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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report REPORT sdasasdas LINE-SIZE 316. INCLUDE <icon>. CONSTANTS: co_max_length TYPE i VALUE 256.

CONSTANTS: co_loio_file TYPE string VALUE 'sap_loios.txt'. DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: DATA: l_filename TYPE string. l_loiofile TYPE string. itab_mr_path TYPE string_table. wa_mr_path TYPE string. itab_mr_parts TYPE string_table. wa_mr_parts TYPE string. xchar(1024) TYPE x. itab_files LIKE TABLE OF xchar. wa_ascii(302) TYPE c. itab_ascii LIKE TABLE OF wa_ascii. wa_files LIKE LINE OF itab_files. l_content TYPE xstring. l_current TYPE xstring. wa_file_table TYPE file_info. wa_file_table2 TYPE file_info. itab_dir_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_info. itab_dir_table2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_info. itab_file_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_info. itab_file_table2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_info. BEGIN OF wa_file_loio, name(256) TYPE c, loio TYPE skwf_io, is_folder(1), END OF wa_file_loio. itab_loio LIKE TABLE OF wa_file_loio. l_directory TYPE string. l_rootdir TYPE string. l_url TYPE string. l_loio TYPE skwf_io. o_mr_api TYPE REF TO if_mr_api. is_folder TYPE boole_d. l_filelength TYPE i, x TYPE i, y TYPE i, l_count TYPE i, file_counter TYPE i, folder_counter TYPE i.



PARAMETERS: ovwrloio AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT ''. SELECTION-SCREEN: COMMENT 25(30) text-038. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK imex. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK dept WITH FRAME TITLE text-015. PARAMETERS: deeppath RADIOBUTTON GROUP dept. PARAMETERS: flatpath RADIOBUTTON GROUP dept. PARAMETERS: onefile RADIOBUTTON GROUP dept. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK dept. * SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK loio WITH FRAME TITLE text-036. * PARAMETERS: withloio AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X'. * SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK loio. DATA: withloio TYPE C VALUE SPACE. * --- MIMEPATH must end with / CONDENSE mimepath. x = STRLEN( mimepath ) - 1. IF mimepath+x(1) NE '/'. CONCATENATE mimepath '/' INTO mimepath. ENDIF. IF mimepath(4) NE '/SAP'. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (65) text-041. * Verwendung dieses Programmes nur bzgl. Wurzelelement /SAP mglich! EXIT. ENDIF. DATA: l_title TYPE string. DATA: l_file_table TYPE filetable. DATA: wa_single_file TYPE file_table. DATA: l_rc TYPE i. IF onefile = 'X' AND import = 'X'. --- select a single file CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = l_title DEFAULT_EXTENSION = DEFAULT_FILENAME = FILE_FILTER = WITH_ENCODING = initial_directory = 'C:\' multiselection = '' CHANGING file_table = l_file_table rc = l_rc USER_ACTION = FILE_ENCODING = EXCEPTIONS file_open_dialog_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5 . IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-016. Datei konnte nicht ermittelt werden! EXIT.

* * * *

* *

ENDIF. IF l_rc = 1. READ TABLE l_file_table INTO wa_single_file INDEX 1 TRANSPORTING filename. wa_file_table-filename = wa_single_file-filename. APPEND wa_file_table TO itab_file_table. ENDIF. ELSE. l_title = text-017. * Auswahl des gewnschten Verzeichnisses CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse EXPORTING window_title = l_title initial_folder = 'C:\' CHANGING selected_folder = l_rootdir EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR l_rootdir IS INITIAL. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-003. Das Wurzelverzeichnis konnte nicht ermittelt werden! EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. --- ##################### --- # IMPORT # --- ##################### IF import = 'X'.

* * *

IF NOT onefile = 'X'. IF deeppath = 'X'. * --- collect subdirectories of root directory * --- (-> top level) CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_list_files EXPORTING directory = l_rootdir directories_only = 'X' CHANGING file_table = itab_dir_table count = l_count EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 directory_list_files_failed = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 error_no_gui = 4 not_supported_by_gui = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-004. Die Verzeichnisliste konnte nicht erstellt werden! EXIT. ENDIF. l_directory = l_rootdir. * --- collect all subdirectories beginning with second layer

LOOP AT itab_dir_table INTO wa_file_table. REFRESH itab_dir_table2. CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' wa_file_table-filename INTO l_directory. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_list_files EXPORTING directory = l_directory directories_only = 'X' CHANGING file_table = itab_dir_table2 count = l_count EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 directory_list_files_failed = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 error_no_gui = 4 not_supported_by_gui = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-004. Die Verzeichnisliste konnte nicht erstellt werden! EXIT. ENDIF.

* --- gradual collection of all directories in itab_dir_table LOOP AT itab_dir_table2 INTO wa_file_table2. CONCATENATE wa_file_table-filename '\' wa_file_table2-filename INTO wa_file_table2-filename. APPEND wa_file_table2 TO itab_dir_table. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. "itab_dir_table ENDIF. "deeppath * --- don't forget the files of root directory * --- -> initial filename assures that these files are included APPEND INITIAL LINE TO itab_dir_table. * --- now collect files of all directories LOOP AT itab_dir_table INTO wa_file_table. REFRESH itab_file_table2. CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' wa_file_table-filename INTO l_directory. * --- get file list CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_list_files EXPORTING directory = l_directory files_only = 'X' CHANGING file_table = itab_file_table2 count = l_count EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 directory_list_files_failed = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 error_no_gui = 4

not_supported_by_gui = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-005. Die Dateiliste konnte nicht erstellt werden! EXIT. ENDIF.

LOOP AT itab_file_table2 INTO wa_file_table2. * --- root directory: avert leading '\' IF NOT wa_file_table-filename IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE wa_file_table-filename '\' wa_file_table2-filename INTO wa_file_table2-filename. ENDIF. * --- LOIO information must not be uploaded IF NOT wa_file_table2-filename EQ co_loio_file. APPEND wa_file_table2 TO itab_file_table. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. "itab_dir_table ENDIF. "onefile = 'X' IF o_mr_api IS INITIAL. o_mr_api = cl_mime_repository_api=>if_mr_api~get_api( ). ENDIF. IF withloio = 'X'. CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' co_loio_file INTO l_loiofile. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = l_loiofile filetype = 'ASC' has_field_separator = 'X' IMPORTING filelength = l_filelength CHANGING data_tab = itab_loio EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_read_error = 2 no_batch = 3 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_authority = 6 unknown_error = 7 bad_data_format = 8 header_not_allowed = 9 separator_not_allowed = 10 header_too_long = 11 unknown_dp_error = 12 access_denied = 13 dp_out_of_memory = 14 disk_full = 15 dp_timeout = 16 not_supported_by_gui = 17 error_no_gui = 18 OTHERS = 19. IF sy-subrc <> 0.

* *

IF sy-subrc = 1. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-029, l_loiofile. Datei mit LOIO-Informationen ist nicht vorhanden ELSE. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-030, l_loiofile. Fehler beim Lesen der LOIO-informationen aus Datei ENDIF. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDIF. "withloio

* --- now compare the LOIOs of local folders with MR information * --- + if the folder is missing, we will create with given LOIO * --- + it folder is present, but LOIOs differ, we will only write a message LOOP AT itab_loio INTO wa_file_loio WHERE is_folder = 'X'. l_filelength = STRLEN( l_rootdir ). wa_file_loio-name = wa_file_loio-name+l_filelength. SHIFT wa_file_loio-name BY l_filelength PLACES. IF wa_file_loio-name(1) = '\'. SHIFT wa_file_loio-name BY 1 PLACES. ENDIF. CONCATENATE mimepath wa_file_loio-name INTO l_url. * --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE l_url USING '\/'. * CLEAR: is_folder. CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = l_url IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc = 3. * --- MR does not contain this folder -> create it with given LOIO WRITE: /(6) icon_folder AS ICON, (55) text-018, l_url. * Ordner existiert nicht CALL METHOD o_mr_api->create_folder EXPORTING i_url = l_url i_suppress_package_dialog = 'X' i_folder_loio = wa_file_loio-loio * IMPORTING * E_FOLDER_IO = EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 cancelled = 3 permission_failure = 4 folder_exists = 5


= 6.

* *

IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-009, l_url. Keine Schreibberechtigung an Mime-Objekt WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-010, l_url. Fehler beim Anlegen des Mime-Objektes ENDCASE. ELSE. WRITE: /(6) icon_green_light AS ICON, (55) text-032, l_url. Ordner wurde neu angelegt folder_counter = folder_counter + 1. ENDIF. ELSE. IF l_loio NE wa_file_loio-loio AND withloio = 'X'. WRITE: /(6) icon_yellow_light AS ICON, (55) text-019, l_url. LOIOs unterschiedlich ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.

* --- handle each file separately LOOP AT itab_file_table INTO wa_file_table. IF NOT onefile = 'X'. * --- method directory_browse(^) exports rootdir without ending \ CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' wa_file_table-filename INTO l_filename. ELSE. l_filename = wa_file_table-filename. ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = l_filename filetype = 'BIN' read_by_line = 'X' IMPORTING filelength = l_filelength CHANGING data_tab = itab_files EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_read_error = 2 no_batch = 3 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_authority = 6 unknown_error = 7 bad_data_format = 8 header_not_allowed = 9 separator_not_allowed = 10 header_too_long = 11 unknown_dp_error = 12 access_denied = 13 dp_out_of_memory = 14 disk_full = 15 dp_timeout = 16

not_supported_by_gui error_no_gui OTHERS

= 17 = 18 = 19.

IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-006, l_filename. Fehler beim Upload der Datei! CONTINUE. ENDIF. CLEAR: l_content.

* --- we need the file content as xstring LOOP AT itab_files INTO wa_files. CONCATENATE l_content wa_files INTO l_content IN BYTE MODE. ENDLOOP. * --- cut according to filelength l_content = l_content(l_filelength). CLEAR: x, y, l_url. IF l_url IS INITIAL. IF onefile = 'X'. CLEAR: x, y. DO. FIND '\' IN wa_file_table-filename+x MATCH OFFSET y. IF sy-subrc = 0. x = x + y + 1. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. CONCATENATE mimepath wa_file_table-filename+x INTO l_url. CLEAR: x, y. ELSE. CONCATENATE mimepath wa_file_table-filename INTO l_url. ENDIF. ENDIF. * --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE l_url USING '\/'. * * * * * --- now compare the LOIOs of local files with MR information --- + if file is missing, we will create it with given LOIO --- + if file is present, but LOIOs differ: --- ++ if checkbox ovwrloio is checked, we will delete MR file --- ++ otherwise we will only write a message IF NOT itab_loio IS INITIAL. * DATA: l_url_folder LIKE l_url. * LOOP AT itab_loio INTO wa_file_loio WHERE is_folder IS INITIAL. DATA: abs_name LIKE wa_file_table-filename. CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' wa_file_table-filename INTO abs_name. READ TABLE itab_loio WITH KEY name = abs_name INTO wa_file_loio. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ULINE. FORMAT COLOR COL_NEGATIVE ON. WRITE: /(6) icon_loio_class AS ICON, (255) text-033. * LOIO zu File konnte nicht ermttelt werden WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (255) text-034.

WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (255) abs_name. Datei wird nicht angelegt! FORMAT COLOR COL_NEGATIVE OFF. ULINE. CONTINUE. ENDIF. CONCATENATE mimepath wa_file_loio-name INTO l_url. CLEAR: is_folder.

* --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE l_url USING '\/'. CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = l_url IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. * IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 3. "* --- mime not found -> go on... CLEAR l_current. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-007, l_url. * Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime-Objekt CONTINUE. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-008, l_url. * Fehler beim Lesen des Mime-Objektes CONTINUE. ENDCASE. ELSE. IF wa_file_loio-loio NE l_loio AND withloio = 'X'. WRITE: /(6) icon_yellow_light AS ICON, (55) text-019, l_url. * LOIOs unterschiedlich IF ovwrloio EQ 'X'. * --- delete MR file, if LOIOs differ CALL METHOD o_mr_api->delete EXPORTING i_url = l_url i_delete_children = '' i_check_authority = 'X' * I_CORR_NUMBER = EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 cancelled = 3 permission_failure = 4 not_found = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0.

CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-023, l_url. Keine Berechtigung zum Lschen der Datei CONTINUE. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-022, l_url. Fehler beim Lschen der Datei CONTINUE. ENDCASE. ELSE. WRITE: /(6) icon_loio_class AS ICON, (55) text-024, l_url. Datei wird neu angelegt (LOIO-Abgleich) CLEAR l_current. ENDIF. ENDIF. "ovwrloio ENDIF. "wa_file_loio-loio NE l_loio and withloio = 'X ENDIF. "sy-subrc ENDIF. "itab_loio initial

* --- new IF withloio IS INITIAL. * --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE l_url USING '\/'. CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = l_url IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. * IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 3. "* --- mime not found -> go on... CLEAR l_current. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-007, l_url. * Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime-Objekt CONTINUE. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-008, l_url. * Fehler beim Lesen des Mime-Objektes CONTINUE. ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDIF. * --- end new * --- check, if this is a css-file * --- css -> convert to ascii, exclude timestamp and compare ascii DATA: l_oldascii TYPE string.


l_newascii conv length new_offset


string. REF TO cl_abap_conv_in_ce. i. i, old_offset TYPE i.

CLEAR: new_offset, old_offset, l_newascii, l_oldascii. length = STRLEN( l_url ) - 4. IF length > 0 AND l_url+length CS '.css'. * --- NEW: exclude timestamp (17B) and compare xstring... IF XSTRLEN( l_content ) > 17 AND XSTRLEN( l_current ) > 17. IF l_current+17 = l_content+17. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDIF. * conv = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = l_content ). * conv->read( IMPORTING data = l_newascii len = length ). * * IF NOT l_current IS INITIAL. * conv = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>create( input = l_current ). * conv->read( IMPORTING data = l_oldascii len = length ). * ENDIF. * ** --- identify timestamp and the corresponding offset * IF STRLEN( l_newascii ) > 24 AND l_newascii(2) = '/*' AND l_newascii+2( 22) CS '*/'. * new_offset = sy-fdpos + 4. * ENDIF. * IF STRLEN( l_oldascii ) > 24 AND l_oldascii(2) = '/*' AND l_oldascii+2( 22) CS '*/'. * old_offset = sy-fdpos + 4. * ENDIF. * ** --- compare ascii * IF l_oldascii+old_offset = l_newascii+new_offset. * CONTINUE. * ENDIF. * ELSE. * --- compare binary IF l_current = l_content. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDIF. * --- update only if content has changed * --- if no LOIO was included, the put method will * --- create a new one CALL METHOD o_mr_api->put EXPORTING i_url = l_url i_content = l_content i_suppress_package_dialog = 'X' i_new_loio = wa_file_loio-loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 cancelled = 3 permission_failure = 4

data_inconsistency OTHERS

= 5 = 6.

* *

IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-009, l_url. Keine Schreibberechtigung an Mime-Objekt WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-010, l_url. Fehler beim Anlegen des Mime-Objektes ENDCASE. ELSE. WRITE: /(6) icon_green_light AS ICON, (55) text-025, l_url. MIME-Objekt wurde neu angelegt file_counter = file_counter + 1. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.

* --- Cache invalidieren CALL FUNCTION 'ICM_CACHE_INVALIDATE_ALL' EXPORTING global = 1 EXCEPTIONS icm_op_failed = 1 icm_get_serv_failed = 2 icm_no_http_service = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ULINE. WRITE: /(6) icon_yellow_light AS ICON, (55) text-040, l_url. Fehler beim Invalidieren des ICM Caches ENDIF. ULINE. WRITE: Anzahl WRITE: Anzahl /(6) icon_folder AS ICON, (55) text-027, folder_counter. neu angelegter Ordner /(6) icon_write_file AS ICON, (55) text-026, file_counter. neu angelegter Dateien

* *

* --- ################## * --- # EXPORT # * --- ################## ELSEIF export = 'X'. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_list_files EXPORTING directory = l_rootdir directories_only = '' CHANGING file_table = itab_dir_table count = l_count EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 directory_list_files_failed = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 error_no_gui = 4

not_supported_by_gui OTHERS

= 5 = 6.

IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-004. Die Verzeichnisliste konnte nicht erstellt werden! EXIT. ENDIF. IF l_count <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-031, l_rootdir. Verzeichnis ist nicht leer EXIT. ENDIF. CONCATENATE l_rootdir '\' INTO l_rootdir. CLEAR itab_ascii[]. IF o_mr_api IS INITIAL. o_mr_api = cl_mime_repository_api=>if_mr_api~get_api( ). ENDIF.

* --- check if mimepath is a single file CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = mimepath i_check_authority = 'X' IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-013, mimepath. Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime Repository! WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-014, mimepath. Das MIME Repository konnte nicht gelesen werden! ENDCASE. ENDIF.

* *

DATA: single_file(1) VALUE ''. IF is_folder NE 'X'. * --- export a single file single_file = 'X'. l_filelength = STRLEN( mimepath ) - 1. IF mimepath+l_filelength = '/'. wa_mr_path = mimepath(l_filelength). ELSE. wa_mr_path = mimepath. ENDIF. APPEND wa_mr_path TO itab_mr_path. CLEAR: x, y.

DO. FIND '/' IN wa_mr_path+x MATCH OFFSET y. IF sy-subrc = 0. x = x + y + 1. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. mimepath = wa_mr_path(x). CLEAR: x, y. ELSE. IF onefile = 'X'. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-039, mimepath. Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime Repository! EXIT. ENDIF. CALL METHOD o_mr_api->file_list EXPORTING i_url = mimepath i_recursive_call = deeppath i_check_authority = 'X' IMPORTING e_files = itab_mr_path EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 is_not_folder = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-013, mimepath. Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime Repository! WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-014, mimepath. Das MIME Repository konnte nicht gelesen werden! ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR: wa_mr_path. LOOP AT itab_mr_path INTO wa_mr_path.

* *

IF withloio = 'X'. * --- changes regarding folder LOIOs DATA: l_mime_length TYPE i. DATA: l_mr_path TYPE string. l_url = mimepath. l_mime_length = STRLEN( mimepath ). l_mr_path = wa_mr_path+l_mime_length. * --- split in order to analyze the folders SPLIT l_mr_path AT '/' INTO TABLE itab_mr_parts. LOOP AT itab_mr_parts INTO wa_mr_parts. CLEAR: is_folder, l_current, l_loio.

IF single_file = 'X'. CONCATENATE l_url wa_mr_parts INTO l_url. ELSE. CONCATENATE l_url wa_mr_parts '/' INTO l_url. ENDIF. CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = l_url i_check_authority = 'X' IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 3. "* --- mime not found -> go on... CLEAR l_current. EXIT. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-007, l_url. Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime-Objekt EXIT. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-008, l_url. Fehler beim Lesen des Mime-Objektes EXIT. ENDCASE. ENDIF.

* --- Now collect information about LOIOs in itab * --- data separated with tabulator IF is_folder = 'X'. CONCATENATE l_url l_loio 'X' INTO wa_ascii SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char _utilities=>horizontal_tab. ELSE. DATA: url_len TYPE i. url_len = STRLEN( l_url ) - 1. IF l_url+url_len = '/'. l_url = l_url(url_len). ENDIF. CONCATENATE l_url l_loio INTO wa_ascii SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_uti lities=>horizontal_tab. ENDIF. REPLACE mimepath IN wa_ascii WITH l_rootdir IGNORING CASE. * --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE wa_ascii USING '/\'. * --- is there already a folder LOIO? READ TABLE itab_ascii WITH KEY wa_ascii TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc NE 0. APPEND wa_ascii TO itab_ascii. ENDIF.

ENDLOOP. ENDIF. l_url = wa_mr_path.


CALL METHOD o_mr_api->get EXPORTING i_url = l_url IMPORTING e_is_folder = is_folder e_content = l_current e_loio = l_loio EXCEPTIONS parameter_missing = 1 error_occured = 2 not_found = 3 permission_failure = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 3. "* --- mime not found -> go on... CLEAR l_current. WHEN 4. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-007, l_url. Keine Leseberechtigung an Mime-Objekt CONTINUE. WHEN OTHERS. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-008, l_url. Fehler beim Lesen des Mime-Objektes CONTINUE. ENDCASE. ENDIF.

* --- this should not happen... IF is_folder = 'X'. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-011, l_url. * Der angegebene Pfad zeigt auf ein Verzeichnis CONTINUE. ENDIF. l_filename = l_url. REPLACE mimepath IN l_filename WITH l_rootdir IGNORING CASE. * --- to be consistent with windows pathes TRANSLATE l_filename USING '/\'. l_filelength = STRLEN( l_filename ). * --- to be sure: it's not the unicode world * --- so we have a limit for the length of filenames IF l_filelength > co_max_length. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-035, l_filename. * Pfad zu lang! Datei kann nicht exportiert werden! CONTINUE. ENDIF. CLEAR: x, y, l_count, l_filelength. REFRESH itab_files. l_filelength = XSTRLEN( l_current ). x = l_filelength. WHILE x GT 0.

y = l_count * 1024. APPEND l_current+y(x) TO itab_files. x = x - 1024. l_count = l_count + 1. ENDWHILE. * --- export file to frontend CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING bin_filesize = l_filelength filename = l_filename filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = l_filelength CHANGING data_tab = itab_files EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 no_batch = 2 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3 invalid_type = 4 no_authority = 5 unknown_error = 6 header_not_allowed = 7 separator_not_allowed = 8 filesize_not_allowed = 9 header_too_long = 10 dp_error_create = 11 dp_error_send = 12 dp_error_write = 13 unknown_dp_error = 14 access_denied = 15 dp_out_of_memory = 16 disk_full = 17 dp_timeout = 18 file_not_found = 19 dataprovider_exception = 20 control_flush_error = 21 not_supported_by_gui = 22 error_no_gui = 23 OTHERS = 24. IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-028, l_filename. Fehler beim Download der Datei CONTINUE. ELSE. file_counter = file_counter + 1. ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush. ENDLOOP. IF NOT itab_ascii IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE l_rootdir co_loio_file INTO l_filename. * --- export loio information to frontend CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download EXPORTING filename = l_filename

filetype IMPORTING filelength CHANGING data_tab EXCEPTIONS file_write_error no_batch gui_refuse_filetransfer invalid_type no_authority unknown_error header_not_allowed separator_not_allowed filesize_not_allowed header_too_long dp_error_create dp_error_send dp_error_write unknown_dp_error access_denied dp_out_of_memory disk_full dp_timeout file_not_found dataprovider_exception control_flush_error not_supported_by_gui error_no_gui OTHERS

= 'ASC' = l_filelength = itab_ascii = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24.

IF sy-subrc <> 0. WRITE: /(6) icon_red_light AS ICON, (55) text-028, l_filename. Fehler beim Download der Datei ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush. ENDIF. "NOT itab_ascii IS INITIAL ULINE. WRITE: /(6) icon_write_file AS ICON, (55) text-026, file_counter. Anzahl neu angelegter Dateien ENDIF. "import/export IF NOT o_mr_api IS INITIAL. FREE o_mr_api. ENDIF.

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