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El Sanatlar insano lu var oldu undan beri tabiat artlar na ba l olarak ortaya km t r. nsanlar n ihtiyalar n kar lamak, rtnmek ve korunmak amac ile ilk rneklerini vermi tir.

Handicrafts have been around since mans earliest days in accordance with the prevailing environmental conditions. The first examples were necessities such as protection or coverings. Handicrafts were later improved and adapted according to environmental conditions, eventually becoming "traditional" and accepted as an art that reflects the artistic sense, feelings and cultural characteristics of a society.

Daha sonra geli erek evre artlar na gre de i imler gsteren el sanatlar , ortaya kt toplumun duygular n , sanatsal be enilerini ve kltrel zelliklerini yans t r hale gelerek "geleneksel" vasf kazanm t r.Geleneksel Trk El Sanatlar , Anadolu'nun binlerce y ll k tarihinden gelen e itli uygarl klar n kltr miras yla, kendi z de erlerini birle tirerek zengin bir mozaik olu turmu tur.

Traditional Turkish handicrafts form a rich mosaic by bringing together genuine values with the cultural heritage of the different civilizations which have passed through Anatolia over the millennia.

Geleneksel Trk El Sanatlar n ; hal c l k, kilimcilik, cicim zili, sumak, kuma dokumac l , yazmac l k, inicilik, seramik-mlek yap mc l , i lemecilik, oya yap mc l , deri i ili i , mzik aletleri yap mc l , ta i ili i , bak rc l k , sepetilik, semercilik, maden i ili i, kee yap mc l , rmecilik, ah ap ve a a i ili i, arabac l k vb. s ralanabilir.Geleneksel el sanatlar m zdan dokumalar n hammaddeleri yn, tiftik, pamuk, k l ve ipekten sa lanmaktad r.

Traditional Turkish handicrafts include; carpet-making, rug-making, sumac, cloth-weaving, writing, tile-making, ceramics and pottery, embroidery, leather manufacture , musical instrument making , masonry , copper work, basketmaking, saddle-making, felt-making, weaving, woodwork, cart-making etc.

Dokuma ; e irme veya ba ka yollarla iplik haline getirilerek veya elyaf birbirine de i ik metotlarla tutturarak bir btn meydana getirme yoluyla elde edilen her cins kuma , rg, d emelik , hal , kilim, zili, cicim, kee, kolonlar vb.'dir. Dokumac l k Anadolu'da ok eskiden beri yap lmakta olan,o u yrede geim kayna olmu ve olmaya devam eden bir el sanat d r.

Weaving materials in traditional Turkish handicrafts consist of wool, mohair, cotton , bristles and silk. Weaving can be done with all kinds of cloth , and produces plaits, carpets, rugs and felt obtained by spinning thread, connecting the fibers together or by other methods. Weaving is a handicraft which has been practiced in Anatolia for many years and considered as a mean of earning a livelihood.

El sanatlar m z n zarif rneklerinden olan oyalar; sslemek, sslenmek amac ndan ba ka ta d klar anlamlarla bir ileti im arac olarak da kullan lmaktad r. Gnmzde Anadolu'da t , i ne , mekik, firkete / filkete gibi aralarla yap lan oyalar n ya bordr ya da bir motif olarak tasarlanm olanlar , kullan lan ara do rultusunda ve tekniklerine gre de i ik adlar almaktad r.Bunlar; i ne, t , mekik, firkete / filkete, koza, yn, mum, boncuk ve kuma art olarak s ralanabilir. Kastamonu , Konya , Elaz , Bursa , Bitlis , Gaziantep , zmir , Ankara , Bolu, Kahramanmara , Ayd n, el, Tokat, Ktahya gibi ehirlerimizde daha yo un olarak yap lmakta, ancak eski nemini kaybederek eyiz sand klar nda varl n korumaya al maktad r.

Embroidery , a unique example of Turkish handicrafts , is not only used for decoration but also as a means of communication tool with the symbolism in its designs. Today, embroidery made with tools such as the crochet needle, needle, shuttle and hairpin designed either as a border or motif, and goes by different names according to the implement used and the technique . These include ; needle , crochet needle, shuttle, hairpin, silk cocoon, wool, candle stick, bead and left-over cloth. Embroidery is generally seen in the provinces of Kastamonu, Konya, Elaz , Bursa, Bitlis, Gaziantep, zmir , Ankara , Bolu , Kahramanmara , Ayd n , el , Tokat and Ktahya, although it is gradually losing importance and becoming restricted to trousseau chests.

Geleneksel k yafetlerle birlikte kullan lan oyalar m z n yan s ra tak larda dikkat ekici aksesuarlardand r. Anadolu'da ya am tm uygarl klar de erli ve yar de erli ta larla metalle birlikte veya ayr i leyerek sanatsal nitelikli eserler retmi lerdir . Seluklularla birlikte gelen de i ik sluplar n en nemlisi Trkmen tak lar d r . Osmanl mparatorlu u dneminde ise imparatorlu un geli imine paralel olarak mcevhercilik nem kazanm t r

Along with embroidery used in traditional costumes, jewellery is also commonly used as an accessory. All the civilizations which have existed in Anatolia have produced artistic works made from precious or semi-precious stones and metal. Turkoman jewellery is an excellent example of genuine methods that were brought to Anatolia by the Seljuks. In the Ottoman period, jewellery gained importance in parallel to the development of the empire.

Anadolu'da Tun a nda bak r, kalay kat larak tuncun elde edilmesinden sonraki dnemlerde bak r , alt n , gm gibi madenler de dvme ve dkme tekni iyle i lenmi lerdir. En ok kullan lan maden bak rd r. Maden i ili inde dvme , telkari , kaz ma (kalemkar) , eki i i kakma, kftgani, savatlama, aj r kesme gibi teknikler kullan lmaktad r.Bak r n yan s ra pirin, alt n, gm gibi metallerle yap lan el sanatlar gnmzde stn i ilik ve e itli tasar mlarla ya at lmaya al lmaktad r.Gnmzde en ok kullan lan maden i leme olan bak r kalaylanarak mutfak e yas yap m yla geni bir ekilde srdrlmektedir.

In the Bronze Age in Anatolia, bronze obtained by mixing tin with copper, and materials such as copper, gold and silver were also wrought and cast. The most used material is copper. Various techniques, such as casting, scraping, savaklama, kftgani, ajir kesme and kazima were used. There are also different techniques for working other materials such as brass, gold, silver, and today these handicrafts are trying to be kept alive today by using high quality workmanship and a variety of designs. Copper, the commonest metal used today, is still used for kitchen utensils by plating it with tin.

Bar nma gere inden do an mimari, blgelerin co rafi ko ullar na gre biimlenmi , e itlenmi tir.Buna ba l olarak geli en Ah ap i ili i Anadolu'da Seluklu dneminde geli ip, kendine zg bir niteli e ula m t r.Seluklu ve Beylikler dnemi a a eserler daha ok mihrap, cami kap s , dolap kapaklar gibi mimari elemanlar olup stn i ilik iermi lerdir.Osmanl dneminde sadele erek daha ok sehpa, kavukluk, yaz tak m , ekmece, sand k, ka k, taht, kay k, rahle, Kur'an muhafazas gibi gndelik kullan m e yalar ve pencere, dolap kapa , kiri , konsol, tavan, mihrap, minber, sanduka gibi mimari eserlerde uygulanm t r.

Architecture , whose origins lie in a need to provide permanent shelter, has also changed and adapted in accordance with local environmental conditions. This development led to wood carving gaining its unique characteristics during the Seljuk period. Seljuk woodworking crafts include extraordinary, high-quality workmanship, the commonest products most common being mosque niches, mosque doors and cupboard covers . In the Ottoman period , these techniques were greatly simplified and applied mostly to objects in daily use , such as tripods , wooden stands for quilted turbans, writing sets, drawers, chests, spoons, thrones, rowing boats, low reading desks, Koran covers and architectural works such as windows, wardrobe covers, beams, consoles, ceilings, niche indicating the direction of Mecca, pulpits and coffins.

A a i ili inde kullan lan malzeme daha ok ceviz, elma, armut, sedir, abanoz ve gl a ac d r . Kakma , boyama , kndekriz , kabartma-oyma , kafes , kaplama , yakma gibi tekniklerle i lenen ah ap e yalar gnmzde de kullan lmaktad r. Bu teknikler Zonguldak, Bitlis, Gaziantep, Bursa, stanbul-Beykoz, Ordu gibi illerde halen devam eden hammaddesine gre de er kazanan baston ve asalar n kullan m yzy llar boyunca srm , 19. yzy lda yayg nla m t r. Baston ve asalar n sap k s mlar ; gm , alt n, kemik, sedef gibi malzemelerden, gvde k s mlar ise gl, kiraz, abanoz, k z lc k, bambu, kam vb. a alardan yap lmaktad r.

The materials used in woodworking were mostly walnut, apple, pear, cedar, ebony and rosewood. Wooden objects were created by such techniques such as tapping, painting, relief-engraving, caging, coating and burning, and these are still employed today. The use of walking sticks became popular in the 19th century, and these are still populare and made by the same methods in the provinces of Zonguldak, Bitlis, Gaziantep, Bursa, stanbul-Beykoz and Ordu provinces. While the handles of walking sticks are made of materials such as silver, gold and bone, the sticks themselves are usually made of rose, cherry, ebony, bamboo and reed.

Mzik aletleri yap m eskiden beri devam etmektedir.Bu aletler a alar, bitkiler ve hayvanlar n ; deri , ba rsak , k l , kemik ve boynuzlar ndan yararlan larak yap lmaktad r .Telli , yayl , nefesli , vurmal alg lar olarak grupland r lmaktad r.

Making musical instruments has been a tradition for many long years. These are made from materials such as trees, plants and the skin, bones and horns of animals , and are classified into string , percussion and woodwind groups.

Mimariye ba l olarak geli en di er bir sanat kolu da ini sanat d r. Anadolu'ya Seluklularla girmi tir. Figrl sanat eserlerini kullanmaktan ekinmeyen Seluklu sanatkarlar zellikle hayvan tasvirlerinde ok ba ar l olmu lard r. 14. yzy lda znik , 15. yzy lda Ktahya , 17. yzy lda anakkale'de ba layan seramik sanat bu yrelerde kendilerine has renk, desen, form zellikleri ile Osmanl Dnemi seramik ve ini sanat na yeni yorumlar getirmi tir.14. - 19. yzy llar aras Trk ini ve seramik sanat fevkalade yarat c i ili i ile dnya ap nda ne kavu mu tur.

Another art form is glazed earthenware tiles, which were brought to Anatolia by the Seljuks . Seljuk artists were especially successful at creating animal designs. The glazed earthenware tiles initiated in the 14th century in znik,in the 15th century in Ktahya and in the 17th century in anakkale, made a pos t ve contribut on and brought new interpretations to Ottoman ceramic and glazed earthenware tile art . Between the 14 and 19th centuries , Turkish glazed earthenware tiles and ceramic art became world famous for their extraordinary creative workmanship.

Geleneksel Trk Sanatlar ndan ,Ebru, yo unla t r lm su zerine toprak ve toz boyalarla resim yapma sanat d r. Koyula t r c bir madde ile k vam artt r lm suyun zerine , iine d kat lm , suda erimeyen boyalar n serpilmesi ve su yzeyinde meydana gelen ekillerin bir ka da geirilmesiyle yap l r. Ebru kelimesi a atay Trkesidir ; ka , bulut anlamlar na gelmektedir . Ortaya kan ekillerin buluta benzemesi nedeniyle bu sanata ebru ad verilmi tir.

Paper marbling is a method of aqueous surface design, which can produce patterns similar to marble or other stone, hence the name. The patterns are the result of color floated on either plain water or a viscous solution known as size, and then carefully transferred to a sheet of paper (or other surfaces such as fabric). This decorative material has been used to cover a variety of surfaces for several centuries . It is often employed as a writing surface for calligraphy, and especially book covers and endpapers in book binding and stationery. Part of its appeal is that each print is a unique monoprint.

Anadolu uygarl klar ndan elde edilen cam i ili inin en sekin rnekleri gnmzde "cam" n tarihi geli imi konusuna k tutmaktad r.e itli model ve formlarda vitray, Seluklular dneminde geli tirilmi tir. Osmanl mparatorlu u dneminde stanbul'un fethiyle camc l n merkezi bu kent olmu tur.e m-i blbl, Beykoz i i bu dnemden gnmze ula abilen tekniklerden baz lar d r. Anadolu'da cam n ilk kez gzboncu u olarak retimi zmir-Grece kyndeki ustalar taraf ndan gerekle tirilmi tir.Anadolu'nun her taraf nda temelinde nazar inanc olan cam boncuklar grmek mmkndr. Nazarl k yoluyla canl veya nesneye ynelen bak lar n dikkatinin ba ka bir nesneye ynelece ine inan l r. Bu nedenle nazar boncu undan yap lan nazarl klar canl n n veya nesnenin grnen bir yerine tak l r.

The most distinctive examples of the glasswork of Anatolian civilizations illuminate the development of the history of glass work. Stained glass in different models and forms was developed by the Seljuks. In the Ottoman Empire, after the conquest of Istanbul, the city became the glasswork centre . e mi-i Blbl and Beykoz work are examples of techniques that still survive today. The first production of glass in the form of a bead to ward of the evil eye was carried out by expert craftsmen in the village of Grece in the province of Izmir. It is possible to see beads for warding off the evil eye in every corner of Anatolia. It is believed that the malicious glances aimed at living things or objects can be averted by using these amulets. Amulets made of bead to ward off the evil eye are therefore put in places where everyone can see them easily.

Geleneksel mimaride d cephe ve i mekan sslemesinde ta i ili inde nemli bir yer tutmaktad r . Ta i ili inin mimari d nda en ok kullan m alan mezar ta lar d r . Oyma , kabartma , kaz ma (profito) gibi teknikler uygulanmaktad r.Kullan lan ssleme eleri, bitkisel, geometrik motifler ile yaz ve figrlerdir . Hayvansal figr azd r . nsan figrlerine ise Seluklu Dnemi eserlerinde rastlanmaktad r.

Stonework plays an important role in exterior and interior decoration in traditional architecture . In addition to architecture, gravestones are other examples of stonework. Techniques such as carving, relief and inscription are applied to gravestones. The ornamental motifs used are plants, geometric motifs, writing and figures. Animal figures are less common. Human figures can be found in Seljuk period art.

Gnmzde fonksiyonunu henz kaybetmeyen sepetilik atalardan renildi i gibi halen; saz, s t ve f nd k dallar ndan rlerek yap lmaktad r. E ya , yiyecek vb. ta ma amac ndan ba ka ev ii dekorasyonunda da kullan lmaya ba lanm t r.

Basket-making is carried out by weaving reed, willow, and nut branches in a way that has come down from our ancestors. It is now used for home decoration in addition to its original purpose of helping to carry things.

Hayvanc l kla u ra an k rsal kesimlerde yayg n olarak kullan lan kee, ul ve a atan yap lan semer kullan ld dnem boyunca geleneksel sanatlar n bir kolunu olu turmu tur . Gnmzde ba ta endstrile me olmak zere de i en ya am artlar ve de er yarg lar na ba l olarak retimleri hemen hemen kaybolmaktad r.

Packsaddles made of felt and rough cloth formed a sub-branch of traditional artwork during the period when saddles were commonly used in rural areas.

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