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lnLernaLlonal SLaff Week 2011

Monday !une 13
laclllLaLed by asLor Sola Cwokade
ourse Cb[ecLlve
W As lmporLanL as goal seLLlng ls ln erformance lannlng
wlLhouL monlLorlng and evaluaLlng Lhe accompllshmenL of
Lhose goals lL ls llkely LhaL Lhe deslred resulLs would noL be
acLuallzed Pow do you make Lhe rlghL cholces LhaL drlve Lhe
rlghL deparLmenLal/ organlzaLlonal acLlons Lo lmprove
performance? Cne answer lles ln employlng relevanL meLrlcs
and lncenLlves
W ln Lhls course we Lake erformance lannlng a sLep furLher by
lnLroduclng Lhe monlLorlng and evaluaLlng elemenLs ln Lhe
accompllshmenL of goals wlLhouL whlch lL ls llkely LhaL LargeLs
would noL be acLuallzed
ourse Cb[ecLlve
W 1hls course equlps delegaLes wlLh Lhe knowledge skllls and
Lechnlques Lo ensure sLaff perform Lo Lhe peak of Lhelr
ablllLles ln Lhe accompllshmenL of seL LargeLs Lhrough
effecLlve performance monlLorlng evaluaLlon and reporLlng
3 Lhlngs Lo deflne erformance lannlng 8eporLlng
W 1he accomp||shment of a g|ven task measured aga|nst preset
known standards of accuracy compleLeness cosL and speed
W verywhere you see performance klndly subsLlLuLe lL wlLh
AccompllshmenL or AchlevemenL
W lannlng
W SeL of |ntended act|ons wlLh t|m|ng and resources Lhrough
whlch one expecLs Lo ach|eve goa|]set ob[ect|ves
W lloos ote of llttle lmpottooce bot p/onninq is essentio/ WlnsLon hurchlll
W lloos ote ootbloq ploooloq ls evetytbloq wlghL lsenhower
W -o bottleploo sotvlves cootoct wltb tbe eoemy PelmuLh von MolLke Lhe lder
lannlng ls a rocess
W |ann|ng ls boLh Lhe organlzaLlonal process of creaLlng and
malnLalnlng a plan and Lhe psychologlcal process of Lhlnklng
abouL Lhe acLlvlLles requlred Lo creaLe a deslred goal on some
scale As such lL ls a fundamenLal properLy of lnLelllgenL
W 1hls LhoughL process ls essenLlal Lo Lhe creaLlon and
reflnemenL of a plan or lnLegraLlon of lL wlLh oLher plans LhaL
ls lL comblnes forecasLlng of developmenLs wlLh Lhe
preparaLlon of scenarlos of how Lo reacL Lo Lhem
W An lmporLanL albelL ofLen lgnored aspecL of plannlng ls Lhe
relaLlonshlp lL holds wlLh forecasLlng lorecasLlng can be
descrlbed as predlcLlng whaL Lhe fuLure wlll look llke whereas
p|ann|ng pred|cts what the future shou|d |ook ||ke

W keport ls a plece of lnformaLlon descrlblng or an accounL of
cerLaln evenLs glven or presenLed Lo someone
W WrlLLen reporLs are documenLs whlch presenL focused sallenL
conLenL Lo a speclflc audlence 8eporLs are ofLen used Lo
dlsplay Lhe resulL of an experlmenL lnvesLlgaLlon or lnqulry
W 8eporLs ofLen use persuaslve elemenLs such as graphlcs
lmages volce or speclallzed vocabulary ln order Lo persuade
LhaL speclflc audlence Lo underLake an acLlon Cne of Lhe
mosL common formaLs for presenLlng reporLs ls lM8A
lnLroducLlon MeLhods 8esulLs and lscusslon
WhaL ls erformance lannlng
erformance lannlng ls Lherefore lannlng Lo Achleve your
1 know Lhe #wbot you are dolng C8 tbe #wbete you are
2 undersLand Lhe purpose for whlch you are dolng lL / golng
3 8e sure of Lhe sLraLegy Lo be adopLed Lo achleve lL and Lhe
sLandards for measuremenL
4 SLarL
3 MonlLor Lhe progress agalnsL Lhe seL sLandards
6 lollow Lhrough unLll lL ls 100 compleLe
Pow Lo lan erformance
W Goa|
Where you are golng %tbe vl5lO-) What you wanL Lo
achleve When you are golng Lo geL Lhere
W Cb[ect|ve
Why you are golng Lo LhaL desLlnaLlon (luklO5) Why
you are dellverlng Lhe ouLcome Why lL has Lo be by Llme L
W M|ss|on
now you are golng Lo geL Lhere (51kA1C) now you are
golng Lo geL lL now you are golng Lo make Lhe requlred
Pow Lo lan erformance
W 1he plannlng process enables managemenL and sLaff Lo
undersLand more clearly
1 whaL Lhey wanL Lo achleve
2 how Lhey can do lL and
3 when Lhey can do lL
4 Who do you depend on
3 Who depends on you
6 Pow much wlll lL cosL
Pow long wlll lL Lake (quanLlfy Lhe Llme for each process)
8 LlsL all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL can go wrong Lhen plan for Lhem
9 Pow much wlll lL cosL
10 Pow/how ofLen Lhey wlll be measured
11 rewards penalLles (noLe you need Lo seL pollcles no assumpLlons)
Pow Lo lan performance
W ?our [ob descrlpLlon ls a wrlLLen sLaLemenL LhaL descrlbes Lhe
duLles/ responslblllLles and Lhe mosL lmporLanL conLrlbuLlons
and ouLcomes needed from your poslLlon
W 1hese responslblllLles/duLles have ob[ecLlves (tbe teosoo wby
tbey ote beloq Jooe)
W LlsLlng Lhe responslblllLles along wlLh each ob[ecLlve and Lhe
LargeL daLe for achlevemenL ls Lhe producLlon of a plan
Pow Lo lan erformance
Achlevlng your goals
W 8reak down your responslblllLles lnLo Lhe varlous acLlvlLles
and Lasks
W SeL LargeLs for each acLlvlLy/ Lask (tlmelloess bow well)
W MonlLor Lhe compleLlon of each acLlvlLy
%complete tbe tosks ooJ yooll Jellvet tbe ovetoll osslqomeot)
Pow Lo lan erformance
W learly deflne Lhe goals ln wrlLlng
Speclflc (whaL where when)
Measurable (whaL lsn'L measured lsn'L done)
Achlevable Agreed
1lme 8ound
W keep Lhese goals ln focus ensure everyLhlng you do brlngs
abouL Lhelr achlevemenL
Pow Lo lan erformance
Cwnershlp of Coals ls lmporLanL
W ArLlculaLe Lhe goals/ LargeLs glven Lo you ln a way LhaL you
W 8ecognlze and accepL LhaL you are responslble for achlevlng
Lhe goals
W 8emember LhaL Lhe process of achlevlng Lhe goals ls noL an
end ln lLself be process orlenLed 8u1 goalfocused
Pow Lo lan erformance
Measurlng your goals
W sLabllsh sLandards for your goals
W lnspecL whaL you expecL
lans requlre Llmely revlew so sLay on Lhe ball
Pow Lo lan erformance
necessary Skllls 1ools for erformance lannlng
ffecLlve 1lme ManagemenL skllls are vlLal Lo Lhe achlevemenL of
your goals 1here are many skllls buL Lhese Lwo apply dlrecLly
Lo achlevlng goals
1 rlorlLlzlng
2 Schedullng
Pow Lo lan erformance
W rlorlLles deflne whaL you asplre Lo do wlLh your Llme
W rlorlLlzlng ls puLLlng ll8S1 Lhlngs ll8S1!
W Pow do you deLermlne whaL comes flrsL? Ask Lhe quesLlon
#wbot ls tbe tbloq tbot l woolJ Jo tbot woolJ moke me
ocbleve my objectlve?
1oo|s to he|p you pr|or|t|ze
1he 1lme ManagemenL MaLrlx
A Lask crlLerla
1oo llsL
W Pavlng done all Lhls A1!
Pow Lo lan erformance
W 1lme ManagemenL maLrlx helps deLermlne whaL ls urgenL and
whaL ls lmporLanL
urgenL requlres lmmedlaLe aLLenLlon buL may noL be vlLal
Lo Lhe accompllshmenL of my goals
vlLal (lmporLanL) o noL necessarlly requlre lmmedlaLe
aLLenLlon buL lf noL addressed would have adverse
consequences ln Lhe long run eg prevenLlve malnLenance
MosL acLlvlLles are a comblnaLlon of Lhese Lwo facLors and
Lhe ablllLy Lo focus on Lhe ones LhaL lmpacL your goals wlll
puL you over each Llme
Pow Lo lan erformance
W eflne Lhe level of lmporLance of each Lask/ acLlvlLy over Lhe
oLher Apply Lhe followlng crlLerla
W A 1asks Lhlngs LhaL you MuS1 do
W 8 1asks Lhlngs LhaL you SPCuL do
W 1asks Lhlngs LhaL are nl Lo do
W 1asks Lhlngs LhaL you should LCA1
W 1asks Lhlngs LhaL you should LlMlnA1
Pow Lo lan erformance
W Schedullng
ls Lhe process by whlch you look aL Lhe Llme avallable Lo
you and plan how you wlll use lL Lo achleve Lhe goals you
have ldenLlfled
A work schedule ls a Lool Lo help you plan ouL your
acLlvlLles Lo ensure LhaL Lhose Lhlngs LhaL should be done
geL done
lemenLs of a work schedule
W All Lhe acLlvlLles Lo be done what
W 1he Llmeframe wlLhln whlch lL should be done when
W 1he personnel requlred Lo do lL who
1hlngs Lo onder on
Add|ng Va|ue
W Savlng osL
W CeneraLlng lncome
Lvery staff |s e|ther
AsseL( savlng cosL generaLlng lncome sLablllzlng Lhe sysLem)
osL (cosL Lhe deparLmenL money Lo keep Lhe sLaff)
lnsLead of 8evlew MeeLlngs call Lhem AchlevemenL MeeLlngs
W AM ally AchlevemenL MeeLlng
W A8 ally AchlevemenL 8eporL
W WAM Weekly AchlevemenL MeeLlng
W WA8 Weekly AchlevemenL 8eporL
erformance 8eporLlng
W 1hls course ls deslgned Lo help you deve|op an effect|ve
method for report|ng LhaL wlll contr|bute Lo Lhe overa||
success of Lhe organlzaLlon
W undersLand Lhe proacLlve naLure of performance reporLlng
and how lL can be used Lo sLraLeglc advanLage
W emysLlfy appralsal sysLems and know how Lo develop one
LhaL ls sulLed Lo your unlL/ deparLmenL
lacL or MyLh?
W Appralsals aren'L proacLlve as Lhey are based on hlsLorlcal
W Annual appralsals reduce a whole year's work lnLo a few
sound blLes
W 1echnlcal skllls are requlred Lo adequaLely assess your
performance so Lhere are few really quallfled Lo do lL
erformance Management
erformance managemenL ls Lhe sysLemaLlc process of
W plannlng work and seLLlng expecLaLlons
W conLlnually monlLorlng performance
W developlng Lhe capaclLy Lo perform
W perlodlcally raLlng performance ln a summary fashlon and
W rewardlng good performance
W deallng declslvely wlLh bad performance
What |s erformance keport|ng?
erformance reporLlng refers Lo an lnLegraLed sysLem of
p|ann|ng and report|ng LhaL ls orlenLed Loward ach|ev|ng
1he erformance keport|ng Cb[ect|ve
1he de||very of super|or performance
erformance 8eporLlng ls a process applled Lo dellver superlor
erformance keport|ng Mode|
W Cver Lhe course of lmplemenLlng Lhe plan Lhe organlzaLlon
wlll be monlLorlng progress and ad[usLlng Lhe plan as
W AL Lhe end of Lhe reporLlng perlod Lhe organlzaLlon wlll reporL
on Lhe prlorlLles ob[ecLlves acLlons and performance ln
essence reporLlng on Lhe plan
W ln Lurn Lhe reporL should lnfluence fuLure plannlng
rocess of erformance keport|ng
erformance reporLlng
W lnvolves plannlng and reporLlng on Lhe plans
W lncludes Lhe dally weekly monLhly quarLerly and annual
reporLs as well as appralsal forms
erformance keport|ng Mode|
erformance keport|ng Mode|
W lannlng and reporLlng are Lwo ends of Lhe same process
W A good plan wlll ouLllne performance expecLaLlons and goals
ln order Lo channel efforLs Loward achlevlng organlzaLlonal
erformance keport|ng uest|on
lrom Lhe perspecLlve of an effecLlve performance managemenL
sysLem performance reporLlng should always help answer Lhe
Jbot Jo l oeeJ to moke sote tbloqs qet bettet?
enef|ts of erformance keport|ng
lL helps promoLe a
#nntinuus imprement" feedbon /p
where reports on acLlvlLles and performance prov|de lmporLanL
|nformaLlon to a||ow for Lhe besL posslble dec|s|onmak|ng ln
Lhe next plannlng cycle
W eflclencles ln performance become evldenL and can be
W Areas for lmprovlng good performance also sLand ouL
enef|ts of erformance keport|ng
W lL serves as a measure of progress achleved
W lL becomes a permanenL record of accompllshmenLs
W lL helps Lo ldenLlfy problems LhaL may need Lo be addressed
W lL provldes lnformaLlon LhaL Lhe unlL depL mlnlsLry uses Lo
evaluaLe Lhe slgnlflcance and lmpacL of [ob asslgnmenLs and
W lL provldes Llmely lnformaLlon on deflclencles ln performance
LhaL can be addressed as well as ouLsLandlng proflclencles
LhaL can be developed Lo help successful employees lmprove
even furLher
now 1o keport erformance
1 erformance 8eporLs
2 Appralsal lorms
now 1o keport erformance
erformance keports
our task ls LhaL of
a) capLurlng Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe evaluaLor holdlng lL and
b) leadlng hlm/ her Lo Lhe lmporLanL polnLs ln your reporL
W use a reporL formaL LhaL speclfles Lhe re|evant e|ements
requlred ln your reporL
1bete ls ootbloq mote ooooyloq tboo teoJloq o volomlooos
tepott foll of locoosepoeotlol motetlol
W oor presenLaLlon of a reporL aesLheLlcs lsn'L accepLable
W use aLhy(ALLenLlon Crabblng) hrase you need Lo focus on
Lhe lmpllcaLlon!
now 1o keport erformance
Appra|sa| Iorms
1hls reporL speclflcally addresses and Lhus reporLs on Lwo (2)
W sLabllshlng Lhe e|ements ( whaL you have Lo do) eg goals/
LargeLs acLlvlLles behavlours
W sLabllshlng Lhe standards (how well you have Lo do lL)
now 1o keport erformance
Look aL your Appralsal form whaL
elemenLs are speclfled (foot ot mote)
1 !ob performance
2 roblem solvlng
3 lnnovaLlon
4 haracLer
now 1o keport erformance
lor '!ob performance' (an elemenL) Lhree (3) sLandards were
W CuallLy
W 1lmellness
W value added (cosL saved/ lncome generaLed)
now 1o keport erformance
sLabllshlng Lhe e|ements
1he elemenLs are deLermlned aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe plannlng
cycle and are made up of
1 Iob erformance (1he Iob descr|pt|on)
2 Competenc|es requ|red for the [ob
a) Crgan|sat|on competenc|es
b) M|n|stry competenc|es
c) Leadersh|p competenc|es
d) Iobspec|f|c competenc|es
now 1o keport erformance
Lstab||sh|ng the standards
1he sLandards for each elemenL are also deLermlned aL Lhe
beglnnlng of Lhe plannlng cycle and Lhey lndlcaLe the feature
of the e|ement that you are measur|ng
eq lf yoo cboose ooy below yoo stlll bove to Jefloe lt
1 ua||ty (wh|ch has to be def|ned by one of |ts d|mens|ons)
2 1|me||ness (wh|ch has to be def|ned)
3 Va|ue added (wh|ch has to be def|ned)
ach sLandard has Lo be deflned wlLhln a conLexL and lL has Lo be
clear whaL ls belng measured
now 1o keport erformance
sLabllshlng Lhe raLe per standard
1he raLe per sLandard ls also deLermlned aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe
plannlng cycle and lndlcaLes the |eve| of expectat|on lL ls
lmporLanL Lo sorL ouL Lhe meLrlcs aL Lhe sLarL and Lo esLabllsh
whaL ls undersLood by excellenL good and poor
1 1he degree of how good and how bad a standard can be
Lxce||ent (above expectat|on)
Good (Meets expectat|on)
oor (e|ow expectat|on)
now 1o keport erformance
lor each of Lhe sLandards a raLe musL be applled
W 3 xceed expecLaLlon ouLpuL clearly exceeds requlremenL
W 2 MeeL xpecLaLlon ouLpuL ls accepLable
W 1 8elow expecLaLlon
W 0 no dellvery
now 1o keport erformance
lor each of Lhe sLandards a raLe musL be applled
W 3 8efore deadllne
W 2 Cn deadllne
W 1 AfLer deadllne
W 0 no dellvery
now 1o keport erformance
lor each of Lhe sLandards a raLe musL be applled
Va|ue added (cosL saved/ lncome generaLed)
W 3 accompllshed Lask under budgeL
W 2 accompllshed Lask aL budgeL
W 1 accompllshed Lask buL over budgeL
W 0 osL of accompllshlng Lask far ouLwelghed Lhe beneflL (we
made a loss)
1|ps Cn erformance keport|ng
W leedback ls key ensure Lhe evaluaLlon ls dlscussed wlLh
lmprovemenL ln mlnd
W lrequenL feedback on Lhe evaluaLlon ls also key don'L walL
unLll Lhe end of Lhe year oLherwlse lL ls a hlsLorlcal
reacLlonary exerclse ven 6 monLhs ls Loo long
W roduclng frequenL shorL reporLs on acLlvlLles and
performance makes lL easy Lo produce weekly reporLs
W ?ou are llkely Lo exclude relevanL lnformaLlon from appralsal
forms lf you walL unLll Lhe end of Lhe monLh Lo produce lL
W keep a dlary of acLlvlLles performance challenges
1|ps Cn erformance keport|ng
W roduclng frequenL shorL reporLs on acLlvlLles and
performance makes lL easy Lo produce weekly reporLs
W ?ou are llkely Lo exclude relevanL lnformaLlon from appralsal
forms lf you walL unLll Lhe end of Lhe monLh Lo produce lL
W keep a dlary of acLlvlLles performance challenges
1nANk CU!
1PAnk ?Cu lC8 LlS1nlnC
asLor Sola Cwokade

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