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1. Name

2. Gender (a) Male 3. Age (a) Below 20 yrs (c) 30-40yrs 4) Marital Status (a) Married (b) Unmarried (b) 20-30yrs (d) Above 40yrs (b) Female

5) Educational Qualification (a) Schooling (b) Graduate (c) Post Graduate (d) others 6) Occupational Status (a) Student (b) Employed (c) Business (d) Professional (e) others 7) Monthly Income (a)Below 10000 (b) 10000-20000 (c) 20000-30000 (d) Above 30000

8) Since how many months/years have you been using titan watch? (a) 6 months-3yrs (b) 4yrs-6yrs (c) Above 6yrs

9) Mention the sub-brand of titan you currently possess? (a) Fast track (b) Spectra (c) Raga (d) Sonata (e) Others

10) Source from which you came to know about titan watches? (a) Advertisement (b) Colleagues (c)Friends/relatives (d)Others

11) In which price range have you purchased titan watches? (a)Below Rs.1000 (b) 1001-5000 (c) 5001-10000 (d) above 10000

12) where do you purchased titan watch? (a)Exclusive showroom (b) Retail shop

13) Have you seen the advertisement of titan watches? (a) Yes (b) No

14) Which advertisement media puts more impact on your buying decision of titan watches? (a) Television (b) Magazine (c)Newspaper (d)Internet

15) Why do you prefer titan watches? (a) Formal (b) Fashion (c) Casual (d) Luxury (e)Others

16) State your level of satisfaction towards the following factors. Rank (1,2,3,4,5) FACTORS Reasonable price Brand Image Attractive Design Battery Life Different colour RANK

17) Are you satisfied with the price of the product? (a)Highly satisfied (d) Dissatisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

(e) Highly dissatisfied

18) What kind of dial do you prefer? (a)Numbered (b) Non-numbered

19) Which type of dial shape do you prefer?

(a) Oval

(b) Squares

(c) Round

(d) Others

20) How do you rate the quality of the titan watch? (a)Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor

21) Are you satisfied with the availability of the product? (a) Highly satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied

(d) Dissatisfied

(e)Highly dissatisfied

22) Do you think that titan watches are comfortable to use when compared to the other watches? (a) Comfortable (b) Not comfortable 23) If not comfortable, what are the problems you have faced frequently in your watch? (a) Colour fading (b) Water proof (c) Battery life (d) Poor quality of strap 24) How many watches do you possess? (a) One (b) Two (c) More than two

25) Are you satisfied with the special offers? (a) Yes (b) No

26) Are you satisfied with the warranty period provided by the company (a) Highly Satisfied (b)Satisfied (c) Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (d)Dissatisfied (e) Highly dissatisfied 27) How do you rate the after sales services of the titan watches? (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Average (d) Poor 28) Will you suggest the titan watches to others? (a) Yes (b) No

29) If no, specify the reason, (a) High price (b) Poor quality

30) Give your suggestions to the development of the product.


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To know the advertisement media influenced to purchase. To find out the level of attractiveness of the features. To identify the satisfaction of customer towards the price and quality of titan watches. To find out the problems of the titan watches faced by the customers.

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