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There are also separate terms in every language for relations belonging to different generations.

Among the lower

races especially, age, or, more exactly, the age of the person spoken to compared with that of the speaker, plays a
very important part in the matter of denomination. Addressing the elders is decided therefore on the basis of
Greatness or elderness.

@ m -> @@Ou mutumai n. [Telugu. mudimi, Malayalam. muduma.] 1. Antiquity, oldness; LgOu.
(Ll0.) 2. Old age; @LQ. @uOu Ml @@Ou Mg| (uMl. 4, 107). 3. See @@Mug|, 1.
(@L.) 4. Maturity; @__|G gGOu. (Ll0.) 5. See @@d@8|. dg|Gg M[g|Ggd@d
dL @@Ouu (Mg0. ML. 79).

@@ mudu -> @@O muduvar n. 1. Elders, old persons; @gGg. gu[d| @@O (dgQ.
Ouu|u. 43). 2. Persons of ripe wisdom; men of experience; @G @g0|O__G u|dGd.
@@O@M @@ d|uO8M8_|Q (@_u, 715). (Ll0.) 3. Counsellors; ug|du. (Ll0.) 4.
Poets; Q0O. (W.) 5. A hill tribe; g@8 uO08 8g|. (E. T. v, 86.)

@@ mudu -> @@GO muduvr n. 1. Elders, old persons; @gGg. gu[d| @@O (dgQ.
Ouu|u. 43). 2. Persons of ripe wisdom; men of experience; @G @g0|O__G u|dGd.
@@O@M @@ d|uO8M8_|Q (@_u, 715). (Ll0.) 3. Counsellors; ug|du. (Ll0. 4. The
great; the elders, as king, teacher, mother, father, elder brother; [8G 2Lgg|G g gOg
MMG @g0| MLGdu. @@GOd@ @d|ggg OdlOG (8|@LM. 231). 5.
Poets; Q0O. (g|O.)

Mr. Swann says that among the Waguha, West Tanganyika, men advanced in years are termed " baba," father,
whilst, in other parts of Equatorial Africa, according to Mr. Reade, old men are
addressed as " rera," father, and old women as "ngwe," mother.

Again,Mr. Cousins asserts that, among the natives of Cis-Natalian Kafirland, the terms for father, mother, brother,
and sister, are not restricted to them only, but are applied equally to other persons of a similar age, whether related
or otherwise. This is the case as in Tamil and other South Indian languages.

The Finnish " isa " and the Votyak " ai," father, the Lappish " aja," and the Esthonian " ai," grandfather, are
evidently related to, and probably the roots of, the Finnish " iso " and " aija," which mean big. The Chukchi
usejbesides " atta" for father and "mamang" for mother, "empynatchyo " and " dmpyngau " respectively, which
obviously have the same root as " empytchin," elder or older.

As to the collateral line, it should be observed that, in Cagatai, an elder sister is called " egeci," which
actually means old woman (" ege," old, big ; " eci," woman, sister)." In Hungarian, where batya" stands
for elder brother, an uncle is nagybdtya," i e., a big elder brother. Among many Ural-Altaic peoples, the
same term is applied to an elder brother as to an uncle, to an elder sister as to an aunt.

And, speaking of the South Australians, Eyre says, " In their intercourse with each other, natives of
different tribes are exceedingly punctilious and polite; . . . almost every thing that is said is prefaced by the
appellation of father, son, brother, mother, sister, or some other similar term, corresponding to that degree
of relationship which would have been most in accordance with their relative ages and circumstances."
Among the Waguha, strangers are called " ndugu," brother, if of the same tribe. Same is the case in Tamil
and other South Indian languages.

Indo-European esp. Sanskrit words denoting kinship were derived from Tamil words and roots. These words are
based upon logic unlike Indo European linguistics speculative etymology.

uu ma-> ud mak adj. 1. Great, high, exalted, dignified, noble, honourable; ML@Ou G.
ud8OLGu (S. I. I. i, 68). 2. Immense, prodigious, stupendous, monstrous, extreme; uO__. 3.
Superior, paramount, superlative; 2g. 4. Intense; u|@g.

Swazi, Swaziland, Mozambique. Make (mother)
Tekela, Swaziland, Mozambique. Make (mother)
Tekeza, Swaziland, Mozambique. Make (mother)
shubi, Tanzania. Maha (mother)
Jinja, Tanzania. Maha (mother)

uu ma-> u m n. 1. Greatness; ML@Ou. 0dMu @0u (0, 148). 2. Strength; O0|.
(Ll0.) 3. Lakm; @0d@u|. uu@gg u0uLlG (Q_. 7). 4. Treasure; M80Ou. (80.
d.) 5. Sarasvat; 8[Og|. (80. d.)

u m -> uu myam n. 1. (@.|.) Height; 2[u. 2. cf. _u. Length; uu. 3. Sum;

u m -> 1 The goddess of wealth, Lakm;. -2 A mother.

m (nf) [Hindi] mother;

'- m [Urdu] .f. A mother;an epithet of Lakshm;a term of respectful compellation to an elderly

u m -> uuG mma n. [T. mma, M. mman.] 1. Mother's brother, maternal uncle; glG
2LGLl_GgG. uu@ u@d@u GL@ uGLlG (8Od. 43). 2. Father-in-law, wife's
or husband's father; dMOG 00@ uOGOllG gOg. uuG. uuGG
0|uOG (g|@OlO8. d@_. Lg|. 8, 5). 3. Father's sister's husband; gOg dMOG. (W.)
4. A term used by Pariah women in addressing their husbands; LO_LMLMdu g0du dM
OO[ Ogd@u ML. (C. G.)

uuG mma -> mma Uncle (used in voc.).

uuG mma-> uuG mmar n. Father-in-law, wife's or husband's father; dMOG
00@ uOGOllG gOg. (Ll[GLg. 11, 93.)

uuG mma-> uu mm n. ]T. mma, K. mva.] 1. Mother's brother, maternal uncle; glG
2LGLl_GgG. 2. Father-in-law, wife's or husband's father; dMOG 00@
uOGOllG gOg. uuG. uuGG 0|uOG (g|@OlO8. d@_. Lg|. 8, 5). 3.
Father's sister's husband; gOg dMOG.

,-'- mm s.m. A maternal uncle, &c. (=mm, q.v.).

mmy: (a) related through or pertaining to maternal uncle;
m:: (nf) maternal aunt.
cL bva. [Telugu.] n. A sister's husband, if older than oneself. cs_cnc:. The son of a
mother's brother, or of a father's sister, if older than oneself, .c cc< c<o
c<ccs`c:s:. A woman's brother-in-law, if older than her husband. cnc<_. See
coc . cLcoc a man's brother-in-law, either older or younger than himself.
uuG mma-> uudG mmaga n. (g. d.) 1. Maternal uncle; uuG. 2. Miser;

uudG mmaga-> mmaka A maternal uncle.

uuG mma-> uu mmai n. 1. Mother's brother, maternal uncle; glG
2LGLl_GgG. uu O00L GgO (T. A. S. i, 257). 2. Father-in-law, wife's or
husband's father; dMOG 00@ uOGOllG gOg. uuG. ugM
u|@@Q uu gG GOuOl (GgO. 324, 7).

uudu mmaika n.. See uu. u_O_ uud u|_8L@u (@u[. Ll[. uGL.
Llu. 67).

uuG mma-> uuG mm n. 1. Mother's brother, maternal uncle; glG
2LGLl_GgG. uuGudGu (g|O. g|@LL. 9). 2. Father-in-law, wife's or husband's
father; dMOG 00@ uOGOllG gOg. uuG @LML_dMMl (8Od.

uu| mmi n. Fem. of uuG. 1. Maternal uncle's wife; uuG uOGOl. GQOL
uu@ uu| (GgO. 1228, 1). 2. Mother-in-law, wife's or husband's mother;
uOGOll@OL 00@ dMO@OL g. 8|_d@ uu| @Od@u
(duL[. @u. 33). 3. Father's sister; gOg. (W.)

uu| mmi -> mm (f.) Maternal uncle's wife

-'- mmak = '-'- mmik (fem. of mmaka, q.v.), s.f. A selfish or niggardly
woman;the wife of a maternal uncle, an aunt.

-'-- mumn [[Hindi] s.f. Mother's brother's wife, aunt

-'- _ mm [Hindi], s.f. Selfishness; partiality;wife of a maternal uncle, aunt:

,- m [Hindi] s.f. Maternal uncle's wife, aunt (=mm);a respectful term of address to
elderly women (prob. for m).

uu| mmi ->uu| mmiyr n. Mother-in-law, wife's or husband's mother;
uOGOll@OL 00@ dMO@OL g uu|.

u m -> uG m n. (W.) 1. Grandfather; LLLG. 2. Father; gdLLG.

uG m-> '-'- nn [Pers. also nn]. s.m. (f.-), Maternal grandfather.

-'- _ nn (see nn), s.f. Maternal grandmother.

',-- naniy adj. (dialec.) Of or relating to a maternal grandfather:

uG m -> nn (nm) [Hindi] maternal grandfather;

nn (nf) [Hindi] maternal grandmother;

',-- naniy [Urdu], adj. (dialec.) Of or relating to a maternal grandfather:
u m -> u@ mdu n. 1. Woman, damsel; MLM. OLLL0 dM uGg (g|@O8. 7, 1). 2. Beauty;
g@. u@@0 MuGGGdd| (g|@dGd. 316). 3. Love; dg0. u@@ ul0|G00
(8Od. 363).
'mdag (abst. s. fr. -'-mda), s.f. Female nature, feminality.
-'- mda f. Female;a female; pair (of a bird, &c.):

u m -> u@ madu n. Greatness; ML@Ou. u@L_ Gdd|GO (8Od. 499).

u@Ou mdumai n. 1. Womanliness; MLMgGOu. u@Oud @M0d uG
MOugg|du (g|O. g|@O. 4, 2, 7, LGG .). 2. Ignorance; _|OlGOu. @0
u@Ou OLg@ (duL[. LlMlO . 88).

u@ madu -> mtu (nf) [Hindi] mother.

u@ madu -> ug mdar n. 1. Woman; MLM. u@ QMGL ug @dg@ (@_u, 1117). 2.
Beauty; g@. (Ll0.) ugMdM ugM[00u (g|@Og. Q. g|@OuL0. 40). 3. Gold;
MLG. (d. |.) 4. Love; dg0. (Mg0. M80. 328.)5. An expletive; @OL8M80. (@L.)

ug mdar -> ug[u mdar n. Woman; MLM. ug. uLMug| ug[u (0, 384).

ug mdar -> ug mdari n. K; du|. (Ll0.)

ug mdar -> '- mdar .f. Mother:

'-mdar adj. Maternal, motherly:
ug mdar -> mdar (nf) [Hindi] mother;
u@ madu -> ug md , n. 1. Mother; g. (Ll0.) ugLlgOd| (GgO. 1227, 7). 2. Prvat;
LOg|. (Ll0.) 3. Sarasvat; 8[Og|. (Ll0.) 4. The knower; _|LOG. (80. d.)
ug md -> mt A mother.

mtpit (dual) Mother and father, parents; - Ms.9.177.

ugudG mdmaga n. Maternal grandfather, mother's father; gOL ML__ LLLG.
ugud[L GL @O (G8@Q. @[. 55).

ugudG mdmaga > mtmaha A maternal grandfather.

ugud| mdmagi n. Maternal grand-mother, mother's mother; gOLML__ LL.

ugud| mdmagi -> mtmahThe maternal grand-mother.

mtmahau (dual) The maternal grand-father and grand-mother.

u@ madu -> (ug|G|madini) -> ug|G| madii , n. . Elder brother's wife; MMG uOGOl. 2.
Wife's sister; Oug@G|. Loc. 3. Daughter of one's maternal uncle, older than oneself; uuG udu|@u
gGd@ @ggOu. 4. Elder brother's daughter; gOuG udu. Parav.

ug|G| madii ->ugG| madai n. Sister-in-law. ug|G|. @88Ogu 2G ugG| (@[u.
Gg. 21).

ugG| madai-> uGG| mai n. Elder brother's wife; gOuG uOGOl. (_, 5, 5, 7.)
ug|G| madii ->Lc- [ vadine ] or Lc o Lc o Lc o Lc o vadine. [Tel.] n. An elder brother's wife. c<_co_.
The daughter of a mother's brother or of a father's sister, if older than one's self. o<soe .c c<
c<o c<ccc soaoa. The elder sister of a wife or husband. n:c cs_ cs .oc s
cs_. Do<_o: Lc - o: your elder brother and his wife. ccLc- a prostitute, which
Shakespeare also calls an "aunt." c_. "ccLc-s c cDLo <c:c: cnsc cc:c ,
cccoacscccc:c` <oc:." Vema. 1689.
ug|G| madii ->Oug@G| maittui n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 2LGLl_ gu. 2. Daughter
of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@ gOglG udu. Oug@G|
LdduLGL G|OuggGMGGG (g|@O0O. 62, 7). 3. Brother's wife; 8Gdg[ G|G

Oug@G| maittui -> Oug@GG maittua n. 1. Brother of one's wife or husband; uOGOld@
00@ dMO@d@8 8Gdg[G. 2. Son of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@
gOglG udG. gGOug@ GOGd MdO0 @gg (2gg[[. g|d@Ol. 107). 3. Sister's
husband; 8GdglG dMOG.

Oug@GgGggG maittua-t-ta n. Intimate friend, chum, boon companion;
Ld8@M8@ OlOu_u @O_OuOL GggG. OugOG ud|gO
_| Oug@Gg GggMGG_G (8Od. 1264).

Oug@GOu maittuamai n. Relationship of a brother-in-law or of a cognate-cousin;
Oug@G@O_Ou. ugOG Oug @GOulGG ud|g88|Gg (L[g.
@8GG _ . 56).

Oug@G| maittui -> Ou8G| maiccui n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 2LGLl_ gu. 2.
Daughter of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@ gOglG udu. Oug@G|
LdduLGL G|OuggGMGGG (g|@O0O. 62, 7). 3. Brother's wife; 8Gdg[ G|G
uOGOl. (g. d.)

Ou8GG maiccua n. 1. Brother of one's wife or husband; uOGOld@ 00@ dMO@d@8
8Gdg[G. 2. Son of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@ gOglG udG.
gGOug@ GOGd MdO0 @gg (2gg[[. g|d@Ol. 107). 3. Sister's husband;
8GdglG dMOG. Ou8GG dLO[ (I. M. P. Sm. 28).
Ou8G| maiccui-> Ou88u maicc n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 2LGLl_ gu. 2.
Daughter of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@ gOglG udu. Oug@G|
LdduLGL G|OuggGMGGG (g|@O0O. 62, 7). 3. Brother's wife; 8Gdg[ G|G
uOGOl. (g. d.)
Ou88G maicc n. 1. Brother of one's wife or husband; uOGOld@ 00@ dMO@d@8
8Gdg[G. 2. Son of one's maternal uncle or paternal aunt; uuG 00@ gOglG udG.
gGOug@ GOGd MdO0 @gg (2gg[[. g|d@Ol. 107). 3. Sister's husband;
8GdglG dMOG. Ou8GG dLO[ (I. M. P. Sm. 28). (g. d.)
Ou88u maicc->u88u macc n. Fem. of u88G. Loc. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG
8Gdg. 2. Daughter of one's paternal aunt or maternal uncle; guuG 00@ gOglG
Ou88G maicc -> u88G macc n. 1. Wife's brother; uOGOllG 8Gdg[G. dd
gMLd|G u88 GGQMLGu (gMLO0. 62). 2. Sister's husband; 8GdglG
dMOG. 3. Son of maternal uncle or paternal aunt; g uuG 00@ gOglG udG.

Ou88u maicc-> (Ou88uOl maiccvi)-> u88Ol maccvi n.. Elder brother's wife; ug|G|. Loc.

(Ou88uOl maiccvi)-> u88| macci n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 8Gdg. 2. Daughter of
one's paternal aunt or maternal uncle; guuG 00@ gOglG udu. Loc.

u88| macci -> u88|G| maccii n. Fem. of u88|GG. Sister-in-law. Oug@G|. Loc.

u88|G| maccii -> u88|G|88| macciicci n. Sister-in-law. Oug@G|. Loc.

u88|G|88| macciicci-> u88|G88| macciacci n. Sister-in-law. Oug@G|. (W.)

u88|GG maccia n. Wife's brother; sister's husband; son of maternal uncle or paternal aunt. Oug@GG.

Oug@GG maittua ->u8GG maccua n. Brother-in-law; Oug@GG.

u8GG maccua-> u88uLl maccampi n. Loc. 1. Elder sister's husband; gudOd Q@QG. 2.
Maternal uncle's son; uuG udG. 3. Paternal aunt's son; gOg udG. 4. Husband's elder brother;
dMO@OL gOuG.

Oug@GOu maittuamai -> u8GOu maccuamai n. Relationship of brother-in-law; Oug@G
@O_Ou. 2@d|_OG @uLLuG0 O@@ u8 GOu MdMLLg? (W.)

Grand parents are addressed based on greatness. Maternal grand father is one who is great person in terms of
mother. Similar is the case in paternal grand father.

In English too, grandfather and grand mother are addressed in this reason (greatness and grandness) only. However,
the same analogy was extended by Tamils and Englishmen to grandson and great grandson because, they are not
great persons to the addressor.


grand (adj.) late 14c., grant "large, big" (early 12c. in surnames), from Anglo-Fr. graunt and directly from O.Fr.
grant, grand (10c.) "large, tall; grown-up; great, powerful, important; strict, severe; extensive; numerous," from L.
grandis "big, great; full, abundant," also "full-grown;" figuratively "strong, powerful, weighty, severe" (perhaps
cognate with Gk. brenthyomai "to swagger, be haughty"). It supplanted magnus in Romanic languages; in English
with a special sense of "imposing." The connotations of "noble, sublime, lofty, dignified," etc., were in Latin. As a
general term of admiration, "magnificent, splendid," from 1816. Related: Grander; grandest.

The use of grand- in compounds, with the sense of "a generation older than, or younger than," is first attested
c.1200, in Anglo-Fr. graund dame "grandmother." Latin and Greek had similar usages.

ML@uGL[G perum-pra n. Great-grandson; MdLGL[G. Loc.

This is because Grandson is bearing the grandfather's name.

GL[M pr-i n. (GL + _u)-. Grandson as bearing the grandfather's name; GL[G. Loc.

Since both grandfather and grandson are bearing same name, the words like, GL[G pra, ML[G peyara
and L LLG pa are equally applicable to both grandson/great grandson and grandfather/great grandfather

ML[G peyara n. 1. One who bears a name; MLO[OLOG. OOg ML[OG (d0|g. 81).
2. Grandson, as bearing the grandfather's name; udG 00@ udu|Lu Ll_g Qgg|[G.
gG|ddgO0L ML[OG (duL[. g|d. 117). 3. Grandfather; LLLG. (J.)

L LLG pa n. 1Great grandfather; @[MLu LLLG. (W.) 2. Great grandson; @[MLu GL[G.
(W.) 3. Grandfather; LLLG. (g. d.)

GLd0| pr-k-kli is a Gift made by a grandfather to his grandson who bears his name.

Similarly the word GLgg| prtti, MLgg| peyartti denotes both grand-daughter and grandmother.

GLgg| prtti n. Fem. of GL[G. 1. Grand-daughter; MLugg|. 2. Grandmother; LL. Loc.

MLgg| peyartti n. Fem. of ML [G. 1. Grand-daughter, as bearing the same name as her grandmother;
uddu Ol_ @LMLM. 2. Grandmother; LL. (J.)
u@ mdu -> u@@ mduru n . 1. Mother; g. (Ll0.) ugLlgOd| (GgO. 1227, 7). 2.
Prvat; LOg|. (Ll0.) 3. Sarasvat; 8[Og|. (Ll0.) 4. The knower; _|LOG. (80. d.) (80.
Chuka, Kenya. maitu
Chuku, Kenya. maitu
Hawaiian, USA. Makuahine
Ichifipa, Tanzania. maangu
Isiswazi, Swaziland, Mozambique. mke
Kikuyu, Kenya. maitu
Langadoc, France. maire
Languedoc, France. maire
Latin American, USA. madre
Lengadoucian, France. maire
Lombard, Italy. Mader
Macedonian, Macedonia, Albania. majka
Bende, Tanzania. majo
Occitani, France. maire
Ossete, Georgia, Turkey, (Asia). mad
Portuguese, Portugal, Angola. me
Provenal, France, Monaco. maire
Siswati, Swaziland, Mozambique. mke
Slavic, Macedonia, Albania. majka
Spanish, Spain, Mexico. madre
Suka, Kenya. Maitu

u@ mdu -> u@0G mdula n. 1. Maternal uncle; gLG Ll_g uuG. g@ 8[OG
u@0MGG (d00. 43, 24). 2. Father-in-law; MLMMd_gg uuG. uLG u@0G
MOuOuO MMlGG (duL[. __@L. 3).
u@0G mdula -> mtula 1 A maternal uncle; -2 The Dhattra plant. -3 An epithet of the solar year.
-4 A kind of rice. -5 A kind of snake fruit of the Dhattra plant;
mtulaka 1 A meternal uncle (as a term of endear- ment). -2 The thorn-apple.

mtulya ( mtuly f.) The son of a maternal uncle.
mtulyam The house of a maternal uncle;
u@0G mdula -> u@0| mduli n. Maternal uncle's wife; uuG uOGOl. (80. d.)

u@0 mdul n. Maternal uncle's wife; uuG uOGOl. u@0|. (80. d.)

u@0G| mduli n. Maternal uncle's wife; uuG uOGOl . u@0|.

mtul, mtuln & mtul The wife of a maternal uncle;

u@ mdu -> u@@ mduru ->ug|@ mdiru n. (g. d.) 1. Mother; ug. 2. Earth; _u|. 3.
Goddess of Wealth; @0d@u|. 4. Cow; L. 5. Brahmin woman; LLLG|. 6. Sky; _du. 7. The
twenty-seventh nakatra; @G[Og|.

ug|@ mdiru -> mt f. 1 A mother; -2 Mother as a term of respect or endearment; -3 A cow. -4 An epithet
of Lakm. -5 An epithet of Durg. -6 Ether, sky. -7 The earth. -8 A divine mother; -9 An epithet of Revat. -10 N.
of several plants; , ] and &c. -pl. 11 An epithet of the divine mothers, said to attend on
iva, but usually on Skanda. (They are usually said to be 8 :--
[ or, according to some, only seven :-- ]
Some increase the number to sixteen). -12 N. of eight classes of female ancestors of

Mother - - maat
- vibhakti
- kavachana
- dvivachana
- Bahuvachana



















Similar to - pit, - maat will come only fewly in dual (dvivachana) and mostly in bahuvachana but not in

ug|@ mdiru-> ug|@Od mdirugai n. (g. d.) 1. The alphabet; M_0dMd@. 2. Nurse;
Odgg. 3. Mother; g. 4. Goddess; GgOl.
ug|@Od mdirugai-> mtk 1 A mother; -2 A grandmother; -3 A nurse. -4 A source, origin. -5 A
divine mother. -6 N. of certain diagrams written in characters supposed to have a magical power;. -7 The character
or alphabet so used (pl.). -8 N. of the 8 veins of the neck.
mtkam The nature of a mother.
mtka a. 1 Coming or inherited from a mother; -2 Maternal.
mtka A maternal uncle.
mtta ind. On the mother's side; in right of the mother; Ms.

Similarly words denoting elder persons were evolved by Tamils and borrowed by Sanskrit and other languages.
u a-> 0 al-> 0O0 allai. [in dramatic language.] A mother, g. Wils. p. 75
0O0 allai.-> all1 A mother (Voc. ).-2 The Supreme Goddess.
all -> alla The Supreme God etc. ( ).
Heb. alma "a young girl, a damsel
0 al-> ay-> lG_u ayi s. Mother, g.

u a-> (gd@ aukku)-> (d@ aykku)-> d@ akku-> ddG akka n. Elder sister; gudOd.
u Md_ggGQu ddG Md_ggGQu (S. I. I. ii, 2).
ddG akka -> dd akk n. [T. K. M. Tu. akka.] 1. Elder sister; gudOd. 2. Goddess of evil, as
elder sister of Lakm; @GgOl. Vul. 3. A mother, g. (p.)
dd akk -> akk A mother. (Voc. ).
However Sanskrit pundits are trying to cite the following unrelated dhatuphata for the word .
ak 1 P () To go, move tortuously like a serpent [cf. L. angulus, Gr. agkai].
akk-> A respectful compellation for an elder sister or any elderly female. 2 Or q. v. infra.
ddGgOl akk-tvi n. Goddess of evil, as elder sister of Lakm; @GgOl. (80. d).

dd akk -> ddu akk Elder sister; gudOd. Colloq.

ddgOg akkttai n. (dd + _g Og). Elder sister; ddu. Loc.

dOd akkai n. Elder sister; ddu. gG dOdG GgOlMGLOOu Gdd| (@@L[u.

dOd akkai-> dOd88| akkaicci n. Elder sister; ddu
dOd88| akkaicci-> dd88| akkacci n. Elder sister; gudOd. dd88| OLOu 8|
g0g88| OLOu gOl_. Colloq.
dOd akkai-> dGd akk int. An exclamation of surprise; @ g|8d @_|LQ. (Ll0.)
dOd akkai-> ddL akkaa int. [K. akkaa.] An exclamation of wonder; @ _88d@_|LQ. d
dL Ol[OM_ dOug O__G0 (duL[. g. ug|[. 32).
ddLMOG0 akka-v-eal n. [T. akka.] Onom. expr. of repose, non-interference;
uuOl@gg_ @_|LQ. Colloq.
dd akk (mother)-> kakk [Hindi] (nm) (maternal) uncle.
kakk -> kk (nm) a paternal uncle. hence (nf).
'' kk [Urdu] s.m. (in Pers.), An old slave (belonging to one's father); an elder brother;(in
Hind.) a father's younger brother; a paternal uncle; a respectful compellation for an elder brother,
or cousin, &c., and for the younger sons and grandsons of a Sikh Rj or Sardr.
,' kku [Urdu] s.m. A paternal uncle
H ' kk (Urdu s.f. The wife of a paternal uncle, an aunt.
[Marathi] kksa f C (Vulgar for ) A paternal aunt.
[Marathi] kk v vulgarly f C A respectful compellation for a paternal aunt, an elderly
cousin, or other elderly female person.
'= l s.m. Maternal uncle, mother's brother
H & P ,''= l ( A. la), s.m. Maternal uncle, mother's sister's husband.
H `'= l (for A. ''=, fem. of l), s.f. Maternal aunt, mother's sister:
u a-> M a n. 1. Upper part; Gu0. (80. d.) 2. Leash for dogs, running knot; GOLOL lG
2@Qdl@. (W.) 3. Notch, indentation cut in a stick; gl0 MOL OO[. (R.)
MM a n. (M a + ). Uvula; 2M Md@. MM Q@8|
@d@gg (8Od. 2703).

MMgu an-t n. Placing an individual in a stooping position, fastening a string to each
great toe, passing the bight over the back of the neck, and putting a stone on his back;
gMLOGOOd. (E.T.)

MM@L-gg0 antu-pr- v. intr. To look upward; Gu0 Gdd|LLgg0.--v. tr.
To look into, consider deeply; @ Gd@g0. MM@Ldd Og| @LuGL
(g|@u. 2139).

MMuO0 a-malai n. Tiruvamalai g|@OMMuO0.

M a -> M-gg0 aa- 12 v. intr. 1. To be joined, united; ML@@g0. @O0@G _Mg
8|@@g0 (d00. 12). 2. cf. M. To lift the head; gO0M_gg0. LuLMgGG (ML@.
M a -> M0 aal n. [K. M. aal.] 1. Neck; d@g@. dO_M_ @@u_g (ML@uLM.
205). 2. Side of the upper jaw; Gu0OLQ_u. (Ll0.) 3. Lower part of the mouth, chin; dg OLQ_u.
(g|O.) 4. Throat, windpipe; 2M u|L@. (Ll0.) 5. Beard; g. OuM_ dOu (Q_. 83). 6.
Dewlap; O0g. MuM 0G|O[ (Q. MO. 1, 12).
M a -> MQ-g0 aavu- v. To go upward, ascend; Gu0 Gdd|8 M80@g0. g[
Od_MgL LMQ u Qdg (8Od. 1239)
M a -> MM aan n. One who possesses, as greatness; ML@g|OG. 8[MOG (g|O
@_. G. 67).
M a -> MM0 aal n. 1. Greatness, exaltation, loftiness; ML@Ou. (Ll0.) 2. Superiority;
gO0Ou. (g|@dGd. 256.) 3. King; [8G. (@L.) 4. Great man, superior; ML@ Oul_
8|_GgG. (Ll0.) 5. Ruler in a forest-pasture tract; @0O0|0g gO0OG. (Mg0. ML. 20,
2O[.) 6. God, deity; dLQu. MM0@u GMMl (8|OLLl[. ML@, 7).

MM0 aal n. 1. Master, lord; gO0OG. MM0 [@gg 0|MdM_
(MLQ. OL. 11). 2. Father; gOg. (@. |.) 3. Preceptor, spiritual guide; @@. 4. The
Buddha; QggG. (MLg|. |.) 5. iva; 8|OG. MM0@ u@QM@ (MLQ. g|@
Qd. 296). 6. Arhat; @dG. (gg.) 7. Elder brother; MMG. (gg.)

MM0 aal -> MMG aa n. [T. anna, K. aa, M. aan, Tu. ae.] Elder brother; gOuG.
MMu aamr n. A minor village deity; g@ d|[uGgOOg. Madr.

MMl ai, n.. Elder brother's wife; MMG uOGOl. MMG_G LL Ll_gG,
MMl LL Ll_gu? Loc.

MM a n. 1. Elder brother; MMG. Colloq. 2. Father; gdLLG.
MM88| acci n. (MM a + 88| acci) Elder brother; MMG. South.
MMgOg attai n. 1. Elder brother, sometimes in contempt; MMG. North. 2. Idler, worthless
fellow; MO@u ML O. Loc.

MM ar n. Honorific pl. of Elder brother MMG. Loc.

MMOl avi n. [M. avi.] 1. Teacher; 2Lgg|. OG gG GG0 gG
MdLL0 MMOl OGGM8OG? Colloq. 2. Dancing master, director of theatrical performances;
g@ggO0OG. Colloq. 3. Master, superior, one in authority; g|d. Colloq.

MMgOl avi n. Elder brother or cousin; gOuG. O0d uMMgOl M8g
LMl (T.A.S.i, 103).

M a -> MMuG aa n1. Husband under the authority of his wife, henpecked husband;
MLMOg|8 G8GOG. Loc. 2. Hermaphrodite; 0|. Loc.

M a ->MM-gg0 a- 12 v. intr. [K. ae, M. Tu. a.] 1. To look upward;
Gu0Gd@g0. (_. 10.) 2. To gape, open the mouth; Og|_gg0. MMgg0 M8
gu@ (@_u, 255). 3. To hold the head erect; gO0 |u|g0. MM M OMM Ggd|
(Q_. 47).

u a-> gg| atti n. Elder sister; gud Od.

gg| atti -> atti f. An elder sister &c.

gg| atti -> attik An elder sister &c.

attik -> [ artik An elder sister (in dramas).

gg| atti -> : anti f. An elder sister (in dramas).

: anti -> antik 1 An elder sister.
antik -> ntik An elder sister.
gg| atti-> ggu att n. Mother; g. (R.)

ggu att-> _ggu tt n. [M. tt.] Mother; g. LL G|[@MMl ggu uO0
0| (gG|LL. i, 35, 66). 2. (p.) Parvati--as mother or the world, LOg|.

gg| atti -> ggG atta n. 1. Father; gdLLG. OGGggOG MOG_|O8 MdM0GG
(d Q. dugd. 10). 2. Elder; @gGgG. (g|O.) 3. Priest; @@. (L[g. Lg|OG. 27.) 4. Person of
rank or eminence; 2GgG. (g|@OlOu. Mud dL. 34.) 5. Siva, Viu, Arhat; 8|OG,
OlQ@, @dG. (@L.)

'-at, s.m. Father:at-bak, at-bag (orig. at, 'father'+big, contr. of beg, 'lord'), s.m.
Master, tutor, teacher; a title given to kings and prime-ministers.

Ancient Greek.
Meruimenti, Tanzania. ithe
Basque, Spain. aita
Euskera, Spain. aita
Vascuense, Spain. aita, abbey
Azerbaijani, Armenia. ata
Chimatengo, Tanzania. atati
Chimpoto, Tanzania, Malawi. atati
Eastern Canadian "Eskimo", Canada. ataata
Inuit, Canada. ataata
Inuktitut, Canada. ataata
Irish, United Kingdom. athair
Kimatengo, Tanzania. atati
Kinyasa, Tanzania, Malawi. atati
Lakhota, USA. ate
Mabia, Tanzania. atata
Mambwe, Tanzania. atata
Matengo, Tanzania. atati
Mpoto, Tanzania, Malawi. atati
Nyasa, Tanzania, Malawi. atati
Scots Gaelic, United Kingdom. athair
Ichinamwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-tata
Inamwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-tata
Mwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-tata
Namwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-tata
Nyamwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-tata

Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina. otac
Croatian, Croatia. otac
Slovak, Slovakia, Hungary. otec
Slovakian, Slovakia, Hungary. otec

ggggMOG0 attatt-v-eal n. (ggG + ggG ) Expr. of child calling its father;
@gOg gOgOd LLl_g_ @_|LQ. _gg_g gggggMOGLG (d0|g.

gg| atti -> gOg attai n [Pkt. Att, T. atta, K. Tu. atte.] 1. Father's sister; gdLL@LG Ll_gOu.
dG|OL gOgd @__ @__@u (du L[. L8. 19). 2. Mother-in-law, of husband;
uOGOllG g. 3. Mother-in-law, of wife; dMOG g. [8d dgOgd@ (duL[.
Og0. 40). 4. Lady, woman of rank or eminence; gO0Ol. (Ll0.) 5. See d__Og. (@[8OOg.) 5
The wife of a priest, @@OlGuOGOl. 6. A mother, a ma tron, g

gOgLLL attai-p-pi n. Grandfather's sister; LLL@LG Ll_ gu.

gOgLluOu attai-piai n. Father's sister's son; ggG. Loc.

gOgudG attai-maga n. Father's sister's son; ggG. @8| gOgudG (d.

gOg attai -> gOg attaiyr -> gOg8 attaisr n. Father's sister; gdLL@LG
Ll_gOu. gOg. gOg. Loc.

gOg attai -> att f. 1 A mother. -2 An elder sister. -3 A mother-in-law; (rarely) mother's sister.

[ ta ](Marathi) f A father's sister.

[ tasa ] (Marathi) f C (Vulgar for ) A father's sister.

[ t ] (Marathi) f R (Commonly ) A father's sister.

[ tsa ] (Marathi) f C (Vulgar for ) A father's sister.

[ tss ] (Marathi) f A paternal aunt of one's husband or wife; a sister of one's father in law.

ty f () A respectful term of compellation or address for a paternal aunt. 2 m A term of
courteous address or mention for a male.
gOg attai -> _gOg, ttai, s. Mother, g. 2. (c.) An exclamation of surprise or pity,
g|8Ol[dd8M80. _gOggOg. [vul.] Oh! dear, Oh! dear--a cry of distress, grief, &c.
gOg attai -> ggG att n. 1. Father's sister's son; gOg udG. 2. Maternal uncle's son when
elder; uuG udG. Loc. 3. Wife's brother, when elder; uOGOl gOuG. Loc.4. Elder sister's
husband; ddu Q@QG.

ggGugG| att-matai n. Wife of the father's sister's son; g OgudG uOGOl. ggG

ggGug|G| attn-matii n. Wife of the father's sister's son; g OgudG uOGOl.
ggG att ->gg88| attcci n. . 1. Elder brother's wife; gOuG uOGOl. 2. Husband's
sister; dMOG 8Gdg. Loc.
ggG atta-> 88G acca n. [Pkt. Ajja, K. acca, M. accan, Tu. ajje.] Father; gOg. (Mg0. M80.
400, 2O[.)

Saami, Norway, Sweden. hi

88G acca -> cac [Hindi] (nm) paternal uncle;

cac -> cc: [Hindi] (nm) paternal uncle;
cc paternal uncle's wife, aunt.
'' [Urdu] s.m. A paternal uncle

-' an [Urdu] , s.f. Father's brother's wife, aunt.
a, [Urdu] a (fem. of a), s.f. Father's brother's wife, aunt.

88G acca -> ajja [Kannada] 'grandfather'
[ aj ] [Marathi] m) A grand-father, pat. or mat. Pr. .
[ aja ] [Marathi] n (or ) Mat. grandfather's house.
[ ajb ] [Marathi] m () A respectful term of compellation or mention for a grandfather or an
old man gen., gaffer, gaddy.
88G acca ->88u accam n. Pkt. ajja. Mother; GOG. (MLg|. |. 19, Ll-u.)

Mabia, Tanzania. ajala

',= ajk .f. A mother; (in theatrical language) a courtesan.

88u accam -> 88| acci n. M. acci. Nyar woman; 8g|L MLM.
88| acci -> ajji [Kannada] grandmother
ajji -> [ aj ] f [Marathi] A grandmother (pat. or mat.) Pr. Used of a female
requiring to be fed and served as if , but who, when any work arises, is , a mere neighbor.
To use soft, coaxing, or flattering blandishments towards an elderly female.
[ ajb ] [Marathi] f A term of respectful compellation or mention for a grandmother or an old
woman gen.; grandam, granny, greaty.
[ ajcra ] [Marathi] n n ( & Cloth.) Presents (of cloth &c.) made at marriages by
the relations of the bridegroom to the grandmother of the bride.
[ ajssar ] [Marathi] m ( & ) The father of one's father in law or of one's mother in
law, the grandfather (pat. or mat.) of one's wife or husband.
[ ajss ] [Marathi] f ( & ) The mother of one's mother in law or father in law, the wife
of one's .
[ ajssar ] [Marathi] m ( & ) The father of one's father in law or of one's mother in
law, the grandfather (pat. or mat.) of one's wife or husband.
[ ajss ] [Marathi] f ( & ) The mother of one's mother in law or father in law, the wife
of one's .
[ aja ] [Marathi] n sometimes or or or m () Maternal
grandfather's house.
j ] |Marathi] f () A grandmother paternal or maternal.

jb |Marathi] f A term of respectful compellation or mention for a grandmother or an old
woman; granny, goody.

jsa |Marathi] f C (Vulgar for ) Grandmother, pat. or mat.

jcra |Marathi] or - n ( & & ) The presents (of cloth &c.) made at marriages
by the party of the bridegroom to the grandmother of the bride.

jssar m ( & ) The father of one's father in law or of one's mother in law; the
grandfather (pat. or mat.) of one's wife or husband.

javaa n R (Commonly ) The house of a mat. grandfather.

j m ( or [ S) A grandfather pat. or mat. Pr. .

jsa m C (Vulgar for ) Grandfather pat. or mat.

or ja or ja n ( & ) The house of a mat. grandfather.

jssar m ( & ) The father of one's father in law or of one's mother in law; the
grandfather (pat. or mat.) of one's wife or husband.

jss f ( & ) The mother of one's father in law or of one's mother in law; the wife of
one's .

jb m ( & ) A respectful term of compellation or mention for a grandfather or an old
man; gaffer.
88G acca ->_88G cca n. Foather; gdLLG. O0du88 gg@LLL (S. I. I. iii,
_88G cca -> _@G n. Father; gdL LG ._@. Loc.
& 1 N. of iva.-2 Grand father.

_@G -> _@ n. Father; gdL LG. Loc.

_@G -> _@' i n. Father; gdL LG. _@. Loc.

_@G -> _G y n. 1. Father; gOg. Loc. 2. Elder brother; gOuG. Tj. 3. Member of
the Krktta-va community; ddggGOuu O@LLlGG. Tinn.

_G y -> _8G s n. 1. Teacher, preceptor; 2Lgg|G. _Mddu GOMLg
G8G (8|@L@8. 29). 2. Priest, family priest; QG[d|gG. _ddug ggM [8G
ML@0dMl (8|0L. 28, 222). 3. Senior, elderly man; @g GgG. (g|O.) 4. Jupiter, considered as the
preceptor of gods; OlgG. (Ll0.) 5. Arhat; @dG. (@L.) 6. Skanda; @@dddLQu. (Ll0.) 7.
(Mus.) An ancient secondary melody-type of the plai LO0ggg|_ OOd. (Ll0)

_8G_|_u ciam n. 1. (Mus.) Kind of svara; @[_@ g|_u. (Ll0.) 2. (Mus.) A
secondary melody-type of the plai class; LO0ggg|_u. (@L.)

_8G s ->_8u c n. fem. of _8G. 1. Priest's wife; @@Lgg|G|. (g|O.) 2. Lady of
position; gO0Ol. (g|O.)
88u accam -> 88| acci -> (@@' i)-> @O@ aai n. Mother; g. @O@
G0d| gM0G@ (8|0L. 9, 24).

@O@ aai -> GOG aai n. 1. Mother; g. (g|O. g|@O. 5, 3, 6.) 2. Elder sister;
gudOd. (@L.) 3. Prvat; LOg|. (Ll0.) 4. A companion, Ggg|.
Eastern Canadian "Eskimo", Canada. anaana
Hungarian, Hungary, Austria. anya
Huron, USA, Canada. ane
Inuit, Canada. anaana
Inuktitut, Canada. anaana
Luwian, Turkey. anni
Magyar, Hungary, Austria. anya
Okinawan, Japan. anmaa, ayaa
Turkish, Turkey, Bulgaria. anne
Abakwariga, Nigeria, Benin. inn
Abyssinian, Ethiopia, Israel. innate
Amharic, Ethiopia, Israel. innate
Cebuano, Philippines. inahan
Ethiopian, Ethiopia, Israel. innate
Filipino, Philippines. Ina
Habe, Nigeria, Benin. inn
Hausa, Nigeria, Benin. inn
Itbayaten, Philippines. ina
Ivatan, Philippines. ina
Kado, Nigeria, Benin. inn
Mgbakpa, Nigeria, Benin. inn
Nauruan, Nauru. inen
Pilipino, Philippines. Ina
Tagalog, Philippines. Ina
GOG aai-> OG aai s. A kind of fresh water fish, @uG. 2. (p.) Mother, g, (an ab breviation
of GOG.)
OG aai -> anas n. 1 Birth. -2 A living being. -3 A parent (father or mother); said to be f. in these two
senses. At the end of Avyaybhva comp. is changed to ; as &c.; also at the end of Tat.
Comp.; &c.

OG aai -> uOG maai n. Mother; __. dO uOGu@L8| (@0d. Ol. 537).
uOG maai -> nan Ved. 1 Speech.-2 Mother.-3 A daughter;
English, nanny "children's nurse," 1795, from widespread child's word for "female adult other than mother" (cf. Gk.
nanna "aunt"). The word also is a nickname form of the fem. proper name Anne, which probably is the sense in
nanny goat (1788, cf. billy goat). The verb meaning "to be unduly protective" is from 1954. Nanny-house "brothel"
is slang from c.1700.
English nun O.E. nunne, from L.L. nonna "nun, tutor," originally (along with masc. nonnus) a term of address to
elderly persons, perhaps from children's speech, reminiscent of nana (cf. Skt. nona, Pers. nana "mother," Gk. nanna
"aunt," Serbo-Cr. nena "mother," It. nonna, Welsh nain "grandmother;"
lbanian, Turkey, (Europe). nn
Arnaut, Turkey, (Europe). nn
Arniya, Pakistan. nan
Bisayan, Philippines. snay
Bukalot, Philippines. nay
Chamorro, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands. nana
Chitrali, Pakistan.nan
Chitrari, Pakistan. nan
Citrali, Pakistan. nan
Dahomeen, Togo. no
Djedji, Togo. no
Ewe, Ghana. nana
Fo, Togo. no
Galician, Spain, Portugal. nai
Ganda, Uganda, Tanzania. nnyina
Hiligaynon, Philippines. nanay
Ilonggo, Philippines. nanay
Ilongot, Philippines. nay
Kashkari, Pakistan. nan
Khawar, Pakistan. nan
Khowar, Pakistan. nan
Lingotes, Philippines. nay
Luganda, Uganda, Tanzania. nnyina
Mixteco, Mexico. nante
Nhuatl, Mexico. nantli
Patu, Pakistan. nan
Potawatomi, USA, Canada. ne'ni
Pottawotomi, USA, Canada. ne'ni
Qashqari, Pakistan. nan
Roshani, Tajikistan. naan
Shkip, Turkey, (Europe). nn
Tjamoro, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands. nana
Tosk, Turkey, (Europe). nn

anas -> nasa & nas Belonging to a father.

-'- nnas (nn+ss), s.f. Mother-in-law's mother (i.q. naniy-ss).

88| acci -> _88| cci n. 1. Mother; g. (_, 4, 3, L[.) 2. Grandmother; LL. Loc. 3. Eldest sister;
@gg gudOd. Loc. 4. A term of respect used in addressing women of higher caste or position;
dQ[O@uu Og|dOud @_|d @@ M80.

_88| cci-> _88u cc n. Mother; g. O0dgOL 88gd @d du0 (gG|L
L. i, 42, 83).

u a-> ( a) -> LQ appu n. 1. Father. LLG. Loc. 2. [K. M. appu.] A term of endearment used in
addressing children or inferiors; GQdL Ogd@@ M80OOd. Loc.

LQ appu -> LLG appa n. [T. K. appa, M. appan.Pkt. appa]. 1. Father; gdLLG. LLG uOu
(GgO. 1228, 1). 2. A term of endearment used in addressing little children or inferiors; g@ Ll O8Gu.
Colloq.3. Benefactor; 2Ld. (8u. d. Ms.) 4. Father's elder brother; ML gdLLG. didrvia.
ab (originally ,-), s.m. Father. (Rare.)
'- abb [A. ab], s.m. Father; superior;
LLLL appappa int. (LL + LL) [K. appappa.] An exclamation of pity, of surprise; @[ddu
g|8u @O__|G @_|LQ.

LLLL appapp int. An exclamation of pity, of surprise; @[ddu g|8u @O__|G @_|LQ.
LL88| appacci n.( LLG appa +88G acca) 1. Father. LLG. 2. Grandfather LL LG
Vul.3. Paternal uncle; 8|__LLG. Loc.
LLggu appatt n. .( LLG appa + _ggu tt) 1. Elder sister; gudOd. (J.) 2. Father's
mother; gOglG g. N. (female elder by related by paternal side only)
LLgOg appttai n. (LLG appa +gOg attai) Elder sister; gudOd. Loc. (elder female by father
side (same father + different mothers)

LQ appu -> LLl appi n. A term of endearment; @Ou@_|gg_@ Og0@@ M80. Loc.

LQ appu -> LLl88G appicca n.( LLG appa + 88G acca). Father; gdLLG. N. (during
conversation between father and son, mentioning the grandfather of one person)
LLG appa ->LL app s. 1.Vocative of father LLG. 2. A word used by parents towards their young
children; sometimes to others in calling, especially inferiors; and com monly a word of respect to aged men. 3. An
exclamation of surprise, grief or pain; g|8u @GLu OG _|O__|G @_|LQ. OGGLL u__|O
MO@L@ MOu u@u (duL[. @0L0. 40).
Dawida, Tanzania. apa
Hungarian, Hungary, Austria. apa
Magyar, Hungary, Austria. apa
Taita, Kenya. apa
Bida-Bida, Australia. yapiri
Asturian, Spain, Portugal. pa
Asturian-Leonese, Spain, Portugal. pa
Asturianu, Spain, Portugal. pa
Astur-Leonese, Spain, Portugal. pa
Ateso, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Ayapathu, Australia. papa
Bakedi, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Bakidi, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Capeverdian, France. papai
Chinook, USA. Papa
Chtimi, Belgium. pa
Elgumi, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Etossio, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Ewe, Ghana. papa
Gweno, Tanzania. papa
Gwere, Uganda. papa
Haitian Creole, Dominican Republic, Haiti. papa
Ikumama, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Kahe, Tanzania. papa
Kigweno, Tanzania. papa
Kimochi Unn, Tanzania. papa
Lema Unn, Tanzania. papa
Lower Chinook, USA. Papa
Lugwere, Uganda. papa
Lumasaaba, Tanzania. papa
Marseillais, France. papet
Melanesian English, Papua New Guinea. papa
Neomelanesian, Papua New Guinea. papa
New Guinea Pidgin English, New Guinea. papa
Olugwere, Uganda. papa
Picard, Belgium. pa
Pidgin, USA. papa
Pisin, Papua New Guinea. papa
Rouchi, Belgium. pa
Ruotsi, Sweden, Finland. pappa
Svenska, Sweden, Finland. pappa
Swedish, Sweden, Finland. pappa
Teso, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Tok Pisin, Papua New Guinea. papa
Tuveta, Tanzania. papa
Wamia, Uganda, Kenya. papa
Yucatec, Mexico. papah
Ardennais, France. popa
Lorrain. popa
Abyssinian, Ethiopia, Israel. abbat
Adal, Ethiopia, Djibouti. abba
Afar, Ethiopia, Djibouti. abba
Afaraf, Ethiopia, Djibouti. abba
Af-Maxaad Tiri, Somalia, Djibouti. aabo
Af-Soomaali, Somalia, Djibouti. aabo
Amarigna, Ethiopia, Israel. abbat
Amarinya, Ethiopia, Israel. abbat
Amharic, Ethiopia, Israel. abbat
Common Somali, Somalia, Djibouti. aabo
Danakil, Ethiopia, Djibouti. abba
Denkel, Ethiopia, Djibouti. abba
Ethiopian, Ethiopia, Israel. abbat
Kanuri, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria. aba
Kiseri, Tanzania. aba
Merutig, Tanzania. aba
Somali, Somalia, Djibouti. aabo
Standard Somali, Somalia, Djibouti. aabo
Adzerma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Albanian, Turkey, (Europe). baba
Arnaut, Turkey, (Europe). baba
Bahasa Indonesia, Indonesia, Java. bapak
Bahasa Malaysia, Malaysia, Brunei. bapa
Bahasa Malayu, Malaysia, Brunei. bapa
Birahui, Pakistan, Afghanistan. bwa
Brahui, Pakistan, Afghanistan. bwa
Brahuidi, Pakistan, Afghanistan. bwa
Brahuigi, Pakistan, Afghanistan. bwa
Campidanese, Italy. babbu
Campidese, Italy. babbu
Chichewa, Malawi. bambo
Chimwera, Tanzania. baba
Chishona, Zimbabwe, Zambia. baba
Chuka, Kenya. baba
Chuku, Kenya. baba
Cimwera, Tanzania. baba
Djerma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Dyabarma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Dyarma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Dyerma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Guru, Tanzania. baba
Ikiruguru, Tanzania. baba
Ikizu, Tanzania. baba
Indonesian, Indonesia, Java. bapak
Isiswazi, Swaziland, Mozambique. bab
Italian, Italy, Croatia. babbo
Kikuyu, Kenya. baba
Kimeru, Kenya. baba
Kiseri Unn, Tanzania. baba
Kisukuma, Tanzania. baba
Kisumbwa, Tanzania. baba
Kitharaka, Kenya. baabu
Kur Galli, Pakistan, Afghanistan. bwa
Lebanese, Lebanon. bay
Llogole, Kenya. baba
Llugule, Kenya. baba
Logooli, Kenya. baba
Lugooli, Kenya. baba
Lugulu, Tanzania. baba
Luguru, Tanzania. baba
Luragoli, Kenya. baba
Lusoga, Uganda. baba
Mor, Burkina Faso, Mali. baaba
Malay, Malaysia, Brunei. bapa
Mantuan, Italy. babbo
Maragoli, Kenya. baba
Meru, Kenya. baba
Mwela, Tanzania. baba
Mwera, Tanzania. baba
Ntuzu, Tanzania. baba
Olusoga, Uganda. baba
Palawan Batak, Philippines. Batak rama
Ragoli, Kenya. baba
Rheto-Romance, Switzerland. bab
Rohingya, Myanmar. bap
Romance, Switzerland. bab
Ruguru, Tanzania. baba
Samialugwe, Tanzania. baba
Saraka, Kenya. baabu
Sardinian, Italy. babu
Sardu, Italy. babbu
Sharoka, Kenya. baabu
Shashi Siz, Tanzania. bhabha
Shkip, Turkey, (Europe). baba
Shona, Zimbabwe, Zambia. baba
Siswati, Swaziland, Mozambique. bab
Skchip, Turkey, (Europe). baba
Soga, Uganda. baba
South Sardinian, Italy. babbu
Suka, Kenya. baba
Sukuma, Tanzania. baba
Sumbwa, Tanzania. baba
Swazi, Swaziland, Mozambique. bab
Swina, Zimbabwe, Zambia. baba
Taino, Bahamas. baba
Tekela, Swaziland, Mozambique. bab
Tekeza, Swaziland, Mozambique. bab
Tharaka, Kenya. baabu
Tosk, Turkey, (Europe). baba
Turkish, Turkey, Bulgaria. babas
Uluragooli, Kenya. baba
Wolof, Senegal, Mauritania. bai
Zabarma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Zarma, Niger, Benin. baaba
Zhgabe, Turkey, (Europe). Baba
bu [Hindi] (nf) father's sister.
,- b, bw [Urdu] s.f. Sister, dear sister; father's sister, aunt (syn. phph;
ph; cf. b-b).
bu-> phph [Hindi] (nm) husband of a paternal aunt or father's sister.
'+ phupp, phup (Urdu) m. The husband of a paternal aunt (=phupph and phph).
phph (nf) [Hindi] father's sister, paternal aunt;
abb (nm) [Hindi] father; father (a respectful term for address or for otherwise mention).
LL app -> amba A father.
LLG appa ->LL appar n. Tirunvuk- karacu Nyar, one of the three celebrated authors of the
Tvram. See g|@Qdd[ G. (MLQ. g|@@G. 495.)

LLLLG appa n. (LLG appa LLLG pa). Great-grandfather; gOglG LL LG.

LLL app int. ( LL app L a). An exclamation of surprise, relief; g|8gOg u
8|[uLd[gOgu 2Mg@u @_|LQ.

LL appi , int. ( LL app ai). An exclamation of surprise, relief; g|8gOg u
8|[uLd[gOgu 2Mg@u @_|LQ.

LQ appu -> LLl appyi n. ( LL app _l. yi) Paternal grandmother; gOglG g.

LL app ->LLl appyi n. (T. abbyi.) Lad; OLG. Loc.

LQ appu -> LLl appi n. 1. Mistress of the house; gO0Ol. Loc. 2. Elder sister; gud Od. (J.)

LQ appu -> u@ ammu. n. 1. Mother; g.. Loc. 2. A term of endearment used in addressing children or
inferiors; GQdL Ogd@@ M80OOd. Loc.

u@ ammu -> uu amma int. 1. An exclamation inviting attention; GdLL_ML@Oug
g@OlO@ u|OL8M80. uu GdLLld@u (Mg0. M80. 278). 2. An exclamation of surprise
or wonder; @[g| 8d @_|LQ. Olg|lGdd| Guu M8d|G_Gg [uQMGL (dgQ.
[Gg_. 14). -- part. Expletive adding grace to composition; @ 2O[O88M80. (G. 437,

uuuu ammamma int. (uu + uu). [K. ammamma.] An exclamation of astonishment; @
g|8d@_|LQ. uuuu MO00 MOu| Gg (g. 888|. 4).

uuGO ammav int. An exclamation of pity; @ @[ddd@_|LQ. uuGO Olg|G
MG@u (dgQ. dd|G|. 194).

uuGO ammav -> uuGd amma-k int. An exclamation of pity; @ @[ddd @_|LQ.
uuGdMO @u Ol@u@u (@u[. Ll[. u@O[dd0. 14)
uu amma -> uu0d ammagr n. 1. Wife of a Vaiava crya or priest; _8G
uOGOl. Vai.2. Daughter of a maternal uncle; uuG udu. Brh.
uu0d ammagr ->uu0du ammag n. Daughter of a maternal uncle; uuG udu.

u@ ammu -> uuG amma n. 1. Goddess; GgOOg. uuG 8GG|g|. 2. See uOu, 5.

uuGdL_ amma-kau , n. Mumps; OdddL_. Loc.

uuGd amma-ksu n. Copper coin of the Putukkai state, nominally &frac116; anna,
practically 0; anna, as bearing the image of the tutelary deity Bhadamb; Q@d GdLOL M

uuGMdOL amma-koai n. Festival of a village goddess on an elaborate scale; @
2_8Ou. (G. Tn. D. i, 111.)

uuGMdML amma-koi n. Priest of Mri-y-amma temple, as going about dancing
under inspiration; uGdl_ _8. Loc.

uuG amma -> uuOG ammaai n. 1. Mother; g. (0. 14.) 2. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol.
G_@8 Oddu Q@d|G_ uuG (g|O. g|@LL. 10). 3. [T. ammanalu.] A girls' game with
balls. See uuOG. (Ll0.) 4. Balls used in the game; uuOG _0 d@Ol. uuOG g0
Odl_ MdM_ (8|0L. 29, uuOGO, 3).

uuOGLLL_ ammaai-p-pu n. Song sung when playing the game of balls; uuOG
LLgg|_ L_u LL_. (Mg0. ML. 461, 2O[.)

uuOGuLd@ ammaai-maakku , n. Poetic composition in kali-t-ticai metre, in which a girl
when she is contradicted by another is made to reply in words which bear double meaning and thus justify
the positions of both; d0|ggg|O80 OlGOlOL d udu|@O
@@ML@uLLd @Ogd @_ @u LL_. (u_G. 267.)

uuGG amma int. An exclamation of surprise; g@ OlLQd@_|LQ. 2OLg@Q
u88|LG ug@dGd uuGG (g|O. @_. 3, 28).

uuOGG ammaaiy int. An exclamation of grief; g@ @ddd@_|LQ. (8Od. 760.)

uuGG amma int. See uuOG G. (g|O. @_. g|@Ol@g. 36.)

uuG amma -> uug| ammanti n. Maternal uncle's wife; uuG uOGOl. Loc.

L. amita "paternal aunt" . Anglo-Fr. aunte, O.Fr. ante, and English Aunt c.1300,

Extended senses include "an old woman, a gossip" (1580s); "a procuress" (1670s); and "any benevolent woman," in
Amer.Eng., where auntie was recorded since c.1790 as "a term often used in accosting elderly women." The French
word also has become the word for "aunt" in Dutch, German (Tante), and Danish.
mida m (Cyrillic spelling ) uncle (father's brother) (regional, non-standard Serbo-Croatian)
uuG amma -> uuMl ammai n. [T. K. ammai, M. ammii.] A term of respect used in referring to
or calling a woman; MLMOMd@_|d@u uOg8M80. (@@L[u. 285.)

u@ ammu -> uu amm [T. K. M. amma.] n. 1. Mother; g. 2. Matron, lady; O8uG|.--int. 1. An
exclamation of pity or surprise; g|8Ol[ddd @_|LQ. O . . . MO@uML@u guu (8Od.
2622). 2. An exclamation of joy; g 2OLQd @_|LQ. uuMOG @dgOgd@ uO8M80
(g|O. ML@uu. 9, 6).--part. An expletive; @ O88M80. (L[g @[8@. 91.)
Gk. amma "mother," O.N. amma "grandmother," M.Ir. ammait "old hag," Heb. em, Arabic umm "mother"
umm, s.f. Mother; Germ. Amme; old Germ. Amma.
Basque, Spain. ama
Brahui, Pakistan, Afghanistan. amm
Chimakonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. amama
Chimatengo, Tanzania. amabo
Chimpoto, Tanzania, Malawi. amabo
Chinimakonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. amama
Chishona, Zimbabwe, Zambia. amai
Euskera, Spain. ama
Kimatengo, Tanzania. amabo
Kingindo, Tanzania. amama
Kinyasa, Tanzania, Malawi. amabo
Kur Galli, Pakistan, Afghanistan. amm
Makonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. amama
Mambwe, Tanzania. amangu
Matambwe, Tanzania, Mozambique. amama
Matengo, Tanzania. amabo
Mpoto, Tanzania, Malawi. amabo
Ngindo, Tanzania. amama
Njindo, Tanzania. amama
Nyasa, Tanzania, Malawi. amabo
Shona, Zimbabwe, Zambia. amai
Swina, Zimbabwe, Zambia. amai
Vascuense, Spain. ama
Estonian, Estonia, Finland. ema
Inamwanga, Zambia, Tanzania. e-mayo
Kapampangan, Philippines. ima
Lebanese, Lebanon. im
Mator, Asia. ima
Pampangan, Philippines. ima
Bungu, Tanzania. umai
Cafre, South Africa. umama
Cauzuh, South Africa. umama
Cipimbwe, Tanzania. umayi
Pimbwe, Tanzania. umayi
Runga, Tanzania. umaai
Wungu, Tanzania. umai
Xhosa, South Africa. umama
Achawa, Malawi, Mozambique. maama, amao
Akium-Pare, Papua New Guinea. mama
Biltum, Pakistan. mama
Bolivian Quechua, Bolivia. mama
Breton, France. mamm
Brezhoneg, France. mamm
Brushaski, Pakistan. mama
Bukusu, Kenya. maayi
Burushaki, Pakistan. mama
Chewa, Malawi, Mozambique. mao
Chimwera, Tanzania. mama, amae
Chinook, USA. Mama
Chinyanja, Malawi, Mozambique. mao
Cilaadi, Tanzania. maama
Cimwera, Tanzania. mama, amae
Cornish, United Kingdom. mamm
Curaoleo, Netherlands Antilles, Aruba. mama
Curassese, Netherlands Antilles, Aruba. mama
Curnoack, United Kingdom. mamm
Cymraeg, United Kingdom. mam
Daco-Rumanian, Romania, Hungary. mam
Dawida, Tanzania. mao
Doe, Tanzania. mama
Dohe, Tanzania. mama
Dzalamo, Tanzania. mama
Ecuador Quechua, Ecuador. mama
Ekihaya, Tanzania. maawe
Ekipangwa, Tanzania. mama
Gweno, Tanzania. mama
Gwere, Uganda. mama
Haitian Creole, Dominican Republic, Haiti. maman
Haya, Tanzania. maawe
Ichifipa, Tanzania. maangu
Ichilambya, Tanzania, Malawi. mama
Iramba, Tanzania, Malawi. mama
zulu, South Africa, Malawi. mame
Italian, Italy, Croatia. mamma
Itza', Guatemala. mamah
Kakwere, Tanzania. mama
Keni Unn, Tanzania. mao
Kernewek, United Kingdom. mamm
Kernowek, United Kingdom. mamm
Khajuna, Pakistan. mama
Khutu, Tanzania. mamo
Kibosho Unn, Tanzania. mai
Kigweno, Tanzania. mama
Kikutu, Tanzania. mamo
Kimeru, Kenya. maama
Kimochi Unn, Tanzania. mama
Kiruihi, Tanzania. mao
Kiseri, Tanzania. mama
Kiseri Unn, Tanzania. mama
Kisuaheli, Tanzania, Burundi. mama
Kisuundi, Tanzania. maama
Kiswahili, Tanzania, Burundi. mama
Kitharaka, Kenya. mama
Kivinza, Tanzania. mama
Kizaramo, Tanzania. mama
Kizigula, Tanzania. mama
Kunjut, Pakistan. mama
Kutu, Tanzania. mamo
Kwele, Tanzania. mama
Kwere, Tanzania. mama
Lambia, Tanzania, Malawi. mama
Lambwa, Tanzania, Malawi. mama
Lower Chinook, USA. Mama
Lugwere, Uganda. mama
Luhyia, Tanzania. mama
Lusoga, Uganda. mama
Machame Unn, Tanzania. mama
Melayu, Malaysia, Brunei. mama
Meru, Kenya. maama
Mkuu, Tanzania. mama
Moldavian, Romania, Hungary. mam
Mwela, Tanzania. mama, amae
Myagatwa, Tanzania. mama
Ndali, Tanzania. mama
Ndari, Tanzania. mama
Neomelanesian, Papua New Guinea. mama
New Guinea Pidgin English, New Guinea. mami
Ngomvia, Tanzania. mamo
Matumbi, Tanzania. maO
Nyanja, Malawi, Mozambique. mao
Rufiji, Tanzania. mao
Ruhaya, Tanzania. maawe
Ruihi, Tanzania. mao
Nyiramba, Uganda. maaU
Ngwere, Tanzania. mama
Olugwere, Uganda. mama
Olusoga, Uganda. mama
Pa, Papua New Guinea. mama
Pangwa, Tanzania. mama
Papiamen, Netherlands Antilles, Aruba. mama
Pare, Papua New Guinea. mama
Petn Itz Maya, Guatemala. mamah
Pidgin, USA. mama
Pisin, Papua New Guinea. mama
Quechua, Bolivia, Peru. mama
Qwadza, Tanzania. mamo
Rambia, Tanzania, Malawi. mama
Rheto-Romance, Switzerland. mamma
Rohingya, Myanmar. mam
Romanian, Romania, Hungary. mam
Romansh, Switzerland. mamma
Ruotsi, Sweden, Finland. mamma
Rwanda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo. mama
Samialugwe, Tanzania. mama
Saraka, Kenya. mama
Saramo, Tanzania. mama
Seguha, Tanzania. mama
Sharoka, Kenya. mama
Soga, Uganda. mama
Sranan, Suriname. mama
Svenska, Sweden, Finland. mamma
Swahili, Tanzania, Burundi. mama
Swedish, Sweden, Finland. mamma
Taita, Kenya. mao
Tharaka, Kenya. mama
Tok Pisin, Papua New Guinea. mama
Wayombo, Tanzania. mama
Wazegua, Tanzania. mama
Welsh, United Kingdom. mam
'- amm, '- amm [Urdu] s.f. Mother
amm [Hindi] (nf) mother.
am [Marathi] m (Poetry and Nursery.) The mother's breast. 2 f (Am, Port.) A nurse, esp. a wet

am [Marathi] m In nursery language. The mother's breast.

uu88| ammcci n. (uu + _88|). Maternal grandmother; gOLML__ LL. Loc.

uu ammi int. (uu + ). An exclamation of surprise, pity, or relief g|8 Ol[dd
Ol8|[g|d @_|LQ. Colloq.

uuggu ammtt n. (uu + _g gu). Mother's mother; ugud|. Loc.

uu amm -> uuu| ammmi n. Fem. of uuG. Maternal uncle's wife, husband's mother;
uuG uOGOl. uuu| gGO Q0 GdLLG Ggg| (8|0L 29, GgOg| [_@).

uu ammy n. ( uu + _). Maternal grandmother; gOL ML__Ou. (W.)

uu ammy ->uul ammyi n. Maternal grandmother; gOLML__ LL. Loc.

uul ammyi -> ul myi , n. my. Durg; @dOd. OGGGOG ulO
(Ll[GLg. 18, 73).
m: (nf) [Hindi] maternal aunt.
ma: (nf) [Hindi] mother; a maid-servant; an old woman
ma:yka: (nm) mother's home, maternal house/village/city/place (of a married woman);
every damn thing belonging to a woman's paternal home is dear to
uu amm -> uuu amm n. 1. Mother; g. 2. Any matron respected as a mother; g GL0
ug|ddLL_LOu. 3. Name of a Vaiava crya. See L@[uuu. (_, 7, 6, 10.) 4. Any matron by
way of respect, @ggu. (c.)

uu amm -> uuG amm n. 1. Mother's brother, maternal uncle; gLG Ll_gOG. (Ll0.)
2. Wife's father; MLMMd_ggOG. Loc. 3. Husband of father's sister; gOg dMOG. Loc. 4. Father;
gdLLG. u0G[GuuG (duL[. u8G. 220). 5. God, as father; dLQu. _g| 0Odd
d@GuG| uuG (g|O. g|@O. 5, 1, 6).
= amm, vulg. am, (Urdu).m. A father s brother, paternal uncle:
uuG8uLOOG amm-camp- vaai, n. First wedding gift of money by the maternal uncle
of the bride or bridegroom; OlOdgg|0 uuG Md_LLgd @g|l_u LMu. Brh.
uuGGd0u amm-klam n. Procession of the bride dressed as a boy usually on the third day
of marriage, arranged for by her maternal uncle; uuG M8Old@u uMdGd0u. Brh.

uuG8 amm-cr n. Gifts by a maternal uncle to his niece at her wedding, or to his nephew
during his investiture with the sacred thread; uuMG_d@u uM OO8.
uuGML amm-poi n. Magic powder thrown by a kidnapper on a child, as causing the child
to follow, crying amm amm;</I> p 2, (g|O. O.)< 4, 8. ML. M8d@L>
uuOG ammai n. [K. ammle, M. ammna.] 1. Girls' game of keeping a number of balls in the air, some
rising while others are falling; uuOGL Lu. (@0d. Ol. 807.) 2. Balls used in the game;
uuOG_0d@Ol. uuOG@Gu (@u[. Ll[. uGL. LluOug.
uuOG. 1). 3. A class of poems of kalampa- kam each verse of which has ammy
uuOGLL@Ou ammai-p-paru- vam, n. Section of pep-piai-t-tami, which describes one
of the stage of childhood in which the child plays the ammai game . MLML_LluOuggu|gL
L@O0dg MuG@.
uuOGO ammai-vari n. Song sung by girls and women while playing with balls; udu|
uuOG _uGL@ L_u LL_. (8|0L. 29.)
uu amm -> uOu ammai n. 1. Mother; g. ggMG_ uuOuMGd dG
(GgO. 598, 9). 2. Prvat; LOg|. (Ll0.) 3. (Jaina.) Goddess of virtue; g@uGgOOg. (@L.) 4.
Grandmother; LL. Parav. 5. Smallpox, chicken-pox, measles; GOOd. 6. Female Jaina recluse, nun;
O8Gugg gOLMLM. (@L.) 7. Chebulic myrobalan. See d_dd. (uO0.)
maiya: (nf) [Hindi] mother.
uOuddL_ ammai-k-kau n. Mumps; OdddL_.

uOu@gg0 ammai-kuttal n. Vaccination.

uOudMdMOL ammai-k-koai n. A mode of coiffure; udu| MdMOLOOd.

uOu8L_ ammaiyr-cu n. A kind of card-play; [@ ug| OG@@
8LLLLu. Loc.

uOugg@uQ ammai-t-taumbu n. Smallpox pits.

uOuLL0 ammai-p-pl n. Lymph of smallpox, pustule; uOu @g@g_ @ L0.

uOuGLL_-g0 ammai-pu- v. intr. QdL_-. To have smallpox, etc.;
uOuOgg0. O L0 @gOgd@ uOuGLL l@dd|_@.

uOu@g@ ammai-muttu n. Pustule of smallpox, etc.; O@dMdLQuu.

uOuO_ ammai-vau n. Smallpox pits; uOugg@uQ.

uOuO-gg0 ammai-vr- v. intr. To have smallpox, etc.; uOuGLL_ g0.
uOuOlOu_-g0 ammai-viaiy- u-, v. intr. To have an attack of smallpox, etc.;
English, eam From Middle English eem, eme, from Old English am (maternal uncle). Cognate with
Scots eme (uncle), West Frisian omke (uncle), Dutch oom (uncle), German Ohm, Oheim (maternal

uOuLLG ammai-y-appa n. Lit., father and mother. [gu gOgu] A form of iva with His
akti; 2u uGd[. uOuLLG[ 0@d duOuLL M[G __|d (g|@ddu|_@L. 1).
uOu ammai -> ambay Ved. A mother; good woman (as a courteous mode of address).
uOu ammai ->uOu ammaiyr n. Old woman; @g|Ou.
uOug0 ammaiyr-kntal n. Seeta's thread, m. cl., Cuscuta reflexa; _M_OOd. (@..)

uOu ammai -> uOuG ammaiy int. An exclamation of astonishment; g@ OlLQ8 M80.
(d0|g. 85, 2O[.)

uGuG ammy int. An exclamation of grief; g@ @ddd@_|LQ. (8Od. 1271, 2O[.)

uGu amm int. An interjection expressing pity; @[ddd@_|LQ8 M80. (ug L.)

uu88G ammcca n. ( u uG + 88G). See uuML. N.

uOu ammai -> uOL ambai n. 1. Prvat; LOg|. (g|@ddug. Q. 24, 12.) 2. Name of a sister of
Pu's mother, daughter of a king of Ki; d8|[8G udu. (L[g. @@@0. 127.)

uu amm -> uL amb n.1. Mother; g. (LL. 11, 81.) 2. Prvat, as mother of the universe;
uL amb -> amb (Voc. Ved.; in later Sanskit) 1 A mother; also used as an affectionate or
respectful mode of address; 'good woman', 'good mother' -2 N. of a plant ( d.). -3 N. of Durg, wife of iva. -
4 N. of an Apsaras; of a sister of Pu's mother, a daughter of Krja. -5 A term in astrology to denote the fourth
amb-> ambyu f. A mother.
u@ ammu -> (uu| ammi) -> (uLl ambi) -> ambi f. Ved. Water; woman; nurse; mother;

(uu| ammi) -> (uu|Od ammigai) -> uLlOd ambigai n. 1. Prvat, as mother; LOg|. (dgQ.
MgO. 32.) 2. Goddess of virtue; g@uGgOOg. (@L.) 3. Durg; @dOd. 4. Name of the mother of
Dhtarra; g|@g[L[G g. (L[g. 8uLO. 12.). 5. Mother; g. 6. Aunt; gOg.

uLlOd ambigai -> ambik 1 A mother, good woman, also used like as a term of respect or
endearment; Mk.1. -2 N. of a plant ( 2); N. of another plant . -3 N. of
Prvat, wife of iva; [ Ku.6.9. -4 N. of the middle daughter of Krja and
the eldest wife of Vichitravrya. Like her youngest sister she had no progeny, and Vysa begot on her a son named
. -5 Name of a Jaina deity.

uL amb -> uLu amb -> . 1. Prvat, as mother; LOg|. 2. Goddess of virtue; g@uGgOOg.
(@L.) 3. Durg; @dOd.

uLu amb -> ambl (Ved.) A mother;

ambl -> amb A mother; P.VI.1.118.

ambl -> amblik A mother; good woman (as a term of respect or endearment.) -2 N. of a
plant (Mar. ). -3 N. of the youngest daughter of Krja, wife of Vichitravrya. She became the mother of
Pu by Vysa who was invoked by Satyavat to beget a son to Vichitravrya who had died without issue.
0 al-> ay-> G ayya n. Pli, ayya. 1. Sage; @G|OG. (Ll0.) 2. Priest, teacher, preceptor;
_8G. (Ll0.) 3. Brhman; LL LG. (Ll0.) 4. Title of Smrta Brhmans; OuggL Ll[uM
LLLLML. 5. Father; gOg. (Ll0.) 6. Superior person, man of dignity, of respectability;
2GgG. Colloq. 7. Master; O8uGG. 8. King; [8G. 9. Lord Aiyanr @G. (Ll0.)
.G ayya -> ayy n. [T. K. ayya, M. ayyan, Tu. ayye.] 1. Father; gdLLG. Colloq. 2.
Respectable man. g M8GG.

ayyar -> . 1. Men worthy of respect; MLG. @G[ u L0O [@u0|L
ML@gOMGgu (MLQ. g|@ Ou. 30). 2. Sages; @G|O. @ ggG d[M
MuGL (Mg0. ML. 145). 3. Celestials; GgO. (g|O.) 4. Tamil Prppanar LLL. (g|O.) 5. Title
of Smrta Brhmans; OuggLLl[uM LLLL ML. 6. Title of Lingyats; O [O8O LLLL
ML. Ol8dLML@uOu. 7. Title of ordained ministers in the Protestant Churches; Lg| u
G ayya -> G ayy n. Voc. of G, superior person'. A form of address used by people
towards their masters or persons of higher rank in the social scale g|@Og|O[u O[L GL@ gG
(gG 8g.).
ay-> @ ai n. 1. Wonder, astonishment: OlLQ. @Gg uu GG (Mg0. M80. 385, 2O[).
2. Beauty; g@. (Ll0.) 3. Slenderness; MuGOu. @@O g|@ML0 (8|@LM. 13). 4. Minuteness,
subtleness; @MOu. @gg@ gGOul O0GG (g|@O8. 3, 45). 5. Phlegm; GdOg.
@lGG u|L_OLL QM_ (GgO. 812, 7). 6. Bronchitis; dLOlg. @u@g_ LlMllG
0@0d| (L[g. @@@0. 22). 7. The fifth note of the gamut; @u|MG@u @gu @O8lG
O@g@. (g|O.) 8. Lord, master; gO0OG. OGOG@G G|00Gu|G (@_u, 771). 9. Husband;
dMOG. OGd@ ud MgGOGd@ @gO@ (@@. 27). 10. King; [8G. (@L.) 11. Guru,
priest, teacher; _8G. (d. |.) 12. Father; Llg. gGOG G8Og guO[ (8dug. Q.
G@d. 124). 13. A prepared arsenic; 8OO [ LQMu. (Og0O. Og0.)
@ ai -> @G aiya n. 1. Sage; @G|OG. (Ll0.) 2. Priest, teacher, preceptor; _8G. (Ll0.) 3.
Brhman; LL LG. (Ll0.) 4. Title of Smrta Brhmans; OuggL Ll[uM LLLLML. 5.
Father; gOg. (Ll0.) 6. Superior person, man of dignity, of respectability; 2GgG. Colloq. 7. Master;
O8uGG. 8. King; [8G. 9. See @G. (Ll0.)
@GLg| aiya-pi n. Shrine of Aiyar; 8Og Gdl0. @GL g|l 0OG (_, 1, 1, 5).

@G aiya -> @G aiyar n. Name of a guardian deity of the village, who has a cock on his banner and a
riding black horse; d[ Qgg|[G.

@G aiya -> @ aiy n. 1. Father; gdLLG. Colloq. 2. Voc. of @G. Sir; g@OO[
uOgGLOgd@u g@ Olu|LML. 3. Master; gO0OG. g @ OGG
M8GG? Colloq.

@G aiya -> @ aiyar n. 1. Men worthy of respect; MLG. @G[ u L0O [@u0|L
ML@gOMGgu (MLQ. g|@ Ou. 30). 2. Sages; @G|O. @ ggG d[M
MuGL (Mg0. ML. 145). 3. Celestials; GgO. (g|O.) 4. Tamil Prppanar LLL. (g|O.) 5. Title
of Smrta Brhmans; OuggLLl[uM LLLL ML. 6. Title of Lingyats; O [O8O LLLL
ML. Ol8dLML@uOu. 7. Title of ordained ministers in the Protestant Churches; Lg| u

@G aiya -> @0d aiyagar .. Learned Vaiava priest; OOQMO8. 2. Title of
rivaiava Brhmans; OOQMOL Ll[uM LLLLML . (T.A.S. i, 145.)

@0d aiyagar ->0d ayyagr n. Title of Vaiava Brhmans. See @0d.

@ ai -> @G aiy n. Voc. of @G, `superior person'. A form of address used by people towards their masters
or persons of higher rank in the social scale; g@ Olu|LML. @G @0 MdG_O G0G0G
(g|@OlOu. Lg|@ 8|G. 24).

@ ai -> @O aiyai n. 1. Prvat; LOg| (Ll0.) 2. Durg; @dOd. (Ll0.) 3. K; du|. (Ll0.) 4.
Female ascetic; gOLMLM. (@L.) 5. Wife of one's guru; @@Lgg|G|. (Ll0.) 6. Mistress; gO0Ol.
(g|O.) 7. Daughter; udu. (Ll0.)

Langgo, Sudan. Iyo (mother)
Lango, Sudan. Iyo (mother)
@ ai -> @GG aiy n. God, lit., a being of subtle essence; @MMlG. @gg @ gGOul
O0GG (g|@O8. 3, 45).
@ ai -> @MG0 ai-y-eal n. 1. Uttering "@!" expressive (a) of wonder; g|8d @_|LQ. @MG_
uudu (8|0L. 17, O_g@d dL_).: (b) of distress or mental suffering; O@g gd@_|LQ.
@MGGuOlL _ |0u|O8l@d@u (8Od. 1025).: (c) of assent; 2LGLL_@_|LQ. @MG
uGG GGO (8Od. 907). 2. Onom. expression of haste, hurry; OlO[Qd@_|LQ. @MGgGgG@
O (8Od. 1205). 3. Exclamation expressive of rebuke intended to frighten elephant, horse, bull, etc.;
gLL_@_|LQ. Colloq.

@ ai -> @u aiyam n. [M. aiyam.] 1.. Doubt, uncertainty, suspense, scepticism; 8Ggdu. (Mg0. ML.
260.) 2. (Akap.) Theme of doubt arising in one's mind to whether a damsel seen is human or some other lovable
object; dLML@L_O_dgu gG@. (@O_. 2, 2O[, 32.) 3. See @ddL8|. (8|. 8|.
uOO, 3.) 4. See @OMl. (Ll0.) 5. perh. @. Alms; Ll8O8. gLgGOLggO[u
Q@O[0 (g|@O8. 17, 9). 6. Beggar's bowl or gourd; @[LGL d0u. (g|O.). 7. Phlegm, a humour
of the body; 8|G0L_uu.

@LL_ aiya-p-pu . Doubt, uncertainty, suspense, scepticism; 8Ggdu. _|gOO
OLL 00Gg M_@ (@_u, 587).

@OMl aiya-v-ai n. Figure of speech in which a close resemblance between two objects leads to one
of them being spoken of as if it were mistaken for the other; 2OuG 2OGu0du|G
gLQOulG0 @@ O@GL_ GLu Ml. (Mll. 10.)

@OlG aiya-vi n. Question raised in view of Doubt, uncertainty, suspense, scepticism;
8Ggdu @u@gg0OlG. (G. 385, 2O[.)

@QMQ aiya-v-uarvu n. Uncertain knowledge, dist. fr. @MlQMQ; |88u|00
O_|Q. (@O_. 7, 70.)

@_Q aiyuavu n. ( @u + 2@ )-. Doubt, suspicion; 8Ggdu. Mgu|gGd OM_
Qu (@_u, 510).

@@-g0 aiyuu- v. tr. To doubt or suspect; 8Ggd|gg0. @_M_MM@@
M8@u GO_ (L[g. |O[uL8|. 128).

@u aiyam-> u ayam n. Doubt; 8Ggdu. uGGOG . . . uMgg| (g|@O0O.
g|@OlOu. 33, 15).
@G aiya -> @G aiy int. [T. K. M. Tu. ayy.] 1. An exclamation of wonder; g|8d@_|LQ.
(@L.) 2. An exclamation of pity, concern; @[ddd@_|LQ (8Od. 2622, 2O[.) 3. An exclamation
expressive of poignant grief; G8dd @_|LQ. @G Olg_Gd O@gO@G M8gG (dgQ.
G[. 7).
@OG aiyaiy int. (@G + @G). [T. K. M. Tu. ayyayy.] An exclamation of pity, or grief;
uOu ammai -> OOO avvai n. [T. avva, K. avve.] 1. Mother; g. OOOd@ @gg uuG
(8Od. 1046). 2. Old woman; d|gOl. g|uOgu O OOO[L LlggLlMlu OlL@.
3. Woman ascetic; gOLMLM. (@L.) 4. Name of a famous poetess. See gOO. OOO
LL@d@ (L[g. 8|_L. 8).
OOO avvai -> [Marathi] | av ] f ( Mother.) See .
[Marathi] f ( & ) A term of courtesy in addressing or making mention of a Shdra woman:
corresponding to Dame, good woman, mistress.
Gothic (aw) f grandmother
Erzia, Europe. ava
Mordvin, Europe. ava
OOO avvai-> gOO auvai n. 1. [T. K. avva.] Mother, matron, old woman. See OOO. 2. Female
ascetic, especially used of the Jaina sect; _0dOG. gO0 MuOOudLu LMl
Ol0 L_|ggG (8Od. 2637). 3. Name of a famous poetess, author of many verses found in ancient classics
and to whom are ascribed some popular minor moral works also; LOg MLMQ0O@ Mu@O.
(Q_.) gOO.

gOOGGQ auvai-npu n. Secret ceremony performed by some Va women twice a year on a
Tuesday, at midnight, when no males, even babes in arms, are allowed to be present;

gOOG auvaiy int. Alas! expressing pity; uOuG. gOOGMOG@ GLd
(8Od. 1271).

|Marathi] f A term of courtesy in addressing or making mention of a Shdra woman,
corresponding to Dame, good woman, mistress, mother.

gOO auvai-> gOO auvaiyr n. Name of a famous poetess, author of many verses found in ancient
classics and to whom are ascribed some popular minor moral works also; LOg MLMQ0O@ Mu@O.

gOO auvai-> MuuOO mauvai n. gOO. Mother; g. (d. |.)
gOO auvai-> Ol88G avicca n. Father; gOg. N.
Ol88G avicca -> vuka A father (in theatrical language).
Kingindo, Tanzania. awawa
Kivunjo, Tanzania. awu
Marangu, Tanzania. awu
Ngindo, Tanzania. awawa
Vunjo, Tanzania. awu

Akium-Pare, Papua New Guinea. vava, baba
Chimakonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. wawa
Chinimakonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. wawa
Embu, Kenya. vava
Kiembu, Kenya. vava
Makonde, Tanzania, Mozambique. wawa
Matambwe, Tanzania, Mozambique. wawa
Pare, Papua New Guinea. Vava

avus (genitive av); m, second declension
1. grandfather
2. an ancestor
3. an old man

Old Prussian awis, Old Armenian (haw) and Old Irish aue avunculus

1. maternal uncle
2. mother's sister's husband
3. great uncle
4. Catalan: oncle
5. English: avuncular, uncle
6. French: oncle
7. German: ((l|de|Onkel}}
8. Romanian: unchi
9. Romansch: aug

Old Armenian (haw) grandfather

Old Irish aue m grandson

ay-> _ y n. Mother; g. u @O0 0d| OMG QOgGG (@G. 35, 10).

_ y -> _u, yam 1. assembly of women, female attend ants on a lady, ugLLu. 2. A
female companion, Ggg|. 3. Mother, g.

_u-> [Marathi] ya f A mother.

yanr [Marathi] n ( & ) The falling off of an infant from its being put away from its
mother's breast, or from the deterioration of her milk on her conceiving again.

_u-> _g| yandi n. Elder brother's wife: gOuG uOGOl. Loc.

_ y-> _88| ycci n. 1. Mother; g. (_, 6, 1, 4.) 2. Grandmother; LL. 3. Hon. expr. for
woman; MLM. Loc.

_ y-> _u y n. 1. Mother; g. 2. Grandmother; LL. 3. Old woman; @g| Ou. (C.G.) 4.
Mother, nurse, M8Ol0|g g.
_u y -> _ y n. 1. Grandmother; LL. 2. maidservant, nurse gg|, LMlLMLM
English Ayah "native nurse, children's governess," Anglo-Indian, Port. aia, Sp. aya, It. aja, etc., "nurse,"
_ y-> _l yi n. 1. Mother; g. (g|@LQ. 156.) 2. A term of respect, affixed to a woman's name, as
in 8|GGl, MLGGl; g@ uOgO8du. Loc.

_l yi-> [Marathi] f A mother. 2 A term of fondness for an infant. Used
where two courses of action are presented, so similar as to preclude preference or rejection.
Used where one person is generous upon the property of another. 0
Expresses a dilemma or strait; pressure betwixt two difficulties or two authorities.
Used of an idle female of a household forward enough to devour the prepared meal; a female drone.
(Children of one mother.) A term expressing Fraternity or Brotherhood.

prak |Marathi] a Orphan on the mother's side.

b |Marathi] f ( & ) A term of endearment for a kind motherly old woman. Pr.
0 . 2 pl as Old women gen.; mothers and matrons; old wives and gossips.

bpa |Marathi] m pl n pl Mother and father, parents. To abuse (or to
touch and gall) a person through abusing his parents.

m|Marathi]] f A mother comprehensively or indefinitely; any motherly person.

sa |Marathi] f C (Vulgar for ) A mother

Ll@ pidu n. Greatness; ML@Ou. Ll@ug| Og||G@ (g|@OlO8L. g|@uu|. 2, 6).

Ll@ pidu ->Ll@ pidu n. 1. Father; gOg. ug OlOGL Ll@OO (g|O. @_. g|@Ol@g. 95).
2. God; dLQu. (W.) 3. Brahm; Ll[uG. (Ll0.) 4. iva; 8|OG. (Ll0.) 5. Arhat; @dG. (@L.)

pitiy [Hindi] (nm) uncle;

Ll@ pidu ->Ll@ pidur n. 1. Father 2. A class of Devas or Gods in the world of Yama Llg|GgOOg. 3.
Manes; @_g ML_G_ @gG0G _Gu (80. d.)

Ll@ pidur ->Ll@@ piduru n. 1. Father 2. A class of Devas or Gods in the world of Yama Llg|GgOOg. 3.
Manes; @_g ML_G_ @gG0G _Gu.. (W.)

Ll@@ piduru -> pit m. A father;

Father - - pit
- vibhakti
- kavachana
- dvivachana
- Bahuvachana



















Similar to - maat, - pit will come only fewly in dvivachana and mostly in bahuvachana and not in

However the word pit usually denote forefathers or grand father. Compare.
[ n., [ , , \ oblations or sacrifice offerd to deceased ancestors, obsequial
rites; [ Ms.3.252.
1 performance of the rddha cere- mony in honour of the Manes. -2 Brahma's day of new
a cemetery; \ - R.11.16.
N. of a river rising in the Malaya mountain.
the death anniversary; Mb.13.88.1.
1 the whole body of ancestors taken collectively. -2 a class of Manes or deceased progenitors who
were sons of the Prajpati; [ - ]
^ Ms.3. 194-195.
1 a paternal mansion. -2 a cemetery, burial-ground.
[ 1 an oblation to the Manes. -2 the act of throwing water out of the right hand (as at the time of
ablutions) as an offering to the Manes or deceased ancestors; [ [ [
Ms.2.176. -3 sesamum. -4 gifts given at Srddhas or funeral rites. -5 the part of the hand between the
thumb and the fore-finger (sacred to the Manes).
f. the day of new-moon ().
[ 1 N. of the place called Gay where the performance of funeral rites, such as Srddhas in honour
of the Manes, is held to be parti- cularly meritorious. -2 the part of the hand between the fore-finger and the
thumb (considered to be sacred to the Manes).
] father, grand-father and great grand-father
an offering to the Manes.
the day of new-moon ().
a. 1 worshipping forefather. -2 relating to the worship of the Manes. ( ) the divine Manes. -
( ) a. 1 presided over by the Manes. -2 relating to the worship of the Manes. ( ( ) ) N. of
the tenth lunar mansion (). - ( ) a. belonging to the worship of the Manes. ( ( ) ) a
sacrifice offered to the Manes on the day called ; Rm.2.18.14.
the world of the Manes.
m. a paternal grand- father.
worship of the manes; ^ [ - Ms.3.262.
a sacrifice offered to the Manes, obsequial offerings;
Ms.5.65; Mb.16.7.23.
1 obsequial offerings. -2 offering libations of water every day to the deceased ancestors, it is one
of the five daily Yajas enjoined to be per- formed by a Brhmaa; [ Ms.3.1; also
the way of the Manes (to their world).
m., , m. an epithet of Yama.
the world of the Manes.
1 a cemetery; ] [ Mb.12.111.9. -2 death, the abode of death;
Mb.11.3.5. ( 1 a demon, goblin. -2 an epithet of iva).
f., n. a ceme- tery; ] Ku.5.77.
[ the period of performing the obsequious rites for the Manes; Gaea P.2.
^ a worshipper of the Manes. (- ) obsequial rites.
^ obsequial rites in honour of a father or deceased ancestor.
pitka a. 1 Paternal, ancestral, hereditary. -2 Ob- sequial.
pitmat a. 1 Having a father. -2 Having an illus- trious father. -3 Accompanied by or connected
with the Manes. -4 Mentioning the Manes.

pitvya 1 A father's brother, paternal uncle. -2 Any elderly male relation; Ms.2.13. -

Ll@ pidur ->Llg| pidir , n. 1. Father, used in compounds; gOg. Llg|Odd| L L0Gu. 2. A
class of Devas or Gods in the world of Yama Llg|GgOOg. 3. Manes; @_g ML_G_ @gG0G
_Gu. (W.)

Llg|ddLG pidir-k-kaa n. ; Duties to the manes; MgGQ0ggd@8 M80 dLG.
ML__|0G Llg|ddLG (@[@. g|@OO. 2).
Llg|d@uu pidir-karumam n. Obsequies to one's deceased father; gOgd@8 M8u
udd|O. Colloq.
Llg|du pidir-kriyam n. 1. Duties to the manes; MgGQ0ggd@8 M80 dLG
Llg|ddLG. (g. d.) 2. Obsequies to one's deceased father. Colloq.
Llg|d0u pidir-klam n. Proper time of the day for presenting oblations to the manes, viz., from the
18th to the 24th nikai; Ld0 18 g|Odd@Gu0 24 g|Od OO[l@uu@u
Llg|ddOug g|@Lg| M8Og_ @@uG d0u. (W.)
Llg|dGGu pidir-kaam n. Cremation-ground; _d_. (g. d.)

Llg|d|O pidir-kiriyai n. Duties to the manes; MgGQ0ggd@8 M80 dLG.

Llg|8Gu pidir-saam n. Ancestors; @gOg. (g. d.)
Llg|g@LLMu pidir-taruppaam n. 1. Oblation of water to the manes; MgGQ0ggd@8
M8u ddLG. 2. The part of palm between the thumb and fore- finger; ML@Ol[@d@@
L_Ol[@d@u @OLL LLL 2uu0OdL L@g|. (g. d.)
Llg|g|g| pidir-tidi n. 1. Annual ceremony in honour of a deceased father; ugg LlgQd@
_M_Gg@u @_g g|g|l_ M8u 8L0@. (W.) 2. Newmoon day; u OO8.
(g. d.)

Llg|g|Gu pidir-tiam n. (W.) 1. Special day on which oblations are offered to the manes;
uOO8GLG_ Llg|ddLG M8g_@ g|G0du. 2. The day of the annual
ceremony of a deceased ancestor; Llg| dLG M8u u. 3. The tenth nak- atra. udu.

Llg|g ggu pidir-rttam n. 1. Water poured to the right of a person in making offerings to the manes;
_LdL ML@Ol[0 du|G @OLOg|G Llg|GgOOgdOu 2gGg8|g@
O0LQ_ud Ol_u . 2. Gay; dO. (g. d.) 3. The part of palm between the thumb
and fore- finger; ML@Ol[@d@@ L_Ol[@d@u @OLL LLL 2uu0OdL L@g|.
(g. d.)

Llg|GgOOg pidir-tvadai n. A class of Devas or Gods in the world of Yama; Llg|@0dgg|0
O@u g@8 GgO 8g| .

Llg|GgO pidir-tvar n. See Llg|GgOOgdu. (g. d.)
Llg|u pidir-n n. ; 1. Special day on which oblations are offered to the manes;
uOO8GLG_ Llg|ddLG M8g_@ g|G0du. 2. The day of the annual
ceremony of a deceased ancestor; Llg| dLG M8u u. 3. The tenth nak- atra. udu.
(_8[d. 49.) (Ll0.)
Llg|Lgu pidir-padam n. 1. See Llg|@0du. (W.) 2. South; Mg_@. (g. d.)

Llg|Lg| pidir-padi n. Yama, believed to be the Lord of the manes; [Llg|[ dgd@g gO0OG]
uG. (g. d.)
Llg|LlMLu pidir-piam n. Ball of rice offered to the manes; Llg|[dd|_u G8_@MOL.
Llg|Llg| pidir-pitir n. Father's father; gOgOL ML__ LLLG. (g. d.)

Llg|ug|[u pidir-mandiram n. Tomb, mausoleum; LlG[gd@g|lGGu_ dL LLLLL
uMLLu. (g. d.)

Llg|OGu pidir-vaam n. Cremation-ground; _d_. (Ll0.)

Llg|OGG[G pidir-vacura n. 8|OLl[G. (g. d.)

Llg|[ pitirar n.. A class of Devas or Gods in the world of Yama; Llg|@0dgg|0 O@u g@8 GgO
8g| / Llg|GgOOg. (@_u, 43, 2O[.)

Llg|[8[u pidir-sram n. 1. Observance of the ceremonies pertaining to the manes; Llg|[d@L
Q0 dLGdu. (g. d.) 2. The course of conduct observed by one's ancestors;
@gOgG g@dd@O_. Loc.

Llg|[ pitirar -> pitra (pl.) -1 Fore-fathers, ancestors, fathers; -2 Paternal ancestors taken collectively; -3
The Manes; R.2.16;3.2;

pitarau (dual) Parents, father and mother; [ - R.1.1; Y.2.117.

The word pitarau in Sanskrit actually means two fathers. However, the same artificially denoted father and
mother collectively as parent.

Llg|[ pitirar -> .oo pitara or .ooac: .ooac: .ooac: .ooac: pita. [Telugu] n. A father. ooc . . ooco . ooco . ooco . ooco pitara-dora.
n. The lord of our fathers, Yama. oc:c:. . cv: . cv: . cv: . cv: piau. (another form of .ooac:.) n. The
manes or ghosts of forefathers. Charitr. i. 1526. .ooac: .ooac: .ooac: .ooac: pitarulu. n. Deceased or departed
ancestors, .ocLoc:.

. ooac: . ooac: . ooac: . ooac: pitarulu-> .ooac: petarulu. [Telugu] n. plu. Forefathers or ancestors. .ocLoc:.
.ooac`D the lord of the ancestors, i.e., Yama, oc:c:. .ooacc:s_ the constellation called
c;<o c:. ".ooac<_c<:c: OOc` O0.oD ss:cs:<: ce: soa_co." Vma. iii. 191.
Ll@ pidu-> Llg pid n. 1. Father; gOg. ug LlgOd| (GgO. 1227, 7). 2. God; dLQu. (W.)
3. Brahm; Ll[uG. (Ll0.) 4. iva; 8|OG. (Ll0.) 5. Arhat; @dG. (@L.)

Llg pid -> .o pita pita. n. A father. ooc .

Llgddu pitkka n. Fathers, ecclesiastical authorities, dignitaries of the church;
d|_|O@OdGdl_ @@u. Chr.

LlgLLlgddu pit-p-pitkka n. Forefathers, ancestors; @gOg. (W.)

LlgudG pitmaga n. 1. Paternal grandfather; gOgOLML__ LLLG. (Ll0.) 2.
Brahm; Ll[uG. OGOO[ Gdd|L LlgudG GLd|G_G (duL[. g|@OO.

Llgud| pitmagi n.. Paternal grandmother; gOgOLML__ LL.

u@LLlgudG mdu-p-pidmaga , n. Mother's paternal grandfather; glGLLLG.
(G8@Q. @[. 55.)

u@LLl[LlgudG mdu-p-pirapid- maga, n. Mother's paternal great-grandfather; glG
MdL LLLG. (G8@Q. @[. 55.)

ML periya adj. [T. M. peru, K. piriya, Tu. pr.] 1. Large, great; MLgG. ML Gu@OO[G
8|O0 uO0Q__ (GgO. 1114, 9). 2. Elder; @gg. ML g. 3. Important; great;

ML periya -> ML@uG perum n. 1. Nobleman, great person; ML@Oul_8|_GgG. (Ll0.)
2. [M. perumn.] King; [8G. (g|O.) 3. Elder; elder brother; @gGgG. (g|O.) 4. God, as, iva,
Viu; dLQu. (g|O.) ML@u @O[ LlgGgu (duL[. |@uLO0. 143). 5. Lady;
ML@uL. g0d Ol@LLl_ _uML@uG (8Od. 2608).

ML@uL perumi n. Fem. of ML@ uG. Lady, mistress, princess; gO0Ol. (g|O.)

ML periya -> Ll[G pir n. [M. pirn.] 1. Lord, king, chief, master; gO0OG. GdOMu _@
Gu@u Ll[MGGL (GgO. 640, 7). 2. God;

Ll[L piri n. Fem. of Ll[G. 1. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. @0O0LLl[L (g|O.
8. 10, 4). 2. Goddess; GgOl. OuLl[L g|@ OGu_ MLG@8|0uLl_ 8|0uLl
(g|@O8. 7, 16).

ML periya + ug md-> Ll[ug piramd n. Maternal grandfather; ugudG.(one who is great
or elder to his mother) (g. d.)

ML periya -> (ML ugudG periyamdmaga) -> Ll[ugudG piramdmaga n. Great
grandfather of one's mother; glG gOgOg|LLLLG. (g. d.)

Ll[ugud| piramdmagi n. Fem. of Ll[ugudG. Great grandmother of one's mother;
glG gOgOg|L LL.

Same rule is followed by Serbian language. Serbian language uses pra for grand relation to denote greatness.

grandmother - baba
great grandmother - prababa

granddaughter - unuka
great granddaughter - praunuka

grandfather - deda
great grandfather - pradeda

grandson - unuk
great grandson praunuk

Greek language uses the word pro to denote great relation& great grand and not grand

Grandmother: (a'a); diminutive: (a'ula) or (aa'kula)*.
Grandfather: (pa'pus); diminutive: (pa'pulis) or (papu'lakos)*.

Great-grandfather: (pro'papos) or (pro'papus).

Great-grandmother: (proa'a).

Great-greatgrand...: ... (propro...)

L_ pau adj. Big; great; ML. L_8|OG (d. 11).

L_ pau -> (LLLG paa)-> LLLG pa n. [M. pan.] 1. Grandfather; ML_G_G gOg.
gOg gG LLLG LL (LGG|@L. 179). 2. Ancestor, grandsire; @GGGG.

LLLG pa -> LLL p n. 1. Grandfather; ML_G_G gOg. gOg gG
LLLG LL (LGG|@L. 179). 2. Ancestor, grandsire; @GGGG. LLLGdMl. (g.

LL pi n. Fem. of LLLG. 1. Grandmother; ML_G_G g. gOg gG LLLG
LL (LGG|@L. 179). 2. Aged woman; d|gOl. uLOLL LLg gLLl (L L. 10, 37).

_ pri . adj. Much, many; abundant; numerous; great, important; u|dd. 0@ Gdgg|[LML
_88|G[LLu (Ll[GLg. 11, 91).--n. 1. Abundance; u|@g|. _Mdu MM@u (dgQ. @[L.
OOg. 35). 2. bhri- dna. _gL8|OM. _GdlG Gu_M80 (2LGg8d. 8|Og@G[.
195). 3. Gold; MLG. (g|O.) Lu_ G8gg| (duL[. OlOLMd_g. 1). 4. (Arith.) The total;
Muggu. _d g@ g|@ Oud@L _M0@ d0GG @MlLLgddd (S. I. I. ii, 128). 5. A
quintillion; g@ GLM[M. (Ll0.)

_ pri -> (_ pi) -> _LLG pa n. Great-grandfather; LLL@d@g gdLLG.
_L pi n. Fem. of _LLG. Great- grandmother; LLLOGL ML__ g.
L _ pu n. [T. bru.] 1. Greatness; ML@Ou. L _Md@ M80O u@ dMGM (Lg|_ @L. 50, 26).
2. Might, strength; O0|Ou. M M@ @L@MuG L _ (@_u, 1088).

L _ pu -> L LLG pa n. 1. Great grandfather; @[MLu LLLG. (W.) 2. Great grandson;
@[MLu GL[G. (W.) 3. Grandfather; LLLG. (g. d.)

L L pi n. Fem. of L LLG. Grandmother; LL. (g. d.)

@88u ccam n. Eminence; 2Q. MOOO G[88u ML@d (Lg|_@L. 41, 20).

@88u ccam -> (@88G cca)-> @LLG a n. Great-great-grand-father; LLL@d@L
LLLG. Parav.

@L i , n. fem. of @LLG. Great-great-grand-mother; LLd@L LL. Parav.

ML periya adj. [T. M. peru, K. piriya, Tu. pr.] 1. Large, great; MLgG. ML Gu@OO[G
8|O0 uO0Q__ (GgO. 1114, 9). 2. Elder; @gg. ML g. 3. Important; great;
@dd|uG. ML du.

ML@ peridu n. [K. piridu.] That which is great, big or large; ML@. GOu dL0|_ ML@ (@_u,
103).--adv. Greatly; u|d Qu. d00@Ou MLMgG (d0|g. 27).

ML@ peridu -> (Ll@ peridu )->Ll[gu|dG pirtamika n. Elder brother; @GLl_GgG. (80.

ML@ peridu -> (Ll@ peridu )->Ll[g pird n. Brother; 8Gdg[G. Ll[gddu u[ @0u
(2gg[[. @[OMGLl_. 42).
Ll[g pird -> bhrt m. [ - ; cf. U.2.96.] 1 A brother. -2 An intimate friend or relation. -3 A
near relative in general. -4 A term of friendly address (my good friend); Bh.3.37;2.34;
Moha M.3.
bhrtka a. Relating to a brother.

bhrtvya A brother's son, nephew.

bhrttvam Brotherhood, fraternity.

bhrtvala a. Having a brother or brothers.

] bhrtrya & ] bhrtrya a. Fraternal.

] bhrtrya ] bhrtrya A brother's son, nephew.

bhrtryam Fraternity, brotherhood;

Sanskrit pundits wrongly give the following etymology for brother..

bhrj 1 . ( ) To shine, gleam, flash, glitter; [ Bk.14.78;15.24. -Caus. To
illuminate, irradiate. -With to shine brilliantly or intensely; [ Ratn.1.21.

In Tamil, the words Ll[gu|dG and Ll[g pird are denoting elder brother only. However in Aryan
languages, it is general term to denote elder or younger brothers.

ML periya ->MLO periyavar n. [K. piriyavar.] 1. The great; 2Gg. MLO GdMOu
LlO_GL0 . . . @u (0, 125). 2. The aged; @g|O. Loc. 3. Ancestors; @G GG.
O0du MLO GgOOgg _Og|.

ML periya -> MLOu periyava n. 1. Elderly woman; O@ @g|gOu. 2. A girl who has
attained puberty; @@@OGOu.
ML periya -> ML periyr n. [K. piriyar.] 1. The aged; @gGg. 2. The great; 8|_Gg.
ML ML@Ou 8|@ gOdOu (0, 170). 3. Saints, sages; @G|. ML@u LMlg
g (@_u, 381, L. O.). 4. Kings; [8. ML uOGdg@u . . . OM0d
@[OO[0 dML0 (_8[d. 73).
ML periya ->MLG periyr n. 1. The aged; @gGg. 2. The great; 8|_Gg. 3. Saints, sages;
@G|. 4. Kings; ML G dM_ OdOlLL u0 (0, 43). (g|O.)

ML periya -> MLGG periy n. 1. Great man; 2GgG. d@OMlG_ MLG
MG@OG (g|@O8. 44, 2). 2. God, as the Great; dLQu. Ll_OdOdL MLGG
Gdl@u (8|0L. 5, 169).

ML periya -> ML@O peruvar n. Great persons; ML@OuOLO. ML@O[ O_
Ou (GgO. 852, 9).

ML@gOg peru-n-tdai n. MLLLG. ML@gOg M8000 . . . OG|dLL
(LdOg. 1, gGuQgg|[. 41).

ML@g peru-n-ty n. MLg. ML@g OgL Q@gG (2LGg 8d. 8|OOl[g.

MLguLl[G periya-tampir n. 1. Chief among the Non-Brahmin aiva ascetics of a mutt;
guLl[@u gO0O. (W.) 2. A form of iva, worshipped by washer- men and others; OMM
@g0|G OM0@u 8|O@ggu. (W.) 3. A form of Goddess Durg; 0duuOu. Tj.

MLgO0 periya-talai n. A prominent person; MLOG. Colloq.

MLgGdd[G periya-taa-k-kra n. 1. Village headman; d|[u uMl d[G. (R. T.) 2.
Hereditary headman of a caste; 8g|ggO0OG. Loc. 3. Mirasdar, chief landholder in a village;
d|[ugg|0 @dd| |08 OGg. (R. T.)

MLgGu periya-taam n. 1. Dignity, honour; ML@Ou. (W.) 2. Pride, arrogance, haughtiness;
GuLOu. (W.) 3. Superintendence; Gu_LOO. (W.) 4. See MLgGdd[G. Colloq.

MLg periya-ty n. 1. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 2. Wife of father's elder brother;
gOglG @gg 8Gdg[G@ uOGOl.

MLgl periya-tyi n. A village goddess; g@d|[uGgOOg. (G. Sm. D. I, i, 120.)
MLLL88| periyappacci n. (ML+ LL88|.) 1. Senior paternal uncle; gdLL@OL
@gg8Gdg[G. 2. Mother's elder sister's husband; glG gudOd Q@QG.. Loc.

MLLLG periyappa n. (ML + LLG). (W.) 1. Senior paternal uncle; gdLL@OL
@gg8Gdg[G. 2. Mother's elder sister's husband; glG gudOd Q@QG.

MLLL periyapp , n. (ML + LL.) 1. Senior paternal uncle; gdLL@OL
@gg8Gdg[G. 2. Mother's elder sister's husband; glG gudOd Q@QG.

MLLl[L periya-piri n. Lakm, as chief consort of Viu; @0d@u| GgOl.
MLLl[L Ldd0GLG0 (_, 10, 10, 6).

MLuu periyamm n. (ML + uu). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc..

MLuuu periyamm n. (ML + uuu). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc.

MLuuG periyamm n. ((ML + uuG). 1. Eldest of mother's brothers; gLG Ll_g
8Gdg[@u @ggOG. (W.) 2. Father's elder sister's husband; gOgd@ @gg 8GdglG

MLuOu periyammai n. (ML + uOu). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc. Colloq. 4. Small- pox, personified as a deity; OO@OOd.
Colloq. 5. Goddess of Misfortune; @GgOl. uL0 ML uOu OdGGu (gG|LL. i, 96, 17).

ML88| periyycci n. (ML + _88|). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc.

MLl periyyi n. (ML + _l). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc.

MLggu periytt n. (ML + _ggu). 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@
@gg8Gdg[G uOGOl. 2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or
mistress of a house; O L_d@ O@uG|. Loc.

MLgOg periyttai n. 1. Senior paternal uncle's wife; gdL L@d@ @gg8Gdg[G uOGOl.
2. Mother's elder sister; glG @gg8Gdg. 3. The elderly lady or mistress of a house; O L_d@
O@uG|. Loc.

GL ; pr n. Largeness; ML@Ou. (d. |.)

GL pr n. [T. pru, K. pesar, M. pr.] 1. Name; uu. GL@u Ll_|gd|g g gguu
(0, 175). 2. Person, individual; _u. _GLO[d dg| (duL[. 8[L0. 30). 3. Living
thing; Ll[Ml. OluLl_ M80OGg GL M80@ (duL[. dL. 156). 4. Praise,
fame; Qdg. GL L[g Ll[uQ[ GuOl MLuuG (GgO. 62, 3). 5. That which is nominal;
mere name or pretext; Ol@u. [6|dOdd@ g@ GL d@u GOM_O@ (_, 9, 3,

GL pr -> GLgg| prtti n. Fem. of GL[G. 1. Grand-daughter; GLgg|. 2. Grandmother; LL. Loc.

GLgg| prtti -> GLgg| ptti n. Grand-daughter; GLgg|. GLgg|u@M_ LM@u (LMOl_.

GL pr ->GL[G pra n. 1. Grandson, as bearing the grandfather's name; udG 00@ udu|G
Qgg|[G. 2. Grandfather; LLLG. 20du GL[Gg GgOL M@gGg d|0 (MLQ.
g_ggL. 60).

GL ; pr -> (GLO ; per) -> (GL ; par) -> ML peyar n. [T. pru, K. Psar/Hesaru, M. pyar, Tu.
pudru.] 1. Name, appellation, designation, epithet; uu. u_O ML@u L _ Mu@g| (d. 67). 2.
Reputation, renown, celebrity, fame; Qdg. ML@uML uu| (d0|g. 17). 3. Greatness; ML@Ou.
(@L.) 4. Person; _u. OggOG ML Ogdu? 5. Shape, form; OQ. gM0G@u
MLM[_ (LL. 3, 31). 6. Property, substance; ML@u. ML__ ML@uML L0Od l@
(Lg|_@L. 90, 23). 7. Treatise dealing with poru; ML@u|0ddM0 @ @0. M8_ML
LL0 GduOl (Lg|_@L. 21, 1). 8. Alleged cause, pretext; Ol@u. g|@ Olg MOGLGg
ML[0 (d@8|LQ. d[. 70). 9. Vow; O@8|Gu. ML@GOMuGL ML Md_g@
(LLGL. 289). 10. (Gram.) See ML8M80. (Mg0. O@g. 180.) 11. (Gram.) Nominative case;
@g0GO_@Ou. OOgu ML @ M_ @ (Mg0. M80. 64).
ML peyar-> ML[G peyara n. 1. One who bears a name; MLO[OLOG. OOg
ML[OG (d0|g. 81). 2. Grandson, as bearing the grandfather's name; udG 00@ udu|Lu
Ll_g Qgg|[G. gG|ddgO0L ML[OG (duL[. g|d. 117). 3. Grandfather; LLLG.
ML peyar-> MLgg| peyartti n. Fem. of ML [G. 1. Grand-daughter, as bearing the same name as her
grandmother; uddu Ol_ @LMLM. 2. Grandmother; LL. (J.)
Similarly the word daughter is also derived.
@0dOg tugadai n.. Height, elevation; 288|. (J.) 2. Dignity, greatness; ML@Ou. @0dOg
gGMG_ gM MM M_g|_G_ (dgQ. @[MLL. @[. 225).
@0dOg tugadai -> @d|Og tugidai n. Daughter; udu.
@d|Og tugidai -> duhit / Duhit f. A daughter

Sanskrit pundits are citing ( ) as the etymology of duhit . However there is no relationship
between them and citation is not suitable for the etymology of daughter.if it so, the word duhit will mean one
who is milking.

duh means,
I. 2 U. (, , - . - or , - , , ) 1 To milk or squeeze out, extract
(with two acc.); [ ] Ku.1.2;
Bk.8.82; 12.73; R.5.33. -2 To draw anything out of another (with two acc.);
Bk.6.9. -3 To drain a thing of its contents, to make profit out of;
R.1.26. -4 To yield or grant (any desired object); [ U.5.31. -5
To enjoy. -Caus. (- ) To cause to milk. -Desid. ( - ) To wish to milk;
Bh.2.46. -II. 1 P. () To hurt. pain, distress.
If the Sanskrit pundits are not willing to accept and wish to cite the meaning of co-sharer/ heiress, like
bhagin, then the Tamil word @du tugam is the right word for the origin of duhit.

bhagin [ ] ] $ ] 1 A sister. -2 A fortunate woman. -3 A
woman in general.
Compare: draka a. ( drik f.) [ - ] Breaking, tearing, splitting; .
1 A boy, a son. ( drik) A girl, a daughter
Son and daughter share the property of the father.

@u|-g0 tumi- v. intr. 1. To be cut off, severed; MOL_M@g0. [Ol G@gO0 @u|
(Q_. 211). 2. To perish; to be crushed; g|g0. OLuLl @u| (d. 254).

@u|-g0 tumi- > (@uu tumam) ->@du tugam n. 1. [T. tukamu.] Plot of land; |0ggd@. Loc. 2. Share,
as in a partition or lottery; L0@. gg @du @d@ Ol@g@. Loc.
@du tugam -> @d| tugi-> @d|Og tugidai n. Daughter; udu.
@d|Og tugidai -> Duhit f. A daughter

@u|-g0 tumi- >@d| tugi-> (@d|g|@ tugitiru)-> duhit f. A daughter
@u|-g0 tumi- >@d| tugi-> (@d|g|@ tugitiru)-> (@d|@@ tugituru)-> )-> (@@@@ tuguturu)->
soaoa kturu or soa soa soa soa ktu. [Telugu] n. A daughter. ccsoaoa a woman, a female. .oc soaoa a
@du tugam -> ( duha) -> ] druha A son.

@d| tugi-> ( duh) -> ] druh A daughter.
Later, by relating (using pronouns) kins are addressed.
1st Person :
Singular: Naan- G (I) / Suffix - ean - G
Plural : Naam - u (We) including the listener(s)
: Naangal- 0du (We) listener not included.
Suffix - om - @u

2nd Person:
Singular: Nee- (you)/ verb suffix - aai (_)
Plural : Neengal- 0du (you) (also used for singular to show respect)/ verb suffix - eergal (du)
'Thaangal' 'g0du' would be a more courteous term for 'neengal' that may used in written form mainly while
submitting written submissions to higher authorities. Thangal (g0du) would be the objective form of Thaangal.

3rd Person:
1. avan (he)OG/ verb suffix = aan (_G)
aval (she) Ou/ verb suffix = aal (_u)
Plural avar (he/she with respect) O/ verb suffix = aar (_) & avargal (they) Odu/ verb suffix = aargal

2. adhu (it)- @/ verb suffix adhu (@)
Plural avai (they) OO/ verb suffix = ana G
Class Pronouns Possessive (oblique) form
I person singular
G I OG my
I person plural (inclusive)
u we u our
I person plural (exclusive)
0du we O0du our
II person singular (impolite/intimate)
you 2G your
II person plural (polite)
0du ( you 20du your
II person plural (equals)
you 2u your
III person singular masculine
OG he OG his
III person singular masculine (polite)
O he O his
III person singular feminine
Ou \ she Ou her
III person singular feminine/masculine
Odu they-human Odu their-human
Neuter singular
@ it gG its
Neuter plural
OO they-neut. OOdu - their-neut
Question word - human
who /@OL yaarootewhose
Question word - neuter
O@ which
whose (its)

First Person (I)
Dual- plural
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Oblique forms of First person G. gGOuL MLG GO_@Ou du Form that the
pronoun G takes in declension in oblique-cases;
G u 0du
G - OG u Ou 0du-O0du
G-G u-u 0du-0du

GO_@Oud @@ddu:
Singular (I) archaic Possessive (oblique) format
G -> OG.
G -> OG.
G -> G.
Plural (We)
u -> Ou.
u -> Ou.
u -> u.

Kinship names formed based upon the pronoun My/our
1. a) G G G G - -- -> G G G G. .. .
G na [genitive of G] My. The form which n assumes before case-suffixes.
The following relations are named by a caller to address his own/direct maternal or paternal as they are co-brother or
co-sister of his/father or mother. Those who are not his/father or mothers sister or brother will not be called by the
following names.
GML@u na-poru n. My Son; udG. 0Od Ldd GOM_ GML@L d|[0d0
GOML (8Od. 267).
Gu88G na-macc n. Son of my maternal uncle; uuG udG. (J.)
Gu88|G| na-maccii n. Daughter of my maternal uncle; guuG udu. (W.)
Gu8GG na-maccua n. Son of one's maternal uncle; 0 0uuG Qg0OG. (S. I. I. ii, 439.)
Gu@dG na-maruga , n. Son of a man's sister/My or a woman's/My brother; M8g u@udG. (J.)
Gu@d| na-marugi n. Daughter of a man's/My sister or a woman's/My brother; g@O@d@8
8Gdgudu 00@ g@g g|d@8 8Gdg[G udu. (W.)
GuuG na-mma , n. My Maternal uncle; gLG Ll_g uuG. (J.)
Guu| na-mmi , n. My Paternal aunt; gOgLGLl_g gOg. (J.)
0Od nagai n. (G + Od) 1. [M. naa.] My Lady, woman of quality or distinction; MLM Ml_
8|_gu. (@L.) 0d M@g|[ (g|O. g|@LL. 14). 2. My Son's wife; udG uOGOl.
OG @L G0Od 0 d|@dMdGg Mg@@ (8|0L. 16, 14). 3. My Elder brother's wife; MMG
uOGOl. Cm. 4. Large milkwort. See ML0Od. (uO0.)
0Od88| nakai-ncci n. (0Od 88|). My Lady of distinction; gO0Ol. (W.)
G na (my ) + gG ndar -> nanand & nannd 1 A husband's sister; -2 A wife's

] nnndr] A husband's sister's son.

b). G G G G - -- -> G G G G-> 0 0 0 0

00LLG nal-l-appa , n. Paternal uncle; gOgLG Ll_gOG. (J.)
00uuu nal-l-amm , n. Maternal aunt; gLG Ll_gu. (J.)
00uuG nal-l-amm, n. Maternal uncle; gLG Ll_gG. Colloq.
0088| nal-l-ycci , n. Maternal aunt or wife of a paternal uncle; 8|_|g @O_u. (J.)
G G G G-> c < [ mna ] mna. [Tel.] n. Relationship through a paternal aunt, or a maternal uncle, or
through a sister. adj. Connected or related through a maternal uncle or paternal aunt, or through a sister.
c<s`cc: c<s`cc: c<s`cc: c<s`cc: mna-kalu. n. A niece, the daughter of a man's sister or of a woman's brother.
cn.yOs c`cc:e <csoaoa.
c<o c<o c<o c<o mn-atta. n. An aunt, a father's sister, or the wife of a maternal uncle. ooc c`cc:e <c ,
c<cL c<cL c<cL c<cL mna-bva. n. The son of a father's sister, or of a mother's brother, who is thus called if
older than oneself. c <o c <cccs`c:s:.
c<cocc: c<cocc: c<cocc: c<cocc: mna-maradalu. n. The daughter of a father's sister or of a mother's brother, who is
thus called if younger than oneself. c<o c <ccsoaoa.
c<coc c<coc c<coc c<coc mna-maraidi. n. The son of a father's sister or of a mother's brother, who is thus
called if younger than oneself. c<o c <ccs`c:s:.
c<cocc: c<cocc: c<cocc: c<cocc: mena-mma. n. A maternal uncle. o0 c`cc:e <ce:.
c<o sc: c<o sc: c<o sc: c<o sc: mna-rikamu. n. The relationship that exists between a man and his father's sister's or
his mother's brother's family, c<o soaoa c <cc s`c:s:c:n <:occc:.
c<c: c: c<c: c: c<c: c: c<c: c: mnalluu. n. A nephew, son of a man's sister or of a mother's brother.
c`cc:e <cs`c:s:, escs: c`cc:e <cs`c:s:.
c<Lc - c<Lc - c<Lc - c<Lc - mna-vadine. n. The daughter of a father's sister or of a mother's brother, who is thus
called if older than oneself. c<o c<cccsoaoa.
2. u u u u - -- -> u u u u. .. .
u nam [genitive of u.] Our. The form which nm assumes before case-suffixes; u OGL@
GO_ @Ou@QdOu _@uGL@ OLu 2@Ou.--part. An infix added to the word
ellm</I> uyartiai; O00u OG_ M80 2g|OMlG @ 2@GL_@uGL@
Mdug@ 8O. 2g|OM l Guu|OL O@Gu (Mg0. O@g. 190).
u nam-> uuOG, s. [uu|LOG, u@u OG.] One of ours, an adherent.
u nam-> uLG namba n. 1. The elite among our men, used as a term of respect; _Ml_ 8|_GgG.
(Ll0.) . uLG M80@ u|@u (8Od. 363). 2. Our God; dLQu. uLGG M0du GdGO
(GgO. 954, 1). 3. Our Lord Siva; 8|OG. (@L.) uLG u@0G MOuOuO MMlGG
(duL[. __@L. 3).

u nam-> uLG namb , n. The elite among our men, used as a term of respect; _Ml_ 8|_GgG.
(Ll0.) uLG. uLG Gu GGd GL@ u[0du (GgO. 908, 1).
u nam-> uLl nambi n. 1.. The elite among our men, used as a term of respect; _Ml_ 8|_GgG.
(Ll0.) @MuO0 0@ML uLl (8Od. 1796). 2. A perfect soul; _[MG. O_ @ |G_
uLl (g|O. MLg|. 7, 1, 1). 3. The supreme Being; dLQu. 4. A term of endearment; g@ M80OL
ML. uLl Ll_gG ML0|d 0d|Ou (uMl. 13, 21).
u nam-> uLlG nambiy n. |M. nambiy.] The title of officiating temple- priests;
Gdl0@88dG LLLLML. OOdG8 uLlO[ |d[_|g@ (GdlM0. 43).

u nam-> uLl[G nam-pir n. 1. Our Lord; gO0OG. 2. Our God; dLQu. 3. Horse, as vehicle of
deities; OdGd@g|O[. @g|O[l00g __ d@Og uLl[G. Loc.

uLl[L nambiri n. Fem. of u Ll[G. 1. Queen, consort; [8GGgOl. 2. Goddess;
dLQu GgOl. uLl[L 2u L[GuO (S. I. I. iii, 16).
uLl[L nam-piriyr n. 1. Queen, consort; [8GGgOl. 2OL
[@ [@GgO

uLl[L (S. I. I. i, 91). 2. Goddess; dLQu GgOl. uLl[L 2u
L[GuO (S. I. I. iii, 16).

uLluOu nambiai n. A celebrated Vaiava crya whose exposition of Tiruvy-moi was the basis of
the commentary known as u; _ OG@Og0@u g|@OMug|

uML@uu nam-perum n. Viu worshipped at rragam; g|@O[0dg@g g|@u0.
uML@uu uugO (2LGg8[g. 50).

uugO nam-m-vr n. A Vaiava saint, author of Tiruvymoi and other works, foremost of ten
vr, q.v.; _g Odu Lg|Gu@u gO0OuGO@u g|@OMug| @g0|
Ll[Lg0du|G _8|@uG g|@u0. (2LGg8[g. 50.)

u nam-> u@uuOG nam-m-uava n. One of our men; u@OLOG. Loc.

1. u -> Ou.

Ou em pron. The oblique of u to which case-endings are usu. affixed, as Ou Ou, Ouu0; 'u'
OGL@ GO_@OuLL_Od l_ _|g|@d@u |O0.

Ou em + _ y = yy n. Mother; g. @G_|_ GLd @g|OlGu u (Q_.

Kanuri, Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon, Nigeria. ya
Wolof, Senegal, Mauritania. yaay

OuLl[L em-piri n. (OuLl[L). Our lady; O0du gO0Ol. OuLl[Lg|@OGu_
MLG G@8|0uLl0 (g|@O8. g|@MOu. 16).

OuLl[G em-pir n. Our lord; Ou _MLOG. OuLl[GG MGOGu O (g|O.
MLg|. 10, 3, 2).

OuML@uG em-perum n. (Ou Ll[G). Our lord; Ou _MLOG OuML@uGG
MuOu Mu|gg| G (8Od. 294).

OuML@uG em-perumr n. (Vaiava.) Rmnujchrya; @[u@8. _uOg[d
dGL MuuML@uGd@ (QLL. 280, 18).

OuuOG em-m-aai n. (Ou + GOG). Our mother; Ou g. g uL@L_ MuuuOG O
[u (ML@0 2@O8d. 33, 169).

OuuGG em-m-ar n. (Ou. + GGG). 1. Those like ourselves, our party; OuOu MggO.
OuuGGOL Ll_O0uGg (Q_. 210). 2. We; 0du. uuuM@8g
MguuGGd Md@ gO0 (Q_. 53).

OuuG em-m n. ( Ou uG) suff. 1. Our lord; Ou Ou|. OOgG MuuGG
MGM_G G_0d| (g. _d[. 6). 2. Our father; Ou gOg. Ouu MGuuOGMG_Gd
MdLLOG8 8Od (GgO. 322, 3).

Ou@G em-mu n. ( Ou + @G). Our elder brother; OG gOuG. Ou@G MOL G
(duL[. Luu|. 89).
OuOu em-m-ai n. (Ou @). Our lord, our master; OgO0OG. |O_MuOu (_M _|8.
Ou em -> OuOuG emmaiyr n. Our party, those connected with us; OuuO. Ou OuG
[OGO@u (duL[. 8LQl. 48).

Ou em -> OuGuG emm n. Our master; Ou@OL gO0OG. OuGuG . . . @_O ML@
udG (Q_. 157).

Ou em -> Ou emar n. Our relatives; our friends; those like us; OuuO. OuG[Mg@ Ll_LQu (g|O.
g|@O. 2, 7, 1).

Ou[0du emaraka n. Our relatives; our friends; those like us; Ou. @__LL GLlG
M[u[0du (g|@OlOu. Ol@gg@. 22).

Ou em -> OuG ema n. He who is one of us; he who is for us; OuOu8G8gOG. (G. 275,

OOOO evvai n (Ou OOO). Our younger sister; Ou g0Od. OOOOdMdOG ML gu|d@
MuGL (@0@@. 89).
2. G G G G - -- -> OG OG OG OG
OG e n. 1. From that the pronoun G takes in declension in oblique. cases; G OGL@
GO_@OuLL_Odl0 OL g|Q. 2. part. Ending of the 1st pers. sing. verb; gGOu
M@Oul0 O@u OlOGOl@g|. (G. 331.) 3. Expl. ending in nilai-maila-ciriyapp; @
O8. (L. 74, 2O[.)
OuLl embi n. (OG + LlG) My younger brother; OG guLl. OuLlO l0@LML_G_G (8Od.
OGOG eai n. (OG + @.) 1. My father; OG Llg. OGOGd@d d0gMg_ M80O Gg
(d0|g. 108). 2. My master, my lord; OG gO0OG. |O[M_O@2 MuGOGd@ (Q_.
262). 3. My mother; OG g. |GMG@8 MuGOG M@8dL ML_|G (d0|g. 107).
OuuG em-m n. (OG + udG). My son; OG udG. OuuGG GgG_|G MGOG
Mu|gg|G (8Od. 1801).
Kinship names formed based upon the pronoun you/your
1. 2u [ um ]
2u [ um ] A modifi cation of the pronoun / u when it is declin ed in the different cases--as, 2uOu, 2u
u0, &c.
2u umar n. Your friends and relations; 2uuO. 2u @|g|MdM@ (g|@d Gd. 268).

2u um + _ y -> Gu my n. Mother; g. (Ll0.) 2GGulG O@gg@u (g|O. ML@
uu. 9, 9).

Gu my -> Mu moy n. Mother; g. (d. |.)

Hind. mi.
Aragonese, Spain. mai
Ruguru, Tanzania. mai
Patus, Spain. mai
Mkwaya, Tanzania. mai
Lugulu, Tanzania. mai
Jita, Tanzania. mai
Ikiruguru, Tanzania. mai
Ikizu, Tanzania. mai
Guru, Tanzania. mai
Fabla Aragonesa, Spain. mai
Brazilian Portuguese, Portugal, Angola. me
Lubukusu, Kenya. maayi
Lema Unn, Tanzania. mai
Kilegi, Tanzania. Mai

2. 2G [ u ]
2G [ u ] A modification of the pronoun when it is declin ed in the different cases--as, 2GOG,
2GG0, &c.
20Od ukai n. (2G your Od young) part. Your sister younger than you; 2Gg0Od. @d@0Od
MLu (duL[. @LLM. 125).
2Og [ untai, ] s. Your father, 2G_Og; [2G, your, gG@ own + @, father.]
2uLl, [
umpi, ] s. Your younger brother, @uLl (p.) [2G, your, LlG younger ]
2GG|u uiyam, n. Your Relation. (W.)

2GG|u uiyam -> 2GG| uiyar n. Relations; __gg. (W.)

3. @G nu

@G nu The form which n, the second personal pronoun Singular, assumes in oblique cases;
GO_@Ou@Ll_@@G OG_ @GG|O0M@Ou Mdug @@Ou.

@0Od nukai , n. (@G your + Od younger) 1. Your younger sister; 2G g0Od. u|@dLg|M@
@0Od gGGd (ML@0. @0OM. 11, 130). 2. Your mother; 2G g. @0Od Gu@Ol
G|@ gu (dgQ. 8gGdG. 9).
@G nu + _ y = ( ny) -> @ y n. Mother; g. @O u@g| lG
(d0|g. 107).
4. @u num
@u num pron. 1. The form which nyir, the second personal pronoun plural, assumes in oblique cases;
GO_@Ou@Ll_@@G l OG_ @GG|O0LLGOu Mdug @@Ou. @uMu
G|@g| l_Od @u (Mg0. O@g. 187). The genitive plural of , your as @uML@u, your
property, Compare gu. 2. A particle of declension, used with O0 0@u in the 2d person plu, as
O00 @uOu u, O00 @uu@u, O00 @ud@u, &c., @8 O. (p.)

@Og nuntai n. (@u your, gG@ own + @, father). Your father; 2GgOg. @Og
@u@O@@u (@0@@. 92).
@u, @uuO, s. [pl.] Your people, party, friends, &c., @u@OLO.
@uu-,@uuOu, s. Your lady, woman, &c.
@uG,@uuOG, s. Your man, Your relation, party or associate; 2uOu88gOG. (Mg0.
M80. 410, @uu_.).
@uLl, s. Your younger brother, 2G guLl. (@u your + LlG younger ]
@uGu, s. Your people, &c., as @u.
@u@G num-mu n. 1. Your ancestor, as father; 2G@GGGG. @uL dMMlL
ML@uML @u@G (Q_. 174). 2. Your elder brother; 2G gOuG.
@OuG num-aiya n. (@u your + @G, father). Your elder brother; 2G gOuG. Ol0O0
@OuGO[d dM (8Od. 1709).
@OOO nuvvai n. ((@u your + OOO. Avvai) Your younger sister; 2G g0Od. @uu|@@
8|_g@ @OOO @u (_. 172).

Kinship names formed based upon the pronoun ones own/self, their

1. gG t-> gu tm -> gu tam

gu tm , [T. tmu, K. tm.] pron. 1. They; Odu. gu M8GGOgg gLlg gG. 2. You, a
term of respect; uOg @_|d@u @GG|O08M80. gMuGG M8GG du? 3. Particle
suffixed to plural nouns of any person in the nominative case, for emphasis; @g0GO_@Oul0
LGOuLMLO[8 8@O@u 8O. Ogu Og.--part. An expletive, as in
O@Ogu; O8|O0. (G. 441.)

gu tm ->gu tam part. Flexional increment generally used along with the nouns of third pers. pl.;
ML@uLGOu LLdOdLLGOu LG G8@O@u 8O. guu|OL O@2u
LLdOd GuG (Mg0. O@g. 191).

guuOG tam-m-ava n. [K. tammavanu.] Their/Your male relative or friend; 2__G guG.

guuOG tam-m-aai n. Their/Your Mother; g. guuOG gG@G O g@Mu OOgg@u
(uMl. 6, 131).

gu@G tam-mu n. Their/Your Elder brother; @gg 8Gdg[G. u@g|ML@LLG u GgG
_u@G (uMl. 22, 147).

guGu tam-my n. Their/Your Mother; g. guGu Olu0@Ggu LlMlLL (8Od.

guGuG tamm , n. Their/Your guuG. guGuG Md_Ou uOl GG__| (_. 88).

gudOd tamakkai n. [gu Their/Your + dOd. Elder Sister] 1. Their/Your Elder sister; ddu.
G8gMg_ gudOd (Lg|MG. g|@Qd. g|@GOdg8. 1). 2. Elder female cousin who is the
daughter of a paternal uncle or a maternal aunt; gudOd @O_u.

guLLG tam-appa n. [gu + LLG]. Their/Your Father; Llg. guLLGGu d__G|O[L
LlGQ GLO (g|O. MLg. 3, 1, 9).

guLLG tam-appa -> gdLLG tagappa n. [M. takappan.] Their/Your Father; gOg. @uOG
udL@g gG@OL GduOG udG _dLLG (g|@O8. 9, 13).

gu tamar n. [K. M. tamar.] 1. Their/Your Relations, kindred; __gg. gu@L LO0g0 (Q.
MO. 3, 6). 2. Their/Your /our Friends, well-wishers; gud@ GOMG. gug_ _LLl G@GG
_0@u (Q_. 157). 3. Their/Your Counsellors, men guiding one's affairs; 8|_g. guu|_ ML
gu[ MO@@ g0 (@_u, 444). 4. Their/Your Servants; L8Gu. 0| uG_u (GgO.
907, 1).

guOu tamarmai n. Friendship; LQ. d0Oll00g Q[OlGL0O[@ gu Oul0
(@_u, 814, 2O[).
guu tama n. Their/Your female relative or friend; 2__u. (G. 276, 2O[.)

guG tama , n. Their/Your male relative or friend; 2__G. _g|LLOL OLG_uG (@u.
[8|. 182).

gOuG tam-aiya n. [ gu + @G]. |Malayalam]. tamayan.] 1. Their/Your Elder brother; @gg
8Gdg[G. gOu MGuOuG (g|@O8. 9, 13). 2. Their/Your Elder male cousin who is the son of
a paternal uncle or maternal aunt; MMG @O_G.

gOuG tam-aiya -> guG tamaya , n. 1. Their/Your Elder brother; @gg 8Gdg[G. gOu
MGuOuG (g|@O8. 9, 13). 2. Their/Your Elder male cousin who is the son of a paternal uncle or
maternal aunt; MMG @O_G..

gOOO tavvai n. [ gu + OOO]1. Their/Your Mother; g. LLGLG _OOO L_@
dM_ (8|0L. 15, 80). 2. Their/Your Elder sister; gudOd. gO[ gOOO gGMG_
(uMl. 7, 104). 3. Goddess of Misfortune, as the elder sister of Lakm; [@0d@u|lG @ggu|
@GgOl. (@L.) M8O LOOOOd dLOl_u (@_u, 167).

1. gG t-> gG ta

gG t [Kannada. tn.] pron. 1. He, she or it; LLdOd M@OuLML. gGOGg
gO0d8 M8O@ gG (0, 248). 2. Oneself; u. gGdL LggOG.--part. 1. A
word used as intensive; Gg__8M80. 2OGg gG Gdd| |_@u (MO0OddGd. 41). 2.
Expletive affixed to any noun or pronoun and declined instead of it; O88M80. ggG d|G@
|G_O8Mug| (G. 441).--conj. Besides; @OG_| @@ gG@ OG@ ML@uL_OGg
@OL8M80. (g|@dGd. 382, 2O[.)
gG t ->gG ta pron. Oblique case-form of the pronoun t; gG OG_ M80 GO_@Ou
@OL _@u|Lg@L ML@ g|Q.
g ty n. (gG ta + _ y) [T. tyi, K. M. ty.] 1. Mother; GOG. gggdMdM
GL@uu|g g|O Q0@ (0, 15). 2. Any one of ai-vakai-t-tyar; @OOdgg@u g@gg|.
Algerian French, Algeria. tia
Aymara, Bolivia, Peru. Tayka

tu: [Hindi] (nm) father's elder brother.

gdd|gOl ty-k-kiavi n. Mother or foster-mother of a dancing-girl; g8| lG g.
g ty -> g88| tycci n. 1. Wet nurse; gLL0 Md_LLOu. 2. Origin, moving
spirit; @0u. @g Ogd@d@g g88| @OG gG. 3. Pregnant woman; dLLlMl. (J.)
4. Leader of a party in a game; OlOuL0 gO0Ouu. 5. Appointed place to be touched
in a game; OlOuL0 MgLGOM_u|Lu.
g88| tcci n. 1. Wet nurse; gLL0 Md_LLOu. 2. Origin, moving spirit; @0u.
@g Ogd@d@g g88| @OG gG. 3. Pregnant woman; dLLlMl. (J.) 4. Leader of a
party in a game; OlOuL0 gO0Ouu. 5. Appointed place to be touched in a game;
OlOuL0 MgLGOM_u|Lu. (W.)

ggOg ty-tandai n. one own Parents; ML_G_.

gLLLLG ty-p-pa . Maternal grandfather; gOLML__ gdLLG.

guuG ty-mma n. Maternal uncle; gLG Ll_gOGG uuG.

g ty -> gOu tymai n. Motherhood, motherliness; g gGOu. gOu
gO@u OOu Gdd| (ML@0. 2@O8d. 46, 120).

gOg| ty-vai n. Maternal side or line; 2_Q@O_l0 glG MgLQ.

g ty -> g tyr n. 1. Mother; GOG. Lg g@ u|_gg_LlG
(MLQ. g|@Qd. 29). 2. Lakm, as mother; g|@udu. g O|g|. Vai.

g ty -> gl tyi n. |U. di.] Wet nurse; g88|. Loc.

d (nf) a midwife; nurse;
- d s.f. A nurse; a wet-nurse; a midwife; (local) a maid-servant;
', dy m. The husband of a d or nurse; a male nurse.
, dya, s.f. A nurse, &c. (=d, q.v.).

guLl tampi n. (gG + LlG. [T. tambu, K. tamma, M. tambi.] 1. Ones younger brother; @Ou
8Gdg[G. u[OOg guLld@ OGLOMu OOg@LGL (g|O. MLg. 4, 9, 1).
2. Ones younger male cousin who is the son of a paternal uncle or maternal aunt; guLl @O_ G. 3. Term
of endearment applied to a younger male; Og|_8|_|OOGd @_|d@u M80.

guLlgGggG tampi-t-ta n. \Ornament for the waist of male infants resembling the membrum
virile; _M@gOg du|G O[l_dL_u @@8uMl. Colloq.

guLl[G tam-pir n. [gG+Ll[G]. [Malayalam]. tamburn.] 1. Ones God; dLQu. guLl[
GOug g|_g@ (MLQ. @OuG@. 1). 2. Ones Master, lord, king; gO0OG. guLl[
Gu[d@ (g|O. ML@ uu. 3, 5). 3. Title of Travancore kings; g|@ Olg0GdL_ [8d@
Og0@u LLLu. N. 4. Non-Brahman monk of aiva mutt; uL0du| @uu O8Og@_Ol. 5.
Overseer of monks; @_OldL@g gO0O. (J.)

guLl[GGggG tampir-ta , n. Cuntara-mrtti-nyar, as the friend of iva;
[8|OLl[@d@g GggG| g[ @gg|G. guLl[GG_gG
uLlMG_ (MLQ. g_ggL. 171).

guLl[Gu_ tampir-mu , n. Leader of the herd of cattle brought by the Kppiliyar when
they originally migrated to the Kambam valley in Madura district; u@O[@|00
duLuLl[Gg8gg|0 dLLl0|[0 MdM_O[LL_u uL_gMg@g|du|0
gO0Ou u_.

guLl[L tam-piri n. [gG+Ll[L] Fem. of guLl [G. 1. Mistress, queen; gO0Ol. 2. Suttee;
2LGdLOL G@LOu. (g. d.)

gGOG taai n. [gG+@] 1. Lord, chief; gO0OG. gGOG gO0uO0g . . . dMMl (Q.
MO. 1, 13). 2. Elder brother; gOuG. gGOGu gg Md@uG (@. @u. 47). 3. Elder sister;
gudOd. (g|O.) 4. Mother; g. (Ll0.)

gGGG tar n. One's kith and kin, relatives or dependents; gGOG8 8g O.
uGG@u[G _GGG @g (ML@0. @0 OM. 4, 106).

gG@ taadu n. 1. [T. tanadu, M. tanatu.] That which is one's own; M8gu. gGgdg
gGMdMLG (0, 278). 2. Friendship, amity, intimacy; 2Ou. gG@ L[L_ d|@
gO MgOO (@__. g0. L_8. 15).

gOg tandai n. [gG@ taadu + @] [T. tari, K. tande, M. tanta.] Father; gdLLG. gOg
gGOGu (Mg0. ML. 137).

gOgML[G tantai-peyara n. Son, as bearing his grand-father's name; [gG gOglG
MLOGOLG| udG. gOgML[G . . . 8|@ Gg@@L_ guOL
(@0@@. 403).

gOgO[O tantaiyar-aivar n. Five fathers, viz., king, chief, father, elder brother and preceptor
according to Pikalantai; king, preceptor, mother, father and elder brother according to cra-k-
kvai; father, initiator into Brahmanhood, etc., preceptor, food-giver and helper in danger
according to Winslow; [8G, gO0OG, gOg, @GGGG, @[OG (Ll0.); [8G,
2Lgg|G, g, gOg, gu@G (_8[d.); Ll_LLlgGgG, d_Llg GgG,
uM@LLlgGgG, GGgGgG, _Lg @d@gOlGGG (W.) OG_

gOg tandai -> gOgG tantaiya n. Ones (own) Father; gdLLG, gOg. gOgG _Gd@
@gOlGG (g|@O0O. 49, 12).

gOg tandai -> gOg tdai n. 1. Father; gOg. (Ll0.) 0GO0G _Og (g|@O8. 9, 3). 2.
Grandfather; LLLG. (8@.)

Geordie, United Kingdom, American Samoa. da
Bena, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Binna, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Buna, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Ebina, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Ebuna, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Ekibena, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Gbinna, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Lala, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Purra, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Yangeru, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Yongor, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Yungur, Nigeria, Tanzania. daada
Caledonian, New Caledonia. dad
Romany, Romania. dad
Hehe, Tanzania. dada
Kalash, Pakistan. dada
Kalasha, Pakistan. dada
Kalashamon, Pakistan. dada
Kihehe, Tanzania. dada
Kinyamwesi, Tanzania. dada
Kinyamwezi, Tanzania. dada
Luhyia, Tanzania. dada
Namwezi, Tanzania. dada
Nyamwesi, Tanzania. dada
Nyamwezi, Tanzania. dada
Angoni, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Chingoni, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Ekipangwa, Tanzania. dadi
Kingoni, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Kisi, Tanzania. dadi
Kisutu, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Ngoni, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Pangwa, Tanzania. dadi
Sutu, Tanzania, Malawi. dadi
Romani, Europe. dadus
Kivinza, Tanzania. data
Rwanda, Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo. data
Kirundi, Burundi, Tanzania. dawe
Rundi, Burundi, Tanzania. dawe
Urundi, Burundi, Tanzania. dawe
Belauan, Palau. demal
Palau, Palau. demal
Palauan, Palau. demal
Cherokee, USA. do, da
Echijita, Tanzania. lata
Ecijita, Tanzania. lata
Jita, Tanzania. lata
Kilegi, Tanzania. lata
Kololo, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Lozi, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Rotse, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Rozi, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Rutse, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Silozi, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Tozvi, Zambia, Namibia. ndate
Kimashami, Tanzania. nde
Machambe, Tanzania. nde
Machame, Tanzania. nde
Mkuu, Tanzania. ndi
Pakanha, Australia. ngathi
Kivwanji, Tanzania. nhata
Wanji, Tanzania. nhata
Achawa, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Adsawa, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Adsoa, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Ajawa, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Ayao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Ayawa, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Ayo, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Chiyao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Djao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Haiao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Hiao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Hyao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Jao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Veiao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Wajao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Yao, Malawi, Mozambique. n-taati
Sesotho, Lesotho, South Africa. Ntate
Sisutho, Lesotho, South Africa. Ntate
Sotho, Lesotho, South Africa. ntate
Souto, Lesotho, South Africa. Ntate
Suthu, Lesotho, South Africa. Ntate
Suto, Lesotho, South Africa. Ntate
Agnang, Cameroon. nt
Anyah, Cameroon. nt
Anyan, Cameroon. nt
Anyang, Cameroon. nt
Denya, Cameroon. nt
Eyan, Cameroon. nt
Nyang, Cameroon. nt
Obonya, Cameroon. nt
Takamanda, Cameroon. nt
Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina. otac
Croatian, Croatia. otac
Slovak, Slovakia, Hungary. otec
Slovakian, Slovakia, Hungary. otec
Cree, Canada. ottawimaw
Huron, USA, Canada. ta
Roshani, Tajikistan. taat
Chiga, Uganda. taata
Ciga, Uganda. taata
Cilaadi, Tanzania. taata
Ekihaya, Tanzania. taata
Haya, Tanzania. taata
Kiga, Uganda. taata
Nyoro, Uganda. taata
Oluchiga, Uganda. taata
Orukiga, Uganda. taata
Ruhaya, Tanzania. taata
Rukiga, Uganda. taata
Runyoro, Uganda. taata
Ziba, Tanzania. taata
Ganda, Uganda, Tanzania. taata wange
Luganda, Uganda, Tanzania. taata wange
Icaiche Maya, Guatemala. taatah
Itza', Guatemala. taatah
Petn Itz Maya, Guatemala. taatah
Yucatec Maya, Guatemala. taatah
Breton, France. tad
Brezhoneg, France. tad
Cymraeg, United Kingdom. tad
Welsh, United Kingdom. tad
Nhuatl, Mexico. tahtli
Ecuador Quechua, Ecuador. taita
Yipunu, Gabon. taji
Arniya, Pakistan. tat
Chitrali, Pakistan.tat
Chitrari, Pakistan. tat
Citrali, Pakistan. tat
Kashkari, Pakistan. tat
Khawar, Pakistan. tat
Khowar, Pakistan. tat
Patu, Pakistan. tat
Qashqari, Pakistan. tat
Bemba, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia. tata
Bende, Tanzania. tata

gOg tdai -> tta 1 A father; -2 A term of affection, endearment of pity, applied to any person, but
usually to inferiors or juniors, pupils, children &c-3 A term of respect applied to elders or other venerable
personages; -4 Any person for whom one feels pity.

Sanskrit Nighantu also gives the etymology for tta as derived from only. | - [ U3.9] .

gOg tdai -> gg td n. 1. Father; gOg. ggMOG|_ d0OlgGd@u (gG|LL. ii,
283, 677). 2. Grandfather; LLLG. 2. Aged man; O@ @g|gOG.4. Great man; MLGG.
(u_ G00 140, 541.)

gg td-> dd [Hindi] (nm) (paternal) grandfather; elder brother; a word of respect used for
elders; a gangster, hoodlum, leader of a gang; a cock of the walk;

(paternal) grandmother;

dd [Hindi] -> dd [Hindi] elder sister.

d d [Hindi] - > jj (nf) [Hindi] an elder sister.

jj [Hindi] -> jj [Hindi] (nm) elder sister's husband.

ggg ttt n. [T. K. tta.] Colloq. 1. Grandfather; LLLG. 2. Aged man; O@ @g|gOG.

ggOg tattai n. [gG@ taadu + @ ai] Elder sister; gudOd. (Ll0.)

ggguOu tattammai n. ( ggOg + uOu). Elder sister; gudOd .ggOg. N.
g@OO tanduvai n. [gG@ taadu OOO]. 1. Mother-in-law; uu|. 2. Mother's brother's wife;
guuu|. (Mg0. M80. 400, 2O[.).
Since husband and wife are belonging (gG@ taadu) to their mother, g@OO tanduvai has denoted the
mother-in-law of the wife or husband.
gG ta -> g@ tau n. 1. Body (one which contains Self); 2L0. g@MO_ @_dd Mug
(duL[. u|g|. 108). 2. n. Bow (act as a body for arrow); Ol0. gM_ g@Ou LMl0Gu| (d0|0.
226). 3. Sagittarius in the Zodiac; g@[8|. (8|0L. 17, Ld. 453.) 4. Month of Mrkai = December-January;
udg| ugu. 5. A linear measure = 4 karam, as the length of a bow;
g@ tau -> dhanu A bow
g@ tau -> g@ tausu n. Bow (act as a body for arrow); Ol0.

g@ tausu -> dhanus . n. A bow

Sanskrit Pundits are citing dhan as the root for the . However, the inappropriate meaning of is as
I. 1 P. () To sound. -II. 3 P. () Ved. To bear fruit.
g@ tau -> tanu -f. 1 The body, the person. -2 Outward form, manifestation; -3 Nature, the form or character
of anythig;

tanuja a son; Bhg.5.9.6.

tanuj a daughter.

The words tanuja and tanuj are interpreted as son and daughter born from the body. It is
incorrect. It should be interpreted as born to oneself (gG ta Self) i.e. own son & daughter and not as born
from the body.

tanu -> tanus n. The body.

tanu -> tan f. 1 The body, person, self. -2 A limb, member of the body;

gG ta -> g@ tandu n. Ones own Descendant, progeny; 8gg|. (g. d.)

g@ tandu -> tantu n. An offspring, issue, race;

gG ta -> tan f. Ved. Ones own Offspring, posterity.

tana Ved. Ones own descendant;
, Ones own offspring, poste- rity;
tanas m. Ved. Ones own offspring, posterity;

gG ta -> gOGu taaiya n. Daughter; udu. gOGO. u|@ O0|M_ gOG
GLG@u (duL[. gLOd. 29).

gG ta -> gOGG taaiya n. Son; udG. gGG. Gu|G _OG@u (duL[. Luu|.

gG ta -> gOGO taaiyai n. Daughter; udu. gOOOMuGd d|LgGu OddG
_OG O (duL[. ugO[. 88).

gGG taaya n. Son; udG. g@ Gg@Gu lG G|[OMG _GG (duL [.
Ll[ug. 59).

gGG taaya -> tanaya 1 ones own son; Ms.3.16; R.2.64. -2 A male
descendant. -3 (In astrol.) N. of the fifth lunar mansion.
(dual) tanayau A son and a daughter.
tanayam Posterity, family, offspring.

gOGO taaiyai -> tanay ones own daughter; Ms.11.171.

Similarly Sanskrit has also derived words.

sva pron. a. 1 One's own, belonging to oneself, often serving as a reflexive pronoun; -2 Innate, natural, inherent,
peculiar, inborn;. -3 Belonging to one's own caste or tribe;

sva 1 One's own self. -2 A relative, kinsman; -3 The soul. -4 N. of Viu.
svaja 1 a son or child. -2 sweat, perspiration. -3 a viper.
svaj a daughter.
svajana1 a kinsman, relative;-2 one's own people or kindred, one's household.
svajti1 one's own kind. -2 one's own family or caste.
svaka a. One's own, own.
svakaA relation, friend.
svakam One's own property.
The word svas is the Tamil translation of g0Od. In Tamil, it denotes younger sister only.

gG ta pron. gG. Oneself; u .Oblique case-form of the pronoun t; gG OG_ M80
GO_@Ou @OL _@u|Lg@L ML@ g|Q.

gG t [K. tn.] pron. 1. He, she or it; LLdOd M@OuLML. gGOGg
gO0d8 M8O@ gG (0, 248). 2. Oneself; u. gGdL LggOG

sva pron. a. 1 One's own, belonging to oneself, often serving as a reflexive pronoun; .2;
] 5.5; oft. in comp. in this sense; ], ], ]. -2 Innate, natural, inherent,
peculiar, inborn; [ Me.82; .1.19;
U. 6.14. -3 Belonging to one's own caste or tribe;

g0Od tagai n. [K. tagi, M. taka.] 1. Younger sister; @Ou8Gdg. g0OdO @d@
gOuOGg gO0 gg (g|O. MLg. 4, 7, 1). 2. A female standing in the relationship of a
younger sister to a person, as daughter of a paternal uncle or a maternal aunt; g0Od @O_u.
dO0OMlg g0OdQu Qdg@ Oggg (g|@LGL. 8. 280. 6). 3. Junior co-wife;

svas & svas f. A sister; -2 A finger (Ved.).

Od Kai in Tamil means young or small. Therefore g0Od tagai means one who is younger than the person

Od kai n. [T. K. M. Tu. kai.] 1. Hand, arm; d[u. dMuG d|uOld@d Od@G OGG (Mg0.
O@g. 315). 2. Elephant's trunk; OGg @g|dOd. @0@Od GG0@ OL (Q_. 22).
3. Ray, as of the sun; d|[Mu. M80Od Lg g|Gd[G G_G_@u (g|@OlOu. OlOL. 20).
4. Group, set, as in counting bricks, dry dung-cakes; M80d0 @g0|O_O_ OM@u @[uQ.
Colloq. 5. Hand-pose in dancing; LldOd. (8|0L. 3, 18, 2O[.) 6. Side, right or left; Lddu.
@@Od u|O[g@ Mugg (duL[. Od Gd8|. 83). 7. Faction, party; dL8|.
Og|dOdl0 G8g|@LLO ? 8. Rafter; Odu[u. d0 Mg_g g|@OdG__|
(GgO. 838, 4). 9. Semaphore; [l0|G OddL. Colloq. 10. Sleeve of a garment; 8LOLlG Od.
Colloq. 11. Handle, as of an axe; OdLLl. M_0Od Olu Lg0|G (Q_. 36, 7). 12. Handle,
as of a fan; Ol8|_|dduQ. uMldOd 0OLLu (ML@0. 2@ O8d. 34, 217). 13. Wing of a
bird; 8|_@. Gdg| Odgg0gOgd MdL (8. Q. OlO. 195). 14. Wing of an army;
LOL@LQ. (Ll0.) 15. Army; G8OG. OdO@g@ (gMlOdLQ. 8L. 467). 16. Place; @Lu.
(@L.) 17. Money on hand; OdLML@u. O[GQu Od__ dMGM @u (0, 371).
18. That which is fit to be done; M8ggdd@. Od_|Ou OLgGg (@_u, 925). 19.
Decoration, dressing; gLLOG. (Ll0.) 20. Strength, ability; ___0. _Lu 2GOd Od
dL_d|_. 21. Handful; OduQ. Loc. 22. Hands, workmen, assistants; _u. OggOG Od
GOO0 M8gG?. 23. Littleness, smallness; 8|@Ou. Od@@G0 MdMML@@0
d[_|Ou (0, 311). 24. Custom, usage, way of the world; 20dMO@ddu.
OdMG__|d00 (d0|g. 95). 25. Row, line; g@0@. OdOu Oluddu (@0O0L.
49). 26. Younger sister; g0Od. (Ll0.)
Later this Tamil word Od kai also specifically denoted younger sister.
Od Kai in Tamil denotes hand. Sister was considered like a (helping) hand of a person. Actually, Od Kai was
wrongly interpreted by Sanskirt and translated as finger for the word svas . In Sankrit svas denotes
The actual meaning of s is as follows.
s 1, 3 P. (, [ , also ; , , , , [ , ) 1 To go, move, proceed;
Bk.14,14. -2 To go towards, approach; [ Rm. -3 To rush upon,
assail; $ Mb.12.97.1; ( ) [ Mb. -4 To
run, go fast, slip away from; [ M.4.11. -5 To blow (as wind);
Me.55. -6 To flow. -7 To cross, traverse. -Caus. (- ) 1 To cause to go or move. -2
To extend. -3 To rub, touch gently (with the fingers); ]] Me.88. -4 To push
back or away, remove; Me.93. -5 To put in array, arrange. -6 To
show, manifest. Desid. ([ ) To wish to go &c.
If the word s denotes s ought to become , [ , , , , , [ , only
duing Sandhi. Because s is a verb and not noun. E.g.
atis 1 P. Ved. To extend. -Caus. 1 To extend.-2 To exert oneself to drive out (as a fluid).
uts Caus. 1 To expel, turn out, drive away; -2 To remove, keep or put aside; K.24; to push far;
upas 1 P. 1 To go towards, approach, draw near; -2 To go against, attack. -3 To have intercourse (as
of a woman with a man); Mb.3.

nis 1 P. 1 To come forth, slip away from, go out, issue from; -2 To depart, set out for; -3 To flow
forth, ooze out, exude; -Caus. To turn out, expel, drive away.

pras 1 P. To flow forth, spring, arise, proceed; -2 To go forth, advance; -3 To spread, spread round; -4
To spread, prevail, pervade; 5 To be stretched, to extend; -6 To be disposed or inclined to (do a thing),
move; -7 To prevail, begin, commence; -8 To be long, be lengthened; -9 To grow strong or intense; -1 To
pass away (as time). -11 To break forth or out (as fire). -12 To be displaced (as the humours of the body). -
Caus. 1 to spread, stretch; -2 To stretch forward, extend, hold out (as the hand); -3 To spread out or expose
for sale; -4 To open wide, expand (as eyes). -5 To publish, promulgate. -6 To prose- cute. -7 (In gram.) To
change a semi-vowel into the corresponding vowel.

vis 1 P. 1 To spread, be extended or diffused; -2 To return. -Caus. 1 To spread, stretch. -2 To cause to
prevail or spread.

sas 1 P. 1 To go towards, approach. -2 To revolve, turn round. -3 To spread. -4 To move. -5 To go
or flow together. -6 To go to, obtain; -7 To come forth. -Caus. 1 To spread over, cause to move over. -2 To
revolve or turn round; \-3 To put off, defer. -4 To use, employ.
If s denotes driving/propellling, then it also the wrong tamil translation of Od kai.
Od-gg0 kai 11 v. tr. 1. To produce, as a sound; to propel, shoot, as an arrow; M8@g@g0.
8|0uLl[0@ u|G@[0 Odg Mg_gg0|G (8Od. 2683). 2. To feed with the hand; 2L_g0.
dGg d_0du|@ dOu0 OdLL (u@O[d. 659).

Due to the confusion, Sanskrit pundits shows the dhatuphatha of [ - ; U.2.97]. s .
s I. 2, 4 . ( , , ) To bring forth, produce, beget, yield (fig. also); -With to bring forth, beget,
produce. -II. 6 P. () 1 To excite, incite, impel. -2 To remit (as debt).
s a. (At the end of comp.) Bringing forth, producing, yielding &c. -f. 1 Birth. -2 A mother;
However said dhatuphata s gives the meaning of birth or mother only. If it so, Sanskrit pundit could not explain
the meaning of finger for the word svas etymologically.
Wife and husband are considered as belonging to husband and wife respectively. Therefore the words denoting such
words are also formed by Tamil and borrowed by Sanskrit from Tamil.
svaka -> svakya a. One's own, own. -2 Of one's own family.
One's own wife.

Earlier, a girl was given in marriage to warrior/strong man. Therefore the words denoting man have denoted
husband also.

_u -> _M n. 1. [K. M. Tu. .] Male; _ML_ML@. 2. Manliness, courage; O u. uG
ugMl Ml_ _0d0 (@G. 17, 7). 3. Superiority, excellence; gO0Ou. (u_G. 261,
2g. M8. 726, 2O[.) 4. Warrior of an army; O [G. _MMl Q@g@u (8|@LM. 211). 5.
Marking-nut tree. G8u[u. (Ll0.), Sage-leaved alangium. g|@8|0. _Mu[dd|uOl (Mg0.
O@g. 304).

_MMLg|0 -oil n. (_M + Mg g|0). Heroism, heroic act; O [8M8Od.
_MMLg|GOugG -oi- mainda, n. Arjuna, as a hero; @8 GG. (Ll0.)
_MLluOu -piai n. 1. Male child, son; _M@gOg. 2. Man; Q@QG. Colloq. 3. Man
of capacity, ability, strength of character; 8uggG. Colloq. 4. Warrior; O [G.
_MLluOuduG L Qug@G[Mg|du|G_ (_, 7, 4, 5). 5. Husband; dMOG.
_MLluOu88|0du -piai-c-ci- gam, n. < id. +. Bold, heroic, intrepid man, as brave as a lion,
a term of praise; O [G. _M LluOu8 8|0dgg|_@ |d? (W.)

_Gu m n. Soul, self, spirit, as opp. to matter; 2l. (g|O.)

_Gu m + O [G vra -> _GuO [G ma-vra n. (gg.) 1. Strong man; Ol_G0G.
2. Brother-in-law; Oug@GG. 3. Son; Qgg| [G. 4. Learned man; d_G_G.

Generally wife is considered as weaker sex and husband is expected to be a strong man. Therefore husband or his
brother is considered as strong man and husband is belonging to wife. In his absence, husbands brother is
mentioned as he can also marry his brothers wife in the earlier days.

The words denoting husband has also denoted brother-in-law which can be discussed later.

O [u vram n. 1. Heroism, bravery; L[dd|[uu. dGGu G|_L guO [ GgG_ (8Od. 2302). 2.
(Rhet.) The sentiment of heroism, one of nava-racam, q.v.; O[8g@u L[dd|[ugOg Olud@@
OO. (8|0L. 3, 13, 2O[.) 3. Strength, might; O0|Ou. O [G MO@u| (8Od. 2771). 4.
Excellence; GuGOu. (g. d.) 5. (Nya.) A kind of masquerade dance; Odg@OOd. (8|0L.
3, 13, 2O[.) 6. An ancient aiva scripture in Sanskrit, one of 28 civkamam, q.v.; 8|Oduu
@@LgMgLL@ MuG@. (O8O8. 333, 2O[.) 7. See O [8Gu. L@ud0 O [u
(Ll[GLg. 44, 68). 8. Pepper; u|u@. (g. d.) 9. Gruel; d@8|. (g. d.) 10. A kind of fig;
gg|OOd. (g. d.) 11. Back; @@@. (u g L. 585.) 12. cf. GO[u. Mountain; uO0. (Ll0.)
O [ @@O MOMug| (@[@. @8G. 71).

O [u vram-> O [G vra n. 1. Hero, warrior; L[dd|[u @uuOG. GG M8gGG
O [GG_ _G (8Od. 489). 2. Vrabhadra. See O [Lgg|[G. M__| Olg|ddO@
LMl@|G_GG O [GG (gdd dL. 334). 3. Arhat; @dG. O [G _Mlg0 Olu0d
G__LlG (8Od. 409). 4. Commander; LOLggO0OG. (g|O.) 5. Bhma; O _uG. (g.
d.) 6. A village deity. See u@O[O [G. 7. Fire; dd|G|. (g. d.) 8. Sacrificial fire; @udd|G|.
(g. d.) 9. Dancer; gg. (g. d.)

O [G vra -> O O[ vrai n. 1. Wife; uOGOl. (g. d.) 2. Mother; g. (g. d.) 3.
Plantain; OOg. (80. d.)

O [G vra -> O G vriya , n. Hero; O [G. [O[ OlML O G . . . ddOlOd
uG GG (duL[. @uL. 29).

O [Lgg|G| vra-pattii n. Wife of a hero; O [@OL uOGOl.

Similarly the following words in Tamilare formed and Sanskrit has borrowed it from Tamil

@[usram n. Valour, bravery, heroism; O [u. (@L.)

@[usram -> @[G sra n. 1. Warrior, man of valour, hero; O [G. (Ll0.) @_LLl0 [_ MuG0
@[ [OGg (duL[. Og0uL_. 30).

@ sri n. 1. Heroic woman; O [@uuOu. 2. Durg; udu|. (Ll0.) G @dG OM0@
u0ggL @ (8. Q. Ll. 9). 3. Goddess of the forest; d_du. (Ll0.)

@[G sra -> ra A hero, warrior, valiant man.

@[usram -> ra a. Brave, heroic, valiant, mighty;
Since husband is considered as belonging ( sva) to his father, the words in Sanskrit have denoted the father-in-
law of the wife. He is the father of her husband. He is directly belonging to her husband in relationship. Compare.
g@OO tanduvai n. [gG@ taadu OOO]. 1. Mother-in-law; uu|. 2. Mother's brother's wife;
guuu|. (Mg0. M80. 400, 2O[.).
svaura A father-in-law; cf. .
svaura -> vaura 1 A father-in-law, wife'a or husband's father; -2 A respectable man.
vaurau (dual) The father-in-law and mother-in-law.
Sanskrit or other Indo European languages could not explain the origin or etymology of the said word.
vaura -> vauraka A father-in-law.

vaura -> [ vaury 1 A brother-in-law, a wife's or husband's brother. -2 The younger brother of a

vaura -> ^ var f. A mother-in-law, a wife's or husband's mother; ^ R.14.13.

Kinship and names based upon giving/yielding and taking.

@u tu -> gu ta-> guOu taai n. [T. talli, M. taa.] Mother; g. (Mg0. M80. 400, 2O[.)

@u tu-> @@ turu n. Tree; u[u. (2. |.)

@@ turu -> @@uu turumam n. 1. Tree; u[u. (Ll0.) 2. Arnotto.8LLl[. (uO0.) 3. Celestial tree;
d_Ldg@. (g. d.)

@@ turu -> ] dru m., n. 1 Wood. -2 Any instru- ment made of wood., ] dru -m 1 A tree; Ms.7.131. -2 A branch.

Tree O.E. treo, treow "tree" (also "wood") ( O.Fris. tre, O.S. trio, O.N. tre, Goth. triu), Gk. drys "oak," doru "spear;"
O.C.S. drievo "tree, wood;" Serb. drvo "tree," drva "wood;" Rus. drevo "tree, wood;" Czech drva; Pol. drwa
"wood;" Lith. derva "pine wood;" O.Ir. daur, Welsh derwen "oak," Albanian drusk "oak").

@@uu turumam ] druma 1 A tree; -2 A tree of Paradise. -3 An epithet of Kubera.

gu ta-> g@-g0 taru & g-g0 t 13 v. tr. [K. M. t.] 1. To give, as to equals; gLGL@d@d
Md_gg0. (Mg0. M80. 446.) 2. To grant, bestow; g@gg0. 3. To instruct; 2LGg8|g g0.
gG[@uML@ g| gg|L (dgQ. OO Ld. 8). 4. To serve; Lu@g0. @GG8@
g@ (u@O[d. 535). 5. To cause to get; OL Olgg0. ML@LOLg@20 Md__@u
(Q_. 35, 25). 6. To create, form, construct; LOLgg0. g@uGgOOg . . . g@g0_
_@ugg ggu (G8@Q. 8dd[. 14). 7. To beget, generate, procreate; udLML@g0.
Q0dMu0@ OgMG@ u@ ggu (duL[. 8LdM. 28). 8. To produce, compose;
@0 @g0|G @_@g0. 8OLG MOMMM0 @Ol_ _gGg (duL[.
8|_LQL. 11). 9. To denote; express; 2Mg@g0. @_gd0 g@Mgg| 0|OL|O0 (G.
142). 10. To acquire, gather; 8uLg|gg0. gu|G_ _g Ol@|g|u (g|d_. 47). 11. To capture;
OdLL_@g0. _M[l0 L0g@ (Q_. 6, 14). 12. To call, summon; Oggg0. u__OL
L@d O 0MdG (8|0L. Ogd@O[. 45). 13. To yield, bring forth, as trees; u[@g0|G L0G
Md_g g0. (W.)--aux. An auxiliary added to verbs; g@ @OMOlOG. OMLg g|g@0
d0g@ (0, 284).

g@g0 tarutal n Gift; MdOL. (@L.)

g@G taruna n.. Giver, donor; Md_LLOG. O0O0g@G (ML@. 233).

g@ taru -> g[Q taravu n. 1. Giving, handing over; g@Od. QG|__G _[Ol G|Ou ML@
udG (d. 338). 2. First member of kali verse; d0|LLOlG @g@@LQ. (Mg0. ML. 444.) 3.
Order; dLLOu. (Insc.)

g@ taru -> g@LLl-gg0 taruppi v. intr. 1. To give libations of water to manes, is or gods; Llg|[
@g0lGd@g g@LLM@ M8 g0. -. [g g@LLlg@ |u0du M8O
(MLQ. g|@@G. 60). 2. To dedicate oneself to God by daily japa dhyna;
M8Lgg|G0du0 dLQgd@g gGOG LLlgg0. (J.)

g@LLl-gg0 taruppi -> g@LLMu taruppaam n.. 1. Libations of water to gods, is and manes;
GgOdgd@u @@dgd@u Llg|[@d@u @@d@u ddLG. Oug @@d@
gLLMu Qg0 (G8@Q. @[uG@8. 240). 2. Food, refreshment; 2MQ. g@LLML
LlMu (g|O. 11, gg@LML@u, 9). 3. Fried paddy pestled and cleaned; O0. d@LQd
dLM_ g@LLM0 L (ML@0. 2@O8d. 40, 129).

Offering Arghya to the Sun. There is a distinctive tradition of giving arghya
(a respectful offering of water to a deity) or libation to the sun god.
g@LLMu taruppaam -> [ tarpaam One of the five daily Yajas (performed by men), presenting
libations of water to the manes of the deceased ancestors ( ).
Sanskrit pundits are wrongly referring tp as the root for [ tarpaam.Because libation of water to gods,
is and manes involves voluntary giving or submitting food, etc before their images, idols in memory of their
desire. Such giving or submission may not be a pleased/desired one to the gods, is and manes. Gods, is and
manes never ask/desire for the same.

tp I. 4,5,6 P. ( , , , ) 1 To become satisfied, be pleased or contented; [
Bk.16.29; \ 15.29; (usually with instr., but sometimes with gen. or loc. also);
H.2.133 (v. l. ); Bh.2.84;
[ Pt.1.137; Mb. -2 To please, gratify. -Caus. To gratify,
please, -Dvsid. ; [ . -II. 1 P., 1 U. ([ , [ - ) 1 To light up, kindle. -2 (tm.) To be
satisfied. -3 To please, satisfy. -4 To gladden, refresh, reanimate; [ U.3.2.
g@LLl-gg0 taruppi -> @LLl-gg0 aruppi- , 11 To dedicate; 2gd@g0.
[G_Gd d@LLlg @M@ uGGGu GG u@
u[G_Gd d@LLlg @MM OGGGu OGG ud
g[G_Gd d gGu @@O [GG u_O_
[G_Gd d [00 [@@O g|Gg Ouu. 8|OL[g@O 8|OL[g@O 8|OL[g@O 8|OL[g@O |88u |88u |88u |88u

O@8|u Q@u0 uOgg0@ O@80|0
GOO0Gd@ dgg8 8Oud0u @LLlg@
_dO00@u @8GdQgG - @g0u @g0u @g0u @g0u [@g|[@G [@g|[@G [@g|[@G [@g|[@G Muddgg| Muddgg| Muddgg| Muddgg|

@LLl-gg0 aruppi-> @LLMu aruppaam n. Dedication; 2gddMd_dOd.
@LLl-gg0 aruppi-> @LLlgu aruppitam n. That which is offered; 2gddLLLL@.
@LLMu aruppaam-> [ arpaam 1 Placing or putting upon, setting upon; [
Rm.5.47.2; [ \ R.2.35. -2 Inserting, placing or putting in. -3 Giving, offering, resigning;
[ - \ R.2.55; [ 13.9; [ Bg.9.27. -4 Restoration, delivery,
giving back; Ak. -5 Piercing, perforating; [ Av.12.3.22; [ \
- Rm. (Said to mean also fire, god, an oblation, a Mantra and the tongue of fire. Tv.
@LLlgu aruppitam -> [ arpita a. 1 Inserted, fixed, full of; -2 Placed in or upon;. -3 Thrown, cast into-4
Transferred to, engraved; painted; -5 Offered, delivered, entrusted; -6 Given back; -7 Ceased, gone; -8 Pierced;
Sanskrit Pundits are wrongly citing as the root for the words [ arpita and [ arpaam. is never
used. Only [ , [ , [ are used. See.
Caus. ([ , [ , [ ) 1 To throw, cast, fling; fix or implant in; [ R.8.87. -2 To put or
place on, fix upon, direct or cast towards (as the eye &c.); ][ ] Ku.3.41; .6.5,17,3.26; R.17. 79;
.6.8; Bk.5.9; Ku.6.11; R.15.77; Bg.8.7, 12.14; [ i.9.54. -3 To place in, insert, give, set or place;
[ R.9.74,78; ][ .6.15 drawn in a picture; R.2.31; Amaru. 62; V.4.35; Mu.7.6;
Bh.3.18; [ R. G. -4 To hand or make over; give to, give in charge of, consign, deliver;
[ .1,4. 19; Bk.8.118; Y.2.65. -5 To give up, sacrifice (as the inherent sense); ]
[ S. D.2. -6 To give back, restore; [ [ R.19.1; Bk.15.16;
Amaru.94; Ms.8.191; Y.2. 169. -7 To pierce through, perforate, penetrate.

g@ taru -> g@LOL taruppai n. Kaus, the sacred grass, Poa cynosuroides; @O8LQ0. O8|LLG
_@LOLG G|g| MGg|GG (duL [. duM. 84).

g@LOL taruppai-> [ darbha A kind of sacred grass (Kua grass) used at sacrificial ceremonies &c.;
A dried grass twig (darbha) is necessary for performing tarpan. Tarpan for God is performed from the tip of the
darbha, tarpan for Sages should be performed by folding the darbha in the middle, and tarpan for deceased
ancestors souls should be performed from the tip and root of the two darbhas.
Linguists wrongly connect English turf with Darbha.
English turf [Middle English turf, torf, Old English turf (turf, sod, soil, piece of grass covered earth,
greensward) ]Dutch turf (turf), Low German torf (turf), German dialectal Turbe (turf), German Torf
(peat, turf), Swedish torf (turf), Icelandic torf (turf).

It Is actually connected with the words @OO trvai, [ drv.

@OO trvai n. Quitch grass. @@. (g|O.) @MOu @OOdd_u (g|@OlOu.
2dd|[. 23).

@OO trvai -> [ drv Bent grass, panic grass (considered as a sacred article of worship
and offered to deities &c.).-

g@ taru -> g@uu tarumam n. 1. Virtuous deed; _M80. (Ll0.) 2. Statute, ordinance, law, sacred law;
Olg|. (2. |.) 3. Ancient text-books on Hindu law. g@u@0. (2. |.) 4. Usage, practice, customary
observance or prescribed conduct; g@ddu. (2. |.) 5. Duty; dLOu. Colloq. 6. Justice, righteousness;
g|. ML@@ MuGOd g@uGu (L[g. @@GL. 186). 7. Charity, benevolence; gG@g0|
_u. g@u@ gdddGd M8 (0, 250). 8. Nature; inherent qualities; characteristics;
instinct; @_Od. (2. |.) g@u u|MgGL LGG u[MLG|G (@G. 11, 23).

Charity is considered as the virtuous deed. Sadaqah (voluntary charity) is a virtuous deed in Islam gGu tam/
dnam is a voluntary gift without any request. g@uu tarumam is a gift on request. However,
[ dna dharma means alms-giving, whether it is voluntary or involuntary.

g@ taru -> dh I. 6 . 1 To assign anything to any person, allot, assign. -2 To owe anything to a
person (with dat.; rarely gen. of person, 1 only in this sense);

g@uu tarumam -> [ dharma n. 1 Religion; the customary observances of a caste, sect, &c. -2 Law, usage,
practice, custom, ordinance, statue. -3 Religious or moral merit, virtue, right- eousness, good works (regarded as one
of the four ends of human existence); 4 Duty, prescribed course of conduct; -5 Right, justice, equity, impartiality. -6
Piety, propriety, decorum. -7 Morality, ethics -8 Nature. disposition, character; -9 An essential quality, pecu- liarity,
characteristic property, (peculiar) attribute; -10 Manner, resemblance, likeness. -11 A sacrifice. -12 Good company,
associating with the virtuous -13 Devotion, religious abstraction. -14 Manner, mode. -15 An Upaniad q. v. -16 N.
of Yudhihira, the eldest Pava. -17 N. of Yama, the god of death. -18 A bow. -19 A drinker of Soma juice. -2
(In astrol.) N. of the ninth lunar man- sion. -21 An Arhat of the Jainas. -22 The soul. -23 Mastery, great skill;

g@uu tarumam -> [ dharmam A virtuous deed.

g@-g0 taru -> g[du tragam (one which is given to another) n. 1. That which protects or supports;
receptacle; vehicle, means; refuge; _g[u. OGd@ |GG@ L[du (g. MuuG. 6). 2.
Sustenance, light food, diet for convalescents; Lgg|QMQ. Loc.

Compare: u|-gg0 ai- 11 v. tr. 1. To protect, take care of, nourish; dgg0. (Ll0.) 2. To give, bestow;
Md_gg0. (Ll0.) 3. To crowd together; M8_|gg0. (Ll0.) 4. To yield, beget; @g0. dg[
Lg|u|gg MuddGG| (L[g. 8uLO. 23). 5. To speak, express; M80 @g0. @du
Gu|g@u (d00. 13). 6. To create; 8|@Lgg0. OO uGdMlG _u|LLG (dgQ.
gg 8|g. 9).--
g@-g0 taru ->g@ taru (one which is yielding, giving, producing) n. 1. Tree; u[u. g@ OGg@u
(duL[. OdOLL. 10). 2. The ka- pakam/Kalpadruma d_LdOl@L8u. 3. Bastard sandal.
GgOg@. (Og0O. Og0. 17.)
g@ taru -> taru A tree;

g@ taru ->g@ tru n. 1. Tree; u[u. (@L.) ug@OGG 8|O0 (dgQ. g[d. 71). 2. Branch
of a tree; u[dd|Ou. (Ll0.) 3. Red cedar. See GgOg@. (Og0O. Og0.) 4. Piece of timber, wood;
u[g@M_. Md00|L LOO lG|_ _@OOugg O00|LLOO (@[@. @8G. 26). 5.
Temporary wooden image set up in place of the stone image when the temple is renovated; GdlO0L
Llg@L Q@LLld@uGL@ d_8|O0d@L Ll[g|dg gLlgg dLOL 2@. Loc.

g@ tru -> daru n. (said to be m. also) 1 Wood, a piece of wood, timber. -2 A block. -3 A lever. -4 A
bolt. -5 The pine or Devadru tree. -6 Ore. -7 Brass. -

g@ taru -> dru a. 1 Liberal. -2 Kind.

dru -> 1 A liberal or munificent man. -2 A donor. -3 An artist.

g@ taru -> g[u tram (one who is given (in marriage etc)) n. 1. Wife; uOGOl. gQg[ |O0
(Mg0. ML. 79). 2. Married state; OlOduG |O0. g[g@d@LLLLG. (W.) 3. Gemini;
u|@G[8|. (80. d.) 4. A celestial tree; MgOg@Qu gG_d| ug[u. (8|0L. 15, 157,
2O[.) 5. Red cedar. See GgOg[u. (OgO0. Og0.). 6. Lesser galangal. 8|__[gOg. 7. Seville
orange. [gOg. 8. Rare, valuable articles or things; @uLMLu. dL_L _[gg
_d|gGOG (Q_. 30). 9. Venom of the whip-snake; L8O8LLuLlG @. (W.) 10. Confines,
limit; O0O0. Lg|gg[uu (_8[d. 92). 11. Vermilion; 8g|0|0du. (W.)
g[u tram -> dr -m. (pl.) A wife;
g@ taru -> g[uu tram n. [T. dhramu.] 1. Generosity, liberality, magnanimity; 2g[u.
g[uud Md_dd|_G. 2. Roominess, spaciousness, amplitude; Ol80u. g[uuG Og|.
3. Plenty, copiousness, sufficiency, completeness; |O_Q. g[uu OlOu g@. 4. Frankness,
candour, openness, freedom; MOu|LLOL. OL g[uu8 M8000u. 5. Fluency,
readiness in speech or utterance, proficiency, skilful execution in singing or playing on an instrument; 8@u.
g[uu O8|dd|_G. 6. Confidence; boldness, freedom; Ogu. g[uu |_d |8
8|Og dL (g. dO. 8).

g[udd[G tra-k-kra n. Liberal, free-handed person; 2g[G.

g@ taru -> gdu trikam n. Duty, tax; g OO. (g. d.)

g@ taru -> g[u tram (given by Sky) n. Water; . (g. d.) 2. Continuous flow of water; current,
stream; ggO[. g[gggu.3.

g[u tram -> g[ tr n. 1. Continuous flow of water; current, stream; ggO[. g[gggu.
2.[Water birds] Duck; @uuOg@. (Lggg. 890.)3.. Heron; O[OOd. (W.)4. Waddling, as of a
duck; Og@OL. (W.)

g[ tr -> g[0@ trgu n. Rain- drop; uOgg@u|. (g. d.)

g[0@[u trguram n. Hailstone; _00dL. (80. d.)
g@ taru -> gO[ trai n. 1. Row, range, line, series; OO8. 2. Stripe, streak; Gd_. 3. Order,
arrangement, regularity; g@0@. M_|ggO[ M800g |@g (duL[. @L. 137). 4. Way, path;
Og|. (g|O.) O [GLdg gO[ ML_ _|0 (2gg[[. OO[M. 17). 5. Foot track; 8O_.
(Ll0.) 6. Running in a straight line; GG[ @_Od. (Ll0.) 7. Pace of a horse; @g| O[ddg|.
@@gO[l@ @M (g|@O0O. 39, 35). 8. Downpour of rain; ML@uOg. (Ll0.) 9.
Stream, as of water; M[@d@. M_gO[ dMLG|LL (g|@O8. 7, 15). 10. Region adjoining anus
of bulls and cows; uLG u0g @O[L Lddu. 11. Speed; OlO[Q. (g|O.) 12. Tongue; .
(@L.) 13. Blade of a weapon; _guL0. gO[Mdu @ddOO8 L GO0 (d00. 86, 34).
14. Sharpness; Ou. (Ll0.) 15. Discus weapon; 8dd[gu. 16. A quality of the diamond;
Ol[d@M0du| M0G@. (8|0L. 14, 180, 2O[.) 17. Thread- bareness; _OLlG
Ol0dd|Og. Loc.
gO[ trai -> dhra (one which is given/giving) 1 An epithet of Visnu. -2 A sudden and violent shower
of rain, sharp-driving shower. -3 Snow, hail. -4 A deep place. -5 Debt. -6 A boundary, limit. -7 A sort of stone.

dhra a. Streaming, dripping, flowing.

g@ taru -> g[u tram (one which is given, giving) n. 1. The seventh note of the gamut, one of seven
icai, q. v.; |Qg[u. (g|O.) 2. Highest musical pitch; O_ggG0O8. ug[ ugg|Ou
g[u|OO @G_|0 (d00. 21, 50). 3. One of the seven strings of the lute; g|GG [uQ. (Ll0.)
4. A musical mode; g@ LM. L_d|G_ LMg[Gu (GgO. 582, 3). 5. The mystic syllable m;
Ll[MOu. g[gg|@uGu g0d| (g|@u. 1405). 6. Silver; MOuu|. (Ll0.) 7. Copper alloy;
g[ OG@u 2G0du. (Ll0.) 8. Bell-metal; MOMd0u. (d. |.) 9. Mercury, quicksilver;
Lg[8u. (W.) 10. Eyesight; LOO. (@L.) 11. Star; L8gg|[u. (g. d.) 12. Pearl; @g@.
(g. d.)

g[u tram -> tra a.- 1 The clearness of a pearl. -2 A beautiful or big pearl; 3 Protection. -4 A high tone
or note; Mb.7.156.9. -5 Cros- sing, passing over. -6 A thread, wire ( );
[ Mb.5.48.28.

tra & tram 1 A star or planet; (said to be f. also). -2 The pupil of the eye; (said to be -m.
also). -3 A pearl (said to be f. also).

tram 1 Silver;

g[u tram -> g[du tragam n. 1. The mystic incantation, the monosyllable m; Ll[MOu.
MugMgu| g[du OlugO g@u (gMlOdLQ. dgg|. 10). 2. Star; L8g g|[u. (W.)

g[du tragam -> g[Od tragai n. 1. Star; L8gg|[u. LLMOM L[OdGL0
(g|@dGd. 116). 2. Apple of the eye; dMuMl. (g. d.)

g[Od tragai -> trak 1 A star; -2 A meteor, falling star. -3 The pupil of the eye; -4 N. of the wife of

traki starry night, night during which stars are visible.
trakita a. , star- spangled, studded with stars;

g[ tr n. Star, planet; OlM uG. (g|O.)

g[ tr -> tr 1 A star or planet in general; -2 A fixed star; Y.3.172; R. 6.22. -3 The pupil of the
eye, the eye-ball; -4 A pearl. -5 (in Skhya Phil.) One of the 8 Siddhis. -6 (in music) N. of a Rga of six notes. -
7 A kind of perfume. -8 (a) N. of the wife of Vli, king of the monkeys, and mother of Agada. She in vain
tried to dissuade her husband Vli from fighting with Rma and Sugrva, and married Sugrva after Vli
had been killed by Rma. (b) N. of the wife of Bihaspati, the preceptor of the gods. She was on one occasion
carried off by Soma (the moon) who refused to deliver her up to her husband when demanded. A fierce contest then
ensued, and Brahm had at last to compel Soma to restore her to her husband. Tr gave birth to a son
named Budha who became the ancestor of the Lunar race of kings (see Bhg.9.14). (c) N. of the wife of
Harichandra and mother of Rohidsa (also called Trmat). (d) N. of a Buddha goddess. (e) N. of a akti;
g@ taru -> g[u tram (one which gives or helps to make sound) n. Tongue; . (Ll0.)

g@ taru -> trik f. Toddy.

g t-> g0 tl (one which produces sound) n. 1. Tongue; . L8 O8g g0[OLk (g|@O8.
38, 4). 2. Lullaby song g0L_. (g. d.) 3. Portion dealing with the cradle-songs of the hero, one of ten
sections of piai-t-tami, g0LL@Ou. M80 dO[g0 8LLMl (@0d. Ol. 806).

g0 tl -> g0u tlam n. Tongue; . (Ll0.)

g t-> g0| tli (one which produces/gives toddy )n. Palmyra palm; LOG. (g|O. MLg. 2, 6, 1,
O. Ld. 361.)

g0| tli -> gu| ti n. 1. Palmyra-palm. See LOG. (@L.) 2. Talipot-palm, l. tr., Corypha umbraculifera;
g_LOGOOd. (Ll0.) 3. A medicinal plant; u@@8M8OOd. (g|O.) 4. The 17th nakatra.
@Lu. (@L.)
gu| ti -> ce [ ti ] or cc cc cc cc ti. adj. Belonging to the palmyra tree. ce ce ce ce e: e: e: e: tai-cheu. n.
The Palmyra Palm tree. Brab tree, or Fan Palm tree. Borassus flabelliformis (Watts). ``oa (male)
and .oe (female) ce e: are two kinds. n`c: cee: or occee: deformed trees of this
species supposed to have magic properties. ce . e ce . e ce . e ce . e ti-pia. n. The Ashy Swallow-Shrike.
Artamus fuscus. (F.B.I.) cecc c: sugar made from the juice of the palm tree. cec<:_c: or
cec<:_c: the flowers of the palm. ce se c ce se c ce se c ce se c or ce n o `c: ce n o `c: ce n o `c: ce n o `c: ti-kaea. n. A snake found on
the palmyra trees. ce.cncc: an epithet of Balarma or Bhshma. ceo s_ the constellation
called _` . ceos_-c the month called _c c^c:.
cc [ ti ] ti.[Tel.] adj. Appertaining to the palmyra or the tree called Beleric
Myrobalan, Terminalia belerica: DOosc:.
g0| tli -> tl 1 A species of the mountain-palm, palm-tree; -2 The common toddy (Tdi). -3
Fragrant earth. -4 Noise produced by clapping the hands together;
g0| tli -> g0u tlam (one which produces toddy, music etc) n. 1. Palmyra-palm. LOG. (Ll0.)
g0@ MdlGG (L[g. @@. 141). 2. A kind of areca-palm. See g_d@@. (Ll0.) 3.
Talipot-palm; g_ LOG. (uO0.) 4. (Akap.) Palmyra leaf-stalk shaped like a horse. See uLGu.
g0g g|Od (MO0OddGd. 110). 5. The seventeenth nakatra. See @Qu. g0 Mg@g
g@ug| g88G (OlgG. L@80d. 20). 6. Honey; GgG. (80. d.)

g0d| tlaki n. Toddy; du. (80. d.)

g0d| tlaki -> The vinous exudation of the palm, toddy.

g0u tlam -> tla 1 The palmyra tree, Bhg. 8.2.12; -2 A banner formed of the palm. -3
Slapping or clapping the hands together, the noise made by it; -4 Flapping in general; -5 Flapping of the
ears of an elephant. -6 Beating time (in music); -7 A musical instrument made of bell-metal, Bhg.
8.15.21; -8 The palm of the hand. -9 A lock, bolt. -1 The hilt of a sword. -11 An epithet of iva. -12 (In
prosody) A trochee. -13 A particular measure of height; Rm.6. -14 A short span; a span measured by the
thumb and the middle finger. -15 A dance; S. D.6.
tlam 1 The nut of the palmyra tree. -2 Yellow orpiment

g0u tlam -> guu tam n. 1. (Mus.) Time- measure; L_Odl_ d0gOg @g|l_u
uQ. @ggu0du|G Og|O@u . . . @ @d@ddgu (8|0L. 3, 16, 2O[). 2. A small cymbal
for keeping time in music; Odggudd@Ol. du g0Odl_ _uu|@gO@
(g|@O8. 17, 8). 3. Syllables sung in tune with drum-beats; gugg|_ d|O8d @u O8du.
(W.) 4. Palmyra-palm. See LOG. 5. Jaggery-palm, m. tr., Caryota urens; g_LOGOOd. (L.) 6. Yellow
orpiment; g[u. 7. Talisapatri gu|8Lgg|. (80. d.)
guu tam -> cvc: tamu. [Telugu.] n. Time or measure in music. `c<.yc: o n
sc.occc:. A cymbal, because used to keep time with. cvc:c- soc:cc_c:. A palm
tree. cee: . cv appertaining to the palm tree. cvLc: a palm tree. ccvc: .e -c:
he was in a rage or out of humour against him. cccvc: slow time. cecvc: common time.
O.yecvc: quick time. cvn oc: cvn oc: cvn oc: cvn oc: ta-ginsu. v. n. To play (the cymbals, &c.) cvc:co:.
BD. iii. 1237. cvno one who plays the cymbals. cvc: co:cc:. cv.oc: cv.oc: cv.oc: cv.oc: t-patramu.
n. A palm leaf. ces:, c_s:, cvc<c: cvc<c: cvc<c: cvc<c: ta-mnamu. n. Beating time in music. T. iv. 77.
cvLooc: cvLooc: cvLooc: cvLooc: ta-vintamu. n. A fan made of palm leaf. D^<so .
g0u tlam -> (g00du tlagam) -> gL0du tagam n. Woman's ear-ornament (Palm Ola ear-
ornament; @O00G dgMl); MLMdu dg|0Ml Gg_. (@L.)

(g00du tlagam) -> tlaka A kind of ear-ornament

gL0du tagam-> taka A kind of ear-ornament

g-g0 t -> ggg| tatti n. Gift; MdOL. (g. d.)

ggg| tatti -> ggg|Gu tattiam n. (T. Taddinamu). Annual ceremony for the manes; 8|[ggu.

ggg| tatti ->gg@ tattu n. [K. dattu.] 1. Adoption; O d[u. gg@d MdMLuMdG0 gGG
ML__uMdG0 (g|O. MLg. 2, 1, 7). 2. See gg@LQgg|[G. @OG O@d@g gg@.

gg@ tattu -> gggu tattam n. Gift, offering, etc., given away with water; Og@dMd_d @u
MdOL. Colloq.

ggg0Md_-gg0 tatta-kou- v. tr. 1. To give in adoption; O d[0 Md_gg0. (W.) 2. 1.
To give away in charity by pouring water into the hands of the recipient; ML@Ou Og@d
Md_gg0. 2. To give oblations to manes with water; Llg|[d@ 2gd _OudL LlMLu
@g0|G Md_gg0. 3. To give absolutely, lose entirely without any hope of regaining;
ML@Oug g|@uLLML_gL Md_g@Ol_g0.

ggg@M8-g0 tatta-cey- v. tr. 1. To give away in charity by pouring water into the hands of the
recipient; ML@Ou Og@d Md_gg0. 2. To give oblations to manes with water;
Llg|[d@ 2gd _OudL LlMLu @g0|G Md_gg0. 3. To give absolutely, lose
entirely without any hope of regaining; ML@Oug g|@uLLML_gL Md_g@Ol_g0.-
. QG|gQG _GMgGg ggg@M8@ (_L. 8g. 6).

ggguLM@-g0 tattam-pau- v. tr. 1. To give away in charity by pouring water into the hands of
the recipient; ML@Ou Og@d Md_gg0. 2. To give oblations to manes with water;
Llg|[d@ 2gd _OudL LlMLu @g0|G Md_gg0. 3. To give absolutely, lose
entirely without any hope of regaining; ML@Oug g|@uLLML_gL Md_g@Ol_g0.

gggu tattam -> gggG tatta n. Adopted son, son given by his parents to a person who legally adopts him.
gggdG. gggG 8GdLG. (0. 31).

gggu tattam -> gggdG tattaka n. Adopted son, son given by his parents to a person who legally adopts him,
one of twelve puttira, q.v.; O d[ Qgg|[G.

gggu tattam -> datta. n Gift, offering, etc., given away with water;

gggdG tattaka -> dattaka Adopted son, son given by his parents to a person who legally adopts him,
one of twelve puttira, q.v.;

gggu tattam -> dada a. Giving, offering &c.

dad 1 . ( ) To give, offer, present.

ggg|Gu tattiam -> dadanam A gift, donation.

gggu tattam -> dadha a. Holding, possessing, giving &c. -n. share, portion;

dadh 1 . ( ) 1 To hold.-2 To have, possess.-3 To give, present.

ggg| tatti -> datti A gift, donation.

] datram Ved. A gift, donation.

] dattrima a. 1 Received by gift. -2 Belonging to a gift;

] dattrima One of the twelve kinds of sons;
g-g0 t -> da1 A gift, donation. -2 A mountain.
da a. (At the end of comp.) Giving, granting, producing, causing, as , , , , &c.
g-g0 t -> dam A wife.
dampat ( dam + pati) m. (du.) 1 The lord of the house (Agni, Indra, the
Avins); 2 Husband & wife;
dam-> jam wife; L. D. B.
jampat m. (du.) [ +| Husband and wife; cf. and .
jam -> j 1 A mother (wife of his/her father).-2 A husband's brother's wife.-3 A race, tribe
j -> jm (one who is given in marriage);. 1 A daughter -2 A daughter-in-law.

jm -> jmt & jmt m. 1 A son-in-law; -2 A lord, master (i.e. husband).

jmt -> ymt m. 1 A son-in-law; -2 A lord, master (i.e. husband) .

jmt -> jmtka A son-in-law.

jm -> jmi f. 1 A sister; -2 A daughter. -3 A daughter-in-law. -4 A near female relative (-
Kull.); Ms.3.57-58. -5 A virtuous and respectable woman.

jmi -> ymi & m f. 1 A sister -2 A daughter in-law; Ms. 4.18. -3 A noble woman.

jm -> jy A wife.

jni A substitute for at the end of Bah. comp. R.15.61;
- Mv.4.5.
jm + pati -> jspati Ved. A son-in-law.
g-g0 t- 13 v. tr. [K. M. t.] 1. To give, as to equals; gLGL@d@d Md_gg0. (Mg0.
M80. 446.) 2. To grant, bestow; g@gg0. 3. To instruct; 2LGg8|g g0. gG[@uML@
g| gg|L (dgQ. OO Ld. 8). 4. To serve; Lu@g0. @GG8@ g@ (u@O[d.
535). 5. To cause to get; OL Olgg0. ML@LOLg@20 Md__@u (Q_. 35, 25). 6. To
create, form, construct; LOLgg0. g@uGgOOg . . . g@g0_ _@ugg ggu (G8@Q. 8dd[.
14). 7. To beget, generate, procreate; udLML@g0. Q0dMu0@ OgMG@ u@ ggu
(duL[. 8LdM. 28). 8. To produce, compose; @0 @g0|G @_@g0. 8OLG
MOMMM0 @Ol_ _gGg (duL[. 8|_LQL. 11). 9. To denote; express; 2Mg@g0.
@_gd0 g@Mgg| 0|OL|O0 (G. 142). 10. To acquire, gather; 8uLg|gg0.
gu|G_ _g Ol@|g|u (g|d_. 47). 11. To capture; OdLL_@g0. _M[l0 L0g@
(Q_. 6, 14). 12. To call, summon; Oggg0. u__OL L@d O 0MdG (8|0L. Ogd@O[. 45).
13. To yield, bring forth, as trees; u[@g0|G L0G Md_g g0. (W.)--aux. An auxiliary added to
verbs; g@ @OMOlOG. OMLg g|g@0 d0g@ (0, 284).

g-g0 t-> d 1 Protection, defence.

Compare: u|-gg0 ai- 11 v. tr. 1. To protect, take care of, nourish; dgg0. (Ll0.) 2. To give, bestow;
Md_gg0. (Ll0.) 3. To crowd together; M8_|gg0. (Ll0.) 4. To yield, beget; @g0. dg[
Lg|u|gg MuddGG| (L[g. 8uLO. 23). 5. To speak, express; M80 @g0. @du
Gu|g@u (d00. 13). 6. To create; 8|@Lgg0. OO uGdMlG _u|LLG (dgQ.
gg 8|g. 9).--
g-g0 t- dka 1 A giver, donor. -2 An institutor of a sacrifice (who employs and pays
the priests.).
g-g0 t- > gd@-g0 takku v. intr. To yield; to be submissive; O8LL_g0. (g. d.)

gd@ takku-> gddOM takkaai n. Present or fee offered to a guru. gL8|OM. GOuOl g
gddOMg g@uGG (g|O. MLg. 4, 9, 5).

gddOM takkaai-> gdd|OM takkiai n. Present or fee offered, as to a guru. See gL8|OM. gO
Mu00Mdud gdd|OM MOG_G (duL[. dg. 31).

gdd|OM takkiai -> MgddOM tekkaai n. Offering or present, as to a guru; gL8|OM. 8@@
MgddOM Gdu @@@ uL @OG_G (2L Gg8d. 8|Ou. 123).

gddOM takkaai-> gL8OM tacaai n. . Offering or fee to a guru, schoolmaster, etc.; @@@g0|
MLGd@d Md_d@u ML@u. 2. Bribe, inducement, used in contempt; LgGu. 3.
Discipline; punishment; 8|LO8. (J.) gL8|OM. Loc.

gL8OM tacaai ->gL8|OM taciai n. 1. Offering or fee to a guru, schoolmaster, etc.; @@@g0|
MLGd@d Md_d@u ML@u. 2. Bribe, inducement, used in contempt; LgGu. 3.
Discipline; punishment; 8|LO8. (J.)

gL8|OM taciai -> gL8|Mu taciam n. Liberality; g[uu. (g. d.)

gL8OM tacaai -> MgL8OM tecaai n. 1. Offering or fee to a guru, schoolmaster, etc.; @@@g0|
MLGd@d Md_d@u ML@u. 2. Bribe, inducement, used in contempt; LgGu. 3.
Discipline; punishment; 8|LO8. (J.) MgL8|OM. (g. d.)

gL8|OM taciai -> MgL8|OM teciai n. 1. Offering or fee to a guru, schoolmaster, etc.;
@@@g0| MLGd@d Md_d@u ML@u. 2. Bribe, inducement, used in contempt;
LgGu. 3. Discipline; punishment; 8|LO8. (J.) gL8|OM.
gdd|OM takkiai-> 1 A present or gift to Brhmaas (at the completion of a religious rite, such as a
sacrifice). -2 Daki regarded as a daughter of Prajpati and as the wife of Sacrifice personified; -3 A gift,
offering or donation in general, fee, remu- neration;
g-g0 t- > gd@ tkku n. 1. Attachment; L_@. gdd_ M_G_|0 (@GO. Ll[d. 35). 2.
Order, command; 2gg[Q. @O_gLQGu0 OOggd0O@ gdMdG (@__. g0. ug.

gddL_-g0 tkku- v. tr. 1. To allure, as an animal by offering food; gg|[u
O8dgg0. Loc. 2. To divert or engage the attention of, as a child; L[d@d dL_g0. Loc. 3.
To deceive by putting off from day to day, tantalize; LdLgg| u_@g0. Loc.--intr. To render
help, afford relief; 2gOl M8g0. (J.)

gd@ tkku -> gdd0 tkkal (one which is given to do something) n. (U. Dkhil). 1. Registration,
entry; Lg|Od. (W. G.) 2. Giving of a notice; reference; gdO0. (C. G.) 3. Taking possession, occupancy;
Og GLL_g@Od. (C. G.) 4. Information, news, intimation; M8g|. OG GLG OlQud
g@ gdd@u d|OLddOl0O0. 5. Connection; 8uLgu. @O @d@u O@d@u
gdd0 @0O0. Loc.

gdd0M8-g0 tkkal-cey- v. trTo file as documents, etc., in court; GdL0
Lg|O@uL gOgGOdOug Md_g g0.
gdd0 tkkal -> 1. cc: dkhalu or cc: dkhalu. n. Submitting, as an application or a complaint in
writing. cc: o: to file or enter. c__c: cco<c the suit is filed.
2. cc: dkhalu & cc: dakhalu n. Insertion, entering. An application. cc: o: to
present, to file, admit, &c.
cc: dakhalu -> scooc: katyicu v. t. to present, to file, cc:-s`<:.
gdd0 tkkal n. 1. Entry in an account; dMdd|_ Lg|Q. 2. Giving of a notice; reference; gdO0.
In Marathi, has been explained by the word ( To show.), though it is wrong.
| dkhal ] m A simile or illustration. 2 Experience or personal observation. Ex.
0 or . 3 Grounds for a reasoning, an argument. Ex.
0 . 4 A token, proof, evidence; a receipt, bond, note &c. producible in evidence; a
certificate, a note of character &c. 5 Right or title. 0 g. of o. To take example, warning, or lesson from. 0
To come to pass--a prediction. 0 g. of s. To be proved or evidenced. To agree with the
experience of.
| dkhavi ] v c To show, exhibit, explain, point out, lit. fig.
.= dal [Persian] (v.n.), Entering; intrusion, interference; return, profit, advantage; in- come; [dal kardan, To
take possession of;--dal-u-dast-diraz kardan, To enter and seize by violence;--dal-u-arch, Receipt and
disbursement;--dal-u-qaba, Entry and possession;]--daal (v.n.), Labouring under any intrinsic defect (mind,
body, or estate); fraud, trick; clustering trees; people who claim relationship with those to whom they do not belong.
.= dal-dr [Persian] One who has admis- sion to; a partner; an accomplice.
'= _ dal [Persian] Admission, entrance;--dal dshtan, To interfere or be inter- fered with; to have
connection with (
= , . dal [Persian] Interior, inner; intimate, familiar, confident; an intermeddler; an intruder; a proselyte;
a foreign word adopted into Arabic; the letter following the alif of tass in a rhyme (see -'- , ).
The words denoting of possession in Persian, Urdu etc are derived from the Tamil word
gd@-g0 takku- 5 v. intr. |Kannada. dakku.] 1. To come to stay; to become permanent; to be lasting, as a
possession or acquisition; to be retained; |O0ML@g0. OMg 0|OuOl gd@u (gG|LL. i,
353, 78). 2. To be profitable, advantageous, beneficial; LGL_g0. (W.)
gd@-g0 takku- > cs:_ dakku. [Telugu.] v. n. To be available for enjoyement.
c<:OLon_cn:. To fall to one's share or lot; to be saved, to escape. adj. Enjoyable.
c<:con_c:. D ` cc:c: cs_Ly your lives will not be saved. e osc: cs_ _cocc: I have
no chance of keeping the money. cs`_<: cs`_<: cs`_<: cs`_<: dak-konu. (cs:_+s`<:.) v. n. To be independent.
^_ooooa cn:. To happen, sc:n:. Ds . ii. cs _oc: cs _oc: cs _oc: cs _oc: dakkinsu. v. a. To rescue, preserve, defend,
save, get, redeem. cs_oc:s`<:. I get into one's possession, appropriate. to have. To secure
for oneself. To digest. c oc: o<s: cs_oc:s`-_c: he got the house into his own hands.
cs`_c: cs`_c: cs`_c: cs`_c: dak-klu. n. Occurrence. sc:n:e, ^ocDoc:e. adj. Taken, usurped: `_c <c <. Possible,
feasible, attainable. cs`_c:nc:_ cs`_c:nc:_ cs`_c:nc:_ cs`_c:nc:_ dakklu-g-n-issu. v. a. To offer in sacrifice: to present as
a gift to a god. cs`_c:.c: cs`_c:.c: cs`_c:.c: cs`_c:.c: Same as cs`_<:.
= , ' . dal-kr [Persian] In possession, an occupant; admitted; having a right to interfere.
= , ' . , dal-kr [Persian] Possession, occupancy.
The following Words are belonging to Urdu language derived from Tamil.
.= dil [act. part. n. of .= 'to enter,' &c.], part. adj. & s.m. Entering, penetrating; arriving;entered;
inserted; included, comprehended; produced; forthcoming;interior, inside;entering (upon), taking
possession (of);entry (in a book or account); inclusion (of a minor in a larger piece of land, &c.):
`= dil adj. & s.m. Interior, inside;entry (in an account, &c.); insertion; quotation;
entrance; entrance fee; admittance, admission; delivery or payment (of money, &c.); a receipt (for
money,esp. for revenue paid in):zwiya--dila, s.m. (Geom.) Interior angle.
'= dila = H `= dil (for A. '= dilat, fem. of dil), adj. & s.m. Interior, inside;entry
(in an account, &c.); insertion; quotation; entrance; entrance fee; admittance, admission; delivery or
payment (of money, &c.); a receipt (for money,esp. for revenue paid in):zwiya--dila,
s.m. (Geom.) Interior angle.
'= dil (rel. n. fr. dil), adj. Interior, internal; home (as opp. to foreign);included, contained (in);
inclusive; belonging (to); inherent:
gd@ tkku-> (gdd_ tkkuf)-> gdd@ tkkdu, n. Injunction, command, order; 2gg[Q. (W.
gdd@ tkktu-> gd@ tkdu n. Injunction, command, order; 2gg[Q. gdd@.
gd@ tkdu -> -,'- tkd [Urdu] s.f. injunction, order; reminder; pressure, compulsion; strict or close.
tqd (nf) an instruction; caution.
(gdd_ tkku)-> csc: tku , cc: cc: cc: cc: tku. [Telugu.] n. An order, a command. c . A
written order. c .Os.
In Persian and Arani, the word takid merely means strengthening only. Indirect meaning of command or Order is
artificial only.
'- , - takd [Persian] (v.n. 2 of -), Strengthening, satisfying, confirming, corroborating; corroboration; stress,
emphasis; order, in- junction; reminder; pressure, compulsion; strict supervision.
'- , - takdan Strongly; diligently.
'- , - tkdt (pl. of tkd), Formal re- commendations.
'- , - , tkd Corroborative; urgent, pressing; emphatic, positive, peremptory, categorical.
g-g0 t- > g_@-g0 tu-v. Tr . To sift, winnow in a particular manner and separate large particles from
small; Mdg|gg0. Loc. 2. To bear; ggg0. (g. d.)

g_@-g0 tu -> gg@-g0 tttu (one which is given/giving)- 5 v. tr. 1. To winnow;
Mdg|gg0. (J.) 2. To shift off bad articles for good; @g|gOg 2ggg_@ u_@ g0. OG
ggg|LGLLLG. (J.) 3. To spend; M80Og|gg0. Tj. 4. To conceal, as stolen bullocks;
gu|g@OOgg0. (J.) 5. Justice; |u. 6. Complaint, representation; @O_ _.

gg@-g0 -> gg| tti (one who has given complaint) n ( U. dd.) Plaintiff, complainant; Og|. (C.

gg@OG tttuva n. Liberal donor; MdOLuG. gg. (g. d.)
g-g0 t- > ggu tdam n. Gift; MdOL. (g. d.)
ggu tdam -> dda 1. A gift, donation; 2.a donor.
ggu tdam -> dti f. Giving.

ggu tdam -> dtavyam The act of giving, gift, giving away;

tavyaa. 1 To be given. -2 Payable. -3 To be restored or returned -4 To be given in
marriage &c.,

g td -> ] dtram 1 Ved. A share, possession. -2 A gift, donation.

g td -> dtva A donor.

dtvam 1 The performance of a sacri- fice. -2 A sacrificial rite.

g-g0 t- > g@ tdu (one which is given/giving) n. 1. Mineral, fossil; any natural product from a
mine; dG| du|0 2ML@u @_OdLML@u. 2. Metals; MLG@g0| 2G0d0du.
(Ll0.) 3. Red ochre; dOldd0. (@L.) 4. The five elements of Nature. See _gu. (@L.) 5. The three
humours of the body, viz., vtam, pittam, cil- umam; Og Llgg 8|G0L_u0du. 6. Pulse; .
LlMldOug g@ddu 0_|0u (@uG[. 8g. 38). 7. Constituent parts of the body. See
8ggg@. (Ll0.) 8. Semen, sperm; dd|0u. (Ll0.) [g g@ O gg @G[M @uL gGG|0
(L[g. O[M. 32). 9. Powder, dust; @. (u@O[d. 399, 2O[.) 10. Pollen; _g@. g@M
OMGu (uMl. 4, 20). 11. Petal of flowers; _OlG|gg. (Ll0.) 12. Blossom; u0. duO
gMg_ OMu|@u (Q. MO. 12, @@ L_. 3). 13. Honey; GgG. g@G8 d@ (8|0L. 13,
119). 14. (Gram.) Verbal root; OlOGLL@g|. gg|GO@ (QLL. g|@GO0dLg g. dLQ.). 15.
The 10th year of the Jupiter cycle; _M_ @Lg@u LggO@.

g@ tdu -> dhtu 1 A constituent or essential part, an ingredient. -2 An element, primary or ele- mentary
substance, i. e. -3 A secretion, primary fluid or juice, essential ingredients of the body (which are considered to be
7:-- $ \ , or sometimes ten if , and be added); Mb.3.213.1. -4 A
humour or affection of the body, (i.e. , and -5 A mineral, metal, metallic ore; -6 A verbal root; 7 The
soul. -8 The Supreme Spirit; -9 An organ of sense. -10 Any one of the properties of the five elements, i. e. -11 A
bone. -12 A part, portion. -13 A fluid mineral of a red colour. -14 Ved. A supporter. -15 Anything to be drunk, as
milk &c. -f. A milch cow. -
g-g0 t- > g@ tdu n. Slavery, servitude; Ou. OMlg gg_@g ggG@
MgMOL uML0Gu (MgMOL. 8g. 45).
g@ tdu -> ggG tta (one gives service) n. 1. Slave, devotee; OG. (Ll0.) 2. Vaiava
religious mendicant of dra caste; g8.
gg88| ttacci n. Fem. of ggG. A female ascetic; gOLMLM. (g. d.)

ggu tdam -> gg td n. Liberal donor; MdOLuG. @GggQ (g. 888|g.

gg td -> 1 A giver (in general); -2 A donor; -3 A lender, creditor. -4 A teacher. -5 A cutter. -6 A
guardian; -7 One who gives daughter or sister in marriage; Ms.3.172.
a. (] f.) 1 Giving, offering, granting, prsenting, bestowing, imparting, &c. -2 Liberal. -m. ()
ggu tdam -> gg| tdi n. 1. Maid-servant; GOO0dd. (Ll0.) 2. Harlot; GOO8. M8uG[8
[g gg|O LLG (2LGg8d. 8|Og@G[. 200). 3. The second nakatra. L[Ml. (Ll0.).
Foster-mother nurse; M8Ol0|gg. (Ll0.)
g@ tdu -> (gg tdari) -> g8 tsari n. [Telugu. Kannada. dsari.] Vaiava non-brahmin
mendicant; ggG. (E. T. ii, 112.)
g@ tdu -> g [ tsu, ] (for.) A brass plate to strike the hour, g|OdOL0. 2. An hour,
@[MLO[g|OdMdMLG[u. 3. Conical piece in the play of draughts, gddLOL. 4. An
affix to proper names, im plying devotedness, as @[ug, wor shipper of Rama.
g tsu -> g8|u tsiyam n. Slavery, servitude; Ou

g tdu-> gOu tsuvam n. Gift; MdOL. (g. d.)
g tdu-> g8G tsa n. 1. Servant; 2g|dd[G. g8 g8| (OldQ. 53, 57). 2.
Slave; Ou. (@L.) 3. Devotee; LggG. 4. Title of the dra caste; @gg|[ LLLL ML.
g@uG O@uG _GG _8G (g|@OOGd. Gd8. 69). 5. A term used in salutation among
Vaiavas; OOMO OMdd8M80. GG _8MGG_|O_@8| (Ll[GLg. 11, 11).
g tdu-> g8| tsi n. 1. Maid servant; G8. u0d0g g8| g0d0 MG0|LL (8|0L. 6,
125). 2. Dancing-girl devoted to temple service, commonly a prostitute; harlot, whore; OlO0udu. (@L.) 3.
Female slave; OuLMLM. (8@.) 4. The second nakatra. See L[Ml. (Ll0.) 5. Western Ghats blue nail-
dye. See u@GgG_|. (uO0.)

g tdu -> d 1, 1 U. (- , - ) 1 To give, grant; -2 To offer an oblation;

ds 1 U., 5 P. 1 To give, grant; -2 To offer an oblation;

g8G tsa - > dsa 1 Slave, servant in general; -2 A fisherman; -3 A dra, a man of the fourth
caste. -4 A knowing man, one who knows the universal spirit. -5 N. of Vitrsura. -6 A demon. -7 A savage,
barbarian (opp. [ ). -8 A worthy recipient (]). -9 A word added to the name of dra; cf. .

dsat & dsatvam Slavery, servitude;

dsamy N. of people; a son born of a woman of higher caste from udra father.

dsik A female servant or slave.

g8| tsi -> ds 1 A female servant or slave. -2 The wife of a fisherman. -3 The wife of a dra. -4
An altar. -5 A harlot.

dsya The son of a female slave.

dsra & dsraka 1 The son of a female slave. -2 A dra. -3 A fisherman. -4 A camel;

g8|u tsiyam -> dsyam Servitude, slavery, service, bondage

g-g0 t- > gu tyam (one which is givable/given) n. 1. Patrimony, inheritance, wealth of an
ancestor capable of inheritance and partition (R. F.); Ldgg|_@ Llg|[88|gLML@u. 2.
Share; L0@. (g. d.) 3. Paternal relationship; gOgOg|8 __u. (g. d.) 4. A fall of the
dice; dO@@LL Ol@u Ol@ggu. @_LL @_d|G_ gu (d0|g. 136, 2O[). 5. Cubical
pieces in dice-play; dO@. (g. d.) 6. Number one in the game of dice; dO@@LL Ol@u gG@
OG@u OM. Colloq. 7. Gift, donation; MdOL. (g. d.) 8. Good opportunity; 8uOLQ.
(g. d.) 9. Affliction, distress; @GLu. (g. d.) 10. Delay, stop; gddL_. (W.) 11. A child's
game played with seeds or shells on the ground; @gOg OlOuL_OOd. 12. Excellence, superiority;
GuGOu. guu L@u|G|d@ (MddGd. 1, 28).

g0@-g0 tya-ku- v.intr. To call out the required number in throwing dice;
@gLLOl@gg0 @g0. (8Od. 927, 2O[.)

gggO tyattavar n. Agnates; gg|du. gggO@ gug GLgGg
MdL (0, 278).

gLLg| tya-p-pati n. City or town got by inheritance; gGd@ 2Oudd
d|OLg@uu Og|Lu 00@ 2. gLLg|du gO088|_ Mg0Md0@u
(g|O. g|@O. 8, 6, 9).

gLdu tya-pkamn. 1. Division of an estate among heirs; @g|du gu@u
Llg@dMdugu 2OuLL0@. 2. A treatise on the Hindu law of inheritance by
Jmtavkaa; LdLLlOlOGOLL__| @ @g OdG @__| @0. 3. Chapter
on the law of inheritance in the Mitkara of Vijvara, 12th c. (R. F.); LGG|[MLu
@__M0 Ol@ @GG[ @__| u|g6[gg|0 gQOu
OLL__|d @u L@g|.

gddLLu tya-k-kaam n. Squares for playing dice; gOlOuL_ __g_@gQu

gddLOL tya-k-kaai n. Dice; @gLLgg|0 2@L_0 dO@. (J.)

gu tyam dya 1 A gift, present, donation; -2 A nuptial present (given to the bride or the bridegroom).
-3 Share, portion, inheritance, patrimony; -4 A part or share in general. -5 Deli- vering, handing over. -6 Dividing,
distributing. -7 Loss, destruction. -8 Irony. -9 Site, place. -10 Alms given to a student at his initiation, &c. -11 A
relative or a kinsman;
gg| tyti n. Agnate; g@ Gdgg|[g@L Ll_g 2OuLL0du|.
gg|ggGu tyti-t-taam n. 1. Deception, fraud, as practised among relations in regard to hereditary
property; L0du|du gud@u dL_O@GLG_ O@8OG8 M80. (W.) 2. Jealousy;
ML_Ou. Loc.
gg|LLLLu tyti-p-paam n. Rule of succession in a zamin by which the senior member succeeds in
preference to the sons of the last male holder (R. F.); udG@O_l0 O[u0 Ou|8gg|0
@gGg @O_G OLu @uG LLLu. Madu.

g-g0 t- > gGu tam n. 1. Gift in charity, donation, grant, as a meritorious deed; GMdOL. 2.
(Buddh.) Liberality, munificence, bounty, one of taca-pramitai, q.v.; g8L[u|Ogdgu gG_d|
Od. (Ll0.) 3. Gifts, as a political expedient, one of four upyam, q.v.; 0OOd 2L0dgu
gG_G MdOL. (8Od. 747, 2O[.) 4. (Jaina.) Charitable assistance 0OOd _8M80. 5.
Householder's life; @00_u. (g|@@_. 17, 2O[.) 6. Must of the elephant; OGugu. (Ll0.)
OdggGd du|_ _[8 (duL[. d@d. 20). 7. Sacrifice, as requiring offerings; GOuOl. (Ll0.)
8. A kind of plantain; ud[OOg. (Ll0.)

gGu tam -> dnam 1 Giving, granting, teaching, &c. (in general); giving in marriage (cf.
). -2 Delivering, handing over. -3 A gift, donation, present; Ms.2.158; -4 Liberality, charity, giving away as
charity, munificence; -5 Ichor or the juice that exudes from the temples of an elephant in rut; -6 Bribery, as
one of the four Upyas or expedients of overcoming one's enemy; see . -7 Protection. -8 Pasture. -9
Adding; addition.

dna Ved. 1 Distribution (of food), meal, especially a sacrificial meal. -2 Part, possession, share. -3
A distributor.

dnakam A mean or unworthy gift.

gGu tam -> gG| ti n. Giver, donor; Md_LGLG.

gG| ti -> gG u tyam n. Gift; MdOL. (g. d.)

gG u tyam-> dnyam A gift, donation.

dnya a. 1 Due, bestowable, fit to be given. -2 Receiving gifts.

dnin a. 1 Liberal, munificent; -2 Having gifts.

gGu tam -> g@ tu n. (g. d.) 1. Air; d_@. 2. Liberal man; MdOLuG. 3.
Successful person; MO__|uG.

g@ tu -> dnu 1 A donor. -2 Prosperity. -3 Satisfaction. -4 Air, wind. -5 A demon. -n. 1 A gift. -2 A
fluid, drop.

g-g0 t- > gGu taam (one which is earned/produced/given or giving) n. 1. Wealth, substance, property;
M80Ou. (W.) 2. Gold; MLG. (Ll0.) 3. Seal; @gg|O[. (Ll0.) 4. Beam across roofing; 2gg|[u.
(d. |.) 5. See gGOgGu. (OlgG. u[Ll. 4.) 6. (Arith.) Addition; LL_dMd@. (W.) 5.
Woman's breast; @O0. @uML@ gGgOg GOLLM GOOu . . . Ol_LG
OGG (g|@O0O. 23, 15).
A mammary gland is an organ in mammals that produces milk to feed young offspring.
gGu taam (one which is giving milk) -> stana 1 The female breast; -2 The nipple of the breast. -3 The
breast, udder, or dug of any female animal;

Greek stthos.

However, Sanskrit pundit are wrongly citing the following dhatupatha for the etymology of stana.

stan 1 P., 1 U. 1 To sound, make a sound, resound, reverberate. -2 To groan, breathe hard, sigh. -3 To
thunder, roar loudly;

See that inappropriateness of stan.

gGu taam -> gGG taa n. Title of the Vaiya caste; OO8| LLLLML. 8@uG O@uG
_GG_8G 8gg|Og0@ u|_MLdu Gd8M80. 69).
gGu taam -> gG|dG taiga n. Rich man; M80OG. Colloq.
gG|Od taigai n. (g. d.) 1. Girl, young woman; @uuMLM. 2. Chaste woman;

g-g0 t- > gGu taam -> gG| taisu n. Debt; dLG. ML@u ML@L LG|u|GG_ . . .
GLd@O0 (g|@O0 O. 27, 83).
gG| taisu -> gG|8 taisar n. 1. Debtors; dLG O0d|GG. 2. Petty chiefs, as always in debt to the
overlord; [dLGd[| @@u L[8. (_, 5, 9, 7, @ .)
Grains are equated with the wealth. The word denoting wealth has also denoted grains esp. Coriander. Compare:
ntam 1 Wealth -2 Corn, grain

gGu taam -> gG|d taig n. Coriander. Mdggu00|. (uO0.)
gG|d taig -> gG| taiy n. [T. daniylu.] Coriander. See Mdggu00|. (uO0.)

gGu taam -> dhanam Property, wealth, riches, treasure, money (gold, chattels &c.); -2 (a) Any valued
possession, an object of affection or endearment, dearest treasure; (b) A valuable article; Ms.8.21,22. -3 Capital
(opp. or interest). -4 A booty, prey, spoil. -5 The reward given to a victor in a combat, the prize won in a game.
-6 A contest for prizes, a match. -7 The lunar mansion called -8 Surplus, residue. -9 (In math.) The
affirmative quantity or plus (opp. ).

dhanam -> dhan P. () Ved. To bear fruit.

gG|dG taiga -> dhanika 1 A rich or wealthy man. -2 A money- lender, creditor; -3 A husband. -4 The
Vaisya class; -5 An honest trader. -6 The tree.

dhanika a. 1 Rich, wealthy. -2 Virtuous.

gG|Od taigai -> dhanik 1 A virtuous woman. -2 A wife, young woman. -3 N. of a tree ( ).

gG|d taig -> dhanika, dhankam coriander (Mar. , ).

dhanam -> dhanin -m. 1 A wealthy man; -2 A creditor; -3 The possessor of anything.
-a. ( f.) Rich, opulent, wealthy.

dhanik -> dhan & dhank A young girl or woman.

dhanyakam & dhannyakam Coriander seed;
gG| taiy-> dhan -m. A store of grain.
gG| taiy-> gG|u tiyam n.. Grain, cereals; M0 @g0|G. 2. Coriander-seed;
Mdggu00|. (uO0.)
gG|u tiyam -> gG|du tigam n. Coriander; Mdggu00|. (uO0.)

gG|du tigam -> gG|Od tigai n. Coriander; gG|du. (Og0O. Og0.)

gG|Od tigai -> dhn f. (pl.) 1 Fried barley or rice;
Bhg.6.15.4. -2 Grain fried or powdered. -3 Corn, grain. -4 A bud, shoot; $
Br i. Up.3.9.28; [ Bhg.11.24.22. -5 Coriander.

gG|du tigam -> dhnakam Coriander.

dhnk f. (pl.) 1 grain, corn. -2 Fried barley or parched rice.

gG|Od tigai -> gG|du tigam -> dhn Coriander.

gG|u tiyam -> dhnyam 1 Grain, corn, rice -2 Coriander. -3 A measure equal to four
sesamum seeds.

dhnaya dhnayaka Coriander.

dhnuya Bamboo.

dhndh Cardamoms.

g-g0 t- > gO8u tavasam n. [T. davasamu, K. tavasa.] 1. Grain, especially dry; gG|u. 2. Grain and
other provisions laid by in store; Mg@gg gG|u. 80OOG LLGL gO8 gG|Gu
(@__. @_. 70, 19).
g-g0 t- > gl tyi (one who is giving milk, complaint etc) n. 1. |U. di.] Wet nurse; g88|. Loc.
2. [U. d ] Claimant, plaintiff; Og|. (C. G.)

gl tyi -> dyin a. At the end of comp.) 1 Giving, granting. -2 Causing, producing; as in

g-g0 t- > gdu tyagam n. Support; shelter; place of refuge; OLdd0u. @@ OG_|g
gdu GO_|0O0 l0O0 (g. _d[. 11).
dyaka 1 An heir, inheritor. -2 A donor.
dyaka a. (- f.) [- | Giving, granting, bestowing, &c. (at the end of comp.);

Mercy or clemency is the one which is givable. Compare:

u|-gg0 ai- 11 v. tr. 1. To protect, take care of, nourish; dgg0. (Ll0.) 2. To give, bestow;
Md_gg0. (Ll0.) 3. To crowd together; M8_|gg0. (Ll0.) 4. To yield, beget; @g0. dg[
Lg|u|gg MuddGG| (L[g. 8uLO. 23). 5. To speak, express; M80 @g0. @du
Gu|g@u (d00. 13). 6. To create; 8|@Lgg0. OO uGdMlG _u|LLG (dgQ.
gg 8|g. 9).--v. intr. 1. To be gracious, show favour; @uM8g0. (8|@LM. 210.) 2. To create desire;
Ol@LL@MLd@g0. u|ggl0 d|G_ GOgG (8Od. 192). 3. To remove weariness;
G8OO d@g0. MdMLO_ du|ggGg @u|Mdu MLOd (8Od. 1622).

u| ai n. 1. Love; GQ. u| @ (@[@. L_. 1). 2. Clemency, grace; GQd[Mgg_
G_G@u @u. (Mg0. ML. 247, 2O[.) 3. Desire; _O8. u| 0|O _ d@
0gg|G (duL[. 2Gg. 83). 4. Coolness; @u|88|. g|0dg uu| (LL. 3, 67). 5. Gift,
present; MdOL. (g|O.) |6. Civility,

g-g0 t- > g tay n. 1. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u. .2. Love, favour, passion; GQ. 3.
Piety; Ldg|. gQ. gl_ ML @ gQOL guML@uG (g|@O8. 13, 3).
g tay-> gOu tayvam n. 1. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u. .2. Love, favour, passion;
GQ. 3. Piety; Ldg|. gO. (g. d.)
g tay-> gQ tayavu n. 1. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u. dMgMgOLG g
QOLG (8|O[d. Ou|8. 47). 2. Love, favour, passion; GQ. g8|Gu0 OOgGgG gQ
G (Ol_0|Ol_. 106). 3. Piety; Ldg|. 2gOl G|OGuO (g|@LGL. 8. MLdL.
2, 2).

g tay-> gQ tayvu n. 1. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u. .2. Love, favour, passion; GQ. 3.
Piety; Ldg|. gQ. gQ g0d 00 (duL[. u8. 126).

g tay-> guu tayam n. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u gQ.

guu tayam -> guG taya n. Benevolent, merciful person g80G.

g tay-> gg tayu n. Benevolent, merciful person g80G. @__0
@MuddMdug gg (@LL, i, g|@O@u. 11).

g tay-> gO tayai n. 1. Grace; mercy; compassion; @u. .2. Love, favour, passion; GQ. 3. Piety;
Ldg|. gQ (@L.)

g tay-> day Pity, tenderness, compassion, mercy, sympathy;
guu tayam-> daylu Kind, tender, merciful, compassionate;
day -> day 1 . ( , ) 1 To feel pity or compassion for, pity, sympathise with (with gen.) -2 To
love, like, be fond of; -3 To protect; -4 To go, move. -5 To grant, give, divide or allot. -6 To hurt.


u|-gg0 ai- 11 v. tr. 1. To protect, take care of, nourish; dgg0. (Ll0.) 2. To give, bestow;
Md_gg0. (Ll0.) 3. To crowd together; M8_|gg0. (Ll0.) 4. To yield, beget; @g0. dg[
Lg|u|gg MuddGG| (L[g. 8uLO. 23). 5. To speak, express; M80 @g0. @du
Gu|g@u (d00. 13). 6. To create; 8|@Lgg0. OO uGdMlG _u|LLG (dgQ.
gg 8|g. 9).--v. intr. 1. To be gracious, show favour; @uM8g0. (8|@LM. 210.) 2. To create desire;
Ol@LL@MLd@g0. u|ggl0 d|G_ GOgG (8Od. 192). 3. To remove weariness;
G8OO d@g0. MdMLO_ du|ggGg @u|Mdu MLOd (8Od. 1622).

day -> dayita p. p. Beloved, desired, liked; Bk. 1.9.

dayita A husband, lover, a beloved person;
dayit A wife, one's beloved woman;
dayitnu a. Kind, compassionate.

g-g0 t- > dman a. Liberal, donor; Mb.12.92.17.

gu tyam -> Ggu tyam. 1. A gift, any thing given, Md OLLML@u. W. p. 421. 2. An
expletive particle affixed to uu, as u Ggu, name (one which is given). 3. Wealth; ML@u. g [[
uOG[ Ggg g|d@M8 8OG @gg (@GO. QM. 18).

Ggu tyam -> dyam A gift, donation,
dya a. 1 To be given, offered or presented; R.3.16; -2 Fit to be given, proper for a gift. -3 To
be returned; or restored; -4 To be shown. -5 To be given in marriage. -6 To be paid (as a debt
&c.). -7 To be placed, put, applied, laid, &c.;. -8 To be ceded (road);
Kinship based upon giving and taking.
Mdu(g)-g0 ko- v. [T. konu, K. M. ko.] tr. 1. To seize, grasp; Od0 O_g@d Mdugg0.
MdML OMu_u (8Od. 430). 2. To receive, as a gift; ML@g0. 00 M_G|@0
Mdu_ @ (@_u, 222). 3. To buy, purchase; OlO0d@ O0@g0. GdOgl@0MduO
(OLg. d[L. 18). 4. To acquire, take possession of, occupy; 2Oudd Mdugg0.
OlLO0Od dM GO . . . O g|MdML (8Od. 457). 5. To marry; OlOdu M8g0.
g0MdML uOGOu (0, 3). 6. To abduct, carry off; dOg0. uOGOu
u__Mdu (0, 3). 7. To contain, hold; gGGLMdugg0. 8|g[d dMMdML
(0, 394). 8. To draw in, gather up; @dg g0. @MdL0 MdM_ @LdLG @__|
(u@O[d. 238). 9. To learn; d_@dMdugg0. Mdug Mduu (d00. 11, 21). 10. To
consider, think; d@@g0. d@0 Md_gg|MGd Mdud|G_|0u (@0d. Ol. 650, 2O[).
11. To regard, esteem; G@ug|gg0. MduLLLGL MuGM_MMl (@_u, 699). 12. To celebrate;
MdML_g0. gMLg0 Mdug gO0L GL0 (8|0L. 6, 160). 13. To accept, approve;
0ddgg0. 2@8G G|@gg@ @0d0 MdugGu (duL[. 2@dd. 17). 14. To
adhere to, observe; Gu_Mdug g0. @LLl_g @G_ MO@ddud MdML
(0, 143). 15. To put up with, endure; uGu ML@gg0. (Mg0. ML. 147, 2O[, Ld. 658.) 16.
To resemble; ggg0. OMGu g MdML MdOu (LL. 11, 125).--intr. 1. To suit, befit;
ML@@g0. Mduug Mduu @0@ (@_u, 470). 2. To strike, hurt; 2L0|_
duL_g0. d0@d d0|_ MdML@. Loc.--aux. An auxiliary which makes a verb reflexive, as in
g@dMdMLG; g_ML@L0 O@u g@ @OMOlOG.--expl. An expletive added to
neg. imp. sing. verb, as in @8GgMdu; Og|uO_ OM0@Ou OlOGM_
G8ddLL_u @ O8. (d0|g. 115, 2O[.)
MduOOG ko-vaai n. 1. Buying; borrowing; taking, receiving; MdugOd. Colloq. 2. Taking
in marriage; MLM MdugOd.
MduOOGMd_LLOG kovaai- kouppaai, n. 1. Borrowing and lending; Md_dd0
O0d0. 2. Giving and taking in marriage, intermarrying; MLMOMd Md_g@L
MLMOMO0@u d0|M 8uLgu.
MdgOlOl_-g0 kouvi-viu- v. tr. (W.) 1. To fasten on, as earrings; dgMl @g0|G
_L_g0. 2. To settle a person in trade, office, etc.; GOO0l0 ug@g0. 3. To effect an
unequal match; gdg @Lgg|0 uMu QOlgg0. 4. To set by the ears;

Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > MduOd kokai n. 1. Taking, accepting; ML@Od. L0|l_ MduOd
L@@ (O8O8. ML@. 388). 2. Opinion, notion; principle; tenet, doctrine; GdLL_. @LLl_L
Lug0 MduOdl_ @G_ (0, 141). 3. Observance, vow; Ol[gu. gOl0 MduOd
(g|@ @@. 89). 4. Conformity to moral principles, good conduct; g@ddu. @0g @ MduOd g|
gddOL (GuMl. 94). 5. Event, happening; |dg88|. Q@g MduOd L@O_ g_|g
MGGG (duL[. @g_GL. 132). 6. Quality, nature, build; @0Q. MduLl G|G@ @L0@@
MduOd (duL[. d|Ou. 10). 7. Pride; M8@d@. g0d| MduOdg g@|O0d
GdLLg@ (8|0L. 5, 145). 8. Liking, fondness, regard, attachment, intimacy; LQ. (J.) 9. A kind of vessel;
Lgg|[OOd. (I. M. P. Pd. 300.)

Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > Md_-gg0 kou- v. tr. [K. kou, M. kou.] 1. To give, grant, supply; g0.
Md_LL@2 @LL@2 u|00d@ (@_u, 1005). 2. To bring forth; ML_M__gg0.
LOg| G@0@0 Md_ggu (Ll[Gug. 9, 61). 3. To divide, distribute, as a sum of money;
L0d|_g0. @gg MgOdOL Lg@LGL@d@d Md_. 4. To sell; Ol__0. g|0O0
@G_|_ Md_dGd OOu (g|@dGd. 63). 5. To allow, permit; 2LGL_g0. u0[G_|
u|g|LLd MdLG (g|@dGd. 303). 6. To lose by death, as giving to Yama; 8ddMd_gg0.
Lg GdLLOGg gGG Md_ (gG|LL. i, 35, 68). 7. To abuse roundly; g|L_g0.
G_d Md_g gu? GO@u, GO@u. 8. To belabour, thrash; gg0.--aux. An auxiliary
verb, as in M800|dMd_, @g@dMd_; g@ @OMOlOG.

Md_-gg0 kou- > Md_d@ koukku n. Son; udG. Loc.
Md_d@ koukku -> s`c:s: kouku [Telugu] n. A son. .oc s`c:s: a bridegroom.
Md_d@ koukku -> Md_ddG koukka n. Son; udG. Ol[GudG Md_ddG 8|__M
Q0|@ LG (S. I. I. viii, 32).

Md_ddG koukka -> s`c:sc: s`c:sc: s`c:sc: s`c:sc: koukau. [Telugu.] n. A son. .oc s`c:s: a bridegroom.
Md_-gg0 kou- > MdOL koai n. |K. ku, koage.] 1. Giving away, as a gift; donation; g|du.
@00G MdOLG MdOLLLG (0, 65). 2. (Puap.) Theme of a king distributing liberally to
the poor the enemy's cattle captured by him; OddMdML |O[O @[O0d@ OO[@
Md_d@u Q_g@O_. 2MLL_d MdOLMG (Mg0. ML. 58). 3. Three days' festival of a
village deity, dist. fr. paukkai; d|[uGgOOgd@ @G@u M8 g|@Olg. (G. Tn. D. I, 117.)
4. Round abuse; O8Q. Ou Md_gg MdOL @8Gug@d@L GL@u. 5. Round blows;
MdOLG-g0 koai-nr- v. tr. To agree to give one's daughter in marriage; udOu
uM@M8@Md_dd 2LGL_ g0. _Q_M_u MdOLGg (d0|g. 104).--intr.
To promise or mentally resolve the celebration of a festive worship to a deity; GgOOgd@ Olg8M8g
g uG|gg0. Loc.

MdOLO [u koai-vram n. Heroism in generosity, as the voluntary sacrifice of one's life for another;
g|dgg|0 dL_u O [u. MdOLO [Gu . . . M8GG| LMQ (ML@Mg. 743).

Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > MdMdG koka n. 1. Husband; dMOG. MdMdG @@d (Q.
MO. MLML_. 12, 11). 2. Chief of the mari- time tract; MgG|0g gO0OG. (g|O.)

Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > MdMLOG MdMLOG MdMLOG MdMLOG koava n. Husband; dMOG.

Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > MdMLG ko n. 1. Husband MdMLOG. MdMLG|_
@GG| Gdu| Ll_ 0O0 (GuMl. 56). 2. See MdML0, 6. (W.)
MdMLGMd_ggG ko-ko- utt, n. Persons who have entered into matrimonial
alliance by the marriage of their sons and daughters; MdM_0Md_g@@ 8uLg@
M8Gg. Colloq.
Mdu(g)-g0 ko- > Md@G kouna n. 1. Husband; dMOG. MgO Mggu
Md@_ M_@Mg@Ou (@_u, 55). 2. Master, lord; @O_OG. (@L.)

Md@G kouna -> Md@gG kounta n. < Md@G. 1. Husband; dMOG. Md@g
MOG_u (duL[. Ll[L. 9). 2. Husband's younger brother; dMO@OL @Ou
8Gdg[G. Colloq.

Md@g| kounti n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 8Gdg. 2. Brother's wife; 8Gdg[G
uOGOl. OuLl |G_uLl GggG u0OdMd@g| (duL[. dL8|L. 23).

Md@g| kounti -> Md@g|u kountiy n. 1. Wife's sister; uOGOllG 8Gdg. 2. Brother's
wife; 8Gdg[G uOGOl.
Mdu(g)-g0 ko -> Gdu k n. 1. [T. klu, M. k.] Taking, receiving, accepting, seizing, holding,
enveloping; MdugOd. Gdu|@ u|@dOd (LL. 4, 57). 2. Opinion, tenet, creed; decision,
determination, conclusion; @MlQ. u8__ Gdu (@_u, 646). 3. Estimation, appraising, valuation;
ug|LQ. guOugg0 Mdu O@ GduG@ (0, 165). 4. Strength, power, ability; O0|Ou.
(Ll0.) 5. Quality, nature, character; gGOu. dOddGd MuMM (0, 18). 6. Enjoyment,
experience; @ LOu. OGG@l GdgMGL (g|O. g|@O. 9, 6, 7). 7. [K. k.] Calumny,
aspersion, back- biting, tale-bearing; @_Ou. GdLM8Old @_Ou d_@LMG@LQ
(MdGO_GO.). 8. Falsehood; ML. (@L.) 9. Impediment, obstacle; @OL@@. (g|O.) 10. Evil,
vice; g Ou. (g|O.) 11. Killing, murder; MdO0. GdMlOGd@_|g@ OgG (8Od. 264). 12.
Serpent; LuQ. (8Od. 320, 2O[.) 13. Poison; OlQu. 14. Ascending node; @[@. GduO
ug|u MG Ol_gg0@ (8Od. 454). 15. Planet; d|[du. O00d Gdg 0Og|
Gdd (ML@0. @0OM. 11, 70). 16. Cloud; Gudu. GdMu_ @u|ug| O@
O gMgG (8Od. 320). 17. Brilliance, light; gu|. @GOGd GduG (g|O. g|@O. 2, 6,
6). 18. cf. gla. Halo; LGOLu. ug|0 GduO OluLlOL (8Od. 1098). 19. Cluster;
@O0. M8@0Gdu OOg (Q_. 168, 13). 20. Citronella grass. See dOLLuQ0. (uO0.) 21.
Ploughshare; Md@. (g|O.)
GdL0 kal n. 1. Taking, receiving, buying; MdugOd. Gu Ldg|Ld GdL0
M8O (OLg. d[L. 31). 2. Taking lessons from a teacher; LL0GdLOd. GdLG
u[GL @0dO0 (G. 40). 3. Thinking, considering; uGg@d MdugOd.
Md0@u__0 @uM[Gd GdL@0 MdML (duL[. 2g. ug|[L. 104).
GdL ky n.. Foster-mother; M8Ol0|gg. GdL uLOgO L
(g|@dGd. 235, Mdg).
s`cc: kalu [Tel.] n. A daughter-in-law. Also, a wife co_. c s`cc:=my wife.
s`coe c: karamu s`coesc: s`coesc: s`coesc: s`coesc: or s`co sc: s`co sc: s`co sc: s`co sc: kanramu. [Tel.
s`cc:+osc:.] n. The state of being a daughter-in-law.
@0 nul-> (@G nu)-> (@G@ nugu)-> @0@-g0 nugu, v. To take possession of, capture;
OddMdugg0. LOdO@ @0d| (Q. MO. 4, 15)

@0 nul-> (@G nu)-> (@O nus) -> (O@O snus)-> snus 4 P. () To take, accept.
snus -> snu A daughter-in-law;
@0 nul-> (@ nur)-> (O@ snur)-> Old Eng. snoru Lat. nurus, OCS snxa, Polish snecha, Russ.
(snoxa), Crimean Gothic schuos, ON snor, Gm. snur/Schnur
(@O nus) -> Gk. (nuos), Alb. nusa,
@0 nul-> (@ nu)-> Arm. (nu),
Levirate marriage is a type of marriage in which the brother of a deceased man is obligated to marry his brother's
widow, and the widow is obligated to marry her deceased husband's brother. The practice is similar to widow
inheritance, where, for example, the deceased husband's kin can dictate whom the widow may marry. Levirate
marriage can, at its most positive, serve as protection for the widow and her children, ensuring that they have a male
provider responsible for them.It can also be seen as a denial of a woman's autonomy, and a restraint on her life.The
practice was extremely important in ancient societies (e.g., Israelite and Near East), and remains so today in parts of
the world. Having children enabled the inheritance of land, which offered security and status. A levirate marriage
might only occur if a man died childless, in order to continue his family line.
A levirate marriage (Hebrew: yibbum) is mandated by Deuteronomy 25:5-6 of the Hebrew Bible and obliges a
brother to marry the widow of his childless deceased brother, with the firstborn child being treated as that of the
deceased brother, (Genesis 38:8) which renders the child the heir of the deceased brother and not the genetic father.
There is another provision known as halizah (Deuteronomy 25:9-10), which explains that if a man refuses to carry
out this 'duty,' the woman must spit in his face, take one of his shoes, and the others in the town must always call
him 'the one without a shoe'.
Therefore the words denoting the husband have also denoted brother-in-law.
Gg t n. 1. The deity; MgOu. (Ll0.) Gg_O8 M8@ 8|gg|[8O0 (8|O[d. Ou|8.
20). 2. Chief, lord; dG. (@0d. d.)

Gg t -> GgQ tvu n. 1. Deity; MgOu. (Ll0.) [dO[g GgQ M8O@u (GgO. 696, 2).
2. Godhead; MgOggGOu. G_|@u0 M80O@ MuGG_MOGG8
M8GgGO (8|. 8|. dLQ. @GL. 2O[).

GgQ tvu -> GgOu tvam n. 1. God, deity; dLQu. (@L.) 2. Divine nature; MgOggGOu.
3. That which is divine; MgOggGOuuu@. 4. Fate, destiny, karma; 2g. 5. One of eight Marriage q.
v. MgO uMu, 3. \

GgOu tvam -> GgOG tva n. 1. God; dLQu. Gg@0d_ G_O MG@OGG (g|O.
@_. G@. 2). 2. Arhat; @dG. (Ll0.) 3. King; [8G. GgO |Gdg0 G8Oldd
OgGG (duL[. d0Od. 39). 4. Husband's brother; Md@G. (g. d.) 5. A title of Maavar,
Akampaiyar and kaar; u_O duL duud@ Og0@u LLLL ML. 6. Lancer;
Ldd[G. (g. d.) 7. Shield-bearer; LO8dd[G. (g. d.) 8. Fool, idiot; uOLG.
(g. d.)
GgOl tvi n. 1. Goddess; MgO udu. (Ll0.) 2. Goddess Prvat LOg|GgOl. (@L.)
3. Goddess Ki; du|GgOl. (@L.) 4. Goddess of Misfortune; @GgOl. (M. M. 268.) 5. Goddess
of Smallpox; OO@uuG. (M. M. 268.) 6. Wife; uOGOl. uGGO G@l
uML@ GgOlG (8Od. 1403). 7. Queen, princess, lady, a term of respect; gO0Ol.
8|gg|[g GgOlLLLL g|@ud G0d|GGG (8Od. 2567). 8. A species of red Indian water-
lily. 8GgOl. (uO0.) 9. An Upaniad, one of 108; @_M_L_L|Lg0 dgu gG@.
GgOG tva -> dvan m. The younger brother of a husband.
GgOG tva ->GgO tvar n. 1. Deities, objects of worship; dLQu. GgOL L[
@GG|O0d dMGM (Mg0. ML. 450). 2. Celestials, of four classes, viz., aavacukka,
tuvtactittar, k- taca-ruttirar, accuvii-tvar; QLOddu, @Og8g|gg, dg8@gg|[,
8OlG|GgO _d| 0OOdg GgOOOd. (Ll0.) 3. A term of respect for persons of
high station; 2 GgO[d@_|d@@ M80. 4. Tiruvauvar. See g|@OugO. 'gGG [@g
dMM @uOGg@' OG _ GgO@u (8Od. 1891, 2O[). 5. The author of Cvakacintmai.
See g|@ggddGgO. GgO gOG . . . L[dgg|[MuG_ (8Od. 806, 2O[). 6. A word
appended to the names of kings, ascetics, etc.; [8, @_Ol @g0|G [@ MLLLlG
Og0@u 8|_LQLML. @[@[@ GgO, g|@ggddGgO. 7. [T. dvara.] You, yours, a term
of respect; MLGO[ @GG|O0LL_g@@ M80. GgO. GgO g|@Odu|G0
(_, 2, 3, 4). 8. Title of Maava caste; u_O8g|lG LLLL ML. LMg@O[gGgO.

GgO tvar -> GgO[G tvara n. Husband's brother; dMO@LG Ll_gG. M_ GgO
[ g|l_ Md@g|M[g|G udLML_ |GG0 GOM_u0 (L[g. 8uLO. 4).

GgO[G tvara -> dvara 1 A husband's brother (elder or younger); -2 husband;

dvara -> dv m. 1 A husband's brother (especially younger). -2 The husband of a woman previously
GgO[G tvara -> GgO0G tvala n. (g. d.) 1. Husband's brother; dMO@LG
Ll_gG. 2. 2. Virtuous man; 8G uddG.
GgO0G tvala -> dvala 1 An attendant upon an idol, a low Brhmaa who subsists upon the
offerings made to an idol; -2 A virtuous man. -3 N. of Nrada. -4 A husband's brother.

Lith. dieveris, OCS dverb, Arm. taygr, Gr. da'r, Lat. levir, OHG zeihhur, OE tacor.

Kinship based upon having house.

A husband is a male participant in a marriage. The rights and obligations of the husband regarding his spouse and
others, and his status in the community and in law, vary between cultures and has varied over time. Four
in five American men get married in their lifetime. The term husband refers to Middle English huseband,
from Old English hsbnda, from Old Norse hsbndi (hs, "house" + bndi, bandi, present participle of
ba, "to dwell", so, etymologically, "a householder").

du agam n. |K. ge, M. akam.] 1. Inside; 2uu|Lu. duQ_ |O_g G8g| (g.
8|OGM8>. 4). 2. Mind; uGu. d u0 g O (Lg|MG g|@OlOL. @u. 7). 3. Sexual
pleasure; du OlGLu. (Mg0. ML.. 1, 2O[.) 4. Breast; uQ. Q00d udG_@ (8|0L. 30, 16).
5. Agricultural tract; u@gu. _O0dd@uLl Gd LOMgG (8Od. 1613). 6. House; O _.
(Ll0.) 7. Place; @Lu. (g|O.) 8. Ether; _du. (Og0O. Ll.. 22.) 9. Love-theme;
dLML@u. 10. Being subordinate, subject; 2uuL0@Od. dLLL (@_u, 1074). 11. An
anthology of love-lyrics. See d@@. duQ_MuG _|g g|_gg MOL_g MgOd.
(gG|LL.).--part. A loc. ending; gu GO_@Ou8 M80@@Q. (G. 302.)

du agam ->d@OLG agam-uaiy n. Husband, as master of the house; dMOG.

d@OLu agam-uaiy n. Fem. of d@OLG.

@0 il n. 1. Place; @Lu. (Ll0.) 2. [T. illu, M. il.] House, home; O _. Gu l0 0|@ g|G_|
Olu|l@u (0. 198). 3. Domestic life; @00_u. @0OgO MGGLG (@_u, 41). 4.
Wife; uOGOl. QdgQ g|00|G0d d|0O0 (@_u, 59). 5. Lady of rank in towns or forest-
pasture tracts; u@g@0O0|00du|G gO0 Ol. (g|O.) 6. Family; @. @_Ll_g
(@_u, 951). 7. Constellation, zodiacal sign; @[8|. (Ll0.) 8. Clearing-nut; Gg__0MdLOL.
@00 u0du|[M_ ulG_0 (@[8OOg. 45).

@00Ou illava n. Wife, mistress of the house; uOGOl. (@_u, 53.)

@00_u il-l-aam n. 1. Domestic life, life of the householder, opp. to @_O_u; @0OgdOd.
2. Duties incumbent on a householder; @00_ g@uu. (g|O.)

@00u ill n [T. illlu.] 1. Wife, mistress of the house; uOGOl. (@_u, 52.) 2. Term used to
designate a lady of rank in towns or in forest-pasture tracts; u@g@0O0 |00du|G
gO0Ol. (g|O.)

@00uG il-l-a n. 1. Householder; @00u|. 2. Husband, ruler of the home; dMOG.
@00GG OOddMOG (MLQ. dO[d. 20).

@00u| il-l-i n. Householder, one who has entered on the order of a householder; @00uG.
(O8O8. ML@ 376.)

duu kaam n. 1. Place, locality, open space, area, expanse; @Lu. (g|O.) 2. [K. kaa, M. kaam.] Threshing-
floor, place for treading grain; M_duu. dO @gO duggdg@L GLG[_|. (@gMgu.). 3.
As- sembly, meeting, court, theatre; 8OL. duG@8| (@_u, 730). 4. Hall of sacrifice; d8O0. @L
LL OlGduu L0Md0 (Q_. 15, 21). 5. Battle-field; GLdduu. O[uLg|Gu@u
ML @@dug Mgg| (Q_. 2, 15). 6. cf. du. Saline soil; du|0u. (Ll0.) 7. Mind; 2uuu.
2LlGOu dudMdu (@G. 44, 4). 8. Shallow shelf of rocks at sea, sand-bank; dL0|0Ol@u
g|L_. dugg|G0 GgMl ML@g@LGLl_@. (W.) 9. Shed; MdLLOd. (P. T. L.)

duu kaam -> khala khalam 1 A threshing floor; [
Rv.1.48.7; Ms.11.17,115; Y.2.282. -2 Earth, soil. -3 Place, site; Bhg.5.26.14. -4 A
heap of dust. -5 Sediment, dregs, deposit of oil &c;
Pt.2.53. -6 A mill.

duu kaam-> duu kaam n. Wife; uOGOl. (Ll0.)

duu kaam -> dugg|[u kaattiram n. Wife; uOGOl. (@L.)

dugg|[u kaattiram -> ] kalatram 1. A wife; -2 The female of an animal. -3 The hip and loins; -4
Any royal citadel. -5 The seventh lunar mansion.

uOG maai n. |K. mane, M. mana.] 1. House, dwelling, mansion; O _. 8 Md@ OuuOG g|Oug@
(8Od. 828). 2. House-site; O _dLL_@ MO__|Lu. 3. Ground, a land- measure = 40 ' X 60 ' = 2400
sq. ft. = 4; ki; |0OuQOOd. @@uOGddg 0_d OLLLgdQu (S. I. I. i, 64).
4. Wife; uOGOl. Ll_GuOG Gddg GL[MOu (@_u. 148). 5. Family, household;
@_uLu. 6. Domestic life; @0OgdOd. uOGggdd uMQOLud| (@_u. 51). 7. Square,
as of a chess-board; @g_ L0Odl GO_. (W.) 8. Mother; __. dO uOGu@L8| (@0d.
Ol. 537).

uOGdd|ggg| maai-k-kiatti n. Fem. of uOGdd|gOG. Wife, as mistress of the house;
[O L_d@Ou| uOGOl. Mg0@lG uddL ML_0|G uOGdd|ggg|
(g|d_. 64).

uOGdd|gOG maai-k-kiava n. Husband, as master of the house; [O L_d@OG|

uOGggu maai-t-tyam n. Domestic life; @00_MO@ddu. (J.)

uOG@g0 maai-mutal n. Wife, as mistress of the house; [O L_d@Ou| uOGOl
uOGdd|ggg|. g uOG@g0 OlOGM_ @OLL (d. 51).

uOGu maaiy, n. [K. mane- gavau.] Wife; uOGOl. uOGOu @
u@Oul 0uG (@_u, 904).

uOGO_udu maai-y-uai-maka n. Married woman; OlOduG MLM. OG_@
d_LlG uOGO_ udu|0 (uMl. 15, 77).

uOGGu maaiy n. Wife, as mistress of the house; [O L_d@Ou| uOGOl
uOGu. uOGGu Ol@uLl (Q_. 333).

uOGOgdOd maai-vkkai n. [K. manevte.] Householder's life; @0 OgdOd.
2[G_G uOGOgdOd ML0|d (@0 @@. 3).

uOGOl maaivi n. 1. Wife; @0 0u. @GL u@g|GG uOGOl Mg@u (8Od.
1895). 2. Heroine of a pastoral or agricultural tract; @0O0 u@g|00du|G gO0Ol.
(g|O.) 3. Female owner or resident of a house; uOG O OLu. _@u uOGOl
(2LGg8d. 8|O Ol[g. 245).

80u slam n. 1. Multitude, company, flock, herd, shoal; LLu. g|gG 80uG 80u
(duL[. O@MOG. 25). 2. Assembly, court; 8OL. (Ll0.). 3. [T. jla.] Net; OO0. uLLl0
80u O 8||G _ gg|_u (dgQ. g|@d[L. 18). 4. [T. jla.] Latticed window; L0dMl. (Ll0.) 5.
Flower-bud; @uQ. (W.) 6. Slander; @_Ou. (Ll0.). 7. Learning; d0Ol. (g|O.) 8. Surrounding wall,
fortress; ug|0. (Ll0.).

80u slam-> 80du slagam n. 1. Net, rope-net; OO0. (d. |.) 2. Cobweb; 8|0g| OO0.
3. Ornament worn on the forehead by the sacrificer's wife; dLgg|G|du M__|l0 Mlu
MlOlG8Lu. (Q_. 166, 2O[.) 4. Bird's nest; L_OOd_. 5. Latticed window; L0dMl.
u0Odu[ 80dO80 L__| (g|O. ML g. 3, 4, 1). 6. Flower-bud; @uQ. (Ll0.). 7. Trick,
magic; @0u. (W.)

80u slam-> 8O0 slai n. 1. Alms-house, feeding-house; 2MQ u|d@u _88O0.
gML u|LLG_|8 8O0 2MMLML_ (T. A. S. I, 9). 2. Sacrificial hall; d8O0.
g|@gg| 8O0 Qd dGG (duL[. g|@OO. 84). 3. School; Luu|d Lu. dO_@
d0Old_@0 du8O0u (@G8 G0. @G8. OO@. 23). 4. Stable, elephant-stable; @g|O[
OG @g0|O__|G Lu. (Ll0.). 5. Cow shed; LdMdL0. _g@@8O0Gg@u
(duL[. 2Gg_. 101). 6. Large public hall; ML ML@uMLLu. Loc. 7. Royal palace; [8G
[MuOG. (Ll0.). 8. House, mansion; O _. Ol@[G8O0d d@uQ@ Ol@gu@Gg
(gdd0. 5). 9. Avenue, public road shaded by trees; @@Ldd@u u[@M8_|g LOg.

8O0 slai-> _O0 lai n. 1. Apartment, hall; 8O0. _O0G8 GOuOl (GgO. 844. 7). 2.
Elephant stable or stall; OGdLu. du|@ G8 g0d| O@0d 0O0 (Q_. 220, 3).

8O0 slai-> sl 1 A wall, rampart.-2 A house, an apart- ment;

8O0 slai -> l 1 An apartment, a room, saloon, hall; -2 A house, an abode; -3 The upper or
main branch of a tree. -4 The trunk of a tree. -5 A stable, stall; -6 A pavilion erected for making gifts;

The word uOG maai in Tamil denotes not only house but also wife. Compare:

uOG maai n. |K. mane, M. mana.] 1. House, dwelling, mansion; O _. 8 Md@ OuuOG g|Oug@
(8Od. 828). 2. House-site; O _dLL_@ MO__|Lu. 3. Ground, a land- measure = 40 ' X 60 ' =
2400 sq. ft. = 4; ki; |0OuQOOd. @@uOGddg 0_d OLLLgdQu (S. I. I.
i, 64). 4. Wife; uOGOl. Ll_GuOG Gddg GL[MOu (@_u. 148). 5. Family, household;
@_uLu. 6. Domestic life; @0OgdOd. uOGggdd uMQOLud| (@_u. 51). 7. Square,
as of a chess-board; @g_ L0Odl GO_. (W.) 8. Mother; __. dO uOGu@L8| (@0d.
Ol. 537).

Similarly the words 8O0 and denotes house. These words ought to denote wife also. This is because the
following kinship names refer sisters husband or wifes brother, sister.

80du slagam-> 80dG slaga n. Sister-in-law's husband; 8d0G.

80dG slaga-> Pali. slaka -- m. wife's younger brother; Pkr. Sla m. w.'s brother, sl -- f. w.'s

80dG slaga-> ylaka 1 A wife's brother. -2 A wretched brother-in-law.

yla A wife's brother, brother-in-law.

ylak , ylik, & yl A wife's sister.

Sanskrit illiterate pundits are citing the following inappropriate dhatu for the above words.

yai 1 . ( , , or ) 1 To go, move. -2 To be congealed or coagulated. -3 To dry up,
80dG slaga-> 8d0G sagala n. Wife's sister's husband; gG uOGOllG 2LG Ll_gu
dMOG. (Ll0.)
8d0G sagala-> 8dO0 sagalai n. Wife's sister's husband; gG uOGOllG 2LG Ll_gu
dMOG 8d0G. Loc.

8d0G sagala-> 8duG sagaa n. Wife's sister's husband; gG uOGOllG 2LG Ll_gu
dMOG 8d0G

The following words are wrongly derived.

8duG sagaa -> 8dduOG sakkaava n. Rival lover; g@gg|Od dg0|d@u L0@u g@
OG. 8dduOMOG g0OdL (gG|LL. i, 151, 57).

8ddugg| sakkaatti n. 1. Co-wife, rival wife; u__uG uOGOl. @@ d__ 8ddugg|
(gG|LL. ii, 57, 140). 2. Counterfeit, imitation; GL0|LML@u. Loc.

8ddugg|88MOL sakkaatti-c-caai Mutual animosity or jealousy, as between rival wives;
g@O@OL uOGOl@d@u |d@u LOdOu. 8ddugg|LGL[LLu.

8ddugg|LGL[LLu sakkaatti-p-pram n. Mutual animosity or jealousy, as between rival
wives; g@O@OL uOGOl@d@u |d@u LOdOu.

8dduOu sakkaamai 1. Rivalry between joint wives; 8ddugg|LLOdOu. 8ddu Oul_
8@OOlL_ (g|@LQ. 658). 2. Jealousy, animosity between persons; d_uLOd. (W.)

80dG slaga-> 8LdG saga-> (8LLdG aaga)->QLLdG aaga n. [K. aaka.]
Wife's sister's husband; 8d0G.

^c s:c: [ Telugu ] saa-kuu. n. A co-son-in-law. c`c oc: c:. o< ^c s:c< oc`_D .o.-c: he
sent Ramaswami who had married his wife's sister. Doa ^c s:c: these men are married to sisters.

The above words are derived in connection with ones wife.

Kinship based upon love and affection.

1. 0 nal-> 0u nalam, n. 1. Goodness, virtue; GOu. 0gG|0g 8|G_G_@ 0d|
(g|@O8. 1, 58). 2. Beauty, fairness, hand- someness; g@. MgGG0 MgO0 L 0d|
@ @gLL (d0|g. 16). 3. Love, affection; GQ. GG0u uO_GdOOgg 0OdG
(8Od. 1336). 4. Hope, faith; _O8. ML@ 0gg (@_u, 915). 5. Delight, pleasure, gratification;
@GLu. 8|_g |GG0gOg8 G8G[ GOl0 (8Od. 2067). 6. Favour, kindness, benefit;
2Ld[u. (Ll0.) 7. Nature, characteristic; @Mu. Ll_g Ou M800 0gg@ 80Q
(@_u, 984). 8. Profit, advantage, utility; LG. (80. d.) 9. Reputation, fame; Qdg. g0u
LLL (@_u, 916). 10. Excellence; 2Q. G| O@g MOGG 0u L[LL0|G
(uMl. 21, 140). 11. Conni- vance; partiality; indulgence; dMGMLLu. (W.) 12. Prosperity; welfare,
health; dOgQ. 0 g 0d|@ @GOG u_g_|GG (GgO. 946, 6). 13. Colour; |_u.
M8O0 gu|G[d@ Mug| G0u (d0|g. 15). 14. Red colour; M8uOu |_u.
0uML@ d0|0dg@ (g|@@@. 109). 15. Scorpio in the zodiac; Ol@88|d[8|. (Ll0.) 16.
Testicle of a bull; O@g@ OlOg. (J.) 17. cf. 00u. Dried ginger; d@. (W.)

0@-g0 nalgu- v. tr. 1. [M. nalkuka.] To bestow, grant, give; Md_gg0. @0G0 QGdM k[
0@u (Lg|_@L. 86, 6). 2. To desire, like; Ol@uQg0. @u0d Gdg 0d|OG Gdu
(uMl. 12, 56). 3. To show deep love; gO0u|M8g0. LgO 0d (@_u, 1248). 4. To
create; LOLgg0. 0d|g gGdggu|d@u MLg|G0@u (g|O. g|@O. 1, 4, 5). 5. To train,
bring up, as a child; Ougg0. 0Odu @Gu MLMML_@ 0d|G (g|O. g|@O. 4,
2, 9).--intr. 1. To delay; gug|gg0. Mg g_ 8|_|@GLg@ 0d|G G|@@ (duL[. @0
L0. 50). 2. To be useful; LGL_g0. _ G_O 0d Ol@u (g|@@_. 89). 3. To rejoice;
2Ogg0. 0d|@u 0dGl@u . . . g|ggG dMd (Q_. 80). 4. To show favour; to
bestow grace; @u M8g0. Lgg@d dG@ 0d|L LLggOg g (GgO. 1029,


u|-gg0 ai- , 11 v. tr. 1. To protect, take care of, nourish; dgg0. (Ll0.) 2. To give, bestow;
Md_gg0. (Ll0.) 3. To crowd together; M8_|gg0. (Ll0.) 4. To yield, beget; @g0.
dg[ Lg|u|gg MuddGG| (L[g. 8uLO. 23). 5. To speak, express; M80 @g0.
@du Gu|g@u (d00. 13). 6. To create; 8|@Lgg0. OO uGdMlG
_u|LLG (dgQ. gg 8|g. 9).--v. intr. 1. To be gracious, show favour; @uM8g0.
(8|@LM. 210.) 2. To create desire; Ol@LL@MLd@g0. u|ggl0 d|G_
GOgG (8Od. 192). 3. To remove weariness; G8OO d@g0. MdMLO_
du|ggGg @u|Mdu MLOd (8Od. 1622).

u|-gg0 ai-> u| ai n. 1. Love; GQ. u| @ (@[@. L_. 1). 2. Clemency,
grace; GQd[Mgg_ G_G@u @u. (Mg0. ML. 247, 2O[.) 3. Desire; _O8.
u| 0|O _ d@ 0gg|G (duL[. 2Gg. 83). 4. Coolness; @u|88|. g|0dg
uu| (LL. 3, 67). 5. Gift, present; MdOL. (g|O.) [6. Civility, politeness; 2L8[u.
(@_u, 390, 2O[.) 7. Poverty, wretchedness; Ou|Ou. gggd MdM GL@ uu|g@
(0. 15). 8. Unripe fruit; d. (@. .)

u|g@ aittu n. That which deserves pity; u|M8ggdd@. (Q. MO. 9, 25.)

u|g aintr n. Loving persons; GQOLG. (Lg. 182.)

u| ai -> u|G aiya n. 1. One who has great love, gracious benefactor; GQu|d dOG.
u|GGL0L Q0uLlGG (dgQ. d d|G|. 198). 2. One who deserves protection, needy
person; dddLLLggddOG. u|G _GG @@O l[O0G (g|@@@. 284).
u|G aiya -> cc: c: alluu. n. A son-in-law. co, c<c: c: the son of a
man's sister, or of a woman's brother. cc: c:s`cv: cc: c:s`cv: cc: c:s`cv: cc: c:s`cv: n. plu. Foster brothers or vassals,
who feed at the baron's table and form his body-guard. coc`con c'<c: - cos
conos:c:n <:occoa. cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: cc: n. A son-in-law. cc: c:, co. "cc: c cOs
-o_aoOoc:<:, o<o: cOs c- occ:c:oc:, .yc_.yoaca cOs cc's<:cs:
<:o_ s: on<e: c:oc:." Vema. 1288.
cc: c: alluu. -> cc c: allemu. n. The being a son-in-law. coo_c:. Commonly
the invitation given to a son-in-law immediately after the marriage.

0@-g0 nalgu- > 0d0 nalgal n. 1. Bestowing, granting; Md_dOd. GGOL 0d0
GOg_@d dLGG (Q_. 312). 2. Liberal gift; ML@0 MdOL. (Ll0.) 3. Love; GQ. dg|ML@
0d0 gG@OLgMgG (d0|g. 4). 4. Favour, kindness; @u. d_OO M0@0 d_LQ
0d@u (LL. 4, 49).

0 nal-> 8 naccu n. \ [K. naccu.] 1. Desire, hankering, liking; _O8. (@L.) 2. Desired object;
Ol@uLLL_u ML@u. ML@ gO[u 8d MdGG__@ (8|0L. 16, 66).

8-g0 naccu- v. tr. [K. naccu.] To desire, long for, like, love; Ol@uQg0. g@ O[ G88L
LL gOG (@_u, 1004).

8 naccu -> 88| ncci n. Fem. of G. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. (ug L. 183.)

88|u nccimr n. The two consorts of Viu; g|@u0|G GgOlu. Vai. 2. The seven
divine mothers. See 8ggug. (W.)

88| ncci -> 88| ncciyr n. [T. ncru.] 1. Lady; queen; mistress; [8| 00@
gO0Ol. [Ml u0dGuO 88|. Rd. 2. Goddess; MLMMgOu. 88|d@
OOgg 8g| Olud MdG@u (S. I. I. iii, 123). 3. The Vaiava female saint of rvilliputtr. See
_MLu. 88| g|@Mug|. (g|O.)

8 naccu -> O8 nacai n. |O. K. nase.] 1. Desire, eagerness, avarice; _O8. O8g[ OGg
O8Ll_dMdg| (Q_. 15). 2. Love, affection, fondness; GQ. O8l0uL_
O8dd|gOu M8O@u (g|d_. 94). 3. Hope, expectation; uLldOd. gO 0@O
M[G@ O8 (@_u, 1156). 4. Dampness, moisture; [u. (W.)

O8-g0 nasai- b. 4 v. tr. 1. To love; GQM8g0. O8@ 0d M[G| @u (@_u, 1199).
2. To desire; Ol@uQg0. O@8 uMMO8@ (uMl. 19, 119).

O8@ nasaikunar n. Friends; lovers, well-wishers; ML O8. (g. d.)

O8 nasainar n. Friends; lovers, well-wishers; ML. (Ll0.)

O8 nasaiyunar , n. Friends; lovers, well-wishers; ML O8. O8d dg@
u|O8GL[u (g|@@@. 270).

O8O[ nasai-y-urai n. Amorous talk; dg_GL8. (W.)

0 nal-> g@-g0 nattu- 5 v. tr. To desire, long for, hanker after, love; Ol@uQg0.
gu_|O uOO[ ggOu (gu|g. 74).

ggO8 nattsai n. 1. Wish, desire; Ol@LLu. (J.) 2. Attachment; L_@. Colloq. 3. Avarice;
GL[O8. (g. d.)

g@-g0 nattu-> g| ndi n. Protector; dLL_@GOG. O@d@ g| d|OL@.
g| ndi -> g|G ntiya n. Lord, master; gO0OG. OOQld@u g|G (GgO. 508,
g| ndi -> gG nda n. 1. Master, lord, superior; gO0OG. (Ll0.) 2. King; [ 8G. (2. |.)
3. Husband; dMOG. gOGL LlgGu (duL[. d|OudM_. 52). 4. Guru; _8|G. (W.)
5. Sage, holy person; @G|OG. (W.) 6. The Supreme Being; dLQu. 7. iva; 8|OML@uG. (ug L.
11.) 8. Arhat; @dd dLQu. (@L.) 9. Elder brother; gOu G. (8@.)

gG nda-> gG nd n.. Master, lord; gO0OG. gOG 00OG [MOG
(g|O. @_. G@. 64).

gG nda-> ntha 1 A lord, master; leader; 2 A husband. -3 A rope passed through the nose of a
draft-ox. -4 A possessor. -5 A protector;

nth 1 P. (, but sometimes . also) 1 To ask, beg, solicit for anything (with dat. or two
acc.); -2 To have power, be master, prevail. -3 To harass, trouble. -4 To bless, wish well to, give
blessings to; (said to be tm. only in this sense); ... Bk.8.12; Mv.1.11;
(Mammaa quotes the line ] to show that here only means 'to
ask or beg', and says that should, therefore, be ); [ Sk.

gG nda-> gG ndar ->ggG nttar n. [K. ndini.] Husband's sister; dM

gG nda-> g@M ntt n. [M. ntt.] Husband's sister; dM O@LGLl_gu.
ggG. g@ M0OdM_ . . . 8| 0d@g_@ (8|0L. 16, 19).

g| ndi -> gg| ntti n. Husband's sister; dM O@LGLl_gu.ggG. Loc.

g@M ntt -> @M nnd-> @Ml nndi-> nandin A husband's sister.-

g| ndi -> nand A husband's sister

G na (my ) + gG ndar -> nanand & nannd 1 A husband's sister; -2 A wife's

] nnndr] A husband's sister's son.
G na (my ) + gG ndar -> nand [Hindi] (nf) sister-in-law, husband's sister.
nando (nm) brother-in-law, the husband of a woman's

0 nal-> (G na)-> (GQ nabu)-> uQ nambu n. Desire, hope; O8. uQ GuQ O8
@uGu (Mg0. M80. 329).
uQ-g0 nambu- v. tr. [M. nampuka.] 1. To long for, desire intensely; Ol@uQ g0. |GG|O8
uLl (Q_. 136). 2. [T. nammu, K. Tu. nambu.] To trust, confide in, rely on, believe, have faith in;
uLldOd OOg g0. gGG @u|8M8g OgOgO uLl OGgG
(g|@O0O. 28, 17). 3. To hope, expect; Og|Lgg0. OG 2gg|Gdu O@
MuG@ uLll@dd|_G. 4. To accept; 0d dgg0. OlOGd M0|Ou uQ
uL (g|O. ML g|. 6, 3, 9).
0 nal-> gg0 nayattal n. < id. (Puap.) Theme in which the heroine expresses her deep love at the sight of
the hero; gO0OOGddML gO0Ol gG@ _O8LL_ @u Q_g@O_. (Q. MO. 11,
MLML_. 2.)

@M80(@)-g0 nayantu-col- v. tr. (g. d.) 1. To speak effectively; L0GLL8
M80@g0. 2. To praise; L[L_g0. 3. To persuade politely; GOMd Mdugg0.

Gg nayandr n. (Ll0.) 1. Friends, companions; u|gg|[. 2. Husband, as one who loves;

naya -> LQ nayappu n. 1. Affection, love; GQ. 00Gu_ LQ_ MOg|u (g|@
O8. 2, 12). 2. Desire; _O8. (@L.) 3. Delight, pleasure; @GLu. LQ@ 8|gg|O[ 0|@
OOOlG (duL[. d[GOOg. 47). 4. (Akap.) Praising the beauty of a heroine; gO0OlMg| O0L
QdgOd. (8Od. 1332, 2O[.) 5. Cheapness; u0|Q. Colloq. 6. Improvement; @0Lu. 7. Goodness;
GOu. 8. Superiority; GuuL_.

LLl-gg0 nayappi- v. tr. Caus. of -. 1. To induce to love or desire; Ol@uQu L
M8g0. gO0udOG LLlg@d MduOdl0 (@0@@. 88, 2O[). 2. To
persuade, win another's consent, secure compliance or approval; 8uugLL_g@g0. (W.) 3. To
render cheap, cheapen; u0|Od@g0. (W.) 4. To improve, benefit; LGL_g@g0. (W.)

naya-> g| nayadi n. Justice; g|. 8Ogl Gg|lG (@[@. g8[g. 8. 3).

g| nayadi -> g| ndi n. 1. Equity, justice; |u. g|OG OO |OGdd|G0G
(g|@ O8. 26, 2). 2. Discipline; @O_Ou. dLLOu g|gGGu_ dLLOu@ (8Od. 1145). 3.
Right conduct, morality; g@ddM_|. g| 0OdLu OuL LMl@ (MLQ. g_ggL.
197). 4. Truth; Mu. (Ll0.) 5. Conformity with the ways of the world; 20dgGg_ ML@@Od.
(@_u 97, 2O[.) 6. Nature; @0Q. 2g|l_ G8_@ g| @u (uLldL. 83). 7. Law;
g@u8Og|[u. 2Mg uO_G@ Gug|G g| (g|O. @_. 2, 48). 8. That which
guides; Lg@O@. (8|. GL. L. Ld. 20, Ou|.) 9. Means, contrivance; 2Lu.
20dMu00 uML OlOud@ g| (8Od. 755). 10. Prvat; LOg|. (uQ. g|@d. 21.)

g|uG ndim n. Just, righteous man; |M_| |_GLG.

g|OG ndiv n. 1. Just, righteous man; |M_| |_GLG g|uG. 2. Judge;
|g|Lg|. g|g|Lg|. Loc.

g|G| ndii n. She who is just; |gO_gOu. (G. 146, ulO0.)

g| ndi -> gu ndam n. 1. That which is suitable, proper; g@g|G@. @u |_@|O0
d_L@GO gu (g. L[L[. 353). 2. Propriety, justice; g|. ML00g G8MG|0 gguu
G gGu (g. dO. 3). 3. Grain; gG|u. (g. d.) 4. Prosperity; Ldd|u. (g. d.)

guLgu ndam-ptam n. Justice; g|. Loc.

gOG ndav n. . 1. Just, righteous man; |M_| |_GLG g|uG. 2. Judge;
|g|Lg|. g|g|Lg| (W.)

gu ndam -> gG nta n. Just, righteous man; |M_| |_GLG g|uG. gG . . .
@GGug @Q[dd OOg@ (G8@Q. 8Og dML. 9).

g| ndi -> nti f. 1 Guidance, direction, management. -2 Conduct, manner of conducting oneself,
behaviour, course of action. -3 propriety, decorum. -4 Policy, prudence, wisdom, right course; -5 A plan, contriv-
ance, scheme;. -6 Politics, political scicence, statesmanship, political wisdom;. -7 Righte- ousness, moral conduct,
morality. -8 The science of morality, morals, ethics, moral philosophy; -9 Acquirement, acqui- sition. -10 Giving,
offering, presenting. -11 Relation, support.

ntimat a. 1 Skilled in politics. -2 Wise, prudent, sagacious. -3 Moral.

nta p. p. 1 Carried, conducted, led. -2 Gained, obtained. -3 Brought or reduced to -4 Spent, passed
away; -5 Well-behaved, correct;

nta -> ntha Ved. 1 Leading, guiding. -2 A guide, leader
nta -> n m. (Used at the end of comp.) A leader, guide; as in \, , \.
naya-> u nayam n. [T. nayamu, K. Tu. naya.] 1. Grace, favour; @u. GGu ML_@g|
(Mg0. ML. 114). 2. Desire; Ol@LLu. 3. Happiness, joy, gladness; ud|g88|. (Ll0.) 4. Goodness;
GOu. @M[d Od_| uddu (0, 163). (g|O.) 5. [M. nayam.] Civility, attention,
courtesy; 2L8[u. 8G G_O[ gg|_ LlMlg@OlL0 (GuMl. 12). 6. Love, affection,
tenderness; GQ. gO0 u@O u@d (d0|g. 80). 7. Piety, devotion; Ldg|. L_u|
0MdM_ LMlGggg| (gMl OdLQ. Ll[uG. 54). 8. Benefit, profit, advantage, interest, gain;
_LG. 0OlOG g g|G@ (g|@dGd. 26). 9. Superiority, excellence; GuuL_.
@g_@ @ u. 10. [M. nayam.] Cheapness; u0|Q. OlO0 ul@dd|_@. 11. Abundance;
u|@g|. (W.) 12. Result, effect; LG. (g|O.) GG_ L@@uGg _QO[ MuGG
(duL[. L[. 6). 13. Fineness; @MOu. g0ddduLl ul@dd|_@. 14. Sweetness;
@G|Ou. [g@G|OdGd_L u LL QO[ggQu (duL[. @uLd@. 1). 15. Policy,
principle; g|. G_| MgG@MdML gg|OG @ (duL[. @uLd@M. 35). 16.
Donor, benefactor; MdOLu|. (g. d.) G . 17. Vdas; GOg8gg|[u. (g. d.) 18.
The four kinds of causal relation, viz., oumai- nayam, vumai-nayam, purivimai-nayam, iyalpu-nayam;
g_@Ouu, GO_@Ouu, QOlGOuu @0Qu OGd d[Md
8uLggg|_ Mdugu 0OOd @O_. (uMl. 30, 218.)

uLM@-g0 nayam-pau- v. intr. To do a favour; @0@M8g0. (W.)

u nayam -> O nayavar n. Just persons; g|OLG. 00 O @LL (0,

u nayam -> OG nayav n. (g. d.) 1. One who seeks or is entitled to profit; _gd
d[G. 2. Lovable person; Ol@uLggddOG. 3. Benefactor; 2Ld.

u nayam-> @u ayam n. Pleasantness; refinement; @G|Ou. @uLL QO[. (_gg|@.). 2.
Cheapness; u.

u nayam-> @u yam n. Pkt. yya. See |u. G@ G_[8 @Gu (L[g.
d|@LM. 122).

@u yam ->|u niyyam n. 1. Propriety, fairness, equity, justice, right; g|. 2. Truth,
honesty; OOu. (Ll0.) 3. Morality, natural virtues; GMG_|. | uggOGd@ Gu |0
ulGG (duL[. d|Ou. 55). 4. Law, rule, precept; 8LLu. 5. Cause, reason, ground of action;
@dg[u. 6. Argument, debate; Od@Ogu. (g. d.) 7. (Phil.) The Nyya system of
philosophy, founded by Gautama; MduguuguL__| g@dd@0. |
OOG8Q|d0dOu (gdddL. 246, 2O[). 8. Nyya-vaika systems;
|OOG8Q|d0du d| g@dd@0. 9. Resemblance; gLQ. 0dd@ |_Gud
|_@ (g|O. g|@O. 6, 6, 1). 10. Illustrative maxims; @M0ud|dudQu 8Og|
udQu Og0@u g|LLg M_|. uddLd|G8[| u, u880d|G8[|u.
11. Plea, excuse; GLd@. (W.) 12. Usage; Ogd@. (g. d.) 13. Constitution; dL_LL_. (W.)

|u niyyam -> nyya 1 Method, manner, way, rule, system, plan; -2 Fitness, propriety, decorum;
-3 Law, justice, virtue, equity, righteousness, honesty; -4 A law-suit, legal proceeding. -5 Judicial sentence,
judgment. -6 Policy, good government. -7 Likeness, analogy. -8 A popular maxim, an apposite illustration,
illustration, -9 A Vedic accent; -10 (In gram.) A universal rule. -11 A system of Hindu philosophy founded by the
sage Gautama. -12 The science of logic, logical philosophy. -13 A complete argument or syllogism (consisting of
five mem- bers; i. e. , , , and ). -14 An epithet of Viu. ( ind. in the way of,
after the manner or analogy of; [ ^ &c.).

G naya n. 1. See u nayam . G|0 M800|@@ M80@d (@_u, 193). 2. Substance;
LO8. @g @M_ G|0 dO0 O@u_g @_d@u OM_ (uMl. 18, 19). 3.
Relationship; 2_Q. (d0|g. 125, 6, 2O[.)

G naya -> G naya n. 1. Lovable person; Ol@uLggddOG. GLG dgG0gg|
(GgO. 115, 11). 2. Donor, benefactor; MdOLu|. (g. d.) 3. 1. Policy, principle; g| 1. 4..
Contrivance, device; 2Lu. uGGO[ G LLd@u OlOGOGL0 (d0|g. 46).

G naya -> Gu nayaam n.. Eye; dM. Ggg _ MLM8g (GgO. 530, 4).

Gu nayaam -> OG nayaai n. The pupil of the eye; dMuMl. (g. d.)
u nayam -> naya 1 Guiding, leading, managing. -2 (a) Behaviour, course of con- duct, conduct, way of
life as in [ . \ Bu. Ch.1.3. (b) Prudent or righteous conduct,
virtue. -3 Prudence, foresight, circumspection; -4 Policy, political wisdom, statesmanship, civil administration, state-
policy-5 Morality, justice, rectitude, equity; -6 A plan, design, scheme; -7 A maxim, principle. -8 Course, method,
manner. -9 A system, doctrine, opinion. -10 A philosophical system; -11 N. of Viu. -12 A kind of game.
naya a. 1 Leading, conducting. -2 A guide. -3 Suitable, right, proper.

nay 1 . ( ) To protect.

nayanam 1 Leading, guiding, conducting managing. -2 Taking, bringing to or near, drawing; 3
Ruling, governing, polity; -4 Passing, spending (as time). -

Gu nayaam -> nayanam The eye. -6 Passing, spending (as time).

OG nayaai -> nayan, nayan The pupil of the eye.

G naya-> lOg nayintai n. G. 1. Superior, liege, lord; O8uGG. (g. d.) 2. The
master of a slave, among some castes; OuOOg@ _g@ 8g|ggO0OG. Loc. (W.) 3. A term of
respect among some castes; 8|0 8g|@d@u Og0@u g@ LLLLML. (W.)

G naya-> lG nayir n. 1. Lord; Ou|. lG g|@GO0dLgG (T. A. S. i, 93). 2.
Master, lord; O8uGG. (W.) 3. Title, especially of Jains; O8Gd@8 8|_LLd Og0@u
LLLLML. 4. A deity. @G. Loc. 5. Citragupta. See 8|gg|[@ggG. lG GGQ.

naya-> ( ny)-> dG nyka n. Merchant, chei; OlL. (Ll0.) ugO0l_@g|
dGL_ @ddLG u_|d|G_ (dgQ. GuG 0. 2).
dG nyka -> d nygar s. Chetties, the mercantile caste, M8Ldu. (8@.)
( ny)-> 88| [ nycci ] --88|, A lady, a mistress of a slave. See under G.
88|u nyccimr n Lady, mistress; gO0Ol 88|u, 1. GgOO[u
88|uO[u O_|gGgG (_, 1, 3, 10).

88| nycciyr n. 1. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. 2. Saint . See _MLu. 3.
Prvat; LOg|. G88|. (J.)

( ny)-> G nya n. 1. The Supreme Being; dLQu. 2. King; [8G. 3. Master, lord;
gO0OG. G MOG_|Mdu LL0 GdLd (g|@O0O. 54, 36).

Gu nyamr n. 1. Lords, masters; gO0O. (W.) 2. Gods; dLQ u. u_O_g
g|@LLg|du|G Gud@u (_, 7, 2, 11). 3. Canonized aiva Saints whose history is
narrated in Periyapuram; MLQ[Mgg|0 O[0@ _LML__ 8|OG.

G nya -> G nyar n. [M. nyanr.] 1. Lord, master; gO0O. 2. God; dLQu. @
Gd@g g|@OlOLLLud (S. I. I. i, 68, 80). 3. iva; 8|OML@uG. (gdddL. Ld.
344.) 4. Father; gOg. G GLGu @GM_G@ dgg|@uGu M[00@0 _|
@gLlGQ (8Od. 2097, 2O[). 5. Title of canonized aiva saints; 8|OG. 6. Title of certain castes,
as Caiar, Kaikkar, Uaiyar and a section of Var; 8|0 8g|G LLLLML. 7. Tiruvalluvar
g|@ OugO, 1.

G nya -> nyar n.. A caste of Hindus in Malabar; uO0u@u g@ 8g|.

G nya -> GGg nyat n. A term of address meaning 'my lord'; 'Ou|' MG@
ML@uL_ MgL. GGg @OG g|@OO[d@ LuL OLG L (_, 4, 3, 5).

lGg nyint n. Corr. of GGg. A term of address meaning 'my lord'; 'Ou|' MG@
ML@uL_ MgL.

G nya -> lOd nyigai n. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. @Ou lOd (_, 5, 3, 3, @ .).

G nya -> nyar -> l@ nyiu n. |K. nsau.] 1. Sun; @G. d@l@
GL0LO (duL[. duM. 4). 2. Sunday; @l_@dd|gOu.

l@ nyiu -> @l@ yiu n. [K. nsau, M. yiu.] 1. The sun; @G. @l@GL0
Olu0@g| (Lg|_@L. 88, 38). 2. See @l_@d d|gOu. 3. Solar month; M8u[ugu. _M_u
@l@u Ldd@ Gu O[@u (LGG|@L. 172).

( ny)-> dG nyaga n. 1. Lord, master, chief; gO0OG. _gdG (duL[. 0dg.
21). 2. Husband; dMOG. (Ll0.) u0 u0Od dG (g|O. MLg|. 10, 7, 6). 3. King; [8G.
(g|O.) dGOG MM@__MGG @u (duL[. d 0@. 222). 4. The Supreme Being;
dLQu. 5. Leader, conductor; Lg@ GOG. (80. d.) 6. Head of 20 elephants and 20 horses; @@L@
OGdL@u @@L@ @g|O[dL@u gO0OG. (dd|[ g|, 74.) 7. A person appointed to the
headship of ten villages; Lg@d d|[u0dgd@g gO0OGd |u|ddLLLLOG. (dd|[ g|,
27.) 8. Hero of a poem or story; LL_OLggO0OG 00@ dgdG.

dg|LG nyagdiba n. King; [8G. (g. d.)
dG nyaga->du nyagam n. 1. Head- ship, superiority, supremacy, pre-eminence;
gO0Ou. @Q0@d@ g@ Mu@dGu (g|O. g|@ O. 3, 10, 11). 2. Greatness, honour,
esteem; GuuL_. gG8_ @Ogdd|G_ du (g|O. @_. g|@Ol@g. 34). 3. The
choicest or the most prized of a class of things; 8|_LLlG u|dd@. LdMd0 duOGGg
uO0 (duL[. ugO[. 52). 4. The large bead in a devotee's necklace. 2. The central gem in a breast plate.
duMl. dg OggMgL_ Ol0d (O8O8. ML@. 139). 5. A plant, s. sh., Ruellia patula;
duLM@-g0 nyagam-pau- v. intr. To rule, exercise sovereignty; to impose authority;
@gGOu M8@g@g0. (g. d.)
dG nyaga-> d| nyagi n. 1. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. 2. Wife; uOGOl. (@L.) 3.
Prvat LOg|. (gdddL. 62.) 4. (Mus.) A kind of tune; @ @[du. 5. Heroine, as of a story;
G nya -> nya 1 A leader, guide. -2 Guiding, directing. -3 Policy, prudence; -4 Means, expedient;.
dG nyaga-> nyaka 1 A guide, leader, conductor. -2 A chief, master, head, lord. -3 A pre-
eminent or principal person, distinguished personage; -4 A general, commander. -5 (In Rhet.) The hero of a poetic
composition (a play or drama); (according to S. D. there are four main kinds of :-- , , ,
and , q. v.; these are again subdivided, the total number of kinds being 48; -7 A paradigm or
leading example; -8 An epithet of kyamuni.

nyaka a. Guiding, leading, conducting.

nyakyat Denom. . 1 To play the part of a leader. -2 To act the part of the central gem of
a necklace;

lOd nyigai -> nyik 1 A mistress. -2 A wife. -3 The heroine of a poetic composition.
(According to S. D. a is of three kinds or , or , and . For further
classification, see S. D.97-112, and Rasamajar 3-94; cf. also). -4 A kind of musk.
dG nyaga-> ddG nyakka n. 1. Title of certain Telugu castes; O_d@u g@8[
8g|LML. 2. Title of certain Tamil castes, as Vaiyar, Var, Iruar; OGG|, GOL, @@u
@g0| gu|g88g|G ML. 3. Captain; soldier; headman; @ gO0Ou
2gg|GdOgG. (g. d.)
d8|GGu nyaka-ciam n. A kind of clarionet. See d[u.

d[u nyaka-curam , n. A kind of clarionet d8|GGu. (g. d.)
ddO[8 nyakka-v-aracar n. Nyak rulers of Madura and Tanjore; u@O[Ou
g@O8Ou gO0d duddMdM_ _ML O_duGG.

dggG nyakatt n. 1. Lord, master, chief; gO0OG. 2. Husband; dMOG. 3. King; [8G.
(g|O.) 4. The Supreme Being; dLQu. OGG Mg@g|O_@u dggG
MLGGdd MG (g|O. @_. MLg|@O. 45). 5. Leader, conductor; Lg@ GOG. (80.
d.) 6. Head of 20 elephants and 20 horses; @@L@ OGdL@u @@L@ @g|O[dL@u
gO0OG. (dd|[ g|, 74.) 7. A person appointed to the headship of ten villages; Lg@d
d|[u0dgd@g gO0OGd |u|ddLLLLOG. (dd|[ g|, 27.) 8. Hero of a poem or story;
LL_OLggO0OG 00@ dgdG.

dgg| nyakatti n. Fem. of dggG. (g. d.) 1. Lady, mistress; gO0Ol. 2. Wife;
uOGOl. (@L.) 3. Prvat LOg|. 4. (Mus.) A kind of tune; @ @[du. 5. Heroine, as of a
story; dgd|.

dd88| nyakkacci n. Fem. of ddG. Woman of certain castes, as Vaukar, Vaiyar,
Var, Iruar; O_d, OGG|, GOL, @@u @g0| 8g|udu|.
dG nyaga-> nayaka 1 A skilful manager. -2 One versed in policy, a statesman.
0 nal-> (0 nl)-> _-g0 nu- 5 v. [M. nuka, Tu. nuni.] tr. 1. To seek, enquire after, pursue;
Gg_g0. gGd@gg G M8G_u (0, 15). 2. To examine, investigate; _[g0.
L@ LL0|_ Gd0O0 (@_u, 791). 3. [M. nuka.] To desire earnestly; Ol@uQg0. L0
8G_ @OL M@8|G (Lg|_@L. 86, 7). 4. To know, understand; Mgg0. @GGO
G|gOG (dgQ. gg 8|. 32). 5. To resemble; ggg0. GOM_ Ggu (Mg0.
ML. 286, 2O[). 6. To measure; ugg0. L_ d8 @G8uL gG (GgO. 518, 11). 7. To
reach, approach; d|L_ g0. @0Gd LMOLLOl0O0. 8. To think, consider; |OGgg0.
Gudd @GgOg (8|. 8|. 8, 22). 9. To scent, as dogs; GuLLu Llgg0. (W.)--intr. To be
measured; uQLL_ g0. MMLG@ L8 8|_LQ (@_u, 74).
_Lg0 nu-paital n. Submission of a country, as to its rulers; Gg8u _OMddg
L0@Od. (W.)

_-g0 nu- > LLu nam n. 1. Eye; dM. OO Ggg LL@
u|L@dd|G_G (duL[. d[GOOg. 71). 2. Sight; LOO. 3. [M. nam.] Examination,
investigation; _[88|. Gug| LLg MgGuG (Mg0. O@g. 483). 4. Astrology; G8g|L
@0. M8_ML LL0 GduOl M@8MuG@ (Lg|_@L. 21, 1). 5. (Mus.) A secondary
melody-type of the mullai</I> nam.] Desire; Ol@LLu. O@d@ GGgg|0 LLu|0O0.
(W.) 8. Intention, pursuit, aim, quest; Gddu. GOM_@ LLu|G_| (g. LLQ0|. 12). 9.
Suspicion; 8Ggdu. OGGL0 LLu l@dd|_@. (W.) 10. Movement; 8@8[u.
MLMMLL MuL GLG (duL[. d . 122).

LLu nam -> Lu, [ niym, ] s. The inmost intention, design, object, d@g@. 2. Aim, hint, al
lusion, reference, @_|LQ. (8@.)

Unlike forest, countryside is the desired place for living. Therefore the word denoting country has derived from
_-g0 nu.

_-g0 nu- > _ nu n. |T. K. Tu. nu, M. nu.] 1. Country, district, province; Gg8L L@g|.
_@@ u_|GO (g|O. MLg. 3, 7, 5). (S. I. I. ii, 48.) 2. Locality, situation; @Lu. uL
OLl[u0 (duL[. @00OdGd. 45). 3. Earth, land; _u|. 4. World; 20du. Q0g g0|_
QgGgM _MGL (@_u, 1323). 5. Kingdom, state; @[88|u. (W.) _ dOgG (duL[.
u8G. 180). 6. Rural tracts, opp. to nakaram; L_LQ_u. Colloq. 7. Open place, room, space, area;
@LLL[LQ. (W.) 8. Side, region, quarter; Lddu. (W.) 9. A very large number = 8 patumam; g@ GLM[M.
(Ll0.) 10.

LG na n. 1. Inhabitant, countryman; Gg8ggG. OGL GdQdGd (g|@O8. 13, 5). 2.
Ruler, lord of a country; _ggO0OG. MgGLM LOGd O (g|@O8. 18, 2). 3.
Chief of kuici. nakatra. 4. The third lunar asterism, dgg|Odu. (8@.) 5. An epithet of the Chola kings,

ni n. Fem. of LG. 1. Woman of a country; L@uuOu. u|g|O0 d@u.
(duL[. 8|gg|[. 48). 2. Queen of a country; LOLOLu. Ou@ 8|_LLlG
OG (8|0L. 11, 215).
LG na-> LG, [ n, ] s. [prov.] A term applied to the caste of toddy drawers, 8M@d@
LLLLML. (c.)

LG na-> LO navar n. Countrymen, people of the country; Gg8gg. LO Lg|g
@O[ _M@Od (g|@O8. 4, 69).

naya-> G n n. 1. Love; GQ. 2. Compassion, mercy, grace; [u. GO M@ 8|G . . . dQ
u@d (Q_. 3).

G n-> Gu nyam n. < (Pkt. n-am snha) 1. Love, affection; GQ. Gggg MGG
M0GOGL QM@ (g|@dGd. 39). 2. Piety, devotion; Ldg|. GgGg |G_ |u0
GGL__| (g|@O8. 1, 13). 3. Ghee; M. (Ll0.) 4. Oil; OMMM. (Ll0.) 5. Good, benefit;
GOu. (g. d.) 6. A plant common in sandy situations. See |0LLOG. (uO0.)

Gu nyam-> G@u yam n. Love, affection; GQ (d. |.)

G@u yam-> G@ yar n. Friends; ML. (g. d.)

Gu nyam-> snha 1 Affection, love, kindness, tender ness; -2 Oiliness, viscidity, unctuousness,
lubricity (one of the 24 Guas according to the Vaieikas) -3 Moisture; -4 Grease, fat, any unctuous substance. -
5 Oil; -6 Any fluid of the body, such as semen.
snih 4 P. (, ) 1 To feel or have affect- ion for, love, be fond of (with loc. of the person
or thing that is loved or liked); -2 To be easily attached. -3 To be pleased with, be kind to. -4 To be sticky,
viscid, or adhesive. -5 To be smooth or bland. -Caus. (- ) 1 To make unctuous, anoint, besmear,
lubricate. -2 To cause to love. -3 To dissolve, destroy, kill.
snha -> snhan m. 1 A friend. -2 The moon. -3 A kind of disease.
snhala a. 1 Fond of. -2 Tender.

snhita p. p. 1 Loved. -2 Kind, affectionate. -3 Anointed, lubricated. - A friend, a beloved

snhin a. ( f.) 1 Attached, affec- tionate, friendly. -2 Oily, unctuous, fat. -m. 1 A friend. -2
An anointer, a smearer. -3 A painter.

snha -> snhu 1 The moon. -2 A kind of disease. -3 A friend; U.1.1.

snha -> snhanam 1 Anointing, unction, rubbing or smearing with oil or unguents. -2
Unctu- ousness. -3 An unguent, emollient.

snhana a. 1 Anointing, lubricating. -2 Destroying.

Gu nyam-> G8u nsam n. |M. nan.] 1. Love, affection, piety; GQ. G8@OL O
Odu (g|@O8. 9, 4). 2. Desire, as for learning; _Ou. O@uML@ gM@ G8 u8@
gl0u Odd| (@[@. @[@Q. 38). 3. Suitability; g@g|. _88|lG Ol@0 LLMLG@
_O8d@ G8u@u (@uG[. 8g. 59).

G8u nsam -> G8G nsa n. 1. Friend, ally; MLG. G8 g0_ (u. dLQ). 2. Votary,
devotee; LggG. 8|OG8 gu OOdO_l M0@@ (8|O[d. g|. u. 15).
G8| nsi n. Fem. of G8G. Female friend; GQOLOu. (g. d.)
G8u nsam -> G8|-gg0 nsi- v. tr. To love; GQOOgg0. G8|d@@ 8|Og (g.
2L0 ML. 32).

G n -> G_-g0 nu- v. tr. 1. To seek, look out for; Gg_g0. MdMLO G|@LL u_G_ . . .
GO0|GOG G M_0dMgu (8Od. 252). 2. To earn; 8uLg|gg0. N. 3. To desire,
wish; Ol@uQg0. (g. d.) 4. To consider, think, lay to heart; OM@g0. @[LGuG|u O_G
@QG (dgQ. G[. 65). 5. To aim at, pursue; @0ddddMdugg0. (W.)

G_-g0 nu- > GLLu nam n. 1. Acquired property; 8uLg|ggML@u. N. 2. Bamboo;
@0d|0. (uO0.)

G_-g0 nu- > (GL_ nu)-> (Gg@ nttu)-> Ggg|[u nttiram n. 1. Eye; dM. (g|O.) 2.
Peacock-eye; ul_L 0|ddM. @uL0d| Ggg|[gg 0Ml@ (g|O. MLg. 3, 4, 5). 3. Silk
cloth; LLLOL. (g|O.) duLl MG_ Ggg|[0du LMlgg@u GOM_u (GgO. 676, 2).
4. ((aiva.) A hand-pose in which the thumb and the little finger are linked together and the other three fingers are
held erect in front of the eyes; M_Ol[O0u ML@Ol[O00 L _O@uu
@G@Ol[O0u 2[|u|gg|d dM@d@ Og|_dL_u @gg|O[OOd. (M8. x,
424.) Ggg|[@gg|O[. (8g 8|O. 130, 2O[.)

Ggg|[u nttiram-> ] ntram 1 Leading, conducting, directing; -2 The eye; 3 The string of a
churning-stick; -4 Woven silk, a fine silken garment; ]- \ [ R.7.39. (where some
commentators take ] in its ordinary sense of the 'eye'). -5 The root of a tree. -6 An enema pipe. -7 A carriage,
conveyance in general. -8 The number 'two'. -9 A leader; -10 A constellation, star. (said to be m. only in these two
senses). -11 A river; Nm. -12 A kind of vein; Nm. -13 A bug; Nm. -14 A bark of a tree; Nm.
(Gg@ nttu)-> Gg nd n. Ruler, master, lord; gO0OG. |OGggu|g @l [u|d@
Gg Od| (GOg[Ml. Ll[O[. 6).

Gg nd -> nt/ nt m. 1 One who leads or guides, a leader, conductor, manager, guide (of
elephants, animals &c.); -2 A director, preceptor; -3 A chief, master, head. -4 An inflictor (as of punishment); 5 An
owner. -6 The hero of a drama. -7 The numeral 'two'. -8 N. of Viu.

nttvam The office or business of a leader; leading.

] ntr 1 A river. -2 A female leader. -3 An epithet of Lakm. -4 An artery, a vein.

ntrya a. Good or wholesome for the eyes.

G n-> M ney n. [T. neyyi, K. M. ney.] 1. Ghee, clarified butter; MOM MMO 2@dd|
2MLd@u ML@u. M MOg0d|u (Q_. 166, 21). 2. Butter; MOMMM.
M@OL gl @O[M_u (LL. 16, 3). 3. Oil; OMMM. MMl uddu
(Mg0. ML. 146). 4. Civet; Q@@M. Oul@0 g MGMl u_LL (8|0L. 4, 56). 5.
Honey; GgG. MddM Ml_0 (d0|g. 42). 6. Blood; 2g|[u. ML__| M[0u
( |_d. 51). 7. Grease, fat; |Mu. MM_ (d00. 71). 8. Friendship, love; 8|GGdu. M
MLg| M@8|G uGG (8Od. 3049). 9. The 14th nakatra. 8|gg|O[. (@L.)

M-gg0 ney- v. intr. 1. To be glossy, polished; LuLugg0. M_ @gG@
Mgg|@M_ (duL[. 2@ddL_. 57). 2. To be fleshy, fat, plump; Md@gg0.
Mgg uG. (W.) 3. To become greasy, unctuous or sticky; L8LQOLgl@gg0. (W.)

M-gg0 ney- > M@ neju n. [M. necu.] 1. Mind, conscience; uGu. gGMG@G8 gGOG8
_u (@_u, 293). 2. Heart; @@gu. 3. Breast, bosom, chest; uQ. gO0l@ u|L__|@ M@
8|@ |O0@ (Mg0. O@g. 83). 4. Centre, heart of a thing; _. @G_|MG@ LdMO_|g O@
L M_GO0 (@@. 1). 5. Bravery, courage; Ogu. M@Gu [@u OlgOg
(g|@O0O. 35, 17). 6. Audacity, venturesomeness; g|M Mddu. Loc. 7. Throat; MgMOL. L_
M80M0Gd d_M@ 8|O_LL (d00. 16, 6).

M@ neju-> M@8u nejam n. [M. neca.] 1. See M@. g@OL M@8
@OM0Og| (@_u, 1299). 2. Love; GQ. M@8g gdd LL@ LQ (@_u, 786).

(Gg@ nttu)-> (Gug@ mttu)-> (u|g@ mittu)->u|gg|[u mittiram n.. Friendship, affection; LQ.
u|gg|[ O88|[O M_@ Ol@LL GL@u (GgO. 598, 9).
(Gg@ nttu)-> u|g@@ mitturu n. Friend, ally, adherent; MLG u|gg|[G, 1. 00d@
u|g@@ (@[u. L0dM. 1).
u|gg|[u mittiram -> u|gg|[G mittira n. 1. Friend, ally, adherent; MLG. u|gg|[ OgG
GddG (duL[. u8. 60). 2. Relative; 2_OlGG. (ug L. 188.) 3. A deity representing the
sun, one of tuvtactittar, q.v.; @Og8g|gg@ Mu@OG. (ug L. 66.) 4. Sun; @G.
(ug L. 95.)

u|gg|O[ mittirai n. Lady's maid; Ggg|. (g. d.)

u|gg|[G mittira -> ] mitra 1 The sun; -2 N. of an ditya and usually associated with Varua; cf. v.
3.59. -3 The deity presiding over the part of rectum

u|gg|[G mittira -> ] Mitram 1 A friend; ] \ Bh.2.68; Me.17. -2 An ally, the
next neighbour of a king; cf. .

] mitrat ] mitratvam Friendship, friendliness.

] mitrati Den. P. To be friendly, behave in a friendly manner, at as a friend towards.

] mitrayu a. 1 Friendly-minded. -2 Winning friends.

] mitrayu A friend.

] mitryat Den. . To act as a friend, be friendly.

] mitrbh 1 P. To become a friend, make friends with.

] mitryati Den. P. To treat (one) as a friend.

] mitriya a. Friendly, relating to a friend.

(Gug@ mttu)-> mid I. 1 ., 4, 1 U. ( , - , - ) 1 To be unctuous or greasy. -2 To melt. -3
To be fat. -4 To love, feel affection.

2. Q-g0 puri- 4 v. tr. 1. To desire; Ol@uQg0. Q@@du Qg0 (Mg0. ML. 261). 2. To
meditate upon; g|G|gg0. @O_OG . . . Qdg Qg (@_u, 5). 3. To do, make;
M8g0. g|OGg@OM G_| Qd00 (0, 323). 4. To create; LOLgg0.
OOQ0@u Q OOG (8|OL. Ll[L. MO0Oddd. 65). 5. To bring forth, produce;
@g0. MLGGL_ MdGO_QgG (g|OMuO0. 109). 6. To give;
Md_gg0. ML@|g| GOLLG GOLLGQgu (2LGg8d. 8|OOl[g. 257). 7. To
experience, suffer; @LOlgg0. QMLOd GL@u|O u|GG0 Qd|G_u
(duL[. @u. 1). 8. To gaze at, watch intently; 2_@LLgg0. LggG0 Q@
Ldd|_GL@ (g|O. g|@M_. 21, O. Ld. 174). 9. To investigate, examine;
Ol8[OM M8g0. _u QgGG M80Gd GLLg@ (Q_. 35). 10. To say,
tell; M80@g0. gMu Q u@ uO_ (GgO. 865, 5). 11. To exercise, perform;
Lg@g0. [ QgG. 12. To accept; Gu_ Mdugg0. GLd@O[Q Q (8|.
GL. 2).
Q-gg0 puri- 11 v. tr. Caus. of Q-. To cause to desire; Ol@uL8M8g0. Qgg
Mg0d|u @u (8Od. 2402).
Q-g0 puri-> QQ purivu n. 1. Love, attachment; GQ. QMO_ OlG_ _OO QMg@
(Q. MO. gg|Q, 12). 2. Desire; Ol@LLu. OlOG g d@u QQOL (GgO. 905, 1). 3. Action,
practice; Mgg|0. @@Ol[ G|u|g@L QMO_ G8g@ (d00. 8). 4. Error; gO@. QOl0
Mug| Ol@[G (L[g. @@. 43). 5. Escape; gLLl 0@Od. QOlG_| . . . GL_@O GL__|
(Q. MO. 8, 20). 6. Change; GO@L_Od. (d. |.)

Q-g0 puri-> (Ll piri)-> Llu piriyam n. 1. Pleasure, delight; acceptableness; attraction; Ol@LLu. 2.
Love, fondness; partiality; endearment; LL 8u. 3. Scarcity, dearth, opp. to cavaam; LML0du|G
ML_0@Ou. 4. Thing desired; Ol@uLl ML@u. Llu L0 O@uL (8. Q. Ll. 1).
LlddOLLM@-g0 piriya-k-kaai- pau-, v. tr. < Llu +. To exaggerate the value of a
thing, as in a bargain; gG@OLOg @OuLLMLudd|d @g0. OG
LlddOL LM@d|_G. Loc.
Ll0dL_-g0 piriya-ku- v. intr. To express love or fondness;
LlLL_g@-g0 piriya-p-pauttu- v. tr. 1. To please, gladden; ud|gOlg g0. 2. To humour,
soothe, flatter; @88du GLg0. (W.) 3. . To express love or fondness;
GQMOu|LL_g@g0. LlddOLLM@-. (W.)
LluLM@-g0 piriyam-pau- , v. tr. 1. To express love or fondness;
GQMOu|LL_g@g0. LlddOLLM@ LlLL_g@. 2. To give oneself airs;
GuuL_gg|dMdugg0. Llu LMMldMduO@ GuO[G (dOl@@.).

Llu piriyam -> LlG piriya n. 1. One who loves; GQuuOG. Ll[ uOd
dMl (GgO. 558, 9). 2. Beloved husband; dMOG. LlG LlO MG_lGu

LlO piriyai n. 1. Wife; uOGOl. LlGGL LlG LlO MG_lGu (gG|LL.) 2.
Woman, lady; MLM. (@L.)

Llu piriyam -> Ll_|u, piiyam, s. Pleasure, &c.

Llu piriyam -> priya a. [ -[ | (compar. , superl. ) 1 Dear, beloved, liked, welcome,
favourite; Ku.1.26; Rm; R.3.29. -2 Pleasing, agreeable;
R.14.6. -2 Fond of, liking, loving, devoted or attached to; .4.9.;
U.2. -2 Dear, expensive. -5 Ved. Customary, familar, usual.

priya 1 A lover, husband; -2 A kind of deer. -3 A son-in-law (); Ms.3.119 (com.).

priy 1 A beloved (wife), wife, mistress; -2 A woman in general. -3 Small cardamoms. -4
News, information. -5 Spirituous liquor. -6 A kind of jasmine.

priyam 1 Love. -2 Kindness, service, favour; -3 Pleasing or gladsome news; -4 Pleasure;

priyam ind. In a pleasing or agreeable manner.

priya ind. Willingly.

Llg|, piriti s. Fondness, &c. See Llg|.

Llg|, piriti -> Llg| pirti n. 1. Fondness, love; LL8u. 2. Acceptableness, agreeableness; Ol@LLu. 3.
Joy, pleasure, happiness; 2OOd. 4. (Astron.) A division of time, one of 27 ykam, q.v.; Gdu
@@LgGgg@u gG@. (MLO@.)

Llg| pirti-> prti f. Pleasure, happiness, satis- faction, delight, gladness, joy, gratification; -2 Favour,
kindness. -3 Love, affection, regard; -4 Liking or fondness for, delight in, addiction to; , . -5 Friendliness,
amity. -6 Conciliation. -7 A symbolical expression for the letter . -9 N. of a wife of Cupid and rival of Rati; -10
Longing -11 N. of a ^ . -12 The 2nd of the 27 astrological Yogas.

prti -> 1 Jest, mirth. -2 Delight, pleasure

prta p. p. 1 Pleased, delighted, rejoiced, gladdened; -2 Glad, happy, joyful; Me.4. -3 Content. -4
Dear, beloved. -5 Kind, affectionate.
Q-gg0 puri-> pr f. (= q. v.); L. D. B.
-> pr I. 9 U. (, , ) 1 To please, delight, satisfy, gladden; ]
Bh.2.68; Bk.3.38;5.14;7.64. -2 To be pleased, take delight in;
Mb. -3 To act kindly towards, show kindness towards. -4 To be cheerful or gay. -Caus. (- ) To
please, satisfy &c. -II. 4 . ( , strictly a passive voice of the root ) 1 To be satisfied or pleased, be gratified;
i.1.17; R.15. 3;19.3; Y.1.245. -2 To feel affection for, love;
Mb.12.138.54. -3 To assent, be satisfied. -III. 1 P. To please, gratify &c. -IV. 1 U. (- ) To
please; L. D. B.

pr a. kind, delighted (as ).

pra a. 1 Pleased, satisfied; gratified. -2 Old. ancient. -3 Previous.

pranam 1 Pleasing, satisfying. -2 That which pleases or satisfies.

prana a. Pleasing, gratifying.

prita a. Pleased, delighted;

(Ll piri)-> LlG[uu pirmam & LlG[Ou pirmai n. Love; GQ. Loc.

LlG[uu pirmam-> prman m., n. 1 Love, affection; -2 Favour, kindness, kind or tender regard. -3
Sport, pastime. -4 Joy, delight, gladness. -m. 1 A jest, joke. -2 Wind, air. -3 An epithet of Indra.

prmavat A mistress or beloved.

prmin a. ( prmin f.) Loving, affectionate.

pryas a. ( f.) Dearer, more beloved or agree- able &c. (compar. of q. v.). -m. 1 A lover, husband; -
2 A dear friend; -m., -n. 1 Flattery. -2 The desired fruit of 'heaven' etc. but not a means to salvation;

pryas A wife, mistress; Bhg.9.18.47.

3. @0 il-> @u i -> @88|-gg0 icci- v. tr. To desire, wish, crave for, covet; Ol@uQg0. (L[g.
g|M[uLg|. 75.)

@88|-gg0 icci-> @8O8 iccai n. 1. Wish, desire, inclination; Ol@LLu. (g|@O8. 41, 9.) 2. Devoted
service; Lgg|G_ Q MgM_. _LMdMLd MdGG|G| GM8 u|8O8dGu
(GgO. 672, 6). 3. (Math.) Question, problem; OlG. (80. d.)

@88|-gg0 icci-> @88u iccam n. Wish. See @8O8. QMgg| Ol88g@L ML@ddgg|_
@OG@ (LL. 7, 37).

@88u iccam -> @88du iccagam n. 1. Flattery, sycophancy; @gO@g|. O[gg|G0 dM@u
Odd| 0|88d@u (Ll[GLg. 11, 16). 2. (Arith.) Sum or result sought; ML_dd@g| MgOd. (80.

@8O8 iccai -> icch 1 Wish, desire, inclination of mind, will; according to one's desire, at will. -2
Willingness. -3 (In Math.) A question or pro- blem. -4 (In gram.) The form of the Desiderative.

@88|-gg0 icci-> icchu a. Wishing, desirous; usually in comp. ... Bk.5.59.

icchu-> icchuka a. Wishing &c.
@88du iccagam -> icchak 1 (In Arith.) The sum sought. -2 N. of a tree; Shaddock, which is a large
species of orange; citrus, Medica (Mar. ).

icchaka a. Wishing, desiring &c. icchat
pres. p. Wishing, desirous, willing; .
@u i -> (@L_ iu) -> @LLu iam n. 1. Desire, wish, inclination of mind, will; Ol@LLu. u
LOG ML@ u|LLgg 0|G|gd |OGu|GG (GgO. 20, 8). 2. Love, attachment, affection;
GQ. @LLuG Ol_Qd G[G|L0 d|LGG (dgQ. dd|[@L. 15). 3. Friendship;
8|Gdu. Colloq

@LLu iam -> @LLG ia n. 1. Friend; 8|G d|gG. 2. Endeared person; Ol@LLgg|_d|LGG
OG. G|LLMGG_@uLLL (QLL. g|@O[0 dd. dLQ, 4). 3. Master; O8uGG.
@LLMG Gd dML[O GGO0O[ (O8O8. uMd. 16).

(@L_ iu) -> @L ii n. (gg.) 1. Epigrammatic verse; 80d|[d8M8u. 2. Gift; MdOL.
3. Worship; _O8. 4. Desire; longing; @8O8.

(@L_ iu) -> OL_ eu n. LOL. Desire; _O8. (W.)

OL_ eu -> LOL ai n. Intense desire; Ol@LLu. (Ll0.)

OL_ eu -> OL ai n. Ardent desire, eager longing; _O8. (@L.)

(@L_ iu) -> LOM aai n. Attachment; wish, desire; _O8. uOGOl udd uggO
LOMdu @G@ (OdO0. gg@O. 13).

@u i -> i I. 6. P. (, ) 1 To wish, desire, long for; [ Ku.3.3; oft. with pot. or
imperat. mood; or ; Sk. -2 To choose; ] ]
Ms.8.384. -3 To endeavour to obtain, strive or seek for; , [ &c. -4 To be willing, be
about to do anything, mean or intend (with. inf.). -5 To ask or expect anything (acc.) from any one (loc. or abl.); -6
To acknowledge, regard. -7 To request, ask. -8 To be favourable. -9 To try to make favourable. -1 To assent or
consent. -pass. 1 To be wished or liked. -2 To be asked, or requested. -3 To be prescribed or laid down;
Ms.8.322; ]] ] Y.3.18. -4 To be approved, accepted, or regarded as
$ Trik.

i -> i a. Wishing, desirous. f. Ved. 1 A draught, refreshment, food; -2 Libation; -3 Strength, power, sap,
freshness. -4 Comfort; increase. -5 Affluence. -6 Refreshing waters of the sky. -7 Wish.
iai f. Wish, desire, impulse.
ii a. Wishing, desiring
ima Cupid, god of love.

ima a. Wishing.
(@L_ iu) -> @LLu -> iam 1 Wish, desire. -2 A holy ceremony or .
Bhg.7.15.49. -3 A sacrifice; Bi. Up.4.1.2; see [ . ind. Voluntarily.
ia p. p. 1 Wished, desired, longed for, wished for; Nala.1.1. -2 Beloved, agreeable,
liked, favourite, dear; -3 Worshipped, reverenced. -4 Respected. -5 Approved, regarded as good. -6
Desirable; see [ . -6 Valid. -7 Sacrificed, worshipped with sacrifices. -8 Supposed (); oft. used
in Llavat.

ia 1 A lover, husband, beloved person; -2 A friend; -3 N. of a tree ( ). -4 N. of Viu. -5 A

(@L_ iu) -> @L ii ii f. 1 Wish, request, desire. -2 Seeking, striving to get. -3 Any desired object.
-4 A desired rule or desideratum; (a term used with reference to Patajali's additions to Ktyyana's Vrttikas; -5
Im- pulse, hurry. -6 Invitation, order. -7 A sacrifice. -8 An oblation consisting of butter, food &c. -9 Summary in

(@L_ iu) -> iu f. A wish, desire.

@88|-gg0 icci-> (@88G iccan)-> 8G sa n. 1. Supreme Being; Lord of the universe; @O_OG.
@ugu|_ dMOug O 8G_GOG (g|O. MLg|. 2, 10, 1). 2. iva; 8|OG. 8G
d GGggG (u. dLQ). 3. King, ruler; [8G. 4. Lord, master; gO0 OG. g[MlLd
Md00 u8@u (L[g. @@. 91). 5. Preceptor; @@. (Ll0.) 6. Eldest brother; @gGgG. (g|O.) 7.
A preparation of camphor; L8O8dd@L_[u. 8MG@u _[u MOMOu (Lggg. 1076). 8. A
mineral poison; MduL QMu. (W.) 9. Brahm; Ll[uG. 10. Father; gdLLG.

8G sa (father) ->

Estonian, Estonia, Finland. isa
Hangaza, Tanzania. isowawe
Kimbu, Tanzania. ise
Runyankore, Uganda. ishe
Toro, Uganda. isenyowe
Vod, Europe. is
Yanzi, Tanzania. ise
Zinza, Tanzania. iso
Congo se

8G sa -> 8GG sa n. 1. Aspect of iva, who is the regent of the NE. quarter, one of aa-tikku-p-
plakar, q.v.; 8|OG. ( uQ. gddGGO. 33.) 2. One of ktaca-ruttirar, q.v.; dg8@gg|[@u
g@O. (g|O.)
8GG sa -> 8Gu sam n. 1. One of the five faces of iva represented as being directed upward,
one of civa-ai-m-mukam, q.v.; 8|OOGu@dgMgG@. (8|Og@. Ld. 89.) 2. A aiva mantra;
g@ O8Oug|[u. 3. The NE. quarter being the region which is under the guardianship of na, who
is iva in one of his aspects; OLdggg|O8.
@88|-gg0 icci-> 8 ccu -> 8[G ccura n.. 1. Chief, leader, head, lord; gO0OG. 2. The
Almighty; dLQu. 3. iva; 8|OG.
8[G ccura -> 8[u ccuram n. (aiva.) One of the five cutta-tattuvam, q.v.; gg gg@
O0dgu gG@. (8|OL. dL. 3.)
8[u ccuram -> [u suram n. One of the five cutta-tattuvam, q.v.; gg gg@ O0dgu
gG@. (8|OL. dL. 3.)
8[G ccura -> [G sura n. 1. Chief, leader, head, lord; gO0OG. dO O[G. 2. The
Almighty; dLQu. 3. iva; 8|OG.
8 ccu -> 8O[G ccuvara n. 1. Chief, leader, head, lord; gO0OG. 2. The Almighty; dLQu.
3. iva; 8|OG.

8O[G ccuvara -> O[G suvara n. 1. Chief, leader, head, lord; gO0OG. dO O[G. 2.
The Almighty; dLQu. 3. iva; 8|OG.

O[G suvara -> O suvari n. Prvat, being the consort of iva who is vara; L Og|.

8G sa -> a 1 A lord, master; with gen. or in comp.; Ku.3.34 with great
difficulty controlled (were masters of) their minds; so , &c. -2 A husband. -3 A Rudra. -4 The number 11
(derived from the eleven Rudras). -5 N. of iva (as regent of the north-east quarter. -6 The Supreme god..

1 Supremacy, power, dominion, greatness. -2 N. of Durg. -3 A woman having supremacy; a rich

a a. 1 Owning, possessing, sharing, master or lord of; see below. -2 One who is com- pletely master
of anything. -3 Capable of (with gen.) -4 Powerful, supreme.

a-> 2 . ( , \ , , , , ) 1 To rule, be master of, govern, command
(with gen.); ] K.312 v.l.; [ - [ Bh.3.3; sometimes with
acc.; - vet. Up.3.1 (also used in the Veda with gen. of an infinitive or loc. of an
abstract noun). -2 To be able, have power; expressed by 'can'; [ \ R.18.13,14.38;
Ki.6.24; U.7.4; i.1.38; Ml.1.13. -3 To act like a master, allow. -4 To own, possess. -5 To belong

a-> m. A master, lord, the Supreme Spirit. - [ op.1.

8GG ca -> na 1 A ruler, master, lord; Kah. Up.4.12. -2 N. of iva;
[ Ku.7.56; K.1. -3 The rdr Naktra. -4 One of the Rudras. -5 The number 'eleven'. -6 The
sun as a form of iva. [ Bi. Up.1. 4.11. -7 A Sdhya. -8 N. of Viu.

na a. 1 Owning, possessing, master or lord. -2 Reigning, ruling. -3 Wealthy, rich.

n N. of Durg.
anam Commanding, reigning &c. -2 Greatness, glory;
a-> in a. Commanding, reigning &c. m. 1 A god. -2 A husband. -3 A lord, master.

in Supremacy;

it a. An owner, a master, proprietor. m. The lord of the Universe;

itavya a. To be reigned or ruled over;

itavyam Power, superiority
it Superiority, greatness, one of the eight Siddhis or attributes of iva.
O[G suvara -> vara 1 A lord, master; -2 A king, prince, ruler; -3 A rich or great man; -4 A
husband; -5 The Supreme God (); -6 N. of iva; -7 The god of love, cupid. -8 The Supreme Soul; the soul. -
9 The eleventh year () of the livhana era.
vara a. 1 Power- ful, able, capable of (with inf.); -
Ku.4.11; R.15.7. -2 Rich, wealthy Pt.2.67.
varat & varatvam Superiority, supremacy.
O suvari -> var , var 1. N. of Durg; of Lakm; or of one of the aktis;
var 1 N. of several plants and trees; , - [ , ] and . -2 A rich
@u i -> @[g| iradi n. 1. Desire, longing; Ol@LLu. (8Od. 3076, 2O[.) 2. Coition; QM 88|. @[g|
GOLOLl_ ML@gG (M8OOg|LQ. gG. 11). 3. Name of Kma's wife; uGu gG
uOGOl. (dgQ. GuG 0@. 1.)
@[g| iradi -> @[g|-gg0 iradi- 11 v. tr. To desire; Ol@uQg0. GOgu|[g|l[g|u (u_G.

@[g| iradi -> @[gu iradam n. 1. Coition; QM 88|. (Ll0.) 2. Desire, affection; @[du.

@[gu iradam-> ratam 1 Pleasure. -2 Sexual union, coition; R.19.23,25;
Me.91. -3 The private parts. -

rata p. p. 1 Pleased, delighted, grati- fied. -2 Pleased or delighted with, fond of, enamoured of, fondly
attached to. -3 Inclined to, disposed. -4 Loved, beloved. -5 Intent on, engaged in, devoted to;
Ms.11.78. -6 Having sexual intercourse with (see ).

@[g| iradi -> rati f. 1 Pleasure, delight, satisfaction, joy; -2 Fondness for, devotion or attachment to,
pleasure in (with loc.) -3 Love, affection; -4 Sexual pleasure; -5 Sexual union, coition, copulation. -6 The goddess
of love, the wife of Kma or Cupid; -7 The pudenda. -8 N. of the sixth digit () of the moon. -9 Ved.
Rest, cessation. -10 N. of magical incantation recited over weapons;
Kindship based upon youth, infancy.

Q0 pul -> Qu pu ->Q@ puru n. Child, infant; @gOg

Q@ puru -> Q@_ puruu n. [T. K. puruu.] Loc. 1. Ceremonial pollution on account of childbirth;
Ll[8Ogg L_. 2. Skin eruptions of a new-born child; Ll[8OOO_l0 @gOgd@O@u
Q@_ puruu-> Q@LG purua n. 1. Man. Q@8G. (d@8|LQ. 8G. 22.) 2. A principal tubular vessel of
the human body. See gg| 8|0@OO. (W.) 3. God, as the Supreme soul; L[uGu. (W.) 4. Soul;
8OGu. (Ll[GLg. 41, 1.) 5. See Q@Lgg@Ou. |88u Q@LGd| (8|. 8|. 2, 56).
Q@LG purua-> Q@8G purusa (one who is giving child) n. 1. Man; _MudG. 2. Husband;
dMOG. Q@QG| 0L0dg _OOGL0 (g. O0@|O_. 4). 3. Soul, life, the living principle;
8OGu. (80. d.) 4. A principal tubular vessel of the human body. See gg| 8|0@OO. (W.) 5. God,
as the Supreme soul; L[uGu. (g. d.) 6. Atom; @. (g. d.)

Q@8G purusa ->English, person O.Fr. persone "human being" (12c., Fr. Personne) L. persona "human being

Q@8G purusa -> purua 1 A male being, man; -2 Men, mankind. -3 A member or representative of a
generation. -4 An officer, functionary, agent, attendant, servant. -5 The height or measure of a man (considered as a
measure of length); -6 The soul; -7 The Supreme Being, God (soul of the universe); -8 A person (in grammar);
- the third person, the second person, and the first person, (this is the strict
order in Sk.). -9 The pupil of the eye. -1 (In S. phil.) The soul (opp. ); according to the Skhyas it is
neither a production nor productive; it is passive and a looker-on of the Prakiti; -11 The soul, the original source of
the universe (described in the ); -12 The Punnga tree. -13 N. of the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and
eleventh signs of the zodiac. -14 The seven divine or active principles of which the universe was formed;

puru A woman.

Q@ puru -> Q[ purasu n. A little girl; 8|@ MLM@gOg. Pariah.

Q@ puru -> Q@Mu puruam n. Foetus; d@Q@OG 8|. (Og0O. Og0.).

Q@Mu puruam-> Q@Mu puram n. 1. Foetus, embryo; d@. (W.) 2. Infancy; @uOu. (d. |.)
Q@Mu puram ->Q@Mdu purakam n. Foetus, embryo; d@. (W.)
Q@Mu puram -> bhra 1 An embryo, ftus; [ v.1.155.2. -2 A child, boy;

Embryo mid-14c., from M.L. embryo, from Gk. embryon "a young one," in Homer, "young animal," later, "fruit of
the womb

Q0 pul -> QG|@ puiu n. 1. Recency of delivery, as of a woman; G_MlOu. Qg0O_ Lg
Qu|@G8 ML@g|G (Mg0. ML. 146). 2. That which is recently born; MlOul0
GLLLL@. QG|__|u0 @gOl (uMl. 29, 5). QG _O0 LQG|_@u (MLQ.
g|@OuL. 8). 3. Greenness, as of unripe fruit; Ll@ggGOu. QG|@g ML@uLgu (@G.
41, 5). 4. Ceremonial impurity due to child-birth; udLGL__ 0G g L_. (Og0O. Og0.) 5.
Newness; Q@Ou. (@L.) 6. Skin; Gg0. (8@.)

QG|@ puiu -> (QG|_@ puiu )-> (QG|g@ puittu) -> (Qg@ puttu )-> Qgg|[G puttira n. 1. Son 2.
Disciple, pupil; uMddG. Qgg|[G[_0 LGLOGg d@uu (g|@O0O. 54, 37).

Qgg|[G puttira -> Qgg| puttiri n. Daughter; udu. (@L.)
Qgg|[G puttira -> ] putra 1 A son; (the word is thus derived:-- -2 A child, young one of an animal. -3 A
dear child (a term of endearment in addressing young persons). -4 (At the end of comp.) Anything little or small of
its kind; as in ], ] &c. -5 (Astrol.) The fifth mansion from . -] (du.) A son and daughter.
] putraka 1 A little son or boy, boy, chap, lad (often used as a term of endearment); -2 A doll, puppet;
-3 A rogue, cheat. -4 A locust, grass-hopper. -5 A fabu- lous animal with eight feet (). -6 Hair. -7 A
pitiable person.

Qgg| puttiri-> Qgg|Od puttirigai n. 1. Daughter; udu. (W.) 2. Doll; 8|gg|[LLOO. (g. d.)

] putrak & ] putrik 1 A daughter. -2 A doll, puppet. -3 A daughter appointed to raise
male issue for a father who has no sons; -4 The cotton or down of the tamarisk. -6 A small statue; -6 (At
the end of comp.) Anything little or small of its kind;

The word ] should mean only daughter. Instead, the following words are denoting sons.

] putrin a. (] f.) Having a son or sons; -m. The father of a son.

] The mother of a son

] putriya ] putrya putrya
] ] a. Relating to a son, filial.
Qgg| puttiri-> ] putr 1 A daughter. -2 N. of Durg;

This ] should mean daughter only. It is not in the following case.

] putrk 8 U. To adopt as a son; - ] $ R.2.36.

] putrya a. Relating to a son; \ ] ] Rm.1.15.3.

] putryati Den. P. 1 To wish for a son. -2 To treat like a son.

] putry ] The desire of a son.

(Qg@ puttu )-> Qg0 pudal n. 1. Bud; @uQ. _gg@0O0L Qg0@g L_OO (Lg|_@L. 66,
16) 2. Grass; Q_8g|. (g|O.) 3. Medicinal shrub; u@@L__. (g|O.) 4. [T. podaru.] Bush, thicket, low
jungle; @@. QgG uO_@ (@_u, 274).

Qg0 pudal -> Qg0OG pudalva n. 1. Son; udG. MLGGL_ Qg0OL ML_g @u (Q_.
9). 2. Disciple, student; uMddG. OMMl0 Lgg|g|dg Qg0Od@ (g|@O0O. 35, 1). 3.
Subject; @. |GQg0OO[g gg @ (ML@0. @0OM. 1, 33).

Qg0Ol pudalvi n. Fem. of Qg0OG. Daughter; udu. (Ll0.) _OlG0G Qg0OG
OugG Qg0Ol (duL[. @LL. 39).
Qgg|[G puttira -> MLugg|[G pauttira n. Grandson who is a son's son; udGudGd| GL[G.
2uQgg|[ MLugg|[ g0dgd@u . . . @@0O0G (2gg[[. g|@GO0d. 20).
MLugg|[G pauttira ->MLugg[G pauttara n. Grandson who is a son's son. MLug g|[G. (g.

MLugg|[G pauttira-> LQgg|[G pavuttira n. Grandson, son's son; LluOuOl_@L GL[G.

MLugg|[G pauttira-> MLugg| pauttiri n. Granddaughter who is a son's daughter; Qgg|[@OL
MLugg|[G pauttira-> ] pautra A grandson, son's son.
] pautra a. (] f.) Relating to or derived from a son.
MLugg| pauttiri -> ] pautr 1 A grand-daughter. -2 An epithet of Durg.
] pautrika a. (] f.) Belonging to a son or grandson.

] pautrikya The son of a daughter appointed to raise issue for her father.

] pautrin a. Having a grandson; Ms.9.136.
] praputra A grandson, descendant.
prasnu The wife of a grandson; - Mb.5.141.5.
G na (my own) + MLugg|[G pauttira-> napt m. A grandson (a son's or daughter's son);
] Mb.3.159.12.

G na (my own) + Qgg|[G puttira -> napt m. 1 A descendant, son., 2. A grandson (usually
restricted to the Vedas), as in .
English, Nephew O.Fr. neveu (O.N.Fr. nevu) "grandson, descendant, L. nepotem (nom. nepos) "sister's son,
grandson, descendant," in post-Augustan L., "nephew," O.Pers. napat- "grandson," O.Lith. nepuotis "grandson,"
O.E. nefa, Ger. Neffe "nephew," O.Ir. nia, gen. niath "son of a sister"
pra+ napt-> pranapt m. The son of a grandson, a great-grand son.
G na + MLugg| pauttiri -> ] naptr granddaughter.
English, Niece O.Fr. nice (12c.), niepce, L. neptia, from neptis "granddaughter," in L.L. "niece," fem. of nepos
"grandson, nephew" (see nephew). Replaced O.E. nift, from Until c.1600, it also could mean "a granddaughter" or
any remote female descendant. Cf. cognate Sp. nieta, O.Lith. nepte, Czech net, O.Ir. necht, Welsh nith, Ger. Nichte
OL pai n. |M. pai.] 1. Greenness, freshness; LOu. (Ll0.) 2. Colour; |_u. (W.) 3. Youth; @uOu.
OLg LMM[_ (uO0L_. 40). 4. Beauty; g@. (g|O.) OLOMM uMldLgG|0
(L[g. d|@LMG. 33). 5. Strength, vigour; 2L0O0|. @u OLg d_u ML_ (ML@uLM.

OL pai-> OLg@ paittu n. Greenness, freshness; LOu 1. (g|O.)

OL@ paidu n. 1. Greenness, freshness; LOu. |0u OLg__ Q00Md_ dO0 u (Lg|_@L.
23). 2. Moisture, dampness; [u. |0u OLg_8 M80dg| @l@ M8l 8|G@ M8g0|G
(d0|g. 20).

OL@ paidu -> OLg0 paidal n. 1. That which is young or small; @Ou@. OLg0 MOMLlO_
(GgO. 628, 5). 8|@d|u|L OLgG0 (g|O. g|@O. 9, 5, 6). 2. Boy; 8|@OG. OLgO0
lggOG ML@@MdM @LLGg (duL[. LlMlO L. 2). 3. Sorrow, affliction; @GLu.
OLg @gLL MgOG (@_u, 1172). 4. Cold, chilliness; @u|. LG|LL_ OLg0 (LL. 11, 75).

OLg0 paidal -> OL80 paisal, n. Small boy; urchin; OLG. OL80 Od G @dOd
(g|O. MLg|. 8, 1, 1, O.).

OL80 paisal-> OL0 paiyal n. 1. Boy, little fellow; 8|@OG. u| GuOL M0GG (g|O.
g|@uO0, 37). 2. Unworthy, mean fellow; _ LG. LOL0 @ gGd@ Ou|O[Od
|OGg g|@d@Gu (_, 3, 6, L[.).

OL0 paiyal-> OLG paiya n. 1. Boy, little fellow; 8|@OG OL0, 1. 2. Son; Qgg|[G. Colloq.

OL0 paiyal-> L0 payal n. 1. Boy; 8|@ LluOu. 2. Fellow, used in contempt; @g|@G.
u[LL0 dOMOggg|L (gG|LL. i, 265, 2).

L0 payal -> L80 pacal n. |K. pasue.] Boy; 8|@OG. (G. 122, ulO0.) (_, 9, 5, 6.)

L80 pacal-> L8Ou pasaai n. |K. basae.] 1. Spinach, Spinacia oloracea; dO[ OOd. (L.) 2. Purslane,
Portulaca quadrifida; g@OOdddO[. 3. Malabar nightshade, s. cl., Basella; dO[OOd. 4. Common
Indian pur- slane. See Gdg|ddO[. (W.) 5. Papaw. See LLLu|. (L.) 6. Dichotomus flowered hill olive. See
dL_u@8. 7. Infant, tender child; @gOg. 8. Manure, compost; 2[u. (g. d.)

OLg@ paittu -> Ou@ maintu n. Child; LluOu. (g|O. MLg. 1, 1, 8, O. Ld. 16).
ug maa n. 1. Youth, infancy, tender age; @uOu. (Mg0. M80. 311.) 2. Infant, young child; @gOg.
@ugLGL@u (g|@dGd. 147). 3. Confusion of mind; uG uddu. ug@gddd|GG_
(d0|g. 108).
ug maa-> ud maga n. [K. maga.] 1. Child, infant; young of an animal; LluOu. ug|uud (8Od.
1897). 2. Son or daughter; udG 00@ udu. ud@O_ g_LL (uO0L_. 185). 3. Young age;
@uOu. (g. d.)
English Mac casual, generic term of address for a man, 1928, Irish and Gaelic mac, from O.Celt. *makko-s "son;" a
common prefix in Scottish and Irish names. O.E. mago "son, attendant, servant," O.N. mgr "son," Goth. magus
"boy, servant
ud maga -> ud_ magau , n. 1. Female; woman; MLM. 2. Wife;. (@. |.)
ud_ magau-> ud_2 makau n. 1. Female; woman; MLM. ud_2 O_|M80 (Mg0. M80.
2). 2. Wife; uOGOl. @_ML0| ud_2L GL0 (Q_. 331).
ud maga -> udQ magavu n. [K. magavu.] 1. Infant; @gOg. (g|O.) udQ@O0O@L (duL[.
Og0. 13). 2. Son; udG. MdMLGg udOl GO8 (8. Q. uG. 20). 3. Young of animals
living on trees, as of monkeys; GdL0 Og Ol00d|G LluOu. (Mg0. ML. 569.)
udQOugg0 makavu-vaarttal n. Fostering children, an act of charity, one of muppattiraaam,
q.v.; @LLgg| [ML_0dgu @gOgdOu Ougg0d| g@uu. (Ll0.)
udOL magavi n. (udQ _L). Woman blessed with children; Qgg|[LGL@uu
Ou. (g. d.)
udOG magav n. One who has children; udLGL@OLOG. gGu8d@@
udOGd8M8u (GgOO. 16).
udu maga -> udu| magair n. pl. of udu. Women; MLMdu. OO8l0 OgdOd udu|
uO0gg00 0@ (Q_. 10).
udu| magair -> mahil 1 A woman;. -2 An amo- rous or intoxicated woman;
ud maga -> udG maga n. [K. magam.] 1. Son; Qgg|[G. gG udG_ Qu (Mg0. ML.
172). 2. Child; @gOg. (W.) 3. Man, male person; _MLluOu. M8G_| MdG_ ud_@
(@_u, 110). 4. Exalted person; 8|_GgG. (@L.) @0d__ udG@OM 00Mdu0
(0, 136). 5. Warrior; O [G. GOgG uGuGL0 OgudG (Q. MO. 2, 5). 6. [T. magau.]
Husband; dMOG. |Gdd|OG udGg GgG_| @2u (uMl. 21, 29).
udGOu magamai n. 1. Son- ship; Qgg|[G_GOu. GLlGG udGOu
MdML (MLQ. g_ggL. 5). 2. Manliness; _MLGOu. (g. d.)
udG maga -> GuOG mai n. |Telugu. mnaru, Tulu, Malayalam. mnu.] Sonny, used as a term
of endearment in addressing a child; udG. (J.)
ud maga -> uddu makka n. |K. makka.] 1. Human beings, in general; u@LOddu. 2 g|OM
MGuG uddL LGL (Mg0. M80. 1). 2. Human beings par excellence, as having the five senses
as well as the mind which is the sixth sense; @uML_|MGO_ uGO_|Q @OL 2ldu.
(Mg0. ML. 588.) 3. [M. makka.] Children; LluOudu. guML@ MuGL guuddu (@_u,
uddu makka -> uddu mkka n.. 1. Men, people, mankind; uG|g. gOg@O_ uddu (uMl.
6, 97). MdO0 OlOG[d| uddu (@_u, 329). 2. Persons wanting in discrimination;
L@gg_|Ol0. uQ uddg Ou_|OlGGO (Mg0. ML. 587). 3. Children; @gOgdu.
ggguddOug guLOL_ 8|0 gg (duL[. d|0d[. 42).
ug maa-> ugO0 matalai n. Child, infant; @g Og. 2. Son; udG. (Ll0.) ugO0 l__Ou
GdLL@u (G8@Q. dd|G|. 82). 3. Doll; LOO. (g|O.)
Qu pu-> Q@ puu n. 1. Worm, maggot; d|@u|. Q@OL Ll_dd|@u (GgO. 1012, 8). 2. Embryo;
d@. Loc.
Qu pu-> L u p n. 1. Embryo, foetus; d@. L LLl@dd|L LluOuO... GdL0G (0, 20). 2.
Tender ears of corn; @u0dg|. d@gu GLd| M@0@L u
Fetus late 14c., "the young while in the womb or egg," from L. fetus (often, incorrectly, foetus).
L u p -> LluOu piai n. |K. pille, M. pia.] 1. [Tu. pi.] Child, infant, offspring; @gOg.
LluOuOg g0_d GdL0G (0, 20). 2. Son; udG. O_@dMdG LluOuOL
GLdd| GGG (g|O. MLg. 3, 2, 2). 3. Youth, lad, boy; @Ou@G. gGGG[l[u
LluOudGu_ gu OLlL_ O@OG (g|O. MLg. 3, 1, 1). 4. Daughter; udu. Cm. 5.
Tender, young age; @uOu. LluOuuddu|@ (duL[. Luu|. 32). 6. Smallness, littleness;
8|@Ou. LluOudMdLOL. 7. Caste; 8g|. OGG LluOu? 8. Young of arboreal animals, as the
monkey; GdL0Og Ol00d|G @uOu. (g|O.) 9. Young of beasts except the dog;
Mg|g Ol00d|G|uOu. (Ll0.) 10. Young of birds, and certain reptiles, as crocodile, tortoise, etc.;
L_LLG gOgOG O__| G|uOu. (Mg0. ML. 560, 561.) 11. King- crow; dd@@Ol.
LluOu uQ@ gg|gg gg00 (8Od. 1584). 12. Crow; ddu. (@L.) 13. Young of r-ai-v-
uyir, excepting nel, pul; M0@u Q0@u gg|g @[_|QlG @uOuL ML. (Mg0. ML.
579, 580.) 14. Title of certain ancient Vaiava cryas; OOQMO8 8|_LQL ML.
LluOu G0d8, @LQ_ LluOu. 15. Bhairava; OO[OG. (Ll0.) 16. [T. pia.] A title of the
Vea caste; GOuu LLLLML. 17. Male conch; 80d|G @. (Ll0.) 18. Doll; u[LLOO.
8gL LluOu (d00. 9). 19. Word-suffix to the names of persons and of some animals, birds and trees;
uddu, 8|0Ol00@, 8|0L_OO, 8|0u[u @O__|G MLdGu_ G8g@8M80@@
M80. MLM LluOu, dLLluOu, d|u|LLluOu, MgGGuLluOu.
English filial late 14c., M.Fr. filial, L.L. filialis "of a son or daughter," from L. filius "son," filia "daughter,"
Anglo-Norman: fiz , Aragonese: fillo , Aromanian: hilj, Campidanese Sardinian: fillu, Catalan: fill,
Corsican: figliu, , Dalmatian: fel , French: fils , Friulian: fi , Galician: fillo , Istriot: feo, fio, Italian: figlio
, Logudorese Sardinian: fizu , Occitan: filh , Portuguese: filho , Romanian: fiu , Romansch: figl , Sicilian:
figghiu , Spanish: hijo , Venetian: fiol ,
filia (plural filias) Latin daughter , (by extension) any female offspring
Aromanian: hilje, , Catalan: filla , French: fille , Galician: filla , Italian: figlia , Portuguese: filha,
Romanian: fie , Sicilian: figghia , Spanish: hija
@g kua adj. Young, tender; @u OuG. (Mg0. M80. 312.)
@g kua -> @g@ kuagu n. 1. Youthfulness; @uOu8M8OOl. MduOud @gd_0
Gd0OO[ uL (8Od. 2790). 2. Beauty; g@. MdGO_ @d @gdd . . . OlOu_u
(GgO. 468, 7). 3. Infant; @gOg. @gMdG MO_g@dg QOu (g|@LQ. 106).
@g@ kuagu -> @gdG kuaga n. 1. Youth; @OuGG. |G uMd@gdG (g|@OlOu.
g|@uM. 44). 2. Beautiful person; gdG. MdLdL MLd@0 @gdG (g|@O8. 3, 12). 3.
Skanda; @@dddLQu. (Ll0.) 4. Person of yielding or accommodating nature; Ll_d@
@M0@LOG. @[OOGdgg @gdOG (g|O. g|@O. 3, 6, 3).
@g kua -> @gOl kuavi n. 1. Infant, babe; Odd@gOg. G_ @gOl @d0dM [0d|
(uMl. 11, 114). 2. Young of certain animals, viz., OG, L, O@Ou, dLOu, uO[, @[0@, @,
2du; g@8 Ol00d|G LluOuLML. (Mg0. ML. 575--579). 3. Young of the vegetable
kingdom; Q0u[@g0| g[_|QlG @uOuLML. O g|0 gOgd@gOl (Mg0. ML.
579, 2O[).
@g kua -> @gOg kuandai n. 1. Infant, babe, suckling; OdLLluOu. @gOgO lgg
u0d@ (duL[. 2@dd. 65). 2. Childhood, tender age; @uOuLL@Ou. @gOg MOMug|
(duL[. 2Gg_. 209).
@gOg kuandai -> English, child O.E. cild "child, infant," Gothic kilei "womb," Dan. kuld "children of the
same marriage"); O.E. meaning "a youth of gentle birth" (archaic, usually written childe).
@u ku ->@@Ou kuruai n. 1. Young of certain animals, viz., , LG_|, Q0|, @0, ;
g@8Ol00d|G @uOu. (Mg0. ML. 564- 565.) 2. Young of snake; LuLlG@@.
8|@MOu u[Ol GOOd @@Ou (@@. 119). 3. Child; @gOg. @L@@O0@@Ou
(8|. 8|. L[Ld. Ll[u. 4). 4. Tortoise; _Ou. (@. .)
@@Ou kuruai-> girl c.1300, gyrle "child" (of either sex), Low Ger. gre "boy, girl," Norw. dial. gorre, Swed.
dial. gurre "small child,"
Kinship based upon birth.

@0(@)-g0 sl- 3 v. intr. To become pregnant; d@LL0Mdugg0. @0Ou @0|_
L_@GLu (8|@L@. 75)

@0(@)-g0 sl- > @0 sl n. |T. clu, K. sl, M. cl.] 1. Conception, pregnancy; d@LLu.
@uuLl M@@0 Lgg @uGu (Q_. 130, 2). 2. Egg; @LOL. @u0| gg uGQ8@
@_u LlG (ML@uLM. 132). 3. Wateriness of clouds; Gudu |[uLll@dOd. @G@g|
@d|0 (LL. 20, 3).

@08gu sl-sdam n. Various kinds of dishes prepared in honour of pregnant woman;
d@dMdMLOuML@L_8 8Oud @u L0Olg 2MQ. Colloq.

@@Ou-g0 sl-uai- v. intr. To travail in labour; Ll[8OGOgOGLL_g0. 80@
@@Ou g0_| gLuLOM (OLg. L_L. 5).

@_dLQ s-kppu n. Bracelets put ceremonially on the arms of pregnant women in the 5th or
7th month after conception; dLLlMldL@ @gO@ gO@ ug0du|0 Mlu

@_80@ s-saku n. Oyster containing pearls; @g@uu 80@. (J.)

@_8gu s-sdam n. Feast given by relatives to a woman in her first pregnancy;
@gG@O_ d@dMdML MLM@d@8 __gg @_u Ol@@. Tj.

@_MLM_ s-peu n. Pregnant woman; d@LLOg|. @_MLM_du [Gu@
uGLG0 (_, 2, 10, 2).

@0Ol@@ sl-virundu n. Feast given in honour of pregnant woman; d@d MdMLOu
ML@L_8 M8u Ol@@. Colloq.

@0(@)-g0 sl- > @0| sli n. Pregnant woman; d@LLOg|. (@L.) @0| @@d|_ L8L
(g|@d OdOgddu, dMMl, 12).

@0(@)-g0 sl- > @Gu sam n. Full-blown flower; _u0. (g. d.)
@Gu sam-> sna 1 Bringing forth, parturition. -2 A bud, blossom. -3 A flower; -4 Fruit.
sna p. p 1 Born, produced. -2 Blown, blossomed, opened, budded.
@Gu sam-> @@, su, n. Son; udG. @g|[ @@Q Mu@@ (L[g. g|M[uLg|. 58).
Middle English, Old English sunu, West Frisian soan, Dutch zoon, German Sohn , Lithuanian sns, Russian
(syn), Avestan hnu
sin (Macedonian Croatian, Bosnian)
sonur Faroese, Denmark
sunus Lithuanian
@Gu sam-> @OG sai n. Daughter; udu. (W.)
@OG sai-> sn A daughter.
@@, su-> snu 1 A son; -2 A cihild, an offspring. -3 A grandson (daughter's son). -4 A younger brother;
-5 The sun;

snu-> sn f. A daughter.

@0(@)-g0 sl- > s I. 2, 4 . To bring forth, produce, beget, yield

@0(@)-g0 sl- > @g| sdi n. Childbirth; LluOuL GL@. Pond.
Old Irish suth 'offspring', Tocharian A/B se/soy son,
@g| sdi -> sti & st f. 1 Birth, production, partu rition, delivery, child-bearing. -2 Offspring,
progeny. -3 Source, fountain-head; -4 A place where Soma juice is extracted. -5 Yielding fruit. production of

@g|Od Sdigai s. [prov.] A lying-in woman, Ll[8OlggOu

@g|Od Sdigai -> stik A woman recently delivered; Ms.5.85.
@g| sdi -> @gu sdam n. 1. Birth; Ll_LQ. @g0OlOG u0d0gMgg|0 (MLQ.
g|@@G. 1043).
@gu sdam -> @gdu sdagam n. 1. Birth; Ll_LQ. (Ll0.). 2. Ceremonial impurity of a woman from
menstruation; ugOlL Ol0ddu. (Ll0.) 3. Ceremonial uncleanness from birth or death among relations;
L@ddu|G Ll_LLl_L Qddu|_ dd@u _M8u8u. (@L.) 4. Ceremonial pollution, due to
miscarriage, touching a corpse or carcass, touching one of low caste or entering a mourning house, etc.; 8Q
|dgg O L_@L M80@g0, 8OgOggMg_g0, g MLggdgOO[ M@0@g0
@g0| L8M8 Oddu0 |d@u g L_. (W.)

@gu sdam -> . sta 1 A charioteer; -2 The son of a Katriya by a woman of the Brhmaa caste
(his business being that of a charioteer); -3 The son of a Vaiya by a Katriya wife (his business being that
of a bard). -4 A bard; -5 A carpenter. -6 The sun. -7 N. of a pupil of Vysa. -8 N. of Sajaya (a pupil of

sta p. p. 1 Born, begotten, engendered, produced. -2 Impelled, emitted

st A woman recently delivered

@gdu sdagam -> stakam 1 Birth, production; 2 Impurity caused by child- birth (or
miscarriage) in a family;

stak A woman recently delivered, a lying-in woman; Ms.5.85.

@gu sdam -> gG suda n. Son; udG. (Ll0.) Q@[OOlOGgg@ gMG@uL
Gg_@OlggG (L[g. @@@0. 9).

@gu sdam -> Og sudai n. Daughter; udu. (Ll0.)
gG suda -> suta 1 A son. -2 A child, offspring. -3 A king.
@gu sdam -> suta p. p. 1 Poured out. -2 Extracted or expressed (as Soma juice);
^ Mb.3.12.32. -3 Begotten, produced, brought forth.

Og sudai -> sut A daughter

@gu sdam -> sutin a. ( sutin f.) Having a child or children. -m. A father.

sutin A mother;

sutyati Den. P. 1 To long for progeny or son. -2 To treat like a son.
Departure gives the idea of production, giving, birth etc. See & Compare:

GL-g0 p- v. intr. [O. K. pgu, M. p.] 1. To go, proceed; to go away, depart; M80@g0. uu0
Md . . . @u GLO0 (uMl. 3, 83). 2. To reach destination; OLg0. (W.) 3. To belong;
2gg0. (W.) 4. To be born; Ll_gg0. OMld u[Ll_ GLGgG (2LGg8d. 8|OQM.
153). 5. To lie, pass through, as a path; M_ M80@g0. MgG dO[d@ _OdLGLlG
@OLdg| (T. A. S. i, 189). 6. To be proper, admissible, passable; g@g|g0. LL8
M8LGLd@. (W.) 7. To become long; to be stretched out; M_Ou g0. (Mg0. M80. 317.)
GLd|g @MdM (Q. MO. 11, _ML_. 3). 8. To become straight; GOug0. Og0
GLd0 . . . GQ M_ Ouu M8uML@u (Mg0. M80. 317). 9. To extend, spread;
L[gg0. OluLl@ @0g gdg@u Ou|G Mg|GLu L0dg| @l_M_u| (d0|g.
144, 40). 10. To be full; |[uQg0. 0 @O_ GL 0Od (8Od. 2132). 11. To exceed, transcend;
Gu_L_g0. _l[u00 GLG (duL[. u8Gd. 14). 12. To shoot up; to be tall; @0@g0.
duu|GLd| duu L_gO0 (Q_. 237). 13. To become expert in; G@ Ll@g0.
@ggu|gg @O_lG @O_GLd| QgguddOl (du L[. 8|_LQL. 9). 14. To undergo,
experience; to go through the process of; gg0. @8 OlLL GLdOl0O0. 15. To separate;
Llg0. Q0uLL GLd@ (LL. 11, 118). 16. To cease; gg|g0. uO0gg0 GLd|
8|O0gg uL (Q_. 10). 17. To leave, abandon; 0@g0. @0 GLG 80d|0| (Lg|MG.
g|@g. g|@O. 69). 18. To go by, pass over; to lapse; dg|g0. GL d00du (g|O. g|@O. 2,
6, 10). 19. To vanish, disappear; uO_g0. gu|OG . . . Gg@u GLl_@ (g|O. MLg|. 8, 6,
6). 20. To be missing, to be lost; dMu_ GLg0. GLG ML@u g|@uL@. 21. To change, as
from one state to another; u@g0. (W.) 22. To be subtracted; dg|ddLL_g0. __|G0 @[M_
GLd. 23. To be divided; O@ddLL_g0. @_|0 LGG|[M_ OL_gg[u GL@u. 24. To
perish, die; 8g0. gOg GLlG g@u GLl G g@u GLO (GgO. 692,
2). 25. To be conclusive; @Og0. @GLuOGg GLg M_| OG_|@GgG (g.
8|GuGg. 5). 26. To be hushed; g0|L0@g0. @[M80u GLG (duL[. @g_GL.
237). 27. To cohabit; QM g0. OGu_ GLGG.
Similarly the following words also derived.
M80(@)-g0 sel- 3 v. [T. cellu, K. sal, M. celka.] intr. 1. To go, flow, pass; to traverse, as the eye, mind;
GLg0. M8G_ GgOg@ (Mg0. ML. 146). 2. To occur; |dg g0. M800|G_
OlggO[80dug@u (g|@ O8. 1, 30). 3. To fall, as on the ground; O gg0.
Ll_M80@uL (duL[. \|@uLO0. 23). 4. To become, form; _g0. QMM80OG
O000 (duL[. |@uLO0. 107). 5. To spread, as fame; L[Qg0. 2O[M80 @[MOuOl
(Q_. 26, 7). 6. To be effective; to have influence; L@@g0. M80OO8 M8_M80@u
(0, 115). 7. To last, endure, exist; |O0gg|@gg0. M800gO Ol00Od GOgd
d[M8G (duL[. @g|[8|g. 56). 8. To pass, as coin; M80OMl g0. 8OglG|_
M800LLM@ M80@Gu (gG|LL.). 9. To be required; to cost; GOM gg0. @gd
dgOg @dd _l[ @L M80@u. 10. To be suitable; to be acceptable; ML@@g0.
20du . . . Gg_@O MG@OOG 2OLggg0 M800@ (8|. GL. 8|_. 1, 2, Ld. 17). 11.
To be acceptable to the system; Ol@uLlG_@dMduuLL_g0. G u|d@ _d[u
M800Ol0O0. 12. To be due, as money; to appertain to, as a right; OLg_ @gg0.
@gLLMu OGd@8 M800GOM @. 13. To pass away, lapse, expire, as time; dg|g0.
M8G_G M8G_G Ogu (0, 4). 14. To disappear, diminish, as anger; gMlg0.
M80|[gOg |GMO@u| (Q_. 6, 23). 15. To perish; to be ruined; Md_g0. M800
00|O8 (uO0L_. 388). 16. To die; @_gg0. M80@ Ou@ Q0@ ugLlGG
(2LGg8d. 8|Ou. 3).--tr. 1. To approach; d|L_g0. M80OO[8 M8G _|[ Og (0,
296). 2. To become, turn into, attain; OLg0. d00dO08 M8G_OG@u (g|@dGd. 24).
M80(@)-g0 sel-> M8@ sendu n. 1. Anything possessed of life, living being, creature; 2lL
Ll[Ml. (Ll0.) 2. Animal of the inferior species, as the lower brutes, insects, reptiles, worms; ggg
O@ddgOg88g 2OG@g0| Ll[Ml. 3. Jackal; . (Ll0.) 4. Atom; @. (Ll0.) 5. A
hell, one of eu-narakam, q.v.; O@[dg MgG@. (Ll0.)
M80(@)-g0 sel-> M8G se-> M8GG|u seiyam n. Thing produced; 2M_LMMLLLL@.
Ll[g| M8G G|u@u (GOg. @. 110).
M80(@)-g0 sel-> M80u selm-> M8Guu semam n. 1. Birth; Ll_LQ. M8Gu g[0du
(QLL. g|@ O[0dgg. 46). 2. Absolute, dominant right; @@QOu. @g |0u M8Guu
ggg|? N.
M80u selm-> M8Guu
Compare: GL@u-> GLGu, |0@u-> |Gu
See: M_| M_| M_| M_| @M_| @M_| @M_| @M_| OGGGg OGGGg OGGGg OGGGg LL0d LL0d LL0d LL0d
gGMG_| gGMG_| gGMG_| gGMG_| M8G@ M8G@ M8G@ M8G@ 8ug|l 8ug|l 8ug|l 8ug|l G0 G0 G0 G0|Gu|G |Gu|G |Gu|G |Gu|G
GMG_| GMG_| GMG_| GMG_| M80Od@ M80Od@ M80Od@ M80Od@ @Ggg|0 @Ggg|0 @Ggg|0 @Ggg|0 d0u d0u d0u d0u
QGMG_| QGMG_| QGMG_| QGMG_| _dgg|_ _dgg|_ _dgg|_ _dgg|_ GLdd|0O0 GLdd|0O0 GLdd|0O0 GLdd|0O0 @Gu @Gu @Gu @Gu.
M8Guu cemam-> M8Gu|-gg0 senmi- v. intr. To be born; Ll_gg0. g|0d@g0 GOOl_
M8G|g Gg@u (du. 20, 84).
M8Gu|-gg0 senmi- > M8u|-gg0 cemi- v. intr. To be born; Ll_gg0. M8u|gg MgggOG
(g|@LQ. 242).
M80(@)-g0 sel-> M8G|-gg0 sei- 11 v. intr. To be born; Ll_gg0.

M8G|-gg0 sei- M8@ seu n. Birthplace; 2_Lgg|lLu. g@GOggg|G GduOld@@ 8@
GOggg|G GOuOld@@ M8@GO (L[g. Lg|GG. 37).

M8@ seu-> M8GdG seaka n. Father; gOg. (L[g. GOgg|[. 47).

M8@ seu -> M8GGu ceaam n. Ll_LQ. (@L.) GLg@ M8GGOlgOgL
MLLL_gGg (8|O[d. dgg|. 13).

M8@ seu -> M8GG| seai n. 1. Mother; g. (L[g. GOgg|[. 47.) 2. (aiva) Creative Energy of iva;
2ldu|G Ll_LQd@d d[M uG 8|O8gg|. (8|. 8|. 1, 60, @GL.)
M80(@)-g0 sel-> 80(@)-g0 sal-> 8G|-gg0 sai v. intr. 1. To be born, produced; Ll_gg0.
Lg 0d|G 8G|ggG (dgQ. @OMO. 24). 2. To arise, appear; to result; 2MLg0.
Ol0@g@ 8G|d @Gg (@LL, vi, Mu@uOl. 55).
8G|-gg0 sai -> jani, janik, jan, f. 1 Birth, creation, pro- duction;. -2 A woman. -3 A
mother. -4 A wife; -5 A daughtert-in-law.
janita a. 1 Given birth to. -2 Produc- ed, created. -3 Occasioned, occurred, happened &c.
janit m. A father;
] janitram Ved. 1 A birth-place, home. -2 Origin, source.
] janitr A mother.
janitva A father. A mother. (dual) Parents.
8G|-gg0 sai-> jan 4 .) 1 To be born or produced (with abl. of source of birth-2 To rise, spring up, grow
(as a plant &c.) -3 To be, become, happen, take place, occur; -4 To be possible, applicable &c. -5 To be born or
destined for anything. -Caus. () 1 To give birth, beget, cause, produce. -2 To cause, occasion.
janayati f. Ved. Production, generation.
janayanta a. Generating, producing.
] janayitr ] A mother.
janayit a. Producing, begetting, creator. -m. 1 A father; Pt.1.9. -2 Brahmadeva;
janayiu A progenitor, producer.
8G|-gg0 sai-> 8@ sau n. Birth; Ll_LQ. (g. d.)
8@ sau -> Birth, production.
8@ sau -> janyu 1 Birth. -2 A creature, living being. -3 Fire. -4 The creator or Brahm;
janyu janya a. 1 To be born or produced. -2 Born, produced. -3 (At the end of comp.) Born
from, occasioned by. -4 Belonging to a race or family -5 Vulgar, common. -6 National. -7 Relating to, or fit
for men.
janya 1 A father. -2 A friend, attendant or relative of a bridegroom; Ml.6.2. -3 A common
man. -4 A report, rumour.
jany 1 Mother's friend, -2 The relation of a bride, a bride's maid; -3 Pleasure, happiness. -4
Affection. -5 a market. -6 The world;
janyam 1 Birth, production, creation. -2 That which is born or created, a created thing, an effect
(opp. ) -3 The body; -4 A portent occurring at birth. -5 A market, a fair. -6 War, battle; -7 Censure,
abuse. -8 A community, nation. -9 People. -10 Report, rumour.
8@ sau -> janu & jan f. Birth, production.
janus n. 1 Birth; -2 Creation, production. -3 Life, existence; -4 Nativity. -5 Birth- place. -6 A
creature, being. -7 Genus, kind.
8@ sau -> 8@; sandu n. Living being; Ll[Ml. Colloq.
8@; sandu -> jantu 1 A creature, a living being, man; .5.2; Ms.3.77. -2 The (individual)
soul. -3 An animal of the lowest organization. -4 People, mankind.
jantumat The earth.
8@ sau -> 8GGu saaam n. Birth; Ll_LQ. (g|O.)
8GG| -gg0 saai- 11 v. intr. To be born, produced; Ll_gg0. (W.)
8GG| -gg0 saai- > 8GG| saai n. Mother; g.
8GG| saai-> janani f. 1 A mother, -2 Birth.
janan 1 A mother. -2 Mercy, tenderness, compassion; -3 A bat. -4 Lac.
8GGu saaam-> 1 Birth, being born;. -2 Causing, production, creation; -3 Appearance, manifestation,
rise. -4 Life, existence; -5 Race, family, lineage. -6 Preparation for a religious ceremony ().
janana a. Producing, causing &c.;
janana The Supreme Being.
8GGu saaam-> (8Ggu saadam)-> janat 1 Birth. -2 A number or assemblage of people,
mankind, community; [ $ Av.5.18.12;
8@ sau-> 8GdG saaga n. 1. Father, progenitor; Llg. 8Gd@dMdG @gd@LG . . .
gG (@__. g0. dQ_8G. 84). 2. A king of Mithila, father of St, considered a royal sage;
8OglG LlgOd| u|g|O0[8G. GdudG @G 8GdG @u|GG . . .
gLdOdlG gG (duL[. duM. 87).

8Gd| saaki n. St. 8Gd|. 8GdGu uduML 8Gd| (duL[. 8LQ. 39).
8Gd| saagi-> jnak N. of St, wife of Rma.
8GdG saaga-> janaka a. Generating, producing, causing; , &c. janaka 1
A father, progenitor. -2 N. of a famous king of Videha or Mithil, foster-father of St. He was remarkable
for his great knowledge, good works, and holiness. After the abandonment of St by Rma, he became
an anchorite-indifferent to pleasure or pain-and spent his time in philosophical discussions. The sage
was his priest and adviser.
8@ sau-> jnam Ved. Birth, production, origin; - [ Rv.1.37.9.
8@ sau-> 8Gu saam n. 1. People, community; uddu. u8G u|LuML_@ (8Od. 116). 2.
Relations, one's own people; @Ggg. Colloq. 3. Crowd, herd; LLu. gGLLd_ @g0
8G0du (L[g. 8uLO. 47).
8Gu saam -> jana 1 A creature, living being, man. -2 An individual or person (whether male or female); -
3 Men collectively, the people, the world (in sing. or pl.); -4 Race, nation, tribe. -5 The world beyond Maharloka,
the heaven of deified mortals. -6 A low man, the mob; L. D. B.
80(@)-g0 sal-> 80u salu-> 8Guu samam n. Birth; Ll_LQ. 8Guu L0L0M8@ (g|O.
g|@O. 3, 10, 1).
8Guu samam-> janmam Birth.
janmam -> janman n. 1 Birth; -2 Origin, rise, production, creation; -3 Life, existence; -4 Birth-
place. -5 Nativity. -6 A father, giver of birth, proge- nitor; .7.18. -7 Natal star. -8 (In astr.) N. of the first
mansion or Nakatra. -9 A creature, being. -1 People. -11 The people of a household. -12 Kind, race. -13 Nature;
property, quality. -14 Custom, manner
janmin m. A creature, a living being; Pt.1.16.
janmam -> janiman m. or n. 1 Birth, production. -2 Offspring, descendants. -3 A creature, being. -4
Gender, sex, -5 Genus, kind.
80(@)-g0 sal-> 8@-g0 su- v. [T. jru, K. ju, M. cruga.] intr. 1. To slip off; @Qg0.
dO0@ 8_|G (duL[. 2MLL_. 63). 2. To slip down, as from a tree; O@d@g0.
8_|Ol@gG. (W.) 3. To slant, incline, as a post; to deviate; 8g0. (W.) 4. To flow, issue; Og0.
@@Olg|du L Ou 8_|L (g|@LQ. 790).--tr. (J.) 1. To sweep the threshing-floor and gather scattered
grain; dugg|0 gG|u ML@d@ g0. 2. To hoe superficially, harrow; |0gOgd Mdg@g0.

8_@-g0 su- v. tr. 1. [T. tcicu, K. su.] To publish, announce; OluuL[LL_g@g0.
G8@ 8_@ u|G (LL. 8, 79). 2. To explain in detail; Olg@8 M80@g0. d0gd
@@MOu 8_@ GOG uG (@_u, 1212). 3. To speak, mention; M80@g0. (g|O.) 4. To
praise; Qdgg0. 8__ Ol[dd0 uMLLu (du. 20, dLQ). 5. To beat, as a drum;
gg0. GL . . . g|@ 8__|GG (duL[. ugO[. 25). 6. To fill with water, as a tank;
|O_gg0. @u0Mdu8 8__| (u@O[d. 246). 7. To form; Ougg0. Ol_LOL 8__|
(8Od. 1951).
8_@-g0 su-> (8__| si)-> 8g|- gg0 sdi- v. 1. To bestow; u|gg0. _Qgg@@@
8g|gg@u| |GG@L@ (@LL. vi, Oduu_|G. 5). 2. To distribute, as food; L_|u@g0.
Vai. 3. To speak with authority, command; M80@g0. Vai.
8g| -gg0 sdi-> 8gu sdam n. 1. Birth, nativity; Ll_LQ. GLggg|GdG@ 8ggg|GOg|
|G@ (ML@0. 2@O8d. 43, 61). 2. That which arises or originates; GgG@O@. g_Q@LgGg
M[u[ Og| O@@ 8gu (O8O8. ML@. 334). 3. The young as of birds;
@uOuOL@. M8OlL L_gg| d|uOu8 8gGu (@[@. @O_. 31). 4. Truth;
2MOu. (Ll0.) 5. Multitude, crowd; LLu. G@ 8gg g0Odd uLGO (L[g.
Lg|GGdu. 153).
8gu sdam -> 8g sdar n. Those that are born; Ll_gO. @@@0u
ML_Q_LML@@_@8 8g[lG (L[g. 8uLO. 17).
8gu sdam-> 8gdu sdagam n. 1. Birth; 8GGu. 8gd@ uG LlGQ (g|@LQ. 339). 2.
Nature, natural tendency; Ll_Old@Mu. 00 uGgggOu . . . ggQO[gg M0G@OL
8g d0dM (@LL. i, OlMMLLd. 339). 3. Horoscope; 8GuLgg|Od. @Ol
_|g0|G_|8 8gd@O_lG M8g (8Od. 1686). 4. A poem which relates all the particulars
indicated by one's horoscope as the year, month, date, etc.; d0|du 8dLgu O@Qu ugu
Ggg|du L0d| gO0OG@gdgOgd @u Ll[Lgu. (LGG|@L. 172.)
8gu sdam-> 8g| sdi n. 1. Family, clan, race; @0u. (Ll0.). 2. Hindu caste. See O@MM.
8g|@0u Ll_LMLG@@ g|LLL_ (g|@O8. 31, 5). 3. Birth; Ll_LQ. (Mg0. ML. 307,
2O[.) 4. Attribute common to a class; @GLML@udu|_ ML@Od| gGOu. (8|. GL. L.
OO. Ld. 13, Ou|.) 5. Kind, class, species; @Gu. _G 8g|dGu @g0 Ol00@
(uQ. L0O. 8). 6. That which is superior, genuine; gGOul_ 8|_g@. 8g|uMldd
MuGGd (g|O. g|@O. 3, 4, 4). 7. Group, multitude; g|[u. L_OO88g|GG (ML@uLM.
229). 8. See 8g|u00|Od. 9. Ilangilang. 8|@8MLdu. 10. Nutmeg. See 8g|dd d__[@
8g|G OL@ (8|0L. 5, 26, 2O[). 11. (Mus.) Element of time-measure which specifies the different
sub-divisions in accordance with the variety of laku, of five kinds, viz., caturaciram, tiriciram, miciram, kaam,
cakraam, one of ten ta-p-piram, q.v.; guLLl[Mu Lgg@u gG@. (L[g. gu. 47.) 12.
(Log.) Futile answer; GL0|gg[u. g@OL8 80uOlu0@@ 8g| (Ll[GLg. 42, 5).
8gu sdam -> jtam 1 A creature, living being. -2 Production, origin; -3 Kind, sort, class,
species. -4 A collection of things forming a class; -5 A child, a young one. -6 Individuality, specific
jta p. p. 1 Brought into existence, engendered, produced. -2 Grown, arisen. -3 Caused,
occasioned. -4 Felt, affected by, oft. in comp.; &c. -5 Apparent, clear. -6 Become, present. -7
Happened. -8 Ready at hand, collected;
jta 1 A son, male offspring (in dramas often used as a term of endearment; -2 A living being.
jt A daughter, mostly used in addressing; 'dear child'
8gdu sdagam-> jtakam 1 A ceremony performed after the birth of a child ([ ); -2
Astro- logical calculation of a nativity. -3 An aggregate of similar things.
jtaka a. Born, produced.
jtaka 1 A new-born infant. -2 A mendicant.
8g| sdi -> jti f. 1 Birth, production, -2 The form of existence fixed by birth. -3 Race, family, lineage,
rank. -4 A caste, tribe or class (of men); -5 A class, genus, kind, species; -6 The properties which are peculiar to a
class and distinguish it from all others, the essential characteristics of a species; -7 A fire-place. -8 Nutmeg. -9 The
Jasmine plant or its flower; -10 (In Nyya) Futile answer. -11 (In music) The seven primary notes of the
Indian gamut; -12 Reduction of fractions to a common denominator. -13 False generalization. -14 A figure of
speech (in rhetoric) which consists in so arranging words that they may read the same in Sanskit as well as in
Prkita -15 A class of metres;
jtya a. 1 Of the same family, related. -2 Noble, well-born, sprung from a noble family;. -3
Lovely, beautiful, pleasing. -4 Best, excellent. -5 (Math.) Rectangular.

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