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PConductIvIty Is the measures of abIlIty of

materIals to conduct current.

PConductIvIty of semIconductors Is
between magnItude of conductor and
haterIaI cIass metaI semIconductor InsuIator
(. 0'cm')
10 10 . 10 10'
Charge carrIer
( cmr)
10 10 . 10% 10
P electrIcal conductIvIty Is gIven by:
Where o conducLlvlLy
e charge of elecLron
r elecLron concenLraLlon
elecLron moblllLy
P Lhus varlaLlons of conducLlvlLy of maLerlals caused by elLher
dlfferenL of elecLron moblllLy and/or dlfferenL of elecLron
concenLraLlons q
Phowever, electron mobIlItIes for normal
metals, semIconductors and Insulators Is
more or less the same :
|E = SC =S
P%he states are temperature and concentratIons of
PFor IntrInsIc semIconductor, the conductIvIty
Increases wIth rIsIng of temperature accordIng to:
Where o factor depend weakly on temperature
k 8oltzman constant
Eg energy whIch Is 0.7 e7 for germanIum , 1,1 e7 for sIlIcon
P8y dopIng the IntrInsIc semIconductor wIth
ImpurIty atom , then conductIvIty rIses
monotonIcally wIth dopIng concentratIon.
P%he temperature dependence of conductIvIty Is
substantIally weaker for doped sIlIcon than for
P8ut why:
P In thIs case we have to consIder band model of
PConsIder arsenIc ImpurIty are present In sIlIcon
PEach arsenIc atom Introduces energy states wIthIn
band gap.
PWhen the N0 Is large and hIgh temperature
%, then conductIvIty Independent of %.

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