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lorLls PealLh Care

lorLls Croup ls one of Lhe largesL healLhcare groups ln Asla
WlLh 43 hosplLals across Lhe counLry lorLls group ls Lhe largesL healLh care
group ln lndla
lour hosplLals ln Lhe chaln aL 8angalore Mumbal uelhl and Mohall are !Cl
Seven new hosplLals across Lhe counLry and one sLaLe of Lhe arL PealLh ClLy
ln Curgaon are under consLrucLlon
aLlenLs from 33 counLrles have been LreaLed aL lorLls faclllLles
lorLls belleves lneffecLlve communlcaLlon can lead Lo lmproper dlagnosls
and delayed or lmproper medlcal LreaLmenL As such effecLlve
communlcaLlon can beneflL Lhe dellvery of healLh care servlces and enhance
a paLlenLs recovery
lorLls PealLhcare's uocLor's communlcaLe wlLh paLlenLs very effecLlvely
and paLlenLly so lL makes Lhem easy Lo accuraLely dlagnose Lhe paLlenL
Lhelr effecLlve communlcaLlon beLween cllnlclans ls lmperaLlve Lo Lhe
healLh care fleld because lL enables docLors nurslng sLaff and Lechnlclans Lo
lnform one anoLher abouL a paLlenLs LreaLmenL so LhaL everyone can be on
Lhe same page
lorLls Lmployees carry ouL company's buslness wlLh professlonallsm
honesLy and lnLegrlLy dlsplaylng hlgh moral sLandards and eLhlcal buslness
lorLls are communlcaLlng wlLh Lhelr consumers and LargeL markeL by
uslng Soclal Medlas whlch ls a qulLe new concepL and consldered as
modern communlcaLlon Lools ln Lhese accounL Lhey publlsh Lhelr
achlevemenL ln Lhe medlcal fleld and publlsh lnformaLlon abouL laLesL
developmenL ln Lhe medlcal sclence 1hls helped a loL ln lorLls brand
lorLls launched lLs flrsL ever brand campalgn LhaL lLs brand recall
sLarLed lmprovlng Lhe campalgn gave a compleLely new dlmenslon Lo
healLhcare markeLlng wlLh blllboards radlo and even onllne soclal
neLworks belng used Lo spread Lhe good word
ln a slLuaLlon when Lhe docLor may be unable Lo aLLend Lo some of hls
paLlenLs due Lo a huge rush so [unlor docLors are appolnLed who could
caLer Lo Lhe excess paLlenLs
1hey use vldeo conferenclng for operaLlon
Accordlng Lo kan[ana Smetacek LhaL hosplLals by Lhelr very naLural
sLaLe are meanL Lo be a places where people vlslL ln a sLaLe of sLress
LveryLhlng else wlll fall lnLo place lf your paLlenLs are saLlsfled"
She wanLs Lo creaLe an envlronmenL aL lorLls where Lhe docLors are
no longer Lhe cenLre of focus lL ls Lhe paLlenL

9at|ents test|mon|a|
aLlenL Amarchl nlklrukanwal[e came from nlgerla for an arm surgery under urvlkas
CupLa She wenL very happy wlLh Lhe servlces aL Lhe hosplLal
My sLay aL lorLls PosplLal was very nlce 1he professlonallsm and frlendllness of Lhe
sLaff and docLors made me feel aL home
1he paLlenLcenLeredness of Lhe hosplLal ls Lhe hallmark of lorLls PealLhcare lorLls
LscorLs PosplLals and Lhls dlsLlngulshes lL from several oLher hosplLal seLLlngs
1he ulLlmaLe alm of Lhe sysLem ls Lo ald cllenLs wlLh Lhe besL posslble care avallable
ranglng Lhrough Lhe hosplLal plan communlLy servlces and programs especlally ln Lhe
hollsLlc carlng approach of Lhe sLaffs Lowards Lhe people

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