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Check That:

O Minimum authorised share capital required Ior a Private company having share capital is Rs.100000/-
and in case oI a Public company having share capital is Rs. 500000/-.
O %he minimum number oI shareholders Ior a private limited company is 2 (two) shareholders/
subscribers to Memorandum oI Association and Ior a public limited company is 3 (three)
O $election in order oI preIerence, oI at least one suitable name upto a maximum oI six names,
indicative oI the main objects oI the company. %he name should not resemble the name oI any other
already registered company and also should not violate the provisions oI emblems and names
(Prevention oI Improper Use Act, 1950)
O very Director oI a company has obtained a unique identiIication number called DIN Irom the
Ministry oI Corporate AIIairs (MCA). -Form DIN 1, 2, 3 & 4 are required.
O Memorandum and Articles oI Association are draIted by the solicitors and vetting oI the same by
RoC and printing and stamping (dated aIter date oI stamping) oI the same. %hey are signed by at least
two subscribers in his/her own hand, his/her Iather's name, occupation, address and the number oI
shares subscribed Ior and witnessed by at least one person.

Documents To Be Filed & Prescribed Form:

O -Iorm 1A Ior applicability oI name.
O %he stamped and signed copies oI the Memorandum and Articles oI Association (3 copies).
O Form-1, 18 & 32 in duplicate.
O Any agreement reIerred to in the M & A.
O Any agreement proposed to be entered into with any individual Ior appointment as Managing or
whole time Director.
O Name availability letter issued by the ROC.
O Power oI Attorney Irom the subscribers in Iavour oI any person Ior making corrections on their
behalI in the documents and papers Iiled Ior registration.
O Pay the Registration and Filing Fee by Demand DraIt/Banker`s Cheque iI it exceeds Rs.1000/-.
O Obtain the CertiIicate oI Incorporation Irom ROC.
O -Iorm 1 as an application and declaration Ior incorporation oI a company.

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