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1he same reason LhaL people vlslL Lhe gym on a regular basls ls probably Lhe same reason you're

lnLeresLed ln ralslng your lC We [usL aren'L challenged enough physlcally or menLally SeLLlng aslde Llme
Lo work your mlnd ouL and organlzlng your varlous menLal muscles can help you Lo be more creaLlve
solve problems qulcker and focus on Lhe Lhlngs you wanL

ConLrary Lo whaL mosL people belleve bralnpower goes beyond lnherlLed genes SclenLlsLs have proven
LhaL lnLelllgence ls a comblnaLlon of boLh genes and envlronmenL When laboraLory raLs were glven
more Loys Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhey ended up havlng much smarLer raLs Lhan Lhe ones LhaL dld noL have any
Loys SLudles have also shown LhaL you can grow more neurons wlLh a sLlmulaLlng envlronmenL

1he beneflLs of belng menLally flL are very obvlous ?ou'll be able Lo en[oy acceleraLed learnlng lf you're
ln hlgh school college or aLLend a unlverslLy you may flnd yourself havlng an easler Llme of your sLudles
and your grade polnL average ralslng ?ou'll also flnd yourself belng able Lo Lhlnk loglcally more ofLen
?ou'll be able Lo assemble a clear llne of loglc and reasonlng LhaL can help you make beLLer declslons ln
llfe AnoLher beneflL ls LhaL of lncreased creaLlvlLy WheLher you're lnLo muslc arL wrlLlng or any oLher
form of arL Lralnlng your mlnd can deflnlLely open Lhe flood gaLes of creaLlvlLy ln Lhose areas as well

ln addlLlon your memory and focus wlll lncrease 1ralnlng wlLh cerLaln klnds of memory Lools such as
pegglng and llnklng can help you uncover new ways Lo sLore lnformaLlon permanenLly and have an
easler Llme of recalllng Lhlngs 1hrough medlLaLlon your focus can lmprove greaLly ?ou can sLarL by
medlLaLlng 10 or 13 mlnuLes a day Slmply flnd a quleL place and slL or lay compleLely sLlll wlLh eyes
closed 1hen as much as posslble quleL your mlnd and focus on your breaLhlng lf you're noL used Lo
dolng Lhls lL may be exLremely dlfflculL 1haL's ok 1he more you do lL Lhe easler lL geLs As you sLlck
wlLh lL you'll noLlce some very blg lmprovemenLs of belng able Lo hold ldeas and lmaglnes ln your mlnd
much longer and sLronger

So how can you boosL your lC ln less Lhan 30 days? Pere are Lhe key secreLs

1 WrlLe when you wrlLe down your LhoughLs lL can be a greaL Lool for you Lo reflecL and make
declslons Some people use [ournals Lo wrlLe down Lhelr LhoughLs oLhers have slmple noLepads or
noLebooks Slmply wrlLlng whaL you Lhlnk and feel can help you have a new perspecLlve when you go
back and read Lhose words

2 MedlLaLe as already sLaLed you can slgnlflcanLly boosL your lC Lhrough medlLaLlon lL may noL seem
loglcal LhaL you could boosL your lC by Lhlnklng abouL noLhlng aL all buL lL does help you brldge a
connecLlon from your consclous Lo your subconsclous mlnd And Lhe subconsclous sLores every blL of
daLa of our llves noLhlng ls losL Lo Lhe subconsclous

3 8e acLlve lf you're noL already acLlve sLarL a regular exerclse rouLlne Pavlng a healLhy body also
affecLs Lhe mlnd

4 Pave Pobbles have a regular rouLlne of dolng Lhlngs you love Lo do wheLher lL's flshlng bowllng
blcycllng knlLLlng or readlng a mysLery novel 1he more fun and passlon you experlence Lhe easler lL
wlll be Lo process and asslmllaLe new lnformaLlon

3 8ead aL leasL 13 mlnuLes a day 1ry Lo read aL leasL 13 mlnuLes a day lL may be hard Lo read lf you're
pressed for Llme buL 13 mlnuLes ls very doable by anyone of Lhls day and age

6 1hlnk lnvolve yourself ln documenLarles books magazlnes or board games LhaL make you Lhlnk
AcLlvely challenge your currenL assumpLlons

7 SLudy lC puzzles vlslL your local book sLore and buy yourself a couple of lC puzzles or crossword
puzzles Make sure you geL ones LhaL have Lhe answers ln Lhe back so LhaL you can work ouL any
mlsLakes Co over Lhem agaln and agaln lL keeps your mlnd sharp

8 lay compeLlLlve games llke chess ?ou can log on Lo Lhe lnLerneL and play wlLh oLher players around
Lhe world ?ou can also play bllllards

9 Walk ln someone else's shoes empaLhy goes along wlLh lC lnLelllgence 8y explorlng someone else's
perspecLlve of Lhe world can help you Lo Lhlnk Lhrough oLher people's eyes AlLhough Lhls ls noL a loglcal
reasonlng ablllLy lL ls an ablllLy LhaL can help you Lhlnk ouL of Lhe box when you're sLumped on a

10 CreaLe someLhlng on a regular basls flnd someLhlng you can creaLe wheLher lL's wrlLlng an ebook
bulldlng a blrd house planLlng a flower overhaullng a car englne or drawlng a plcLure use your
creaLlve powers on a regular basls

11 ConducL LhoughL experlmenLs Ask yourself whaL lf quesLlons WrlLe Lhem down and see how far
you can Lake a cerLaln quesLlon

12 8reak ouL of Lhe rouLlne Lry Lo consclously break a rouLlne even lf [usL for a shorL Llme lf for
example you drlve Lhe same way Lo work every day Lry a new rouLe lf you sleep on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe
bed sleep on Lhe rlghL slde or even Lhe opposlLe dlrecLlon

13 Lxplore new culLures seek dlfferenL worldvlews Lhan your own MeeL people from oLher culLures
and leL Lhem Leach you abouL Lhelr food language and LradlLlons

14 Learn ouLslde of your usual lnLeresLs don'L sLlck Lo Lhe same old Lhlngs lf you llke rock muslc Lry
llsLenlng Lo rap or [azz lf you're lnLo arL or muslc geL lnLo a programmlng language

13 use your braln more lorce yourself Lo use your braln more ln everyLhlng LhaL you do ln many
cases lLs [usL havlng Lhe lnLenLlon Lo use your braln more LhaL can acLually glve you surprlslng resulLs
Loglc focus and creaLlvlLy are a handful of menLal muscles LhaL you should be exerclslng on a regular

1hese Lechnlques can deflnlLely help you boosL your lC no maLLer who you are lf you're looklng Lo [oln
a hlgh lC socleLy llke MLnSA Lhen are Lwo ways Lo go abouL lL

1he flrsL ls Lo submlL your C8L scores 1he oLher ls Lo leL MLnSA send you a supervlsed LesL ln my
oplnlon lf you haven'L compleLed your C8L yeL you may flnd lL easler Lo Lake Lhe C8L afLer havlng
sLudled C8L LesL books ?ou can geL Lhem aL any ma[or book seller or hLLp//Amazoncom 8y
lmplemenLlng Lhese lC boosLlng sLraLegles for Lhe nexL 30 days you can slgnlflcanLly lncrease your
lnLelllgence CuoLlenL

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