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Project Praposal






Shailendrasinh C. Baria
[BCA 094387306]

Shah Shashank k. (MCA)





Table of Content
1. Title of the Project

Objectives and Scope of Projects

3. Project Category 4. Analysis Report (DFDs etc) 5. E-R Diagram 6. A Complete Structure of the Program 6.1 Number of Modules 6.2 Data Structure 6.3 Types of Output / Report Generation 6.4 Validation Checks 7. Tools / Platform, Languages to be used


Future Scope of Project.



Introduction and Objectives of Projects

Introduction Of The Project

Human Resources Management System [HRMS] is a management function that helps manager to recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. HRMS is concerned with the peoples dimension in organization. When I came to know about the wide scope of Human Resources Management System today and as well as in future; I started to search such an organization in which there is really a need for this type of system. And finally I found it through Mr.Bhupendra Patel who is a Manager in Gymnasium. The very next day, I went to visit the organization 10 the health spa and the Bhupendra Patel had shown me the current system of handling the records of the Employees of the organization; and I asked to the manager; for the development of the HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Which will be very useful for maintaining the records of the Employees of the organization easily?

After two days they decided to develop such a system as I had suggested to them & then they gave me an appointment for further meetings and after getting required data/details. I started to develop a system /project on HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (HRMS).

Objectivity :
Developing a Human Resource Management System, after due rectification Of the existing system in order to facilitate consistent & secure data flow Improving performance And Maintainability. This is a vital part of integrated HRMS.

3. Project Category
Relational Database Management System/Intranet (RDBMS/Intranet)

4. Analysis Reports (DFDs)

Context Level DFD
The context diagram is the block diagram of the system. This in fact could be seen as the bird eye view of the system. The context diagram appears at the very top of the Data Flow Diagram set. The diagram shows the system in perspective view in the rest of the world.

C o n te xt L e ve l D fd
E m ploy e e

M an ag em en t

Inform a tion of D e pt D e s igna tion ra de ,G

H um an R e s o u rc e M anagem ent S y s te m

E m plo ye e in form a tio n

V ario u s rep o rts

First Level DFD

L o g s in Emp lo yee

1.0 Security System

Au th en ticatio n Emp loyee info rmatio n Emp lo yee in fo Dep artmen t in fo rmatio n

Emp lo yee in fo rmation Req u irement o f Vario us rep orts

2.0 H R m aster Process

Emp lo yee in fo rmation Skills info rmatio n

5.0 R eporting Pro cess

Emplo yee skills in fo rmatio n Skill in fo rmation

Repo rts

T rain ing attend en ce In fo rmatio n

Departmen t

Skill in fo rmation Skills inform atio n

Dep artmen t g rad ing

Man ag emen t

3.0 Perfo m ance Appraisal process

Employee information

Man ag ement

T rainin g n eed s

Perfo rman ce ap p raisal in fo rmatio n Perfo rman ce app raisal in fo

Man ag emen t grad in g

Sch ed u le info rmatio n o min ee &n in formatio n Perfo rmance Emp lo yee ap p raisal 4.0 ap praisal info rmatio n in fo rmatio n Em ployee Perfo rman ce app raisal training in fo rmatio n Employee proce ss Ap praisal d ata to payro ll L eave details data form time system office mg mt .system Train in g Needs

T rainin g atten den ce T rainin g Atten d en ce file

Second Level DFD

S ec u rity proc es s
1.1 W elcom e Pro ce ss
n ree

Se cu rity D a tab ase P assw or d Inform a tio n

sc gin Lo

1.2.1 Pa sw o rd C he ck C h an ge P a ssw o rd

E m p lo ye e
C ha ng e p as s w or d D e ta il
Au t hen t ic a ti o n

A ut he O r En ti c a t r r o io n r

Er ror Lo gin & scr ee n Lo gin De tail

Lo D e t g in a il

Ch w or as s ep n a n g sc r e e

Au th e

HRM S yste m

R eq ue st

1.2 L og in S yste m

n t ic at E rro r io n o r

L o g in D e ta i l

Au th en tication or E rro r

Ch a

o sw p as n g eD e t a il rd

1.3 C ha ng e P assw ord

A p p ra is a l P ro c e s s
J o b H is tro y J o b H is to ry in fo rm a tio n S k ill in fo rm a tio n S k ill In fo rm a tio n M em o in f o rm a t io n 3.1 In c re m e n t P ro c e s s M e m o in fo rm a tio n

M anagem ent

In c re m e n t P o lic y

In c re m e n t in fo rm a tio n

P ro m o tio n P o lic y

3.2 P ro m o tio n P ro c e s s

A p p ra is al in fo r m a tio n

A p p ra is a l in fo rm a tio n

P ro m o tio n in fo rm a tio n

T raining P rocess
E m p loyee T raining R e quire m e nt 4.1 T raining P rocess E m plo yee tra ining requirem ents

M an agem en t D ecision

M anage m ent

4.2 T raining S ched ule P roce ss S chedule inform ation T raining Schedule M an agem en t

M anage m ent vie w 4.3 T raining S electio n P roce ss

S e le ction Inform ation S election inform a tion

S electe d E m plo yee D eta ils

A ttenden ce D etails

4.4 T raining A ttendan ce P roce ss

T raining P rocess
E m p loyee T raining R e quire m e nt 4.1 T raining P rocess E m plo yee tra ining requirem ents

M an agem en t D ecision

M anage m ent

4.2 T raining S ched ule P roce ss S chedule inform ation T raining Schedule M an agem en t

M anage m ent vie w 4.3 T raining S electio n P roce ss

S e le ction Inform ation S election inform a tion

S electe d E m plo yee D eta ils

A ttenden ce D etails

4.4 T raining A ttendan ce P roce ss

5.E R Diagram
1 1 M 1 1


Works For


Dependents of

Giving Training Need

Dependents Management




Is Given





A Complete Structure of the Program

6.1 Number of Modules

Master module: This module covers the complete details of the employees

personal as well as office and the hierarchy of the organization in terms of grade and designation. This module when integrated with payroll will provide details of grade, designation and dependents of the employee. This is the basic module which must be integrated with other modules as it provides basic information about employees in particular and organization in general.
Training: This module covers entire training process right from knowing

the training needs of employees, scheduling training, selecting employees for training and keeping track of who attended the training. This module will take information. From master module and skill tracking module and will give information to the appraisal module.
Appraisal: This module keeps track of all information related to the

performance of employees by keeping details of the promotion, memo and grading of the employee by head of dept. and management in different skill sets. This helps in knowing employees performance up to the latest date. When integrated with payroll system the calculations of payroll system will affect according to the increment and promotion given to the employee.
Skill Tracking: The module keeps track of employees skills so that proper

allocation of the most vital human resource management system can be done efficiently. This module provides vital data to appraisal and training modules as one of the important thing to be considered during decision for appraisal is that what skill employee has acquired through training.

6.2 Data Structure Table: 1 Employee

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code First_Name Middle_Name Last_Name Address 1 Address 2 City Pin_Code State ResidencePhone Number Email _Id Gender Date_of_Birth Marital_ Status Blood_Group Qualification Join_Date Probition_Period Conform_Date OfficePhone Number Pextension Final_Program_No Experience Organization_Exit Exit_Date Exit_Reason Basic DATA TYPE DESCRIPTION Text(7) Text (13) Text (18) Text (17) Text (28) Text (23) Text (12) Number Text (12) Text (22) Text (36) Text (1) Date/ Time Text (12) Text (10) Memo Date/ Time Number Date/ Time Text (24) Number Number Number Text (11) Date/ Time Memo Number Primary key Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null Not Null

Not Null

Not Null

Table: 2 Management Departments


Department_Code Text(10) Department _Name Text (21) Head of the Department Text (3)

Table : 3 Management Designation

DESCRIPTION Designation_Code Designation Grade DATA TYPE Text(14) Text (12) Text (23) DESCRIPTION Priyamary Key Foreign key to Grade Code of Grade Master

Table : 4 Management Grade

DESCRIPTION Grade Minimum_Basic Salary_limit Maximum _Basic salary_limit DATA TYPE Text(3) Number Number DESCRIPTION Primary Key

Table : 5 Management Department

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Name Date_of_Birth Relation DATA TYPE Text (8) Text (12) Date/ Time Text (13) DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp code of Employee Table

Table : 6 Management Skill

DESCRIPTION Emp_Code Company_Name Designation Salary DATA TYPE Text (6) Text (20) Text (22) Number DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp code of Employee Table

Table : 7 Management Skills

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Skill DATA TYPE Text (6) Text (9) DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp Code of Employee Table

Table : 8 Employee Memo

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Memo_No Reason Date Given By

DATA TYPE Text(8) Number Text (50) Date/ Time Text (15)

DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp Code of Employee table Employee Code and Memo_No Forms Composite Primary key

Table: 9 Increment
DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Increment_No Old_Basic New_Basic Increment Increment_Date Effective_Date Reasons DATA TYPE Text(8) Number Number Number Number Date/Time Date/Time Memo DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp Code of Employee table Primary Key In percentage

Table: 10 Promotion

DESCRIPTION Promotion_Id Employee_code Designation_Code Grade Department_Code Reporting_Authority Reason Revised_Basic Date Final_program_no

DATA TYPE Text(12) Text (8) Text (14) Text (13) Text (14) Text (25) Text (20) Number Date/ Time Number

DESCRIPTION Primary Key Foreign key to Emp code of Employee Table Foreign key to Designation code of Designation Table Foreign key to Grade of Grade Table Foreign key to Dept code of Department Table Foreign key to Emp code of Employee Table

Table : 11 Employee Training Need

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Training _Code Priority DATA TYPE Text (29) Text (14) Text (2) DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp code of Employee Table Foreign key to Training Code of Training Schedule

Table : 12 Training Schedule

DESCRIPTION Training _Code Schedule_ Date Topic No_of_Employee No_of_Days Conducting Person Venue

DATA TYPE Text (14) Date/ Time Text (19) Number (13) Number (16) Text (22) Memo


Table: 13 Employee Training Nominee

DESCRIPTION Employee_Code Training_Code DATA TYPE Text (6) Text (24) DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp Code of Employee Foreign key to Training Code of Training Schedule

Table:14 Employee Training Attendance

DESCRIPTION Emp Code Training Code Attended Reason DATA TYPE Text (15) Text (14) Text (3) Text (50) DESCRIPTION Foreign key to Emp Code of Employee Foreign key to Training Code of Training Schedule Boolean: Yes (y) or No (n)

Table: 15 User Password

DESCRIPTION User Email_id Password Full Name Date of Birth Address PhoneResidenceNumber Mobile_ Number Active Flag Admin Enable DATA TYPE Text Text Text Date/ Time Memo Text Text Boolean Boolean Boolean DESCRIPTION Primary Key 12 40 dd/mm/yyyy 28 19


Types of Output / Report Generation

Types of Output Employee Master Department Master Grade Master Designation Master Job History Dependents Information Promotion Information Increment Information Training Schedule Training Need Training Selection Training Attendance Skills Information

Memo Information

Report Generation

Employee Details Report Promotion Report

Skill Report Training Schedule Report

6.4 Validation Check

1. All text fields that take integers, as inputs will be validated so,

that the only digits are allowed.

2. All text fields that take inputs as alphanumeric will be validated,

so that only alphabets are taken as parameters for input

3. All fields that are mapped to Primary key, will be validate so that

the data is not stores as NULL in the required fields

4. All text fields max length, are set according to the mapped

database fields, so that the characters does not exceed the maximum length.
5. Before storing the data, all fields that take in NULL are store

values as NULL.

6. All Date field values are stores as dd-MMM-yyyy format and

will be consistent through the system

7. All database fields that take in a single value, as flag will content

8. Primary keys are IDENTITY columns, which makes then Auto-

Increment value field. Data Stores in the reference table / column is validated through a Visual Graphical Component like Combo, ListViews, and TreeViews, which makes the Foreign Key Value consistent and sure to be present in the Parent table.

7. Tools / Platform, Languages to be used

Front End Tool -

ASP.NET(Code Behind C#)

Back-End Tool -

SQL Server 2005(Express Edition)

Microsoft VISIO (UML modeling)

8. Future Scope of Application

HRMS includes modules namely master, training and skill tracking

module. The brief description along with their functionality are.

Master module : This module covers the complete details of the

Employees personal as well as office and the hierarchy of the organization in terms of grade and designation. This module when integrated with payroll will provide details of grade, designation and dependents of the employee. This is the basic module which must be integrated with other modules as it provides basic information about employees in particular and organization in general.
Training :

This module covers entire training process right from

knowing the training needs of employees, scheduling training, selecting employees for training and keeping track of who attended the training. This module will take information From master module and skill tracking module and will give information to the appraisal module.
Appraisal : This module keeps track of all information related to the

performance of employees by keeping details of the promotion, memo and grading of the employee by head of department. and management in different skill sets. This helps in knowing employees performance up to the latest date When integrated with payroll system the calculations of payroll system will affect according to the increment and promotion given to the employee.

Skill Tracking : The module keeps track of employees skills so that

proper allocation of the most vital human resource management system can be done efficiently. This module provides vital data to appraisal and training modules as one training. of the important thing to be considered during decision for appraisal is that what skill employee has acquired through

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