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Notebook: PPG Created: URL: 19/11/2011 11:01 PM Literature Genres Non-Fiction narrative Non-Fiction : based on fact, tells a story Biography: a written account of another person's life Autobiography: written by oneself Fiction Drama: Stories in verse or prose- for theaterical Poetry: verse and rhythmic writing with imagery that evoked emotions Fantasy: forming of mental images, strange Fable: supernatural, narrated - useful truth Fairy Tales: magical, fairies - for children Science Fiction: potential science - actual or imagined Realistic fiction: can actually happen, true to real life Folklore: songs, myths, proverbs - mouth to mouth Historical Fiction: fictional characters with historical setting Horror: evokes feeling of dread and fear Literary Criticism Def: involves reading, interpretation of and commentary on a specific text Literary text Literary criticism Literary / critical theory Functions of a critic: to to to to to introduce unknown authors encourage us to re-evaluate a work compare different works / ages / cultures increase the understanding of a work relate art to life / religion etc. Updated: 20/11/2011 12:47 AM

Layman VS Professional Critics Layman to kill time to enjoy fanciful visions to be amused to explore different ways of feelings to learn about self Theories of Literary Criticism Historical Studies within historical context If the writer is influenced by social context Is it only the writer's version of past events As a basis for a criticism of a society Connected past and present / offered value judgment Professional Critics to work from assumptions that are highly conscious to read through the lens of a particular theory to focus on particular details

Cultural To break down boundaries between high and low in cultures to dismantle the hierarchy that the distinction implies to discover why something is better than others originated from Marxist critics Social Criticism (Marxism) History as a struggle between socioeconomic classes Literature is a material product in particular society celebrates the values it represents Political Criticism the political situations Gender Criticism (Lesbian/Gay & Feminist) Do men and women read in different ways Do they write in different ways Structuralism a way of thinking that human activities is constructed What is Poetry A piece of literature written by a poet in meter or verse expressing various emotions. Using various techniques including metaphors, similes and onomatopoeia. Forms of Poetry Lyrical Poetry Consists of Poem, sonnets or ode Expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet Nowadays: Songs Ballads folk-song or orally transmitted poem direct and dramatic manner Local history / legends normally composed in Quatrains Sonnets A lyric poem of a single stanza - 14 lines Italian or Petrarchan sonnets - One octave and One sestet - abbaabba and cdecde or cdccdc Shakespearean or English sonnets - 3 quatrains and 1 couplet Epics Long narrative poem elevated style hero-centered (semi-divine) historical legends Haiku 3 short lines 1st line - 5 syllable 2nd line - 7 syllable 3rd line - 5 syllable Must paint a mental image

Limerick a 5-line poem, funny, rhyme- aabba 1 couplet and one triplet Line 1: rhyme /a/ 3 beats Line 2: rhyme /a/ 3 beats Line 3: rhyme /b/ 2 beats Line 4: rhyme /b/ 2 beats Line 5: rhyme /a/ 3 beats Contains hyperboles, onomatopoeia, idioms, puns Last line must be the Punch Line Poetic Devices Alliteration - The repetition of a beginning sound Allusion - a casual reference to someone or something that paints a mental picture Analogy - Comparisons of two things : explaining one to show the similarities Caesura - pausing or stopping within a line of poetry, by punctuation Enjambement - the continuation of thought from one line to another without punctuation Hyperbole - extreme exaggeration for effect Metaphor - comparison of two unlike things. eg: Clouds are ships in full sail Metonym - substitution of a word for another that is closely associated. eg: White House to the President Onomatopoeia - the sound things make Oxymoron - use of contradictory items for effect. eg: Freezing fires of hell Personification - giving human traits to non-human things. eg: The sun smiles Simile - comparison of two unlikely things as one is like the other Symbol - something representing other than itself. eg: Dove-Peace Elegy - poem of extreme sorrow (lament) Free Verse - poem without any rhymes or rhythm imagery - use of words to create mental picture mood - the emotional effect Theme - the controlling idea

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