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Michael Fu Period 3

Word List
9/12/11 Ambitiona particular goal of ones desire; an eager desire for fame, social standing, or power; aspiration or a desire to achieve a particular goal 9/13/11 Orbitto move in a circular motion around something; to set up as to move in an orbit 9/14/11 Vimrobust energy and enthusiasm 9/15/11 Indifferentneither good or bad (mediocre); having or showing no special liking for or dislike of something; not interested or concerned; not important; of no special influence 9/16/11 Recapitulateto give a brief summary; summarize 9/19/11 Radianttransmitted by radiation; glowing with love, confidence or happiness; giving out or reflecting light; vividly bright and gleaming 9/20/11 Encorea demand made by an audience for a repeat or an additional performance; a further performance in response to such a demand 9/21/11 Fabricateto create or produce for the first time; to make up in order to deceive; to make or form by combining and arranging parts; to build or manufacture

9/22/11 Manaclesomething that prevents free action; a shackle for the wrist or hand (handcuff) 9/23/11 Jovialfull of or expressing good humor 9/26/11 Matineea theatrical performance held in the daytime and especially in the afternoon 9/27/11 Cumulativeincreasing (as in force, strength, or amount) by additions one after another 9/28/11 Liftoffa vertical takeoff (as by a rocket) 9/29/11 Forfeitto lose or lose the right to as a punishment for an error, offense, or crime 9/30/11 Autonomousexisting independent of anything else; having the power or right of self governing 10/3/11 Hacklehairs along the neck and back especially of a dog that can be made to stand up 10/4/11 Academya school especially a private high school; a society of learned persons; an institution for training in special subjects or skills 10/5/11 Pensivedreamily thoughtful; suggestive of sad thoughtfulness

10/6/11 Watershedthe area that drains into a river or lake; a dividing ridge (as a mountain range) separating one drainage area form another 10/7/11 Analyzeto study or find out the nature and relationships of the parts of (something) by examination of the whole 10/10/11 Leisurefreedom from work or duties; ease; time at ones command; convenience 10/11/11 Attractto draw by appealing to interest or feeling; to pull to or towards oneself or itself 10/12/11 Chockablockvery full, crammed; crowded 10/13/11 Furnishto supply or give to someone or something; to provide with what is needed (furniture especially) 10/14/11 Venerateto show deep respect for 10/17/11 Intricatehaving many complexly interrelating parts, elements, or considerations (complicated) 10/18/11 Demarcateto distinguish (set apart); to mark the limits or boundaries of

10/19/11 Americanof or relating to the U.S. or its citizens; of or relating to North or South America or their residents 10/20/11 Submergeto put or go underwater; to cover or become covered with or as if with water 10/21/11 Mareany of several large dark areas on the surface of the moon or Mars 10/24/11 Exemptfree or released from some condition or requirement that others must deal with 10/25/11 Remnanta surviving (small) part; something that remains or is left over 10/26/11 Exasperateto annoy, irritate, or make angry 10/27/11 Respectrelation to or concern with something specified (reference); expressions of regard or courtesy; detail; high or special regard 10/28/11 Stewarda manager of a large home, estate, or organization; a person employed to manage the supply and distribution of food and attend the needs of a passenger (as in on plane, train, or ship) 10/31/11 Insidiousawaiting a chance to trap; treacherous; harmful but attractive; having an effect that develops gradually

11/1/11 Mesmerizehypnotize; spellbind or fascinate 11/2/11 Prodigiousvery big; huge; exciting amazement or wonder 11/3/11 Wallowto become or remain helpless; to devote oneself to something pleasurable 11/4/11 Aficionadoa person who really likes or appreciates something 11/7/11 Villainan evil person or scoundrel; a free peasant 11/8/11 Endureto bear patiently or suffer; to tolerate or allow to happen; to continue in the same state 11/9/11 Aversehaving an active or strong dislike 11/10/11 Generousfree in giving or sharing; noble and high minded; abundant 11/11/11 Memorialserving to preserve the memory of a person or an event 11/14/11 Acolytesomeone who follows and admires a leader; someone who helps the person who leads a church service

11/15/11 Ennuia feeling of weariness or dissatisfaction; boredom 11/16/11 Impedeto interfere with the movement or progress of 11/17/11 Rankleto cause anger, irritation, or deep bitterness 11/18/11 Ultimatuma demand that if rejected will bring about an end of peaceful talks and may result in forceful action 11/21/11 Palpableobvious; plain; tangible (capable of being touched or felt) 11/22/11 Odea lyric poem that expresses a noble feeling with dignity 11/23/11 Laconicterse; using few words 11/24/11 Bountymoney given as a reward; generosity or something given generously 11/25/11 Facsimilean exact copy; a system of transmitting and reproducing printed matter or pictures by means of signals sent over telephone lines

11/28/11 Detritusa product or disintegration or wearing away; loose material that results directly from the natural breaking up of roots 11/29/11 Posturea condition or state; the position of one part of the body with relation to other parts; the way one holds his/her own body 11/30/11 Congealto make or become stiff, thick, or lumpy (clot); to change from a fluid to a solid state 12/1/11 Titanicenormous in size, force or power (gigantic) 12/2/11 Accoladea mark of recognition; praise; a formal salute 12/5/11 Sojournto stop or stay as a temporary residence 12/6/11 Boundarysomething that points out or shows a limit or end (dividing line) 12/7/11 Boastto have and display proudly; to praise ones own possessions, qualities, or achievements 12/8/11 Preciousgreatly loved or dear; of great value or high price

12/9/11 Tempesta violent storm; a loud uproar or commotion 12/12/11 Poinsettiaa showy Mexican and South American plant with large usually scarlet bracts that grow like petals about its small yellow flowers 12/13/11 QWERTYa standard computer keyboard or typewriter 12/14/11 Bewilderto confuse, especially with a great many things to worry about 12/15/11 Protagonistthe chief character in a novel, play or story . 12/16/11 Staminaendurance; strength or energy of body or mind 1/2/12 Abbreviateto shorten, make briefer; especially to reduce words to a shorter form 1/3/12 Laryngitisinflammation of the larynx 1/4/12 Vastvery great in extent, size, amount, degree, or intensity 1/5/12 Evasivetending or meant to evade; hard to find, capture, or isolate

1/6/12 Trophysomething taken or given as recognition of bravery, courage, or an achievement 1/9/12 Ordeala severe test or experience 1/10/12 Bilingualusing two languages; fluent in more than one language 1/11/12 Intervalspace between things; difference in pitch between tones; time between events 1/12/12 Capitulateto surrender, usually on terms agreed in advance 1/13/12 Far-fetchedimprobable; not easily or naturally thought of 1/16/12 Overturean opening offer; proposal; a type of musical composition

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