Rows(x).AutoFit ActiveSheet.Columns(y).AutoFit End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Set s1 = Sheets("Sayfa2") For i = 1 To 100 s1.Cells(i, 1).Activate s1.Rows(i + 1 & ":" & i + 32).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown i = i + 32 Next i End Sub Sub Mesaj() Dim Mes As String Dim i As Integer For i = 6 To 48 Step 2 Mes = Mes & Format(Range("A" & i), "0##,##0") _ & vbTab & Format(Range("B" & i), "0##,##0") & vbCrLf Next i MsgBox Mes End Sub Sheets(1).PageSetup.CenterFooter = Sheets(2).[A1] Private Sub UserForm_Activate() i=1 For Each Hucre In Range("A5:F5") Controls("TextBox" & i) = Hucre i=i+1 Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() range("a4").select For i = 1 To 7 Controls("Textbox" & i).Value = activecell.offset(i,0).Value Next End Sub Sub ReverseText() Dim strText As String, strReverseText As String Dim intPos As Integer, intLen As Integer strText = Selection.Text intLen = Len(strText) For intPos = 1 To Len(strText) strReverseText = strReverseText & Mid(strText, intLen - intPos + 1, 1) Next intPos ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = strReverseText End Sub Aadaki kodu kopyala ve sayfaya yaptr. Function renkkodu(hucre As Range) hucre1 = hucre.Address(ColumnAbsolute:=False, RowAbsolute:=False) renkkodu = Range(hucre1).Font.ColorIndex End Function Kaydet ve Editr kapat. Renkkodu adnda yeni bir fonksiyon yaratm olduk. Toblonun en sandaki hcrelere =renkkodu(adres) yaz (adres rengine gre filtreleme yapacan hcre) Ayn forml tablonun tm satrlarna karlk gelecek ekilde kopyala. Bylece szkonusu hcrenin renk kodunu yazdrm olduk. imdi bu kolon zerinden istediin renk koduna gre filtre yapabilirsin. Biraz zgn bir zm oldu, umarm iine yarar. Baka kullanclardan farkl neriler de gelebilir sanrm.

Sub SL() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Set ALAN1 = [A2] 'A5:E10 rnek Set ALAN2 = [B2] ' If ALAN1 <> "" Then Sheets("Sayfa1").Range(ALAN1).ClearContents If ALAN2 <> "" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Range(ALAN2).ClearContents Sheets("Sayfa1").Select MsgBox "LEM TAMAMLANMITIR.", vbInformation End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim RaBereich As Range Set RaBereich = Range("B3:C20,D1:D7") If Not Intersect(Range(Target.Address), RaBereich) Is Nothing Then UserForm1.Show Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub Sub screen_opt() Range("A1:N29").Select ActiveWindow.Zoom = True Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("B1:B8")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If row <> 0 Then If Cells(row, col) = "" And Target.row <> row Then MsgBox ("bo geemezsiniz") Cells(row, col).Select Exit Sub End If End If If Target.row <> row Then row = Target.row col = Target.Column End If End Sub HCRELERN ARKASINDA YEL IIK 10 DEFA YANAR SNER A1 LE M8 Sub FlashBack() Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed Set myCell = Range("A1:M8") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... Select Cell to Stop and Edit or Wait for Flashing to Stop! " newColor = 12 fSpeed = 0.2 Do Until x = 10 DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub

Sub fontrenk() Dim Cel1 As Range Set Cel1 = Range("A1:b10") With Cel1.Font .Bold = True .Italic = True .Name = "Courier" .Size = 10 .Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) End With End Sub Sub yuvarla() Range("A3").Formula = Round((Range("a1").Value + Range("a2").Value) / 50000) * 50000 End Sub Range("A1").Formula = Round(("A1 HCRESNDEK FORML TIRNAKLAR OLMADAN") / 50000) * 50000 [A1] = "=ROUND(" & [A1].Value & "/50000,0)*50000" Sub metnecevr() Col = 1 DerLig = Cells(65536, Col).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To DerLig Cells(i, Col).Formula = "'" & Cells(i, Col) Cells(i, Col).Formula = "" & Cells(i, Col) Next i End Sub Sub formullerideeryap() For Each fCell In Selection fCell.Value = fCell.Value Next fCell End Sub Sub birlestir() For a=1 To cells(65536,1).end(xlup).row cells(a,3)=cells(a,1) & " " & cells(a,2) Next End Sub sayfalarn kod blmlerine Option Explicit 'Thisworkbook a Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("B3").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("D5").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("D7").Value = "" Then MsgBox ("Im Tabellenblatt ''Tabelle1'' sind nicht alle ''Pficht''-Zellen gefllt !") Cancel = True End If End Sub 'Modle Option Explicit Sub Makro1() Range("A1,B3,D5,D7").Select Range("D7").Activate End Sub Sub doluhucre_yaz() Dim ran Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ran = range("A2:E2").Select For Each ran In Selection If ran > 0 Then range("A5").Value = ran.Value End If Next End Sub Sub RempliUnion() Worksheets("Feuil1").Activate Set MaPlage = Application.Union(Range("A1:D10"), Range("F1:H12")) MaPlage.Value = 100 End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 2 Then Target.Offset(1, -1).Select If Target.Column = 3 Then Target.Offset(1, -2).Select If Target.Column = 4 Then Target.Offset(1, -3).Select If Target.Column = 5 Then Target.Offset(1, -4).Select End Subolay eer deer girilmedi ise olumayaca iin kullanmak gereksizdir. change bunun yerine module 'e Kod: Public col As Integer Public row As Integer worksheet in selection change ine Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("B1:B8")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If row <> 0 Then If Cells(row, col) = "" And Target.row <> row Then MsgBox ("bo geemezsiniz") Cells(row, col).Select Exit Sub End If End If If Target.row <> row Then row = Target.row col = Target.Column End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("B3").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("D5").Value = "" Or _ Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("D7").Value = "" Then MsgBox ("Im Tabellenblatt ''Tabelle1'' sind nicht alle ''Pficht''-Zellen gefllt !") Cancel = True End If End Sub Sub Copy_Sel_Image() Range("B2:C4").Copy Range("B6").Select ActiveSheet.Pictures.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub

Option Explicit Private Sub SaveRngAsJPG(Rng As Range, FileName As String) Dim Cht As Chart, bScreen As Boolean, Shp As Shape bScreen = Application.ScreenUpdating Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set Cht = Workbooks.Add(xlChart).Charts(1) Cht.ChartArea.Clear Rng.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture Cht.Paste With Cht.Shapes(1) .Left = 0 .Top = 0 .Width = Cht.ChartArea.Width .Height = Cht.ChartArea.Height End With Cht.Export FileName, "JPEG", False Cht.Parent.Close False Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreen End Sub Sub TestIt2() Dim Rng As Range, Fn As String Set Rng = Range("A1:H20") Fn = "C:\ExcelSayfam.jpg" SaveRngAsJPG Rng, Fn End Sub Sub AddBullets() Dim Bullet As String Dim Dash As String Dim Cel As Range Dim Str As String Dim i As Long Bullet = " " Dash = " - " 'select which cells to perform an action on For Each Cel In Selection Str = Cel.Value 'If there is already a bullet there then put a dash in its place If Left(Str, Len(Bullet)) = Bullet Then Str = Right(Str, Len(Str) - 2) Cel.Value = Dash & Str Else 'If there is already a dash there then trim back to normal text If Left(Str, Len(Dash)) = Dash Then Str = Trim(Cel.Value) i = Len(Str) - 1 If i >= 0 Then Cel.Value = Trim(Right(Str, i)) End If Else 'Otherwise add the bullet Cel.Value = Bullet & Str End If End If 'Go to the next cell in the selection and do the same thing Next Cel End Sub

Sub FormatCommentaire() Dim wks As Worksheet, MyCmt As Comment For Each wks In Worksheets For Each MyCmt In wks.Comments MyCmt.Shape.OLEFormat.Object.AutoSize = True With MyCmt.Shape.OLEFormat.Object.Font .Name = "Verdana" .Size = 10 .ColorIndex = 9 .Bold = True End With MyCmt.Shape.OLEFormat.Object.ShapeRange.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = 35 Next MyCmt Next wks End Sub nce G1 hcresine 1 yazn sonra aadaki makroyu altrn. Bu makro dolu hcreleri 1 ile arpar ve ' iareti ortadan kalkar. visual basic kodu: Sub Makro1() Range("G1").Select Selection.Copy Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, 23).Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlMultiply, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub DeleteRangeNames() Dim rName As Name For Each rName In ActiveWorkbook.Names rName.Delete Next rName End Sub Sub hucre_adresi() Worksheets(1).Select With ActiveCell MsgBox .Address MsgBox .Address(False) MsgBox .Address(, False) MsgBox .Address(False, False) MsgBox .Row & " .satr" MsgBox .Column & " .stun" MsgBox "Satr Numaras: " & .Row & _ " - Stun Numaras:" & .Column End With End Sub Sub ColLigne() Colonne = Left$(ActiveCell.Address(0, 0), (ActiveCell.Column < 27) + 2) Ligne = ActiveCell.Row MsgBox Colonne & Ligne MsgBox Colonne MsgBox Ligne End Sub Sub PrintRpt2() Range("H1:A2").PrintOut End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Select Case Target Case " ": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 ' gri Case "A": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 ' krmz Case "B": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "A&B": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Case "-": Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 ' yeil Case Else: Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Select End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column > 0 And Not Target = "" Then MsgBox "ierik deiti" End If End Sub Dim eski Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If eski <> Empty Then Range(eski).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Range(eski).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Range(eski).Font.Bold = False Range(eski).Font.Italic = False End If If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row < 21 Then Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 6 Selection.Font.Bold = True Selection.Font.Italic = True eski = Target.Address(False, False) End If End Sub Sub renk() yazirenkkodu = Range("A1").Font.ColorIndex hucrerenkkodu = Range("A1").Interior.ColorIndex End Sub Sub sec() Range("A2").EntireColumn.Select End Sub Sub satsec() Range("A2").EntireRow.Select Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" Loop End Sub Sub satsec() ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select End Sub Sub InsertionComment() Dim MyCmt As String Dim LaCell As Range Set LaCell = Application.InputBox("Cliquez sur une cellule", Default:=ActiveCell.Address, Type:=8) MyCmt = InputBox("Inscrivez votre commentaire") On Error Resume Next With LaCell .AddComment With .Comment .Visible = True .Text Text:=MyCmt End With End With End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = Sh.Range("pir").Address Then Sh.Name = szRenameSheet(Sh, Target) End If End Sub Private Function szRenameSheet(ByVal Sh As Worksheet, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) As String Dim szName As String If Not IsNull(Target) Then szName = CStr(Target.Value) With Application.WorksheetFunction szName = .Substitute(szName, ":", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "/", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "\", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "?", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "*", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "[", "") szName = .Substitute(szName, "]", "") End With szRenameSheet = Left$(szName, 31) End If End Function Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True 'Get out of edit mode If LCase(Target.Font.Name) <> "wingdings 2" Then Exit Sub If Len(Target.Value) > 1 Then Exit Sub If Trim(Target.Value) = "" Then Target.Value = "P" Else Target.Value = "" End If End Sub Not: hcrenin yaz fontu wingdings 2 olmal. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address(False, False) <> "A1" Then Exit Sub If Target <> "" Then Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("C:\1.jpg") Else Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("") End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Range("A1").Value = 1 Then Range("D54").Select ElseIf Range("A1").Value = 2 Then Range("C12").Select ElseIf Range("A1").Value = 3 Then Range("H45").Select End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address(False, False) = "A1" And Not Target = "" Then Range("C1") = Range("A1") + Range("B1") End If End Sub Range(C3).Formula ==D3+D4 - ->Formul atanr. Sub ModifFormule() Application.SendKeys "{f2}" 'Envoie la touche F2 For I = 1 To 10 'Boucle pour mettre le curseur gauche Application.SendKeys "{f3}" Next I Application.SendKeys "{f4}" 'Pour crire droite du signe = Application.SendKeys "{P}{r}{i}{x}{.}{x}{l}{s}{!}" Application.SendKeys "{Enter}" 'Valide la formule End Sub

Sub einlesen() datnam = InputBox("Geben Sie den Dateinamen ein (ohne Endung):") Range("B4").Formula = "=[" & datnam & ".xls]Tabelle1!A1" Range("A4") = "Wert aus der Datei " & datnam & ".xls :" End Sub Sub EnterFormula() Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("D6").Formula = "=SUM(D2:D5)" End Sub var da, bir tanesi : Birok yolu Kod: ilkhucre = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Address sonhucre = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Address ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Formula = "=Sum(" & ilkhucre & ":" & sonhucre & ")" _________________ Buras Excel vadisi .... _________________

Teekkrler raider.. bu syntaxte hata yaptm diye 10 eidini denedim ama sen yaznca emin oldum ve baka yerde olduunu anladm hatann.. Sorarken address'leri yazmamm ama oda deil koddaki hata.. ilk satrda ilkhucre'yi hcre referans olarak alp sonraki satrda onu toplamda kullanmm.. Tabi ilkhucre, birincihucre, enilkhucre diye isimler verince bana Kod: ilkhucre = ActiveCell.Offset(SatirSayisi + 2, 1) .address sonhucre = ActiveCell.Offset(ilkhucre + KacFatura, 1).address

A1:A10 arasi hcrelerinin uzerine gelindiginde makro calisin. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, Range("a1:a10")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub makroadi() End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ActiveSheet.Shapes("Rectangle 1").Height = Range("A1") / 10 * 3.2 * 72 / 2.54 End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) 'Von Thomas Ramel Dim rngZelle As Range Dim rngNachfolger As Range On Error Resume Next For Each rngZelle In Target rngZelle.NoteText Format(rngZelle.Value, "#,##0.00") For Each rngNachfolger In rngZelle.Dependents rngNachfolger.NoteText Format(rngNachfolger.Value, "#,##0.00") Next rngNachfolger Next rngZelle End Sub Sub GetRange() Dim Rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter range", Type:=8) If Rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Operation Cancelled" Else Rng.Select End If End Sub Sub SelectCell() Application.GoTo Reference:=ActiveSheet.Range("F1"), Scroll:=True End Sub Sub range_input() Dim pir As String pir = InputBox("Formlde Girebilirsiniz", "Hcreye yazlacak metni yaznz") Range("A1").Value = pir End Sub

Option Explicit Sub setKey() Application.OnKey "+^:", "EnterTime" End Sub Sub resetKey() Application.OnKey "+^:" End Sub Sub EnterTime() With ActiveCell .Value = Time() .NumberFormat = "hh:mm:ss" End With End Sub Range (B5).Value=36 - -> B5 hcresine 36 atanr. Sub SL() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Set ALAN1 = [A2] Set ALAN2 = [B2] If ALAN1 <> "" Then Sheets("Sayfa1").Range(ALAN1).ClearContents If ALAN2 <> "" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Range(ALAN2).ClearContents Sheets("Sayfa1").Select MsgBox "LEM TAMAMLANMITIR.", vbInformation End Sub rnek kodu biraz deitirdim. Aadaki ekilde deneyin. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.EnableEvents = False If Not Intersect(Target, [a1:b7]) Is Nothing Or Not Intersect(Target, [c18:c21]) Is Nothing Then If sifre = False Then c = InputBox("ifre yaznz. (ifre : 123 )", "Onay ifresi") If c <> 123 Then Application.Undo Else sifre = True End If End If End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Zelle = Target.Address Select Case Zelle Case "$D$2" Range("$D$2").ColumnWidth = 52 'entspricht 369 Pixel Case Else Range("$D$2").ColumnWidth = 16.43 'entspricht 120 Pixel End Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("B:B") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address(False, False) = "A1" Then UserForm1.Show End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$C$3" Then MsgBox "Changed It!" End If End Sub

Sub Labels() With Worksheets("Sheet1") .Range("A1") = "Name" .Range("B1") = "Address" .Range("A1:B1").Font.Bold = True End With End Sub Sub Macro1() Sheets("Sheet1").Select Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Name" Range("B1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Address" Range("A1:B1").Select Selection.Font.Bold = True End Sub Sub UniondePlage() Dim plg1, plg2, ToutePlage As Range Set plg1 = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("A1:A10") Set plg2 = Sheets("Feuil1").Range("B10:B20") Set ToutePlage = Union(plg1, plg2) ToutePlage.Interior.ColorIndex = 5 End Sub Sub pourcentage() Dim mycell, myvaleur, pourcent pourcent = InputBox("Quel pourcentage appliquer?") If IsNumeric(pourcent) Then For Each mycell In Application.Selection.Cells myvaleur = mycell.Value If IsNumeric(myvaleur) Then 'teste si la cellule n'est pas vide ou contient une formule If Not (IsEmpty(myvaleur) Or mycell.HasFormula) Then mycell.Value = myvaleur * (pourcent / 100 + 1) End If End If Next mycell End If End Sub Range("A1").NumberFormat = "@" Sub Makro1() Range("A2,B4,E6,F2:F21").Select Range("F2").Activate Selection.NumberFormat = "[$$-409]#,##0.00" Range("A1").Activate End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If [a10].Value <> [c10].Value Then MsgBox ("Girdiiniz rakamlar farkl") End Sub Sub ResetTest3() For Each amount In Range("I1:I13") If amount.Value <> 0 Then amount.Value = 0 End If Next amount End Sub Sub OZamanSizefinMantnAnlataymSizzmleyin() If [A1].Value >= 1 Then [B1].Value = 1 'Eer A1 >= ise 1 e [B1]=1 yaz If [A1].Value >= 2 And [A1].Value <= 3 Then [B1].Value = 3 'Eer A1 >= 2 ise ve [A1].Value <= 3 ise [B1]=3 yaz End Sub hcrenin a1 hcresi, 'hcre deeri + ise "hcrede + iareti var" deil ise "hcrede + iareti yok" 'mesajn vermek istediimizi varsayarsak. If cells(1,1) = "+" Then msgbox "hcrede + iareti var" Else msgbox "hcrede + iareti yok" End If

Sub NeuesTabBlatt() Dim NewName As String ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(1) 'ganz links anordnen 'ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=ActiveSheet 'links neben Original anordnen NewName = InputBox("Geben Sie einen Tabellenblattnamen ein") On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Name = NewName End Sub Sub a() b = InputBox("aaaa") If b = "" Then [a1]=1 End If End Sub Aadaki kod sanrm iinizi grecektir. Cancel butonuna bastnzda A1 hcresine 1 yazar;"[a1]=1" yazan yere kendi kodunuzu yaznz. selamlar Kod: Sub a() b = InputBox("aaaa") If b = "" Then [a1]=1 End If End Sub Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib _ "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" _ (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ nSize As Long) _ As Long ' Sub Auto_Close() Sheets(1).Range("A1") = "Son Kullanc :" Sheets(1).Range("B1") = fGetUserName Sheets(1).Range("C1") = Now End Sub ' Function fGetUserName() As String Dim lngLen As Long, lngRet As Long Dim strUserName As String strUserName = String$(254, 0) lngLen = 255 lngRet = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen) If lngRet Then fGetUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1) End If End Function #REF!

If [A1] = 1 Then [A2].Value = 1 ElseIf [A1] = 2 Then [A2].Value = 2 ElseIf [A1] = 3 Then [A2].Value = 3 ElseIf [A1] = 4 Then [A2].Value = 4 ElseIf [A1] = 5 Then [A2].Value = 5 ElseIf [A1] = 6 Then [A2].Value = 6 ElseIf [A1] = 7 Then [A2].Value = 7 ElseIf [A1] = 8 Then [A2].Value = 8 ElseIf [A1] = 9 Then [A2].Value = 9 ElseIf [A1] = 10 Then [A2].Value = 10 ElseIf [A1] = 11 Then [A2].Value = 11 ElseIf [A1] = 12 Then [A2].Value = 12 ElseIf [A1] = 13 Then [A2].Value = 13 ElseIf [A1] = 14 Then [A2].Value = 14 ElseIf [A1] = 15 Then [A2].Value = 15 ElseIf [A1] = 16 Then [A2].Value = 16 ElseIf [A1] = 17 Then [A2].Value = 17 End If End Sub Sub deneme() MsgBox (IIf(IIf(Range("I2").Value = Range("E2").Value, Range("G2").Value - Range("F2"), (Range("G2").Value - Range("F2").Value) - Range("A500").Va End Sub Merhaba aadaki kodda if lerden sadece birini altryor eer >< bu iaretlerin yanna = iareti koyarsam = iareti olan alyor If Range("L6") > Range("m6") Then UserForm1.Label3.Caption = "x" End If If Range("L6") < Range("m6") Then UserForm1.Label3.Caption = "$" End If If Range("L6") = Range("m6") Then UserForm1.Label3.Caption = "--" End If Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If [a10].Value <> [c10].Value Then MsgBox ("Girdiiniz rakamlar farkl") End Sub

Bu ilk sorunuza cevap olabilir. almanz ne ekilde tam bilemiyorum ama sanki Koullu Biimlendirme daha ok iinizi grr gibi geldi bana. C stununu s

Public cik As Integer 'Bu ksm kodlarnzn en banda olmal. Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Do Label9 = format(Now, " hh,mm,ss") bugn.Value = format(Date, "dddd") tarih.Value = format(Now, "dd,mm,yyyy") saat.Value = format(Time, "hh,mm") DoEvents Loop While cik <> 1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) cik = 1 Unload Me End Sub A1 de balang, A2 de biti tarihi, sayfa2 A1 den itibaren aaya doru gnleri yazar balang ve biti tarihi de dahil Sub Listele() Baslangic = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value Bitis = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A2").Value

Gun = Baslangic Satir = 1 Do Sheets("Sayfa2").Cells(Satir, 1).Value = Gun Gun = Gun + 1 Satir = Satir + 1 Loop While Gun <= Bitis End Sub A1 de balang, B1 de biti tarihi, A2 den itibaren aaya doru gnleri yazar balang ve biti tarihi hari Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i, j As Integer j = Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("B1") - Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") If j < 2 Then Exit Sub End If For i = 1 To j - 1 Cells(i + 1, 1) = Cells(1, 1) + i Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim x As Date For i = 2 To Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row x = Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) If x >= CDate(ComboBox1.Value) And x <= CDate(ComboBox2.Value) Then listbox1.additem Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 1) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 2) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) & "-"

End If Next i End Sub

Range("AZ2:BC65536").ClearContents Set ad = Sheets("DATA") sat = WorksheetFunction.CountA(ad.Range("A2:A65536")) c=0 d=0 For satr = 2 To sat + 2 If ad.Cells(satr, 2).Value >= CDate(TextBox1.Value) And ad.Cells(satr, 2).Value <= CDate(TextBox2.Value) Then c=c+1 d = d + ad.Cells(satr, 4).Value Cells(c + 1, 52) = ad.Cells(satr, 1).Value Cells(c + 1, 53) = ad.Cells(satr, 2).Value Cells(c + 1, 54) = ad.Cells(satr, 3).Value Cells(c + 1, 55) = ad.Cells(satr, 4).Value End If Next satr If c = 0 Then MsgBox ("Bu tarihler aras veri bulunamad") Exit Sub End If TextBox4 = d adres = "ANAMEN!AZ2:BC" & c + 1 ListBox1.RowSource = adres End Sub Gitmek stenilen Sayfalara Bir Buton ekleyin.Sayfalarn adlar Ana Sayfa ve UL185213 olsun.Modlede u kodlar yazn Kod: Sub UL185213() Sheets("UL185213").Select Range("A1").Select End Sub UL185213 Sayfasnada ayn butondan ekleyin. Modlede Kod: Sub anasayfa() Sheets("Ana Sayfa").Select Range("A1").Select End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() OptionButton1.Value = True End Sub Range("A1").select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop '----------------'A1 dolu ise A2 yi seecektir, oda dolu ise A3 ... 'Kaydnz sra ile kaydedebilirsiniz. Sub SentenceCase() For Each cell In Selection.Cells s = cell.Value Start = True For i = 1 To Len(s) ch = Mid(s, i, 1) Select Case ch Case "." Start = True Case "?" Start = True Case "a" To "z" If Start Then ch = UCase(ch): Start = False Case "A" To "Z" If Start Then Start = False Else ch = LCase(ch) End Select Mid(s, i, 1) = ch Next cell.Value = s Next End Sub

Sub TitleCase() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Selection.Cells If cell.HasFormula = False Then cell = Application.Proper(cell) End If Next End Sub Sub sayfaolustur() Application.ScreenUpdating = False ad = ActiveSheet.Name tarih = [c1] [c:c].ClearContents songun = Day(DateSerial(Year(tarih), Month(tarih) + 1, 1) - 1) For a = 1 To songun deg = Weekday(DateSerial(Year(tarih), Month(tarih), a), vbMonday) If deg < 6 Then c=c+1 Cells(c, "c") = DateSerial(Year(tarih), Month(tarih), a) Sheets.Add After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = a Sheets(ad).Select End If Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_selectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 1 And IsEmpty(Target.Next) Then Target.Offset(0, 2).Select End Sub hcre atlayp 4 nc hcre seilecek sanrm

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Intersect(Target, [c1:c20]) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub If Target <> 0 Then Target.Offset(0, 4).Select End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox5.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 13 Then TextBox5.SetFocus ElseIf KeyCode = 40 Then TextBox5.SetFocus End If End Sub Sub indistest2() sonuc = WorksheetFunction.Index(Sheets("tablo").Range("A1:G16"), _ WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("tablo").Range("K1"), _ Sheets("tablo").Range("A1:A16"), 0), _ WorksheetFunction.Match(Sheets("tablo").Range("L1"), _ Sheets("tablo").Range("A1:G1"), 0)) MsgBox (sonuc) End Sub Hseyin bey verdiiniz her iki kodda gayet gzel alyor. Her ikisinide kullanmam mmkn,fakat tercihimi birinci koddan yana kullanyorum. Vermi oldu selamlar visual basic kodu: Sub indisdene() sonuc = Cells(Range("A2:A16").Find([K1]).Row, Range("B1:G1").Find([L1]).Column).Value MsgBox (sonuc) End Sub Sub indisdene() sonuc = Cells(Range("A2:A16").Find([K1]).Row, Range("B1:G1").Find([L1]).Column).Value MsgBox (sonuc) End Sub Sub dene() MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Index([ADI], 2) End Sub

Sub inputsheetcopy() Dim TBName$, WBName$ TBName = InputBox("Blattname:") If TBName = "" Then Exit Sub WBName = InputBox("Dateiname:") If WBName = "" Then Exit Sub Worksheets(TBName).Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs WBName ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub Sub DecideUserInput() Dim bText As String, bNumber As Integer ' here is the INPUTBOX-function : bText = InputBox("Insert in a text", "This accepts any input") ' here is the INPUTBOX-method : bNumber = Application.InputBox("Insert a number", "This accepts numbers only", , , , , , 1) MsgBox "You have inserted :" & Chr(13) & _ bText & Chr(13) & bNumber, , "Result from INPUT-boxes" End Sub

Sub MainProgram() ' 'Ana programin kodlari buralarda ' ' 'Asagidaki satirla "*" karakterli sifre girme kutusunu agiriyoruz ' MyPasswBox ' 'Eger kullanici bir sifre girdiyse, 'asagidaki satirlarda, kullanicinin girdigi sifreyi '"iplak" olarak grntlyoruz. ' 'Sizin yapmaniz gereken If - End If satirlari arasinda 'sifre kontrolunu yaptirip, kodlari alismaniza gre ynlendirmek olucak If MyPass <> "" Then MsgBox "Girilen sifre : " & MyPass End If ' 'Ana programin kodlarinin devami buralarda ' End Sub ' Sub MyPasswBox() Dim PassWForm Set PassWForm = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(3)"Width") = 200"Height") = 90 Set NewTextBox = PassWForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.TextBox.1")"Caption") = "Sifre girisi !" With NewTextBox .Width = 120 .Height = 18 .Left = 8 .Top = 20 .PasswordChar = "*" .ForeColor = vbRed End With Set NewCommandButton1 = PassWForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1") With NewCommandButton1 .Caption = "Vazge" .Height = 18 .Width = 50 .Left = 140 .Top = 18 End With Set NewCommandButton2 = PassWForm.Designer.Controls.Add("forms.CommandButton.1") With NewCommandButton2 .Caption = "Tamam" .Height = 18 .Width = 50 .Left = 140 .Top = 42 End With With PassWForm.CodeModule X = .CountOfLines .InsertLines X + 1, "Sub CommandButton1_Click()" .InsertLines X + 2, "Unload Me" .InsertLines X + 3, "End Sub" .InsertLines X + 4, "Sub CommandButton2_Click()" .InsertLines X + 5, "MyPass = TextBox1" .InsertLines X + 6, "Unload Me" .InsertLines X + 7, "End Sub" .InsertLines X + 8, "Sub UserForm_Activate()" .InsertLines X + 9, "Me.SpecialEffect=3" .InsertLines X + 10, "End Sub" End With VBA.UserForms.Add(PassWForm.Name).Show ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove VBComponent:=PassWForm End Sub

Sub input_comment() Dim pir Dim n As Variant Dim l As Long pir = InputBox("Yaz yazn aklama olarak eklesin.", _ "input_aklama") n = ActiveCell.NoteText l = Len(n) If l > 0 Then ActiveCell.NoteText Text:=" / " & pir, Start _ :=l + 1 Else ActiveCell.NoteText Text:=pir End If End Sub Sub Filtrele() sec = InputBox("Neyi Filtrelemek stiyorsunuz", , "Pazartesi") Range("A1:" & [A65536].End(xlUp).Address).AutoFilter 1, sec End Sub Sub FiltrleneniSil() Range("A2:" & [A65536].End(xlUp).Address).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Delete Shift:=xlUp End Sub Sub hesaplama() zamoran: z = InputBox("Zam orann giriniz ! Ondalk ksm varsa virglle ayrnz !") If Not IsNumeric(z) Then GoTo zamoran Cells(1, 23) = (z + 100) / 100 End Sub Sub GetInput() Dim MyInput MyInput = InputBox("Enter your name") MsgBox ("Hello ") & MyInput End Sub

strJahr = InputBox("Kalender anlegen fr Jahr:", , Year(Date)) If strJahr = "" Or Not IsNumeric(strJahr) Then Exit Sub intJahr = CInt(strJahr) lngNumSheets = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 12 Workbooks.Add Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = lngNumSheets Application.DisplayAlerts = False Application.ScreenUpdating = False Windows(1).Caption = "Jahreskalender " & strJahr For intI = 1 To 12 Worksheets(intI).Activate Call MonatAnlegen(intJahr, intI) Next intI Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub MonatAnlegen(intJahr As Integer, intMonat As Integer) Dim intI As Integer Dim lngDate As Long lngDate = CLng(DateSerial(intJahr, intMonat, 1)) ActiveSheet.Name = Format(lngDate, "mmmm") 'zB "Januar" Range("A1") = "Datum" Range("C1") = "Eintragung" Range("D1") = "Geburtstage" With Range("A1:D1") With .Font .Bold = True .Size = 10 .ColorIndex = 6 End With .Interior.ColorIndex = 11 End With intI = DateSerial(intJahr, intMonat + 1, 1) - lngDate + 1 Range("A2") = lngDate Range("A3").Formula = "=A2+1" Range("A3:A" & intI).FillDown Range("A2:A" & intI).Copy Range("A2:A" & intI).PasteSpecial (xlValues) Range("A2:A" & intI).NumberFormat = "" Columns(1).Copy Columns(2) Range("B1") = "Tag" Range("B1").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight Range("B2:B" & intI).NumberFormat = "dddd" 'zB "Samstag" Range("C2").Select intI = 2 Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(intI, 1)) Select Case Weekday(Cells(intI, 1)) Case vbSaturday Range(Cells(intI, 1), Cells(intI, 2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 40 'Orange Case vbSunday Range(Cells(intI, 1), Cells(intI, 2)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 'Rot End Select Cells(intI, 3).Value = Feiertag(Cells(intI, 1).Value) intI = intI + 1 Loop ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit End Sub ' Private Function Feiertag(datum As Long) As String Dim temp As Variant Feiertag = "" Select Case Month(datum) Case 1 Select Case Day(datum) Case 1 Feiertag = "Neujahr" Case 6

Sub BoslariSec() On Error Resume Next Dim x, y As Integer x = InputBox("x deerini gir") y = InputBox("y deerini de gir") Range("A1").Clear For Each sec In Range("J" & x & ":J" & y) If sec.Value = "" Then k = k + sec.Address & "," End If Next sec k = Mid(k, 1, Len(k) - 1) Range(k).Select End Sub Sub Makro1() On Error Resume Next ka = InputBox("Bu sayfadan ka adet yazdrmak istiyorsunuz?") ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=ka, Collate:=True End Sub Sub yazdir() ilk=inputbox("Yazdrmaya balanacak Sayfa Numaras") son=inputbox("sonlandrlacak Sayfa Numaras") Kopyasayisi=inputbox("Kopya Saysn Giriniz") ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=ilk, To:=son, Copies:=Kopyasayisi, Collate:=True End Sub Sub Wert_aus_inputBox_in_A1() Cells(1, 1) = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie den Wert ein, der in Zelle A1 geschrieben werden soll:") End Sub

Dim MyStr As String, InfoMsg As String Dim Rng1 As String, LookupValue As String Dim MyQ As VbMsgBoxResult Dim FoundRng As Variant MyStr = Trim(Application.InputBox("Aranacak metni girin !", _ "Find exact match ...")) If Not MyStr = "False" Then Set FoundRng = Cells.Find(MyStr, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart) If Not FoundRng Is Nothing Then Rng1 = FoundRng.Address FoundRng.Activate ResumeSub2: If Right(FoundRng.Value, 1) <> " " Then LookupValue = FoundRng.Value & " " MyData = Split(LookupValue, " ", , vbTextCompare) For i = LBound(MyData) To UBound(MyData) If MyData(i) = MyStr Then InfoMsg = "Aranan metin " & FoundRng.Address(False, False) _ & " hcresinde bulundu." _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Bulunan hcrenin ierii :" _ & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & FoundRng.Value & vbCrLf _ & vbCrLf & "Aramaya devam etmek istiyormusunuz ?" MyQ = MsgBox(InfoMsg, vbInformation + vbYesNo, _ "Arama sonucu...") If MyQ = vbYes Then GoTo ResumeSub1: Exit Sub End If Next Else MsgBox "Aranan deer bulunamad !", vbInformation, "Arama sonucu..." Exit Sub End If ResumeSub1: Set FoundRng = Cells.FindNext(FoundRng) If Rng1 = FoundRng.Address Then MsgBox "Aranan deerden baka bulunamad !", vbInformation, _ "Arama sonucu..." Exit Sub End If FoundRng.Activate GoTo ResumeSub2: End If Set FoundRng = Nothing End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() On Error GoTo 10 Application.DisplayAlerts = False sor = InputBox("Silinecek sayfa adn yaznz.") If sor = "" Then Exit Sub mesaj = MsgBox("silmek istediinizden eminmisiniz", vbYesNo) If mesaj = vbNo Then Exit Sub Sheets("" & sor).Delete Exit Sub 10 MsgBox "sayfa bulunamad" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim Sayfa As Variant Sayfa = InputBox("Sayfa Numarasn Giriniz", "UYARI", "1") Sheets(Sayfa).Select End Sub Sub CalcPay() On Error GoTo HandleError Dim hours Dim hourlyPay Dim payPerWeek hours = InputBox("Please enter number of hours worked", "Hours Worked") hourlyPay = InputBox("Please enter hourly pay", "Pay Rate") payPerWeek = CCur(hours * hourlyPay) MsgBox "Pay is: " & Format(payPerWeek, "$##,##0.00"), , "Total Pay" HandleError: End Sub

Sub a() b = InputBox("aaaa") If b = "" Then [a1]=1 End If End Sub Sub DecideUserInput() Dim bText As String, bNumber As Integer ' here is the INPUTBOX-function : bText = InputBox("Insert in a text", "This accepts any input") ' here is the INPUTBOX-method : bNumber = Application.InputBox("Insert a number", "This accepts numbers only", 1) MsgBox "You have inserted :" & Chr(13) & _ bText & Chr(13) & bNumber, , "Result from INPUT-boxes" End Sub Accepted input: 0 A formula 1 A number 2 Text 4 A logical value (True or False) 8 A cell reference, e.g. a Range-object 16 An error value, e.g. #N/A 64 An array of values Sub Tarihi_Kontrol_Et() vade = InputBox("Vade tarihini aa/gg/2004 Formatnda Giriniz", "Ltfen Vade Kriter Tarihini Giriniz", "00.00.2004") If vbOKCancel = vbOK Then If vade = Range("A1").Text Then MsgBox "Tamam" End If End Sub Sub GetRange() Dim Rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Enter range",Type:=8) If Rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Operation Cancelled" Else Rng.Select End If End Sub

Sub MessageAbrufen() Dim appWord As Object Dim docWord As Object Dim txt As String txt = LoadURL(Range("A1").Value) Set appWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") Set docWord = appWord.documents.Add With docWord.Range With .Font .Name = "Courier New" .Size = 8 End With .Text = txt End With appWord.Visible = True Set appWord = Nothing Set docWord = Nothing End Sub Function LoadURL(URL As String) As String Dim IEApp As Object Dim IEDocument As Object Set IEApp = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IEApp.Visible = False IEApp.Navigate URL Do: Loop Until IEApp.Busy = False Do: Loop Until IEApp.Busy = False Set IEDocument = IEApp.Document LoadURL = IEDocument.Body.innerText IEApp.Quit Set IEDocument = Nothing Set IEApp = Nothing End Function Sub LanceIE() Dim IE As Object Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") IE.Navigate "" IE.AddressBar = True IE.MenuBar = True IE.Toolbar = True IE.Width = 800 IE.Height = 600 IE.Resizable = True IE.Visible = True Set IE = Nothing End Sub

Private Declare Function IsNetworkAlive Lib "SENSAPI.DLL" (ByRef lpdwFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetAutodial Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Boolean Private Declare Function InternetAutodialHangup Lib "wininet.dll" (ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Boolean Const NETWORK_ALIVE_LAN = &H1 Const NETWORK_ALIVE_WAN = &H2 Sub baglan() If IsNetworkAlive(lRet) = 0 Then InternetAutodial 1, 0 End If End Sub Sub kes() If IsNetworkAlive(lRet) <>0 Then InternetAutodialHangup 0 End If End Sub otomatik balanmas iin de Sub baglan() If IsNetworkAlive(lRet) = 0 Then InternetAutodial 2, 0 End If End Sub ifre iin Call Shell("c:\windows\system32\rasdial.exe " & Chr$(34) & "ttnet" & Chr$(34) & " " & "sirenko" & " " & "sifre")

Lib "wininet" ( _ ByRef lpdwFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwReserved As Long) _ As Long Private Declare Function InternetAutodial _ Lib "wininet.dll" ( _ ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwReserved As Long) _ As Long Private Declare Function InternetAutodialHangup _ Lib "wininet.dll" ( _ ByVal dwReserved As Long) _ As Long Private Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" _ Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" ( _ ByVal pCaller As Long, _ ByVal szURL As String, _ ByVal szFileName As String, _ ByVal dwReserved As Long, _ ByVal lpfnCB As Long) _ As Long Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED = &H40 INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN = &H2 INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM = &H1 INTERNET_CONNECTION_OFFLINE = &H20 INTERNET_CONNECTION_PROXY = &H4 INTERNET_RAS_INSTALLED = &H10 INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_ONLINE = 1 INTERNET_AUTODIAL_FORCE_UNATTENDED = 2 S_OK = &H0 E_ABORT = &H80004004 E_ACCESSDENIED = &H80070005 E_OUTOFMEMORY = &H8007000E

Const strDownLoad As String = "" Const strDest As String = "C:\" Sub GetFile() Dim DwnLoadOK As Boolean DwnLoadOK = DownloadFile(strDownLoad, strDest) If Not DwnLoadOK Then MsgBox "Error downloading " & strDownLoad & vbCr & IeState Else MsgBox "Succesfully downloaded:= " & strDest End If End Sub Public Function DownloadFile( _ URL As String, _ SaveAsFileName As String) As Boolean Dim lngRetVal As Long DownloadFile = False End Function Private Function IeState() As String Dim Ret As Long Dim Msg As String InternetGetConnectedState Ret, 0& If (Ret And INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED) = _ INTERNET_CONNECTION_CONFIGURED Then _ Msg = "Local system has a valid connection to the Internet," & _ vbCr & "but it may or may not be currently connected." If (Ret And INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN) = _ INTERNET_CONNECTION_LAN Then _ Msg = Msg & vbCr & "Uses a local area network" & _ "to connect to the Internet." If (Ret And INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM) = _ INTERNET_CONNECTION_MODEM Then _

Aadakileri sz konusu dosyada yeni bir module yerletirip, kaydedin. Dosyay kapattnz anda 1nci sayfada A1, B1 ve C1 hcrelerinde gerekli bilgiler ya Kod: Private Declare Function apiGetUserName Lib _ "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" _ (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ nSize As Long) _ As Long ' Sub Auto_Close() Sheets(1).Range("A1") = "Son Kullanc :" Sheets(1).Range("B1") = fGetUserName Sheets(1).Range("C1") = Now End Sub ' Function fGetUserName() As String Dim lngLen As Long, lngRet As Long Dim strUserName As String strUserName = String$(254, 0) lngLen = 255 lngRet = apiGetUserName(strUserName, lngLen) If lngRet Then fGetUserName = Left$(strUserName, lngLen - 1) End If End Function Sub Blatt_als_Datei() datname = InputBox("Dateiname:") ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs datname ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub dzeltilmi ve biraz daha hzlandrlm. 1. veriler sral deilse Kod: z = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To z For j = z To i + 1 Step -1 If Cells(i, 1) = Cells(j, 1) Then Range(j & ":" & j).EntireRow.Delete End If Next j Next i 2. veriler sral ise Kod: z = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To z For j = z To i + 1 Step -1 If Cells(i, 1) = Cells(j, 1) Then Range(j & ":" & j).EntireRow.Delete Else Exit For End If Next j Next i

Sub Sayfalarsfrla() '/_ 'stediiniz sayfa hari dier sayfadaki verileri temizler 'a.kkkaya / pir Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Worksheets(i).Name <> "Rapor" Then Worksheets(i).Cells.Delete Selection.Style = "Normal" 'hcreyi reset eder yani ilk altaki haline evirir End If Next i End Sub Shapes(j).Delete Next j stediiniz sayfaya gider Sub Ali_sayfasna_git() Sheets("AL").Select End Sub Sonraki Sayfaya gemek iin kodlar Sub SayfaSeSonraki() On Error Resume Next If ActiveSheet.Index = Worksheets.Count Then Worksheets(1).Select Else On Error Resume Next Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Index + 1).Select End If End Sub nceki Sayfaya gemek iin kodlar Sub SayfaSenceki() On Error Resume Next If ActiveSheet.Index = Worksheets.Count Then Worksheets(-1).Select Else Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1).Select End If End Sub STEDNZ SAYFAYA GDER Sub Ali_sayfasna_git() Sheets("AL").Select End Sub Sonraki Sayfaya gemek iin kodlar Sub SayfaSeSonraki() On Error Resume Next If ActiveSheet.Index = Worksheets.Count Then Worksheets(1).Select Else On Error Resume Next Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Index + 1).Select End If End Sub nceki Sayfaya gemek iin kodlar Sub SayfaSenceki() On Error Resume Next If ActiveSheet.Index = Worksheets.Count Then Worksheets(-1).Select Else Worksheets(ActiveSheet.Index - 1).Select End If End Sub

Sub assist() Application.Assistant.Visible = True Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationIdle Set SB = Assistant.NewBalloon SB.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething SB.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons SB.Heading = "istediiniz uyar!!" SB.Text = _ "Ich bin Dein persnlicher Assistent" If SB.Show = msoBalloonButtonOK Then Assistant.Visible = False End If end sub istediiniz yerde istediiniz uyary verdirin... Kod: Sub assist() Application.Assistant.Visible = True Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationIdle Set SB = Assistant.NewBalloon SB.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething SB.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons SB.Heading = "istediiniz uyar!!" SB.Text = _ "Ich bin Dein persnlicher Assistent" If SB.Show = msoBalloonButtonOK Then Assistant.Visible = False End If end sub STENLEN ARALIKTAK VERLER TEMZLER Sub temizle() Range("a1:a20").Value = "" Range("b21:b23").Value = "" Range("a1").Select End Sub BU KODLA STEDNZ HCRELERE VER GREBLRSNZ Sub balkyaz() Range("a1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "ali" Range("b1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "veli" Range("c1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "selami" Range("d1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "aye" Range("e1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "fatma" Range("f1").Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "lale" End Sub

Sub PrintRpt1() 'To control orientation Sheets(1).PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape Range("f7").PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub Sub hcresec() 'Gitmek istenilen hcreyi seer Dim Rng As Range On Error Resume Next Set Rng = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Gitmek istediiniz Hcreyi Yaznz", Type:=8) If Rng Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Seimden vazgetiniz" Else Rng.Select End If End Sub

Sub ViewCode() Application.Goto Reference:="insertrow" End Sub Sub Alarm() Dim beepat As String beepat = InputBox("Give Alarm at", "hh:mm:ss " & _ Format(Now, "mm:hh"), "17:00") If beepat = "" Then MsgBox "cancelled" Exit Sub End If Application.OnTime TimeValue(beepat), "BeepMe" End Sub Sub CountDownTimer() Dim beepat As String beepat = InputBox("Count down Timer hh:mm:ss i.e. 10:00", _ "Time now is " & Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss"), "3:00") If beepat = "" Then MsgBox "cancelled" Exit Sub End If Application.OnTime (Now + TimeValue(beepat)), "BeepMe" End Sub Sub beepme() Beep Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.8)), "beepme2" End Sub Sub beepme2() Beep Application.OnTime (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.8)), "beepme3" End Sub Sub beepme3() Beep End Sub Sub ProgrammeLaMacroTime() ' lance MacroImpression 10h25 heures Application.OnTime TimeValue("10:25:00"), "MacroImpression", , True End Sub Sub MacroImpression() 'cette macro imprime la feuille Feuil1 ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Feuil1").PrintOut End Sub Sub date_macro() datemacro = InputBox("rnek zaman " & Time & _ ". zaman belirt o zamanda makro alsn?") If datemacro = "" Then Exit Sub Application.OnTime TimeValue(datemacro), "makro1" 'makro1 isimli makro alr End Sub Sub makro1() MsgBox "makro1 alt" End Sub Sub Abfrage() Dim sh Dim kw As String kw = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie Ihr Kennwort ein ...") If kw = "Meier" Then Sheets("Meier").Visible = True If kw = "Mller" Then Sheets("Mller").Visible = True If kw = "Schulz" Then Sheets("Schulz").Visible = True If kw = "Weber" Then Sheets("Weber").Visible = True If kw = "admin" Then For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets If sh.Name <> "Auswahl" Then sh.Visible = True Next sh End If End Sub Sub AllerA() Application.Goto Reference:=Worksheets("Feuil1").Range("A154"), Scroll:=True End Sub For a = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(a).Name <> "GELR CMAL" And Sheets(a).Name <> "ANASAYFA" Then Sheets(a).Visible = xlVeryHidden Next

Sub DENEME() Dim i As Double i = Sheets("ANASAYFA").Range("a1").Value Worksheets("" & i).Select End Sub Sub excelerator() Dim MyShell As Object Set MyShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") MyShell.Run "" End Sub gizleme Kod: Sub Macro2() colx = InputBox("Hangi sutunu gizlemek istiyorsun?") ' Select Sheet1 and Sheet2 and make Sheet1 the active sheet. Sheets(Array("Sayfa1", "Sayfa2")).Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ' Loop through each sheet in the selected sheets and hide column ' A on that sheet. For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets Sht.Columns("" & colx & ":" & colx & "").Hidden = True Next End Sub

gstermek: Kod: Sub Macro1() colx = InputBox("Hangi sutunu gstermek istiyorsun?") ' Select Sheet1 and Sheet2 and make Sheet1 the active sheet. Sheets(Array("Sayfa1", "Sayfa2")).Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ' Loop through each sheet in the selected sheets and hide column ' A on that sheet. For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets Sht.Columns("" & colx & ":" & colx & "").Hidden = false Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ' Rcupration de l'heure d'affichage de la BdD TimeDebut = Timer ' Donne la main excel pour facilit l'affichage de la BdD DoEvents ' Boucle tant que 2 secondes ne se sont pas coul While Timer < TimeDebut + 10 Wend ' Fermeture de la BdD Unload Me End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ' Rcupration de l'heure d'affichage de la BdD TimeDebut = Timer ' Donne la main excel pour facilit l'affichage de la BdD DoEvents ' Boucle tant que 2 secondes ne se sont pas coul While Timer < TimeDebut + 10 Wend ' Fermeture de la BdD Unload Me End Sub Sub Macro2() colx = InputBox("Hangi sutunu gizlemek istiyorsun?") ' Select Sheet1 and Sheet2 and make Sheet1 the active sheet. Sheets(Array("Sayfa1", "Sayfa2")).Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ' Loop through each sheet in the selected sheets and hide column ' A on that sheet. For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets Sht.Columns("" & colx & ":" & colx & "").Hidden = True Next End Sub Sub Macro1() colx = InputBox("Hangi sutunu gstermek istiyorsun?") ' Select Sheet1 and Sheet2 and make Sheet1 the active sheet. Sheets(Array("Sayfa1", "Sayfa2")).Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate ' Loop through each sheet in the selected sheets and hide column ' A on that sheet. For Each Sht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets Sht.Columns("" & colx & ":" & colx & "").Hidden = false Next End Sub Sub PrinterSec() Application.ActivePrinter = "\\PRINTSERVER\HP LaserJet 1100 (MS) on Ne02:" End Sub

Aadaki kodlar ThisWorkbook ksmna yazarak baka bir alternatifi de deneyebilirsiniz. Dosya alrken belli bir yazc aktive edilmekte, kapanrken de ba Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.ActivePrinter = "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer on Ne01:" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.ActivePrinter = "\\PRINTSERVER\HP LaserJet 1100 (MS) on Ne02:" End Sub Function Isgunu(Bas_Trh As Date, Son_Trh As Date) Dim Say As Integer For mars = Son_Trh To Bas_Trh Step -1 If Weekday(mars, vbMonday) = 6 Then Say = Say + 1 If Weekday(mars, vbMonday) = 7 Then Say = Say + 1 Next mars Isgunu = (Son_Trh - Bas_Trh) + 1 - Say End Function '=Isgunu(A1;B1)

Sub Auto_Open() Dim tarih As Date, i As Integer 'tarih olarak sizin isgunu fonksiyonundan kan 'tarihi kullandm tarih = isgunu(Date) If Format(tarih, "mmmm-yy") & ".xls" <> ThisWorkbook.Name Then If MsgBox("Bu aya ait bir alma kitab olmad iin yeni sayfa amadm.inci farkl kaydet yapacam kabul m?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then ThisWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & Application.PathSeparator & Format(Date, "mmmm-yy") Sheets.Add.Name = Format(tarih, "dd-mm-yyyy") For Each sh In ThisWorkbook.Sheets If sh.Name <> Format(tarih, "dd-mm-yyyy") Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'veri varsa sormadan silecek. sh.Delete End If Next Exit Sub Else MsgBox "bu kitaba da yeni sayfa amadm, farkl kaydette yapmadm, hi bir ey yapmadm" Exit Sub End If End If Sayfaadi = Format(tarih, "dd-mm-yyyy") Application.DisplayAlerts = true For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = Sayfaadi Then Exit Sub Next i Sheets.Add.Name = Sayfaadi End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Sheets(Sheets.Count).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = Format(Date, "dd mm yy") End Sub Sub InfoCPU() Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyCPU As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf _ ("Win32_Processor") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If For Each MyCPU In MyOBJ [A1] = "lemci : " & Trim(MyCPU.Name) [A2] = "retici Firma : " & MyCPU.Manufacturer [A3] = "CPU ID : " & MyCPU.ProcessorId [A4] = "CPU hz : " & MyCPU.CurrentClockSpeed [A5] = "Max CPU hz : " & MyCPU.MaxClockSpeed Next End Sub Option Explicit Sub ProcessorSpeed() Dim objWMI As Object Dim Cpu As Object Set objWMI = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf("Win32_Processor") '// Don't forget the computer maybe multiprocessor! For Each Cpu In objWMI MsgBox Cpu.Name & " " & Cpu.CurrentClockSpeed & " Mhz", _ vbInformation Next Set objWMI = Nothing End Sub

Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 'Kullanm; '1000 milisaniye kadar ilemciyi durdurur. "DoEvents" 'e benzer. Sub cal() Call Sleep(1000) End Sub Function OSis32BIT() As Boolean OSis32BIT = False If InStr(Application.OperatingSystem, "32-bit") Then OSis32BIT = True End If End Function Sub TestOSis32BIT() If OSis32BIT Then MsgBox "You use a 32bit operating system", , _ Application.OperatingSystem Else MsgBox "You don't use a 32bit operating system", , _ Application.OperatingSystem End If End Sub Sub Dialog_35() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFunctionWizard).Show End Sub Sub auto_open() Dim jpgekle As Object Set jpgekle = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("C:\arnold.jpg") Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 10)) jpgekle.Delete End Sub Sub Count() mycount = Selection.Rows.Count MsgBox mycount End Sub Sub sayfasay() say= Application.Sheets.Count MsgBox (say) End Sub Function hafta(tarih As Date) As Integer ek = 7 - Day(DateSerial(Year(tarih), 1, 1) + 7 - Weekday(DateSerial(Year(tarih), 1, 1), vbMonday)) hafta = ((tarih + 7 - Weekday(tarih, vbMonday)) - DateSerial(Year(tarih), 1, 1) + 1 + ek) / 7 End Function Dim tarih As Date, hafta As Integer tarih = Date hafta = DatePart("ww", tarih, vbMonday, vbFirstJan1) MsgBox "Bugn: " & Date & " --> Yln " & hafta & ". Haftas" =Kwoche(J20) Function Kwoche(d) Dim t t = DateSerial(Year(d + (8 - Weekday(d)) Mod 7 - 3), 1, 1) Kwoche = ((d - t - 3 + (Weekday(t) + 1) Mod 7)) \ 7 + 1 End Function Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MsgBox Weekday(Date, vbMonday) Select Case Weekday(Date, vbMonday) Case 1: gun = "Bugn pazartesi, " Case 2: gun = "Sal" Case 3: gun = "aramba " Case 4, 5: gun = "Hafta ii son gnler " Case Is > 5: gun = "Hafta Sonu" Case Else: gun="Byle bir gn olamaz" End Select MsgBox gun End Sub Sub MyPosition() myRow = ActiveCell.Row & ".satr" myCol = ActiveCell.Column & ".stun" MsgBox myRow & " , " & myCol End Sub

Sub negircen() sutun = InputBox("Kanc Stun:") satir = InputBox("Kanc Satr:") yaz = InputBox("yaz:") Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Offset(satir - 1, sutun - 1).Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Value = yaz End Sub kullanl '=kalintop(a1:a10) Function kalintop(rngCells As Range) As Double Application.Volatile Dim cell As Range kalintop = 0 On Error Resume Next For Each cell In rngCells If cell.Font.Bold Then kalintop = kalintop + cell.Value Next cell End Function ile "C:\Temp\" klasrnde kapal durumda olan tm alma 'kitaplarndaki Sheet1 isimli sayfalarnda A1:E10 aralndaki tm hcreler 'topla Aadaki kod Const MyPath As String = "C:\Temp\" Const MySh As String = "Sheet1" Dim MyArg As String ' Sub Test() 'Raider Dim MyFile As String Dim i As Long, j As Integer Range("A1:E10").ClearContents MyFile = Dir(MyPath & Application.PathSeparator & "*.xls", vbDirectory) Do While MyFile <> "" If MyFile = ThisWorkbook.Name Then GoTo ResumeSub: MyArg = "'" & MyPath & "[" & MyFile & "]" & MySh & "'!R" For j = 1 To 5 For i = 1 To 10 Cells(i, j) = Cells(i, j) + ExecuteExcel4Macro(MyArg & i & "C" & j) Next Next ResumeSub: MyFile = Dir Loop End Sub kitab kapat, vakit geldiinde alp ve gerekli uyary verir Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "deneme" End Sub Sub deneme() MsgBox "oldu" End Sub

Public soru Sub auto_open() soru = MsgBox("Gizlensin mi?", vbYesNo) If soru = vbYes Then Application.Visible = False Call dene End If End Sub Sub dene() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:03"), "deneme2" End Sub Sub deneme2() gnler = MsgBox("gn dolanlar var" & vbCrLf & "Excel alma kitab alsn m?", vbYesNo) If gnler = vbNo Then Call dene Else Application.Visible = True End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Activate() If soru = vbYes Then Application.Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) soru2 = MsgBox("Zamanlanm grevi olan dosyada kapansn m?", vbYesNo) If soru2 = vbYes Then Exit Sub Cancel = True End Sub Sub datagonder() Rows(2).Copy Windows("notdata.xls").Activate son = [a65356].End(3).Row + 1 Rows(son).PasteSpecial Windows("notisleme.xls").Activate End Sub gnderecein B.xls dosyasndaki kod; Kullancya Kod: Sub Test() Myfile = "C:\Test.xls" MyForm = "C:\UserForm1.frm" If Dir(Myfile) <> Empty And Dir(MyForm) <> Empty Then Workbooks.Open Myfile On Error GoTo ErrHandler: Workbooks(Dir(Myfile)).VBProject.VBComponents.Import MyForm Workbooks(Dir(Myfile)).Close SaveChanges:=True MsgBox "lem tamam !" Exit Sub Else MsgBox Myfile & " ve " & MyForm & " dosyalarnn isimlerini ve doru" _ & " yerletirildiini kontrol edin !" Exit Sub End If ErrHandler: Select Case Err.Number Case 60061 MsgBox "Dosyada " & Dir(MyForm) & " zaten mevcut !" Case Else MsgBox Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description End Select Workbooks(Dir(Myfile)).Close SaveChanges:=False End Sub

Yaplan i; yukardaki kodlar altrldnda kapal durumdaki C:\Test.xls dosyas alacak ve iine C:\UserForm1.frm ilave edildikten sonra kaydedilerek ka

Kodlar altrlmadan nce yaplmas gereken ise; kullancnn C:\Test.xls ve C:\UserForm1.frm dosyalarn kendi bilgisayarlarnda, kodlarda belirtilen yerler Sub auto_close() Sheets("Bir").Select Range("C2").Select End Sub

Public Sub CommandButton13_Click() cevap = MsgBox(" PROGRAMI KAPATMAK STEDNZDEN EMNMSNZ ? ", vbYesNo, "") If cevap = vbNo Then Exit Sub Unload Me Application.Quit If cevap = vbYes Then auto_close End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton13_Click() Cevap = MsgBox(" PROGRAMI KAPATMAK STEDNZDEN EMNMSNZ ? ", vbYesNo, "") If Cevap = vbNo Then Exit Sub Unload Me kullanici = Application.UserName saat = Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss") tarih = Format(Date, "d mmmm yyyy dddd") sor = MsgBox(" GRMEK ZERE " & kullanici & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "..BROSU/ 0212 ." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "Tarih : " & tarih & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ & "Saat : " & saat & Chr(10) & Chr(10) _ & ". BROSU iyi almalar Diler." & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & _ "Dosyanzn kaydedilmesini istiyor musunuz?", 4, "") If sor = vbYes Then ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close Else Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Close End If End Sub

Range("B2").Value=100 'saysal deer Range("B2").Value="pir" 'Text; trnak iinde 3- Hcredeki Fontun Bykln deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.Size=20 4- Hcredeki fontun adn deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.Name="Verdana" 5- Hcredeki fontu Kaln,talic ve Alt izgili yapmak. Range("B2").Font.Bold = True Range("B2").Font.Italic = True Range("B2").Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle ve yahut Range("B2").Select Selection.Font.Bold = True Selection.Font.Italic = True Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle 6- Hcrenin dolgu rengini deitirmek. Range("B2").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Sar renk 7- Hcrenin Fontunun rengini deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Krmz renk 8- Hcreye Forml yazdrmak. Range("B2").Formula="=A1+A2"'A1 ve A2 hcresini toplar,B2 ye yazdrr. 9- Aktif olan hcrenin etrafndaki hcreyi semek ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'Aktif hcrenin altdakini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select 'Aktif hcrenin stndekini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 'Aktif hcrenin sandakini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select 'Aktif hcrenin solundakini seer. 10- Aktif olan hcrenin belirtilen kadar uzandaki hcreyi semek. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Select 'Aktif hcrenin sandaki 5. hcreyi seer. 11- Aktif hcreden belirtilen uzaklktaki hcreye deer atamak. ActiveCell.Offset(1,1).Value = "Muhammed" 'Aktif hcrenin altnda ve sandaki hcreye Muhammed yazdrr. 12- Aktif hcrenin zerindeki iki hcrenin deerleri toplanr ve sonu aktif olan hcreye yazlr. Sub toplama() t1 = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value t2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0).Value ActiveCell.Value = t1 + t2 End Sub 13- Seili hcrelerdeki biimleri siler. Selection.ClearFormats 14- Seili hcreleri aa teler. Range("A1:A5").Select 'A1 ile A5 arasndaki hcreler seilir. Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown 'Seimi aa kaydrr. Burada sadece seili olan 5 adet hcre aa kaydrlr. 15- Seili hcrelere ait hm satr telemek. Range("A1:A5").Select Selection.EntireRow.Insert '14. koddan farkl olarak seili olan hcrelere ait 1 ila 5 arasndaki tm satrlar 5 satr aa telenir. 16- Seili hcrelere ait tm stunu telemek. Range("D6:E7).Select selection.EntireColumn.Insert 17- Ak olan Excel alma Kitabnn belirtilen sayfasndaki istenen hcreye deer atar. Workbooks("Kitap1.xls").Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value = 3 18- Yaplan seimlerde bo olmayan hcre saysn verir. Sub hucresayisi() Dim kontur As Integer kontur = Application.CountA(Selection) MsgBox "Seimdeki dolu hcrelerin says:" & kontur End Sub 19- 18. maddedeki kodlamada 'CountA' da bulunan 'A' kaldrlrsa seimde sadece ka hcrede say (rakam) varsa onlarn adedini verir. Application.Count(Selection) 20- Seili hcrelerin saysn verir. Selection.Count 21- Seimin satr saysn verir. Selection.Rows.Count 22- Seimin stun saysn verir. Selection.Columns.Count 24- Seili hcrenin altnda veriler varsa onlar seer. lk bo hcreden sonra ilk deer olan hcreyi seer. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select 25- 24. de stteki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlUp)).Select 26- 24. de sadaki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select 27- 24. de soldaki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlToLeft)).Select 28- Aktif hcrenin etrafndaki dolu hcreleri seer. ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 29- Seimin etrafndaki dolu hcreleri seer. Selection.CurrentRegion.Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Select 31- Seili hcrelerin bulunduklar stunlar tamamen seer. Selection.EntireColumn.Select 30- Aktif hcrenin bulunduu satr tamamn seer.

Range("B2").Value=100 'saysal deer Range("B2").Value="pir" 'Text; trnak iinde 3- Hcredeki Fontun Bykln deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.Size=20 4- Hcredeki fontun adn deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.Name="Verdana" 5- Hcredeki fontu Kaln,talic ve Alt izgili yapmak. Range("B2").Font.Bold = True Range("B2").Font.Italic = True Range("B2").Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle ve yahut Range("B2").Select Selection.Font.Bold = True Selection.Font.Italic = True Selection.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle 6- Hcrenin dolgu rengini deitirmek. Range("B2").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 'Sar renk 7- Hcrenin Fontunun rengini deitirmek. Range("B2").Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Krmz renk 8- Hcreye Forml yazdrmak. Range("B2").Formula="=A1+A2"'A1 ve A2 hcresini toplar,B2 ye yazdrr. 9- Aktif olan hcrenin etrafndaki hcreyi semek ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'Aktif hcrenin altdakini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select 'Aktif hcrenin stndekini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select 'Aktif hcrenin sandakini seer. ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select 'Aktif hcrenin solundakini seer. 10- Aktif olan hcrenin belirtilen kadar uzandaki hcreyi semek. ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Select 'Aktif hcrenin sandaki 5. hcreyi seer. 11- Aktif hcreden belirtilen uzaklktaki hcreye deer atamak. ActiveCell.Offset(1,1).Value = "Muhammed" 'Aktif hcrenin altnda ve sandaki hcreye Muhammed yazdrr. 12- Aktif hcrenin zerindeki iki hcrenin deerleri toplanr ve sonu aktif olan hcreye yazlr. Sub toplama() t1 = ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Value t2 = ActiveCell.Offset(-2, 0).Value ActiveCell.Value = t1 + t2 End Sub 13- Seili hcrelerdeki biimleri siler. Selection.ClearFormats 14- Seili hcreleri aa teler. Range("A1:A5").Select 'A1 ile A5 arasndaki hcreler seilir. Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown 'Seimi aa kaydrr. Burada sadece seili olan 5 adet hcre aa kaydrlr. 15- Seili hcrelere ait hm satr telemek. Range("A1:A5").Select Selection.EntireRow.Insert '14. koddan farkl olarak seili olan hcrelere ait 1 ila 5 arasndaki tm satrlar 5 satr aa telenir. 16- Seili hcrelere ait tm stunu telemek. Range("D6:E7).Select selection.EntireColumn.Insert 17- Ak olan Excel alma Kitabnn belirtilen sayfasndaki istenen hcreye deer atar. Workbooks("Kitap1.xls").Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value = 3 18- Yaplan seimlerde bo olmayan hcre saysn verir. Sub hucresayisi() Dim kontur As Integer kontur = Application.CountA(Selection) MsgBox "Seimdeki dolu hcrelerin says:" & kontur End Sub 19- 18. maddedeki kodlamada 'CountA' da bulunan 'A' kaldrlrsa seimde sadece ka hcrede say (rakam) varsa onlarn adedini verir. Application.Count(Selection) 20- Seili hcrelerin saysn verir. Selection.Count 21- Seimin satr saysn verir. Selection.Rows.Count 22- Seimin stun saysn verir. Selection.Columns.Count 24- Seili hcrenin altnda veriler varsa onlar seer. lk bo hcreden sonra ilk deer olan hcreyi seer. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select 25- 24. de stteki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlUp)).Select 26- 24. de sadaki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlToRight)).Select 27- 24. de soldaki hcreler iin ayn ilemi yapar. Range(ActiveCell,ActiveCell.End(xlToLeft)).Select 28- Aktif hcrenin etrafndaki dolu hcreleri seer. ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Select 29- Seimin etrafndaki dolu hcreleri seer. Selection.CurrentRegion.Select ActiveCell.EntireColumn.Select 31- Seili hcrelerin bulunduklar stunlar tamamen seer. Selection.EntireColumn.Select 30- Aktif hcrenin bulunduu satr tamamn seer.

Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim Utilis As String Dim DateJour As Date 'Rcupration du nom de l'utilisateur Utilis = Application.UserName 'Rcupration de la date du jour DateJour = Date Msgbox "Selamn Aleykm " & Utilis & Chr(10) & _ "Nous sommes le " & DateJour End Karsilastir1() Sub Sub Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet Dim Bul As Range, Soyad, i Dim ilkAdres Set Sh1 = Worksheets("Sayfa1") Set Sh2 = Worksheets("Sayfa2") For i = 2 To Sh2.Cells(65536, "C").End(xlUp).Row Soyad = Sh2.Cells(i, 3) Set Bul = Sh1.Range("C:C").Find(Soyad, LookAt:=xlWhole) If Not Bul Is Nothing Then ilkAdres = Bul.Address Do If Sh2.Cells(i, 2) = Bul.Offset(, -1) Then Bul.Offset(, 1) = "Bulundu" End If Set Bul = Sh1.Range("C:C").FindNext(Bul) Loop Until ilkAdres = Bul.Address End If Next End Sub Sub kaydet_cik() ThisWorkbook.Close Saved = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Range("A1") = Now 'Select any cell you want End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave _ (ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) pir = _ MsgBox(" Gerekten kadetmek istiyor musunuz?", _ vbYesNo) If pir = vbNo Then Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Range("A1").Value = "Stand: " & Format(Date, "DD.MM.YYYY") Worksheets("Tabelle1").PageSetup.LeftFooter = "Stand: " & Format(Date, "DD.MM.YYYY") End Sub Sub Makro1() Range("A1:C20").ClearContents ActiveWorkbook.Save Application.Quit End Sub Sub Ohne_Speichern_schliessen() ThisWorkbook.Close Saved = True 'oder ThisWorkbook.Close False End Sub Sub close() ThisWorkbook.Close Saved = True End Sub Sub DateiSchlieen() ActiveWorkbooks.Close SaveChanges:=False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) a = InputBox("Kaydetmek iin ifrenizini girin") If a <> 1234 Then Cancel = True End If End Sub

Thisworkbook'a aadaki kodlar ekleyin Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("M56") = "" Then MsgBox ("Yazdrlamyor !" & vbNewLine & _ "M56 hcresini bo brakamazsnz.") Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("M56") = "" Then MsgBox ("Kaydedilemiyor!" & vbNewLine & _ "M56 hcresini bo brakamazsnz.") Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a, sonuc As Integer a = InputBox("CRET GRNZ") If a > 0 Then sonuc = a * 1.18 MsgBox sonuc End If End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a, sonuc As Integer a = InputBox("CRET GRNZ") If a > 0 Then sonuc = a * 1.18 MsgBox sonuc End If End Sub Sub BereichGlaetten() Dim r As Range, c As Range On Error Resume Next Set r = Application.InputBox("Bereich markieren, der geglttet werden soll: ", Type:=8) For Each c In r.Cells c.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(c.Value) Next c End Sub Sub Dialog_08() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogBorder).Show End Sub

Thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Zurcksetzen End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() startzeit End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) startzeit End Sub 'Modle Dim DaA As Date Sub startzeit() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=DaA, Procedure:="Schlieen", Schedule:=False DaA = Now + CDate("0:00:10") Application.OnTime DaA, "Schlieen" End Sub Sub Schlieen() ThisWorkbook.Close True End Sub Sub Zurcksetzen() Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=DaA, Procedure:="Schlieen", Schedule:=False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() DaZeit = "0:00:10" ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1") = CDate(DaZeit) Zeitmakro End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime EarliestTime:=VaEt, Procedure:="Zeitmakro", Schedule:=False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1") = DaZeit End Sub 'Modle Sub Zeitmakro() ' ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1") = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1") - CDate("00:00:01") If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Tabelle1").Range("A1") <> 0 Then VaEt = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") Application.OnTime VaEt, "Zeitmakro" Else ThisWorkbook.Close True 'speichern ' Meldung bei Excel immer in Vordergrund ' Dim mldg ' mldg = MsgBox("Endzeit erreicht", 1048576, "Endzeit") ' 1048576 entspricht vbMsgBoxRtlReading End If End Sub

Sub DisableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, False ' cut EnableControl 19, False ' copy EnableControl 22, False ' paste EnableControl 755, False ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c", "" Application.OnKey "^v", "" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}", "" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}", "" Application.CellDragAndDrop = False End Sub ' BU KOD KISITLAMALARI AKTF YAPAR Sub EnableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, True ' cut EnableControl 19, True ' copy EnableControl 22, True ' paste EnableControl 755, True ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c" Application.OnKey "^v" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}" Application.CellDragAndDrop = True End Sub Sub EnableControl(Id As Integer, Enabled As Boolean) Dim CB As CommandBar Dim C As CommandBarControl For Each CB In Application.CommandBars Set C = CB.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = Enabled Next End Sub Sub DisableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, False ' cut EnableControl 19, False ' copy EnableControl 22, False ' paste EnableControl 755, False ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c", "" Application.OnKey "^v", "" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}", "" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}", "" Application.CellDragAndDrop = False End Sub ' BU KOD KISITLAMALARI AKTF YAPAR Sub EnableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, True ' cut EnableControl 19, True ' copy EnableControl 22, True ' paste EnableControl 755, True ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c" Application.OnKey "^v" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}" Application.CellDragAndDrop = True End Sub Sub EnableControl(Id As Integer, Enabled As Boolean) Dim CB As CommandBar Dim C As CommandBarControl For Each CB In Application.CommandBars Set C = CB.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = Enabled Next End Sub

Sub EnableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, True ' cut EnableControl 19, True ' copy EnableControl 22, True ' paste EnableControl 755, True ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c" Application.OnKey "^v" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}" Application.CellDragAndDrop = True End Sub Sub DisableCutAndPaste() EnableControl 21, False ' cut EnableControl 19, False ' copy EnableControl 22, False ' paste EnableControl 755, False ' pastespecial Application.OnKey "^c", "" Application.OnKey "^v", "" Application.OnKey "+{DEL}", "" Application.OnKey "+{INSERT}", "" Application.CellDragAndDrop = False End Sub Sub sommeCouleurRougeText() Dim Cellule As Range Dim total As Variant For Each Cellule In Selection If Cellule.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then '3 rouge et 1 pour le noir 'If Cellule.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then (pour la couleur de fond) If IsNumeric(Cellule) Then total = total + Cellule.Value End If Next MsgBox total Range("G12") = total End Sub Sub StartList() Dim R As Range ActiveSheet.UsedRange.ClearContents Set R = Range("A3") ListCtrls Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar, R End Sub Sub ListCtrls(Ctrl As Object, Rng As Range) Dim C As Office.CommandBarControl Static S As String Dim Pos As Integer If TypeOf Ctrl Is CommandBar Then S = "ALT" End If If Not TypeOf Ctrl Is Office.CommandBarButton Then For Each C In Ctrl.Controls Rng.Value = C.Caption Pos = InStr(1, C.Caption, "&") If Pos Then S = S & "+" & Mid(C.Caption, Pos + 1, 1) Rng.EntireRow.Cells(1, "H").Value = UCase(S) End If Set Rng = Rng(2, 2) ListCtrls C, Rng Set Rng = Rng(1, 0) If Len(S) > 3 Then S = Left(S, Len(S) - 2) End If Next C End If

Sub dosyaa() Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Belgelerim\kitap1.xls" End Sub Sub kopyala() Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy After:=Workbooks("Kitap1").Sheets(1) End Sub Sub dosyakapat() Workbooks("kitap1.xls").Close End Sub Sub test() UsrRsp = Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show("test.xls") Select Case UsrRsp Case -1 Case 0 End Select End SaveWorkbookBackupToFloppyA() Sub Sub

Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.Path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.Name OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave If Dir("A:\" & BackupFileName) <> "" Then Kill "A:\" & BackupFileName End If With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs "A:\" & BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub Sub Save() ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Sub SaveName() ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\MyFile.xls" End Sub alma Kitabn Kapat Sub kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub alma Kitabn Kaydet Sub kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Sheets(1).[A1] = "Dernire modification le " & Format(Date, "dd/mm/yyyy") End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, _ Cancel As Boolean) a = MsgBox("Bu kitab geretken kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?", vbYesNo) If a = vbNo Then Cancel = True End Sub

KTABI KAYDET PENCEREY KAPAT A1' SE Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWindow.Close Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub auto_open() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "mesaj" End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = True Application.OnKey "%{F11}" End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "Makrolar gizli!!" End Sub Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.Save Application.DisplayAlerts = True End SaveWorkbookBackup() Sub Sub Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.Path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.FullName i=0 While InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") > 0 i = InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") Wend If i > 0 Then BackupFileName = Left(BackupFileName, i - 1) BackupFileName = BackupFileName & ".bak" OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub Sub Dateiname() MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name End Sub Sub test() Application.Caption = "Excelci" ActiveWindow.Caption = "pirr" 'Incorrect MsgBox Application.Caption & " " & ActiveWindow.Caption 'Correct MsgBox Application.Caption End Sub

Sub Taillefile() Dim SizeFile SizeFile = FileLen("c:\ajeter\classeur1.xls") MsgBox "Taille du fichier " & SizeFile & " octets" 'du classeur actif MsgBox FileLen(ThisWorkbook.FullName) & " octets" End Sub Function FileOrFolderName(InputString As String, _ ReturnFileName As Boolean) As String Dim i As Integer, FolderName As String, FileName As String i=0 While InStr(i + 1, InputString, Application.PathSeparator) > 0 i = InStr(i + 1, InputString, Application.PathSeparator) Wend If i = 0 Then FolderName = CurDir Else FolderName = Left(InputString, i - 1) End If FileName = Right(InputString, Len(InputString) - i) If ReturnFileName Then FileOrFolderName = FileName Else FileOrFolderName = FolderName End If End Function Sub TestFileOrFolderName() MsgBox FileOrFolderName(ThisWorkbook.FullName, False), , _ "This Workbook Foldername:" MsgBox FileOrFolderName(ThisWorkbook.FullName, True), , _ "This Workbook Filename:" End Sub Sub LetztesSpeicherdatumEintragen() Range("A1").Value = _ ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time").Value End Sub

Dim vFilename As Variant Dim wbActiveBook As Workbook Dim oVBComp As Object Dim oVBComps As Object On Error GoTo CodeError vFilename = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(filefilter:="Microsoft Excel Workbooks,*.xls", _ Title:="Save Copy Without Macros") If vFilename = False Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs vFilename Set wbActiveBook = Workbooks.Open(vFilename) Set oVBComps = wbActiveBook.VBProject.VBComponents For Each oVBComp In oVBComps Select Case oVBComp.Type Case 1, 2, 3 oVBComps.Remove oVBComp Case Else With oVBComp.CodeModule .DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines End With End Select Next oVBComp wbActiveBook.Save MsgBox "Vba kodlarnz silinerek alma kitabnzn kopyas oluturuldu!.", vbInformation, "pir" Exit Sub CodeError: MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Baarsz" End Sub Sub SaveWorkbookBackupToFloppyA() Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.Path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.Name OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave If Dir("A:\" & BackupFileName) <> "" Then Kill "A:\" & BackupFileName End If With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs "A:\" & BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Dosya Yedeklenemedi!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub This workbook ksmna; Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) If Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value < 10 Then Cancel = True End If End Sub

alma Kitabn Kapat Sub kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Close End Sub alma Kitabn Kaydet Sub kayt() ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub KTABI KAYDET PENCEREY KAPAT A1' SE Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWindow.Close Range("A1").Select End Sub ALIMA KTABINI KAPATTIINIZDA KTABI OTOMATK KAYIT YAPAR VEYA YAPMAZ Sub Auto_close() Workbooks("Kitap1.xls").Close True 'False kaydetmeden kitab kapar End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim StDatei As String Dim StPhad As String StDatei = ThisWorkbook.Name ' Dateiname StPhad = ThisWorkbook.Path ' Phad Dim Fso As Object Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Fso.FileExists(StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei) Then Kill StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei End If ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs FileName:=StPhad & "\" & Format(Now, "DD-MM-YY") & "_" & Format(Now, "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei End Sub Sub OpenMultipleFiles() Dim fn As Variant, f As Integer fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel-files,*.xls", _ 1, "Select One Or More Files To Open", , True) If TypeName(fn) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub For f = 1 To UBound(fn) Debug.Print "Selected file #" & f & ": " & fn(f) Workbooks.Open fn(f) MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name, , "Active Workbook Name:" ActiveWorkbook.Close False Next f End Sub Sub OpenOneFile() Dim fn As Variant fn = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel-files,*.xls", _ 1, "Select One File To Open", , False) If TypeName(fn) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub Debug.Print "Selected file: " & fn Workbooks.Open fn End Sub Sub kitap_ismi() Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").Value = ThisWorkbook.FullName End Sub

Public AppCap$ Public ActWinCap$ 'Titelleiste ndern, wenn Mappe aktiviert wird Private Sub Workbook_Activate() Application.Caption = "excel-lex" ActiveWindow.Caption = " Das EXCEL-2000-Lexikon 2003 K.-M. Buss" End Sub 'Titelleiste zurcksetzen, wenn diese geschlossen wird Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.Caption = AppCap ActiveWindow.Caption = ActWinCap End Sub 'Titelleiste zurcksetzen, wenn diese deaktiviert wird Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() Application.Caption = AppCap ActiveWindow.Caption = ActWinCap End Sub 'Titelleiste ndern, wenn Mappe geffnet wird Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.Caption = "excel-lex" ActiveWindow.Caption = " Das EXCEL-2000-Lexikon 2003 K.-M. Buss" End Sub Sub Workbook_Open() With Worksheets(1).Range("A1") .Value = .Value + 1 End With End Sub Option Explicit Sub sayfalari_ayir_kaydet() Dim Sheet As Worksheet, SheetName$, MyFilePath$, N& MyFilePath$ = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _ Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next MkDir MyFilePath For N = 1 To Sheets.Count Sheets(N).Activate SheetName = ActiveSheet.Name Cells.Copy Workbooks.Add (xlWBATWorksheet) With ActiveWorkbook With .ActiveSheet .Paste .Name = SheetName [A1].Select End With .SaveAs Filename:=MyFilePath _ & "\" & SheetName & ".xls" .Close SaveChanges:=True End With .CutCopyMode = False Next End With Sayfa1.Activate End Sub Sub auto_open() Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A1") + 1 End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Range("A1").Value = "Stand: " & Format(Date, "DD.MM.YYYY") Worksheets("Tabelle1").PageSetup.LeftFooter = "Stand: " & Format(Date, "DD.MM.YYYY") End Sub

Sub ShowFileSaveAsDialog() Workbooks.Add ' create a new workbook With Worksheets(1).Range("A1") ' add information to the new workbook .Formula = "Log File for " & Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") & ":" .Font.Size = 14 .Font.Bold = True End With Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show ' display the Save as dialog If Len(ActiveWorkbook.Path) = 0 Then ' the workbook was not saved MsgBox "You can save the workbook manually later..." Else MsgBox "The workbook is saved as " & ActiveWorkbook.FullName End If End Sub Sub SaveOneFile() Dim fn As Variant fn = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("MyFileName.xls", _ "Excel files,*.xls", 1, "Select your folder and filename") If TypeName(fn) = "Boolean" Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs fn End Sub Sub InTheMiddle() Dim dWidth As Double, dHeight As Double With Application .WindowState = xlMaximized dWidth = .Width dHeight = .Height .WindowState = xlNormal .Top = dHeight / 4 .Height = dHeight / 2 .Left = dWidth / 4 .Width = dWidth / 2 End With End Sub Private Sub CmdIntro_Click() ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized End Sub This workbook blmne; Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim Counter As Long, LastOpen As String, Msg As String Counter = GetSetting("XYZ Corp", "Budget", "Count", 0) LastOpen = GetSetting("XYZ Corp", "Budget", "Opened", "") Msg = "alma kitab " & Counter & " kere ald." Msg = Msg & vbCrLf & "En son al: " & LastOpen MsgBox Msg, vbInformation, ThisWorkbook.Name Counter = Counter + 1 LastOpen = Date & " " & Time SaveSetting "XYZ Corp", "Budget", "Count", Counter SaveSetting "XYZ Corp", "Budget", "Opened", LastOpen End Sub

Sub SaveWorkbookBackup() Dim awb As Workbook, BackupFileName As String, i As Integer, OK As Boolean If TypeName(ActiveWorkbook) = "Nothing" Then Exit Sub Set awb = ActiveWorkbook If awb.path = "" Then Application.Dialogs(xlDialogSaveAs).Show Else BackupFileName = awb.FullName i=0 While InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") > 0 i = InStr(i + 1, BackupFileName, ".") Wend If i > 0 Then BackupFileName = Left(BackupFileName, i - 1) BackupFileName = BackupFileName & ".bak" OK = False On Error GoTo NotAbleToSave With awb Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook..." .Save Application.StatusBar = "Saving this workbook backup..." .SaveCopyAs BackupFileName OK = True End With End If NotAbleToSave: Set awb = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False If Not OK Then MsgBox "Backup Copy Not Saved!", vbExclamation, ThisWorkbook.Name End If End Sub, Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightFooter = ActiveWorkbook.FullName End Sub

' revised 04 July 2003 by Tom Ogilvy to add ' sheets when reaching ROWLIM formulas Const SHEETNAME As String = "Formulas in *" Const ALLFORMULAS As Integer = _ xlNumbers + xlTextValues + xlLogical + xlErrors Const ROWLIM As Long = 65500 Dim formulaSht As Worksheet Dim destRng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim wkSht As Worksheet Dim formulaRng As Range Dim shCnt As Long Dim oldScreenUpdating As Boolean With Application oldScreenUpdating = .ScreenUpdating .ScreenUpdating = False End With shCnt = 0 ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt ' list formulas on each sheet Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A4") For Each wkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If Not wkSht.Name Like SHEETNAME Then Application.StatusBar = wkSht.Name destRng.Value = wkSht.Name Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) On Error Resume Next Set formulaRng = wkSht.Cells.SpecialCells( _ xlCellTypeFormulas, ALLFORMULAS) On Error GoTo 0 If formulaRng Is Nothing Then destRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = "None" Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) Else For Each cell In formulaRng With destRng .Offset(0, 1) = cell.Address(0, 0) .Offset(0, 2) = "'" & cell.Formula .Offset(0, 3) = cell.Value End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) If destRng.row > ROWLIM Then ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A5") destRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value = wkSht.Name End If Next cell Set formulaRng = Nothing End If With destRng.Resize(1, 4).Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) If destRng.row > ROWLIM Then ListFormulasAddSheet formulaSht, shCnt Set destRng = formulaSht.Range("A5") destRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value = wkSht.Name End If End If Next wkSht With Application .StatusBar = False .ScreenUpdating = oldScreenUpdating End With End Sub Private Sub ListFormulasAddSheet( _ formulaSht As Worksheet, shtCnt As Long) Const SHEETNAME As String = "Formulas in " Const SHEETTITLE As String = "Formulas in $ as of " Const DATEFORMAT As String = "dd MMM yyyy hh:mm" Dim shtName As String With ActiveWorkbook ' Delete existing sheet and create new one shtCnt = shtCnt + 1

' Thanks to Tom Ogilvy for help with overflow. Const SHEETNAME As String = "Names in *" Const ROWLIM As Long = 65500 Dim nameSht As Worksheet Dim destRng As Range Dim cell As Range Dim wkSht As Worksheet Dim shCnt As Long Dim i As Long Dim oldScreenUpdating As Boolean With Application oldScreenUpdating = .ScreenUpdating .ScreenUpdating = False End With shCnt = 0 ListNamesAddSheet nameSht, shCnt ' list Workbook-level names Set destRng = nameSht.Range("A5") With destRng.Offset(-1, 0) .Value = "Workbook-Level names" .Font.Bold = True End With With ActiveWorkbook.Names If .Count Then destRng.Offset(0, 1).ListNames 'only workbook level Set destRng = destRng.Offset(0, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(1, -1) Else destRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = "None" Set destRng = destRng.Offset(0, 1) End If End With With destRng.Resize(1, 3).Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) For Each wkSht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With destRng .Value = "Names in sheet """ & wkSht.Name & """" .Font.Bold = True Set destRng = .Offset(1, 0) End With With wkSht.Names If .Count Then For i = 1 To .Count With .Item(i) destRng.Offset(0, 1) = Mid(.Name, InStr(.Name, "!") + 1) destRng.Offset(0, 2) = "'" & .RefersTo Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) If destRng.Row > ROWLIM Then ListNamesAddSheet nameSht, shCnt Set destRng = nameSht.Range("A5") destRng.Offset(-1, 0).Value = _ "Names in sheet """ & wkSht.Name & """" End If End With Next i Else destRng.Offset(0, 1).Value = "None" Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) End If End With With destRng.Resize(1, 4).Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = 5 End With Set destRng = destRng.Offset(1, 0) Next wkSht With Application .StatusBar = False .ScreenUpdating = oldScreenUpdating End With End Sub Private Sub ListNamesAddSheet( _ nameSht As Worksheet, shtCnt As Long) Const SHEETNAME As String = "Names in "

'Prevent Printing via menu MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("File").MenuItems("Print...").Delete 'Turn off Print icon wherever it may be in the toolbars For J = 1 To Toolbars.Count For K = 1 To Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons.Count If Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Id = 2 Then Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Enabled = False End If If Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Id = 3 Then Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Enabled = False End If Next K Next J End Sub Sub Auto_Close() 'Reset the menu items For Each mb In MenuBars mb.Reset Next mb 'Reset the buttons For J = 1 To Toolbars.Count For K = 1 To Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons.Count If Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Id = 2 Then Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Enabled = True End If If Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Id = 3 Then Toolbars(J).ToolbarButtons(K).Enabled = True End If Next K Next J End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True End Sub Sub DeleteShapes() Dim wks As Worksheet For Each wks In Worksheets wks.Pictures.Delete Next wks End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a a = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe c:\windows", vbNormalFocus) End Sub Sub Klasr_Al() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetFolder("D:\Excelrnekleri") End Sub Sub klasr_ara() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.FolderExists("C:\SXS") If a = True Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir klasr var" Else MsgBox "Bu isimde bir klasr yok" End If End Sub

Sub Klasr_Bilgisi_Gster() Dim ds, f, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.GetFolder("D:\Excelrnekleri") s = UCase("D:\Excelrnekleri") & vbCrLf s = s & "Created: " & f.DateCreated & vbCrLf 'Oluturma s = s & "Last Accessed: " & f.DateLastAccessed & vbCrLf 'Son Eriim s = s & "Last Modified: " & f.DateLastModified 'Son Deitirilme MsgBox s, 0, "File Access Info" End Sub Sub Klasr_smi_Deitir() Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") dosya = ds.GetFileName("D:\Excelrnekleri\Yeni") dosya2 = ds.GetFileName("C:\SXS") f = ds.MoveFolder(dosya, dosya2) End Sub Sub Klasr_Olutur() Dim ds Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ds.CreateFolder "C:\SXS\Deneme" End Sub Sub Dizin_smi_Olutur() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.BuildPath("C:\SXS", "\A") MsgBox a End Sub Sub Klasr_Sil() Dim ds Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ds.DeleteFolder "C:\SXS\Deneme" End Sub Sub DosyaKlasorYol() 'Aktif alma Kitabnn ismini alma kitabnn balna (en ste yazdrr) ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveWorkbook.FullName 'Aktif alma Kitabnn ismini aktif hcreye yazdrr ActiveCell = ActiveWorkbook.FullName 'Aktif hcreye aktif sayfann isminin yazdrlmas ActiveCell.Value = ActiveSheet.Name 'Aktif alma sayfasnn isminin alma kitabnn balna (en ste) yazdrr ActiveWindow.Caption = ActiveSheet.Name 'belirtilen dizindeki dosyann boyutunu verir MsgBox FileLen("C:\Ahmet\tanan.xls") 'Belirtilen srcdeki klasrn ismini deitirir Name "C:\Ahmet\Alihan\12.xls" As "C:\Veli\tanan.xls" 'Belirtilen srcdeki klasrn ismini deitirir Name "C:\Alis" As "C:\Ahmet" 'Yeni Klasr dizin oluturur MkDir "c:\Alihan" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() MyPath = "C:\Temp\" MyObj = Dir(MyPath, vbDirectory) Do While MyObj <> "" i=i+1 If (GetAttr(MyPath & MyObj) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then If MyObj <> ".." And MyObj <> "." Then ComboBox1.AddItem MyObj End If End If MyObj = Dir Loop End Sub Sub Dosya_Kopyala() Dim ds Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ds.CopyFile "D:\Excelrnekleri\*.xls", "C:\SXS" End Sub

Sub Groesse() Dim sFileName As String 'sFileName = ThisWorkbook.Name sFileName = "C:\xls.xls" 'C:\pir\xls.xls MsgBox "Diese Mappe hat eine Grsse von " & FileLen(sFileName) & " kB" End Sub Sayfa1'e A1 hcresinden balayarak aadoru klasr iindeki doyalara kpr kurar, anasayfann ad "anasayfa.xls" olmal veya kodu deitirin Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim fs, f, f1, fc, s Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(ActiveWorkbook.Path) Set fc = f.Files i=1 For Each f1 In fc If f1.Name <> "anasayfa.xls" Then Sheets("Sayfa1"). Range("a" & i).Select ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:=f1.Name, _ TextToDisplay:=Mid(f1.Name, 1, Len(f1.Name) - 4) i=i+1 End If Next End Sub hOwner As Long pidlRoot As Long pszDisplayName As String lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type '32-bit API declarations Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Function GetDirectory(Optional Msg) As String Dim bInfo As BROWSEINFO Dim path As String Dim r As Long, x As Long, pos As Integer bInfo.pidlRoot = 0& If IsMissing(Msg) Then bInfo.lpszTitle = "Select a folder." Else bInfo.lpszTitle = Msg End If bInfo.ulFlags = &H1 x = SHBrowseForFolder(bInfo) path = Space$(512) r = SHGetPathFromIDList(ByVal x, ByVal path) If r Then pos = InStr(path, Chr$(0)) GetDirectory = Left(path, pos - 1) Range("A1") = GetDirectory Else GetDirectory = "" End If End Function

lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long lpfn As Long lParam As Long iImage As Long End Type Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHGetPathFromIDListA" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal pszPath As String) As Long Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "SHBrowseForFolderA" (lpBrowseInfo As BROWSEINFO) As Long Sub Verzeichnisse_auflisten() Dim Pfad1, Name1, Anzahl, X, X0, X1, X2, Verz, Anzverz, Gre Dim TB1, TB2 As Worksheet Dim msg As String Set TB1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1) Set TB2 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(2) start = Now TB1.[a:D] = "" TB2.[a:D] = "" 'berflssige Tabellenbltter lschen If ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count > 2 Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False For X = 3 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(3).Delete Next X Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If ' Pfad abfragen msg = "Whlen Sie bitte einen Ordner aus:" Pfad1 = getdirectory(msg) If Pfad1 = "" Then Exit Sub Name1 = Dir(Pfad1, vbDirectory) ' Ersten Eintrag abrufen. TB1.[a2] = Pfad1 Anzahl = 2 TB1.[a1] = "Pfad" TB1.[b1] = "UnterVerz." TB1.[c1] = "Anz. Dateien" TB1.[d1] = "Datgre in Verz." X0 = 2 X1 = 2 Do While TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row <> TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row For X2 = X0 To X1 Pfad1 = TB1.Cells(X2, 1) ' Pfad setzen. If Right(Pfad1, 1) <> "\" Then Pfad1 = Pfad1 & "\" Name1 = Dir(Pfad1, vbDirectory) ' Ersten Eintrag abrufen. Verz = 0 Do While Name1 <> "" ' Schleife beginnen. ' Aktuelles und bergeordnetes Verzeichnis ignorieren. If Name1 <> "." And Name1 <> ".." Then ' Mit bit-weisem Vergleich sicherstellen, da Name1 ein ' Verzeichnis ist. If (GetAttr(Pfad1 & Name1) And vbDirectory) = vbDirectory Then Anzahl = Anzahl + 1 TB1.Cells(Anzahl, 1) = Pfad1 & Name1 & "\" Verz = Verz + 1 'Eintrag nur anzeigen, wenn es sich um ein Verzeichnis handelt. End If End If Name1 = Dir ' Nchsten Eintrag abrufen. Loop TB1.Cells(X2, 2) = Verz Next X2 X0 = X1 + 1 X1 = X2 Loop 'Dateien aus den Verzeichnissen auslesen Anzverz = TB1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row i=1 ii = 0 For Verz = 2 To Anzverz Anzahl = 0 Gre = 0 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = fs.GetFolder(TB1.Cells(Verz, 1)) Set fc = f.Files

Sub jpgbul() Dim Dosya Dim i As Integer Dosya = Dir("C:\Evren\Resimler\*.jpg") i=1 While Dosya <> "" Dosya = Dir Cells(i, 1) = Dosya i=i+1 Wend MsgBox i - 1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = vbKeyEscape Then MsgBox "Escape'e bastn" End If If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then MsgBox "sa ok'a bastn" End If If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then MsgBox "sol ok'a bastn" End If If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then MsgBox "ileri ok'a bastn" End If

If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then MsgBox "geri ok'a bastn" End If End Sub Bir modul ilave edip, iine aadakileri yaptrn. Daha sonra da bir ekilde Test isimli prosedr altrn. (Formun ad - Name zellii - UserForm1 olmas visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub Test() UserForm1.Show 0 End Sub

Vba penceresinde kod yazarken rnein Worksheets yazacaksnz, ancak bunu alr pencereden semek iin CTR + J yi, nerme veya tamamlama iin ise Sub Yaz() ActiveCell.Formula = [b3].Text & ":\" & [c3].Text & "\" & [d3].Text & "\" & [e3].Text & "\[" & [e4] & ".xls]" & [e5] & " '!" & [e6] End Sub KODLARIN BAINA VEYA SONUNA GRLDNDE AIKLAMA EKLER MsgBox "DENEME"

CTRL+C CTRL+V LE KOPYALA YAPITIR LEMN YAPABLRSNZ BU KOD YAZDIINIZ KODLAR HATA VERRSE ONU ENGELLER (KODUNUZUN BAINA EKLEYN) On Error Resume Next kullanl 'A1=5 'B1=Columnletter(A1) Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Integer) As String If ColumnNumber > 26 Then ColumnLetter = Chr(Int((ColumnNumber - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((ColumnNumber - 1) Mod 26) + 65) Else ColumnLetter = Chr(ColumnNumber + 64) End If End Function rnek kullanl =Columnletter(A1) Function ColumnLetter(ColumnNumber As Integer) As String If ColumnNumber > 26 Then ColumnLetter = Chr(Int((ColumnNumber - 1) / 26) + 64) & Chr(((ColumnNumber - 1) Mod 26) + 65) Else ColumnLetter = Chr(ColumnNumber + 64) End If End Function

Sub Dialog_18() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCustomizeToolbar).Show End Sub Tablonuzun herhangi bir hcresi seiliyken aadaki makroyu altrn. Sub Makro1() Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Selection.Copy Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False Application.CutCopyMode = False ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select End Sub KOPYALAMA YAPITIRMA LEMLER Sub kopya() Range("a1:a2").Copy Range("b1").PasteSpecial xlPasteValues Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("a1:a2").Value = "" End Sub Sub autobreite() spbreite = ActiveCell.Columns.ColumnWidth Selection.Copy Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste With Selection .ColumnWidth = spbreite End With End Sub Sub NewBar() Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="BarPerso").Visible = True Application.CommandBars("BarPerso").Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, ID _ :=19, Before:=1 Application.CommandBars("BarPerso").Controls.Add Type:=msoControlButton, ID _ :=22, Before:=2 With CommandBars("BarPerso") .Left = 620 .Top = 450 .Width = 120 End With End Sub

Sub auto_open() 'kopyala kes yaptr alta pasif yapar EnableControl 21, False 'Kes EnableControl 19, False ' Kopyala EnableControl 22, False ' Yaptr EnableControl 755, False ' zelyaptr Application.OnKey "^c", "yasakla" Application.OnKey "^v", "yasakla" Application.CellDragAndDrop = False 'hcreyi oaltma ve tama CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = False 'dzen mensndeki ilgili menleri gizle End Sub Sub auto_close() 'kopyala kes yaptr kapanrken aktifletirir EnableControl 21, True 'Kes EnableControl 19, True ' Kopyala EnableControl 22, True ' Yaptr EnableControl 755, True ' zelyaptr Application.OnKey "^c" Application.OnKey "^v" Application.CellDragAndDrop = True CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = True End Sub Sub EnableControl(Id As Integer, Enabled As Boolean) Dim CB As CommandBar Dim C As CommandBarControl On Error Resume Next For Each CB In Application.CommandBars Set C = CB.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = Enabled Next End Sub

Sub yasakla() MsgBox "zgnm yapmak istediiniz ilem yasaklanmtr.!", , "" End Sub Aadaki makroyu sralama ilemi iin kullanyorum. Ancak sayfa koruma yaptm zaman doal olarak sralamay yapmyor. Kilitli ve gizli hcreleri seerek Sub SIRALA() Range("B6:F300").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B6"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal MsgBox "BU BU KADAR ...)", vbInformation End Sub Bunun iin kodlarnzn bana korumay aan, sonunada korumay tekrar koyan satrlar ilave edebilirsiniz. rnein koruma ifreniz "1234" olsun; visual basic kodu: Sub SIRALA() activesheet.unprotect "1234" Range("B6:F300").Sort Key1:=Range("B6") MsgBox "BU BU KADAR ...)", vbInformation activesheet.protect "1234" End Sub Sub deneme() Sheets("Sayfa1").Unprotect Password:="sifre" 'Buraya sizin kodlarnz yazn. Sheets("Sayfa1").Protect Password:="sifre" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("a1")) Is Nothing Then If Range("A1").Value = 6 Then Range("C1").Value = Range("C1").Value - Range("B1").Value End If End If End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.Address = "$A$1" And [a1] = 0 Then Call makroad End Sub Sub Dialog_14() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogConditionalFormatting).Show End Sub Sub Kk_Dosya_Gster() Dim ds, d, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("C:\") s = d.RootFolder MsgBox s End Sub Sub Dialog_39() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertHyperlink).Show End Sub Sub KopruSil() Range("A:A").Select Selection.Hyperlinks.Delete Range("A1").Select End Sub For x = Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 If Cells(x, 3) = ComboBox1.Text Then Rows(x).Delete Next Private Sub workbook_open() Application.Visible = False UserForm1.Show End Sub 'Dosyanza ekleyeceiniz Userforma bir CommandButton ve iki Textbox yerletirin ve aadaki kodu Userformun kod ksmna girin Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1.Value = "Ali" Or TextBox1.Value = "Veli" Then goto Kontrol2 Else Unload UserForm1 MsgBox "zgnm girdiiniz kullanc ad hatal.", vbCritical, "HATA" ActiveWorkbook.Close 0 Exit Sub EndIf Kontrol2: If TextBox2.Value = "123" Or TextBox2.Value = "456" Then MsgBox "Programa giriiniz onaylanmtr.", vbInformation Unload Me Application.Visible = True Else Unload UserForm1 MsgBox "zgnm girdiiniz parola hatal.", vbCritical, "HATA" ActiveWorkbook.Close 0 Exit Sub EndIf End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = True End Sub

'Ayrca Textbox2'nin Properties ksmnda bulunan "PasswordChar" blmne "*" (yldz) iareti koyarsanz girilen parola ekranda "*****" eklinde grne

Private Declare Function GUN Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal myPara As String, myLen As Long) As Long '******************************************************* 'Private Declare Function GetComputerNameA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long 'Private Declare Function GetUserNameA Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long Public Function ActiveUserName() As String Dim AUN As String * 100 Dim AunLen As Byte AunLen = 100 If GUN(AUN, Len(AUN)) Then ActiveUserName = Left(AUN, AunLen) Else ActiveUserName = "User can not be Identified" End If End Function Public Function ActiveComputerName() As String Dim ACN As String * 100 Dim AcnLen As Byte AcnLen = 100 If GCN(ACN, Len(ACN)) Then ActiveComputerName = Left(ACN, AcnLen) Else ActiveComputerName = "User can not be Identified" End If End Function Sub wer_und_was_bin_ich() Dim Qe As Byte MsgBox ("Mein Rechner heisst" & ActiveComputerName) MsgBox ("Aktuell angemeldeter User ist: " & ActiveUserName) End Sub Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" _ Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ nSize As Long) As Long Sub ShowUserName() Dim Buffer As String * 100 Dim BuffLen As Long BuffLen = 100 GetUserName Buffer, BuffLen MsgBox Left(Buffer, BuffLen - 1) End Sub Option Explicit Sub CloseUserBooks() Dim objWB As Workbook, arrSysBooks arrSysBooks = Array(ThisWorkbook.Name, _ "SYS01F.XLS", "SYS01S.XLS", _ "SYS01M.XLS", "SYS01D.XLS") 'These books can be open. With Application .DisplayAlerts = True 'Make sure the user has a chance to save! For Each objWB In Workbooks 'Loop through the Workbook collection. If IsError(.Match(objWB.Name, arrSysBooks, 0)) Then 'Not in the array? MsgBox "Your workbook " & objWB.Name & " must be closed before the system can start.", 0, "The Fortress" objWB.Close End If Next End With End Sub Function Puan(a) If a > 100 Then Puan = "Notun 100 den byk olduuna emin misiniz?" If a = "d" Then Puan = "F1" If a = "g" Then Puan = "F2" If a < 0 Then Puan = "NOT Sfrdan Kk Olmaz" If a >= 0 And a <= 59 Then Puan = "F3" If a >= 60 And a <= 69 Then Puan = "C" If a >= 70 And a <= 74 Then Puan = "B2" If a >= 75 And a <= 80 Then Puan = "B1" If a >= 81 And a <= 89 Then Puan = "A2" If a >= 90 And a <= 100 Then Puan = "A1" End Function

Function Sutun2(a As String) As Integer If LCase(a) = LCase("a") Then Sutun2 = 1 End Function Function SayfaSec(Hucre As Range) As String Select Case Range("B1") Case 0 SayfaSec = "Sayfa bo" Case 1 To 51 SayfaSec = Sheets(1).Name Case 52 To 101 SayfaSec = Sheets(2).Name '...... '.... '... End Select End Function ="Sayfa " & nsat(B1/50) Sub Test() Dim MyLang As Long MyLang = Application.LanguageSettings.LanguageID(msoLanguageIDInstall) MsgBox GetLang(MyLang) End Sub ' Function GetLang(ID As Long) As String Select Case ID Case msoLanguageIDEnglishUS GetLang = "XL - Ingilizce" Case msoLanguageIDTurkish GetLang = "XL - Turkce" Case msoLanguageIDRussian GetLang = "XL - Rusca" Case msoLanguageIDFrench GetLang = "XL - Fransizca" Case msoLanguageIDDutch GetLang = "XL - Almanca" Case msoLanguageIDSpanish GetLang = "XL - Ispanyolca" Case msoLanguageIDItalian GetLang = "XL - Italyanca" Case Else GetLang = "XL - Belirsiz" End Select End Function On Error Resume Next a = Round(TextBox3, 2) a = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(a, ",", ".") b = Round(TextBox4, 2) b = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(b, ",", ".") c = Round(TextBox5, 2) c = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(c, ",", ".") y = Round(TextBox2, 2) y = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(y, ",", ".") z = (Val(a) + Val(b) + Val(c)) - Val(y) z = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(z, ".", ",") TextBox1 = z B1 hcresine girilecek forml; =TAMSAYI(A1) C1 hcresine girilecek forml; =(A1-TAMSAYI(A1))*100

Veya normal fonksiyonlar ile;

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim Metin As String Dim byt As Byte Label1.Caption = "Sleyman" For byt = 1 To Len(Label1) Metin = Metin & Mid(Label1, byt, 1) & Chr(13) Next byt Label1 = Metin End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Label1.Caption = Format(Now, "dddd d mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss") End Sub Label3 = Format((Val(Label1) + Val(Label2)) / 2, "0.00") Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim NewLabel As Control Me.Width = 600 Me.Height = 300 TopPos = 4 For j = 1 To 5 TopPos = TopPos + 20 LeftPos = 10 For i = 1 To 10 Set NewLabel = Controls.Add("Forms.label.1") With NewLabel .Width = 50 .Caption = "Test" & i & " - " & j .Height = 15 .Left = LeftPos + .Width .Top = TopPos .Tag = i .AutoSize = True .Visible = True End With LeftPos = LeftPos + NewLabel.Width + 15 Next i Next j End Sub Label1 ve Label2'e deerleri aktardn kodun/prosedurun sonuna aadakini ilave et; Kod: Label3 = Format((Val(Label1) + Val(Label2)) / 2, "0.00") Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.Label1.Caption = Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Label1.Caption = Format(Now, "dddd d mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss") End Sub Label1:Captioni = Now Private Sub Label1_Click() Label1.Caption = "Programmer pir" End Sub Label3 = Format((Val(Label1) + Val(Label2)) / 2, "0.00") Sub ColorLinks() Dim myLnk As Hyperlink 'Dim wks As Worksheet ' For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets 'For Each myLnk In wks.Hyperlinks For Each myLnk In ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks 'MsgBox myLnk.Parent.Address & vbLf _ & myLnk.Parent.Parent.Name Range(myLnk.Parent.Address).Interior.ColorIndex = 34 Next myLnk ' Next wks End Sub

Option Explicit Declare Function ShellAbout Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellAboutA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal szApp As String, _ ByVal szOtherStuff As String, _ ByVal hIcon As Long) As Long Declare Function GetActiveWindow Lib "user32" () As Long '// Define your message constants here Const strApp As String = "My Programe" Const strMyDetails As String = " Ivan F Moala, 3 Sept, 2001" Sub About() Dim hWnd As Long Dim x As Long hWnd = GetActiveWindow() x = ShellAbout(hWnd, strApp, Chr(13) & Chr(169) & strMyDetails _ & Chr(13), 0) End Sub BU KOD LSTBOX'A YAZILACAK Private Sub ListBox1_Change() Dim sira sira = "veri!b$" & ListBox1.ListIndex + 1& veri.textbox1.ControlSource = sira End Sub BU KOD LSTBOX' AYAZILACAK Private Sub ListBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyEscape veri.Hide End Select End Sub BU KOD TEXTBOX'A YAZILACAK Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Select Case KeyCode Case vbKeyEscape veri.Hide End Select End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For X = 1 To Sheets("sayfa1").[A65536].End(3).Row If Left(Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(X, 1), 100) = TextBox1.Value Then Sheets("sayfa1").Rows(X).Delete MsgBox "SLND" TextBox1.SetFocus End If Next UserForm_Activate End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Change() X = ListBox1.ListIndex TextBox1.Text = Sheets("SAYFA1").Cells(X + 1, 1) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() For X = 1 To Sheets("SAYFA1").[A65536].End(3).Row c=c+1 ListBox1.AddItem ListBox1.List(c - 1, 0) = Sheets("SAYFA1").Cells(X, 1) Next End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Dim MyRange As Range Dim noA As Integer ListBox1.Clear noA = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A:A")) For Each MyRange In Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:A" & noA) If Left(LCase(MyRange), Len(TextBox1)) = LCase(TextBox1) Then ListBox1.AddItem (MyRange) Next End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Dim x As Integer x = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A:A").Cells.Find(what:=ListBox1, LookIn:=xlValues).Row TextBox1.Value = ListBox1 TextBox2 = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(x, 2) End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Freezer As New FreezeForm Freezer.Freeze Me Dim I As Integer For I = 1 To 1000 ListBox1.AddItem "Item " & I DoEvents Next I End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim myrange As Range Dim myrange As Range Set myrange = Range("A1:A200") For Each c In myrange If c.Value = ListBox1.Value Then TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value & c.Value.Offset(1, 0).Value End If Next End Sub Sub sayfa_isimleri_yaz() Sheets.Add i=1 s = ActiveSheet.Name For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets Sheets(s).Cells(i, 1).Value = sht.Name ListBox1.AddItem sht.Name bu da listboxa yazar i=i+1 Next sht End Sub listbox1 in 4. kolonunun toplamn textbox1 de Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 T1 = ListBox1.List(i - 1, 3) + T1 buradaki 3, 4.kolon numarasdr. Ona gre 1 eksiini alnz Next i TextBox1 = T1 End Sub bu listbox'a deerleri nasl aktardnza gre deiir. rnein Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!a1: a10" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!a3:g8" 'lisbox'ta gsterilecek hcre aral ListBox1.ColumnCount = 7 ' lisbox'ta ki stun says End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() MsgBox ListBox1.ListIndex'sra numaral olarak sayfadan aldryorsanz eit olmas iin +1 eklemelisiniz. End Sub

Private Sub Listbox1_Click() ListBox2.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListIndex End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("sayfa9").Activate ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa9!B1:B5" ListBox2.RowSource = "Sayfa9!C1:C5" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A1:A10" 'lisbox'ta gsterilecek hcre aral ListBox1.ColumnCount = 5 ' lisbox'ta ki stun says ListBox1.ColumnWidths = 100 & ";" & 70 'lisbox'taki stunlarn genilii End Sub verileri RowSource zellii ile alyorsanz silmeniz birey ifade etmiyecektir.Asl Sayfadaki Bilgileri silmeniz gerekmektedir.Bunun in yle yapm ListBoxa Kod: 'ListBox zellikleri belirleniyor Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A2:A65536")) + 1 ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A2:D" & a ListBox1.ColumnCount = 4 ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50;100;150;200" End Sub 'ListBox'dan seilen aktif hcre oluyor Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A" & ListBox1.ListIndex + 2).Select End If Next End Sub 'ListBox ift Tklandnda Aktif Satr Siliniyor Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Selection.EntireRow.Delete End Sub

Bunun iin userforma aadaki kodu yazmak gerekir,combobox a veri almak tek satrda rowsource komutu ile halledilir. Buna karn listboxta alnacak ver visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ComboBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!A1:A10" 'combobox1'e sayfa1 deki A1:A10 aralndaki deerleri atar ListBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!A2:B10" 'listbox1'e sayfa1 deki A2:B10 aralndaki deerleri atar ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True 'listboxta stun balklarn grnr hale getirir burada balk A1:B1 araldr. ListBox1.ColumnCount = 2 'stun says-ka veri varsa o kadar stun almaldr ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "40;40" 'alan stunlarn genilikleri. End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For i = 1 To [b65536].End(3).Row If Cells(i, 2) = "" Then GoTo 10 ListBox1.AddItem (Cells(i, 2)) 10 Next End Sub Yine rowsource ile almak isterseniz aadaki gibi en son dolu hcreyide tantabilirsiniz. visual basic kodu: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() listbox1.rowsource="sayfa1!b1:b" & [sayfa1!b65536].end(3).row End Sub

combobox iin grnecek satr says iin aadaki kodu kullann. ComboBox1.ListRows = 5 Listebox alr kutu olmad iin byle bir zellik yoktur,sadece yksekliini aadaki kod ile deitirebilirsiniz. ListBox1.Height = 50 her iki koduda UserForm_Initialize olayna yazabilirsiniz. Aadaki kodu deneyin. Listboxtaki verileri sayfa2 ye aktarr.

visual basic kodu: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Set s1 = Sheets("sayfa2") sat = ListBox1.ListCount sut = ListBox1.ColumnCount s1.Range(s1.Cells(1, 1), s1.Cells(sat, sut)) = ListBox1.List End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() satr = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row kolon = Cells(1, 256).End(xlToLeft).Column bbb = Cells(satr, kolon).Address ListBox1.RowSource = "veri!A2:" & bbb End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() On Error Resume Next 'hata durumunda hatay pas gemesini salar TextBox1 = "" 'textbox1 deki veriyi siler a = Sheets("PerBil").Range("D5:D34").Find(ListBox1.Value).Row 'listbox1 de seilen ismin, Perbil sayfasndaki D5:D34 aralnda yerini bulur ve satr dee For sira = 8 To 52 'dng balangc Perbil sayfasnn 8(H stunu) den balayarak 52(AZ stunu) ye kadar stunlarn taranmasn salar If sira <= 19 Then Cells(sira - 4, 7) = Sheets("Perbil").Cells(a, sira).Value 'Sicil bilgilerini kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar If sira >= 20 And sira < 24 Then Cells(sira - 2, 10) = Sheets("Perbil").Cells(a, sira).Value 'tazminat bilgilerini kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar If sira >= 24 And sira < 36 Then Cells(sira - 20, 10) = Sheets("Perbil").Cells(a, sira).Value 'terfi bilgilerini kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar If sira >= 36 And sira < 48 Then Cells(sira - 18, 7) = Sheets("Perbil").Cells(a, sira).Value 'kesinti bilgilerini kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar If sira >= 48 Then Cells(sira - 24, 10) = Sheets("Perbil").Cells(a, sira).Value 'dier bilgilerini kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar Next sira 'dngnn tekrar For komutuna yani baa dnmesini salar End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim shttemp As Worksheet For Each shttemp In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets ListBox1.AddItem "'" & shttemp.Name & "'!A1" Next End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) ListBox1.RemoveItem ListBox1.ListIndex Rows(ListBox1.ListIndex + 1).Delete End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 0) 'ListBox'a tkladmzda deerleri textbox'lara alyoruz. TextBox2 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 1) TextBox3 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 2) TextBox4 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 3) TextBox5 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 4) TextBox6 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 5) TextBox7 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 6) TextBox8 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 7) TextBox9 = ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex, 8) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() X = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A2:A65536")) + 1 ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!b2:b" & X End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Long For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count With Me.ListBox1 .AddItem Sheets(i).Name & "!A1" End With Next i Me.ListBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.ColumnCount = 5 ListBox1.RowSource = "TABLO!A2:S4" ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True End Sub ListBox'a aktarlacak veriler aktif sayfada A stununda ise ve UserForm zerinde 1 adet ListBox, 1 adet CommandButton varsa; Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "A1:A" & Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row ListBox1.MultiSelect = fmMultiSelectMulti ListBox1.ListStyle = fmListStyleOption End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Long, x As Long Dim MyArray() For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then ReDim Preserve MyArray(x) MyArray(x) = ListBox1.List(i) x=x+1 End If Next For i = LBound(MyArray) To UBound(MyArray) MsgBox "Secilen deger -" & i + 1 & ": " & MyArray(i) Next Erase MyArray End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("D1") = ListBox1.Column(0) Range("E1") = ListBox1.Column(1) Range("F1") = ListBox1.Column(2) End Sub 'veya; Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Range("D1") = ListBox1.Column(0) Range("E1") = ListBox1.Column(1) Range("F1") = ListBox1.Column(2) End Sub x = listbox1 Ama : Workbooks.Open ("Dosya yolu" & x) Kapama : Workbooks(x).Close SaveChanges:=True/False Silme : Kill ("Dosya yolu" & x) Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("a1").AutoFilter Field:=1 End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Change() Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=ListBox1.Value End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("Sayfa9").Activate a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A:A")) For i = 2 To a ListBox1.AddItem Cells(i, 1) Next ListBox1.ColumnCount = 4 ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "35,35,35,35" ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa9!a1:d5" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Range("a1").AutoFilter Field:=1 Selection.AutoFilter End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1.Value = UCase(TextBox1.Value) Dim i As Integer ListBox1.Clear For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 9 If Left(Worksheets(i).Name, Len(TextBox1)) = TextBox1 Then ListBox1.AddItem Worksheets(i).Name End If Next End Sub A:A200 Hcrelerindeki verilerden listbox a sadece dolu hcreleri alr. (bo hcreler gzkmez) Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim myrange As Range Dim myrange As Range Set myrange = Range("A1:A200") For Each c In myrange If c.Value = ListBox1.Value Then TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value & c.Value.Offset(1, 0).Value End If Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Dim g As Integer Dim i As Integer For i = 2 To Worksheets.Count '3olursa ilk 2 sayfa gzkmez ListBox1.AddItem Worksheets(i).Name Next i End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() For Each Ws In Worksheets frmlis.ListBox1.AddItem Ws.Name Next End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Deniz" Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Derya" Me.ListBox1.AddItem "smail" Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Hlya" Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Emel" Me.ListBox1.AddItem "Aye" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A1:A10" 'lisbox'ta gsterilecek hcre aral ListBox1.ColumnCount = 5 ' lisbox'ta ki stun says ListBox1.ColumnWidths = 100 & ";" & 70 'lisbox'taki stunlarn genilii End Sub

ListBox zellikleri belirleniyor Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() a = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A2:A65536")) + 1 ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A2:D" & a ListBox1.ColumnCount = 4 ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50;100;150;200" End Sub 'ListBox'dan seilen aktif hcre oluyor Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1 If ListBox1.Selected(i) = True Then Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A" & ListBox1.ListIndex + 2).Select End If Next End Sub 'ListBox ift Tklandnda Aktif Satr Siliniyor Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Selection.EntireRow.Delete End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.ColumnHeads = True ListBox1.ColumnCount = 50 ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A1:AG200" End Sub A dan D ye kadar veri yaz ve gr Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Dim x As Integer x = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("a:a").Cells.Find(What:=ListBox1, LookIn:=xlValues).Row TextBox1.Value = ListBox1 TextBox2 = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(x, 2) TextBox3 = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(x, 3) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() ListBox1.RowSource = "Sayfa1!A1: A500" End Sub Private Sub altr_Click() ListBox1.Clear ListBox2.Clear Dim i, r, y As Integer Dim s As String Dim q As Date q = ilk For r = 4 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("C4:C62")) + 1 If Cells(r, 3).Value = q Then ListBox1.AddItem Cells(r, 6).Value ListBox2.AddItem Cells(r, 7).Value TotalCredit = TotalCredit + Cells(r, 7).Value End If Next r ListBox1.AddItem "TOPLAM :" & TotalCredit & " K KALACAK" ListBox2.AddItem "TOPLAM :" & TotalCredit & " K KALACAK" End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim Pos% Dim Neu$ Neu = InputBox("Neuen Eintrag eingeben:") If Neu = "" Then Exit Sub With ListBox1 Pos = .ListIndex .RemoveItem (.ListIndex) .AddItem Neu, Pos End With End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim addy As String addy = ListBox1.Text Unload Me Application.Goto Range(addy) End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim i As Long, Pos As Long Dim strSheet As String, strAddy As String With Me.ListBox1 For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1 If .Selected(i) Then Pos = i: Exit For Next i If i = .ListCount Then Exit Sub strSheet = Left(.List(i), InStr(1, .List(i), "!") - 1) strAddy = Right(.List(i), Len(.List(i)) - Len(strSheet) - 1) Sheets(strSheet).Activate Range(strAddy).Activate End With Unload Me End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) 'Check for range addresses If ListBox1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub 'GoTo doubled clicked address Application.Goto Range(ListBox1.Text), True End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Application.Goto Range(ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListIndex)) End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() 'Check for range addresses If ListBox1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub 'GoTo doubled clicked address Range(ListBox1.Text).Parent.Activate Application.Goto Range(ListBox1.Text), True End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Application.Goto Range(ListBox1).EntireRow Unload Me End Sub Format(ListBox1.Column(8), "") On satrlk bir listboxta tarihlerin ilk stunda olduunu varsayarak yazyorum. For i = 0 To 9 ListBox1.List(i, 0) = Format(ListBox1.List(i, 0), "") Next i 'Yukardaki kodda i satr numarasn, 0 stun numarasn gstermektedir. Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() toplam = 0 For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount toplam = toplam + Val(ListBox1.List(i - 1)) Next i TextBox1 = toplam End Sub sat1=listbox1.listcount sut1=listbox1.columncount sonsat1=[i65536].end(3).row+1 range(cells(sonsat1,"i"),cells(sat1+sonsat1,sut1+9))=listbox1.list sat2=listbox2.listcount sut2=listbox2.columncount sonsat2=[b65536].end(3).row+1 range(cells(sonsat2,"b"),cells(sat2+sonsat2,sut2+2))=listbox2.list Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Set s1 = Sheets("sayfa2") sat = ListBox1.ListCount sut = ListBox1.ColumnCount s1.Range(s1.Cells(1, 1), s1.Cells(sat, sut)) = ListBox1.List End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Change() TextBox1 = ListBox1 End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 13 Then ListBox1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() z=0 For i = 1 To ListBox1.ListCount z = z + Val(ListBox1.List(i - 1)) Next i MsgBox z End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim xlApp As Object Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") xlApp.Visible = False Set NewWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set MySh = NewWB.Worksheets(1) nRow = ListBox1.ListCount nColumn = ListBox1.ColumnCount MySh.Range("A1", Cells(nRow, nColumn).Address) = ListBox1.List WBname = "C:\" & (TextBox3.Text) & ".xls" NewWB.SaveAs WBname MsgBox WBname & " Adnda Bir Excel Kitab oluturulmutur...", _ vbInformation, "AKD.YAZILIM" xlApp.Quit Set xlApp = Nothing Set MySh = Nothing Set NewWB = Nothing End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() Userform1.ComboBox1.Value = Userform2.ListBox1.Column(0) End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_BeforeUpdate(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,##0.00") End Sub If MsgBox("Setiginiz Veri Silinecek,Eminmisiniz?",vbYesNo) = vbYes Then sil = Sheets("DATA").Columns(1).Find(ListBox1.Value).Row Sheets("DATA").Rows(sil).Delete End If Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo yanlis ListBox1.AddItem (Columns(2).Find(What:=TextBox1, LookAt:=xlWhole)) yanlis: If Err Then MsgBox "Bulamadm!" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim xlApp As Object Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") xlApp.Visible = False Set NewWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add Set MySh = NewWB.Worksheets(1) nRow = ListBox1.ListCount nColumn = ListBox1.ColumnCount MySh.Range("A1", Cells(nRow, nColumn).Address) = ListBox1.List WBname = "C:\" & (TextBox3.Text) & ".xls" NewWB.SaveAs WBname MsgBox WBname & " Adnda Bir Excel Kitab oluturulmutur...", _ vbInformation, "AKD.YAZILIM" xlApp.Quit Set xlApp = Nothing Set MySh = Nothing Set NewWB = Nothing End Sub Bunun iin benim bildiim kadaryla 3 yol mevcut, bunlar; 1-Makro iinde worksheetfunction.CountA kodu ile 2-Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row kodu ile 3-BA _DE _DOLU_SAY(...) formln bir hcreye yazarak burdan aldnz veri ile

Diyelimki Excelde hazrladmz bir isim listemiz var ve biz bunlar A1 hcresi ile A9000 hcreleri arasna kaydediyoruz. Kaytl (dolu) hcre saysn program Sub DoluKayitSayisi() Sayi=WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A9000")) 'Eer mesajla almak isterseniz u koduda ekleyin MsgBox Sayi End Sub Sub imlecidondur() Application.EnableEvents = False Range("a1").Value = "Akn" Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Sub sil() For i = Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 If Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "SARF F" And Trim(Cells(i, 1)) <> "TOPTAN SATI RSALYES" Then Rows(i & ":" & i).Delete Shift:=xlUp End If Next i End Test() Sub Sub Dim NoB As Long Dim ii As Long Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim MyRng As Range Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets(i).Select ii = 0 j=0 NoB = Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row For ii = NoB To 5 Step -1 If Trim(Cells(ii, 2)) = Trim("Net Miktar") Then Rows(ii + 1).Select For j = 1 To 6 Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown Next End If Next For ii = 5 To Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row If Trim(Cells(ii, 2)) = Trim("Smm Sat") Then Rows(ii).Delete Next Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End EmailSheet() Sub Sub Dim OutlookApp As Object, OutlookMsg As Object Dim FSO As Object, BodyText As Object Dim MyRange As Range, TempFile As String 'On Error Resume Next Set MyRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange If MyRange Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject") TempFile = "C:\TempHTML.htm" ActiveWorkbook.PublishObjects.Add _ (4, TempFile, MyRange.Parent.Name, MyRange.Address, 0, "", "").Publish True Set OutlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set OutlookMsg = OutlookApp.CreateItem(0) Set BodyText = FSO.OpenTextFile(TempFile, 1) OutlookMsg.HTMLBody = BodyText.ReadAll OutlookMsg.Subject = "Merhaba !" OutlookMsg.To = "" 'OutlookMsg.Display OutlookMsg.Send 'Kill TempFile Set BodyText = Nothing Set OutlookMsg = Nothing Set OutlookApp = Nothing Set FSO = Nothing End Sub

for a=1 to 50 Sheets("Ana Liste").Select Rows("1:1").Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown Sheets("Sayfa" & a).Select Range("C3").Select Selection.Copy next a Sub aralkl_calstr() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:05:00"), "makro1" End Sub Sub makro1() msgbox("transfer balyor") '...sizin kodlarnz '....... call aralkl_calstr End sub TavanaYuvarla iin MsgBox WorksheetFunction.Ceiling(25.32, 1) Tamsay iin MsgBox Int(25.32) Aadaki ekilde de kullanmanz mmkndr. ActiveCell = "=INT(10.65)" ActiveCell= "=CEILING(25.32,1)" Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() sor = MsgBox("SLMEK STEDNZDEN EMNMSNZ...?", vbYesNo) If sor = vbNo Then Exit Sub Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") / 1.5 CommandButton6.Caption = "SL" 'sat = ListBox1.ListIndex + 2 'Range("B" & sat & ":I" & sat).Delete '[a65536].End(2).Delete Shift:=xlUp Sheets("STOKLAR").Rows(Sheets("STOKLAR").Columns(1).Find(ListBox1.Value).Row).Delete MsgBox "SELEN KAYIT SLNMTR" End Sub aadaki makro sadece hcredeki deerleri siler. Sub Makro1() x = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000")) For a = 1 To x b = Cells(a, 1).Value For c = a + 1 To x d = Cells(c, 1).Value If b = d Then Cells(c, 1).ClearContents End If Next c Next a End Sub Aadaki kodu deneyin. Yazdrlacak sayfa saysn verir. Sub sayfasay() Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveWindow.View = 2 say = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1 ActiveWindow.View = 1 MsgBox say End Sub

alma sayfasnn kod blmne girilecek kodlar: Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 1 And Target.Row = 1 Then X = [A1] & [A2] & [A3] & [A4] & [A5] [A1] = X End If End Sub Workbooks.Open Filename:=activeworkbook.path & "\satis.xls" Makro ile Import iin; Sub import_form() Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents.Import ("C:\Documents and Settings\bulent\Desktop\UserForm1.frm") End Sub 'C:\Documents and Settings\bulent\Desktop\UserForm1.frm - dosya yolunu kendinize uyarlayn Application:Undo VBA da thisworkbook ksmna Kod: Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If LCase(Sh.Name) = "sheet1" Or LCase(Sh.Name) = "sheet2" Then If InputBox("ifreyi girin") <> "sifre" Then Sh.Visible = False End If End Sub Range("A1:D1").Merge Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Set Sh1 = Sheets("Sevk") Set Sh2 = Sheets("Anasayfa") If Sh2.Range("E8").FormulaR1C1 <> "" Then Sh1.[C3] = Sh2.[Z2] 'Kurum Ad' Sh1.[D11] = Sh2.[Z3] 'Kurum Amiri' Sh1.[D12] = Sh2.[Z4] 'Kurum Amirinin Unvan' Sh1.[C5] = Sh2.[Z5] 'Memurun Ad Soyad' Sh1.[C7] = Sh2.[Z6] 'Memurun Unvan' Sh1.[E5] = Sh2.[Z7] 'Hastann Ad Soyad' Sh1.[C15] = Sh2.[Z8] 'Salk Kurumu' Sh1.[F11] = Sh2.[Z9] 'Tarih' Sh1.[C9] = Sh2.[Z10] 'Adres' Sh1.[F3] = Sh2.[Z11] 'T.C. Kimlik No' Sh1.[E7] = Sh2.[Z12] 'Sicil No' Sh1.[F7] = Sh2.[Z13] 'Derece/Kadro' Sh1.[F13] = Sh2.[Z14] 'Say' End If Set Sh1 = Nothing Set Sh2 = Nothing End Sub Sub Sayfa_Sil() Dim sil As String Application.DisplayAlerts = False sil = ActiveSheet.Name Sheets.Add Sheets(sil).Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Sub DatumVBA() MsgBox CLng(CDate("29.11.2005")) - CLng(CDate("05.04.1978")) End Sub kodlarn bana If Date>=Cdate("23.02.2006") then Exit sub 'satrn ilave ediniz

Sub ErrHand() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler n = 10 Selection.SpecialCells(xlConstants).Select x = Selection.Areas MsgBox (x) Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Select Case Err.Number Case 104 MsgBox ("104") Exit Sub Case Else MsgBox "Runtime Error: " & Err.Number & vbNewLine & Err.Description Stop Resume End Select End Sub

yani marifet formda deil kodlarda. Anlalan hala anlatm zorluu ekiyorum. bu modul tek kriterli olan tm filtreler iin kullanlabilir. kodlar aynen yle visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Global adres As String ''den 'Bu Makro genel filtre amaldr. '****************************************************** ' AIKLAMA '******************************************************

// rnekler

'KaynakSayfa : Filrelemenin yaplaca sayfa // "stok" 'FiltreBal : Filtrelenmek istenen tablonun bal // "A1:C1" 'FiltreAlan : Filtrenin uygulanaca alan // 3 "yani c1 hcresi" 'lt : Byklk,kklk...(>,<,=,<>..) // "=" 'Kriter : Filtrelenen deer // Combobox1.text 'AdresAlan : Filtre sonucu alnmak istenen verilerin alan // "A1:B1" 'HedefSayfa : Filtrelenen verilerin kopyalanaca sayfa // "stok" 'HedefAlan : Filtrelenen verilerin kopyalanaca alan // "H1:I1" 'NOT:Hata denetim ilemleri henz yaplmad Sub AdresAl(KaynakSayfa, FiltreBal, lt, Kriter, AdresAlan, HedefSayfa, HedefAlan As String, FiltreAlan As Integer) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(HedefSayfa).Select Range(Range(HedefAlan), Range(HedefAlan).End(xlDown)).Clear Sheets(KaynakSayfa).Select Range(FiltreBal).AutoFilter Range(FiltreBal).AutoFilter Field:=FiltreAlan, Criteria1:=lt & Kriter, Operator:=xlAnd Range(Range(AdresAlan), Range(AdresAlan).End(xlDown)).Copy Sheets(HedefSayfa).Select Range(HedefAlan).Select ActiveSheet.Paste Sheets(KaynakSayfa).AutoFilterMode = False Application.CutCopyMode = False adres = HedefSayfa & "!" & Range(Range(HedefAlan), Range(HedefAlan).End(xlDown)).Address End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

kullanmak iin rnek kodlar: visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Call AdresAl("stok", "A1:C1", "=", ComboBox1.Text, "A1:B1", "stok", "H1:I1", 3) ListBox1.RowSource = adres End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() Call AdresAl("firma", "A1:C1", "=", ComboBox2.Text, "A1:B1", "firma", "H1:I1", 3) ListBox2.RowSource = adres End Sub

aadaki rnek iinizi grr sanrm; Makroyu altrdn sayfada ilem yapar. Kod: Sub arabul() ara = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Aranacak Veri?", Type:=3) Range("A3:A341").Select Selection.Find(What:=ara, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _ :=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _ False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate satir = ActiveCell.Row Range(Cells(satir, 2), Cells(satir, 8)).Select Selection.Copy Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Range("A2").Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=True End Sub Private Sub Tamam_Click() Application.StatusBar = "Hesaplama Yaplyor" Tamam.Enabled = False 'Hesaplama ile ilgili kodlar '.......... '.......... 'Hesaplama ile ilgili kodlar Application.StatusBar = "Hesaplama Tamamland" Tamam.Enabled = True End Sub Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("A2:b4") 'Excel macro test code 'Note iRow = Start Row of Range and iRow2= Ending Row of Range 'Set rng = oXLApp.Range(Cells(iRow, 1), oXLApp.Cells(iRow2,1).End(xlToRight)) grid rng End Sub Sub grid(rng) rng.Select Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone Selection.Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlInsideVertical) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With With Selection.Borders(xlInsideHorizontal) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End With End Sub

Bu kodlar henz bitirmediim bir alma dosyamda denedim.Daha sonra iptal etmek iin ara ubuklar zerinde sa tklayp modlden auto_open ve aut Yardmc olursanz sevinirim. Teekkrler. Kod: Sub auto_open() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "mesaj" End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = True Application.OnKey "%{F11}" End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "Makrolar gizli!!" End Sub '************** Kod: Sub Panzehir() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Reset Application.OnKey "%{F11}" End Sub

Baka bir dosyada sizin yukardaki auto_close prosedurunu yerletir

Eer kodlar yerletirmek iin VBE ksmna ulaamyorsanz, aadaki dosyay indirip, an. Bu arada ufak bir hatrlatma;

ngilizce Office ykl bir bilgisayarda kodlarnz hata verecektir nk, menlere "etiket - balk" ile referans vermiiniz. Bunun yerine mennn ID zellii

Aadaki resimde grld gibi, "Makro" veya "Makrolar" mens/dialog kutusu veya kod sayfas yani VBE (Visual Basic Editor)'n kendisi Excel'in eitl Bu durumda benim nerim aadaki gibidir; Kod: Sub Auto_Open() Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30017).Enabled = False Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=186).Enabled = False Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Ply").FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Document").FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Visual Basic").Enabled = False Application.CommandBars("Control ToolBox").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "Mesaj" Application.OnKey "%{F8}", "Mesaj" End Sub ' Sub Auto_Close() Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=30017).Enabled = True Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=186).Enabled = True Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Ply").FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Document").FindControl(ID:=1561).Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Visual Basic").Enabled = True Application.CommandBars("Control ToolBox").Enabled = True Application.OnKey "%{F11}" Application.OnKey "%{F8}" End Sub ' Sub Mesaj() MsgBox "Makrolar gizli!!" End Sub

Dip Not: Eer ama kullancdan makrolar gizlemekse; makrolarn olduu moduln en stne aadaki satr yerletirdiinizde, kullanc bahsettiiniz menler aktif

Dim RunWhen As Double Const RunWhat = "Info" Sub Auto_Open() StartTimer End Sub Sub StartTimer() RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5) Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=True End Sub Sub Info() ' Aadaki satrda yer alan MsgBox fonksiyonu yerine, ' altrlmasn istediiniz baka bir makronun adn yazarak ' o makronun altrlmasn salayabilirsiniz. MsgBox "Dikkat, sayfayi gncelleyin !" StartTimer End Sub Sub StopTimer() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=False End Sub Sub Auto_Close() StopTimer End Sub Sub Auto_Open() If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1" Then Range("B3") = "Evren1" 'Buraya Call::::::. makro ismi de yazlabilir End If End Sub Sub z() If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1" Then Range("B4") = "Evren2" 'Buraya Call::::::. makro ismi de yazlabilir End If End Sub Sub auto_open() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "mesaj" End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = True Application.OnKey "%{F11}" End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "Makrolar gizli!!" End Sub kodlar kopyala alt+F11-insert-module 'den sonra yaptrarak kullanabilirsiniz...Kolay gelsin Kod: Sub auto_open() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "mesaj" End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls(6).Controls("Makro").Enabled = True Application.OnKey "%{F11}" End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "Makrolar gizli!!" End Sub

A1 hcresine 1000 yazp aadaki kodu altrn. Kod: Sub sfr() Do Until [a1] = 0 [a1] = [a1] - 1 Loop End Sub Aadakileri szkonusu dosyada yeni bir module yaptrdktan sonra kaydedin ve kapatn. Daha sonra dosyay tekrar an. Kod: Dim RunWhen As Double Const RunWhat = "Info" ' Sub Auto_Open() StartTimer End Sub ' Sub StartTimer() RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5) Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=True End Sub ' Sub Info() ' Aadaki satrda yer alan MsgBox fonksiyonu yerine, ' altrlmasn istediiniz baka bir makronun adn yazarak ' o makronun altrlmasn salayabilirsiniz. MsgBox "Dikkat, sayfayi gncelleyin !" StartTimer End Sub ' Sub StopTimer() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=False End Sub ' Sub Auto_Close() StopTimer End Sub Yaptrdnz ilemlerin bana Thisworkbook ekleyerek yapabilirsiniz. ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).... Sub butonekle() ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(10, 5, 50, 20).Select Selection.OnAction = "Makro1" End Sub Sub sayfa_send() ActiveSheet.Select ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="c:\Part of " & ThisWorkbook.Name & " " & strdate ActiveSheet.Cells.Copy ActiveSheet.Cells.PasteSpecial xlPasteValues ActiveSheet.Cells.ClearComments ActiveSheet.Buttons.Delete ActiveSheet.Range(Columns(71), Columns(256)).Delete ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.SendMail "", "CAR HRE" fname = ActiveWorkbook.FullName ActiveWorkbook.Close Kill fname End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target = "AHMET" Then Run "Module1.Makro3" End If End Sub bir makronun iinden baka bir makroyu armak iin Application.Run "kitap1.xls'!Sayfa1.baskamakro" gibi bir komut kullanabilirsiniz: run ("denememakrosu") eklindede olabilir:

Sub MostRecent() Dim J As Integer For J = 1 To Application.RecentFiles.Count Cells(J, 1) = Application.RecentFiles(J).Name Next J End Sub ' Call DShortCut(ThisWorkbook.FullName) 'End Sub 'Modle Sub Dektop_Icon_anlegen() Call DShortCut(ThisWorkbook.FullName) End Sub Function DShortCut(strFullFilePathName As String) As Long ' Ursprngliche Version von Myrna Larson in VBS ' Fr VBA umgebaut von klausimausi64 ' Uses the Windows Scripting Host to create a .lnk ' shortcut on the user's desktop. ' Parameters: strFullFilePathName - String - The full name of ' the file to which the shortcut will point. ' Returns: 1 = success, 0 = target doesn't exist, -1 = other error ' Example: Call DShortCut ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 97\Office\Examples\SAMPLES.XLS") Dim WSHShell As Object Dim WSHShortcut As Object Dim strDesktopPath As String Dim strFileName As String Dim strPath As String On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' Create a Windows Shell Object Set WSHShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell") ' Get the file's name and path... strFileName = Dir(strFullFilePathName) strPath = Left(strFullFilePathName, Len(strFullFilePathName) - Len(strFileName)) ' Make sure file exists If Not Len(strFileName) = 0 Then ' Read desktop path using WshSpecialFolders object strDesktopPath = WSHShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Desktop") ' Create a shortcut object on the desktop Set WSHShortcut = WSHShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktopPath & "\" & strFileName & ".lnk") ' Set shortcut object properties and save it With WSHShortcut .TargetPath = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strFullFilePathName) .WorkingDirectory = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strPath) .WindowStyle = 4 .IconLocation = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Application.Path & "\excel.exe , 0") .Save End With DShortCut = 1 Else DShortCut = 0 End If Continue: Set WSHShell = Nothing Exit Function ErrHandler: DShortCut = -1 Resume Continue End Function

Call DShortCut(ThisWorkbook.FullName) End Sub Function DShortCut(strFullFilePathName As String) As Long Dim WSHShell As Object Dim WSHShortcut As Object Dim strDesktopPath As String Dim strFileName As String Dim strPath As String On Error GoTo ErrHandler ' Create a Windows Shell Object Set WSHShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell") ' Get the file's name and path... strFileName = Dir(strFullFilePathName) strPath = Left(strFullFilePathName, Len(strFullFilePathName) - Len(strFileName)) ' Make sure file exists If Not Len(strFileName) = 0 Then ' Read desktop path using WshSpecialFolders object strDesktopPath = WSHShell.SpecialFolders.Item("Desktop") ' Create a shortcut object on the desktop Set WSHShortcut = WSHShell.CreateShortcut(strDesktopPath & "\" & strFileName & ".lnk") ' Set shortcut object properties and save it With WSHShortcut .TargetPath = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strFullFilePathName) .WorkingDirectory = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strPath) .WindowStyle = 4 .IconLocation = WSHShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(Application.Path & "\excel.exe , 0") .Save End With DShortCut = 1 Else DShortCut = 0 End If Continue: Set WSHShell = Nothing Exit Function ErrHandler: DShortCut = -1 Resume Continue End Function Private sub userform activate Dim control For each control In form1.controls If TypeOf control Is MaskEdBox Then control.Mask= ##/##/#### Next End sub Sub menkomutlara() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(Id:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = True 'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(Id:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = True 'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl End Sub

Sub menkomutlariptal() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(Id:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = False 'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(Id:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = False 'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Application.CommandBars.ActiveMenuBar.Enabled = True Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Enabled = False End Sub

.OnAction = "msntar" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 115 .State = msoButtonUp End With 'Dosyalarn Teknik Bakm With AnaAltMen.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "Dosyalarn Teknik Bakm" .OnAction = "tekbak" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 116 .State = msoButtonUp End With '.................................................................................................... 'Alt Men 9 Set AnaAltMen = AnaMen.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, 1, , , True) With AnaAltMen .Caption = "Yedekleme lemleri" End With 'Yedek Alma lemi With AnaAltMen.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "Yedek Alma lemi" .OnAction = "yedal" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 117 .State = msoButtonUp End With 'Yedek Geri Dnme lemi With AnaAltMen.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, 1, , , True) .Caption = "Yedek Geri Dnme lemi" .OnAction = "yedgerd" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 118 .State = msoButtonUp End With On Error Resume Next End Sub Sub auto_close() MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Reset End Sub

Sub AjouteMenus() MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus.Add Caption:="&MonMenu", before:=9 '(before:=9)modifi cette valeur pour placer le menu o vous voulez MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("&MonMenu").MenuItems.Add _ Caption:="&SousMenu1", before:=1, OnAction:="Nom de la macro 1" 'Excute la macro 1 MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus("&MonMenu").MenuItems.Add _ Caption:="&SousMenu2", before:=1, OnAction:="Nom de la macro 2" 'Excute la macro 2 End Sub Sub SupprimeMenus() For Each MenuName In MenuBars(xlWorksheet).Menus If MenuName.Caption = "&MonMenu" Then MenuName.Delete End If Next End Sub Thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Symbolleiste_Klaus").Delete End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="Symbolleiste_Klaus").Visible = True Set myControl1 = Application.CommandBars("Symbolleiste_Klaus").Controls.Add(msoControlButton) With myControl1 .FaceId = 71 'HIER FACE-ID ANPASSEN .OnAction = "Klaus1" 'HIER DEINEN MAKRONAMEN ANPASSEN .Caption = "Klaus Makro 1" 'HIER DEINEN INFOTEXT ANPASSEN End With Set myControl2 = Application.CommandBars("Symbolleiste_Klaus").Controls.Add(msoControlButton) With myControl2 .FaceId = 72 'HIER FACE-ID ANPASSEN .OnAction = "Klaus2" 'HIER DEINEN MAKRONAMEN ANPASSEN .Caption = "Klaus Makro 2" 'HIER DEINEN INFOTEXT ANPASSEN End With End Sub 'Modle Sub Klaus1() MsgBox "" End Sub Sub Klaus2() MsgBox "" End Sub

Set ML = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") ' Name fr neues Men anlegen Set U1 = ML.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Before:=10) U1.Caption = "&EXCEL-LEX" U1.Tag = "MeinMen" ' dient zur eindeutigen Identifizierung des Mens ' 1. Menpunkt anlegen Set Punkt = U1.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With Punkt .Caption = "&1. Menpunkt" .OnAction = "MsgBox1" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 3278 End With ' neues Untermen wird hinzugefgt Set Punkt = U1.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) With Punkt .Caption = "1.Untermen" End With Set U2 = Punkt ' Variable fr das 2. Untermen wird gesetzt ' Neuer Meneintrag im 2.Untermen Set Punkt = U2.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With Punkt .Caption = "&2.Menpunkt" .OnAction = "MsgBox2" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 488 End With Set Punkt = U2.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With Punkt .Caption = "&3.Menpunkt" .OnAction = "MsgBox3" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 1715 End With ' Weiterer Eintrag im 1.Untermen Set Punkt = U1.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With Punkt .Caption = "&4.Menpunkt" .OnAction = "MsgBox4" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption .FaceId = 3200 End With End Sub Sub Menue_aus() Set ML = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") On Error Resume Next ' Fehlerbehandlung ML.FindControl(Tag:="MeinMen").Delete End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Dim cbMenu As CommandBar Dim cbSpecialMenu As CommandBarPopup Dim cbCommand As CommandBarControl Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar") Set cbSpecialMenu = cbMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) cbSpecialMenu.Caption = "Mein Spezialmenu" Set cbCommand = cbSpecialMenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) cbCommand.Caption = "Mein Befehl" cbCommand.OnAction = "sil" End Sub Sub sil() Dim cbSpecialMenu As CommandBarControl On Error Resume Next Set cbSpecialMenu = Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Mein Spezialmenu") cbSpecialMenu.Delete End Sub

Sub ID_anzeigen() Dim intZ%, objY As CommandBar, objX As CommandBarControl [a1] = "ID": [b1] = "Name": [c1] = "Index": [d1] = "Symbolleiste" intZ = 2 For Each objY In CommandBars For Each objX In CommandBars(objY.Name).Controls Cells(intZ, 1) = objX.ID Cells(intZ, 2) = objX.Caption Cells(intZ, 3) = objX.Index Cells(intZ, 4) = objY.Name intZ = intZ + 1 Next Next End Sub

Sub StartClock() StartClockinMenu End Sub Sub StopClock() StopClockinMenu End Sub 'Modle2 ye Option Explicit Private Declare Function FindWindow _ Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" _ (_ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function SetTimer _ Lib "user32" _ (_ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _ ByVal uElapse As Long, _ ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function KillTimer _ Lib "user32" _ (_ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetCurrentVbaProject _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "EbGetExecutingProj" _ (_ hProject As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetFuncID _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "TipGetFunctionId" _ (_ ByVal hProject As Long, _ ByVal strFunctionName As String, _ ByRef strFunctionID As String _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetAddr _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId" _ (_ ByVal hProject As Long, _ ByVal strFunctionID As String, _ ByRef lpfnAddressOf As Long _ )_ As Long Private WindowsTimer As Long Private ClockCBControl As CommandBarButton Sub StartClockinMenu() Set ClockCBControl = _ Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add( _ Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True) ClockCBControl.Style = msoButtonCaption ClockCBControl.Caption = Format(Now, "Long Time") fncWindowsTimer 1000 End Sub Sub StopClockinMenu() fncStopWindowsTimer ClockCBControl.Delete

Public Sub Me_006() Dim CmdB As CommandBar Dim i As Integer 'Dim i% i=1 With ActiveSheet .[A:B].ClearContents .[A1].Value = "Name" .[B1].Value = "Lokaler Name" End With For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypeNormal Then i=i+1 With ActiveSheet .Cells(i, 1).Value = CmdB.Name .Cells(i, 2).Value = CmdB.NameLocal End With End If Next CmdB ActiveSheet.Columns("A:B").AutoFit End Sub Sub TwoLines() MsgBox "Line 1" & vbCrLf & "Line 2" End Sub Sub Heure() Dim i As Byte For i = 0 To 23 Application.OnTime TimeValue(i & ":00:00"), "Affiche_Heure" Next i End Sub Sub Affiche_Heure() MsgBox "Il est " & Time End Sub Sub mesaj() MsgBox "yisinizdir naallah", , "naslsnz" End Sub MsgBox "Mesaj boxlarda satr ba yapamyorum." & vbCrlf & "Bunun bir yolu olmal !" & vbCrlf & "Acaba vbCrlf kullanrsam ne olur?", vbinformation Yada Alt+Enter'in Ascii kodu olan chr(10) kullanlabilir. Sub A() MsgBox "A" & Chr(10) & "B" & Chr(10) & "C" & Chr(10) & "D" & Chr(10) End Sub Sub MsgAscii() Dim sayi1 As Integer For sayi1 = 1 To 255 msg = msg & (sayi1) & Chr(58) & Chr(sayi1) & Space(1) Next sayi1 MsgBox msg, 64, Chr(83) & Chr(252) & Chr(108) & Chr(101) _ & Chr(121) & Chr(109) & Chr(97) & Chr(110) & Chr(32) & Chr(85) _ & Chr(90) & Chr(85) & Chr(78) & Chr(75) & Chr(214) & Chr(80) & _ Chr(82) & Chr(220) End Sub

Dim c As Range, rngSection As Range Dim cFirst As Range, cLast As Range Dim rowLast As Long, colLast As Integer Dim r As Long, iSection As Integer Dim iCopies As Variant Dim strCH As String Set c = Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) rowLast = c.Row colLast = c.Column iCopies = InputBox( _ "Number of Copies", "Changing Section Headers", 1) If iCopies = "" Then Exit Sub Set cFirst = Range("A1") ' initialization start cell For r = 2 To rowLast ' from first row to last row If ActiveSheet.Rows(r).PageBreak = xlPageBreakManual Then Set cLast = Cells(r - 1, colLast) Set rngSection = Range(cFirst, cLast) iSection = iSection + 1 Select Case iSection ' substitute your CenterSection Header data ... Case 1: strCH = "Section 1" Case 2: strCH = "Section 2" ' etc ' Case n: strCH = "Section n" End Select ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = strCH rngSection.PrintOut _ Copies:=iCopies, Collate:=True Set cFirst = Cells(r, 1) End If Next r ' Last Section ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Set rngSection = Range(cFirst, c) iSection = iSection + 1 ' substitute your Center Header data ... strCH = "Last Section ..." ' or strCH = "Section " & iSection ActiveSheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = strCH rngSection.PrintOut _ Copies:=iCopies, Collate:=True End Sub

Sub MyMessage() MsgBox "Merhaba 1" MsgBox "Merhaba 2", vbInformation MsgBox "Merhaba 3", vbExclamation, "Buras Balk Ksm" MsgBox "Merhaba 4", vbCritical, "Buras Balk Ksm" MsgBox "Merhaba 5", vbDefaultButton1 MsgBox "Merhaba 6", vbDefaultButton2 MsgBox "Merhaba 7", vbDefaultButton3 MsgBox "Merhaba 8", vbDefaultButton4 MsgBox "Merhaba 9", vbMsgBoxHelpButton MsgBox "Merhaba 10", vbApplicationModal MsgBox "Merhaba 11", vbMsgBoxRight MsgBox "Merhaba 12", vbMsgBoxRtlReading MsgBox "Merhaba 13", vbMsgBoxSetForeground MsgBox "Merhaba 14", vbOKCancel MsgBox "Merhaba 15", vbOKOnly MsgBox "Merhaba 16", vbQuestion MsgBox "Merhaba 17", vbRetryCancel MsgBox "Merhaba 18", vbSystemModal MsgBox "Merhaba 19", vbYesNo MsgBox "Merhaba 20", vbYesNoCancel End Sub Sub msg_yes_no() iResult = MsgBox("Evet mi, Hayr m?", vbYesNo) If iResult = vbYes Then 'Evet iin buraya kod yazabilirsiniz MsgBox "Evet i setin" Else 'Hayr iin buraya kod yazabilirsiniz MsgBox "Hayr setin" End If End Sub Sub MsgBox() Dim WshShell Dim intAntwort As Integer Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") intAntwort = WshShell.Popup(WeekdayName(Weekday(Date, vbMonday)) _ & Chr(13) & _ Day(Date) & ". " & _ MonthName(Month(Date)) & " " & _ Year(Date) & Chr(13) & _ Time, 3, "pir") End Sub Sub Adjust() Dim Target As Range Dim J As Integer Dim sForm As String Dim sMod As String Set Target = ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveWindow.Selection.Address) sMod = InputBox("Formula to add?") If sMod > "" Then For J = 1 To Target.Cells.Count If Target.Cells(J).HasFormula Then sForm = Target.Cells(J).Formula sForm = "=(" & Mid(sForm, 2, 500) & ")" sForm = sForm & sMod Target.Cells(J).Formula = sForm Else sForm = "=" & Target.Cells(J).Value & sMod Target.Cells(J).Formula = sForm End If Next J End If End Sub

Sub msg1() MsgBox "Test MSG1", vbInformation, "Information fichier" End Sub Sub msg11() MsgBox "Test MSG11", 64, "Information fichier" End Sub 'Indique un message d'exclamation Sub msg2() MsgBox "Test MSG2", vbExclamation, "Information fichier" End Sub 'Idem avec la valeur 48 Sub msg22() MsgBox "Test MSG22", 48, "Information fichier" End Sub 'En plus clair Sub msg3() MsgBox prompt:="Il est l'heure de votre RDV", _ Buttons:=vbExclamation, Title:="ATTENTION" End Sub Sub Send_Excel_Message() Dim MyMessage As Object, MyOutApp As Object 'InitializeOutlook = True Set MyOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set MyMessage = MyOutApp.CreateItem(0) With MyMessage .To = "" .Subject = "Testmeldung von Excel2000 " & Date & Time '.body = "Selamun Aleykm" & vbCrLf & "Naslsnz Mahmut Bey" .HTMLBody = "Afiyettesinizdir" & vbCrLf & "naallah." .Display .Save SendKeys "%S" End With 'MyOutApp.Quit bataki iaret kaldrrsanz mesaj gnderen uygulamay kapatr. Set MyOutApp = Nothing Set MyMessage = Nothing End Sub Sub Macro1() MsgBox ("This is Macro1") Call Macro2 End Sub Sub TestValeurVide() Dim MaValeur, MonTest MaValeur = Empty 'il y a une valeur MonTest = IsEmpty(MaValeur) ' Test si ma valeur est vide MsgBox MonTest 'Retourne Vrai MaValeur = Null 'il n'y a pas de valeur MonTest = IsEmpty(MaValeur)' Test si ma valeur est vide (EstVide) MsgBox MonTest 'Retourne Faux MaValeur = Null 'il n'y a pas de valeur MonTest = Not IsEmpty(MaValeur) ' Test si ma valeur n'est pas vide (Non EstVide) MsgBox MonTest 'Retourne Vrai End Sub Sub Valeurnum() Dim MaValeur, MaValeur2, MonTest, MonTest2 MaValeur = "4578" MonTest = IsNumeric(MaValeur) 'Retourne Vrai MsgBox MonTest MaValeur = "4578,456" MonTest = IsNumeric(MaValeur) 'Retourne Vrai MsgBox MonTest MaValeur2 = "daniel" MonTest2 = IsNumeric(MaValeur2) 'Retourne Faux MsgBox MonTest2 End Sub

Sub ValeurDate() Dim MaDate, NonDate, TestDate, TestDate2 MaDate = "02 Mai 2002": NonDate = "Daniel" TestDate = IsDate(MaDate) 'Retourne Vrai MsgBox TestDate TestDate2 = IsDate(NonDate) 'Retourne Faux MsgBox TestDate2 End Sub Onun yerine, TextBox nesnesinden "cursor - imle" ktnda bu iin yaplmasn istersen; Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub

Ve, eer az nce rastladm senin dier bir mesajnda bu iin yaplmasn istersen; Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub RefreshTxtBx() Dim Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double On Error Resume Next Val1 = TextBox1 Val2 = TextBox2 On Error GoTo 0 TextBox3 = Format(Val1 + Val2, "#,### TL") End Sub

Sadece say yazmak iinde aadaki linki inceleyiniz. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###-### ## ##") End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

tutarda sadece saysal deer (saynn 1.234,56 eklinde) yazlmas iin visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If IsNumeric(TextBox1) = True Then TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,###.##") Exit Sub End If TextBox1 = "GRLEN DEER HATALIDIR" End Sub

Sub BuyukHarf() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value=Ucase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub Metni kk harf yapmak iinse u makroyu kullann: Sub KucukHarf() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value=Lcase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub 'VERLEN HCRE LTNE GRE SAYFAYA YAZILANLARI BYK HARFE EVRR. Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Application.EnableEvents = False Set RaBereich = Range("a1:1000") Application.EnableEvents = False For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then RaZelle.Value = UCase(RaZelle.Value) End If Next RaZelle Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub 'VERLEN HCRE LTNE GRE SAYFAYA YAZILANLARIN BA HARFN BYK HARFE EVRR. Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Application.EnableEvents = False Set RaBereich = Range("a1:1000") Application.EnableEvents = False For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then If RaZelle <> "" Then RaZelle.Value = UCase(Mid(RaZelle.Value, 1, 1)) _ & LCase(Mid(RaZelle.Value, 2, Len(RaZelle.Value) - 1)) End If End If Next RaZelle Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub

Sub BuyukHarf() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value=Ucase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub Metni kk harf yapmak iinse u makroyu kullann: Sub KucukHarf() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value=Lcase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub 'VERLEN HCRE LTNE GRE SAYFAYA YAZILANLARI BYK HARFE EVRR. Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Application.EnableEvents = False Set RaBereich = Range("a1:1000") Application.EnableEvents = False For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then RaZelle.Value = UCase(RaZelle.Value) End If Next RaZelle Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub 'VERLEN HCRE LTNE GRE SAYFAYA YAZILANLARIN BA HARFN BYK HARFE EVRR. Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Application.EnableEvents = False Set RaBereich = Range("a1:1000") Application.EnableEvents = False For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then If RaZelle <> "" Then RaZelle.Value = UCase(Mid(RaZelle.Value, 1, 1)) _ & LCase(Mid(RaZelle.Value, 2, Len(RaZelle.Value) - 1)) End If End If Next RaZelle Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub

Kod: 'Windows API function declaration Private Declare Function PlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "PlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszName As String, _ ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Function Alarm(Cell, Condition) Dim WAVFile As String Const SND_ASYNC = &H1 Const SND_FILENAME = &H20000 On Error GoTo ErrHandler If Evaluate(Cell.Value & Condition) Then WAVFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\sound.wav" 'Edit this statement Call PlaySound(WAVFile, 0&, SND_ASYNC Or SND_FILENAME) Alarm = True Exit Function End If ErrHandler: Alarm = False End Function Kod: =Alarm(A1;">=1000")

imdi benim sorunum yle , E stununda tarihler var.Bu tarihlerden 10 gn nce alarm versin ve F stunundaki kiilere Microsoft Outlookdan uyar e-m _________________ Haluk Moderatr --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Excel ile e-mail gnderilecekse e-mail client olarak MS Outlook'un kullanlmas her zaman daha iyidir. nk MS Outlook da bir Office program olduu iin

Aadaki kodu altrmadan nce Excel VBE'de Tools | References ksmndan MS Outlook 9.0 Object Libray referansnn eklenmesi gerekir. (MS Outlook v

PC'nin tarihi ile E stunundaki tarihleri kontrol edip, 10 gnlk fark grd yerde F stunundaki geerli e-mail adresine bir e-mail, MS Outlook ile aad Kod: Sub MultiEmail() Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application Dim NewMail As Outlook.MailItem Dim noE As Integer, i As Integer noE = Cells(65536, 5).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To noE If Cells(i, 5) = Date - 10 Then Set OutApp = New Outlook.Application Set NewMail = CreateItem(olMailItem) With NewMail .To = Cells(i, 6).Text .Subject = "Deneme" .Body = "Bu e-mail deneme amacyla gnderilmitir." .Save .Send End With Set NewMail = Nothing Set OutApp = Nothing End If Next End Sub

Eer bu kodun altrld PC'de ilgili gvenlik yamas kurulmu ise Windows kullancy ikaz eder ve baka bir programn e-mail gndermeye altna da

Sub PlayMIDI() Dim Player Player = Shell("C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe") C:\Songs\regypti.mid", 6) AppActivate Player End Sub Sub Play_Sound() Dim Player Player = Shell("C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe,C:\canyon.mid", 6) AppActivate Player End Sub Sub PlayMIDI() Dim Player Player = Shell("C:\Progra~1\Window~1\mplayer2.exe C:\Songs\regypti.mid", 6) AppActivate Player End Sub Sub Mini_Mail() Shell "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\OUTLOOK.exe" ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="", Subject:="Test" End Sub Sub ModulGizle() Module(1).Visible = xlVeryHidden End Sub Sub ModulGoster() Module(1).Visible = True End Sub Sub Loeschen() With Workbooks("Kitap1.xls").VBProject .VBComponents.Remove .VBComponents("Modul1") End With End Sub BU KOD MODL NE YAZILAN KODU SAYFA NDE AKTF HALE GETRR. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Call Makro1 End Sub BU KOD MODL NE YAZILAN KODU SAYFA NDE AKTF HALE GETRR. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Call Makro1 End Sub Private Sub TextBox25_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) On Error Resume Next If TextBox5 = Empty Then : Exit Sub Else TextBox25.Value = WorksheetFunction.Round((TextBox5.Value * 0.7), 2) End If End Sub

(ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _ ByValuReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" Alias _ "GetShortPathNameA" (ByVal lpszLongPath As String, ByVal lpszShortPath As _ String, ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long Sub LanceMP3() X = ThisWorkbook.Path joueMP3 (X & "\monfichier.mp3") End Sub

Public Sub joueMP3(ByVal Mp3 As String) Dim Tmp As Long, Tmp2 As String 'Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass Tmp2 = NomCourt(Mp3) Tmp = mciSendString("close MP3_Device", vbNullString, 0&, 0&) Tmp = mciSendString("open " & Tmp2 & " type MPEGVideo alias MP3_Device", _ vbNullString, 0&, 0&) If Tmp = 0 Then Tmp = mciSendString("play Mp3_Device", vbNullString, 0&, 0&) If Tmp <> 0 Then Screen.MousePointer = 0 MsgBox "Incapable de jouer ce Mp3" 'Else ' Tmp = mciSendString("close MP3_Device", vbNullString, 0&, 0&) End If Else 'Screen.MousePointer = 0 MsgBox "Incapable de jouer ce Mp3" End If 'Screen.MousePointer = 0 End Sub Public Sub StopMP3() Dim Tmp As Long Tmp = mciSendString("close MP3_Device", vbNullString, 0&, 0&) End Sub Private Function NomCourt(ByVal Fichier As String) As String Dim Tmp As String * 255, Tmp2 As Byte Tmp2 = GetShortPathName(Fichier, Tmp, Len(Tmp)) If Tmp2 > 0 Then NomCourt = Left(Tmp, Tmp2) End If End Function

Option Explicit ' Modul ' bentigte API-Deklarationen Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "mciSendStringA" ( _ ByVal lpstrCommand As String, _ ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, _ ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _ ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetShortPathName Lib "kernel32" _ Alias "GetShortPathNameA" ( _ ByVal lpszLongPath As String, _ ByVal lpszShortPath As String, _ ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long ' Ermittelt die Lnge einer MP3-Datei Sub Lnge_MP3() Dim song As String Dim zeile As Integer zeile = ActiveCell.Row song = Cells(zeile, 1).Value '"C:\My Music\MP3\ABBA - Mamma Mia.mp3" MsgBox ("Titellnge: " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & FormatTime(GetMP3Length(song)) & " min.") End Sub ' in Millisekunden Function GetMP3Length(ByVal strFileName As String) As Long Dim strBuffer As String Dim lRet As Long Dim sReturn As String ' Da die mciSendString Funktion mit langen Dateinamen ' nicht korrekt arbeitet, muss zuvor der kurze ' 8.3 Dateiname der MP3-Datei ermittelt werden. strBuffer = Space$(255) lRet = GetShortPathName(strFileName, strBuffer, Len(strBuffer)) If lRet <> 0 Then strFileName = Left$(strBuffer, InStr(strBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1) End If ' MP3-Datei ffnen mciSendString "open " & strFileName & _ " type MPEGVideo alias mp3audio", 0, 0, 0 ' Lnge der Datei in Millisekunden auslesen sReturn = Space$(256) lRet = mciSendString("status mp3audio length", _ sReturn, Len(sReturn), 0&) ' MP3-Datei schliessen mciSendString "close mp3audio", 0, 0, 0 GetMP3Length = Val(sReturn) End Function ' Fr das Umwandeln der Zeitrckgabe (Millisekunden) in ein besser ' lesbares Format (Minuten:Sekunden) knnen Sie zustzlich nachfolgende ' Funktion einsetzen: ' Millisekunden in lesbares Zeitformat umwandeln Function FormatTime(ByVal lMSec As Long) _ As String Dim iMin As Integer Dim iSec As Integer iSec = Int(lMSec / 1000) iMin = Int(iSec / 60) iSec = iSec - (iMin * 60) FormatTime = Format$(iMin, "00") & ":" & _ Format$(iSec, "00") End Function

Sub sonkezsor() soru = MsgBox("Eminmisiniz?", Buttons:=vbQuestion + vbYesNo) If soru = vbYes Then ..................... End If End Sub Sub EingabeUeberInputbox() Dim wert01 As String wert01 = InputBox("Wert eingeben", "Bitte geben Sie einen Wert ein") Range("a1").Value = wert01 End Sub Msgbox'da - Gn - Tarih - Saat gsterir Sub MsgBox() Dim WshShell Dim intAntwort As Integer Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") intAntwort = WshShell.Popup(WeekdayName(Weekday(Date, vbMonday)) _ & Chr(13) & _ Day(Date) & ". " & _ MonthName(Month(Date)) & " " & _ Year(Date) & Chr(13) & _ Time, 3, "") End Sub Sub MsgBox() Dim WshShell Dim intAntwort As Integer Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") intAntwort = WshShell.Popup(WeekdayName(Weekday(Date, vbMonday)) _ & Chr(13) & _ Day(Date) & ". " & _ MonthName(Month(Date)) & " " & _ Year(Date) & Chr(13) & _ Time, 3, "pir") End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() MultiPage1.Value = MultiPage1.Value + 1 End Sub Private Sub MultiPage1_Change() Select Case MultiPage1.SelectedItem.Caption Case "Page1": Sheets("Sayfa1").Select Case "Page2": Sheets("Sayfa2").Select Case "Page3": Sheets("Sayfa3").Select Case "Page4": Sheets("Sayfa4").Select End Select End Sub ncelikle Page1'in index'inin 0 ve page2'nin index'inin 1 olduunu bilmelisiniz. Aadaki kodu yazn. Private Sub MultiPage1_Click(ByVal Index As Long) Select Case Index Case 0 makro1 Case 1 makro2 End Select End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() MultiPage1.Value = 0 End Sub Private Sub MultiPage1_Click(ByVal Index As Long) If Index = 1 Then CommandButton6.Enabled = False CommandButton7.Enabled = False sor = InputBox("FREY GRNZ", "FRE GR") If sor = "ifre" Then CommandButton6.Enabled = True CommandButton7.Enabled = True Exit Sub End If MsgBox "HATALI FRE" End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() MultiPage1.Value = MultiPage1.Value + 1 End Sub '// Birinci sayfayi gosterir MultiPage1.Value = 0 '// Ikinci sayfayi gosterir MultiPage1.Value = 1 Userforma bir scrollbar ekleyin ve aadaki kodu scrollbara yazn. Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change() MultiPage1.Value = ScrollBar1.Value End Sub 'Eer hep page alsn diyorsanz, bu durumda hangi nesneyi kullanyorsanz ona aadaki kodu yazmak yeterlidir.

MultiPage1.Value = 2 Gerekten bu durum ok enterasan. Form zerinde hereyi yapabiliyorsunuz fakat MultiPage nesnesinin zemin rengini deitirmek iin bir zelliin olmad Bu durumda sorulan sorunun cevabn bir kurnazlk yaparak bulmak gerekiyor.

Tm kontrolleri yerletirdikten sonra MultiPage nesnesi zerine bir Image nesnesi yerletirin ve tm kontrollerin altna gnderin ve Image nesnesinin zem Bu ilemi en son yapn ki dzenlemelerde bir sorunla karlamayn. Private Sub MultiPage1_Click(ByVal Index As Long) Select Case Index Case 0: Sheets(1).Select Case 1: Sheets(2).Select End Select End Sub Private Sub MultiPage1_Click(ByVal Index As Long) Select Case Index Case 0: Sheets(1).Select Case 1: Sheets(2).Select End Select End Sub

Dim nCtlP As CommandBarPopup, nCtlB As CommandBarButton For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypeMenuBar And _ CmdB.Name = "Meine Menueleiste" Then CmdB.Delete End If Next CmdB Set nCmdB = Application.CommandBars.Add _ (Name:="Meine Menueleiste", Position:=msoBarTop, _ MenuBar:=True, Temporary:=True) With nCmdB .Protection = msoBarNoMove .Protection = msoBarNoChangeDock .Protection = msoBarNoChangeVisible .Protection = msoBarNoCustomize .Protection = msoBarNoVerticalDock .Visible = True End With Set nCtlP = nCmdB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) With nCtlP .Caption = "Mein Menue &1" End With Set nCtlB = nCtlP.Controls.Add(ID:=247) With nCtlB .Style = msoButtonCaption End With Set nCtlB = nCtlP.Controls.Add(ID:=109) With nCtlB .Style = msoButtonAutomatic End With Set nCtlB = nCtlP.Controls.Add(ID:=4) With nCtlB .BeginGroup = True .Style = msoButtonAutomatic End With Set nCtlP = nCmdB.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup) With nCtlP .Caption = "Mein Menue &2" End With Set nCtlB = nCtlP.Controls.Add(ID:=1) With nCtlB .Caption = "Mein VBA-Makro &1" .OnAction = "Me_001_Code01" .Style = msoButtonCaption End With Set nCtlB = nCtlP.Controls.Add(ID:=1) With nCtlB .BeginGroup = True .FaceId = 239 .Caption = "Mein VBA-Makro &2" .OnAction = "Me_001_Code02" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call Me_001_Delete End Sub Public Sub Me_001_Code01() MsgBox "Die Option 'Mein VBA-Makro 1' wurde gewhlt!", _ vbInformation, "Code-Beispiel (Me_001)" End Sub Public Sub Me_001_Code02() MsgBox "Die Option 'Mein VBA-Makro 2' wurde gewhlt!", _ vbInformation, "Code-Beispiel (Me_001)" End Sub Public Sub Me_001_Delete() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Meine Menueleiste").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

Private Declare Function mciSendString Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "mciSendStringA" (ByVal lpstrCommand As String, ByVal _ lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, _ ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long Private isPlaying As Boolean Public Sub Ap_002_Play() Dim mp3File As String 'Dim mp3File$ mp3File = Chr$(34) & "C:\mp3\muamma.mp3" & Chr$(34) If isPlaying = True Then Call mciSendString("Stop MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Call mciSendString("Close MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Call mciSendString("Open " & mp3File & " Alias MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Call mciSendString("Play MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Else Call mciSendString("Open " & mp3File & " Alias MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Call mciSendString("Play MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) isPlaying = True End If End Sub Public Sub Ap_002_Stop() If isPlaying = False Then Exit Sub Call mciSendString("Stop MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) Call mciSendString("Close MM", 0&, 0&, 0&) End Sub

Dim nCtlB As CommandBarButton For Each CmdB In Application.CommandBars If CmdB.Type = msoBarTypePopup And _ CmdB.Name = "Mein Kontextmenue" Then CmdB.Delete End If Next CmdB Set nCmdB = Application.CommandBars.Add _ (Name:="Mein Kontextmenue", Position:=msoBarPopup, _ Temporary:=True) Set nCtlB = nCmdB.Controls.Add(ID:=1) With nCtlB .Caption = "Mein VBA-Makro &1" .OnAction = "Me_002_Code" .Style = msoButtonCaption End With Set nCtlB = nCmdB.Controls.Add(ID:=1) With nCtlB .FaceId = 239 .Caption = "Mein VBA-Makro &2" .OnAction = "Me_002_Code" .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption End With Set nCtlB = nCmdB.Controls.Add(ID:=247) With nCtlB .BeginGroup = True .Style = msoButtonCaption End With Set nCtlB = nCmdB.Controls.Add(ID:=109) With nCtlB .Style = msoButtonAutomatic End With Set nCtlB = nCmdB.Controls.Add(ID:=4) With nCtlB .BeginGroup = True .Style = msoButtonAutomatic End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _ ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True On Error GoTo Fehler Application.CommandBars("Mein Kontextmenue").ShowPopup Exit Sub Fehler: Cancel = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Call Me_002_Delete End Sub Public Sub Me_002_Code() MsgBox "Die Option 'Mein VBA-Makro " & _ Application.CommandBars("Mein Kontextmenue") _ .Controls(Application.Caller(1)).Index & _ "' wurde gewhlt!", _ vbInformation, "Code-Beispiel (Me_002)" End Sub Public Sub Me_002_Delete() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Mein Kontextmenue").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() For Each ayni In Range("b2:b1000") If ayni.Value = CStr(TextBox2.Value) Then DUR4 = MsgBox("GRM OLDUUNUZ VERG NUMARASI KAYITLARDA BULUNMAKTADIR", vbYes, "YANLI") TextBox2.Value = "" Exit Sub End If Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox2.Value <> "" Then Sheets("Sayfa1").Activate Cells(1, 1).Select Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" If Trim(ActiveCell.Value) = Trim(Me.TextBox1.Value) Then If MsgBox(Me.TextBox1 & " isimli ii kaytl" & " Yeniden kayt yaplsn m?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate Loop ActiveCell.Value = TextBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Value End If End Sub Sub ift_kaytlar_kaldr() Cells.Sort Key1:=Range("A1") totalrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Count = 1 For Row = totalrows To 2 Step -1 If Cells(Row, 1).Value = Cells(Row - 1, 1).Value Then Rows(Row).Delete Count = Count + 1 End If Next Row End Sub Sub RemoveDuplicates() Cells.Sort Key1:=Range("A1") totalrows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Count = 1 For Row = totalrows To 2 Step -1 If Cells(Row, 1).Value = Cells(Row - 1, 1).Value Then Rows(Row).Delete Count = Count + 1 Else Cells(Row, 3).Value = Count Count = 1 End If Next Row Cells(1, 3).Value = Count End Sub Sub mukerrer() For a = 1 To [a65536].End(xlUp).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Columns(1), Cells(a, 1)) > 1 Then Cells(a, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Next End Sub Sub SommeNgative() For Each Cell In Range("A1:A10") If Cell.Value < 0 Then total = total + Cell End If Next MsgBox "Total des valeurs ngatives " & total Range("A11") = total End Sub Sub Dialog_41() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertObject).Show End Sub

Sorunuz zerinde dndm tam bir zm olmasada u ekilde yaplabilir. ok daha iyi neriler kacaktr mutlaka.

textboxlarn bulunduu userformun iine aadaki kodu yaznz. Fakat bunu sadece userform_click olaynda gerekletirebildim. Yani formatlarn deitiril Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Click() For a = 1 To 16 UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & a) = Format(UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & a), "###.#######") Next a End Sub dier bir zmde;eer textboxlardan sonra rnein bir command buton seilecekse ayn kodlar bu butonun iine yazlabilir. Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Enter() For a = 1 To 16 UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & a) = Format(UserForm1.Controls("TextBox" & a), "###.#######") Next a End Sub Baka nerileri akas bende merakla bekliyorum. Dim strCurrentPrinter As String, strNetworkPrinter As String strNetworkPrinter = GetFullNetworkPrinterName("HP LaserJet 8100 Series PCL") If Len(strNetworkPrinter) > 0 Then ' found the network printer strCurrentPrinter = Application.ActivePrinter ' change to the network printer Application.ActivePrinter = strNetworkPrinter Worksheets(1).PrintOut ' print something ' change back to the previously active printer Application.ActivePrinter = strCurrentPrinter End If End Sub Function GetFullNetworkPrinterName(strNetworkPrinterName As String) As String ' returns the full network printer name ' returns an empty string if the printer is not found ' e.g. GetFullNetworkPrinterName("HP LaserJet 8100 Series PCL") ' might return "HP LaserJet 8100 Series PCL on Ne04:" Dim strCurrentPrinterName As String, strTempPrinterName As String, i As Long strCurrentPrinterName = Application.ActivePrinter i=0 Do While i < 100 strTempPrinterName = strNetworkPrinterName & " on Ne" & Format(i, "00") & ":" On Error Resume Next ' try to change to the network printer Application.ActivePrinter = strTempPrinterName On Error GoTo 0 If Application.ActivePrinter = strTempPrinterName Then ' the network printer was found GetFullNetworkPrinterName = strTempPrinterName i = 100 ' makes the loop end End If i=i+1 Loop ' remove the line below if you want the function to change the active printer Application.ActivePrinter = strCurrentPrinterName ' change back to the original printer End Function

Sub normal() Application.DisplayFullScreen = False End Sub

Public id Sub starten() id = Shell(Range("A1").Value, vbNormalFocus) End Sub Sub beenden() AppActivate id SendKeys "%{F4}", True End Sub NOT DEFTERN ALITIRIR Sub notdefteri() Call Shell("notepad.exe.", 1) End Sub NOT DEFTERN ALITIRIR Sub notdefteri() Call Shell("notepad.exe.", 1) End Sub Sub externesProgrammAusExcelAufrufen() Status = Shell("notepad.exe", 1) End Sub 'notepad.exe 'Calc.exe = 'MSPaint.exe 'sol.exe Shell "notepad.exe c:\foldername\filename.txt", vbMaximizedFocus Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim chemXlt As String chemXlt = Application.TemplatesPath & "NumAuto.xlt" If ActiveWorkbook.Path = "" Then Workbooks.Open (chemXlt) [NumFact] = [NumFact] - 1 ActiveWorkbook.Close True End If End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() If ActiveWorkbook.Path = "" Then [NumFact] = [NumFact] + 1 ActiveWorkbook.Saved = True ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs _ Application.TemplatesPath & "NumAuto.xlt" End If End Sub Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByValbScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Public Const VK_NUMLOCK = &H90 Sub Num_Lock_On() keybd_event VK_NUMLOCK, 1, 0, 0 End Sub Sub Num_Lock_Off() keybd_event VK_NUMLOCK, 0, 0, 0 End Sub Sub assist() Application.Assistant.Visible = True Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationIdle Set SB = Assistant.NewBalloon SB.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething SB.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons SB.Heading = " H A L L O ! ! ! " SB.Text = _ "Ich bin Dein persnlicher Assistent" If SB.Show = msoBalloonButtonOK Then Assistant.Visible = False End If End Sub TextBox13.Value = TextBox1*1 + TextBox2*1 + TextBox3*1+........

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Application.Visible = True UserForm1.Hide ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$H$20" ActiveSheet.PrintPreview EnableChanges:=False ActiveSheet.PrintOut copies:=2, Preview:=False 'copies:=1 kopya saysn artrmak iin Application.Visible = False UserForm1.Show End Sub Aadaki gibi bir kodla kaldrabilirsiniz. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------OptionButton1.Value = False OptionButton2.Value = False . . . Private Sub OptionButton2_Click() If OptionButton2.Value = True Then 'iaretlediinde manuel girmesinler diye TextBox10.Enabled = False TextBox10.Value = "Dkman" Else TextBox10.Value = Empty End If End Sub Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() 'manuel girmeleri iin true TextBox10.Enabled = True TextBox10.Value = "" End Sub Aklama: alma Sayfanzda herhangi bir hcreye 1 yazdnzda bire karlk gelen Cmle otomatik yazlr (En hzl siz yazacaksnz ) Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub If Target = "1" Then Target = "le Milli Eitim Mdrl" If Target = "2" Then Target = "Ahmet Akn KKKAYA" If Target = "3" Then Target = "Ordu li Kabata lesi" If Target = "4" Then Target = "Kabata" End Sub Sub Dialog_07() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogAutoCorrect).Show End Sub Sub Makro2() With Application .Calculation = xlManual End With End Sub Sub Makro3() With Application .Calculation = xlAutomatic End With End Sub Sub Makro4() Calculate End Sub

Dim RunWhen As Double Const RunWhat = "Info" ' Sub Auto_Open() StartTimer End Sub ' Sub StartTimer() RunWhen = Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5) Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=True End Sub ' Sub Info() ' Aadaki satrda yer alan MsgBox fonksiyonu yerine, ' altrlmasn istediiniz baka bir makronun adn yazarak ' o makronun altrlmasn salayabilirsiniz. MsgBox "Dikkat, sayfayi gncelleyin !" StartTimer End Sub ' Sub StopTimer() On Error Resume Next Application.OnTime earliesttime:=RunWhen, procedure:=RunWhat, schedule:=False End Sub ' Sub Auto_Close() StopTimer End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Target.Address = "$B$8" And Target.Value = 20 Then Cells.Select Selection.Copy Worksheets.Add.Name = Range("A4") ActiveSheet.Paste ActiveWorkbook.Save End If End Sub =ALTTOPLAM(9;B3:B1000) Sub FilterAufheben() If ActiveSheet.FilterMode Then ActiveSheet.ShowAllData End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) CommandButton1.Caption = Range("A1").Value & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " gefilterte Zeilen" End Sub 'sayfadaki buton bura ile ilikilendirilecek Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Filter_setzen CommandButton1.Caption = Range("A1").Value & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " gefilterte Zeilen" End Sub 'modle Sub Filter_setzen() Range("c1").Select SendKeys "%{Down}" Range("D1").Select Range("C1").Select End Sub Me.Hide Sheets("test").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview Me.Show Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PaperSize = xlPaperA5: .CenterHorizontally = True: .Orientation = xlPortrait .Zoom = False: .FitToPagesWide = 1: .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With Unload Me ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PaperSize = xlPaperA5: .CenterHorizontally = True: .Orientation = xlPortrait .Zoom = False: .FitToPagesWide = 1: .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With Unload Me ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub Sub Dateipfad() Worksheets(1).PageSetup.LeftFooter = ThisWorkbook.FullName End Sub Function iade2005(tutar) iade2005 = Round(Switch(tutar > 6600, (tutar - 6600) * 0.04 + 462, tutar > 3300, (tutar - 3300) * 0.06 + 264, tutar <= 3300, (tutar) * 0.08), 2) End Function Sub Dialog_19() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCustomViews).Show End Sub Sub Pied_Page() Dim Repert As String Dim Fichier As String Repert = ActiveWorkbook.Path Fichier = ActiveWorkbook.Name With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftFooter = Repert .RightFooter = Fichier End With End Sub Sub Euro() Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 " & ChrW(8364) End Sub Sub Euro0() Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0 " & ChrW(8364) End Sub Sub EuroRot() Selection.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00 " & ChrW(8364) & " ;[RED]-#,##0.00 " & _ ChrW(8364) End Sub aadaki kod iinizi grecektir. Kod: For i = 2 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row son = 1 For j = 2 To Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column Cells(i, j) = Mid(Cells(i, 1), son, Cells(1, j)) son = son + Cells(1, j) Next j Next i

yapmanz gereken a2 den itibaren aa doru verilerinizi yaptrmak. ve b1, c1, d1, e1 ....... gerektii kadar alnmas gereken para boyutlarn girmek. yu Sub FarkliKaydet() 'Application.DisplayAlerts = False Workbooks(ActiveWorkbook.Name).SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.FullName, FileFormat:= _ xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:= _ False, CreateBackup:=True 'Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

Private Type FILETIME dwLowDateTime As Long dwHighDateTime As Long End Type Private Const MAX_PATH = 260 Private Const FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = &H10 Private Type WIN32_FIND_DATA dwFileAttributes As Long ftCreationTime As FILETIME ftLastAccessTime As FILETIME ftLastWriteTime As FILETIME nFileSizeHigh As Long nFileSizeLow As Long dwReserved0 As Long dwReserved1 As Long cFileName As String * MAX_PATH cAlternate As String * 14 End Type Private Declare Function FindClose Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFindFile As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindFirstFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindFirstFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long Private Declare Function FindNextFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindNextFileA" (ByVal hFindFile As Long, lpFindFileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long Private nCount& 'Main code ================= Private Sub GetDirectoryListing(ByVal Root$) ' Function to calculate bytes used in Root$ and all subdirectories of Root$. ' Root$ should be entered in the form c:\Dir Dim FData As WIN32_FIND_DATA Dim fHand& Dim sPath$ Dim StillOK& Dim ByteTotal& Dim nPos% Dim DirName$, FileName$ sPath$ = Root$ + "\*.*" fHand& = FindFirstFile(sPath$, FData) If fHand& <= 0 Then Exit Sub End If ByteTotal& = 0 Do If (FData.dwFileAttributes And FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY Then nPos% = InStr(FData.cFileName, Chr$(0)) DirName$ = Left$(FData.cFileName, nPos% - 1) If DirName$ <> "." And DirName$ <> ".." Then GetDirectoryListing Root$ + "\" + DirName$ End If Else nCount& = nCount& + 1 nPos% = InStr(FData.cFileName, Chr$(0)) FileName$ = Left$(FData.cFileName, nPos% - 1) Cells(nCount&, 1).Value = Root$ + "\" + FileName$ _ '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '& gt;> ' If you don't want the path just use: ' Cells(nCount&,1).value = FileName$ End If StillOK& = FindNextFile(fHand&, FData) Loop Until StillOK = 0 fHand& = FindClose(fHand&) End Sub Public Sub GetFileList() Dim Path$ nCount& = 0 Path$ = InputBox("Enter the root for the file listing (e.g. 'c:\dir' orc:") If Len(Path$) = 0 Then Exit Sub GetDirectoryListing Path$ End Sub

size iki ayr seenek neriyorum rnek1: Sub Makro1() Range("A2").Select 10 ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate b = ActiveCell.Value satirno = ActiveCell.Row If b <> "" Then GoTo 10 End If Cells(satirno, 1) = Textbox1.Value End Sub rnek2: Sub Makro2() For a = 3 To 1000 b = Cells(a, 1).Value If b = "" Then Cells(a, 1) = Textbox1.Value GoTo 10 End If Next a 10 End Sub Sub kreisbogen() 'zeichnet Kreisbogen mit angegebenem Winkel Application.ScreenUpdating = False winkel = InputBox("Winkel ?") If winkel = Empty Or Not IsNumeric(winkel) Then Exit Sub ActiveSheet.Drawings.Add(100, 100, 100, 100, False) _ .Select For i = 0 To winkel k = 3.14159265358979 * i / 180 Selection.AddVertex 100 + 100 * Sin(k), 100 + 100 * Cos(k) i=i+1 Next Selection.AddVertex 100, 100 Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Declare Function ExitWindowsEx& Lib "user32" _ (ByVal uFlags&, ByVal wReserved&) Global Global Global Global Const Const Const Const EWX_FORCE = 8 EWX_LOGOFF = 0 EWX_REBOOT = 2 EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1

Sub calistir() Dim Kapatma_Zamani As Variant Kapatma_Zamani = InputBox("Windows'un ne zaman kapanmasn istersiniz?", , _ Format(Now + TimeSerial(0, 1, 0), "hh:mm:ss")) If Kapatma_Zamani = "" Then Exit Sub Application.OnTime TimeValue(Kapatma_Zamani), "Windowsu_Kapat" End Sub Sub Windowsu_Kapat() Dim LResult LResult = ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN, 0&) End Sub Sub BrowsePDFDocument() Dim strDocument As String strDocument = Application.GetOpenFilename("PDF Files,*.pdf,All Files,*.*", 1, "Open File", , False) ' get pdf document name If Len(strDocument) < 6 Then Exit Sub ActiveWorkbook.FollowHyperlink strDocument End Sub

Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal lpszPath As String, _ ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, _ ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long Declare Function FindExecutable Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "FindExecutableA" (ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal lpResult As String) As Long Function GetExecutablePath(strFileType As String) As String Dim strFileName As String, f As Integer, strExecutable As String, r As Long If Len(strFileType) = 0 Then Exit Function ' no file type strFileName = String$(255, " ") strExecutable = String$(255, " ") GetTempFileName CurDir, "", 0&, strFileName ' get a temporary file name strFileName = Application.Trim(strFileName) strFileName = Left$(strFileName, Len(strFileName) - 3) & strFileType ' add the given file type f = FreeFile Open strFileName For Output As #f ' create the temporary file Close #f r = FindExecutable(strFileName, vbNullString, strExecutable) ' look for an associated executable Kill strFileName ' remove the temporary file If r > 32 Then ' associated executable found strExecutable = Left$(strExecutable, InStr(strExecutable, Chr(0)) - 1) Else ' no associated executable found strExecutable = vbNullString End If GetExecutablePath = strExecutable End Function Sub OpenPDFDocument() Dim strDocument As String, strExecutable As String strDocument = Application.GetOpenFilename("PDF Files,*.pdf,All Files,*.*", 1, "Open File", , False) ' get pdf document name If Len(strDocument) < 6 Then Exit Sub strExecutable = GetExecutablePath("pdf") ' get the path to Acrobat Reader If Len(strExecutable) > 0 Then Shell strExecutable & " " & strDocument, vbMaximizedFocus ' open pdf document End If End PrintingTest() Sub Sub Dim sFileName As String 'Change here to an appropriate file name sFileName = "C:\V080506.pdf" 'Prints three copies. PrintPDF2 sFileName, 3 MsgBox "Data has been sent. " & vbLf & _ "Please close the instance of Acrobat Reader after printing." End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub PrintPDF2(ByVal FileName As String, Optional Copies As Long = 1) '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ '++ Prints the PDF files using a command line. '++ Written by Masaru Kaji aka Colo '++ Syntax '++ FileName : Required String expression that specifies a file name '++ - may include directory or folder, and drive.. '++ Copies : Optional Long. The number of copies to print. '++ If omitted one copy is printed. '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Const PrinterName As String = """Microsoft Office Document Image Writer""" Const DriverName As String = """Microsoft Office Document Image Writer""" Const PortName As String = """Microsoft Office Document Image Writer port:""" Dim cnt As Long Set myShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") For cnt = 1 To Copies myShell.Run ("AcroRd32.exe /t " & FileName & " " & PrinterName & " " & DriverName & " " & PortName) Next End Sub Sub Dialog_06() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogArrangeAll).Show End Sub

Sub ButunPencerelerMinimize() Dim Pencere As Window For Each Pencere In Windows If Pencere.Visible = False Then Pencere.Visible = True Pencere.WindowState = xlMinimized Next End Sub Sub GotoCol1() With Application ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False Range("H1").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True .Goto Range("IV1") .Goto Range("Z1") End With End Sub Sub GotoCol2() With Application ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False Range("H1").Select ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True .Goto Reference:=Range("Z1"), Scroll:=True End With End Sub

Dim i As Long Dim lngStart As Long lngStart = Timer With Workbooks(1).Sheets(1) For i = 1 To 65536 .Cells(i, 1).Value = "Selamn Aleykm!" Next i End With MsgBox (Timer - lngStart) & " saniye" End Sub Sub performanstesti() Dim i As Long Dim lngStart As Long lngStart = Timer For i = 1 To 65536 ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(i, 1).Value = "Mahmut BAYRAM" Next i MsgBox (Timer - lngStart) & " Saniye Vay be!" End Sub Sub PerformanceTest() Dim i As Long Dim lngStart As Long Dim rngZellen As Range lngStart = Timer Set rngZellen = Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Cells For i = 1 To 65536 rngZellen(i, 1).Value = "Hello World!" Next i MsgBox (Timer - lngStart) & " Sekunden" End Sub Sub PerformanceTest() Dim i As Long Dim lngStart As Long Dim rngZellen As Range lngStart = Timer Set rngZellen = Workbooks(1).Sheets(1).Range("A1:A65536").Rows rngZellen.Value = "Hello World!" MsgBox (Timer - lngStart) & " Sekunden" End Sub

Global rng, kosul As Range Global adres As String Function toplam(sht As Worksheet, malzeme As String, sart As String) Set rng = sht.Range("C3:C5000").Find(malzeme, Lookat:=xlWhole) Do If rng.Offset(0, 1) = sart Then toplam = toplam + rng.Offset(0, 2) Set rng = sht.Range(rng, Range("C5000")).FindNext If rng.Address = adres Then Exit Do adres = rng.Address Loop Set rng = Nothing End Function Sub gncelle() Dim ara As String Set kosul = Range(InputBox("Gncellenecek tarihin hcre adresini girin")) Application.ScreenUpdating = False ara = ActiveSheet.Name Set Set Set Set Set kitap = ThisWorkbook siparisler = Workbooks.Open("G:\Deneme\Sipari.xls") sevkiyat = Workbooks.Open("G:\Deneme\Sevkiyat.xls") hammadde = Workbooks.Open("G:\Deneme\Hammadde.xls") emirler = Workbooks.Open("G:\Deneme\Emirler.xls")

siparisler.Activate kosul.Offset(0, 1) = toplam(siparisler.Sheets("Gnlk"), ara, kosul.Value) hammadde.Activate kosul.Offset(0, 2) = toplam(hammadde.Sheets("Gnlk"), ara, kosul.Value) sevkiyat.Activate kosul.Offset(0, 3) = toplam(sevkiyat.Sheets("Gnlk"), ara, kosul.Value) emirler.Activate kosul.Offset(0, 4) = toplam(emirler.Sheets("Gnlk"), ara, kosul.Value) siparisler.Close False hammadde.Close False sevkiyat.Close False emirler.Close False kitap.Activate End Sub Sub Makro2() Dim tablo As PivotTable Dim alan As PivotField For Each tablo In ActiveSheet.PivotTables For Each alan In tablo.DataFields alan.Function = xlCount Next Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable4").RefreshTable End Sub Sub Refresh_Pivot() ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable").PivotSelect "b", xlDataAndLabel ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable").RefreshTable End Sub ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable").RefreshTable Private Sub ConnectionApp_PivotTableOpenConnection(ByVal Target As PivotTable) MsgBox "The PivotTable connection has been opened." End Sub Private Sub ConnectionApp_PivotTableCloseConnection(ByVal Target As PivotTable) MsgBox "The PivotTable connection has been closed." End Sub

Sub RefreshAllPivots() Dim wks As Worksheet Dim pt As PivotTable For Each wks In Worksheets For Each pt In wks.PivotTables pt.RefreshTable Next pt Next wks End Sub Sub Refresh_Pivot() ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable").PivotSelect "b", xlDataAndLabel ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable").RefreshTable End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Range("A1") = Range("A1") + 1 ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1, Copies:=1, Collate _ :=True Range("A1") = Range("A1") + 1 ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=1, To:=1, Copies:=1, Collate _ :=True End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Msgbox "Hello" End Sub Sub kapa() MsgBox "Bu program pir dzenlemitir.", , "KAPATILIYOR" ActiveWorkbook.Close True End Sub

Dim y$(9) Dim m$(4) Dim v(15) Dim c(3) b$(0) b$(1) b$(2) b$(3) b$(4) b$(5) b$(6) b$(7) b$(8) b$(9) y$(0) y$(1) y$(2) y$(3) y$(4) y$(5) y$(6) y$(7) y$(8) y$(9) = "" = "Bir" = "ki" = "" = "Drt" = "Be" = "Alt" = "Yedi" = "Sekiz" = "Dokuz" = "" = "On" = "Yirmi" = "Otuz" = "Krk" = "Elli" = "Altm" = "Yetmi" = "Seksen" = "Doksan" = "Trilyon" = "Milyar" = "Milyon" = "Bin" = ""

m$(0) m$(1) m$(2) m$(3) m$(4)

a$ = Str(sayi) If Left$(a$, 1) = " " Then pozitif = 1 Else pozitif = 0 a$ = Right$(a$, Len(a$) - 1) For x = 1 To Len(a$) If (Asc(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) > Asc("9")) Or (Asc(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) < Asc("0")) Then GoTo hata Next x If Len(a$) > 15 Then GoTo hata a$ = String(15 - Len(a$), "0") + a$ For x = 1 To 15 v(x) = Val(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) Next x s$ = "" For x = 0 To 4 c(1) = v((x * 3) + 1) c(2) = v((x * 3) + 2) c(3) = v((x * 3) + 3) If c(1) = 0 Then e$ = "" ElseIf c(1) = 1 Then e$ = "Yz" Else e$ = b$(c(1)) + "Yz" End If e$ = e$ + y$(c(2)) + b$(c(3)) If e$ <> "" Then e$ = e$ + m$(x) If (x = 3) And (e$ = "BirBin") Then e$ = "Bin" s$ = s$ + e$ Next x If s$ = "" Then s$ = "Sfr" If pozitif = 0 Then s$ = "Eksi" + s$ yaz$ = s$ GoTo tamam hata: yaz$ = "Hata" tamam: End Function

' ' ' ' '

projenize ekleyin Mesut AKCAN

Function yaziyla(sayi As Currency) As String Dim b(9) As String Dim y(9) As String Dim m(4) As String Dim v(15) Dim c(3) b(0) b(1) b(2) b(3) b(4) b(5) b(6) b(7) b(8) b(9) y(0) y(1) y(2) y(3) y(4) y(5) y(6) y(7) y(8) y(9) = "" = "Bir" = "ki" = "" = "Drt" = "Be" = "Alt" = "Yedi" = "Sekiz" = "Dokuz" = "" = "On" = "Yirmi" = "Otuz" = "Krk" = "Elli" = "Altm" = "Yetmi" = "Seksen" = "Doksan" = "Trilyon " = "Milyar " = "Milyon " = "Bin " = ""

m(0) m(1) m(2) m(3) m(4)

a$ = Str(sayi) If Left$(a$, 1) = " " Then pozitif = 1 Else pozitif = 0 a$ = Right$(a$, Len(a$) - 1) For x = 1 To Len(a$) If (Asc(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) > Asc("9")) Or (Asc(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) < Asc("0")) Then GoTo hata Next x If Len(a$) > 15 Then GoTo hata a$ = String(15 - Len(a$), "0") + a$ For x = 1 To 15 v(x) = Val(Mid$(a$, x, 1)) Next x s$ = "" For x = 0 To 4 c(1) = v((x * 3) + 1) c(2) = v((x * 3) + 2) c(3) = v((x * 3) + 3) If c(1) = 0 Then e$ = "" ElseIf c(1) = 1 Then e$ = "Yz" Else e$ = b(c(1)) + "Yz" End If e$ = e$ + y(c(2)) + b(c(3)) If e$ <> "" Then e$ = e$ + m(x) If (x = 3) And (e$ = "BirBin ") Then e$ = "Bin" s$ = s$ + e$ Next x If s$ = "" Then s$ = "Sfr" If pozitif = 0 Then s$ = "Eksi " + s$ yaziyla = s$ GoTo tamam hata: yaziyla = "Hata" tamam: End Function

sayi(0, 1) = "": sayi(0, 2) = "": sayi(0, 3) = "" sayi(1, 1) = "YZ": sayi(1, 2) = "ON": sayi(1, 3) = "BR" sayi(2, 1) = "KYZ": sayi(2, 2) = "YRM": sayi(2, 3) = "K" sayi(3, 1) = "YZ": sayi(3, 2) = "OTUZ": sayi(3, 3) = "" sayi(4, 1) = "DRTYZ": sayi(4, 2) = "KIRK": sayi(4, 3) = "DRT" sayi(5, 1) = "BEYZ": sayi(5, 2) = "ELL": sayi(5, 3) = "BE" sayi(6, 1) = "ALTIYZ": sayi(6, 2) = "ALTMI": sayi(6, 3) = "ALTI" sayi(7, 1) = "YEDYZ": sayi(7, 2) = "YETM": sayi(7, 3) = "YED" sayi(8, 1) = "SEKZYZ": sayi(8, 2) = "SEKSEN": sayi(8, 3) = "SEKZ" sayi(9, 1) = "DOKUZYZ": sayi(9, 2) = "DOKSAN": sayi(9, 3) = "DOKUZ" basamak(5) = "TRLYON" basamak(4) = "MLYAR" basamak(3) = "MLYON" basamak(2) = "BN" basamak(1) = "" lira = Int(rakam) kurus = Round(rakam - lira, 2) * 100 If Len(lira) > 15 Then MsgBox ("Bu fonksiyon en fazla 15 haneli saylar iin alr.") End End If kalan = lira yaziyacevir = "" For x = 1 To 5 a = 15 - 3 * x If Len(lira) > a Then grup(6 - x) = Int(kalan / 10 ^ a) kalan = kalan - (grup(6 - x) * 10 ^ a) End If Next x If grup(5) > 0 Then oku(1) = Int(grup(5) / 100) baskalan = grup(5) - oku(1) * 100 oku(2) = Int(baskalan / 10) oku(3) = baskalan - oku(2) * 10 yaziyacevir = sayi(oku(1), 1) + sayi(oku(2), 2) + sayi(oku(3), 3) + basamak(5) End If If grup(4) > 0 Then oku(1) = Int(grup(4) / 100) baskalan = grup(4) - oku(1) * 100 oku(2) = Int(baskalan / 10) oku(3) = baskalan - oku(2) * 10 yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + sayi(oku(1), 1) + sayi(oku(2), 2) + sayi(oku(3), 3) + basamak(4) End If If grup(3) > 0 Then oku(1) = Int(grup(3) / 100) baskalan = grup(3) - oku(1) * 100 oku(2) = Int(baskalan / 10) oku(3) = baskalan - oku(2) * 10 yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + sayi(oku(1), 1) + sayi(oku(2), 2) + sayi(oku(3), 3) + basamak(3) End If If grup(2) = 1 Then yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + "BN" End If If grup(2) > 1 Then oku(1) = Int(grup(2) / 100) baskalan = grup(2) - oku(1) * 100 oku(2) = Int(baskalan / 10) oku(3) = baskalan - oku(2) * 10 yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + sayi(oku(1), 1) + sayi(oku(2), 2) + sayi(oku(3), 3) + basamak(2) End If If grup(1) > 0 Then oku(1) = Int(grup(1) / 100) baskalan = grup(1) - oku(1) * 100 oku(2) = Int(baskalan / 10) oku(3) = baskalan - oku(2) * 10 yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + sayi(oku(1), 1) + sayi(oku(2), 2) + sayi(oku(3), 3) + basamak(1) End If yaziyacevir = yaziyacevir + " YTL." If kurus > 0 Then oku(2) = 0 If Len(kurus) > 1 Then

Option Explicit '**************** ' Main Function * '**************** Function SpellNumber(ByVal MyNumber) Dim Dollars, Cents, Temp Dim DecimalPlace, Count ReDim Place(9) As String Place(2) = " Thousand " Place(3) = " Million " Place(4) = " Billion " Place(5) = " Trillion " ' String representation of amount MyNumber = Trim(Str(MyNumber)) ' Position of decimal place 0 if none DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".") 'Convert cents and set MyNumber to dollar amount If DecimalPlace > 0 Then Cents = GetTens(Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & "00", 2)) MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1)) End If Count = 1 Do While MyNumber <> "" Temp = GetHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3)) If Temp <> "" Then Dollars = Temp & Place(Count) & Dollars If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3) Else MyNumber = "" End If Count = Count + 1 Loop Select Case Dollars Case "" Dollars = "No Dollars" Case "One" Dollars = "One Dollar" Case Else Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars" End Select Select Case Cents Case "" Cents = " and No Cents" Case "One" Cents = " and One Cent" Case Else Cents = " and " & Cents & " Cents" End Select SpellNumber = Dollars & Cents End Function '******************************************* ' Converts a number from 100-999 into text * '******************************************* Private Function GetHundreds(ByVal MyNumber) Dim Result As String If Val(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3) 'Convert the hundreds place If Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1) <> "0" Then Result = GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 1, 1)) & " Hundred " End If 'Convert the tens and ones place If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then Result = Result & GetTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2)) Else Result = Result & GetDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3)) End If

148 Nolu D Genelge ile ilgilyse alman,TextBoxlarda deil Hcrelerde bu ilemi yapman tavsiye ederim.stediin Kod; Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "0000") End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim a As Integer Sheets("liste").Select Columns("a:m").Copy Sheets("raporlama").Select Columns("a").PasteSpecial Application.CutCopyMode = False Sheets("liste").Select For a = 13 To 1 Step -1 If Controls("checkbox" & a).Value = False Then Sheets("raporlama").Columns(a).Delete Next End Sub Sub RandomNumbers() Dim Number() Dim MyRange As Range Dim c As Range Set MyRange = Selection LastNumber = 100000 ReDim Number(LastNumber) For i = 1 To LastNumber Number(i) = i Next i For Each c In MyRange Placement = Int(Rnd() * LastNumber + 1) c.Value = Number(Placement) dummy = Number(LastNumber) Number(LastNumber) = Number(Placement) Number(Placement) = dummy LastNumber = LastNumber - 1 Next c End Sub Sub Kura_Sonuc() For i = 1 To 15 'Kuraya Katlacak Kii says Randomize MsgBox Int(Rnd(1) * 100) 'Kuraya Katlacak Kii Says Next End Sub Sub RandomNo() Randomize MyNumber = Int((49 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1) MsgBox ("The random number is ") & (MyNumber) End Sub Sub Aleatoire() Dim NbreAlea As Integer Randomize NbreAlea = Int((10 * Rnd) + 1) Range("A1") = NbreAlea End Sub

Evvvel D1 hcresine retmek istediiniz rakamlarn st snrn yaznz. D2 hcresine ise ka adet say reteceinizi yaznz. Sub rastgele() Dim i As Integer Dim bul As Range Randomize If Range("D1").Value < Range("D2") Then MsgBox "D1 hcresinin deeri D2 hcresinden kk olmamal" Exit Sub ElseIf Range("D1").Value = "" Or Range("D2") = "" Then MsgBox "Ama olmaz ki D1 ya da D2 Hcreleri bo olmaz" Exit Sub End If Cells(1, 1).Value = Int((Range("D1") * Rnd) + 1) For i = 2 To Range("D2") Cells(i, 1).Value = Int((Range("D1") * Rnd) + 1) For Each bul In Range("A1:A" & Cells(i - 1, 1).Row) If Cells(i, 1).Value = bul.Value Then Cells(i, 1).Value = Int((Range("D1") * Rnd) + 1) End If Next bul Next i End Sub Sub DEN() Dim MyValue MyValue = Int((6 * Rnd) + 1) MsgBox MyValue End Sub Sub Kura_Sonuc() For i = 1 To 15 'Kuraya Katlacak Kii says Randomize MsgBox Int(Rnd(1) * 100) 'Kuraya Katlacak Kii Says Next End Sub Sub RandomNumbers() Dim Number() Dim MyRange As Range Dim c As Range Set MyRange = Selection LastNumber = 100000 ReDim Number(LastNumber) For i = 1 To LastNumber Number(i) = i Next i For Each c In MyRange Placement = Int(Rnd() * LastNumber + 1) c.Value = Number(Placement) dummy = Number(LastNumber) Number(LastNumber) = Number(Placement) Number(Placement) = dummy LastNumber = LastNumber - 1 Next c End Sub Sub rast1() Dim rastgele As Integer ilk: rastgele = Int(Rnd() * 11) If rastgele <= 0 Or rastgele > 11 Then GoTo ilk If Cells(rastgele, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then GoTo ilk Cells(rastgele, 1).Select Cells(rastgele, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 6 End Sub

Sub Random() Dim Satir As Integer Static Say As Integer Static Dizi(1 To 10) If Say = 10 Then Say = 0: Erase Dizi devam: Randomize Satir = Int((Rnd * 10) + 1) If IsError(Application.Match(Satir, Dizi(), 0)) And Say < 10 Then Say = Say + 1 Dizi(Say) = Satir Cells(Satir, 1).Select Cells(Satir, 1).Interior.ColorIndex = 5 Else: GoTo devam End If End Sub Sub Rastgele() say = WorksheetFunction.CountA([A:A]) b = Int((say * Rnd) + 1) MsgBox Range("A" & b) Range("A" & b).EntireRow.Delete End Sub Sub referanskontrol() On Error GoTo 10 For a = 1 To ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Count aranan = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.Item(a).Name If aranan = "Outlook" Then MsgBox "ARANAN REFERANS ARETLDR" Exit Sub End If Next sor = MsgBox("REFERANS BULUNARAK ARETLENSN M?", vbYesNo) If sor = vbYes Then ThisWorkbook.VBProject.References.AddFromGuid "{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", 1, 0 MsgBox "REFERANS ARETLEND" Exit Sub 10 MsgBox "REFERANS MEVCUT DEL" End Sub Yazmak iin; Kod: Sub WriteReg() Dim WSH_Shell As Object RegKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Ornek " Set WSH_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WSH_Shell.RegWrite RegKey, 1, "REG_DWORD" End Sub Silmek iin; Kod: Sub DelReg() Dim WSH_Shell As Object RegKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Ornek " Set WSH_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WSH_Shell.RegDelete RegKey End Sub

Const HKEY_CURRENT_USER = &H80000001 Private Declare Function RegCloseKey Lib "advapi32.dll" (ByVal hKey As Long) As Long Private Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As L Private Declare Function RegDeleteValue Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegDeleteValueA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String) As Long Private Declare Function RegOpenKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegOpenKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Lon Private Declare Function RegQueryValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegQueryValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpRese Private Declare Function RegSetValueEx Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Function RegQueryStringValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal strValueName As String) As String Dim lResult As Long, lValueType As Long, strBuf As String, lDataBufSize As Long 'retrieve nformation about the key lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, lValueType, ByVal 0, lDataBufSize) If lResult = 0 Then If lValueType = REG_SZ Then 'Create a buffer strBuf = String(lDataBufSize, Chr$(0)) 'retrieve the key's content lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, 0, ByVal strBuf, lDataBufSize) If lResult = 0 Then 'Remove the unnecessary chr$(0)'s RegQueryStringValue = Left$(strBuf, InStr(1, strBuf, Chr$(0)) - 1) End If ElseIf lValueType = REG_BINARY Then Dim strData As Integer 'retrieve the key's value lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, strValueName, 0, 0, strData, lDataBufSize) If lResult = 0 Then RegQueryStringValue = strData End If End If End If End Function Function GetString(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String) Dim Ret 'Open the key RegOpenKey hKey, strPath, Ret 'Get the key's content GetString = RegQueryStringValue(Ret, strValue) 'Close the key RegCloseKey Ret End Function Sub SaveString(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String, strData As String) Dim Ret 'Create a new key RegCreateKey hKey, strPath, Ret 'Save a string to the key RegSetValueEx Ret, strValue, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal strData, Len(strData) 'close the key RegCloseKey Ret End Sub Sub SaveStringLong(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String, strData As String) Dim Ret 'Create a new key RegCreateKey hKey, strPath, Ret 'Set the key's value RegSetValueEx Ret, strValue, 0, REG_BINARY, CByte(strData), 4 'close the key RegCloseKey Ret End Sub Sub DelSetting(hKey As Long, strPath As String, strValue As String) Dim Ret 'Create a new key RegCreateKey hKey, strPath, Ret 'Delete the key's value RegDeleteValue Ret, strValue 'close the key RegCloseKey Ret End Sub Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim strString As String 'Ask for a value strString = InputBox("Please enter a value between 0 and 255 to be saved as a binary value in the registry.", App.Title) If strString = "" Or Val(strString) > 255 Or Val(strString) < 0 Then MsgBox "Invalid value entered ...", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, App.Title Exit Sub End If 'Save the value to the registry SaveStringLong HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "KPD-Team", "BinaryValue", CByte(strString) End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click()

y=0 g=0 p=0 oth = 0 For Each cell In Selection Select Case cell.Interior.ColorIndex Case 36 'yellow y=y+1 Case 35 'green g=g+1 Case 38 'pink p=p+1 Case Else oth = oth + 1 End Select Next cell msg = y & " Yellow" msg = msg & vbCrLf & g & " Green" msg = msg & vbCrLf & p & " Pink" msg = msg & vbCrLf & oth & " Other" msg = msg & vbCrLf & "Total: " & Selection.Count MsgBox (msg) End Sub Function SUMIFCOLOUR(TheRange As Range, TheColourCell As Range) As Variant Dim TempRange As Range Dim Result Dim Colour Application.Volatile On Error GoTo BailOut Colour = TheColourCell.Interior.Color For Each TempRange In TheRange If Colour = TempRange.Interior.Color Then Result = Result + TempRange.Value Next BailOut: SUMIFCOLOUR = Result End Function Function COUNTIFCOLOUR(TheRange As Range, TheColourCell As Range) As Varian Dim TempRange As Range Dim Result Dim Colour Application.Volatile On Error GoTo BailOut Colour = TheColourCell.Interior.Color For Each TempRange In TheRange If Colour = TempRange.Interior.Color Then Result = Result + 1 Next BailOut: COUNTIFCOLOUR = Result End Function Sub Dialog_12() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogColorPalette).Show End Sub

Option Explicit Sub macro1() Dim i As Long Dim j As Long Dim sVal Dim bHide As Boolean j = 65000 For i = 1 To j If j < 0 Then Exit For bHide = False 'sVal = Trim(Range("I" & i).Value) sVal = Range("I" & i).Select If Selection.Interior.ColorIndex <> 36 Then bHide = True End If If bHide Then Rows(i & ":" & i).Select Range("A" & i).Activate Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True j=j-1 End If Next i End Sub Sub RenkleriListele() For i = 1 To 56 With Cells(i, 1) .Interior.ColorIndex = i ' Dolgu Rengi .Font.ColorIndex = 3 'Yaztipi rengini 3 yazdk krmz yani ama istersen VbRed eklinde de yazabilirdik .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter ' Yazy ortala .Value = i 'Hcrenin iine renk kodunu yaz End With Next i End Sub Sub CountColor() Dim irow, icol As Integer Cells(1, 1) = 0 For irow = 1 To 20 For icol = 1 To 10 If Cells(irow, icol).Interior.ColorIndex _ <> xlColorIndexNone Then Cells(1, 1) = Cells(1, 1) + 1 End If Next icol Next irow End Sub

Range1, ParamArray Range2()) As Double Dim objCell As Range ' Best to use this even if it does ' slow Excel down somewhat. Application.Volatile ' Initialise. SumIfColours = 0 ' Process first argument. ' Restrict the range to stop the loop looking ' at huge swathes of empty cells. For Each objCell In Intersect(Range1, _ Range1.Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell ' Process additional arguments (if any) If UBound(Range2) <> 0 Then For intArgument = 1 To UBound(Range2) For Each objCell In Intersect(Range2(intArgument), _ Range2(intArgument).Parent.UsedRange) If Application.IsNumber(objCell.Value) And _ objCell.Interior.ColorIndex = cellTextColour Then _ SumIfColours = SumIfColours + objCell.Value Next objCell Next intArgument End If End Function D21 veya A1:D20 hcreleri dnda bir hcreye aadaki frml yazn. =SumIfColours(3;$A$1:$D$20)

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim myRange As Range Dim intLowerlimit As Integer Dim intUpperlimit As Integer Set myRange = Range("A2:B5,D6:E8") ' Snrlar yazn intLowerlimit = 1 ' istediiniz alt limit intUpperlimit = 8 ' istediiniz ust limit If Not Intersect(Target, myRange) Is Nothing Then If Not IsNumeric(Target.Value) Then MsgBox ("Sadece rakam girebilirsiniz!") Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value = "Rakam deil!" Cells(Target.Row, 6).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ElseIf Not (Target.Value / 1 = Target.Value \ 1) Then MsgBox ("Geerli deil") Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value = "Dogru degil" Cells(Target.Row, 6).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ElseIf Target.Value < intLowerlimit Then MsgBox ("Say limit altnda!1-8 aras olmas gerekiyor " _ & intLowerlimit & " ve " & intUpperlimit) Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value = "Limit altnda" Cells(Target.Row, 6).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) ElseIf Target.Value > intUpperlimit Then MsgBox ("Say ust limitten fazla! " _ & intLowerlimit & " and " & intUpperlimit) Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value = "Say limit deeri ustunde!" Cells(Target.Row, 6).Font.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) Else Cells(Target.Row, 6).Value = "Dogru" Cells(Target.Row, 6).Font.Color = RGB(0, 255, 0) End If End If End Sub

Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim pw As String If Target.Column = 3 And Target.Row = 2 Or Target.Row = 5 Then ' C2 ve C5 i sar yap pw = InputBox("Bitte Passwort eingeben !") If pw <> "pir" Then Range("a1").Select Exit Sub Else End If End If End Sub Option Explicit Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Sub Command1_Click() Call keybd_event(vbKeySnapshot, 0, 0, 0) ' Hali hazrda bulunan ekrann fotorafn yakalad DoEvents ' Clipboarda ekilen Resmin Kopyalanmas iin Bilgisayar beklet End Sub Sub Dialog_42() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertPicture).Show End Sub Sub insertImg() Dim fichImg fichImg = Application.GetOpenFilename("Fichier image(*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp),*.gif;*.jpg;*.bmp" _ , , "Choix de l'image", , False) 'false selection simple If fichImg = False Then Exit Sub ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fichImg).Select End Sub Sub Dialog_16() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogCopyPicture).Show End Sub

Sub Grafikteil_ausblenden() ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Select Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Contrast = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.ColorType = msoPictureAutomatic Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropLeft = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropRight = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropTop = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropBottom = 0# Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub Grafikteil_einblenden() ActiveSheet.Shapes("Picture 1").Select Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Contrast = 0.5 Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.ColorType = msoPictureAutomatic Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropLeft = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropRight = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropTop = 0# Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropBottom = 34.02 Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub CouleurRGB() Range("a1").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) Range("a2").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 0, 0) End Sub Sub MASA1() Cells(3, 3) = "=NOW()" Cells(3, 3).Select Selection.NumberFormat = "h:mm" Cells(3, 4) = Cells(3, 3).Value - Cells(3, 2).Value Range("E1").Select End Sub sub saat () Do Range("a1") = Format(Now(), "dd mm yyyy") Range("a2") = Format(Now(), "hh:mm:ss") DoEvents Loop End Sub LABEL KUTULARINA SAAT&TARH EKLER Private Sub tarih_Click() Label1.Caption = time Label2.Caption = Date End Sub 'TARH&SAAT' AYNI ANDA GSTERR. Private Sub Label3_Click() Label1.Caption = Now() End Sub LABEL KUTULARINA SAAT&TARH EKLER Private Sub tarih_Click() Label1.Caption = time Label2.Caption = Date End Sub 'TARH&SAAT' AYNI ANDA GSTERR. Private Sub Label3_Click() Label1.Caption = Now() End Sub

(_ ByVal lpClassName As String, _ ByVal lpWindowName As String _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function SetTimer _ Lib "user32" _ (_ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long, _ ByVal uElapse As Long, _ ByVal lpTimerFunc As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function KillTimer _ Lib "user32" _ (_ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal nIDEvent As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetCurrentVbaProject _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "EbGetExecutingProj" _ (_ hProject As Long _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetFuncID _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "TipGetFunctionId" _ (_ ByVal hProject As Long, _ ByVal strFunctionName As String, _ ByRef strFunctionID As String _ )_ As Long Private Declare Function GetAddr _ Lib "vba332.dll" _ Alias "TipGetLpfnOfFunctionId" _ (_ ByVal hProject As Long, _ ByVal strFunctionID As String, _ ByRef lpfnAddressOf As Long _ )_ As Long Private WindowsTimer As Long Private ClockCBControl As CommandBarButton Sub StartClockinMenu() Set ClockCBControl = _ Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add( _ Type:=msoControlButton, Temporary:=True) ClockCBControl.Style = msoButtonCaption ClockCBControl.Caption = Format(Now, "Long Time") fncWindowsTimer 1000 End Sub Sub StopClockinMenu() fncStopWindowsTimer ClockCBControl.Delete End Sub Private Function fncWindowsTimer( _ TimeInterval As Long _ ) As Boolean Dim WindowsTimer As Long WindowsTimer = 0 If Val(Application.Version) > 8 Then WindowsTimer = SetTimer _ (_ hWnd:=FindWindow("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), _ nIDEvent:=0, _ uElapse:=TimeInterval, _

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox3 = Hour(TextBox2) * 3600 + Minute(TextBox2) * 60 + Second(TextBox2) End Sub Sub Datum() Dim tag Dim uhr tag = Date uhr = Time MsgBox "Heute ist der " & Date & "," & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & " es ist " & Time & " Uhr.", vbOKOnly, "" End Sub Sub Druck_Bestimmte_Seite() ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview Dim seitenzahl As String seitenzahl = InputBox(" Geben Sie die Nr. der" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "auszudruckenden Seite ein:", "Seitenzahl eingeben") If seitenzahl = "" Then MsgBox "Keine Seite ausgewhlt" Exit Sub Else ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut From:=seitenzahl, To:=seitenzahl, Copies:=1, Collate _ :=True ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Not (IsNumeric(TextBox1)) Then SendKeys "{bs}" End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() If Right(TextBox2, 1) Like "[0-9]" Then SendKeys "{bs}" End Sub Sub Makro1() x = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000")) For a = 1 To x b = Cells(a, 1).Value For c = a + 1 To x d = Cells(c, 1).Value If b = d Then Cells(c, 1).ClearContents End If Next c Next a End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii <> 8 Then 'Allow BACKSPACE through 'Only digits are valid characters. If Chr(KeyAscii) < "0" Or Chr(KeyAscii) > "9" Then KeyAscii = 0 'Set character to null if out of range Beep End If End If End Sub Sub print_area() Range(ActiveCell, ActiveCell.End(xlDown)).Select ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Address End Sub

Sayfann kod blmne Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) '************************************************** '* pir * '* 07.10.2005 * '************************************************** Dim Bereich As Range Dim Z Set Bereich = Range("B3:C20") If Intersect(Target, Bereich) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub ' Abbruch, wenn Aktion nicht im Zielbereich If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then Target.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Else Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 End If Cancel = True End Sub With CommandBars("Ply").Controls.Add .FaceId = 14 .Caption = "Russis neuer Eintrag" .OnAction = "MeinMakro" End With End Sub Veya Sub Kontextmen_ergnzen() Dim Mb As CommandBarControl Set Mb = Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add With Mb .Caption = "Mein Meneintrag" .FaceId = 49 .OnAction = "Mein_Makro" .BeginGroup = True End With End Sub Sub Mein_Makro() MsgBox ("asdasd") End Sub Her 2 Meny de silme Sub Kontextmen_Tabellenreiter_zuruecksetzen() CommandBars("Ply").Reset End Sub Sub Kontextmen_zurcksetzen() Application.CommandBars("Cell").Reset End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeRightClick(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean) Set pir = Application.ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell).MenuItems("ToolBar") With pir .OnAction = "makro" End With End Sub Sub makro() Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues End Sub

Sub CreationMenuContext() With Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(msoControlButton) .Caption = "Avez-vous un chat?" .BeginGroup = True .OnAction = "Question" End With End Sub Sub Question() MsgBox ("Oui !") End Sub Sub delMenuContext() Application.CommandBars("Cell").Reset End Sub Sub PanZehir() CommandBars("Cell").Reset End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 39 Then Me.TextBox2.SetFocus End Sub Sub HeaderDate() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.RightHeader = Format(Date, "m/d/yy") End Sub Ayrdnz Kelimeyi Silmek istiyorsanz..Yani "Ahmet Eve Geldi Yemek deil"Kelimesinden "deil"kelimesini karp silmek istorsanz. Kod: Sub ayr() For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row a = Split(Cells(i, 1), " ") For j = 0 To UBound(a) - 1 Cells(i, 4) = Cells(i, 4) Next j Cells(i, 3) = a(UBound(a)) Range("c1").Select Selection.ClearContents Next i End Sub Kodlar iyi incelerseniz C1'yazlan yer Kod: Cells(i, 3) = a(UBound(a)) thisworkbook a yazn ve A1 hcresinde =pir(A1) veya =pir2(A1) yazn Function pir(Mahmut) For I = 0 To Len(Mahmut) - 1 Verkehrt = Verkehrt & Mid(Mahmut, _ Len(Mahmut) - I, 1) Next I pir = Right(Mahmut, InStr(1, _ Verkehrt, " ", 0)) End Function Function pir2(Bayram) For I = 0 To Len(Bayram) - 1 Verkehrt = Verkehrt & Mid(Bayram, _ Len(Bayram) - I, 1) Next I pir2 = Left(Bayram, InStr(1, _ Verkehrt, " ", 0)) End Function Sub strekle() Set s1 = Sheets("Sayfa2") For i = 1 To 12100 s1.Cells(i, 1).Activate s1.Rows(i + 1 & ":" & i + 32).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown i = i + 32 Next i End Sub

Sub gizle() Dim pir As Integer For pir = 11 To 306 Step 6 Rows(pir).EntireRow.Hidden = Not Rows(pir).EntireRow.Hidden Next pir End Sub Sub blenden() Dim Loi As Integer For Loi = 11 To 306 Step 6 Rows(Loi).EntireRow.Hidden = Not Rows(Loi).EntireRow.Hidden Next Loi End Sub Sub MehrereZeilenMarkieren() Range("1:1,3:3,5:5,9:9,11:11").Select End Sub Sub sonsatrakadarsrala() sonsatir = Range("a1").End(xlDown).Row Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(sonsatir, 2)).Select Selection.Sort _ Key1:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A"), _ Header:=xlGuess End Sub Sub Tumsutuna_Kadar_Srala() Columns("A:b").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal End Sub Sub Makro1() Columns("A:A").Select Range("A1:B4").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:= _ xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal Range("B1").Select End Sub Sub Makro1() Columns("A:A").Select Range("A1:B4").Sort Key1:=Range("A1") End Sub Sub MsqEntetLigCol() 'masque les en-ttes de ligne et colonne ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = False End Sub Sub EntetLigCol() 'affiche les en-ttes de ligne et colonne ActiveWindow.DisplayHeadings = True End Sub

Sub satirgizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Rows(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub A Stunundaki Bo Satrlar Gizler Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 300 '1 satr ile 300. satr aras If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) Then '1. Satr 1. Stun yani A1 hcresi Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub C Stunundaki Bo Satrlar Gizler Sub bidahabossatgizle() For i = 6 To 160 If Range("c" & i) = "" Then _ Range("c" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True Next Bo olan Stunlar Gizle Sub satirgizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Rows(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub Toplamlar Sfra eit olan satrlar gizler Sub sfrgizle() For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows If Application.Sum(rngRow) = 0 Then rngRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next rngRow End Sub Sub HideRowsandColumns() Dim LastRow As Object Dim LastColumn As Object Set LastRow = Range(Range("A65536"), Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)) Set LastColumn = Range(Range("IV1"), Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Offset(0, 1)) LastRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True LastColumn.EntireColumn.Hidden = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("C:C") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub

Sub zeilenhoehe() Dim hoehe As Single, aktuell As Single, text As String, antwort As String aktuell = Selection.RowHeight / 29.5 text = "Aktuelle Zeilenhhe: " & Format(aktuell, "###0.00 cm") & Chr(13) & "Geben Sie die gewnschte Zeilenhhe fr die aktuelle Zeile oder Markierun antwort = InputBox(text, "Neue Zeilenhhe festlegen", Format(aktuell, "###0.00")) If antwort <> "" Then hoehe = CSng(antwort) Selection.RowHeight = hoehe * 29.5 End If End Sub

Sub spaltenbreite() Dim breite As Single, aktuell As Single, text As String, antwort As String aktuell = (Selection.ColumnWidth + 0.71) / 5.1425 text = "Aktuelle Spaltenbreite: " & Format(aktuell, "###0.00 cm") & Chr(13) & "Geben Sie die gewnschte Spaltenbreite fr die aktuelle Spalte oder Mar antwort = InputBox(text, "Neue Spaltenbreite festlegen", Format(aktuell, "###0.00")) If antwort <> "" Then breite = CSng(antwort) Selection.ColumnWidth = -0.71 + 5.1425 * breite End If End Sub MsgBox FilteredRowsCount(ActiveSheet) & " data was found." MsgBox FilteredRowsCount2(ActiveSheet) & " data was found." End Sub -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FilteredRowsCount(ByVal Sh As Worksheet) Dim Target As Range Dim c As Range Dim i As Long 'If the Filter is not used If Sh.FilterMode = False Then FilteredRowsCount = 0 Exit Function End If Set Target = Sh.AutoFilter.Range For Each c In Target.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Areas i = i + c.Rows.Count Next FilteredRowsCount = i - 1 '-1 stands for remove header row End Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Function FilteredRowsCount2(ByVal Sh As Worksheet) Dim Target As Range 'If the Filter is not used If Sh.FilterMode = False Then FilteredRowsCount2 = 0 Exit Function End If Set Target = Sh.AutoFilter.Range FilteredRowsCount2 = _ Target.Columns(1).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count - 1 End Function

Sub satir() Dim yukseklik As Single, mevcut As Single, text As String, cevap As String 'mevcut satr yksekliini bul mevcut = Selection.RowHeight / 29.5 'mesaj iriini hazrla text = "Mevcut satr ykseklii: " & Format(mevcut, "###0.00 cm") & Chr(13) & "Yeni satr yksekliini girin (cm):" 'InputBox gster cevap = InputBox(text, "Yeni satr ykseklii belirle", Format(mevcut, "###0.00")) 'cevaba gre yeni satr ykseklii deitir If cevap <> "" Then yukseklik = CSng(cevap) Selection.RowHeight = yukseklik * 29.5 End If End Sub Sub sutun() Dim genislik As Single, mevcut As Single, text As String, cevap As String 'mevcut stun geniliini bul mevcut = (Selection.ColumnWidth + 0.71) / 5.1425 'mesaj iriini hazrla text = "Mevcut satr genilii: " & Format(mevcut, "###0.00 cm") & Chr(13) & "Yeni stun geniliini girin:" 'InputBox gster cevap = InputBox(text, "Yeni satr geniliini girin (cm)", Format(mevcut, "###0.00")) 'cevaba gre yeni stun geniliini deitir If cevap <> "" Then genislik = CSng(cevap) Selection.ColumnWidth = -0.71 + 5.1425 * genislik End If End Sub

'///////////////////////////////////////////////////// '// Amended 14th Feb 2003 - suggestion by Juan Pablo G. '// International versons may NOT recognise TRUE '// Suggestion use =1 which evaluates to TRUE, '// in fact any number that <> 0 '//////////////////////////////////////////////////// Const iInternational As Integer = Not (0) Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim iColor As Integer '// Amended routine found on this Web site '// Note: Don't use IF you have Conditional '// formating that you want to keep! '// On error resume in case '// user selects a range of cells On Error Resume Next iColor = Target.Interior.ColorIndex '// Leave On Error ON for Row offset errors If iColor < 0 Then iColor = 28 Else iColor = iColor + 1 End If '// Need this test incase Font color is the same If iColor = Target.Font.ColorIndex Then iColor = iColor + 1 Cells.FormatConditions.Delete '// Horizontal color banding With Range("A" & Target.Row, Target.Address) 'Rows(Target.Row) .FormatConditions.Add Type:=2, Formula1:=iInternational 'Or just 1 '"TRUE" .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With '// Vertical color banding With Range(Target.Offset(1 - Target.Row, 0).Address & ":" & Target.Offset(-1, 0).Address) .FormatConditions.Add Type:=2, Formula1:=iInternational 'Or just 1 '"TRUE" .FormatConditions(1).Interior.ColorIndex = iColor End With End CommandButton1_Click() Sub Sub Dim hucre As Range Dim i As Integer BASADON: Set hucre = Application.InputBox("hcre girin", Type:=8) If (hucre.Row = 1 And hucre.Column = 1) Or (hucre.Row = 1 And hucre.Column = 2) Then cevap = MsgBox("Adres Kaynak ile ayn olmamal" & vbCrLf & "Deitirmek stiyormusunuz?", vbYesNo) If cevap = 6 Then GoTo BASADON Else Exit Sub End If End If If MsgBox("Kolona yazacaksanz EVET" & vbCrLf & "Satra yazacaksanz HAYIR", vbYesNo) = 6 Then For i = 0 To [B1] - [A1] Cells(hucre.Row + i, hucre.Column) = [A1] + i Next i Else For i = 0 To [B1] - [A1] Cells(hucre.Row, hucre.Column + i) = [A1] + i Next i End If hucre.Select End Sub

Sub ZeilenHoehe() Dim rCM rCM = InputBox("Bitte die gewnschte Zeilenhhe in cm angeben:") If rCM = "" Then Exit Sub Selection.RowHeight = rCM / 0.035 End Sub Sub SelectEntireSheet() Cells.Select End Sub Sub Finde() Selection.SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Areas(1).Cells(1).Select End Sub Sub CopyRow() Worksheets("Sheet1").Rows(1).Copy Worksheets("Sheet2").Select Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows(1).Select Worksheets("Sheet2").Paste End aralama() Sub Sub Range("A2:C10").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlNo, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Dim deger As Variant Dim deger1 As Variant ba: deg = 0 deger = ActiveCell.Value dng: ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate deger1 = ActiveCell.Value satirno = ActiveCell.Row deg = Cells(satirno - 1, 3).Value + deg If deger <> deger1 Then ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert Range("A1:C1").Copy ActiveCell.PasteSpecial Cells(satirno - 1, 4) = "TOPLAM:" Cells(satirno - 1, 5) = deg ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=1, columnOffset:=0).Activate GoTo ba End If deer = deer1 If deger1 = "" Then Range(Cells(satirno - 2, 1), Cells(satirno - 2, 3)).Delete GoTo 10 End If GoTo dng 10 End Sub Sub Kopyala() Range("N2:P2").Select Selection.Copy Range("N3:P19").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Sub SATIRSL() Dim x, i For i = 1 To 5 '* For x = 2 To [D65526].End(3).Row Step 1 If Cells(x, 4) Like "*de*" Then Rows(x).Delete End If Next x Next i End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("veri").ScrollArea = "a1:a10" End Sub

Sub satirgizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Rows(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub 'A Stunundaki Bo Satrlar Gizler Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 300 '1 satr ile 300. satr aras If IsEmpty(Cells(i, 1)) Then '1. Satr 1. Stun yani A1 hcresi Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub 'C Stunundaki Bo Satrlar Gizler Sub bidahabossatgizle() For i = 6 To 160 If Range("c" & i) = "" Then _ Range("c" & i).EntireRow.Hidden = True Next 'Bo olan Stunlar Gizle Sub satirgizle() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 15 If Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, 1).Value <> "" Then Rows(i).Hidden = False Else Sheets("Sayfa1").Rows(i).Hidden = True End If Next i End Sub 'Toplamlar Sfra eit olan satrlar gizler Sub sfrgizle() For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows If Application.Sum(rngRow) = 0 Then rngRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next rngRow End Sub Sub Test() Range("A1:A10") = Application.Transpose(Range("B1:K1")) End Sub Sub TEMZLE() ARALIK = "A" & ActiveCell.Row & ":D" & ActiveCell.Row Range(ARALIK).ClearContents End Sub Sub Macro1() Range("A1:E32").Select Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1") End Sub Sheets("deneme").Activate For sss = 2 To Cells(65536, "a").End(3).Row If Cells(sss, 1) = "" Then Rows(Cells(sss, "a").Row).Group Next sss

Sub listele() sut = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").End(xlToRight).Column sat = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row yazsat = 1: yazsut = 1 For i = 2 To sat For y = 1 To sut Sheets("Sayfa2").Cells(yazsat, yazsut) = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(i, y) yazsat = yazsat + 1 Next y yazsut = yazsut + 2 If yazsut > 5 Then yazsut = 1 yazsat = yazsat + 1 Else: yazsat = yazsat - 4 End If Next i End Sub Sub saveas() dosya = "IS " & Range("A1") & " " & Range("B1") dosya = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(dosya, "/", ".") ' / lar nokta yapsn. ChDrive "D" ChDir "D:\STOK" ActiveWorkbook.saveas Filename:=dosya End Sub Sub yenisayfayedekle() Dim i As String If ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Value <> "" Then i = ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Value ActiveSheet.Select ActiveSheet.Copy Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _ "C:\yedek1\" & i & ".xls", FileFormat:= _ xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False _ , CreateBackup:=False Workbooks(i & ".xls").Activate ActiveWorkbook.Close ThisWorkbook.Close Application.DisplayAlerts = True Else: Exit Sub End If End Sub Yeni dosyay kapatmamz lazm Sub Makro1() Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'dosyann zerine yazaymm diye sormamasn direk stne kaydetmesini salar ad = [a1] Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy ' sayfann yeni bir workbook''a kopyasn alr ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Documents And Settings\ersin\Belgelerim\" & ad Workbooks(ad).Close 'yeni oluturulan dosyay kapatr End Sub Sub sahife_list() Dim pir As Worksheet Dim i As Integer For Each pir In Worksheets Range("A1").Offset(i) = pir.Name i=i+1 Next End Sub 1.Sayfa hari tm sayfalar gizle Sub xlVeryHidden_All_Sheets() On Error Resume Next Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In Worksheets sh.Visible = xlVeryHidden Next End Sub

Private Sub Kaydet() Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet Dim Dolusay1, Dolusay2 Set Sh1 = Worksheets("Sayfa1") Set Sh2 = Worksheets("Sayfa2") Dolusay1 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh1.Range("A:A")) Dolusay2 = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sh2.Range("A:A")) Sh1.Range("A1:A" & Dolusay1).EntireRow.Copy Sh2.Range("A" & Dolusay2 + 1) End izelge() Sub Sub Dim Tarih Dim isim As String Dim Son As Integer Dim satir, sutun, i Dim tarihalani As Range, isimalani As Range, tarih1 As Range, isim1 As Range On Error Resume Next Son = Sheets("sayfa2").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row Set tarihalani = Sheets("sayfa2").Range("c1:ag1") Set isimalani = Sheets("sayfa2").Range("a3:a" & Son + 15) Tarih = Sheets("sayfa1").Range("A1").Value For i = 13 To Sheets("sayfa1").Range("b65536").End(xlUp).Row isim = Sheets("sayfa1").Range("B" & i).Value Set tarih1 = tarihalani.Find(Tarih, lookat:=xlWhole) Set isim1 = isimalani.Find(isim) If tarih1 Is Nothing Then MsgBox "Aradnz isim ve ya tarih bulunamad.", vbCritical, "Arama Sonucu." Exit Sub Else sutun = tarih1.Column satir = isim1.Row Sheets("sayfa2").Cells(satir, sutun) = Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(i, 4) End If Next i End Sub Sayfa Adn verir Sub SayfaAd()"a1").value End Sub 'A1 Hcresine Sayfa ismini verir Sub Hcread() Range("a1") End Sub Sub Test2() If Not Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") = Empty Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") Then MsgBox "Bu isimli bir sayfa mevcut..... !" Exit Sub End If Next Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add(After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)) NewSh.Name = Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1") End If Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click() If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then CommandButton1.Enabled = False Else CommandButton1.Enabled = True End If Label1.Caption = UCase(ListBox1.Value) End Sub ' Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Label1.Caption = "" If Worksheets.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets(i).Name = LCase(Sheets(i).Name) For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count If LCase(Worksheets(j).Name) < LCase(Worksheets(i).Name) Then Worksheets(j).Move Before:=Worksheets(i) End If Next j Next i For i = 1 To Sheets.Count ListBox1.AddItem Sheets(i).Name Next Sheets("ana sayfa").Move Before:=Sheets(1) End Sub Sub ListelemeYap() 'Sheetlere gre listeleme yapar' Sheets.Add With Sheets(1) For i = 1 To Sheets.Count Cells(i, 1) = Sheets(i).Name .Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Cells(i, 1), _ Address:="", SubAddress:=Sheets(i).Name & "!A1" Sheets(i).Range("A1") = Sheets(1).Name Sheets(i).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Sheets(i).Range("A1"), _ Address:="", SubAddress:=Sheets(1).Name & "!A1" Next End With End Sub Sub Makro1() Sheets("Sayfa2").Tab.ColorIndex = 33 End Sub Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Label1.Caption = "" If Worksheets.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets(i).Name = LCase(Sheets(i).Name) For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count If LCase(Worksheets(j).Name) < LCase(Worksheets(i).Name) Then Worksheets(j).Move Before:=Worksheets(i) End If Next j Next i For i = 1 To Sheets.Count ListBox1.AddItem Sheets(i).Name Next Sheets("ana sayfa").Move Before:=Sheets(1) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() MsgBox "Abarini kimi grirem", vbInformation, "Ho gelmien la kro" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() datum = Format(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") Worksheets("Tabelle1").PageSetup.LeftHeader = datum End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Makroname 'Makroname write End Sub

Sub sayfasirala() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Set s1 = Sheets(Sheets.Count) For a = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 s1.Cells(a, "a") = Sheets(a).Name s1.[a:a].Sort Key1:=s1.[a1] deg = Sheets(a).Name If IsNumeric(deg) = True Then deg = Val(Sheets(a).Name) say = WorksheetFunction.Match(deg, s1.[a:a], 0) Sheets(a).Move Before:=Sheets(say) Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False s1.Delete End alfabetik_sirala() Sub Sub Application.ScreenUpdating = False Sheets(1).Select Say = Sheets.Count If Say < 2 Then Exit Sub Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = "Liste" For X = 2 To Sheets.Count Sheets("Liste").Cells(X - 1, 1) = Sheets(X).Name If Sheets(X).Visible = False Then Sheets(X).Visible = True Sheets("Liste").Cells(X - 1, 2) = "Gizli" End If Next Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending [A1].Select For Y = 2 To Sheets.Count Sheets("" & Cells(Y - 1, 1)).Move Before:=Sheets(Y) Sheets("Liste").Select If Sheets("Liste").Cells(Y - 1, 2) = "Gizli" Then Sheets("" & Cells(Y - 1, 1)).Visible = False End If Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False Sheets("Liste").Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub cogalt() For a = 1 To 10 Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = a Next End Sub Sub sheets_preview() Dim Sh As Worksheet For Each Sh In Worksheets If Sh.Visible = True Then Sh.PrintPreview End If Next Sh End Sub

Sub SAYFA_EKLE() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Say = Worksheets.Count For X = Say To Say + 14 Sheets("ANASAYFA").Select Sheets("ANASAYFA").Copy After:=Sheets(Worksheets.Count) ActiveSheet.Shapes("Button 1").Delete ActiveSheet.Name = Format(X, "0000") ActiveSheet.[AA1].Select Selection.NumberFormat = "@" With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom .WrapText = False .Orientation = 0 .AddIndent = False .IndentLevel = 0 .ShrinkToFit = False .ReadingOrder = xlContext .MergeCells = False End With ActiveSheet.[AA1] = ActiveSheet.Name Next Sheets("ANASAYFA").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub ekle() Dim x As Object Dim neu$, mldg$, title$ Dim ergebnis%, stil% neu = InputBox("Bitte Namen des neuen Arbeitsblattes eingeben:") For Each x In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets If x.Name = neu Then mldg = "Blattname existiert bereits!" stil = vbCritical + vbOKOnly title = "Achtung" ergebnis = MsgBox(mldg, stil, title) Exit Sub End If Next x Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = neu Sheets(neu).Select With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .LeftMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1) .RightMargin = Application.CentimetersToPoints(1) End With End Sub Sub NeuesTabBlatt() Dim NewName As String ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(1) 'ganz links anordnen 'ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=ActiveSheet 'links neben Original anordnen NewName = InputBox("Geben Sie einen Tabellenblattnamen ein") On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Name = NewName End Sub

Sub Combine() Dim J As Integer On Error Resume Next Sheets(1).Select Worksheets.Add ' add a sheet in first place Sheets(1).Name = "Combined" ' copy headings Sheets(2).Activate Range("A1").EntireRow.Select Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A1") ' work through sheets For J = 2 To Sheets.Count ' from sheet 2 to last sheet Sheets(J).Activate ' make the sheet active Range("A1").Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select ' select all cells in this sheets ' select all lines except title Selection.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Select ' copy cells selected in the new sheet on last line Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets(1).Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2) Next End Sub Sayfa eklemek iin aadaki kodu deneyin. 1.sayfay kopyalar. visual basic kodu: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Sheets(1).Copy After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End Sub ZELLKLER MENSNDEN SAYFA GZLEME LEMLER VSBLE: 0-XLSHEETHDDE 2-XLSHEETVERY 1-XLSHEETVSBLE

' Sayfa1 sayfasn grnr yapyoruz Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True ' Sayfa1 haricinde hepsini gizliyoruz For Each Worksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If Worksheet.Name <> "Sayfa1" Then Worksheet.Visible = False End If Next ' alma Kitabn koruyoruz ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="sifre", Structure:=True, Windows:=True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() ' alma Kitab korumasn kaldryoruz ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect Password:="sifre" ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect ' Btn sayfalar grnr Yapyoruz For Each Worksheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Worksheet.Visible = True Next ' Sayfa1 sayfasn gizliyoruz Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = False End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() On Error Resume Next Dim Sayfa As Variant Sayfa = InputBox("Sayfa Numarasn Giriniz", "UYARI", "1") Sheets(Sayfa).Select End Sub

Sub sayfa_isim() Dim Count%, Sayfa$ Sayfa = "Toplam Sayfa Adedi: " & Sheets.Count & Chr$(13) For Count = 1 To Sheets.Count Sayfa = Sayfa & Chr$(13) & "Ad" & Count & ": " & _ Sheets(Count).Name Next MsgBox Sayfa, vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Sayfa simleri" End Sub ThisWorkbook'a Application.DisplayAlerts = False Tekrar: For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Worksheets(i).Name = "x" Or Worksheets(i).Name = "y" Then GoTo ATLA Worksheets(i).Delete GoTo Tekrar: ATLA: Next i Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Sub SheetNamesDownRows() Dim iSheet As Long For iSheet = 1 To ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count ActiveCell.Offset(iSheet - 1, 0) = "'" & Worksheets(iSheet).Name Next iSheet End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer If Worksheets.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count If Worksheets(j).Name < Worksheets(i).Name Then Worksheets(j).Move before:=Worksheets(i) End If Next j Next i End Sub Sub TrieFeuilles() Dim I As Integer Dim J As Integer Dim Min As Integer Dim ModeCalcul As Integer ModeCalcul = Application.Calculation Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets For I = 1 To .Count - 1 Min = I For J = I + 1 To .Count If .Item(J).Name < .Item(Min).Name Then Min = J Next J If Min <> I Then .Item(Min).Move before:=Worksheets(I) Next I End With Application.Calculation = ModeCalcul Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub TriChaqueFeuilles() Dim X As Variant Dim I As Variant For Each X In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets For I = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count If Sheets(I - 1).Name > Sheets(I).Name Then Sheets(I - 1).Move After:=Sheets(I) End If Next Next End Sub

Sub Maj_Onglets() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count Sheets(i).Name = UCase(Sheets(i).Name) Next i End Sub For Each sayfa In Worksheets ad.AddItem sayfa.Name Next sayfa Sub Menu() Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs").ShowPopup 930, 30 End Sub Private Sub sayfa_say() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheets(i).Name Next i End Sub Sub Schutzabfrage() Dim wks As Worksheet Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox (i & ". Blatt" & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "(" & Sheets(i).Name & ") " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " ist ungeschtzt!") End If Next i End Sub Sub GetSheets() Dim j As Integer Dim NumSheets As Integer NumSheets = Sheets.Count For j = 1 To NumSheets Cells(j, 1) = Sheets(j).Name Next j End Sub Sub Tabellennamen_auslesen() For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Sheets("Hier Namen auslesen").Cells(i, 1).Value = Sheets(i).Name Next End Sub Sub Sayfa_sirala() Dim x As Integer Dim y As Boolean Do y = True For x = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 If Val(Sheets(x).Name) > Val(Sheets(x + 1).Name) Then Sheets(x + 1).Move Before:=Sheets(x) y = False End If Next x Loop Until y = True ActiveSheet.Next.Select End Sub Sub FeuilleMSG() Dim Lst() As String Dim I As Integer ReDim Lst(Sheets.Count - 1) For I = 0 To Sheets.Count - 1 Lst(I) = Sheets(I + 1).Name MsgBox Lst(I) Next I End Sub Sub Umbenennen() Dim Tabelle As Worksheet i=1 For Each Tabelle In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Tabelle.Name = "NeuerName" & i i=i+1 Next Tabelle End Sub

Sub SortSheets() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count For j = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 If UCase$(Sheets(j).Name) < UCase$(Sheets(j + 1).Name) Then Sheets(j).Move after:=Sheets(j + 1) End If Next j Next i End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("a1")) Is Nothing Then Range("a2").Select End If If Target = Range("A1") Then ActiveSheet.Name = Target End Sub Sub say() For i = 1 To Sheets.Count With Sheets(i) .Select .Name = [A2] End With Next i End Sub Sub scroll_down() Count = 1 Do Until Count = 200 ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=1 Application.Wait Now + (TimeValue("00:00:03") * 0.2) Count = Count + 1 Loop Cells(1, 1).Select End Sub Aktif Sayfay Kopyala ve Yeni Bir alma Kitab a ve smini "YeniSayfa" Ver ve kopyalanan yaptr. Sub YeniKitap() Dim Sh As Worksheet Set Sh = ActiveSheet ActiveSheet.Copy ActiveSheet.Name = "YeniSayfa" Sh.Range("A1:Z10").Copy Range("A2") End Sub Sub YENYE() On Error Resume Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim sadi, ssayi sadi = [C2] ssayi = Worksheets.Count For i = 1 To ssayi If Sheets(i).Name = sadi Then Exit Sub Next i Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(ssayi) Worksheets(ssayi + 1).Name = sadi Sheets("KOPYA").Select Cells.Select Selection.Copy Sheets(ssayi + 1).Select Cells.Select ActiveSheet.Paste Range("H2").Select Range("H2").Value = sadi Sheets("KOPYA").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("H2").Select Sheets(i).Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

Sub Dme8_Tklat() Dim NewName As String ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=Sheets(2) 'ActiveSheet.Copy Before:=ActiveSheet NewName = Sheets(2).Range("c6").Value On Error Resume Next ActiveSheet.Name = NewName ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete End Sub Sub Kopyala() Sheets("Sayfa1").Visible = True Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) 10 NewPageName = InputBox("Kopyalamak zere Olduunuz Sayfann Adn Belirleyiniz...!!!") For a = 1 To Sheets.Count If UCase(Sheets(a).Name) = UCase(NewPageName) Then MsgBox "Setiiniz sayfa ad mevcuttur yeniden deneyin." GoTo 10 End If Next ActiveWindow.ActiveSheet.Name = NewPageName End Sub Private Sub impression() Dim NumLigne As Long Sheets("Base").Select NumLigne = Range("H2").Value + 16 Dim ZoneImpression As String ZoneImpression = "$B$7:$K$" & NumLigne ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ZoneImpression Dim NbCopy As Integer On Error GoTo fin NbCopy = InputBox("Nombre de fiches imprimer (Maxi 5)", "Nombre", 1, 1000, 1000) If NbCopy > 5 Then NbCopy = 5 Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=NbCopy, Collate:=True fin: End Sub Sub UnProtectFeuil() Dim sht As Worksheet For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets sht.Unprotect Next sht End Sub SAYFA KORUMA MENS AIR Sub BlattSchutzEin() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogProtectDocument).Show End Sub SAYFA KORUMASINI KALDIR MENS Sub BlattSchutzAus() ActiveSheet.Unprotect End Sub SAYFA KORUMA MENS AIR Sub BlattSchutzEin() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogProtectDocument).Show End Sub SAYFA KORUMASINI KALDIR MENS Sub BlattSchutzAus() ActiveSheet.Unprotect End Sub

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For m = 65 To 66 For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 For i3 = 65 To 66 For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 For i6 = 65 To 66 For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _ Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) _ & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) _ & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) _ & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) Exit Sub End If Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next End Sub Sub FilternAuchBeiBlattschutz() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True ActiveSheet.EnableAutoFilter = True End Sub Sub sayfakorumakaldir() Dim Wb As Workbook, Sh As Worksheet For Each Wb In Workbooks For Each Sh In Wb.Worksheets Sh.Unprotect Next Sh Next Wb End Sub

"Norman Harker and JE McGimpsey" Const HEADER As String = "AllInternalPasswords User Message" Const VERSION As String = DBLSPACE & "Version 1.1.1 2003-Apr-04" Const REPBACK As String = DBLSPACE & "Please report failure " & _ "to the microsoft.public.excel.programming newsgroup." Const ALLCLEAR As String = DBLSPACE & "The workbook should " & _ "now be free of all password protection, so make sure you:" & _ DBLSPACE & "SAVE IT NOW!" & DBLSPACE & "and also" & _ DBLSPACE & "BACKUP!, BACKUP!!, BACKUP!!!" & _ DBLSPACE & "Also, remember that the password was " & _ "put there for a reason. Don't stuff up crucial formulas " & _ "or data." & DBLSPACE & "Access and use of some data " & _ "may be an offense. If in doubt, don't." Const MSGNOPWORDS1 As String = "There were no passwords on " & _ "sheets, or workbook structure or windows." & AUTHORS & VERSION Const MSGNOPWORDS2 As String = "There was no protection to " & _ "workbook structure or windows." & DBLSPACE & _ "Proceeding to unprotect sheets." & AUTHORS & VERSION Const MSGTAKETIME As String = "After pressing OK button this " & _ "will take some time." & DBLSPACE & "Amount of time " & _ "depends on how many different passwords, the " & _ "passwords, and your computer's specification." & DBLSPACE & _ "Just be patient! Make me a coffee!" & AUTHORS & VERSION Const MSGPWORDFOUND1 As String = "You had a Worksheet " & _ "Structure or Windows Password set." & DBLSPACE & _ "The password found was: " & DBLSPACE & "$$" & DBLSPACE & _ "Note it down for potential future use in other workbooks by " & _ "the same person who set this password." & DBLSPACE & _ "Now to check and clear other passwords." & AUTHORS & VERSION Const MSGPWORDFOUND2 As String = "You had a Worksheet " & _ "password set." & DBLSPACE & "The password found was: " & _ DBLSPACE & "$$" & DBLSPACE & "Note it down for potential " & _ "future use in other workbooks by same person who " & _ "set this password." & DBLSPACE & "Now to check and clear " & _ "other passwords." & AUTHORS & VERSION Const MSGONLYONE As String = "Only structure / windows " & _ "protected with the password that was just found." & _ ALLCLEAR & AUTHORS & VERSION & REPBACK Dim w1 As Worksheet, w2 As Worksheet Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer Dim m As Integer, n As Integer, i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer Dim i3 As Integer, i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer Dim PWord1 As String Dim ShTag As Boolean, WinTag As Boolean Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveWorkbook WinTag = .ProtectStructure Or .ProtectWindows End With ShTag = False For Each w1 In Worksheets ShTag = ShTag Or w1.ProtectContents Next w1 If Not ShTag And Not WinTag Then MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS1, vbInformation, HEADER Exit Sub End If MsgBox MSGTAKETIME, vbInformation, HEADER If Not WinTag Then MsgBox MSGNOPWORDS2, vbInformation, HEADER Else On Error Resume Next Do For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126 With ActiveWorkbook .Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _ Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & _ Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) If .ProtectStructure = False And _ .ProtectWindows = False Then PWord1 = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & _ Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _ Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) MsgBox Application.Substitute(MSGPWORDFOUND1, _ "$$", PWord1), vbInformation, HEADER Exit Do End If

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer

On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For m = 65 To 66 For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 For i3 = 65 To 66 For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 For i6 = 65 To 66 For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _ Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) _ & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) _ & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) _ & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) Exit Sub End If Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next End Sub nce Sayfa korumas olan Excel dosyas alr, sonra makrolar blmnden VBA dzenleyicisinin iine girilir,bir modl oluturulur, oluturulan modln iin ' ****************************** KOD *************************** Sub pcwBreaker() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126 sifre = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) ActiveSheet.Unprotect sifre If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "Bitti." & vbCr & "Sifre:" & vbCr & sifre Exit Sub End If Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next End Sub Sub DesactiverProtection() ActiveSheet.Unprotect End Sub

On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For M = 65 To 66 For N = 65 To 66 For o = 65 To 66 For p = 65 To 66 For q = 65 To 66 For r = 65 To 66 For s = 65 To 66 For t = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(M) & _ Chr(N) & Chr(o) & Chr(p) & Chr(q) & Chr(r) & Chr(s) & Chr(t) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "Ein mgliches Passwort ist " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & _ Chr(M) & Chr(N) & Chr(o) & Chr(p) & Chr(q) & Chr(r) & Chr(s) & Chr(t) Exit Sub End If Next t Next s Next r Next q Next p Next o Next N Next M Next l Next k Next j Next i End Sub Sub pcwBreaker() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126 sifre = Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) ActiveSheet.Unprotect sifre If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "Bitti." & vbCr & "Sifre:" & vbCr & sifre Exit Sub End If Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next End Sub

Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer, l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer On Error Resume Next For i = 65 To 66 For j = 65 To 66 For k = 65 To 66 For l = 65 To 66 For m = 65 To 66 For i1 = 65 To 66 For i2 = 65 To 66 For i3 = 65 To 66 For i4 = 65 To 66 For i5 = 65 To 66 For i6 = 65 To 66 For n = 32 To 126 ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "One useble password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n) Exit Sub End If Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next Next End Sub Sub upddate_link() ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources End Sub Kopf_und_Fusszeilen() ' &S = Seiten-Nr. ' &A = Seitenanzahl ' &N = Mappen-Name ' &B = Register-Name ' &D = Datum ' &U = Uhrzeit Sub vb_Pfad_in_Fusszeile() Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .RightFooter = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\&N [&B]" End With Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Public Sub ProtectGroupedSheets() Const csPASSWD As String = "drowssap" Dim mySheets As Sheets Dim actSheet As Worksheet Dim wkSht As Worksheet Set actSheet = ActiveSheet Set mySheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets actSheet.Select For Each wkSht In mySheets wkSht.Protect Password:=csPASSWD Next wkSht actSheet.Select mySheets.Select False End Sub

Dim Cnt%, N%, M%, i%, ZahlM%, ZahlN% Dim WS As Worksheet Set WS = ActiveSheet Cnt = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count For M = 1 To Cnt For N = M To Cnt On Error Resume Next For i = 1 To Len(Worksheets(N).Name) If IsNumeric(Right(Worksheets(N).Name, i)) = False Then i=i-1 If i = 0 Then GoTo Text ZahlN = Right(Worksheets(N).Name, i) Exit For End If Next i For i = 1 To Len(Worksheets(M).Name) If IsNumeric(Right(Worksheets(M).Name, i)) = False Then i=i-1 If i = 0 Then GoTo Text ZahlM = Right(Worksheets(M).Name, i) Exit For End If Next i If CInt(ZahlN) < CInt(ZahlM) Then Worksheets(N).Move _ Before:=Worksheets(M) GoTo Nchste Text: If Worksheets(N).Name < Worksheets(M).Name Then _ Worksheets(N).Move Before:=Worksheets(M) Nchste: Next N Next M Sheets("Tab3").Select MsgBox "Anzahl der Tabellen: " & Cnt End Sub

Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1")=ListBox2.ListCount Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count ListBox1.AddItem Worksheets(i).Name Next i End Sub Bu ilemi aadaki kodlarla; Sayfa2 sekmesini tkladnzda ifre uyar penceresi atrarak ifreyi bilirse sayfa ismini deitirebilir (sayfa2 ye geebilir) ifre Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() 'ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False 'sayfa tablarn gizler Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler 'esc tuu devre d Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'hata mesajlarn gzard et Dim sifre As String sifre = InputBox("Ltfen ifreyi Giriniz," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "ifre:123", "pir") If sifre <> "123" Then 'ifre yanlsa MsgBox "Hatal ifre" Worksheets("Sayfa1").Select Exit Sub Else MsgBox ("ifreyi Doru Girdiniz") ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True Worksheets("Sayfa2").Select Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() [a1] = ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Sub MasqueOnglet() With ActiveWindow .DisplayWorkbookTabs = Not .DisplayWorkbookTabs End With End Sub

Public Sub SortWorksheets() Dim Cnt As Integer Dim N As Integer Dim M As Integer On Error GoTo EndOfMacro Application.ScreenUpdating = False Cnt = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count For M = 1 To Cnt For N = M To Cnt If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) < UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then Worksheets(N).Move before:=Worksheets(M) End If Next N Next M EndOfMacro: Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub sheet_sorting () Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count For j = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 If UCase$(Sheets(j).Name) > UCase$(Sheets(j + 1).Name) Then Sheets(j).Move after:=Sheets(j + 1) End If Next j Next i End Sub Public Sub SortWorksheets() Dim Cnt As Integer Dim N As Integer Dim M As Integer On Error GoTo EndOfMacro Application.ScreenUpdating = False Cnt = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count For M = 1 To Cnt For N = M To Cnt If UCase(Worksheets(N).Name) < UCase(Worksheets(M).Name) Then Worksheets(N).Move before:=Worksheets(M) End If Next N Next M EndOfMacro: Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub SayfaSil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Delete End Sub Yanlz uyary tekrar eski haline getirmelisiniz. Sub SayfaSil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveSheet.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub

Belli menu ve komutlar (hem ara ubuunda hem de sa klik tuundaki pop-up menleri) seilemez sub menkomutlariptal() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = False'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = False'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl end sub 'MEN KOMUTLARINI AAR. sub menkomutlara() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = True'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = True'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl end sub Belli menu ve komutlar (hem ara ubuunda hem de sa klik tuundaki pop-up menleri) seilemez sub menkomutlariptal() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = False'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = False'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl end sub 'MEN KOMUTLARINI AAR. sub menkomutlara() Dim Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=847) Ctrl.Enabled = True'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl For Each Ctrl In Application.CommandBars.FindControls(ID:=889) Ctrl.Enabled = True'True menleri aktif yapar Next Ctrl end sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() On Error GoTo 10 Application.DisplayAlerts = False sor = InputBox("Silinecek sayfa adn yaznz.") If sor = "" Then Exit Sub mesaj = MsgBox("silmek istediinizden eminmisiniz", vbYesNo) If mesaj = vbNo Then Exit Sub Sheets("" & sor).Delete Exit Sub 10 MsgBox "sayfa bulunamad" End Sub Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() With Application .CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Edit").Controls("Delete Sheet").Enabled = False .CommandBars("Ply").Controls("Delete").Enabled = False End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() With Application .CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Edit").Controls("Delete Sheet").Enabled = True .CommandBars("Ply").Controls("Delete").Enabled = True End With End Sub Sub sayfasil() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Worksheets("Sayfa1").Delete End Sub

Sub ProtectSheet() Dim Password 'This line of code is optional Password = "1234" ActiveSheet.Protect Password, True, True, True End Sub Sub UnProtectSheet() Password = "1234" ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password End Sub Sub sifrele_ac() ActiveSheet.Unprotect "a" MsgBox "Sayfa ifresi zld" ActiveSheet.Protect MsgBox "Sayfa ifrelendi" End Sub

End Sub ' Sub PopUpMenu() Dim cb As CommandBar Set cb = Application.CommandBars("Cell") ' Set MenuObject = cb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True) MenuObject.Caption = "Benim Menm" MenuObject.BeginGroup = True ' With MenuObject With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "RaiderMacro1" .FaceId = 7 .Caption = "Alt Menm - 1" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "RaiderMacro2" .FaceId = 17 .Caption = "Alt Menm - 2" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "RaiderMacro3" .FaceId = 27 .Caption = "Alt Menm - 3" End With End With ' Set MenuObject2 = MenuObject.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True) MenuObject2.Caption = "Benim 2nci Seviye Menm - 1" ' With MenuObject2 With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "RaiderMacro4" .FaceId = 37 .Caption = "2nci Seviye(1) Alt Menm - 1" End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) .OnAction = "RaiderMacro5" .FaceId = 47 .Caption = "2nci Seviye(1) Alt Menm - 2" End With End With ' Set MenuObject3 = MenuObject.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlPopup, Temporary:=True) MenuObject3.Caption = "Benim 2nci Seviye Menm - 2" ' With MenuObject3 With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=4) .Visible = True End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=3) .Visible = True End With With .Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, ID:=1695) .Visible = True End With End With ' Set cb = Nothing Set MenuObject = Nothing Set MenuObject2 = Nothing End Sub ' Sub RaiderMacro1() MsgBox "RaiderMacro1 altrld !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "(AltMen-1)" End Sub ' Sub RaiderMacro2() MsgBox "RaiderMacro2 altrld !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "(AltMen-2)" End Sub ' Sub RaiderMacro3() MsgBox "RaiderMacro3 altrld !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "(AltMen-3)" End Sub ' Sub RaiderMacro4() MsgBox "RaiderMacro4 altrld !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "(2nci Seviye AltMen-1)" End Sub '

Sayfa2 de mouse sa click, Kod Grntle deyin kan ekrana bu kodlar yaptrn. Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Set s1 = Sheets("Sayfa1") Set s2 = Sheets("Sayfa2") With s2.[A1:A1000] .Value = s1.[A1:A1000].Value .Sort [A1] End With Set s1 = Nothing Set s2 = Nothing End Sub Option Explicit Sub sichtbare_kopieren() Range("A1").CurrentRegion _ .SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Copy _ Worksheets("Tabelle2").Range("A1") End Sub Sub Test2() Dim Sh1 As Worksheet, Sh2 As Worksheet Dim MyRng As Range Dim Nrow As Long Set Sh1 = Sheets("Sheet1") Set Sh2 = Sheets("Sheet2") Sh2.Range("A1:A" & Sh2.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row).Clear For Each MyRng In Sh1.Range("A1:A100") If MyRng.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Then Nrow = Sh2.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1 Sh1.Rows(MyRng.Row).Copy Sh2.Range("A" & Nrow).PasteSpecial End If Next Application.CutCopyMode = False Range("A1").Select End Sub

Sub Arabul_listele() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim Sayac As Integer Dim SinananVeri As String Veri = InputBox("Aranan Veriyi Belirtiniz", "ARANAN VER", "") SinananVeri = "*" & Veri & "*" Set Say1 = Worksheets("Sayfa1") Set Say2 = Worksheets("Sayfa2") j=1 For i = 1 To 10 If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Say2.Cells(i, 1), SinananVeri) > 0 Then Say1.Cells(j, 1) = Say2.Cells(i, 1) Sayac = Sayac + 1 j=j+1 End If Next i MsgBox Say2.Name & "'de aram olduunuz " & Veri & " verisini ieren toplam " & Sayac & " adet hcre deeri bulundu ve " & Say1.Name & "'de liste End Sub

Application.wait metodu ile visual basic kodu: Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("sayfa1").Select Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10") Sheets("sayfa2").Select End Sub

Application.ontime metodu ile visual basic kodu: Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("sayfa1").Select zaman = Now + TimeValue("00:00:10") Application.OnTime zaman, "sayfasec" End Sub Sub sayfasec() Sheets("sayfa2").Select End Sub Application.wait metodu ile visual basic kodu: Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("sayfa1").Select Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10") Sheets("sayfa2").Select End Sub

Application.ontime metodu ile visual basic kodu: Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("sayfa1").Select zaman = Now + TimeValue("00:00:10") Application.OnTime zaman, "sayfasec" End Sub Sub sayfasec() Sheets("sayfa2").Select End Sub Sub Print() Sheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Activate() If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1" Then Application.DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() Application.DisplayFullScreen = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sayfa1" Then Application.DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object) Application.DisplayFullScreen = False End Sub Sub kod_sil() With ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Sayfa1").CodeModule .DeleteLines 1, .CountOfLines End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Range("B1").Select MsgBox"Sayfa2 ye Ho Geldiniz" End Sub Sub Hide_WS2() Worksheets(2).Visible = xlVeryHidden End Sub

Sub Hide_WS1() Worksheets(2).Visible = Hide End Sub Sub Toggle_Hidden_Visible() Worksheets(2).Visible = Not Worksheets(2).Visible End Sub Sub UnHide_WS() Worksheets(2).Visible = True End Sub Thisworkbooka Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() With Application.AutoCorrect .DeleteReplacement What:="a" .DeleteReplacement What:="b" .DeleteReplacement What:="c" .DeleteReplacement What:="d" End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() With Application.AutoCorrect .AddReplacement What:="a", Replacement:="Klaus" .AddReplacement What:="b", Replacement:="Marcus" .AddReplacement What:="c", Replacement:="Peter" .AddReplacement What:="d", Replacement:="Berti" End With End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Application.CellDragAndDrop = False If Intersect(Target, Range("B5:G22")) Is Nothing Then Range("A1").Select End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Dim RaBereich As Range, RaZelle As Range Set RaBereich = Range("B3:B20, D1:D7") ' ActiveSheet.Unprotect Application.EnableEvents = False For Each RaZelle In Range(Target.Address) If Not Intersect(RaZelle, RaBereich) Is Nothing Then RaZelle.Offset(0, 1) = Date Next RaZelle ' ActiveSheet.protect Application.EnableEvents = True Set RaBereich = Nothing End Sub Sub bossatir_gizle() Rows("1:250").EntireRow.Hidden = False For x = 5 To 250 gizle = 0 For y = 2 To 5 If Cells(x, y) <> 0 Then gizle = 1 Next y If Cells(x, 6) = "E" Then gizle = 1 If gizle = 0 Then Rows(x & ":" & x).EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next x Columns("C:J").EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub Sub satirlari_ac() Rows("1:250").EntireRow.Hidden = False End Sub

Ocak, ubat, Mart...... gibi aylar A2:A13 aralnda, 1975, 1976,............... gibi yllar B1:L1 aralnda, UserForm zerinde TextBox1, TextBox2, Label1 ve CommandButton1 nesneleri varsa; Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo ResumeSub: x = Range("A2:A13").Cells.Find(TextBox1).Row y = Range("B1:L1").Cells.Find(TextBox2).Column Label1.Caption = Cells(x, y) Exit Sub ResumeSub: Label1.Caption = "Deger bulunamadi...." End Sub Sub buton_text() MsgBox (ActiveSheet.Buttons(Application.Caller).Text) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Column = 1 Or Target.Column = 3 Or Target.Column = 4 Then kelime = Replace(Target.Value, "i", "") kelime = Replace(kelime, "", "I") Target.Value = StrConv(kelime, vbUpperCase) End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$A$" & Target.Row Then kelime = Replace(Target.Value, "i", "") kelime = Replace(kelime, "", "I") Target.Value = StrConv(kelime, vbUpperCase) ElseIf Target.Address = "$C$" & Target.Row Then kelime = Replace(Target.Value, "i", "") kelime = Replace(kelime, "", "I") Target.Value = StrConv(kelime, vbUpperCase) ElseIf Target.Address = "$D$" & Target.Row Then kelime = Replace(Target.Value, "i", "") kelime = Replace(kelime, "", "I") Target.Value = StrConv(kelime, vbUpperCase) End If End Sub Sub auto_open() Worksheets("Sayfa1").OnDoubleClick = "Mein_Makro" End Sub Sub Mein_Makro() ActiveCell.Value = Time End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetBeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Sh As Object, _ ByVal Target As Range, ByVal Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlUp End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub 'Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub

Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToRight End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub 'Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlToLeft End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub 'Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.MoveAfterReturnDirection = xlDown End Sub Sayfann kod blmne Option Explicit Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.OnKey "{del}" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.HasFormula Then Application.OnKey "{del}", "" Else Application.OnKey "{del}" End If End Sub 'Thisworbook a Option Explicit sayfann kod blmne Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate() Application.OnKey "{del}" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.HasFormula Then Application.OnKey "{del}", "" Else Application.OnKey "{del}" End If End Sub

Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set OutputRange = Selection RetSheet = ActiveSheet.Name NameCnt = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets Sheet.Select Set FnRange = Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas) For i = 1 To NameCnt With FnRange Set c = .Find(ActiveWorkbook.Names(i).Name, LookIn:=xlFormulas) If Not c Is Nothing Then firstAddress = c.Address Do OutputRange.Offset(n, 0).Value = ActiveWorkbook.Names(i).Name OutputRange.Offset(n, 1).Value = ActiveSheet.Name OutputRange.Offset(n, 2).Value = c.Address(False, False) OutputRange.Offset(n, 3).Value = "'" & c.Formula OutputRange.Offset(n, 4).Value = c.Value n=n+1 Set c = .FindNext(c) Loop While Not c Is Nothing And c.Address <> firstAddress End If End With Next i Next Sheet Sheets(RetSheet).Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True Exit Sub ErrHndlr: Set FnRange = Cells(1, 1) Resume Next End Sub Sub FindNakamedRangeReferences() Dim NameArray() As String Count = 0 Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next Sheets("Record").Delete Worksheets(1).Select Worksheets.Add.Name = "Record" With Worksheets("Record") .Range("a1").Value = "Worksheet Name" .Range("b1").Value = "Cell Address" .Range("c1").Value = "Formula" .Range("d1").Value = "Value" End With NamedRangeCount = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Count ReDim NameArray(NamedRangeCount) For i = 1 To NamedRangeCount NameArray(i) = ActiveWorkbook.Names.Item(i).Name Next i For j = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count On Error Resume Next Worksheets(j).Activate Range("a1").Select Worksheets(j).Range("a1", Range("a1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell)). _ SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas).Select For Each myCell In Selection For i = 1 To NamedRangeCount If (InStr(myCell.Formula, NameArray(i)) <> 0) Then Worksheets("Record").Cells(2, 1).Offset(Count, 0).Value Worksheets("Record").Cells(2, 1).Offset(Count, 1).Value Worksheets("Record").Cells(2, 1).Offset(Count, 2).Value Worksheets("Record").Cells(2, 1).Offset(Count, 3).Value Worksheets("Record").Cells(2, 1).Offset(Count, 4).Value Count = Count + 1

= Worksheets(j).Name = myCell.Address = "'" & myCell.Formula = myCell.Value = NameArray(i)

Thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_Open() Tabelle1.WebBrowser1.Navigate "" End Countformula() Sub Sub Dim R As Integer R=0 Range(Cells(1, 1), Selection.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)).Select For Each Cell In Selection If Left(Cell.Formula, 1) = "=" Then R=R+1 End If Next Cell Selection.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, 23).Select MsgBox "toplam " & R & " adet forml bulundu. Sayfa " & ActiveSheet.Name & " de" End Sub Sub CountFormSub() MsgBox ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlFormulas).Count End Sub Function countformulas() As Integer Dim x As Range Dim y As Integer Application.Volatile For Each x In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If x.HasFormula Then y = y + 1 Next x countformulas = y End Function SAYFADA KAYAN YAZI Sub KayanYazi() [J2] = "" For i = 1 To 10 On Error Resume Next For j = 1 To 1000000 j=j+0 Next j Cells(1, i).Value = "kayan yazi" Cells(1, i - 1).Value = "" Next End Sub Sub Blattschutz_Ja_Nein() If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = True Then MsgBox "sayfa korumal !", 64, "BLATTSCHUTZ" Exit Sub End If If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then MsgBox "Sayfada koruma yok !", 64, "BLATTSCHUTZ" Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Delete End Sub Sub Make_Textbox() r=5 c=5 w = Cells(1, 1).Resize(1, c).Width h = Cells(1, 1).Resize(r, 1).Height Worksheets(1).Shapes.AddTextbox(msoTextOrientationHorizontal, w, h, 200, 50).TextFrame.Characters.Text = "Test Box" End Sub

Sub Case_Kullan() Select Case ActiveCell.Value Case 0 To 44 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Kald" Case 45 To 60 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Orta" Case 61 To 80 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "yi" Case 81 To 100 ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = "Pekiyi" End Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If IsNumeric(Target) Then MsgBox "Dikkat?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo Else MsgBox "", vbQuestion + vbYesNo End If End Sub Sub YakiniBul() Dim i As Integer Dim hucre As Range Range("A1:A1000").ClearFormats k = Abs(Range("c1") - Range("B1")) For i = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B1000")) deger = Abs(Range("c1") - Cells(i, 2)) If deger > k Then GoTo git Else k = deger End If git: Next i For Each hucre In Range("B1:B1000") If hucre.Value = k + Range("C1") Then hucre.Offset(0, -1).Font.ColorIndex = 3 ElseIf hucre.Value = Abs(k - Range("C1")) Then hucre.Offset(0, -1).Font.ColorIndex = 3 End If Next hucre End Sub

Option Compare Text Sub Check_Values_1() On Error Resume Next Dim CurCell As Range Dim Heading As String Dim Prompt As String Dim Criteria As Variant Dim Color As Long Dim lRows As Long Dim lCols As Long Dim lAllCells As Long lRows = ActiveSheet.Rows.Count lCols = ActiveSheet.Columns.Count lAllCells = lRows * lCols If Selection.Cells.Count = lAllCells Then MsgBox "To check the entire sheet, please select only one cell", 64 Exit Sub End If Heading = "Enter Criteria" Prompt = "Enter the value you want to find and highlight." Color = 3 Criteria = InputBox(Prompt, Heading) If Criteria = "" Then Exit Sub ElseIf IsNumeric(Criteria) Then Criteria = CLng(Criteria) ElseIf IsDate(Criteria) Then Criteria = CDate(Criteria) Else Criteria = CStr(Criteria) End If If Selection.Cells.Count > 1 Then For Each CurCell In Selection If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell Else For Each CurCell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If CurCell.Value = Criteria Then CurCell.Interior.ColorIndex = Color Next CurCell End If End Sub Sub Macro1() ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete End Sub Men aa-yukar ve saa-sola scrollunu kullanmanza izin vermez. Basit bir kod, deneyince grrsnz. Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_Open() Sheets("Anasayfa").Select Sheets("Anasayfa").Range("a1:p40").ClearContents Sheets("Anasayfa").ScrollArea = "c5"

End Sub

Sub formschutz() On Error GoTo fehlerbeh Application.ScreenUpdating = False ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=False, _ Scenarios:=False With Cells .Locked = False .FormulaHidden = False End With With Cells.SpecialCells(xlFormulas, 23) .Locked = True .FormulaHidden = True End With ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, _ Scenarios:=True Exit Sub fehlerbeh: If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Range, _ Cancel As Boolean) Dim icbc As Object For Each icbc In Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls If icbc.Tag = "brccm" Then icbc.Delete Next icbc If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Range("b1:b10")) _ Is Nothing Then With Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls _ .Add(Type:=msoControlButton, before:=6, _ temporary:=True) .Caption = "New Context Menu Item" .OnAction = "MyMacro" .Tag = "brccm" End With End If End Auto_Open() Sub Sub With ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell) .MenuItems.AddMenu "Menpunkt1" With ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell) _ .MenuItems("Menpunkt1") .MenuItems.Add "Untermenpunkt1_1", _ OnAction:="Makro1" .MenuItems.Add "Untermenpunkt1_2", _ OnAction:="Makro2" .MenuItems.Add "Untermenpunkt3", OnAction:="Makro3" End With .MenuItems.AddMenu "Menpunkt2" With ShortcutMenus(xlWorksheetCell) _ .MenuItems("Menpunkt2") .MenuItems.Add "Untermenpunkt2_1", _ OnAction:="Makro3" .MenuItems.Add "Untermenpunkt2_2", _ OnAction:="Makro4" End With End With End Sub Sub auto_close() Application.CommandBars("Cell").Reset End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeRightClick(ByVal Target As Excel.Range, _ Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True MsgBox "Sa klik yasaklanmtr! pir" End Sub

Sub satirac() Dim i As Long Dim gec, s, st As String Sheets("CIRO").Select For i = 1 To 3000 s = Cells(i, 1).Value If i > 2 Then gec = Cells(i - 1, 1).Value Else gec = s If s = "" Then GoTo son If i = 82 Then s=s End If If (s <> gec) And (gec <> "") Then st = Str(i) Rows(st).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown ActiveCell.Value = gec + "TOPLAM" Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 40 Selection.Font.Bold = True i=i+1 End If Next i son: End Sub Sub DeleteNames() Dim NameX As Name For Each NameX In Names ActiveWorkbook.Names(NameX.Name).Delete Next NameX End Sub Sub DeleteAllNames() Dim Nm As Name For Each Nm In Names Nm.Delete Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Application.EnableEvents = False Target = UCase(Target) Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) sayfa = Target.Cells.Value Sheets("Sayfa3").Select End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$C$18" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End Sub Private Declare Function SetCursorPos Lib "user32" (ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) As Long 'pir buton1 c4:e7 geniiliinde 'buton2 g12:15 Sub Cursor1() SetCursorPos 540, 350 'hier die Bildschirmposition anpassen End Sub Sub Cursor2() SetCursorPos 220, 200 End Sub Sub sheetbuton_disable () Sheets("Sayfa1").Buttons(1).Enabled = False End Sub Sub SchaltflaecheInaktivieren() Sheets("Sayfa1").Buttons(1).Enabled = False End Sub veya, C2 den balayarak C stunundaki son dolu hcreye kadar seim: range("c2:c" & cells(65536, 3).end(xlup).row).select baka bir yazm ekli de; range("c2:c" & range("c65536").end(xlup).row).select Sub DeleteEmptyRows() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 + _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub SATIR BOLUKLARINI DOLDURUR(sayfada) Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() LastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row - 1 + _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count Application.ScreenUpdating = False For r = LastRow To 1 Step -1 If Application.CountA(Rows(r)) = 0 Then Rows(r).Delete Next r End Sub Sub FormulesEnCommentaires() Dim cell, largeur, hauteur On Error Resume Next For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If cell.HasFormula Then cell.AddComment cell.Comment.Text Text:=cell.FormulaLocal With cell.Comment.Shape largeur = .Width hauteur = .Height .TextFrame.AutoSize = True If .Width > 350 Then .Width = 350 .Height = 55 End If End With End If Next End Sub Sub SupprimeCommentaires() For i = ActiveSheet.Comments.Count To 1 Step -1 ActiveSheet.Comments(i).Delete Next i End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean) ActiveSheet.Unprotect (kubilay) End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) ActiveSheet.Protect password:=kubilay, DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True End Sub Sub Rotate() ' select the shape that called this macro ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Select For i = 1 To 180 Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation 4 Application.Calculate ' Just to slow things down a bit Next i Range("A1").Select End Sub

Dim Sh As Worksheet Dim Newsh As Worksheet Dim myCell As Range Dim ColNum As Integer Dim RwNum As Long Dim Basebook As Workbook With Application .Calculation = xlCalculationManual .ScreenUpdating = False End With Set Basebook = ThisWorkbook Set Newsh = Basebook.Worksheets.Add On Error Resume Next Newsh.Name = "Summary-Sheet" If Err.Number > 0 Then MsgBox "The Summary sheet already exist in this workbook." With Application .DisplayAlerts = False Newsh.Delete .DisplayAlerts = True .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic .ScreenUpdating = True End With Exit Sub End If RwNum = 1 'The links to the first sheet will start in row 2 For Each Sh In Basebook.Worksheets If Sh.Name <> Newsh.Name And Sh.Visible Then ColNum = 1 RwNum = RwNum + 1 Newsh.Cells(RwNum, 1).Value = Sh.Name 'Copy the sheet name in the A column For Each myCell In Sh.Range("A1,D5:E5,Z10") ' <----Change the range ColNum = ColNum + 1 Newsh.Cells(RwNum, ColNum).Formula = _ "='" & Sh.Name & "'!" & myCell.Address(False, False) Next myCell End If Next Sh Newsh.UsedRange.Columns.AutoFit With Application .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic .ScreenUpdating = True End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) MsgBox Sh.Name End Sub CTRL+PAGE UP, CTRL PAGE DOWN OLAYI PTAL Sheets("sayfa1").Select End Sub

Private Sub Wo

textbox'larla uramamak iin inputbox kullandm, onu deitirirsiniz. Kodunuzdaki hata elseif iin art dng iinde kullandnz iin her halikarda salanm oluyor. yani (ElseIf Worksheets(sayfa).Name <> sayfaadi Then ) visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub sayfalar() sayfaadi = InputBox("sayfaadi") For sayfa = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Worksheets(sayfa).Name = sayfaadi Then Worksheets(sayfaadi).Select Range("a4").Value = 11 Exit Sub End If Next sayfa Worksheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = sayfaadi ActiveSheet.Select Range("a4").Value = 111 End Sub veya, C2 den balayarak C stunundaki son dolu hcreye kadar seim: range("c2:c" & cells(65536, 3).end(xlup).row).select baka bir yazm ekli de; range("c2:c" & range("c65536").end(xlup).row).select veya, C2 den balayarak C stunundaki son dolu hcreye kadar seim: range("c2:c" & cells(65536, 3).end(xlup).row).select baka bir yazm ekli de; range("c2:c" & range("c65536").end(xlup).row).select

Dim sayfamenu As CommandBar, pir As CommandBarButton, sh As Worksheet On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("menuler").Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set sayfamenu = CommandBars.Add(Name:="SayfaMen", temporary:=True) With sayfamenu .Position = msoBarFloating .Visible = True End With For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets Set pir = sayfamenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With pir .Style = msoButtonCaption .Caption = Left(sh.Name & " ", 16) .Tag = sh.Name .OnAction = "Start" .BeginGroup = True End With Next sh Set pir = sayfamenu.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton) With pir .Style = msoButtonCaption .Caption = "sayfa geii" .OnAction = "sheets_menu" .BeginGroup = True End With sayfamenu.Width = 1 End Sub Sub Start() Sheets(Application.CommandBars.ActionControl.Tag).Activate End Sub thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("menuler").Delete On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Call sheets_menu End Sub Levetn beyin yapt kodu devam ediyorum. Aadaki ekle getirirseniz liste sayfasnda hangi satrda iseniz o satr veri giri sayfasna tar. Kod: Sub kaydet2() a = ActiveCell.Row Sheets("liste").Range("A" & a & ":G" & a).Copy Sheets("veri").Range("B2").PasteSpecial , , , True Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub

Sub InsertHeaderFooter() ' inserts the same header/footer in all worksheets Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets Application.StatusBar = "Changing header/footer in " & ws.Name With ws.PageSetup .LeftHeader = "Company name" .CenterHeader = "Page &P of &N" .RightHeader = "Printed &D &T" .LeftFooter = "Path : " & ActiveWorkbook.Path .CenterFooter = "Workbook name &F" .RightFooter = "Sheet name &A" End With Next ws Set ws = Nothing Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Range("A65536").Select If InputBox("ifre Gir?", "ifre") = "123" Then Range("A1").Select Else MsgBox ("ifre Yanl") Sheets("Sayfa1").Select End If End Sub sonra al makrusuna u kodu ekleyin Kod: Sub Auto_Open() [b]Sheets("Gizli Sayfa").Visible = True[/b] End Sub Burada mantk u Makrolar etkinletirlmesse sayfa grnmez. Etkinletirldiinde ise o sayfaya tklandnda sayfann kod blmne u kodu ekleyin Kod:


Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Dim sifre Dim durum git: sifre = Application.InputBox("Ltfen Kullanc Kodunu Giriniz", _ "Sayn ; " & Application.UserName, "ifre") If sifre = Empty Then Sheets("DierSayfa").Select If sifre <> "ifre" Then durum = MsgBox("Girdiiniz ifre Yanltr " _ & vbNewLine & "Ltfen doru ifre giriniz." _ & vbNewLine & "Tekrar ifre Girmek stiyormusunuz", vbYesNo, Application.UserName) If durum = vbYes Then GoTo git Else MsgBox "ifre Dorudur.....!", vbInformation, Application.UserName Exit Sub End If Sheets("DierSayfa").Select End Sub

Dim SheetNames() As String Dim SheetHidden() As Boolean Dim i As Integer Dim SheetCount As Integer Dim VisibleWins As Integer Dim Item As Object Dim OldActive As Object If ActiveWorkbook Is Nothing Then Exit Sub SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count If ActiveWorkbook.ProtectStructure Then MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Name & " is protected.", _ vbCritical, "Cannot Sort Sheets." Exit Sub End If Application.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled SheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count ReDim SheetNames(1 To SheetCount) ReDim SheetHidden(1 To SheetCount) Set OldActive = ActiveSheet For i = 1 To SheetCount SheetNames(i) = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name Next i For i = 1 To SheetCount SheetHidden(i) = Not ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Visible If SheetHidden(i) Then ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Visible = True Next i Call BubbleSort(SheetNames) Application.ScreenUpdating = False For i = 1 To SheetCount ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(SheetNames(i)).Move _ before:=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i) Next i For i = 1 To SheetCount If SheetHidden(i) Then ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Visible = False Next i OldActive.Activate End Sub Sub BubbleSort(List() As String) Dim First As Integer Dim Last As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim Temp As String First = LBound(List) Last = UBound(List) For i = First To Last - 1 For j = i + 1 To Last If UCase(List(i)) > UCase(List(j)) Then Temp = List(j) List(j) = List(i) List(i) = Temp End If Next j Next i End Sub

Sub sirala() For a = 1 To Sheets.Count For b = a + 1 To Sheets.Count If LCase(Sheets(b).Name) > LCase(Sheets(a).Name) Then GoTo 10 Sheets(b).Move before:=Sheets(a) 10 Next Next End SortSheetUp() Sub Sub Dim iMax As Integer Dim tb1 As Integer Dim tb2 As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False iMax = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count For tb1 = 1 To iMax For tb2 = tb1 To iMax If UCase(Sheets(tb2).Name) _ < UCase(Sheets(tb1).Name) Then Sheets(tb2).Move before:=Sheets(tb1) End If Next tb2 Next tb1 Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub SortSheetDown() Dim iMax As Integer Dim tb1 As Integer Dim tb2 As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False iMax = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count For tb1 = 1 To iMax For tb2 = tb1 To iMax If UCase(Sheets(tb2).Name) _ > UCase(Sheets(tb1).Name) Then Sheets(tb2).Move before:=Sheets(tb1) End If Next tb2 Next tb1 Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

Dim dlg As DialogSheet ' global variable Sub SheetNavigation() Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set dlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add With dlg.DialogFrame .Left = 0 .Top = 0 .Height = 300 ' dialog height .Width = 300 ' dialog width End With dlg.Buttons(1).Left = 245 ' position of button1 dlg.Buttons(2).Left = 245 ' position of button2 With dlg.ListBoxes.Add(10, 15, 230, 275) ' size of listbox For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Visible Then .AddItem ws.Name Next ws .ListIndex = 0 .OnAction = "DisplaySheet" End With dlg.DialogFrame.Text = "Select the worksheet you want to activate" dlg.Visible = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True If dlg.Show Then Worksheets(dlg.ListBoxes(1).List(dlg.ListBoxes(1).ListIndex)).Activate End If Application.DisplayAlerts = False dlg.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Set ws = Nothing Set dlg = Nothing End Sub Private Sub DisplaySheet() Sheets(dlg.ListBoxes(1).List(dlg.ListBoxes(1).ListIndex)).Activate End Sub Public Sub ProtectGroupedSheets() Const csPASSWD As String = "drowssap" Dim mySheets As Sheets Dim actSheet As Worksheet Dim wkSht As Worksheet Set actSheet = ActiveSheet Set mySheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets actSheet.Select For Each wkSht In mySheets wkSht.Protect Password:=csPASSWD Next wkSht actSheet.Select mySheets.Select False End Sub Sub BlattName() For Blatt = 2 To ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count Sheets(1).Cells(Blatt, 1).Select Sheets(Blatt).Name = Sheets(1).Cells(Blatt, 1) ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _ Sheets(Blatt).Name & "!A1", TextToDisplay:=ActiveCell.Formula Next Blatt Sheets(1).Select End Sub

Sub Auto_Open() MyMenu Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub MyMenu() On Error Resume Next If Not MyControl Is Nothing Then GoTo ResumeSub: Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) MyControl.Delete On Error GoTo 0 Set MyBar = Application.CommandBars("standard") Set NewCombo = MyBar.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlComboBox) ResumeSub: With NewCombo .Clear .Text = "Sayfa secin" .Tag = "MyMenu" .Width = 150 .Text = ActiveSheet.Name For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count .AddItem Sheets(i).Name, i Next .DropDownLines = 5 .DropDownWidth = 90 .OnAction = "MyCombo" End With Set NewCombo = Nothing Set MyBar = Nothing Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub ' Sub MyCombo() Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) Sheets(MyControl.Text).Select Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub ' Sub DelMyMenu() Set MyControl = CommandBars.FindControl(Type:=msoControlComboBox, Tag:="MyMenu", Visible:=True) MyControl.Delete Set MyControl = Nothing End Sub ' Sub Auto_Close() DelMyMenu End Sub Sub Alle_auswhlen() ReDim Matrixvariable(1 To Sheets.Count) For Each Blattname In Sheets Blattzhler = Blattzhler + 1 Matrixvariable(Blattzhler) = Blattname.Name Next For y = 1 To Blattzhler Next Sheets(Matrixvariable()).Select With Selection.Font .Name = "Arial" .Size = 14 End With End Sub Sub sayfa_sirala() Dim intI As Integer, intJ As Integer For intI = 1 To Sheets.Count For intJ = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 If UCase(Sheets(intJ).Name) > UCase(Sheets(intJ + 1).Name) Then Sheets(intJ).Move after:=Sheets(intJ + 1) End If Next Next End Sub

Sub MappeDrucken() Dim Sh As Worksheet For Each Sh In Worksheets If Sh.Visible = True Then Sh.PrintPreview End If Next Sh End Sub Sub SortSheets() Dim i As Integer, j As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count For j = 1 To Sheets.Count - 1 If UCase$(Sheets(j).Name) < UCase$(Sheets(j + 1).Name) Then Sheets(j).Move after:=Sheets(j + 1) End If Next j Next i End Sub Sub AllsheetsInOpenBooks() 'Example in Dim wkBook As Workbook, wkSheet As Worksheet ' 2001-11-24 Dim iRow As Long, iSheet As Long: iRow = 1 'Create a new sheet in the current workbook ' added Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Bastar = TextBox1 SonTar = TextBox2 Set S1 = Sheets("RAPOR") Range("A2:F4500").Select Selection.ClearContents Range("A2").Select SAYAC = 1 For sayfa = 1 To Worksheets.Count Worksheets(sayfa).Select If ActiveSheet.Name <> "RAPOR" Then 'If [B1] <> "RAPOR" Then Range("b3").Select Do While ActiveCell.Value <> "" If Format(ActiveCell.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") >= Bastar And Format(ActiveCell.Value, "dd/mm/yyyy") <= SonTar Then S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 1).Value = SAYAC S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 2).Value = ActiveCell.Value S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 3).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 4).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 5).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value S1.Cells(1 + SAYAC, 6).Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value SAYAC = SAYAC + 1 End If ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End If Next End Sub

Dim I As Integer For I = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(I).Name & _ " has Index = " & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(I).Index Next I End Sub Public Sub InsertChartsBeforeWorksheets()'grafik Dim Worksheet1 As Worksheet For Each Worksheet1 In Worksheets Charts.Add Before:=Sheets(Worksheet1.Index) Next Worksheet1 End Sub Public Sub InsertChartsBeforeWorksheets2() Dim Worksheet1 As Worksheet For Each Worksheet1 In Worksheets Charts.Add Before:=Worksheet Next Worksheet1 End Sub Public Sub InsertChartsAfterWorksheets() Dim Worksheet1 As Worksheet Dim Chart1 As Chart For Each Worksheet1 In Worksheets Set Chart1 = Charts.Add Chart1.Move After:=Worksheet1 Next Worksheet1 End Sub Sub Menu() Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs").ShowPopup 930, 30 End Subblmne; Module Global WCnt Global Sh(1 To 100) As Worksheet Global ShNames(1 To 100) As String 'workbook'un code una; Public Sub Workbook_Open() Dim i As Integer WCnt = Worksheets.Count For i = 1 To WCnt ShNames(i) = Sheets(i).Name Set Sh(i) = Sheets(ShNames(i)) Next i End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Dim z As Integer For z = 1 To WCnt Sh(z).Name = ShNames(z) Next z End Sub SAYFA KISA YOLLARINI EKRANA GETRR Sub Menu() Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs").ShowPopup 500, 150 End Sub

ThisWorkbook modulne yerletirilecek kodlar: visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) If ActiveSheet.Name = "Liste2" Then Cancel = True End If End Sub Sub tester() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets With ws.PageSetup .LeftHeader = "&A" .LeftFooter = "Page &P of &N" End With Next ws End Sub Sub top() Application.GoTo Reference:=ActiveSheet.Range("A1"), Scroll:=True End Sub Sub copysheets() Dim iMax As Integer Dim tb1 As Integer Dim tb2 As Integer Dim ws As String ws = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie einen neuen TabBlattNamen ein") Sheets("Blanko_zum_Kopieren").Copy After:=Sheets(1) 'TabBlattName anpassen Sheets("Blanko_zum_Kopieren (2)").Name = ws Application.ScreenUpdating = False iMax = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count For tb1 = 1 To iMax For tb2 = tb1 To iMax If UCase(Sheets(tb2).Name) _ < UCase(Sheets(tb1).Name) Then Sheets(tb2).Move before:=Sheets(tb1) End If Next tb2 Next tb1 Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub PfadInFusszeile() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = ActiveSheet.Parent.FullName End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range) If IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub If Target = "1" Then Target = "le Milli Eitim Mdrl" If Target = "2" Then Target = "Ahmet Akn KKKAYA" If Target = "3" Then Target = "Ordu li Kabata lesi" If Target = "4" Then Target = "Kabata" End Sub Sub LimiteDefilement() ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "A1:A10" End Sub Sub RetablitDefilement() ActiveSheet.ScrollArea = "" End Sub

alma sayfalarnz yaptktan sonra makro altrlr v e bulunduunuz sayfann aktif hcresinden aaya doru sayfalarnza kpr atlr Sub Tabellennamen_auflisten() Dim i As Integer Dim myRange As Range Set myRange = ActiveCell myRange.Resize(Worksheets.Count).Select If (MsgBox("UYARI: Sayfalara kpr oluturulacak... !" & vbCrLf & _ Chr(13) & " Emin misin ?", vbYesNo)) _ <> vbYes Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count With myRange.Cells(i) .Value = Worksheets(i).Name .Hyperlinks.Add _ Anchor:=myRange.Cells(i), _ Address:="", _ SubAddress:=.Value & "!" & .Address, _ ScreenTip:="Blatt (" & .Value & ")", _ TextToDisplay:=.Value End With Next i myRange.Select MsgBox (" Toplam ") & ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count & _ (" alma sayfasna kpr oluturuldu"), vbOKOnly, ThisWorkbook.Name End Sub Sayfa, CommandButton ve makro isimlerini kendi almana gre dzenle Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Select Case ActiveSheet.Name Case "Sheet1" Makro1 Case "Sheet2" Makro2 Case "Sheet3" Makro3 Case Else Makro4 End Select Unload Me End Sub Sheets("Sayfa1").Name = "Sayfa1" Bu resim ekleme makrosu. Sub ekle() Range("A3").Select resimadi = Range("A1").Text & ".jpg" ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert("C:\DEN\Resim\" & resimadi).Select Selection.ShapeRange.LockAspectRatio = msoFalse Selection.ShapeRange.Height = 198.75 Selection.ShapeRange.Width = 226.5 Selection.ShapeRange.Rotation = 0# End Sub Silme makrosu da alyor fakat butonlar da siliyor. O imdilik muallakta kalsn yada bir karde el atsn Sub sil() ActiveSheet.Shapes.SelectAll Selection.Delete Range("I7").Select End Sub Sub Protection() ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True End Sub Sub KorumaKaldir() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Unprotect ("a") Next End Sub Sub KorumaKoy() Dim ws As Worksheet For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Protect ("a") Next End Sub

Sub BlattSchutzAus() Dim wks As Worksheet For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets wks.Unprotect Password:="a" Next wks End Sub Sub BlattSchutzEin() Dim wks As Worksheet For Each wks In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets wks.Protect Password:="a" Next wks End Sub Sub deneme() Sheets("Sayfa1").Unprotect Password:="sifre" 'Buraya sizin kodlarnz yazn...... Sheets("Sayfa1").Protect Password:="sifre" End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Range("A65536").Select If InputBox("ifre Gir?", "ifre") = "123" Then Range("A1").Select Else MsgBox ("ifre Yanl") Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End If End Sub Sub SetValue() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate ActiveCell.Value = 35 End Sub Sayfa Gizle Sub auto_open() Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) MsgBox "Impossible d'enregistrer" Cancel = False End Sub Sub Add_Sheet() Dim wSht As Worksheet Dim shtName As String shtName = Format(Now - 1, "") For Each wSht In Worksheets If wSht.Name = shtName Then MsgBox "Sheet already exists...Make necessary " & _ "corrections and try again." Exit Sub End If Next wSht Sheets.Add.Name = shtName Sheets(shtName).Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets("Ana_Sayfa").Range("A2:F50").Copy _ Sheets(shtName).Range("A1") End Sub Sub Spalten_trotz_Blattschutz_ausblenden() ActiveSheet.Protect userinterfaceonly:=True Columns("C:C").Select Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True End Sub

Sub Go2sheet() myShts = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets.Count For i = 1 To myShts myList = myList & i & " - " & ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(i).Name & " " & vbCr Next i Dim mySht As Single mySht = InputBox("Select sheet to go to." & vbCr & vbCr & myList) Sheets(mySht).Select End Sub Sub onizleme() ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview ActiveSheet.DisplayAutomaticPageBreaks = False 'sayfa sonlarn gstermez End Sub Sub ProtectFeuil() Dim sht As Worksheet Dim MotPass MotPass = InputBox("Taper un mot de passe", 2) For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets sht.Protect Password:=(MotPass), Contents:=True, _ DrawingObjects:=True, Scenarios:=True Next sht End Sub Sub PrintRpt1() Sheets(1).PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape Range("a1").PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub Sub HeaderName() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = _ ThisWorkbook.FullName ActiveSheet.PrintPreview End Sub Sayfa Gizle Sub auto_open() Worksheets("Sayfa1").Visible = False End Sub Sub aktifsayfayazdir() Dim Kopyasays As Long Dim Kopyanumaras As Long Kopyasays = Application.InputBox("Ka kopya alacaksnz", Type:=1) For Kopyanumaras = 1 To Kopyasays ActiveSheet.PrintOut Next Kopyanumaras End Sub Sub NumeroDeLigne() NumeroLigne = Cells.Find("100").Row MsgBox NumeroLigne End Sub TextBox1.text = format(xxxx,"0.00") Function Uret(Basamak) ReDim Sayi(0 To Basamak) For i = 1 To Basamak YeniSayiTut: Randomize If i = 1 Then Sayi(i) = Int(Rnd * 9) + 1 Else Sayi(i) = Int(Rnd * 10) End If For j = 1 To i - 1 If Sayi(i) = Sayi(j) Then GoTo YeniSayiTut Next j retStr = retStr & Sayi(i) Next i Uret = Val(retStr) End Function

Sub MoveMinus() On Error Resume Next Dim cel As Range Dim myVar As Range Set myVar = Selection For Each cel In myVar If Right((Trim(cel)), 1) = "-" Then cel.Value = cel.Value * 1 End If Next With myVar .NumberFormat = "#,##0.00_);[Red](#,##0.00)" .Columns.AutoFit End With End Sub [code]Sub bicim() [A2].Value = Abs(1) End Sub[/code] Kod: Sub bicim2() [A2].Value = Atn(1) * 1 End Sub Kod: Sub bicim3() '/- saylar yuvarla '/- 101 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Int(100.9 + 0.5) End Sub Kod: Sub bicim4() '/- saylar yuvarla '/- 100 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Int(100.4 + 0.5) End Sub Kod: Sub bicim5() '/- saylar yuvarla '/- eksi 101 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Int(-100.9 + 0.5) End Sub Kod: Sub bicim6() '/- saylar yuvarla '/- eksi 100 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Int(-100.4 + 0.5) End Sub Kod: Sub bicim7() '/- belirtilen sayda ondalk basamaa yuvarlanm olan nmerik bir terim dndrr '/- eksi 3 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Round(3, 49) End Sub Kod: Sub bicim8() '/- belirtilen sayda ondalk basamaa yuvarlanm olan nmerik bir terim dndrr '/- eksi 4 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Round(3, 51) End Sub [code]Sub bicim() [A2].Value = Abs(1) End Sub[/code]

Sub bicim2() [A2].Value = Atn(1) * 1 End Sub Sub bicim3() '/- belirtilen sayda ondalk basamaa yuvarlanm olan nmerik bir terim dndrr '/- eksi 3 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Round(3, 49) End Sub Sub bicim4() '/- belirtilen sayda ondalk basamaa yuvarlanm olan nmerik bir terim dndrr '/- eksi 4 saysn dndrr [A2].Value = Round(3, 51) End Sub rnek textbox1=150 'textbox2=2 dakika 30saniye Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim Isec As Integer Isec = Val(TextBox1.Text) BreakSec = Str$(Int(Isec / 60)) & " dakika " & Str$(Isec Mod 60) & " saniye " TextBox2.Text = BreakSec End Sub

Dim sDollars As String Dim sCents As String Dim iLen As Integer Dim sTemp As String Dim iPos As Integer Dim iHundreds As Integer Dim iTens As Integer Dim iOnes As Integer Dim sUnits(2 To 5) As String Dim bHit As Boolean Dim vOnes As Variant Dim vTeens As Variant Dim vTens As Variant If Not IsNumeric(vNumber) Then Exit Function End If sDollars = Format(vNumber, "###0.00") iLen = Len(sDollars) - 3 If iLen > 15 Then DollarText = CVErr(xlErrNum) Exit Function End If sCents = Right$(sDollars, 2) & "/100 Dollar" 'Hier die Whrung ndern If vNumber < 1 Then DollarText = sCents Exit Function End If sDollars = Left$(sDollars, iLen) vOnes = Array("", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", _ "six", "seven", "eight", "nine") vTeens = Array("ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "fourteen", _ "fifteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen") vTens = Array("", "", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", _ "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety") sUnits(2) = "thousand" sUnits(3) = "million" sUnits(4) = "billion" sUnits(5) = "trillion" sTemp = "" For iPos = 15 To 3 Step -3 If iLen >= iPos - 2 Then bHit = False If iLen >= iPos Then iHundreds = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 1, 1)) - 48 If iHundreds > 0 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vOnes(iHundreds) & " hundred" bHit = True End If End If iTens = 0 iOnes = 0 If iLen >= iPos - 1 Then iTens = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 2, 1)) - 48 End If If iLen >= iPos - 2 Then iOnes = Asc(Mid$(sDollars, iLen - iPos + 3, 1)) - 48 End If If iTens = 1 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vTeens(iOnes) bHit = True Else If iTens >= 2 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & vTens(iTens) bHit = True End If If iOnes > 0 Then If iTens >= 2 Then sTemp = sTemp & "-" Else sTemp = sTemp & " " End If sTemp = sTemp & vOnes(iOnes) bHit = True End If End If If bHit And iPos > 3 Then sTemp = sTemp & " " & sUnits(iPos \ 3) End If End If Next iPos

Sub DashMasher() On Error Resume Next Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set TextCells = Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues) n = TextCells.Count For Each Cell In TextCells x = Cell.Value If Right(x, 1) = "-" Then x = -Left(x, Len(x) - 1) Cell.Value = x End If c=c+1 Application.StatusBar = "Percent Complete: " & Int(c / n * 100) & "%" Next Cell Application.StatusBar = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic End Sub

If Not IsNumeric(sayi) Then GoTo hata If (para - Int(para)) = 0 Then paracevir= cevir(para) Else tamsayi = cevir(Int(para)) ondalik = cevir((para - Int(para)) * 100) ondalik = LCase(Mid(ondalik, 1, 1)) + Mid(ondalik, 2, Len(ondalik) - 1) paracevir = tamsayi + "virgl" + ondalik End If GoTo tamam hata: paracevir = "Hata" tamam: End Function Private Function cevir(sayi As Double) Dim b(9) As String Dim y(9) As String Dim m(4) As String Dim v(15) Dim c(3) b(0) b(1) b(2) b(3) b(4) b(5) b(6) b(7) b(8) b(9) y(0) y(1) y(2) y(3) y(4) y(5) y(6) y(7) y(8) y(9) = "" = "bir" = "iki" = "" = "drt" = "be" = "alt" = "yedi" = "sekiz" = "dokuz" = "" = "on" = "yirmi" = "otuz" = "krk" = "elli" = "altm" = "yetmi" = "seksen" = "doksan" = "trilyon" = "milyar" = "milyon" = "bin" = ""

m(0) m(1) m(2) m(3) m(4)

a = Str(Round(sayi, 0)) If Left(a, 1) = " " Then pozitif = 1 Else pozitif = 0 a = Right(a, Len(a) - 1) If Len(a) > 15 Then GoTo hata a = String(15 - Len(a), "0") + a For x = 1 To 15 v(x) = Val(Mid(a, x, 1)) Next x s = "" For x = 0 To 4 c(1) = v(x * 3 + 1) c(2) = v(x * 3 + 2) c(3) = v(x * 3 + 3) If c(1) = 0 Then e = "" ElseIf c(1) = 1 Then e = "yz" Else e = b(c(1)) + "yz" End If e = e + y(c(2)) + b(c(3)) If e <> "" Then e = e + m(x) If (x = 3) And (e = "birbin") Then e = "bin" s=s+e Next x

lgili sayy sqr() ile karekk olarak dntrebilirsiniz. rnek A1 de saymz olsun; Kod: Sub karekok() sonuc = Sqr(Range("A1").Value) MsgBox (sonuc) End Sub Sub Einfgen() Dim Letzte As Long Dim Zeile As Integer Dim I As Long Letzte = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row Zeile = Application.InputBox("Nach wieviel Zeilen Leerzeile einfgen", "Zeilenanzahl", 0, Type:=1) If Zeile = 0 Then Exit Sub For I = Letzte To 2 Step Zeile * -1 Rows(I).Insert Shift:=xlDown Next I End Sub Sub CenterAcrossColumns() With Selection .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterAcrossSelection .MergeCells = False End With End Sub Selection.PrintOut Copies:=2 Sheets("Sayfa1").PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$k$58" ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview 'Tm seili sayfalardan vede seili alanlardan tek bir sayfann print yaplmas ? Sub MultiSheetPrint() Dim oActive As Object Dim oSheet As Object Dim oSheets As Object Dim wsPrint As Worksheet Dim oLastPic As Object Dim iPics As Integer ' remember where we are Set oSheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets If oSheets.Count = 1 Then Selection.PrintOut preview:=True Exit Sub End If Set oActive = ActiveSheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False oActive.Select ' otherwise we get lots of new sheets Set wsPrint = Worksheets.Add For Each oSheet In oSheets If TypeName(oSheet) = "Worksheet" Then iPics = iPics + 1 oSheet.Activate Selection.CopyPicture wsPrint.Cells(iPics * 3 - 2, 1).Value = oSheet.Name wsPrint.Paste wsPrint.Cells(iPics * 3 - 1, 1) wsPrint.Rows(iPics * 3 - 1).RowHeight = _ wsPrint.Pictures(iPics).Height End If Next wsPrint.PrintOut preview:=True Application.DisplayAlerts = False wsPrint.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True oSheets.Select oActive.Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

'Tm seili sayfalardan vede seili alanlardan tek bir sayfann print yaplmas ? Sub MultiSheetPrint() Dim oActive As Object Dim oSheet As Object Dim oSheets As Object Dim wsPrint As Worksheet Dim oLastPic As Object Dim iPics As Integer ' remember where we are Set oSheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets If oSheets.Count = 1 Then Selection.PrintOut preview:=True Exit Sub End If Set oActive = ActiveSheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False oActive.Select ' otherwise we get lots of new sheets Set wsPrint = Worksheets.Add For Each oSheet In oSheets If TypeName(oSheet) = "Worksheet" Then iPics = iPics + 1 oSheet.Activate Selection.CopyPicture wsPrint.Cells(iPics * 3 - 2, 1).Value = oSheet.Name wsPrint.Paste wsPrint.Cells(iPics * 3 - 1, 1) wsPrint.Rows(iPics * 3 - 1).RowHeight = _ wsPrint.Pictures(iPics).Height End If Next wsPrint.PrintOut preview:=True Application.DisplayAlerts = False wsPrint.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True oSheets.Select oActive.Activate Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub DateinameFiltern() Dim strDName strDName = Application.GetOpenFilename strDName = Dir(strDName) MsgBox strDName End Sub Sub ResetValues2() For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count On Error GoTo ErrorHandler For Each n In Worksheets(i).UsedRange If IsNumeric(n) Then If n.Value <> 0 Then n.Value = 0 ProtectedCell: End If End If Next n ErrorHandler: If Err = 1005 Then Resume ProtectedCell End If Next i End Sub

Workbook code blmne Option Explicit Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Static OldCell As Range If Not OldCell Is Nothing Then OldCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Set OldCell = Target End Sub 'Sayfann code blmne Option Explicit 'son aktif olan hcrenin rengi sabit olarak kalyor. Buna bir zm varm? Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone End Sub Sub formullerideeryap() For Each fCell In Selection fCell.Value = fCell.Value Next fCell End Sub Sub metnecevr() Col = 1 DerLig = Cells(65536, Col).End(xlUp).Row For i = 1 To DerLig Cells(i, Col).Formula = "'" & Cells(i, Col) Cells(i, Col).Formula = "" & Cells(i, Col) Next i End Sub Sub Cevir() For Each hucre In Selection n=n+1 Next hucre ReDim aralik(n) For Each hucre In Selection aralik(i) = hucre.Value i=i+1 Next hucre For Each hucre In Selection i=i-1 hucre.Value = aralik(i) Next hucre End Sub Sub TopLeft() ActiveCell.Select With ActiveWindow .ScrollColumn = ActiveCell.Column .ScrollRow = ActiveCell.Row End With End Sub Sub ResetValues() On Error GoTo ErrorHandler For Each n In ActiveSheet.UsedRange If n.Value <> 0 Then n.Value = 0 End If TypeMismatch: Next n ErrorHandler: If Err = 13 Then 'Type Mismatch Resume TypeMismatch End If End Sub

Sub WordSheetRangeCopy() Dim WordObj As Object Selection.Copy Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Basic") With WordObj .AppShow .FileNew .EditPaste End With Set WordObj = Nothing End Sub ' prints selected cells, use from a toolbar button or a menu Dim aCount As Integer, cCount As Integer, rCount As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Long, aRange As String Dim rHeight() As Single, cWidth() As Single Dim AWB As Workbook, NWB As Workbook If UCase(TypeName(ActiveSheet)) <> "WORKSHEET" Then Exit Sub ' useful only in worksheets aCount = Selection.Areas.Count If aCount = 0 Then Exit Sub ' no cells selected cCount = Selection.Areas(1).Cells.Count If aCount > 1 Then ' multiple areas selected Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.StatusBar = "Printing " & aCount & " selected areas..." Set AWB = ActiveWorkbook rCount = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row cCount = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Column ReDim rHeight(rCount) ReDim cWidth(cCount) For i = 1 To rCount ' find the row height of every row in the selection rHeight(i) = Rows(i).RowHeight Next i For i = 1 To cCount ' find the column width of every column in the selection cWidth(i) = Columns(i).ColumnWidth Next i Set NWB = Workbooks.Add ' create a new workbook For i = 1 To rCount ' set row heights Rows(i).RowHeight = rHeight(i) Next i For i = 1 To cCount ' set column widths Columns(i).ColumnWidth = cWidth(i) Next i For i = 1 To aCount AWB.Activate aRange = Selection.Areas(i).Address ' the range address Range(aRange).Copy ' copying the range NWB.Activate With Range(aRange) ' pastes values and formats .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats, Operation:=xlNone, _ SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False End With Application.CutCopyMode = False Next i NWB.PrintOut NWB.Close False ' close the temporary workbook without saving Application.StatusBar = False AWB.Activate Set AWB = Nothing Set NWB = Nothing Else If cCount < 10 Then ' less than 10 cells selected If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to print " & _ cCount & " selected cells ?", _ vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Print celected cells") = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If Selection.PrintOut End If End Sub

Public bColored As Integer Sub ColoredToBW() Dim cht As Chart Dim chtSC As SeriesCollection Dim x As Integer Dim iSeriesCount As Integer Dim iColors(1 To 5, 0 To 1) As Integer Dim iColor As Integer 'Set colors for BW series iColors(1, 0) = 1 'Black iColors(2, 0) = 56 'Gray-80% iColors(3, 0) = 16 'Gray-50% iColors(4, 0) = 48 'Gray-40% iColors(5, 0) = 15 'Gray-25% 'Set colors for Color series iColors(1, 1) = 55 'Indigo iColors(2, 1) = 7 'pink iColors(3, 1) = 6 'yellow iColors(4, 1) = 8 'Turquoise iColors(5, 1) = 13 'Violet 'Toggle Color/BW change 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 bColored = 1 - bColored Set cht = ActiveChart 'check that a chart is selected If cht Is Nothing Then MsgBox ("Select a chart") Exit Sub End If Set chtSC = cht.SeriesCollection 'Check for MIN of number of series or 'colors and only do the minimum iSeriesCount = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min _ (UBound(iColors), chtSC.Count) For x = 1 To iSeriesCount 'Define the color iColor = iColors(x, bColored) 'Set the LINE color chtSC(x).Border.ColorIndex = iColor 'Marker color With chtSC(x) .MarkerBackgroundColorIndex = xlNone .MarkerForegroundColorIndex = iColor End With Next x End Sub Sub ValMaxi() Dim Cel As Range Dim Val As Integer Dim Adr As String For Each Cel In Selection If Val < Cel Then Val = Cel 'Valeur de la cellule Adr = Cel.Address 'Adresse de la cellule End If Next Range(Adr).Font.Bold = True 'La plus grande valeur est contenu dans la variable Val End Sub

On Error GoTo ErrorAufgabe Dim MyError As Integer Dim Faellig As Date Dim Link As String Dim myolApp As Object, myitem As Object 'Eigene Fehleroutine/Nummer erffnen MyError = 1 'Flligkeit ist bermorgen Faellig = Date + 1 MyError = 2 Set myolApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set myitem = myolApp.CreateItem(3) myitem.Subject = "Datei ERFASSEN !" ' Text der Aufgabe myitem.DueDate = Faellig myitem.ReminderTime = Faellig 'Ein Link kann nur erstellt werden, wenn die Pfadangabe eine 'Angabe mit einem ShareName ist myitem.Body = "\\Computername\Freigabename\dateiname.xls" myitem.Save Set myitem = Nothing ErrorExit: Exit Sub ErrorAufgabe: Select Case MyError Case 1 MsgBox "Die Datei wurde noch nicht gespeichert" Case 2 MsgBox "Outlook kann nicht gestartet werden" & Chr$(13) &_ "Aufgabe wurde nicht erstellt !" End Select Resume ErrorExit End Sub Sub LowerCase() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Selection.Cells If cell.HasFormula = False Then cell = LCase(cell) End If Next End Sub Sub imgComment() Dim nom$ On Error Resume Next For Each C In Selection nom = C.Value With C .AddComment .Comment.Shape.Fill.UserPicture ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & nom & ".jpg" End With Next End Sub Sub InserImage() Dim nom$ Dim fichimg$ [C10].Select With ActiveWindow y = .Selection.Width End With On Error Resume Next nom = Selection.Offset(0, -1).Value fichimg = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & nom & ".jpg" ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(fichimg).Select Selection.ShapeRange.Width = y End Sub Sub RngName() Selection.Name = "myRange" End Sub

Sub Message() msg = "Voulez-vous continuer ?" ' Dfinit le message. Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1 'Dfinit les boutons. Title = "Bonjour !" ' Dfinit les titres. Rponse = MsgBox(msg, Style, Title) If Rponse = vbYes Then ' Vous avez choisi le bouton " Oui ". Set MaSlection = Application.ActiveCell MaSlection.Value = 100 Else Range("A1:b2").Select ' Accomplit une autre chose. End If End Sub Sub Nach_Word_Kopieren() Dim WordObj As Object Selection.Copy Set WordObj = CreateObject("Word.Basic") With WordObj .AppShow 'Word 6/7: .AnwAnzeigen .FileNew 'Word 6/7: .DateiNeu .EditPaste 'Word 6/7: .BearbeitenEinfgen End With Set WordObj = Nothing End Sub Dim s as integer Dim r as integer s=8 ActiveCell.ClearContents r = ActiveCell.Row Range("A" & r + 1 & ":A" & s).Select Selection.Cut Destination:=Range("A" & r & ":A" & s - 1) Range("a" & r).Select Sub ift_kaytlari_arala() toplamsatr = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count For Row = toplamsatr To 2 Step -1 If Cells(Row, 1).Value <> Cells(Row - 1, 1).Value Then Rows(Row).Insert Next Row End Sub Range("A1:F15").Select 'set range zoom ActiveWindow.zoom = True Dim hucre As Integer Dim eski_hucre, eski_hucre_column As String Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) On Error Resume Next If eski_hucre_column = "1" Then veri = ActiveCell Range(eski_hucre) = Format(DateValue(Left(Range(eski_hucre).Value, 2) & "." & _ Mid(Range(eski_hucre).Value, 3, 2) _ & "." & Right(Range(eski_hucre), 4)), "") End If eski_hucre = ActiveCell.Address eski_hucre_column = ActiveCell.Column End Sub

sesx$ = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "numaral cihazn kayd yaplmtr.wav" '--Eklenen kod---dz1 = Array(" ", "bir", "iki", "", "drt", "be", "alt", "yedi", "sekiz", "dokuz") dz2 = Array(" ", "on", "yirmi", "otuz", "krk", "elli", "altm", "yetmi", "seksen", "doksan") dz3 = Array(" ", "", "bin", "milyon", "milyar", "trilyon", "katrilyon") tur = Len(sy) \ 3 kalan = Len(sy) Mod 3 k=2 say = "" For i = 1 To tur sya = Mid(sy, (Len(sy) - k), 3) sy1 = dz1(Mid(sya, 3, 1)): sy2 = dz2(Mid(sya, 2, 1)): sy3 = dz1(Mid(sya, 1, 1)) Select Case Mid(sya, 1, 1) Case 1 sy3 = "yz" Case Is > 1 sy3 = sy3 & " " & "yz" End Select If i = 2 Then Select Case Val(sya) Case 0 sy1 = "" Case 1 sy1 = "bin" Case Is > 1 sy1 = sy1 & " " & "bin" End Select Else birim = dz3(i) End If If Val(sya) > 0 Then say = sy3 & " " & Trim(sy2) & " " & sy1 & " " & birim & " " & Trim(say) k=k+3 Else k=k+3 End If Next i If kalan = 0 Then f = say p = InStr(1, LTrim(f), " ") Do While p > 0 s = Trim(Mid(f, 1, p)) f = LTrim(Mid(f, p, Len(f))) p = InStr(1, f, " ") ses$ = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & s & ".wav" Call PlaySound(ses$, 1, 0) Loop If f <> "" Then s=f ses$ = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & s & ".wav" Call PlaySound(ses$, 1, 0) End If Call PlaySound(sesx$, 1, 0) '-------Eklenen kod-----Exit Function Else End If syb = Mid(sy, 1, kalan) sy11 = dz1(Mid(syb, kalan, 1)): sy22 = dz2(Mid(sy, kalan - 1, 1)) If tur = 1 Then Select Case Val(Mid(syb, 1, 2)) Case 0 sy11 = "" Case 1 sy11 = "bin" Case Is > 1 sy11 = sy11 & " " & "bin" End Select Else birim1 = dz3(tur + 1) End If say = sy22 & " " & sy11 & " " & birim1 & " " & say f = LTrim(say) p = InStr(1, f, " ") Do While p > 0 s = Trim(Mid(f, 1, p)) f = LTrim(Mid(f, p, Len(f))) p = InStr(1, f, " ") ses$ = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & s & ".wav" Call PlaySound(ses$, 1, 0) Loop If f <> "" Then

Sub Beeper() Beep start2 = Now() + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.9) Application.Wait start2 For i = 2 To 3 start2 = Now() + TimeSerial(0, 0, 0.8) Application.Wait start2 Beep Next i End Sub Bu kodu bir module ekleyip altrrsanz kendne yen br sayfa olusturup ne kadar sayfa varsa yen sayfa da brlestryor. Kod: Sub SayfaBirletir() Dim YeniSayfa As Worksheet Dim SayfaSay SayfaSay = Worksheets.Count Set YeniSayfa = Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(SayfaSay)) With YeniSayfa For i = 1 To SayfaSay Worksheets(i).UsedRange.Copy .Range("A" & IIf(i = 1, 1, .UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1)) Next End With End Sub Sub Button32_Click () On Error GoTo HataKontrol A=5 B=0 Sunuc = A / B Exit Sub 'burada programa son verilir. HataKontrol: Select Case Err.Number Case 11: Mesaj = "Sfra blnme hatas olutu!!!" End Select MsgBox Mesaj Resume Next End Sub rnek pir1, pir2, pir3 Public addShtCount As Long Public Sub AddSheets() addShtCount = addShtCount + 1 Dim straddShtCount As String straddShtCount = addShtCount newShtName = "pir" + straddShtCount Worksheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = newShtName End Sub Sub sayfaekle() For a = 1 To [a3] Sheets.Add.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) Sheets(Sheets.Count).Name = a Next End Sub Sub textbox_olustur() Dim a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, Button Set a = [A2]: Set b = [B2]: Set c = [C2]: Set d = [D2]: Set e = [E2] Set f = [A4]: Set g = [B4]: Set h = [C4]: Set i = [D4]: Set j = [E4] '******************************************************************************************* Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(a.Left, a.Top, a.Width, a.Height) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(b.Left, b.Top, b.Width, b.Height) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(c.Left, c.Top, c.Width, c.Height) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(d.Left, d.Top, d.Width, d.Height) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(e.Left, e.Top, e.Width, e.Height) '******************************************************************************************* Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(f.Left + 3, f.Top + 3, f.Width - 4, f.Height - 4) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(g.Left + 3, g.Top + 3, g.Width - 4, g.Height - 4) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(h.Left + 3, h.Top + 3, h.Width - 4, h.Height - 4) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(i.Left + 3, i.Top + 3, i.Width - 4, i.Height - 4) Set Button = ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(j.Left + 3, j.Top + 3, j.Width - 4, j.Height - 4) End Sub Sub sirala() [b3:f65536].Sort Key1:=[B3], Key2:=[C3], Key3:=[D3] End Sub

Option Exp

Sub Dialog_26() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFileDelete).Show End Sub

Sub CommandBarControlID_List() Dim a, b, c Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ComBar In Application.CommandBars If ComBar.Name = "test" Then ComBar.Delete Next Set ComBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="test", Position:=msoBarTop) b=0 c=1 For a = 1 To 50000 On Error Resume Next Set cbb = ComBar.Controls.Add(ID:=a) If Err.Number <> 0 Then GoTo weiter cbb.CopyFace With Workbooks("FaceIDs").Sheets(1) .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 1).Formula = a .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste .Cells((c Mod 100) + 1, (c \ 100) + b + 3).Formula = cbb.Caption End With If (c + 1) Mod 100 = 0 Then b = b + 3 c=c+1 weiter: Application.CommandBars("test").FindControl(ID:=a).Delete Err.Clear Next End Sub Sub CommandBarFaceID_List() Dim a, b Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each ComBar In Application.CommandBars If ComBar.Name = "test" Then ComBar.Delete Next On Error Resume Next Set ComBar = Application.CommandBars.Add(Name:="test", Position:=msoBarTop) Set cbb = ComBar.Controls.Add(ID:=1) b=0 For a = 1 To 3518 With cbb .FaceId = a .CopyFace End With With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) .Cells((a Mod 100) + 1, (a \ 100) + b + 1).Formula = a .Cells((a Mod 100) + 1, (a \ 100) + b + 2).Activate ActiveSheet.Paste End With If (a + 1) Mod 100 = 0 Then b = b + 2 Next End Sub Sub CommandBar_List() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim a, b, c, cbc, d b=1 d=0 For Each a In Application.CommandBars Cells(b + d, 1) = a.Name Cells(b + d, 2) = "Item-no: " & b For Each cbc In a.Controls d=d+1 Cells(b + d, 3) = cbc.Caption Cells(b + d, 4) = Cells(cbc.Type, 10) Cells(b + d, 5) = "Type: " & cbc.Type Cells(b + d, 6) = "ID: " & cbc.ID Next b=b+1 Next End Sub

bl = combobox1.ListIndex+1 cells(bl,2).select TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value TextBox7.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6).Value TextBox8.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7).Value TextBox9.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8).Value TextBox10.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9).Value TextBox11.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value TextBox12.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11).Value TextBox13.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12).Value TextBox14.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13).Value Dim s As String, oSystem As Object, item As Object Set oSystem = GetObject("winmgmts:").instancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem") For Each item In oSystem s = "Computer Info" & vbCrLf s = s & "-------------------------------" & vbCrLf s = s & "Name: " & item.Name & vbCrLf s = s & "Status: " & item.Status & vbCrLf s = s & "Type: " & item.SystemType & vbCrLf s = s & "Mfg: " & item.Manufacturer & vbCrLf s = s & "Model: " & item.Model & vbCrLf s = s & "RAM: " & item.TotalPhysicalMemory \ 1024000 & "mb" & vbCrLf s = s & "Domain: " & item.Domain & vbCrLf s = s & "Role: " & TranslateDomainRole(item.DomainRole) & vbCrLf s = s & "Current User: " & item.UserName & vbCrLf MsgBox s Next Set oSystem = Nothing End Sub Function TranslateDomainRole(ByVal roleID) As String Dim RetString As String Select Case roleID Case 0 RetString = "Standalone Workstation" Case 1 RetString = "Member Workstation" Case 2 RetString = "Standalone Server" Case 3 RetString = "Member Server" Case 4 RetString = "Backup Domain Controller" Case 5 RetString = "Primary Domain Controller" Case Else RetString = "Unknown" End Select TranslateDomainRole = RetString End Function Private Sub cmdSetClock_Click() Shell "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl", vbNormalFocus End Sub Sub yazlist() Shell ("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL PrintersFolder") End Sub

Sub mt() Columns("b:b").Select Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 2 End Sub Sub myEdit() MsgBox Left("abcd", 2) 'soldan 2 karakter say MsgBox Right("abcd", 2) 'sadan 2 karakter say MsgBox Len("abcd") 'saysal olarak karakter say End Sub Sub sondolu_satir() i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count MsgBox i End Sub Sub sondolu_sutun() i = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count MsgBox i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Application.DisplayAlerts = False Sheets(Sheets.Count).Delete Unload Me End Sub

MenuSil Set cbMenu = Application.CommandBars(1).Controls.Add(msoControlPopup, , , , True) With cbMenu .Caption = "&Szlk" .OnAction = "formac" .Tag = "MyTag" .BeginGroup = True End With If cbMenu Is Nothing Then Exit Sub Set cbSubMenu = Nothing Set cbMenu = Nothing End Sub Sub MenuSil() kaldir "MyTag" End Sub Private Sub kaldir(CustomControlTag As String) On Error Resume Next Do Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, , CustomControlTag, False).Delete Loop Until Application.CommandBars.FindControl(, , CustomControlTag, False) Is Nothing On Error GoTo 0 End Sub Sub auto_close() MenuSil End Sub Sub formac() UserForm1.Show End Sub SZLK OLUTURMA KODLARI Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With ListBox1 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]TrEng!A1:A16174" .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With With ComboBox1 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]TrEng!A1:A16174" .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenNever .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With With ComboBox2 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]TrEng!B1:B16174" .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenNever .Locked = True .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With With ListBox2 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]EngTr!A1:A11435" .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With With ComboBox3 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]EngTr!A1:A11435" .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenNever .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With With ComboBox4 .RowSource = "[Szlk.xla]EngTr!B1:B11435" .ShowDropButtonWhen = fmShowDropButtonWhenNever .Locked = True .Font.Name = "Verdana" .Font.Size = 10 End With End Sub 'BU KOD COMBOBOX1'E YAZILACAK Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() ListBox1.ListIndex = ComboBox1.ListIndex ComboBox2.ListIndex = ComboBox1.ListIndex

visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinDown() ListBox1.ListIndex = ListBox1.ListCount - 1 End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub SpinButton1_SpinUp() ListBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Dim rCol As Range Dim rCell1 As Range, rCell2 As Range Dim i As Integer, iPBcount As Integer Dim Sht As Worksheet Application.StatusBar = "Converting, please wait....!" Application.ScreenUpdating = False 'Set range variable to Selection Set Sht = ActiveSheet Set rCol = Sht.UsedRange.Columns(1) 'Insert page breaks Sht.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" Sht.PageSetup.Zoom = 100 ActiveWindow.View = xlPageBreakPreview 'Count only horizontal page breaks and pass to an Integer iPBcount = Sht.HPageBreaks.Count On Error Resume Next 'Loop as many times as there horizontal page breaks. For i = 1 To iPBcount 'Set variable 1 to page break X Set rCell1 = Sht.HPageBreaks(i).Location 'Set variable 2 to X page break Set rCell2 = Sht.HPageBreaks(i + 1).Location.Offset(-1, 0) If rCell2 Is Nothing Then 'Last page break Range(rCell1, rCol.Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp)).Cut Destination:=Sht.Cells(1, i + 1) Else Range(rCell1, rCell2).Cut Destination:=Sht.Cells(1, i + 1) End If Set rCell1 = Nothing Set rCell2 = Nothing Next i On Error GoTo 0 ActiveWindow.View = xlNormalView Application.ScreenUpdating = True Sht.DisplayPageBreaks = False Application.Goto rCol.Cells(1, 1), True Set rCol = Nothing Application.StatusBar = "" End Sub

(ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) Private Declare Function WaitForSingleObject Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hHandle As Long, ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" _ (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, _ ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long Private Const INFINITE = -1& Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000 Dim LaufbandExit As Integer Sub LaufbandStart() Dim OrStatus As String Dim LaufText As String Dim B As Range Dim BZelle As Range LaufbandExit = 0 OrStatus = Application.DisplayStatusBar Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Set B = Sheets("Lauftext").Range("A1:D10") LaufText = String(130, " ") For Each BZelle In Sheets("Lauftext").Range("A1:D10") LaufText = LaufText & " " & BZelle.Text Next BZelle Application.StatusBar = LaufText Do Sleep 100 'Verzgerung in Millisekunden LaufText = Right(LaufText, Len(LaufText) - 1) & Left(LaufText, 1) Application.StatusBar = LaufText DoEvents If LaufbandExit = 1 Then Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = OrStatus LaufbandExit = 0 Exit Sub End If Loop End Sub Sub LaufbandEnde() LaufbandExit = 1 End Sub Option Explicit Sub Countdown() Dim intCounter As Integer Dim bln As Boolean bln = Application.DisplayStatusBar For intCounter = 10 To 1 Step -1 Application.StatusBar = "Noch " & _ intCounter & " Sekunden ..." Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Next intCounter Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = bln MsgBox "Fertig ", vbOKOnly, " K.-M. Buss" End Sub

Sub Fortschritt() Dim i%, y% For i = 1 To 10 StatusLED "lem Yaplyor: ", i / 10 Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Next i End Sub Function StatusLED(Msg As String, Pct As Single) Dim PctDone As Integer Dim NumReps As Integer With Application PctDone = .Round(Pct, 2) * 100 NumReps = Int(PctDone / 5) .StatusBar = Msg & .Rept(Chr(14), NumReps) & _ .Rept("**", 20 - NumReps) & " " & PctDone & "%" End With End Function Sub StatusBarExample() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 1..." ' add some code for task 1 that replaces the next sentence Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Application.StatusBar = "Please wait while performing task 2..." ' add some code for task 2 that replaces the next sentence Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Application.StatusBar = False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Do DoEvents StatusBar1.Panels(1).Text = Time Loop End Sub ' Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) End End Sub Sub Dialog_05() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogApplyStyle).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_21() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogDefineStyle).Show End Sub sub dosyabul() dim a as string a = application.findfile msgbox a end sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("C:C") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub

Sutun seimini makrodaki ("C:C") deeriyle oynayarak deitirebilirsiniz rnek:("E:E") veya ("A:A") Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range Set rng = Columns("C:C") If Not (Intersect(Target, rng) Is Nothing) Then rng.ColumnWidth = 30 Else rng.ColumnWidth = 10.71 End If End Sub Sub bul() Dim cell As Range i=0 For Each cell In Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("B1:B" & Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row) i=i+1 If cell = "kubilay" Then cell.Offset(0, 1) = "bulundu" End If Debug.Print i Next cell End Sub Dim d, x, y d = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Ilk Giris", "") If d = "" Then SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Ilk Giris", Date Else If (Date - CDate(d)) > 365 Then MsgBox ("Programin Demo Sresi dolmustur.") DoCmd.Close Application.Quit Else x = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Tarihi", "") If x = "" Then 'End Else If CVDate(x) > Date Then MsgBox ("Programin Deneme Sresi Doldu Ltfen Israr Etmeyin") DoCmd.Close Else y = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Saati", "") If (CVDate(x) = Date) And (CVDate(y) > Time) Then MsgBox ("Programin Deneme Sresi Doldu Ltfen Israr Etmeyin") DoCmd.Close End If End If x = GetSetting("DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Sayi", "1") MsgBox ("Programi" & x & ". defa alistiriyorsunuz.") SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Sayi", x + 1 End If End If End If siparisfrm.Show Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Tarihi", Date SaveSetting "DANISMAN", "Ayarlar", "Son ikis Saati", Time Application.Visible = True Application.Quit End Sub

Dim NextTime As Date Sub Flash() NextTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") With ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font If .ColorIndex = 2 Then .ColorIndex = 3 Else .ColorIndex = 2 End With Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash" End Sub Sub StopIt() Application.OnTime NextTime, "Flash", schedule:=False ActiveWorkbook.Styles("Flash").Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim Pausenlnge, Start, Ende, Gesamtdauer Pausenlnge = 10 ' Dauer festlegen. Start = Timer ' Anfangszeit setzen. UserForm1.Caption = " 2003 K.-M. Buss" Do While Timer < Start + Pausenlnge DoEvents ' Steuerung an andere Prozesse ' abgeben. Loop Ende = Timer ' Ende festlegen. Gesamtdauer = Ende - Start ' Gesamtdauer berechnen. UserForm1.Hide End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ' Rcupration de l'heure d'affichage de la BdD TimeDebut = Timer ' Donne la main excel pour facilit l'affichage de la BdD DoEvents ' Boucle tant que 2 secondes ne se sont pas coul While Timer < TimeDebut + 10 Wend ' Fermeture de la BdD Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3) Unload Me End Src_Seri_Numaras_Gster() Sub Sub On Error GoTo hata: Dim ds, d, s, t Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("C:\") Select Case d.DriveType Case 0: t = "Bilinmiyor" Case 1: t = "karlabilir" Case 2: t = "HardDisk" Case 3: t = "A" Case 4: t = "CD-ROM" Case 5: t = "RAM Disk" End Select s = "Src " & d.DriveLetter & ": " & t If d.IsReady Then s = s & vbCrLf & d.SerialNumber MsgBox s Else s = s & vbCrLf & "Src Hazr Deil." MsgBox s End If End hata: MsgBox "Byle Bir Src Yok" End Sub

Sub Src_ara() Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.DriveExists(":\") If a = True Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir src var" Else MsgBox "Bu isimde bir src yok" End If End Sub Sub Src_Says() Dim ds, dc, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc = ds.Drives s = dc.Count MsgBox s End Sub Sub Src_simleri() Dim ds, dc, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set dc = ds.Drives For Each src In dc s = s & vbCrLf & src Next MsgBox s End Sub Sub Src_Harfi_Gster() Dim ds, d, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("C:\") s = d.DriveLetter MsgBox s End Sub Sub Bo_Alan_Gster() Dim ds, d, s Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive(ds.GetDriveName("C:\")) s = UCase(d) & " Srcsnde Bo Alan:" & Chr(13) _ + vbCrLf & FormatNumber(d.AvailableSpace) s = s & " Bytes" MsgBox s End Src_Hazr_M_Gster() Sub Sub On Error GoTo hata: Dim ds, d, s, t Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("F:\") Select Case d.DriveType Case 0: t = "Bilinmiyor" Case 1: t = "karlabilir" Case 2: t = "HardDisk" Case 3: t = "A" Case 4: t = "CD-ROM" Case 5: t = "RAM Disk" End Select s = "Src " & d.DriveLetter & ": " & t If d.IsReady Then s = s & vbCrLf & "Src Hazr." Else s = s & vbCrLf & "Src Hazr Deil." End If MsgBox s End hata: MsgBox "Byle Bir Src Yok" End Sub

Sub Give_Filesystem() Dim myFSO As Object, myDrv As Object, strFS As String Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set myDrv = myFSO.GetDrive("c:") strFS = myDrv.FileSystem MsgBox strFS End Sub Sub Src_Tipi_Gster() On Error GoTo hata: Dim ds, d, s, t Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set d = ds.GetDrive("F:\") Select Case d.DriveType Case 0: t = "Bilinmiyor" Case 1: t = "karlabilir" Case 2: t = "HardDisk" Case 3: t = "A" Case 4: t = "CD-ROM" Case 5: t = "RAM Disk" End Select s = "Src " & d.DriveLetter & ": " & t MsgBox s End hata: MsgBox "Byle Bir Src Yok" End Sub Sub AKTAR1() Range("l1:l100").ClearContents For x = 1 To 100 If Cells(x, 3) <> "" Then Cells(x, 12) = Cells(x, 3) Next End Sub Sub AKTAR2() c=0 Range("l1:l100").ClearContents For x = 1 To 100 If Cells(x, 3) <> "" Then c=c+1 Cells(c, 12) = Cells(x, 3) End If Next End Sub Sub Spaltenziffern() With Application .ReferenceStyle = xlR1C1 End With End Sub Sub Spaltenbuchstaben() With Application .ReferenceStyle = xlA1 End With End Sub Sub LargeurColonne() For Each col In Selection.Columns If col.Column Mod 2 = 0 Then col.ColumnWidth = 5 End If Next col End Sub Sub Dialog_13() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogColumnWidth).Show End Sub A1:AL1 hcreleri arasnda "Mahmut" yazan stunlar gizleme For Each ALAN In Range("A1:AL1") If ALAN.Value <> "Mahmut" Then ALAN.EntireColumn.Hidden = True End If Next End Sub

Se hcre=columns(D).Find (what:=ist.) - --> D stununda ist. Szc aranyor.Bulunan ilk hcrenin adresi hcre deikenine atanyor.What , find metodun bir argmandr. Sub sil() Range("c1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim hucre As Range For Each hucre In Range("c1:c" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("c1:c5000"))) Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub sil() Range("c1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim hucre As Range For Each hucre In Range("c1:c" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("c1:c5000"))) Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp Next Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Select Range("c1:c" & Cells(65536, 3).End(xlUp).Row).Select End Sub Sub DeleteRow() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim N As Long For N = Selection(1, 1).Row + Selection.Rows.Count - 1 _ To Selection(1, 1).Row Step -1 With Cells(N, 1) If .Value = 0 And Not .HasFormula Then .EntireRow.Delete End If End With Next N End sub Sub ZeileEinfuegen() Dim Zeile As Integer Zeile = 2 Application.ScreenUpdating = False Do Until Range("a" & Zeile).Value = "" Rows(Zeile & ":" & Zeile).Select Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown Zeile = Zeile + 2 Loop Range("A1").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub CountCellvide() numBlanks = 0 For Each c In Selection If c.Value = "" Then numBlanks = numBlanks + 1 End If Next c MsgBox "Il y a " & numBlanks & " cellules vides dans cette plage." End Sub

Sub leere_zelle() [A1].Select ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub zahl_suchen() leere_Zeile = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1 For i = 1 To leere_Zeile Range("A" & i).Select If ActiveCell = 5 Then Exit Sub Next i End Sub Private Sub metinayikla() Dim nums As String For i = 1 To Cells(65536, 1).End(xlUp).Row For b = 1 To Len(Cells(i, 1)) If IsNumeric(Mid(Cells(i, 1), b, 1)) = True Then nums = nums & Mid(Cells(i, 1), b, 1) End If Next b Cells(i, 1) = nums nums = "" Next i End Sub Sub BosHucreyeGit() ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select ' stundaki ilk bo hcreye gider End Sub Sub NombreDeLigne() With Selection MsgBox Selection.Rows.Count End With End Sub Aadaki kodu uygulaynz. (Sayfa yazdrma ayarlarnz yaptnz varsaydm.) Kod: Sub GZLE_YAZDIR() Range("C:C,F:F,H:H").Select 'Buradaki stunlar artrabilirsiniz. Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True Range("A1").Select ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True End Sub Gizlenen stunlarda tekrar grnr hale getirmek iin aadaki kodu uygulayn. Kod: Sub STUNLARI_GSTER() Range("C:C,F:F,H:H").Select Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = False Range("A1").Select End Sub Sub ajuste_colonne() Selection.Columns.AutoFit End Sub Sub CompteLesNonVides() NonVide = 0 For Each Cellule In Selection.Cells If Not IsEmpty(Cellule) Then NonVide = NonVide + 1 Next MsgBox "Il y a " & NonVide & " cellules non vides dans la slection" End Sub Sub Somme_Rouge() Dim Cel As Range Dim SomRoug As Integer For Each Cel In Selection If Cel.Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then SomRoug = SomRoug + Cel End If Next Range("A1") = SomRoug End Sub

Sub Select_from_ActiveCell_to_Last_Cell_in_Column() Dim topCel As Range Dim bottomCel As Range On Error GoTo errorHandler Set topCel = ActiveCell Set bottomCel = Cells((65536), topCel.Column).End(xlUp) If bottomCel.Row >= topCel.Row Then Range(topCel, bottomCel).Select End If Exit Sub errorHandler: MsgBox "Error no. " & Err & " - " & Error End Sub Sub Auto_Open() [M1] = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("L1:L65536")) - WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("J1:J65536")) End Sub Sub setPrintArea() Dim rng As Range Set rng = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) stcell = "A1": lcell = rng.Address ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = stcell & ":" & lcell End Sub 1. Veri adnda bir sayfay index'i 1 olacak ekilde ayarlayn. Yani en sol baa yerletirin. 2. Veri sayfasna A1'den balayarak isimleri srasyla yaznz. 3. Veri sayfasn takip eden ilk Sayfa'da bahsettiiniz deerler olsun. Yani bu sayfannda index'i 2 olmal. Soldan ikinci sayfa yani. 4. Yeteri kadar sayfa an. Yani isimleriniz kadar sayfa ekleyin. Bunu otomatik de yapabilirdik ama bu satrlar yazarken aklma geldi. Aadaki kodu ekleyin. Sub Aktarma_Yap() Dim i As Integer Set veri = Worksheets("Veri") For i = 1 To 2 Range("A1").AutoFilter Range("A1").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=veri.Cells(i, 1) Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets(i + 2).Range("A1") Next i End Sub Deerlerinizin olduu sayfadan bu kodu altrn Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() k=1 For i = 1 To Range("B65536").End(xlUp).Row If Range("A" & i).Font.Color = vbRed Then Cells(k, 3) = Cells(i, 2) k=k+1 End If Next i End Sub Selection.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=ComboBox1.Value Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If [B18].Value = 20 Then Call Makro1 End If End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address <> "$B$1" Then Exit Sub If [b1] < [a1] Then MsgBox "girdiiniz deer yanl" End Sub Private Sub ListBox1_Click() If ListBox1.ListIndex = -1 Then CommandButton1.Enabled = False Else CommandButton1.Enabled = True End If End Sub ilk bata komut dmesinin enable zelliini false yapmay unutmayn.

Sub Auto_Open() Worksheets("Sayfa1").OnCalculate = "PlayIt" End Sub Sub PlayIt() If Range("A1").Value > 5 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro ("SOUND.PLAY(,""C:\Windows\Media\Tada.wav"")") End If End Sub If Option1.Value = True Then a = Val(Text1.Text) b = 3.14 * a ^ 2 Text3.Text = b End If If Option2.Value = True Then a = Val(Text1.Text) b=a^2 Text3.Text = b End If If Option3.Value = True Then a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) c=a*b Text3.Text = c End If If Option4.Value = True Then a = Val(Text1.Text) b = Val(Text2.Text) c = (a * b) / 2 Text3.Text = c End If End Sub Private Sub option1_click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Label2.Visible = False Text2.Visible = False Label1.Caption = "yarap(r)" Label3.Caption = "Alan" End Sub Private Sub option2_click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Label2.Visible = False Text2.Visible = False Label1.Caption = "Kenar(a)" Label3.Caption = "Alan" End Sub Private Sub option3_click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Label2.Visible = True Text2.Visible = True Label1.Caption = "Kenar(a)" Label2.Caption = "Kenar(b)" Label3.Caption = "Alan" End Sub Private Sub option4_click() Text1.Text = "" Text2.Text = "" Text3.Text = "" Label2.Visible = True Text2.Visible = True Label1.Caption = "Taban(a)" Label2.Caption = "Ykseklik(h)" Label3.Caption = "Alan" End Sub

Bu komut Visual Basic ve VBA da dahili bir komut olduu iin herhangi bir n hazrla gerek duymaz. Grevi : Windows kayt defteri(registry)ne kayt yapar. Kullanm : SaveSetting Program(uygulama) ad, Blm, Anahtar, Deer Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Bu prosedrde registry'e en son girilen kaydedilir. SaveSetting "partner", "Settings", "UserForm1", TextBox1.Text End Sub Yukardaki prosedirde registere gerekli kayt yaplyor. Aadaki prosedrde ise registry'e kaydedilen bilgi TextBoxa geri arlyor. Kaytlar okumak iin GetSetting komutu kullanlr. SaveSetting'in tersidir. Kullanm: Deiken = GetSetting (Program ad, Blm, Anahtar, [Kayt Yoksa Deer]) Kayt Yoksa Deer parametresi zorunlu deildir. Registerde belirtilen kayt yoksa varsaylan olarak atanacak deeri buraya yazabilirsiniz. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'UserFormdaki TextBox1 e yazdnz en son bilgi UserForm aktif olduunda tekrar arlr TextBox1.Text = GetSetting("partner", "Settings", "UserForm1") End Sub Peki bu kayt register'in neresinde diye soranlara? Balat / altr 'a regedit yazp enter'e basn. Aadaki grlen resimdeki adrese ulan. Kayd orada greceksiniz. ThisWorkbook'a Private Sub Workbook_Open() Test1 End Sub Sub Test1() Dim NumberofColumns As Integer Dim BMax As Integer Dim InputErrorCheck As Boolean InputErrorCheck = False Do While InputErrorCheck = False NumberofColumns = Application.InputBox(prompt:="ifre kodunuzu giriniz ", Type:=1) If IsNumeric(NumberofColumns) Then If NumberofColumns <= 254 And NumberofColumns > 0 Then ' ifre kodunun 0-254 aras bir say olduu varsaylmtr. InputErrorCheck = True End If End If If NumberofColumns = False Then MsgBox ("lem iptal edildi") Exit Sub End If Loop MsgBox (NumberofColumns) ' Burada input alndktan sonra esas yaplmamk istenen ilem prosedrleri arlacak End Sub

2 adet TextBox ifre 2.ifre Tekrar yazma '1 adet Command Buton giri Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1.Value = "kubilay" Or TextBox1.Value = "B" Then GoTo Kontrol2 Else Unload UserForm1 MsgBox "TEKRAR DENE STERSEN OLMADI!", vbCritical, "HATA" ActiveWorkbook.Close 0 Exit Sub End If Kontrol2: If TextBox2.Value = "kubilay" Or TextBox2.Value = "2" Then MsgBox "Programa giriiniz onaylanmtr.", vbInformation Unload Me Application.Visible = True Else Unload UserForm1 MsgBox "zgnm girdiiniz parola hatal.", vbCritical, "HATA" ActiveWorkbook.Close 0 Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = True End Sub Public Sub DemoEncryptData() gszData = CStr(Application.InputBox("Enter a string to be encrypted.", "Encyrption Demo")) If (gszData <> CStr(False)) And (Len(gszData) > 0) Then EncryptDecrypt gszData MsgBox "The encrypted string is:" & vbLf & vbLf & gszData, vbInformation, "Encryption Demo" Else gszData = vbNullString End If End Sub Public Sub DemoDecryptData() If Len(gszData) > 0 Then EncryptDecrypt gszData MsgBox "The decrypted string is:" & vbLf & vbLf & gszData, vbInformation, "Encryption Demo" Else MsgBox "There is no stored data to decrypt.", vbExclamation, "Encryption Demo" End If End Sub Private Sub EncryptDecrypt(ByRef szData As String) Const lKEY_VALUE As Long = 215 Dim bytData() As Byte Dim lCount As Long bytData = szData For lCount = LBound(bytData) To UBound(bytData) bytData(lCount) = bytData(lCount) Xor lKEY_VALUE Next lCount szData = bytData End Sub If Date >= CDate("23.02.2005") Then sifre = InputBox("Devam edebilmek iin ifre girmelisiniz!", "Progranm Kullanm Sresi Dolmutur") If sifre <> "1234" Then Exit Sub End If MsgBox "alan kodlar"

Sub Registrierung() ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = False Worksheets("Codeabfrage").Select On Error GoTo Abbruch Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler Application.DisplayAlerts = False Heute = Now Verfalldatum = #5/14/2003# 'Hier Verfalldatum im Format MM/TT/JJJJ eintragen If Verfalldatum < Heute Then Dim passwort As String passwort = InputBox("Die Testphase ist abgelaufen," & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & " bitte geben Sie Ihre Registrierungs-Nr.:", "Testphase abgelauf If passwort <> "36" Then Registrierung End If MsgBox ("Registrierung erfolgreich") ActiveWindow.DisplayWorkbookTabs = True Worksheets("Datenbereich").Select Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If Exit Sub Aufraeumen: Application.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt ThisWorkbook.Close Exit Sub Abbruch: ThisWorkbook.Close End Sub Sub sifreac() Dim a As Integer For a = 1 To 10000 Application.DisplayAlerts = False Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Documents and Settings\usak0018\Belgelerim\YTL.xls", Password:=a Next a End Sub Visual Basic ve VBA da dahili bir komut olduu iin herhangi bir n hazrla gerek duymaz. Bu komut Grevi : Windows kayt defteri(registry)ne kayt yapar. Kullanm : SaveSetting Program(uygulama) ad, Blm, Anahtar, Deer Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Bu prosedrde registry'e en son girilen kaydedilir. SaveSetting "partner", "Settings", "UserForm1", TextBox1.Text End Sub Yukardaki prosedirde registere gerekli kayt yaplyor. Aadaki prosedrde ise registry'e kaydedilen bilgi TextBoxa geri arlyor. Kaytlar okumak iin GetSetting komutu kullanlr. SaveSetting'in tersidir. Kullanm: Deiken = GetSetting (Program ad, Blm, Anahtar, [Kayt Yoksa Deer]) Kayt Yoksa Deer parametresi zorunlu deildir. Registerde belirtilen kayt yoksa varsaylan olarak atanacak deeri buraya yazabilirsiniz. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'UserFormdaki TextBox1 e yazdnz en son bilgi UserForm aktif olduunda tekrar arlr TextBox1.Text = GetSetting("partner", "Settings", "UserForm1") End Sub

Peki bu kayt register'in neresinde diye soranlara? Balat / altr 'a regedit yazp enter'e basn. Aadaki grlen resimdeki adrese ulan. Kayd orada greceksiniz. Aadaki kodu gncelletirme yaplan dosyann thisworkbook sayfasna kopyalayn. Dosyay her atnzda link olan tm dosyalar otomatik olarak gncel Private Sub workbook_open() Link = ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources(xlExcelLinks) If IsEmpty(Link) = False Then For a = 1 To UBound(Link) Workbooks.Open Link(a), Password:="9876", WriteResPassword:="9876" ActiveWorkbook.UpdateLink Name:=ActiveWorkbook.LinkSources ActiveWorkbook.Close False Next End If End Sub

Microsoft nternet Transfer Control, version 6.0 ekleyiniz. C:\Windows\System32 de MSINET.OCX i Bu kodlar genellikle *.html ve *.htm uzantl sayfalarda ilem grmektedir. partner = Inet1.OpenURL("") TextBox1.Text = Mid(partner, InStr(partner, "USD") + 42, 6) & " YTL" ' USD adl kelimeyi bulur ve 42. karakterden itibaren 6 karakter sandakine kadar TextBox2.Text = Mid(partner, InStr(partner, "USD") + 55, 6) & " YTL" TextBox3.Text = Mid(partner, InStr(partner, "EUR") + 42, 6) & " YTL" TextBox4.Text = Mid(partner, InStr(partner, "EUR") + 55, 6) & " YTL" Private Sub TextBox2_Enter() Me.TextBox2.EnterFieldBehavior = fmEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Enter() Me.TextBox2.EnterFieldBehavior = fmEnterFieldBehaviorSelectAll End Sub YEN VER GRMEK N TABLOYU BOALTIR Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Unload Gnlk Gnlk.Show End Sub 'TABLOYU TEMZLE Private Sub CommandButton10_Click() ComboBox1.Value = "" TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox3.Value = "" ComboBox1.SetFocus End Sub YEN VER GRMEK N TABLOYU BOALTIR Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Unload Gnlk Gnlk.Show End Sub 'TABLOYU TEMZLE Private Sub CommandButton10_Click() ComboBox1.Value = "" TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox3.Value = "" ComboBox1.SetFocus End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Tabelle1.WebBrowser1.Navigate "" End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Tabelle1.WebBrowser1.Navigate "" End Sub Makro blmne yaptrn ve tua atayn Tam ekran iin Kod: Sub tam() Application.DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub Normal grnm iin Kod: Sub normal() Application.DisplayFullScreen = False End Sub

Dim varYear As Variant Dim bytMonth As Byte Dim bytDay As Byte Dim bytWeekday As Byte Dim strWeekday As String Dim ws As Worksheet varYear = 2005 For Each ws In Worksheets If ws.Name = "Jahr " & varYear Then ws.Delete End If Next ws Set ws = Worksheets.Add ws.Name = "Jahr " & varYear For bytMonth = 1 To 12 With Cells(1, bytMonth) .Value = Format(DateSerial(varYear, bytMonth, 1), "mmmm") .Interior.ColorIndex = 36 .Font.Bold = True End With For bytDay = 1 To Day(DateSerial(varYear, bytMonth + 1, 0)) With Cells(bytDay + 1, bytMonth) bytWeekday = Weekday(DateSerial(varYear, bytMonth, bytDay)) strWeekday = WhichWeekday(bytWeekday) .Value = strWeekday & ", " & bytDay If bytWeekday = 7 Or bytWeekday = 1 Then .Interior.ColorIndex = 22 End If End With Next bytDay Next bytMonth End Sub Function WhichWeekday(ByVal bytWeekday As Byte) As String Select Case bytWeekday Case 1 WhichWeekday = "pazar" Case 2 WhichWeekday = "p.tesi" Case 3 WhichWeekday = "sal" Case 4 WhichWeekday = "carsamba" Case 5 WhichWeekday = "persembe" Case 6 WhichWeekday = "cuma" Case 7 WhichWeekday = "c.tesi" End Select End Function Sub Tam_Dizin_smi() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") a = ds.GetAbsolutePathName("") MsgBox a End Sub Sub tam() Application.DisplayFullScreen = True End Sub

EKRANI BYLTR Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("kitap1").Select Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False .DisplayWorkbookTabs = False End With Range("A1").Select End Sub EKARNI KLTR Sub Auto_Close() Sheets("kitap1").Select Application.DisplayFullScreen = False Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True .DisplayWorkbookTabs = True End With End Sub EKRANI BYLTR Sub Auto_Open() Sheets("kitap1").Select Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = False .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = False .DisplayWorkbookTabs = False End With Range("A1").Select End Sub EKARNI KLTR Sub Auto_Close() Sheets("kitap1").Select Application.DisplayFullScreen = False Application.DisplayFormulaBar = True With ActiveWindow .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True .DisplayWorkbookTabs = True End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Me.Top = Application.Top Me.Left = Application.Left Me.Height = Application.Height Me.Width = Application.Width End Sub Application.DisplayFullScreen = True Application.CommandBars("Full Screen").Enabled = False Sub name_delete() Dim definedName As Object For Each definedName In ActiveWorkbook.Names definedName.Delete Next End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox1.Value <> "" And IsDate(TextBox1.Value) = False Then MsgBox ("hatal veri girii" & vbCrLf & TextBox1) TextBox1.Value = "" Else TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "") End If End Sub ayekle(EklenecekSure As Integer, ilkTarih As Date) Function ayekle = DateAdd("m", EklenecekSure, ilkTarih) End Function Function yilekle(EklenecekSure As Integer, ilkTarih As Date) yilekle = DateAdd("yyyy", EklenecekSure, ilkTarih) End Function Function gunekle(EklenecekSure As Integer, ilkTarih As Date) gunekle = DateAdd("d", EklenecekSure, ilkTarih) End Function Function ayfarki(ilkTarih As Date, sonTarih As Date) ayfarki = DateDiff("m", ilkTarih, sonTarih) End Function Function yilfarki(ilkTarih As Date, sonTarih As Date) yilfarki = DateDiff("yyyy", ilkTarih, sonTarih) End Function Function gunfarki(ilkTarih As Date, sonTarih As Date) gunfarki = DateDiff("d", ilkTarih, sonTarih) End Function Function ayinsonu(tarih As Date) Dim ay As Integer Dim yil As Integer ay = Month(tarih) yil = Year(tarih) ayinsonu = IIf(ay = 2, IIf((yil Mod 4) > 0, 28, 29), IIf(ay = 4, 30, IIf(ay = 6, 30, IIf(ay = 9, 30, IIf(ay = 11, 30, 31))))) End Function Function yildakigun(tarih As Date) Dim yil As Integer yil = Year(tarih) yildakigun = IIf((yil Mod 4) > 0, 365, 366) End Function Function TarihEkle(Tarih As Date, Optional Gun As Integer, Optional Hafta As Integer, Optional Ay As Integer, Optional Yil As Integer) TarihEkle TarihEkle TarihEkle TarihEkle = = = = DateAdd("d", Gun, Tarih) DateAdd("ww", Hafta, TarihEkle) DateAdd("m", Ay, TarihEkle) DateAdd("yyyy", Yil, TarihEkle)

End Function Private Sub Kaydet_Click() Sheets("Sayfa1").Select On Error Resume Next Dim i, r, y As Integer Dim s As String Dim q As Date s = txtyer For i = 5 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a2:a40")) + 1 If Cells(i, 1).Value = s Then q = txttarih For r = 5 To WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a3:AJ40")) + 1 If Cells(3, r).Value = q Then d = txtsonu Cells(i, r).Value = d MsgBox "KAYIT TAMAMLANDI", , "KAYIT" Exit Sub End If Next r End If Next i MsgBox "ARANAN YER BULUNAMADI !" End Sub

Dim tarih As Date, hafta As Integer tarih = Date hafta = DatePart("ww", tarih, vbMonday, vbFirstJan1) MsgBox "Bugn: " & Date & " --> Yln " & hafta & ". Haftas" Sub Auto_Open() Dim exdate As Date exdate = "11/30/2004" If Date > exdate Then MsgBox ("You have reached end of your trail period") ActiveWorkbook.Close End If MsgBox ("You have " & exdate - Date & "Days left") End Sub sub deneme() [d2].select selection.numberformat = "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss" end sub Sub ConvertToDateSerial() 'Convert from recognizable US date to date serial 'For dates on/after March 1, 1900 back to dateserial Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual Dim cell As Range On Error Resume Next '-- in case no cells selected For Each cell In Intersect(Selection, _ Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)) cell.Value = Int(DateValue(cell.Value)) cell.NumberFormat = "general" Next cell Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub YearWorkbook() Dim iWeek As Integer Dim sht As Variant Dim sTemp As String Dim dSDate As Date sTemp = InputBox("Date for the first worksheet:", "End of Week?") dSDate = CDate(sTemp) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Worksheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count), _ Count:=(52 - Worksheets.Count) For Each sht In Worksheets sht.Name = Format(dSDate, "dd-mmm-yyyy") dSDate = dSDate + 7 Next sht Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub tarih() If [a1] = Date Then [b1] = 1 End If If [a1] = Date + 1 Then [b1] = 2 End If If [a1] = Date + 2 Then [b1] = 3 End If End Sub

Public Sub Dateikopie() Dim InI As Integer Workbooks.Add With ThisWorkbook ' Datei mit Code ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs .Path & "\Kopie_von" & ThisWorkbook.Name ' neue Datei Workbooks.Add For InI = .Worksheets.Count To 1 Step -1 ' Anzahl Register in ThisWorkbook Sheets.Add .Worksheets(InI).Cells.Copy With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Cells .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues ' Werte .PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats ' Formate End With ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Name = .Worksheets(InI).Name Next InI Application.CutCopyMode = False 'Zwischenspeicher lschen Application.DisplayAlerts = False Worksheets(ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count).Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True MsgBox "Reine Datentabelle gespeichert als: " & .Path & "\Kopie_von" & ThisWorkbook.Name ActiveWorkbook.Close True End With End Sub Sub DateiUnter TagesdatumAbspeichern() Tagesdatum = Application.Text(Now(), "mm-dd-yy hh-mm") Sicherung = "Backup" & Tagesdatum & ".XLS" ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Sicherung End Sub Sub tarihli_yedek_al() Dim dname As String, strTest As String dname = "C:\DATA\kubilay.xls" & Format(Now(), "yyyy_mmdd") strTest = Dir(dname, vbDirectory) If (strTest = "") Then MkDir (dname) ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs dname & "\BK_" & Range("A1") & Range("a2") ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Sub tarihli_yedek_al() Dim dname As String, strTest As String dname = "C:\DATA\" & Range("A1") & " " & Range("a2") & Format(Now(), "yyyy_mmdd") strTest = Dir(dname, vbDirectory) If (strTest = "") Then MkDir (dname) ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs dname & "\BK_" & Range("A1") & Range("a2") ActiveWorkbook.Save End Sub Private sub Commandbutton1_click() TextBox9 = Format(DateAdd("d", -TextBox4, ComboBox6), "") end sub Sub kayt() UserForm1.OptionButton1.Visible = False UserForm1.OptionButton2.Visible = False UserForm1.Show

End Sub Sub temizle() For t = 1 To Sheets.Count Sheets(t).Select For Each hucre In [a1:e20] If hucre.Interior.Color = vbYellow Then hucre.ClearContents Next Next End Sub B1 hcresine aadaki forml girin: =SOLDAN(YERNEKOY(A1;" ";"*";UZUNLUK(A1)-UZUNLUK(YERNEKOY(A1;" ";"")));BUL("*";YERNEKOY(A1;" ";"*";UZUNLUK(A1)-UZUNLUK(YERNEKOY

Bu forml ile A1 hcresindeki ismin "Ad" ksmn B1 hcresine alm bulunmaktayz. Formln bu kadar uzun olmasna neden olan ise baz adlarn 2 isimd Soyadlarn ayrmak iin de C1 hcresine aadaki forml girin: =PARAAL(A1;UZUNLUK(B1)+2;UZUNLUK(A1)-UZUNLUK(B1))

B1 ve C1 hcresindeki formlleri listeniz uzunluunca kopyaladnda listenizdeki btn kaytlar "Ad" ve "Soyad" halinde 2 farkl stuna kopyalanm olaca

Sub yaz() For a=1 To 22 [j7]=a ActiveSheet.PrintOut Next End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$C$18" Then Sheets("Sayfa2").Select End Sub Sub Dialog_11() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogClear).Show End Sub Sub ReverseText() Dim strText As String, strReverseText As String Dim intPos As Integer, intLen As Integer strText = Selection.Text intLen = Len(strText) For intPos = 1 To Len(strText) strReverseText = strReverseText & Mid(strText, intLen - intPos + 1, 1) Next intPos ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = strReverseText End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1 = Format(Date, "mm.dd.yyyy") End Sub

saat iinde;

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1 = Format(Time, "hh:mm") End Sub A stununda isimler var Formuma eklediim textbox kutusunun ad "isim" ve o ismi listeden bulmak istiyorum.. --------------------Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("sayfa1").Range("A1:A10000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(isim.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select msgbox("Aradnz " & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value & "isim bulundu. Hcre adresi" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).address) ----------------mesaj kutusunda aradnz ismi ve adresini grntler. TextBox1.ForeColor = vbRed Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) >= 15 Then TextBox1 = Left(TextBox1, 15) If Len(TextBox1.Text) < 10 Then TextBox1 = Replace(TextBox1, " ", "") Else TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1, "(###) ### ## ##") End If End Sub Dosya isminden sonra False yazarsak eski bilgilerin stne yazlmaz ve File Already Exists yani Dosya Zaten Var uyars gelir. True yazarsak,eski bilgiler silinir,yenileri yazlr. Bu rnekte bilgi yazma ksmna yer vermedik. Bilgi yazma ksm makalemizin ikinci ksmnda,Alt FSO blmnde bulunmaktadr. kinci ksm False olursa dosya ASCII,True olursa UNICODE olur. Sub Text_Dosyas_Olutur() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = ds.CreateTextFile("C:\SXS\Deneme.txt", True, False) 'lk true Overwrite,kinci False ASCII true olursa Unicode End Sub Dosya silmeye yarar.Dosya isminden sonra gelen yere ,dosya Salt okunursa True yazmalsnz.Yoksa "Access Denied" yani "Giri Reddedildi" der. Sub Dosya_Sil() Dim ds Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ds.DeleteFile "C:\SXS\Deneme.txt", True End Sub

Sub Text_Dosyas_A() Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 3 'For Reading Sadece Okur,For Appending ise hem Okur hem Yazar Dim ds, f Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set f = ds.OpenTextFile("c:\testfile.txt", ForAppending, TristateFalse) 'TristateUseDefault'da System Default,TristateTrue 'da Unicode,TristateFalse'da ASCII kullanlr. End Sub Sub Text_Dosyas_Olutur_Yaz() Dim ds, a Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set a = ds.CreateTextFile("C:\Deneme.txt", True, False) 'lk true Overwrite,kinci False ASCII true olursa Unicode a.WriteLine ("lk Satr") a.Close End Import() Sub Sub Open "d:\data.txt" For Input As #1 R=1 While Not EOF(1) 'Scan file line by line C=1 Entry = "" Line Input #1, Buffer Length = Len(Buffer) i=1 While i <= Length 'split comma-delimited string into cells If (Mid(Buffer, i, 1)) = "," Then With Application.Cells(R, C) .NumberFormat = "@" 'Text formatting .Value = Entry End With C=C+1 Entry = "" Else Entry = Entry + Mid(Buffer, i, 1) End If i=i+1 Wend If Len(Entry) > 0 Then With Application.Cells(R, C) .NumberFormat = "@" 'Text formatting .Value = Entry End With End If R=R+1 Wend Close #1 End Sub Sub OuvreTXT() Workbooks.OpenText Filename:="C:\ajeter\TEST.TXT", _ Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, _ DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _ ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _ Semicolon:=True, Comma:=False, Space:=False, _ Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), _ Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1)) End Sub Sub Dateiimport() Quelle = Application.GetOpenFilename("TXT-Dateien , *.TXT") Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=Quelle, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _ xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon _ :=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _ :=Array(1, 1) End Sub

TEK BOK 1' KESER (BAKA YERE YAPITIRMAK N) Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() TextBox1.Cut End Sub 'TEK BOKA VER YAPITIRIR Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() TextBox11.Paste End Sub BU KODU TextBox1 E YAZARSANIZ TEXTBOXA GRDNZ VERLER A1 HCRESNE YAZAR Private Sub TextBox1_Change() [a1] = TextBox1.Text End Sub Textbox kna veya commandbutona balayabilirsiniz If Val(TextBox1.Text) <= 10 Then MsgBox "Say 10'den byk olmal", vbInformation TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next [aa1] = "=bykharf(""" & TextBox1 & """)" [aa1] = "=upper(""" & TextBox1 & """)" TextBox1 = [aa1] End Sub Veya; Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next TextBox1 = Evaluate("=bykharf(""" & TextBox1 & """)") TextBox1 = Evaluate("=upper(""" & TextBox1 & """)") End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For a = 1 To 40 b = Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(a, 1).Value If b = "" Then Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(a, 1) = TextBox1.Value Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(a, 2) = ComboBox1.Text GoTo 10 End If Next a Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(1, 3) = "TM SATIRLAR DOLU" 'UYARI MESAJI 10 End Sub Aadaki ekilde yazn sorununuz zlecektir. TextBox17=Format(TextBox17,"#,##0.00") Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus() TextBox1.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_GotFocus() TextBox1.Text = "" End Sub Private Sub

TextBox1,TextBox2 ve TextBox3 olduunu varsayalm. TextBox1 A1 Hcresine iliik TextBox2 A2 Hcresine iliik TextBox3 A3 Hcresine iliik TextBox3'de Toplam Sonucu Grmek isterseniz. Textbox1 ve 2'deki deerleri TextBox3'de grmek iin. Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox3.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) + Val(TextBox2.Value) End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() TextBox3.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) + Val(TextBox2.Value) End Sub Hcredeki deeri Sn Leventm 'nin yazd ekilde zaten alyorsunuz. Ayrca Girdiiniz deerlerin TextBoxlarla birlikte Hcrelerde Annda grnmesini isterseniz. Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Range("A1").Select [a1] = TextBox1.Value TextBox3.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) + Val(TextBox2.Value) End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() Range("A2").Select [a2] = TextBox2.Value TextBox3.Value = Val(TextBox1.Value) + Val(TextBox2.Value) End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_Change() Range("A3").Select [a3] = TextBox3.Value End Sub If TextBox1 <> Empty Then TextBox1.SelStart = 0 TextBox1.SelLength = TextBox1.TextLength TextBox1.Copy MyData.GetFromClipboard MsgBox "TextBox1 icerigi hafizaya kopyaland...." End If Private Sub TextBox3_Change() TextBox3 = Format(TextBox3, "mm""/""dd""/""yyyy") End Sub

Private Sub TextBox2_Enter() TextBox1.BackColor = &HFFFF00 End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1.BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_Enter() TextBox3.BackColor = &HFFFF00 End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox3.BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub TextBox6_Enter() TextBox5.BackColor = &HFFFF00 End Sub Private Sub TextBox6_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox5.BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub TextBox8_Enter() TextBox7.BackColor = &HFFFF00 End Sub Private Sub TextBox8_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox7.BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If Len(TextBox1) < 11 Then MsgBox "EKSK KARAKTER GR !" & vbCrLf & "EN AZ 11 KARAKTER GREBLRSNZ.", vbCritical Cancel = True ElseIf Len(TextBox1) > 11 Then MsgBox "FAZLA KARAKTER GR !" & vbCrLf & "EN FAZLA 11 KARAKTER GREBLRSNZ.", vbCritical Cancel = True Else Cancel = False End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() 'Eer text kutusu grnmez ise grnr yap If TextBox1.Visible = False Then TextBox1.Visible = True: GoTo 10 'Eer text kutusu grnrse grnmez yap. If TextBox1.Visible = True Then TextBox1.Visible = False: GoTo 10 10: End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("a1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox1 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Enter() TextBox1.BackColor = vbYellow End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1.BackColor = vbWhite End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Select Case Len(TextBox1.Value) Case Is >= 2 TextBox2.SetFocus Case Else TextBox2.Value = "" End Select End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If Len(TextBox1.Value) >= 2 Then TextBox2.Value = "Artk ben aktifim" Else TextBox2.Value = "" End If End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) Select Case Len(TextBox1.Value) Case Is >= 2 TextBox2.Value = "Artk ben aktifim" Case Else TextBox2.Value = "" End Select End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "##,##.00") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() uz = Len(TextBox1) par = Right(TextBox1, 1) If uz < 3 And IsNumeric(par) = False Or uz > 5 Then SendKeys "{bs}" If uz = 3 And par <> "." Then SendKeys "{bs}" If uz > 3 And IsNumeric(par) = False Then SendKeys "{bs}" End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii = 32 Then KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() With TextBox1 .SelLength = 1 If .SelText = "." Then .SelStart = .SelStart + 1 .SelLength = 1 End If End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With TextBox1 .MaxLength = 10 .EnterFieldBehavior = fmEnterFieldBehaviorRecallSelection .Text = "##.##.####" .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = 1 End With End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If Right(TextBox1.Value, 4) >= 2000 Then TextBox1.Value = Format(TextBox1.Value, "dd""/""mm""/""yyyy") Else MsgBox "hatal" End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Enter() TextBox1.BackColor = &HFF& End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False satir = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sheets("TABLO").Range("A1:A65536")) + 1 'VER sayfasnda, a kolonundaki son dolu hcreden sonraki satir Sheets("TABLO").Cells(satir, 1) = ComboBox1.Value Sheets("TABLO").Cells(satir, 2) = TextBox1.Value Sheets("TABLO").Cells(satir, 3) = TextBox2.Value Sheets("TABLO").Cells(satir, 4) = TextBox3.Value Sheets("TABLO").Cells(satir, 5) = TextBox4.Value ComboBox1.Value = "" TextBox1.Value = "" TextBox2.Value = "" TextBox3.Value = "" TextBox4.Value = "" End Sub

Public Function AutoType(c As Control, KeyAscii As Integer) As Integer AutoType = KeyAscii If KeyAscii > 95 And KeyAscii < 123 Then If c.SelStart = 0 Then AutoType = AutoType - 32 ElseIf Mid$(c.Text, c.SelStart, 1) < "!" Then AutoType = AutoType - 32 End If End If End Function Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = AutoType(Screen.ActiveControl, KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With TextBox1 .EnterKeyBehavior = True .TabKeyBehavior = True .MultiLine = True End With End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) > 14 Then MsgBox ("Karakter says uzun") TextBox1.Enabled = False Else TextBox1.Enabled = True End If Label1.Caption = "Karakter say" & " " & Len(TextBox1.Text) & " " End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Click() End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next Satrno = Sheets("Sayfa1").[B2:B65536].Find(TextBox1.Value).Row TextBox2 = Sheets("Sayfa1").Cells(Satrno, 3).Value End Sub

For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count If Sheets(i).Name = TextBox1 Then MyQ = MsgBox("Bu isimde bir irket var, deiik bir isim girmelisiniz !") TextBox1 = Empty TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If Next Set NewSh = Worksheets.Add With NewSh .Name = TextBox1 .Range("A1") = Label2 .Range("A2") = Label3 .Range("A3") = Label4 .Range("A4") = Label5 .Range("B1") = TextBox2 .Range("B2") = TextBox3 .Range("B3") = TextBox4 .Range("B4") = TextBox5 .Range("B5") = TextBox6 .Columns("A:A").ColumnWidth = 12 .Columns("B:B").ColumnWidth = 34 .Columns("C:C").ColumnWidth = 19 .Columns("D:D").ColumnWidth = 19 End With End If With Range("A9:D9") With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlInsideVertical) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With End With With Range("A1:D8") .Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone .Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone With .Borders(xlEdgeLeft) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeTop) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeBottom) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With With .Borders(xlEdgeRight) .LineStyle = xlContinuous .Weight = xlThin End With .Borders(xlInsideVertical).LineStyle = xlNone .Borders(xlInsideHorizontal).LineStyle = xlNone End With Set NewSh = Nothing End Sub

Ocak, ubat, Mart...... gibi aylar A2:A13 aralnda, 1975, 1976,............... gibi yllar B1:L1 aralnda, UserForm zerinde TextBox1, TextBox2, Label1 ve CommandButton1 nesneleri varsa; Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() On Error GoTo ResumeSub: x = Range("A2:A13").Cells.Find(TextBox1).Row y = Range("B1:L1").Cells.Find(TextBox2).Column Label1.Caption = Cells(x, y) Exit Sub ResumeSub: Label1.Caption = "Deger bulunamadi...." End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox1 <> 0 Then If TextBox1.Value < TextBox2 Then MsgBox "hata" TextBox2 = "" End if End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox1 <> 0 And Val(TextBox1.Text) < Val(TextBox2.Text) Then MsgBox "hata":TextBox2 = "" End Sub Userforma aadaki kodu yazn. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox7.TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If (Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) < 65 Or Asc(UCase(Chr(KeyAscii))) > 91) And KeyAscii <> 8 And KeyAscii <> 32 Then KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) UserForm2.Show End Sub Bir UserForm zerine 3 adet TextBox nesnesi ve 1 adet CommandButton nesnesi yerletirin. Aadaki kodlar UserForm'unuza kopyalayn. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim t1 As Double Dim t2 As Double t1 = TextBox1.Value t2 = TextBox2.Value TextBox3 = t1 + t2 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,0") End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "###,0") End Sub Sub TextBox1_change() Dim N$ N = "0123456789." If KeyAscii <> 8 Then If InStr(N, Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then Beep KeyAscii = 0 Exit Sub End If End If End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) = 0 Then Exit Sub If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1.Text) Then Beep MsgBox "Numerik olmayan bir deer girdiniz" End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If IsNumeric(Chr(KeyAscii)) = False And KeyAscii <> 8 Then KeyAscii = 0 End If End Sub Private Sub txtkalper_Change() labtopkalper = Val(txtsevper) * 0.4 + Val(txtkalper) * 0.6 End Sub Sub hesaplama() zamoran: z = InputBox("Zam orann giriniz ! Ondalk ksm varsa virglle ayrnz !") If Not IsNumeric(z) Then GoTo zamoran Cells(1, 23) = (z + 100) / 100 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If TextBox1 = "" Then Exit Sub deg = Mid(TextBox1.Value, Len(TextBox1.Value), 1) If IsNumeric(deg) = True Then MsgBox "SADECE HARF GRNZ" TextBox1 = Mid(TextBox1.Value, 1, Len(TextBox1.Value) - 1) TextBox1.SetFocus End If End Sub Private Sub Text2_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 190 Then MsgBox ("Nokta yerine (.) Virgl (,) kullann") End If End Sub

If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1) Then SendKeys "{BS}" Userformun code blmne yaptr,textbox'lar oaltabilirsin kopyala yaptr,makrodaki textbox1'i 2,3,4 gibi deitir(userformdaki textbox saysna gre) Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57 Then KeyAscii = 0: MsgBox " Harf girilmeyecek,Sadece Rakam Giriniz ....." End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) 'Girilen deer numerik deilse Textboxten k engelliyor, bu durumda bota olamyor. If IsNumeric(TextBox1.Value) Then Cancel = False Else Cancel = True Beep ' 'beep' sesi retiyor MsgBox ("Sadece say girin!") ' Uyar penceresi ayor. End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.MaxLength = 8 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Not IsNumeric(TextBox1) Then SendKeys "{BS}" End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57 Then KeyAscii = 0 End Sub

Private Sub TextBox3_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox3 <> "" Then If Val(TextBox3) > Val(TextBox2) Then

Select Case MsgBox("Textbox 2 den byk veri giriine izin verilsin mi...!", vbYesNo Or vbInformation Or vbSystemModal Or vbMsgBoxRight Or vbDefault Case vbYes TextBox3.Value = Format(TextBox3.Value, "#,##0.00") TextBox2.Value = Format(TextBox2.Value, "#,##0.00") TextBox4.SetFocus Case vbNo Cancel = True TextBox3.Value = "" End End End End Select If If Sub

TextBox1.Text = Format(DTPicker1, "") Private Sub Text1_GotFocus() ' textbox aktif olduunda Screen.ActiveControl.SelStart = 0 ' balangc 0 olarak ata Screen.ActiveControl.SelLength = Len(Screen.ActiveControl.Text) ' uzunluu textboxnkine eitle End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If TextBox1.Value < 1 Or TextBox1.Value > 12 Then MsgBox "Hata oldu n'apcaz imdi. Elbette Exit olaynn Cancel argmann kullanacaz" Cancel = True End If TextBox1 = "" End Sub TEK BOK 1' KESER (BAKA YERE YAPITIRMAK N) Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() TextBox1.Cut End Sub 'TEK BOKA VER YAPITIRIR Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() TextBox11.Paste End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() [a2] = TextBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Label2.Caption = KeyCode TextBox1.Value = "" End Sub

TextBox nesnesinden "cursor - imle" ktnda bu iin yaplmasn istersen; Kod: Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub veya yle olabilir. Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub RefreshTxtBx() Dim Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double On Error Resume Next Val1 = TextBox1 Val2 = TextBox2 On Error GoTo 0 TextBox3 = Format(Val1 + Val2, "#,### TL") End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() if Textbox1.value="" then MsgBox("Textbox1'i Bo Geemessiniz") Exit sub End if if Textbox2.value="" then MsgBox("Textbox2'i Bo Geemessiniz") Exit sub End if if Textbox3.value="" then MsgBox("Textbox3'i Bo Geemessiniz") Exit sub End if if Textbox4.value="" then MsgBox("Textbox4'i Bo Geemessiniz") Exit sub End if End Sub 1. Userform oluturun 2. ine iki tane textbox oluturun 3. Textbox1 nesnesinin Exit olayna Cancel = True yazdnzda kullanc bu nesneyi bo geemez Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim t1 As Date Dim t2 As Long t1 = TextBox1.Value t2 = TextBox2.Value TextBox3 = Format(t1 + t2, "") End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1 = Val(TextBox2.Value) + Val(TextBox3.Value) End Sub TextBox isimlerini kendinize gre deitiriniz Private Sub ekle_Click() UserForm2.TextBox1.Value = UserForm2.TextBox1.Value & vbcrlf & TextBox2.Value & vbcrlf & TextBox3.Value End Sub Range("a1").value= Textbox1.value & " " & Textbox2.value

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1.Value = "" And TextBox2.Value = "" Then MsgBox "Ltfen Bo Olan Alanlar doldurun. Bo olan nesne ad: " & Chr(13) & TextBox1.Name & " " & TextBox2.Name, vbQuestion, "UYARI" Exit Sub End If For x = 1 To 2 If Controls("TextBox" & x).Value = "" Then MsgBox "Ltfen Bo Olan Alanlar doldurun. Bo olan nesne ad: " & Chr(13) & Controls("TextBox" & x).Name, vbQuestion, "UYARI" Exit Sub End If Next x End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1 = "" Then BosOge = BosOge & vbLf & TextBox1.Name If TextBox2 = "" Then BosOge = BosOge & vbLf & TextBox2.Name If BosOge <> "" Then MsgBox "Aadaki alanlar bo:" & BosOge End If End Sub 1. Bir adet Class Module an. ve aadaki kodlar yaptrn. Public WithEvents txt As MSForms.TextBox Private Sub txt_Change() txt = Format(txt, "###,###") End Sub '2.UserForm'un kod sayfasna Dim txtler() As New Class1 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim kontrol As Control, i As Integer i=1 For Each kontrol In UserForm1.Controls If Left(kontrol.Name, 7) = "TextBox" Then ReDim Preserve txtler(i) Set txtler(i).txt = kontrol i=i+1 End If Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() z = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row + 1 If z > 65000 Then z = 2 Cells(z, 1) = TextBox1 Cells(z, 2) = TextBox2 Cells(z, 3) = TextBox3 Cells(z, 4) = TextBox4 Cells(z, 5) = TextBox5 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim toplam For i = 1 To 47 Step 3 toplam = toplam + Val(Controls("TextBox" & i)) Next TextBox50.Value = Format(toplam, "###,###") End Sub TextBox1= Val(TextBox2.Value) + Val(TextBox3.Value) Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1.Text, "0000") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() Me.TextBox1.Value = Format(Me.TextBox1.Value, "###,###") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,0") End Sub

Bir UserForm zerine 3 adet TextBox nesnesi ve 1 adet CommandButton nesnesi yerletirin. Aadaki kodlar UserForm'unuzua kopyalayn. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim t1 As Double Dim t2 As Double t1 = TextBox1.Value t2 = TextBox2.Value TextBox3 = t1 + t2 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,0") End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_Change() TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "###,0") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If st = EmailType Then If RTrim(TextBox1.Text) <> "" Then If InStr(TextBox1.Text, " ") <> 0 Or InStr(TextBox1.Text, "@") = 0 Or InStr(TextBox1.Text, ".") = 0 Then MsgBox "Geersiz email adresi !!!", vbInformation ', 'App.Title Exit Sub TextBox1.SetFocus 'Cancel = False 'End If End If End If End If End Sub Textbox a bir format tanmlamayn ve command butona aadaki kodu yazarak deneyin. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() a = TextBox7.Value * 1000 [a1] = a / 1000 [a1].NumberFormat = "General" End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1 = StrConv(TextBox1, vbUpperCase) End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1.Value = UCase(TextBox1.Value) [A1]=TextBox1.value End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next [aa1] = "=bykharf(""" & TextBox1 & """)" [aa1] = "=upper(""" & TextBox1 & """)" TextBox1 = [aa1] End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next TextBox1 = Evaluate("=bykharf(""" & TextBox1 & """)") TextBox1 = Evaluate("=upper(""" & TextBox1 & """)") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,###.00") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,###.00") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_LostFocus() TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, ".##") End Sub

ekli dosyamda textboxa metin girii yaptmda 1. satrnn x ten balamas ve birde textboxta yazlan metni exceldeki gibi nasl iki yana yaslayabilirim. yar visual basic kodu: Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1) = 1 Then TextBox1 = " " & TextBox1 End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = Ccur(TextBox1) + Ccur(TextBox2) End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Change() RefreshTxtBx End Sub ' Private Sub TextBox2_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox2 = Format(TextBox2, "#,### TL") End Sub ' Private Sub RefreshTxtBx() Dim Val1 As Double, Val2 As Double On Error Resume Next Val1 = TextBox1 Val2 = TextBox2 On Error GoTo 0 TextBox3 = Format(Val1 + Val2, "#,### TL") End Sub TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,0") parasal olarak bunu kullann Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Range("a1").Select ActiveCell.Formula = TextBox1 End Sub Excele kayderkenKod: Cells(1,1) = "'" & textbox1.text Private Sub TextBox1_Change() TextBox1 = "0" & Format(TextBox1, "###,###") End Sub TextBox1.TextAlign = fmTextAlignRight Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Text2.Text = Seslisay(Text1.Text) End Sub Function Seslisay(Metin As String) As Integer Dim sayac, i As Integer Const Harfler = "aeiou" For i = 1 To Len(Metin) If InStr(Harfler, LCase(Mid(Metin, i, 1))) <> 0 Then sayac = sayac + 1 End If Next i Seslisay = sayac End Function TextBox2 = cint(Sheets("9b").Cells(x, 7)) TextBox3 = cint(Sheets("9b").Cells(x, 8)). Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "dd""/""mm""/""yyyy") End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If TextBox1.Text > "" Then If Not IsDate(TextBox1.Text) Then MsgBox "Tarih geerli deil", vbInformation TextBox1.SetFocus Exit Sub End If End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox4_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) tarih = Calendar2.Value TextBox6 = DateSerial(Year(tarih), Month(tarih) + 6, Day(tarih)) End Sub Dim Date1 As Date, Date2 As Date Dim yil As Integer, ay As Integer, gun As Integer Date1 = DateSerial(Year(Text1), Month(Text1), Day(Text1)) Date2 = DateSerial(Year(Text2), Month(Text2), Day(Text2)) Date2 = DateAdd("d", 1, Date2) 'BENM EKLEDM SATIR yil = DateDiff("yyyy", Date1, Date2) ay = DateDiff("m", Date1, Date2) + (Day(Date1) > Day(Date2)) yil = yil + ((ay - yil * 12) < 0) ay = ay Mod 12 gun = DateDiff("d", Date1, Date2) - DateDiff("d", Date1, DateAdd("yyyy", yil, DateAdd("m", ay, Date1))) Text3 = yil & " yl, " & ay & " ay ve " & gun & " gn." Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) < 10 Then TextBox1 = Replace(TextBox1, " ", "") Else TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1, "0(###) ### ## ##") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) >= 16 Then TextBox1 = Left(TextBox1, 16) If Len(TextBox1.Text) < 10 Then TextBox1 = Replace(TextBox1, " ", "") Else TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1, "0(###) ### ## ##") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() If Len(TextBox1.Text) >= 15 Then TextBox1 = Left(TextBox1, 15) If Len(TextBox1.Text) < 10 Then TextBox1 = Replace(TextBox1, " ", "") Else TextBox1.Text = Format(TextBox1, "(###) ### ## ##") End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "(###)"".""###"".""##"".""##") End Sub Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = CInt(TextBox1) + CInt(TextBox2) End Sub veya Private Sub TextBox3_Enter() TextBox3 = Val(TextBox1) + Val(TextBox2) End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1.MaxLength = 7 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, "###,###.00") End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim i As Byte If Len(TextBox1) > 0 Then For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Call Myxxrt(Worksheets(i).Name) Next End If End Sub Private Function Myxxrt(ShName As String) Dim MyRng As Range On Error Resume Next Set MyRng = Range(Sheets(ShName).Cells.Find(TextBox1, LookAt:=xlWhole).Address) MsgBox "Aranlan deer " & ShName & " sayfasnda " & MyRng.Address(False, False) & " hcresinde bulundu !" Set MyRng = Nothing End Function Public Function AutoType(c As Control, KeyAscii As Integer) As Integer AutoType = KeyAscii If KeyAscii > 95 And KeyAscii < 123 Then If c.SelStart = 0 Then AutoType = AutoType - 32 ElseIf Mid$(c.Text, c.SelStart, 1) < "!" Then AutoType = AutoType - 32 End If End If End Function Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) KeyAscii = AutoType(Screen.ActiveControl, KeyAscii) End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1, ("##,###.## Ytl")) End Sub Hibir deiiklik yapmadan gstermesi lazm mesela A1 hcrenizde gzkecekse bu veri (A1 hcreniz genel olsun) aadaki gibi yazabilirsiniz Private Sub TextBox6_KeyUp(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If TextBox6 Like "#" Then TextBox6 = TextBox6 & "/" Range("a1") = TextBox6 End Sub On Error GoTo ErrHand: With TextBox1 If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Or KeyCode = vbKeyBack Then KeyCode = vbKeySelect .SelStart = .SelStart - 1 .SelLength = 1 ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then KeyCode = vbKeySelect .SelStart = .SelStart + 1 .SelLength = 1 ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyDelete Then KeyCode = vbKeySelect If .SelText = "." Then .SelText = "." Else .SelText = "#" End If .SelStart = .SelStart - 1 .SelLength = 1 ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyHome Then KeyCode = vbKeySelect .SelStart = 0 .SelLength = 1 ElseIf KeyCode = vbKeyEnd Then KeyCode = vbKeySelect .SelStart = Len(TextBox1) - 1 .SelLength = 1 End If End With Exit Sub ErrHand: KeyCode = vbKeySelect TextBox1.SelStart = 0 TextBox1.SelLength = 1 End Sub

UserFormda TextBoxlar ayorsun.Diyelimki 5 tane.TextBox1,2....5.UserFormun Initialize ksmna Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Text = Range("d5").Text TextBox2.Text = Range("d6").Text TextBox3.Text = Range("d7").Text TextBox4.Text = Range("d8").Text TextBox5.Text = Range("d9").Text End Sub

MsgBox TextBox1.Text & " SML AHISIN KAYDI GNCELLENMTR.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "KAYIT GNCELLEND" Private Sub TextBox1_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) If IsNumeric(TextBox1) Then MsgBox "KAYDETMEKTE OLDUUNUZ KART BLM KARTIDIR. PERSONEL N BU KART KODUNUN ALTINDA PERSONEL K End Sub Tools>References blmnden microsoft speech object library'i ekleyin 1 adet UserForm oluturun 1 adet TextBox 1 adet CommanButton Dim konus As New SpeechLib.SpVoice Private Sub UserForm_Activate() TextBox1.Text = "buraya istediini yaz" End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() konus.Speak TextBox1.Text End Sub TextBox1.SetFocus Sub timerMsg() Dim alertTime MsgBox "The alarm will go off in 3 seconds!" alertTime = Now + TimeValue("00:00:03") Application.OnTime alertTime, "msg" End Sub Sub msg() MsgBox "Three Seconds is up!" End Sub Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() On Error Resume Next TextBox1 = Format(TextBox1.Value, "#,##0") TextBox2.Value = Format(TextBox1.Value / 1000000, "#,##0.00") End Sub Denetim Ara Kutusu (Control Toolbox) Ara ubuundan ToggleButton If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then ToggleButton1.Caption = "SL" Range("A3") = Range("A1") + Range("A2") Else ToggleButton1.Caption = "TOPLA" Range("A3").ClearContents End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For i = 1 To 5 Toolbar1.Buttons.Add.Caption = i For x = 1 To 5 Toolbar1.Buttons(i).ButtonMenus.Add.Text = x Toolbar1.Buttons(i).Style = tbrDropdown Next x Next i End Sub Private Sub

Option Explicit Sub AutoSum1() CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=226).Execute Application.SendKeys "~" End Sub Sub AutoSum2() With Application.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=226) .Execute .Execute End With End Sub Bul = Evaluate("=SumProduct((B2:B65536 = ""A"") * (D2:D65536=""P""))") 1. MySum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("A1:A20")) MsgBox MySum 2. Range("a21") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("a1:a20")) 3.. Range("A21").Formula = "=Sum(A1:A20)" 4. Range("A21").Formula = "=topla(A1:A20)+S(" & Chr(34) & "Bu forml makro ile yazlmtr" & Chr(34) & ")" Sub sfrgizle() For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows If Application.Sum(rngRow) = 0 Then rngRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next rngRow End Sub Private Sub TreeView1_Click() On Error GoTo son Dim bak As Range Dim a As String a = UserForm1.TreeView1.SelectedItem.Text If a <> "" Then Sayfa2.Select For Each bak In Sayfa2.Range("B2:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sayfa2.Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(a, vbUpperCase) Then ' .ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select With UserForm1 .TextBox1.Value = bak.Offset(0, 0) 'ad soyad .TextBox4.Value = bak.Offset(0, 1) 'grevi .TextBox2.Value = bak.Offset(0, 3) 'tc kimlik no .TextBox3.Value = bak.Offset(0, 2) 'sicil no End With Exit Sub End If Next bak Else Exit Sub End If son: MsgBox "Aradnz isimde bir kayt bulunamad" End Sub Private Sub TreeView1_DblClick() ActiveCell = TreeView1.SelectedItem.Text End Sub Sub Wert_aus_inputBox_in_A1() Cells(1, 1) = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie den Wert ein, der in Zelle A1 geschrieben werden soll:") End Sub Sub Wert_aus_inputBox_in_A1() Cells(1, 1) = InputBox("Bitte geben Sie den Wert ein, der in Zelle A1 geschrieben werden soll:") End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) MsgBox "Baslan Tuun Ascii Deeri :" & KeyAscii End Sub Private Sub TextBox2_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) MsgBox KeyCode End Sub Sub MsqXP() Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentIndicatorOnly End Sub Sub AffXP() Application.DisplayCommentIndicator = xlCommentAndIndicator End Sub Sub LstBO() 'Worksheets("LstBO").Select For Each cbar In CommandBars x=x+1 [A1] = "Nom de la barre d'outils" [A1].Offset(x, 0) = cbar.Name [B1] = "Nom local de la barre d'outils" [B1].Offset(x, 0) = cbar.NameLocal [C1] = "Visible" [C1].Offset(x, 0) = cbar.Visible Next End Sub Sub ResetAllCheckBoxesInUserForm() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then ctrl.Value = False End If Next ctrl End Sub Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1 Sub FindAllFiles() Dim strPathToSearch As String strPathToSearch = "C:\" ShellExecute _ 0, _ "find", _ strPathToSearch, _ vbNullString, _ vbNullString, _ SW_SHOWNORMAL End Sub Sub ShowFileOpenDialog() Dim i As Integer i = Workbooks.Count ' count of open workbooks Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show ' displays the Open-dialog Select Case Workbooks.Count - i Case Is <= 0 ' no new workbooks opened MsgBox "You did not open any new workbooks!" Exit Sub Case 1 ' add your own code to work on the opened workbook MsgBox "You opened this workbook: " & ActiveWorkbook.Name Case Else ' add your own code to work on the opened workbooks MsgBox "You have opened " & Workbooks.Count - i & " workbooks." End Select End Sub

Sub hepsini_sil() If MsgBox("Projedeki btn kodlar siliyor dikkat etmek lazm." & vbCrLf & "Btn kodlar silinsin mi?", vbYesNo, "AMAN DKKAT!!!") = vbNo Then Exit Sub For Each modul In ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents With modul.codemodule .deletelines 1, .countoflines End With Next End Sub Sub Test() For i = UserForms.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1 Unload UserForms(i) Next End Sub Sub Test2() For Each MyForm In UserForms Unload MyForm Next MyForm End Sub Sub MasqueColonneLigne() On Error Resume Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False Numligne = InputBox(Prompt:="Taper les numros de lignes. ( Ex. 8:12 - Maxi = 65536)") NumColonne = InputBox(Prompt:="Taper les numros de colonnes. ( Ex. J:D - Maxi = IV )") Rows(Numligne).Select Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True Columns(NumColonne).Select Selection.EntireColumn.Hidden = True End Sub Sub Un_Hide_All() Dim sh As Worksheet For Each sh In Worksheets sh.Visible = True Next End Sub Sub UnhideAllSheets() Dim wsSheet As Worksheet For Each wsSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible Next wsSheet End Sub Sub UnhideSomeSheets() Dim sSheetName As String Dim sMessage As String Dim Msgres As VbMsgBoxResult For Each wsSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetHidden Then sSheetName = wsSheet.Name sMessage = "Unhide the following sheet?" _ & vbNewLine & sSheetName Msgres = MsgBox(sMessage, vbYesNo) If Msgres = vbYes Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible End If Next wsSheet End Sub Sub InGross() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value = UCase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub Sub UpperCase() Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Selection.Cells If cell.HasFormula = False Then cell = UCase(cell) End If Next End Sub

Sub InKlein() For Each c In Selection.Cells c.Value = LCase$(c.Value) Next c End Sub Sub ProtectAllSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim sOrigSheet As String Dim sOrigCell As String Dim J As Integer Dim sPWord As String Application.ScreenUpdating = False sOrigSheet = ActiveSheet.Name sOrigCell = ActiveCell.Address sPWord = InputBox("What password?", "Protect All") If sPWord > "" Then For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Select ws.Protect Password:=sPWord Next ws End If Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("" & sOrigSheet & "").Range("" & sOrigCell & "") Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub ChartUnProtect() Dim wks As Worksheet Dim cht As Chart Dim chtObj As ChartObject Dim PW As String PW = "mypass" 'Unprotect all Chart sheets For Each cht In ActiveWorkbook.Charts Sheets(cht.Name).Unprotect password:=PW Next 'Unlock all Chart objects on each worksheet For Each wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets wks.Unprotect password:=PW For Each chtObj In wks.ChartObjects wks.DrawingObjects(chtObj.Name).Locked = False Next wks.Protect password:=PW Next End Sub Sub ProtectAllSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim sOrigSheet As String Dim sOrigCell As String Dim J As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False sOrigSheet = ActiveSheet.Name sOrigCell = ActiveCell.Address For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Select ws.Protect Password:="Password" Next ws Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("" & sOrigSheet & "").Range("" & sOrigCell & "") Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

Thisworkbook'a Option Explicit Sub Zeilen_pro_Spalte_zaehlen() Dim x As Integer, y As Long For x = 1 To ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count y = Cells(65536, x).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox "Stun " & x & ", Satr " & y & " dolu hcredir" Next End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Static OldIndex As Integer Static OldCell As Range On Error Resume Next OldCell.Interior.ColorIndex = OldIndex If Not OldCell Is Nothing Then OldIndex = Target.Interior.ColorIndex End If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Set OldCell = Target End Sub Sub Klasr_Kopyala() Dim ds Set ds = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ds.CopyFolder "D:\Excelrnekleri", "C:\SXS" End Sub Dim sd As VBComponent Dim kodlar As CodeModule Dim Dosya Dim wb As Workbook i=2 On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set ObjFolder = CreateObject("Shell.Application").BrowseForFolder(0, "Klasr Seiniz...", &H4, "") pth = ObjFolder.items.Item.Path ChDir (pth) Dosya = Dir("*.xls") While Dosya <> "" Set wb = Workbooks.Open(pth & "\" & Dosya) Windows(wb.Name).Visible = False For Each sd In wb.VBProject.VBComponents Set kodlar = sd.CodeModule basla = kodlar.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1 If Err.Number = 0 Then Do Until basla >= kodlar.CountOfLines If Err.Number <> 0 Then Err.Clear: Exit Do ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(i, "A") = pth & "\" & Dosya ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(i, "B") = kodlar.ProcOfLine(basla, vbext_pk_Proc) ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(i, "C") = sd.Name basla = basla + kodlar.ProcCountLines(kodlar.ProcOfLine(basla, vbext_pk_Proc), vbext_pk_Proc) i=i+1 Loop Else Err.Clear End If Next Dosya = Dir wb.Close False Wend End Sub

Referanslardan Microsoft visual Basic for Applications Extensibility x.x sein Aktif kitaptaki makrolar, A stununa makronun adn, B stununu da yerini belirtecek ekilde listeler. Sub sirala() Dim sd As VBComponent Dim kodlar As CodeModule i=1 For Each sd In ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents Set kodlar = sd.CodeModule basla = kodlar.CountOfDeclarationLines + 1 Do Until basla >= kodlar.CountOfLines Cells(i, "A") = kodlar.ProcOfLine(basla, vbext_pk_Proc) Cells(i, "B") = sd.Name basla = basla + kodlar.ProcCountLines(kodlar.ProcOfLine(basla, vbext_pk_Proc), vbext_pk_Proc) i=i+1 Loop Next End Sub Sub ResetAllOptionButtonsInUserForm() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "OptionButton" Then ctrl.Value = False End If Next ctrl End Sub Sub Ekle_Nesne_TumSil() ActiveSheet.DrawingObjects.Delete End Sub Dim Picture As Object Dim Bak As String Dim Uzunluk As Byte Bak = InputBox("Hangi Trdeki Resim Silinecek?", "S. UZUNKPR", "WordArt") Uzunluk = Len(Bak) For Each Picture In ActiveSheet.shapes If Mid(Picture.Name, 1, Uzunluk) = Bak Then Picture.Delete End If Next Picture End Sub Sub sat_sut_giz() If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub If Rows(Rows.Count).Hidden = False And _ Columns(Columns.Count).Hidden = False Then Columns.Hidden = True Rows.Hidden = True With ActiveSheet.UsedRange .Columns.Hidden = False .Rows.Hidden = False End With Else Columns.Hidden = False Rows.Hidden = False End If End Sub Sub sat_sut_gos() If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub If Rows(Rows.Count).Hidden = True And _ Columns(Columns.Count).Hidden = True Then Columns.Hidden = False Rows.Hidden = False With ActiveSheet.UsedRange .Columns.Hidden = True .Rows.Hidden = True End With Else Columns.Hidden = True Rows.Hidden = True End If End Sub

Sub Blenden() If TypeName(ActiveSheet) <> "Worksheet" Then Exit Sub If Rows(Rows.Count).Hidden = False And _ Columns(Columns.Count).Hidden = False Then Columns.Hidden = True Rows.Hidden = True With ActiveSheet.UsedRange .Columns.Hidden = False .Rows.Hidden = False End With Else Columns.Hidden = False Rows.Hidden = False End If End Sub Thisworkbooka Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Excel.Range) Static OldIndex As Integer Static OldCell As Range On Error Resume Next OldCell.Interior.ColorIndex = OldIndex If Not OldCell Is Nothing Then OldIndex = Target.Interior.ColorIndex End If Target.Interior.ColorIndex = 6 Set OldCell = Target End Sub Sub Reset_Values_All_WSheets() Dim wSht As Worksheet Dim myRng As Range Dim allwShts As Sheets Dim cel As Range Set allwShts = Worksheets For Each wSht In allwShts Set myRng = wSht.Range("A1:A5, B6:B10, C1:C5, D4:D10") For Each cel In myRng If Not cel.HasFormula And cel.Value <> 0 Then cel.Value = 0 End If Next cel Next wSht End Sub For Each sht In Worksheets sht.DrawingObjects.Delete Next Thisworkbook a Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object) ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80 End Sub Sub a() On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = False For Each Sh In Sheets Sh.Visible = False Next Sh End Sub

Public bIsClosing As Boolean Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Sub HideAll() Application.ScreenUpdating = False For Each wsSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If wsSheet.CodeName = "Sheet1" Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible Else wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End If Next wsSheet Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Sub ShowAll() bIsClosing = False For Each wsSheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If wsSheet.CodeName <> "Sheet1" Then wsSheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible End If Next wsSheet Sheet1.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden End Sub Sub protectAll() Dim myCount Dim i myCount = Application.Sheets.Count Sheets(1).Select For i = 1 To myCount ActiveSheet.Protect If i = myCount Then End End If ActiveSheet.Next.Select Next i End Sub Sub SelectSheets1() Dim mySheet As Object For Each mySheet In Sheets With mySheet If .Visible = True Then .Select Replace:=False End With Next mySheet End Sub Sub SelectSheets() Dim myArray() As Variant Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To Sheets.Count ReDim Preserve myArray(i - 1) myArray(i - 1) = i Next i Sheets(myArray).Select End Sub Sub SelectSheets() Dim myArray() As Variant Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer j=0 For i = 1 To Sheets.Count If Sheets(i).Visible = True Then ReDim Preserve myArray(j) myArray(j) = i j=j+1 End If Next i Sheets(myArray).Select End Sub

Sub Addieren() Dim Summen! Summen = 0 For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count Summen = Summen + Worksheets(i).[A1] Next MsgBox Summen End Sub Sub Show_all_Drives() Dim myFSO As Object, myDrv As Object, drvCount, drvStr As String, vName As String, drvTyp As String Set myFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set drvCount = myFSO.Drives On Error Resume Next drvStr = "" For Each myDrv In drvCount Select Case myDrv.DriveType Case 0: drvTyp = "Unknown" Case 1: drvTyp = "Removable" Case 2: drvTyp = "Fixed" Case 3: drvTyp = "Network" Case 4: drvTyp = "CD-ROM" Case 5: drvTyp = "RAM Disk" End Select drvStr = drvStr & drvTyp & ": " & myDrv.DriveLetter & " - " '3 = Netzlaufwerk If myDrv.DriveType = 3 Then vName = myDrv.ShareName Else vName = myDrv.VolumeName End If drvStr = drvStr & vName & vbCrLf Next MsgBox drvStr End Sub Sub UnProtectAllSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim sOrigSheet As String Dim sOrigCell As String Dim J As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False sOrigSheet = ActiveSheet.Name sOrigCell = ActiveCell.Address For Each ws In Worksheets ws.Select ws.Unprotect Password:="Password" Next ws Application.GoTo Reference:=Worksheets("" & sOrigSheet & "").Range("" & sOrigCell & "") Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = "" End If Next ctrl End Sub Sub OuvreTXT() lanceur = Shell("C:\windows\notepad.exe c:\ali.txt", 1) End Sub Sub a1txt() Var = [A1] FichierTXT = "C:\a\a.txt" ' modifier If Len(Dir(FichierTXT)) > 1 Then Kill FichierTXT Open FichierTXT For Output As 1 Print #1, Var Close End Sub

Sub txt_import() pir = Application.GetOpenFilename("Txt-Dosyas , *.TXT") Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=pir, Origin:=xlWindows _ , StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:= _ xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, Semicolon _ :=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo _ :=Array(1, 1) End Sub

Dim FileName As String Dim FileNum As Integer Dim ResultStr As String Dim wsSheet As Worksheet Dim strValues() As String Dim lngRows As Long Dim lngRow As Long Dim intSheet As Integer Dim intCounter As Integer FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Textdateien " & _ "(*.txt; *.csv),*.txt; *.csv") If FileName = "" Or FileName = "Falsch" Then Exit Sub FileNum = FreeFile() Open FileName For Input As #FileNum Application.ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks.Add template:=xlWorksheet lngRows = ActiveSheet.Rows.Count lngRow = 1 intSheet = 1 ReDim strValues(lngRows, 1) Application.StatusBar = "Blatt " & intSheet & " wird eingelesen" Do While Seek(FileNum) <= LOF(FileNum) Line Input #FileNum, ResultStr If Left(ResultStr, 1) = "=" Then strValues(lngRow, 1) = "'" & ResultStr Else strValues(lngRow, 1) = ResultStr End If If lngRow < lngRows Then lngRow = lngRow + 1 Else ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A" & lngRows) = strValues ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count) ReDim strValues(lngRows, 1) lngRow = 1 intSheet = intSheet + 1 Application.StatusBar = "Blatt " & intSheet & " wird eingelesen" End If Loop Close ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A" & lngRows) = strValues If MsgBox("Sollen die eingelesenen Daten auf Spalten verteilt werden?", _ vbYesNo, "Text in Spalten") = vbNo Then Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.StatusBar = "Fertig" Exit Sub End If intSheet = 0 For Each wsSheet In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets intSheet = intSheet + 1 Application.StatusBar = "Daten von Blatt " & intSheet _ & " werden bearbeitet" With wsSheet .Range("A:A").TextToColumns Destination:=.Range("A1"), _ DataType:=xlDelimited, _ TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _ ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, _ Tab:=False, _ Semicolon:=True, _ Comma:=False, _ Space:=False, _ Other:=False End With Next wsSheet Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.StatusBar = "Fertig" End Sub

Sub DelFile() If Len(Dir("c:\metin.txt")) > 0 Then Kill "c:\metin.txt" MsgBox "Dosya silinmitir." Else MsgBox "byle bir dosya yok" End If End Sub rnein C altndaki bir txt dosyasn amak iin; visual basic kodu: Shell "notepad.exe " & "c:\deneme.txt"

Kendi klasrndeki bir txt dosyasn amak ii; visual basic kodu: Shell "notepad.exe " & ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\deneme.txt" art setiiniz comboboxa aadaki kodu kopyalayn. visual basic kodu: Private Sub CmbSart_Change() For a = 2 To [a65536].End(3).Row If CmbUrun = Cells(a, "a") And CmbSart = Cells(a, "b") Then TxtFiyat = Cells(a, "c") Exit Sub End If Next End Sub

rn comboboxuna da aadaki kodu kopyalayn. visual basic kodu: Private Sub CmbUrun_Click() CmbSart_Change End Sub

'// This Sub creates a registry key for '// HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Excel\Options '// Creates Ref to Windows Script Host Object Model '// C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\WSHOM.OCX Const strKey As String = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Excel\Options\UndoHistory" Const strType As String = "REG_DWORD" Const dVal = 16 ' Change this NB: > 100 Not recomended by Microsoft Sub ChangeXlUndoHistory() Dim objWSH As Object Set objWSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objWSH.RegWrite strKey, dVal, strType Set objWSH = Nothing MsgBox ReadRegEdit(strKey) End Sub '// To Read a Key Function ReadRegEdit(key) Dim Ws, Tmp Set Ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Tmp = Ws.RegRead(key) If Tmp = "" Then ReadRegEdit = "" Else ReadRegEdit = Tmp End If Set Ws = Nothing End Function Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.Caption = "pir" End Sub Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bEnable As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() EnableWindow FindWindowA("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), 1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hWnd As Long hWnd = FindWindowA(vbNullString, Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hWnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hWnd, -16) Or &H20000 End Sub

Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", _ "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ' Rcupration de l'heure d'affichage de la BdD TimeDebut = Timer ' Donne la main excel pour facilit l'affichage de la BdD DoEvents ' Boucle tant que 2 secondes ne se sont pas coul While Timer < TimeDebut + 10 Wend ' Fermeture de la BdD Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 3) Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "arpdan kapatmak yasaktr!" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Call kaydet Unload Me End Sub Sub kaydet() Sheets("sayfa1").Select End Sub Private Sub UserForm_activate() Dim T Me.Repaint T = Timer + 10 Do While Timer < T Loop Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = 0 Then Cancel = 1 MsgBox "Ltfen butonu kullannz", _ vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "k ptali" End If End Sub Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal ClassName As String, _ ByVal WindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Click() MsgBox FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", "UserForm1") End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Application.Quit End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() UserForm1.Top = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With UserForm1 .Height = Application.Height .Width = Application.Width End With End Sub MsgBox UserForm1.Controls.Count TextBox1.SetFocus OLDH = UserForm1.Height OLDW = UserForm1.Width Me.Caption = "SAYMANLIK LEM F K A P A N I Y O R..." PauseTime = 1 Start = Timer Do While Timer < Start + PauseTime DoEvents Loop Dim i As Integer For i = 1 To 220 With UserForm1 .Top = UserForm1.Top + 0.7 .Left = UserForm1.Left + 0.51 .Height = UserForm1.Height - 1.3 .Width = UserForm1.Width - 1 End With UserForm1.Repaint Next i With UserForm1 .Height = OLDH .Width = OLDW .StartUpPosition = 2 End With Unload Me Dim rectangle As RECT fen = GetActiveWindow() Call GetWindowRect(fen, rectangle) For num = 1 To 1750 Call MoveWindow(fen, 250 + 200 * Sin(num * 16.28 / 500), 200 + 200 * Cos(num * 2.28 / 500), 500, 500, True) Next Call MoveWindow(fen, rectangle.Left, rectangle.Top, rectangle.Right - rectangle.Left, rectangle.Bottom - rectangle.Top, True) Unload UserForm1 Application.Quit ActiveWorkbook.Close False End Sub

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "Kernel32" (ByVal Zeit As Long) Dim pir As Boolean Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, By Private Function CallWebSite(ByVal URL As String) As Long CallWebSite = ShellExecute(0&, vbNullString, URL, vbNullString, vbNullString, vbMaximizedFocus) End Function Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Label1_Click() CallWebSite (Label1.Caption) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _ CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "Bu ekilde kmak yasak !", 64, "Information" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Me.Width = 40 Me.Height = 180 While Me.Width < 255 Me.Width = Me.Width + 1 Me.Height = Me.Height + 1 Me.StartUpPosition = 1 DoEvents Sleep 5 If pir = True Then Exit Sub Wend End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Click() Me.Width = 120 Me.Height = 180 pir = True End Sub Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim hWndForm As Long, frmStyle As Long hWndForm = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) frmStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndForm, (-16)) frmStyle = frmStyle Or &H80000 Or &H20000 Or &H10000 SetWindowLong hWndForm, (-16), frmStyle ShowWindow hWndForm, 5 DrawMenuBar hWndForm End Sub 'Ayr bir kod ise Userformun alnda tam ekran olarak gelmesi. Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Application Me.Top = .Top Me.Left = .Left Me.Height = .Height Me.Width = .Width End With End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Application .WindowState = xlMaximized Zoom = Int(.Width / Me.Width * 100) Width = .Width Height = .Height End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() UserForm1.Left = 600 UserForm1.Top = 425 End Sub Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib _ "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Const SM_CYSCREEN As Long = 1 Private Const SM_CXSCREEN As Long = 0 'Position Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _ "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _ lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd _ As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _ ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() BildschirmBreite = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) BildschirmHhe = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) UserformBreite = 350 UserformHhe = 450 wHandle = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) MoveWindow wHandle, BildschirmBreite - UserformBreite, _ 0, UserformBreite, UserformHhe, 1 End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False dolusay = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("1").[a1:a65000]) + 1 Worksheets("1").Cells(dolusay, "a").Value = dolusay - 1 dolusay = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("1").[a1:a65000]) Worksheets("1").Cells(dolusay, "b").Value = cbAd.Value dolusay = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("1").[a1:a65000]) Worksheets("1").Cells(dolusay, "c").Value = TextBox1.Value End Sub Sheets("Formunuzun Bulunmasn istediiz sayfa").Select Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Application Me.Top = .Top Me.Left = .Left Me.Height = .Height Me.Width = .Width End With End Sub Private Declare Function GetSystemMetrics Lib _ "user32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Const SM_CYSCREEN As Long = 1 Private Const SM_CXSCREEN As Long = 0 'Position Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _ "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _ lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function MoveWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd _ As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, _ ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() BildschirmBreite = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) BildschirmHhe = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) wHandle = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) MoveWindow wHandle, 0, 0, BildschirmBreite, BildschirmHhe, 1 End Sub

Bir adet Userform oluturun ve caption a uzun bireyler yazn. Tabiiki birde CommandButton koyacaksnz... Sub HarfHarf (ref As UserForm1) baslik = ref.Caption ref.Caption = "" For i = 0 To Len(baslik) If i = 0 Then ref.Caption = "" current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.1 DoEvents Loop GoTo Son Else End If ref.Caption = Left(baslik, i) current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.01 DoEvents Loop Son: Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() HarfHarf Me End Sub Bir adet Userform oluturun ve caption a uzun bireyler yazn. Bir de CommandButton Sub HarfHarf (ref As UserForm1) baslik = ref.Caption ref.Caption = "" For i = 0 To Len(baslik) If i = 0 Then ref.Caption = "" current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.1 DoEvents Loop GoTo Son Else End If ref.Caption = Left(baslik, i) current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.01 DoEvents Loop Son: Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() HarfHarf Me End Sub Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Selection.AutoFilter Columns("B:B").Select Selection.AutoFilter Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _ DataOption1:=xlSortNormal Range("E6").Select End Sub

Userforma aadaki kodu; Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() For a = 2 To [c65536].End(3).Row If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("c2:c" & a), Cells(a, "c")) = 1 Then ComboBox1.AddItem Cells(a, "c") Next ListBox1.ColumnCount = 9 ListBox1.ColumnWidths = "50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50;50" End Sub comboboxada aadaki kodu kopyalayarak deneyin. visual basic kodu: Private Sub ComboBox1_Click() TextBox1 = WorksheetFunction.SumIf([c:c], ComboBox1, [d:d]) TextBox2 = WorksheetFunction.SumIf([c:c], ComboBox1, [g:g]) TextBox3 = WorksheetFunction.SumIf([c:c], ComboBox1, [i:i]) For sat = 2 To [c65536].End(3).Row If Cells(sat, "c") = ComboBox1 Then c=c+1 For sut = 1 To 9 ListBox1.AddItem ListBox1.List(c - 1, sut - 1) = Cells(sat, sut) Next End If Next End Sub Bu bir API'dir Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub

Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const

WS_SYSMENU As Long = &H80000 WS_THICKFRAME As Long = &H40000 WS_MINIMIZEBOX As Long = &H20000 WS_MAXIMIZEBOX As Long = &H10000 WS_POPUP As Long = &H80000000 WS_VISIBLE As Long = &H10000000 WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME As Long = &H1 WS_EX_APPWINDOW As Long = &H40000 WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW As Long = &H80

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal ClassName As String, _ ByVal WindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal Index As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal Index As Long, _ ByVal NewLong As Long) As Long Const GWL_STYLE = -16 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hWnd As Long Dim Style As Long If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then hWnd = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) Else hWnd = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) End If Style = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) Style = (Style And Not WS_SYSMENU) SetWindowLong hWnd, GWL_STYLE, Style End Sub Sub Auto_Open () Userform1.Show End Sub Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bEnable As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() EnableWindow FindWindowA("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), 1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hWnd As Long hWnd = FindWindowA(vbNullString, Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hWnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hWnd, -16) Or &H20000 End Sub

Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function EnableWindow Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal bEnable As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() EnableWindow FindWindowA("XLMAIN", Application.Caption), 1 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hWnd As Long hWnd = FindWindowA(vbNullString, Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hWnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hWnd, -16) Or &H20000 End Sub

Dim iChartType As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() 'Initialise the selections cb3D = True obColumn = True obBitmap = True End Sub Private Sub btnOK_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cb3D_Click() Select Case True Case obColumn obColumn_Click Case obLine obLine_Click Case obArea obArea_Click End Select End Sub Private Sub obColumn_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DColumn, xlColumnClustered) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obLine_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DLine, xlLine) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obArea_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DArea, xlArea) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obBitmap_Click() UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obMetafile_Click() UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub UpdateChart() Dim oCht As Chart, lPicType As Long 'Find the chart object on the sheet Set oCht = Sheet1.ChartObjects(1).Chart 'Recalculate the sheet to give us a new set of random points Sheet1.Calculate 'Do we want a metafile or a bitmap? 'If doing a 1 to 1 copy, xlBitmap will give a 'truer' rendition. 'If scaling the image, xlPicture will give better results lPicType = IIf(obMetafile, xlPicture, xlBitmap) 'Update the chart type and copy it to the clipboard, as seen on screen With oCht .ChartType = iChartType .CopyPicture xlScreen, lPicType, xlScreen End With 'Paste the picture from the clipboard into our image control Set imgChtPic.Picture = PastePicture(lPicType) End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click() Dim vFile As Variant, sFilter As String, lPicType As Long, oPic As IPictureDisp

Dim iChartType As Long Private Sub UserForm_Activate() 'Initialise the selections cb3D = True obColumn = True obBitmap = True End Sub Private Sub btnOK_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub cb3D_Click() Select Case True Case obColumn obColumn_Click Case obLine obLine_Click Case obArea obArea_Click End Select End Sub Private Sub obColumn_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DColumn, xlColumnClustered) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obLine_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DLine, xlLine) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obArea_Click() iChartType = IIf(cb3D, xl3DArea, xlArea) UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obBitmap_Click() UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub obMetafile_Click() UpdateChart End Sub Private Sub UpdateChart() Dim oCht As Chart, lPicType As Long 'Find the chart object on the sheet Set oCht = Sheet1.ChartObjects(1).Chart 'Recalculate the sheet to give us a new set of random points Sheet1.Calculate 'Do we want a metafile or a bitmap? 'If doing a 1 to 1 copy, xlBitmap will give a 'truer' rendition. 'If scaling the image, xlPicture will give better results lPicType = IIf(obMetafile, xlPicture, xlBitmap) 'Update the chart type and copy it to the clipboard, as seen on screen With oCht .ChartType = iChartType .CopyPicture xlScreen, lPicType, xlScreen End With 'Paste the picture from the clipboard into our image control Set imgChtPic.Picture = PastePicture(lPicType) End Sub Private Sub btnSave_Click() Dim vFile As Variant, sFilter As String, lPicType As Long, oPic As IPictureDisp

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() bitis = 65000 baslangic = Now() For n = 2 To bitis Cells(n, 1).Value = n Cells(1, 1).Value = "leminiz yaplyor. %" & Int(n * 100 / bitis) & " Tamamland !" Next Cells(1, 1).Value = "leminiz yapld. " & Int(((Now() - baslangic) * 24 * 60 * 60)) & " Tamamland !" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "Diese UserForm kann nur ber den Button 'Beenden' geschlossen werden!", vbOKOnly, "Schliessen der UserForm erfolglos !!!" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Value = ActiveSheet.Name Label1.Caption = ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Dier nesneleride aynen uygulanabilir. Private Sub UserForm_Click() MsgBox ActiveSheet.Name End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Do Label1.Caption = Format(Now, " - hh:mm:ss") DoEvents Loop End Sub Private Sub UserForm_DeActivate() UserForm_Activate False End Sub Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Do Label1.Caption = Format(Now, " - hh:mm:ss") DoEvents Loop End Sub Private Sub UserForm_DeActivate() UserForm_Activate False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() WebBrowser1.Navigate "C:\Documents and Settings\xp\Belgelerim\Resimlerim\Resimlerim\Hareketli_resimler\0kop1.gif" WebBrowser2.Navigate "" End Sub Private Sub TextBox7_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) TextBox7 = Format(TextBox7.Value, "#,##0.00") If IsNumeric(TextBox7) And IsNumeric(TextBox6) Then If TextBox11 <> "" Then TextBox8 = (CCur(TextBox7) - CCur(TextBox7) * CCur(TextBox11) / 100) * CCur(TextBox6) Exit Sub End If TextBox8 = CCur(TextBox7) * CCur(TextBox6) End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Unload Me ThisWorkbook.Save ThisWorkbook.Close End Sub

Resim semek iin ComboBox'a ift tklayp oklu seim yapmanz ve A'a tklamak yeterlidir. ComboBox'tan seilen resim Image'de grnr. Private Sub ComboBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim FD As FileDialog Dim FFs As FileDialogFilters Dim stFileName As String Dim vaItem On Error GoTo Problem Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With FD Set FFs = .Filters With FFs .Clear .Add "Pictures", "*.jpg" End With .AllowMultiSelect = True If .Show = False Then Exit Sub ComboBox1.Clear For Each vaItem In .SelectedItems ComboBox1.AddItem vaItem Next vaItem ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End With Exit Sub Problem: MsgBox "Geerli bir resim dosyas deil." End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(ComboBox1.Text) End Sub

Resim semek iin ComboBox'a ift tklayp oklu seim yapmanz ve A'a tklamak yeterlidir. ComboBox'tan seilen resim Image'de grnr. Kod: Private Sub ComboBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean) Dim FD As FileDialog Dim FFs As FileDialogFilters Dim stFileName As String Dim vaItem On Error GoTo Problem Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With FD Set FFs = .Filters With FFs .Clear .Add "Pictures", "*.jpg" End With .AllowMultiSelect = True If .Show = False Then Exit Sub ComboBox1.Clear For Each vaItem In .SelectedItems ComboBox1.AddItem vaItem Next vaItem ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End With Exit Sub Problem: MsgBox "Geerli bir resim dosyas deil." End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(ComboBox1.Text) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() SAAT.Caption = Format(Time, "hh:mm:ss") End Sub Sub saat() UserForm1.Label1 = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy - hh:mm") zaman = TimeValue(DateAdd("s", 60 - Second(Now()), Now())) Application.OnTime zaman, "saat", , True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Module1.saat End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Application.OnTime zaman, "saat", , False End Sub

Module Global zaman Sub saat() UserForm1.Label1 = Format(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy - hh:mm") zaman = TimeValue(DateAdd("s", 60 - Second(Now()), Now())) Application.OnTime zaman, "saat", , True End Sub 'Userform ksmna Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Module1.saat End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Application.OnTime zaman, "saat", , False End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) End Sub 'bir nceki ay gsterecek commandbutton iin; Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If Month(Now) = 1 Then Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) - 1 Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) + 11 Exit Sub End If Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) - 1 End Sub 'imdiye geri dnecek commandbutton iin; Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) End Sub 'Bir sonraki ay gsterecek commandbutton iin; Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() If Month(Now) = 12 Then Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) + 1 Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) - 11 Exit Sub End If Calendar1.Year = Year(Now) Calendar1.Month = Month(Now) + 1 End Sub

combo1 de yllar combo2 de aylar (1,2,...12) 31 tanede textbox oldugunu varsaydim. Kod: Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() If ComboBox2 = 12 Then x = DateDiff("d", "1" & "." & ComboBox2 & "." & ComboBox1, "1" & "." & "1" & "." & ComboBox1 + 1) Else x = DateDiff("d", "1" & "." & ComboBox2 & "." & ComboBox1, "1" & "." & ComboBox2 + 1 & "." & ComboBox1) End If z=1 Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = "" End If Next ctrl For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = z If z = x Then Exit For z=z+1 End If Next ctrl End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1 = Val(TextBox2.Value) + Val(TextBox3.Value) End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Workbooks("nomduclasseur.xls").Close False End Sub

Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const Const

WS_SYSMENU As Long = &H80000 WS_THICKFRAME As Long = &H40000 WS_MINIMIZEBOX As Long = &H20000 WS_MAXIMIZEBOX As Long = &H10000 WS_POPUP As Long = &H80000000 WS_VISIBLE As Long = &H10000000 WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME As Long = &H1 WS_EX_APPWINDOW As Long = &H40000 WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW As Long = &H80

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" _ Alias "FindWindowA" ( _ ByVal ClassName As String, _ ByVal WindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "GetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal Index As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" _ Alias "SetWindowLongA" ( _ ByVal hWnd As Long, _ ByVal Index As Long, _ ByVal NewLong As Long) As Long Const GWL_STYLE = -16 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hWnd As Long Dim Style As Long If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then hWnd = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) Else hWnd = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) End If Style = GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) Style = (Style And Not WS_SYSMENU) SetWindowLong hWnd, GWL_STYLE, Style End Sub Sub ResetAllCheckBoxesInUserForm() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "CheckBox" Then ctrl.Value = False End If Next ctrl End Sub sub dosyabul() dim a as string a = application.findfile msgbox a end sub Sub ResetAllOptionButtonsInUserForm() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "OptionButton" Then ctrl.Value = False End If Next ctrl End Sub Sub ResetAllTextBoxesInUserForm() Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In UserForm1.Controls If TypeName(ctrl) = "TextBox" Then ctrl.Text = "" End If Next ctrl End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change() [a2] = TextBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.Hide Worksheets("sayfa1").PrintPreview Worksheets("sayfa1").PageSetup.PrintArea = "" Application.Visible = False UserForm1.Show End Sub UserForm kod modulne: Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("B" & ComboBox1.ListIndex + 2) = TextBox1 End Sub C:\Den altnda A ve B xls dosyalarm var. A userform1 de 5 tane commandbutton var B de de 5 tane userform var. Yapmak istediim u; A.xls Userform1 deki Commandbutton1 e tklandnda Commandbutton2 e tklandnda Commandbutton3 e tklandnda Commandbutton4 e tklandnda Commandbutton5 e tklandnda B.xls B.xls B.xls B.xls B.xls deki userform1 alsn deki userform2 alsn deki userform3 alsn deki userform4 alsn deki userform5 alsn


Aadaki kodu B.xls de bir Modle yazn. Kod: Sub ac() UserForm1.Show End Sub Aadaki koduda Butonunuzun olduu sayfann Kod blmne yaznz. Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.Run "B.xls!ac" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "UserForm kann nur mit Klick auf 'Beenden' geschlossen werden !" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Application.ScreenUpdating = False Workbooks("Combo rnekleri.xls").Close True End Sub

Dim EB As Object, LB As Object Dim vaList As Variant Dim oldText As String Sub TryIt() Sheets("Dialog1").Show End Sub Sub SetEditBox() With ActiveDialog Set EB = .EditBoxes(1) Set LB = .ListBoxes(1) .Focus = EB.Name End With EB.Text = "" LB.ListIndex = 0 vaList = LB.List End Sub Sub EditBoxAction() Dim i As Variant Dim ebText As String, lbText As String Dim iNums As Integer Static fSendKeys As Boolean If fSendKeys = True Then fSendKeys = False Exit Sub End If fSendKeys = False ebText = EB.Text If ebText = "" Then LB.ListIndex = 0 Else i = Application.Match(ebText & "*", vaList, 0) If IsError(i) = False Then LB.ListIndex = i lbText = LB.List(i) If Len(ebText) > Len(oldText) Or Left(ebText, Len(oldText)) <> ebText Then iNums = Len(lbText) - Len(ebText) If iNums > 0 Then SendKeys Right(lbText, iNums) & "+{LEFT " & iNums & "}" fSendKeys = True End If End If Else LB.ListIndex = 0 End If End If oldText = ebText End Sub Sub ListBoxAction() With LB EB.Text = LB.List(LB.ListIndex) End With oldText = EB.Text ActiveDialog.Focus = "ebMonth" SendKeys "{RIGHT}" End Sub

'Define a variable type to store the window coordinates Type typRect16 Left As Integer Top As Integer Right As Integer Bottom As Integer End Type 'Get the dimensions of the screen Declare Function GetSystemMetrics16 Lib "User" Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Integer) As Integer 'Get the handle for a window Declare Function FindWindow16 Lib "User" Alias "FindWindow" (ByVal szClass$, ByVal szTitle$) As Integer 'Get the dimensions of the window Declare Sub GetWindowRect16 Lib "User" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, lpRect As typRect16) 'Set the dimensions of the window Declare Sub Movewindow16 Lib "User" Alias "Movewindow" (ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, By '* Declare Windows API calls and data types - 32 bit for Windows 95 and NT * 'Define a variable type to store the window coordinates Type typRect32 Left As Long Top As Long Right As Long Bottom As Long End Type 'Get the dimensions of the screen Declare Function GetSystemMetrics32 Lib "user32" Alias "GetSystemMetrics" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long 'Get the handle for a window Declare Function FindWindow32 Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long 'Get the dimensions of the window Declare Function GetWindowRect32 Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowRect" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As typRect32) As Long 'Set the dimensions of the window Declare Function Movewindow32 Lib "user32" Alias "MoveWindow" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVa Sub CentreDialog() If InStr(1, Application.OperatingSystem, "32") = 0 Then CentreDialog16 Else CentreDialog32 End If End Sub Sub CentreDialog16() On Error Resume Next '*** DIMENSION VARIABLES *** Dim tRect As typRect16 'Variables to retrieve the screen dimensions with GetSystemMetrics API. Dim iScreenWidth As Integer Dim iScreenHeight As Integer 'Variable to store the window handle with FindWindow API. Dim ihWnd As Integer 'Variables to calculate the new dimensions for the window. Dim iWidth As Integer Dim iHeight As Integer Dim iLeft As Integer Dim iTop As Integer 'Get the handle of the dialog box window - 'bosa_sdm_XL' is the class name 'for an Excel 5 dialog box. ihWnd = FindWindow16("bosa_sdm_XL", ActiveDialog.DialogFrame.Text) 'Only continue if a valid handle is returned If ihWnd <> 0 Then 'Get the width and height of the screen in pixels iScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics16(0) iScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics16(1) 'Get the dimensions of the dialog box window in pixels GetWindowRect16 ihWnd, tRect 'Calculate the width and height of the dialog box iWidth = Abs(tRect.Right - tRect.Left) iHeight = Abs(tRect.Top - tRect.Bottom) 'Calculate the new position of the dialog box in pixels iLeft = (iScreenWidth - iWidth) / 2 iTop = (iScreenHeight - iHeight) / 2 'Move the dialog box to the centre of the screen Movewindow16 ihWnd, iLeft, iTop, iWidth, iHeight, True End If End Sub Sub CentreDialog32() On Error Resume Next '*** DIMENSION VARIABLES *** Dim tRect As typRect32 'Variables to retrieve the screen dimensions with GetSystemMetrics API. Dim iScreenWidth As Long Dim iScreenHeight As Long 'Variable to store the window handle with FindWindow API.

Dim dlg As DialogSheet ' global variable Sub SheetNavigation() Dim ws As Worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set dlg = ActiveWorkbook.DialogSheets.Add With dlg.DialogFrame .Left = 0 .Top = 0 .Height = 300 ' dialog height .Width = 300 ' dialog width End With dlg.Buttons(1).Left = 245 ' position of button1 dlg.Buttons(2).Left = 245 ' position of button2 With dlg.ListBoxes.Add(10, 15, 230, 275) ' size of listbox For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Visible Then .AddItem ws.Name Next ws .ListIndex = 0 .OnAction = "DisplaySheet" End With dlg.DialogFrame.Text = "Select the worksheet you want to activate" dlg.Visible = False Application.ScreenUpdating = True If dlg.Show Then Worksheets(dlg.ListBoxes(1).List(dlg.ListBoxes(1).ListIndex)).Activate End If Application.DisplayAlerts = False dlg.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True Set ws = Nothing Set dlg = Nothing End Sub Private Sub DisplaySheet() Sheets(dlg.ListBoxes(1).List(dlg.ListBoxes(1).ListIndex)).Activate End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "Bitte mit dem Button 'Beenden' schlieen!", vbOKOnly, "Websuche bei" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub cmdStopAlarm_Click() Me.Height = 55 End Sub 'Userformu ama (daraltlan) Private Sub cmdStopAlarm_Click() Me.Height = 185 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() If InputBox("ifreyi giriniz") <> "pir" Then MsgBox ("ifreyi bilemediniz.Bilgiler zerinde degiiklik yapamazsnz.....!") TextBox1.Locked = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() If InputBox("ifreyi giriniz") <> "pir" Then MsgBox ("ifreyi bilemediniz:Form Kapatlacak..!") Unload Me End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ' Forma ifre koyma (ifre bilgisayarn saati) rnek (10:02) If InputBox("ifreyi giriniz") <> Mid(Time, 1, 5) Then MsgBox ("ifreyi bilemediniz.bilgiler zerinde degiiklik yapamazsnz.") Text1.Locked = True End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.WindowState = xlMaximized Me.Left = Application.Width - Me.Width Me.Top = 0 End Sub

With Application .WindowState = xlMaximized Zoom = Int(.Width / Me.Width * 100) Width = .Width Height = .Height End With End Sub Fullscren ile ama bu seferde userin zerindeki nesneler farkllk yok.VB Kullanrsan olur.. Bu kodlar kod sayfann en bana yazarsan 3 Dme oluur.Kullanc istedii gibi bytr kltr. Kod: Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ShowWindow Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nCmdShow As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long ' Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim hWndForm As Long, frmStyle As Long hWndForm = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) frmStyle = GetWindowLong(hWndForm, (-16)) frmStyle = frmStyle Or &H80000 Or &H20000 Or &H10000 SetWindowLong hWndForm, (-16), frmStyle ShowWindow hWndForm, 5 DrawMenuBar hWndForm End Sub Ayr bir kod ise Userformun alnda tam ekran olarak gelmesi. Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With Application Me.Top = .Top Me.Left = .Left Me.Height = .Height Me.Width = .Width End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With UserForm1 .Height = Application.Height .Width = Application.Width End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() With UserForm1 .Height = Application.Height .Width = Application.Width End With End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.Height = Application.Height UserForm1.Width = Application.Width End Sub

1 adet UserForm '1 adet Label 'Aadaki kodlar UserForm'un kod blmne yaptrnz. Dim webtr Private Sub UserForm_Activate() webtr = GetSetting("snr", "snrla", "webtr", 0) If webtr >= 5 Then 'burdaki 5 rakam userformun ka kere alacan belirtiyor. SaveSetting "snr", "snrla", "webtr", 111111 MsgBox "zgnm UserForm 5 kere alm." & Chr(10) _ & "Aslanm hereyin fazlas HARAM", vbOKOnly, "Uyar" Unload Me End Else webtr = webtr + 1 SaveSetting "snr", "snrla", "webtr", webtr Label1.Caption = webtr & " oldu." End If End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True End Sub Aklama: UserFormun bandaki kapat butonunu pasif yapar (arpya basnca userform kapanmaz) Kod: Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then Cancel = True End Sub Bu da UserFormun arp iaretine tklaynca Mesaj kutusuyla uyar veriyor Kod: Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "arpdan kapatmak yasaktr!" Cancel = True End If End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger) If KeyAscii < 48 Or KeyAscii > 57 Then KeyAscii = 0: MsgBox " Harf girilmeyecek,Sadece Rakam Giriniz ....." End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode = vbFormControlMenu Then MsgBox "arpdan kapatmak yasaktr!" Cancel = True 'Bu satr MsgBox tan nce de yazabilirsiniz End If End Sub Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) If CloseMode <> 1 Then Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton2.Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) If KeyCode = 27 Then Unload Me End Sub Userformdaki optionbuttona aadaki kodlar Private Sub OptionButton1_Click() Me.Height = 153 zaman = Now + TimeValue("00:00:05") Application.OnTime zaman, "boyut" End Sub 'Bir module de aadaki kodlar yazn Sub boyut() UserForm4.Width = 320 End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() TextBox1.Value = Range("A1").Value TextBox2.Value = Range("A2").Value TextBox3.Value = Range("A3").Value End Sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Range("A1").Value = TextBox1.Value Range("A2").Value = TextBox2.Value Range("A3").Value = TextBox3.Value End Sub "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _ lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _ "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal _ hWnd As Long) As Long Private wHandle As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Me.Caption = "pir" Image1.Visible = False If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) Else wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) End If If wHandle = 0 Then Exit Sub hIcon = Image1.Picture SendMessage wHandle, &H80, True, hIcon SendMessage wHandle, &H80, False, hIcon frm = GetWindowLong(wHandle, -20) frm = frm And Not &H1 SetWindowLong wHandle, -20, frm DrawMenuBar wHandle End Sub UserForm'un Properties lerinden ShowModal ksmn False yaparsanz UserForm aktif iken hcrelerde gezebilirsiniz Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", _ "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub

Private Declare Function GetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLongA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long, _ ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindowA Lib "User32" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim hwnd As Long hwnd = FindWindowA("Thunder" & IIf(Application.Version Like "8*", _ "X", "D") & "Frame", Me.Caption) SetWindowLongA hwnd, -16, GetWindowLongA(hwnd, -16) And &HFFF7FFFF End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() TextBox1 = Val(TextBox2.Value) + Val(TextBox3.Value) End Sub maximize yapmak iinde Kod: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.WindowState = xlMaximized Me.Left = Application.Width - Me.Width Me.Top = 0 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i% Dim TMP$ ComboBox1.Clear For i = 1 To 12 TMP = Format(DateSerial(2004, i, 1), "mmmm") ComboBox1.AddItem TMP Next i ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i% Dim TMP$ ComboBox1.Clear For i = 1 To 12 TMP = Format(DateSerial(2004, i, 1), "mmmm") ComboBox1.AddItem TMP Next i ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Private Sub TextBox1_Change() [a2] = TextBox1.Text End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.PrintForm End Sub Gerekli olanlar 1 adet userform zerine commanbutton, Commandbutton'a yazacanz kod: Kod: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() UserForm1.PrintForm End Sub

"FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _ lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _ "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal _ hWnd As Long) As Long Private wHandle As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Me.Caption = "pir" Image1.Visible = False If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) Else wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) End If If wHandle = 0 Then Exit Sub hIcon = Image1.Picture SendMessage wHandle, &H80, True, hIcon SendMessage wHandle, &H80, False, hIcon frm = GetWindowLong(wHandle, -20) frm = frm And Not &H1 SetWindowLong wHandle, -20, frm DrawMenuBar wHandle End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UserForm1.Caption = "pir" End Sub

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias _ "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal _ lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias _ "SetWindowLongA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal nIndex _ As Long, ByVal dwNewLong As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias _ "SendMessageA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Private Declare Function DrawMenuBar Lib "user32" (ByVal _ hWnd As Long) As Long Private wHandle As Long Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() On Error Resume Next Me.Caption = "" Image1.Visible = False If Val(Application.Version) >= 9 Then wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderDFrame", Me.Caption) Else wHandle = FindWindow("ThunderXFrame", Me.Caption) End If If wHandle = 0 Then Exit Sub hIcon = Image1.Picture SendMessage wHandle, &H80, True, hIcon SendMessage wHandle, &H80, False, hIcon frm = GetWindowLong(wHandle, -20) frm = frm And Not &H1 SetWindowLong wHandle, -20, frm DrawMenuBar wHandle End Sub Sub HarfHarf(ref As UserForm1) baslik = ref.Caption ref.Caption = "" For i = 0 To Len(baslik) If i = 0 Then ref.Caption = "" current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.1 DoEvents Loop GoTo Son Else End If ref.Caption = Left(baslik, i) current = Timer Do While Timer - current < 0.01 DoEvents Loop Son: Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() HarfHarf Me End Sub

Bu CommandButton3 butonu UserForm6'daki mi?Yoksa UserForm3'de ayr bir CommandButton3'mi Var. Eer UserForm3'de ayr bir CommandButton3 var ise; UserForm''n Initialize olayna visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() CommandButton1.Visible = False End Sub --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Yazmanz gerek ..AKsi halde UserForm6 Unload Me ile kapanacandan dediiniz (UserForm6 zerindeyse CommandButton3) yapamazsnz.(*) Prensip olarak .Visible =True ve False ile gizlemeleri yapabilirsiniz. Gizlemeyipte Aktif veya Aktif olmamasn isterseniz .Enabled =True veya False yazmanz gerek. Kolay Gelsin. Sub assist() Application.Assistant.Visible = True Assistant.Animation = msoAnimationIdle Set SB = Assistant.NewBalloon SB.Animation = msoAnimationCheckingSomething SB.BalloonType = msoBalloonTypeButtons SB.Heading = "istediiniz uyar!!" SB.Text = _ "Ich bin Dein persnlicher Assistent" If SB.Show = msoBalloonButtonOK Then Assistant.Visible = False End If end sub Sub auto_open() Beep MsgBox "Mesaj Buraya!!", vbCritical, "nemli" End Sub Sub Dene() MsgBox "aa", 16, "hata" End Sub Sub Denee() MsgBox "aa", 64, "hata" End Sub Sub auto_open() Beep MsgBox "Mesaj Buraya!!", vbCritical, "nemli" End Sub Sub Meldung() For i = 1 To 100 Beep Next i Meld = MsgBox("Termin nicht vergessen!", 0, "A c h t u n g") End Sub Sayfa korumas olan hcreler seildiinde uyar mesaj veren bir kod oluturulabilir. Aadaki kodu sayfann kod sayfasna kopyalayarak deneyin. Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If ActiveCell.AllowEdit = False Then MsgBox "BU HCRE KORUMA ALTINDADIR" End Sub Sub Title_Caption() Application.Caption = "Mahmut_Bayram" End Sub

Option Explicit Public AppCap$ Public ActWinCap$ Private Sub Worksheet_Activate() Application.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value ActiveWindow.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("C1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("D1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("E1").Value End Sub Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Application.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value ActiveWindow.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("C1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("D1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("E1").Value End Sub 'ThisWorkbook a Option Explicit Public AppCap$ Public ActWinCap$ Private Sub Workbook_Activate() Application.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value ActiveWindow.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("C1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("D1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("E1").Value End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Application.Caption = AppCap ActiveWindow.Caption = ActWinCap End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate() Application.Caption = AppCap ActiveWindow.Caption = ActWinCap End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value ActiveWindow.Caption = Worksheets(1).Range("B1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("C1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("D1").Value & " / " & _ Worksheets(1).Range("E1").Value End Sub

Dim cmb As CommandBar Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("Standard") With cmb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _ Temporary:=True) .Caption = "Meine 1. Prozedur" .BeginGroup = True .FaceId = 59 .OnAction = "MeineProzedur1" End With With cmb.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton, _ Temporary:=True) .Caption = "Meine 2. Prozedur" .FaceId = 49 .OnAction = "MeineProzedur2" End With Set cmb = Nothing End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) Dim cmb As CommandBar Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("Standard") With cmb .Controls("Meine 1. Prozedur").Delete .Controls("Meine 2. Prozedur").Delete End With Set cmb = Nothing End Sub Sub MeineProzedur1() MsgBox Application.UserName End Sub Sub MeineProzedur2() MsgBox Now() End Sub Sub test() GetValuesFromAClosedWorkbook "C:", "Book1.xls", _ "Sheet1", "A1:K30" End Sub Sub GetValuesFromAClosedWorkbook(fPath As String, _ fName As String, sName, cellRange As String) With ActiveSheet.Range(cellRange) .FormulaArray = "='" & fPath & "\[" & fName & "]" _ & sName & "'!" & cellRange .Value = .Value End With End Sub Sub GetSheets() Dim j As Integer Dim NumSheets As Integer NumSheets = Sheets.Count For j = 1 To NumSheets Cells(j, 1) = Sheets(j).Name Next j End Sub Run ilem yapabilmesi iin altrmak istediiniz makronun bulunduu Excel dosyasn daha nceden am olmalsnz Sub ExcelMakrosunuCalistir() Dim xlApp As Object Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") xlApp.Run (FormAc) End Sub Appication.Run(varsa argmanlar1, varsa argmanlar2)

Sub DatenUmwandeln() Dim MyRange As Range Dim Cell As Range Application.ScreenUpdating = False Set MyRange = ActiveCell.CurrentRegion.Columns(7) For Each Cell In MyRange Cell.Select Application.SendKeys "{F2}+{ENTER}", True Next Cell End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer If Worksheets.Count = 1 Then Exit Sub For i = 1 To Worksheets.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To Worksheets.Count If Worksheets(j).Name < Worksheets(i).Name Then Worksheets(j).Move before:=Worksheets(i) End If Next j Next i End Sub Sub ViewCode() Application.Goto Reference:="Makro1" End Sub Bu kodu bir butona ataynz: Kod: Private Sub Workbook_Open() Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False '// Close ALL windows 1st! CmdControl 1695, False '// Visual basics Editor CmdControl 186, False '// Macros... CmdControl 184, False '// Record New Macro... CmdControl 1561, False '// View Code CmdControl 1605, False '// Design Mode Application.OnDoubleClick = "Dummy" Application.CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = False Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "Dummy" 'Workbooks.Open "C:\" 'add your stuff here ActiveWorkbook.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean) CmdControl 1695, True '// Visual basics Editor CmdControl 186, True '// Macros... CmdControl 184, True '// Record New Macro... CmdControl 1561, True '// View Code CmdControl 1605, True '// Design Mode Application.OnDoubleClick = "" Application.CommandBars("ToolBar List").Enabled = True 'thisone Application.OnKey "%{F11}", "" End Sub Sub CmdControl(Id As Integer, TF As Boolean) Dim CBar As CommandBar Dim C As CommandBarControl On Error Resume Next For Each CBar In Application.CommandBars Set C = CBar.FindControl(Id:=Id, recursive:=True) If Not C Is Nothing Then C.Enabled = TF Next End Sub Sub Dummy() MsgBox "Kstl Men" End Sub

Application.GoTo Refe

Kod: Sub Klasor_olustur() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder("C:\YeniKlasor") End Sub 2-Klasr Ad Deitirme Kod: Sub Klasor_ad_degistir() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.MoveFolder "C:\YeniKlasor\eski_adi", "C:\YeniKlasor\yeni_adi" End Sub 3-Klasr Silme Kod: Sub Klasor_sil() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.DeleteFolder ("C:\YeniKlasor") End Sub 4-Klasr Tama Kod: Sub Klasor_tasi() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.MoveFolder "C:\YeniKlasor", "D:\YeniKlasor" End Sub 5-Klasr Kopyalama Kod: Sub Klasor_kopyala() Const OverWriteFiles = True Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") objFSO.CopyFolder "C:\YeniKlasor", "C:\EskiKlasor", OverWriteFiles End Sub 6-Alt Klasr Listesi Kod: Sub Klasor_altklasor_listesi() Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\YeniKlasor") Set colSubfolders = objFolder.Subfolders For Each objSubfolder In colSubfolders MsgBox objSubfolder.Name, objSubfolder.Size Next End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() If TextBox1 > 1 And TextBox1 <= 3600# Then iade = TextBox1 * 0.08 If TextBox1 >= 3601# And TextBox1 <= 7200# Then iade = (((TextBox1 - 3600#) * 0.06) + (3600# * 0.08)) If TextBox1 >= 7201# And TextBox1 >= 7201# Then iade = (((TextBox1 - 7200#) * 0.04) + (7200# * 0.07)) MsgBox iade End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim r As Integer r = Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row Cells(r + 1, 2) = Range("a1") Application.ScreenUpdating = True End Sub

VERLER BULUR Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value Exit Sub End If Next bak MsgBox "Aradnz isimde bir kayt bulunamad" End Sub 'VER ARATIRKEN STUN SEMN GEN TUTARSAK BTN SAYFADA VER ARATABLRZ. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("a1:v" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a1:v65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select Exit Sub End If Next bak MsgBox "Aradnz isimde bir kayt bulunamad" End Sub BULUR VERLER Private Sub CommandButton6_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value TextBox2.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value Exit Sub End If Next bak MsgBox "Aradnz isimde bir kayt bulunamad" End Sub 'VER ARATIRKEN STUN SEMN GEN TUTARSAK BTN SAYFADA VER ARATABLRZ. Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("a1:v" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("a1:v65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select Exit Sub End If Next bak MsgBox "Aradnz isimde bir kayt bulunamad" End Sub

VERLER DETRR (DZENLEME YAPILANLARI KAYDEDER) Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("b1:b" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("b1:b65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select ActiveCell.Value = ComboBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox3.Value Workbooks("KTAP2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Verileriniz Baaryla Deitirildi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show Exit Sub End If Next bak End Sub VERLER DETRR (DZENLEME YAPILANLARI KAYDEDER) Private Sub CommandButton8_Click() Dim bak As Range For Each bak In Range("b1:b" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("b1:b65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then bak.Select ActiveCell.Value = ComboBox1.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value = TextBox3.Value Workbooks("KTAP2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Verileriniz Baaryla Deitirildi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show Exit Sub End If Next bak End Sub

Eer Sizin alma kitabnz sizden bakasnn deitirip kaydetmesini istemiyorsanz ki sorunuzdan bunu anladm yle bir koruma altna alabilirsiniz.Kodla Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave _ (ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) sifre = InputBox("Kayt iin ifreyi girmelisiniz", _ "KAYIT", "ifre girin") If sifre = "xxrt" Then MsgBox "Kayt ilemi tamamland", vbInformation, _ "KAYIT BAARILI" Else MsgBox "Yanl ifre girdiniz." & Chr(13) & _ "Dosya kaydedilemedi", vbCritical, "HATALI FRE" Cancel = True End If End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub ListBox1_Click() TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox1_Change() End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox2_Change() End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox3_Change() End Sub

VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub ListBox1_Click() TextBox1.Value = ListBox1.Value End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox1_Change() End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox2_Change() End Sub VER GRME LSTE KUTUSU Private Sub TextBox3_Change() End Sub DEER DETRC BUTONU LEV Private Sub SpinButton1_Change() TextBox1 = SpinButton1 'DEERN DETRLECE TextBox%SpinButton End Sub 'COMBOBOX&TEXTBOX'DAK VERLER AAI DORU KAYDIRIR. Private Sub SpinButton2_Change() TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value ComboBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'BRER BRER HC.AAI KAYDIRIR. End Sub DEER DETRC BUTONU LEV Private Sub SpinButton1_Change() TextBox1 = SpinButton1 'DEERN DETRLECE TextBox%SpinButton End Sub 'COMBOBOX&TEXTBOX'DAK VERLER AAI DORU KAYDIRIR. Private Sub SpinButton2_Change() TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Value ComboBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value TextBox3.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Value TextBox4.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value TextBox5.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value TextBox6.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Value ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select 'BRER BRER HC.AAI KAYDIRIR. End Sub Sub imprSansLigneVide() For Each Ligne In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows If Ligne.Cells(1, 1).Value = Empty Then 'si la cellule de la colonne A est vide, la ligne est masque Ligne.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next 'Recherche de la derniere cellule ActiveCell.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Select dercell = ActiveCell.Address 'definition de la zone d'impression zoneIMP = Range("A1", dercell).Address ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = zoneIMP ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1 End Sub

Excel de iki ayr stuna girilen verileri bir stn iine veri kayb olmadan toplamak. 'Bir adet modul oluturun ve iindeki kodlar modeln iine kopyalayn. Dim Sh_Src As String, Sh_Tgt As String Dim Sh_Src_Row As Integer, Sh_Src_Bas_Row As Integer, Sh_Src_Son_Row As Integer Sayfa = "sayfa1" Sh_Src_Bas_Row = 1 Sh_Src_Son_Row = 10 On Error GoTo Hata For Sh_Src_Row = Sh_Src_Bas_Row To Sh_Src_Son_Row If Trim(Sheets(Sayfa).Cells(Sh_Src_Row, "A")) = "" Then MsgBox "(Bo Veri)" & vbCrLf & "Hata Yeri!" & vbCrLf & "Sayfa Ad : " & Safya & vbCrLf & "Stn Ad : A" & Sh_Tgt_Row & "", vbCritical, "Hata..." Exit Sub Else Selection.Cells(C).Value = Selection.Cells(A).Value & " " & Selection.Cells(B).Value End If Next MsgBox "Aktarm lemi Bitti!", vbInformation, "BLG" Exit Sub Hata: MsgBox "Hata olutu!" & vbCrLf & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "HATA OLUTU!" Sub HideRows() For Each rngRow In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows If Application.Sum(rngRow) = 0 Then rngRow.EntireRow.Hidden = True End If Next rngRow End Sub Sub verili_yaz() Dim wc As Integer For wc = 1 To ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Count ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(wc).PrintOut Next wc End Sub

Sub PrintAllSheets() Dim First As Integer, Last As Integer '// Assumning Sheet1 is 1st sheet Sheets("Sheet1").Activate Last = Sheets.Count For First = 1 To Last With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .PrintTitleRows = "" .PrintTitleColumns = "" End With ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" '// set up the way you want here, this is just an example! With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .CenterHeader = "&F!&A" .RightHeader = "" .LeftFooter = "" .CenterFooter = "Page " & First & " of " & Last .RightFooter = "" & Application.Text(Now(), "yyyy") .PrintHeadings = False .PrintGridlines = False .PrintNotes = False .CenterHorizontally = True .CenterVertically = False .Orientation = xlPortrait .Draft = False .PaperSize = xlPaperLetter .FirstPageNumber = xlAutomatic .BlackAndWhite = False .Zoom = False .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True If First <> Last Then ActiveSheet.Next.Select Next First End Sub VERLER A'DAN Z'YE SIRALAR YAZILAN LKHARFE ENYAKIN SM BULUR Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() 'ListFillRange A2:A64997(vba zellikler mensne girilecek hc. Adreside buradan verilir.) ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 2 End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_GotFocus() ActiveSheet.ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Rows("2:65000").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Dim no no = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow If KeyCode = 13 Then Cells(no, 1).Activate End Sub

VERLER SLER Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Dim say As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim bos As Range For Each bos In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If ComboBox1.Value = "" Or bos = "" Or ActiveCell = "" Then MsgBox "nce aradnz veriyi BUL ile bulmalsnz" Exit Sub End If Next bos Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Address(False, False) & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Address(False, False)).Delete Shift:=xlUp say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A65000")) For i = 1 To say Cells(i + 1, 1) = i Next i Workbooks("kitap2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Veriniz Silindi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B1:B" & say + 1 TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub VERLER SLER Private Sub CommandButton7_Click() Dim say As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim bos As Range For Each bos In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If ComboBox1.Value = "" Or bos = "" Or ActiveCell = "" Then MsgBox "nce aradnz veriyi BUL ile bulmalsnz" Exit Sub End If Next bos Range(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Address(False, False) & ":" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Address(False, False)).Delete Shift:=xlUp say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A2:A65000")) For i = 1 To say Cells(i + 1, 1) = i Next i Workbooks("kitap2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Veriniz Silindi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B1:B" & say + 1 TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub VERLER A'DAN Z'YE SIRALAR YAZILAN LKHARFE ENYAKIN SM BULUR Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() 'ListFillRange A2:A64997(vba zellikler mensne girilecek hc. Adreside buradan verilir.) ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = ComboBox1.ListIndex + 2 End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_GotFocus() ActiveSheet.ComboBox1.ListIndex = -1 Rows("2:65000").Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom End Sub Private Sub ComboBox1_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer) Dim no no = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow If KeyCode = 13 Then Cells(no, 1).Activate End Sub

Sub ara() On Error Resume Next Application.ScreenUpdating = False sat = Sayfa1.Columns(1).Find(Sayfa2.[A1].Value).Row Sayfa1.Range("A" & sat, "F" & sat).Copy s = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Sayfa2.[B1:B65536]) Sayfa2.Range("B" & s + 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Sayfa1 Kod sayfasna;Kod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$a$1" Then Range("D54").Select End Sub Kodu yazdktan sonra A1 Hcresine geldiinizde D54 Hcresine gelecektir.Gerisini siz yaparsnz.Seilen Hcreyi renk vermek istersenizKod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$F$10" Then Range("d54").Select Range("d54").Interior.ColorIndex = 6 End Sub Seilen Hcreye Formul yazdrmak istersenizKod: Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If Target.Address = "$F$10" Then Range("d4").Select Range("d54").Formula = "=A1+A3" End Sub qc = WorksheetFunction.Ceiling([e5], 0.5) sat = 9 '*********** 3 kademe bol = 3: GoSub dagit '*********** 5 kademe bol = 5: GoSub dagit '*********** 7 kademe bol = 7: GoSub dagit '*********** 12 kademe bol = 12: GoSub dagit Exit Sub dagit: sat = sat + 1 st = WorksheetFunction.RoundUp(qc / bol, 0.5) par1 = qc - ((bol - 1) * st) par: If par1 < 0.5 Then st = st - 0.5 par1 = qc - ((bol - 1) * st) End If If par1 < 0.5 Then GoTo par If par1 < st Then Cells(sat, 6) = par1 Cells(sat, 6 + (bol - 1) * 2) = st Else Cells(sat, 6) = st Cells(sat, 6 + (bol - 1) * 2) = par1 End If For x = 8 To 6 + ((bol - 2) * 2) Step 2 Cells(sat, x) = st Next x Return End Sub KTAPTAK VERLER FORMLLER BOZMADAN SLER Sub ResetModel() Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).ClearContents End Sub

KTAPTAK VERLER FORMLLER BOZMADAN SLER Sub ResetModel() Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers).ClearContents End Sub Sub Optimale_Breite() Columns("A:IV").Select Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select Cells.EntireColumn.AutoFit End Sub

ComboBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!b1:b1000" OrganizeComboBox End Sub BU BLM MODL KISMINA YAZILACAK. Dim MyForm As Variant Option Base 1 ' Sub OrganizeComboBox() Dim noData, i, j, k, m As Integer Dim MyComboArray() Dim MyRevizedComboArray() Dim MyData As Range Dim SortedColl As New Collection Dim Swap1, Swap2 As Variant ' For Each MyControl In UserForms(MyForm).Controls ' i=0 j=0 k=0 ' If TypeName(MyControl) = "ComboBox" Then noData = MyControl.ListCount ReDim MyComboArray(noData) For Each MyData In Range(MyControl.RowSource) i=i+1 MyComboArray(i) = MyData Next For m = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) If Not WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(MyComboArray(m)) Then MyComboArray(m) = UCase(MyComboArray(m)) MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") End If Next For i = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) For j = i + 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) - 1 If MyComboArray(i) = MyComboArray(j) Then MyComboArray(i) = "" End If Next Next ' MyControl.RowSource = "" ' For i = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) If MyComboArray(i) <> "" Then k=k+1 ReDim Preserve MyRevizedComboArray(k) MyRevizedComboArray(k) = MyComboArray(i) End If Next ' i=0 j=0 For i = 1 To UBound(MyRevizedComboArray) SortedColl.Add MyRevizedComboArray(i) Next ' 'On Error Resume Next 'For i = 1 To UBound(MyRevizedComboArray) 'MyRevizedComboArray(i) = WorksheetFunction.Small(MyRevizedComboArray, i) 'Next For i = 1 To SortedColl.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To SortedColl.Count If SortedColl(i) > SortedColl(j) Then Swap1 = SortedColl(i) Swap2 = SortedColl(j) SortedColl.Add Swap1, before:=j SortedColl.Add Swap2, before:=i SortedColl.Remove i + 1 SortedColl.Remove j + 1 End If Next j

ComboBox1.RowSource = "sayfa1!b1:b1000" OrganizeComboBox End Sub BU BLM MODL KISMINA YAZILACAK. Dim MyForm As Variant Option Base 1 ' Sub OrganizeComboBox() Dim noData, i, j, k, m As Integer Dim MyComboArray() Dim MyRevizedComboArray() Dim MyData As Range Dim SortedColl As New Collection Dim Swap1, Swap2 As Variant ' For Each MyControl In UserForms(MyForm).Controls ' i=0 j=0 k=0 ' If TypeName(MyControl) = "ComboBox" Then noData = MyControl.ListCount ReDim MyComboArray(noData) For Each MyData In Range(MyControl.RowSource) i=i+1 MyComboArray(i) = MyData Next For m = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) If Not WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(MyComboArray(m)) Then MyComboArray(m) = UCase(MyComboArray(m)) MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") MyComboArray(m) = Replace(MyComboArray(m), "", "") End If Next For i = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) For j = i + 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) - 1 If MyComboArray(i) = MyComboArray(j) Then MyComboArray(i) = "" End If Next Next ' MyControl.RowSource = "" ' For i = 1 To UBound(MyComboArray) If MyComboArray(i) <> "" Then k=k+1 ReDim Preserve MyRevizedComboArray(k) MyRevizedComboArray(k) = MyComboArray(i) End If Next ' i=0 j=0 For i = 1 To UBound(MyRevizedComboArray) SortedColl.Add MyRevizedComboArray(i) Next ' 'On Error Resume Next 'For i = 1 To UBound(MyRevizedComboArray) 'MyRevizedComboArray(i) = WorksheetFunction.Small(MyRevizedComboArray, i) 'Next For i = 1 To SortedColl.Count - 1 For j = i + 1 To SortedColl.Count If SortedColl(i) > SortedColl(j) Then Swap1 = SortedColl(i) Swap2 = SortedColl(j) SortedColl.Add Swap1, before:=j SortedColl.Add Swap2, before:=i SortedColl.Remove i + 1 SortedColl.Remove j + 1 End If Next j

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Dim bak As Range Dim say As Integer For Each bak In Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000"))) If bak.Value = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox "Bu Kayt numaras bulundu." Exit Sub End If Next bak For Each bak In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir kaydnz bulundu" Exit Sub End If Next bak say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) TextBox1.Value = say Cells(say + 1, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value Cells(say + 1, 2).Value = ComboBox1.Value Cells(say + 1, 3).Value = TextBox2.Value Cells(say + 1, 4).Value = TextBox3.Value Workbooks("kitap2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Verileriniz Kaydedildi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say + 1 TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub 'BU KOD FORMA YAZILIR Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim say As Integer Sheets("Veri").Select TextBox1.Locked = True If Range("B2") = "" Then say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say + 1 Else say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say End If TextBox1.Value = say ComboBox1.SetFocus End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click() Dim bak As Range Dim say As Integer For Each bak In Range("A1:A" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("A1:A65000"))) If bak.Value = ComboBox1.Value Then MsgBox "Bu Kayt numaras bulundu." Exit Sub End If Next bak For Each bak In Range("B1:B" & WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000"))) If StrConv(bak.Value, vbUpperCase) = StrConv(ComboBox1.Value, vbUpperCase) Then MsgBox "Bu isimde bir kaydnz bulundu" Exit Sub End If Next bak say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) TextBox1.Value = say Cells(say + 1, 1).Value = TextBox1.Value Cells(say + 1, 2).Value = ComboBox1.Value Cells(say + 1, 3).Value = TextBox2.Value Cells(say + 1, 4).Value = TextBox3.Value Workbooks("kitap2.XLS").Save MsgBox "Verileriniz Kaydedildi", , "KAYIT" ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say + 1 TextBox1.Value = WorksheetFunction.Count(Range("A1:A65000")) + 1 Unload UserForm1 UserForm1.Show End Sub 'BU KOD FORMA YAZILIR Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim say As Integer Sheets("Veri").Select TextBox1.Locked = True If Range("B2") = "" Then say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say + 1 Else say = WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B1:B65000")) ComboBox1.RowSource = "Veri!B2:B" & say End If TextBox1.Value = say ComboBox1.SetFocus End Sub Sub veriaktar() Sheets("sayfa1").Range("D3:D12").Copy sat = Sheets("sayfa2").Cells(65536, 2).End(xlUp).Row Sheets("sayfa2").Cells(sat + 1, 2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Sub Dme1_Tklat() Selection.Copy 'seili alan kopyala Range("A:A").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select 'en son satra git ActiveSheet.Paste 'yaptr Application.CutCopyMode = False 'kopyalanlar iptal et End Sub

SON SATIRA GTRR Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim alan, satrsays, sonsatr Set alan = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion satrsays = alan.Rows.Count sonsatr = satrsays + 1 Cells(sonsatr, 1).Select End Sub SON HCREYE GTRR Sub ActivateNextBlankDown() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub 'LABELDEN SAYFANIN VERLEN ADRESNE VERSZ SON HCREYE YAZDIRIR Private Sub Label1_Click() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "ZIMPARALI VALYAN PROBLEM" End End Sub SON SATIRA GTRR Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim alan, satrsays, sonsatr Set alan = Cells(1, 1).CurrentRegion satrsays = alan.Rows.Count sonsatr = satrsays + 1 Cells(sonsatr, 1).Select End Sub SON HCREYE GTRR Sub ActivateNextBlankDown() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop End Sub 'LABELDEN SAYFANIN VERLEN ADRESNE VERSZ SON HCREYE YAZDIRIR Private Sub Label1_Click() Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell) ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select Loop ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "ZIMPARALI VALYAN PROBLEM" End End Sub Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range) For Each linkler In ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks linkler.SubAddress = Right(linkler.SubAddress, Len(linkler.SubAddress) - InStr(linkler.SubAddress, "!")) Next End Sub Sub version_number() Dim mtext mtext = "Programn Ad: " & Application.Name _ & Chr(13) & "letim Sistemi: " & _ Application.OperatingSystem & Chr(13) & _ "Version Numaras: " & Application.Version _ & Chr(13) & "Yapm Numaras: " & Application.Build MsgBox mtext End Sub

Sub SetFigures() Dim iDecimals As Integer Dim bCommas As Boolean Dim sFormat As String Dim CellRange As Range Dim TestCell As Range bCommas = False 'Change as desired Set CellRange = Selection For Each TestCell In CellRange If Abs(TestCell.Value) < 1 Then iDecimals = 5 Else iDecimals = 5 - Int(Log(Abs(TestCell.Value)) / Log(10#)) End If sFormat = "0" If bCommas Then sFormat = "#,##0" If iDecimals < 0 Then sFormat = "General" If iDecimals > 0 Then sFormat = sFormat & _ "." & String(iDecimals, "0") TestCell.NumberFormat = sFormat Next TestCell End SplitCells() Sub Sub Tstring = Selection.Value For i = 1 To Len(Tstring) If Mid(Tstring, i, 1) = "," Then z = z + 1 Next i ReDim y(z + 1) For i = 1 To Len(Tstring) If Mid(Tstring, i, 1) <> "," Then x = x & Mid(Tstring, i, 1) End If If Mid(Tstring, i, 1) = "," Then y(c) = x c=c+1 x = "" End If Next i y(z) = x For i = 0 To UBound(y) Selection.Offset(i + 1, 0).Value = y(i) Next i End Sub

Sub Test3() Dim WSH_Shell As Object Dim MyVer As String, RegKey As String Dim MySetting As Integer MyVer = Application.Version RegKey = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & MyVer & "\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM" Set WSH_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WSH_Shell.RegWrite RegKey, 1, "REG_DWORD" End Sub Durumu dzeltmek iin aadaki kodu kullann. Kod: Sub PanZehir() Dim WSH_Shell As Object Dim MyVer As String, RegKey As String Dim MySetting As Integer MyVer = Application.Version RegKey = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & MyVer & "\Excel\Security\AccessVBOM" Set WSH_Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WSH_Shell.RegDelete RegKey End Sub [i]30 Basla = Timer 40 Cells(satr, 5) = Now() Cells(satr, 6).Value = Cells(2, 4).Value Application.Wait (Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 5)) 'Do While Timer < Basla + 2 'DoEvents 'Loop 'Daha evvel bunu kullanmay denedim. ama ilemciyi fazla kullanyor diye kullanmaktan vazgetim.

satr = satr + 1 Simdi2 = Now() If DateDiff("n", Simdi, Simdi2) <= 4 Then GoTo 30[/i] Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _ ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Sub Klang() Call sndPlaySound32("D:\Programme\ICQ\Connect.wav", 0) End Sub Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" _ Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName _ As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Sub wav_cal() On Error Resume Next ChDir "a" If Err = 76 Then GoTo pir End pir: Call sndPlaySound32("C:\excel\warning.wav", 1) End Sub Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" _ (ByVal lpzSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Sub Musique() If Application.CanPlaySounds Then Call sndPlaySound32("D:\creedenc.wav", 0) 'Changer le chemin...("D:\.....", 0) End If End Sub Sub Auto_Open() Worksheets("Sheet1").OnCalculate = "PlayIt" End Sub Sub PlayIt() If Range("A1").Value > 5 Then ExecuteExcel4Macro ("SOUND.PLAY(, ""C:\Windows\Media\Tada.wav"")") End If End Sub

Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias _ "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, _ ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Sub Klang() Call sndPlaySound32("D:\Programme\ICQ\Connect.wav", 0) End Sub Sub PlayIt() ExecuteExcel4Macro ("SOUND.PLAY(, ""C:\Windows\Media\Tada.wav"")") End Sub Declare Function sndPlaySound32 Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long Sub Klang() Call sndPlaySound32("D:\Programme\ICQ\Connect.wav", 0) End Sub Public Sub gotoTMWebSite() On Error Resume Next ShellExecute 0&, vbNullString, "", vbNullString, _ vbNullString, vbNormalFocus On Error GoTo 0 End Explicit Option Sub Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" _ Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _ ByVal hwnd As Long, _ ByVal lpOperation As String, _ ByVal lpFile As String, _ ByVal lpParameters As String, _ ByVal lpDirectory As String, _ ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long Private Const SW_SHOWNORMAL = 1 Sub FindAllFiles() Dim strPathToSearch As String strPathToSearch = "C:\" ShellExecute _ 0, _ "find", _ strPathToSearch, _ vbNullString, _ vbNullString, _ SW_SHOWNORMAL End Sub Sub ShowVBEHelp() Shell "c:\windows\winhelp.exe veenob3.hlp", vbNormalFocus End Sub Sub WinExit() 'marche bien sous XP With CreateObject("Shell.Application") .ShutdownWindows End With End Sub Sub ExitWindows9598() ValRetour = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\rundll32.exe user.exe,exitwindows") End Sub Sub RedemarWindows98() ValRetour = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\Rundll32.exe shell32,SHExitWindowsEx") End Sub

Declare Function ExitWindowsEx& Lib "user32" (ByVal uFlags&, ByVal wReserved&) Global Global Global Global Const Const Const Const EWX_FORCE = 8 EWX_LOGOFF = 0 EWX_REBOOT = 2 EWX_SHUTDOWN = 1

Sub Tschuess() Dim LResult LResult = ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN, 0&) End Sub Sub MotherBoardInfo() Dim strComputerName As String Dim strNameSpace As String Dim strClassName As String Dim objWMIMboard As Object Dim objWMIService As Object Dim objWMI_Mboards As Object Dim strRet As String strComputerName = "." strNameSpace = "root\cimv2" strClassName = "Win32_BaseBoard" On Error Resume Next If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputerName & _ "\" & strNameSpace) Set objWMI_Mboards = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from " & strClassName) For Each objWMIMboard In objWMI_Mboards strRet = "retici Firma = " & objWMIMboard.Manufacturer & vbCrLf strRet = strRet & "Seri Numaras = " & objWMIMboard.SerialNumber MsgBox strRet, vbInformation, "Ana Kart Bilgileri (Raider )" Next End InstalledProgsByMSI() Sub Sub Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyProg As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If strComputer = "." Set MyOBJ = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set MSISoftware = MyOBJ.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_Product") MyMsg = MyMsg & "MSI ile yklenen programlar hakknda:" & vbCrLf For Each MyProg In MSISoftware MyMsg = MyMsg & String(50, "-") & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Program: " & MyProg.Name & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Versiyon: " & MyProg.Version & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici: " & MyProg.Vendor & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Kurulum: " & Left(MyProg.InstallDate, 4) & "/" & _ Mid(MyProg.InstallDate, 5, 2) & "/" & _ Mid(MyProg.InstallDate, 7, 2) & vbCrLf Next MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "Programlar hakknda...... (Raider )" End Sub

Sub InfoBIOS() Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyBios As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf _ ("Win32_Bios") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If For Each MyBios In MyOBJ MyMsg = String(50, "-") & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici Firma : " & MyBios.Manufacturer & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "BIOS Seri Numaras : " & MyBios.SerialNumber & vbCrLf Next MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "BIOS Bilgileri (Raider )" End InfoVideoController() Sub Sub Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyVideoController As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf _ ("Win32_VideoController") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If For Each MyVideoController In MyOBJ MyMsg = MyMsg & "Ekran Kart bilgileri :" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & String(50, "-") & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici Firma : " & MyVideoController.AdapterCompatibility & _ " (" & MyVideoController.Caption & ")" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Yatay znrlk : " & MyVideoController.CurrentHorizontalResolution & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Dikey znrlk : " & MyVideoController.CurrentVerticalResolution & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Renk kalitesi : " & MyVideoController.CurrentBitsPerPixel & " bps" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Video Modu : " & MyVideoController.VideoModeDescription & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "lemci : " & MyVideoController.VideoProcessor & vbCrLf Next MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "Ekran Kart Bilgileri (Raider )" End Sub Sub InfoPointingDevices() Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyPtgDev As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf _ ("win32_pointingdevice") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If For Each MyPtgDev In MyOBJ MyMsg = MyMsg & "*****************************" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "lemci : " & Trim(MyCPU.Name) & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Ad : " & MyPtgDev.Name & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici : " & MyPtgDev.Manufacturer & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Buton adedi : " & MyPtgDev.NumberOfButtons & vbCrLf Next MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "Mouse Bilgileri (Raider )" End Sub

Sub InfoNetworkAdapter() Dim MyOBJ As Object Dim MyNetworkAdapter As Variant Dim MyMsg As String On Error Resume Next Set MyOBJ = GetObject("WinMgmts:").instancesOf _ ("Win32_NetworkAdapter") If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemi! Programdan klacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub End If MyMsg = MyMsg & "Network Adaptrleri hakknda:" & vbCrLf For Each MyNetworkAdapter In MyOBJ MyMsg = MyMsg & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici Firma : " & MyNetworkAdapter.Manufacturer & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Ad : " & MyNetworkAdapter.Name & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Tip : " & MyNetworkAdapter.AdapterType & vbCrLf Next MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "Network Sub SysInfo() Dim MyMsg As String, oSystem As Object, Item As Object Set oSystem = GetObject("winmgmts:").instancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem") For Each Item In oSystem MyMsg = "Bilgisayar hakknda " & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "-------------------------------" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Ad: " & item.Name & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Tip: " & item.SystemType & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "retici: " & item.Manufacturer & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Model: " & item.Model & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "RAM: " & item.TotalPhysicalMemory \ 1024000 & " Mb" & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Domain: " & item.Domain & vbCrLf MyMsg = MyMsg & "Kaytl kullanc: " & item.UserName & vbCrLf MsgBox MyMsg, vbInformation, "Sistem Bilgileri...... (Raider )" Next Set oSystem = Nothing End Sub

Dim strComputerName As String Dim strNameSpace As String Dim strClassName As String Dim OS As Object Dim objWMIService As Object Dim Osinf As Object Dim strManufacturer As String, strRegisteredUser As String, strSerialNumber As String Dim strVersionId As String, strVersionName As String strComputerName = "." strNameSpace = "root\cimv2" strClassName = "Win32_OperatingSystem" ' On Error Resume Next If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "WMI yklenmemis! Programdan ikilacak...", vbExclamation, _ "Windows Management Instrumentation" Exit Sub On Error GoTo 0 End If Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputerName & "\" & strNameSpace) Set Osinf = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from " & strClassName) For Each OS In Osinf strManufacturer = "retici Firma = " & OS.Manufacturer & vbCrLf strRegisteredUser = "Kayitli Kullanici = " & OS.RegisteredUser & vbCrLf strSerialNumber = "Windows Seri Numarasi = " & OS.SerialNumber & vbCrLf strVersionId = "Windows Versiyonu ID = " & OS.Version & vbCrLf strVersionName = "Windows Versiyonu = " & OS.Name strServicePack = "Gncelleme = " & OS.CSDVersion & vbCrLf strVersionName = Mid(strVersionName, 1, InStr(1, strVersionName, "|") - 1) & vbCrLf strInstallDate = "Windows kurulum tarihi = " & Left(OS.InstallDate, 4) & "/" & Mid(OS.InstallDate, 5, 2) & "/" & Mid(OS.InstallDate, 7, 2) & vbCrLf MsgBox strManufacturer & strRegisteredUser & _ strSerialNumber & strVersionId & strVersionName & strServicePack & strInstallDate, _ vbInformation, "Windows Bilgileri (Raider )" Next End Sub Sub OuvreWord() MyAppID = Shell("Winword.EXE C:\test.doc", 1) AppActivate MyAppID End Sub 'MyAppID = Shell("Winword.EXE ""C:\Mes documents\test.doc""", 1)

Dim fontName As String, i As Long, fontCount As Long, fontSize As Integer Dim stdFont As String fontSize = 0 fontSize = InputBox("Enter Sample Font Size Between 8 And 30", _ "Select Sample Font Size", 12) If fontSize = 0 Then Exit Sub If fontSize < 8 Then fontSize = 8 If fontSize > 30 Then fontSize = 30 Set FontNamesCtrl = Application.CommandBars("Formatting").FindControl(ID:=1728) If FontNamesCtrl Is Nothing Then Set FontCmdBar = Application.CommandBars.Add("TempFontNamesCtrl", _ msoBarFloating, False, True) Set FontNamesCtrl = FontCmdBar.Controls.Add(ID:=1728) End If Application.ScreenUpdating = False fontCount = FontNamesCtrl.ListCount Documents.Add stdFont = ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range.Font.Name ' add heading With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(1).Range .Text = "Installed fonts:" End With LS 2 ' list font names and font example on every other line For i = 0 To FontNamesCtrl.ListCount - 1 fontName = FontNamesCtrl.List(i + 1) If i Mod 5 = 0 Then Application.StatusBar = "Listing font " & _ Format(i / (fontCount - 1), "0 %") & " " & _ fontName & "..." With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count).Range .Text = fontName .Font.Name = stdFont End With LS 1 tFormula = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" If Application.International(wdProductLanguageID) = 47 Then tFormula = tFormula & "" End If tFormula = tFormula & UCase(tFormula) tFormula = tFormula & "1234567890" With ActiveDocument.Paragraphs(ActiveDocument.Paragraphs.Count).Range .Text = tFormula .Font.Name = fontName End With LS 2 Next i ActiveDocument.Content.Font.Size = fontSize Application.StatusBar = False If Not FontCmdBar Is Nothing Then FontCmdBar.Delete Set FontCmdBar = Nothing Set FontNamesCtrl = Nothing ActiveDocument.Saved = True Application.ScreenUpdating = True Application.ScreenRefresh End Sub Private Sub LS(lCount As Integer) ' adds lCount new paragraph(s) at the end of the document Dim i As Integer With ActiveDocument.Content For i = 1 To lCount .InsertParagraphAfter Next i End With End Sub

Sub WordAc() fName = Application.InputBox("Dosya ismi girin...", "Dosya") If fName <> 0 Then ActiveSheet.Name = fName Range("A1:E25").Copy Set objword = CreateObject("Word.Application") objword.Visible = True Set MyDoc = objword.Documents.Add(DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocument) objword.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=10 objword.activedocument.SaveAs "C:\" & fName & ".doc" End If End Sub excelden worde aktarma yaplyor ama ben worde text olarak yaptrmak istiyorum ki word biimlendirmelerini yapabileyim.yani obje olarak deil metin ol DataType:=10 Yukardaki data tipini aadaki ile deitirin. DataType:=2 Sub worde() fName = Application.InputBox("Dosya ismi girin...", "Dosya") If fName <> 0 Then ActiveSheet.Name = fName f = InputBox("Kanc Satra Kadar Aktarsn?", "Aktarlacak Blge") Range("A1: " & f).Copy Set objword = CreateObject("Word.Application") objword.Visible = True Set MyDoc = objword.Documents.Add(DocumentType:=wdNewBlankDocu ment) objword.Selection.PasteSpecial Link:=False, DataType:=2 objword.activedocument.SaveAs "C:\" & fName & ".doc" End If Application.CutCopyMode = False End Sub Private Sub Workbook_Open() wpad = Shell("C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe", vbNormalFocus) SendKeys "Excelden baka programa yazdrabiliyorum", True SendKeys "{enter}" SendKeys "Excel 'i {tab}Seviyorum", True SendKeys "{enter}" SendKeys "Yaasnnnn!!!!", True End Sub Hatta kodun sonuna printout yazp yazc kts da alnabilir. Bu kodu fikirlerinizle daha da gelitirip harikalar yaratabilirsiniz. SendKeys Tu Kodlarndan Bazlar Backspace = {bksp} caps lock = {capslock} num lock = {numlock} scroll lock = {scrolllock} insert = {ins} delete = {del} end = {end} home = {home} page up = {pgup} page down= {pgdn} sa ok = {right} sol ok = {left} alt ok = {down} st ok = {up} tab = {tab} F1 = {F1} F2 = {F2} F3 ..... Sub ResetValuesToZero2() For Each n In Worksheets("Mahmut").Range("WorkArea1") n.Value = 0 End If Next n End Sub

'J.E. McGimpsey Dim vFontArr As Variant Dim oWkSht As Worksheet Dim rNoPrintRange As Range Dim rCell As Range Dim rArea As Range Dim i As Long Dim bOldScreenUpdating As Boolean Cancel = True With Application .EnableEvents = False bOldScreenUpdating = .ScreenUpdating .ScreenUpdating = False End With For Each oWkSht In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets On Error Resume Next Set rNoPrintRange = oWkSht.Range("NoPrintRange") On Error GoTo 0 If Not rNoPrintRange Is Nothing Then With rNoPrintRange ReDim vFontArr(1 To .Count) i=1 For Each rArea In .Areas For Each rCell In rArea With rCell vFontArr(i) = .Font.ColorIndex If .Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Then .Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255) 'white Else .Font.ColorIndex = .Interior.ColorIndex End If i=i+1 End With Next rCell Next rArea oWkSht.PrintOut i=1 For Each rArea In .Areas For Each rCell In rArea rCell.Font.ColorIndex = vFontArr(i) i=i+1 Next rCell Next rArea End With Else oWkSht.PrintOut End If Set rNoPrintRange = Nothing Next oWkSht With Application .ScreenUpdating = bOldScreenUpdating .EnableEvents = True End With End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_AddinInstall() CmdNommer End Sub Private Sub Workbook_AddinUninstall() DelNommer End Sub Public Const Nommer = "Dfinir un nom..." Sub CmdNommer() Dim cBar As CommandBar, Ctrl As CommandBarButton Set cBar = Application.CommandBars("Cell") Set Ctrl = cBar.Controls.Add(msoControlButton, ID:=878, before:=1) With Ctrl .Caption = Nommer .FaceId = 1838 .Style = msoButtonIconAndCaption End With End Sub Sub DelNommer() On Error Resume Next Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls(Nommer).Delete End Sub X eklinde uyar penceresi Kod: Sub auto_open() Beep MsgBox "Mesaj Buraya!!", vbCritical, "nemli" End Sub Sub Test() Workbooks("pirsa.xla").IsAddin = False End Sub z = "C:\belgelerim\" Set fs = Application.FileSearch With fs .LookIn = z .Filename = "*.xls" If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, _ SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) > 0 Then MsgBox "Toplam " & .FoundFiles.Count & _ " dosya bulundu." For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count ' MsgBox .FoundFiles(i) A$ = .FoundFiles(I) Next I Else MsgBox "Belirtilen Klasrde Herhangi Bir Dosya Bulunamad." End If End With Aadaki kodu deneyin. Bu kod active sayfay yeni bir dosyaya aktarr ve o dosyay ak olan dosyanzn bulunduu klasre kaydedip kapatr. Sub kopyala() ad = ActiveWorkbook.Name adr = ActiveWorkbook.Path Workbooks.Add ad2 = ActiveWorkbook.Name Set s1 = Workbooks(ad2) Workbooks(ad).Activate ActiveSheet.Copy after:=s1.Sheets(s1.Sheets.Count) For a = 1 To s1.Sheets.Count - 1 Application.DisplayAlerts = False s1.Sheets(1).Delete Next s1.SaveAs Filename:=adr & "\" & s1.Name & ".xls" s1.Close End Sub

'Joe Was 'Make cell range font flash, x times, x fast, in x color, 'when Ctrl-z is pressed. Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed 'Make this cell range font flash! Set myCell = Range("A1:AF12") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... u an flash yaz gsterisi var ltfen biraz bekleyin...! " 'Make cell font flash to this color! 'Black 25, Magenta 26, Yellow 27, Cyan 28, Violet 29, Dark Red 30, 'Teal 31, Blue 32, White 2, Red 3, Light Blue 41, Dark Blue 11, 'Gray-50% 16, Gray-25% 15, Bright Cyan 8. newColor = 3 'Make the cell range flash fast: 0.01 to slow: 0.99 fSpeed = 0.3 'Make cell flash, this many times! Do Until x = 15 'Run loop! DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub Sub reSetFlash() 'Re-set cell range color if edit break on color, Ctrl-r to re-set! ActiveCell.Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone End Sub Sub CheckRng() If Range("B1") < Date Then If Range("B1").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic Then Range("B1").Font.Color = vbRed Else Range("B1").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic End If Else Range("B1").Font.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexAutomatic Exit Sub End If StartTimer End Sub

For i = 1 To 10 ComboBox1.AddItem i Next i ile combobox n iini 1 den 10 kadar doldurdum. combobox n deeri deitii an ilgili satrdan deerleri textboxlara al aadaki gibi yaptm. Alnt: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() TextBox1.Text = Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 + ComboBox1, 2) TextBox2.Text = Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 + ComboBox1, 3) TextBox3.Text = Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 + ComboBox1, 4) End Sub yukardaki 4 + ComboBox1 deki 4 seini verilerin 5. satrdan itibaren balad iin eklendi. kaydete basldnda ilgili satrdaki deiikleri yapta aadaki ekilde. Alnt: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 Sheets("sayfa1").Cells(4 End Sub yukardaki 4 lerin sebebini yukarda syledim. Function yas(dogum) On Error GoTo son Dim yil, ay, gun As Integer tarih = Date If dogum <> "" Then dogum = CDate(dogum) If dogum = "" Then yas = "": GoTo son: If dogum > tarih Then yas = "": GoTo son 'yil hesaplama yil = Year(tarih) - Year(dogum) If Month(tarih) < Month(dogum) Then yil = yil - 1 If Month(tarih) = Month(dogum) And Day(tarih) < Day(dogum) Then yil = yil - 1 'Ay ay = Month(tarih) - Month(dogum) If Month(tarih) <= Month(dogum) Then ay = 12 + ay If Day(tarih) < Day(dogum) Then ay = ay - 1 If ay = 12 Then ay = 0 'gn kacceker = Day((DateSerial(Year(tarih), Month(tarih), 1) - 1)) gun = Day(tarih) - Day(dogum) If Day(tarih) < Day(dogum) Then gun = kacceker - Day(dogum) + Day(tarih) yas = yil & " Yl, " & ay & " Ay, " & gun & " gn." son: If Err > 0 Then yas = "Hata" End Function + + + + ComboBox1, ComboBox1, ComboBox1, ComboBox1, 2) 3) 4) 5) = TextBox1.Text = TextBox2.Text = TextBox3.Text = TextBox2.Text * TextBox3.Text

Function Ya(DogumTarihi As Date) If DogumTarihi = 0 Then Ya = "Tarih Girmediniz" Else Select Case Month(Date) Case Is < Month(DogumTarihi) Ya = Year(Date) - Year(DogumTarihi) - 1 Case Is = Month(DogumTarihi) If Day(Date) >= Day(DogumTarihi) Then Ya = Year(Date) - Year(DogumTarihi) Else Ya = Year(Date) - Year(DogumTarihi) - 1 End If Case Is > Month(DogumTarihi) Ya = Year(Date) - Year(DogumTarihi) End Select End If End Function bu fonksiyona gre doum tarihinin a1 hcresinde olduunu varsayarsak forml u ekilde olacak =Ya(A1) Dim DoumGn As Date Dim Ya DoumGn = "01/01/1977" Ya = FormatNumber(DateDiff("m", DoumGn, Now) / 12, 1) If Ya < 18 Then MsgBox "Ya: " & Ya & vbLf & "18 yadan kk" Else MsgBox "Ya: " & Ya & vbLf & "18 yadan byk" End If Sub tabloyaaktar() Set s1 = Sheets("bilgi") Set s2 = Sheets("sonuc") s2.[c3:ag40].ClearContents For a = 2 To s1.[a65536].End(3).Row sat = Day(s1.Cells(a, "a")) + 2 sut = Day(s1.Cells(a, "b")) + 2 s2.Cells(sat, sut) = 1 + s2.Cells(sat, sut) Next End Sub Sub FixArea() Dim C As Range Dim Msg$, TMP$ Msg = "Type in the range to exclude:" Set C = Application.InputBox(prompt:=Msg, Type:=8) TMP = C.NumberFormat C.NumberFormat = ";;;" ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A50").PrintPreview C.NumberFormat = TMP End Sub Bir sutun da ki en son dolu hcreye gitmenin en basit yolu (Aralarda boluk yok 'kabul edilerek) xlup 'Buna gre I stununun en son dolu olan satr Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Row 'Yazdrlacak alan ise ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$3:$I$" & Range("I65536").End(xlUp).Row 'veya ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Selection.Address End Sub Sub yazalan_se() bilgi = "Yazdrmak istediiniz hcre araln girin. " bilgi = bilgi + "Size uygun olann yazmak iin silin ve yazn." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) bilgi = bilgi + "TAMAM'a tklayn." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) bilgi = bilgi + "PTAL veya ESC basarsanz btn tabloyu seersiniz." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10) dme = "A12:K40" a$ = InputBox(bilgi, "YAZDIRMA ALANINI SEMEK", dme) ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = a$ ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview Range("A13").Select End Sub Sub Recupzone() Set zoneIMP = Range(ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea) MsgBox zoneIMP.Address() End Sub

Sub PrintRpt3() With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PageSetup .CenterHorizontally = True .PrintArea = "$A$3:$F$15" .PrintTitleRows = ("$A$1:$A$2") .Orientation = xlPortrait .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With Worksheets("Sayfa1").PrintOut End Sub If ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "" Then MsgBox "Yazdrma alan yok" Else MsgBox "Yazdrma Alan: " & ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea End If Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If Cells(1, 1) <> 1 Then Cancel = True End Sub 'Bu rnek A1 hcresi 1 den farkl ise yazdrmay iptal eder Adaki kod filter yaptn tm alanlara bakarak en az birinde seim yaplm ise sayfay gnderir aksi halde mesaj verir.. Set s1 = ActiveSheet Secilmi = False If s1.AutoFilterMode = True Then For i = 1 To s1.AutoFilter.Filters.Count If s1.AutoFilter.Filters.Item(i).On Then Secilmi = True Next i If Not Secilmi Then MsgBox "Hi Bir Szme lemi Yaplam" Cancel = True End If End If 'Tarih alannz 4. sutun ise ve siz burada mutlaka bir seim olmasn istiyorsanz o zaman dng kullanmadan unu deneyin : s1.AutoFilter.Filters.Item(4).On Then Secilmi = True '4 alanda seim yaplp yaplmadn kontrol ediyor. Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True MsgBox ("zgnz kt almak yasak") End Sub Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean) If ActiveSheet.Name = "Sheet1" Then Cancel = True End Sub Private Sub yaz_Click() On Error Resume Next soru = MsgBox("Sayfa Yazdrlacak, nizleme Yapmak stiyor musunuz?", vbYesNo, "nizleme") If soru = vbYes Then DataAc.Hide Sheets("Print").PrintPreview DataAc.Show Range("A1").Select Else Sheets("Print").PrintOut End If End Sub Sub yazdir() ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$2:$C$" & [a65536].End(3).Row ActiveSheet.PrintOut End Sub ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$B$1:$F$50" ActiveSheet.PrintOut Copies:=1 Sub FormatRange() Workbooks("Kitap1").Sheets("Sayfa1").Range("A1:D5") _ .Font.Bold = True End Sub Sub ChangePrinter() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogPrinterSetup).Show End Sub

Sub LanceTestImp() ValRetour = Shell("C:\WINDOWS\RUNDLL32.EXE msprint2.dll,RUNDLL_PrintTestPage", 1) End Sub

Dim rngArr() As Range, c As Range Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer ReDim rngArr(1 To 1) For Each wsh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets i=i+1 If i > 1 Then ' resize array ReDim Preserve rngArr(1 To i) End If On Error Resume Next Set c = wsh.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) If Err = 0 Then On Error GoTo 0 'Prevent empty rows Do While Application.CountA(c.EntireRow) = 0 _ And c.EntireRow.Row > 1 Set c = c.Offset(-1, 0) Loop Set rngArr(i) = wsh.Range(wsh.Range("A1"), c) End If Next wsh 'Add temp.Worksheet Set wshTemp = Sheets.Add(after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)) On Error Resume Next With wshTemp For i = 1 To UBound(rngArr) If i = 1 Then Set c = .Range("A1") Else Set c = _ ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell) Set c = c.Offset(2, 0).End(xlToLeft) ' skip one row End If 'Copy-paste range (prevent empty range) If Application.CountA(rngArr(i)) > 0 Then rngArr(i).Copy c End If Next i End With On Error GoTo 0 Application.CutCopyMode = False ' prevent marquies With ActiveSheet.PageSetup .Zoom = False .FitToPagesWide = 1 .FitToPagesTall = 1 End With ' Fit to 1 page

'Preview New Sheet ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintPreview 'Print Desired Number of Copies i = InputBox("Print how many copies?", "ExcelTips", 1) If IsNumeric(i) Then If i > 0 Then ActiveSheet.PrintOut Copies:=i End If End If 'Delete temp.Worksheet? If MsgBox("Delete the temporary worksheet?", _ vbYesNo, "ExcelTips") = vbYes Then Application.DisplayAlerts = False wshTemp.Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True End If End Sub

Private Declare Function EnumPrintersA Lib "Winspool.drv" _ (ByVal Flags As Long, ByVal name As String, ByVal Level As Long, _ pPrinterEnum As Long, ByVal cdBuf As Long, _ pcbNeeded As Long, pcReturned As Long) As Long Private Declare Option Explicit Function lstrlenA Li Sub AutoCorrectRead() Dim oList As Variant, i As Integer With Application.AutoCorrect oList = .ReplacementList For i = 1 To UBound(oList) Cells(i, 1) = oList(i, 1) Cells(i, 2) = oList(i, 2) Next i End With End Sub Sub AutoCorrectWrite() Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _ OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom Range("G20").Select Dim i As Integer With Application.AutoCorrect For i = 1 To Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count .AddReplacement Cells(i, 1), Cells(i, 2) Next i End With End Sub Option Explicit 'Mahmut Bayram 2005 Sub AutoCorrectRead() 'zum Auslesen, danach Tabelle zum Zielrechner Dim oList As Variant, i As Integer With Application.AutoCorrect oList = .ReplacementList For i = 1 To UBound(oList) Cells(i, 1) = oList(i, 1) Cells(i, 2) = oList(i, 2) Next i End With End Sub WORD ARD YAZILARINA HAREKET VERR Sub Animasyon3() ActiveSheet.Shapes("WordArt 3").Select m = 20 For i = 1 To m Selection.ShapeRange.TextEffect.PresetShape = msoTextEffectShapeCurveUp Next i For i = 1 To m Selection.ShapeRange.TextEffect.PresetShape = msoTextEffectShapeCurveDown Next i Selection.ShapeRange.TextEffect.PresetShape = msoTextEffectShapePlainText Range("a1").Select End Sub Sub Dialog_29() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFont).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_31() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogFormatFont).Show End Sub

Sub yazitipleri() Dim SchrNr As Integer, Schriftliste As Object, Text As Variant Set Schriftliste = Application.CommandBars("formatting").FindControl(Id:=1728) Application.ScreenUpdating = False On Error Resume Next [A:D].ClearContents For SchrNr = 0 To Schriftliste.ListCount - 1 Cells(SchrNr + 1, 1).Value = Schriftliste.List(SchrNr + 1) Cells(SchrNr + 1, 2).Value = "" 'Eurosymbol Cells(SchrNr + 1, 3).Value = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" Cells(SchrNr + 1, 4).Value = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" Cells(SchrNr + 1, 2).Font.Name = Schriftliste.List(SchrNr + 1) Cells(SchrNr + 1, 3).Font.Name = Schriftliste.List(SchrNr + 1) Cells(SchrNr + 1, 4).Font.Name = Schriftliste.List(SchrNr + 1) Next [A:D].EntireColumn.AutoFit Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' Warnmeldung zuviele Schriften hier einstellbar: If SchrNr > 200 Then Text = Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Achtung!" & Chr(13) & _ "Sie haben viel zu viele Schriftarten installiert" End If MsgBox " Es wurden insgesamt " & SchrNr & " Schriftarten gefunden." _ & Chr(13) & "Im Feld mit der Roten Schrift sieht man das Eurosymbol," _ & Chr(13) & " wenn die Schrift Eurofhig ist," _ & Chr(13) & " sonst nur ein Kstchen" & Text End Sub Sub Krmzbul() For X = 1 To [A65536].End(3).Row For Y = 1 To Len(Cells(X, 1)) If Cells(X, 1).Characters(Start:=Y, Length:=Y).Font.ColorIndex = 3 Then Cells(X, 2).Value = "Krmz" End If Next Next EndKOD VERLEN ADRESTEK YAZILARI YANIP SNDRR BU Sub Sub FlashFont() Dim newColor As Integer Dim myCell As Range Dim x As Integer Dim fSpeed Set myCell = Range("A1:D1") Application.DisplayStatusBar = True Application.StatusBar = "... u an flash yaz gsterisi var ltfen biraz bekleyin...! " newColor = 4 'yeil fSpeed = 0.3 Do Until x = 15 'sre DoEvents Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = newColor Loop Start = Timer Delay = Start + fSpeed Do Until Timer > Delay DoEvents myCell.Font.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic Loop x=x+1 Loop Application.StatusBar = False Application.DisplayStatusBar = Application.DisplayStatusBar End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() Dim dsy dsy = InputBox("Ltfen LEAD TIME'a ait ayn adn giriniz?", "Lead Time Dosyas Oluturma", Format(Now, "mmmm_yyyy")) If dsy = Cancel Then Exit Sub On Error GoTo 10 MkDir "C:\LEAD TME\" & dsy Set NewBook = Workbooks.Add With NewBook .SaveAs "C:\LEAD TME\" & dsy & "\" & "Lead_time_" & dsy & ".xls" End With Windows("LEAD TME.xls").Activate Cells.Select Selection.Copy Windows("Lead_time_" & dsy & ".xls").Activate ActiveSheet.Paste Range("A2").Select Range("Z1:AG9").Select Application.CutCopyMode = False Selection.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft Range("A2").Select ActiveWorkbook.Save ActiveWorkbook.Close Windows("LEAD TME.xls").Activate Range("A2").Select ActiveWorkbook.Save Unload UserForm1 Exit Sub 10: MsgBox "Dosya ismini kontrol edip tekrar deneyiniz.", vbExclamation, "UYARI!!!!!!!" End Sub Sub Datensicherung() Application.DisplayAlerts = False ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\Datensicherung.xls", _ FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _ ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub Sub date_backup() zaman = Application.Text(Now(), "mm-dd-yy hh-mm") isim = "Yedek" & zaman & ".XLS" ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs isim End Sub Sub NeueSymbolleiste() Dim cmdB As CommandBar Set cmdB = CommandBars.Add("MyToolbar", temporary:=True) With cmdB .Left = 50 .Top = 100 .Visible = True End With End Sub Sub Dialog_43() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogNew).Show End Sub Sub Dialog_45() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogOpen).Show End Sub Sub Sayfa_Ekle() ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add Sheets(ActiveSheet.Name).Name =sheets("sayfa1"). [a1].value End Sub Kopyalama iin aadaki kodu deneyin. visual basic kodu: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub kopyala() Sheets("Sayfa1").Copy After:=Workbooks("Kitap1").Sheets(1) End Sub

Sub CreateWindow() Dim wnParent As Window Dim wnChild As Window 'make a reference to be used later Set wnParent = ActiveWindow 'create a new window that will be the smaller window wnParent.NewWindow Set wnChild = ActiveWindow 'change the size of the windows With Application wnChild.WindowState = xlNormal wnChild.Top = .Top + (.Height * 0.2) wnChild.Height = .Height * 0.4 wnChild.Left = .Left + .Width * 0.6 wnChild.Width = .Width * 0.35 wnParent.Top = 1 wnParent.Left = 1 wnParent.Height = .Height * 0.85 wnParent.Width = .Width * 0.95 End With End Sub Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object) Sh.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) End Sub

Dim ParaStr As String Dim Lira As String, Kurus As String If Not IsNumeric(Para) Then GoTo SayiDegil ParaStr = Format(Abs(Para), "0.00") Lira = Left(ParaStr, Len(ParaStr) - 3) Kurus = Right(ParaStr, 2) ParaCevir = IIf(Para < 0, "Eksi ", "") & Cevir(Lira) & " Lira " & Cevir(Kurus) & " Kuru" Exit Function SayiDegil: ParaCevir = "GRLEN DEER SAYI DEL!" End Function Private Function Cevir(SayiStr As String) As String Dim Rakam(15) Dim c(3), Sonuc, e Birler = Array("", "bir", "iki", "", "drt", "be", "alt", "yedi", "sekiz", "dokuz") Onlar = Array("", "on", "yirmi", "otuz", "krk", "elli", "altm", "yetmi", "seksen", "doksan") Binler = Array("trilyon", "milyar", "milyon", "bin", "") SayiStr = String(15 - Len(SayiStr), "0") + SayiStr For i = 1 To 15 Rakam(i) = Val(Mid$(SayiStr, i, 1)) Next i Sonuc = "" For i = 0 To 4 c(1) = Rakam(i * 3 + 1) c(2) = Rakam(i * 3 + 2) c(3) = Rakam(i * 3 + 3) If c(1) = 0 Then e = "" ElseIf c(1) = 1 Then e = "yz" Else e = Birler(c(1)) + "yz" End If e = e + Onlar(c(2)) + Birler(c(3)) If e <> "" Then e = e + Binler(i) If (i = 3) And (e = "birbin") Then e = "bin" Sonuc = Sonuc + e Next i If Sonuc = "" Then Sonuc = "Sfr"

Cevir = UCase(Mid(Sonuc, 1, 1)) + Mid(Sonuc, 2, Len(Sonuc) - 1) End Function Sub Dialog_44() Application.Dialogs(xlDialogNewWebQuery).Show End Sub Sub ilan() yer = Worksheets("OkBil").Range("j5").Value 'yer tanmlama sihirbaz OkBil sayfasnda se j5 hcresini se MsgBox " Sayn " & yer & " pirs@1.00 Programna Ho Geldiniz!" 'mesaj ver Bana Sayn koy birletir(&) tanml yer ile birletir(&) evranz gelen-gide End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Layout() ' Von Bert Krn ' Me.Move Application.Width / 2 - Me.Width / 2, Application.Height / 2 - Me.Height / 2 End Sub

A1'de tarih B1'de ka yl eklenecei olmal Sub PratikVB1() MsgBox Format(Day([A1]), "00") & "." & Format(Month([A1]), "00") & "." & Year([A1]) + [B1] End Sub Sub PratikVB2() MsgBox Day([A1]) & "." & Month([A1]) & "." & Year([A1]) + [B1] End ShowStars() Sub Sub Cells.Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 Range("A1").Select Randomize StarWidth = 35 StarHeight = 35 For i = 1 To 10 TopPos = Rnd() * (ActiveWindow.UsableHeight - StarHeight) LeftPos = Rnd() * (ActiveWindow.UsableWidth - StarWidth) Set NewStar = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddShape _ (msoShape4pointStar, LeftPos, TopPos, StarWidth, StarHeight) NewStar.Fill.ForeColor.SchemeColor = Int(Rnd() * 56) Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") DoEvents Next i Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") Set myShapes = Worksheets(1).Shapes For Each shp In myShapes If Left(shp.Name, 9) = "AutoShape" Then shp.Delete Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:01") End If Next Cells.Select Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2 Range("A1").Select End Sub

Dim Jahr As Integer Jahr = InputBox("Bitte Das Jahr 4-stellig eingeben", "Jahresabfrage", _ IIf(Month(Date) > 9, Year(Date) + 1, Year(Date))) alt = Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook 'alt auslesen Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = 13 'verndern Workbooks.Add Application.SheetsInNewWorkbook = alt 'zurcksetzen For i = 1 To 12 Set WS = Worksheets(i) With WS.[a1:E3] .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter .MergeCells = True .Font.Name = "Arial" .Font.Size = 20 .Font.Bold = True .Font.Italic = True .NumberFormat = "mmmm yyyy" End With WS.[a1] = DateSerial(Jahr, i, 1) WS.Name = Format(WS.[a1], "MMMM") WS.[A5:A36].NumberFormat = "DDD DD.MM.YY" WS.Columns(5).HorizontalAlignment = xlRight 'Datum eintragen For x = 0 To 30 If Month(WS.[a1] + x) = Month(WS.Cells(x + 6, 1)) Or x = 0 Then WS.Cells(x + 7, 1) = WS.[a1] + x If Weekday(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1)) = 1 Then _ Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 If Weekday(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1)) = 7 Then _ Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 If Weekday(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1)) = 2 Then WS.Cells(x + 7, 5) = _ "KW " & DatePart("ww", WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays) WS.Cells(x + 7, 1).Borders.Weight = xlThin With Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 2), WS.Cells(x + 7, 5)) .Borders(xlEdgeLeft).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThin .Borders(xlEdgeRight).Weight = xlThin End With 'Feiertage eintragen und formatieren WS.Cells(x + 7, 2) = FeiertagCH(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1)) If WS.Cells(x + 7, 2) <> "" Then If Right(WS.Cells(x + 7, 2), 1) = "*" And _ WS.Cells(x + 7, 2).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone Then Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 3)).Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Else Range(WS.Cells(x + 7, 1), WS.Cells(x + 7, 5)).Interior.ColorIndex = 48 End If End If End If Next x Next i With Worksheets(13) .Name = "bersicht" .PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape With .Columns("A:F") .ColumnWidth = 19.5 ' weitere Formatierungen der Spalten End With For i = 1 To 6 .Cells(2, i) = Format(DateSerial(0, i, 1), "MMMM") .Cells(20, i) = Format(DateSerial(0, i + 6, 1), "MMMM") Range(.Cells(2, i), .Cells(19, i)).BorderAround ColorIndex:=0, Weight:=xlThin Range(.Cells(20, i), .Cells(38, i)).BorderAround ColorIndex:=0, Weight:=xlThin Next i End With End Sub Function FeiertagCH(datum As Date) Dim J As Integer Dim O As Date Dim D As Integer J = Year(datum) D = (((255 - 11 * (J Mod 19)) - 21) Mod 30) + 21 O = DateSerial(J, 3, 1) + D + (D > 48) + 6 - _ ((J + J \ 4 + D + (D > 48) + 1) Mod 7) Select Case datum Case Is = DateSerial(J, 1, 1)

Sub NumberClients() Dim c As Range Dim j As Integer If Selection.Columns.Count > 1 Then MsgBox "Only select the cells you want numbered" Exit Sub End If j=0 For Each c In Selection If Not c.Rows.Hidden Then j=j+1 c.Value = j Else c.Clear End If Next c End Sub Sub Doldur() Dim i As Integer [F1].FormulaR1C1 = "=ROUND(RC[-3],2)" For i = 2 To 1000 Cells(i, 6).Select Selection.FillDown Next i End Sub Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, _ ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, _ ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, _ ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long 'CommandButton auf der Form plazieren, da das 'x' zum schlieen 'nicht mehr angezeigt wird. Private Sub cmdEnde_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'Gre der Userform Me.Width = 350: Me.Height = 350 'Position des CommandButton zum Abbrechen cmdEnde.Left = (Me.Width - cmdEnde.Width) / 3 cmdEnde.Top = Me.Height * 0.6 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim x As Long, y As Long, n As Long, mWnd As Long x = Me.Width y = Me.Height n = 4000 'bei kleinem Wert nur abgerundete Ecken mWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Name) SetWindowRgn mWnd, CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, x, y, n, n), True End Sub

Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib "gdi32" _ (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, _ ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, _ ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib "user32" _ (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, _ ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" _ (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long 'CommandButton auf der Form plazieren, da das 'x' zum schlieen 'nicht mehr angezeigt wird. Private Sub cmdEnde_Click() Unload Me End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() 'Gre der Userform Me.Width = 350: Me.Height = 350 'Position des CommandButton zum Abbrechen cmdEnde.Left = (Me.Width - cmdEnde.Width) / 3 cmdEnde.Top = Me.Height * 0.6 End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim x As Long, y As Long, n As Long, mWnd As Long x = Me.Width y = Me.Height n = 4000 'bei kleinem Wert nur abgerundete Ecken mWnd = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Name) SetWindowRgn mWnd, CreateRoundRectRgn(0, 0, x, y, n, n), True End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() On Local Error GoTo hata Show Print "kat kayna"; Printer.PaperBin Print "renk modu"; Printer.ColorMode Print "kopya says"; Printer.Copies Print "Yazcnn ismi"; Printer.DeviceName Print "src"; Printer.DriverName Print "ift ynl yazma"; Printer.Duplex Print "yataylk-dikeylik"; Printer.Orientation Print "sayfa boyutu"; Printer.PaperSize Print "kullanlan port"; Printer.Port Print "basm kalitesi"; Printer.PrintQuality Print "yazc varsaylan m"; Printer.TrackDefault Print "lekleme"; Printer.Zoom hata: MsgBox ("ykl bir yazc yok veya yaznz ak deil") End Sub Sub Test() Dim Impr Impr = Printer If IsEmpty(Impr) Then MsgBox "No Printer", vbCritical Else Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.ThisWorkbook.Activate With Range("A1").Resize(UBound(Impr)) .Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Impr) .Sort [A1] End With Columns(1).AutoFit End If End Sub

Sub Zam5() Dim i As Range For Each i In Range("D1:D1000") i = "=(RC[-1]*0.05)+RC[-1]" Next i End Sub Sub Zam10() Dim i As Range For Each i In Range("E1:E1000") i = "=(RC[-2]*0.1)+RC[-2]" Next i End Sub Sub donen_tarih() Dim C As Range Dim i% Set C = ActiveCell For i = 1 To 2000 C = Right(C, Len(C.Value) - 1) + Left(C, 1) Application.Wait Now + TimeSerial(0, 0, 1) Next i End Sub Eer yksek performansl bir saya gerekli deilse; 1) A1 hcresinde 0-60 saniye saydktan sonra durmas iin: Kod: Sub Test1() Start = Timer Do DoEvents Finnish = Timer [a1] = Format(Finnish - Start, "00") Loop While Finnish - Start <= 60 End Sub

2) 60 saniye saydktan sonra tekrar balamas iin; Kod: Sub Test2() ResumeSub: Start = Timer Do DoEvents Finnish = Timer [a1] = Format(Finnish - Start, "00") Loop While Finnish - Start <= 60 GoTo ResumeSub: End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:05"), "KillTheForm" End Sub

ThisWorkbook a yazlacak Private Sub Workbook_Open() UserForm1.Show End Sub 'Module e yazlacak Sub KapatForm1() ' zaman 10 saniye olarak ayarland Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:10"), "KF1" End Sub Sub KF1() UserForm1.Hide UserForm2.Show End Sub 'UserForm1 kod sayfasna yazlacak Private Sub UserForm_Activate() KapatForm1 End Sub Sub tarih() Application.OnTime Now + [a1], procedure:="zaman" End Sub Sub zaman() Application.OnTime TimeValue("12:00:00"), "makro"' End Sub

Yani dngde ilk if'in saland yere.

eColumn.Hidden = _ ).EntireColumn.Hidden

u atayn.Kod:

n..Tabi bu yntem tam istediiniz deil ama yinede rnek olarak bulunsun.Kod:

:=xlByRows).Row < i Then GoTo devam2



retmek..Bakn.Ben size yle bir rnek hazrladm..

ha rahat alrsnz.stediinizi yanl anlam olabilirim ama bu kodlar ile daha rahat modifiye edebilirsiniz istediiniz ekle. Listbox'nzn propertiesinde columncount'da k

m exceli kapatan bir komuttur.

Sub CommanButton1_Click()

erli olacaktr.

e olayn kullanmalsnz. Eer Hseyin Bey'in dedii gibi gizlemiseniz o zman Activate olayn kullanmalsnz.

"Uyar") = vbYes Then Range(Cells(y, 2), Cells(y, 5)).Delete

) & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties(7).Value & " gendert."

) & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties(7).Value & " gendert."

deeri bulundu ve " & Say1.Name & "'de listelendi."

nz kod sayfasna yazn.

u !"

n wird")

nformation, "Funktion dieses Symbols"

tkszdr. i bittiinde zaten otomatik olarak true olur.

tkszdr. i bittiinde zaten otomatik olarak true olur.

kerrer Kayt") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

":") - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Zeilennummer: " & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Adresse: " & Left(t, InStr(t, ":") - 1) & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") -

Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Satr Numaras: " & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") - 1) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(13) & "Hcre Adresi: " & Left(t, InStr(t, ":") - 1) & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") - 1), _

lpWindowName As String) As Long ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long

ong, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)

ng dwNewLong As Long) As Long String) As Long

buton ile yapmak istiyorsanz aadaki kodlar deneyebilirsiniz.

ring, nSize As Long) As Long

daki iki kodun "......." yazan yerine kopyalayn.

ri baska bir kitaba tasimak" gibi ilk okundugunda anlasilacak sorulardan secmek cok daha hizli cevap almanizi saglar. aklinizda bulunsun.

:=xlByRows).Row < i Then GoTo devam2


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Public Ctr As Control, Say As Integer

7")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("24.10.2007")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("25.10.2007")) & ";" & _ ;" & CDbl(CDate("02.01.2008")) & ";" & CDbl(CDate("03.01.2008")) & "}"

TANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=6;HAFTANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=7))"

TANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=6;HAFTANINGN(" & Adres & ";2)=7))"

DAY(" & Adres & ",2)=5),ISERROR(VLOOKUP(" & Adres & ",Bayramlar,1,0))),10,IF(AND(OR(WEEKDAY(" & Adres & ",2)=2,WEEKDAY(" & Adres & ",2)=4),ISERROR(VLO


wap(x, y)

Dim bak As Range

istIndex = comb.ListIndex


rar birde bunu deneyin a1 hresine yazdnz rakan kadar sayfa kts alabilirsiniz

sNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultcmdsil + vbApplicationModal, "Kayt Silinecek")

e, ByVal Y As Single)

Y As Single)

ong, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)

g, ByVal lpstrReturnString As String, ByVal uReturnLength As Long, ByVal hwndCallback As Long) As Long

Function vbString(ByVal Command As String, ByVal hWnd As Long) As String

g As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long


ktir. Bylece tm ilemler comboboxtan seilen sayfa zerinde yaplacaktr.

" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 4) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 5)

e, ByVal Y As Single)

e, ByVal Y As Single)

Y As Single)

trierungs-Nr.:", "Testphase abgelaufen, Reg.Nr. erforderlich")

mentaren ein:", "Passwortabfrage fr das Einfgen von Kommentaren")

" = False

= True

Sub SaveWithBackup()

Crlf kullanrsam ne olur?", vbinformation

) & " durch " & ActiveWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties(7).Value & " gendert."

ile Kod Grntle ksmna yazlacak.Kod:

ile Kod Grntle ksmna yazlacak.

datevalue('" & trh2.Value & "')-1 and crkod='" & Text1 & "'order by tarih")

If sure1 = sure2 Then

2005 "

2005 "

lpWindowName As String) As Long

Sub yaz()



n yaplyor. rnekler ikinci blmde 'verilecektir.

& Worksheets("Sayfa1").Range("B1")

PathName As String, ByVal lpVolumeNameBuffer As String, ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, lpF

yVal pszPath As String) As Long EINFO) As Long

"C" BLMNE "Resim" adnda bir klasr ap iine resimleri kiilerin kendi isimleriyle kaydedin.

dilmesini istiyormusunuz?", 4, "")

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

deki veriyi kontrol etmektedir.


n hcrede bir forml bulunmaktadr. 'Farzedelim ki hatal hcrede aadaki gibi bir forml olsun.

in ierisinde bulunduu bir toplama 'dizisini hatal olarak gsterecektir. O halde bu hcreye ya boluk deeri ya da sfr deeri atayabiliriz. Ama unutmaynz sfr deeri a

ormln anlalmas iin aadaki 'aklamay inceleyiniz.

Any, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long

Any, ByVal dwflags As Long) As Long

inizi Grecektir.

dbutona tkladmzda yanp snme ilemi c1 hcresinde almaya balayacaktr.Ben C1 hcresini semitim. Siz istediiniz hcreyi seebilirsiniz tabi ki.

ktif dosyann masa stnde ksayolunu oluturacaktr.

dosya yoksa program kapanr.

saatini kaydettiriyorum.

anc Read Only olmadan balanabilir ve Save edildii anda dier kullanclarn Save ettikleri grlebilir

ve saa-sola scrollunu kullanmanza 'izin vermez.

0; " "; veri11; " "; veri12; " "; veri13; " "; veri14

pte edeceksen karakter saylarna dikkat et.Kolay Gelsin.

a Visual Basic'i aarak Import etmeniz yeterli olacaktr. Artk File mensnden Make Exe komutunu tklayarak exe halinde derleyebilirsiniz.

m olarak geni karelik bir alan verilmemi (; ve : ye dikkat!).

nn A1:C500 eriminde A stununda bunu ara; bulduunda 2nci stun (B stununu)daki deeri yaz; eer A5 ile bulduun tamamyla ayn ise demek.

bilir vs.)

okuyacak ve birbirleriyle XORlayp sonucu forml yazlan hcrede gsterecek.

n aklda kalmas iin anlaml olmasna dikkat edilmeli ve kullanlamayacak isimlere dikkat!).

onlara benzer. Giri deerlerini alacak, stnde ilem yapacak ve sonucunda bir deer dndrecek Excel Visual Basic Dzenleyicisini (Aralar Makro altnda yada Alt+F

deiken bir erim, tercihsel olarak MultipCells olarak dier erim fonksiyonla birlikte girecek ve fonksiyondan Long tipinde deer dnecek.


cak. Bu dosyann herhangi bir yerine imdi formlmz yazalm a sonucunda 0 yazacak

orml yazdmz hcrede #AD? hata mesaj grnr. Bu formln tanmlanamadn gsterir. Bu sorun ise eklentilerle alr. Yani Excel her aldnda belirlenen her ekl

, Insert mensnden bir Module ekleyelim. Yukarda verilen kodlar ayn ekilde yazalm.

ein BenimMakrolarm adyla kaydedelim. Bu alma kitab src:\Documents and Settings\Kullanc Ad\Application Data\Microsoft\AddIns\ dizininde kaydedilecektir.

retleyerek Tamam butonuna basalm. Kullanlabilir eklentiler: penceresinde bizim yazdmz eklenti de grlecektir. Bunu iaretlediimizde, her zaman Excel alrken bizim


lr.Ama yinede makro ile derseniz.

zerine bir textbox ile command buton yerletirin. Command butona aadaki kodlar balayn. Arayacanz veriyi textbox a girerek buldurabilirsiniz.

ni belirleyemiyor" gibi bir uyar kyor ise u kodlar deneyin.



", vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultcmdsil + vbApplicationModal, "FORMA RESM EKLER")



st nur in der Bearbeitungsleiste mglich !", vbOKOnly, ""

ernen ist nur in der Bearbeitungsleiste mglich !", vbOKOnly, ""

tei) Then "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei

ceki kodda dosyada tek sayfa varsa hata verecektir, onun yerine hcrelerin tamamn sildirebilirsiniz.

er resim formatlarn da ekleyebilirsiniz.

g As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long , ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long draw As Boolean) As Long

l Y As Single)

m mrmn trps oldu ya hu! Mesela;

L ya da ARP.BL.TOPLA gibi fonksiyonlar neden eklememiler sanki. Bilmem anlatabildim mi dostlar? Sayglar.

die Zwischensumme auf die neue Seite


yazlmtr. Textbox1 "A1" hcresine deer atyor. Textbox2 ise "A1" hcresindeki deerin biimini deitiriyor. koddaki mid formllerini biim uzunluu kadar azaltn (OE iin iki,O iin bir mid kalsn). kinci kodun yazlan biim uzunluunu dikkate alacak ekilde dahada gelitirilmesi m

d(TextBox2.Value, 3, 1)

e ayr ayr aklaman olmasn ve bu hcrelerin gnlk deiimlerini kaydetsin istiyorsun.

bo olsun.Bal dahi olmasn) n deiiklik "tarih / eiiklik" eklinde kendiliinden eklenir.

Sub kirmizisil()

'Dolu hcrelerin satrn mavi, bolar ise sar yapan kodlar

'A1:B10 hcrelerindeki deer 10 dan bykse hcre sar olur

ormllerimi kurcaladm biraz.


Tamsay deiken.


Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

yerde olduunu anladm hatann..

ncihucre, enilkhucre diye isimler verince bana mstehaktr.

ere kendi kodunuzu yaznz.

lue - Range("F2").Value) - Range("A500").Value) > 0, IIf(Range("I2").Value = Range("E2").Value, Range("G2").Value - Range("F2"), (Range("G2").Value - Range("F2"). '

= iareti olan alyor


ok iinizi grr gibi geldi bana. C stununu seip Biim>Koullu Biimlendirme>eit deil>=a1 deyip biim ayarndan da rengini deitirseniz hem eit olmayan hcreyi h

" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 3) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 4) & "-" & Sheets("EVRAK DEFTER").Cells(i, 5)

rinci koddan yana kullanyorum. Vermi olduunuz kodda baz deiiklikler yaparak tek satra kadar indirdim, belki bu ksaltmadan istifade eden arkadalar olur dncesi

ng) As Boolean


da A1, B1 ve C1 hcrelerinde gerekli bilgiler yazlacaktr.

bir yazc aktive edilmekte, kapanrken de baka bir yazc aktive edilmektedir.

m?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

arnda A1:E10 aralndaki tm hcreler 'toplanarak, kodun yazld kitapta yine A1:E10 aralndaki hcrelere yazlrlar.

Sub dene()

m1.frm ilave edildikten sonra kaydedilerek kapatlacaktr.

ndi bilgisayarlarnda, kodlarda belirtilen yerlere yerletirmi olmasdr.


atr aa telenir.

varsa onlarn adedini verir.

atr aa telenir.

varsa onlarn adedini verir.

) - CDate("00:00:01")

tei) Then "hh-mm") & "_" & StDatei

yfa.xls" olmal veya kodu deitirin

yVal pszPath As String) As Long EINFO) As Long

ormun ad - Name zellii - UserForm1 olmas ve kullanlan Excel versiyonunun 2000 veya zerinde olmas durumunda alr.)

CTR + J yi, nerme veya tamamlama iin ise CTR + ARA UBUU'nu kullanabilirsiniz

& [e5] & " '!" & [e6]

may yapmyor. Kilitli ve gizli hcreleri seerek, Dier anlamda sayfa korumay bozmadan sralama ilemini nasl yapabilirim.

nein koruma ifreniz "1234" olsun;

mun kod ksmna girin

ilen parola ekranda "*****" eklinde grnecektir.

meniz gerekmektedir.Bunun in yle yapman tavsiye ederim.Kodlar kendine dzenlersin.

e halledilir. Buna karn listboxta alnacak veri araln tanmlamak yetmez,en azndan veri saysnnda belirtilmesi gerekir. Ayrca ekteki rneide inceleyiniz.

ki D5:D34 aralnda yerini bulur ve satr deerini a deikenine atar tunlarn taranmasn salar yerine tar kayt dosyasndaki yerine tar yt dosyasndaki yerine tar ayt dosyasndaki yerine tar aki yerine tar

mandButton varsa;

dediyoruz. Kaytl (dolu) hcre saysn programa aktarrken u kodu kullanabiliriz:

inde sa tklayp modlden auto_open ve auto_close makrolarndan bu kodlar sildim ama yinede ara ubuklarnda makrolar grnmyor.

n yukardaki auto_close prosedurunu yerletirip, altrn. Veya aadakini deneyin;

vermiiniz. Bunun yerine mennn ID zelliini kullanrsanz ngilizce-Trke-... btn versiyonlarda kodlar alr. Ayrca, menlerini zelletiren birisinin bilgisayarnda m

(Visual Basic Editor)'n kendisi Excel'in eitli yerlerinden aktive edilebilir. rnein, sayfa sekmesi zerinde farenin sa tuuna basarak, Excel'in men ubuundaki Exce

diinizde, kullanc bahsettiiniz menler aktifken bile szkonusu moduldeki makrolar listelenmez. nk o modl tpk sayfa veya UserForm modulleri gibi "Private-zel"

Crlf kullanrsam ne olur?", vbinformation

undaki kiilere Microsoft Outlookdan uyar e-maili gndersin. Bu mmkn m acaba?

MS Outlook da bir Office program olduu iin, Excel VBA'de MS Outlook'a referans vererek baz iler daha kolay yaplabilir.

referansnn eklenmesi gerekir. (MS Outlook versiyonuna gre 10 veya 11 de olabilir.)

mail adresine bir e-mail, MS Outlook ile aadaki gibi bir kodla gnderilebilir.

r programn e-mail gndermeye altna dair kullancy uyarr. Bu yama kurulu deilse, byle bir problem olmaz

in rengini deitirmek iin bir zelliin olmadn fark ediyorsunuz.

erin altna gnderin ve Image nesnesinin zemin rengini istediiniz renk yapn. Bylece MultiPage nesnesinin deimeyen zemin rengini rtm olursunuz.

gerekletirebildim. Yani formatlarn deitirilmesi iin userforma bir kere tklamak gerekiyor.

iine yazlabilir.

En hzl siz yazacaksnz )

264, tutar <= 3300, (tutar) * 0.08), 2)

alnmas gereken para boyutlarn girmek. yukardaki kodu ekilde grlen butonun iine yaptrn.

FileData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long eData As WIN32_FIND_DATA) As Long

df document name

df document name

lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long yVal lpValueName As String) As Long SubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long g, ByVal lpValueName As String, ByVal lpReserved As Long, lpType As Long, lpData As Any, lpcbData As Long) As Long Val lpValueName As String, ByVal Reserved As Long, ByVal dwType As Long, lpData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long

ry.", App.Title)

Val dwExtraInfo As Long)"

nzahl eingeben")

ilenhhe fr die aktuelle Zeile oder Markierung in cm ein:"

Spaltenbreite fr die aktuelle Spalte oder Markierung in cm ein:"

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

ir modl oluturulur, oluturulan modln iine aadaki kod yazlr ve altrlr,...

) & Chr(n)

a ismini deitirebilir (sayfa2 ye geebilir) ifreyi bilemezse sayfa2 ye geilemez ve sayfa ismide deitirilemez.

deeri bulundu ve " & Say1.Name & "'de listelendi."

ext = "Test Box"

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

Worksheets(sayfa).Name <> sayfaadi Then ) bu satr sayfalardan birinde illaki salanr.

Sayfay gizleyin. (Biim/Sayfa/Gizle)

<= SonTar Then

oru sayfalarnza kpr atlr

Option Explicit

d metodun bir argmandr.

an ikinci sayfa yani. yazarken aklma geldi.

deeri buraya yazabilirsiniz.


hre Registrierungs-Nr.:", "Testphase abgelaufen, Reg.Nr. erforderlich")

deeri buraya yazabilirsiniz.

ksiniz. nk olan tm dosyalar otomatik olarak gncelletirecektir.

terden itibaren 6 karakter sandakine kadar TextBox1 e aktarr. Aadakileri de bu ekilde yorumlayabilirsiniz.

er, Optional Yil As Integer)

;" ";"*";UZUNLUK(A1)-UZUNLUK(YERNEKOY(A1;" ";"")));1)-1) olmasna neden olan ise baz adlarn 2 isimden oluabilmesidir. A1 hcresine "Mehmet Ali Ceylan" yazdnzda B1 hcresinde "Mehmet Ali" yazldn grebilirsiniz.

ad" halinde 2 farkl stuna kopyalanm olacaktr.

Denied" yani "Giri Reddedildi" der.

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal KeyAscii As MSForms.ReturnInteger)

aki son dolu hcreden sonraki satir

i deitir(userformdaki textbox saysna gre)

SystemModal Or vbMsgBoxRight Or vbDefaultButton2, "yksek rakaml veri girii")

TextBox2.Name, vbQuestion, "UYARI"

.Name, vbQuestion, "UYARI"

exceldeki gibi nasl iki yana yaslayabilirim. yardmc olacak stadlara imdiden teekkr ederim .( Birinci sorunuz iin textboxa aadaki kodu yazn. Bu arada properties p

lsun) aadaki gibi yazabilirsiniz



Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()

No, "AMAN DKKAT!!!") = vbNo Then Exit Sub

Sub Ekle_Nesne_IstedigimiSil()


angle.Top, True)

Operation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long

ng dwNewLong As Long) As Long String) As Long

ssen der UserForm erfolglos !!!"

Merhaba her iki dosyann ak olmas koulu ile;



Val y As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal bRepaint As Integer)

ndowName As String) As Long

pRect32) As Long

ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal bRepaint As Long) As Long

mmandButton3) yapamazsnz.(*)

kod sayfasna kopyalayarak deneyin.

Application.GoTo Reference:="test"

adm yle bir koruma altna alabilirsiniz.Kodlar ThisWorkbooka yazn.Kayt ifresi:xxrt Kod:

Sh_Tgt_Row & "", vbCritical, "Hata..."

buradan verilir.)

Delete Shift:=xlUp

Delete Shift:=xlUp

buradan verilir.)

eyi renk vermek istersenizKod:

adaki kodu kullann.

) & "/" & Mid(OS.InstallDate, 7, 2) & vbCrLf

ni yapabileyim.yani obje olarak deil metin olarak aktarabilirmiyim


nduu klasre kaydedip kapatr.

Sub yazdirmaalani()

mesaj verir..

unu deneyin :


anml yer ile birletir(&) evranz gelen-giden evrak defterine kayt edilmitir.

x'nzn propertiesinde columncount'da ka kolon olacaksa ona gre ayarlayn nce.. galiba 40..

InStr(t, ":") - 1) & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") - 1), _

t, ":") - 1) & Left(u, InStr(u, ":") - 1), _

DAY(" & Adres & ",2)=4),ISERROR(VLOOKUP(" & Adres & ",Bayramlar,1,0))),4,0))"

MaximumComponentLength As Long, lpFileSystemFlags As Long, ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) As Long


abiliriz. Ama unutmaynz sfr deeri arpma 'ileminde sorun kartabilir. O halde boluk deeri atayalm. Yukardaki forml aadaki gibi deitiriniz.

i seebilirsiniz tabi ki.

la ayn ise demek.

sini (Aralar Makro altnda yada Alt+F11 ksayol) aalm. Insert mensnden bir Module ekleyelim, bu projemize yeni bir modl ekler.


i Excel her aldnda belirlenen her eklenti Excel ile birlikte yklenir.

oft\AddIns\ dizininde kaydedilecektir.

imizde, her zaman Excel alrken bizim eklentimizi de ykleyecektir.

ek buldurabilirsiniz.

ate alacak ekilde dahada gelitirilmesi mmkn.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change( _

2"), (Range("G2").Value - Range("F2").Value) - Range("A500").Value), 0)) Sheets("canlsayfa").Select

eitirseniz hem eit olmayan hcreyi hem de toplamn eit olup olmadn grrsnz. stelik Tamam'a tklama olmadan hemen dzeltme yapabilirsiniz.

istifade eden arkadalar olur dncesiyle kodun ksaltlm halini veriyorum.

Resimleri de s

kteki rneide inceleyiniz.


ni zelletiren birisinin bilgisayarnda men ubuunda 6nc men "Tools-Aralar" mens olmayabilir ve bu nedenle de yine hata verebilir. Bu yzden menlere her zama

asarak, Excel'in men ubuundaki Excel ikonunun zerinde farenin sa tuuna basarak, normal yollarlla menlerden, Visual Basic ara ubuundan, ....

UserForm modulleri gibi "Private-zel" bir modl olacaktr.

gini rtm olursunuz.

hmet Ali" yazldn grebilirsiniz.

daki kodu yazn. Bu arada properties penceresinde yazm olduunuz x i silin.)



Size As Long) As Long


daki gibi deitiriniz.


Sub bosdolurenklendir()

dzeltme yapabilirsiniz.

Resimleri de silmek iin ilave edin

verebilir. Bu yzden menlere her zaman ID'leri ile referans vermekte fayda vardr. ara ubuundan, ....


For j = 1 To Shapes.Count

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