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MW Assignments: Mechanical Waves Questions:

1. The figure at right shows three waves that are separately sent along a string that is stretched under a certain tension along the x-axis. Rank the waves according to their (a) wavelengths, (b) speeds, and (c) angular frequencies, greatest first.
(HR W 7e Q 16.1 , i.e. Ch. 16, question #1 on p. 436)

2. Two waves travel on the same string. Is it possible for them to have (a) different frequencies; (b) different wavelengths; (c) different speeds; (d) different amplitudes; (e) the same frequency but different wavelengths? Explain your reasoning. (YF 12e Q1 5.1 o n p. 518 in our text) 3. The four strings on a violin have different thicknesses, but all are under approximately the same tension. Do the waves travel faster on the thick strings or the thin strings? Why? How does the fundamental vibration frequency compare for the thick versus the thin strings? (YF12e Q15.12) 4. A long rope with mass m is suspended from the ceiling and hangs vertically. A wave pulse is produced at the lower end of the rope, and the pulse travels up the rope. Does the speed of the wave pulse change as it moves up the rope? If not, why not? If so, does it increase or decrease? (YF12e Q15.15)

1. The following wave functions represent traveling waves: (a) y2 (x , t ) = Acos [k(x + 34t)] (b) y3 (x , t ) = Ae-k (x - 20 t) (c) y1 (x , t ) = B/[C + (x - 10t)2 ] where x is in meters, t is in seconds, and A, k, B, and C are constants that have the proper units for y to be in meters. Give the direction of propagation and the speed of the wave for each wave function. (T13.6) 2. A transverse traveling wave has the equation: y = (6.0 cm) sin (0.02Bx + 4Bt), where x and y are in centimeters and t is in seconds. Find (a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, (c) the frequency, (d) the speed, (e) the direction, and (f) the maximum transverse speed of the wave. (HRW6e17.6; see also YF12e
15.5 & 8 )

3. A continuous sinusoidal wave is traveling on a string with velocity 80 cm/s. The displacement of the particles of the string at x = 10 cm is found to vary with time according to the equation: y = (5.0 cm) sin(1.0 - 4.0 t). The linear density of the string is 4.0 g/cm. What is (a) the frequency of the wave, (b) the wavelength of the wave, (c) the general equation of the wave, and (d) the tension in the string? (HR19.10)

4. Two connecting wires with linear mass densities that are related by :1 = 3:2 are under the same tension. When the wires oscillate at a frequency of 120 Hz, waves of wavelength 10 cm travel down the first wire with the linear density of :1 . (a) What is the wave speed in the first wire? (b) What is the wave speed in the second wire? (c) What is the wavelength in the second wire? (T13.58) 5. A wire 10.0 m long and having a mass of 100 g is stretched under a tension of 250 N. If two pulses, separated in time by 30.0 ms, are generated, one at each end of the wire, where will the pulses first meet? (HRW6e 17.21) 6. The wave function for a certain standing wave on a string fixed at both ends is given by: y(x,t) = 0.5 sin (0.025x) cos (500t) where y and x are in centimeters and t is in seconds. (a) Find the speed and amplitude of the two traveling waves that result in this standing wave. (b) What is the distance between successive nodes on the string? (c) What is the shortest possible length of the string? (T13.36) 7. In the figure at right, an aluminum wire, of length L1 = 60.0 cm, cross-sectional area 1.00 10-2 cm2 , and density 2.60 g/cm3 , is joined to a steel wire of density 7.80 g/cm3 and the same cross-sectional area. The compound wire, loaded with a block of mass m = 10.0 kg, is arranged so that the distance L2 from the joint to the supporting pulley is 86.6 cm. Transverse waves are set up on the wire by an external source of variable frequency; a node is located at the pulley. (a) Find the lowest frequency that generates a standing wave having the joint as one of the nodes. (b) How many nodes are observed at this frequency? (HRW7e 16.55; see also YF12e 15.15 & 40 & 68)

See Also Problem Summary: Ch. 15 - problems 5, 8, 15, 40, & 68 in the text (YF12e) - pp. 519...524
(Brief solutions to the see also problems are posted on the class Blackboard site.)

Brief Answers to Questions:

1. (a) 3 > 2 = 1 for wavelength (b) speed is the same for all: since all waves travel on the same string & tension F is constant (c) 6 frequency is larger when wavelength is smaller. So: 1 = 2 > 3 for frequency f and angular frequency T. 2. 3. 4. (a) yes (b) yes (c) no (d) yes (e) no

Speed of waves is larger on thinner wires. The fundamental frequency is the lower on the thicker wires. Speed increases as the pulse moves up the rope.

SW Assignments: Sound Waves Questions:

1. In the figure at right, two point sources S1 & S2 , which are in phase, emit identical sound waves of wavelength 2.0 m. In terms of wavelengths, what is the phase difference between the waves arriving at point P on the far right if (a) L1 = 38 m and L2 = 34 m, and (b) L1 = 39 m and L2 = 36 m? (c) Assuming that the source separation is much smaller than L1 & L2 , what type of interference occurs at P in situations (a) & (b)? (HRW7e Q 17.1)

2. The figure at right shows a stretched string of length L and pipes a, b, c, & d of lengths L, 2L, L/2, & L/2 respectively. The strings tension is adjusted until the speed of the waves on the string equals the speed of sound waves in air. The fundamental mode of oscillation is then set up on the string. In which pipe will the sound produced by the string cause resonance, and what oscillation mode will that sound set up? (HRW7e Q 17.7)

3. If you wait at a railroad crossing as a train approaches and passes, you hear a Doppler shift in the sound emitted by the trains whistle. But if you listen closely, you hear that the change in frequency is continuous; it does not suddenly go from one high frequency to another low frequency. Instead the frequency smoothly (but rather quickly) changes from high to low as the train passes. Why is the change smooth rather than sudden? (YF12e
Q16.21 reworded)

1. You are at a large outdoor concert, seated 300 m from the speaker system. The concert is also being broadcast live via satellite (at the speed of light). Consider a listener 5000 km away who receives the broadcast. Who hears the music first, you or the listener, and by what time difference? (HRW 6e 18.2)

2. A stone is dropped into a well. The sound of the splash is heard 3.00 s later. What is the depth of the well?
(HRW6e 18.7P)

3. Two loudspeakers are driven in phase by an audio amplifier at a frequency of 600 Hz. The speakers are on the y-axis, one at y = +1.00 m and the other at y = - 1.00 m. A listener begins at y = 0 and walks along a line parallel to the y-axis at a very large distance D away. (See diagram at right.) (a) At what angle 2 will the person first hear a minimum in the sound intensity? (b) At what angle will a maximum first be heard (after 2 = 0)? (c) How many maxima will be heard if the person keeps walking in the same direction? (T14-80; see
also Y F12 e 16.33; HINT: D is very large, so you may assume that the two lines from the two loudspeakers are parallel. In that case the path difference between them is (2.00 m)sin 2.)

4. The water level in a vertical glass tube 1.0 m long can be adjusted to any position in the tube. A tuning fork vibrating at 686 Hz is held just over the open top end of the tube. At what positions of the water level will there be resonance? (HRW 6e 18.32; see also YF1 2e 16.27 & 28)

5. Two identical piano wires have a fundamental frequency of f1 = 600 Hz when kept under the same tension. What fractional increase in the tension of one wire will lead to 6 beats per second when both wires vibrate?
(HRW6e 18.45)

6. Trooper B is chasing speeder A along a straight stretch of road. Both are moving at a speed of 100 mi/h. Trooper B, failing to catch up, sounds his siren again. Take the speed of sound in air to be 1100 ft/s and the frequency of the source to be 500 Hz. What is the Doppler shift in the frequency heard by speeder A? (HRW6e
18.46E - modified)

7. Two students with vibrating 440-Hz tuning forks walk away from each other with equal speeds. How fast must they walk to hear a beat frequency of 2-Hz? (T14.67; see also YF12e 40)

8. A bat is flitting about in a cave, navigating via ultrasonic bleeps. Assume that the sound emission frequency of the bat is 39,000 Hz. During one fast swoop directly toward a flat wall surface, the bat is moving at 0.025 times the speed of sound in air. What frequency does the bat hear reflected off the wall? (HRW6e 18.54P; see also YF12e

9. A girl is sitting near the open window of a train that is moving at a velocity of 10.00 m/s to the east. The girls uncle stands near the tracks and watches the train move away. The locomotive whistle emits sound at frequency 500.0 Hz. The air is still. (a) What frequency does the uncle hear? (b) What frequency does the girl hear? A wind begins to blow from the east at 10.00 m/s. (c) What frequency does the uncle now hear? (d) What frequency does the girl now hear? (HRW6e 18.55; see also YF12e 50)

See Also Problem Summary: Ch. 16 (YF12e) - problems 27, 28, 33, 40, 43, 50
(Brief solutions to the see also problems are posted on the class Blackboard site.)

Brief Answers to Questions:

1. (a) zero wavelength phase difference (peak to peak) 6 constructive interference (b) half a wavelength phase difference (peak to trough) 6 destructive interference Pipe d - fundamental mode The Doppler frequency shift for a stationary listener & moving source depends on vs - where vs is the line of sight velocity of the source (along a straight line from the listener to the source of the sound).

2. 3.

EM Assignments: Electromagnetic Waves

Questions: 1. The figure at right shows the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave at a certain instant of time. In which direction is the wave traveling? (HRW7e 33.1Q) 2. If the magnetic field of a light wave oscillates parallel to the y-axis and is given by , a. in what direction does the wave travel, and b. parallel to which axis does the associated electric field oscillate?

(HRW7e 33.2Q)

3. Give several examples of electromagnetic waves that are encountered in everyday life. How are all alike? How do they differ? (YF12e 32.3Q) 4. If a light beam carried momentum, should a person who turns on a flashlight feel a recoil analogous to the recoil of a rifle when it is fired? Why is this recoil not actually observed? (YF12e 32.11)

Problems: 1. An electric heater emits 1.0 kW uniformly in all directions. How close would you have to stand to feel an intensity of 100 W/m2 ? (HRW5e 34.21E; see also YF12e 32.15 on p. 1116)

2. An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 100 MHz and is traveling in a vacuum. The magnetic field is given by : B (z, t) = (10-8 T) cos (kz - Tt) i . (a) Find the direction of propagation of the wave. (b) Find the electric vector E(z,t). (c) Give the Poynting vector and find the intensity of the wave.
(T 29.28; see also YF12e 32.6 & 11)

3. What is the radiation pressure 1.5 m away from a 500 W light bulb? Assume that the surface on which the pressure is exerted faces the bulb and is perfectly absorbing and that the bulb radiates uniformly in all directions.
(HRW6e 34.23; see also YF12e 32.26)

4. The earth (radius R = 6.4 x 106 m) orbits the sun at an average distance D = 1.5 x 1011 m. (a) What fraction of the electromagnetic radiation emitted by the sun is intercepted by the earth? (b) The intensity of sunlight striking the earth's upper atmosphere is known as the solar constant. What is the solar constant? (NOTE: The sun has power 3.83 x 1026 W.) (c) Calculate the force on the earth due to this radiation if all of it is absorbed and none of it is reflected. (d) What is the ratio of the force of radiation on the earth to the gravitational force on the earth due to the Sun?
(D. Brown)

5. Small particles might be blown out of planetary systems around other stars by the radiation pressure of starlight. Assume spherical particles of radius r and density 1.0 g/cm3 that absorb all the radiation in a cross-sectional area Br2 . Assume they are a distance D from a solar-type star which has power 3.83 1026 W and mass 1.99 1030 kg. How small must a particle be (i.e. what is r ) for the radiation force of repulsion to exactly balance the gravitational attraction of the star? (T 29.47; see also YF12e 32.51 & 54)

See Also Problem Summary: Ch. 32 (YF12e) - 6, 11, 15, 26, 51, & 53 on pp. 1117-1120 (Brief solutions to the see also problems are posted on the class Blackboard site.)

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. into the page 2. (a) +z direction (b) x-axis 3. optical radiation from the Sun - radio waves that transmit the signal from the radio station to your home microwaves heating your frozen foods - all travel at the same speed in a vacuum - but all have different wavelengths & frequencies. 4. yes - it happens - but is too small to be noticed compared to the other forces that act on a person

OP Assignments: Optics

Questions: 1. For what range of object positions does a concave spherical mirror form a real image? What about a convex spherical mirror? (YF 12e Q34.6) 2. When a T. rex pursues a jeep in the movie Jurassic Park, we see a reflected image of the T. rex via a side-view mirror, on which is printed the (then darkly humorous) warning: Objects in mirror are closer than they appear. Is the mirror flat, convex, or concave? (HRW7e Q 34.5) 3. Can an image formed by one reflecting or refracting surface serve as an object for a second reflection or refraction? Does it matter whether the first image is real or virtual? Explain. (YF12e Q34.19)

Problems: 1. A bottom-weighted vertical pole extends 2.0 m above the bottom of a swimming pool and 0.5 m above the water. Sunlight is incident at 45o . What is the length of the shadow of the pole on the bottom of the pool? (HR 43.7)

2. A ray of light is incident normally on the face ab of a glass prism (n = 1.52) as shown in the figure at right. What is N so that the ray is totally reflected at face ac if the prism is immersed in: (a) air? (b) water?
(HRW6e 34.55)

3. A point source of light is located 5 m below the surface of a large pool of water. Find the area of the largest circle on the pool's surface through which light coming directly from the source can emerge.

4. You are standing 5.0 m in front of a plane mirror. You see an object in the mirror. It is 5.0 m to your right and 1.0 m closer to the mirror. For what distance must you focus a camera in order to photograph the object? (based on HR 44.2)

5. An object is p centimeters in front of a concave mirror of focal length 20 cm. Where does the image form and what is it like (magnification? type - real or virtual? erect or inverted?) if: (a) p = +10 cm? (b) p = +30 cm?
(HRW6e 35.10 a,c; see also YF12e 34.14 )

6. A virtual image forms 10 cm from a spherical mirror with radius of curvature r = -40 cm. (a) What type of mirror is this? (b) Where is the object? (HRW 6e 35.10e; see also YF1 2e 34.10)

7. An object is 10 cm from a thin lens with radii of curvature r1 = +30 cm and r2 = -30 cm. What type of lens is this? Where does the image form? What type of image is it (real - virtual - erect - inverted)? What is its magnification? Assume that the glass in the lens has index of refraction 1.5. (HRW 6e 35 .24e; see also
YF12e 34. 28 & 80)

8. Repeat problem # 7 with r1 = -30 cm and r2 = -60 cm.

(HRW 6e 35.24g)

9. An erect object is placed in front of a converging lens at a distance equal to twice the focal length f1 of the lens. On the other side of the lens is a concave mirror of focal length f2 separated from the lens by a distance 2(f1 + f2 ). (HRW 6e 35.52; see also YF1 2e 34.69, 89 & 94) (a) Find the location, type, orientation, and lateral magnification of the final image, as seen by an eye looking toward the mirror through the lens and just past (to one side of) the object. (b) Draw a ray diagram to locate the image.

See Also Problem Summary: 10, 14, 28, 69, 80, 89, 94 (pp. 1199 ... 1204 in YF12e)

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. Object distances p > f for a concave mirror. Never for a convex mirror. Try simulations at: 2. Convex 3. Yes; No

IF Assignments: Interference Questions:

1. If you move from one bright fringe in a two-slit interference pattern to the next one farther out, (a) does the path length difference )L increase or decrease and (b) by how much does it change, in wavelengths 8? (HRW7e

2. Does the spacing between fringes in a two-slit interference pattern increase, decrease, or stay the same if (a) the slit separation is increased, (b) the color of the light is switched from red to blue, and (c) the whole apparatus is submerged in cooking sherry? (d) If the slits are illuminated with white light, then at any side maximum, does the blue component or the red component peak closer to the central maximum? (HRW7e 35.7Q) 3. The figure at right (Fig. 35-29 in HRW 7e ) shows the transmission of light through a thin film in air by a perpendicular beam (tilted in the figure for clarity). (a) Did ray r3 undergo a phase shift due to reflection? (b) In wavelengths, what is the reflection phase shift for ray r4 ? (c) If the film thickness is L, what is the path length difference between rays r3 and r4 ? (HRW7e 35.11Q) 4. Figure (a) at right (Fig. 35-30 in HRW 7e ) shows the cross section of a vertical thin film whose width increases downward because gravitation causes slumping. Figure (b) at right is a face-on view of the film, showing four bright (red) interference fringes that result when the film is illuminated with a perpendicular beam of red light. Points in the cross section corresponding to the bright fringes are labeled. In terms of the wavelength of light inside the film, what is the difference in film thickness between (a) points a & b and between points b & d ? (HRW7e 35.12Q) 5. A very thin soap film (n = 1.33), whose thickness is much less than a wavelength of visible light, looks black; it appears to reflect no light at all. Why? By contrast, an equally thin layer of soapy water on glass (index 1.50) appears quite shiny. Why is there a difference? (YF12e 35.14Q)

1. The wavelength of yellow sodium light in air is 589 nm. What is (a) its frequency, (b) its wavelength in glass, and (c) its velocity in glass? Assume an index of refraction of 1.52 for the glass.
(HRW6e&5e 36.1E)

2. Two waves of light in air, of wavelength 600.0 nm, are initially in phase. They then travel through plastic layers with L1 = 4.00 :m, L2 = 3.50 :m, n1 = 1.40, and n2 = 1.60. (a) In wavelengths, what is their phase difference after they both have emerged from the layers? (b) If the waves later arrive at some common point, what type of interference do they undergo? (HRW6e 36.9P)

3. In a lecture demonstration, laser light is used to illuminate two slits separated by 0.5 mm, and the interference pattern is observed on a screen 5 m away. The distance on the screen from the centerline to the thirty-seventh bright fringe is 25.7 cm. What is the wavelength of the light? (T33.15; see also YF12e 35.11)

4. A double-slit experiment uses a helium-neon laser with a wavelength of 633 nm and a slit separation of 0.12 mm. When a thin sheet of plastic is placed in front of one of the slits, the interference pattern shifts by 5.5 fringes. When the experiment is repeated under water, the shift is 3.5 fringes. Calculate (a) the thickness of the plastic sheet and (b) the index of refraction of the plastic sheet. (T33.67) 5. In a double-slit arrangement the distance between slits is 5.0 mm and the slits are 1.0 m from the screen. Two interference patterns can be seen on the screen, one due to light of 480 nm and the other 600 nm. What is the separation on the screen between the third-order interference fringes of the two different patterns? (HRW6e

6. Two radio beacons emit waves of frequency 2.0 x 105 Hz. The beacons are on a north-south line, separated by a distance of 3.0 km. The southern beacon emits waves 1/4 of a cycle later than the northern beacon. Find the angular directions for constructive interference. Measure angles relative to the east-west line and assume that the distance between the beacons and the point of observation is large. (OH38.22) 7. In the figure at right, A and B are identical radiators of waves that are in phase and of the same wavelength 8. The radiators are separated by distance d = 3.00 8. Find the greatest distance from A, along the x axis, for which fully destructive interference occurs. (HRW 6e 36.20P ; see also YF12e 35.5 & 44) 8. A thin layer of a transparent material with an index of refraction of 1.30 is used as a nonreflective coating on the surface of glass with an index of refraction of 1.50. How thick should the material be in order for the glass to be nonreflecting for light of wavelength 600 nm (in a vacuum)? (T33.7; see also YF12e 35.28) 9. White light reflected at perpendicular incidence from a soap bubble has an interference maximum at 600 nm and a minimum at the violet end of the spectrum, with no other minimum in between. If n = 1.33 for the film, calculate its thickness, assumed uniform. (HRW 6e 36.42P - modified; see also YF1 2e 35.33) 10. In the figure at right (top) a broad beam of light of wavelength 600 nm is sent directly downward through a glass plate (n = 1.5) that, with a plastic plate (n = 1.2), forms a thin wedge of air which acts as a thin film. An observer looking down through the top plate sees the fringe pattern shown in the figure (bottom), with dark fringes centered on ends A and B. (a) What is the thickness of the wedge at B? (b) How many dark fringes will the observer see if the air between the plates is replaced with water (n = 1.33)? (HRW 6e 36.61P ; see also YF12e 35.29 )

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. )L increases by one wavelength. (a) decreases; (b) decreases; (c) decreases; (d) blue is closer. (a) no; (b) zero; (c) 2L (a) half a wavelength; (b) one wavelength Hint: Think about the phase changes for reflection.

See Also Problem Summary: YF12e - Ch. 35 - 5, 11, 28, 29, 33, 44


DF Assignments: Diffraction

1. The figure at right shows the bright fringes that lie within the central diffraction envelope in two double-slit diffraction experiments using the same wavelength of light. Are (a) the slit width a, (b) the slit separation d, and (c) the ratio d/a in experiment B greater than, less than, or the same as those in experiment A? (HRW7e 36.8Q) 2. The figure at the right shows a red line (left line) and a green line (right line) of the same order in the pattern produced by a diffraction grating. If we increased the number of rulings in the grating by removing tape that had covered the outer half of the rulings, would (a) the widths of the lines and (b) the separation of the lines increase, decrease, or stay the same? (c) Would the lines shift to the right, shift to the left, or remain in place? (HRW7e 36.9Q) 3. Why can we readily observe diffraction effects for sound waves and wa5ter waves, but not for light? Is this because light travels so much faster than these other waves? Explain. (YF12e Q36.1) 4. Light of wavelength 8 and frequency f passes through a single slit of width a. The diffraction pattern is observed on a screen. Which of the following will decrease the width of the central maximum? (a) Decrease the slit width; (b) decrease the frequency f of the light; (c) decrease the wavelength 8 of the light. (YF 12e Q3 6.4

5. In a diffraction experiment with waves of wavelength 8, there will be no intensity minima (that is, no dark fringes) if the slit width is small enough. What is the maximum slit width for which this occurs? (YF12e Q36.5)

1. In a single slit diffraction pattern, the distance between the first minimum on the right and the first minimum on the left is 5.2 mm. The screen on which the pattern is displaced is 80 cm from the slit and the wavelength is 546 nm. Calculate the slit width. (HR 46.3) 2. A plane wave of wavelength 590 nm is incident on a slit with a = 0.40 mm. A thin converging lens of focal length +70 cm is placed between the slit and a viewing screen and focuses the light on the screen. (a) How far is the screen from the lens? (b) What is the distance on the screen from the center of the diffraction pattern to the first minimum? (HRW6e 37.5E) 3. The telescope on Mount Palomar has a diameter of 200 inches. We want to use this telescope to resolve the images of the two stars in a double star system that is 4 light-years distant from Earth. What minimum separation must the two stars have? (Use 8 = 500 nm.) (T 33.45) 4. The Impressionist painter Georges Seurat used a technique called "pointillism," in which his paintings are composed of small, closely spaced dots of pure color, each about 2-mm in diameter. The illusion of the colors blending together smoothly is produced in the eye of the viewer by diffraction effects. Calculate the minimum viewing distance for this effect to work properly. Use the wavelength of visible light that requires the greatest distance, so that you're sure the effect will work for all visible wavelengths. Assume that the pupil of the eye has a diameter of 5-mm. (T 33.57)


5. How many complete fringes appear between the first minima of the diffraction envelope to either side of the central maximum for a double slit pattern if 8 = 550 nm, d = 0.15 mm and a = 0.030 mm? (HRW 6e 37.31a) 6. Light of wavelength 480-nm falls normally on four slits. Each slit is 2 :m wide and is separated from the next by 6 :m. (a) Find the angle from the center to the first point of zero intensity of the single-slit diffraction pattern on a distant screen. (b) Find the angles of any bright interference maxima that lie inside the central diffraction maximum. (c) Find the angular spread between the central interference maximum and the first interference minimum on either side of it. (T33.55) 7. Sodium light of wavelength 589 nm falls normally on a square diffraction grating that is 2.0 cm on a side and is ruled with 4000 lines per centimeter. The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is projected onto a screen at 1.5 m by a lens of focal length 1.5 m placed immediately in front of the grating. Find (a) the positions of the first two intensity maxima on one side of the central maximum, (b) the width of the central maximum, and (c) the resolution in the first order. (T 33.49) 8. Design a grating that will spread the first-order spectrum through an angular range of 20o if the spectrum ranges from 81 = 430 nm to 82 = 680 nm. (HRW6e 37.39P) 9. A square diffraction grating with an area of 25 cm2 has a resolution of 22,000 in the fourth order. At what angle should you look to see a wavelength of 510-nm in the fourth order? (T33.59)

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. (a) Slit width is smaller in B than A from (b) Slit separation is larger in B than A from (c) Ratio d/a greater for B than for A. (a) Width of lines decreases. (b) Separation of lines remains the same. (c) Remain in place. No - its because the other waves have much larger wavelengths. Diffraction effects are not observed for a wave unless the obstacle the wave encounters has dimensions comparable to the wavelength of the wave. Answer (c) only because where m = 1 and . . .



4. 5.

Slit width less than or equal to the wavelength of the light.

See also problem summary: There are no see also problems for Ch. 36.


SR Assignments: Special Relativity


1. You are standing on a train platform watching a high-speed train pass by. A light inside one of the train cars is turned on and then a little later it is turned off. (a) Who can measure the proper time interval for the duration of the light: you or a passenger on the train? (b) Who can measure the proper length of the train car, you or a passenger on the train? (c) Who can measure the proper length of a sign attached to a post on the train platform, you or a passenger on the train? (YF12 e Q37 .1) 2. A rocket is moving to the right at the speed of light relative to the earth. A light bulb in the center of a room inside the rocket suddenly turns on. Call the light hitting the front end of the room event A and the light hitting the back of the room event B. Which event occurs first, A or B or are they simultaneous, as viewed by (a) an astronaut riding in the rocket and (b) a person at rest on the earth? (YF12e Q37.3) 3. Describe qualitatively (non-mathematically) how the length contraction effect is a consequence of the disagreement between observers in two frames of reference about the synchronization of clocks in the two frames. Reason from the two fundamental postulates of Special Relativity. 4. When a monochromatic light source moves toward an observer, its wavelength appears to be shorter than the value measured when the source is at rest. Does this contradict the hypothesis that the speed of light is the same for all observers? Explain. (YF12e Q37.12)

Problems: 1. The proper mean lifetime of a muon is 2 :s. Muons in a beam are traveling at 0.999c. (a) What is their mean life-time as measured in the lab? (b) How far do they travel, on the average, before they decay? (T3 4.5; see also
YF12e 37.5 & 7)

2. The length of a spaceship is measured to be exactly half its rest length. (a) What is the speed of the spaceship relative to the observers frame? (b) By what factor do the spaceships clocks run slow, compared to clocks in the observers frame? (HRW6e; see also YF12e 37.12) 3. In frame S, event B occurs 2 :s after event A and 1.5 km away from event A. How fast must an observer be moving along the x-axis so that events A and B occur simultaneously? Is it possible for event B to precede event A for some observer? (T 34.53) 4. A spaceship is moving east at speed 0.90c relative to the earth. A second spaceship is moving west at speed 0.90c relative to the earth. What is the speed of one spaceship relative to the other? (T34.31; see also YF12e

5. Two spaceships, each 100 m long when measured at rest, travel toward each other with speeds of 0.85c relative to the earth. (a) How long is each ship as measured by someone on earth? (b) How fast is each ship traveling as measured by an observer on the other? (c) How long is one ship when measured by an observer on the other? (d) At time t = 0 on earth, the fronts of the ships are together as they just begin to pass each other. At what time on earth are their ends together? (T34.57; see also YF12e 37.22)


6. An armada of spaceships that is 1.00 ly long (in its rest system) moves with speed 0.800c relative to ground station S. A messenger travels from the rear of the armada to the front with a speed of 0.950c relative to S. How long does the trip take as measured (a) in the messengers rest system, (b) in the armadas rest system, and (c) by an observer in system S? (HRW6e 38.26P) 7. A distant galaxy is moving away from the earth with a speed that results in each wavelength received on earth being shifted such that 8 = 28o . Find the speed of the galaxy relative to the earth. (T 34.25) 8. Quasars are thought to be the nuclei of active galaxies in the early stages of their formation. A typical quasar radiates energy at the rate of 1041 W. At what rate is the mass of this quasar being reduced to supply this energy?
(HRW6e 38.37P; see also YF12e 37.32)

9. The total energy of a particle is twice its rest energy. (a) Find v/c for the particle. (b) Show that its momentum is given by p = %3 mc. (T 34.40 ) 10. A spaceship of mass 106 kg is coasting through space when it suddenly becomes necessary to accelerate. The ship ejects 103 kg of fuel in a very short time at a speed of c/2 relative to the ship. (a) Neglecting any change in the rest mass of the system, calculate the speed of the ship in the frame in which it was initially at rest. (b) Calculate the speed of the ship using classical, Newtonian mechanics. (c) Use your results from part (a) to estimate the change in the rest mass of the system. (T 34.68 ) 11. A particle of rest mass (1 Mev)/c2 and kinetic energy 2 Mev collides with a stationary particle of rest mass (2 Mev)/c2 . After the collision, the particles stick together. For the first particle, find (a) its speed before the collision and (b) its total energy before the collision. For the system, find (c) its initial total momentum, (d) its total kinetic energy after the collision, and (e) its rest mass after the collision. (T 34.72)

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. (a) passenger; (b) passenger; (c) you (a) simultaneous; (b) B precedes A Consult lecture notes from Wed. May 19. No - because the frequency increases in the equation

to compensate.

See Also Problem Summary: YF12e 37.5, 7, 12, 19, 22, 32


MP Assignments: Modern Physics

Questions: 1. As a body is heated to a very high temperature and becomes self-luminous, the apparent color of the emitted radiation shifts from red to yellow to white and finally to blue as the temperature increases. Why does the color shift? What other changes in the character of the radiation occur? (YF12e Q38.18) 2. Photon A is from an ultraviolet tanning lamp, and photon B is from a television transmitter. Which has the greater (a) wavelength, (b) energy, (c) frequency, and (d) momentum? (HRW7e Q 38.9) 3. In a photoelectric effect experiment, which of the following will increase the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons; (a) Use light of greater intensity; (b) use light of higher frequency; (c) use light of longer wavelength; (d) use a metal surface with a larger work function. (YF12e Q38.12) 4. If a proton and an electron have the same speed, which has the longer de Broglie wavelength? 5. Why can an electron microscope have a greater magnification than an ordinary microscope?
(YF12e Q39.2) (YF12e Q39.15)

6. A hydrogen atom is in the third excited state. To what state (give the quantum number n) should it jump to (a) emit light with the longest possible wavelength, (b) emit light with the shortest possible wavelength, and (c) absorb light with the longest possible wavelength? (HRW7e Q 39.17)

Problems: 1. Suppose that a 100-W source radiates light of wavelength 600 nm uniformly in all directions and that the eye can detect this light if at least 20 photons per second enter a dark-adapted eye having a 7-mm diameter pupil. How far from the source can the light be detected under these rather extreme conditions? (T35.4 1; see a lso Y F12 e 38.4
& 54)

2. You wish to pick a substance for a photocell operable with visible light. Which of the following will do (work function in parenthesis): tantalum (4.2 eV), tungsten (4.5 eV), aluminum (4.2 eV), barium (2.5 eV), lithium (2.3 eV)? (HRW6e 39.17E; see also YF12e 38.8) 3. Light of wavelength 200 nm falls on an aluminum surface. In aluminum 4.2 eV are required to remove an electron. What is the kinetic energy of (a) the fastest and (b) the slowest emitted photoelectrons? (c) What is the stopping potential? (d) What is the cutoff wavelength for aluminum? (HRW6e 39.23E; see also YF12e 38.12, 13, 56)

4. If the de Broglie wavelength of a proton is 100 fm, (a) what is the speed of the proton and (b) through what electric potential would the proton have to be accelerated to acquire this speed? (HRW6e 39.54P; see also YF12e
39.8, 9, 11, 47)

5. A neutron has a kinetic energy of 10 Mev. What size object is necessary to observe neutron diffraction effects? Is there anything in Nature of this size that could serve as a target to demonstrate the wave nature of 10-Mev neutrons? (T 36.14) 6. A microscope using photons is employed to locate an electron in an atom to within a distance of 10 pm. What is the minimum uncertainty in a measurement of the momentum of the electron located in this way? (HRW 4e
44.41E; see also YF12e 39.48)


7. The Sun has a total radiation rate of approximately 3.9 1026 W. The Earth orbits the Sun at a mean distance of 1.5 1011 m. Assume that the Earth absorbs all the solar radiation that falls on it. Assume that this heats the surface of the Earth to a uniform temperature T. Assume that the Earth radiates like a black body. And assume that in every second the Earth radiates exactly as much energy as it receives from the Sun in one second; i.e. assume that the Earth is in thermal equilibrium. The calculate (a) the surface temperature of the Earth and (b) the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which the Earth has peak emissivity. (Based on HR 49.6; see also YF12e 38.45 & 48) 8. A hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from state n = 3 to n = 1. Find the: a. b. c. d. energy of the emitted photon, momentum of the emitted photon, & wavelength of the emitted photon. What is the recoil speed of the atom?

(HRW7e 39.27; see also YF12e 38.24 & 63)

9. The binding energy of an electron is the minimum energy required to remove the electron from its ground state to a large distance from the nucleus. What is the binding energy for the hydrogen atom? (T35.49; see also YF12e

Brief Answers to Questions: 1. Color shifts because the peak of the emitted energy curve shifts to shorter wavelengths as the temperature increases. Intensity (brightness) also increases with temperature. (See the Mon. May 24 lecture notes & slides.) 2. (a) B; (b) A; (c) A; (d) A. 3. (b) only 4. electron 5. Electrons have a shorter (de Broglie) wavelength than for visible light, and so the electron microscope has higher resolution - by Rayleighs criterion. 6. (a) n = 3; (b) n = 1; (a) n = 4;

Summary of See Also problems: Ch. 38 - 4, 8, 12, 13, 16, 24, 45, 48, 54, 56, 63 Ch. 39 - 8, 9, 11, 47, 48


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