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(System)Verilog Tutorial

TheLaCASA Laboratory ElectricalandComputerEngineeringDepartment TheUniversityofAlabamainHuntsville Web:

Introduction CombinationalLogic SequentialLogic Memories Testbenches

Verilog isaHardwareDescriptionLanguage(HDL) HDLs areusedforlogicsimulationandsynthesis
Simulation:inputsareappliedtoamoduleandtheoutputs arecheckedtoverifythatthemoduleoperatescorrectly Synthesis:thetextualdescriptionofamoduleis transformedintologicgates

BehavioralLevel describeshowtheoutputsarecomputed asfunctionsoftheinputs StructuralLevel describeshowamoduleiscomposedof simplermodulesofbasicprimitives(gatesortransistors)


DevelopedbyPhilMoorby atGatewayDesignAutomation asaproprietarylanguageforlogicsimulationin1984 GatewayisacquiredbyCadencein1989 Madeanopenstandardin1990underthecontrolof OpenVerilog International BecameanIEEEstandardin1995and Updatedin2001[IEEE136401] In2005,itwasupdatedagainwithminorclarifications SystemVerilog [IEEE18002009]wasintroduced
StreamlinesmanyoftheannoyancesofVerilog and addshighlevelprogramminglanguagefeatures thathaveprovenusefulinverification

Ablockofhardwarewithinputs andoutputsiscalledamodule Amodulebeginswithalistingof theinputsandoutputs assign statementdescribes combinationallogic
~indicatesNOT,&indicatesAND, and|indicatesOR logicsignalssuchastheinputs andoutputsareBooleanvariables (0or1).Theymayalsohave floating(z)andundefinedvalues (x).

module sillyfunction(input logic a, b, c, output logic y); assign y = ~a & ~b & ~c | a & ~b & ~c | a & ~b & c; endmodule

Thelogictypewasintroducedin SystemVerilog
Itsupersedesthereg type,which wasaperennialsourceof confusioninVerilog shouldbeusedeverywhere exceptonnetswithmultiple drivers

Operators:&,|,~,^ Operands:a,b,y1y5 Expressions:e.g.,(a&b) Statements:e.g.,y5=~(a|b); Assign statementimplies combinationallogic Assign indicatesa continuousassignment statement
Lefthandsideofexpressionis updatedanytimetheright handsidechanges(aorb)
module gates(input logic [3:0] a, b, output logic [3:0] y1, y2, y3, y4, y5); /* Five different two-input logic gates acting on 4 bit busses */ assign y1 = a & b; // AND assign y2 = a | b; // OR assign y3 = a ^ b; // XOR assign y4 = ~(a & b); // NAND assign y5 = ~(a | b); // NOR endmodule

Assign statementsare concurrent


// full adder module fa (input logic a, b, cin, output logic s, cout); assign s = a ^ b ^ cin; assign cout = (a & b) | (cin & (a | b)); endmodule

Commentsbeginningwith/* continue,possiblyacrossmultiple lines,tothenext*/ Commentsbeginningwith//continue totheendoftheline

SystemVerilog iscasesensitive

conditionaloperator?: chooses,based onafirstexpression,betweena secondandthirdexpression Thefirstexpressioniscalledthe condition.Iftheconditionis1,the operatorchoosesthesecond expression.Iftheconditionis0,the operatorchoosesthethirdexpression Equivalenttothisexpression: Ifs=1,theny=d1. Ifs=0,theny=d0.

/* 4-bit mux; selects one of two 4-bit inputs d0 or d1 */ module mux2_4 (input logic [3:0] d0, d1, input logic s, output logic [3:0] y); assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule

module and8 (input logic [7:0] a, output logic y); assign y = & a; // &a is much easier to write than // assign y = a[7] & a[6] & a[5] & a[4] // & a[3] & a[2] & a[1] & a[0]; endmodule

Reductionoperatorsimplya multipleinputgateactingona singlebus

|,^,~&,and~|reduction operatorsareavailableforOR, XOR,NAND,andNOR
/* an array of inverters */ module invA4 (input logic [3:0] a, output logic [3:0] y); assign y = ~a; endmodule

/* 32-bit adder */ module adder (a, b, y); input logic [31:0] a; input logic [31:0] b; output logic [31:0] y; assign y = a + b; endmodule

/* */ module whatami(input logic [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input logic [1:0] s, output logic [3:0] y); assign y = s[1] ? (s[0] ? d3 : d2) : (s[0] ? d1 : d0); endmodule

module fulladder(input logic a, b, cin, output logic s, cout); logic p, g; assign assign assign assign endmodule p = a ^ b; g = a & b; s = p ^ cin; cout = g | (p & cin);


Orderofassignstatements doesnotmatter


Verilog OperatorsandOperatorPrecedence
Similartoprecedenceinother languages
assigncout =g|p&cin;

Subtractioninvolvesatwos complementandaddition Multipliersandshiftersuse substantiallymorearea(unless theyinvolveeasyconstants) Divisionandmodulusinhardware issocostlythatitmaynotbe synthesizable Equalitycomparisons(==)implyN 2inputXORs todetermine equalityofeachbitandanNinput ANDtocombineallofthebits Relativecomparisoninvolvesa subtraction


Verilog Numbers
SystemVerilog numberscanspecifytheir baseandsize(thenumberofbitsusedto representthem) TheformatfordeclaringconstantsisN'Bvalue
Nisthesizeinbits Bisthebase,and Valuegivesthevalue 9'h25indicatesa9bithexnumber(37 decimalor000100101inbinary)

Base:'bforbinary(base2),'oforoctal(base 8),'dfordecimal(base10),and'hfor hexadecimal(base16).

Ifthebaseisomitted,thebasedefaultsto decimal

Size:Ifthesizeisnotgiven,thenumberis assumedtohaveasmanybitsasthe expressioninwhichitisbeingused.

Zerosareautomaticallypaddedonthe frontofthenumbertobringituptofull size E.g.,ifwisa6bitbus,assignw='b11gives wthevalue000011.Itisbetterpracticeto explicitlygivethesize.Anexceptionisthat '0and'1areSystemVerilog shorthands for fillingabuswithall0sandall1s.


Usefulfordescribingatristate buffer; itsoutputfloatswhentheenableis0 Abuscanbedrivenbyseveraltristate buffers,exactlyoneofwhichshould beenabled

module tristate(input logic [3:0] a, input logic en, output tri [3:0] y); assign y = en ? a : 4'bz; endmodule

yisdeclaredastri ratherthan logic

Logicsignalscanonlyhaveasingle driver Tristatebussescanhavemultiple drivers,sotheyshouldbedeclaredas anet

Twotypesofnets:tri andtrireg
Onedriverisactiveatatime,andthe nettakesthatvalue; Ifnodriversareenabled,thetrinet floats(z),whilethetrireg netretains thepreviousvalue

Ifnotypeisspecifiedforaninputor output,triisassumed

SystemVerilog ANDgatetruthtable

SystemVerilog signalvaluesare 0,1,z,andx xindicatesaninvalidlogiclevel

E.g.,ifabusissimultaneously drivento0and1bytwo enabledtristate buffers(or othergates),theresultisx, indicatingcontention Atthestartofsimulation, statenodessuchasflipflop outputsareinitializedtoan unknownstate(x)

Constantsstartingwithzorx arepaddedwithleadingzs or xs (insteadof0s)toreachtheir fulllengthwhennecessary


assign y = {c[2:1], {3{d[0]}}, c[0], 3'b101};

c[2:1] subset,2bitvector Concatenateoperator:{}

{3{d[0]}}indicatesthreecopies ofd[0] 3'b101isa3bitbinary constant yisa9bitvector Ifywerewiderthan9bits, zeroswouldbeplacedinthe mostsignificantbitpositions

module mul(input logic [7:0] a, b, output logic [7:0] upper, lower); assign {upper, lower} = a*b; endmodule

module signextend(input logic [15:0] a, output logic [31:0] y); assign y = {{16{a[15]}}, a[15:0]}; endmodule


`timescale 1ns/1ps module example(input logic a, b, c, output logic y); logic ab, bb, cb, n1, n2, n3; assign assign assign assign assign endmodule #1 #2 #2 #2 #4 {ab, bb, cb} = ~{a, b, c}; n1 = ab & bb & cb; n2 = a & bb & cb; n3 = a & bb & c; y = n1 | n2 | n3;

Statementsmaybeassociatedwith delaysspecifiedinarbitraryunits Helpfulduringsimulation

Predicthowfastacircuitwillwork(if youspecifymeaningfuldelays) Debugthecauseandeffect

Delayofagateproducedbythe synthesizerdependsonitstpd andtcd specifications


#symbolisusedtoindicatethe numberofunitsofdelay
Itcanbeplacedinassignstatements, aswellasnonblocking (<=)and blocking(=)assignments


Describeamoduleintermsofhow itiscomposedofsimplermodules Mux4outofMux2s TryDec4to16usingDec2to4s?
module mux2_4 (input logic [3:0] d0, d1, input logic s, output logic [3:0] y); assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule

module mux4_4 (input logic [3:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input logic [1:0] s, output logic [3:0] y); logic [3:0] mol, moh; mux2_4 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], mol); mux2_4 highmux(d2, d3, s[0], moh); mux2_4 finalmux(mol, moh, s[1], y); endmodule


module tristate_4 (input logic [3:0] a, input logic en, output tri [3:0] y); assign y = en ? a : 4bz; endmodule // demonstrate selection of ranges on a bus module mux2_8 (input logic [7:0] d0, d1, input logic s, output logic [7:0] y); mux2_4 lsbmux(d0[3:0], d1[3:0], s, y[3:0]); mux2_4 msbmux(d0[7:4], d1[7:4], s, y[7:4]); // mux2 using tristate module mux2_4 (input logic [3:0] d0, d1, input logic s, output tri [3:0] y); tristate(d0, ~s, y); tristate(d1, s, y); endmodule endmodule


HDLsynthesizersrecognizecertainidiomsandturnthem intospecificsequentialcircuits Othercodingstylesmaysimulatecorrectly,butsynthesize intocircuitswithblatantorsubtleerrors Note:Usetheproperidiomstodescriberegistersand latchesdescribedhere


module flop(input logic clk, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q); always_ff @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule


Thestatementisexecutedonlywhen theeventspecifiedinthesensitivity listoccurs

q<=d(pronouncedqgetsd)only onthepositiveedgeoftheclockand otherwiserememberstheoldstateof q

<=iscalledanonblocking assignment
Agroupofnonblocking assignmentsis evaluatedconcurrently alloftheexpressionsontheright handsidesareevaluatedbeforeany ofthelefthandsidesareupdated


DFFwith PositiveClock
module flop (C, D, Q); input C, D; output Q; reg Q;

DFFwithNegativeedgeClock andAsync.Clear
module flop (C, D, CLR, Q); input C, D, CLR; output Q; reg Q;

always @(posedge C) begin Q = D; end endmodule

always @(negedge C or posedge CLR) begin if (CLR) Q = 1'b0; else Q = D; end endmodule


DFFwithPositiveEdgeClockand SynchronousSet
module flop (C, D, S, Q); input C, D, S; output Q; reg Q; always @(posedge C) begin if (S) Q = 1'b1; else Q = D; end endmodule

DFFwithPositiveEdgeClockand ClockEnable
module flop (C, D, CE, Q); input C, D, CE; output Q; reg Q;

always @(posedge C) begin if (CE) Q = D; end endmodule


module flopr_s(input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q); // synchronous reset always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 4'b0; else q <= d; endmodule module flopr_a(input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q); // asynchronous reset always_ff @(posedge clk, posedge reset) if (reset) q <= 4'b0; else q <= d; endmodule

Whensimulationbeginsorpoweris firstappliedtoacircuit,theoutputof theflopisunknown(xinVerilog) =>Useresettableregisterssothaton powerupyoucanputyoursystemin aknownstate Synchronousorasynchronousreset

Synchronous:occursontheactive edgeoftheclock Asynchronous:occursimmediately

Synchronousresettakesfewer transistorsandreducestheriskof timingproblemsonthetrailingedge ofreset However,ifclockgatingisused,care mustbetakenthatallflipflops reset properlyatstartup


module flopenr(input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic en, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q); // synchronous reset always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 4'b0; else if (en) q <= d; endmodule


module sync(input logic clk, input logic d, output logic q); logic n1;

Multiplestatementsinalways blocksaremarkedbyabegin endpair Nonblocking assignments

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin n1 <= d; q <= n1; end endmodule


module latch (G, D, Q); input G, D; output Q; reg Q;

LatchwithPositiveGateand AsynchronousClear
module latch (G, D, CLR, Q); input G, D, CLR; output Q; reg Q;

always @(G or D) begin if (G) Q = D; end endmodule

always @(G or D or CLR) begin if (CLR) Q = 1'b0; else if (G) Q = D; end endmodule


4bitLatchwithInvertedGateand AsynchronousPreset
module latch (G, D, PRE, Q); input G, PRE; input [3:0] D; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q;

always @(G or D or PRE) begin if (PRE) Q = 4'b1111; else if (~G) Q = D; end endmodule


module latch(input logic clk, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q); always_latch if (clk) q <= d; endmodule

Newconstructin SystemVerilog Equivalenttoalways@(clk,d)


module counter(input logic clk, input logic reset, output logic [3:0] q); always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 4'b0; else q <= q+1; endmodule module counter(input logic clk, input logic reset, output logic [3:0] q); logic [3:0] nextq; flopr qflop(clk, reset, nextq, q); adder inc(q, 4'b0001, nextq); endmodule


module shiftreg(input logic clk, input logic reset, load, input logic sin, input logic [3:0] d, output logic [3:0] q, output logic sout); always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) q <= 0; else if (load) q <= d; else q <= {q[2:0], sin}; assign sout = q[3]; endmodule


module inv(input logic [3:0] a, output logic [3:0] y); always_comb y = ~a; endmodule

module fulladder(input logic a, b, cin, output logic s, cout); logic p, g; always_comb begin p = a ^ b; // blocking g = a & b; // blocking s = p ^ cin; cout = g | (p & cin); end endmodule

Modelcombinationallogic Reevaluatesthestatements insidethealwaysblockanytime anyofthesignalsontheright handsideof<=or=insidethe alwaysstatementchange Preferredwayofdescribing combinationallogicin SystemVerilog Equivalenttoalways@(*)

=inthealwaysstatementiscalled ablockingassignment
Preferredforcombinationallogic inSystemVerilog

Agroupofblockingassignments areevaluatedintheorderthey appearinthecode


module three_st (T, I, O); input T, I; output O; reg O; module three_st (T, I, O); input T, I; output O;

always @(T or I) begin if (~T) O = I; else O = 1'bZ; end endmodule

assign O = (~T) ? I: 1'bZ; endmodule


module mux2( input d0, d1, s, output y); module mux2( input d0, d1, s, output y); reg y;

reg y;

always @(s or d0 or d1) begin : MUX case(s) 1'b0 : y = d0; 1'b1 : y = d1; endcase end endmodule

always @(*) begin : MUX case(s) 1'b0 : y = d0; 1'b1 : y = d1; endcase end endmodule

Warning:Allthesignalsontheleftsideofassignmentsinalwaysblocks mustbedeclaredasreg.However,declaringasignalasreg doesnotmean thesignalisactuallyaregister.


module sevenseg(input logic [3:0] data, output logic [6:0] segments); always_comb case (data) // abc_defg 0: segments = 7'b111_1110; 1: segments = 7'b011_0000; 2: segments = 7'b110_1101; 3: segments = 7'b111_1001; 4: segments = 7'b011_0011; 5: segments = 7'b101_1011; 6: segments = 7'b101_1111; 7: segments = 7'b111_0000; 8: segments = 7'b111_1111; 9: segments = 7'b111_1011; default: segments = 7'b000_0000; endcase endmodule module decoder3_8(input logic [2:0] a, output logic [7:0] y); always_comb case (a) 3'b000: y 3'b001: y 3'b010: y 3'b011: y 3'b100: y 3'b101: y 3'b110: y 3'b111: y endcase endmodule

= = = = = = = =

8'b00000001; 8'b00000010; 8'b00000100; 8'b00001000; 8'b00010000; 8'b00100000; 8'b01000000; 8'b10000000;


module priorityckt(input logic [3:0] a, output logic [3:0] y); always_comb if (a[3]) y = 4'b1000; else if (a[2]) y = 4'b0100; else if (a[1]) y = 4'b0010; else if (a[0]) y = 4'b0001; else y = 4'b0000; endmodule module priority_casez(input logic [3:0] a, output logic [3:0] y); always_comb casez(a) 4'b1???: 4'b01??: 4'b001?: 4'b0001: default: endcase endmodule

y y y y y

= = = = =

4'b1000; 4'b0100; 4'b0010; 4'b0001; 4'b0000;


Agroupofblockingassignments insideabeginendblockisevaluatedsequentially

Agroupofnonblockingassignmentsareevaluatedin parallel;allofthestatementsareevaluatedbeforeanyof theleftsidesareupdated.


1.Usealways_ff @(posedge clk) andnonblocking assignmentsto modelsynchronoussequential logic 2.Usecontinuousassignmentsto modelsimplecombinationallogic Usealways_comb andblocking assignmentstomodelmore complicatedcombinationallogic wherethealwaysstatementis helpful 4.Donotmakeassignmentsto thesamesignalinmorethanone alwaysstatementorcontinuous assignmentstatement.Exception: tristate busses.
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin n1 <= d; // nonblocking q <= n1; // nonblocking end

assign y = s ? d1 : d0;

always_comb begin p = a ^ b; // blocking g = a & b; // blocking s = p ^ cin; cout = g | (p & cin); end


Blockingvs.Nonblocking (contd)
// nonblocking assignments (not recommended) module fulladder(input logic a, b, cin, output logic s, cout); logic p, g; always_comb begin p <= a ^ b; // nonblocking g <= a & b; // nonblocking s <= p ^ cin; cout <= g | (p & cin); end endmodule a=b=cin=0; // initial conditions p=g=0; a=1; // a changes => trigger always block -------/* all nonblocking assignments are concurently executed; all assume a=1, b=0, cin=0 */ p<=1; // sch. change for next delta (1) g<=0; // no changes s<=0; // no changes cout<=0; // no changes --------------/* move time; p has changed, re-evaluate always block again) (a=1, p=1)*/ .... module fulladder(input logic a, b, cin, output logic s, cout); logic p, g; always_comb begin p = a ^ b; // blocking g = a & b; // blocking s = p ^ cin; cout = g | (p & cin); end a=b=cin=0; // initial conditions a=1; // a changes => trigger always block /* Note that p and g get their new value before s and cout are computed because of the blocking assignments. This is important because we want to compute s and cout using the new values of p and g.*/ ----------------p=1; // immediate assignment g=0; s=1; cout=0;


Blockingvs.Nonblocking (contd)
module sync(input logic clk, input logic d, output logic q); logic n1; logic n1; always_ff @(posedge clk) begin n1 <= d; q <= n1; end endmodule always_ff @(posedge clk) begin n1 = d; // blocking q = n1; // blocking end endmodule // Bad implementation using blocking assignments module syncbad(input logic clk, input logic d, output logic q);


Blockingvs.Nonblocking (contd)
module shiftreg (input clk, input sin, output reg [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) begin q[0] <= sin; q[1] <= q[0]; q[2] <= q[1]; q[3] <= q[2]; // could be replaced by // q <= {q[2:0], sin} end endmodule end endmodule // this is incorrect shift register module shiftreg (input clk, input sin, output reg [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) begin q[0] = sin; q[1] = q[0]; q[2] = q[1]; q[3] = q[2];




module divideby3FSM(input logic clk, input logic reset, output logic y); logic [1:0] state, nextstate; // State Register always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) state <= 2'b00; else state <= nextstate; // Next State Logic always_comb case (state) 2'b00: nextstate = 2'b01: nextstate = 2'b10: nextstate = default: nextstate endcase

2'b01; 2'b10; 2'b00; = 2'b00;

// Output Logic assign y = (state == 2'b00); endmodule


module divideby3FSM(input logic clk, input logic reset, output logic y); typedef enum logic [1:0] {S0, S1, S2} statetype; statetype state, nextstate; // State Register always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) state <= S0; else state <= nextstate; // Next State Logic always_comb case (state) S0: nextstate = S1; S1: nextstate = S2; S2: nextstate = S0; default: nextstate = S0; endcase // Output Logic assign y = (state == S0); endmodule

typedef definesstatetype to beatwobitlogicvaluewith oneofthreepossibilities:S0, S1,orS2 stateandnextstate are statetype signals Enumeratedencodingsdefault tonumericalorder:S0=00,S1 =01,andS2=10 Theencodingscanbeexplicitly setbytheuser
Thefollowingsnippet encodesthestatesas3bit onehotvalues: typedef enum logic[2:0]{S0= 3'b001,S1=3'b010,S2= 3'b100}statetype;

Stateregister Nextstatelogic Outputlogic

Resetsasynchronouslytothe initialstate Otherwiseadvancestothenext state

Computesthenextstateasa functionofthecurrentstateand inputs

Computestheoutputasa functionofthecurrentstateand theinputs

module historyFSM(input logic clk, input logic reset, input logic a, output logic x, y); typedef enum logic [2:0] {S0, S1, S2, S3, S4} statetype; statetype state, nextstate; always_ff @(posedge clk) if (reset) state <= S0; else state <= nextstate; always_comb case (state) S0: if (a) nextstate else nextstate = S1: if (a) nextstate else nextstate = S2: if (a) nextstate else nextstate = S3: if (a) nextstate else nextstate = S4: if (a) nextstate else nextstate = default: nextstate = endcase 45 //output logic assign x = (state[1] & ~a) | (state[2] & a); assign y = (state[1] & state[0] & ~a) | (state[2] & state[0] & a);


= S3; S1; = S3; S2; = S3; S2; = S4; S1; = S4; S1; S0;

StandardVerilog primarilyuses twotypes:reg andwire
reg signalmightormightnotbe associatedwitharegister Wasagreatsourceofconfusion forthoselearningthelanguage
module flop(input clk, input [3:0] d, output reg [3:0] q); always @(posedge clk) q <= d; endmodule

ifasignalappearsontheleft handsideof<=or=inanalways block,itmustbedeclaredasreg Otherwise,itshouldbedeclared aswire Inputandoutputportsdefaultto thewiretypeunlesstheirtypeis explicitlyspecifiedasreg

qissetinalwaysblock=> declaredasreg type


TypeIdiosyncracies (contd)
SystemVerilog introducedthelogictype

Logiccanbeusedoutsidealwaysblocks whereawiretraditionallywouldberequired
NearlyallSystemVerilog signalscanbe logic

Theexceptionaresignalswithmultiple drivers(e.g.,atristate bus)

Mustbedeclaredasanet AllowsSystemVerilog togenerateanerror messageratherthananxvaluewhena logicsignalisaccidentallyconnectedto multipledrivers

Themostcommontypeofnetiscalledawire ortri
Synonymous,butwireisconventionally usedwhenasingledriverispresentandtri isusedwhenmultipledriversarepresent wireisobsoleteinSystemVerilog =>use logic



module mux2 #(parameter width = 8) (input logic [width-1:0] d0, d1, input logic s, output logic [width-1:0] y); assign y = s ? d1 : d0; endmodule // use default widths module mux4_8(input logic [7:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input logic [1:0] s, output logic [7:0] y); logic [7:0] low, hi; mux2 lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 himux(d2, d3, s[0], hi); mux2 outmux(low, hi, s[1], y); endmodule

// 12-bit mux; override default using #() module mux4_12(input logic [11:0] d0, d1, d2, d3, input logic [1:0] s, output logic [11:0] y); logic [11:0] low, hi; mux2 #(12) lowmux(d0, d1, s[0], low); mux2 #(12) himux(d2, d3, s[0], hi); mux2 #(12) outmux(low, hi, s[1], y); endmodule


module decoder #(parameter N = 3) (input logic [N-1:0] a, output logic [2**N-1:0] y); always_comb begin y = 0; y[a] = 1; end endmodule


module andN #(parameter width = 8) (input logic [width-1:0] a, output logic y); genvar i; logic [width-1:1] x; generate for (i=1; i<width; i=i+1) begin:forloop if (i == 1) assign x[1] = a[0] & a[1]; else assign x[i] = a[i] & x[i-1]; end endgenerate assign y = x[width-1]; endmodule

Generatestatementsproduce avariableamountofhardware dependingonthevalueofa parameter Generatesupportsforloops andifstatementstodetermine howmanyofwhattypesof hardwaretoproduce Example:NinputANDfunction fromacascadeof2inputANDs


// separate read and write busses module ram #(parameter N = 6, M = 32) (input logic clk, input logic we, input logic [N-1:0] adr, input logic [M-1:0] din, output logic [M-1:0] dout); logic [M-1:0] mem[2**N-1:0]; always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[adr] <= din; assign dout = mem[adr]; endmodulev // bidirectional bus module ram #(parameter N = 6, M = 32) (input logic clk, input logic we, input logic [N-1:0] adr, inout tri [M-1:0] data); logic [M-1:0] mem[2**N-1:0]; always @(posedge clk) if (we) mem[adr] <= data; assign data = we ? 'z : mem[adr]; endmodule


module ram3port #(parameter N = 6, M = 32) (input logic clk, input logic we3, input logic [N-1:0] a1, a2, a3, output logic [M-1:0] d1, d2, input logic [M-1:0] d3); logic [M-1:0] mem[2**N-1:0]; always @(posedge clk) if (we3) mem[a3] <= d3; assign d1 = mem[a1]; assign d2 = mem[a2]; endmodule module rom(input logic [1:0] adr, output logic [2:0] dout); always_comb case(adr) 2'b00: dout 2'b01: dout 2'b10: dout 2'b11: dout endcase endmodule

= = = =

3'b011; 3'b110; 3'b100; 3'b010;


Testbench isanHDLmoduleused totestanothermodule,calledthe deviceundertest(DUT) Containsstatementstoapply inputstotheDUTand,ideally,to checkthatthecorrectoutputsare produced
Inputanddesiredoutputpatterns arecalledtestvectors.
module testbench1(); logic a, b, c; logic y; // instantiate device under test sillyfunction dut(a, b, c, y); // apply inputs one at a time initial begin a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; #10; c = 1; #10; b = 1; c = 0; #10; c = 1; #10; a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; #10; c = 1; #10; b = 1; c = 0; #10; c = 1; #10; end endmodule

Initialstatementexecutesthe statementsinitsbodyatthestart ofsimulation Initialstatementsshouldonlybe usedintestbenches for simulation,notinmodules intendedtobesynthesizedinto actualhardware


Checkingforcorrectoutputsby handistediousanderrorprone Determiningthecorrectoutputsis mucheasierwhenthedesignis freshinyourmind =>Amuchbetterapproachisto writeaselfcheckingtestbench SystemVerilog assertstatement checksifaspecifiedconditionis true
Ifitisnot,itexecutestheelse statement. $errorsystemtaskintheelse statementprintsanerror messagedescribingthe assertionfailure
module testbench2(); logic a, b, c; logic y; // instantiate device under test sillyfunction dut(a, b, c, y); // apply inputs one at a time // checking results initial begin a = 0; b = 0; c = 0; #10; assert (y === 1) else $error("000 c = 1; #10; assert (y === 0) else $error("001 b = 1; c = 0; #10; assert (y === 0) else $error("010 c = 1; #10; assert (y === 0) else $error("011 a = 1; b = 0; c = 0; #10; assert (y === 1) else $error("100 c = 1; #10; assert (y === 1) else $error("101 b = 1; c = 0; #10; assert (y === 0) else $error("110 c = 1; #10; assert (y === 0) else $error("111 end endmodule

failed."); failed."); failed."); failed."); failed."); failed."); failed."); failed.");

InSystemVerilog,comparison using==or!=spuriouslyindicates equalityifoneoftheoperandsisx orz. The===and!==operatorsmust beusedinsteadfortestbenches becausetheyworkcorrectlywithx andz


Testbench withTestVectorFile
module testbench3(); logic clk, reset; logic a, b, c, yexpected; logic y; logic [31:0] vectornum, errors; logic [3:0] testvectors[10000:0]; // instantiate device under test sillyfunction dut(a, b, c, y); // generate clock always begin clk = 1; #5; clk = 0; #5; end // at start of test, load vectors // and pulse reset initial begin $readmemb("", testvectors); vectornum = 0; errors = 0; reset = 1; #27; reset = 0; end
000_1 001_0 010_0 011_0 100_1 101_1 110_0 111_0


Testbench withTestVectorFile(contd)
// apply test vectors on rising edge of clk always @(posedge clk) begin // wait for 1 time unit before assignment #1; {a, b, c, yexpected} = testvectors[vectornum]; end // check results on falling edge of clk always @(negedge clk) if (~reset) begin // skip during reset if (y !== yexpected) begin $display("Error: inputs = %b", {a, b, c}); $display(" outputs = %b (%b expected)", y, yexpected); errors = errors + 1; end vectornum = vectornum + 1; if (testvectors[vectornum] === 'bx) begin $display("%d tests completed with %d errors", vectornum, errors); $finish; end end endmodule

$readmemb readsafileof binarynumbersintoanarray $readmemh readsafileof hexadecimalnumbersintoan array #1;waitsonetimeunitafter therisingedgeoftheclock(to avoidanyconfusionofclock anddatachanging simultaneously) $displayisasystemtaskto printinthesimulatorwindow $finishterminatesthe simulation Notehowweterminate simulationafter8testvectors

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