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Topic: Learner Centered Approach (LCA)



For an organization to grow in business it has to embrace on continuously training its staff, to meet new challenges. Training is however costly to conduct, but if effectively conducted may result in huge profit. The focus on training managers in police organization is to train officials who will be dealing with fighting crime on the daily basis. As such training managers should posses knowledge, skills and competence to be able to train others. As eluded here above, training managers do not only need the skills and knowledge but also need to be guided by a policy regulating training in the organization. If no training policy available they have to compile one, inline with organizations strategic plans and objectives or goals. Training managers should understand the need for continuous learning or lifelong learning. Trainers should offer a coherent and meaningful learning experience that will equip leaners with transferable knowledge and skills, to enable them to perform duties effectively. In this project we will discuss how to apply or use the Leaner Centered Approach as a method of transferring knowledge to Police cadets during training. 1.2. Training Division

The leaner centered approach is suitable for Namibian Police Force recruit training and thus recommended to be used. I choose the training division as it has become traditionally focused on more theory and less practicals during training, resulting in poor performance of police graduates on the field.

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