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BP.080 FUTURE PROCESS MODEL <Company Long Name> <Subject>

Author: Creation Date: Last Updated: Document Ref: Version:

<Author> May 17, 1999 May 28, 1999 <Document Reference Number> DRAFT 1A

Approvals: <Approver 1> <Approver 2>

BP.080 Future Process Model May 28, 1999

Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>

Document Control
Change Record

Date 17-May99

Author <Author>

Versio n Draft 1a

Change Reference No Previous Document





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Name Library Master

Location Project Library Project Manager

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<Subject> File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. DRAFT 1A )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

BP.080 Future Process Model May 28, 1999

Doc Ref: <Document Reference Number>


Document Control.......................................................................................ii Event Catalog.............................................................................................1 <High-Level Business Function>...........................................................1 Process Listing and Process Descriptions....................................................2 <High-Level Business Function>...........................................................2 Process Relationships for <High-Level Business Function>..................2 Function Hierarchy......................................................................................3 <High-Level Business Function>...........................................................3 Process Step Catalogs.................................................................................4 <Process Name>...................................................................................4 Process Flow Diagrams...............................................................................5 To-Be Activities...........................................................................................6 Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable...............................................7 Open Issues...........................................................................................7 Closed Issues.........................................................................................7

<Subject> File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. DRAFT 1A )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

Doc Ref:

Event Catalog
This component lists all events to which the business responds.

<High-Level Business Function>

Name Type Description Frequency

File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

Doc Ref:

Process Listing and Process Descriptions

<High-Level Business Function>
Event Process Title Description of Process Output

Process Relationships for <High-Level Business Function>

File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

Doc Ref:

Function Hierarchy
<Company Short Name> Function: <Function Name>
Description: <Function Description> Function Owner: Date:

<Function Owner>


<High-Level Business Function>

Functio n ID #

Function Description

Function Owner



File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

Doc Ref:

Process Step Catalogs

<Process Name>
ID Description Frequency Notes Agent Automation

File Ref: 89708214.doc

(v. )

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

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Process Flow Diagrams

D r a w in g 2

O F 1 0 6 9 : E n te r O r d e rs

D e s c r ip t io n : T h e p r o c e s s o f ta k in g c u s t o m e r o r d e r s a n d e n t e r in g t h e m o n t o th e s y s te m .

U p d a te d B y : O r a c le C o r p o ra t io n

12 M ay, 1999

R e v . 2 .0

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 O rd e r S u b m itte d D e te rm in e w h e th e r th is is a ne w c ustom er
E n t e r C u s to m e r In fo

O F 1 0 6 9 .2 I s t h is a n e w c u s to m e r? E n te r th e o rd e r
E n te r O r d e rs

O F 1 0 6 9 .3 V e r ify o rd e r p ric e s
E n te r O r d e r s N o

O F 1 0 6 9 .4 V e r ify p a y m e n t te rm s
E n te r O r d e rs

O F 1 0 6 9 .5 V e r i f y c u s t o m e r 's ta x s ta tu s
E n te r O rd e r s

O F 1 0 6 9 .6 V e rify t h e c u s t o m e r 's p u rch a se o rd e r has been o b ta in e d

O F 1 0 6 9 .7 I s P O o n file ?
Y es

V e rify th a t s a le s o rd e r m a tc h e s PO

Customer Service Representative

O F 1 0 6 9 .8 D e t e r m in e w h e t h e r o rd e r is b e in g s h ip p e d t o a n o th e r c o u n try

O F 1 0 6 9 .9 I s t h is a n i n t e r n a t io n a l s h ip m e n t?

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 0 V e r if y t h a t a v a l i d e x p o rt lic e n s e is o n file I s a v a li d e x p o r t li c e n s e o n f i le ?

D e t e rm in e w h e th e r a le tte r o f c r e d it i s o n f i l e

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 1 S u b m it e x p o rt li c e n s e t o a p p ro p ria te ag ency

No N o

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 2 D e t e r m in e w h e th e r a n y o th e r h o ld s s h o u ld b e p la c e d o n th e o rd e r

D o a n y h o ld s a p p ly to th is o rd e r?



N o

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 3 P la c e th e a p p r o p r ia te h o ld s o n th e o rd e r

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 4 D e te rm in e w h e th e r th is is a ru s h o rd e r Is t h is a ru s h o rd e r?

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 5 N o t ify t h e C u s to m e r S e rv ic e M a n a g e r o f th e ru s h o rd e r

O F 1 0 6 9 .1 6 F ile th e o r d e r d o c u m e n ta tio n O rd e r E n te re d

Ev en t T e m p o ra l E vent P ro c e s s S te p M anual P ro c e s s S te p A u to m a t e d P ro c e s s S te p N a v ig a tio n C o p y r i g h t 1 9 9 8 O r a c le C o r p o r a t i o n , A l l ri g h t s r e s e r v e d E x p a n d a b le S u b -p ro c e s s D e c i s io n D a ta S to re

E x te rn a l A g e n t

File Ref: 89708214.doc

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

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To-Be Activities

This component provides details of the activities to be carried out as part of the process flow.

File Ref: 89708214.doc

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

Doc Ref:

Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable

Open Issues





Target Date

Impact Date

Closed Issues





Target Date

Impact Date

File Ref: 89708214.doc

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Open and Closed Issues for this Deliverable Company Confidential - For internal use only

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