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Wa Str all reet or Uni r ited S States of Am ca meric Ch hoice e

The co ontinenta United States w never attacke during World W al d was ed g War II. Well, maybe not ex e xactly tru high altitude winds a ue, aloft carr ried ns where som of the me ese ballo oons did drop bom mbs balloon from Japan w upon t the continent. This author father was a m rs r member o the Uni of ited States Armed Forces du F uring Wo orld War II. In the years fo e following no g, resent tment wa ever he as eard or d directed towards those th launc hat ched the ba alloon bom mbs. Man a mili ny itary per rson is th of on follow hat nly wing orders of a few upper e s w echelon w whose in nterest m may not h have been in n align w with the well bein of the subservient. A chain of births i a ng eir in numbe of cou er untries e entitles t those bor to asc rn cend to a throne of e power. United States of A America in its formation rivaled against t this The U chain of autho ority and sought to crea d t ate a system of f fairness and e justice for all. e ld I, merican R Revolution was n affor not rded Unlike in Worl War II the Am the op pportunit to en ty nlist all the citizens to purchas Bonds to se s financ the figh for fre ce ht eedom. A Animosity today d y does not e exist against those t the coun ntry once fought; in actua e ality; Eng gland and the Uni d ited States of America are n longer foes but exist tod no day a frie ends. g W he d held Bon drives to fund the nd s During World War II th United States h Allied War Ma achines fight ag gainst th Axis M he Machine which was financ ced by th faith o the pe he of eople. Fin nancial G Gestopoli ism brou ught Hitler and the new mo oney to the brink of globa power spiting the k al r financ cial aristo ocrat and elite d d r ies of the world are United States, Europe and many other countri again in a ba attle aga ainst tho ose who serve new mo o oney. Wh here cial Gest topolist le eaders of moneta ary policy continu to inf y ue flate Financ the pr ropagand money balloon and disregard h da y n humanitie needs for es the sak of gree one h to wonder whe the gladiators will retu ke ed, has en urn. Save the mar e rkets and torpedo the dam people d o mn e!
Adolf Hitler was an evil per n rson. Sata was an outcast o God. an of

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