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unlverslLy of Lhe hlllpplnes Manlla

Inc 1cvn .icn.c. (cnc

College of ArLs and Sclences
uepottmeot of Atts ooJ commoolcotloo

PuM l

Alexander 1 ?anorla
8read of Sa|t and I|owers for A|gernon

lL can be remembered LhaL Charlle Cordon had Lhls eagerness Lo learn and become parL of Lhe
greaLer communlLy who are consldered Lo be ln Lhe norms when lL comes Lo human lnLellecL Pe always
wanLed Lo be LhaL person and wlLh LhaL eagerness and deLermlnaLlon he sub[ecLed hlmself lnLo an
experlmenL LhaL may become Lhe reason for hls own deaLh AL Lhe laLLer parL of Lhe sLory lL also
showed LhaL Charlle Cordon developed Lhls feellng of love for hls Leacher and anoLher acqualnLance
when he Lransferred Lo anoLher house somewhere 8uL desplLe of belng able Lo experlence Lhls feellng
of love he was afrald undeLermlned and doubLful lf he wlll be able Lo show Lhls properly lL always
crosses hls mlnd LhaL lf he wlll show Lhls he mlghL reLurn Lo Lhe orlglnal Charlle who was welrd
unwanLed and always belng mocked
As wlLh Lhe boy ln Lhe 8read of SalL he also showed Lhls eagerness and deLermlnaLlon hoplng
LhaL someday he wlll be able Lo be wlLh Lhe glrl he Lruly loved 1here's noL a slngle day whereln Lhe glrl
LhaL she adores wouldn'L crossed hls mlnd 8uL llke Cordon he seemed afrald of whaL can happen
because he was poor and Lhe glrl was hlgh above as lf Lhere's noL a slngle chance where a lowly boy llke
hlm can ever Louch even Lhe glrl's hand AL Lhe momenL when Lhe glrl caughL hlm sLeallng pasLrles and
sweeLs durlng Lhe parLy lL ls as lf hls enLlre wlsh Lo be wlLh LhaL glrl had been Lorn lnLo pleces Pe was
unable Lo plck lL up and dldn'L boLher Lo Lake chances of repalrlng lL and sLarLlng all over agaln
lL ls usual Lo have Lhls eagerness when we wanL Lo have someLhlng elLher lf lL ls a Lhlng LhaL we
really wanLed for so many years or even lf lL ls a person whom we really love slnce Lhen 8uL wlLh Lhls
eagerness we should also have Lhe deLermlnaLlon Lo susLaln lL unLll Lhe very end never glvlng up lL's
our cholce

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