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Experiment I: GIT Motility Test (ANTI-DIARRHEAL EFFECT) Charcoal Tracing Method

Acosta Advincula Afalla Agaton

I. Objective: To determine the effect of Atropine SO4 on the GI motility of the specimen (white rat).

II. Procedure (charcoal tracing method)

1. fast the mice for 12 hrs prior to test

2. weigh the mice 3. administer appropriate amount of

atropine SO4 based on the weight

II. Procedure (charcoal tracing method)

4. let it (atropine) take effect for 2030 mins.

5. feed with atleast 1ml of the

charcoal meal

6. wait for 20-30 mins to allow


II. Procedure (charcoal tracing method)

7. dissect GIT of the mice. Extract the
SI from the pyloric end of the stomach to the distal ileum (ileo-cecal junction)

8. measure the distance travelled by

the charcoal meal (tracer) in the SI

9. Compute for the percentage

distance travelled by the charcoal meal

III. Atropine
A. Drug class: Anticholinergic Antimuscarinic Parasympatholytic,

III. Atropine
B. Mechanism of Action: Competitively blocks the effects of acetylcholine at muscarinic cholinergic receptors that mediate the effects of parasympathetic postganglionic impulses. depresses salivary and bronchial secretions Dilates the bronchi inhibits vagal influences on the heart Relaxes the GI and GU tracts inhibits gastric acid secretion prevents accommodation for near vision also blocks the effects of acetylcholine in the CNS.

IV. Results
A. Parameter that was Measured:

Length of the small intestine travelled by the charcoal meal

B. Formula:
% travelled = Length of SI travelled by charcoal By charcoal meal Total length of SI

IV. Results
Computation: % travelled = 25 cm x 100 = 45.45 % By charcoal meal 44 cm

Table 1: Effect of Atropine SO4 on GI motility

% travelled by Charcoal Meal Normal values

Atropine 45.45%


V. Discussion
Atropine SO4 decreases the parasympathetic activity of all muscles and glands regulated by the PNS. This occurs because atropine SO4 is a competitive antagonist of the muscarinic acetylcholine receptors. Blockade of muscarinic receptors has dramatic effects on motility and some of the secretory functions of the gut.

V. Discussion
However, even complete muscarinic block cannot totally abolish activity in this organ system, since local hormones and noncholinergic neurons in the enteric system also modulate GI function. GI smooth muscle motility is affected from the stomach to the colon. In general, the walls of the viscera are relaxed, and both tone and propulsive movements are diminished. Therefore, GI emptying time is prolonged, and intestinal transit time is lengthened.

V. Discussion
In the experiment, using Atropine SO4 as our drug, we have observed that the charcoal tracer has traveled 45.45% of the total length of the mouses small intestine. This result was above the expected values of 25 to 35%. This result could be possibly attributed to mistiming of the experiment. The group had a hard time feeding the specimen with the charcoal tracer. That is why it took us several minutes before we had fed the specimen with at least 1ml of the tracer. We started to time the 30 minute period after the completion of the 1g target dosage instead of timing it from the start of the charcoal feeding process.

VI. Conclusion
Atropine sulfate is a potent parasympatholytic. It inhibits actions of acetylcholine at postganglionic parasympathetic neuroeffector sites, primarily at muscarinic receptors. As a result, it decreases gastric motility, thus, it has a potent anti-diarrheal effect.


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