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IDP testee R&D –Version
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Flow chart
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小新课堂 笔记 version 9.0
雅思回家复习计划 ppt——置顶的最后一个贴
雅思论据大汇总 (2 句)
be scattered with
雅思必备 200 句(保 6 分)
It is acknowledged that (5 句)
Routine Rubric 常项题型
Seldom Rubric 偷袭题型
Insight Into IELTS
make one’s debut
Process=Flow chart
Compare—summarize 共性
Contrast—analyze 个性
sterilize deshape
rocket plummet
soar slump
surge subside
boom ebb
creep up creep down
accrue abate
leap dip
rally retrieve
程度副词 每栏掌握两个
Task 1 的 3 种基本句型

surge= rise moderately
soar=rise sharply
boom=rise gently
绝对描述系统 verb(天龙八部)

相对描述系统 junk verb +adverb

A: rise sharply/maximally

B: rise comparatively gently

D: rise gently/minimally

C: rise comparatively sharply

B2: rise sharply

A2: rise comparatively sharply
more less 绝对性副词

accrue=rise gradually and gently
leap=rise smoothly and sharply
起落同幅 rise and fall evenly

60%= three-fifths// three out of five

= a/the majority of
= a large/striking/dominant/leading
portion/part/share/proportion/percentage/margin of

>80% (93%)= a lion’s share

5%= a minority of, a marginal/micro/slim/tiny/small-scaled/meagre portion
37.8%= maximum/comparatively a majority of (<50%的最大值)
comparatively a minority of WRONG

1) 数据+抄题+导入宾语 Band 5
2) 主语+“占据”(先特征,后数据) Band 6
3) 剩余数据 Band 7(Combo)
a) constitute
b) make up
c) be the factor(s)/instrument(s) of 致成物
the remaining a.
the rest a./n.
the remainder n.
the remnant n.

in the charge of – sb
due to//owing to//attributed/ascribed to//for//oriented to—sth

Pie Chart 的审题过程:

1. 看文字信息
2. 标题审题 标 1\2\3


例 4:
Food and drink, Other items covered comparatively a majority of the Average weekly
expenditure, with 26% and 24% respectively.

Task 1 的时态:
1) 现在时——无时间
2) 过去时——过去时间
3) 将来时——将来时间
 从过去到将来——现在时

1) 现在完成时(描述阶段)
Since 1970, there has been a large increase.
2) 现在进行时

On the other hand, Recreation and education, Clothing accounted for a small portion of the
expenditure, with 17% altogether.
 “累加”的写法:
totaling 17%//amounting to 17%//adding up to 17%//with a total of 17%//equaling 17%

When added up, they amount to ___

19% of the expenditure was shared by Housing and power. Furthermore, the remaining 14%
was due to Transport and communication.

1) 先写一个,另一个再比
2) 直接联动
红书 P78:
Coal occupied the maximal portion//was the biggest instrument of the sources of energy, with
47% while Nuclear accounted for a tiny share, with only 1%. Furthermore, 28% altogether of
the energy was shared by Oil and Hydro. The remaining 24% was due to Natural Gas.

1) In 1980, the percentage of Coal increased/crept up by 4%//to 51%.

2) There was an increase/creeping-up of 4% in the percentage of Coal.
3) We can witness…
4) The year of 1980 witnessed/reflected…
5) A outnumber/ outpercentage B by…
A 比 B 大 3000.
A outnumbers B by 3000.

A: Coal in/of 1980

B: that in 1970=its counterpart 对等物
eg. Coal in 1980 outpercentaged its counterpart by 4 percent.

Coal was the biggest/leading//predominant/outstanding/striking instrument among its


while Nuclear rocketed by 10 times.

the percentage of Nuclear was 11 times//eleven-fold that of its counterpart
“倍数的讲法”参考红书 P58-60
There was an increase of 10 times in Nuclear.
We can witness …
The year of 1980 witnessed…
Coal in 1980 outpercentaged its counterpart by 10 times

Oil almost remained stable.

There was a decrease of 4% in the percentage of Hydro. In addition, the year of 1980
witnessed a slump of 9% in Natural Gas. What is worth mentioning is Oil was almost morose
during the decade.

Through the charts, we can easily draw the conclusion that the new source of energy,
particularly Nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones, though still dominant,
reached their bottleneck/ceiling to some extent.

 两个图的写作原则:3+5
第一张图——3 句万能句型
第二张图——涨/跌/平的比较,5 个数据
2 涨+2 跌+(1 平)

最大的——2 号句型
最小的——1 号句型
中间的——3 号句型
破纸 P2
Social…, ad, edu, sci cover comparatively a majority of their main fields of study, with …
respectively, while 2.24%, 1.84% and 2.10% are shared by... The remaining percentages are
in moderation, with 5.53% for , 7.4% and 9.35% respectively.
increase max:
min Social Science

 三个以上图的写作原则
line chart

顺接:furthermore, moreover, in addition, additionally, next, in the following, what is worth
mentioning(值得一提的是), what is interesting, what should not be neglected(不能忽略
的是), last, on the other hand, meanwhile
转折:while, on the other hand, conversely, on the contrary, what is so different is

Line Chart
 形态划分法——最简单的图
 点位划分法——较复杂的图
 水平划分法——极其复杂的图
 比较划分法——两根曲线

Para 2:总分句
All trends( 动 态 )/statistics( 静 态 )/charts( 多 图 ) can be categorized/classified into ____
stages(时间)/groups(无时间)/types(多图) with (“general” trends or characteristics).

 general=junk words

2 groups with predominance of Humanities in 1990 and 1994 and predominance of Business
in 1996, 1998 and 2000.
Applied subjects

with fluctuating from Jan to June, rising sharply from June to Aug, falling sharply from Aug
to Oct and rising gently from Oct to Dec.

with fluctuating from Jan to Jun, rising from Jun to Aug, Oct to Dec, falling from Aug to Oct.

with fluctuating gently from Jan to Jun and fluctuating sharply from Jun to Dec.

with fluctuating evenly and gently from Jan to Jun and fluctuating evenly and sharply from
Jun to Dec.
 Specific Description:

Version One:
It fluctuated within a small range from Jan to June. Then it soared, reaching a peak at 3000 in
Aug and slumped, bottoming out at about 1250 in Oct. Finally, there was a boom/rally till the
end of the year.

Version Two:
Harry’s annual sales of hamburgers were volatile slightly during the first half year, followed
by leaping till its zenith at 3000 in Aug. We can witness a sudden slump to Oct, echoed by
booming till Dec.

Creative Writing
“Band 9” Version
图表:reach a peak in Aug
文字:The hamburger sold best in summer.
Few people would buy hamburgers in Autumn, esp, Oct.
Hamburger encountered a recession in Oct//a sales waterloo/catastrophe.

All trends can be categorized into 2 stages with rising and falling sharply (6-10, 16-20) and
rising and falling evenly (11-15, 20-22).

1) 大起大落 sharply
2) 小起小落 (comparatively) gently
3) 起落同幅 evenly

Comparative Classification:
1) popularity of
2) predominance/prevalence of
3) preference to

All statistics can be categorized into 2 stages with the popularity of listening to radio from
about 6 am to 1 pm and the popularity of watching TV during the rest of the day.

predominance of radio audiences

As to the radio audience, it soared from about 6 am to 8 am, reaching the peak at about 25%
at 8 am, followed by ebbing till the end of a day. We can witness the nadir occurred at around
4 in the morning.
Back to the people watching TV, most of them watched TV from 5 pm to 12 am. The trend
almost rose and fell evenly with sharp rise and fall. 8 in the evening was the peak hour for
people to watch TV. Furthermore, after 3 am, less than 5% of people would listen to radio or
watch TV.
What is worth mentioning is that 8 am and 8 pm are the peak hours for people to listen to
radio and watch TV respectively.


红书 P71
All statistics can be categorized into 2 stages with the popularity of cinema from 1957 to
1960 and the popularity of TV from 1960 to 1974.

As to/As for/In terms of/In respect of/In aspect of/In regard to/Concerning the curve of
cinema admissions, it dipped from 1957 to 1960, followed by subsiding in the following/next
6 years. We can witness a trend of ebbing till 1972. In the end, there was an abating to its
bottom at about 90 in 1974.

All statistics can be categorized into 3 stages with the equilibrium 均势 of/in the birth and
death rates in the first decade of the 20th century, the predominance of birth rate in the
following two decades, and the predominance of death rate from 1930 to 1970(in the
consecutive 40 years).

As to the birth rate, stabilization in the first ten years was followed by leaping to its zenith at
60 per thousand in 1920. We can witness a clear slump to almost one-third of the zenith in
1940. The next 20 years reflected an even rise and fall. Finally it abated to the trough in 1970.

Contrary to the birth rate, the death one continued to creep down after the overlapping period
till 1930, when a rally was shown between 1930 and 1940. Fortunately, fewer people died in
the rest years, with ebbing to the nadir in 1970. What is worth mentioning is that both birth
and death rates reached the bottom level in 1970.

As to death rate, it abated from 1900 to 1930, followed by soaring to its peak at 5% in 1940.
We can see an ebbing till 1970.

In the respect of birth rate, the first decade witnessed stabilization, followed by leaping to its
peak/zenith at nearly 6% in 1920. It slumped to 2% in 1940 and rose and fell evenly in the
next two decades. Finally it had the similar trend with its counterpart, death rate.

Sample Topic 13
All charts can be categorized into 2 types with absoluteness type for Full-time males and
Part-time females and alternation type for Full-time females and Part-time males.

The trend of 1973 fluctuated within a large range.
So did the trend of 1993

1) 红书 P78 3+5
2) 破纸 P2 3+5
3) 破纸 P3 分线描写
4) 红书 P72 分线描写
5) 复习“天龙八部”


 极端数字举例法
 范围法
 平均值举例法
 类比法
 反比法
basically soar except in 1995
crept down to 1995 and rallied till 1998
All trends can be categorized into 2 groups with fluctuating in Holiday, Visits to friends and
relatives, Other reasons, TOTAL and rising in Business.

23, 37, 41, 57, 63

Holiday: basically soar Extreme

Business: boom Range
Other reasons: rise and fall evenly Average
TOTAL: Similarity

13, 24, 27, 35, 43

47, 56, 42, 49, 57

Omnipotent 万能法①/②
Rare ③
Frequent ④/⑤

This is the similar/identical case with…
This is true of …
So does…
This can be paralleled with …

This is the opposite with…
This is converse/reverse with …
This is contrary to …

无序(无规律)数据用 1/2,甚至不举(看字数需要)

Technical Table (随意选取栏目)
Strategic Table (Screening 甄别 ;筛选)

红书 P73
 一定要写的项目:√
 说明公司:

Despite the increasing net sales of ABC Company, the rate of increase is deteriorating.
Furthermore, the Costs and expenses were not controlled properly, leading to the plain
increase of Net income with a decline after 1998.

1) 确定写作顺序(横?纵?)10 sec
2) 表格审题编号——先趋势,后数据
 在表格左边空白区域标上 trend 编号 30 sec
 写出 all trends 那句话(总分句)2 min
 在表格右边空白区域进行数据方法的编号 2-3 min
 进行数据的描写 10 min

Food always played a major part//accounted for comparatively a majority in the average
family expenditure in Britain.(纵向比较结果)
Sample Topic 6:
All trends can be categorized into 4 groups with falling in items such as Food, rising in items
including Housing, fluctuating in Household goods and services, and stabilizing in Other

Transport and communications soared, reaching an apex at 16% in 1996 and hitting a trough
at 9% in 1967. Household goods and services was volatile dramatically with the vertex in
1996 and the nadir in 1977. Furthermore, there was a subsiding in Other goods and services,
ranging from 8% to 14%. Alcoholic drink plateaued at 7% from 1967 to 1977, followed by a
sudden slump to 4% in 1996, this was almost paralleled with the trend of Fuel, light and
power. (Food abated, averaging out at nearly 20%.) Similarly, the trend of Housing accrued
from 1967 to 1996 with an average of 14% in 1977. This was almost the similar case with the
trend of Recreation, entertainment and education, which was the opposite with that of

range(verb): to vary within specified limits:


What is worth mentioning is that Other items, not making its debut until 1977, remained
constant from 1977 to 1996.

Sample Topic 11:


All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with rising in Agriculture of Britain, Computer
Industry and Finance of China, fluctuating in Computer Industry, Finance, Manual Labour of
Britain and Manual Labour of China, and falling in Agriculture of China.

3 2 1

2 1 3

In terms of the industries of Britain, the percentage of Manual Labourers fluctuated within a
large range, reaching a peak at 61% in 1970 and bottoming out at 20% in 1990. This was the
opposite with the trend of employees in Computer Industry. People engaged in Finance
showed an undulation within a range of 10%. Agriculture witnessed a creeping-up of
employment, averaging out at nearly 20%.


In Britain, Manual Labour was the largest industry drawing employees, while most people in
China, were engaged in Agriculture.

Agriculture witnessed a converse trend in aspect of employment for both countries. In China,
Computer Industry and Finance were prone to be booming industries.

红书 P74
All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with rising in income and the expenses of Food,
Housing, Medical, falling in the expenses of Others, and stabilizing of Entertainment and

Generally speaking, we can witness a soar in the trend of income from 1980 t0 1985.
Focusing on the various expenses in 1980, Others and Housing accounted for the
comparatively a majority of the expenses, with 35% and 25% respectively. 28% altogether
was shared by Food and Medical. Furthermore, the remaining 12% was a tiny portion
occupied by Entertainment and Savings. In the aspect of 1985,

Dynamic Table(有趋势)
Static Table(无趋势)



Sample Topic 2
1) 三张饼图
2) 四根曲线图
All trends can be categorized into 3 groups with fluctuating in bus, rising in car and falling in
bike and foot.
3) 3X4 的表格题
This was the similar case with the trend of foot.

动态图最好用曲线图(All trends +天龙八部)的整体写作模式

1) 充分的比较(共性)和对比(差异),文字性的部分可以多一点,不必局限
2) 语法要求较高:对于主语的要求和句式的多样性(60%的柱状图为静态图)
 是
 多/差…
 倍数
3) 对于隐藏特征的开发(适用于所有类型的图)

Task 1 高分的关键:
变换多端的 wording 和句式、体系
清晰宏观的分类(ALL TRENDS)


What is worth mentioning is that since (原因——数据支持), it indicates the fact that

How to seek HC?

1) issue of “percentage”

>100% Some people choose several reasons for study.

<100% There exist some other factors/reasons unlisted/unmentioned.

avocations 副业 moonlight 兼职
Some people were engaged in several industries//Some people had their avocations while
others were engaged in other industries unmentioned.

2) “abnormal” statistics(图表文字中出现一/几组反义词)
compare and contrast to locate the facts contrary to social belief and common sense

1. Men earn more than women
2. Graduates earn more than non-graduates
3. Different trends and peaks for different genders

1) Men: leap till the end of 40s and boom with the peak at £650 in 50s
2) Women: basically volatile slightly after a sharp increase after 24 years old. The peak
salary is nearly half of their counterpart

1. Men non-graduates basically earn more than those women graduates.
2. Since the gap of salary between graduates and non-graduates becomes wider
and wider upon age, it indicates the fact that qualifications are important for
people’s salary.

3) “debut” statistics(Bar & Table)

not make its debut until (year)
Other items didn’t make its debut until 1977.

4) Fixed future trends or characteristics

people’s living standard has been greatly improved

people lived a better-off life

红书 P78:
The new source of energy, especially nuclear was given full play while the traditional ones,
though still dominant, reached the bottleneck/ceiling to some extent.

万能 Opening:
Opening 的四要素:
As is shown/displayed/revealed/ in the ( 1 ) 图 的 类 型 ( 图 与 图 之 间 没 有 联 系 的 加
respectively), the (2)图的单位(number/amount/percentage/figure) of 图的主题 (3)图
1) fluctuate/rise/fall—趋势种类=1
2) vary—趋势种类〉=2(Table)
3) differ—静态图,无趋势
1) from…to…
2) during…and…
3) in …

1) 所有饼图
2) 静态图(没有特征)

白书 P7:
All statistics can be categorized into 3 groups with majority, minority and moderation.
红书 P82
The number of employees with different degrees
the changes of educational backgrounds of the employees of a company

红书 P72
As is revealed in the line chart, the number of birth and death rates per thousand population in
a developing country varied dramatically from 1900 to 1970.

What is obvious is that(明显特征)

As is displayed in the table, the figure of Underground Railway Systems including Date
opened, Kilometers of route and Passengers per year in six cities differed.

1) 所有饼图
2) 曲线既没有相交且趋势相同
3) 所有静态图且没有特征变化

1) 一般有几个图写几段,不同类型一定要分段。
2) 流程图一张图写一段。

What is obvious is that

1 week 5
1-2month 10 pieces
2-3months 15 pieces
>3 months 20 pieces。


Task 1 *40%+Task 2 *60%~

7 7
6.5 7 6.8 7
7 6.5 6.5
6 7 =6.6 6.5
7 6.5 =6.7 6.5
7 6 =6.4 6.5
6.5 6 6
7 7 6.5 6.5 25


1) Discursive 50%
2) Agree or Disagree 20%
3) PRR(Why + What) 25%
4) A&D 5%
5) Combo
What are the reasons for moonlight of teenagers? Is it a positive or negative trend?

What ways could mobile phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people
be encouraged to use this new technology?

1) To what extent do you agree (or disagree)
2) How far do you agree (or disagree)
3) What’s your opinion towards the statement
4) Discuss both opinions/statements (and give your own one)
5) Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Discursive 的写法:
1. 单边同意一个观点
2. 单边反驳一个观点
3. 两个观点一起论述,在开始就给出自己支持的观点,支持观点可以多写一点(有倾
向性 7:3)。
4. 同时论证两个观点,表示中立。(无倾向性 5:5)

Discursive 段落数:
1+2(3)+1=4(5) 单边写法
1+2(A)+1(B)+1=5 双边写法(有侧重点)
*A 表示你支持的观点
*B 表示你不重点支持的观点
1+1(A)+1(B)+1=4 中立写法

Agree or Disagree
Which opinion do you prefer to?
1+2(3)+1=4(5) 单边写法

Impartial/ neutral towards
1)Argumentative 论证型
argument, logic, reasoning
Argumentation depth

Reason : Recom=6:4 or 5:5

PRR 段落数
1opening+2 reasons+ 1recom+1ending=5para

A&D 中立文章的写法
A: Advantage
D: Disadvantage

Illustrative 说明型
paraphrasing supporting width

2) Topic sentence (simple and potent)

3) Supporting sentences (>3)
4) Minor example or evidence(<=2)
5) Flow-back sentence

Task 1x40% + Task 2x60%=6
1. Discursive/Agree or disagree
The progress of ______ is irresistible and irrefutable. What acts as the Pandora’s box is
whether ________________. From my point of view, _____________________.
educational proficiency.

The progress of ______ is irresistible and irrefutable. Despite the versatility 多 样 性 and
complexity 复 杂 性 of the reasons, I would pore over 分 析 the most significant ones and
(offer the alternatives 解决方案 in the following).

3. A&D
Since ______ is a double-edged sword 双刃剑, I would highlight 强调 the co-existence 共存
of the pros 好处 and cons 坏处 of _______. In my opinion, both sides can hold water 站得住

Remarking Criteria:评分标准
AIE 4 5 6
CQ 5 6 7
VSS 6 7 8

达到 6 分的基本条件:
1) 审题不偏题——观点必须切中细分主题(specific topic)
Idea:必须切中文章的 Specific Topic
Topic: 1st sentence
Specific Topic: 2nd sentence
Broad Topic:球

Specific topic—personal communication, socializing
Broad topic—Science and Technology

Specific topic— education for children
Broad topic—Science and Technology & Education

Specific topic— Waste disposal
Broad topic—Infrastructure

2)必须作 outline,保障 Argument 的关键

Arguments 三宗罪
1) redundancy 累赘,冗余
2) sequence disorder(lack coherency)
From physical to mental
3) parallelism 平行架构

solution 3 minutes
1) brainstorming 1.5min >5
2) combination 0.5 min
3) reorganization 0.5min

Benefits of World Expo to uni-students:

1) increase opportunities for students to be volunteers
2) know advanced technology from different civilizations
3) motivate us to learn foreign language
4) broaden their horizons
5) experience for career development
6) job opportunities

Benefits of cancelling Long Holiday

1) saving expenses
2) good for business
3) more concentrated to work after holiday
4) frequently moderate oneself
5) beneficial for environment of resorts
6) avoid traffic congestion

The benefits of appreciation of RMB:

1) cheaper to buy things from abroad
2) get profits through speculation on the foreign exchange market
3) beneficial for studying or traveling abroad
4) good for imports
5) build up the image of rising China

Comparative advantage of overseas studiers:

1) broaden your horizons
2) foreign language improved
3) consolidate independence
4) earn more money
5)more diversified culture combination
6) better communicational skill
7) open mind

Benefits of May(Labor Day) Holiday:

1) get relaxation and entertainment
2) more time to travel
3) increase national income
4) more consumption
5) more consistent studying
6) more time to spend with family

Benefits of Valentine’s Day:

1) improve relationship of lovers
2) stimulate domestic needs
3) get relaxed
4) increase chance of marriage
5) emphasize the importance of real love
6) easy to eat chocolate
7) converge into international culture

Benefits of studying abroad under financial crisis:

1) preferential studying policies
2) more bright future for employment
3) release current unemployment
4) learn experience from developed countries
5) low studying expense
6) stimulate the boom of economy

Benefits of being a star:

1) become rich immediately
2) be famous
3) improve social status
4) be more influential
5) more resources attained
6) be adored by fans
7) go travel easily
8) do charity
9) enrich their experience
10) being president
11) get more information

1) prepare IELTS test

2) improve comprehensive English
3) get further study
4) kill time
5) make friends
6) cultivate your endurance
7) complete mission

Benefits of Financial Crisis:

1) low studying expense
2) understand more of the problems existing in economic system
3) strengthen national unity
4)promote international cooperation
5)more comfortable traveling environment
6)more reasonable investment

1) improve economic restructuring

2) save life expense
3) beneficial to environment
4) bridge some loopholes in economy
5) another economic boom
6) low-expenditure need stimulated

Drawbacks of Spring Evening:

1) stay up late
2) programs are traditional, repetitive
3) cannot meet the taste of the audiences
4) too many advertisements
5) clothes are luxurious
6) harmful to digestion


Pros of studying weekday:

1) systematic study
2) more energetic and efficient
3) more time for reviewing
4) convenient transport
5) more safety
6) more time for weekends

Pros of studying abroad under the circumstance of global financial crisis:

7) lower studying expense
8) shun competition/dilemma in job application
9) life expenses lessen
10) easier to get offer/visa
11) setback education

Benefits of studying in Songjiang:

1) convenient traffic
2) study with your friends
3) communicate with your peer
4) tranquil and peaceful
5) study with no G

Benefits of studying abroad during economic recession:

1) comparatively low cost
2) avoid employment recession
3) lessen applying competition
4) know the specific economic recovering solutions
5) easy to get visa
6) setback education

Reasons of studying in Songjiang:

12) relatives are free
13) near the residence
14) cool in Aug
15) parents are boss.
16) suitable for preparation
17) only available in the period
18) convenient for eating
19) balance your life rhythm

Benefits for Olympic Gold Medalists:

1) establish one’s position in the country
2) display the strength of national sport
3) improve self-confidence
4) get a lot of money(bonus)
5) promote the relevant sporting item
6) spread Olympic spirit
7) recognition of the nation

Benefits of Boarding Study:

1) settle problems with roommates
2) life is convenient
3) use studying resources, eg, library
4) experience a new life
5) promote communication with teachers and students
6) save time of commuting
7) no disturbance
8) improve the capacity of self-independence

Benefits of Studying Abroad

1) self-reliance
2) broaden horizons
3) enrich experience
4) learn foreign language
5) make foreign friends
6) be aware of foreign culture
7) access to good job
8) cultivate ability to deal with difficulties
9) higher education

1) let Chinese culture world-known

2) promote economic development
3) strengthen communication with other countries
4) more landmark buildings emerge
5) increase GDP
6) make money
7) promote tourism
8) more employment opportunities
9) make people excited and patriotic
10) attract investment
11) popularize Olympic spirit

Drawbacks of hosting Olympic Games:

1) low reclamation of investment or capital
2) abolition of the traditional resorts and residence
3) add burden to social security
4) arouse politically negative remarks or rumors
5) affect routine traffic/transportation
6) lead to environmental pollution
7) economic bubble burst

8) making friends
9) higher studying efficiency
10) have life independence
11) help each other
12) living near studying place
Benefits of Sichuan Wenchuan Earthquake:

1) Educational for saving, rescuing

2) people’s unity
3) improve infrastructure construction and preventive system
4) improve the forecasting of earthquake
5) create a good impression on the international community
6) draw the attention from Tibet to Sichuan
7) raise the awareness for humanity
8) improve government management
9) business opportunities
10)cherish one’s life and affection

Benefits of watching TV
1) kill the time
2) get the latest information
3) family together
4) talking stuff between friends
5) learn knowledge
6) facilitate sleep
7) learn the foreign language
8) entertainment/relaxation
9) get the inspiration
10) shopping through TV

2) deteriorate Zd and anti-China force

3) enhance national unity
4) Make France apologize for China and cooperate with Olympics
5) give pressure to the separatists
6) show power of Chinese

Benefits of boarding study

1) quality of study
2) quiet with no obsession
3) opportunity for wide exchange
4) study in pairs in dorm
5) improve self –discipline and independence

American Slowing Economy:

1) Oil price slumps
2) recession in housing
3) increase unemployment rate
4) companies bankruptcy
5) purchasing power deteriorate
6) dollar depreciate
7) finance crisis
8) US loses its economic predominance
9) social instability
10) life quality decreases

1) slower economic development

2) appreciation of goods
3) depreciation of US dollar
4) lessening domestic and international needs
5) curd imports and exports
6) fewer people studying and immigrating abroad
7) more political chaos and instability

Effects of Global Economic Slump:

1) income decrease
2) imports and exports to USA
3) unemployment rate rises and hard to find work
4) lose confidence in government
5) affect stock market
6) suicide rate increases

Setbacks of hosting Olympic Games:

1) environmental pollution and waste disposal
2) redundancy of infrastructure
3) economic bubble burst with slowing process
4) job opportunities lessen
5) cultural shock to the locals
6) provide opportunity to the terrorists
7) traffic congestion
8) break the routine rhythm of life

Demerits of Snowstorm
1) traffic congestion
2) power failure/blackout
3) financial loss
4) deteriorate Agriculture output
5) cause death
6) raise people’s awareness for mutual help and humanity
7) build up the consciousness for E.P and energy saving

1) From physical to mental
2) From broad to specific
3) From general to individual
4) From major to minor

Evidence 新变化:
1)experience 经历 or 经验?
cognition 认知;见解
2) example 位置的变化和 evidence 的消失
example 广义化
1) 名人名事
2) 名人名言
3) 社会性事实 SARS
4) 细节化例子 detailization

低于 Band 5 的七种技术情况:
1) Unfulfilled
2) 格式错误
3) 字迹模糊,难以辨认
4) Task 1 和 Task 2 写反
5) 攻击考官
6) 题型判断错误
7) 没有切中 ST

CQ 的要求:
论证层次安排:(Body 层次安排)

1) Topic Sentence(simple and potent)
2) Supporting Sentences—Arguments (at least 2)
3) Minor Example(at most 2 sentences)
4) Flow-back Sentence—Explanation of Minor example
Opening 50
Body 180
Ending 30
论证质量——refer to TBT,

SS—Band 6 必须写从句 at least 3
Vocabulary—Band 7
Versatility (Variety)
Difficulty X


large/high_____ expense

Band: 6

Band: 8
immense enormous
costly dear extravagant extortionate

Enlarge mental edification and spiritual abundance by filling-up and cover-up and
appreciation of aesthetics.


Task 2 的整体结构:
Opening: 3~4sentences (about 50-60 words)
1) General situation—Topic
2) Writing purpose—Specific Topic
3) Your opinion—Initial Solution

Structural Transition (架构过渡)

1. Discursive/Agree or Disagree

The progression of going to university is inevitable and undeniable. What is under

controversy//dispute//controversial//thorny is whether students should spend one year
working or traveling around before university life. To be frank, I am in high favor of the
possibility that the situation has both merits and demerits.

It is important.
It is of critical/paramount/vital/ultimate importance.


Paraphrase 的方法:
1) 改同义词
2) 改词性
3) 改句型
4) 用典故

thorny 荆棘的


There c r o p s   u p / arises a social dilemma/ambivalence/ambiguity over the
issue/hot potato of _________.

Pandora's box
Judas kiss

The cropping-up of _______ is incontrovertible and of no critical/paramount denial. What

acts as the Pandora’s box is whether _________. Herewith, I would pose my opinion that

have a spree for

April 17th Time,2006

have a spree for

Roghet’s 韦氏 罗热同义词词典
辽宁教育出版社 RMB68


2. PRR
1st sentence=discursive 1st sentence
The issue of __(P)__ , though inevitable and undeniable, can be alleviated.

Simple Version:
(Although) diverse contributing factors can be identified,
Though there exist various reasons/instruments of this problem,
I would like to analyze some of the obvious ones and offer the solutions in the following.

Complicated Version:
Despite the variety/versatility/multifariousness/polypolarity and
difficulty/complexity/intricacy of the instruments/factors, I would put forward/ pose/ pore
over/ demonstrate/ analyze/ excavate/undercover/specify/ponder over/bring
up/moot/mirror/voice/meditate on some of the most
important/striking/significant/potent/brief/ superficial/in-depth/penetrating/piercing/thorough
ones (and offer the alternatives/therapy/remedy afterwards.)

My Version:

3. A&D—impartial discursive

Simple Version:
There arises a social dilemma over the issue of ______. For me, I highlight the co-existence
of the pros and cons of _______.

1) soft/indirect tone
I am impartial toward _____.
*Both opinions are reasonable.
can hold water//are water-proof.
Neither opinion has loopholes.

2) hard/direct tone
I advocate/assert/maintain/affirm/
reiterate/attest/aver/avow/highlight/air/stick to/adhere to/uphold the co-existence of  and 
of _______.

advantages and disadvantages

benefits and dangers/drawbacks
merits and demerits
pros and cons
positive and negative
strength and weakness
virtue and shortcoming
blessing and curse
shining and dark sides
sweetness and bitterness

Achilles’ heel=weakest point

3) simile and metaphor

___ is like a two-sided thing.
Each coin has two sides. NO
a double-edged sword x
a concave-and-convex-sided nutshell《《《《《《《
<Bible> Old Testament
an immortal-and-perishing-sided spell
“Must then a Christ perish in torment in every age to save those who have no
imagination?”(George Bernard Shaw)
a real-and-virtual-sided life
One heart
Each cloud has a silver lining.
Each dog has its day.《《《《《《《

Each jade has its freckle.

Impeccable is impossible.
Flawless is meaningless.
Every society has a Forrest Gump
Every society does not hate a Johnny Depp
The pursuit of Happyness
The Curious case of Benjamin Button
Body—Structural Transition
《《 《 《
*Firstly, to begin with, initially, most important of all, first and foremost…

What strikes/impresses us most/potently is

What is eye-catching is
What’s of top priority is
No 1 on the priority list is (PRR)
First off,
For beginners,

On second thoughts 《《 《 《《
As a (two-sided thing)

*Lastly, finally, last but not least

Saving the best for the last, what’s neglected but worthy of being mentioned is that

Emotional Transition (Ending)

1《 Famous sayings《10《
2《 Feedback 《《《 《
3《 Concession 《《
4《 Popularization
5《 Parallelism

Recite 10 highly frequently used sayings

Life is like a box of chocolates.
Love is a bottle of wine/cocktail.
《 《“《”《
Time and tide wait for no men.
Beauty and vigor wait for no women.

Feedback 《《《《

Concession 《《

Although [the opposite opinion] seems reasonable to some extent, the feasibility 《《《 of
my opinion outweighs 《 … 《 《 that of [the opposite one]. 《 《《 《 《 《 《 《 《 《 《 Flow-back
get the upper hand//prevail over the opposite one

Timing Arrangement (before ending):

>7 min free show
<5 min Concession + Famous saying
<3 min Concession
<1 min Repetition
0 min

3 Opening
1 Structural Transition
1 Ending

4. Popularization 《《《《
5. Parallelism 《《

Impossible is nothing
Everything is possible.
Possible is everything
Heroes create the times and times produce the Heroes.
Pride and Prejudice
Price and Prejudice

When you feel hope is gone, look inside and be strong. And finally came to know, that hero
lies in you, which is the music.

10 most significant addresses in the world

Six Broad Topics


1) Specific Education—the functions of teacher/education Medium-
task: Supporting Sentences 3x3
2) Knowledge Vs Experience 2+2 1para《10 sentences
Strategic Writing stress

《《《《《 《《《 《《《

《《《《 《《 《《 《《《 《《《
《《《《《《《 《《《 《《《《《《《
《《《《《 《《《《《 《《《《《《
《《 《《《 《《《 《《《《《 《《 《《《《 《《 OJT(On-the-Job Training)
《《《《 《《 (professional)《《 《《(versatile)《
《《《《《《《 《《《《
《《 《《 《《《《《

《《《——versatile people

3) “away”, “abroad” and “leave”

Task: whole passage

《《《 《《《 《《《 《《《《《《

1. A good/qualified teacher can impart or input/convey knowledge into your mind rather than
cram it, which is the basic function of teachers. Teaching is the most direct and
straightforward way to convey knowledge.
⊙(benefits of knowledge)

2. An excellent/senior teacher can act as a bridge between students and their

dilemmas/problems/ills/uncertainties/weaknesses. By referring to//consulting teachers or
having face-to-face communication with teachers can you solve your problems more
efficiently and effectively. You can even make friends with teachers, which can encourage
your studying motivation and initiative, thus forming/cultivating/mastering a sensible
learning habit and self-study method. (interaction)
The ultimate goal of study is to learn how to study (methodology).
⊙(benefits of experience)

3. A superlative/sophisticated teacher can be a facilitator 《 《 《 or mentor 《 《 《《 who will

enlighten/sparkle students//explore your potentials and provide guidance and orientation as a
beacon/light house/torch/compass, paving the road/way for your development in the society.
They are spiritual friends and soul mates.
⊙Mental part of ABSTRACT

The specific functions of teachers:

1) Teachers can be a supplementary instrument of parenthood. After all, young kids may stay
longer with teachers than their parents in kindergartens or nurseries. Most children take
teachers as their idols, even more superior to their parents.
2) To be frank, teachers treat students more fairly than parents. They neglect the blood hood
or family affection, which is conducive to the cultivation of students’ social responsibility
or humanity.
3) Teachers can be everywhere. We can learn from each of our peers, no matter how close or
separate we are. Parents are unique, but teachers can be versatile.
Advantages of knowledge:
1) You have to lay a solid foundation of knowledge//build up/enhance/consolidate the
cornerstone of knowledge to keep up with the Joneses/tide 《 《《 《, without which you will
be deprived of your core competence or specialties(cup of tea)//your core competence will
be watered down/deteriorated and you will feel disadvantageous among your peers, thus
eliminated by the society. It cannot be denied that accumulation of knowledge or
qualifications, as prerequisites and necessities for survival in the competitive world, is
conducive/beneficial/wholesome/crucial to your career development and path.
Foundation of knowledge
Elites are the framework of society.

《 《=adapt to/accustom to/get along with=fit for=fit in with=converge with=get harmonious


2) In order to make sustainable and enduring development in the society, people have
to enlarge their scope of knowledge《《 《《《《to save it for a rainy day.《《 《《
Knowledge entails 《 《 《《 《 《 《 innovation(updating and upgrading), lack of which your
“cheese” (Current achievements) will be moved easily and for all. Once you are satisfied
with your current situation or achievements, you, on the verge of collapse, are bound to
lose enthusiasm/zeal/drive/motive for further development, thus
encaged/imprisoned/bogged down in the pyramids of stagnancy//bury your head in the
sand until the goldmine you are sitting on turns into an active volcano and bursts you up.
(save it for a rainy day)《《《《 sustainability 《《 《《
Broadening scope of knowledge is the instrument of your enlarging perspective.
Versatility can help the talents to frame more foundations for his career
development, which will consolidate the sustainability of his career prosperity.
sit on the goldmine 《《《《
《《《《 《《《《《《《
Comprehensive development is the key to sustainable development
scope of knowledge
T module
《《《 《 《《
1) Experience is the mirror/criteria of checking the
accuracy/validity/practicality/feasibility of knowledge and
2) poses the counter-effect on knowledge.
《《《 《《《 《《《《 《《《《 《《 《《《《《《《

1) clear purpose of learning
Only after acquiring certain experience can you know clearly which aspect of knowledge you
are in urgent need of. After all, people’s energy is limited. We cannot really wander in the
world of knowledge without knowing where the entrance is. Thus, having a clear purpose of
absorbing knowledge is like a GPS system, which can help you find a definite objective
without much effort.

2《more efficient way of absorbing knowledge with more cognition

You can absorb knowledge more efficiently with some experience acquired. You can acquire
something from different perspectives/angles
MBA study
Master of Business Administration
Only after converted into experience can knowledge yield social value and utility.
《《《《 《《《《 《《《《 《 《《《《《 《《《《《《《
As the superlative form of knowledge, experience is the terminal of knowledge.
《 《《 《《《《 《《《《 《《《《 《《《 《《《《

《《《《/《《《《/《《/《《 《《/“《《”《《 《《《 《《

1) hard capabilities: 《《《《
Broaden/widen/enrich/nourish/nurture/build up/enhance/consolidate their
mind/vision/horizons /perspective/scope/periscope/spectrum
 benefits of knowledge
 benefits of experience

2)soft capabilities: 《《《《

life independence=live by your own
psychological independence=make your own decisions, not subject to exterior
environment/stand on one’s own feet/self-reliance

Adaptability to fit in with 《《 the local community

3) Super capabilities:
1) enlarge your personal network 《《 through socializing with your peers and build up
alumni your image

2) locate and orientate your character for career planning by SWOT analysis

introvert- sales

When you come to a new and strange environment, you will be more exposed to your true
self and more clear about your potentiality, discarding the hidden artificiality beneath the
genuine one. Thus, the true image will be clearer for you to decide which path you will take,
saving the unnecessary trouble to locate the personality and character in career development.

separate the sheep from the goats

bump into=《《=run into/meet with 《《《《
malfeasance 《《《《《《《《《 《《
1) lower your studying efficiency. Lacking in social experience to separate the sheep
from the goats, the young adults may meet with malfeasance 《《《《《《, thus suffering
from the setbacks 《《 after entry into the society.
2) easily mentally distracted/absent-minded, because most young adults are in
adolescence, overcurious about the outside world. Any fresh things may disturb 《《
them from routine study
3) What’s even worse, some of them may go astray 《《 《《 to commit crimes, leading to the
higher rate of juvenile delinquency.

Flexibility reaches its peak when people just graduate from university and join in the
workplace fresh and new. However, it deteriorates once you become accustomed to the work
pattern and fit in the working environment. Thus, achievement of practice and expertise is, to
some extent, at the cost of flexibility and ingenuity.

When you are not a fish in the pool, you have become sort of sophisticated 《《, well informed
of general principles of dealing with workmates and priority principles of coping with
business affairs, simplicity, inborn character from the genuine, are “yesterday no more” ,
blank in your memory.
What’s lost can never be regained.

Should the celebrity earn a lot more than ordinary people?

Drawbacks of Studying Abroad

 Opportunity Costs
1) extravagant expense
2) homesick-alienate
3) security problems
4) difficult/impossible to fit in because of cultural shock or social habit
5) milestone/land mark for the gap between your dream and reality—lower than your
previous expectation

It is difficult for you to get harmonious with the new environment and community
pre-homo culture
1) enlarge and enhance your personal network by socializing with your classmates and
2) Character orientation and location by more exposure to yourself in a strange
environment SWOT

Since character has a say in choosing career, the fate rests upon the situation of career

What is even worse, some of the young adults may commit crimes, leading to the high rate of
juvenile delinquency

What is lost can never be regained.
opportunity cost

Disparity/gap between your dream and reality

1) solid infrastructure 《《 《(natural or social issues)
2) soft infrastructure 《《 《
(social evils)

Traffic congestion
E.P. (environmental protection)
City development (urban planning)
Moving factories to suburban area
Establishing satellite city
Abolition of old but historical building/architecture
Lawn establishment
Water resource
Family planning (birth control)
Gap between the poor and rich (countries)
Good relationships between countries
Green house effect/Global warming
Popularization of world language
Paying the education fee
Employment of students
Increasing population of younger generation (<15 years)

Women crimes
Juvenile delinquency
Killing or eating wild animals
Physical punishment to children
Watching violent films for children
Public insecurity
Plagiarism 《《 《《
Selfishness or greed among people
Policeman carrying the gun
Capital punishment
… …

《 《《《《《 《

《《《 《《
1《 《《《《 《《《《《《《《《 《《
 《《/《 《《《 /《《 《《
 《《 /《 《
 《 《/《《
 《《/《《/《《《 《《
eg.《《 《《《《《《《
2《 《《《《《 《《《《 《《 “《《 ”supervision
3《 《《《《《 《《《《《《《《《《
legal system/mechanism (laws and regulations)

4) 《《/《《/《《《《《《(A&C)

2 《《《《 《《 《《《+《《
《《 《《 《《 《 《《 《 《+《《
《 《《《 《《 《《 《《《 《

《《 《《 ———《 《《 《《
1) gov should create more channels for employment with internship system for university
2) entrepreneurship
3) preferential studying policies
4) the value of experience or practice for students
GOV=Authorities 《《 《 《
Infrastructure construction (solid)
The government does not attach much importance to the reconstruction of _____, leading to
the chaos or turmoil in this situation due to lack of social responsibility.
《《《《《 《《《《
 Littering
E.P. facilities
sorting//recycling facilities
1) recyclable
2) other waste
3) harmful waste
4) bottle & glass

Education, supervision, caring, affection, understanding, emphasy 《《《 (soft)

Legal system/mechanism such as Laws, stipulations, regulations , rules


media lacks censorship 《《 《《

parents/schools lack supervision
society lacks propaganda/emphasy

A&C=awareness and consciousness
*sense of responsibility/ morals consciousness/

1) Traffic security
2) E.P.
3) Self-discipline/self-control/self-judgment 《《
4) Sustainable development

《《 《《《《《《《
equilibrium/balance between the long-term ecological benefits and the short-term economic

《《《《 《《《 《《 《《
preserving the cultural/historical heritage and relics//popularizing the traditional
culture//meditation on the history and the past

《 《《 《《《
sustainable utilization//economical use of water resource


2 《《《《 《《《
Back-ups—wording and paraphrasing
Characteristic paragraph—content
improvise 《ingenuity《
shuttle bus/unlicensed vehicles
careless road killers

1) increase investment and allocate/allot 《《 fund/revenue for infra-construction 《

2) improve legal system by issuing some relevant laws and regulations for
prevention//to save it for a rainy day. Prevention is better than cure. nip it in
the bud
3) impose severe//launch the toughest penalty on the frequent law-breakers 《《《《
《 《《《《

4) increase people’s A&C through propaganda (promotion and social campaign)
awareness and consciousness
Omnipotent examples:
1) establish some festivals or anniversaries to remind people of the importance of
WORLD Animal’s DAY
2) do some voluntary work
3) set up a museum/preservation for visiting

2 《《《《《《
Gap between the poor and rich:
《《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《

The underprivileged / underdeveloped/poverty-striken 《 《《 《《《 countries lack necessities and
prerequisites for development such as convenient transportation and communication network,
sophisticated 《 《 《 technology, profuse/abundant investment and capital, and high-leveled
talents and elites, which hampers them from rapid and sustainable development.

The underprivileged/developing countries lack awareness and consciousness (A&C) for a
sustainable and comprehensive development. Most developing countries progress and
“prosper” at the cost of natural resources, ecological loss, even instability of financial
maneuver, thus slowing the pace of development in the long run.

Characteristic reason《
Historical perspective
The happiness of the developed countries is based on the misery of developing countries. So
they develop at different starting levels.

Economic perspective:
Since the essence of globalization is centralization, which means wealth is in the hands of a
few groups/minorities, this shows that as long as globalization exists, it will widen the gap
between the minorities and the mass.

Political/military perspective:
VIP (Superpower) imposes hegemony/sanctions on the small and middle powers, curding//
intervening their development with unfair treatment.

Gap between the poor and rich 2:

1) lack material, skills, network, education
2) lack A&C for wealth, etc

《《 《《 《《《 《《《《《
A&C for international cooperation
Kyoto Climate Change Treaty
for globalized E.P.
Sustainable E.P.
strategic planning
the environmentally friendly nations can provide experience and facilities to the
environmentally hostile nations while learning lessons from the latter.

Political perspective
Hegemony sanctions

1) University
 studying resources
 supervision of students
 lenient with students’ misconduct
2) Society
3) Students
A&C for self-discipline= disrespect for canons/classics

Present and future effects of increasing population of younger generation (<15 years)
What is present?
What is future?

Baby boom
Aging society (adulthood)

1) increase expenditure/GDP
 Education
 Entertainment
 Cosmetics and Body care
2) more burden to nuclear family
3) inclination to aging society
i. more burden to social welfare system; revenue tightened
ii. lack of labor force
iii. consume more resources(living materials, medical resources, etc.)
iv. stimulate the pharmaceuticals and medical services

3) traditions/social value may be negated
4) more social issues(baby boom)
e.g. juvenile delinquency
fierce competition in university enrollment and job application

Should policemen carry the gun?

Should the capital punishment be adopted?
Should children be punished physically?
Should the pedestrians be fined?

a) a warning to//deter the possible criminals; a sense of relief to the citizens
b) protect the citizens concerned and the police staff to avoid more severe consequence
c) raise their sense of social responsibility

1) The government should first improve the police staff’s proficiency in handling the
on-the-spot crimes and emergencies by allocating more revenue to the social
security agency, equipping them with more sophisticated weapons or
communicational facilities and giving them a better training or moral education.
Without preliminary consolidation of police’s abilities, policemen with gun would
rather be a social threat to society. In USA, crimes conducted by police is an
existing thorny problem.
2) Prevention is better than cure. Gun is just the ultimate symbol of punishment.
Polishing the legal mechanism is the key to guaranteeing the social security.
Furthermore, more severe punishment such as lengthening sentences will be a
warning to the frequent law-breakers.
3) Raising the citizens’ A&C for supervising the social security altogether is a routine
task for all levels of government. Only by collective and coordinative force can the
crimes be utterly alleviated.

《《 《《《 《《《《《 NO
1) The university should give students better requirement for study such as
more studying resources and better tutoring system
2) The university should be careful on punishing students with more sensible
rules and opportunity for students to correct mistakes.
3) The students should raise their A&C for respect for canons and intellectual

ABSTRACT—ideology 《 《《 《
Equal treatment of salary
Changing jobs
Gender issue (women joining army)
Frequent report/coverage of disasters and violence
Future or Presence of nation

Writing Principle:
From physical to mental

Physical Reason:
Physical deficiency(feeble/frail/fragile)//Immunity deterioration due to malnutrition 《《《《 or
insomnia 《《 can cause body dysfunction 《《《《 for stress.(Physiology)

Unhealthy life styles such as smoking, alcoholism, staying-up, unbalanced diet, lack of
physical exercise are detrimental to your physical health, thus leading to your physical
deficiency and body dysfunction, which makes you vulnerable/subject to stress.
 List some example

keep body and soul together

Mental reasons:
Various kinds of factors in daily life and work cause people’s unevenness/restlessness to save
it for a rainy day. (Psychology)
 beyond your expectation
 overload in work or study
 competition
 high pace of life
save it for a rainy day 《《《《

1) Build up body function through more nutrition intake and body exercising
2) Cultivate some wholesome hobbies

Five vital elements//essentials for body:

Nucleic acid

Any of various fat-soluble or water-soluble organic substances essential in minute amounts
for normal growth and activity of the body and obtained naturally from plant and animal

Body building-up through nutrition intake, body exercising and polishing your healthy life

body exercising=work out 《《

Mental Reason:
Most stressful events in the world
Studying abroad

Specific example of Five-sins

Specific facts

Nutrition fact-example
body exercise=work out

save it for a rainy day 《《《《

work therapy
《 《《《《
filling-up:《 《《 《《《《《
cover-up:《 《《 《《 《《《
《《《《《《diversion of attention
mental edification: 《《《《
spiritual abundance/elevation: 《《
appreciation of aesthetics: (《《)

 Arts and Museum (>4 sentences)

《 《《《《《《/《《《《《 HOBBY(2 sentences)

e.g. Reading Bible
Watching American TV serials

Everyone has his own definition/criteria of happiness.
1) accumulation of wealth
*Maslow’s theory
Value of money
2) health
3) mental edification 《《《《/spiritual abundance 《《/appreciation of aesthetics 《《
hobby-example lofty
4) characteristic paragraph

By combining all the factors I have mentioned can people live a really happy life.


Physical: material condition

Wealth and material status can reflect people’s character. As is known to all, physiological
needs is the prerequisite of Maslow’s Theory. Without solving the basic issue, people’s
characters are easily ruined and feeble.
Mental edification is also another significant criterion to assess one’s character. People with
higher appreciation for aesthetics usually have more pristine and lofty character.

Nowadays, more and more people go shopping. What are the reasons for the popularity
of shopping?

Reasons for the popularity of shopping:

 accumulation of material and wealth; income increasing
 hierarchy of needs multiplied
The essence of shopping is to fulfill the needs of the consumers. Since the hierarchy of
human needs is widened, there is certainly a more versatile scope of shopping list.
 National macro-economic policies(coupons)→stimulate GDP
 Appreciation or depreciation of currency→increase purchasing power
 body-exercising

release their pressure
a sense of satisfaction
keep up with the Joneses conformism 《 《《《
seasonal concession

Factors for wearing fashionable clothes:

 accumulation of material and wealth; income increasing
 hierarchy of needs multiplied
 show off one’s status- a sense of satisfaction
 keep up with the Joneses
 attract people’s eye

In some definite requirement such as the transitional period of social development or in the
underprivileged society, people attach more importance to the physiological needs or
materialism rather than morality, which physically accounts for the appearance of selfishness.

When Egoism 《 《 《 《 prevails over Altruism 《 《 《 《, there emerges a social etiquette of

selfishness, which makes people hard to break.
keep up with the Joneses
Egoism: Excessive preoccupation with one's own well-being and interests, usually
accompanied by an inflated sense of self-importance.

Altruism: Unselfish concern for the welfare of others; selflessness.

Frequent report/coverage of natural disasters and violence

Media & Government

《《《《《《《《 《《《PRR
1. lack supervision of EP and social security
2. lack mechanism (laws and regulations) for prevention

Physical: to attract the readers’ attention for its volume of publication

1. to satisfy the curiosity of the readers
2. clarify the authenticity of the events to let the masses know the truth, avoiding social
3. to appeal//raise people’s A&C for public concern/humanity and symphasy through
donation, grants or subsidy.
4. disclose the current social problems for betterment of the government

What should we focus on, Future or Presence of nation?

Presence—Economic construction
Physiological needs//social security system//living standard improved//people’s

1) sustainable development
E.P equilibrium—Economic reconstruction
Education (Who moved my cheese)
2) Beyond material construction, mentality (spirit) is also a cornerstone of social
frame, which entails cultivation of people’s morals and mental

1) release their pressure
2) keep up with the Joneses
3) seasonal concession
4) stimulated by ads

Present and future effects of increasing population of younger generation (<15 years)

Baby boom
Aging society

1) increase expenditure/GDP
i. Education
ii. Entertainment
iii. Cosmetics and beauty salon
2) more burden to nuclear family
3) inclination to aging society, causing more pressure to social security system
 medical services
 natural and social resources
4) more fierce competition in college entrance examination and job application, leading
to higher unemployment rate because of labor redundancy

1) traditions(social value/custom/practice) may be negated
2) more social issues such as juvenile delinquency//puppy love//studying abroad, etc.

Should we ban all types of Advertisements?

1) promote the products for the benefits of the advertisers
2) enlarge/maintain the market share of the products
3) let the consumers keep up with the Joneses
4) fashion trends/fads
5) approve the aesthetical capability of the viewers
6) offer the information to the possible buyers
7) offer sponsorship to those magazines, newspapers, TV channels, etc

1) misguide the consumers by boasting the effects and benefits of the advertised
goods, thus doing harm to the audiences, especially children who cannot tell
the truth from the myth.
2) distract you from TV serials or programs
3) lower the intelligence quotient of the audiences and blaspheme their taste by
some freak and abnormal way of ads
4) there emerges an inflated sense of self-importance and overconfidence in the
sold products. Too much investment in ads will lead to collapse/loopholes of
capital chain, even bankruptcy of the company.

《《《 《《《《《《 《《
The unpaid community service should be a necessary part in high college programs (such as
helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports or working for the charity).To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
《《《《《 selfishness 《《 《
 《《《《
1) 《《 《《《《《《《 《《 《《《《《 《《《 《《《《《 《《 《《 selfishness 《《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《 《《《《 《《《《《《《《《《《
《《 《《《
2) teach the students the importance/hardship of making a living/earning money
through charged service, which is conducive for their career development and social
3) set a valve for community work load; some more sophisticated community work
should be done by the government through allocating part of the revenue to the
relevant communities or agencies.

 《《《《《
1) raise people’s A&C for public concern/humanity and symphasy through offering unpaid
community service

2) accumulate social experience for the benefit of career development

Should people save money for the future?

Saving money:
1) beneficial for retirement life
2) good for children
3) conducive in case of emergency
4) form the habit of financing and wealth management
5) interest gained

Not saving money:

1) used for investment such as stock, futures, real estate, etc
2) good for GDP
3) enjoy one’s life completely


pros>cons 《 《《《《 《
intelligent robot
translation software
industrial automation
motorized flight 《《 《《
air transportation
computerized library 《《《 《《《
processed/synthesized/fast/imported food 《《《/《《/《《/《《 《《
SOHO working
computer-based learning
epidemics SARS
using live animals for scientific research
Modern technology for the elderly
Scientific exploration

Common advantages of S&T:

1) Labor-saving (money-saving) time-saving esp. for the
dangerous/perilous/hazardous/accurate/precise and repetitive work, which is monotonous and
tedious. Since ______, which can keep working or running for a consecutive long time, is
emotionless and immune to tiredness, it will increase/enhance the efficiency and productivity
of work. The time saved can be utilized for other purposes. Compared with their machine
counterpart, people are liable to make mistakes, more vulnerable to stress and physical

2) _____ can push back the frontier of science and technology (airline/aviation business)
through innovation and ingenuity as an avant-garde 《 《《 . Each generation of product acts as
the stereotype 《《 /milestone/by-product for their later innovations-- descendents.

Common disadvantages of S&T 70%

1) Relying on ____ too heavily//Overdependence on _____ will deteriorate the creativity,
flexibility and self-motivation of humans, thus leading to the degradation of (human
progress). S&T, as a mountain of cheese, can make people lost and lacking in motive
for innovation.
2) Since ____ is devised or manipulated by human beings, once it malfunctions or breaks
down, it will cause disastrous consequence or aftermath (economic loss,
environmental pollution or life death). Sometimes ____ is beyond man power, which
will reach the opposite effect.

Computer-based library:
1) inconvenient for computer-illiterates especially the aged
2) cyber security and piracy once attacked by hackers

1) convenient for the management of library
2) labor-saving for the borrowers
3) push back the frontier of library industry
4) high-tech media(Multi-media)

 versatile=wide range of resources and materials on the web, easily

accessible with multiplied way of reading
 instant updating and upgrading
Stimulate the appetite of readers for reading, thus enhancing the utility of libraries

Eating Processed/Fast Food?

1) less nutritious and tasty compared with natural food
 3 《《 physical 《《
body dysfunction
physical deficiency
unbalanced diet
high-calorie/fat food intake
less appetite for exquisite food
2) low security food quality blended with chemicals(addictive)

1) Convenient (money-saving, labor saving, time-saving) for the consumers since
we save the trouble of importing and transplanting the natural food from their
places of origin. Local processing is also conducive to the locals through
adapted taste or flavor.
2) Eating some kinds of processed food with limited amount pushes back the
frontier of innovative food research, since we may consume all natural food in
one day due to environmental degradation and ecological deterioration. Raising
people’s A&C for extinction of natural food through researching is really a
must, which promotes the research of alternatives to natural food.

Using live animals for scientific research

1) Comparatively speaking, live animals are more easily available/accessible than human
beings (their superlative counterpart). Though it is contrary to ethics, research with live
animals helps promote S&T materially.
2) After all, history proves many tremendous findings and scientific accomplishments are
really the outcome of research using live animals, which pushes the back of the frontier of
innovation in all fields of S&T, esp. in pharmaceuticals, biology, genetics and medical

Motorized flight
1) Pros
a) fastest and most efficient way of transportation esp. for business travel, which can
yield profits due to time-saving
b) release travel stress
c) push back the frontier of aviation/space technology

2) Other inventions apart from the common advantages of S&T

TV/Computer, etc.

More and more people use the mobile phone or computer to communicate, and no longer
write letters to each other. Some people think the skills of letter writing will soon disappear
completely. Do you agree or disagree? How important do you think letter-writing is?
Importance of Letter-writing:
i. more emotional and personal way of communication with the receiver.
ii. avoid direct and instant response/feedback as a formal way such as declination of
university application or business invitation letter.
iii. display and popularize the Chinese traditional culture through letter-writing.

Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed
because people can see historical objects and works by using computer. Do you agree or
Pros of public museum
1) real beauty rather than artificial beauty—the value of arts and museum
2) place for preserving cultural relics and heritage
3) raise people’s A&C for art appreciation and historical experience
meditation on

With technology speeding up, more and more young people begin to use mobile phones and
the Internet, but old people have little chance to be exposed to them. What ways could mobile
phone and the Internet be useful to old people? How do old people be encouraged to use this
new technology?
1) convenient and labor-saving for them to communicate with their family, relatives and
2) enrich their life esp. after-retirement
3) narrow the generation gap with young adults, thus the society
4) stimulate national GDP

1《 Government allocate special fund for eliminating aged computer-illiterates
2《 Family/Children
3《 The aged raise their A&C for using modern technology

Should (government) support/ subsidize/ give grants to/develop ______?
Is it necessary to develop ______?
1) space technology
2) weapon
3) musician or artist
4) sports professional
5) artistic projects
6) costume and beauty salon
7) theatre, museum//medical center and education

Develop or NOT develop, that is not a question!

《《 《《《《《《
1《 《《 《《《《《《
2《 《《 《《《《《《
*Hierarchy of Needs
As for the Small and Middle powers: the first priority is
The importance of physiological needs and the necessity of improving people’s living
As for these less-developed and developing countries, settlement of physiological needs for
survival is more significant than spending extravagant money on ________ according to
Maslow’s Theory.

Convert 《《
With the burgeoning 《《 of superpowers, the original purpose of ____ has been converted into
“real” purpose of seeking economic or political profitability/benefits for the sake of group
interest, which is contrary to the original purpose of __________.
e.g. Global Defence System

O.P.=Original Purpose—Positive
C.P.=Current Purpose—Negative

O.P. national defense and security
C.P. 1) military deal for huge profits
2) armament/arms threat
Hegemony (superpower)
Ask for equal treatment//call for international attention (small and middle powers)

Musician//sports professional
Past: Simple, devoted, conscientious
Present: With the commercialization of society, some musicians pay a lot of attention to
profitability rather than art itself. They spend less time in improving their artistic technique.
On the contrary, they hire sophisticated agents for their commercial performance. Nowadays,
some musicians or sports professional are really a big shot. They earn utterly more than
ordinary people. Even the superstars have their own sponsors. Thus, there is no need to
subsidize this group of persons due to market economy.

Beauty salon
Most profitable industry
Profuse, abundant
Artificial beauty

《 《《《《《《
1《Since most countries have settled the physiological needs, it is natural and indispensable
for them to seek higher needs such as ______.
2《Advantages of _______

《 《《 /《《 《《
《 《《《/《 《《《 《《《《 《
1) 《《《 《《《《 《《《《
Since globalization, whose essence is centralization and commercialization, is inevitable and
undeniable, it is bound to lead to the popularity of some predominant languages and culture
due to convenience in communication and exchange, which deteriorates the minor ones.
According to the principle of Superiority of the senior and inferiority of the junior, the minor
ones will be watered down/deteriorated with the doom of dying out.
With the bourgeoning of superpowers, emigrants, attractive to the comparative advantages
such as the sound social security system and benefits, have been swarming into these
“dreamland of fantasy”. If they were confronted with the dilemma of cultural shock, they
would not be hesitated to discard and betray their native languages and cultures, which brings
disaster to the minor languages and cultures due to subjective deterioration.
cultural intrusion

1) emigration/immigration
melt pot
2) allocate funds to maintain the function of minor languages

2 《《
1《《 《《
2) 《《《
Life is no respecter of genius


《《《 《《 Y 132

15 minutes

《 《《《《 《《《
Mark Morgan David
Writing Skills for the IELTS test
《 《《《
e.g education

Task 2 《 《《《《
1) 《《 opening《《《《 《《《《 《《 ending《《《《《《《《《《《《《 opening & ending《《
《《《《《 “《 《《《 ”《《 《《《《 《《 《《《

2《 6 《《 《《《《《《《《 1 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《 《 《《《《《《《《《 《 《《《《《《 《《 《《 BLOG 《

《《 《《《 《《《《《《《 《《 30 minutes/day
《《——《《 《《
《《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《 《《《《《《《《
3《 《《《 《《《《《《《 《15 minutes(10+5)

《《“《 《《《 《”《“《《”《“《《《《 《《《《”《《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《《 《《 《《《

 function of education/teachers
 advantage of knowledge
 advantage of experiences
 pros/cons of studying abroad
 leaving home for study or work
 traffic congestion
 reason and effect of environmental pollution
 city development
 government responsibility
 body building-up
 materialism
 Hierarchy of needs Maslow
 physiological needs
 nutrition fact
 edification, aesthetics
 reasons for shopping
 advantage of science
 disadvantage of science
 globalization
 cultural loss
4《 《《《《 《《《《 40 《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《 15 《 《《《《《《 《《《《《《《 《《《《《《《《《《 5 《《《《《
5《 《《《 15 《 《《《《《 《《《《《《《《《《《 《《《《《 Mark Morgan
Writing Skills for the IELTS test 《《《 《《《《《《《《《《《《《
“《《《《《 《《《 《《 ”
with the advent of

6《《 version9.0 《 《《《 《《《《《 《《《《《《《《 《《《《《 《《 《《《 《 《200 《《

It is acknowledged that

Task 1 《《《 《(Academic)

1) 《《 《《《 30 seconds
2) 《 opening(paraphrase)2 minutes
3) 《《《《 《《 《《 1-3 minutes
4) 《 《《《(all trends) 2 minutes
5) 《《 《《(specific description) 10 minutes
6) 《《 《《(《《) 2 minutes
7) 《《《 《《《 《《《《 《《《1 minute

Task 2 《《《《
1《 《《《《(10-15 seconds)
PRR or Discursive
Discursive 《《 《《《《《《《
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
Which opinion do you prefer to?
《《《《《《 《
Agree or Disagree
2《 《《《《《《X《《(30 seconds)
3《 《 outline (3 minutes)
《《《《 brainstorming
《《 《《《 《《《《《《《《《《 《《《
《《《 《《《《《《《
Preliminary: 3-5min
Opening: 5 min
Body: 25 min
Ending: 5 min

18 min—Back-ups
7 min—Characteristic Paragraph
<10 minutes before ending = NO 《《《
Version 9.0

《《 《《《《
1) 《 《《《《
As is displayed in the flow chart, the process/principle, etc of _____ can be
explained/analyzed/specified as follows.

There are ____stages in ______.

Last/Finally/In the end
Thus, the new circle begins.

As to/for, As far as …is concerned

In respect/aspect of, in approach to

Through a brief introduction of ______, we come to realize how ______//the ___ of


Having a glimpse of the general process of _____, we are fascinated by the ____ of
_____//the fact that ________.

2) 《《《《《
《《《 《《《 2 《
《《《 《《《 2 《
《《《 《《《 1~2 《
《《《 《《 《 2 《
《《《 《《 《 2 《
3) 《《《《《
4) 《《《《《《
5) 《《《《《《《《

Task 1 (G)
 Types of Letter
1. Complaint
2. Enquiry
3. Request
4. Apology
5. Acknowledgement
6. Suggestion
7. Job application
8. Recommendation
9. Self-introduction
10. Invitation

 Format of a letter

Dear …

(Regards )

 《《
 To an organization: Formal
 Dear Sir or Madam
 Dear Mr. / Mrs./Miss/Ms. + surname
 To those who are concerned/ To whom it may concern
 《《《
 To an individual/friend: Formal or semi-formal
 Dear Professor + Surname
 Dear John (Given name)

Regards Closure
Best wishes Yours sincerely,
Best regards Yours truly,
With lots of love Yours faithfully,
Take care Cordially yours,

Tactics for Task 1 (General Training)

Dear Sir or Madam, ——unknown authority/stranger

Dear Mr./Ms./Prof/Dr (Surname), ——known authority

Dear (name), ——friend/relative

Re: (position)——only for application letter

As one of your (identity) s, I am writing this letter to express my (emotion) ——


I am (name) , writing to you for (purpose) ——informal

Question 1&2——explanation of the whole event and expression of some emotion

Question 3——offer your own solution

Looking forward to your early reply and thanks for your great effort to deal with it.

Yours sincerely
(English name)
Emotion Words

Complain Request Thanks Apology Invitatio App/Reco

n m
Junk discomfort concern thanks regret invitatio confidence
Words n
dissatisfac confusion appreciati sorrow
tion on
disturbanc interest thankfulne grief
e ss
Medium uneasiness perplexity remorse request self-
Words assurance
discompos bewilderm repentance boldness
ure ent
Favorab disconcert solicitude chagrin propositi aplomb
le words ion on
perturbati bafflement contrition solicitati poise
on on
vexation compuncti
 Complaint –《《 《 《+《 《《《+《《《《
1. I am writing to complain about…/that…
2. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with somebody about something
3. I am most reluctant to complain, but…
4. I feel sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about…
I am writing to complain about the service on the Beijing-Shanghai train which I
took on August 16, 2001.
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about the Walkman I bought at the
duty-free shop in your airport on February 14, 2005.

 End of a complaint letter

1. I would be grateful / I shall appreciate it very much if you could take the
matter into consideration and solve it at your earliest convenience.
2. I would like to have this matter settled by the end of…/ within 14 days.

Writing task 1
 You live in a room in college which you share with another student. You
find it very difficult to work there because he or she always has friends
visiting. They have parties in the room and sometimes borrow your
things without asking you.
 Write a letter to the Accommodation Office at the college and ask for a
new room next term. You would prefer a single room. Explain your

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term. I would
prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.
I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate
behavior. For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him; for another, he
regularly holds noisy parties. In addition, he sometimes borrows my things without
asking me. In these circumstances, I find it difficult to concentrate on my students,
and I am falling behind in my assignments.
I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my
own, where I will be free from such distractions. Therefore, I would be grateful if you
could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the
college campus as possible.

Yours sincerely,
Janice Kennedy

Writing task 1
You have received your pay for your summer holiday part-time job, but your

pay is less than you were promised. Please write a letter to the manager of the

unit, clearly stating what work you have done and how long your work took.

While explaining your case, put forward your demand and suggestion.

Dear Manager,

I have received the $800 cheque which you pay to me as a part-time software

programmer in your company during my latest summer vacation. However, I am at a

loss why the amount is $ 100 less than you promised to pay me.

It was contracted that a part-time software programmer’s weekly wage is $ 300. I

signed the contract with you and consequently worked in your company for a total of

3 weeks. In the period, I went to and from work on time and to your satisfaction, I

completed each task that you assigned me without any errors.

Also, no blame about me was ever heard in any aspect. So my total income should
be $ 900, which is $ 100 more than that I gained from you. I firmly insist on your kind

explanation of the difference and making it up as soon as possible.

Your early reply would be highly appreciated.

Yours sincerely
Janet Smith

 Enquiry –目的+具体问题+(急切心情+感激+联系方式)
1. I am writing for information about…
2. I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information
3. I would be most grateful if you could supply me with the following information.

 End of an Enquiry letter

1. Thank you for your consideration
2. I am expecting your early reply.
3. I am looking forward to your immediate response.
4. In addition, if you could let me have details of … I would be more than grateful.

Writing task 1
 As part of a student social survey project, you are organizing a group to
visit a historical exhibition in a small town.
 Write a letter asking for information regarding such things as the
contents of the exhibition, and the dates of its opening and closing, and if
there are any discounts available.
Dear Sir,

I am organizing a group of students to pay a visit to the historical exhibition in your

town. This visit will be part of our school’s activities to encourage the students to take
part in social surveys. Therefore, I would be grateful if you could supply me with the
following information.

First of all, what are the dates between which the exhibition will be held, and what
are the daily opening hours? Secondly, what is the size of the exhibition, what is its
theme and what objects are on display? Thirdly, are there any other activities being
held in connection with the exhibition?

I must point out that I hope to bring over students to the exhibition. So I would like to
inquire if there is any discount available on entrance tickets for students. If so, how
much is the discount and what is the minimum number of students necessary to
qualify for it?

I look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,
George Moore

 Apology –目的+原因+再次表示歉意 / 补救措施

1. I am writing to apologize for …
2. I am terribly sorry, but…
3. Thank you for …, but I am sorry to say that…

 End of an apology letter

1. I hope you can accept my apologies. Please allow me to say sorry again.
2. Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.
3. I would be very grateful if you could tell me if there is any way that I can make
up for it. I do apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Writing task 1
 One of your pen pals will shortly be visiting your city. For some reasons,
you cannot manage to meet her at the airport on time.
 Write a letter asking her to wait for you at the airport and tell her how to
identify you.

Dear Mary,

I am very much looking forward to your visit to my city. Just think: after all these
years of writing to each other, we will finally have the chance to meet! However, I
regret to inform you that I will not be able to meet you at the airport as soon as you

The reason is that your flight will arrive early in the morning, and the quickest I can
get to the airport will be about an hour after you land. Please wait for me in the arrival
lounge. You should be able to have breakfast there while you wait.

By the way, as we have never met I must tell you how to recognize me: I am medium
height and have a small mustache. In addition, I will be carrying a copy of the
morning newspaper tucked under my left arm.

Looking forward to out first meeting.

Yours sincerely,

 Invitation –目的+具体情况(5W)+ 期待回复

1. I am writing to invite you to …
2. I would like to see your presence at …
3. I am sending you this invitation to … and I sincerely hope you can be part of it.
4. I am wondering if you could come to my birthday party in my new house this
Saturday evening.

 End of an invitation letter

1. My family and I would feel honored if you could come.
2. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.
3. Would you please drop me a line to let me know if you can come? I really hope
you can make it.
• RSVP (repondez s’il vous plait) (before April 1)

Writing task 1
You want to invite some friends to a party. Write an invitation letter to them
individually, elaborating on the reason why such a party should be held and
what activities will be arranged for them.

Dear Susan,
I will hold a dinner party at my house on June 23, 2000(Saturday) to celebrate my
father’s being awarded the Pulitzer Prize for journalism this year. As you are a close
friend of our family, my parents and I would very much like you to participate in the
celebration and share our joy.

The occasion will star at five o’clock in the afternoon, with the showing of the
documentary film of the 1999 Kosovo war produced by my father, which secured the
prize for him. This will be followed by a dinner party. At around eight o’clock, we will
hold a small musical soiree, at which a band will perform some works by Bach and

If you do not have any prior appointment on June 23, my family and I look forward to
the pleasure of your company.

Cordially yours,
Jessica Louis

RSVP before June 19

 Acknowledgement –目的+原因+再次感谢
1. I am writing to extend/convey my heart-felt thanks/sincere
appreciation/gratitude to you for…

 End of a thank-you letter

1. I must thank you again for your generous help / kind assistance.
2. Please accept my gratitude, now and always.
3. My true gratitude is beyond words. Thank you again.
4. If you need any help to …, please let me know. I shall appreciate it very much
if you can give me a chance to return your kindness.

Writing task 1
After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by another person.
Write a special letter to express your thanks.

Dear John,

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate

accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been
for your timely assistance in giving me first aid and taking me to a nearby hospital, I
fear that the consequences might have been much more serious.

The doctor says that my broken leg is healing well, and the bruises and cuts I
suffered will soon be completely better. In addition, the taxi company has agreed to
pay my hospital bills. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that
emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome.

Although nowadays many people talk about the need to be unselfish to help others,
we see very few people practicing what they preach. But you showed by your
selfless action that you are an exception. If there were more people like you, this
world would be a much nicer place.

Yours sincerely,

Writing task 1
You have just arrived in the city where you are going to spend two years for

your master’s degree. You have a lot preparation to do before the new term

starts, but you do not know how to go round the city. A friend you have newly

acquainted offered you guidance and helped you through difficulties. Write a

letter to express your thanks.

Dear Mary,
I am writing this letter to thank you for the guidance you gave me. I was a perfect

stranger when arriving at this city. Once I lost myself for not knowing the way in a

downtown street, although I stopped to ask some people for direction. As you know

this is the first time for me to come up to this big city.

I bought a guidebook, but there were still difficulties in going round the city. The

streets and shops puzzled me so much that I would rather stay indoors. It is your

valuable guidance that has enabled me to go about the city without losing myself. I

thank you very much for your kink help. Now I begin to know how to take the proper

trolley buses. Yesterday I went downtown with some of my schoolmates to buy some


Lesson will begin in a few days. I will come over to see you some day next week and

tell you everything that has happened to me.

Sincerely yours
Julia Noel

 Request –目的+解释原因+重申并表达感谢
1. I am writing to request to do something
2. I am writing in the hope that …
 End of a request letter
1. By the way, if you think it is possible …, I would like to …. I am sorry for the
inconvenience this may cause you.
2. I am looking forward to your reply.
Writing task 1
You stayed with a local family when you attended a training program in New

Zealand. You returned to your home country in a hurry and found that you had

left your laptop computer in the family. Write a letter to the family, thanking

them for their hospitality. Describe your computer and where it is and ask the

host to send it back to you.

You do NOT need to write your own address.

Dear Mr. Scoot,

I’m writing to express my gratitude for your entertainment during my stay in your

house. I cannot forget your beautiful wife’s cooking.

However, due to my rashness, I left my laptop computer in the guest room that you

had arranged for me, which causes many inconveniences both in my work and my


The above mentioned laptop computer is Model IBM 500 with gray appearance, half-

new. I vaguely remember that I put it on the desk by the fireplace of the guest room.

The laptop computer contains all the important data related to my job. I cannot live

without it.

I really appreciate if you can find it out and send it to me by EMS as soon as

possible. Enclosed with the letter is the return envelope with address, and a cheque
of post.

I am looking forward to your kind reply.

Sincerely yours

 Suggestion–目的+建议(2~3 点)
1. I got to know from … that …. I am writing to give you some advice about it.
2. I am writing in response to … to suggest ways in which …

 End of a suggestion letter

1. I would appreciate … and will be more than happy to expand on any of the
comments I have made here.
2. I wish you a nice stay here.

Writing task 1
A friend who lives abroad will shortly be visiting your university and has asked

you to make arrangements for his stay. Write a letter informing him of what you

have done.

Dear Mr. Smith,

I have received your letter dated April 5, 1996 in which you have asked me to make

arrangements for your stay here. I am glad to tell you that all relevant things have

been arranged as follows:

First of all, I will meet you at the airport when you arrive here. Then I will take you to
our university reception where I have booked a room for you. On the second day of

your arrival, you will be invited to attend our teaching activity in a small group. In the

afternoon, I will take you to visit our students’ design work of architecture. On the

third day, I have arranged a lecture at which I hope you could give us an introduction

to the teaching features of architecture at Cambridge. In the evening, I will have a

small party for you at which you will have more chance to communicate with our

student as well as our staff. On the last day I will see you off at the airport.

If there is anything inconvenient for you in this schedule, please let me know as soon

as possible.

I am looking forward to your reply and wish you a pleasant journey.

Yours respectfully
Robert Kennedy

 Application –目的+个人陈述(2~3 点)
1. I am writing to apply for the position of … you advertised in … on …
2. I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for …

 End of an application letter

1. All these give me enough confidence to say that I am the right person for the
position. I shall appreciate it very much if you could give my application its due
2. I am looking forward to your favorable reply.

Writing task 1
From an advertisement you learn that a company has the position vacant in an

engineering department. You are a postgraduate student with a master’s

degree from Mechanical Training Program as Programmer Trainee. You have

just arrived in the United States and you want to have the job. You’ll enclose

your resume with details of academic courses in your letter. You should ask to

have an appointment.

Dear Sir,

From your advertisement on New York Times, March 24, I have learned that you

need an engineer in your mechanic department. I have been seeking a position in

the engineering department in which I may use my training in computer sciences to

solve engineering problems and I would be interested in exploring the possibility of

obtaining such a position within your firm.

I received a master’s of science degree in mechanical engineering from Qinhua

University in June 1995. Since September 1997 I have been participating, through

my university, in Professional Training Program as Programmer Trainee and have

gained a great deal of experience in computer applications. Details of the academic

courses that I have taken are contained in the enclosed resume.

May I have an appointment for an interview with you to discuss my qualifications in

detail? Please write to me at my home or telephone me at (317) 668-5792 any


Yours sincerely
Mary Jones

 Recommendation–目的+解释原因+重申
1. I have learned from your advertisement … that you are looking for …. I am
writing to you to recommend …
2. As…, I earnestly recommend … for the position that you advertised …
 End of a recommendation letter
1. Therefore, I do not hesitate to recommend … as an ideal candidate for the
post. I am sure you will make a wise decision in hiring her.

1. You are going to London for a visit, and you would like to spend two days in visiting a

library as you are doing a research project. Write a letter to the library assistant,

asking him/her for help and specifying your requirements.

2. When you were painting your rented apartment, you accidentally damaged

something in one of the rooms. Write to your landlord, explaining the reason for

writing the letter and how the whole thing happened. Finally, you should suggest how

you can compensate for the damages.

3. You are an international student who studies in a college without sports facilities.

Write to the manager of a sports club nearby, inquiring about what procedures are

needed before you can join the club.

4. During your travel overseas, you left a handbag on the passenger plane. Write a

letter to the airline company, explaining the situation and describing the handbag.

Also, indicate the way they can possibly solve the problem.

5. You bought a CD player from a local store a few days ago, but now it doesn’t work.

Write a letter to the manufacturer, asking them what the problems are and

complaining about the attitude of the shop assistant. Also tell them how they can

handle the situation.

6. You are a local student who has moved to a new neighborhood where there is an

extremely large tree just in front of your doorway. Write a letter to the local authority,

complaining about the problems the big tree has brought to your life.

7. Write a letter to invite one of your friends to attend a large celebration at your home.

State the reasons why the celebration is held and all the details about the

celebration. Also, ask your friend to do a favor for you.

8. One of the pen friends overseas is going to visit you. However, for some reason, you

cannot meet him/her as previously arranged. Write about your reason, the place
where you want him to wait for you, and how he/she can recognize you.

9. You are a college student taking part in a research project. Write a letter to a local

museum, asking them to provide essential materials. Give the details of your project

and specify the required materials.

10.During your business trip to another city, you met an attendant on the train who

treated you with very impolite manners. Write a letter to the railway authority,

complaining about the bad attitude and poor service of that attendant.

11.You have just received good news related with your family. Write a letter to one of

your friends, explain the reason for writing. Also, tell him/her the details of the good

news and why you are so excited about it.

12.You are in international student who has been arranged by your university to live

with a local family. However, for some reason, you are not satisfied with the

accommodation. Write a letter to your university, explaining about the situation and

asking for a rearrangement.

13.One of the pen friends overseas is going to visit you. However, for some reason, you

cannot meet him/her as previously arranged. Write about your reason, the place

where you want him to wait for you, and how he/she can recognize you.
14.You are organizing a business meeting, and you should write to people from other

companies and tell them the changes of the meeting (time, location, etc.). You can

(1) explain why you have to make changes, (2) tell them the changes, and (3)

apologize for the changes.

15.You are going to London for a visit, and you would like to spend two days in visiting a

library as you are doing a research project. Write a letter to the library assistant,

asking him/her for help and specifying your requirements.

16.Someone wrote an article in the newspaper criticizing a new movie. Write a letter to

the author to express your disapproval, explaining why you disagree with his or her


17.You have a friend who will go on holiday to a town which you know very well. Please

write a letter to him/her including these contents: (1) recommend a place to live (2)

what things he/she can do there (3) the weather conditions there.

18.You want to ask a friend of yours to visit you for the first time and live at your home

for a short period. Write a letter of invitation, suggesting him to bring essential things

and what he can do during his visit.

19.You are an international student who has rented an apartment on campus. Recently

you damaged something in one of your rooms. Write to the school authorities,
explaining how the damage was caused, offering some solution and apologizing for

the inconvenience.

20.Your company is going to have a working weekend in a hotel. Write a letter to the

hotel staff about what you need. You need to introduce yourself, tell them your plan

and requirements of the accommodation.

21.You have been working for a company for several years. However, you are

dissatisfied and disappointed with it. Write a letter of resignation, explaining the

reason why you want to leave and making some requests or suggestions.

22.One of your neighbours wrote you a letter, complaining about the annoying noise

you made in the neighbourhood. Write a letter to him/her in which you should

explain the situation, apologize for the noise you made and tell him/her about the

action you will take to deal with the problem.

23.For some reason, you cannot attend a course you have already paid for. Write a

letter to the professor, indicating the reason and tell him/her what you plan to do.

24.A company is organizing a trip abroad for language training to a number of limited

places. Please write a letter, expressing that you want to join, why you think you

should join, and why the organizer you select you.

25.You are a college student and feel very unhappy about having to live outside the

campus. Write a letter to the college authorities, introducing yourself, explaining why

you are unhappy, asking for on-campus accommodation, and telling them why it is

better to live inside the college.

26.You went to computer shop last week to have your broken computer repaired.

However, you are not satisfied with their service. Write a letter of complaint to their

manager, explaining the situation and the reason why you were unhappy, and telling

them what should be done about it.

27.Last weekend, your watch was lost in an English-speaking friend’s home during your

visit. Write a letter to your friend, thanking his/her kindness, describing how you lost

it and asking for his/her help.

28.You are moving to an English-speaking country with your family. Write to an

accommodation agency to seek a house for your family. Please tell them what type

of house you are looking for and some detailed requirements.

29.You had a long distance flight and found there were some problems on the plane.

Also the crew was not helpful. Write a letter to the airline to describe the situation,

tell them what happened during the journey and give some suggestions.
2007 年雅思大作文全集


The world of work is changing rapidly, so people cannot always depend on

their jobs. What are the reasons of such phenomenon and offer some

measures to solve it.

(2)2007.01.13 (原题)=2005.05.28

Some people think universities should provide knowledge and skills

related to future career. Others think the true function of the university is

to give access to knowledge for its own sake. What is your opinion?

2005.05.28 题目

Nowadays, some university offer graduate students skills that assist to

find employment, but some people believe the main function of university
should be to access knowledge for its sake. What’s your opinion?

(3)2007.01.20 (原题) =2005.07.09

Some people say the government should pay for the health care and

education, but others say that it is not the government’s responsibility.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2005.07.09 题目

Some people think the government should pay for health care and

education, but other people think it's not government's responsibility.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

(4)2007.02.03 类似 2006.06.17

Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, and only

governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent

do you agree or disagree?

2006.06.17 题目
The best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase

the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(5)2007.02.10 类似 2005.11.26

People think the public library will be replaced by the computer. To what

extent do you agree or disagree?

2005.11.26 题目

The main purpose of libraries is to provide books, therefore they should

not use limited resources and space and should be replaced by computer

software, DVDs etc. Do you agree or disagree?

(6)2007.03.03 类似 2004.02.21

Some people think schools should select pupils according to their

academic ability, but others believe pupils with different abilities should be

educated together. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

2004.02.21 题目
Some people think intelligent children should learn with others together,

since it will benefit everyone, while other people think intelligent children

should learn separately, and also should get special treatment. Discuss

both sides and give your own opinion.

(7)2007.03.10 (新题)

More and more people use the mobile phone or computer to

communicate, and no longer write letters to each other. Some people

think the skills of letter writing will soon disappear completely. Do you

agree or disagree? How important do you think letter-writing is?

(8)2007.03.31 (原题)=2005.2.26

It is now possible to perform everyday tasks as banking, shopping and

business transactions without meeting people face-to-face. What are the

effects it may bring on the individual and the society as a whole?

2005.02.26 题目
People can perform everyday task, such as shopping and banking, as well

as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face. What

are the effects on both individuals and society?

(9)2007.04.14 类似 2006.09.02

The society would benefit from the ban on forms of advertising because it

serves no useful purposes and can even be damaging. To some extent do

you agree or disagree with the opinion?

2006.09.02 题目

In some countries, advertisers increase the amount of advertising to

persuade children to buy snacks, toys , and other goods. Parents object

such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful

information in these advertisements. Discuss both views and give your


(10)2007.04.21 类似 2006.09.02
Customers are faced with increasing amounts of advertising due to the

competition among companies. To what extent do you think consumers

are influenced by advertisements? And what measures can be taken to

protect their interests?

2006.09.02 题目

In some countries, advertisers increase the amount of advertising to

persuade children to buy snacks, toys , and other goods. Parents object

such pressure on children. But some advertisers claim that there is useful

information in these advertisements. Discuss both views and give your



Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to other

countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some people

believe that this is a good thing, but others consider this use of air
transport can’t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

2004.09.18 题目

Air transport is increasingly used to export fruits and vegetables to other

countries where they cannot be grown or are out of season. Some people

believe that this is a good thing, but others consider this use of air

transport can’t be justified. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

(12)2007.05.12 类似 2006.09.23

The unpaid community service should be a necessary part in high college

programs (such as helping your neighbor or teaching the children sports

or working for the charity).To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2006.09.23 题目

Young adults should undertake unpaid work to help people in the

community. To what extent do you think it brings more drawbacks to the

community and the young adults than benefits?

(13)2007.05.19 类似 2004.07.17

Nowadays, computer is used more and more in education. Do you think in

which areas computer is more important and in which areas teachers are

more important?

2004.07.17 题目

computers do not help children learn more efficiently. On the contrary,

computers used in schools have negative effects on children’s physical

and mental development. Do you agree or disagree?

(14)2007.06.02 类似 2006.05.20

Many developing countries are increasingly expanding their tourism

industry. Why is this case? Is it a positive development?

2006.05.20 题目

The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what

extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

(15)2007.06.09 (合并)=2006.08.05+2007.02.10

Nowadays, some people claim that public museums and art galleries will

not be needed because people can see historical objects and works by

using computer. Do you agree or disagree?

2006.08.05 题目

Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and

entertain young people. Other think the purpose of museums is to

educate, not to entertain. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

2007.02.10 题目

People think the public library will be replaced by the computer. To what

extent do you agree or disagree?

(16)2007.06.16 (新题)

In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international

fast foods. This is having a negative effect on both families and societies.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

(17)2007.07.07 类似 2004.12.18

In some countries, schools aim to provide a general education across a

range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects

related to a particular career. For today’s world, which of these systems is

more appropriate?

2004.12.18 题目

Nowadays, university students focus on one specific subject. However,

some people claim that universities should encourage students to study a

range of subjects. Do you agree or disagree?

(18)2007.07.14 (新题)

Lectures were used in the past as an old way of teaching a large number

of students. As new technology is now available for education, some

people suggest that there is no justification for lectures. To what extent

do you agree or disagree?


Many problems have impacts on the world, so good relationships between

different countries are becoming more and more important. To what

extent do you agree or disagree?


Some people think the food has been changed and improved by

technological and scientific advances, but others worry that it is harmful

to eat this kind of food. Describe both sides and give your opinion.


Some people support to invent a new language that can be used by

people all over the world for international communication. Do you think

the benefits of this would outweigh the problems?

Nowadays, many people save money for their own care after retirement.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some think that the young should take a job as soon as they leave school

to develop career. Others think they should further their study in

universities to have a successful career. Discuss both opinions.


Today, cars cause many problems. What are those problems? Should we

discourage people to use cars?


Some people think government should invest in art, but others think it

should finance health care and education. Discuss and give your opinion.

Today, the expenditure of higher education is paid by the government,

students or loans which can be paid back after graduation. State the

benefits of the three ways. Which way you think is the best way for the



Some people believe that children learn a foreign language in primary

school better than secondary school. To what extent do you agree or



Some employers focus on academic qualifications, paying less attention to

life experiences and personal qualities. What are causes of this

phenomenon? Is this development positive or negative?


Some experts believe that it is better to learn a foreign language at a

primary school then at a secondary school. Do advantages outweigh



Today, the expenditure of higher education is paid by the government,

students or loans which can be paid back after graduation. State the

benefits of the three ways. Which way you think is the best way for the



Nowadays, a lot of advertisements are aimed at children. Some people

think there are lots of negative effects for children and should ban the

advertisements. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Some say it’s not good for the poor countries to receive financial aid from

the rich countries, for it deteriorates their self-dependence and capability

to get stronger. To what extent do you agree with the opinion?


Some think we have grown in a thrown-away society. People always carry

plastic bags and throw them away after one-use, thus it will pollute our

environment. What are the reasons for the situation and how it can be



Some people believe that the aim of university education is to help

graduates find better jobs while some others hold that there are wider

benefits for the individual and the society. Discuss both viewpoints and

give your own opinion.


Everyday, many species of plants and animals are declining. Offer the

reasons for the situation and some solutions to it.


Today, it is common that TV news programs show the images of disasters

and violence to the public. Discuss the reasons and the effects on the

individual and the society.

2008 年雅思大作文全集

(截至 2008.5.10)


The best way to decrease the crime rate is to extend the period of

sentence for criminals. However, there may be other solutions to alleviate

the problem. Compare the sentence-extension with other solutions and

state which do you think is the best way for public security.


Some think the traditional thoughts of old people are out of date. Some

believe they are still of some value. To what extent do you agree or
disagree with the opinions?


What is the importance for individuals and countries to think about future

rather than focusing on the present?

(4)2008.02.23 类似 2007.04.28

Nowadays, we often eat food transported from overseas. Do you think the

benefits of the situation outweigh the flaws?


Education system of schools entails updating from subjects

(math/literature/physics/philosophy/music/sports, etc). Choose two that

you think are most important to be taught in schools and one that is least

important to be taught.

Nowadays people pay lots of attention to physical health through many

ways. Some regard the attention is just for individual benefit, others say

it is a social responsibility to care about health. What is your opinion

toward the statements?

(7)2008.03.29 类似 2008.03.13

Some think the government should be responsible for ensuring the people

of the country that have healthy lifestyles. Others think we should make

our own living decisions. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.

(8)2008.04.05 类似 2007.09.08

A long-distance flight consumes the fuel as much as a car consumes in

several years time, and causes the same amount of pollution as cars. So

some people think we should abandon the non-essential fights (such as

for tourism), and it is more efficient than restricting the car use. Give your

opinion about it.


Some people believe that a country becomes more interesting and

develops faster when its population is mixed with different nationalities

and cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with it?


Some countries have ever-increasing proportion of population of those

aged 15 or younger, what do you think of the current and future effects

for the countries?


Some people believe that children can learn effectively by watching TV

and they should be encouraged to watch TV both at home and school. To

what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams

can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the

success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both and give

your opinion.



You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The diagram below shows the method of obtaining water outdoors.
You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The flow chart is about the National Yellow Stone Park in use after the fire disaster.
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagrams below show some principles of house design for cool and for warm
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The government planned to build a supermarket in G Town. In the following map there are
two alternative places for you to choose: place S1 and place S2. According to the
information shown in the diagram, describe the benefits and drawbacks of the two

You should write at least 150 words.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the process of glass recycling.
You should write at least 150 words.
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram shows how organic waste is recycled to produce garden fertilizer.
You should write at least 150 words.
Version 8.0

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