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Run the commands: * mkdir -p work/{inbox,outbox,pending}/{normal,urgent,important} * echo "the current date is `date`" echo 'the current date is `date`'

* Common Redirection Operators: command > file - Direct standard output of command to file command >> file - Append standard output of command to file. command < file - Send file as input to command. command1|command2 - "Pipe" the standard output of command1 into the standard in put of command2. * find /etc -name passwd - search all files named passwd in /etc and its subdire ctories. * To redirect the standard output find /etc -name paswd > findresult * Run the following commands sequentially: find /etc -name find /etc -name passwd >> output (this command's output will get appended to d ata already in the file output) cat output The following command will overwrite the contents of the file output find /etc -name passwd > output * Navigating text with less less [options] [filename]: Space - moves ahead one full screen b - moves back one full screen Enter - moves ahead one line k - moves back one line g - moves to the top of the file *

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