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(2) United States Patent Epps ‘USON6205S89B1 US 6,205,589 BL Mar. 27, 2001 (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent: (54) MEDITATION ENHANCING ARTICLE (76) Inventor: Napoleon Epps, 144 Onondaga Dr., Forest Height, MD (US) 20745 (7) Nove: Sujet any ais em of i ent is extended or adjusted under 35 USC. 154) byO days, (21) Appl. No: 09/281,275 (22) Filed: Mar. 30, 1999 (51) Int. C1” A42B 1/00 (52) U TA; 2/1712 (58) Field of Search (56) References Cited USS. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,284,563 * 2/1966. Tabbat 21196 3.496.575 * 2/1970. Neckermaan et al 2a 4,67 OTS * 9/1979 Pugh et a. 409517 4,605,000 * 8/1986 Anguita 128201.25 5,224,495 * 7/1903. Robinson 2/200 5.708.983 * 1/1998 Cross etal 2am * cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Bibbu Mobanty (74) Auorney, Agent, or Firm—Alited F. Hoyte, J 6 ABSTRACT ‘A meditation enhancing apparatus is provided. The appara- lus is a head covering which is made of a highly conductive metal such as copper. The head covering or helmet has several ports which are adapted to hold crystals, the ports being connected to conduits. The conduits serve to hold the crystals in position directly in front of the user's eyes and temples, as well as 10 conduct electromagnetic and other energy fo the user’s brain. The user may select crystals ‘which have been effective in enbancing previous meditation sessions for placement in the device, 4 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets 30 U.S. Patent Mar. 27, 2001 Sheet 1 of 2 US 6,205,589 BL 0 ———_——- FIG. 1 U.S. Patent Mar. 27, 2001 Sheet 2 of 2 US 6,205,589 BL

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