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MYD General Meeting Minutes 3/13/12 I.

Welcome President Kim Moscaritolo opens the meeting and welcomes new members - Talks about priorities for the year - Emphasizes member involvement and getting people in the field II. Upcoming Events Amanda Pizzuti, President of Brooklyn Young Democrats, gives an update on get out the vote efforts for Lew Fidler - Keeping the seat blue - Canvassing this Saturday in Brooklyn, seeking volunteers Jovana Rizzo provides an update on Engendering Progress - Jessica Lappin as special guest and keynote speaker - New membership discount Jordan Reisner speaks to the group about the City Harvest community service event - Washington Heights on March 24th & seeks a few additional volunteers - Distributing fresh produce to pre-qualified members of the community Kim speaks on behalf of Allie Feldman about the Save Our Beer event III. Committee Updates Social Equity - Geoff Leonard, new Social Equity chair, discusses latest initiatives and priorities - Four priority areas: Housing Social Safety Net Workers Rights & Equitable Criminal Justice - Geoff and Stefan Ringel raise awareness about Communities United for Police Reform campaign working to address racial bias in the Stop and Frisk police practice - Motion passed for MYD to be a CPR coalition member LGBT - Darryl McKnight, new LGBT chair, discusses latest initiatives and priorities - Invites members to next committee meeting - Volunteer opportunity at Ali Forney Center, a housing and homeless for LGBT youth - Military pen pal initiative in April Education / Healthcare / Foreign Affairs - Kim speaks on behalf of committee chairs - Members should contact committee chairs if they are interested in attending meetings - Sophia is seeking an education co-chair - Provisions of the Affordable Care Act being implemented this year will be a focus for the healthcare committee IV. Member Time

Joyce Johnson, running for Congress in the 15th Congressional district, addresses the meeting Amanda Pizzuti and Glenn Oldhoff, candidates for president of NYSYD, address the meeting

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