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Bilderbergers Planning War On Syria

Posted on June 23, 2012 by Tony Dean

Object 1

Rant On UK!

Bilderberg Syrian National Council representative Bassma Kodmani was in attendance at this years Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly, VA, another indication that the Wests plans for Syrian regime change and later balkanization have already been signed off. Kodmani is the Head of Foreign Affairs with the SNC, a coalition of Syrian opposition groups based in Istanbul, Turkey. Clearly, an external agenda is set regarding the destiny of that country. The Bilderbergers are siding with terrorists in Syria to destabilise and to rip Syria into separate enclaves depending on the brand of Islam they have in each area. We in the west dont want to be allied to any brand of Islam and want it away from our shores in Britain. They want to enforce a no fly zone over Syria to ground the air force there. This would have to be conducted by the Turkish Air Force and is clearly not going to succeed. The Turkish fighter jet that went missing over the Med and close to the shores of Syria, was actually taken out of the air by Syrian anti-aircraft emplacements, so I dont think the backward Turks are up to anything much except letting rabble cross their porous border to foment trouble or cause the Greeks a massive immigration problem. Their claim to fame is not going to be enough for the Bilderbergers to take out Syria they are better off not trying.

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