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Boonsboro High School Course A104H Honors English II Mrs. Brooke Jozik e-mail: website: mrsjozik.weebly.

com Course Description: A104H Honors English II Voices of Freedom is a rigorous course of study aligned with the Maryland High School English Voluntary State Curriculum. Students study the evolution of Americans concept of freedom as presented through a variety of literary genres (such as speeches, letters, documents, fiction, poetry, essays, etc.). Students analyze and evaluate the rhetoric of American writers and apply these strategies in their own compositions, including timed responses. Students examine and practice academic language usage to achieve greater clarity, coherence, and unity in their writing. This course utilizes pre-AP strategies and is designed to prepare students for participation in Advanced Placement English courses. By the end of this course, students are also prepared for success on the Maryland High School English Assessment. Rules and Procedures: Before and After Class: 1. Be on time to class. Be in your assigned seat, working, and quiet when the tardy bell rings. If you arrive late, you will be marked tardy. The tardy policy is followed in this class starting tomorrow. Excused tardy a late slip from an administrator, teacher, or counselor. Unexcused tardy no slip. 2. Bring all materials necessary for class with you that includes your student handbook, English binder, and any needed books and writing materials. Being unprepared will result in detention or other form of discipline.

3. Use the bathroom before or after class. You must have your student handbook to leave the room. 4. BHS policies do apply to the classroom. If a cell phone is confiscated, it will be given to the assistant principal. No food, coats, hats, backpacks, or personal grooming. It is your responsibility to have a locker to keep these items. Claiming to not have a locker is no excuse! You are allowed a bottle of water, not vitamin water, in a clear container. Know your student handbook. All policies of Boonsboro and Washington County Schools are supported, respected, and enforced in my classroom. 5. Leave the room neat and clean each day. Show proper respect for school property. Straighten your desk area, remove everything from inside the desks, and put your materials away properly. Classroom Behavior: 6. Always raise your hands. Occasionally there will be times when raising hands will not be necessary. I will let you know when the time is appropriate. 7. Participate appropriately all the time. Keep your head up at all times. Homework, grading, and attendance policies: 9. Come to school. You cannot be successful if you are not in class. When you return from a missed school day, check my website for an explanation of what you missed. You may pick up missed worksheets in the folders on the front table. If you have any questions that were not answered, ask before or after class. Work that can be made up must be turned in within 2 school days after returning to class. 10. All homework must be turned in on time, correctly executed, and completed for credit. Homework will be collected at the beginning of class. 11. Grades are computed using a total point system. Unless having an excused absence, you will not be allowed to make up work.

American Literature II Course Syllabus Unit 1: Early Quests for Freedom (1600-1800) Weeks Week 1: Introduction to the Course Objectives Responding to and analyzing literature; the nature of writing assignments; online resources Theme, Structure, Setting, Character, Plot, Dialogue, Point-of-View AP Terminology Fiction Terms Week 3: The Novel AP Terminology Figures of Speech Week 4: The Myth Creation Myths, Reading Folk Literature The World on the Turtle s Back; The Interesting Life of Olaudah Equiano (Equiano) *Introduce Lord of the Flies Week 5: The Poem Imagery, Figurative Langauge AP Terminology Poetry Terms Week 6: Rhetoric Rhetoric, Argument AP Terminology Rhetorical Devices Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (Edwards); Speech in the Virginia Convention (Henry); The Declaration of Independence (Jefferson) Speech To My Dear and Loving Husband and Upon the Burning of Our House (Bradstreet); Huswifery (Taylor); Poetry Explication Anthem Test Anthem Literary Analysis Essay Contest SAT Essay Catcher in the Rye *Introduce Anthem (Rand) Reading Selections Assessments Test Catcher in the Rye In-class Essays Self-selected novels Close Analysis Essay

Week 2: The Novel

Unit 2: Freedom of the Individual (1800-1855) Weeks Week 7: The Novel Objectives Symbolism, Character Development Reading Selections Lord of the Flies *Select Literature Circle Novel Danse Macabre (King); The Minister s Black Veil (Hawthorne); The Masque of the Red Death and The Raven (Poe); The Duty of Writers (White) Literature Circle Novel Self-Reliance and Nature (Emerson); Walden (Thoreau) Literature Circle Novel Assessments Source-based Literary Analysis Essay Creative Writing Assignment Syntactical annotations

Week 8: The Short Story

Understand Complex Sentences, Allegory, Sound Devices, Symbolism AP Terminology--Syntax

Week 9: The Essay / Transcendentalism

Essay, Evaluate Ideas AP Terminology Elements of Style

Transcendentalism Comparison/Contrast Essay

Unit 3: The Right to be Free (1855-1870) Weeks Week 10: Poetry Objectives Tone, Author s Style *Review Poetical Devices Reading Selections I Hear America Singing, Song of Myself, A Noiseless Patient Spider, and Beat! Beat! Drums! (Whitman); Because I could not stop for Death, Success is counted sweetest, Much Madness is divinest Sense, My life closed twice before its close, The Soul selects her own Society, I heard a Fly buzz when I died, and My life had stood a Loaded Gun (Dickinson) Literature Circle Novel The Gettysburg Address (Lincoln) Literature Circle Novel Assessments Poetry Explication

Week 11: The Speech

Audience, Form *Review Rhetorical Devices

SAT Essay

Unit 4: The Changing Face of Freedom (1870-1910) Weeks Week 12: NonFiction Objectives Irony, Non-fiction, Regionalism AP Terminology Literary Forms Week 13: Contemporary Literature Tone, Imagery, Regionalism *Review Elements of Style Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck) Source-based Persuasive Essay Reading Selections The Autobiography of Mark Twain (Twain) Assessments Creative Writing--Regionalism

Unit 5: Uncertainties of Freedom (1910-1940) Weeks Week 14: The Harlem Renaissance Objectives Speaker, Rhythm, Repetition, Form, Theme, Tone *Review Poetic Devices Week 15: The New Poetry Tone, Diction, Narrative Poetry, Author s Style *Review Poetic Devices Week 16: The Modern Short Story Mood, Irony *Review Author s Style A Rose for Emily (Faulkner); The Life You Save May Be Your Own (O Connor) SAT Essay Reading Selections Harlem, The Negro Speaks of Rivers, I Too, and The Weary Blues (Hughes); My City (Johnson); If We Must Die (McKay); How It Feels to Be Colored Me (Hurston) *Introduce To Kill a Mockingbird Richard Cory (Robinson); Chicago (Sandburg); anyone lived in a pretty how town (Cummings); The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (Eliot); Assessments Poetry Explication

Creative Writing Assignment

Unit 6: The Price of Freedom (1940-present) Weeks Week 17: Reflection Objectives Voice, Structure Reading Selections Straw into Gold: The Metamorphosis of the Everyday (Cisneros) To Kill a Mockingbird Assessments Reflection Essay

Week 18: Life Connections Week 19:

Theme, Character

Creative Project


* Text selections are subject to change. *Lord of the Flies, Of Mice and Men, and To Kill a Mockingbird will be read in their entirety. Although school copies can be supplied, it will be extremely beneficial to obtain your own copy of these texts. If a school copy will need to be supplied, please bring in a parent note requesting them. No explanation is needed. Test Dates: Expect tests on novels and quizzes on various topics. Required Materials: y Three ring binder y Five dividers labeled with the following: warm-up, vocabulary, grammar/writing, reading, graded work y Colored pens y Pencils y 3 x 5 index cards y A ring for index cards or 25 cents y Two-pocketed folder (for research and essays) y USB flash drive (optional)

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