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Global Warming Solutions

Short Term Solutions

Global Climate Stabilization

Long Term Solutions

Iron Fertilization

Solar Shade Contruction

Short Term Solutions to Global Warming

Stratospheric Sulfer Dispersion

Emitted Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Carbon Emissions Trading

Re-examination of Land Use

Carbon Taxation to decrease demand

Long Term Solutions to Global Warming

Urban redevelopment Improve Efficiency

Energy Source Shift

Carbon Emissions Trading

People and industry are allotted credits for carbon consumption equivalent to desired emissions targets

Carbon emissions can be measured closely on intensity and volume of activity

Excess credits may be sold for a profit by either people or corporations

Money can be invested in more efficient/Carbon Neutral Technology

Excess consumption by people or corporations will be fined and the money used in pollution offsets

Energy Efficiency
Greenhouses boil water to make heat for growing environment

In times of excess heat or lower power use the electricity is sold to the local power grid

The boiler generates electricity to power the operations

The carbon dioxide produced by the combustion feeds the plants grown

Urban Redevelopment

Energy Source Shift

Alternate Fuels
Nuclear Power

Renewable Sources

Lower emissions shifting (Methane)

Hydroelectric Power

Solar Energy

Wave/underwater Turbine

Geothermal Energy

Biomass Fuels

Re-examine Land Use

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